jslint for java ======================================================= This is a java wrapper around the fabulous tool by Douglas Crockford, jslint (See ). It provides a simple interface for detecting potential problems in JavaScript code. You can run it on the command line: % java -jar jslint4java-2.0.3.jar application.js jslint:application.js:11:9:Line breaking error ')'. jslint:application.js:11:10:Missing semicolon. There are a multitude of options; try `--help` for more details. The output is colon separated fields. The fields are: * "jslint" * the file name * the line number (starting at zero) * the character number (starting at zero) * the problem that was found You may also use the jar as an ant task. The quickest way to get started is to drop it in `~/.ant/lib`. See `docs/ant.html` for more details. **NB:** The packaged jar file includes a builtin version of rhino (a JavaScript engine). If this causes trouble, you can download a standalone version through the maven repository. If you wish to use jslint4java from within Java, please use a maven dependency: com.googlecode.jslint4java jslint4java 2.0.3 If you have any comments or queries, please send them to `dom [at] happygiraffe.net`. This software is licenced under the BSD licence (see LICENCE.txt). Patches ======= If you'd like to change jslint4java, the best way to do so is via github. Fork the [main repository](https://github.com/happygiraffe/jslint4java), make your changes and submit a [pull request](http://help.github.com/pull-requests/). If you don't wish to use github, just clone the repository and submit patches over email. $ git clone git://github.com/happygiraffe/jslint4java.git $ … hack, hack, hack … $ git send-email origin Please try to follow the existing code style when making changes. You should ensure that the existing test and build works before submitting patches: $ mvn -Pdist clean verify