![](workspace/client-public/res/images/logo_01_petiteTaille.png) # SITools2 ## Description SITools2 is a new CNES generic tool performed by a joint effort between CNES and scientific laboratories. The aim of SITools is to provide a self-manageable data access layer deployed on already existing scientific laboratory databases. For more information : [http://sourceforge.net/projects/sitools2/](http://sourceforge.net/projects/sitools2/ "SITools2 Web Site") Release notes : [README.txt](workspace/sitools-build/files/README.txt) ## Building SITools2 ### Getting the sources $ git clone https://github.com/SITools2/core-v2.git sitools2-v2 ### Pre-build configuration $ cd sitools2-v2/workspace/fr.cnes.sitools.core Edit `build.properties` and change the value of the `HOST` property (for example HOST = new-dev) Make a copy of `conf/build/properties/build-example.properties` to `conf/build/properties/build-new-dev.properties` $ cp conf/build/properties/build-example.properties conf/build/properties/build-new-dev.properties Edit the newly created file and set the `ROOT_DIRECTORY` property to the sitools2-v2 folder ### Build the sources Build the sources using ant $ ant ## Building the installer from the sources ### Build the core Build the sitools core using the instructions above ### Build the extensions $ cd sitools2-v2/workspace/fr.cnes.sitools.extensions $ ant ### Build the installer $ cd sitools2-v2/workspace/sitools-install-izpack Edit the `build.properties` file and update the `ROOT_DIRECTORY_LOCAL` with the value of the `sitools2-v2` folder path. Build the installer using ant $ ant ## Installing from the installer $ java -jar SITools2--install.jar ## Starting SITools2 $ sh sitools.sh start or $ ./sitools2-v2/workspace/fr.cnes.sitools.core/sitools start if `source` is not installed on your computer. ## First step in SITools2 ### Administration UI Go to : http://{publicHostDomain}/sitools/client-admin/index.html - user : **admin** - password : **admin** ### Portal UI Go to : http://{publicHostDomain}/sitools/client-portal/index.html ## Features - Client/server application - REST architecture - User management - Data sources management - Datasets management (SQL builder as WYSIWYG Editor, ...) - Projects management - Security management - Conversions capabilities such as units, ... - Query form builder as WYSIWYG editor - Extensible Framework (plug-ins, ...) at the server level - Application module management on the client side - Internationalization - RSS management - Open search management