From 12/09/2010 to 11/10/2010
- 15:57 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 217 (fileas): brouillon qui marche
- 15:56 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 216 (fileas): brouillon qui marche
- 15:54 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 215 (fileas): brouillon qui marche
- 21:52 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 214 (fileas): spinell::read/write(string), for reading/writing a file from its file name
- 17:21 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 213 (fileas): New class spinell for spines defined by the latitude/longitude of their vertices
- New class vecspinell for vectors of spinell
Use these in solar_filaments and draw_filaments - 15:34 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 212 (fileas): solar_filaments checks that output files are opened without error
- 16:07 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 211 (fileas): track_filaments can now restart from latest list of alive filaments
- 11:56 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 210 (fileas): draw_filaments also uses last available alive filaments
- New class vectrackedfilaments : vector<trackedfilament>, allow read and write
- 23:15 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 209 (fileas): Usage and command line options for track_filaments and draw_filaments
- 08:47 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 208 (fileas): draw_filaments() on a time interval only uses relevant trackedf-* files. Guess dates from file name (for non-FITS files) before looking for FITS headers
- 23:12 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 207 (fileas): Improved drawing of filaments, corrected bug in last version (when not using a FITS file)
- 18:40 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 206 (fileas): draw_filaments() also works image by image (without tracking results)
- 10:23 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 205 (fileas): New program draw_filaments with ideas from dessin_fil (Lola); replaces dessin_fil
- 10:21 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 204 (fileas): assert with wrong condition removed. string::c_str() instead of string::data()
- 10:19 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 203 (fileas): Now writing HSB PNG files from bottom to top (was from top to bottom)
- 09:50 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 202 (fileas): Moved code from track_filaments.cpp (with main) to trackedfilament.hpp (class)
- 01:17 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 201 (fileas): still trying to solve conflict on params.cpp
- 01:06 MEDOC - Multi Experiment Data & Operation Center Revision 200 (fileas): try to resolve SVN conflict on params.cpp
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