-- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Dumped from database version 8.4.7 -- Dumped by pg_dump version 9.0.1 -- Started on 2011-08-19 14:20:35 SET statement_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = off; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET escape_string_warning = off; -- -- TOC entry 6 (class 2615 OID 16570) -- Name: fuse; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: sitools -- CREATE SCHEMA fuse; ALTER SCHEMA fuse OWNER TO sitools; SET search_path = fuse, pg_catalog; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- TOC entry 1601 (class 1259 OID 16619) -- Dependencies: 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 6 -- Name: fuse_prg_id; Type: TABLE; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE fuse_prg_id ( prop_id character varying(4) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, cycle integer, title character varying(200) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, fname character varying(20) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, lname character varying(30) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, institution character varying(100) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, abstract text ); ALTER TABLE fuse.fuse_prg_id OWNER TO sitools; -- -- TOC entry 1602 (class 1259 OID 16630) -- Dependencies: 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 6 -- Name: headers; Type: TABLE; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE headers ( dataset character varying(8) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, targname character varying(30) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, ra_targ double precision, dec_targ double precision, dateobs timestamp without time zone, exptime double precision, aperture character varying(4) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, mode character varying(4) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, expos_nbr smallint, vmag double precision, sp_type character varying(4) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, ebv double precision, objclass smallint, src_type character varying(4) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, datearchiv timestamp without time zone, datepublic timestamp without time zone, ref smallint, z double precision, starttime timestamp without time zone, endtime timestamp without time zone, elat double precision, elong double precision, glat double precision, glong double precision, aper_pa double precision, high_proper_motion character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar, moving_target character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar, pr_inv_l character varying(15) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, pr_inv_f character varying(15) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, loadedatiap character(1) DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar, healpixid bigint, x_pos double precision NOT NULL, y_pos double precision NOT NULL, z_pos double precision NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE fuse.headers OWNER TO sitools; -- -- TOC entry 1603 (class 1259 OID 16644) -- Dependencies: 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 6 -- Name: iapdatasets; Type: TABLE; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE iapdatasets ( dataset character varying(8) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, nevents integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, timeobs time without time zone DEFAULT '00:00:00'::time without time zone NOT NULL, cf_vers character varying(5) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, slit character varying(5) DEFAULT NULL::character varying, obsstart double precision DEFAULT (0)::double precision NOT NULL, obsend double precision DEFAULT (0)::double precision NOT NULL, plantime double precision DEFAULT (0)::double precision NOT NULL, expnight double precision DEFAULT (0)::double precision NOT NULL, presence_all character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar, dvd_id integer ); ALTER TABLE fuse.iapdatasets OWNER TO sitools; -- -- TOC entry 1604 (class 1259 OID 16657) -- Dependencies: 1933 1934 6 -- Name: object_class; Type: TABLE; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE object_class ( obj_nbr integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, object_name character varying(40) DEFAULT NULL::character varying ); ALTER TABLE fuse.object_class OWNER TO sitools; -- -- TOC entry 1919 (class 0 OID 16630) -- Dependencies: 1588 -- Data for Name: headers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools -- INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0050201', 'N49', 81.513499999999993, -66.085300000000004, '1999-09-22 00:33:49', 34672, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 99, 'SNR', 0.34999999999999998, 75, 'EE', '2007-05-23 23:38:57', '2000-04-06 13:14:02', 3, 0, '1999-09-22 00:33:49', '1999-09-23 05:10:25', -86.561700000000002, 4.0373400000000004, -33.2408, 276.09800000000001, 3.5525199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542557585, 0.059823941156536699, 0.400937537474994, -0.91414998064211905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0200201', 'AV232', 14.8841, -72.179500000000004, '1999-09-25 06:14:28', 10310, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.359999999999999, 'O7IA', 0.11, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 05:10:58', '2000-04-06 13:14:09', 5, 0, '1999-09-25 06:14:28', '1999-09-25 13:47:35', -64.786900000000003, 313.97199999999998, -44.934699999999999, 302.05900000000003, 73.5886, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 546048012, 0.295767647815941, 0.078609803997106903, -0.95201995631444702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0200101', 'SK-67D111', 81.700000000000003, -67.492500000000007, '1999-09-26 05:38:47', 13242, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12.57, 'O7IB', 0.11, 13, 'PC', '2006-03-03 11:52:52', '2000-04-06 13:14:08', 4, 0, '1999-09-26 05:38:47', '1999-09-26 16:08:49', -86.632000000000005, 340.15499999999997, -32.971899999999998, 277.74900000000002, 7.8561100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542342279, 0.055260183805178803, 0.37879479097366398, -0.92382943145205998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1070101', 'PG0052+251', 13.7174, 25.427399999999999, '1999-10-03 14:11:10', 19765, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 15.42, 'QSO', 0.080000000000000002, 85, 'PC', '2006-01-24 16:52:32', '2001-01-20 20:18:07', 6, 0.155, '1999-10-03 14:11:10', '1999-10-04 05:27:42', 17.983699999999999, 22.7151, -37.438099999999999, 123.90900000000001, 279.86500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 326577397, 0.87737022119406305, 0.21416210609981901, 0.429367077537125); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011901', 'PG0804+761', 122.744, 76.045000000000002, '1999-10-05 00:07:36', 57403, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 15.15, 'QSO', 0.070000000000000007, 85, 'PC', '2006-01-24 07:27:38', '2000-04-27 14:21:35', 16, 0.10000000000000001, '1999-10-05 00:07:36', '1999-10-06 03:38:44', 54.068199999999997, 102.843, 31.032299999999999, 138.28, 20.248000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 132240768, -0.130440029193682, 0.202838421038257, 0.97048543200537496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011604', 'VIIZW118', 106.80500000000001, 64.599699999999999, '1999-10-06 06:18:07', 77568, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 26, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2006-01-24 07:27:16', '2000-04-27 14:22:11', 14, 0.079659999999999995, '1999-10-06 06:18:07', '1999-10-08 13:30:23', 41.717100000000002, 99.563199999999995, 25.986799999999999, 151.36199999999999, 4.3328600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 128054639, -0.124013093429301, 0.41062167373733699, 0.90333304695181105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010703', 'WD2111+498', 318.18099999999998, 50.104700000000001, '1999-10-11 04:29:36', 3662, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.09, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-01-24 04:39:08', '2000-10-06 17:45:04', 2, 94, '1999-10-11 04:29:36', '1999-10-11 06:21:56', 60.929600000000001, 349.66300000000001, 1.1347700000000001, 91.371399999999994, 198.797, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 252168620, 0.47799659790593901, -0.42766359371527102, 0.76721776765198002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010704', 'WD2111+498', 318.18099999999998, 50.104700000000001, '1999-10-11 10:33:29', 5652, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 13.09, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-01-24 05:00:44', '2000-10-06 19:36:03', 2, 94, '1999-10-11 10:33:29', '1999-10-11 12:59:03', 60.929600000000001, 349.66300000000001, 1.1347700000000001, 91.371399999999994, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 252168620, 0.47799659790593901, -0.42766359371527102, 0.76721776765198002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1070201', 'MRK352', 14.972, 31.826899999999998, '1999-10-11 13:54:14', 16644, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.800000000000001, 'SYFT', 0.11, 84, 'PC', '2006-01-24 05:21:52', '2001-04-03 16:07:56', 4, 0.01486, '1999-10-11 13:54:14', '1999-10-12 00:43:57', 23.361000000000001, 26.607500000000002, -31.0108, 125.027, 263.92899999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 36403045, 0.82080160647553801, 0.219503265447615, 0.52735475655862796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8010720', 'WD2111+498', 318.18099999999998, 50.104700000000001, '1999-10-13 07:39:58', 1572, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 0, '', 0, 0, '', '2006-06-15 05:43:42', '2001-12-08 17:37:43', 1, 0, '1999-10-13 07:39:58', '1999-10-13 08:21:26', 60.929600000000001, 349.66300000000001, 1.1347700000000001, 91.371399999999994, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 252168620, 0.47799659790593901, -0.42766359371527102, 0.76721776765198002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010706', 'WD2111+498', 318.18099999999998, 50.104700000000001, '1999-10-13 11:00:21', 4688, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 13.09, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-01-24 05:01:04', '2000-10-06 21:37:42', 4, 94, '1999-10-13 11:00:21', '1999-10-13 13:18:51', 60.929600000000001, 349.66300000000001, 1.1347700000000001, 91.371399999999994, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 252168620, 0.47799659790593901, -0.42766359371527102, 0.76721776765198002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1016405', 'H1821+643', 275.48899999999998, 64.343400000000003, '1999-10-13 14:12:19', 23070, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.1, 'SYFT', 0.080000000000000002, 85, 'PC', '2006-01-24 07:18:25', '2002-05-07 19:31:32', 10, 0.29699999999999999, '1999-10-13 14:12:19', '1999-10-14 03:28:51', 86.821600000000004, 318.327, 27.416699999999999, 94.004199999999997, 162.691, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 251522239, 0.041416207109663102, -0.43099104056312998, 0.90140524778978304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100401', 'HS1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '1999-10-14 03:47:02', 56862, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16.100000000000001, '', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2006-01-24 09:34:17', '2002-05-07 22:03:24', 4, 2.7200000000000002, '1999-10-14 03:47:02', '1999-10-14 23:23:14', 83.438599999999994, 194.179, 36.158799999999999, 94.401899999999998, 143.70500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1073101', 'MRK876', 243.488, 65.719399999999993, '1999-10-16 06:22:56', 52659, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.23, 'SYFT', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2006-01-24 05:32:17', '2000-04-27 14:22:30', 17, 0.129, '1999-10-16 06:22:56', '1999-10-17 01:31:03', 79.324399999999997, 172.24600000000001, 40.375599999999999, 98.271100000000004, 130.30699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 191178424, -0.18355617184742701, -0.367963710081953, 0.91154256062975103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S2020201', 'DET-PH', 275.48899999999998, 64.343400000000003, '1999-10-17 01:58:59', 2192, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 14.1, 'SYFT', 0.080000000000000002, 85, 'PC', '2006-01-24 09:45:41', '2002-06-12 19:44:08', 0, 0.29699999999999999, '1999-10-17 01:58:59', '1999-10-17 02:35:30', 86.821600000000004, 318.327, 27.416699999999999, 94.004199999999997, 159.19999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 251522239, 0.041416207109663102, -0.43099104056312998, 0.90140524778978304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1060101', '3C351.0', 256.173, 60.741100000000003, '1999-10-17 10:00:22', 37901, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.300000000000001, '', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-01-24 09:44:59', '2000-12-15 09:17:09', 5, 0.371, '1999-10-17 10:00:22', '1999-10-18 00:44:30', 81.576599999999999, 217.11799999999999, 36.381999999999998, 90.084999999999994, 141.631, 'F', 'F', 'VINCENT', 'LE BRUN', 'y', 167403448, -0.116808500728887, -0.47459345620288901, 0.872420096906797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0250201', 'HD36705', 82.186800000000005, -65.448599999999999, '1999-10-20 01:37:16', 22095, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 6.8300000000000001, 'K1II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2006-01-19 03:41:30', '2000-04-06 13:14:13', 4, 0, '1999-10-20 01:37:16', '1999-10-20 07:45:30', -86.636399999999995, 15.6897, -33.0456, 275.30200000000002, 30.883099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 542584648, 0.056485935560650499, 0.41165203947078099, -0.90958888377298497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0150102', 'SK108', 15.8552, -72.111999999999995, '1999-10-20 08:01:26', 16859, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.380000000000001, 'O6.5', 0.14999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-19 05:00:19', '2000-04-06 13:14:04', 5, 0, '1999-10-20 08:01:26', '1999-10-20 20:18:26', -65.027299999999997, 314.416, -44.985700000000001, 301.63299999999998, 96.147900000000007, 'F', 'F', 'DONALD', 'YORK', 'y', 546047132, 0.29547157926112699, 0.083917570783087606, -0.951658755627668); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0240202', 'HD5980', 14.861599999999999, -72.165199999999999, '1999-10-20 21:29:49', 2354, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 11, '', 0, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-19 05:11:19', '2000-04-06 13:14:12', 5, 0, '1999-10-20 21:29:49', '1999-10-20 23:35:55', -64.774500000000003, 313.99599999999998, -44.949300000000001, 302.06700000000001, 97.613, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 546048038, 0.29602814452869303, 0.078554590488072701, -0.95194354557408001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1070901', 'MRK618', 69.092699999999994, -10.376099999999999, '1999-10-21 04:08:47', 2691, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.10000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-01-20 02:45:44', '2001-01-20 20:23:42', 0, 0.035549999999999998, '1999-10-21 04:08:47', '1999-10-21 04:53:38', -32.056800000000003, 65.532700000000006, -34.660200000000003, 206.72200000000001, 21.699999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 370804702, 0.35102122752166798, 0.91888241926150405, -0.18010884875904001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1070701', 'MRK609', 51.355600000000003, -6.1441400000000002, '1999-10-21 05:34:46', 5887, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.080000000000000002, 84, 'PC', '2006-01-14 05:45:02', '2001-04-03 16:12:26', 3, 0.034139999999999997, '1999-10-21 05:34:46', '1999-10-21 07:56:38', -24.022400000000001, 47.1738, -47.847099999999998, 190.18000000000001, 30.163699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 601836939, 0.62089785339957504, 0.77655033359042802, -0.107030066076752); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1070301', 'TONS210', 20.4648, -28.349299999999999, '1999-10-21 08:57:24', 13486, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-01-14 05:44:54', '2000-04-27 14:22:21', 8, 0.11700000000000001, '1999-10-21 08:57:24', '1999-10-21 16:18:55', -33.921599999999998, 6.4645200000000003, -83.160300000000007, 224.97399999999999, 95.380600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 585594379, 0.82452544331962396, 0.30770020076196197, -0.47484563783362899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0200102', 'SK-67D111', 81.700000000000003, -67.492500000000007, '1999-10-21 20:46:29', 32319, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.57, 'O7IB', 0.11, 13, 'PC', '2006-01-20 03:26:47', '2000-04-06 13:14:08', 1, 0, '1999-10-21 20:46:29', '1999-10-22 12:25:20', -86.632000000000005, 340.15499999999997, -32.971899999999998, 277.74900000000002, 33.1967, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542342279, 0.055260183805178803, 0.37879479097366398, -0.92382943145205998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080701', 'PKS2155-304', 329.71699999999998, -30.2256, '1999-10-23 04:16:16', 19171, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14, 'BLLA', 0.029999999999999999, 87, 'PC', '2006-01-14 05:55:34', '2000-12-15 02:41:50', 17, 0.11600000000000001, '1999-10-23 04:16:16', '1999-10-23 21:22:28', -16.771000000000001, 321.19600000000003, -52.245600000000003, 17.7316, 149.97999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 770280637, 0.74614620690616495, -0.435715708452658, -0.50340605809539096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080705', 'PKS2155-304', 329.71699999999998, -30.2256, '1999-10-24 06:54:37', 38624, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 22, 14, 'BLLA', 0.029999999999999999, 87, 'PC', '2006-01-14 06:06:08', '2001-01-12 09:00:23', 18, 0.11600000000000001, '1999-10-24 06:54:37', '1999-10-25 18:23:47', -16.771000000000001, 321.19600000000003, -52.245600000000003, 17.7316, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 770280637, 0.74614620690616495, -0.435715708452658, -0.50340605809539096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0211301', 'HD73882', 129.78999999999999, -40.4193, '1999-10-30 10:00:45', 24100, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 7.21, 'O9II', 0.71999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2006-01-17 23:20:23', '2000-04-06 13:14:11', 7, 0, '1999-10-30 10:00:45', '1999-10-31 03:31:44', -55.850099999999998, 150.22, 0.64324499999999996, 260.18299999999999, 4.46875, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 643588508, -0.48722618850334798, 0.58499461668557995, -0.64837638735952696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0180103', 'SAND_2', 84.893600000000006, -68.736000000000004, '1999-10-31 04:48:26', 8127, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16.199999999999999, 'WO3', 0.14999999999999999, 10, 'PC', '2006-01-17 18:37:33', '2000-04-06 13:14:07', 1, 0, '1999-10-31 04:48:26', '1999-10-31 11:15:59', -87.085700000000003, 309.41199999999998, -31.6343, 279.03100000000001, 39.499499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL A.', 'CROWTHER', 'y', 542238232, 0.0322792673038289, 0.36122638654877998, -0.93191928114147304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0140201', 'HD200516', 316.04500000000002, -11.363200000000001, '1999-11-02 07:36:07', 5828, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 12.779999999999999, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-01-17 18:06:31', '2001-01-06 16:05:32', 0, -46.600000000000001, '1999-11-02 07:36:07', '1999-11-02 16:01:59', 5.1586999999999996, 315.125, -34.570900000000002, 37.763599999999997, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GEORGE', 'SONNEBORN', 'y', 802024499, 0.705773918179737, -0.68048752068910801, -0.197027689941318); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0170101', 'MRK509', 311.041, -10.7235, '1999-11-02 22:43:03', 20004, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13, 'SYFT', 0.10000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-01-17 18:16:54', '2000-04-06 13:14:04', 10, 0.0344, '1999-11-02 22:43:03', '1999-11-03 17:10:27', 7.1269600000000004, 310.553, -29.855, 35.9724, 162.29900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 803515904, 0.64513244548788196, -0.74106829916050998, -0.18606962072883701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0170102', 'MRK509', 311.041, -10.7235, '1999-11-06 04:53:53', 33410, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 22, 13, 'SYFT', 0.10000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-01-17 18:28:02', '2000-04-06 13:14:06', 11, 0.0344, '1999-11-06 04:53:53', '1999-11-07 12:57:58', 7.1269600000000004, 310.553, -29.855, 35.9724, 161.89599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 803515904, 0.64513244548788196, -0.74106829916050998, -0.18606962072883701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1044202', 'WD2331-475', 353.50999999999999, -47.241, '1999-11-07 14:39:03', 20177, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 29, 13.19, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-12-22 00:58:43', '2000-10-04 11:37:35', 3, 0, '1999-11-07 14:39:03', '1999-11-08 02:08:52', -40.023600000000002, 331.74900000000002, -64.807699999999997, 334.83600000000001, 135.25700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 759972026, 0.67456531723310498, -0.076737749929203403, -0.73421587460501203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I9040501', 'PG0749+658', 118.601, 65.701899999999995, '1999-11-09 07:12:36', 17580, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 11, 'SDB', 0.029999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2005-12-22 01:51:01', '2000-02-23 11:51:15', 1, 0, '1999-11-09 07:12:36', '1999-11-09 13:42:16', 43.828400000000002, 105.846, 30.993600000000001, 150.45099999999999, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'OEGERLE', 'y', 127460694, -0.19698041057174701, 0.36127262737626997, 0.91141692246722805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1141301', 'NGC1952-P1', 83.631699999999995, 21.9725, '1999-11-13 05:18:57', 12510, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, '', 0.5, 75, 'EE', '2005-12-22 01:08:36', '2001-01-17 23:02:20', 0, 0, '1999-11-13 05:18:57', '1999-11-13 14:31:50', -1.33656, 84.094399999999993, -5.8082599999999998, 184.59399999999999, 356.97199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 396251069, 0.102862324166592, 0.92164119306591497, 0.37416153398109298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0210201', 'BD+31D643', 56.142499999999998, 32.162599999999998, '1999-11-13 15:11:10', 37348, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 8.5099999999999998, 'B5V', 0.83999999999999997, 21, 'PC', '2005-12-22 01:30:03', '2000-04-06 13:14:10', 1, 0, '1999-11-13 15:11:10', '1999-11-14 18:42:17', 12.049799999999999, 61.167000000000002, -17.802700000000002, 160.49199999999999, 292.88099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 25224699, 0.471632680270202, 0.70298931644980001, 0.53232380733777795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030504', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '1999-11-21 10:03:48', 3212, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-12-22 00:36:29', '2001-12-21 18:05:21', 0, 0, '1999-11-21 10:03:48', '1999-11-21 10:58:02', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1020504', 'HD014434', 35.468200000000003, 56.905000000000001, '1999-11-24 18:08:09', 4427, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.4900000000000002, 'O5.5', 0.47999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2005-12-22 02:33:05', '2000-09-03 22:40:35', 3, -20, '1999-11-24 18:08:09', '1999-11-24 20:06:58', 39.9863, 54.520800000000001, -3.8193800000000002, 135.078, 230.904, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 53354314, 0.44470647956512199, 0.316833799706635, 0.83776636981693797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1020304', 'HD013268', 32.8735, 56.158799999999999, '1999-11-24 20:15:50', 4431, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.1799999999999997, 'ON8V', 0.44, 12, 'PC', '2005-12-22 02:01:43', '2000-09-03 22:07:59', 4, -127, '1999-11-24 20:15:50', '1999-11-24 22:09:04', 39.926699999999997, 52.417200000000001, -4.9892300000000001, 133.96299999999999, 226.78700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 53201048, 0.46771829090938799, 0.30227376255010602, 0.830584235838005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1020404', 'HD013745', 33.941200000000002, 55.996299999999998, '1999-11-24 23:23:50', 4484, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.8300000000000001, 'O9.7', 0.45000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-12-22 02:22:25', '2000-11-25 00:15:00', 2, -22, '1999-11-24 23:23:50', '1999-11-25 01:21:43', 39.522799999999997, 53.024700000000003, -4.9566999999999997, 134.58199999999999, 227.87100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 53176264, 0.46395700306092902, 0.31225066706992299, 0.82900145972435402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1020602', 'HD015137', 36.999200000000002, 52.549399999999999, '1999-11-25 02:49:41', 2277, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.8600000000000003, 'O9.5', 0.34999999999999998, 13, 'PC', '2005-12-22 02:33:24', '2000-09-06 16:39:19', 1, -35, '1999-11-25 02:49:41', '1999-11-25 04:48:55', 35.6479, 53.3001, -7.5774299999999997, 137.46199999999999, 229.19200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 52661371, 0.48563713790045898, 0.36594320106382899, 0.79387791497623195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1020202', 'HD012323', 30.625299999999999, 55.624000000000002, '1999-11-25 15:44:37', 3865, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.9000000000000004, 'ON9V', 0.28999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2005-12-22 02:01:24', '2000-09-03 21:29:15', 4, 0, '1999-11-25 15:44:37', '1999-11-25 16:50:25', 40.003100000000003, 50.633200000000002, -5.8659499999999998, 132.90700000000001, 222.29499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 58738615, 0.48586634803969603, 0.28763021297682401, 0.82535007870931698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041402', 'HD039659', 89.099299999999999, 46.104799999999997, '1999-11-25 17:31:13', 16228, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 11.59, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-11-08 02:59:43', '2001-05-07 16:33:52', 0, -31, '1999-11-25 17:31:13', '1999-11-26 04:18:02', 22.667400000000001, 89.323300000000003, 10.475, 166.15799999999999, 319.21899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 22933432, 0.010899004052947799, 0.69325579217369704, 0.72060919944743496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1050102', 'BD+48658', 35.848399999999998, 49.032200000000003, '1999-11-26 16:45:56', 4728, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.7799999999999994, 'B1', 0.14999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2005-12-22 01:08:06', '2001-01-20 19:53:34', 0, 0, '1999-11-26 16:45:56', '1999-11-26 19:09:15', 32.686100000000003, 50.8444, -11.120100000000001, 138.06, 221.791, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 41359196, 0.53143748690607195, 0.383967660606923, 0.75507816358242397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1980102', 'IZW18', 143.50999999999999, 55.240299999999998, '1999-11-27 13:01:50', 31646, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15.6, '', 0.059999999999999998, 82, 'EC', '2005-12-22 01:18:56', '2001-09-20 18:49:43', 15, 770, '1999-11-27 13:01:50', '1999-11-28 06:29:31', 38.234999999999999, 125.7, 44.842300000000002, 160.52799999999999, 2.5460199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 119292427, -0.45836680225739301, 0.33904980419703601, 0.82155042746156703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1010701', 'HD012740', 31.547699999999999, 49.156300000000002, '1999-11-28 12:04:08', 2812, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.9400000000000004, 'B1.5', 0.17999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2005-11-17 21:14:52', '2000-11-24 22:50:10', 1, 56, '1999-11-28 12:04:08', '1999-11-28 14:05:35', 33.9148, 47.809199999999997, -11.9125, 135.30000000000001, 213.10300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 41692626, 0.55734009851398703, 0.34217701820970198, 0.75649646581959396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1170101', 'HD15558', 38.176299999999998, 61.456099999999999, '1999-11-28 15:23:34', 2468, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.8600000000000003, 'O5II', 0.81000000000000005, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-17 21:26:35', '2001-01-17 23:07:41', 2, 0, '1999-11-28 15:23:34', '1999-11-28 16:05:28', 43.510100000000001, 58.806600000000003, 0.92441200000000001, 134.72499999999999, 231.68000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 54194679, 0.37562974437836899, 0.29533995009250802, 0.87845125591440498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1220101', 'HDE232522', 26.509, 55.331800000000001, '1999-11-28 17:10:46', 2100, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.6699999999999999, 'B1II', 0.23000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-11-17 21:35:44', '2001-02-28 23:53:24', 3, -33, '1999-11-28 17:10:46', '1999-11-28 17:46:28', 40.813499999999998, 47.735199999999999, -6.7146600000000003, 130.70099999999999, 212.65000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 47661753, 0.50901949377042899, 0.253887598049575, 0.82245987289248002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1170301', 'HD4004', 10.8683, 64.759699999999995, '1999-11-28 18:49:51', 3270, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 10.539999999999999, 'WN5', 0.76000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2005-12-22 01:08:44', '2000-07-07 10:59:50', 1, 0, '1999-11-28 18:49:51', '1999-11-28 19:44:21', 52.930399999999999, 45.994999999999997, 1.90086, 122.084, 202.46199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 61013416, 0.41876707354863402, 0.080401570427631602, 0.90452734927379796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1220201', 'HD224868', 0.34037499999999998, 60.839300000000001, '1999-11-28 20:39:19', 5103, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.25, 'B0IB', 0.37, 23, 'PC', '2005-11-17 21:36:03', '2001-02-28 00:03:59', 1, -15, '1999-11-28 20:39:19', '1999-11-28 22:40:52', 53.134300000000003, 35.691699999999997, -1.4416599999999999, 116.86799999999999, 189.626, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 49985973, 0.487252196547098, 0.0028946358501463101, 0.87325650186146497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011605', 'VIIZW118', 106.80500000000001, 64.599699999999999, '1999-11-29 00:06:11', 26075, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-17 21:15:25', '2000-07-07 05:34:42', 14, 0.079659999999999995, '1999-11-29 00:06:11', '1999-11-29 14:00:55', 41.717100000000002, 99.563199999999995, 25.986799999999999, 151.36199999999999, 320.93700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 128054639, -0.124013093429301, 0.41062167373733699, 0.90333304695181105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071001', 'HS0624+6907', 97.510300000000001, 69.084400000000002, '1999-11-29 14:45:12', 13935, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.12, 85, 'PC', '2005-11-17 21:26:01', '2000-10-04 12:11:10', 8, 0.37, '1999-11-29 14:45:12', '1999-11-29 20:43:00', 45.744900000000001, 93.833799999999997, 23.347899999999999, 145.71000000000001, 307.03399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 128775611, -0.046660477548707197, 0.353929841850459, 0.93410731015372905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071101', 'MRK9', 114.238, 58.770400000000002, '1999-11-29 21:35:58', 11829, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.289999999999999, 'SYFT', 0.10000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-17 21:26:15', '2001-01-20 20:37:17', 8, 0.039870000000000003, '1999-11-29 21:35:58', '1999-11-30 05:02:11', 36.618000000000002, 105.378, 28.746600000000001, 158.36500000000001, 332.05399999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 126378768, -0.21284591461717201, 0.47276479446022501, 0.85509652422972704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011701', 'MRK79', 115.637, 49.809699999999999, '1999-11-30 10:45:33', 3147, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.9, 'SYFT', 0.11, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-17 21:25:36', '2001-01-03 22:42:51', 3, 0.022190000000000001, '1999-11-30 10:45:33', '1999-11-30 11:38:00', 27.997900000000001, 108.434, 28.381699999999999, 168.60400000000001, 340.26999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 114321243, -0.27921295893917902, 0.58179792787186302, 0.76390529169814902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1860602', 'HD12230', 31.272099999999998, 77.2821, '1999-12-01 11:34:51', 11534, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 5.2699999999999996, 'F0VN', 0, 40, 'PE', '2005-11-17 21:36:10', '2000-07-07 14:05:01', 0, 0, '1999-12-01 11:34:51', '1999-12-01 16:03:28', 58.158700000000003, 69.104399999999998, 15.004200000000001, 127.062, 227.69800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 65321883, 0.188165606418494, 0.114281020304783, 0.97546581332164495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0020101', '4U0241+61', 41.240400000000001, 62.468499999999999, '1999-12-01 16:40:38', 15032, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-11-17 21:04:11', '2000-08-09 16:15:39', 3, 0, '1999-12-01 16:40:38', '1999-12-02 01:52:51', 43.818199999999997, 61.202399999999997, 2.4301900000000001, 135.637, 231.77500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FRANCOISE', 'COMBES', 'y', 54230554, 0.34757863836321201, 0.30471527302115903, 0.88675683957960905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041401', 'HD039659', 89.099299999999999, 46.104799999999997, '1999-12-02 03:09:44', 21896, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 11.59, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-11-19 03:03:07', '2000-11-25 03:29:52', 0, -31, '1999-12-02 03:09:44', '1999-12-02 14:37:06', 22.667400000000001, 89.323300000000003, 10.475, 166.15799999999999, 310.22500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 22933432, 0.010899004052947799, 0.69325579217369704, 0.72060919944743496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1110101', 'I_ZW_1', 13.3954, 12.693300000000001, '1999-12-03 10:16:16', 13584, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.4, '', 0.080000000000000002, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-19 03:03:45', '2000-07-07 21:28:12', 7, 0.059999999999999998, '1999-12-03 10:16:16', '1999-12-03 22:29:34', 6.4132600000000002, 17.2547, -50.1753, 123.749, 159.43299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'KRISS', 'y', 323256393, 0.94901962264032602, 0.226007850163953, 0.21973212670859499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1010203', 'MRK335', 1.58138, 20.2029, '1999-12-04 03:18:05', 45894, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 25, 13.75, 'SYFT', 0.080000000000000002, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-19 02:11:00', '2000-08-19 01:38:31', 12, 0.02564, '1999-12-04 03:18:05', '1999-12-05 22:48:42', 17.851199999999999, 9.7461400000000005, -41.424599999999998, 108.765, 162.16200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 325770182, 0.93811811311809301, 0.025898906563744099, 0.34534569995665299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018703', 'NGC7469', 345.815, 8.8739399999999993, '1999-12-06 03:12:12', 37645, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 22, 13, 'SYFT', 0.089999999999999997, 85, 'PC', '2005-11-19 02:31:46', '2000-08-19 08:00:33', 11, 0.016320000000000001, '1999-12-06 03:12:12', '1999-12-07 19:40:06', 13.7592, 350.47199999999998, -45.466799999999999, 83.099699999999999, 155.76499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 315936489, 0.957904635767999, -0.24212031804203599, 0.154261013757202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1162902', 'HD207538', 326.916, 59.700299999999999, '1999-12-08 20:26:45', 7648, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.3099999999999996, 'B0V', 0.63, 20, 'PC', '2005-11-19 03:13:13', '2001-02-28 23:46:21', 7, 0, '1999-12-08 20:26:45', '1999-12-09 01:58:48', 64.3827, 12.118, 4.67258, 101.59999999999999, 150.86099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 256513439, 0.422725369930046, -0.27540301951602902, 0.86339819229539705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S3040201', 'HD224151', 358.89100000000002, 57.412199999999999, '1999-12-09 12:58:16', 7092, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6, 'B0.5', 0.44, 23, 'PC', '2005-11-17 21:46:17', '2001-12-15 16:00:51', 1, 0, '1999-12-09 12:58:16', '1999-12-09 16:57:19', 51.003599999999999, 31.158799999999999, -4.6444700000000001, 115.438, 175.34299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 232613230, 0.53849050261864595, -0.0104241631909615, 0.842567098462363); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010602', 'GD246', 348.08999999999997, 10.784599999999999, '1999-12-09 18:14:09', 1236, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 2, 13.07, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-17 21:04:22', '2001-04-26 18:00:47', 3, 0, '1999-12-09 18:14:09', '1999-12-09 20:00:20', 14.614599999999999, 353.37900000000002, -45.114400000000003, 87.256799999999998, 155.34999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 327195270, 0.96119077976759904, -0.20272988293771199, 0.18711728796082899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010603', 'GD246', 348.08999999999997, 10.784599999999999, '1999-12-09 23:15:19', 399, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 1, 13.07, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-17 21:04:29', '2001-12-15 14:26:48', 1, 0, '1999-12-09 23:15:19', '1999-12-09 23:21:58', 14.614599999999999, 353.37900000000002, -45.114400000000003, 87.256799999999998, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 327195270, 0.96119077976759904, -0.20272988293771199, 0.18711728796082899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010604', 'GD246', 348.08999999999997, 10.784599999999999, '1999-12-10 00:50:35', 3371, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 13.07, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-17 21:14:40', '2001-12-15 14:34:49', 3, 0, '1999-12-10 00:50:35', '1999-12-10 04:19:24', 14.614599999999999, 353.37900000000002, -45.114400000000003, 87.256799999999998, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 327195270, 0.96119077976759904, -0.20272988293771199, 0.18711728796082899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0680301', 'NGC1404', 54.716700000000003, -35.592799999999997, '1999-12-10 07:11:33', 7556, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.8900000000000006, 'GAL', 0.02, 81, 'EE', '2005-11-19 01:50:04', '2000-08-10 01:48:46', 5, 1942, '1999-12-10 07:11:33', '1999-12-10 11:13:20', -52.943199999999997, 38.789200000000001, -53.554600000000001, 236.95400000000001, 110.503, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL N.', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 565811034, 0.46970528428793001, 0.66379872543673002, -0.58202078830619797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0340701', 'RE-J0558-376', 89.560199999999995, -37.573599999999999, '1999-12-10 12:19:05', 11328, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.369999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-19 01:49:46', '2000-08-09 19:33:31', 4, 0, '1999-12-10 12:19:05', '1999-12-10 18:05:04', -61.011899999999997, 89.280699999999996, -26.123899999999999, 243.721, 74.370400000000004, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 335775027, 0.0060836796561586403, 0.79254734480116396, -0.60978003828467997); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011504', 'PKS0558-504', 89.947500000000005, -50.447800000000001, '1999-12-10 18:58:08', 46203, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 14.970000000000001, 'QSO', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2005-11-19 02:21:22', '2000-08-19 04:36:11', 9, 0.13700000000000001, '1999-12-10 18:58:08', '1999-12-11 17:29:38', -73.887200000000007, 89.879599999999996, -28.569299999999998, 257.964, 75.442300000000003, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 558120993, 0.00058348094200763004, 0.63678068661167897, -0.77104475661815397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1010502', 'TONS180', 14.3331, -22.383099999999999, '1999-12-12 05:50:32', 15420, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14.4, 'SYFT', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-19 02:11:29', '2000-07-07 04:15:30', 20, 0.06198, '1999-12-12 05:50:32', '1999-12-12 19:41:13', -26.1313, 3.73889, -85.070300000000003, 138.995, 145.60400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 273151259, 0.89587643895843605, 0.22890730001794399, -0.38079765508422703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031201', 'SK-67D76', 80.024199999999993, -67.352500000000006, '1999-12-13 22:13:48', 30866, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.42, 'B0IA', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-19 02:52:17', '2000-07-07 08:58:04', 5, 0, '1999-12-13 22:13:48', '1999-12-14 06:51:54', -86.020300000000006, 343.97199999999998, -33.629300000000001, 277.70600000000002, 88.082400000000007, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542363255, 0.066704891638440802, 0.37923883357009203, -0.92289130700418898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0250203', 'HD36705', 82.186800000000005, -65.448599999999999, '1999-12-14 07:49:42', 24354, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 6.8300000000000001, 'K1II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-11-19 01:29:06', '2000-04-06 13:14:14', 4, 0, '1999-12-14 07:49:42', '1999-12-14 17:18:48', -86.636399999999995, 15.6897, -33.0456, 275.30200000000002, 86.535600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 542584648, 0.056485935560650499, 0.41165203947078099, -0.90958888377298497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171601', 'HD269810', 83.808000000000007, -67.557500000000005, '1999-12-14 18:07:57', 6681, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.26, 'O3II', 0.14000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-19 03:13:19', '2000-07-07 11:26:44', 2, 0, '1999-12-14 18:07:57', '1999-12-14 20:29:09', -87.390100000000004, 334.72399999999999, -32.164400000000001, 277.70299999999997, 85.492099999999994, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542508466, 0.041176417470997498, 0.37952891529858801, -0.92426311464676103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171701', 'SK-67D69', 78.584000000000003, -67.134299999999996, '1999-12-14 21:35:15', 5248, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.09, 'O3II', 0.16, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-19 03:13:25', '2000-07-07 11:49:20', 2, 0, '1999-12-14 21:35:15', '1999-12-14 23:19:09', -85.481499999999997, 347.488, -34.216900000000003, 277.56999999999999, 90.439099999999996, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542370691, 0.076910556155251206, 0.38088487476265698, -0.92141818873350101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031103', 'SK-69D59', 75.803299999999993, -69.027000000000001, '1999-12-15 00:38:57', 25750, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.130000000000001, 'B0IA', 0.20000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-11-08 01:45:42', '2000-07-07 07:26:09', 4, 0, '1999-12-15 00:38:57', '1999-12-15 08:41:44', -84.112499999999997, 328.84699999999998, -34.796999999999997, 280.09300000000002, 93.096000000000004, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542646288, 0.0877823893143376, 0.34699666294061998, -0.93374919975030801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173402', 'SK-67D101', 81.484800000000007, -67.507999999999996, '1999-12-15 13:39:22', 1265, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.630000000000001, 'O9II', 0.14000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-08 03:41:59', '2000-08-16 09:32:52', 2, 0, '1999-12-15 13:39:22', '1999-12-15 14:48:16', -86.548199999999994, 340.19, -33.051000000000002, 277.78199999999998, 88.392399999999995, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542341917, 0.0566455162642533, 0.37833738640083903, -0.92393295619245996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031603', 'SK-67D169', 82.965299999999999, -67.039500000000004, '1999-12-15 15:40:46', 28913, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12.18, 'B1IA', 0.20000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-11-08 02:17:34', '2000-07-07 10:48:27', 5, 0, '1999-12-15 15:40:46', '1999-12-16 00:50:57', -87.1892, 346.97199999999998, -32.5473, 277.13799999999998, 87.1798, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542514820, 0.047775280475065802, 0.38715985221299898, -0.92077400669759202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490102', 'SK-66.18', 73.999499999999998, -65.974999999999994, '2000-09-27 07:49:14', 3229, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.5, 'O6V', 0.12, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:11:04', '2001-03-28 21:32:01', 2, 0, '2000-09-27 07:49:14', '2000-09-27 08:43:02', -83.5518, 357.82999999999998, -36.2545, 276.69099999999997, 16.746300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542751852, 0.11222508906371099, 0.39136250670914602, -0.91336789834489795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490501', 'SK-68.75', 80.868799999999993, -68.206299999999999, '2000-10-03 13:49:25', 2762, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.029999999999999, 'B0.5', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:21:23', '2001-04-27 16:12:55', 3, 0, '2000-10-03 13:49:25', '2000-10-03 14:50:08', -86.126800000000003, 330.71899999999999, -33.169600000000003, 278.649, 16.654399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542347522, 0.058918288819260999, 0.366560889417686, -0.92852665529424905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0750101', 'N132D-P1', 81.253399999999999, -69.642799999999994, '1999-12-16 21:28:08', 16982, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.20000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-11-07 23:30:14', '2000-08-10 02:17:34', 0, 0, '1999-12-16 21:28:08', '1999-12-16 23:35:28', -85.519599999999997, 312.62299999999999, -32.786099999999998, 280.30700000000002, 89.887299999999996, 'F', 'F', 'JON A.', 'MORSE', 'y', 542270083, 0.052899033152489602, 0.34382623702390203, -0.93754211160113499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031802', 'SK-69D246', 84.722899999999996, -69.033500000000004, '1999-12-16 23:51:50', 22461, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.130000000000001, 'WN6-', 0.25, 11, 'PC', '2005-11-08 02:38:36', '2000-07-19 07:14:33', 8, 0, '1999-12-16 23:51:50', '1999-12-17 06:27:07', -86.825400000000002, 306.45999999999998, -31.6629, 279.38600000000002, 86.9315, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542226041, 0.032909826150811998, 0.356305422234096, -0.93378979938169504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031302', 'SK-67D104', 81.517300000000006, -67.498999999999995, '1999-12-17 07:38:47', 5095, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.44, 'OB+W', 0.20000000000000001, 10, 'PC', '2005-11-08 02:16:52', '2000-07-19 03:42:36', 5, 0, '1999-12-17 07:38:47', '1999-12-17 10:45:51', -86.562200000000004, 340.29300000000001, -33.040100000000002, 277.76900000000001, 90.204999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542341958, 0.056452309785756397, 0.378512995395758, -0.92387285328468405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174002', 'SK-68D52', 76.816699999999997, -68.534700000000001, '1999-12-17 11:20:28', 5078, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.699999999999999, 'B0IA', 0.14999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2005-11-08 20:29:54', '2000-08-16 09:58:40', 0, 0, '1999-12-17 11:20:28', '1999-12-17 14:22:41', -84.605000000000004, 332.57999999999998, -34.565100000000001, 279.40199999999999, 94.674300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542645531, 0.083458340356522706, 0.35629353742607101, -0.93063936119925195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031402', 'SK-68D80', 81.626800000000003, -68.840699999999998, '1999-12-17 14:39:20', 9689, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.4, 'WC5+', 0.20000000000000001, 10, 'PC', '2005-11-08 01:56:35', '2000-07-19 05:18:36', 8, 0, '1999-12-17 14:39:20', '1999-12-17 19:51:35', -86.094399999999993, 320.50900000000001, -32.791499999999999, 279.34100000000001, 90.403099999999995, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542319227, 0.0525634179563833, 0.357114546793879, -0.93258044562436804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171902', 'SK-67D167', 82.9666, -67.6614, '1999-12-17 21:02:46', 2825, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.539999999999999, 'O4IN', 0.14000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-08 03:21:04', '2000-08-16 08:19:15', 7, 0, '1999-12-17 21:02:46', '1999-12-17 21:49:51', -87.053200000000004, 334.863, -32.470199999999998, 277.87, 89.442400000000006, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542334805, 0.046539929108667701, 0.37721926448020199, -0.92495386993275297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173102', 'SK-67D191', 83.392200000000003, -67.505399999999995, '1999-12-17 23:05:57', 6569, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.460000000000001, 'O8V', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-08 03:31:55', '2000-08-16 09:13:09', 7, 0, '1999-12-17 23:05:57', '1999-12-18 00:55:26', -87.255499999999998, 336.851, -32.328200000000002, 277.66300000000001, 89.140000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542508782, 0.044026274499307801, 0.38005481130718199, -0.92391559547178004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172902', 'BI272', 86.096599999999995, -67.241500000000002, '1999-12-18 01:10:27', 6599, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.199999999999999, 'O7II', 0.17000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-08 03:31:27', '2000-08-16 08:48:14', 6, 0, '1999-12-18 01:10:27', '1999-12-18 03:00:26', -88.324399999999997, 334.24000000000001, -31.317399999999999, 277.238, 86.744699999999995, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542431461, 0.026334466230520999, 0.38595037504465601, -0.92214359179644201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174102', 'SK-68D41', 76.363299999999995, -68.167400000000001, '1999-12-18 03:39:16', 7554, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.01, 'B0.5', 0.16, 23, 'PC', '2005-11-08 20:40:08', '2000-07-07 13:38:18', 5, 0, '1999-12-18 03:39:16', '1999-12-18 05:45:10', -84.524199999999993, 336.755, -34.815800000000003, 279.017, 95.780799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542662976, 0.087679941614455206, 0.36141238131243197, -0.92827437671873902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0030101', 'CAL83', 85.889600000000002, -69.373099999999994, '1999-12-18 06:54:53', 43648, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 16.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-11-07 22:47:25', '2000-08-09 18:26:32', 0, 0, '1999-12-18 06:54:53', '1999-12-19 05:03:58', -86.7941, 296.84100000000001, -31.215599999999998, 279.73099999999999, 87.128, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542219312, 0.025250977132084601, 0.35137494215776399, -0.93589424518879405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490402', 'SK-68.03', 73.064800000000005, -68.407499999999999, '2000-10-04 09:41:28', 4148, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.130000000000001, 'O9I', 0.47999999999999998, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:11:44', '2001-04-12 20:27:01', 2, 0, '2000-10-04 09:41:28', '2000-10-04 11:11:56', -83.281300000000002, 336.38299999999998, -35.924900000000001, 279.70699999999999, 24.7911, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 541979727, 0.10719553416631999, 0.35204432850021899, -0.92982466531364205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172303', 'SK-66D100', 81.939999999999998, -66.9208, '1999-12-20 01:25:11', 7149, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.26, 'O6II', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-08 03:30:50', '2000-07-07 12:26:15', 9, 0, '1999-12-20 01:25:11', '1999-12-20 03:37:08', -86.799099999999996, 349.84800000000001, -32.9602, 277.05900000000003, 92.607699999999994, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542521407, 0.0549627764319226, 0.38813087739874402, -0.91996386625593995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171703', 'SK-67D69', 78.584000000000003, -67.134299999999996, '1999-12-20 03:48:40', 7775, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.09, 'O3II', 0.16, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-08 03:20:34', '2000-08-16 07:50:46', 9, 0, '1999-12-20 03:48:40', '1999-12-20 07:00:45', -85.481499999999997, 347.488, -34.216900000000003, 277.56999999999999, 95.782799999999995, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542370691, 0.076910556155251206, 0.38088487476265698, -0.92141818873350101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171603', 'HD269810', 83.808000000000007, -67.557500000000005, '1999-12-20 07:12:11', 8244, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.26, 'O3II', 0.14000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-08 03:19:58', '2000-08-16 07:02:34', 9, 0, '1999-12-20 07:12:11', '1999-12-20 11:15:56', -87.390100000000004, 334.72399999999999, -32.164400000000001, 277.70299999999997, 91.137799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542508466, 0.041176417470997498, 0.37952891529858801, -0.92426311464676103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173403', 'SK-67D101', 81.484800000000007, -67.507999999999996, '1999-12-20 12:12:59', 6247, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.630000000000001, 'O9II', 0.14000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-08 20:29:36', '2000-07-07 13:04:35', 5, 0, '1999-12-20 12:12:59', '1999-12-20 14:49:20', -86.548199999999994, 340.19, -33.051000000000002, 277.78199999999998, 93.475999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542341917, 0.0566455162642533, 0.37833738640083903, -0.92393295619245996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490202', 'SK-67.28', 74.663700000000006, -67.188599999999994, '1999-12-20 18:49:05', 6222, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.279999999999999, 'B0.7', 0.10000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:21:16', '2000-08-09 23:39:24', 3, 0, '1999-12-20 18:49:05', '1999-12-20 21:40:42', -83.959699999999998, 347.024, -35.686399999999999, 278.05500000000001, 100.02, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542693744, 0.10254021969685501, 0.37389305643473902, -0.92178603032070805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0491301', 'SK-70.85', 79.274000000000001, -70.323099999999997, '1999-12-21 09:52:40', 8363, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.300000000000001, 'B0I', 0.14999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:41:52', '2000-08-10 01:01:10', 2, 0, '1999-12-21 09:52:40', '1999-12-21 14:06:18', -84.565100000000001, 311.42500000000001, -33.316200000000002, 281.262, 96.437799999999996, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 541577938, 0.062666990018556107, 0.33083271040581702, -0.94160637534351599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031002', 'SK-65D22', 75.346400000000003, -65.876000000000005, '1999-12-20 22:10:59', 27168, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 12.07, 'O6IA', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-08 01:25:12', '2000-07-19 02:19:06', 8, 0, '1999-12-20 22:10:59', '1999-12-21 09:31:33', -84.065299999999993, 359.86099999999999, -35.746000000000002, 276.40600000000001, 99.520099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542756255, 0.10339392895688899, 0.39541856494059402, -0.91266305609199405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0440102', '4U0532-664', 83.206599999999995, -66.370400000000004, '1999-12-19 06:09:41', 49132, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14, 'O8IV', 0.050000000000000003, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:21:11', '2000-08-09 22:32:30', 0, 280, '1999-12-19 06:09:41', '1999-12-20 01:01:42', -87.2821, 0.88922699999999999, -32.5289, 276.33699999999999, 90.577699999999993, 'F', 'F', 'BRAM', 'BOROSON', 'y', 542530364, 0.047413114389723399, 0.398008270494563, -0.91615577998602105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490701', 'SK-65.63', 82.164599999999993, -65.650300000000001, '1999-12-16 04:59:04', 6517, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.56, 'O9.7', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:31:17', '2000-08-10 00:06:26', 1, 0, '1999-12-16 04:59:04', '1999-12-16 07:10:04', -86.700800000000001, 12.3956, -33.031199999999998, 275.54300000000001, 88.481800000000007, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542583573, 0.056208552856742998, 0.40845542108481298, -0.91104597445583302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0270301', 'GHOVI03', 50.040799999999997, -62.441400000000002, '1999-12-22 22:36:27', 53411, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 0, '', 0, 0, '', '2006-02-10 03:31:07', '2000-04-06 13:14:14', 0, 0, '1999-12-22 22:36:27', '1999-12-23 17:59:42', -72.639300000000006, 354.75400000000002, -47.079900000000002, 278.69200000000001, 124.157, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 549729417, 0.297136818021216, 0.35462641040529702, -0.88653810996441695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1010903', 'NGC985', 38.657400000000003, -8.7876700000000003, '1999-12-24 01:11:11', 49968, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 32, 13.800000000000001, 'SYFT', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-08 00:13:37', '2000-09-04 12:02:20', 12, 0.043139999999999998, '1999-12-24 01:11:11', '1999-12-26 03:33:26', -22.6889, 33.2318, -59.490600000000001, 180.83799999999999, 144.54300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 602702648, 0.77172835814750196, 0.617329491203786, -0.15277316688815201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1141201', 'VELA-XBRT', 130.25999999999999, -44.733800000000002, '1999-12-26 06:43:11', 19105, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-02-10 03:28:23', '2000-08-24 18:00:07', 0, 0, '1999-12-26 06:43:11', '1999-12-26 19:16:58', -59.471400000000003, 154.65899999999999, -1.7172499999999999, 263.81200000000001, 53.736499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 642883060, -0.45909102009672997, 0.54210832393152997, -0.70381389613355205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1022404', 'HD074194', 130.19900000000001, -45.058599999999998, '1999-12-27 01:33:44', 12400, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 19, 7.5700000000000003, 'O8.5', 0.5, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-08 00:23:32', '2000-11-25 01:28:37', 1, -4, '1999-12-27 01:33:44', '1999-12-27 05:16:42', -59.773099999999999, 154.91200000000001, -1.95024, 264.04199999999997, 54.366599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 642881060, -0.455931055952083, 0.53954064720833295, -0.70782961383968102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080303', 'MRK279', 208.26400000000001, 69.308300000000003, '1999-12-28 00:37:05', 60338, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 14.57, 'SYFT', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-03 02:20:14', '2000-07-19 13:07:13', 14, 0.029399999999999999, '1999-12-28 00:37:05', '1999-12-28 23:53:30', 67.646600000000007, 144.91399999999999, 46.8645, 115.04300000000001, 25.922599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 194941727, -0.31121246844280798, -0.16731850237408699, 0.935495226203227); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1060203', 'MRK205', 185.43299999999999, 75.310599999999994, '1999-12-29 00:02:28', 37051, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.5, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-03 02:30:46', '2000-12-15 14:44:57', 7, 0.070000000000000007, '1999-12-29 00:02:28', '1999-12-29 13:43:35', 63.772199999999998, 124.834, 41.671999999999997, 125.44799999999999, 1.8231200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'VINCENT', 'LE BRUN', 'y', 197028145, -0.25243981194392101, -0.024009290001398901, 0.96731468268570497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1042105', 'WD1202+608', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '1999-12-29 14:33:51', 19902, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.609999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-11-03 01:48:21', '2000-07-19 10:40:52', 7, 0, '1999-12-29 14:33:51', '1999-12-29 20:06:57', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 3.6320199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100101', 'HS1103+6416', 166.54499999999999, 64.002600000000001, '1999-12-29 21:17:11', 55371, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 15.800000000000001, '', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2005-11-03 02:30:37', '2000-08-29 01:17:40', 3, 2.1899999999999999, '1999-12-29 21:17:11', '1999-12-30 17:26:38', 51.635199999999998, 133.381, 49.422400000000003, 140.31399999999999, 348.51600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 122884432, -0.42629949294595798, 0.101991407115108, 0.89881393802538401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1012202', 'PG0953+414', 149.21799999999999, 41.256300000000003, '1999-12-30 20:31:49', 37909, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 20, 14.5, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2005-11-03 00:15:42', '2000-08-16 01:27:26', 17, 0.2341, '1999-12-30 20:31:49', '1999-12-31 19:16:42', 26.8704, 136.38800000000001, 51.708599999999997, 179.78700000000001, 349.798, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 93910052, -0.64585886570798001, 0.38473420053714502, 0.65942848021862399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011606', 'VIIZW118', 106.80500000000001, 64.599699999999999, '2000-01-01 07:29:45', 9805, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-02 23:54:15', '2000-08-15 22:30:41', 7, 0.079659999999999995, '2000-01-01 07:29:45', '2000-01-01 13:17:19', 41.717100000000002, 99.563199999999995, 25.986799999999999, 151.36199999999999, 275.41899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 128054639, -0.124013093429301, 0.41062167373733699, 0.90333304695181105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011903', 'PG0804+761', 122.744, 76.045000000000002, '2000-01-04 19:31:15', 21111, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.15, 'QSO', 0.070000000000000007, 85, 'PC', '2005-11-02 23:54:24', '2000-07-18 21:40:30', 14, 0.10000000000000001, '2000-01-04 19:31:15', '2000-01-05 03:22:48', 54.068199999999997, 102.843, 31.032299999999999, 138.28, 287.89400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 132240768, -0.130440029193682, 0.202838421038257, 0.97048543200537496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1340104', 'EG-AND', 11.1549, 40.679299999999998, '2000-01-05 04:53:11', 11041, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 7.5, 'WD+M', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PC', '2005-11-03 02:31:30', '2000-07-11 18:28:06', 0, -100, '2000-01-05 04:53:11', '2000-01-05 16:54:07', 32.6616, 27.8965, -22.174199999999999, 121.53700000000001, 157.411, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN R.', 'ESPEY', 'y', 42977776, 0.74404255927617202, 0.14671585866357201, 0.65182446011359096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071002', 'HS0624+6907', 97.510300000000001, 69.084400000000002, '2000-01-06 03:15:02', 17708, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.12, 85, 'PC', '2007-04-12 01:54:54', '2000-08-19 12:44:13', 8, 0.37, '2000-01-06 03:15:02', '2000-01-06 09:45:49', 45.744900000000001, 93.833799999999997, 23.347899999999999, 145.71000000000001, 256.28199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 128775611, -0.046660477548707197, 0.353929841850459, 0.93410731015372905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0340202', 'EGB1', 16.8233, 73.562799999999996, '2000-01-06 10:51:53', 5846, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.550000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-01-14 05:44:33', '2000-10-05 17:20:12', 0, 0, '2000-01-06 10:51:53', '2000-01-06 17:50:29', 57.930700000000002, 59.326999999999998, 10.725899999999999, 124.074, 170.887, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 62323759, 0.270853906256876, 0.081895816557263107, 0.95913045864252); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I9040503', 'PG0749+658', 118.601, 65.701899999999995, '2000-01-06 18:06:54', 34143, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 11, 'SDB', 0.029999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2005-11-03 02:52:02', '2001-04-26 17:30:32', 0, 0, '2000-01-06 18:06:54', '2000-01-07 07:16:34', 43.828400000000002, 105.846, 30.993600000000001, 150.45099999999999, 282.97699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'OEGERLE', 'y', 127460694, -0.19698041057174701, 0.36127262737626997, 0.91141692246722805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I9040504', 'PG0749+658', 118.601, 65.701899999999995, '2000-01-07 08:40:11', 9409, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 11, 'SDB', 0.029999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2005-11-02 03:05:52', '2000-02-23 11:59:01', 1, 0, '2000-01-07 08:40:11', '2000-01-07 17:26:23', 43.828400000000002, 105.846, 30.993600000000001, 150.45099999999999, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'OEGERLE', 'y', 127460694, -0.19698041057174701, 0.36127262737626997, 0.91141692246722805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I9040505', 'PG0749+658', 118.601, 65.701899999999995, '2000-01-08 00:12:57', 16598, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 11, 'SDB', 0.029999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2005-11-01 00:31:01', '2001-12-08 17:48:22', 0, 0, '2000-01-08 00:12:57', '2000-01-08 06:33:35', 43.828400000000002, 105.846, 30.993600000000001, 150.45099999999999, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'OEGERLE', 'y', 127460694, -0.19698041057174701, 0.36127262737626997, 0.91141692246722805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071102', 'MRK9', 114.238, 58.770400000000002, '2000-01-08 08:46:46', 14278, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.289999999999999, 'SYFT', 0.10000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-03 01:48:39', '2001-05-01 16:36:41', 8, 0.039870000000000003, '2000-01-08 08:46:46', '2000-01-08 11:50:43', 36.618000000000002, 105.378, 28.746600000000001, 158.36500000000001, 275.93799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 126378768, -0.21284591461717201, 0.47276479446022501, 0.85509652422972704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0340101', 'EGB6', 148.24199999999999, 13.7422, '2000-01-08 13:27:24', 11922, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-03 02:31:01', '2000-08-09 02:24:34', 0, 0, '2000-01-08 13:27:24', '2000-01-08 18:54:13', 0.83527499999999999, 145.69200000000001, 46.359499999999997, 221.589, 16.206099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 71614179, -0.82593901978276196, 0.511266071837294, 0.23755365580927901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0340501', 'PG0948+534', 147.03700000000001, 53.393099999999997, '2000-01-08 20:10:52', 5259, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.27, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-03 02:31:08', '2000-08-09 03:23:19', 0, 0, '2000-01-08 20:10:52', '2000-01-08 22:27:38', 37.404699999999998, 129.03899999999999, 47.382100000000001, 162.10300000000001, 324.91800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 118783335, -0.50032696426848899, 0.32445696532385299, 0.80274566736838504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0530301', 'HS-1140+2711', 175.726, 26.9162, '2000-01-08 23:27:50', 7751, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2005-11-03 02:31:14', '2000-10-03 16:42:09', 0, 2.6299999999999999, '2000-01-08 23:27:50', '2000-01-09 05:03:38', 22.885999999999999, 164.833, 74.747299999999996, 209.80699999999999, 8.7415199999999995, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 467745090, -0.88918988713151104, 0.066452754472355893, 0.45268684103482398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0580101', 'TON1480', 183.78800000000001, 33.165300000000002, '2000-01-09 09:12:03', 29697, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 16.5, '', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-11-03 02:31:20', '2000-08-09 05:53:00', 3, 0.61399999999999999, '2000-01-09 09:12:03', '2000-01-10 00:46:34', 31.595199999999998, 168.703, 80.108699999999999, 173.136, 8.6227400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC', 'MILLER', 'y', 467580270, -0.83526699955329298, -0.055302665670848503, 0.54705635416009801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0240107', 'BY-CAM', 85.7042, 60.858600000000003, '2000-01-10 05:37:42', 12399, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.5, '', 0, 59, 'PE', '2005-10-31 23:58:29', '2000-08-09 01:01:05', 1, 0, '2000-01-10 05:37:42', '2000-01-10 08:30:10', 37.458399999999997, 87.366200000000006, 15.689500000000001, 151.83500000000001, 231.95599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARTINE', 'MOUCHET', 'y', 32967380, 0.036476540424131697, 0.485598540966308, 0.87342058540549605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080304', 'MRK279', 208.26400000000001, 69.308300000000003, '2000-01-11 01:28:19', 30747, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.57, 'SYFT', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-01 00:40:32', '2000-08-16 02:54:22', 15, 0.029399999999999999, '2000-01-11 01:28:19', '2000-01-11 17:12:56', 67.646600000000007, 144.91399999999999, 46.8645, 115.04300000000001, 12.1732, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 194941727, -0.31121246844280798, -0.16731850237408699, 0.935495226203227); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0360202', 'MKN59', 194.751, 34.845599999999997, '2000-01-11 17:54:54', 9830, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14, '', 0.10000000000000001, 88, 'EC', '2005-10-29 05:18:08', '2000-08-09 04:26:01', 8, 0.0027000000000000001, '2000-01-11 17:54:54', '2000-01-11 22:08:50', 37.397500000000001, 177.435, 82.114400000000003, 111.545, 11.7578, 'F', 'F', 'TRINH XUAN', 'THUAN', 'y', 176455483, -0.79364586380092095, -0.20896433023771699, 0.571366915002954); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0340402', 'PG1342+444', 206.114, 44.142499999999998, '2000-01-11 23:01:52', 10679, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.600000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-10-31 23:58:38', '2000-08-09 03:03:39', 4, 0, '2000-01-11 23:01:52', '2000-01-12 04:52:32', 49.872999999999998, 181.13499999999999, 69.9208, 94.299099999999996, 15.708, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 174987534, -0.64435631528341497, -0.31586215754161101, 0.69644528599706801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1012102', 'HDE233622', 140.38999999999999, 50.0991, '2000-01-12 20:40:13', 4662, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 10.01, 'B2V', 0.029999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2005-11-03 00:04:16', '2000-08-15 23:05:46', 5, 11, '2000-01-12 20:40:13', '2000-01-12 23:01:31', 32.763399999999997, 125.992, 44.233499999999999, 168.166, 313.70800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 118621548, -0.49418334970024602, 0.408969322164147, 0.76715507585340403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071502', 'TON1187', 153.26300000000001, 35.856200000000001, '2000-01-13 00:04:41', 7994, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15, 'SYFT', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-01 00:31:20', '2000-08-19 13:25:21', 4, 0.070000000000000007, '2000-01-13 00:04:41', '2000-01-13 07:19:05', 23.1023, 141.90100000000001, 55.377499999999998, 188.33099999999999, 345.846, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 87736913, -0.723832950814007, 0.364635908681603, 0.58575294571673198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041202', 'WD0501+527', 76.377600000000001, 52.831699999999998, '2000-01-13 08:49:35', 10346, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 21, 11.779999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2007-04-12 22:07:03', '2000-10-04 09:29:02', 4, 64, '2000-01-13 08:49:35', '2000-01-13 13:12:14', 29.837700000000002, 80.558599999999998, 7.0990599999999997, 155.95400000000001, 209.94300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 30975413, 0.142292629945974, 0.58716274680286695, 0.79686430226856697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1181112', 'BD+56D524', 34.776699999999998, 57.125999999999998, '2000-01-13 18:43:38', 12612, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.75, 'B1V', 0.59999999999999998, 21, 'PC', '2005-11-02 02:02:13', '2000-08-09 08:15:55', 1, 0, '2000-01-13 18:43:38', '2000-01-14 02:14:48', 40.346499999999999, 54.1982, -3.7385999999999999, 134.648, 173.61099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 53361831, 0.445840298778996, 0.30959826962271098, 0.83986626282478904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S3070101', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2000-01-14 09:40:58', 13041, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 32, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-04-20 22:44:37', '2001-04-26 20:02:28', 4, 0, '2000-01-14 09:40:58', '2000-01-14 14:11:21', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 208.94, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'OEGERLE', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011702', 'MRK79', 115.637, 49.809699999999999, '2000-01-14 15:39:56', 11688, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.9, 'SYFT', 0.11, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-02 03:16:11', '2001-03-29 01:56:05', 4, 0.022190000000000001, '2000-01-14 15:39:56', '2000-01-14 21:33:00', 27.997900000000001, 108.434, 28.381699999999999, 168.60400000000001, 267.459, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 114321243, -0.27921295893917902, 0.58179792787186302, 0.76390529169814902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041403', 'HD039659', 89.099299999999999, 46.104799999999997, '2000-01-14 22:47:38', 17173, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 11, 11.59, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-11-02 03:26:45', '2000-11-25 07:30:23', 2, -31, '2000-01-14 22:47:38', '2000-01-15 12:21:21', 22.667400000000001, 89.323300000000003, 10.475, 166.15799999999999, 216.99299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 22933432, 0.010899004052947799, 0.69325579217369704, 0.72060919944743496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010301', 'GD71', 88.114999999999995, 15.887, '2000-01-15 13:26:51', 11346, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.032, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-02 03:06:21', '2000-04-11 08:48:51', 2, 0, '2000-01-15 13:26:51', '2000-01-15 22:16:35', -7.5404900000000001, 88.171199999999999, -5.3386500000000003, 192.03, 162.01599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 389766836, 0.031637102558675599, 0.96128297548413, 0.27374099946129399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0240108', 'BY-CAM', 85.7042, 60.858600000000003, '2000-01-16 01:26:28', 22144, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.5, '', 0, 59, 'PE', '2006-01-19 00:12:01', '2000-08-09 01:47:56', 1, 0, '2000-01-16 01:26:28', '2000-01-16 09:01:51', 37.458399999999997, 87.366200000000006, 15.689500000000001, 151.83500000000001, 224.274, 'F', 'F', 'MARTINE', 'MOUCHET', 'y', 32967380, 0.036476540424131697, 0.485598540966308, 0.87342058540549605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100301', 'HS1307+4617', 197.54900000000001, 46.023499999999999, '2000-01-16 10:02:06', 56742, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 19, 16.800000000000001, '', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2006-01-19 02:07:48', '2000-12-21 07:52:18', 5, 2.1299999999999999, '2000-01-16 10:02:06', '2000-01-17 16:25:00', 48.032299999999999, 171.905, 70.742000000000004, 113.024, 5.7008999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 180892029, -0.66204721406779998, -0.20936532996242799, 0.71962465560512001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0340601', 'WD2218+706', 334.59199999999998, 70.681700000000006, '2000-01-17 17:34:25', 11708, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-01-19 00:22:44', '2000-08-09 03:59:06', 2, 0, '2000-01-17 17:34:25', '2000-01-17 23:21:19', 67.262299999999996, 39.365900000000003, 11.4871, 110.86499999999999, 120.703, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 259559659, 0.29881779121715701, -0.14194025269931099, 0.94369533871676803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1042901', 'WD1631+781', 247.29499999999999, 78.077500000000001, '2000-01-18 00:06:21', 22297, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13.1, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-01-17 22:59:29', '2000-09-04 04:38:18', 6, 0, '2000-01-18 00:06:21', '2000-01-18 13:58:46', 76.779399999999995, 110.40600000000001, 33.578699999999998, 111.297, 38.334899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 198442371, -0.079740354487051898, -0.19057873672225201, 0.97842793346042101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1072501', 'PG1351+640', 208.316, 63.762500000000003, '2000-01-18 14:52:09', 70134, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 22, 14.84, 'SYFT', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2006-01-19 01:57:41', '2000-09-04 07:16:28', 9, 0.088200000000000001, '2000-01-18 14:52:09', '2000-01-20 02:45:47', 65.007900000000006, 157.09999999999999, 52.020299999999999, 111.896, 5.5264899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 193820793, -0.38919434152818499, -0.20969977622656799, 0.89696921261154205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0065101', 'TORUS-JAN-1', 25.1279, 9.1797199999999997, '2000-01-20 06:38:46', 669, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, -2.5, '', 0, 4, 'EE', '2006-01-24 06:12:44', '2001-06-11 18:39:38', 1, 0, '2000-01-20 06:38:46', '2000-01-20 06:49:55', -1.16794, 26.625800000000002, -51.793300000000002, 142.75899999999999, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 299431973, 0.893766969448478, 0.41920187989784602, 0.159531778066303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0065201', 'TORUS-JAN-2', 25.132899999999999, 9.1858299999999993, '2000-01-20 08:18:35', 679, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, -2.5, '', 0, 4, 'EE', '2006-01-24 06:12:50', '2001-06-11 18:43:50', 1, 0, '2000-01-20 08:18:35', '2000-01-20 08:29:54', -1.1640200000000001, 26.6326, -51.786000000000001, 142.76300000000001, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 299431984, 0.893714976939188, 0.41927264630070599, 0.15963705102071599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0065301', 'TORUS-JAN-3', 25.139199999999999, 9.1888900000000007, '2000-01-20 09:58:39', 675, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, -2.5, '', 0, 4, 'EE', '2006-01-24 06:12:56', '2001-06-11 18:48:43', 1, 0, '2000-01-20 09:58:39', '2000-01-20 10:09:54', -1.1633899999999999, 26.639500000000002, -51.781199999999998, 142.77099999999999, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 299431985, 0.89366115065168505, 0.41936729036331699, 0.159689772963819); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0065401', 'TORUS-JAN-4', 25.147099999999998, 9.1886100000000006, '2000-01-20 11:38:39', 676, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, -2.5, '', 0, 4, 'EE', '2006-01-24 06:13:03', '2001-06-11 18:51:30', 1, 0, '2000-01-20 11:38:39', '2000-01-20 11:49:54', -1.1664600000000001, 26.646699999999999, -51.7791, 142.78399999999999, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 299431966, 0.89360402578626397, 0.41949083689687799, 0.15968494875266101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0065501', 'TORUS-JAN-5', 25.155000000000001, 9.1880600000000001, '2000-01-20 13:18:10', 705, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, -2.5, '', 0, 4, 'EE', '2006-01-24 06:13:09', '2001-06-11 18:55:11', 1, 0, '2000-01-20 13:18:10', '2000-01-20 13:29:54', -1.1698, 26.653700000000001, -51.777200000000001, 142.79599999999999, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 299431965, 0.89354756492070397, 0.419614695488916, 0.15967547261249901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071601', 'PG1100+772', 166.05699999999999, 76.982799999999997, '2000-01-20 15:06:22', 11447, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.720000000000001, 'QSO', 0.059999999999999998, 85, 'PC', '2006-01-19 01:56:47', '2002-01-11 16:26:54', 9, 0.3115, '2000-01-20 15:06:22', '2000-01-20 20:17:03', 60.7288, 116.55800000000001, 38.549399999999999, 130.39599999999999, 315.85199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 131361783, -0.218606952729062, 0.054273894278031698, 0.97430249133336899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100302', 'HS1307+4617', 197.54900000000001, 46.023499999999999, '2000-01-20 20:37:19', 58479, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 20, 16.800000000000001, '', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2006-01-19 02:27:52', '2001-02-28 23:09:37', 5, 2.1299999999999999, '2000-01-20 20:37:19', '2000-01-22 04:41:20', 48.032299999999999, 171.905, 70.742000000000004, 113.024, 1.72089, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 180892029, -0.66204721406779998, -0.20936532996242799, 0.71962465560512001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041002', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2000-01-22 07:13:44', 14794, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 24, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-01-17 20:13:51', '2000-09-04 01:04:58', 0, 0, '2000-01-22 07:13:44', '2000-01-22 15:59:39', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 190.98500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041003', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2000-01-22 17:02:53', 13731, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 25, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-01-17 20:55:04', '2001-12-28 18:26:27', 0, 0, '2000-01-22 17:02:53', '2000-01-23 06:58:50', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0700101', 'HD34078', 79.075599999999994, 34.3123, '2000-01-23 07:56:39', 7145, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 5.9900000000000002, '09.5', 0.52000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-01-17 18:59:19', '2000-08-09 07:20:36', 1, 0, '2000-01-23 07:56:39', '2000-01-23 11:55:11', 11.2204, 80.817300000000003, -2.2595900000000002, 172.083, 185.38, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'BOISSE''', 'y', 21195923, 0.15653393424391401, 0.811009018395349, 0.56370337901376399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010302', 'GD71', 88.114999999999995, 15.887, '2000-01-23 12:51:08', 14413, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.032, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-01-19 01:56:40', '2000-04-11 08:49:18', 1, 0, '2000-01-23 12:51:08', '2000-01-23 23:33:28', -7.5404900000000001, 88.171199999999999, -5.3386500000000003, 192.03, 165.98599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 389766836, 0.031637102558675599, 0.96128297548413, 0.27374099946129399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021801', 'HD052463', 105.051, -27.799900000000001, '2000-01-24 01:05:08', 3053, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 8.3000000000000007, 'B3V', 0.040000000000000001, 21, 'PC', '2006-01-17 19:10:19', '2000-10-04 04:55:51', 0, 75, '2000-01-24 01:05:08', '2000-01-24 04:29:03', -50.147599999999997, 111.006, -10.518800000000001, 238.90100000000001, 112.577, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 653143649, -0.22970707590664899, 0.85423626771747996, -0.46638509645412901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0630901', 'HD51013', 103.672, -24.255700000000001, '2000-01-24 05:36:30', 4356, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.8100000000000005, 'B3V', 0.050000000000000003, 21, 'PC', '2006-01-17 18:38:04', '2000-08-09 06:30:09', 2, 0, '2000-01-24 05:36:30', '2000-01-24 07:52:16', -46.827599999999997, 108.358, -10.1265, 235.10499999999999, 115.81, 'F', 'F', 'ADOLF', 'WITT', 'y', 340205610, -0.215497453343376, 0.88588732704346895, -0.41080955610391601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221201', 'HD066695', 120.928, -27.046399999999998, '2000-01-24 08:51:59', 8080, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.7799999999999994, 'B0.5', 0.27000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2006-01-19 00:33:20', '2000-11-04 20:12:50', 0, 0, '2000-01-24 08:51:59', '2000-01-24 12:55:44', -46.144799999999996, 131.35300000000001, 2.20688, 245.00899999999999, 94.035600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 663225145, -0.45775306578400698, 0.76400209635545702, -0.45471191707476699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1140201', 'HD90972', 157.39699999999999, -30.606999999999999, '2000-01-24 13:52:47', 12438, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 5.5599999999999996, 'B9.5', 0, 58, 'PC', '2006-01-19 01:04:28', '2001-02-28 01:46:44', 0, 14, '2000-01-24 13:52:47', '2000-01-24 19:44:12', -36.777900000000002, 172.75800000000001, 23.062899999999999, 270.065, 52.3919, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'FERLET', 'y', 634382164, -0.79457109280857996, 0.33079683685965999, -0.50914657142774); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1161301', 'HD73882', 129.78999999999999, -40.4193, '2000-01-24 20:48:57', 11823, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 7.21, 'O9II', 0.71999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2006-01-19 00:32:54', '2000-09-15 11:21:33', 6, 0, '2000-01-24 20:48:57', '2000-01-25 05:37:40', -55.850099999999998, 150.22, 0.64324499999999996, 260.18299999999999, 83.879000000000005, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 643588508, -0.48722618850334798, 0.58499461668557995, -0.64837638735952696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1161201', 'HD62542', 115.655, -42.2303, '2000-01-25 06:31:41', 10975, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 8.0299999999999994, 'B3V', 0.33000000000000002, 21, 'PC', '2006-01-19 00:23:40', '2000-09-15 10:38:24', 4, 0, '2000-01-25 06:31:41', '2000-01-25 12:14:14', -61.9026, 132.89699999999999, -9.2370000000000001, 255.917, 99.527799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 644450898, -0.32057843173585698, 0.66745380435374702, -0.672112258599326); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1141202', 'VELA-XBRT', 130.25999999999999, -44.733800000000002, '2000-01-25 13:38:15', 10999, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-01-19 00:23:11', '2000-08-25 15:27:06', 1, 0, '2000-01-25 13:38:15', '2000-01-25 20:37:23', -59.471400000000003, 154.65899999999999, -1.7172499999999999, 263.81200000000001, 84.328299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 642883060, -0.45909102009672997, 0.54210832393152997, -0.70381389613355205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1290601', 'HD72088', 127.30200000000001, -44.884900000000002, '2000-01-25 21:46:31', 6518, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.0700000000000003, 'B3II', 0.23000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2006-01-19 01:46:08', '2000-08-15 21:57:49', 2, 0, '2000-01-25 21:46:31', '2000-01-26 03:16:21', -60.649700000000003, 151.167, -3.4888499999999998, 262.67599999999999, 87.832800000000006, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', 'y', 642946974, -0.42937811500912798, 0.56359852990902803, -0.70568486694528898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1022601', 'HD074920', 131.29400000000001, -46.038600000000002, '2000-01-26 04:15:39', 4666, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.5300000000000002, 'O8', 0.34000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-01-17 19:41:31', '2000-12-14 23:00:03', 3, 0, '2000-01-26 04:15:39', '2000-01-26 06:30:32', -60.212600000000002, 157.24000000000001, -1.9513100000000001, 265.28699999999998, 83.938500000000005, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620477718, -0.45810111635836798, 0.52155569998825502, -0.71980762638428497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1022701', 'HD075309', 131.86699999999999, -46.451300000000003, '2000-01-26 07:35:27', 4684, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.8600000000000003, 'B1II', 0.25, 23, 'PC', '2006-01-17 19:52:52', '2000-09-14 19:30:08', 5, 0, '2000-01-26 07:35:27', '2000-01-26 09:50:14', -60.350999999999999, 158.35900000000001, -1.89981, 265.85700000000003, 83.504900000000006, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620478647, -0.45982174856131802, 0.51307390239057804, -0.72478902463800798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1022501', 'HD074711', 130.94800000000001, -46.798900000000003, '2000-01-26 10:54:25', 4684, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.1100000000000003, 'B1II', 0.33000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2006-01-17 19:20:06', '2000-12-14 22:32:37', 4, 0, '2000-01-26 10:54:25', '2000-01-26 13:09:31', -60.982999999999997, 157.654, -2.6098699999999999, 265.73599999999999, 84.616200000000006, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620465801, -0.44864341433840899, 0.517052209904314, -0.72895548492609596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1022801', 'HD089137', 153.917, -51.257100000000001, '2000-01-26 14:16:14', 4628, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.9800000000000004, 'ON9.', 0.23000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-01-24 05:11:00', '2000-09-14 20:01:08', 2, 3, '2000-01-26 14:16:14', '2000-01-26 16:24:49', -55.593899999999998, 185.87100000000001, 4.4481299999999999, 279.69600000000003, 62.225000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 623809943, -0.56209141287377096, 0.27515897025680103, -0.77996204052555396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1120601', 'HD091597', 158.255, -60.844799999999999, '2000-01-27 02:03:26', 6119, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.8399999999999999, 'B1II', 0.29999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-01-26 01:09:15', '2000-10-08 08:05:23', 0, -15, '2000-01-27 02:03:26', '2000-01-27 12:38:35', -60.813099999999999, 201.887, -2.3688099999999999, 286.858, 59.178600000000003, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 611644724, -0.45251037196279098, 0.18048755975043601, -0.873303271516504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1170202', 'HD93129A', 160.989, -59.547499999999999, '2000-01-27 13:29:15', 3764, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.8399999999999999, 'O3IF', 0.57999999999999996, 13, 'PC', '2006-01-24 06:12:35', '2000-08-16 05:21:00', 3, 0, '2000-01-27 13:29:15', '2000-01-27 16:05:32', -58.935400000000001, 201.77699999999999, -0.57358799999999999, 287.411, 57.318800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 622864339, -0.47917969693760398, 0.16509771125735501, -0.86204962953438402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S3040501', 'CPD-592603', 161.197, -59.731099999999998, '2000-01-30 11:33:08', 38804, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 8.7699999999999996, 'O7V', 0.46000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-01-24 11:58:17', '2001-01-18 19:09:54', 2, 0, '2000-01-30 11:33:08', '2000-01-31 13:15:09', -58.984299999999998, 202.17599999999999, -0.68656600000000001, 287.58999999999997, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 622863658, -0.477158479321453, 0.16246587623928799, -0.86366927968374496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023301', 'HD093146', 161, -60.086500000000001, '2000-02-01 02:16:16', 4140, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.4499999999999993, 'O6.5', 0.34999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2006-01-24 07:38:27', '2000-08-28 23:58:18', 2, 0, '2000-02-01 02:16:16', '2000-02-01 03:25:58', -59.298200000000001, 202.553, -1.04681, 287.66899999999998, 61.419199999999996, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 611677494, -0.47152253404272099, 0.16235822875922501, -0.86677927146655898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023401', 'HD093206', 161.096, -59.993400000000001, '2000-02-01 03:39:15', 4140, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.2400000000000002, 'O9.7', 0.38, 13, 'PC', '2006-01-24 07:28:29', '2000-08-19 10:02:56', 2, -16, '2000-02-01 03:39:15', '2000-02-01 04:48:57', -59.199800000000003, 202.483, -0.94206199999999995, 287.66800000000001, 61.373600000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 622862410, -0.47312574651161399, 0.16202405249389901, -0.86596780217354596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1024801', 'HD100276', 172.95099999999999, -60.606299999999997, '2000-02-01 05:15:53', 4125, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.1600000000000001, 'B0.5', 0.26000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-01-24 08:32:19', '2000-09-14 21:28:36', 2, -4, '2000-02-01 05:15:53', '2000-02-01 06:25:19', -55.419600000000003, 210.88200000000001, 0.76937800000000001, 293.31099999999998, 50.476399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 621187514, -0.487098215480184, 0.060231037187165798, -0.87126778354038703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023501', 'HD093204', 161.13499999999999, -59.741700000000002, '2000-02-01 06:53:34', 4664, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.4800000000000004, 'O5VF', 0.40999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2006-01-24 07:38:37', '2000-09-06 17:11:21', 3, 0, '2000-02-01 06:53:34', '2000-02-01 08:37:12', -59.014200000000002, 202.15000000000001, -0.71047899999999997, 287.56700000000001, 61.436399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 622863565, -0.476831186841361, 0.16293044923446401, -0.86376251826975803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023601', 'HD093205', 161.14099999999999, -59.737499999999997, '2000-02-01 08:50:09', 4694, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.7599999999999998, 'O3V', 0.40000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-01-24 07:49:17', '2000-09-06 18:01:15', 6, 0, '2000-02-01 08:50:09', '2000-02-01 10:39:18', -59.0092, 202.148, -0.70540099999999994, 287.56799999999998, 61.505600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 622863576, -0.47690816302417499, 0.16290098089865099, -0.86372557821519003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0240101', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.684399999999997, '2000-02-01 11:53:29', 3790, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 10, '', 0, 61, 'PC', '2006-01-26 01:20:22', '2000-08-19 14:51:08', 1, 0, '2000-02-01 11:53:29', '2000-02-01 14:01:25', -58.927500000000002, 202.155, -0.62938799999999995, 287.59800000000001, 61.499000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801745351236902, 0.16212550780760199, -0.86325815018201701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1024201', 'HD096670', 166.80799999999999, -59.873100000000001, '2000-02-01 15:12:20', 4273, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.4299999999999997, 'O8IB', 0.42999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2006-01-24 08:21:20', '2000-08-19 11:39:07', 0, 2, '2000-02-01 15:12:20', '2000-02-01 17:28:01', -57.046100000000003, 206.05799999999999, 0.39704200000000001, 290.19900000000001, 56.472700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 621395621, -0.48867166891455899, 0.11454492250322799, -0.86491586916242302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1024301', 'HD096715', 166.887, -59.9636, '2000-02-01 18:38:29', 4597, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 8.2699999999999996, 'O4VF', 0.41999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2006-01-24 08:21:39', '2000-08-19 12:10:05', 4, 0, '2000-02-01 18:38:29', '2000-02-01 20:49:21', -57.081200000000003, 206.22800000000001, 0.32933400000000002, 290.27100000000002, 56.509799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 621394796, -0.487497999469237, 0.113560943882681, -0.86570757911546903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023901', 'HD093827', 162.131, -60.936100000000003, '2000-02-02 01:31:37', 4213, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.3100000000000005, 'B1IB', 0.23000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-01-24 07:59:54', '2000-09-15 15:21:25', 1, -43, '2000-02-02 01:31:37', '2000-02-02 02:42:03', -59.456499999999998, 204.523, -1.5427, 288.55599999999998, 61.271799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 610269317, -0.46235076750176801, 0.14905902422977499, -0.87407847192697397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1013301', 'NGC3783', 174.75700000000001, -37.738500000000002, '2000-02-02 02:57:52', 37003, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 12.640000000000001, 'SYFT', 0.20000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-01-24 07:38:12', '2000-09-14 18:57:02', 8, 0.0085100000000000002, '2000-02-02 02:57:52', '2000-02-02 22:17:05', -36.177900000000001, 192.679, 22.947800000000001, 287.45699999999999, 45.644100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 626990500, -0.787503756888986, 0.072264406914247195, -0.61205856613486398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041101', 'WD0455-281', 74.305700000000002, -28.131599999999999, '2000-02-03 02:14:28', 19667, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 14, 13.67, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-01-24 09:14:15', '2000-11-04 12:17:45', 7, 0, '2000-02-03 02:14:28', '2000-02-03 21:01:13', -50.381, 68.031999999999996, -36.167200000000001, 229.29599999999999, 148.404, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 568140111, 0.23854913246763901, 0.84898977739077697, -0.47149832373498002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023701', 'HD093222', 161.15199999999999, -60.091299999999997, '2000-02-03 23:58:41', 3920, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.1099999999999994, 'O7II', 0.37, 13, 'PC', '2006-01-24 07:49:46', '2000-08-19 10:23:21', 4, 0, '2000-02-03 23:58:41', '2000-02-04 01:04:43', -59.245800000000003, 202.66, -1.01563, 287.738, 63.878100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 611672052, -0.47188287141221902, 0.16108329703803601, -0.86682104674673999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023801', 'HD093250', 161.18799999999999, -59.565100000000001, '2000-02-04 01:37:00', 4140, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.3700000000000001, 'O3VF', 0.47999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2006-01-24 07:59:36', '2001-01-12 07:38:44', 4, 15, '2000-02-04 01:37:00', '2000-02-04 02:46:42', -58.874000000000002, 201.93600000000001, -0.54188800000000004, 287.50799999999998, 63.8688, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 622866614, -0.47949954383757498, 0.163347032369765, -0.86220527397804103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1024001', 'HD093843', 162.15799999999999, -60.223799999999997, '2000-02-04 03:16:10', 4140, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.2999999999999998, 'O5II', 0.28000000000000003, 12, 'PC', '2006-01-24 08:10:30', '2000-08-19 10:41:57', 4, -9, '2000-02-04 03:16:10', '2000-02-04 04:25:52', -58.967399999999998, 203.511, -0.90226700000000004, 288.24299999999999, 63.0578, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 621457084, -0.47272885932879399, 0.15215897184506699, -0.86797181569723203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041102', 'WD0455-281', 74.305700000000002, -28.131599999999999, '2000-02-04 05:07:49', 10122, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.67, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-01-24 09:24:06', '2000-09-14 23:01:05', 7, 0, '2000-02-04 05:07:49', '2000-02-04 15:08:50', -50.381, 68.031999999999996, -36.167200000000001, 229.29599999999999, 149.38900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 568140111, 0.23854913246763901, 0.84898977739077697, -0.47149832373498002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023002', 'HD091597', 158.255, -60.844799999999999, '2000-02-04 15:42:24', 3995, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.8399999999999999, 'B1II', 0.29999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-01-24 07:38:20', '2000-08-19 08:45:28', 3, -15, '2000-02-04 15:42:24', '2000-02-04 17:35:10', -60.813099999999999, 201.887, -2.3688099999999999, 286.858, 67.310000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 611644724, -0.45251037196279098, 0.18048755975043601, -0.873303271516504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0460102', 'NGC1705', 73.556200000000004, -53.360900000000001, '2000-02-04 18:12:54', 8621, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.4, '', 0.080000000000000002, 89, 'PC', '2006-08-16 18:58:50', '2000-08-19 18:37:09', 14, 0, '2000-02-04 18:12:54', '2000-02-05 01:18:47', -74.551699999999997, 50.639299999999999, -38.743400000000001, 261.07999999999998, 147.28, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 556827653, 0.16893123953396599, 0.57236331974252197, -0.80241041027820503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1025701', 'HD104705', 180.84999999999999, -62.695900000000002, '2000-02-05 01:45:45', 4482, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 7.7599999999999998, 'B0IB', 0.26000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-01-24 08:42:48', '2000-08-23 19:53:41', 4, -17, '2000-02-05 01:45:45', '2000-02-05 03:39:12', -54.3461, 218.10499999999999, -0.33589599999999997, 297.45600000000002, 46.587000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 705177179, -0.45866266416151402, -0.0068048968271100102, -0.88858441010600298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1024501', 'HD099857', 172.113, -66.489199999999997, '2000-02-05 04:26:21', 4267, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.4500000000000002, 'B0.5', 0.33000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2006-01-24 08:32:10', '2000-09-03 23:22:45', 4, -10, '2000-02-05 04:26:21', '2000-02-05 06:25:05', -59.665399999999998, 218.51900000000001, -4.9399699999999998, 294.779, 54.9345, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 609642796, -0.39514837069132402, 0.054739987780806097, -0.91698489566499897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1025401', 'HD101436', 174.958, -63.4786, '2000-02-05 07:44:26', 4153, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 7.5599999999999996, 'O6.5', 0.38, 12, 'PC', '2006-01-24 08:42:19', '2000-10-04 07:02:23', 0, -3, '2000-02-05 07:44:26', '2000-02-05 11:16:57', -56.776699999999998, 215.72499999999999, -1.7092099999999999, 295.041, 52.261800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620909897, -0.44480420337707299, 0.039243900664829898, -0.89476764409465304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0460103', 'NGC1705', 73.556200000000004, -53.360900000000001, '2000-02-05 12:28:41', 15409, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.4, '', 0.080000000000000002, 89, 'PC', '2006-03-07 03:46:10', '2000-08-19 20:04:09', 13, 0, '2000-02-05 12:28:41', '2000-02-06 00:39:37', -74.551699999999997, 50.639299999999999, -38.743400000000001, 261.07999999999998, 147.99100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 556827653, 0.16893123953396599, 0.57236331974252197, -0.80241041027820503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023003', 'HD091597', 158.255, -60.844799999999999, '2000-02-06 01:01:51', 6048, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.8399999999999999, 'B1II', 0.29999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-03-03 08:15:06', '2000-08-19 09:40:13', 2, -15, '2000-02-06 01:01:51', '2000-02-06 03:08:11', -60.813099999999999, 201.887, -2.3688099999999999, 286.858, 68.587000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 611644724, -0.45251037196279098, 0.18048755975043601, -0.873303271516504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1180802', 'HD91824', 158.69399999999999, -58.156399999999998, '2000-02-06 03:38:50', 4649, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 8.1600000000000001, 'O7V', 0.26000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2006-03-03 14:16:13', '2000-08-19 23:28:02', 5, 0, '2000-02-06 03:38:50', '2000-02-06 05:30:39', -58.831299999999999, 198.244, 0.067181000000000005, 285.69799999999998, 68.051400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 622990958, -0.49154243684293297, 0.19170368907271801, -0.84949145279892102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1180902', 'HD93028', 160.81399999999999, -60.2012, '2000-02-06 07:00:38', 4447, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 8.3900000000000006, 'O9V', 0.23999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2006-03-03 15:17:02', '2000-08-20 00:21:36', 1, 0, '2000-02-06 07:00:38', '2000-02-06 10:31:26', -59.443899999999999, 202.59700000000001, -1.1916199999999999, 287.642, 66.281300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 611676656, -0.46935322181102102, 0.16331750332699599, -0.86777586177690502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1170401', 'HD92809', 160.41, -58.771900000000002, '2000-02-06 10:40:18', 6051, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.0800000000000001, 'WC6', 0.22, 10, 'PC', '2006-03-03 08:46:31', '2000-08-19 14:25:23', 3, 0, '2000-02-06 10:40:18', '2000-02-06 14:22:44', -58.615600000000001, 200.298, -0.0312441, 286.78199999999998, 66.716099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 622903937, -0.48843668811207402, 0.17382842977497701, -0.85511009741908395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0020503', 'IRAS09149-62', 139.03899999999999, -62.3249, '2000-02-06 15:06:24', 13157, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.5, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-03-03 11:53:09', '2000-08-19 16:46:45', 4, 0, '2000-02-06 15:06:24', '2000-02-06 19:43:25', -69.007800000000003, 191.74600000000001, -9.1952200000000008, 280.61399999999998, 88.015699999999995, 'F', 'F', 'FRANCOISE', 'COMBES', 'y', 616859029, -0.350737643733807, 0.30447268462247501, -0.88559555644031995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0930201', 'NOVAVEL1999', 161.20599999999999, -52.426400000000001, '2000-02-06 20:16:21', 11701, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.8000000000000007, 'OTR', 0.25, 55, 'PC', '2006-03-03 12:45:08', '2000-08-17 21:50:36', 1, 0, '2000-02-06 20:16:21', '2000-02-07 00:40:08', -53.640300000000003, 193.166, 5.7719300000000002, 284.17200000000003, 65.601399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN N.', 'SHORE', 'y', 623342947, -0.57726839751384396, 0.196450737647546, -0.79257069395072499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041103', 'WD0455-281', 74.305700000000002, -28.131599999999999, '2000-02-07 09:36:51', 17675, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.67, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-02-09 14:06:13', '2000-09-15 18:24:17', 7, 0, '2000-02-07 09:36:51', '2000-02-08 02:39:40', -50.381, 68.031999999999996, -36.167200000000001, 229.29599999999999, 151.79599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 568140111, 0.23854913246763901, 0.84898977739077697, -0.47149832373498002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1025001', 'HD101190', 174.542, -63.197099999999999, '2000-02-08 04:11:28', 3392, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 7.2699999999999996, 'O6VF', 0.35999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2006-02-07 23:46:42', '2000-10-04 06:00:34', 1, 7, '2000-02-08 04:11:28', '2000-02-08 06:44:11', -56.716999999999999, 215.119, -1.49044, 294.78300000000002, 55.059100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620954505, -0.44887831980076898, 0.042889993788150803, -0.89256299634574299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023004', 'HD091597', 158.255, -60.844799999999999, '2000-02-08 07:16:46', 6229, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.8399999999999999, 'B1II', 0.29999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-03-03 08:25:25', '2000-09-14 20:55:10', 2, -15, '2000-02-08 07:16:46', '2000-02-08 11:12:06', -60.813099999999999, 201.887, -2.3688099999999999, 286.858, 70.683400000000006, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 611644724, -0.45251037196279098, 0.18048755975043601, -0.873303271516504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0030102', 'CAL83', 85.889600000000002, -69.373099999999994, '2000-02-09 08:07:14', 20974, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2006-02-08 00:49:41', '2000-08-19 17:42:52', 0, 0, '2000-02-09 08:07:14', '2000-02-09 16:40:47', -86.7941, 296.84100000000001, -31.215599999999998, 279.73099999999999, 141.23599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542219312, 0.025250977132084601, 0.35137494215776399, -0.93589424518879405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174601', 'HDE269927', 84.742699999999999, -69.488600000000005, '2000-02-09 16:55:30', 7182, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.48, 'WN9', 0.19, 11, 'PC', '2006-02-08 00:38:39', '2000-08-28 22:42:46', 6, 0, '2000-02-09 16:55:30', '2000-02-09 19:21:22', -86.474999999999994, 301.47899999999998, -31.603899999999999, 279.916, 142.66999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542221842, 0.0321060503197707, 0.34891972678994498, -0.93660249080903801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1110101', 'SK-67.106', 81.563299999999998, -67.499499999999998, '2000-02-09 19:52:44', 11270, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.779999999999999, 'B0I', 0.14999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 22:22:18', '2000-09-14 17:37:07', 3, 0, '2000-02-09 19:52:44', '2000-02-09 23:00:47', -86.579400000000007, 340.22399999999999, -33.022599999999997, 277.767, 145.62100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542341626, 0.056147219037632499, 0.37855022114068698, -0.92387619293316403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1110201', 'SK-67.107', 81.586100000000002, -67.498699999999999, '2000-02-09 23:12:53', 11184, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.5, 'B0I', 0.12, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-22 19:40:07', '2000-08-19 22:54:05', 3, 0, '2000-02-09 23:12:53', '2000-02-10 02:19:30', -86.588099999999997, 340.20699999999999, -33.014099999999999, 277.76400000000001, 145.74299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542341625, 0.055998463711787697, 0.378585294981996, -0.92387084946182496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174701', 'HDE269582', 81.969800000000006, -68.985699999999994, '2000-02-10 23:15:19', 4612, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.880000000000001, 'WN10', 0.089999999999999997, 11, 'PC', '2006-02-08 00:38:56', '2000-08-18 20:07:16', 5, 0, '2000-02-10 23:15:19', '2000-02-11 00:32:11', -86.117999999999995, 317.726, -32.646500000000003, 279.48700000000002, 146.47399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542318649, 0.050094773638418501, 0.35508470849986601, -0.93349095520185998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173001', 'SK-67D111', 81.700000000000003, -67.492500000000007, '2000-02-11 00:46:58', 8005, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O7IB', 0.11, 13, 'PC', '2006-02-08 00:07:54', '2000-08-28 21:56:49', 8, 0, '2000-02-11 00:46:58', '2000-02-11 03:19:05', -86.632000000000005, 340.15499999999997, -32.971899999999998, 277.74900000000002, 146.70699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542342279, 0.055260183805178803, 0.37879479097366398, -0.92382943145205998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172801', 'BI229', 83.884200000000007, -66.043800000000005, '2000-02-11 04:21:31', 4464, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.949999999999999, 'O7II', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2006-02-08 00:17:42', '2000-08-28 21:17:10', 6, 0, '2000-02-11 04:21:31', '2000-02-11 05:35:54', -87.4893, 9.0605100000000007, -32.289999999999999, 275.91899999999998, 144.79300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542574286, 0.0432586023480733, 0.40372723614573203, -0.91385612221892998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0491001', 'SK-70.120', 87.8369, -70.285799999999995, '2000-09-28 10:25:13', 3609, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.59, 'B1IA', 0.14000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:31:44', '2001-04-05 17:49:01', 2, 0, '2000-09-28 10:25:13', '2000-09-28 11:25:22', -86.191400000000002, 281.05099999999999, -30.469000000000001, 280.72399999999999, 5.1088300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542188363, 0.012732214010913699, 0.33708820950136997, -0.94138697130433102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0491002', 'SK-70.120', 87.8369, -70.285799999999995, '2000-09-28 08:47:00', 3494, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.59, 'B1IA', 0.14000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:41:31', '2001-05-06 17:30:49', 2, 0, '2000-09-28 08:47:00', '2000-09-28 09:45:14', -86.191400000000002, 281.05099999999999, -30.469000000000001, 280.72399999999999, 5.0317100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542188363, 0.012732214010913699, 0.33708820950136997, -0.94138697130433102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173801', 'SK-66D169', 84.227099999999993, -66.640299999999996, '2000-02-11 18:44:16', 5176, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.56, 'O9.7', 0.16, 13, 'PC', '2006-02-08 00:18:23', '2000-10-04 16:19:19', 7, 0, '2000-02-11 18:44:16', '2000-02-11 22:20:29', -87.706800000000001, 355.36000000000001, -32.096800000000002, 276.60500000000002, 145.136, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542527846, 0.039882467856279698, 0.39449137081465702, -0.91803373963622104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1175001', 'HD37026', 82.550899999999999, -67.435699999999997, '2000-02-12 01:13:09', 8564, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.300000000000001, 'WC4', 0.080000000000000002, 10, 'PC', '2006-02-08 00:49:05', '2000-08-28 23:13:51', 8, 0, '2000-02-12 01:13:09', '2000-02-12 04:17:36', -86.962599999999995, 339.85899999999998, -32.656700000000001, 277.62900000000002, 146.96799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542515491, 0.049747522305694403, 0.38048157850224001, -0.92344948559457696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172601', 'SK-70D115', 87.207300000000004, -70.066000000000003, '2000-02-12 04:33:28', 5200, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.24, 'O6.5', 0.22, 13, 'PC', '2006-02-07 23:58:01', '2000-10-04 15:38:09', 6, 0, '2000-02-12 04:33:28', '2000-02-12 06:31:04', -86.346699999999998, 285.11099999999999, -30.698899999999998, 280.488, 142.92500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542190769, 0.016611330059396499, 0.34053255514198899, -0.94008597617565104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173901', 'SK-68D135', 84.452500000000001, -68.918899999999994, '2000-02-12 07:55:18', 7066, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.359999999999999, 'ON9.', 0.25, 13, 'PC', '2006-02-08 00:19:04', '2000-10-04 16:47:14', 8, 0, '2000-02-12 07:55:18', '2000-02-12 11:02:38', -86.843500000000006, 309.16000000000003, -31.772400000000001, 279.26499999999999, 145.56899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542227736, 0.034771475295489698, 0.358004397148941, -0.93307223521429405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1175101', 'HD37680', 83.580799999999996, -69.752799999999993, '2000-02-12 11:17:11', 7019, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.35, 'WC4', 0.050000000000000003, 10, 'PC', '2006-02-08 00:49:22', '2000-08-28 23:41:39', 7, 0, '2000-02-12 11:17:11', '2000-02-12 14:17:44', -86.017399999999995, 303.85500000000002, -31.971399999999999, 280.28500000000003, 146.56100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542178032, 0.038691432696617102, 0.34390151792770801, -0.93820824927246405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190102', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2000-02-14 19:50:13', 7881, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-02-07 23:35:28', '2001-04-26 16:44:44', 0, 0, '2000-02-14 19:50:13', '2000-02-15 06:05:25', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190103', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2000-02-15 07:30:06', 7932, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 17, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-02-07 23:46:23', '2001-04-26 16:58:30', 0, 0, '2000-02-15 07:30:06', '2000-02-15 14:36:51', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190105', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2000-02-16 08:29:52', 7757, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-02-16 07:56:50', '2001-04-26 17:13:19', 0, 0, '2000-02-16 08:29:52', '2000-02-16 15:35:59', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010202', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2000-02-17 06:10:18', 3450, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-02-16 08:06:43', '2000-10-07 13:53:23', 1, 0, '2000-02-17 06:10:18', '2000-02-17 09:39:53', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 183.03800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080401', 'MRK817', 219.09200000000001, 58.7943, '2000-02-17 11:07:46', 12119, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-16 08:27:52', '2000-09-15 05:58:03', 8, 0.031449999999999999, '2000-02-17 11:07:46', '2000-02-17 15:24:55', 66.161699999999996, 174.251, 53.478099999999998, 100.30200000000001, 345.57499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 188261166, -0.40212465544824599, -0.32670462405065498, 0.85531272064932495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080402', 'MRK817', 219.09200000000001, 58.7943, '2000-02-18 06:24:35', 12911, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-16 09:21:32', '2000-09-15 06:20:57', 8, 0.031449999999999999, '2000-02-18 06:24:35', '2000-02-18 11:08:34', 66.161699999999996, 174.251, 53.478099999999998, 100.30200000000001, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 188261166, -0.40212465544824599, -0.32670462405065498, 0.85531272064932495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1320101', 'PG1520+525', 230.44399999999999, 52.367699999999999, '2000-02-18 12:05:13', 4092, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.52, 'DOZ1', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-02-16 08:28:10', '2002-01-11 16:43:25', 4, 0, '2000-02-18 12:05:13', '2000-02-18 13:59:08', 66.043899999999994, 196.732, 52.349299999999999, 85.367800000000003, 356.23500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 185792036, -0.388844397049185, -0.47076775091608403, 0.79194555341946804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1014901', 'HD146813', 243.81200000000001, 55.799599999999998, '2000-02-18 14:15:48', 4670, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 9.0600000000000005, 'B1.5', 0.02, 20, 'PC', '2006-02-16 08:17:44', '2000-10-04 04:28:00', 1, 52, '2000-02-18 14:15:48', '2000-02-18 15:55:24', 73.630300000000005, 208.33699999999999, 43.810499999999998, 85.710599999999999, 6.1567400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 166435012, -0.24806001638038999, -0.50439116072088097, 0.82707665017216103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1073201', 'PG1626+554', 246.98400000000001, 55.375599999999999, '2000-02-18 16:03:43', 9368, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.170000000000002, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-02-16 08:27:44', '2000-10-04 14:09:05', 6, 0.13300000000000001, '2000-02-18 16:03:43', '2000-02-18 18:46:29', 74.368300000000005, 214.46299999999999, 42.188600000000001, 84.516900000000007, 8.7053799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 166496330, -0.222157222147355, -0.52296353312133503, 0.82289447177206199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1014801', 'MRK1383', 217.27699999999999, 1.2851699999999999, '2000-02-18 19:13:58', 25051, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 15, 'SYFT', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-16 07:14:22', '2000-11-04 06:15:26', 11, 0.086470000000000005, '2000-02-18 19:13:58', '2000-02-19 15:54:48', 15.1557, 214.495, 55.125700000000002, 349.22000000000003, 9.7083100000000009, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 425423045, -0.79551651200884699, -0.60551667070257398, 0.022428567108668501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1090202', 'WD1501+664', 225.53999999999999, 66.205200000000005, '2000-02-19 16:27:34', 11296, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.9, 'PG11', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-02-16 07:24:34', '2000-11-25 09:38:26', 1, 0, '2000-02-19 16:27:34', '2000-02-19 19:36:03', 72.561499999999995, 160.55500000000001, 46.009399999999999, 104.65300000000001, 346.59100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 191537677, -0.28258946273222602, -0.28796698983489399, 0.91499628869091099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010501', 'HZ43', 199.09100000000001, 29.098700000000001, '2000-02-19 20:03:16', 6092, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 12.914, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-02-16 08:17:14', '2000-10-08 06:17:21', 2, 0, '2000-02-19 20:03:16', '2000-02-19 22:31:19', 34.046500000000002, 184.75999999999999, 84.162499999999994, 54.111400000000003, 345.07499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 170179862, -0.82572544018400196, -0.28578782053037999, 0.48631555503544299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0520101', 'MRK54', 194.233, 32.447800000000001, '2000-02-19 23:46:00', 27136, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 15.5, 'GAL', 0, 88, 'EC', '2006-02-16 06:22:26', '2000-08-28 18:00:29', 7, 0.043999999999999997, '2000-02-19 23:46:00', '2000-02-20 18:28:58', 35.084800000000001, 178.38499999999999, 84.548599999999993, 110.643, 338.06599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN-MICHEL', 'DEHARVENG', 'y', 170653440, -0.81797676720247503, -0.20748130135015, 0.53653100367735995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1012002', 'TON951', 131.92699999999999, 34.751300000000001, '2000-02-20 19:36:34', 30962, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 14, 'SYFT', 0.059999999999999998, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-16 07:04:18', '2000-11-04 04:06:28', 12, 0.064000000000000001, '2000-02-20 19:36:34', '2000-02-21 22:27:14', 16.249300000000002, 124.879, 37.965000000000003, 188.565, 222.77000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 83419446, -0.54900206316601696, 0.61129303338994601, 0.57001540502724601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011703', 'MRK79', 115.637, 49.809699999999999, '2000-02-22 02:43:35', 12498, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.9, 'SYFT', 0.11, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-16 07:03:22', '2000-10-04 03:57:30', 1, 0.022190000000000001, '2000-02-22 02:43:35', '2000-02-22 13:20:34', 27.997900000000001, 108.434, 28.381699999999999, 168.60400000000001, 214.43899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 114321243, -0.27921295893917902, 0.58179792787186302, 0.76390529169814902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071103', 'MRK9', 114.238, 58.770400000000002, '2000-02-22 14:25:04', 10664, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.289999999999999, 'SYFT', 0.10000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-16 07:14:55', '2000-08-28 19:11:43', 8, 0.039870000000000003, '2000-02-22 14:25:04', '2000-02-23 05:42:08', 36.618000000000002, 105.378, 28.746600000000001, 158.36500000000001, 217.55699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 126378768, -0.21284591461717201, 0.47276479446022501, 0.85509652422972704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0531302', 'HS-1310+4308', 198.203, 42.876800000000003, '2000-02-23 07:10:24', 3962, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.5, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2006-02-16 06:22:35', '2000-08-28 19:31:00', 3, 2.6000000000000001, '2000-02-23 07:10:24', '2000-02-23 09:20:16', 45.670900000000003, 175.023, 73.663600000000002, 108.892, 328.56200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 177703042, -0.69614508358002103, -0.228921248671657, 0.68042419453894698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1120201', 'A1795', 207.21899999999999, 26.5931, '2000-02-23 10:37:00', 37008, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 99, '', 0.02, 90, 'EE', '2006-02-16 09:32:27', '2000-09-15 09:38:38', 2, 0.063100000000000003, '2000-02-23 10:37:00', '2000-02-24 12:10:27', 34.987900000000003, 193.92699999999999, 77.186000000000007, 33.8123, 348.58999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'OEGERLE', 'y', 168957520, -0.79518778509993104, -0.40900440981636299, 0.44765140363751299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080101', 'PG1259+593', 195.304, 59.035200000000003, '2000-02-25 01:25:20', 52407, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 15.6, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-02-16 09:21:14', '2000-09-04 13:46:47', 19, 0.4778, '2000-02-25 01:25:20', '2000-02-25 18:58:09', 57.218600000000002, 156.43100000000001, 58.047699999999999, 120.557, 313.46699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 183791105, -0.49626628126394101, -0.13580033121450799, 0.85748355559887501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I9040901', 'AD_LEO-SNAP', 154.66300000000001, 21.028600000000001, '2000-02-25 19:32:43', 129, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.4299999999999997, 'M3VE', 0, 48, 'PE', '2006-02-16 09:10:41', '2001-01-06 06:57:50', 0, 0, '2000-02-25 19:32:43', '2000-02-25 19:34:52', 9.8070400000000006, 148.88399999999999, 54.7331, 214.434, 250.79400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'OEGERLE', 'y', 72860652, -0.84361416883745999, 0.39944130450440402, 0.35883391477464999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0360101', 'MKN1450', 174.649, 57.874099999999999, '2000-02-25 19:59:15', 15785, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15, '', 0.10000000000000001, 88, 'EC', '2006-02-22 05:06:49', '2000-09-02 18:25:28', 3, 0.0033999999999999998, '2000-02-25 19:59:15', '2000-02-26 01:53:04', 49.223999999999997, 144.16300000000001, 56.692500000000003, 140.55000000000001, 288.69499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'TRINH XUAN', 'THUAN', 'y', 98486163, -0.529463998991486, 0.049592270685929203, 0.84688162127900601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1330301', 'NGC2371', 111.395, 29.490600000000001, '2000-02-26 05:04:45', 5262, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.800000000000001, 'WC8-', 0.050000000000000003, 70, 'PC', '2006-02-22 04:45:38', '2000-09-04 08:35:12', 2, 0, '2000-02-26 05:04:45', '2000-02-26 10:13:51', 7.4277199999999999, 108.676, 19.8428, 189.15799999999999, 192.517, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 103095920, -0.31753133663834499, 0.81045265224058705, 0.49228076209503102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1042101', 'WD1202+608', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2000-02-26 12:00:38', 13760, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.609999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-02-22 06:30:16', '2000-09-15 03:49:17', 7, 0, '2000-02-26 12:00:38', '2000-02-26 19:46:10', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 294.952, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1073301', 'MRK501', 253.46799999999999, 39.760199999999998, '2000-02-26 20:37:56', 11561, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.15, 'BLLA', 0.040000000000000001, 87, 'PC', '2006-02-22 06:51:47', '2000-09-04 07:53:35', 9, 0.033660000000000002, '2000-02-26 20:37:56', '2000-02-27 02:27:53', 61.635399999999997, 242.584, 38.859200000000001, 63.601799999999997, 6.9045399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 157491139, -0.21874216789474499, -0.73694950871593701, 0.63957586382543197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1190101', 'HD31293', 73.941000000000003, 30.551200000000001, '2000-02-27 12:45:04', 14210, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 7.0999999999999996, 'A0PE', 0.19, 34, 'PC', '2006-02-22 04:15:12', '2000-09-15 12:22:33', 2, 0, '2000-02-27 12:45:04', '2000-02-28 12:29:38', 7.88422, 76.084100000000007, -7.9811399999999999, 172.501, 172.25399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 18267601, 0.238224387471065, 0.82756993477492602, 0.50830811942232601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S3120101', 'BD+67922', 240.42099999999999, 66.802800000000005, '2000-02-28 14:21:02', 21, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.8000000000000007, 'K3II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2006-02-22 04:56:07', '2001-01-04 10:45:48', 0, 0, '2000-02-28 14:21:02', '2000-02-28 14:24:36', 78.398799999999994, 165.21199999999999, 40.9711, 100.289, 351.06099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 191265163, -0.19443667258588199, -0.34256272479587002, 0.91915458979116205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1073001', 'MRK487', 234.268, 55.263300000000001, '2000-02-28 15:48:56', 14442, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.449999999999999, 'COMP', 0.029999999999999999, 82, 'PC', '2006-02-22 06:31:17', '2000-09-15 05:33:49', 3, 0.0022200000000000002, '2000-02-28 15:48:56', '2000-02-28 21:47:16', 69.711399999999998, 196.32900000000001, 49.030900000000003, 87.846400000000003, 348.31700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 186051867, -0.33276368011748603, -0.46254430367353999, 0.82177922846335505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080501', 'HS1543+5921', 236.08500000000001, 59.2074, '2000-02-28 22:36:47', 8539, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.399999999999999, 'QSO', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2006-02-22 07:01:47', '2000-09-15 06:44:17', 4, 0, '2000-02-28 22:36:47', '2000-02-29 02:45:50', 73.162400000000005, 189.553, 46.360199999999999, 92.400800000000004, 348.54000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 189400127, -0.285638757062052, -0.42483501905027299, 0.85902602233727499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1220501', 'HD035215', 81.118200000000002, 30.1922, '2000-02-29 04:48:44', 10125, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 9.4000000000000004, 'B1V', 0.34000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2006-02-22 04:45:08', '2000-09-15 14:26:14', 0, -19, '2000-02-29 04:48:44', '2000-02-29 15:10:08', 6.9906100000000002, 82.273099999999999, -3.1893199999999999, 176.45699999999999, 175.488, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 401235651, 0.133451622052358, 0.85397889786164205, 0.50290228333008202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1060102', '3C351.0', 256.173, 60.741100000000003, '2000-02-29 16:55:16', 19404, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.300000000000001, '', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-02-22 04:55:49', '2000-12-15 09:49:02', 4, 0.371, '2000-02-29 16:55:16', '2000-03-01 01:55:50', 81.576599999999999, 217.11799999999999, 36.381999999999998, 90.084999999999994, 4.9547400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'VINCENT', 'LE BRUN', 'y', 167403448, -0.116808500728887, -0.47459345620288901, 0.872420096906797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0540707', 'HD33959C', 78.848299999999995, 32.684699999999999, '2000-03-01 04:08:24', 6346, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.9, 'A2', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-02-22 05:17:34', '2000-09-14 16:38:37', 0, 0, '2000-03-01 04:08:24', '2000-03-01 11:08:57', 9.6124100000000006, 80.497, -3.3578299999999999, 173.30000000000001, 174.654, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 21036533, 0.162782260185733, 0.82576334406973095, 0.54001558807093597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011301', 'HD034656', 80.179400000000001, 37.438600000000001, '2000-03-01 12:31:29', 4179, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.79, 'O7II', 0.34000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2006-02-22 05:48:56', '2000-11-04 02:09:56', 2, 0, '2000-03-01 12:31:29', '2000-03-01 17:50:56', 14.272500000000001, 81.967100000000002, 0.27018700000000001, 170.03899999999999, 176.172, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 21824353, 0.135428536942091, 0.78237040658138302, 0.60791089666776499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1860401', 'HD129333', 219.755, 64.292400000000001, '2000-03-01 19:29:09', 10258, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.54, 'G0V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2006-02-22 04:45:46', '2000-10-04 17:09:57', 1, 0, '2000-03-01 19:29:09', '2000-03-01 23:47:09', 69.555800000000005, 162.696, 49.0383, 105.517, 329.85599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 194261135, -0.33348292993116702, -0.27740406065295498, 0.90101949067585396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1042201', 'HD109540', 188.279, 82.563900000000004, '2000-03-02 00:49:26', 20531, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.449999999999999, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-02-22 06:51:37', '2000-09-15 05:05:22', 0, -41, '2000-03-02 00:49:26', '2000-03-02 11:34:28', 66.516900000000007, 108.748, 34.538499999999999, 123.652, 293.23399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 200250411, -0.12807164963984399, -0.018635695959961, 0.99158981610069796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1260112', 'U-GEM', 118.77200000000001, 22.0016, '2000-03-05 16:36:37', 2883, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 9.0999999999999996, 'CV', 0.029999999999999999, 54, 'PC', '2006-02-22 05:18:00', '2000-09-06 17:33:02', 1, 0, '2000-03-05 16:36:37', '2000-03-05 18:43:43', 1.17117, 116.511, 23.394500000000001, 199.22399999999999, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 78488905, -0.44627207873321501, 0.81270642475024701, 0.37463248512749903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1110505', 'NGC4151', 182.63499999999999, 39.405799999999999, '2000-03-05 21:50:04', 21522, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 12.5, '', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-22 04:14:40', '2000-09-15 07:47:01', 6, 0.0033, '2000-03-05 21:50:04', '2000-03-06 11:47:48', 36.623699999999999, 164.09700000000001, 75.062700000000007, 155.08000000000001, 294.685, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'KRISS', 'y', 178791642, -0.771852352005858, -0.035522093394235899, 0.63480873307155705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010401', 'GD153', 194.25999999999999, 22.031300000000002, '2000-03-06 12:33:26', 6319, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.346, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-02-22 05:38:03', '2000-04-11 08:49:35', 5, 0, '2000-03-06 12:33:26', '2000-03-06 15:03:19', 25.784300000000002, 183.83799999999999, 84.746799999999993, 317.255, 328.96199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 459188653, -0.89841693189460603, -0.22833575822940699, 0.37511304695902697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1022201', 'HD065079', 119.267, 2.95086, '2000-03-07 05:10:07', 4410, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.8300000000000001, 'B2VN', 0.059999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-05 05:30:45', '2000-10-04 05:32:16', 0, -8, '2000-03-07 05:10:07', '2000-03-07 09:02:18', -17.416399999999999, 120.776, 15.9336, 217.874, 172.97, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 359523866, -0.48823186598526203, 0.87119430121665198, 0.0514794576911786); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1260102', 'U-GEM', 118.77200000000001, 22.0016, '2000-03-07 10:11:18', 6248, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 9.0999999999999996, 'CV', 0.029999999999999999, 54, 'PC', '2006-05-05 02:50:43', '2000-09-09 20:39:04', 1, 0, '2000-03-07 10:11:18', '2000-03-07 14:04:01', 1.17117, 116.511, 23.394500000000001, 199.22399999999999, 189.50200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 78488905, -0.44627207873321501, 0.81270642475024701, 0.37463248512749903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1140201', 'PG0839+399', 130.803, 39.747100000000003, '2000-03-07 15:04:55', 5338, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.6, 'SDOB', 0.029999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2006-05-05 07:27:19', '2000-09-15 10:05:57', 0, 0, '2000-03-07 15:04:55', '2000-03-07 17:34:11', 20.801100000000002, 122.511, 37.749400000000001, 182.142, 213.31299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 106034022, -0.50242871608435702, 0.58200765848567204, 0.639400086579483); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0530501', 'HS-0834+1509', 129.304, 14.988300000000001, '2000-03-07 18:40:11', 4807, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2006-05-05 01:59:50', '2000-10-03 17:05:41', 3, 2.5099999999999998, '2000-03-07 18:40:11', '2000-03-08 00:06:26', -3.4426999999999999, 127.806, 30.051200000000001, 210.68100000000001, 187.97900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 76549853, -0.61188459005685503, 0.74747041144724702, 0.25862179425144799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071201', 'IR07546+3928', 119.5, 39.3414, '2000-03-09 00:56:34', 15290, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14.359999999999999, 'SYFT', 0.10000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-05 07:37:18', '2000-10-04 13:22:40', 3, 0.096000000000000002, '2000-03-09 00:56:34', '2000-03-09 12:52:06', 18.292899999999999, 113.64700000000001, 29.089099999999998, 180.923, 201.678, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 107073426, -0.38083168915996701, 0.67311773178591505, 0.63393985809929199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1260103', 'U-GEM', 118.77200000000001, 22.0016, '2000-03-09 13:50:17', 7868, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 9.0999999999999996, 'CV', 0.029999999999999999, 54, 'PC', '2006-05-05 03:11:38', '2000-10-03 18:05:34', 1, 0, '2000-03-09 13:50:17', '2000-03-09 21:04:11', 1.17117, 116.511, 23.394500000000001, 199.22399999999999, 189.43000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 78488905, -0.44627207873321501, 0.81270642475024701, 0.37463248512749903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1510101', 'HD47240', 99.469399999999993, 4.9569700000000001, '2000-03-15 09:47:36', 4641, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 6.2000000000000002, 'B1II', 0.38, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-05 08:08:39', '2000-11-04 22:02:26', 2, 0, '2000-03-15 09:47:36', '2000-03-15 13:28:05', -18.156600000000001, 99.9328, -0.74692099999999995, 206.977, 176.74100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 364486433, -0.16390550714093199, 0.98268444484887796, 0.086407560901386196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021602', 'HD047417', 99.699799999999996, 6.9018899999999999, '2000-03-15 14:47:04', 4079, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.9699999999999998, 'B0IV', 0.31, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-12 01:54:46', '2000-11-04 08:23:22', 1, 0, '2000-03-15 14:47:04', '2000-03-15 18:34:10', -16.200500000000002, 100.03100000000001, 0.34898299999999999, 205.35400000000001, 177.316, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 364788153, -0.167264984977882, 0.97856103297719699, 0.120169586580587); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0010201', 'HS0713+3958', 109.261, 39.889899999999997, '2000-03-15 19:58:21', 5249, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.199999999999999, 'DO', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-05-05 01:20:51', '2000-10-03 15:45:19', 0, 0, '2000-03-15 19:58:21', '2000-03-16 01:25:06', 17.473800000000001, 105.38800000000001, 21.626899999999999, 178.042, 191.59100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KLAUS', 'WERNER', 'y', 110396889, -0.25310351541985499, 0.72433035793026401, 0.64131438706981003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021301', 'HD045314', 96.815899999999999, 14.8895, '2000-03-16 02:43:28', 5516, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.6399999999999997, 'O9PE', 0.46000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-05 05:30:15', '2000-10-12 05:47:09', 1, -2, '2000-03-16 02:43:28', '2000-03-16 07:46:10', -8.3926300000000005, 96.657600000000002, 1.52458, 196.96100000000001, 178.62799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 390777783, -0.114694638735367, 0.959593097421932, 0.256955691171739); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021601', 'HD047417', 99.699799999999996, 6.9018899999999999, '2000-03-16 09:06:39', 5085, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.9699999999999998, 'B0IV', 0.31, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-12 01:44:05', '2000-10-12 07:28:11', 2, 0, '2000-03-16 09:06:39', '2000-03-16 12:53:21', -16.200500000000002, 100.03100000000001, 0.34898299999999999, 205.35400000000001, 177.52600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 364788153, -0.167264984977882, 0.97856103297719699, 0.120169586580587); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S3120102', 'BD+67922', 240.42099999999999, 66.802800000000005, '2000-03-16 15:57:00', 2388, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.8000000000000007, 'K3II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2006-05-05 08:19:35', '2001-04-26 20:06:50', 1, 0, '2000-03-16 15:57:00', '2000-03-16 16:36:47', 78.398799999999994, 165.21199999999999, 40.9711, 100.289, 333.68400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 191265163, -0.19443667258588199, -0.34256272479587002, 0.91915458979116205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1072901', 'MRK290', 233.96799999999999, 57.9026, '2000-03-16 17:33:34', 12769, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.210000000000001, 'SYFT', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-05 07:37:28', '2000-10-04 13:52:20', 15, 0.029579999999999999, '2000-03-16 17:33:34', '2000-03-16 23:28:02', 71.471999999999994, 190.38300000000001, 47.953299999999999, 91.491, 329.61500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 186585350, -0.31256569386848498, -0.42970487902367899, 0.84714603461254401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1014401', 'HD121800', 208.815, 66.116799999999998, '2000-03-17 00:32:21', 3987, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 9.1099999999999994, 'B1.5', 0.080000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-05 05:19:32', '2000-11-04 04:34:29', 4, 13, '2000-03-17 00:32:21', '2000-03-17 02:44:31', 66.425700000000006, 152.49799999999999, 49.763800000000003, 113.012, 302.00999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 194573800, -0.354742273267245, -0.19514217229216599, 0.914372709648687); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5130201', 'WD1202+608', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2000-03-17 03:37:03', 7097, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.609999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-05-05 08:50:01', '2004-05-26 15:25:06', 1, 0, '2000-03-17 03:37:03', '2000-03-17 10:58:28', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 272.22899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1260105', 'U-GEM', 118.77200000000001, 22.0016, '2000-03-17 11:43:20', 12939, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.0999999999999996, 'CV', 0.029999999999999999, 54, 'PC', '2006-05-19 05:04:08', '2000-10-03 18:56:24', 2, 0, '2000-03-17 11:43:20', '2000-03-17 20:40:11', 1.17117, 116.511, 23.394500000000001, 199.22399999999999, 189.19900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 78488905, -0.44627207873321501, 0.81270642475024701, 0.37463248512749903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1190301', 'HD39060', 86.821200000000005, -51.066499999999998, '2000-03-18 02:55:22', 5797, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 3.8500000000000001, 'A5V', 0.02, 31, 'PC', '2006-05-19 13:18:55', '2000-11-25 11:14:09', 0, 0, '2000-03-18 02:55:22', '2000-03-18 13:06:32', -74.423699999999997, 82.543499999999995, -30.611699999999999, 258.36599999999999, 177.90199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MAGALI A.-M.', 'DELEUIL', 'y', 557952421, 0.034847076622894102, 0.62745106250650295, -0.77787585475466403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1170701', 'HD115473', 199.61699999999999, -58.1372, '2000-03-19 13:32:33', 4196, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.9800000000000004, 'WC5', 0.53000000000000003, 10, 'PC', '2006-05-25 21:34:55', '2001-09-20 00:27:21', 1, 0, '2000-03-19 13:32:33', '2000-03-19 14:42:35', -45.131900000000002, 225.18299999999999, 4.5471899999999996, 306.50599999999997, 64.011499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 705750795, -0.49724733671864602, -0.17722807286468301, -0.84931460385117796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1025501', 'HD102552', 176.98699999999999, -60.565199999999997, '2000-03-19 15:26:50', 4640, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.6899999999999995, 'B1II', 0.29999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-19 08:24:46', '2000-12-15 01:17:30', 1, 33, '2000-03-19 15:26:50', '2000-03-19 17:45:19', -54.029800000000002, 213.33000000000001, 1.3508800000000001, 295.20699999999999, 90.252700000000004, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 621120991, -0.49075347633605498, 0.025830955458377401, -0.87091548798042695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1161302', 'HD73882', 129.78999999999999, -40.4193, '2000-03-19 18:52:04', 13627, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 7.21, 'O9II', 0.71999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-25 21:34:32', '2001-11-11 20:01:23', 6, 0, '2000-03-19 18:52:04', '2000-03-20 06:54:45', -55.850099999999998, 150.22, 0.64324499999999996, 260.18299999999999, 148.56200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 643588508, -0.48722618850334798, 0.58499461668557995, -0.64837638735952696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1201301', 'HD108639', 187.28999999999999, -60.8048, '2000-03-20 08:08:06', 4980, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.7999999999999998, 'B1II', 0.34000000000000002, 74, 'PC', '2006-05-19 04:42:32', '2001-01-06 05:28:56', 1, 0, '2000-03-20 08:08:06', '2000-03-20 10:27:06', -50.923699999999997, 219.864, 1.9496800000000001, 300.21800000000002, 79.152600000000007, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 705251780, -0.48384355622599001, -0.061895958532353801, -0.87296294504173999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('X0240102', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.684399999999997, '2000-03-20 11:21:10', 23160, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 10, '', 0, 61, 'PC', '2006-05-19 15:01:43', '2000-10-05 01:15:15', 1, 0, '2000-03-20 11:21:10', '2000-03-21 04:42:35', -58.927500000000002, 202.155, -0.62938799999999995, 287.59800000000001, 109.13200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801745351236902, 0.16212550780760199, -0.86325815018201701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221501', 'CPD-592603', 161.197, -59.731099999999998, '2000-03-21 05:39:59', 5598, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.7699999999999996, 'O7V', 0.46000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 11:14:45', '2002-01-24 20:02:01', 3, 0, '2000-03-21 05:39:59', '2000-03-21 09:12:16', -58.984299999999998, 202.17599999999999, -0.68656600000000001, 287.58999999999997, 110.04600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 622863658, -0.477158479321453, 0.16246587623928799, -0.86366927968374496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221401', 'CPD-592600', 161.173, -59.781999999999996, '2000-03-21 09:18:30', 5298, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.6099999999999994, 'O6VF', 0.53000000000000003, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 10:32:52', '2000-12-21 13:59:56', 2, 0, '2000-03-21 09:18:30', '2000-03-21 12:45:44', -59.027700000000003, 202.232, -0.73718600000000001, 287.60300000000001, 110.229, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 622863464, -0.476363986130039, 0.16241806564112601, -0.86411673092915797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1201101', 'HD106943', 184.52799999999999, -61.469900000000003, '2000-03-21 12:57:33', 6030, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.5, 'B7IV', 0.11, 74, 'PC', '2006-05-19 04:42:11', '2001-01-03 22:09:17', 0, 0, '2000-03-21 12:57:33', '2000-03-21 16:20:25', -52.285400000000003, 218.892, 1.14499, 298.964, 83.607399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 705198017, -0.47612966161980902, -0.037706348125715397, -0.87856631886091996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1201601', 'HD144965', 242.54400000000001, -40.128999999999998, '2000-03-21 17:54:33', 1195, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7, 'B3VN', 0.41999999999999998, 74, 'PC', '2006-05-25 21:24:14', '2001-12-15 13:50:57', 0, 0, '2000-03-21 17:54:33', '2000-03-22 00:29:15', -18.7502, 248.143, 8.4176000000000002, 339.04399999999998, 16.541399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 698118297, -0.35252988390117601, -0.67847522229127599, -0.64451070875000005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1201501', 'HD140037', 235.667, -32.185899999999997, '2000-03-22 01:59:51', 7682, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 7.5, 'B5II', 0.059999999999999998, 74, 'PC', '2006-06-19 19:17:59', '2001-04-27 16:57:37', 0, 0, '2000-03-22 01:59:51', '2000-03-22 10:36:22', -12.164199999999999, 240.77199999999999, 18.041699999999999, 340.15100000000001, 17.975200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 700393614, -0.47732837647788001, -0.69887223616666505, -0.53266801905539396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1140101', 'SMSTAR', 225.721, -41.987900000000003, '2000-03-22 11:48:51', 20524, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.699999999999999, 'SDOB', 0.11, 16, 'PC', '2006-05-19 09:50:52', '2000-10-04 15:06:00', 0, 0, '2000-03-22 11:48:51', '2000-03-22 21:13:58', -23.7088, 235.47499999999999, 14.5145, 327.55399999999997, 31.824999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 699043589, -0.51892737703166403, -0.53215470709145696, -0.66897365051804702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1026201', 'HD124314', 213.75700000000001, -61.706800000000001, '2000-03-22 22:00:16', 4382, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 6.6399999999999997, 'O6VN', 0.53000000000000003, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 08:46:18', '2000-10-04 08:00:29', 3, 0, '2000-03-22 22:00:16', '2000-03-23 00:05:06', -44.676699999999997, 236.346, -0.424707, 312.66699999999997, 52.460099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 681553623, -0.39407087546671898, -0.26337938621340801, -0.88053361322935397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1025801', 'HD114441', 197.87299999999999, -55.356699999999996, '2000-03-23 01:05:51', 4382, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 8.0199999999999996, 'B2IV', 0.35999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-19 08:26:14', '2000-10-04 07:31:35', 1, -8, '2000-03-23 01:05:51', '2000-03-23 02:52:24', -43.268500000000003, 222.011, 7.4034300000000002, 305.80500000000001, 68.740200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 706268708, -0.54103100662207204, -0.174466743947775, -0.82270699834738803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1024901', 'HD101131', 174.452, -63.3232, '2000-03-23 03:09:30', 4302, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.1600000000000001, 'O6VF', 0.34000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 08:04:23', '2000-11-04 09:36:09', 1, -8, '2000-03-23 03:09:30', '2000-03-23 04:54:54', -56.833500000000001, 215.23400000000001, -1.6228100000000001, 294.77999999999997, 96.653400000000005, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620910562, -0.446854105004303, 0.043405013510970397, -0.89355325171078404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1025201', 'HD101298', 174.76400000000001, -63.429600000000001, '2000-03-23 05:05:15', 4565, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 8.0500000000000007, 'O6VF', 0.38, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 08:14:24', '2000-10-04 06:32:48', 2, 1, '2000-03-23 05:05:15', '2000-03-23 07:41:08', -56.805700000000002, 215.55099999999999, -1.68598, 294.94400000000002, 96.383600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620910005, -0.44543063611919498, 0.040819569962665399, -0.89438543766907996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221402', 'CPD-592600', 161.173, -59.781999999999996, '2000-03-23 07:51:17', 4257, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.6099999999999994, 'O6VF', 0.53000000000000003, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 10:43:21', '2002-01-25 18:58:37', 1, 0, '2000-03-23 07:51:17', '2000-03-23 10:09:32', -59.027700000000003, 202.232, -0.73718600000000001, 287.60300000000001, 112.374, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 622863464, -0.476363986130039, 0.16241806564112601, -0.86411673092915797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1140102', 'SMSTAR', 225.721, -41.987900000000003, '2000-03-23 11:11:55', 23160, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16.699999999999999, 'SDOB', 0.11, 16, 'PC', '2006-05-19 09:51:22', '2000-11-04 15:39:43', 0, 0, '2000-03-23 11:11:55', '2000-03-23 22:13:37', -23.7088, 235.47499999999999, 14.5145, 327.55399999999997, 32.374000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 699043589, -0.51892737703166403, -0.53215470709145696, -0.66897365051804702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221901', 'HDE308813', 174.494, -63.316299999999998, '2000-03-23 22:59:02', 4257, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 9.2799999999999994, 'O9.5', 0.34000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 11:25:18', '2000-10-12 09:55:55', 5, -11, '2000-03-23 22:59:02', '2000-03-24 00:43:38', -56.815100000000001, 215.24799999999999, -1.61093, 294.79599999999999, 97.459299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620910543, -0.44699291133006602, 0.043087765441095903, -0.89349917833759895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1024701', 'HD100213', 172.79400000000001, -65.742400000000004, '2000-03-24 00:56:10', 4561, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 8.2200000000000006, 'O8.5', 0.34000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 07:53:22', '2000-12-21 06:20:37', 1, 0, '2000-03-24 00:56:10', '2000-03-24 02:46:01', -58.978299999999997, 217.73099999999999, -4.1444700000000001, 294.80900000000003, 99.233900000000006, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 609691165, -0.40759480079170202, 0.0515345628298556, -0.91170755574444395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1170501', 'HD96548', 166.572, -65.509699999999995, '2000-03-24 03:45:28', 4618, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 7.7000000000000002, 'WN8', 0.35999999999999999, 11, 'PC', '2006-05-25 21:34:49', '2000-10-12 08:25:28', 2, 0, '2000-03-24 03:45:28', '2000-03-24 05:36:06', -60.836199999999998, 214.166, -4.8286699999999998, 292.31599999999997, 106.179, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 610021019, -0.40320672173253302, 0.096265642053149705, -0.91003146413176195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221801', 'HD100199', 172.779, -62.946800000000003, '2000-03-24 05:49:00', 4623, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 8.1400000000000006, 'B0II', 0.29999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-19 11:24:59', '2000-10-12 09:14:12', 1, -22, '2000-03-24 05:49:00', '2000-03-24 08:41:20', -57.122599999999998, 213.77799999999999, -1.48481, 293.947, 99.757000000000005, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620919763, -0.45121032095062502, 0.057169143675233902, -0.89058460310016296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1025301', 'HD101413', 174.941, -63.477600000000002, '2000-03-24 08:52:52', 4161, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 8.3499999999999996, 'O8V', 0.35999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 08:15:33', '2000-12-21 06:33:13', 1, -21, '2000-03-24 08:52:52', '2000-03-24 10:46:18', -56.781500000000001, 215.714, -1.7102999999999999, 295.03300000000002, 97.402600000000007, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620909898, -0.44480809563631202, 0.039377252092586502, -0.89475985050405304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5130301', 'HD092702', 160.251, -57.6008, '2000-03-24 13:53:37', 4143, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.1400000000000006, 'B1IA', 0.38, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-19 13:28:56', '2002-01-19 18:40:58', 3, 0, '2000-03-24 13:53:37', '2000-03-24 17:50:11', -57.852400000000003, 198.60300000000001, 0.95698499999999997, 286.14800000000002, 115.242, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 622961060, -0.50429939218450803, 0.18105204658834401, -0.84433540697314602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1490101', 'NGC5189-STAR', 203.387, -65.974100000000007, '2000-03-24 18:44:39', 14171, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.800000000000001, 'PNCS', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-05-19 05:14:19', '2000-10-11 18:36:46', 0, 0, '2000-03-24 18:44:39', '2000-03-24 23:30:45', -50.6877, 233.85300000000001, -3.4520900000000001, 307.20699999999999, 66.194900000000004, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK', 'BRUHWEILER', 'y', 682624859, -0.373700071439653, -0.16161380356712901, -0.91336150296723295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1180404', 'HD97471', 168.029, -58.804000000000002, '2000-03-24 23:48:44', 4194, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 9.3000000000000007, 'B0V', 0.28999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-19 03:52:24', '2000-10-11 21:03:54', 3, 0, '2000-03-24 23:48:44', '2000-03-25 01:32:24', -55.8476, 205.501, 1.6231199999999999, 290.36500000000001, 106.65300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 621588668, -0.50670290698345199, 0.107435003940223, -0.85540042318371801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1222001', 'HD118571', 204.816, -60.983699999999999, '2000-03-25 01:51:13', 4434, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 8.7599999999999998, 'B0.5', 0.26000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-19 11:46:36', '2000-11-04 20:36:34', 1, -53, '2000-03-25 01:51:13', '2000-03-25 03:06:07', -46.165300000000002, 230.529, 1.3514999999999999, 308.702, 63.963900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 683220678, -0.44026827589344603, -0.20358171841772099, -0.87448174890497299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1024601', 'HD099890', 172.274, -56.644199999999998, '2000-03-25 03:24:26', 4584, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 8.2799999999999994, 'B0II', 0.23999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-19 07:43:31', '2000-12-21 06:04:44', 3, -10, '2000-03-25 03:24:26', '2000-03-25 05:14:47', -52.725900000000003, 205.88900000000001, 4.4297500000000003, 291.75299999999999, 102.23399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 621996456, -0.54484529201732801, 0.073917751827238601, -0.83527227520812597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221403', 'CPD-592600', 161.173, -59.781999999999996, '2000-03-25 05:24:10', 5307, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 8.6099999999999994, 'O6VF', 0.53000000000000003, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 11:03:52', '2000-12-21 14:42:36', 1, 0, '2000-03-25 05:24:10', '2000-03-25 06:52:36', -59.027700000000003, 202.232, -0.73718600000000001, 287.60300000000001, 114.49299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 622863464, -0.476363986130039, 0.16241806564112601, -0.86411673092915797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1222101', 'HD118969', 205.55199999999999, -63.713900000000002, '2000-03-25 08:00:55', 11244, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10, 'B1V', 0.35999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-19 12:47:36', '2000-12-21 15:42:48', 1, -18, '2000-03-25 08:00:55', '2000-03-25 12:11:33', -48.298999999999999, 233.08799999999999, -1.39378, 308.51900000000001, 63.924700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 682729567, -0.39954002709908698, -0.19101611723432901, -0.89659389341127105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1490303', 'NGC5315-STAR', 208.488, -66.513999999999996, '2000-03-25 13:00:03', 26282, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.5, 'PNCS', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-05-19 05:14:49', '2000-10-12 03:55:44', 1, 0, '2000-03-25 13:00:03', '2000-03-25 22:49:09', -49.983699999999999, 236.99299999999999, -4.3951200000000004, 309.11500000000001, 61.4861, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK', 'BRUHWEILER', 'y', 681158779, -0.35027038885865402, -0.19008632765702199, -0.91715747978560003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221902', 'HDE308813', 174.494, -63.316299999999998, '2000-03-25 23:06:15', 4340, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 9.2799999999999994, 'O9.5', 0.34000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 11:25:40', '2000-10-12 10:40:24', 3, -11, '2000-03-25 23:06:15', '2000-03-26 00:52:24', -56.815100000000001, 215.24799999999999, -1.61093, 294.79599999999999, 99.616600000000005, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620910543, -0.44699291133006602, 0.043087765441095903, -0.89349917833759895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1024101', 'HD094493', 163.31299999999999, -60.814599999999999, '2000-03-26 01:06:41', 4449, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.2300000000000004, 'B1IB', 0.20000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-19 07:43:11', '2000-12-21 05:48:14', 3, -1, '2000-03-26 01:06:41', '2000-03-26 02:54:47', -58.948099999999997, 205.101, -1.1768000000000001, 289.01600000000002, 112.758, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 621447574, -0.46710166811104598, 0.14002170289500701, -0.87304636438522598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1190303', 'HD100546', 173.35599999999999, -70.194800000000001, '2000-03-26 03:04:19', 10347, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.7000000000000002, 'B9VN', 0.040000000000000001, 26, 'PC', '2006-05-19 10:11:38', '2000-12-15 04:54:16', 3, 0, '2000-03-26 03:04:19', '2000-03-26 05:56:58', -61.498600000000003, 225.14699999999999, -8.3234899999999996, 296.36900000000003, 100.351, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 609271802, -0.33654784336434601, 0.039201847551279499, -0.940850022200868); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1015301', 'CPD-741569', 252.709, -74.539000000000001, '2000-03-27 02:19:51', 6484, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 10.15, 'O9.5', 0.13, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 07:32:12', '2000-11-24 12:42:09', 1, -121, '2000-03-27 02:19:51', '2000-03-27 04:49:25', -51.538800000000002, 262.68099999999998, -18.681699999999999, 317.017, 19.5411, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 675823675, -0.079234923920338401, -0.25453486683926502, -0.96381213335092197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221903', 'HDE308813', 174.494, -63.316299999999998, '2000-03-27 05:12:29', 5667, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 9.2799999999999994, 'O9.5', 0.34000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 11:35:44', '2000-10-12 11:42:18', 3, -11, '2000-03-27 05:12:29', '2000-03-27 07:15:49', -56.815100000000001, 215.24799999999999, -1.61093, 294.79599999999999, 100.961, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620910543, -0.44699291133006602, 0.043087765441095903, -0.89349917833759895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5140101', 'CPD-721184', 179.751, -73.429500000000004, '2000-03-27 20:09:19', 21058, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 10.68, 'B0II', 0.23000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-06-26 21:17:10', '2000-12-21 20:23:21', 2, -218, '2000-03-27 20:09:19', '2000-03-28 05:51:15', -61.626800000000003, 233.12, -10.943300000000001, 299.15600000000001, 94.867199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 608506000, -0.28519222280050699, 0.0012394160817373501, -0.95846954041423904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5140102', 'CPD-721184', 179.751, -73.429500000000004, '2000-03-28 07:38:49', 10832, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 10.68, 'B0II', 0.23000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-06-27 00:15:03', '2001-01-18 20:15:29', 3, -218, '2000-03-28 07:38:49', '2000-03-29 01:35:58', -61.626800000000003, 233.12, -10.943300000000001, 299.15600000000001, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 608506000, -0.28519222280050699, 0.0012394160817373501, -0.95846954041423904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1180501', 'HD114444', 198.268, -75.313699999999997, '2000-03-29 08:40:28', 4640, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.32, 'B2II', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2006-06-26 21:17:28', '2000-10-12 00:37:42', 2, 0, '2000-03-29 08:40:28', '2000-03-29 10:52:27', -58.858499999999999, 242.256, -12.5006, 304.33600000000001, 76.971699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 674147041, -0.240749086944376, -0.079471009437311599, -0.96732840121360197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1630201', 'HD104237', 180.02099999999999, -78.192899999999995, '2000-03-29 15:20:37', 7983, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.5999999999999996, 'A7IV', 0.14999999999999999, 34, 'PE', '2006-06-29 22:21:43', '2004-10-02 15:42:11', 1, 0, '2000-03-29 15:20:37', '2000-03-29 21:00:22', -63.901400000000002, 242.28200000000001, -15.5916, 300.22800000000001, 96.270700000000005, 'F', 'F', 'ERIK', 'WILKINSON', 'y', 679477418, -0.204617336185624, -7.4996174043236201e-05, -0.97884204042729706); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1042801', 'HE2-138', 239.00700000000001, -66.152299999999997, '2000-03-29 22:25:04', 20183, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 11.92, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-06-29 22:21:39', '2000-11-04 14:42:37', 0, 0, '2000-03-29 22:25:04', '2000-03-30 13:52:28', -44.530200000000001, 253.02000000000001, -9.6575900000000008, 320.13600000000002, 33.480800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 677823348, -0.20819109573623901, -0.34658407535651098, -0.91462339045391605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031101', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2000-03-30 16:44:37', 5396, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-06-26 21:49:32', '2001-04-26 18:07:10', 3, 0, '2000-03-30 16:44:37', '2000-03-30 19:13:15', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 21.197900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0040101', 'KX-TRA', 251.148, -62.620399999999997, '2000-03-30 21:39:03', 7101, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.1, 'OTR', 0.29999999999999999, 57, 'PE', '2006-06-29 13:02:52', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 0, 0, '2000-03-30 21:39:03', '2000-03-31 00:17:30', -39.909999999999997, 258.82999999999998, -10.938599999999999, 326.416, 21.427600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'HANS MARTIN', 'SCHMID', 'y', 677309518, -0.148599773356209, -0.43521383278320203, -0.887979181688759); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1015701', 'HD160993', 266.32400000000001, -45.637, '2000-03-31 01:06:56', 4887, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.71, 'B1IA', 0.20999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-06-26 22:32:25', '2000-11-04 07:41:35', 1, -11, '2000-03-31 01:06:56', '2000-03-31 03:34:36', -22.233000000000001, 267.22399999999999, -8.5618499999999997, 345.608, 4.2231500000000004, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 693247526, -0.044828832183613297, -0.69776324393127498, -0.71492435349731698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1201010', 'HD93237', 160.465, -79.783100000000005, '2000-03-31 04:03:14', 0, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 5.9000000000000004, 'B4IV', 0.17999999999999999, 74, 'PC', '2007-04-16 22:01:18', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 0, 0, '2000-03-31 04:03:14', '2000-03-31 04:04:13', -67.899500000000003, 243.62100000000001, -18.388300000000001, 297.18599999999998, 117.68000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 605263157, -0.16716486433790301, 0.059311128463351903, -0.98414333212764005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1220801', 'LS277', 109.051, -8.5205800000000007, '2000-03-31 05:43:38', 3317, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.7799999999999994, 'B1:', 0.27000000000000002, 99, 'PC', '2006-06-30 03:06:53', '2000-11-04 16:17:23', 1, 0, '2000-03-31 05:43:38', '2000-03-31 08:59:06', -30.516200000000001, 112.006, 1.56795, 223.33600000000001, 180.40899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 354913738, -0.32280696982354201, 0.93479564516243197, -0.14816464496868201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1027201', 'HD153426', 255.304, -38.203499999999998, '2000-03-31 22:42:16', 744, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 2, 7.4699999999999998, 'O9II', 0.45000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-06-26 22:42:57', '2001-01-03 23:26:41', 1, -6, '2000-03-31 22:42:16', '2000-03-31 22:54:40', -15.370799999999999, 258.06799999999998, 2.38035, 347.14299999999997, 10.0556, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 695041111, -0.19935477821021499, -0.76011140917627196, -0.61845639946953301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221002', 'HD062866', 116.304, -20.810199999999998, '2000-04-02 21:12:05', 4682, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.0099999999999998, 'B0.5', 0.34999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-06-30 03:06:59', '2001-01-06 15:06:10', 1, 0, '2000-04-02 21:12:05', '2000-04-03 00:48:22', -41.2455, 123.429, 1.80078, 237.48400000000001, 177.55199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 665342893, -0.41422481183173598, 0.83797293052432298, -0.35527337779721302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221102', 'HD064568', 118.40900000000001, -26.234000000000002, '2000-04-03 01:58:13', 6623, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.3800000000000008, 'O4VF', 0.37, 12, 'PC', '2006-06-30 03:27:33', '2000-11-04 18:54:37', 1, 0, '2000-04-03 01:58:13', '2000-04-03 07:31:18', -46.004899999999999, 127.908, 0.71308899999999997, 243.13800000000001, 175.333, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 652162518, -0.42675705326063901, 0.78897441692325199, -0.44203821885998701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1027402', 'HD156292', 259.69, -42.891800000000003, '2000-04-03 09:01:14', 4232, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.4900000000000002, 'O9.5', 0.56000000000000005, 13, 'PC', '2006-06-26 23:03:26', '2000-11-24 13:43:28', 2, 0, '2000-04-03 09:01:14', '2000-04-03 12:47:30', -19.738499999999998, 261.99299999999999, -3.08412, 345.351, 9.5711999999999993, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 693094266, -0.13112351827236901, -0.72081096875141104, -0.680616022646785); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0260201', 'NGC6397-ROB162', 265.16000000000003, -53.642099999999999, '2000-04-03 13:57:23', 11495, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.199999999999999, 'SDO', 0.19, 16, 'PC', '2007-04-11 23:05:00', '2000-10-17 21:25:12', 1, 0, '2000-04-03 13:57:23', '2000-04-03 19:53:50', -30.258400000000002, 266.68000000000001, -11.9351, 338.19, 8.7320600000000006, 'F', 'F', 'ULRICH', 'HEBER', 'y', 689382930, -0.050018918146834498, -0.59071339905618703, -0.80532961450756702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1015601', 'HD158243', 262.77999999999997, -53.4786, '2000-04-03 20:42:30', 5884, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.1500000000000004, 'B1IA', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2006-06-26 22:21:53', '2000-12-21 03:19:01', 1, -64, '2000-04-03 20:42:30', '2000-04-03 23:11:14', -30.163399999999999, 265.03699999999998, -10.6374, 337.59500000000003, 10.8361, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 689367957, -0.074794782717808303, -0.59040419132692501, -0.80363463796789902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1022901', 'HD090087', 155.58699999999999, -59.755600000000001, '2000-04-03 23:46:55', 3934, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 7.7599999999999998, 'O9.5', 0.28000000000000003, 13, 'PC', '2006-06-26 22:42:43', '2000-11-25 01:49:00', 4, -2, '2000-04-03 23:46:55', '2000-04-04 01:32:41', -61.093299999999999, 198.40700000000001, -2.1313800000000001, 285.16000000000003, 131.584, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 611767477, -0.45865461564279397, 0.208180452963457, -0.86388473915996999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1012301', 'HD088115', 151.88300000000001, -62.653500000000001, '2000-04-04 02:11:12', 4506, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.3000000000000007, 'B1.5', 0.16, 23, 'PC', '2006-06-26 22:00:29', '2000-11-24 23:21:08', 4, -18, '2000-04-04 02:11:12', '2000-04-04 05:02:30', -64.298199999999994, 200.898, -5.5297400000000003, 285.31700000000001, 134.53399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 611509721, -0.40515891924462699, 0.216489226320557, -0.88824471011295802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1200501', 'HD94454', 162.876, -75.882599999999996, '2000-04-04 06:20:09', 6809, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.5999999999999996, 'B8II', 0.20000000000000001, 74, 'PC', '2006-06-26 21:38:28', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 0, 0, '2000-04-04 06:20:09', '2000-04-04 10:16:43', -66.684200000000004, 233.91900000000001, -14.725199999999999, 295.69299999999998, 119.78700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 605549171, -0.233096970862742, 0.071816885712594702, -0.969797987779495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0540501', 'HD78791', 136.28700000000001, -72.602699999999999, '2000-04-04 11:18:23', 5095, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.5, 'F9II', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-06-29 21:28:25', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 0, 0, '2000-04-04 11:18:23', '2000-04-04 13:15:12', -73.275599999999997, 221.322, -16.770099999999999, 287.82600000000002, 147.779, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 607560009, -0.21611728278422501, 0.206619996842929, -0.95425441942209099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1013601', 'HD109399', 188.81899999999999, -72.716499999999996, '2000-04-04 13:34:59', 2975, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 7.6100000000000003, 'B0.7', 0.26000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-06-26 22:10:58', '2004-02-08 15:12:28', 0, -50, '2000-04-04 13:34:59', '2000-04-04 15:23:52', -59.0854, 235.149, -9.8827499999999997, 301.71600000000001, 92.987700000000004, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 680102933, -0.29358747493836901, -0.045549438045379899, -0.95484639772743696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221003', 'HD062866', 116.304, -20.810199999999998, '2000-04-04 21:17:31', 1868, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.0099999999999998, 'B0.5', 0.34999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-06-30 03:07:15', '2002-08-13 01:39:31', 0, 0, '2000-04-04 21:17:31', '2000-04-04 21:48:39', -41.2455, 123.429, 1.80078, 237.48400000000001, 178.80099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 665342893, -0.41422481183173598, 0.83797293052432298, -0.35527337779721302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1161401', 'HD110432', 190.709, -63.058599999999998, '2000-04-04 23:11:00', 3631, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 5.2400000000000002, 'B2IV', 0.35999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2006-06-26 23:03:42', '2000-12-21 12:15:46', 10, 0, '2000-04-04 23:11:00', '2000-04-05 00:54:25', -51.666699999999999, 224.12899999999999, -0.20288100000000001, 301.959, 91.692400000000006, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 704906872, -0.445187978406337, -0.084191570607026797, -0.891470382750431); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1201701', 'HD108002', 186.233, -65.211100000000002, '2000-04-05 01:26:43', 3058, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.9000000000000004, 'B2IA', 0.26000000000000001, 74, 'PC', '2006-06-26 21:49:09', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 0, 0, '2000-04-05 01:26:43', '2000-04-05 04:20:34', -54.570999999999998, 224.02799999999999, -2.4820700000000002, 300.15800000000002, 96.885400000000004, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 682331334, -0.41679769834477498, -0.045521626260564899, -0.90785872259790101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1027403', 'HD156292', 259.69, -42.891800000000003, '2000-04-05 06:39:20', 6651, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 7.4900000000000002, 'O9.5', 0.56000000000000005, 13, 'PC', '2006-06-26 23:24:02', '2000-11-24 15:19:48', 1, 0, '2000-04-05 06:39:20', '2000-04-05 13:05:56', -19.738499999999998, 261.99299999999999, -3.08412, 345.351, 10.2866, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 693094266, -0.13112351827236901, -0.72081096875141104, -0.680616022646785); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221103', 'HD064568', 118.40900000000001, -26.234000000000002, '2000-04-05 14:04:00', 5493, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.3800000000000008, 'O4VF', 0.37, 12, 'PC', '2006-06-30 03:37:50', '2000-11-04 19:44:22', 2, 0, '2000-04-05 14:04:00', '2000-04-05 17:43:34', -46.004899999999999, 127.908, 0.71308899999999997, 243.13800000000001, 177.232, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 652162518, -0.42675705326063901, 0.78897441692325199, -0.44203821885998701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1022101', 'HD063005', 116.45399999999999, -26.492100000000001, '2000-04-05 19:03:01', 5311, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 9.1300000000000008, 'O6VF', 0.27000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-06-26 22:42:25', '2000-12-14 22:05:50', 4, 0, '2000-04-05 19:03:01', '2000-04-06 00:13:51', -46.718800000000002, 125.56100000000001, -0.92670699999999995, 242.471, 178.20599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 652143885, -0.39870201970813002, 0.80128291900273896, -0.44607441441435403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011801', 'HD066788', 121.035, -27.486000000000001, '2000-04-06 01:44:02', 4209, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 9.4499999999999993, 'O8V', 0.22, 12, 'PC', '2006-06-26 22:00:22', '2000-12-21 02:52:28', 2, 98, '2000-04-06 01:44:02', '2000-04-06 07:04:25', -46.5364, 131.67400000000001, 2.0533999999999999, 245.43199999999999, 176.065, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 651689241, -0.45736687305169099, 0.76013412234983102, -0.46153186181927902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1201801', 'HD114886', 198.685, -63.5809, '2000-04-06 08:31:50', 4450, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 7, 'O9V', 0.46999999999999997, 74, 'PC', '2006-06-26 21:49:15', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 1, 0, '2000-04-06 08:31:50', '2000-04-06 12:14:57', -49.903500000000001, 229.126, -0.82610499999999998, 305.52199999999999, 83.713300000000004, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 682446658, -0.421483149767792, -0.14254120011086299, -0.89556348782918505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1026101', 'HD116781', 201.85499999999999, -62.648800000000001, '2000-04-06 13:29:33', 2961, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 7.5999999999999996, 'B0II', 0.42999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-06-26 22:42:52', '2000-11-04 09:59:45', 2, 0, '2000-04-06 13:29:33', '2000-04-06 15:26:54', -48.320900000000002, 230.113, -0.064959799999999998, 307.053, 80.129199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 683163776, -0.42642274663350999, -0.17103193374621101, -0.88820702473723201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1013701', 'CPD-691743', 195.14099999999999, -70.209800000000001, '2000-04-06 16:42:33', 4899, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.3800000000000008, 'B0.5', 0.29999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-06-26 22:21:35', '2000-11-24 11:47:04', 3, -31, '2000-04-06 16:42:33', '2000-04-06 20:28:11', -55.905700000000003, 234.33600000000001, -7.3516300000000001, 303.71199999999999, 88.258099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 680401456, -0.32682361349897698, -0.088434723787478006, -0.94093869369268901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S3040502', 'CPD-592603', 161.197, -59.731099999999998, '2000-04-06 21:36:59', 30968, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 8.7699999999999996, 'O7V', 0.46000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-08-10 02:56:37', '2001-04-26 19:31:07', 2, 0, '2000-04-06 21:36:59', '2000-04-08 02:13:57', -58.984299999999998, 202.17599999999999, -0.68656600000000001, 287.58999999999997, 128.85300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 622863658, -0.477158479321453, 0.16246587623928799, -0.86366927968374496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1170601', 'HD104994', 181.328, -62.052799999999998, '2000-04-08 03:36:26', 4907, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.93, 'WN3P', 0.34000000000000002, 11, 'PC', '2006-08-09 23:48:13', '2000-12-15 04:22:05', 1, 0, '2000-04-08 03:36:26', '2000-04-08 07:25:06', -53.722799999999999, 217.64099999999999, 0.33678399999999997, 297.55700000000002, 106.51300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 705206333, -0.46853181733202898, -0.0108615626419194, -0.88337985182169598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1201920', 'HD110434', 190.70599999999999, -66.457800000000006, '2000-04-08 08:45:08', 3511, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.5, 'B8/B', 0.31, 74, 'PC', '2006-08-07 23:13:18', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 1, 0, '2000-04-08 08:45:08', '2000-04-08 10:58:37', -54.252499999999998, 227.79400000000001, -3.60025, 302.072, 95.167400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 682186303, -0.39247176050835902, -0.074200876774617702, -0.91676613543986596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1200808', 'HD110020', 189.983, -66.511200000000002, '2000-04-08 17:04:19', 3126, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 6.2999999999999998, 'B8V', 0.050000000000000003, 74, 'PC', '2006-08-07 23:02:27', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 1, 0, '2000-04-08 17:04:19', '2000-04-08 17:57:25', -54.485900000000001, 227.489, -3.6648399999999999, 301.78500000000003, 96.373400000000004, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 682186939, -0.39253514448274601, -0.069094454490045795, -0.917138003086031); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1015001', 'HD148422', 247.75, -56.495100000000001, '2000-04-08 18:49:44', 3179, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 8.5999999999999996, 'B1IA', 0.28000000000000003, 23, 'PC', '2006-08-09 23:16:47', '2000-11-24 12:03:59', 3, -24, '2000-04-08 18:49:44', '2000-04-08 19:42:43', -34.180599999999998, 255.36500000000001, -5.6040900000000002, 329.91699999999997, 28.635300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 690192940, -0.209017178863143, -0.510906038495481, -0.83383861674124105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1330401', 'NGC3132', 151.756, -40.436399999999999, '2000-04-09 00:13:35', 7772, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 10.199999999999999, 'AV+S', 0.070000000000000007, 70, 'PC', '2006-08-10 00:20:10', '2000-11-04 21:17:53', 1, 0, '2000-04-09 00:13:35', '2000-04-09 08:27:38', -47.591500000000003, 173.83199999999999, 12.396800000000001, 272.11500000000001, 151.77099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 630996626, -0.67050692162065795, 0.36018588260172202, -0.64860357540889901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1025601', 'HD103779', 179.24000000000001, -63.249099999999999, '2000-04-09 09:42:55', 4336, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 7.2000000000000002, 'B0.5', 0.20999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-08-08 00:06:07', '2000-12-15 01:41:40', 3, -9, '2000-04-09 09:42:55', '2000-04-09 12:02:15', -55.251199999999997, 217.84899999999999, -1.0226, 296.84800000000001, 110.139, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620846447, -0.45007287046887201, 0.0059703427911083403, -0.89297187317119198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1200606', 'HD99872', 172.07599999999999, -72.474299999999999, '2000-04-09 18:02:02', 3270, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 6, 'B3V', 0.46000000000000002, 74, 'PC', '2006-08-07 22:52:08', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 1, 0, '2000-04-09 18:02:02', '2000-04-09 18:57:37', -63.050400000000003, 228.84399999999999, -10.6172, 296.69200000000001, 116.34399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 608588978, -0.29825827628476498, 0.0415141030331223, -0.95358197333894501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1290201', 'HD74662', 130.828, -48.345300000000002, '2000-04-09 19:42:26', 4395, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 8.8200000000000003, 'B3V', 0.13, 21, 'PC', '2007-04-11 23:21:21', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 2, 0, '2000-04-09 19:42:26', '2000-04-09 21:59:54', -62.320399999999999, 159.298, -3.6280199999999998, 266.90499999999997, 165.95099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', 'y', 620383897, -0.43453518197664898, 0.50291677056899597, -0.74716390270473598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1290401', 'HD72648', 128.07900000000001, -43.931399999999996, '2000-04-09 23:30:01', 5081, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.6100000000000003, 'B1/2', 0.31, 24, 'PC', '2006-08-09 22:44:05', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 1, 0, '2000-04-09 23:30:01', '2000-04-10 05:59:26', -59.546799999999998, 151.20400000000001, -2.4796, 262.23000000000002, 169.755, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', 'y', 642965324, -0.44416359443329401, 0.566890611198827, -0.69379661019258199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1290801', 'HD72179', 127.408, -44.099299999999999, '2000-04-10 07:20:27', 1419, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 8.1400000000000006, 'B3II', 0.059999999999999998, 24, 'PC', '2006-08-07 23:35:24', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 1, 0, '2000-04-10 07:20:27', '2000-04-10 07:44:32', -59.927, 150.52699999999999, -2.9686400000000002, 262.08199999999999, 170.51300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', 'y', 642967472, -0.43625737924276797, 0.57043587708599497, -0.69590402297253895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1290701', 'HD72089', 127.279, -45.557499999999997, '2000-04-10 14:00:23', 2280, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 7.5999999999999996, 'B5II', 0.059999999999999998, 24, 'PC', '2006-08-07 23:28:12', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 1, 0, '2000-04-10 14:00:23', '2000-04-10 14:39:13', -61.241900000000001, 151.82400000000001, -3.8949699999999998, 263.214, 170.386, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', 'y', 642921143, -0.42410473373354701, 0.55714053737339697, -0.71395349739326797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1290501', 'HD71336', 126.279, -43.364899999999999, '2000-04-10 15:40:25', 2190, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 7.9699999999999998, 'B3II', 0.13, 24, 'PC', '2006-08-07 23:23:48', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 1, 0, '2000-04-10 15:40:25', '2000-04-10 16:17:45', -59.667099999999998, 148.40799999999999, -3.2063299999999999, 261.00900000000001, 171.89099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', 'y', 643350566, -0.43017611357879099, 0.58606390271331499, -0.68664227458166704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1290901', 'HD71019', 125.855, -42.806899999999999, '2000-04-10 17:20:17', 4034, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 8.3000000000000007, 'B3II', 0.5, 24, 'PC', '2007-04-11 23:29:56', '2001-07-02 20:03:20', 1, 0, '2000-04-10 17:20:17', '2000-04-10 19:37:15', -59.314900000000002, 147.35900000000001, -3.14011, 260.37299999999999, 172.43100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', 'y', 643360768, -0.42972404431782502, 0.59462314611777101, -0.67952966074788501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1015002', 'HD148422', 247.75, -56.495100000000001, '2000-04-10 20:49:51', 3026, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 8.5999999999999996, 'B1IA', 0.28000000000000003, 23, 'PC', '2006-08-09 23:16:52', '2000-12-21 03:01:48', 2, -24, '2000-04-10 20:49:51', '2000-04-10 21:40:17', -34.180599999999998, 255.36500000000001, -5.6040900000000002, 329.91699999999997, 30.105699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 690192940, -0.209017178863143, -0.510906038495481, -0.83383861674124105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1010202', 'HD96675', 166.49299999999999, -76.129999999999995, '2000-04-10 22:50:06', 10209, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 7.6500000000000004, 'B7V', 0.31, 22, 'PC', '2006-08-10 00:51:37', '2000-11-25 09:03:07', 2, 0, '2000-04-10 22:50:06', '2000-04-11 07:01:21', -65.923400000000001, 235.155, -14.568099999999999, 296.61799999999999, 122.679, 'F', 'F', 'CECILE', 'GRY', 'y', 608315621, -0.23308942928909901, 0.0559899404340648, -0.970842131617634); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221104', 'HD064568', 118.40900000000001, -26.234000000000002, '2000-04-11 08:17:13', 4154, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.3800000000000008, 'O4VF', 0.37, 12, 'PC', '2006-08-10 00:09:31', '2000-12-21 13:11:16', 1, 0, '2000-04-11 08:17:13', '2000-04-11 10:31:40', -46.004899999999999, 127.908, 0.71308899999999997, 243.13800000000001, 181.506, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 652162518, -0.42675705326063901, 0.78897441692325199, -0.44203821885998701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1980304', 'HEN2-274', 266.39699999999999, -46.089799999999997, '2000-04-11 16:54:58', 5554, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.380000000000001, '', 0, 71, 'PC', '2006-08-10 00:41:10', '2000-11-04 23:47:42', 0, 0, '2000-04-11 16:54:58', '2000-04-11 19:11:22', -22.684100000000001, 267.29300000000001, -8.8346499999999999, 345.23899999999998, 9.1397399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 693243044, -0.043583356244961999, -0.69215928809266802, -0.72042765838457101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221004', 'HD062866', 116.304, -20.810199999999998, '2000-04-11 20:06:41', 4628, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.0099999999999998, 'B0.5', 0.34999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-08-10 00:09:26', '2000-11-04 17:54:10', 1, 0, '2000-04-11 20:06:41', '2000-04-12 04:34:02', -41.2455, 123.429, 1.80078, 237.48400000000001, 183.61099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 665342893, -0.41422481183173598, 0.83797293052432298, -0.35527337779721302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1015502', 'HD156359', 260.32799999999997, -62.917900000000003, '2000-04-12 06:53:09', 4303, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 9.6699999999999999, 'O9.7', 0.13, 13, 'PC', '2006-08-07 23:55:23', '2000-11-04 07:11:42', 0, -82, '2000-04-12 06:53:09', '2000-04-12 11:39:11', -39.669800000000002, 264.29700000000003, -14.520200000000001, 328.68000000000001, 21.4514, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 688045699, -0.076488301936264796, -0.44879546749379401, -0.89035507974287098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1015003', 'HD148422', 247.75, -56.495100000000001, '2000-04-12 17:44:05', 3242, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 8.5999999999999996, 'B1IA', 0.28000000000000003, 23, 'PC', '2006-08-09 23:26:59', '2000-11-04 06:37:15', 2, -24, '2000-04-12 17:44:05', '2000-04-12 18:38:07', -34.180599999999998, 255.36500000000001, -5.6040900000000002, 329.91699999999997, 31.487200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 690192940, -0.209017178863143, -0.510906038495481, -0.83383861674124105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031102', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2000-04-12 19:25:18', 5448, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-08-07 23:44:40', '2001-04-26 18:14:27', 3, 0, '2000-04-12 19:25:18', '2000-04-12 22:01:01', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 30.105499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0930202', 'NOVAVEL1999', 161.20599999999999, -52.426400000000001, '2000-04-12 23:08:31', 11519, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 9.8000000000000007, 'OTR', 0.25, 55, 'PC', '2006-08-09 22:23:25', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 1, 0, '2000-04-12 23:08:31', '2000-04-13 10:56:15', -53.640300000000003, 193.166, 5.7719300000000002, 284.17200000000003, 139.45099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN N.', 'SHORE', 'y', 623342947, -0.57726839751384396, 0.196450737647546, -0.79257069395072499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5140201', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2000-04-13 12:20:28', 11464, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 23, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-08-10 03:07:07', '2001-04-26 20:45:05', 3, 0, '2000-04-13 12:20:28', '2000-04-13 22:57:30', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 30.6112, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5140202', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2000-04-14 00:28:17', 3581, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 23, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-08-10 03:07:13', '2004-06-10 14:24:56', 0, 0, '2000-04-14 00:28:17', '2000-04-14 18:31:54', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1520408', 'HD67888', 122.157, -37.681600000000003, '2000-04-14 19:38:55', 4796, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.3700000000000001, 'B4VE', 0.14999999999999999, 26, 'PC', '2006-08-10 03:38:34', '2000-11-04 22:41:02', 0, 0, '2000-04-14 19:38:55', '2000-04-15 04:09:49', -55.827300000000001, 138.584, -2.6344599999999998, 254.53800000000001, 179.904, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 645068837, -0.42122615906816502, 0.67001040790961497, -0.61127291467025802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1022001', 'HD061347', 114.56699999999999, -13.8506, '2000-04-15 05:34:15', 6825, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.4299999999999997, 'O9IB', 0.45000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-08-09 23:37:38', '2000-12-14 21:25:56', 2, 39, '2000-04-15 05:34:15', '2000-04-15 11:02:54', -34.812199999999997, 119.45, 3.7947899999999999, 230.60499999999999, 186.87899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 352769393, -0.40366817464107602, 0.883031114824124, -0.23939100867494101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1520409', 'HD67888', 122.157, -37.681600000000003, '2000-04-15 12:15:33', 4286, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.3700000000000001, 'B4VE', 0.14999999999999999, 26, 'PC', '2006-08-10 00:30:18', '2000-11-04 23:15:14', 0, 0, '2000-04-15 12:15:33', '2000-04-15 14:29:48', -55.827300000000001, 138.584, -2.6344599999999998, 254.53800000000001, 180.476, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 645068837, -0.42122615906816502, 0.67001040790961497, -0.61127291467025802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1120101', 'IX-VEL', 123.82899999999999, -49.221899999999998, '2000-04-15 15:34:47', 6089, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 9.5999999999999996, '', 0.02, 63, 'PC', '2007-04-13 21:07:58', '2000-11-25 10:23:16', 0, 0, '2000-04-15 15:34:47', '2000-04-15 19:33:50', -65.585099999999997, 151.60400000000001, -7.8898200000000003, 264.93000000000001, 176.72800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'FERLET', 'y', 642125978, -0.363608689519549, 0.54255792437564998, -0.75724475541469605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1630202', 'HD104237', 180.02099999999999, -78.192899999999995, '2000-04-15 21:02:11', 10548, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 6.5999999999999996, 'A7IV', 0.14999999999999999, 34, 'PE', '2006-08-10 00:30:32', '2000-12-15 06:42:04', 3, 0, '2000-04-15 21:02:11', '2000-04-16 06:59:54', -63.901400000000002, 242.28200000000001, -15.5916, 300.22800000000001, 113.09999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ERIK', 'WILKINSON', 'y', 679477418, -0.204617336185624, -7.4996174043236201e-05, -0.97884204042729706); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1022002', 'HD061347', 114.56699999999999, -13.8506, '2000-04-16 08:16:52', 7290, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.4299999999999997, 'O9IB', 0.45000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-08-09 23:37:54', '2000-11-04 09:05:07', 1, 39, '2000-04-16 08:16:52', '2000-04-16 13:42:05', -34.812199999999997, 119.45, 3.7947899999999999, 230.60499999999999, 187.50800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 352769393, -0.40366817464107602, 0.883031114824124, -0.23939100867494101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1220901', 'HD060196', 113.05, -28.734400000000001, '2000-04-16 14:54:41', 5671, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 9.0099999999999998, 'B1II', 0.25, 23, 'PC', '2006-08-09 23:58:57', '2000-11-04 17:09:42', 0, 0, '2000-04-16 14:54:41', '2000-04-16 18:44:25', -49.6434, 122.018, -4.6546900000000004, 242.94999999999999, 187.49799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 653288522, -0.34331983411156602, 0.80685245688136598, -0.48075004350505302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1050201', 'HD060369', 113.258, -28.325800000000001, '2000-04-16 20:17:59', 7099, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 8.1500000000000004, 'O9IV', 0.29999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 09:18:52', '2001-04-03 15:56:03', 2, 0, '2000-04-16 20:17:59', '2000-04-17 09:46:30', -49.202800000000003, 122.14, -4.2988099999999996, 242.67699999999999, 187.58000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 653293102, -0.34759164443054402, 0.80873010295309, -0.47448463547258901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1110404', 'NGC3516', 166.69800000000001, 72.568600000000004, '2000-04-17 10:58:04', 16335, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 13.199999999999999, '', 0.059999999999999998, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-12 06:16:30', '2001-09-20 00:03:34', 6, 0.0088000000000000005, '2000-04-17 10:58:04', '2000-04-18 09:02:26', 57.987200000000001, 123.363, 42.4026, 133.23699999999999, 229.215, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'KRISS', 'y', 125218132, -0.29152666094475899, 0.068924727360885493, 0.95407630088826101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4040101', 'HZ43', 199.09100000000001, 29.098700000000001, '2000-04-21 20:16:53', 0, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 2, 12.914, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-19 13:19:14', '2002-01-28 00:41:17', 0, 0, '2000-04-21 20:16:53', '2000-04-21 20:44:06', 34.046500000000002, 184.75999999999999, 84.162499999999994, 54.111400000000003, 252.149, 'F', 'F', 'STEVE', 'CONARD', 'y', 170179862, -0.82572544018400196, -0.28578782053037999, 0.48631555503544299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1121302', 'HZ43', 199.09100000000001, 29.098700000000001, '2000-04-22 17:44:24', 3671, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.914, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-08-16 20:23:28', '2000-11-24 22:34:36', 1, 0, '2000-04-22 17:44:24', '2000-04-22 19:53:34', 34.046500000000002, 184.75999999999999, 84.162499999999994, 54.111400000000003, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 170179862, -0.82572544018400196, -0.28578782053037999, 0.48631555503544299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1042301', 'WD1314+293', 199.09200000000001, 29.098700000000001, '2000-04-22 21:19:36', 14445, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 23, 12.68, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-05-19 09:08:08', '2001-01-06 10:58:55', 4, 0, '2000-04-22 21:19:36', '2000-04-23 11:01:44', 34.046700000000001, 184.75999999999999, 84.161900000000003, 54.109099999999998, 250.673, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 170179862, -0.82572045211980705, -0.28580223211450001, 0.48631555503544299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1013501', '3C273', 187.27799999999999, 2.05247, '2000-04-23 18:51:35', 41580, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 31, 13.859999999999999, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-19 07:32:05', '2000-12-20 00:00:00', 17, 0.15834000000000001, '2000-04-23 18:51:35', '2000-04-25 11:15:30', 4.7736200000000002, 185.869, 64.360299999999995, 289.952, 209.768, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 430781735, -0.99130677555665903, -0.126602464899776, 0.035814698334064997); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1072001', 'PG1211+143', 183.57300000000001, 14.0535, '2000-04-25 12:20:08', 52274, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 37, 14.630000000000001, 'SYFT', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-19 09:41:20', '2001-05-19 16:59:45', 13, 0.0809, '2000-04-25 12:20:08', '2000-04-28 10:47:52', 14.2906, 177.56800000000001, 74.314800000000005, 267.55200000000002, 219.221, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 456491497, -0.96818379428882695, -0.060454923002042103, 0.24282780475330301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1013101', 'PG1116+215', 169.786, 21.3217, '2000-04-28 11:58:21', 11047, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.17, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-19 06:51:30', '2000-11-24 08:47:43', 16, 0.17649999999999999, '2000-04-28 11:58:21', '2000-04-28 22:30:14', 15.5389, 162.096, 68.209299999999999, 223.36099999999999, 211.577, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 464593866, -0.91679061058283795, 0.16518794370211601, 0.36360406983780202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1340101', 'NGC4631-A', 190.53700000000001, 32.576700000000002, '2000-04-29 00:00:55', 20952, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 9.75, '', 0.029999999999999999, 80, 'EE', '2006-05-19 12:48:17', '2000-12-21 17:38:06', 4, 606, '2000-04-29 00:00:55', '2000-04-29 13:38:08', 33.730899999999998, 174.97800000000001, 84.191299999999998, 142.65799999999999, 235.48500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'MURPHY', 'y', 176311525, -0.82846147339807596, -0.15409969908479601, 0.538428147329859); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1080701', 'BD+18D2647', 190.46600000000001, 17.522400000000001, '2000-04-29 14:30:54', 5140, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.81, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-05-19 06:39:43', '2000-11-24 21:40:44', 0, 0, '2000-04-29 14:30:54', '2000-04-29 16:56:17', 20.190200000000001, 182.392, 80.143299999999996, 289.47899999999998, 226.61500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 458151172, -0.93773416495488104, -0.17322324030123001, 0.301078635734778); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010402', 'GD153', 194.25999999999999, 22.031300000000002, '2000-04-29 21:32:55', 12144, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.346, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-19 06:39:17', '2001-04-26 17:57:40', 4, 0, '2000-04-29 21:32:55', '2000-04-30 07:59:49', 25.784300000000002, 183.83799999999999, 84.746799999999993, 317.255, 233.77799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 459188653, -0.89841693189460603, -0.22833575822940699, 0.37511304695902697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1340201', 'NGC4631-B', 190.53700000000001, 32.560000000000002, '2000-04-30 10:36:48', 16218, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.75, '', 0.029999999999999999, 80, 'EE', '2006-05-19 12:48:37', '2000-12-21 18:04:19', 4, 606, '2000-04-30 10:36:48', '2000-04-30 19:37:21', 33.716200000000001, 174.988, 84.206800000000001, 142.71700000000001, 234.26499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'MURPHY', 'y', 176311500, -0.82861572744646295, -0.15412839142982601, 0.53818251103470705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0990101', 'KUV-1031+398', 158.661, 39.641199999999998, '2000-04-30 20:50:43', 53185, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 35, 15.6, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-10 01:53:12', '2000-12-21 00:01:33', 5, 0.042439999999999999, '2000-04-30 20:50:43', '2000-05-03 02:32:18', 28.285799999999998, 144.53999999999999, 59.064300000000003, 180.279, 209.00899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 87944547, -0.71726262933107199, 0.28021160284172603, 0.63797788221689); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1080302', 'WD1036+433', 159.90299999999999, 43.102699999999999, '2000-05-03 03:26:41', 1857, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 11.18, 'DOZ1', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-05-19 06:39:24', '2000-11-24 21:10:31', 0, 0, '2000-05-03 03:26:41', '2000-05-03 04:16:02', 31.811599999999999, 143.792, 58.961199999999998, 173.316, 209.32499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 90939490, -0.68567409587217798, 0.250880377902162, 0.68330818100878898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1110303', 'PG0946+301', 147.42099999999999, 29.921700000000001, '2000-05-03 10:05:34', 25758, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 16.199999999999999, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-19 09:42:22', '2000-12-15 03:45:55', 3, 1.22, '2000-05-03 10:05:34', '2000-05-04 08:24:34', 15.7841, 139.37100000000001, 50.236400000000003, 197.83199999999999, 199.55500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'KRISS', 'y', 86676647, -0.73033124011435502, 0.46668924193439898, 0.49881602938931702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1012201', 'PG0953+414', 149.21799999999999, 41.256300000000003, '2000-05-04 09:25:03', 33805, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 14.5, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-19 06:51:00', '2001-01-06 08:24:07', 16, 0.2341, '2000-05-04 09:25:03', '2000-05-05 14:25:04', 26.8704, 136.38800000000001, 51.708599999999997, 179.78700000000001, 201.02000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 93910052, -0.64585886570798001, 0.38473420053714502, 0.65942848021862399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0340301', 'RE-J1738+665', 264.50999999999999, 66.896600000000007, '2000-05-05 15:40:59', 6647, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.65, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-19 02:49:14', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 2, 0, '2000-05-05 15:40:59', '2000-05-05 18:13:08', 87.805899999999994, 168.67599999999999, 31.961500000000001, 96.894099999999995, 307.03399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 190259276, -0.037540907143393698, -0.39059176374697302, 0.91979821394905903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0460201', 'NGC3310', 159.69, 53.5017, '2000-05-05 19:01:44', 27080, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 10.800000000000001, '', 0.029999999999999999, 89, 'EC', '2006-05-19 03:10:51', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 8, 0, '2000-05-05 19:01:44', '2000-05-06 12:13:21', 40.951300000000003, 137.61000000000001, 54.0627, 156.608, 208.447, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 98877363, -0.55781931541632701, 0.206454317250092, 0.80387450901073998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0940101', 'MRK153', 162.27099999999999, 52.334800000000001, '2000-05-06 13:16:00', 65048, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 31, 15.050000000000001, '', 0, 84, 'EC', '2006-05-19 03:51:46', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 5, 0, '2000-05-06 13:16:00', '2000-05-08 15:50:20', 40.7121, 140.161, 56.006500000000003, 156.72300000000001, 210.024, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT', 'BENJAMIN', 'y', 97487021, -0.582026223461792, 0.186072908464571, 0.79159481298094703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0600808', 'PG1322+659', 200.95599999999999, 65.696700000000007, '2000-05-08 16:54:56', 5516, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.9, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-19 03:21:57', '2001-01-06 04:03:37', 5, 0, '2000-05-08 16:54:56', '2000-05-08 19:20:08', 63.473300000000002, 149.38, 51.096899999999998, 117.63800000000001, 243.66200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 195369279, -0.38434390897147303, -0.14719725698702199, 0.91137957359819299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0341101', 'EGB6', 148.24600000000001, 13.742699999999999, '2000-05-08 20:22:51', 9496, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-19 02:59:15', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 0, 0, '2000-05-08 20:22:51', '2000-05-09 03:18:20', 0.83704900000000004, 145.696, 46.363300000000002, 221.59100000000001, 197.37700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 71614179, -0.82597294810001698, 0.51120731816157206, 0.23756213264116899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0600404', 'PG1114+445', 169.27699999999999, 44.226100000000002, '2000-05-09 04:25:42', 13544, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-19 03:21:17', '2000-12-20 19:56:15', 4, 0, '2000-05-09 04:25:42', '2000-05-09 11:49:36', 35.937199999999997, 150.41200000000001, 64.493700000000004, 164.67599999999999, 213.22499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 91363699, -0.70407994016244202, 0.133330034731652, 0.69749160546870204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0600303', 'PG1048+342', 162.93299999999999, 33.990699999999997, '2000-05-09 12:45:03', 9257, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-19 03:20:56', '2001-01-06 03:25:44', 4, 0, '2000-05-09 12:45:03', '2000-05-09 18:25:18', 24.590399999999999, 150.65299999999999, 63.436999999999998, 190.60400000000001, 207.054, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 85933003, -0.79261534931270505, 0.243340689758828, 0.559058330357035); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1180301', 'HD159181', 262.608, 52.301400000000001, '2000-05-09 19:40:19', 5643, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 2.79, 'G2IA', 0, 45, 'PE', '2006-05-19 10:01:28', '2001-01-06 01:23:48', 2, -20, '2000-05-09 19:40:19', '2000-05-09 22:06:05', 75.278000000000006, 251.96600000000001, 33.310200000000002, 79.580600000000004, 301.77699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 164754501, -0.078674827691742305, -0.60642554936356996, 0.79123847515573098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1072201', 'MRK209', 186.56700000000001, 48.493600000000001, '2000-05-09 23:06:51', 6292, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.15, 'SM(P', 0.02, 82, 'PC', '2006-05-19 09:41:29', '2000-11-24 15:43:12', 7, 0.00093999999999999997, '2000-05-09 23:06:51', '2000-05-10 02:51:13', 45.826300000000003, 160.87, 68.082300000000004, 134.155, 227.66300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 179744725, -0.65835557162032798, -0.075790102274830795, 0.74888170074694804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0860505', 'NGC5461', 210.922, 54.318100000000001, '2000-05-10 03:54:54', 5189, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14, 'OTR', 0, 72, 'PC', '2006-05-19 03:31:05', '2001-01-03 17:19:46', 6, 241, '2000-05-10 03:54:54', '2000-05-10 06:16:32', 59.822000000000003, 174.50899999999999, 59.758899999999997, 101.89, 251.19200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM C.', 'KEEL', 'y', 187338735, -0.50038102849493304, -0.29973287962560702, 0.81226782971732603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0601515', 'PG1543+489', 236.376, 48.769300000000001, '2000-05-10 07:07:10', 9088, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.100000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-19 03:30:47', '2001-01-06 04:53:28', 4, 0, '2000-05-10 07:07:10', '2000-05-10 11:18:16', 65.273200000000003, 209.249, 50.201700000000002, 77.7791, 276.72899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 163171959, -0.36496615251248099, -0.54881933228180801, 0.752061864499182); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0601313', 'PG1427+480', 217.43000000000001, 47.790599999999998, '2000-05-10 12:04:45', 6366, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-19 03:30:39', '2000-12-20 20:08:00', 3, 0, '2000-05-10 12:04:45', '2000-05-10 14:36:14', 57.3521, 188.529, 61.828000000000003, 86.655600000000007, 256.83800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 175464461, -0.53350746752564804, -0.408340070028404, 0.74069438319968905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1080201', 'WD1211+332', 183.48500000000001, 32.941899999999997, '2000-05-10 15:26:06', 4952, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.68, 'DO', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-05-19 06:29:27', '2000-11-24 20:55:44', 3, 0, '2000-05-10 15:26:06', '2000-05-10 17:48:27', 31.2791, 168.56100000000001, 80.024100000000004, 175.036, 220.81200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 467579118, -0.83767048556871104, -0.051014003241396003, 0.54378831274712702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0601111', 'PG1415+451', 214.25299999999999, 44.935000000000002, '2000-05-10 18:54:57', 12284, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-19 03:30:20', '2001-01-06 04:38:49', 4, 0, '2000-05-10 18:54:57', '2000-05-11 02:14:42', 53.756900000000002, 188.22900000000001, 65.323599999999999, 84.725399999999993, 252.995, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 175216144, -0.58512905858767295, -0.39844503741008502, 0.70630413913524503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0601010', 'PG1411+442', 213.45099999999999, 44.003700000000002, '2000-05-11 03:14:36', 7358, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-06-15 05:11:45', '2001-01-06 04:17:59', 3, 0, '2000-05-11 03:14:36', '2000-05-11 07:12:15', 52.664299999999997, 188.28899999999999, 66.353499999999997, 83.829800000000006, 251.70099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 175166115, -0.60014915634800203, -0.39649237129738601, 0.69470482194796801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0360303', 'SBS1415+437', 214.256, 43.501300000000001, '2000-05-11 08:14:45', 28251, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 15.5, '', 0, 88, 'EC', '2006-05-19 03:10:09', '2001-01-11 20:38:04', 3, 0.002, '2000-05-11 08:14:45', '2000-05-12 03:13:23', 52.558999999999997, 189.542, 66.199200000000005, 81.959400000000002, 252.273, 'F', 'F', 'TRINH XUAN', 'THUAN', 'y', 175135633, -0.59953135569522797, -0.40829826530046998, 0.68837103373897801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0460303', 'NGC4214', 183.91399999999999, 36.3264, '2000-05-12 04:16:36', 20641, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 9.8000000000000007, '', 0.029999999999999999, 89, 'EC', '2006-05-19 03:20:34', '2001-01-11 22:01:37', 6, 0, '2000-05-12 04:16:36', '2000-05-12 21:26:52', 34.4285, 167.02600000000001, 78.075100000000006, 160.255, 221.227, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 469099352, -0.80377632991598402, -0.054993288584588303, 0.59238446103644804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1100201', 'HD125162', 214.096, 46.088299999999997, '2000-05-12 22:40:21', 13738, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 4.1799999999999997, 'A0VP', 0, 30, 'PC', '2006-05-19 13:08:53', '2001-03-29 04:17:46', 2, 0, '2000-05-12 22:40:21', '2000-05-13 05:52:28', 54.648200000000003, 186.96299999999999, 64.6661, 86.982600000000005, 250.92599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 175241319, -0.57432752210589499, -0.388790492952726, 0.72040950156232597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0600505', 'PG1115+407', 169.626, 40.431899999999999, '2000-05-13 06:56:38', 10496, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16, 'AGN', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-19 03:21:39', '2001-01-06 03:51:01', 4, 0, '2000-05-13 06:56:38', '2000-05-13 15:43:55', 32.7181, 152.86500000000001, 66.668199999999999, 172.23400000000001, 210.69999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 89093120, -0.748734594354314, 0.137067332353147, 0.648543794680569); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1016701', 'HD173502', 281.73200000000003, -29.959599999999998, '2000-05-14 09:39:21', 4264, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 9.6799999999999997, 'B0.5', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-19 07:32:19', '2000-12-21 04:30:20', 1, 68, '2000-05-14 09:39:21', '2000-05-14 11:56:57', -6.9355500000000001, 280.22199999999998, -12.2714, 5.3656899999999998, 359.39800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 787130154, 0.176164195253772, -0.84827859415524898, -0.499389229968555); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1200701', 'HD115455', 199.648, -62.490900000000003, '2000-05-14 12:50:26', 4134, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.9699999999999998, 'O8', 0.48999999999999999, 74, 'PC', '2006-05-19 04:00:43', '2001-11-24 17:33:03', 1, 0, '2000-05-14 12:50:26', '2000-05-14 15:14:17', -48.761400000000002, 228.709, 0.21595200000000001, 306.06299999999999, 129.167, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 683180806, -0.43499647726089602, -0.155306029676335, -0.88693748478502399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1025901', 'HD115071', 199.02000000000001, -62.583599999999997, '2000-05-14 16:06:02', 4347, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.9400000000000004, 'B0.5', 0.48999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-19 08:35:37', '2001-12-28 17:50:40', 1, 0, '2000-05-14 16:06:02', '2000-05-14 18:34:14', -49.002600000000001, 228.428, 0.15284600000000001, 305.76600000000002, 130.01499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 682482809, -0.43531535045966602, -0.150061085675779, -0.88768362394491895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1202001', 'HD112999', 195.39500000000001, -60.671599999999998, '2000-05-15 00:25:54', 6613, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.3799999999999999, 'B6II', 0.22, 74, 'PC', '2006-05-19 05:03:46', '2001-01-06 06:44:05', 1, 0, '2000-05-15 00:25:54', '2000-05-15 04:26:35', -48.431100000000001, 224.625, 2.17591, 304.17599999999999, 135.863, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 704986651, -0.47223940535914999, -0.13003206743733101, -0.87182659139533603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1080201', 'NGC6723-III60', 284.87099999999998, -36.680300000000003, '2000-05-15 05:43:58', 5382, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.609999999999999, 'SDO', 0.050000000000000003, 18, 'PC', '2006-05-19 03:51:55', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 1, 0, '2000-05-15 05:43:58', '2000-05-15 09:30:26', -13.8705, 282.24000000000001, -17.303100000000001, 0.018566099999999999, 3.8209499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'W. VAN DYKE', 'DIXON', 'y', 783579055, 0.20582333779338499, -0.77511960589412898, -0.59734943724600698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1920101', 'STAR-113155-343626', 172.98099999999999, -34.607599999999998, '2000-05-15 15:42:33', 14968, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 11.6, 'DM2E', 0, 58, 'PC', '2006-05-19 13:08:33', '2001-04-03 18:12:23', 0, 0, '2000-05-15 15:42:33', '2000-05-16 10:14:54', -34.131500000000003, 189.291, 25.460799999999999, 284.87599999999998, 177.36099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'OSWALD H. W.', 'SIEGMUND', 'y', 628487840, -0.81689275985139198, 0.100576805906783, -0.567952924999921); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1860701', 'PROX-CEN', 217.429, -62.679699999999997, '2000-05-16 11:28:31', 6944, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.050000000000001, 'M5VE', 0, 48, 'PE', '2006-05-05 08:08:56', '2001-01-12 09:52:37', 1, 0, '2000-05-16 11:28:31', '2000-05-16 13:59:12', -44.763399999999997, 239.11500000000001, -1.9270400000000001, 313.94099999999997, 109.298, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 681436933, -0.36446685962277098, -0.27894837521413801, -0.88845467650415799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1162101', 'HD167971', 274.52499999999998, -12.2424, '2000-05-16 14:58:50', 9450, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.3099999999999996, 'B0V', 1.0800000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-19 09:51:30', '2000-12-21 12:32:14', 6, 0, '2000-05-16 14:58:50', '2000-05-16 19:07:00', 11.126300000000001, 274.50599999999997, 1.68425, 18.2531, 342.03100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 483549361, 0.0770999644270291, -0.97421312961140705, -0.21204804544748401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1162201', 'HD168076', 274.65199999999999, -13.800599999999999, '2000-05-16 19:53:28', 6601, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.2100000000000009, 'O5F', 0.55000000000000004, 15, 'PC', '2006-05-19 10:01:20', '2000-12-21 12:49:20', 6, 0, '2000-05-16 19:53:28', '2000-05-16 22:27:11', 9.5649899999999999, 274.58100000000002, 0.83780600000000005, 16.938700000000001, 343.77100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 482727676, 0.0787622243401922, -0.96793256475370004, -0.2385436272599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031103', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2000-05-16 23:11:42', 8562, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-05-12 02:23:53', '2000-12-21 01:46:06', 4, 0, '2000-05-16 23:11:42', '2000-05-17 02:00:29', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 64.1755, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031104', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2000-05-17 02:35:22', 6761, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 14, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-05-12 03:06:04', '2000-12-21 02:15:53', 2, 0, '2000-05-17 02:35:22', '2000-05-17 07:51:40', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 64.375100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5140203', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2000-05-17 09:15:23', 9969, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 29, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-05-12 08:51:59', '2004-06-10 14:35:07', 1, 0, '2000-05-17 09:15:23', '2000-05-17 23:31:24', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 64.75, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028001', 'HD167659', 274.24400000000003, -18.9681, '2000-05-18 00:18:08', 5816, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.3899999999999997, 'O7II', 0.53000000000000003, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-09 00:14:58', '2001-01-03 23:55:18', 0, 15, '2000-05-18 00:18:08', '2000-05-18 02:40:36', 4.4121499999999996, 274.02499999999998, -1.2678400000000001, 12.203200000000001, 349.90800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 476696337, 0.069985614879796196, -0.94310652732119005, -0.32504167707243797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0840101', 'EX-HYA', 193.102, -29.249300000000002, '2000-05-18 08:41:55', 5674, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:44:35', '2001-01-28 18:09:24', 0, 0, '2000-05-18 08:41:55', '2000-05-18 12:23:05', -21.692, 203.858, 33.622199999999999, 303.18700000000001, 173.26400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CHRISTOPHER W.', 'MAUCHE', 'y', 720033525, -0.84978905322852205, -0.19778337710156099, -0.48861058191086498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1920202', 'STAR-181410-324732', 273.54399999999998, -32.792700000000004, '2000-05-18 13:41:59', 15602, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.6999999999999993, 'DM2E', 0.29999999999999999, 58, 'PC', '2006-05-12 08:19:16', '2000-12-15 07:08:00', 0, 0, '2000-05-18 13:41:59', '2000-05-18 21:07:11', -9.3903400000000001, 273.01900000000001, -7.2297500000000001, 359.67399999999998, 9.1199300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'OSWALD H. W.', 'SIEGMUND', 'y', 470981287, 0.051963919098692302, -0.83902800230012797, -0.54160111010610101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1016601', 'HD172140', 279.95100000000002, -29.339300000000001, '2000-05-18 21:57:21', 6604, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 9.9299999999999997, 'B0.5', 0.25, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-12 03:48:05', '2000-12-21 03:35:55', 1, 39, '2000-05-18 21:57:21', '2000-05-19 00:32:29', -6.2003399999999997, 278.71600000000001, -10.6059, 5.2765300000000002, 0.74465899999999996, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 471194143, 0.150640669601697, -0.85861894741640299, -0.48998050144827199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0840102', 'EX-HYA', 193.102, -29.249300000000002, '2000-05-19 01:19:36', 5458, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2006-05-12 00:38:39', '2000-12-20 21:21:27', 0, 0, '2000-05-19 01:19:36', '2000-05-19 04:56:34', -21.692, 203.858, 33.622199999999999, 303.18700000000001, 173.87100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CHRISTOPHER W.', 'MAUCHE', 'y', 720033525, -0.84978905322852205, -0.19778337710156099, -0.48861058191086498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1050101', 'T1247-232', 192.578, -23.565799999999999, '2000-05-19 06:06:47', 19795, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 16, '', 0, 88, 'EC', '2006-05-12 08:29:23', '2001-03-29 03:44:58', 4, 0.048000000000000001, '2000-05-19 06:06:47', '2000-05-19 20:02:35', -16.7029, 200.93100000000001, 39.305399999999999, 302.60000000000002, 180.952, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN-MICHEL', 'DEHARVENG', 'y', 407305384, -0.894603512199866, -0.19960694169622401, -0.39980198196900402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0840103', 'EX-HYA', 193.102, -29.249300000000002, '2000-05-19 21:06:43', 4456, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2006-05-12 00:38:58', '2000-12-20 21:30:59', 0, 0, '2000-05-19 21:06:43', '2000-05-19 23:23:31', -21.692, 203.858, 33.622199999999999, 303.18700000000001, 174.56200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CHRISTOPHER W.', 'MAUCHE', 'y', 720033525, -0.84978905322852205, -0.19778337710156099, -0.48861058191086498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1050102', 'T1247-232', 192.578, -23.565799999999999, '2000-05-20 00:26:43', 4425, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16, '', 0, 88, 'EC', '2006-05-12 08:20:08', '2001-03-29 03:53:08', 4, 0.048000000000000001, '2000-05-20 00:26:43', '2000-05-20 02:42:36', -16.7029, 200.93100000000001, 39.305399999999999, 302.60000000000002, 181.44300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN-MICHEL', 'DEHARVENG', 'y', 407305384, -0.894603512199866, -0.19960694169622401, -0.39980198196900402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1080101', 'NGC5139-ROA5342', 201.43899999999999, -47.400599999999997, '2000-05-20 03:48:05', 7346, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.890000000000001, 'SDO', 0.12, 18, 'PC', '2006-05-12 00:49:18', '2000-12-21 00:24:40', 1, 0, '2000-05-20 03:48:05', '2000-05-20 09:24:13', -35.236199999999997, 219.524, 15.071099999999999, 308.93599999999998, 146.53999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'W. VAN DYKE', 'DIXON', 'y', 708237890, -0.63003387569470004, -0.24740242232305401, -0.73610417530795202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1016602', 'HD172140', 279.95100000000002, -29.339300000000001, '2000-05-20 10:41:50', 5980, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 9.9299999999999997, 'B0.5', 0.25, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-12 04:09:30', '2000-12-21 03:57:39', 2, 39, '2000-05-20 10:41:50', '2000-05-20 14:33:03', -6.2003399999999997, 278.71600000000001, -10.6059, 5.2765300000000002, 1.1242399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 471194143, 0.150640669601697, -0.85861894741640299, -0.48998050144827199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0840104', 'EX-HYA', 193.102, -29.249300000000002, '2000-05-20 15:38:15', 6100, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2006-05-12 00:48:28', '2000-12-20 21:45:11', 0, 0, '2000-05-20 15:38:15', '2000-05-20 19:23:46', -21.692, 203.858, 33.622199999999999, 303.18700000000001, 175.209, 'F', 'F', 'CHRISTOPHER W.', 'MAUCHE', 'y', 720033525, -0.84978905322852205, -0.19778337710156099, -0.48861058191086498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1330101', 'PK303+40D1', 193.387, -22.872800000000002, '2000-05-20 20:27:37', 4416, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.5999999999999996, 'G8IV', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-05-12 06:57:53', '2000-12-21 16:43:08', 1, 0, '2000-05-20 20:27:37', '2000-05-20 22:42:54', -15.768800000000001, 201.34800000000001, 39.996600000000001, 303.56799999999998, 182.49100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 407354580, -0.89633496481913899, -0.213322206426972, -0.388686592369483); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1330501', 'PK2-13D1', 281.46100000000001, -33.342500000000001, '2000-05-21 00:02:15', 6218, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.1, 'WC6', 0.050000000000000003, 70, 'PC', '2006-05-12 06:58:01', '2000-12-21 16:55:39', 1, 0, '2000-05-21 00:02:15', '2000-05-21 02:29:00', -10.288600000000001, 279.71199999999999, -13.4427, 2.1017800000000002, 5.1172199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 784129678, 0.165994687987606, -0.81874216479464501, -0.54964263949158398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0230606', 'IRAS19245-4140', 291.99200000000002, -41.574399999999997, '2000-05-21 03:18:40', 5023, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13, 'AGN', 0.070000000000000007, 89, 'EC', '2006-05-12 00:27:36', '2000-12-20 19:34:41', 4, 2814, '2000-05-21 03:18:40', '2000-05-21 07:32:41', -19.4453, 287.28300000000002, -24.095099999999999, 356.94299999999998, 5.7025800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'VERONIQUE', 'BUAT', 'y', 781546513, 0.28014434194788002, -0.69366041358772501, -0.663592026998438); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0840105', 'EX-HYA', 193.102, -29.249300000000002, '2000-05-21 08:18:36', 5810, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2006-05-12 00:49:01', '2000-12-20 21:59:46', 0, 0, '2000-05-21 08:18:36', '2000-05-21 12:03:56', -21.692, 203.858, 33.622199999999999, 303.18700000000001, 175.77199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CHRISTOPHER W.', 'MAUCHE', 'y', 720033525, -0.84978905322852205, -0.19778337710156099, -0.48861058191086498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080201', 'PKS1302-102', 196.38800000000001, -10.555400000000001, '2000-05-21 13:07:02', 31696, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 14.92, 'QSO', 0.059999999999999998, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-12 05:55:30', '2000-11-27 17:28:26', 13, 0.27839999999999998, '2000-05-21 13:07:02', '2000-05-22 13:02:19', -3.3101600000000002, 199.14099999999999, 52.161499999999997, 308.59300000000002, 196.25299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 421770364, -0.94313880790887505, -0.27736621863926902, -0.18318616152422601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1016603', 'HD172140', 279.95100000000002, -29.339300000000001, '2000-05-22 14:23:33', 5244, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 9.9299999999999997, 'B0.5', 0.25, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-12 04:19:34', '2000-12-21 04:13:45', 1, 39, '2000-05-22 14:23:33', '2000-05-22 16:44:49', -6.2003399999999997, 278.71600000000001, -10.6059, 5.2765300000000002, 1.70105, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 471194143, 0.150640669601697, -0.85861894741640299, -0.48998050144827199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080202', 'PKS1302-102', 196.38800000000001, -10.555400000000001, '2000-05-22 17:45:06', 32324, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 14.92, 'QSO', 0.059999999999999998, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-12 06:06:17', '2001-01-06 11:54:14', 13, 0.27839999999999998, '2000-05-22 17:45:06', '2000-05-23 18:58:37', -3.3101600000000002, 199.14099999999999, 52.161499999999997, 308.59300000000002, 196.40000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 421770364, -0.94313880790887505, -0.27736621863926902, -0.18318616152422601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0680101', 'NGC4636', 190.70699999999999, 2.6883300000000001, '2000-05-23 20:04:54', 6458, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.4900000000000002, 'AGN', 0.02, 81, 'EE', '2006-05-12 00:38:19', '2001-01-06 01:44:21', 6, 1095, '2000-05-23 20:04:54', '2000-05-23 23:58:49', 6.7105800000000002, 188.78100000000001, 65.473600000000005, 297.74799999999999, 205.499, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL N.', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 431126103, -0.98150871511312598, -0.18558219507988899, 0.046902995920406899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1870101', 'CD-42D14462', 296.91899999999998, -42.007199999999997, '2000-05-24 01:51:55', 11166, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 10, '', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-05-12 08:18:58', '2001-04-03 17:38:44', 0, 0, '2000-05-24 01:51:55', '2000-05-24 13:34:48', -20.514900000000001, 291.05000000000001, -27.7621, 357.47800000000001, 3.9826000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'MALINA', 'y', 778658497, 0.336406195067249, -0.66254820699905104, -0.66922398740833999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1026001', 'HD116538', 201.30000000000001, -51.8414, '2000-05-24 19:29:58', 5868, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.9199999999999999, 'B2IV', 0.17000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-12 05:45:04', '2001-01-03 23:18:53', 2, -78, '2000-05-24 19:29:58', '2000-05-24 21:55:38', -39.208500000000001, 222.02099999999999, 10.683199999999999, 308.22899999999998, 148.5, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 706642346, -0.57563648096559705, -0.22443128562857301, -0.78630352906027901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0541111', 'RE-J1925-56', 291.49400000000003, -56.559800000000003, '2000-05-24 22:59:46', 5981, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.4, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-12 00:38:00', '2000-12-29 15:48:04', 0, 0, '2000-05-24 22:59:46', '2000-05-25 01:31:19', -34.169499999999999, 284.125, -27.008600000000001, 340.63299999999998, 21.055900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 773004429, 0.20191280097675199, -0.51274296253303597, -0.83446142821257296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1012701', 'HD093840', 162.286, -46.778399999999998, '2000-05-25 02:09:23', 5317, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 7.7699999999999996, 'BN1I', 0.14000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-12 03:26:51', '2001-09-06 23:11:45', 4, -2, '2000-05-25 02:09:23', '2000-05-25 07:33:53', -48.717100000000002, 188.60300000000001, 11.097300000000001, 282.142, 185.29300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 624397738, -0.65235252454426595, 0.20836789593631, -0.72871050744709198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221601', 'HDE303308', 161.27500000000001, -59.668100000000003, '2000-05-25 08:45:29', 6105, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 8.1699999999999999, 'O3VF', 0.45000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-12 06:26:33', '2001-04-03 16:29:01', 3, -1, '2000-05-25 08:45:29', '2000-05-25 11:03:37', -58.912399999999998, 202.13900000000001, -0.61243800000000004, 287.59500000000003, 181.06399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 622863729, -0.47827831142761001, 0.16212090892339501, -0.86311451598719302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1201415', 'HD108610', 187.22800000000001, -61.871099999999998, '2000-05-25 12:05:20', 8014, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.9000000000000004, 'B3IV', 0.17000000000000001, 74, 'PC', '2006-05-12 01:09:33', '2001-01-06 05:50:36', 0, 0, '2000-05-25 12:05:20', '2000-05-25 15:17:03', -51.768799999999999, 220.90600000000001, 0.88487400000000005, 300.28199999999998, 156.25, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 704888930, -0.46771025650860099, -0.0593177744187273, -0.88188917534725797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023101', 'HD091651', 158.37700000000001, -60.1265, '2000-05-25 20:47:14', 9992, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 8.8399999999999999, 'O9VN', 0.28999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-12 04:41:10', '2000-12-14 23:32:47', 1, -4, '2000-05-25 20:47:14', '2000-05-25 23:36:27', -60.294499999999999, 200.869, -1.71854, 286.54599999999999, 183.85599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 611693515, -0.46303569323018601, 0.183543846142353, -0.867127212892153); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023201', 'HD092554', 159.941, -60.910899999999998, '2000-05-26 03:54:01', 8670, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.4700000000000006, 'O9.5', 0.39000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-12 05:13:01', '2000-12-15 00:32:51', 1, -38, '2000-05-26 03:54:01', '2000-05-26 06:51:05', -60.236899999999999, 203.08099999999999, -2.0202300000000002, 287.60399999999998, 182.48599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 611661914, -0.45667808977478702, 0.16674999042149699, -0.87386472809816695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221701', 'HD097913', 168.72800000000001, -59.174900000000001, '2000-05-26 08:04:18', 5996, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.8000000000000007, 'B0.5', 0.32000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-12 06:46:48', '2001-04-03 16:36:43', 3, -13, '2000-05-26 08:04:18', '2000-05-26 10:20:23', -55.864899999999999, 206.42099999999999, 1.4111, 290.83699999999999, 175.83199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 621578209, -0.50253469539004303, 0.10016097541260099, -0.85873549998450205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1024401', 'HD096917', 167.17699999999999, -57.065899999999999, '2000-05-26 11:24:04', 8005, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 7.0700000000000003, 'O8.5', 0.37, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-12 05:34:53', '2002-01-12 16:10:51', 2, 9, '2000-05-26 11:24:04', '2000-05-26 14:37:09', -54.888599999999997, 202.828, 3.0587900000000001, 289.28500000000003, 178.297, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 621742300, -0.53011501365176505, 0.12066298261885, -0.83929644162626604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5160101', 'HD104994', 181.328, -62.052799999999998, '2000-05-26 18:08:36', 16910, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 12, 10.93, 'WN3P', 0.34000000000000002, 11, 'PC', '2006-05-12 09:32:35', '2001-01-12 05:21:54', 2, 0, '2000-05-26 18:08:36', '2000-05-26 23:10:08', -53.722799999999999, 217.64099999999999, 0.33678399999999997, 297.55700000000002, 163.14599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 705206333, -0.46853181733202898, -0.0108615626419194, -0.88337985182169598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1025101', 'HD101205', 174.58500000000001, -63.372900000000001, '2000-05-27 01:26:32', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 6.4199999999999999, 'O7II', 0.38, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-12 05:35:00', '2001-01-03 22:50:48', 0, -25, '2000-05-27 01:26:32', '2000-05-27 01:27:31', -56.8245, 215.375, -1.65381, 294.851, 169.20099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 620910397, -0.44618185381917103, 0.042294459766829703, -0.89394235384364695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221602', 'HDE303308', 161.27500000000001, -59.668100000000003, '2000-05-27 01:44:35', 7692, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 8.1699999999999999, 'O3VF', 0.45000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-12 06:36:56', '2000-12-15 05:32:14', 6, -1, '2000-05-27 01:44:35', '2000-05-27 04:24:37', -58.912399999999998, 202.13900000000001, -0.61243800000000004, 287.59500000000003, 182.73099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 622863729, -0.47827831142761001, 0.16212090892339501, -0.86311451598719302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023102', 'HD091651', 158.37700000000001, -60.1265, '2000-05-27 05:00:20', 8137, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 8.8399999999999999, 'O9VN', 0.28999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-12 05:02:40', '2000-12-14 23:55:17', 3, -4, '2000-05-27 05:00:20', '2000-05-27 07:51:51', -60.294499999999999, 200.869, -1.71854, 286.54599999999999, 185.11799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 611693515, -0.46303569323018601, 0.183543846142353, -0.867127212892153); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1221702', 'HD097913', 168.72800000000001, -59.174900000000001, '2000-05-27 08:41:01', 9979, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 8.8000000000000007, 'B0.5', 0.32000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-12 06:57:45', '2000-12-15 06:10:08', 2, -13, '2000-05-27 08:41:01', '2000-05-27 12:34:13', -55.864899999999999, 206.42099999999999, 1.4111, 290.83699999999999, 176.852, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 621578209, -0.50253469539004303, 0.10016097541260099, -0.85873549998450205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1023202', 'HD092554', 159.941, -60.910899999999998, '2000-05-27 16:38:44', 6051, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.4700000000000006, 'O9.5', 0.39000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-12 05:23:20', '2000-12-15 00:59:46', 1, -38, '2000-05-27 16:38:44', '2000-05-27 18:19:35', -60.236899999999999, 203.08099999999999, -2.0202300000000002, 287.60399999999998, 183.97800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 611661914, -0.45667808977478702, 0.16674999042149699, -0.87386472809816695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1013801', 'HD116852', 202.59700000000001, -78.855099999999993, '2000-05-27 19:26:01', 7212, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 8.4700000000000006, 'O9II', 0.22, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-11 03:35:51', '2000-12-14 20:50:00', 10, -47, '2000-05-27 19:26:01', '2000-05-27 21:54:31', -60.532499999999999, 248.72999999999999, -16.130800000000001, 304.88400000000001, 133.566, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 673439307, -0.17845202294441501, -0.074271445200512598, -0.98114149231131398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1010404', 'HD108927', 188.08500000000001, -78.193600000000004, '2000-05-27 22:31:44', 6494, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.7300000000000004, 'B5V', 0.23000000000000001, 21, 'PC', '2006-05-12 08:29:16', '2000-12-15 08:32:35', 2, 0, '2000-05-27 22:31:44', '2000-05-28 01:19:25', -62.452100000000002, 244.024, -15.3592, 301.92200000000003, 149.12700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CECILE', 'GRY', 'y', 673867625, -0.20257171820032599, -0.028776119502364399, -0.97884454022676803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1010101', 'HD102065', 175.904, -80.4833, '2000-05-28 01:51:53', 6793, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 6.5700000000000003, 'B9IV', 0.17000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2006-05-10 02:23:41', '2000-12-15 07:53:24', 3, 0, '2000-05-28 01:51:53', '2000-05-28 06:19:06', -65.443399999999997, 246.62100000000001, -17.996200000000002, 300.02800000000002, 160.64699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CECILE', 'GRY', 'y', 605300145, -0.16491276802035301, 0.011809522016148301, -0.98623745321987); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1201011', 'HD93237', 160.465, -79.783100000000005, '2000-05-28 06:43:21', 699, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 5.9000000000000004, 'B4IV', 0.17999999999999999, 74, 'PC', '2006-05-12 00:49:29', '2001-01-06 05:11:03', 0, 0, '2000-05-28 06:43:21', '2000-05-28 06:55:00', -67.899500000000003, 243.62100000000001, -18.388300000000001, 297.18599999999998, 176.55199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 605263157, -0.16716486433790301, 0.059311128463351903, -0.98414333212764005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1210404', 'ESO265-G23', 170.19999999999999, -43.264000000000003, '2000-05-28 08:24:03', 1782, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-10 02:02:41', '2001-01-06 06:51:09', 1, 0, '2000-05-28 08:24:03', '2000-05-28 08:53:46', -42.696300000000001, 192.48599999999999, 16.591899999999999, 285.911, 184.185, 'F', 'F', 'BRAD', 'GIBSON', 'y', 625962266, -0.71757750657091801, 0.123947157511335, -0.68536094447256402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071801', 'MRK1298', 172.31899999999999, -4.4020599999999996, '2000-05-29 02:44:13', 2047, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15, 'SYFT', 0.080000000000000002, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-11 05:42:44', '2002-06-05 18:32:44', 4, 0.059999999999999998, '2000-05-29 02:44:13', '2000-05-29 04:42:31', -7.08995, 174.696, 52.7453, 267.63099999999997, 198.76400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 440777819, -0.98810403868052699, 0.13326326489155599, -0.076754875895110097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1013001', 'HD097991', 169.048, -3.4721099999999998, '2000-05-29 06:11:46', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 7.4100000000000001, 'B1V', 0.040000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-11 03:24:51', '2000-12-14 20:25:01', 3, 25, '2000-05-29 06:11:46', '2000-05-29 06:12:45', -7.5271800000000004, 171.304, 51.732100000000003, 262.34100000000001, 198.94399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 441216533, -0.97998452004183501, 0.189637822526521, -0.060562667921534898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071901', 'IR1143-1810', 176.41900000000001, -18.4543, '2000-05-29 07:51:23', 7243, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.58, 'SYFT', 0.059999999999999998, 84, 'PC', '2006-03-28 02:01:49', '2001-05-19 16:25:28', 7, 0.033000000000000002, '2000-05-29 07:51:23', '2000-05-29 14:54:18', -18.3002, 184.322, 41.7104, 281.85599999999999, 193.46700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 412585121, -0.94672434102391201, 0.059247665103123598, -0.31654815793599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0540101', 'HD97277', 167.91499999999999, -22.825600000000001, '2000-05-29 16:00:28', 4019, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.9, 'A1V', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-05 02:08:49', '2001-03-28 22:01:22', 1, 0, '2000-05-29 16:00:28', '2000-05-29 18:12:28', -25.637599999999999, 178.55500000000001, 34.533200000000001, 274.77800000000002, 194.10300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 411877041, -0.90126349893115898, 0.19296737200785199, -0.38792744016729103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1180101', 'AZV18', 11.804600000000001, -73.106899999999996, '2000-05-29 20:28:05', 9325, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.48, 'B3IA', 0.20999999999999999, 24, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:15:03', '2001-01-03 20:11:16', 2, 0, '2000-05-29 20:28:05', '2000-05-30 01:37:23', -64.360799999999998, 311.09899999999999, -44.017600000000002, 303.36000000000001, 318.63600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 545865735, 0.284441331487435, 0.059446723585461402, -0.95684858572117304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1150101', 'AV15', 11.675800000000001, -73.415199999999999, '2000-05-30 02:51:27', 16186, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.199999999999999, 'O7II', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 23:33:29', '2002-01-12 16:44:07', 7, 0, '2000-05-30 02:51:27', '2000-05-30 16:36:22', -64.460700000000003, 310.41800000000001, -43.708500000000001, 303.40100000000001, 319.02100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 545503039, 0.27952802791172199, 0.057764354983660997, -0.95839833102166105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1150202', 'AV47', 12.214, -73.432699999999997, '2000-05-30 17:18:10', 16197, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.4, 'O8II', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 23:43:47', '2000-12-21 09:57:16', 6, 0, '2000-05-30 17:18:10', '2000-05-31 00:55:53', -64.606999999999999, 310.53300000000002, -43.694099999999999, 303.18799999999999, 319.09300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 545513546, 0.27868698933082198, 0.060325542916792499, -0.95848546720830197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1150303', 'AV69', 12.5725, -72.891599999999997, '2000-05-31 02:06:40', 17536, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 13.4, 'O7II', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 23:54:49', '2000-12-21 10:44:51', 8, 0, '2000-05-31 02:06:40', '2000-05-31 15:55:04', -64.469300000000004, 311.774, -44.2361, 303.05099999999999, 318.988, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 545866881, 0.287126398856485, 0.064035673226050305, -0.95574989596347504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1150404', 'AV75', 12.635400000000001, -72.8767, '2000-05-31 16:36:29', 14377, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.800000000000001, 'O5II', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-18 01:59:13', '2000-12-21 11:19:31', 8, 0, '2000-05-31 16:36:29', '2000-05-31 22:34:40', -64.479500000000002, 311.82400000000001, -44.251100000000001, 303.02600000000001, 319.49099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 545866885, 0.28729844428970303, 0.064405211857866906, -0.95567336082694099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1150505', 'AV95', 12.8398, -72.736900000000006, '2000-05-31 23:36:12', 14252, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 13.9, 'O7.5', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-18 02:19:55', '2001-01-06 13:51:07', 7, 0, '2000-05-31 23:36:12', '2000-06-01 11:21:50', -64.473100000000002, 312.17700000000002, -44.391100000000002, 302.94200000000001, 319.53100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 545867388, 0.28933950536014102, 0.065947717685451296, -0.954952118783989); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1150606', 'AV321', 15.7377, -72.135900000000007, '2000-06-01 12:35:25', 16909, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.4, 'O9I', 0, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 02:30:25', '2001-01-06 14:18:23', 6, 0, '2000-06-01 12:35:25', '2000-06-01 20:13:54', -65.004800000000003, 314.32799999999997, -44.964199999999998, 301.68599999999998, 317.28699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 546047115, 0.29526093911588802, 0.083203774248882006, -0.95178679849173398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1150707', 'AV378', 16.289300000000001, -72.093100000000007, '2000-06-01 20:54:54', 14677, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.9, 'O9II', 0, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 02:51:06', '2000-12-21 12:03:42', 6, 0, '2000-06-01 20:54:54', '2000-06-02 07:53:15', -65.1404, 314.58999999999997, -44.995199999999997, 301.44299999999998, 317.08999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 545697721, 0.29512860907035399, 0.0862418198656007, -0.95155738272290602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030101', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-06-02 13:43:19', 4347, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 9, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-11 03:03:58', '2000-12-21 00:41:36', 2, 0, '2000-06-02 13:43:19', '2000-06-02 17:43:13', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 347.58800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030201', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-06-02 18:43:05', 4830, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-11 03:04:29', '2000-12-21 01:00:37', 3, 0, '2000-06-02 18:43:05', '2000-06-02 22:34:27', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 347.85199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1860101', 'TW-HYA', 165.46600000000001, -34.704900000000002, '2000-06-03 01:02:56', 2017, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.9, 'K7V', 0, 58, 'PE', '2006-05-10 02:13:41', '2000-12-21 18:26:36', 4, 0, '2000-06-03 01:02:56', '2000-06-03 04:35:35', -37.187899999999999, 182.67599999999999, 22.954699999999999, 278.68000000000001, 194.006, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 628851781, -0.79578738996986098, 0.20630850375589899, -0.56934983203910605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030305', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-06-03 06:55:16', 5166, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-11 03:14:42', '2000-12-21 01:22:41', 4, 0, '2000-06-03 06:55:16', '2000-06-03 11:41:31', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 348.149, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1043801', 'WD2211-491', 333.54899999999998, -49.323700000000002, '2000-06-03 13:02:10', 16499, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 35, 11.4, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-05-11 04:58:23', '2001-01-04 09:08:50', 4, 0, '2000-06-03 13:02:10', '2000-06-04 12:37:16', -35.474299999999999, 315.77199999999999, -52.621400000000001, 345.791, 348.34399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 763692376, 0.58355307353310604, -0.29032597557291101, -0.75840400729275104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1043301', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2000-06-05 08:05:55', 16705, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-05-11 04:26:59', '2001-01-04 02:41:52', 0, -42, '2000-06-05 08:05:55', '2000-06-05 17:22:13', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 315.47199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028701', 'HD191877', 302.83800000000002, 21.875399999999999, '2000-06-05 18:08:16', 6132, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.2800000000000002, 'B1IB', 0.17999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-11 03:55:53', '2001-01-04 00:19:11', 5, -18, '2000-06-05 18:08:16', '2000-06-05 20:43:06', 40.692300000000003, 311.58100000000002, -6.4471299999999996, 61.566899999999997, 317.41899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 213016926, 0.50322045412345995, -0.77970913030090405, 0.37258938078961201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0850301', 'BD+30D3639', 293.68799999999999, 30.516400000000001, '2000-06-05 21:47:25', 27184, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 10.199999999999999, 'WC9', 0.23999999999999999, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-12 21:15:13', '2001-01-18 15:25:47', 2, 0, '2000-06-05 21:47:25', '2000-06-06 16:41:24', 51.232300000000002, 303.55599999999998, 5.01959, 64.786799999999999, 307.714, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 236642650, 0.34610629884257199, -0.78890104222457402, 0.50778496972485998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1320401', 'PG1707+427', 257.19900000000001, 42.683300000000003, '2000-06-06 17:17:12', 14541, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 16.399999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.029999999999999999, 17, 'PC', '2006-05-10 02:13:23', '2001-01-06 15:41:22', 3, 0, '2000-06-06 17:17:12', '2000-06-07 07:02:21', 65.114000000000004, 247.22900000000001, 36.330800000000004, 67.598200000000006, 269.63299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 157761588, -0.162875520766811, -0.71684137101207401, 0.677945435518575); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0601414', 'PG1512+370', 228.68000000000001, 36.847299999999997, '2000-06-07 08:16:22', 6783, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-10 01:20:00', '2001-01-03 17:02:55', 4, 0, '2000-06-07 08:16:22', '2000-06-07 12:17:05', 52.116900000000001, 210.631, 58.3142, 59.8568, 239.91, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 150423333, -0.52836729979132002, -0.60100464233407003, 0.59968443068344401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1014601', 'NGC5548', 214.5, 25.136800000000001, '2000-06-07 13:16:35', 25932, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 13.300000000000001, 'SYFT', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-11 03:46:07', '2001-01-06 09:24:53', 8, 0.017170000000000001, '2000-06-07 13:16:35', '2000-06-08 16:32:21', 36.419600000000003, 202.00299999999999, 70.494600000000005, 31.963699999999999, 224.072, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 146193846, -0.74607827139776095, -0.51276538955808704, 0.42478096499192602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1073401', 'MRK506', 260.666, 30.881399999999999, '2000-06-08 17:36:55', 10430, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.119999999999999, 'SYFT', 0.12, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-11 06:02:36', '2001-05-01 17:23:26', 5, 0.043029999999999999, '2000-06-08 17:36:55', '2000-06-09 02:48:35', 53.879300000000001, 256.34199999999998, 31.504000000000001, 54.180700000000002, 271.50299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 535529480, -0.13919606766652601, -0.84686828137193804, 0.51326267032808404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1073501', '4C+34.47', 260.83699999999999, 34.299399999999999, '2000-06-09 03:36:16', 9527, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16.5, 'QSO', 0.059999999999999998, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-11 06:02:43', '2001-05-19 17:13:50', 5, 0.20599999999999999, '2000-06-09 03:36:16', '2000-06-09 11:09:23', 57.291499999999999, 255.90899999999999, 32.184399999999997, 58.127699999999997, 271.04300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 155496506, -0.13155188012553701, -0.815562532831135, 0.563517398025562); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M9990101', 'STIMPULSE', 260.83699999999999, 34.299399999999999, '2000-06-09 11:55:05', 125, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 1, 99, '', 0, 0, 'EE', '2006-08-16 20:23:37', '2000-12-21 02:31:53', 0, 0, '2000-06-09 11:55:05', '2000-06-09 11:57:09', 57.291499999999999, 255.90899999999999, 32.184399999999997, 58.127699999999997, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 155496506, -0.13155188012553701, -0.815562532831135, 0.563517398025562); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M9990102', 'STIMPULSE', 260.83699999999999, 34.299399999999999, '2000-06-09 17:00:05', 125, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 1, 99, '', 0, 0, 'EE', '2006-08-16 20:23:42', '2000-12-21 02:36:31', 0, 0, '2000-06-09 17:00:05', '2000-06-09 17:02:09', 57.291499999999999, 255.90899999999999, 32.184399999999997, 58.127699999999997, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 155496506, -0.13155188012553701, -0.815562532831135, 0.563517398025562); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1073701', '3C382', 278.76400000000001, 32.696399999999997, '2000-06-09 18:53:25', 11297, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.5, 'SYFT', 0.12, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-11 05:45:04', '2001-05-19 17:22:32', 4, 0.057869999999999998, '2000-06-09 18:53:25', '2000-06-10 03:56:04', 55.7361, 283.16399999999999, 17.446000000000002, 61.306800000000003, 289.60199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 243442577, 0.12822186427655899, -0.83171910943400496, 0.54018744572948896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1222801', 'HDE332407', 295.33300000000003, 29.144600000000001, '2000-06-10 04:44:24', 4745, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 8.5, 'B0.5', 0.47999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-11 07:48:24', '2000-12-21 16:09:43', 3, 15, '2000-06-10 04:44:24', '2000-06-10 08:25:19', 49.537999999999997, 305.16000000000003, 3.1059899999999998, 64.280299999999997, 305.57400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 236506534, 0.37370625801150098, -0.789404611494671, 0.487015392029851); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1110707', 'MRK463', 209.012, 18.3719, '2000-06-10 09:38:34', 11070, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15, '', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-11 05:52:43', '2001-01-06 12:12:58', 3, 0.050000000000000003, '2000-06-10 09:38:34', '2000-06-10 16:50:20', 28.1812, 199.685, 72.747100000000003, 5.8255699999999999, 215.93000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'KRISS', 'y', 144924331, -0.82994457493691198, -0.460273048319084, 0.31518363460663301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0601212', 'PG1425+267', 216.898, 26.537600000000001, '2000-06-10 18:09:25', 14767, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-10 01:19:42', '2001-01-03 16:38:45', 3, 0, '2000-06-10 18:09:25', '2000-06-11 12:52:51', 38.578099999999999, 203.77000000000001, 68.574200000000005, 36.869599999999998, 224.06200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 146265032, -0.71544971595043605, -0.537135789998058, 0.446785012113883); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1072601', 'PG1402+261', 211.31800000000001, 25.925899999999999, '2000-06-11 13:53:42', 8157, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.57, 'SYFT', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-11 06:02:27', '2001-05-03 19:05:19', 5, 0.16400000000000001, '2000-06-11 13:53:42', '2000-06-11 21:13:21', 35.950099999999999, 198.35900000000001, 73.456599999999995, 32.956899999999997, 219.28200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 146499211, -0.76831947024019498, -0.46747622831977398, 0.43720838007264201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1222802', 'HDE332407', 295.33300000000003, 29.144600000000001, '2000-06-12 00:35:04', 4277, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.5, 'B0.5', 0.47999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-11 07:48:53', '2000-12-21 16:29:04', 1, 15, '2000-06-12 00:35:04', '2000-06-12 04:18:56', 49.537999999999997, 305.16000000000003, 3.1059899999999998, 64.280299999999997, 303.92200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 236506534, 0.37370625801150098, -0.789404611494671, 0.487015392029851); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1072401', 'PG1307+085', 197.446, 8.3304200000000002, '2000-06-12 06:42:56', 10494, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.279999999999999, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-11 06:02:20', '2001-05-01 16:52:07', 4, 0.155, '2000-06-12 06:42:56', '2000-06-12 18:46:16', 14.532299999999999, 192.804, 70.707300000000004, 316.78800000000001, 206.16300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 434332790, -0.94393428872975005, -0.29664354939788001, 0.14488154872477299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1162401', 'HD192639', 303.62700000000001, 37.353700000000003, '2000-06-12 20:23:22', 4834, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.1100000000000003, 'O8E', 0.64000000000000001, 14, 'PC', '2006-05-11 07:37:53', '2001-01-06 14:40:55', 14, 0, '2000-06-12 20:23:22', '2000-06-12 22:42:19', 55.079999999999998, 320.26499999999999, 1.4791799999999999, 74.902500000000003, 307.88999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 239911577, 0.44020576099396203, -0.66188603510718202, 0.60673368500341296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1840601', 'AM-HER', 274.05500000000001, 49.867800000000003, '2000-06-12 23:49:03', 5644, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.300000000000001, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2006-05-11 08:08:52', '2001-01-18 16:13:13', 1, 0, '2000-06-12 23:49:03', '2000-06-13 03:43:27', 73.179699999999997, 279.06299999999999, 25.876100000000001, 77.866200000000006, 279.43700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 247247234, 0.0455789719368008, -0.64293985464631298, 0.76455928522552297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171501', 'HD193077', 304.25, 37.423299999999998, '2000-06-13 04:58:52', 4339, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.9699999999999998, 'WN5', 0.66000000000000003, 11, 'PC', '2006-05-11 07:38:16', '2001-01-04 10:37:43', 1, 0, '2000-06-13 04:58:52', '2000-06-13 08:02:33', 54.952399999999997, 321.108, 1.10676, 75.236000000000004, 308.05399999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 239892527, 0.44696141525691002, -0.65645076282436998, 0.60769884750494796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1170202', 'VIRGOI', 187.70500000000001, 12.3919, '2000-06-13 11:08:21', 3610, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99.900000000000006, 'CLU', 0, 90, 'EE', '2006-05-10 01:53:31', '2001-01-03 19:26:10', 6, 0, '2000-06-13 11:08:21', '2000-06-13 14:42:39', 14.4169, 182.05799999999999, 74.491699999999994, 283.77199999999999, 203.86099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD', 'LIEU', 'y', 454917264, -0.96788446976731402, -0.13094912350698901, 0.214597251231222); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1170303', 'VIRGOII', 187.78, 12.396100000000001, '2000-06-13 16:02:12', 2241, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99.900000000000006, 'CLU', 0, 90, 'EE', '2006-05-10 01:53:41', '2001-01-03 19:41:43', 3, 0, '2000-06-13 16:02:12', '2000-06-13 18:02:37', 14.450900000000001, 182.126, 74.517700000000005, 284.03300000000002, 203.839, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD', 'LIEU', 'y', 454917197, -0.96769663999211697, -0.132213838935164, 0.21466884669647299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223001', 'HD201345', 316.98099999999999, 33.397199999999998, '2000-06-13 19:41:59', 5104, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.6600000000000001, 'O9V', 0.17999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-11 07:59:13', '2001-01-12 02:50:54', 4, 20, '2000-06-13 19:41:59', '2000-06-13 22:03:25', 47.0197, 333.553, -9.5443099999999994, 78.437899999999999, 317.74700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 217175110, 0.610399900721037, -0.56958566737636196, 0.55043994106457494); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1080901', 'BD+28D4211', 327.79599999999999, 28.8644, '2000-06-13 23:07:46', 2192, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 10.529999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-05-11 03:24:33', '2000-12-21 02:26:05', 3, -50, '2000-06-13 23:07:46', '2000-06-13 23:44:56', 38.9437, 342.322, -19.293299999999999, 81.874700000000004, 324.98099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 220857477, 0.74103347111694595, -0.46672593474796897, 0.48273833131211502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1017901', 'BD+354258', 311.55200000000002, 35.540700000000001, '2000-06-14 00:50:05', 3966, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.4100000000000001, 'B0.5', 0.28999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-11 03:46:22', '2000-12-21 04:52:19', 3, 0, '2000-06-14 00:50:05', '2000-06-14 03:05:05', 50.853700000000003, 328.75400000000002, -4.7401799999999996, 77.188800000000001, 313.334, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 217730532, 0.53972867261638302, -0.60893778413733901, 0.58128111530107796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1140401', 'CYGLP-NE1', 314.02699999999999, 31.934899999999999, '2000-06-14 05:59:52', 10228, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2006-05-11 06:03:10', '2000-12-21 08:18:53', 1, 0, '2000-06-14 05:59:52', '2000-06-14 11:21:53', 46.721200000000003, 329.35599999999999, -8.6096900000000005, 75.674499999999995, 308.5, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217190851, 0.58980919201120496, -0.61018959496463998, 0.52895536221497697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1140402', 'CYGLP-NE1', 314.02699999999999, 31.934899999999999, '2000-06-14 12:10:32', 9558, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2006-05-11 06:03:19', '2000-12-21 08:35:34', 1, 0, '2000-06-14 12:10:32', '2000-06-14 16:21:40', 46.721200000000003, 329.35599999999999, -8.6096900000000005, 75.674499999999995, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217190851, 0.58980919201120496, -0.61018959496463998, 0.52895536221497697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1140501', 'CYGLP-NE2', 314.02699999999999, 31.9343, '2000-06-14 17:07:34', 9247, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2006-05-11 06:03:56', '2000-12-21 08:47:36', 1, 0, '2000-06-14 17:07:34', '2000-06-14 21:21:28', 46.7209, 329.35500000000002, -8.6096000000000004, 75.673699999999997, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217190851, 0.58981304171304805, -0.61019357768996996, 0.52894647514764304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1140601', 'CYGLP-NE3', 314.02600000000001, 31.933700000000002, '2000-06-14 22:21:55', 9767, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2006-05-11 06:04:15', '2000-12-21 09:14:23', 1, 0, '2000-06-14 22:21:55', '2000-06-15 05:41:08', 46.720599999999997, 329.35399999999998, -8.6095000000000006, 75.672799999999995, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217190851, 0.58980624130386206, -0.61020785450218296, 0.52893758802230395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0660101', 'CYGLP-N1', 313.65600000000001, 32.2971, '2000-06-15 08:07:14', 16797, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, '', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-05-05 02:19:47', '2001-04-16 17:14:51', 1, 0, '2000-06-15 08:07:14', '2000-06-15 15:40:40', 47.179499999999997, 329.149, -8.1365499999999997, 75.754499999999993, 314.50200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 217199072, 0.58352574256575696, -0.61156438358813403, 0.53430956615949399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0660202', 'CYGLP-N2', 313.654, 32.296100000000003, '2000-06-15 16:26:44', 16574, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, '', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-05-08 21:28:23', '2000-12-20 20:33:25', 1, 0, '2000-06-15 16:26:44', '2000-06-16 01:40:14', 47.179299999999998, 329.14600000000002, -8.1358099999999993, 75.752600000000001, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 217199072, 0.583510831879406, -0.61159149918582001, 0.53429481300406101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0660303', 'CYGLP-N3', 313.65300000000002, 32.295200000000001, '2000-06-16 02:52:27', 18657, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, '', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-05-08 21:37:55', '2000-12-20 21:05:50', 1, 0, '2000-06-16 02:52:27', '2000-06-16 13:19:44', 47.178800000000003, 329.14400000000001, -8.1356699999999993, 75.751199999999997, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 217199072, 0.58350595081122003, -0.61160775559112102, 0.53428153502501396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0660404', 'CYGLP-N4', 313.65199999999999, 32.294199999999996, '2000-06-16 14:05:59', 18298, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, '', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-05-08 21:38:05', '2001-01-12 07:19:14', 1, 0, '2000-06-16 14:05:59', '2000-06-16 23:19:18', 47.1783, 329.142, -8.1355400000000007, 75.749799999999993, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 217199072, 0.58350171287336305, -0.61162468654804802, 0.53426678156034901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1017902', 'BD+354258', 311.55200000000002, 35.540700000000001, '2000-06-17 00:25:34', 5673, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.4100000000000001, 'B0.5', 0.28999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-08 23:33:14', '2001-01-17 19:40:11', 1, 0, '2000-06-17 00:25:34', '2000-06-17 04:19:13', 50.853700000000003, 328.75400000000002, -4.7401799999999996, 77.188800000000001, 310.94299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 217730532, 0.53972867261638302, -0.60893778413733901, 0.58128111530107796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028601', 'HD192035', 302.70600000000002, 47.813299999999998, '2000-06-17 05:34:25', 5001, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.1999999999999993, 'B0II', 0.35999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-09 00:25:02', '2001-01-17 20:56:10', 4, 1, '2000-06-17 05:34:25', '2000-06-17 07:39:57', 64.768500000000003, 328.346, 7.7557900000000002, 83.328400000000002, 301.57999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 242649838, 0.36285681258112301, -0.56507740002382101, 0.74096050201463903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1170404', 'VIRGOIII', 187.80600000000001, 12.369400000000001, '2000-06-17 08:24:55', 8690, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'CLU', 0, 90, 'EE', '2006-05-08 22:09:46', '2001-01-17 18:09:24', 1, 0, '2000-06-17 08:24:55', '2000-06-17 18:41:10', 14.4366, 182.16, 74.499499999999998, 284.15100000000001, 202.946, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD', 'LIEU', 'y', 454915815, -0.96773554788673299, -0.13266652457262901, 0.214213684469935); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018001', 'HD201638', 317.471, 35.491799999999998, '2000-06-17 20:20:15', 4920, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 9.0999999999999996, 'B0.5', 0.080000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-08 23:43:46', '2001-01-17 19:50:25', 1, 0, '2000-06-17 20:20:15', '2000-06-17 22:39:40', 48.729300000000002, 335.45600000000002, -8.4449699999999996, 80.288899999999998, 314.69200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 217469346, 0.60001169946946598, -0.55036837739715005, 0.58058643599466797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1014101', 'VZ1128', 205.56999999999999, 28.433599999999998, '2000-06-18 01:24:10', 8969, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.029999999999999, 'PAGB', 0, 18, 'PC', '2006-05-08 22:51:16', '2001-01-17 19:16:26', 7, -153, '2000-06-18 01:24:10', '2000-06-18 09:49:20', 36.002899999999997, 191.32300000000001, 78.6845, 42.500500000000002, 212.34899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 169370163, -0.79324285820999396, -0.379547740380274, 0.47613998012251302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1170101', 'COMAI', 194.95400000000001, 27.962800000000001, '2000-06-18 10:49:16', 28606, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 16, 'CLU', 0, 90, 'EE', '2006-05-08 22:09:26', '2001-01-17 17:48:09', 3, 0, '2000-06-18 10:49:16', '2000-06-19 15:45:04', 31.3904, 181.517, 87.963999999999999, 57.620600000000003, 206.36600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD', 'LIEU', 'y', 170060206, -0.85333938640380602, -0.22791746415043199, 0.46889819912984598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028602', 'HD192035', 302.70600000000002, 47.813299999999998, '2000-06-19 17:06:59', 6148, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.1999999999999993, 'B0II', 0.35999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-09 00:35:47', '2001-01-17 21:13:15', 3, 1, '2000-06-19 17:06:59', '2000-06-19 19:36:47', 64.768500000000003, 328.346, 7.7557900000000002, 83.328400000000002, 299.346, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 242649838, 0.36285681258112301, -0.56507740002382101, 0.74096050201463903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1014102', 'VZ1128', 205.56999999999999, 28.433599999999998, '2000-06-19 20:35:22', 7655, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.029999999999999, 'PAGB', 0, 18, 'PC', '2006-05-08 23:12:41', '2001-09-08 05:43:01', 7, -153, '2000-06-19 20:35:22', '2000-06-20 06:49:19', 36.002899999999997, 191.32300000000001, 78.6845, 42.500500000000002, 211.25999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 169370163, -0.79324285820999396, -0.379547740380274, 0.47613998012251302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1019001', 'RXJ1230.8+0115', 187.708, 1.25631, '2000-06-20 07:59:42', 4032, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.42, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-08 23:44:05', '2001-01-17 19:58:17', 7, 0, '2000-06-20 07:59:42', '2000-06-20 11:39:50', 4.21258, 186.58199999999999, 63.660299999999999, 291.26100000000002, 201.322, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 430420112, -0.99072627256306001, -0.134092310413303, 0.021924988969823301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028901', 'HD202347', 318.42399999999998, 45.611400000000003, '2000-06-20 13:11:28', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 7.5, 'B1.5', 0.17000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-09 00:57:43', '2001-01-17 21:47:33', 4, -9, '2000-06-20 13:11:28', '2000-06-20 13:12:27', 57.171300000000002, 344.85399999999998, -2.07741, 88.224599999999995, 311.86399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 251925251, 0.52329508930879798, -0.46421128433083197, 0.71461187577958496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028801', 'HD195965', 308.10700000000003, 48.2164, '2000-06-20 14:44:05', 6440, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.9800000000000004, 'B0V', 0.25, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-09 00:57:36', '2001-01-17 21:44:57', 3, 10, '2000-06-20 14:44:05', '2000-06-20 17:16:45', 63.2134, 335.84399999999999, 4.9953099999999999, 85.706999999999994, 303.096, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 242572419, 0.41120682411929399, -0.52429957150356299, 0.74566675339517796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1043601', 'WD2111+498', 318.18400000000003, 50.104999999999997, '2000-06-20 18:04:49', 28733, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.09, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-05-09 02:40:54', '2001-01-04 07:10:57', 5, 94, '2000-06-20 18:04:49', '2000-06-21 09:58:02', 60.928800000000003, 349.666, 1.13381, 91.372600000000006, 311.13099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 252168620, 0.47801599572181203, -0.42763588688754001, 0.76722112593436298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028603', 'HD192035', 302.70600000000002, 47.813299999999998, '2000-06-21 15:40:27', 6624, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.1999999999999993, 'B0II', 0.35999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-09 00:46:24', '2001-01-17 21:32:36', 3, 1, '2000-06-21 15:40:27', '2000-06-21 18:14:21', 64.768500000000003, 328.346, 7.7557900000000002, 83.328400000000002, 297.56, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 242649838, 0.36285681258112301, -0.56507740002382101, 0.74096050201463903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1014103', 'VZ1128', 205.56999999999999, 28.433599999999998, '2000-06-22 00:22:38', 14704, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.029999999999999, 'PAGB', 0, 18, 'PC', '2006-05-08 23:22:43', '2001-09-20 19:19:58', 7, -153, '2000-06-22 00:22:38', '2000-06-22 12:08:42', 36.002899999999997, 191.32300000000001, 78.6845, 42.500500000000002, 210.02099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 169370163, -0.79324285820999396, -0.379547740380274, 0.47613998012251302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1080801', 'WD2317-05', 349.99299999999999, -5.1655300000000004, '2000-06-22 18:32:21', 6228, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.82, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-05-08 22:41:05', '2000-07-18 13:32:40', 3, 0, '2000-06-22 18:32:21', '2000-06-22 21:01:46', -0.78868099999999997, 348.77800000000002, -59.0672, 74.092500000000001, 334.61500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 306591842, 0.98078706063122101, -0.17306277505225601, -0.090033424846453602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1044201', 'WD2331-475', 353.50999999999999, -47.241, '2000-06-23 14:16:05', 19356, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 20, 13.19, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-05-09 02:51:46', '2001-01-04 10:00:48', 5, 0, '2000-06-23 14:16:05', '2000-06-23 22:11:23', -40.023600000000002, 331.74900000000002, -64.807699999999997, 334.83600000000001, 347.291, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 759972026, 0.67456531723310498, -0.076737749929203403, -0.73421587460501203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0930203', 'NOVAVEL1999', 161.20599999999999, -52.426400000000001, '2000-06-24 03:26:26', 14069, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 9.8000000000000007, 'OTR', 0.25, 55, 'PC', '2006-05-08 21:49:08', '2001-01-03 18:21:09', 1, 0, '2000-06-24 03:26:26', '2000-06-24 18:50:00', -53.640300000000003, 193.166, 5.7719300000000002, 284.17200000000003, 208.5, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN N.', 'SHORE', 'y', 623342947, -0.57726839751384396, 0.196450737647546, -0.79257069395072499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0860606', 'NGC7714', 354.05799999999999, 2.1552799999999999, '2000-06-24 20:35:10', 6025, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.800000000000001, 'AGN', 0.02, 89, 'PC', '2006-05-08 21:48:37', '2001-01-03 17:31:20', 8, 2798, '2000-06-24 20:35:10', '2000-06-24 23:01:41', 4.3386800000000001, 355.40100000000001, -55.563899999999997, 88.216200000000001, 333.50200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM C.', 'KEEL', 'y', 308170830, 0.99392357401766296, -0.103448430450965, 0.037607861534361103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0230404', 'NGC7714', 354.05900000000003, 2.15517, '2000-06-24 23:54:07', 5796, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.5, 'AGN', 0.040000000000000001, 89, 'EC', '2006-05-08 21:27:53', '2001-01-18 14:15:54', 6, 2798, '2000-06-24 23:54:07', '2000-06-25 04:01:34', 4.3384099999999997, 355.40199999999999, -55.5642, 88.216700000000003, 333.48899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'VERONIQUE', 'BUAT', 'y', 308170830, 0.99392545119428, -0.103431090669347, 0.037605943030274501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0930204', 'NOVAVEL1999', 161.20599999999999, -52.426400000000001, '2000-06-25 06:06:15', 11046, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 9.8000000000000007, 'OTR', 0.25, 55, 'PC', '2006-05-08 21:58:09', '2001-01-03 19:03:14', 1, 0, '2000-06-25 06:06:15', '2000-06-25 18:11:29', -53.640300000000003, 193.166, 5.7719300000000002, 284.17200000000003, 209.465, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN N.', 'SHORE', 'y', 623342947, -0.57726839751384396, 0.196450737647546, -0.79257069395072499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1074201', 'PG2349-014', 357.98399999999998, -1.1533899999999999, '2000-06-25 19:55:32', 12470, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.33, 'N/SY', 0.059999999999999998, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-09 02:52:00', '2001-05-21 17:55:06', 5, 0.17399999999999999, '2000-06-25 19:55:32', '2000-06-26 01:42:26', -0.25639499999999998, 357.69099999999997, -60.361699999999999, 91.665499999999994, 334.10599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 307518171, 0.99917855695345403, -0.035171450347960397, -0.020129093492629601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1120101', 'A2597', 351.33199999999999, -12.1242, '2000-06-26 02:32:39', 42691, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 99, '', 0.050000000000000003, 90, 'EE', '2006-05-09 02:53:14', '2001-01-06 12:58:07', 1, 0.082100000000000006, '2000-06-26 02:32:39', '2000-06-27 01:00:56', -7.7059300000000004, 347.24799999999999, -64.851399999999998, 65.345500000000001, 336.54599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'OEGERLE', 'y', 280843401, 0.96652759302107505, -0.14734710128367001, -0.21003153018579601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100501', 'HE2347-4342', 357.64299999999997, -43.433300000000003, '2000-06-27 01:58:09', 51127, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 16, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-09 02:52:32', '2001-01-12 09:44:11', 6, 2.8849999999999998, '2000-06-27 01:58:09', '2000-06-28 03:50:22', -38.235599999999998, 337.47699999999998, -69.573300000000003, 336.03500000000003, 345.26600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 760522320, 0.725560855075016, -0.029864543071491102, -0.68750967604095803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1074001', 'MRK926', 346.18099999999998, -8.6857500000000005, '2000-06-28 04:37:15', 11682, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.059999999999999998, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-09 02:51:53', '2001-05-19 17:27:36', 4, 0.047320000000000001, '2000-06-28 04:37:15', '2000-06-28 10:02:12', -2.5580500000000002, 343.92000000000002, -58.7575, 64.092299999999994, 335.83199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 303510934, 0.959918557028971, -0.236116164974289, -0.15101496783184201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0541010', 'HD217411', 345.14800000000002, -7.0694999999999997, '2000-06-28 11:05:13', 5082, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.699999999999999, 'G5', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-06-17 02:24:57', '2001-01-06 03:10:33', 0, 0, '2000-06-28 11:05:13', '2000-06-28 13:29:02', -0.672346, 343.59899999999999, -56.933500000000002, 65.174800000000005, 335.178, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 303919642, 0.95924273635195301, -0.25437444117785202, -0.12307321573548601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1074101', 'NGC7496', 347.447, -43.427799999999998, '2000-06-28 14:25:06', 13217, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.91, 'SYFT', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2006-03-28 02:02:21', '2001-05-19 17:32:08', 3, 0.0054999999999999997, '2000-06-28 14:25:06', '2000-06-28 20:26:54', -34.605699999999999, 329.45800000000003, -63.800899999999999, 347.83699999999999, 353.05500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 761554508, 0.70888068759376799, -0.15784316646350799, -0.68743996505684701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1930301', 'HD138403', 234.298, -71.914699999999996, '2000-06-28 21:06:44', 6064, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.470000000000001, 'CSPN', 0.050000000000000003, 70, 'PC', '2006-05-09 03:12:36', '2001-01-18 16:46:03', 0, 0, '2000-06-28 21:06:44', '2000-06-29 03:58:53', -50.5227, 253.44499999999999, -13.081300000000001, 315.11000000000001, 138.87799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 674610271, -0.18115898709763401, -0.25209083808881499, -0.95059540854426505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030306', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-06-29 05:15:34', 4193, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-08 22:30:18', '2001-01-06 07:10:23', 3, 0, '2000-06-29 05:15:34', '2000-06-29 06:26:40', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 8.1313800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1163001', 'HD210121', 332.05000000000001, -3.5313599999999998, '2000-06-29 07:02:17', 13736, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.6699999999999999, 'B3V', 0.55000000000000004, 21, 'PC', '2006-05-09 03:01:55', '2001-01-06 14:56:51', 4, 0, '2000-06-29 07:02:17', '2000-06-29 14:27:10', 7.4450900000000004, 332.76999999999998, -44.460900000000002, 56.876300000000001, 331.55000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 311454515, 0.88167966048525903, -0.46781091414135201, -0.061594844726092002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1180201', 'HD209750', 331.44600000000003, -0.31986100000000001, '2000-06-29 15:19:09', 3119, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 2.8999999999999999, 'G2IB', 0, 45, 'PE', '2006-05-11 07:38:34', '2001-01-06 01:08:14', 1, 7.5, '2000-06-29 15:19:09', '2000-06-29 16:13:28', 10.6616, 333.35300000000001, -42.065899999999999, 59.929900000000004, 329.34699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 312034613, 0.87835332344144701, -0.47797936544606801, -0.0055825986009885101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1044301', 'WD2317-05', 349.99299999999999, -5.1655300000000004, '2000-06-30 05:17:17', 21779, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 49, 11.82, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-05-11 05:42:36', '2004-11-05 01:12:05', 2, 0, '2000-06-30 05:17:17', '2000-06-30 18:57:44', -0.78868099999999997, 348.77800000000002, -59.0672, 74.092500000000001, 334.71899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 306591842, 0.98078706063122101, -0.17306277505225601, -0.090033424846453602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1140101', 'HD120991', 208.489, -47.128300000000003, '2000-06-30 21:20:40', 3288, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.0999999999999996, 'B2II', 0.10000000000000001, 60, 'PC', '2006-05-09 03:54:41', '2001-01-12 03:58:25', 1, 0, '2000-06-30 21:20:40', '2000-07-01 03:47:15', -32.909500000000001, 224.58000000000001, 14.4152, 313.84300000000002, 181.06899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'FERLET', 'y', 709591841, -0.59797341411331295, -0.32452444233768801, -0.73287903663502396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1026301', 'HD124979', 214.55000000000001, -51.503799999999998, '2000-07-01 03:47:16', 5105, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.5299999999999994, 'O8V', 0.40000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-09 00:04:36', '2001-01-12 00:42:33', 1, -68, '2000-07-01 03:47:16', '2000-07-01 07:33:50', -35.284999999999997, 231.09299999999999, 9.0843900000000009, 316.40600000000001, 174.08500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 686554341, -0.51267996999249099, -0.35301430497409098, -0.78264944186535901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0830101', 'HD2151', 6.4377899999999997, -77.254199999999997, '2000-07-01 08:50:01', 16601, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 2.8199999999999998, 'G2IV', 0, 44, 'PE', '2006-05-08 21:48:29', '2001-06-01 14:27:18', 2, 0, '2000-07-01 08:50:01', '2000-07-01 20:06:57', -64.784599999999998, 300.971, -39.781799999999997, 304.774, 356.18200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 545276789, 0.21923471121663701, 0.024737541536996699, -0.97535849585496703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1175301', 'AV14', 11.636100000000001, -73.101600000000005, '2000-07-01 21:00:36', 6770, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.77, 'O3-4', 0.13, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 03:01:33', '2001-01-12 02:29:54', 5, 0, '2000-07-01 21:00:36', '2000-07-01 23:40:33', -64.314400000000006, 311.06099999999998, -44.021700000000003, 303.428, 350.04300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545854843, 0.284701617448264, 0.058627811907295102, -0.95682170162120905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1176001', 'AV26', 11.958600000000001, -73.139099999999999, '2000-07-02 00:21:40', 3966, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.550000000000001, 'O7II', 0.11, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 03:12:16', '2001-01-12 02:34:04', 6, 0, '2000-07-02 00:21:40', '2000-07-02 01:28:50', -64.415099999999995, 311.077, -43.986400000000003, 303.29700000000003, 349.88999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545516095, 0.28375440332259699, 0.060099598449864997, -0.95701174332460603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1176201', 'AV83', 12.716699999999999, -72.703999999999994, '2000-07-02 02:00:27', 4009, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.380000000000001, 'O7.5', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 03:12:21', '2001-01-12 02:38:14', 8, 0, '2000-07-02 02:00:27', '2000-07-02 03:08:13', -64.425799999999995, 312.20800000000003, -44.423900000000003, 302.99299999999999, 349.07499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545867502, 0.29001537391634502, 0.065446616910162195, -0.95478155785874796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030301', 'SK82', 14.9405, -72.748900000000006, '2000-07-02 03:43:51', 16173, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 12.17, 'B0IW', 0.14999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-18 00:46:48', '2001-01-12 01:46:36', 7, 0, '2000-07-02 03:43:51', '2000-07-02 13:07:00', -65.042400000000001, 312.77199999999999, -44.365099999999998, 302.06999999999999, 347.07900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 545519032, 0.28653442982569, 0.076457836330425993, -0.95501425109164495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030101', 'SK78', 14.8606, -72.164900000000003, '2000-07-02 13:43:00', 5542, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.69, 'OB?+', 0.14999999999999999, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-18 00:15:30', '2001-09-19 22:37:33', 6, 0, '2000-07-02 13:43:00', '2000-07-02 17:36:03', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 347.346, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603433316685401, 0.078550702140259193, -0.95194194191648496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030201', 'SK80', 14.883100000000001, -72.179400000000001, '2000-07-02 18:40:18', 11667, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.359999999999999, 'O7IA', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 00:26:14', '2001-01-12 01:02:50', 7, 0, '2000-07-02 18:40:18', '2000-07-03 00:45:18', -64.786500000000004, 313.97199999999998, -44.934899999999999, 302.05900000000003, 347.536, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 546048012, 0.29577062561546402, 0.078605068640931794, -0.95201942217950097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030401', 'SK108', 15.8552, -72.111999999999995, '2000-07-03 01:26:05', 12833, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 16, 12.380000000000001, 'O6.5', 0.14999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-18 01:07:52', '2001-02-28 21:14:13', 3, 0, '2000-07-03 01:26:05', '2000-07-03 11:38:23', -65.027299999999997, 314.416, -44.985700000000001, 301.63299999999998, 346.87900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 546047132, 0.29547157926112699, 0.083917570783087606, -0.951658755627668); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1180301', 'AZV462', 17.857800000000001, -72.522499999999994, '2000-07-03 13:01:08', 5240, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.539999999999999, 'B2IA', 0.080000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:46:29', '2001-09-19 19:29:17', 1, 0, '2000-07-03 13:01:08', '2000-07-03 16:52:27', -65.749700000000004, 314.10700000000003, -44.523800000000001, 300.82999999999998, 345.64600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 545690097, 0.28586144982068101, 0.092098277773119797, -0.95383496409894897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1010401', 'JL212', 12.255699999999999, -56.096899999999998, '2000-07-03 17:56:21', 5437, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 10.199999999999999, 'B2', 0.13, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-05 05:08:29', '2001-01-12 00:07:22', 2, 10, '2000-07-03 17:56:21', '2000-07-03 20:24:04', -53.958599999999997, 337.88299999999998, -61.027799999999999, 303.62900000000002, 344.935, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 571444217, 0.54507797799610902, 0.11840481417533399, -0.82998210696603503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1010601', 'FAIRALL9', 20.941800000000001, -58.806600000000003, '2000-07-03 21:18:26', 34896, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 13.5, 'SYFT', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-05 05:09:30', '2001-03-29 01:39:21', 9, 0.047019999999999999, '2000-07-03 21:18:26', '2000-07-04 19:43:28', -59.145400000000002, 340.59100000000001, -57.825400000000002, 295.07400000000001, 338.935, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 571497653, 0.48371617531866601, 0.185117711199138, -0.85542392691312596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0540201', 'HD15638', 37.0792, -61.305399999999999, '2000-07-04 20:39:47', 6332, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.800000000000001, 'F3IV', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-05 02:08:57', '2001-01-11 22:21:07', 0, 0, '2000-07-04 20:39:47', '2000-07-04 23:15:20', -66.919899999999998, 347.72699999999998, -52.156599999999997, 284.20699999999999, 327.05099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 550119585, 0.38305772338425298, 0.289485739839768, -0.87719141980818205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010101', 'GD659', 13.3217, -32.999400000000001, '2000-07-04 23:52:06', 16444, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.369999999999999, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-05 04:26:18', '2001-01-11 23:38:47', 3, 0, '2000-07-04 23:52:06', '2000-07-05 08:29:01', -35.208799999999997, 357.24000000000001, -84.114999999999995, 299.15199999999999, 338.625, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 582831684, 0.81610889746721804, 0.193246359846178, -0.54463025244751395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0491101', 'SK-69.305', 88.553100000000001, -69.498800000000003, '1999-12-20 15:34:22', 5773, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.050000000000001, 'B0:', 0.050000000000000003, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:41:37', '2000-08-10 00:25:15', 0, 0, '1999-12-20 15:34:22', '1999-12-20 17:51:37', -87.012500000000003, 279.76900000000001, -30.273299999999999, 279.79500000000002, 87.1541, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542199747, 0.0088434015611543806, 0.35011533090777802, -0.93666485431672197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1014201', 'HD119608', 206.131, -17.937000000000001, '2000-07-05 19:44:50', 3860, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.5099999999999998, 'B1IB', 0.14000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-05 05:19:22', '2001-01-18 15:46:50', 1, 26, '2000-07-05 19:44:50', '2000-07-06 02:31:49', -6.6545199999999998, 210.68899999999999, 43.132899999999999, 320.34699999999998, 196.58199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 732657172, -0.8541530091581, -0.41901844724397602, -0.30797106652315398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0531401', 'HE-1347-2457', 207.66200000000001, -25.204699999999999, '2000-07-06 05:31:27', 4190, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.5, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2006-05-05 02:00:22', '2001-01-12 06:01:01', 3, 2.5299999999999998, '2000-07-06 05:31:27', '2000-07-06 09:11:23', -12.922000000000001, 214.69499999999999, 35.757199999999997, 319.48399999999998, 193.965, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 719317843, -0.80137594453942396, -0.42005402096846001, -0.42585351352522); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0460505', 'M83', 204.25200000000001, -29.866800000000001, '2000-07-06 10:29:07', 26539, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 7.5, '', 0.080000000000000002, 89, 'EC', '2006-05-05 01:59:11', '2001-01-11 18:43:24', 9, 0, '2000-07-06 10:29:07', '2000-07-07 16:49:11', -18.373100000000001, 213.57900000000001, 31.972300000000001, 314.58300000000003, 193.785, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 718957808, -0.79065434651906397, -0.356197013010908, -0.49798533337099299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0460404', 'NGC5253', 204.983, -31.640799999999999, '2000-07-07 18:08:52', 27379, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 20, 10.4, '', 0.080000000000000002, 89, 'EC', '2006-05-05 01:48:41', '2001-01-11 17:29:04', 8, 0, '2000-07-07 18:08:52', '2000-07-09 02:08:42', -19.771699999999999, 214.91200000000001, 30.105499999999999, 314.86099999999999, 193.369, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 718835821, -0.77169510901850402, -0.35956862396717898, -0.52459228299248595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0410505', 'HD115892', 200.149, -36.712299999999999, '2000-07-09 03:28:14', 13821, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 2.75, 'A2V', 0, 30, 'PE', '2006-05-05 01:37:44', '2001-01-11 21:14:40', 1, 0, '2000-07-09 03:28:14', '2000-07-09 20:26:26', -26.016100000000002, 213.12899999999999, 25.792200000000001, 309.42000000000002, 194.91499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 717781921, -0.75258651932678799, -0.27613759811799099, -0.59779725478895995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1014001', 'HD119069', 205.483, -45.851599999999998, '2000-07-09 21:49:36', 2338, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 8.4199999999999999, 'B1II', 0.070000000000000007, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-05 05:09:44', '2001-01-12 00:19:51', 1, -125, '2000-07-09 21:49:36', '2000-07-09 23:47:47', -32.624099999999999, 221.708, 16.124700000000001, 312.05000000000001, 189.36799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 711070653, -0.62875690247665195, -0.29967269243551797, -0.71753817668219899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1026501', 'HD134411', 227.78700000000001, -39.864100000000001, '2000-07-10 02:59:04', 3938, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 9.5600000000000005, 'B2VN', 0.059999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-05 05:41:09', '2001-01-18 15:59:59', 1, 0, '2000-07-10 02:59:04', '2000-07-10 06:35:38', -21.219200000000001, 236.411, 15.5342, 330.07100000000003, 178.23099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 699122682, -0.51571950324771199, -0.56850010117755001, -0.64096882056075799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1201213', 'HD137595', 232.00999999999999, -33.545099999999998, '2000-07-10 07:49:17', 5715, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 7.5, 'B3VN', 0.25, 74, 'PC', '2006-05-05 02:40:31', '2001-01-17 18:54:06', 0, 0, '2000-07-10 07:49:17', '2000-07-10 11:39:42', -14.223800000000001, 238.04599999999999, 18.860399999999998, 336.71699999999998, 180.59299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 722538477, -0.51300910456777704, -0.65685798440317, -0.55259320205407303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0531101', 'HE-2217-2818', 335.02800000000002, -28.0565, '2000-07-10 13:02:58', 4877, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2006-05-05 02:00:07', '2001-01-17 16:55:23', 3, 2.4100000000000001, '2000-07-10 13:02:58', '2000-07-10 15:23:43', -16.459199999999999, 326.529, -56.594000000000001, 22.386099999999999, 355.34399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 770167609, 0.799984477942004, -0.37256304225921399, -0.470342018742127); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0260101', 'LSIV-12D1', 245.934, -12.209199999999999, '2000-07-10 16:29:01', 4228, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.140000000000001, 'SDO', 0.25, 16, 'PC', '2006-05-05 01:27:12', '2001-01-17 16:48:47', 0, 0, '2000-07-10 16:29:01', '2000-07-10 20:02:55', 9.2624600000000008, 246.18199999999999, 25.224599999999999, 2.6665800000000002, 196.92400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ULRICH', 'HEBER', 'y', 504249308, -0.39856531624117802, -0.89242431797616395, -0.21148173768519199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1200909', 'HD147683', 246.18199999999999, -34.893700000000003, '2000-07-10 21:08:47', 7012, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.9000000000000004, 'B4V', 0.42999999999999999, 74, 'PC', '2006-05-05 02:30:04', '2001-01-17 18:34:36', 0, 0, '2000-07-10 21:08:47', '2000-07-11 01:06:50', -13.083600000000001, 250.12, 10.0892, 344.858, 171.23400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 701094641, -0.33122956583616497, -0.75035942236849096, -0.57205568957821795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1030101', 'EUVEJ1636-285', 249.184, -28.537600000000001, '2000-07-11 02:08:57', 4488, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.5, 'M', 0, 65, 'PE', '2006-05-05 08:09:05', '2001-11-24 22:33:12', 0, 0, '2000-07-11 02:08:57', '2000-07-11 05:55:25', -6.4116900000000001, 251.69, 12.456300000000001, 351.41199999999998, 177.358, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 702262446, -0.31219213618721497, -0.82116075214113204, -0.477735375753014); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1027001', 'HD152623', 254.06200000000001, -40.659999999999997, '2000-07-11 07:09:21', 6056, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6.6699999999999999, 'O7VN', 0.40000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-05 06:03:24', '2001-01-17 20:40:21', 3, -7, '2000-07-11 07:09:21', '2000-07-11 11:06:39', -17.9176, 257.35500000000002, 1.6113200000000001, 344.61900000000003, 157.79300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 694961452, -0.20830638113302999, -0.72942877127866301, -0.65156896734740299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1026801', 'HD152248', 253.541, -41.825200000000002, '2000-07-12 03:07:35', 4445, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 6.0999999999999996, 'O7IB', 0.46000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-05 06:01:10', '2001-01-17 20:09:47', 1, -35, '2000-07-12 03:07:35', '2000-07-12 06:56:10', -19.1206, 257.08800000000002, 1.18445, 343.46600000000001, 157.55699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 694593176, -0.21113200493602399, -0.71464721305621404, -0.66686028323981095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1026901', 'HD152314', 253.63300000000001, -41.805300000000003, '2000-07-12 08:07:25', 4040, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.9000000000000004, 'O9.5', 0.47999999999999998, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-05 06:01:42', '2001-01-17 20:21:56', 0, -34, '2000-07-12 08:07:25', '2000-07-12 10:23:35', -19.0928, 257.15699999999998, 1.14395, 343.524, 157.66499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 694593111, -0.21004947579701899, -0.71520749220045998, -0.666601425754346); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1170801', 'HD151932', 253.08000000000001, -41.854399999999998, '2000-07-12 11:27:47', 2284, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.4900000000000002, 'WN7', 0.5, 11, 'PC', '2006-04-19 17:04:32', '2001-02-28 17:06:53', 2, 0, '2000-07-12 11:27:47', '2000-07-12 12:06:31', -19.191299999999998, 256.73000000000002, 1.43241, 343.22500000000002, 158.26599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 694768926, -0.21677619876742099, -0.71260010091555903, -0.66723996869423396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1170901', 'HD156385', 259.87400000000002, -45.640000000000001, '2000-07-12 13:07:47', 2739, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 7.4500000000000002, 'WC7', 0.080000000000000002, 10, 'PC', '2006-05-05 07:38:15', '2001-01-17 23:14:12', 2, 0, '2000-07-12 13:07:47', '2000-07-12 13:54:18', -22.468800000000002, 262.35599999999999, -4.7621599999999997, 343.16500000000002, 146.245, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 692990501, -0.122922508679289, -0.68827383995267699, -0.71496096263837094); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1000101', 'ALPHA-TRA', 252.166, -69.027699999999996, '2000-07-12 14:57:18', 25541, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 1.9199999999999999, 'K3II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2006-06-17 02:25:05', '2001-01-17 17:09:48', 3, 0, '2000-07-12 14:57:18', '2000-07-12 22:55:41', -46.151200000000003, 260.89600000000002, -15.2585, 321.53699999999998, 135.886, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM', 'HARPER', 'y', 676181792, -0.109615618059939, -0.34071789201929398, -0.93375357259571801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1000102', 'ALPHA-TRA', 252.166, -69.027699999999996, '2000-07-13 00:56:34', 18092, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 1.9199999999999999, 'K3II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2006-06-19 20:19:41', '2001-12-28 15:47:41', 0, 0, '2000-07-13 00:56:34', '2000-07-13 07:56:56', -46.151200000000003, 260.89600000000002, -15.2585, 321.53699999999998, 136.34700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM', 'HARPER', 'y', 676181792, -0.109615618059939, -0.34071789201929398, -0.93375357259571801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S1010101', 'HE2-138', 239.00700000000001, -66.152299999999997, '2000-07-13 09:06:18', 3616, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 11.92, 'CSPN', 0, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-05 08:19:17', '2002-06-12 19:26:31', 0, 0, '2000-07-13 09:06:18', '2000-07-13 12:39:50', -44.530200000000001, 253.02000000000001, -9.6575900000000008, 320.13600000000002, 152.50800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 677823348, -0.20819109573623901, -0.34658407535651098, -0.91462339045391605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1100101', 'WD1620-391', 245.89099999999999, -39.229500000000002, '2000-07-13 14:24:41', 4830, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.01, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-05 08:18:57', '2001-01-17 23:28:13', 3, 0, '2000-07-13 14:24:41', '2000-07-13 21:20:46', -17.396999999999998, 250.63499999999999, 7.2511200000000002, 341.53399999999999, 168.191, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 700594208, -0.316411588243383, -0.70704897863472005, -0.63242821619287204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1161901', 'HD154368', 256.61799999999999, -35.451099999999997, '2000-07-14 01:45:34', 12331, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 6.1299999999999999, 'O9IA', 0.55000000000000004, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-05 07:37:45', '2001-09-20 00:20:15', 5, 0, '2000-07-14 01:45:34', '2000-07-14 12:27:39', -12.5275, 258.86399999999998, 3.2154199999999999, 349.97199999999998, 164.47200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 695841574, -0.188535392763097, -0.79249303676931804, -0.58000792438363302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0040202', 'AS210', 252.83500000000001, -26.007400000000001, '2000-07-14 13:25:34', 4984, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.5, 'OTR', 0.29999999999999999, 57, 'PE', '2006-05-05 01:21:12', '2001-01-18 13:54:43', 0, 0, '2000-07-14 13:25:34', '2000-07-14 15:46:17', -3.4815100000000001, 254.59, 11.5541, 355.51600000000002, 179.77500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'HANS MARTIN', 'SCHMID', 'y', 702518794, -0.26523938585153101, -0.85870659748198597, -0.43848722630655201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1027202', 'HD153426', 255.304, -38.203499999999998, '2000-07-14 16:46:54', 4970, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 7.4699999999999998, 'O9II', 0.45000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-05 06:13:34', '2001-01-20 20:54:34', 2, -6, '2000-07-14 16:46:54', '2000-07-14 19:11:05', -15.370799999999999, 258.06799999999998, 2.38035, 347.14299999999997, 162.37, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 695041111, -0.19935477821021499, -0.76011140917627196, -0.61845639946953301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1026602', 'HD151805', 252.899, -41.776600000000002, '2000-07-14 20:06:08', 2741, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.8599999999999994, 'B1IB', 0.32000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-05 05:41:19', '2001-04-20 18:06:44', 1, 0, '2000-07-14 20:06:08', '2000-07-14 20:54:51', -19.130700000000001, 256.57900000000001, 1.5858399999999999, 343.19999999999999, 160.38, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 694769276, -0.21929247010108599, -0.712777049182728, -0.66622795702021298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1080303', 'NGC5904-ZNG1', 229.642, 2.08317, '2000-07-15 04:35:23', 3734, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.199999999999999, 'SDO', 0.029999999999999999, 18, 'PC', '2006-05-05 02:20:06', '2001-02-28 17:42:58', 3, 0, '2000-07-15 04:35:23', '2000-07-15 09:54:48', 19.6494, 226.595, 46.795299999999997, 3.8659699999999999, 201.81899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'W. VAN DYKE', 'DIXON', 'y', 514738836, -0.64713352614873698, -0.76150959600183898, 0.036350165493691897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1320501', 'WD2117+341', 319.28500000000003, 34.207700000000003, '2000-07-16 03:44:57', 8216, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 18, 13.199999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.050000000000000003, 17, 'PC', '2006-05-05 07:59:05', '2001-01-20 21:20:28', 3, 0, '2000-07-16 03:44:57', '2000-07-16 11:03:11', 46.918999999999997, 336.596, -10.4093, 80.357100000000003, 292.94099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 215984698, 0.626839701178319, -0.53945278359863202, 0.56219452442581097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1073901', 'MRK304', 334.30099999999999, 14.239100000000001, '2000-07-16 12:06:35', 12387, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.08, 'SYFT', 0.10000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-05 07:27:11', '2001-05-21 17:50:55', 4, 0.065759999999999999, '2000-07-16 12:06:35', '2000-07-16 17:59:00', 23.132999999999999, 341.76299999999998, -34.222499999999997, 75.990600000000001, 314.78699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 318394514, 0.87340121741756205, -0.420320845358651, 0.24596890122637299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1040101', 'BD+28D4211', 327.79599999999999, 28.8644, '2000-07-16 18:45:04', 16658, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 36, 10.529999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-05-05 05:08:18', '2001-01-20 19:35:50', 3, 0, '2000-07-16 18:45:04', '2000-07-17 06:49:16', 38.9437, 342.322, -19.293299999999999, 81.874700000000004, 302.197, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 220857477, 0.74103347111694595, -0.46672593474796897, 0.48273833131211502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028401', 'HD190429', 300.87299999999999, 36.024799999999999, '2000-07-18 17:24:01', 4845, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 6.5599999999999996, 'O4IF', 0.51000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-04-13 20:58:02', '2001-02-28 17:55:36', 5, 0, '2000-07-18 17:24:01', '2000-07-18 19:47:36', 54.659599999999998, 315.84500000000003, 2.6133600000000001, 72.586500000000001, 270.29599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 239798600, 0.41500583510435701, -0.69416636283910904, 0.58813537347455802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028501', 'HD190918', 301.48899999999998, 35.7883, '2000-07-18 20:42:20', 5510, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 6.8099999999999996, 'O9.5', 0.40000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-05 06:22:46', '2001-01-21 20:04:07', 2, -22, '2000-07-18 20:42:20', '2000-07-18 23:07:41', 54.261400000000002, 316.50400000000002, 2.0647500000000001, 72.653300000000002, 270.84399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 239708013, 0.423709290567923, -0.69172878082113698, 0.58479204070347202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171301', 'HD191765', 302.55900000000003, 36.176699999999997, '2000-07-19 00:02:15', 4450, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 8.3100000000000005, 'WN6', 0.45000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2006-04-19 18:07:50', '2001-02-28 19:31:22', 3, 0, '2000-07-19 00:02:15', '2000-07-19 05:23:30', 54.310899999999997, 318.12700000000001, 1.5469900000000001, 73.448300000000003, 271.86399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 239716220, 0.43440927599944601, -0.68033896140560102, 0.59027745892858396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171401', 'HD192103', 302.97300000000001, 36.197499999999998, '2000-07-19 06:42:00', 1490, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 8.0899999999999999, 'WC8', 0.53000000000000003, 10, 'PC', '2006-04-19 17:05:26', '2001-02-28 19:35:34', 2, 0, '2000-07-19 06:42:00', '2000-07-19 07:07:16', 54.207000000000001, 318.67200000000003, 1.27858, 73.648700000000005, 272.01799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 239697436, 0.439197139506384, -0.67700251715764703, 0.590570456771772); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1044101', 'WD2309+105', 348.08999999999997, 10.7843, '2000-07-19 10:12:27', 14810, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 28, 13, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-04-19 19:25:19', '2001-02-28 21:26:59', 4, 0, '2000-07-19 10:12:27', '2000-07-19 19:22:03', 14.6144, 353.37900000000002, -45.114600000000003, 87.256399999999999, 324.25299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 327195270, 0.961191738407288, -0.20273008512953, 0.18711214445072499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1340301', 'V1016-CYG', 299.27100000000002, 39.826799999999999, '2000-07-19 20:04:24', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 11, 'WD+M', 0.35999999999999999, 57, 'PE', '2006-04-19 15:34:59', '2001-02-28 17:45:52', 0, -68, '2000-07-19 20:04:24', '2000-07-19 20:05:23', 58.660600000000002, 316.21699999999998, 5.6778399999999998, 75.174099999999996, 267.27300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN R.', 'ESPEY', 'y', 241302077, 0.37549887558795397, -0.66992541659884997, 0.64046899271318303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1162501', 'HD199579', 314.14499999999998, 44.924799999999998, '2000-07-19 21:42:12', 4307, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.0099999999999998, 'O6VE', 0.55000000000000004, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-19 19:45:21', '2001-02-28 16:35:49', 5, 0, '2000-07-19 21:42:12', '2000-07-20 00:09:23', 58.212200000000003, 339.41199999999998, -0.29970000000000002, 85.698300000000003, 282.358, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 251815176, 0.49312927854546801, -0.50807086191932405, 0.70617810353322397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0530401', 'HS-2337+1845', 354.93599999999998, 19.030899999999999, '2000-07-20 01:43:17', 4230, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2006-04-19 05:19:42', '2001-04-03 14:43:02', 3, 2.6200000000000001, '2000-07-20 01:43:17', '2000-07-20 05:24:16', 19.412099999999999, 3.23095, -40.679699999999997, 100.376, 324.09500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 328630974, 0.94165292171964199, -0.083443947101081994, 0.32607803162594801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0020401', 'B2200+420', 330.68000000000001, 42.277799999999999, '2000-07-20 06:01:29', 10910, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.5, 'QSO', 0, 87, 'PC', '2006-04-18 18:02:26', '2001-02-28 19:19:05', 3, 0, '2000-07-20 06:01:29', '2000-07-20 13:27:37', 49.581899999999997, 354.26299999999998, -10.4412, 92.590999999999994, 298.37099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'FRANCOISE', 'COMBES', 'y', 228181741, 0.64511047719246195, -0.36231527462683899, 0.672725883245615); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0230301', 'NGC7673', 351.923, 23.591899999999999, '2000-07-20 14:27:26', 9979, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.800000000000001, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 82, 'EC', '2006-04-18 18:13:40', '2001-03-06 15:34:27', 5, 3405, '2000-07-20 14:27:26', '2000-07-20 18:43:10', 24.734200000000001, 2.5915900000000001, -35.398800000000001, 99.247100000000003, 320.49299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'VERONIQUE', 'BUAT', 'y', 330592210, 0.90732856645933802, -0.128760396290093, 0.40021948082778402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1162601', 'HD203938', 320.959, 47.164700000000003, '2000-07-20 19:21:16', 7763, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.4500000000000002, 'B0.5', 0.73999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 20:05:39', '2001-02-28 18:07:22', 5, 0, '2000-07-20 19:21:16', '2000-07-20 23:29:28', 57.4741, 349.14999999999998, -2.2341600000000001, 90.559299999999993, 287.91800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 229630360, 0.52806996261579398, -0.42824866013584401, 0.73331112065398896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1320601', 'HS2324+3944', 351.81599999999997, 40.023499999999999, '2000-07-21 00:21:48', 4004, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.800000000000001, 'DOZ1', 0.29999999999999999, 17, 'PC', '2007-04-11 23:58:25', '2001-02-28 19:44:01', 1, 0, '2000-07-21 00:21:48', '2000-07-21 03:04:35', 39.301000000000002, 11.6152, -20.0501, 105.913, 316.00999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 223896126, 0.75798204350881904, -0.109010825824574, 0.64310175055837004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1181301', 'HD197770', 310.80700000000002, 57.113900000000001, '2000-07-21 03:40:57', 6007, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.3099999999999996, 'B2II', 0.57999999999999996, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 18:41:33', '2001-02-28 19:57:57', 1, 0, '2000-07-21 03:40:57', '2000-07-21 09:13:41', 69.057199999999995, 353.08499999999998, 9.0002300000000002, 93.879800000000003, 277.08100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 254278484, 0.35483848356147402, -0.41098281808230203, 0.839751614362796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1181001', 'HD239683', 322.47300000000001, 57.815899999999999, '2000-07-21 15:19:05', 9185, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.3200000000000003, 'B3IV', 0.47999999999999998, 21, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:33:46', '2001-02-28 19:39:45', 2, 0, '2000-07-21 15:19:05', '2000-07-21 19:28:21', 64.899199999999993, 5.2718699999999998, 4.7992499999999998, 98.617099999999994, 287.63099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 253654816, 0.422420011387104, -0.32445065527924699, 0.84634101062667799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1162701', 'HD206267', 324.74000000000001, 57.489100000000001, '2000-07-21 20:19:19', 2922, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 5.6200000000000001, 'O6E', 0.51000000000000001, 14, 'PC', '2006-04-19 19:55:24', '2001-02-28 18:43:02', 7, 0, '2000-07-21 20:19:19', '2000-07-21 22:49:55', 63.781999999999996, 6.6000699999999997, 3.7381799999999998, 99.291899999999998, 289.57799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 253598782, 0.43885806244842801, -0.31026908038565798, 0.84328921419679603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1162903', 'HD207538', 326.916, 59.700299999999999, '2000-07-21 23:38:55', 11152, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 7.3099999999999996, 'B0V', 0.63, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 20:05:49', '2001-02-28 19:10:25', 7, 0, '2000-07-21 23:38:55', '2000-07-22 10:17:30', 64.3827, 12.118, 4.67258, 101.59999999999999, 291.33999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 256513439, 0.422725369930046, -0.27540301951602902, 0.86339819229539705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1141001', 'HD216438', 342.99299999999999, 53.709699999999998, '2000-07-22 11:20:01', 5667, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.4600000000000009, 'B1II', 0.31, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:36:44', '2001-02-28 20:14:48', 0, -72, '2000-07-22 11:20:01', '2000-07-22 13:50:55', 53.937899999999999, 15.9526, -5.1215400000000004, 105.72, 305.87, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 233119246, 0.56599338498020701, -0.17311715870887001, 0.80602849671659604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1180701', 'HD239729', 324.86399999999998, 57.483699999999999, '2000-07-22 14:38:29', 9876, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.3499999999999996, 'B0V', 0.67000000000000004, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:33:37', '2001-02-28 19:29:53', 1, 0, '2000-07-22 14:38:29', '2000-07-22 18:51:42', 63.729500000000002, 6.6933299999999996, 3.6900400000000002, 99.338300000000004, 289.00700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 253597436, 0.43959351540909403, -0.309364314078589, 0.84323855603557396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1163101', 'HD210839', 332.87799999999999, 59.414499999999997, '2000-07-22 19:39:35', 6045, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 5.0599999999999996, 'O6IA', 0.62, 21, 'PC', '2007-04-11 23:58:19', '2001-02-28 19:21:14', 10, 0, '2000-07-22 19:39:35', '2000-07-22 21:22:17', 61.897399999999998, 15.971, 2.6106099999999999, 103.83, 296.11000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 256102578, 0.45287222138497801, -0.231965893132597, 0.86087082394574799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223901', 'HD216438', 342.99299999999999, 53.709699999999998, '2000-07-22 21:44:54', 5441, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.4600000000000009, 'B1II', 0.31, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 17:29:51', '2001-02-28 01:10:35', 0, -72, '2000-07-22 21:44:54', '2000-07-23 00:10:49', 53.937899999999999, 15.9526, -5.1215400000000004, 105.72, 305.51499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233119246, 0.56599338498020701, -0.17311715870887001, 0.80602849671659604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018801', 'HD218915', 347.779, 53.058399999999999, '2000-07-23 00:39:21', 5346, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 7.2000000000000002, 'O9.5', 0.28999999999999998, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:57:55', '2001-02-28 20:31:40', 4, -72, '2000-07-23 00:39:21', '2000-07-23 03:35:34', 51.619100000000003, 18.9085, -6.8926999999999996, 108.06399999999999, 309.62200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 232309890, 0.58738103094942595, -0.12722164207130601, 0.79924850845620599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223701', 'HDE235874', 338.24900000000002, 51.215600000000002, '2000-07-23 04:00:49', 5470, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.6400000000000006, 'B3II', 0.20000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2006-04-19 18:08:07', '2001-02-28 00:36:20', 2, -56, '2000-07-23 04:00:49', '2000-07-23 07:46:39', 53.854100000000003, 9.4755900000000004, -5.9341699999999999, 101.974, 301.38400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 232875291, 0.581794447639433, -0.232124219226476, 0.77950854231652); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223401', 'HD212044', 335.09500000000003, 51.860900000000001, '2000-07-23 08:59:05', 4540, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.9800000000000004, 'B1VN', 0.29999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 18:07:59', '2001-02-28 00:21:44', 2, -14, '2000-07-23 08:59:05', '2000-07-23 11:20:38', 55.594900000000003, 7.5506399999999996, -4.3509700000000002, 100.642, 298.303, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 232947395, 0.56014297723349105, -0.26006912971635499, 0.78651375882725505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1162801', 'HD207198', 326.22199999999998, 62.460799999999999, '2000-07-23 12:18:25', 13179, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 5.9500000000000002, 'O9II', 0.59999999999999998, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-19 16:50:15', '2001-02-28 23:34:15', 8, 0, '2000-07-23 12:18:25', '2000-07-23 16:17:07', 66.316599999999994, 16.913599999999999, 6.9949599999999998, 103.13800000000001, 289.22500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 257980286, 0.38430886395543101, -0.25705872035077398, 0.88669471148581303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223801', 'HD216044', 342.18099999999998, 55.125999999999998, '2000-07-23 16:29:47', 5612, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.5099999999999998, 'B0II', 0.37, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 18:08:16', '2001-02-28 00:52:59', 1, -76, '2000-07-23 16:29:47', '2000-07-23 18:03:32', 55.317, 16.940899999999999, -3.6440600000000001, 105.93600000000001, 304.048, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233249218, 0.54434449800515605, -0.17496903877652001, 0.820411422983088); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1141201', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2000-07-24 09:57:23', 4498, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:37:22', '2001-02-28 20:23:03', 1, 0, '2000-07-24 09:57:23', '2000-07-24 12:14:48', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 240.726, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1016402', 'H1821+643', 275.48899999999998, 64.343400000000003, '2000-07-24 13:17:07', 62640, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 41, 14.1, 'SYFT', 0.080000000000000002, 85, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:41:09', '2001-09-07 17:28:27', 13, 0.29699999999999999, '2000-07-24 13:17:07', '2000-07-27 10:11:07', 86.821600000000004, 318.327, 27.416699999999999, 94.004199999999997, 238.613, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 251522239, 0.041416207109663102, -0.43099104056312998, 0.90140524778978304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1141101', 'WD0038+199', 10.397399999999999, 20.154299999999999, '2000-07-27 11:36:17', 6615, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.56, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:37:13', '2001-02-28 17:18:02', 0, 0, '2000-07-27 11:36:17', '2000-07-27 14:09:45', 14.402100000000001, 17.577100000000002, -42.657499999999999, 119.79000000000001, 329.29599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 325441309, 0.92335324876283698, 0.16942372184336099, 0.34454953268849098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1040201', 'WD0038+199', 10.397399999999999, 20.154299999999999, '2000-07-27 14:54:00', 13119, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.56, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:58:09', '2001-02-28 18:12:43', 1, 0, '2000-07-27 14:54:00', '2000-07-27 20:46:53', 14.402100000000001, 17.577100000000002, -42.657499999999999, 119.79000000000001, 329.25400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 325441309, 0.92335324876283698, 0.16942372184336099, 0.34454953268849098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0030206', 'RXJ0019+22', 4.9583300000000001, 21.9483, '2000-07-27 21:46:51', 27627, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 12.4, 'CV', 0.10000000000000001, 59, 'PC', '2006-04-18 18:13:31', '2001-04-16 16:24:42', 1, 0, '2000-07-27 21:46:51', '2000-07-28 16:45:08', 18.1218, 13.522600000000001, -40.332000000000001, 113.30500000000001, 325.839, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 325996400, 0.92405054644377005, 0.080166804035039299, 0.373769810375019); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0530801', 'HS-0119+1432', 20.483499999999999, 14.8066, '2000-07-28 17:35:06', 6341, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.100000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2006-04-19 05:20:00', '2001-02-28 19:04:39', 3, 2.8700000000000001, '2000-07-28 17:35:06', '2000-07-28 20:07:56', 5.7329600000000003, 24.464400000000001, -47.417400000000001, 133.86000000000001, 334.34800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 301577927, 0.90566647823165503, 0.338317580691125, 0.25555712630012101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0880101', 'NGC221', 10.674200000000001, 40.697800000000001, '2000-07-28 21:03:23', 51065, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 25, 8.8200000000000003, 'GAL', 0.11, 81, 'EC', '2006-04-19 15:33:29', '2001-04-06 16:52:54', 3, -205, '2000-07-28 21:03:23', '2000-07-30 05:29:27', 32.847200000000001, 27.5228, -22.143899999999999, 121.145, 325.12599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 42973068, 0.745040413311026, 0.14042941128643099, 0.65206929308094297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0610909', 'M31-OB78-292', 10.1275, 40.757800000000003, '2000-07-30 06:46:41', 9303, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 18, '', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-19 05:29:08', '2001-03-28 22:15:06', 1, 0, '2000-07-30 06:46:41', '2000-07-30 12:09:02', 33.093499999999999, 27.119399999999999, -22.066800000000001, 120.70099999999999, 323.99400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 44372497, 0.745673799818236, 0.13319401917141299, 0.65286287803917797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0611010', 'M31-OB78-159', 10.1183, 40.720599999999997, '2000-07-30 12:52:22', 6951, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 18, '', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-06-15 05:11:59', '2001-04-03 14:48:17', 1, 0, '2000-07-30 12:52:22', '2000-07-30 15:28:51', 33.063800000000001, 27.0913, -22.1037, 120.691, 323.84399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 44372137, 0.74611230683442198, 0.13314872396331801, 0.652370939647957); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0611212', 'M31-NGC206-231', 10.1242, 40.741700000000002, '2000-07-30 23:07:45', 8502, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 18.300000000000001, '', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-05 02:09:16', '2001-09-06 17:58:33', 1, 0, '2000-07-30 23:07:45', '2000-07-31 04:48:15', 33.080399999999997, 27.107700000000001, -22.082799999999999, 120.697, 323.66000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 44372143, 0.74586203718847299, 0.13318331382864601, 0.65265000298680897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0530101', 'HS-1549+1919', 237.96899999999999, 19.1843, '2000-07-31 07:03:57', 4753, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.6, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2006-04-19 05:19:02', '2001-03-28 21:42:30', 3, 2.8300000000000001, '2000-07-31 07:03:57', '2000-07-31 12:22:42', 38.315100000000001, 230.32400000000001, 47.994399999999999, 31.950199999999999, 200.62, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 140129655, -0.50092425012141195, -0.80068206568606703, 0.328607859505814); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1910101', 'MRK357', 20.6675, 23.1694, '2000-07-31 13:59:22', 24563, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 16, '', 0, 89, 'PC', '2006-04-19 18:31:38', '2001-09-21 15:30:41', 3, 0.052999999999999999, '2000-07-31 13:59:22', '2000-08-01 04:05:52', 13.409800000000001, 27.835799999999999, -39.140000000000001, 132.19999999999999, 332.47899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 34099823, 0.86018054723208603, 0.32447767298617902, 0.39345097013094599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0530201', 'HS-0035+4405', 9.4679199999999994, 44.359000000000002, '2000-08-01 05:23:56', 5094, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2006-04-19 05:19:22', '2001-03-01 21:28:20', 3, 2.71, '2000-08-01 05:23:56', '2000-08-01 09:07:46', 36.4895, 28.694299999999998, -18.445699999999999, 120.378, 321.97800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 45150437, 0.70523369880881004, 0.117609766141185, 0.69915189549386203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0610505', 'M33-FUV016', 23.1571, 30.668299999999999, '2000-08-01 09:54:09', 6590, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 17, '', 0, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-19 05:20:08', '2001-02-28 21:36:22', 2, 0, '2000-08-01 09:54:09', '2000-08-01 12:27:21', 19.477, 32.982700000000001, -31.372499999999999, 133.30799999999999, 332.517, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 36705606, 0.79083360033546102, 0.338251031056712, 0.51006710986842096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1050601', 'HD224257', 359.10399999999998, 55.990400000000001, '2000-08-01 13:12:47', 7032, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 7.9800000000000004, 'B0.2', 0.23000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 20:05:26', '2001-02-28 21:29:40', 1, -13, '2000-08-01 13:12:47', '2000-08-01 15:50:12', 49.819800000000001, 29.909500000000001, -6.0583, 115.247, 312.03800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 232222899, 0.55926341081084496, -0.0087465581694668795, 0.82894386724820401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1010101', 'HD000073', 1.4038299999999999, 43.401400000000002, '2000-08-01 16:29:53', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 8.4800000000000004, 'B1.5', 0.070000000000000007, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:37:50', '2001-02-28 17:20:24', 2, 0, '2000-08-01 16:29:53', '2000-08-01 16:30:52', 38.559399999999997, 21.741, -18.689599999999999, 114.17100000000001, 315.51299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 44799310, 0.726339808852415, 0.0177999446429398, 0.68710526416768702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1040101', 'WD0005+511', 2.0762499999999999, 51.387799999999999, '2000-08-01 18:10:08', 6811, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.32, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:58:02', '2001-02-28 17:49:02', 1, 0, '2000-08-01 18:10:08', '2000-08-01 20:48:14', 45.0655, 27.997900000000001, -10.9114, 116.104, 314.863, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363630398296199, 0.022608854457214, 0.78138761191524098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0860404', 'NGC588', 23.189599999999999, 30.648599999999998, '2000-08-01 21:42:36', 5220, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 72, 'PC', '2006-04-19 05:59:08', '2001-03-01 22:05:10', 7, -179, '2000-08-01 21:42:36', '2000-08-02 00:06:50', 19.447900000000001, 33.001899999999999, -31.386700000000001, 133.345, 332.37900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM C.', 'KEEL', 'y', 35307493, 0.790802766667558, 0.33876860154065902, 0.509771339760409); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0860202', 'NGC592', 23.301300000000001, 30.646899999999999, '2000-08-02 01:13:22', 3965, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 72, 'PC', '2006-04-19 05:59:00', '2001-03-01 21:59:09', 7, -179, '2000-08-02 01:13:22', '2000-08-02 03:26:42', 19.409199999999998, 33.095100000000002, -31.3703, 133.45500000000001, 332.39699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM C.', 'KEEL', 'y', 35318297, 0.79015471502151302, 0.34031563557904798, 0.50974581362645899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0850201', 'NGC6210', 251.12299999999999, 23.8003, '2000-08-02 05:38:26', 6615, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.199999999999999, 'O6', 0.089999999999999997, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-27 21:26:22', '2001-03-01 21:52:35', 0, 0, '2000-08-02 05:38:26', '2000-08-02 11:05:43', 45.6126, 244.964, 37.759599999999999, 43.1113, 206.37799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 151289187, -0.29602317973906001, -0.86574684769130394, 0.40355008706447598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0510202', 'HD216532', 343.12700000000001, 62.440600000000003, '2000-08-02 12:28:56', 22736, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.0099999999999998, 'O8V', 0.85999999999999999, 74, 'PC', '2006-04-18 18:35:05', '2001-03-01 20:47:51', 0, 0, '2000-08-02 12:28:56', '2000-08-02 21:50:22', 60.088299999999997, 27.3934, 2.6756899999999999, 109.65300000000001, 296.36000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', 'y', 256948085, 0.442750312947498, -0.13428996222815601, 0.88653164998755296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223601', 'BD+532885', 336.78100000000001, 54.181699999999999, '2000-08-02 22:44:06', 4683, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.460000000000001, 'B2II', 0.28000000000000003, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 04:57:46', '2001-03-01 20:23:13', 1, -54, '2000-08-02 22:44:06', '2000-08-03 01:03:57', 56.692999999999998, 11.648099999999999, -2.9348900000000002, 102.746, 290.685, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233394869, 0.53781686557869002, -0.23071974189321601, 0.81087694491817996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1015201', 'BARNARD29', 250.393, 36.435600000000001, '2000-08-03 03:11:44', 15572, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13.140000000000001, 'PAGB', 0, 18, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:38:28', '2001-02-28 22:03:10', 1, -241, '2000-08-03 03:11:44', '2000-08-03 17:05:24', 57.819800000000001, 239.542, 40.933399999999999, 58.973799999999997, 207.84299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 154606274, -0.26997174426222997, -0.75787572748963405, 0.59391888249327995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0510303', 'HD216898', 343.92599999999999, 62.3063, '2000-08-03 18:32:05', 19543, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 8.0199999999999996, 'O8.5', 0.84999999999999998, 74, 'PC', '2006-04-18 18:45:07', '2001-03-01 21:17:29', 0, 0, '2000-08-03 18:32:05', '2000-08-04 06:13:32', 59.719000000000001, 27.669599999999999, 2.3930099999999999, 109.928, 296.065, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', 'y', 256951865, 0.44657544715097403, -0.12867787599497299, 0.88544473245444799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S3040203', 'HD224151', 358.89100000000002, 57.412199999999999, '2000-08-04 08:16:42', 3149, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6, 'B0.5', 0.44, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 17:55:29', '2001-08-23 17:29:53', 3, 0, '2000-08-04 08:16:42', '2000-08-04 10:09:15', 51.003599999999999, 31.158799999999999, -4.6444700000000001, 115.438, 309.661, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 232613230, 0.53849050261864595, -0.0104241631909615, 0.842567098462363); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S3040204', 'HD224151', 358.89100000000002, 57.412199999999999, '2000-08-05 04:20:48', 7032, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 10, 6, 'B0.5', 0.44, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 18:08:39', '2001-04-19 22:14:37', 3, 0, '2000-08-05 04:20:48', '2000-08-05 09:47:15', 51.003599999999999, 31.158799999999999, -4.6444700000000001, 115.438, 309.34699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 232613230, 0.53849050261864595, -0.0104241631909615, 0.842567098462363); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223602', 'BD+532885', 336.78100000000001, 54.181699999999999, '2000-08-05 15:20:09', 7191, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.460000000000001, 'B2II', 0.28000000000000003, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 05:07:27', '2001-03-01 20:30:33', 1, -54, '2000-08-05 15:20:09', '2000-08-05 17:59:39', 56.692999999999998, 11.648099999999999, -2.9348900000000002, 102.746, 288.34100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233394869, 0.53781686557869002, -0.23071974189321601, 0.81087694491817996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223101', 'HD210809', 332.911, 52.43, '2000-08-05 18:50:10', 5508, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 7.54, 'O9IA', 0.33000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-19 03:54:30', '2001-03-01 19:16:36', 4, -80, '2000-08-05 18:50:10', '2000-08-05 21:18:13', 56.892699999999998, 6.3636100000000004, -3.1296400000000002, 99.848600000000005, 284.58600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233322140, 0.54284298157160304, -0.27765529163422298, 0.79260900599600004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223301', 'HDE235783', 334.279, 54.5077, '2000-08-05 22:18:56', 4717, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.6799999999999997, 'B1IB', 0.35999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 03:55:54', '2001-03-01 20:04:38', 2, -34, '2000-08-05 22:18:56', '2000-08-06 00:39:08', 57.912199999999999, 10.049099999999999, -1.87297, 101.694, 285.61099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233417967, 0.52306718149554798, -0.251971394647659, 0.81419355187916898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223201', 'BD+532820', 333.45699999999999, 54.409599999999998, '2000-08-06 01:49:24', 5806, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.9499999999999993, 'B0IV', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 03:54:49', '2001-03-01 19:47:54', 5, 16, '2000-08-06 01:49:24', '2000-08-06 05:41:17', 58.162300000000002, 9.2573600000000003, -1.6863699999999999, 101.24299999999999, 284.685, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233461470, 0.52064488356059602, -0.26007201704739502, 0.81319828527307703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1141301', 'BD+532820', 333.45699999999999, 54.409599999999998, '2000-08-06 06:19:09', 2522, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.9499999999999993, 'B0IV', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:37:41', '2001-03-29 00:11:31', 2, 16, '2000-08-06 06:19:09', '2000-08-06 07:21:11', 58.162300000000002, 9.2573600000000003, -1.6863699999999999, 101.24299999999999, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 233461470, 0.52064488356059602, -0.26007201704739502, 0.81319828527307703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223501', 'BD+523210', 336.72699999999998, 53.6449, '2000-08-06 08:01:21', 7105, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.69, 'B1V', 0.23999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 04:57:10', '2001-05-07 16:52:53', 1, -58, '2000-08-06 08:01:21', '2000-08-06 10:38:26', 56.311799999999998, 10.960800000000001, -3.3749400000000001, 102.437, 287.73899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233039608, 0.544554378063549, -0.234218017279123, 0.80535858455327702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018401', 'BD+483437', 324.06599999999997, 49.3491, '2000-08-06 11:15:12', 7221, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.6899999999999995, 'B1IA', 0.34999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:42:05', '2001-11-24 20:11:01', 1, 0, '2000-08-06 11:15:12', '2000-08-06 13:54:23', 58.011800000000001, 354.697, -2.06304, 93.564800000000005, 275.173, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 230394912, 0.52747362117919805, -0.38230445472094399, 0.75869287782384298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1017701', 'HDE225757', 296.67399999999998, 34.6539, '2000-08-06 14:31:52', 5805, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.59, 'B1II', 0.22, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:41:23', '2001-03-01 18:52:35', 2, 14, '2000-08-06 14:31:52', '2000-08-06 17:02:06', 54.497199999999999, 309.48399999999998, 4.84558, 69.643299999999996, 243.55199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 238357638, 0.36927710386699902, -0.73505657411950398, 0.56861784478092103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1340103', 'EG-AND', 11.1549, 40.679299999999998, '2000-08-06 18:10:06', 9067, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.5, 'WD+M', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:34:19', '2001-03-01 22:16:02', 0, -100, '2000-08-06 18:10:06', '2000-08-06 22:21:28', 32.6616, 27.8965, -22.174199999999999, 121.53700000000001, 320.72199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN R.', 'ESPEY', 'y', 42977776, 0.74404255927617202, 0.14671585866357201, 0.65182446011359096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223102', 'HD210809', 332.911, 52.43, '2000-08-07 04:30:58', 7097, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 7.54, 'O9IA', 0.33000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-19 03:54:40', '2001-03-01 19:33:25', 5, -80, '2000-08-07 04:30:58', '2000-08-07 08:16:02', 56.892699999999998, 6.3636100000000004, -3.1296400000000002, 99.848600000000005, 283.32999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233322140, 0.54284298157160304, -0.27765529163422298, 0.79260900599600004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223302', 'HDE235783', 334.279, 54.5077, '2000-08-07 08:58:28', 6652, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.6799999999999997, 'B1IB', 0.35999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 04:37:15', '2001-07-10 18:18:20', 1, -34, '2000-08-07 08:58:28', '2000-08-07 11:28:02', 57.912199999999999, 10.049099999999999, -1.87297, 101.694, 284.31200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233417967, 0.52306718149554798, -0.251971394647659, 0.81419355187916898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223202', 'BD+532820', 333.45699999999999, 54.409599999999998, '2000-08-07 12:19:18', 7119, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.9499999999999993, 'B0IV', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 03:55:03', '2001-03-01 19:56:19', 3, 16, '2000-08-07 12:19:18', '2000-08-07 14:56:27', 58.162300000000002, 9.2573600000000003, -1.6863699999999999, 101.24299999999999, 283.37799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233461470, 0.52064488356059602, -0.26007201704739502, 0.81319828527307703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223502', 'BD+523210', 336.72699999999998, 53.6449, '2000-08-07 15:40:20', 6783, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.69, 'B1V', 0.23999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 04:57:18', '2001-03-01 20:16:18', 1, -58, '2000-08-07 15:40:20', '2000-08-07 18:16:27', 56.311799999999998, 10.960800000000001, -3.3749400000000001, 102.437, 286.57799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233039608, 0.544554378063549, -0.234218017279123, 0.80535858455327702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018402', 'BD+483437', 324.06599999999997, 49.3491, '2000-08-07 19:07:56', 5213, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.6899999999999995, 'B1IA', 0.34999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:42:24', '2001-03-01 22:40:55', 1, 0, '2000-08-07 19:07:56', '2000-08-07 21:32:34', 58.011800000000001, 354.697, -2.06304, 93.564800000000005, 273.88900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 230394912, 0.52747362117919805, -0.38230445472094399, 0.75869287782384298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1930401', 'HD186924', 296.20100000000002, 50.525399999999998, '2000-08-07 22:48:04', 5796, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 12, 10.5, 'CSPN', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2006-04-19 04:05:13', '2001-03-29 03:15:49', 0, 0, '2000-08-07 22:48:04', '2000-08-08 07:18:25', 69.245900000000006, 322.38200000000001, 12.792400000000001, 83.563599999999994, 244.96100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 248587725, 0.28069115849599902, -0.57041462525080999, 0.77190648970076203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1017702', 'HDE225757', 296.67399999999998, 34.6539, '2000-08-08 08:10:24', 6356, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.59, 'B1II', 0.22, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:41:33', '2001-04-16 18:48:35', 1, 14, '2000-08-08 08:10:24', '2000-08-08 10:40:54', 54.497199999999999, 309.48399999999998, 4.84558, 69.643299999999996, 241.524, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 238357638, 0.36927710386699902, -0.73505657411950398, 0.56861784478092103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223103', 'HD210809', 332.911, 52.43, '2000-08-08 11:40:10', 8968, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 18, 7.54, 'O9IA', 0.33000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-04-16 22:23:05', '2001-08-19 18:24:41', 4, -80, '2000-08-08 11:40:10', '2000-08-08 15:35:22', 56.892699999999998, 6.3636100000000004, -3.1296400000000002, 99.848600000000005, 282.13900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233322140, 0.54284298157160304, -0.27765529163422298, 0.79260900599600004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223303', 'HDE235783', 334.279, 54.5077, '2000-08-08 16:38:38', 6565, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.6799999999999997, 'B1IB', 0.35999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 04:57:04', '2001-08-19 18:38:48', 1, -34, '2000-08-08 16:38:38', '2000-08-08 19:14:48', 57.912199999999999, 10.049099999999999, -1.87297, 101.694, 283.12700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233417967, 0.52306718149554798, -0.251971394647659, 0.81419355187916898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223203', 'BD+532820', 333.45699999999999, 54.409599999999998, '2000-08-08 20:11:01', 5147, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.9499999999999993, 'B0IV', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 03:55:24', '2001-03-01 23:02:31', 3, 16, '2000-08-08 20:11:01', '2000-08-08 22:34:26', 58.162300000000002, 9.2573600000000003, -1.6863699999999999, 101.24299999999999, 282.18599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233461470, 0.52064488356059602, -0.26007201704739502, 0.81319828527307703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1223503', 'BD+523210', 336.72699999999998, 53.6449, '2000-08-08 23:40:49', 4035, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.69, 'B1V', 0.23999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 04:57:38', '2001-03-01 23:10:02', 1, -58, '2000-08-08 23:40:49', '2000-08-09 01:54:28', 56.311799999999998, 10.960800000000001, -3.3749400000000001, 102.437, 285.40699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 233039608, 0.544554378063549, -0.234218017279123, 0.80535858455327702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018403', 'BD+483437', 324.06599999999997, 49.3491, '2000-08-09 03:05:10', 7199, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.6899999999999995, 'B1IA', 0.34999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:57:49', '2001-03-01 22:54:07', 1, 0, '2000-08-09 03:05:10', '2000-08-09 06:50:39', 58.011800000000001, 354.697, -2.06304, 93.564800000000005, 272.59500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 230394912, 0.52747362117919805, -0.38230445472094399, 0.75869287782384298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1340201', 'BF-CYG', 290.97300000000001, 29.674900000000001, '2000-08-09 07:30:35', 6003, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12, 'WD+M', 0.40000000000000002, 57, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:34:40', '2001-03-01 22:21:35', 0, 25, '2000-08-09 07:30:35', '2000-08-09 09:58:16', 50.981099999999998, 299.601, 6.6966999999999999, 62.929400000000001, 232.46199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN R.', 'ESPEY', 'y', 237320629, 0.31098517315600799, -0.81128657332084897, 0.495078092856513); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1017703', 'HDE225757', 296.67399999999998, 34.6539, '2000-08-09 10:49:07', 6351, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.59, 'B1II', 0.22, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 17:03:54', '2001-03-01 23:16:37', 3, 14, '2000-08-09 10:49:07', '2000-08-09 13:19:58', 54.497199999999999, 309.48399999999998, 4.84558, 69.643299999999996, 240.23400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 238357638, 0.36927710386699902, -0.73505657411950398, 0.56861784478092103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1121901', 'BD+354258', 311.55200000000002, 35.540700000000001, '2000-08-09 14:08:36', 3467, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.4100000000000001, 'B0.5', 0.28999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:36:32', '2001-03-28 23:42:23', 0, 0, '2000-08-09 14:08:36', '2000-08-09 15:06:22', 50.853700000000003, 328.75400000000002, -4.7401799999999996, 77.188800000000001, 257.48599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 217730532, 0.53972867261638302, -0.60893778413733901, 0.58128111530107796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1340302', 'V1016-CYG', 299.27100000000002, 39.826799999999999, '2000-08-10 06:48:56', 13460, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11, 'WD+M', 0.35999999999999999, 57, 'PE', '2006-04-19 15:35:22', '2001-03-01 22:32:01', 0, -68, '2000-08-10 06:48:56', '2000-08-10 12:41:14', 58.660600000000002, 316.21699999999998, 5.6778399999999998, 75.174099999999996, 243.535, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN R.', 'ESPEY', 'y', 241302077, 0.37549887558795397, -0.66992541659884997, 0.64046899271318303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1222901', 'HD191495', 302.22300000000001, 35.512900000000002, '2000-08-10 13:26:51', 6328, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.2599999999999998, 'B0V', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 03:13:54', '2001-03-02 00:18:39', 2, 8, '2000-08-10 13:26:51', '2000-08-10 16:00:33', 53.790999999999997, 317.28500000000003, 1.4140299999999999, 72.743200000000002, 245.33099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 239681182, 0.434029626850858, -0.68861416092724004, 0.58088623704317399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028201', 'HD187459', 297.21100000000001, 33.4373, '2000-08-10 16:59:23', 4504, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.4400000000000004, 'B0.5', 0.41999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 02:32:26', '2001-03-01 23:25:31', 2, -10, '2000-08-10 16:59:23', '2000-08-10 19:18:43', 53.202800000000003, 309.57299999999998, 3.8514300000000001, 68.810400000000001, 238.93600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 236901556, 0.38158582468663998, -0.74213521821874295, 0.55102411587664302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1162301', 'HD185418', 294.61500000000001, 17.257400000000001, '2000-08-10 20:28:43', 4399, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.4500000000000002, 'O5F', 0.59999999999999998, 15, 'PC', '2006-04-19 04:46:53', '2001-03-01 23:56:08', 13, 0, '2000-08-10 20:28:43', '2000-08-11 00:16:13', 38.136600000000001, 300.37799999999999, -2.1706699999999999, 53.604100000000003, 227.476, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 503149559, 0.39776782015738099, -0.86819968208602705, 0.29666491749609802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171201', 'HD187282', 297.13400000000001, 18.2011, '2000-08-11 01:38:43', 5091, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.56, 'WN4', 0.17999999999999999, 11, 'PC', '2006-04-19 17:41:35', '2001-03-02 00:51:51', 2, 0, '2000-08-11 01:38:43', '2000-08-11 05:16:50', 38.525799999999997, 303.62799999999999, -3.7862900000000002, 55.616799999999998, 230.773, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 212051601, 0.43325395398828798, -0.84541499685660004, 0.31235315660878099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1490202', 'NGC6905-STAR', 305.596, 20.104600000000001, '2000-08-11 06:06:50', 9487, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.199999999999999, 'PNCS', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-04-19 15:35:46', '2001-03-02 04:15:27', 1, 0, '2000-08-11 06:06:50', '2000-08-11 10:17:30', 38.251399999999997, 314.11000000000001, -9.5711999999999993, 61.492699999999999, 242.71199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK', 'BRUHWEILER', 'y', 211474026, 0.54659896472096103, -0.76359397620455405, 0.34373508879672499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028202', 'HD187459', 297.21100000000001, 33.4373, '2000-08-11 11:08:16', 6059, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6.4400000000000004, 'B0.5', 0.41999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 02:53:12', '2001-03-02 00:32:07', 1, -10, '2000-08-11 11:08:16', '2000-08-11 13:37:59', 53.202800000000003, 309.57299999999998, 3.8514300000000001, 68.810400000000001, 238.036, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 236901556, 0.38158582468663998, -0.74213521821874295, 0.55102411587664302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1222902', 'HD191495', 302.22300000000001, 35.512900000000002, '2000-08-11 14:28:10', 5944, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.2599999999999998, 'B0V', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-19 03:24:14', '2001-03-02 01:14:52', 1, 8, '2000-08-11 14:28:10', '2000-08-11 16:59:27', 53.790999999999997, 317.28500000000003, 1.4140299999999999, 72.743200000000002, 244.096, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 239681182, 0.434029626850858, -0.68861416092724004, 0.58088623704317399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1224101', 'HD224151', 358.89100000000002, 57.412100000000002, '2000-08-11 18:03:57', 6023, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6, 'B0.5', 0.47999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-19 05:18:26', '2001-03-02 01:28:38', 4, -26, '2000-08-11 18:03:57', '2000-08-11 20:34:53', 51.003599999999999, 31.1586, -4.6445400000000001, 115.438, 303.99400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 232613228, 0.53849197289937101, -0.0104241916528307, 0.84256615844177396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1840701', 'V795-HER', 258.23399999999998, 33.522500000000001, '2000-08-11 21:32:40', 4308, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2006-04-19 17:42:26', '2001-03-02 01:44:32', 0, 0, '2000-08-11 21:32:40', '2000-08-12 04:00:19', 56.236699999999999, 252.18799999999999, 34.124299999999998, 56.661299999999997, 205.084, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 155396526, -0.16999773698236201, -0.8161524318633, 0.55226440894239903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0410707', 'HD203280', 319.64499999999998, 62.585599999999999, '2000-08-12 07:11:54', 27214, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 2.4399999999999999, 'A7V', 0, 31, 'PE', '2006-04-18 18:24:13', '2001-03-02 03:34:39', 1, 0, '2000-08-12 07:11:54', '2000-08-12 19:49:23', 68.913700000000006, 12.778600000000001, 9.1717899999999997, 101, 264.89499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 255321157, 0.35086393989661002, -0.29813377016041298, 0.88769969627693701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0410708', 'HD203280', 319.64499999999998, 62.585599999999999, '2000-08-12 20:46:24', 25819, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 2.4399999999999999, 'A7V', 0, 31, 'PE', '2006-04-18 18:34:36', '2001-03-02 03:59:51', 1, 0, '2000-08-12 20:46:24', '2000-08-13 10:47:36', 68.913700000000006, 12.778600000000001, 9.1717899999999997, 101, 264.37099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 255321157, 0.35086393989661002, -0.29813377016041298, 0.88769969627693701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S3040202', 'HD224151', 358.89100000000002, 57.412199999999999, '2000-08-13 11:38:05', 9202, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6, 'B0.5', 0.44, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-13 01:53:58', '2001-03-02 03:11:58', 2, 0, '2000-08-13 11:38:05', '2000-08-13 17:32:07', 51.003599999999999, 31.158799999999999, -4.6444700000000001, 115.438, 302.63799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 232613230, 0.53849050261864595, -0.0104241631909615, 0.842567098462363); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1224102', 'HD224151', 358.89100000000002, 57.412100000000002, '2000-08-13 18:19:55', 6006, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6, 'B0.5', 0.47999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-13 02:58:14', '2001-03-07 14:50:56', 2, -26, '2000-08-13 18:19:55', '2000-08-13 20:51:58', 51.003599999999999, 31.1586, -4.6445400000000001, 115.438, 302.41800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 232613228, 0.53849197289937101, -0.0104241916528307, 0.84256615844177396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1640201', 'VV-CEP', 329.16300000000001, 63.625599999999999, '2000-08-13 21:49:07', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 5.0999999999999996, 'B0V', 0.29999999999999999, 19, 'PC', '2006-04-13 02:58:21', '2001-03-02 01:31:27', 0, 0, '2000-08-13 21:49:07', '2000-08-13 21:50:06', 65.861599999999996, 21.135100000000001, 7.0459699999999996, 104.92100000000001, 272.82799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ERIK', 'WILKINSON', 'y', 258038781, 0.38143301553259801, -0.22771369083382401, 0.89591033573039403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0510404', 'HD217035AB', 344.12900000000002, 62.868699999999997, '2000-08-13 23:32:00', 10187, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.7400000000000002, 'B0V', 0.73999999999999999, 74, 'PC', '2006-04-12 22:34:24', '2001-03-07 15:21:06', 0, 0, '2000-08-13 23:32:00', '2000-08-14 05:10:15', 60.0124, 28.6431, 2.86084, 110.255, 287.52100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', 'y', 256963209, 0.43864717574936402, -0.124711934759625, 0.88996381304838301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1020102', 'HD005005A', 13.206, 56.627600000000001, '2000-08-14 06:01:19', 6372, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 7.7599999999999998, 'O6.5', 0.40999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2006-04-19 02:31:56', '2001-04-19 21:12:44', 1, -24, '2000-08-14 06:01:19', '2000-08-14 08:33:35', 45.742600000000003, 39.881999999999998, -6.2439299999999998, 123.125, 315.24900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 49338957, 0.53553168602964296, 0.12566699032152201, 0.83511293895004302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1224103', 'HD224151', 358.89100000000002, 57.412100000000002, '2000-08-14 09:18:03', 6145, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6, 'B0.5', 0.47999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-16 22:23:26', '2001-03-07 15:02:29', 2, -26, '2000-08-14 09:18:03', '2000-08-14 11:46:16', 51.003599999999999, 31.1586, -4.6445400000000001, 115.438, 301.92700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 232613228, 0.53849197289937101, -0.0104241916528307, 0.84256615844177396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S3040206', 'HD224151', 358.89100000000002, 57.412199999999999, '2000-08-15 05:18:38', 20980, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 23, 6, 'B0.5', 0.44, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-13 02:06:01', '2001-03-07 16:29:13', 2, 0, '2000-08-15 05:18:38', '2000-08-15 17:52:02', 51.003599999999999, 31.158799999999999, -4.6444700000000001, 115.438, 301.27300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 232613230, 0.53849050261864595, -0.0104241631909615, 0.842567098462363); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0341601', 'WD2218+706', 334.89100000000002, 70.934399999999997, '2000-08-15 18:37:39', 6056, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-12 22:23:30', '2001-03-07 16:35:54', 3, 0, '2000-08-15 18:37:39', '2000-08-15 21:08:41', 67.263199999999998, 40.067700000000002, 11.641299999999999, 111.093, 276.61799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 259562506, 0.29578273076371298, -0.13861141630021701, 0.94514520125386503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1122001', 'HD163522', 269.64699999999999, -42.4861, '2000-08-16 07:43:43', 3624, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.4600000000000009, 'B1IA', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-12 23:16:29', '2001-03-07 15:30:40', 0, 33, '2000-08-16 07:43:43', '2000-08-16 09:46:59', -19.046900000000001, 269.72399999999999, -9.0883800000000008, 349.57299999999998, 164.125, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 693443856, -0.0045433556160348696, -0.73742721793503097, -0.67541132368975498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1015801', 'HD163522', 269.64699999999999, -42.4861, '2000-08-16 11:03:59', 10009, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 8.4600000000000009, 'B1IA', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-13 03:29:16', '2001-03-07 16:58:28', 2, 33, '2000-08-16 11:03:59', '2000-08-16 18:18:01', -19.046900000000001, 269.72399999999999, -9.0883800000000008, 349.57299999999998, 164.36799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 693443856, -0.0045433556160348696, -0.73742721793503097, -0.67541132368975498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1015901', 'HD163758', 269.86799999999999, -36.021099999999997, '2000-08-16 19:40:16', 5383, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 7.3200000000000003, 'O6.5', 0.34000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-13 03:42:13', '2001-03-07 17:09:51', 3, -48, '2000-08-16 19:40:16', '2000-08-17 02:38:20', -12.5816, 269.89100000000002, -6.1037400000000002, 355.36200000000002, 168.654, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 470022589, -0.0018633408901238401, -0.80879833267966195, -0.58808314464480804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1222301', 'HD161807', 267.35300000000001, -38.983400000000003, '2000-08-17 03:44:33', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 6.9900000000000002, 'B0:I', 0.23000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-13 02:48:41', '2001-03-07 17:21:11', 1, -26, '2000-08-17 03:44:33', '2000-08-17 03:45:32', -15.563499999999999, 267.86399999999998, -5.8483599999999996, 351.77999999999997, 168.57900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 693630782, -0.035898910275647802, -0.77649886648908295, -0.629095206294079); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1027901', 'HD165955', 272.49099999999999, -34.868600000000001, '2000-08-17 05:25:17', 4140, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 9.1799999999999997, 'B3VN', 0.14999999999999999, 21, 'PC', '2006-04-13 02:26:05', '2001-03-07 17:19:03', 3, 0, '2000-08-17 05:25:17', '2000-08-17 07:38:52', -11.447100000000001, 272.08499999999998, -7.4264799999999997, 357.41199999999998, 167.82900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 470232164, 0.035659437911445699, -0.81969001804660901, -0.57169631693985001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030307', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-08-17 20:43:02', 5260, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-12 23:06:37', '2001-03-07 18:41:37', 3, 0, '2000-08-17 20:43:02', '2000-08-18 00:33:34', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 77.549300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030202', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-08-18 01:49:20', 4830, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-12 22:45:00', '2001-03-07 17:43:07', 3, 0, '2000-08-18 01:49:20', '2000-08-18 05:33:18', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 77.850999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030102', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-08-18 06:33:25', 5796, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:13:14', '2001-03-15 17:55:00', 3, 0, '2000-08-18 06:33:25', '2000-08-18 10:33:16', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 78.177700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100502', 'HE2347-4342', 357.64299999999997, -43.433300000000003, '2000-08-18 13:49:41', 19319, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-04-12 23:16:59', '2001-11-30 20:14:41', 6, 2.8849999999999998, '2000-08-18 13:49:41', '2000-08-19 00:06:19', -38.235599999999998, 337.47699999999998, -69.573300000000003, 336.03500000000003, 38.485399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 760522320, 0.725560855075016, -0.029864543071491102, -0.68750967604095803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100503', 'HE2347-4342', 357.64299999999997, -43.433300000000003, '2000-08-19 07:26:37', 75595, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 24, 16, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-04-13 02:48:23', '2001-03-07 23:09:14', 6, 2.8849999999999998, '2000-08-19 07:26:37', '2000-08-20 21:08:12', -38.235599999999998, 337.47699999999998, -69.573300000000003, 336.03500000000003, 39.3977, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 760522320, 0.725560855075016, -0.029864543071491102, -0.68750967604095803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100504', 'HE2347-4342', 357.64299999999997, -43.433300000000003, '2000-08-21 01:07:11', 112165, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 32, 16, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:34:42', '2001-09-20 20:44:32', 6, 2.8849999999999998, '2000-08-21 01:07:11', '2000-08-23 05:49:13', -38.235599999999998, 337.47699999999998, -69.573300000000003, 336.03500000000003, 42.168100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 760522320, 0.725560855075016, -0.029864543071491102, -0.68750967604095803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100505', 'HE2347-4342', 357.64299999999997, -43.433300000000003, '2000-08-23 09:47:06', 84286, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 26, 16, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-04-12 23:49:03', '2001-03-07 20:12:45', 6, 2.8849999999999998, '2000-08-23 09:47:06', '2000-08-25 02:48:41', -38.235599999999998, 337.47699999999998, -69.573300000000003, 336.03500000000003, 45.718299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 760522320, 0.725560855075016, -0.029864543071491102, -0.68750967604095803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100506', 'HE2347-4342', 357.64299999999997, -43.433300000000003, '2000-08-25 05:09:10', 68210, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 25, 16, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:36:51', '2001-03-07 20:57:12', 6, 2.8849999999999998, '2000-08-25 05:09:10', '2000-08-26 18:47:32', -38.235599999999998, 337.47699999999998, -69.573300000000003, 336.03500000000003, 48.4709, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 760522320, 0.725560855075016, -0.029864543071491102, -0.68750967604095803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1180801', 'HD197481', 311.29000000000002, -31.340900000000001, '2000-08-26 19:35:47', 17304, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 8.6099999999999994, 'M0VE', 0, 48, 'PE', '2006-04-11 20:41:58', '2001-03-07 21:17:21', 5, 1.2, '2000-08-26 19:35:47', '2000-08-27 09:21:52', -12.822699999999999, 305.31, -36.802300000000002, 12.656000000000001, 139.67099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 790931239, 0.56358734874907201, -0.64174387460911597, -0.52012892606705896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1017601', 'HD183899', 293.18799999999999, -26.163, '2000-08-27 10:25:12', 4396, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 9.8000000000000007, 'B2II', 0.16, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-11 19:57:27', '2001-03-07 20:27:39', 2, -45, '2000-08-27 10:25:12', '2000-08-27 12:40:08', -4.3792600000000004, 290.75999999999999, -20.137499999999999, 13.0679, 163.88800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 787696846, 0.353407131658104, -0.825037796095211, -0.44092633660005998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1073801', 'PKS2005-489', 302.35599999999999, -48.831600000000002, '2000-08-27 13:43:14', 11097, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.300000000000001, 'BLLA', 0.029999999999999999, 87, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:33:43', '2001-03-07 22:23:58', 13, 0.070999999999999994, '2000-08-27 13:43:14', '2000-08-27 19:31:44', -27.999600000000001, 293.51499999999999, -32.6004, 350.37400000000002, 135.209, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 776199274, 0.35229412665798099, -0.55607015234707702, -0.75277807751753001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1017201', 'HD178487', 287.31200000000001, -10.217599999999999, '2000-08-27 20:26:11', 8902, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.6600000000000001, 'B0IB', 0.40000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-11 19:57:02', '2001-03-07 22:11:53', 1, -50, '2000-08-27 20:26:11', '2000-08-28 01:57:34', 12.180300000000001, 287.43299999999999, -8.5616099999999999, 25.785799999999998, 181.52600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 488887862, 0.29285564202736802, -0.93955809059299, -0.17738705514775399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1017101', 'HD177989', 286.90699999999998, -18.726199999999999, '2000-08-28 03:04:14', 10289, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 20, 9.3300000000000001, 'B0II', 0.25, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-11 19:56:51', '2001-03-07 21:38:04', 7, 0, '2000-08-28 03:04:14', '2000-08-28 10:17:22', 3.7777099999999999, 286.02300000000002, -11.881399999999999, 17.8139, 174.113, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 475803860, 0.27542416395428598, -0.90612964610386804, -0.32104609382729099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1017301', 'HD179407', 288.221, -12.582599999999999, '2000-08-28 11:22:36', 13858, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.4100000000000001, 'B0.5', 0.31, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-11 19:57:14', '2001-03-07 23:32:38', 1, -90, '2000-08-28 11:22:36', '2000-08-28 20:17:33', 9.7233000000000001, 288.036, -10.398199999999999, 24.025700000000001, 179.08199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 488714376, 0.30517335975030502, -0.92704474920812197, -0.21784685782531299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1190203', 'HD158643', 262.85399999999998, -23.962700000000002, '2000-08-29 10:42:54', 9974, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 23, 4.7999999999999998, 'B9V', 0.070000000000000007, 30, 'PC', '2006-04-11 21:02:31', '2001-03-08 15:29:48', 1, 0, '2000-08-29 10:42:54', '2000-08-29 19:28:14', -0.68499200000000005, 263.47199999999998, 5.3386899999999997, 2.5217999999999998, 180.126, 'F', 'F', 'MAGALI A.-M.', 'DELEUIL', 'y', 478537116, -0.11367626353184999, -0.90671192760064401, -0.40614183169942197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1016101', 'LS4825', 274.00200000000001, -30.756399999999999, '2000-08-29 20:40:37', 9843, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.99, 'B1IB', 0.26000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-11 19:21:15', '2001-03-08 15:01:25', 0, 9, '2000-08-29 20:40:37', '2000-08-30 03:46:27', -7.3650799999999998, 273.46699999999998, -6.6275599999999999, 1.67252, 172.20599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 471409846, 0.059975100316329098, -0.85725386946073701, -0.51138907950467505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1222401', 'HDE315021', 271.14999999999998, -24.331099999999999, '2000-08-30 05:02:08', 5383, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 8.6300000000000008, 'B2', 0.26000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:42:57', '2001-03-08 15:13:55', 2, 0, '2000-08-30 05:02:08', '2000-08-30 08:51:10', -0.89575099999999996, 271.048, -1.33395, 6.1172399999999998, 176.64500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 473352731, 0.018287322274199502, -0.91099624225781595, -0.41200900528529499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1162001', 'HD164740', 270.91800000000001, -24.378900000000002, '2000-08-30 10:00:17', 5859, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.33, 'O7V', 0.88, 12, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:39:55', '2001-03-08 16:33:38', 1, 0, '2000-08-30 10:00:17', '2000-08-30 13:51:02', -0.94206999999999996, 270.83699999999999, -1.17377, 5.9720800000000001, 176.72399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 473347162, 0.014592897313601, -0.91071882363929602, -0.41276902938211402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171101', 'HD165763', 272.11799999999999, -21.2531, '2000-08-30 15:01:36', 1752, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.25, 'WC5', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:40:49', '2001-03-08 16:38:55', 2, 0, '2000-08-30 15:01:36', '2000-08-30 15:31:25', 2.17191, 271.97500000000002, -0.61244299999999996, 9.2401999999999997, 177.64500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 476610782, 0.034444100663925101, -0.93135155404841496, -0.362488464231699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1016501', 'HD168941', 275.85700000000003, -26.952999999999999, '2000-08-30 16:40:16', 4109, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.3399999999999999, 'O9.5', 0.37, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-11 19:21:47', '2001-03-08 15:46:15', 3, 105, '2000-08-30 16:40:16', '2000-08-30 18:53:05', -3.6197900000000001, 275.22899999999998, -6.3126600000000002, 5.8225199999999999, 173.274, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 471795090, 0.090961616890215299, -0.88672535492268401, -0.45325945019376901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1050501', 'HD169673', 276.59899999999999, -15.630100000000001, '2000-08-30 20:01:59', 5830, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 7.3399999999999999, 'B1II', 0.31, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:33:35', '2001-03-08 16:17:19', 1, -17, '2000-08-30 20:01:59', '2000-08-30 23:52:48', 7.6626399999999997, 276.411, -1.6835500000000001, 16.207100000000001, 179.03299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 477060267, 0.110670211299779, -0.956640923208261, -0.26942577525936101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1027801', 'HD165052', 271.29399999999998, -24.398599999999998, '2000-08-31 01:01:44', 4874, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 6.8600000000000003, 'O6.5', 0.41999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:32:51', '2001-03-08 15:55:57', 2, 3, '2000-08-31 01:01:44', '2000-08-31 04:46:26', -0.964391, 271.17899999999997, -1.4816199999999999, 6.1227099999999997, 176.56999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 473350906, 0.020565869799454701, -0.91046150914245505, -0.413082177501567); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1222701', 'HD168080', 274.69499999999999, -18.1721, '2000-08-31 06:01:23', 5667, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 7.6100000000000003, 'B0.5', 0.38, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:45:54', '2001-03-08 19:44:17', 2, 5, '2000-08-31 06:01:23', '2000-08-31 09:52:06', 5.1944299999999997, 274.47899999999998, -1.26735, 13.106999999999999, 178.197, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 476882645, 0.077769110530736693, -0.94693592005458505, -0.31187229559169799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1222601', 'HD167287', 273.81999999999999, -18.992599999999999, '2000-08-31 11:01:13', 5766, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 7.0899999999999999, 'B1IB', 0.28000000000000003, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:44:41', '2001-03-08 19:32:06', 0, 0, '2000-08-31 11:01:13', '2000-08-31 14:51:46', 4.39886, 273.62200000000001, -0.92653099999999999, 11.9907, 178.05500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 476701296, 0.062995323546568796, -0.94345983922779397, -0.32544603389122501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028101', 'HD167771', 274.36900000000003, -18.4634, '2000-08-31 16:00:41', 3836, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.54, 'O7II', 0.44, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:33:02', '2001-03-08 18:21:53', 1, 1, '2000-08-31 16:00:41', '2000-08-31 18:11:54', 4.9130200000000004, 274.15899999999999, -1.13249, 12.7037, 178.11199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 476706704, 0.072258304474798501, -0.94576984525357499, -0.31669881155990598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1016201', 'HD167402', 274.07799999999997, -30.1248, '2000-08-31 19:21:15', 3856, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.9499999999999993, 'B0IB', 0.23000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-11 19:21:32', '2001-03-08 17:18:25', 2, 40, '2000-08-31 19:21:15', '2000-08-31 21:32:44', -6.7355299999999998, 273.55099999999999, -6.3914, 2.26579, 172.75, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 471438400, 0.0615093239258293, -0.86274439174492501, -0.50188516374053804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1027701', 'HD164906', 271.108, -24.385999999999999, '2000-08-31 22:40:49', 5256, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 7.4199999999999999, 'B1IV', 0.41999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:32:42', '2001-03-08 18:12:23', 3, 8, '2000-08-31 22:40:49', '2000-09-01 02:23:33', -0.95036699999999996, 271.00900000000001, -1.32759, 6.05063, 176.67099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 473341778, 0.017611880309399398, -0.91061427731062095, -0.41288189549800097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1016001', 'HD164816', 270.98700000000002, -24.3126, '2000-09-01 03:40:17', 5043, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 7.0800000000000001, 'O9.5', 0.31, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-11 19:21:01', '2001-03-08 17:04:46', 2, 0, '2000-09-01 03:40:17', '2000-09-01 07:30:36', -0.87615299999999996, 270.89999999999998, -1.19584, 6.0607100000000003, 176.755, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 473347424, 0.015697861420407501, -0.91117754570249698, -0.411714776701541); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1050301', 'HD165246', 271.51999999999998, -24.195599999999999, '2000-09-01 08:40:08', 7782, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 7.71, 'O8VN', 0.40000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:33:13', '2001-03-08 18:42:06', 1, 0, '2000-09-01 08:40:08', '2000-09-01 14:11:05', -0.76343700000000003, 271.38600000000002, -1.5618799999999999, 6.4003500000000004, 176.584, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 473352122, 0.024195635509462899, -0.91183063142425702, -0.40985298683641902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1050401', 'HD166716', 273.11900000000003, -15.3733, '2000-09-01 15:20:25', 5788, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 8, 'B0II', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:33:22', '2001-03-08 19:03:46', 0, -5, '2000-09-01 15:20:25', '2000-09-01 19:10:59', 8.0333400000000008, 273.03699999999998, 1.3930899999999999, 14.848800000000001, 179.739, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 482657661, 0.0524630980297408, -0.96279073464097897, -0.26510681740499398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1016502', 'HD168941', 275.85700000000003, -26.952999999999999, '2000-09-01 20:18:53', 3983, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.3399999999999999, 'O9.5', 0.37, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-11 19:56:31', '2001-03-08 17:52:16', 2, 105, '2000-09-01 20:18:53', '2000-09-01 22:33:08', -3.6197900000000001, 275.22899999999998, -6.3126600000000002, 5.8225199999999999, 173.43799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 471795090, 0.090961616890215299, -0.88672535492268401, -0.45325945019376901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171001', 'HD164270', 270.43000000000001, -32.715299999999999, '2000-09-01 23:38:33', 4966, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.0099999999999998, 'WC9', 0.17000000000000001, 10, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:40:19', '2001-03-08 19:11:47', 3, 0, '2000-09-01 23:38:33', '2000-09-02 03:23:11', -9.2763399999999994, 270.36599999999999, -4.891, 358.48599999999999, 173.863, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 470656767, 0.0063143253657536799, -0.84134279431570902, -0.54046501436097605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011101', 'HD022586', 53.908200000000001, -52.5565, '2000-09-02 05:37:39', 4402, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.0299999999999994, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-11 19:20:49', '2001-03-08 16:50:20', 1, 97, '2000-09-02 05:37:39', '2000-09-02 10:18:03', -67.497600000000006, 20.643899999999999, -50.362499999999997, 264.18799999999999, 6.83643, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 551355182, 0.358148584960928, 0.491291981134653, -0.79395326081783502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1027501', 'HD157857', 261.57299999999998, -10.992800000000001, '2000-09-02 11:38:30', 4022, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.7800000000000002, 'O6.5', 0.48999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-11 19:57:38', '2001-03-08 18:00:34', 6, 59, '2000-09-02 11:38:30', '2000-09-02 15:06:27', 12.199400000000001, 261.536, 13.310499999999999, 12.9724, 183.327, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 484981977, -0.14386018722286301, -0.97105264204700803, -0.19068563896037899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0040404', 'HEN3-1341', 257.15300000000002, -17.441700000000001, '2000-09-02 16:19:00', 3355, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.9, 'OTR', 0.29999999999999999, 57, 'PE', '2006-04-11 18:47:45', '2001-03-08 20:11:30', 0, 0, '2000-09-02 16:19:00', '2000-09-02 18:24:59', 5.4507599999999998, 257.69600000000003, 13.3931, 5.01654, 183.28899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'HANS MARTIN', 'SCHMID', 'y', 481437691, -0.21212530686604, -0.93014066532696305, -0.29973521129841102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1222501', 'HD166546', 272.988, -20.423500000000001, '2000-09-03 00:48:38', 3444, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.2400000000000002, 'O9.5', 0.34000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-11 20:43:37', '2001-03-08 19:19:34', 1, 3, '2000-09-03 00:48:38', '2000-09-03 04:23:38', 2.9869400000000002, 272.80399999999997, -0.92393000000000003, 10.359400000000001, 177.51499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 476628394, 0.048850056705790602, -0.93586487831215404, -0.348956446425079); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1550101', 'HD173787', 281.96800000000002, -20.2744, '2000-09-03 05:37:17', 13028, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 6.7999999999999998, 'B2V', 0.23999999999999999, 66, 'PE', '2006-04-11 18:27:01', '2001-03-08 20:47:35', 1, 0, '2000-09-03 05:37:17', '2000-09-03 14:34:09', 2.69977, 281.22899999999998, -8.3377400000000002, 14.366, 174.33600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE J.', 'PETERS', 'y', 474971554, 0.194517799221676, -0.91765412686338999, -0.34651656415898002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330180', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-03 16:05:57', 2030, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 19:46:51', '2001-03-08 20:35:01', 5, 0, '2000-09-03 16:05:57', '2000-09-03 16:41:17', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 345.41899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1190204', 'HD158643', 262.85399999999998, -23.962700000000002, '2000-09-04 01:37:51', 9523, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 20, 4.7999999999999998, 'B9V', 0.070000000000000007, 30, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:35:31', '2001-03-08 20:05:13', 1, 0, '2000-09-04 01:37:51', '2000-09-04 10:27:22', -0.68499200000000005, 263.47199999999998, 5.3386899999999997, 2.5217999999999998, 180.19499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MAGALI A.-M.', 'DELEUIL', 'y', 478537116, -0.11367626353184999, -0.90671192760064401, -0.40614183169942197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1181201', 'HD161056', 265.94600000000003, -7.0794699999999997, '2000-09-04 11:46:57', 5417, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.2999999999999998, 'B1.5', 0.62, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:54:34', '2001-03-08 20:27:47', 0, 0, '2000-09-04 11:46:57', '2000-09-04 17:06:45', 16.300999999999998, 265.80799999999999, 11.581200000000001, 18.671800000000001, 183.065, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 485321678, -0.070157645019358603, -0.98989310175522405, -0.12324590030811999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1121702', 'WD2331-475', 353.50999999999999, -47.241, '2000-09-05 01:40:27', 3390, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.19, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-04-11 18:06:32', '2001-03-28 23:36:23', 1, 0, '2000-09-05 01:40:27', '2000-09-05 04:41:16', -40.023600000000002, 331.74900000000002, -64.807699999999997, 334.83600000000001, 73.250399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 759972026, 0.67456531723310498, -0.076737749929203403, -0.73421587460501203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080601', 'MRK509', 311.041, -10.7235, '2000-09-05 06:01:52', 60656, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 28, 13, 'SYFT', 0.10000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-04-11 18:47:33', '2001-12-08 20:04:03', 12, 0.0344, '2000-09-05 06:01:52', '2000-09-07 00:19:03', 7.1269600000000004, 310.553, -29.855, 35.9724, 173.29599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 803515904, 0.64513244548788196, -0.74106829916050998, -0.18606962072883701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0531501', 'HE-2156-4020', 329.97800000000001, -40.097299999999997, '2000-09-07 09:44:20', 6499, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.100000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2006-04-11 18:48:01', '2001-03-15 18:40:18', 3, 2.5299999999999998, '2000-09-07 09:44:20', '2000-09-07 13:46:09', -26.020700000000001, 317.47899999999998, -52.424799999999998, 1.5412300000000001, 114.922, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 765156220, 0.66232074233066296, -0.38273021795613399, -0.64408758297440405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1017801', 'HD195455', 308.06099999999998, -24.067499999999999, '2000-09-07 14:47:00', 4184, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 9.1999999999999993, 'B0.5', 0.10000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-03-30 02:36:10', '2001-04-19 20:59:45', 1, 12, '2000-09-07 14:47:00', '2000-09-07 17:00:02', -5.0597399999999997, 304.41000000000003, -32.1387, 20.267299999999999, 157.422, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 797298167, 0.56290504766732496, -0.71890665995929703, -0.40781260595623398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1043201', 'HD177756', 286.56200000000001, -4.8825000000000003, '2000-09-07 21:14:09', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 3.4399999999999999, 'B9VN', 0, 22, 'PC', '2006-03-30 02:36:18', '2001-05-19 16:21:42', 0, -12, '2000-09-07 21:14:09', '2000-09-07 21:15:08', 17.565999999999999, 287.33199999999999, -5.5129999999999999, 30.260999999999999, 181.33000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 495276867, 0.28401836127878299, -0.95503372469267001, -0.085112602804522902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1222302', 'HD161807', 267.35300000000001, -38.983400000000003, '2000-09-08 00:34:31', 1906, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.9900000000000002, 'B0:I', 0.23000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:34:21', '2001-03-15 18:30:43', 1, -26, '2000-09-08 00:34:31', '2000-09-08 02:32:18', -15.563499999999999, 267.86399999999998, -5.8483599999999996, 351.77999999999997, 175.24799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 693630782, -0.035898910275647802, -0.77649886648908295, -0.629095206294079); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1222201', 'HD158661', 262.80399999999997, -17.142099999999999, '2000-09-08 03:54:04', 5788, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.1999999999999993, 'B0.5', 0.41999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:25:05', '2001-11-30 20:33:09', 1, -1, '2000-09-08 03:54:04', '2000-09-08 09:25:16', 6.1247999999999996, 263.08499999999998, 9.04786, 8.2923500000000008, 181.15600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 480132062, -0.119699331740322, -0.94805005198250003, -0.29474254683859302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1015402', 'HD152218', 253.5, -41.714700000000001, '2000-09-08 10:33:54', 9486, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.6100000000000003, 'O9.5', 0.46999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2006-04-11 16:52:43', '2001-03-15 18:19:10', 2, -44, '2000-09-08 10:33:54', '2000-09-08 16:12:43', -19.014600000000002, 257.04199999999997, 1.27817, 343.53199999999998, 184.03800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 694594662, -0.212008219764902, -0.71572775505059905, -0.66542189278858799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1141901', 'HD152218', 253.5, -41.714700000000001, '2000-09-08 17:13:01', 4734, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.6100000000000003, 'O9.5', 0.46999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2006-04-11 16:21:41', '2001-03-29 00:19:24', 0, -44, '2000-09-08 17:13:01', '2000-09-08 19:32:42', -19.014600000000002, 257.04199999999997, 1.27817, 343.53199999999998, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 694594662, -0.212008219764902, -0.71572775505059905, -0.66542189278858799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1026702', 'HD152233', 253.51400000000001, -41.791400000000003, '2000-09-08 20:33:52', 4105, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.5899999999999999, 'O6II', 0.45000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:33:44', '2001-03-15 18:48:54', 2, -16, '2000-09-08 20:33:52', '2000-09-09 00:03:48', -19.089500000000001, 257.06299999999999, 1.2214, 343.47899999999998, 184.16, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 694593203, -0.21158035231215599, -0.71492473799406397, -0.66642056804962402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1027102', 'HD152723', 254.22800000000001, -40.512, '2000-09-09 01:33:46', 5019, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 7.1600000000000001, 'O6.5', 0.46999999999999997, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:33:52', '2001-03-15 18:59:35', 2, 0, '2000-09-09 01:33:46', '2000-09-09 07:00:39', -17.7562, 257.46800000000002, 1.6058300000000001, 344.81299999999999, 183.77099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 694964315, -0.20664895881158599, -0.73164648056554304, -0.64960729313804799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1122201', 'WD2111+498', 318.18400000000003, 50.104999999999997, '2000-09-09 19:51:31', 4474, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.09, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-04-11 18:06:43', '2001-03-28 23:54:25', 1, 94, '2000-09-09 19:51:31', '2000-09-09 22:13:53', 60.928800000000003, 349.666, 1.13381, 91.372600000000006, 232.65100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 252168620, 0.47801599572181203, -0.42763588688754001, 0.76722112593436298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0830301', 'HD20630', 49.840400000000002, 3.37019, '2000-09-10 14:32:34', 12654, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 4.8399999999999999, 'G5V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2006-04-11 18:26:09', '2001-03-15 19:08:54', 2, 0, '2000-09-10 14:32:34', '2000-09-10 20:20:27', -14.4504, 48.330199999999998, -43.072499999999998, 178.22499999999999, 350.27499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 380603908, 0.643803608971109, 0.76292922467193103, 0.0587869987094254); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1060404', 'HD25102', 59.918700000000001, 10.330399999999999, '2000-09-10 21:09:39', 5612, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.3700000000000001, 'F3V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-04-11 16:53:15', '2001-03-15 19:19:47', 1, 0, '2000-09-10 21:09:39', '2000-09-10 23:44:03', -10.026199999999999, 59.950299999999999, -30.977699999999999, 180.07400000000001, 349.14800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 384429050, 0.49310344913693399, 0.85128832522500497, 0.179324219738624); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1200101', 'HD24190', 58.078899999999997, 34.222200000000001, '2000-09-11 00:58:14', 4721, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 7.4000000000000004, 'B2V', 0.33000000000000002, 74, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:12:59', '2001-07-02 19:34:28', 0, 0, '2000-09-11 00:58:14', '2000-09-11 04:47:04', 13.6991, 63.255899999999997, -15.184100000000001, 160.38900000000001, 341.28800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 25470612, 0.43720444755687599, 0.70182208434567905, 0.56240379885023295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1200303', 'HD23060', 55.849800000000002, 34.116300000000003, '2000-09-11 05:26:51', 4412, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.5, 'B2VP', 0.35999999999999999, 74, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:13:06', '2001-07-02 19:40:13', 0, 0, '2000-09-11 05:26:51', '2000-09-11 09:07:33', 14.0078, 61.380000000000003, -16.452400000000001, 158.99299999999999, 339.85899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 25400198, 0.46475394690980398, 0.68514488458186895, 0.56087454565442396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1062222', 'HD28237', 66.941999999999993, 11.7364, '2000-09-11 10:33:16', 6181, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.5099999999999998, 'F8V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-04-11 16:54:23', '2001-03-15 19:27:48', 1, 0, '2000-09-11 10:33:16', '2000-09-11 14:46:04', -9.8881200000000007, 67.091700000000003, -24.735099999999999, 183.74600000000001, 350.47000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 384976501, 0.38347456022196102, 0.90087285238643899, 0.20340935449406999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1060101', 'HD24357', 58.291800000000002, 17.327100000000002, '2000-09-11 15:28:30', 6803, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.9699999999999998, 'F4V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-04-11 16:53:01', '2001-03-15 19:15:13', 1, 0, '2000-09-11 15:28:30', '2000-09-11 18:03:54', -2.8544800000000001, 59.843400000000003, -27.413499999999999, 172.94, 346.41800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 5078154, 0.50174200276499203, 0.81212953504135998, 0.29782642759647598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1070801', '3C120', 68.296199999999999, 5.35433, '2000-09-11 18:52:20', 6605, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.199999999999999, 'SYFT', 0.20999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:34:12', '2001-03-15 19:33:48', 3, 0.033009999999999998, '2000-09-11 18:52:20', '2000-09-11 21:25:38', -16.400700000000001, 67.430000000000007, -27.397200000000002, 190.374, 352.07799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 382134836, 0.36819477965473801, 0.92505403385801499, 0.093314729158977899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1930201', 'HD24534', 58.845799999999997, 31.0458, '2000-09-12 01:58:44', 6444, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 6.0999999999999996, 'O9VP', 0.45000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2006-03-28 06:20:44', '2001-09-01 19:04:18', 6, 0, '2000-09-12 01:58:44', '2000-09-12 09:56:57', 10.4581, 63.209899999999998, -17.136800000000001, 163.083, 342.36799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 19610203, 0.44323645549778601, 0.73319242531389595, 0.51572309622518098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1061717', 'HD27991', 66.405600000000007, 15.9411, '2000-09-12 13:58:58', 3884, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.5, 'F7V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-04-11 16:54:03', '2001-09-19 19:22:09', 1, 0, '2000-09-12 13:58:58', '2000-09-12 15:45:50', -5.6540999999999997, 67.247600000000006, -22.534700000000001, 179.79300000000001, 349.57600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 385658776, 0.38486730601841901, 0.881161202441064, 0.27464903435246801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1060505', 'HD26737', 63.626800000000003, 22.451899999999998, '2000-09-12 16:30:16', 6853, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.0599999999999996, 'F5V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-04-11 16:53:33', '2001-03-15 19:38:37', 1, 0, '2000-09-12 16:30:16', '2000-09-12 19:05:56', 1.2048300000000001, 65.755200000000002, -20.248200000000001, 172.66499999999999, 347.00999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 6148300, 0.41054478700983099, 0.82800935281836396, 0.381907697623871); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1060909', 'HD27534', 65.384399999999999, 18.4176, '2000-09-12 19:50:31', 6186, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.7999999999999998, 'F6V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-04-11 16:53:51', '2001-03-15 19:44:45', 1, 0, '2000-09-12 19:50:31', '2000-09-12 22:25:45', -3.0518100000000001, 66.686999999999998, -21.6965, 177.066, 348.68900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 5534515, 0.39519334058422001, 0.86255656431806205, 0.31594049583696299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1200404', 'HD23625', 56.969200000000001, 33.600000000000001, '2000-09-12 23:30:54', 4000, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.5, 'B2.5', 0.37, 74, 'PC', '2006-04-11 18:06:25', '2001-07-02 19:46:11', 0, 0, '2000-09-12 23:30:54', '2000-09-13 01:46:07', 13.2944, 62.191400000000002, -16.255500000000001, 160.08199999999999, 340.286, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 25378924, 0.454016866878237, 0.69830256895998999, 0.55339154924334399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028902', 'HD202347', 318.42399999999998, 45.611400000000003, '2000-09-13 03:51:01', 4030, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 7.5, 'B1.5', 0.17000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:34:04', '2001-04-19 17:31:03', 2, -9, '2000-09-13 03:51:01', '2000-09-13 07:40:19', 57.171300000000002, 344.85399999999998, -2.07741, 88.224599999999995, 227.387, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 251925251, 0.52329508930879798, -0.46421128433083197, 0.71461187577958496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1090101', 'DF-TAU', 66.761600000000001, 25.706299999999999, '2000-09-13 09:15:40', 26189, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 11.5, 'M3VE', 1, 58, 'PE', '2006-04-11 17:03:03', '2001-03-15 20:08:06', 0, 0, '2000-09-13 09:15:40', '2000-09-13 23:26:51', 3.9353099999999999, 69.123900000000006, -15.942600000000001, 172.148, 347.63299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK M.', 'WALTER', 'y', 17599646, 0.35550817956434, 0.82792982336140497, 0.433758160559086); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1122301', 'HD015642', 38.2348, 55.327500000000001, '2000-09-14 10:57:29', 3245, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 8.5099999999999998, 'O9.5', 0.37, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-11 18:06:52', '2001-03-29 00:02:10', 0, -46, '2000-09-14 10:57:29', '2000-09-14 11:51:34', 37.915900000000001, 55.4998, -4.72933, 137.09299999999999, 317.36000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 53232394, 0.44684832759366999, 0.352074640838407, 0.82241718087917304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0850101', 'NGC40', 3.2545999999999999, 72.522000000000006, '2000-09-14 12:05:10', 15262, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.199999999999999, 'WC8', 0.34999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-13 19:02:54', '2001-04-27 16:48:02', 1, 0, '2000-09-14 12:05:10', '2000-09-15 00:59:39', 60.266300000000001, 52.801000000000002, 9.8678399999999993, 120.018, 278.435, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 62571027, 0.29985516335370699, 0.0170511617678826, 0.95383234317802801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1180601', 'HD14250', 35.0655, 57.098599999999998, '2000-09-15 01:36:00', 8076, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.9600000000000009, 'B1IV', 0.56999999999999995, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:44:54', '2001-07-18 14:34:07', 1, 0, '2000-09-15 01:36:00', '2000-09-15 04:27:31', 40.2547, 54.368699999999997, -3.7119, 134.80500000000001, 313.18099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 53360518, 0.44460279895474702, 0.31207230217440901, 0.839606592028177); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1020702', 'HD015642', 38.2348, 55.327500000000001, '2000-09-15 05:50:49', 4722, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.5099999999999998, 'O9.5', 0.37, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:33:35', '2001-03-29 02:41:12', 1, -46, '2000-09-15 05:50:49', '2000-09-15 08:01:44', 37.915900000000001, 55.4998, -4.72933, 137.09299999999999, 316.67700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 53232394, 0.44684832759366999, 0.352074640838407, 0.82241718087917304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1790301', 'HD222107', 354.39100000000002, 46.458100000000002, '2000-09-15 09:21:18', 7152, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 3.8100000000000001, 'G8IV', 0, 44, 'PE', '2006-04-11 20:46:26', '2001-04-30 19:23:43', 0, 0, '2000-09-15 09:21:18', '2000-09-15 14:48:50', 43.775799999999997, 18.287099999999999, -14.5365, 109.904, 268.779, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 225742581, 0.68558651300951601, -0.0673310740396008, 0.72487078824306805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1140402', 'BD+354258', 311.55200000000002, 35.540700000000001, '2000-09-15 17:30:19', 3349, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.4100000000000001, 'B0.5', 0.28999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-11 18:23:51', '2001-03-29 00:06:35', 0, 0, '2000-09-15 17:30:19', '2000-09-15 19:43:47', 50.853700000000003, 328.75400000000002, -4.7401799999999996, 77.188800000000001, 212.55699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 217730532, 0.53972867261638302, -0.60893778413733901, 0.58128111530107796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1140801', 'CYGLP-E1', 314.339, 31.095199999999998, '2000-09-15 23:03:56', 12044, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2006-04-11 20:38:17', '2001-03-29 02:56:49', 2, 0, '2000-09-15 23:03:56', '2000-09-16 12:27:08', 45.845399999999998, 329.221, -9.3501899999999996, 75.191800000000001, 212.00999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217091137, 0.59847725937204199, -0.61244786993942102, 0.516461592590578); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1140901', 'CYGLP-E2', 314.34500000000003, 31.1005, '2000-09-16 15:09:40', 11648, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2006-04-11 20:39:18', '2001-03-29 16:02:33', 2, 0, '2000-09-16 15:09:40', '2000-09-17 06:34:46', 45.848100000000002, 329.23099999999999, -9.3509399999999996, 75.199399999999997, 211.20699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217091140, 0.59850799601113103, -0.61235102630755001, 0.51654080118692502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1120802', 'DO-NOT-USE', 81.517300000000006, -67.498999999999995, '2000-09-17 17:56:38', 3322, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.44, 'OB+W', 0.20000000000000001, 10, 'PC', '2006-04-11 17:55:32', '2001-03-28 23:25:18', 0, 0, '2000-09-17 17:56:38', '2000-09-17 18:51:59', -86.562200000000004, 340.29300000000001, -33.040100000000002, 277.76900000000001, 0.101379, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 542341958, 0.056452309785756397, 0.378512995395758, -0.92387285328468405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0100101', 'EUVE-J0317-85.5', 49.320599999999999, -85.540599999999998, '2000-09-17 19:52:42', 18002, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 14.800000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-11 18:47:54', '2001-03-28 21:05:11', 1, 0, '2000-09-17 19:52:42', '2000-09-18 11:26:09', -69.744500000000002, 278.41800000000001, -30.680700000000002, 299.85399999999998, 33.561999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'LILIA', 'FERRARIO', 'y', 537095250, 0.050681186455705698, 0.058965184466069798, -0.99697267984650595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0100201', 'LB9802', 49.333799999999997, -85.542100000000005, '2000-09-18 12:08:57', 3424, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.800000000000001, '', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-11 18:25:10', '2001-04-05 21:24:50', 2, 0, '2000-09-18 12:08:57', '2000-09-18 13:06:00', -69.744299999999996, 278.41300000000001, -30.678899999999999, 299.85399999999998, 34.183199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'LILIA', 'FERRARIO', 'y', 537095250, 0.050650591952206503, 0.058957061126408, -0.99697471506464397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1017003', 'HD177566', 286.78199999999998, -41.7194, '2000-09-18 13:52:47', 7764, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 10.199999999999999, 'PAGB', 0.070000000000000007, 18, 'PC', '2006-04-04 08:33:36', '2001-03-29 02:12:01', 1, -131, '2000-09-18 13:52:47', '2000-09-18 19:26:11', -19.044699999999999, 283.17899999999997, -20.4194, 355.55000000000001, 164.73599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 781800959, 0.215512565846359, -0.71462335962623302, -0.66548312363187201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1040105', 'BD+28D4211', 327.79599999999999, 28.8644, '2000-09-19 20:20:49', 7843, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 17, 10.529999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-04-04 07:18:29', '2001-03-28 23:17:03', 3, 0, '2000-09-19 20:20:49', '2000-09-20 09:36:29', 38.9437, 342.322, -19.293299999999999, 81.874700000000004, 219.029, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 220857477, 0.74103347111694595, -0.46672593474796897, 0.48273833131211502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1010302', 'HD003827', 10.300800000000001, 39.603900000000003, '2000-09-20 11:00:21', 2885, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 5, 8.0099999999999998, 'B0.7', 0.02, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-04 08:12:42', '2001-03-29 01:07:26', 2, -22, '2000-09-20 11:00:21', '2000-09-20 11:49:17', 32.010100000000001, 26.622599999999998, -23.2255, 120.788, 286.14100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 42917148, 0.75805183687275202, 0.13777230079557101, 0.63747643544474797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1010102', 'HD000073', 1.4038299999999999, 43.401400000000002, '2000-09-20 12:37:53', 2934, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 5, 8.4800000000000004, 'B1.5', 0.070000000000000007, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-04 08:12:23', '2001-03-29 01:01:12', 1, 0, '2000-09-20 12:37:53', '2000-09-20 13:27:37', 38.559399999999997, 21.741, -18.689599999999999, 114.17100000000001, 272.35500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 44799310, 0.726339808852415, 0.0177999446429398, 0.68710526416768702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070201', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2000-09-20 14:09:41', 7921, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2006-04-04 07:28:54', '2001-08-23 15:28:10', 1, 0, '2000-09-20 14:09:41', '2000-09-20 16:55:10', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 272.56, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1790302', 'HD222107', 354.39100000000002, 46.458100000000002, '2000-09-20 17:39:44', 4193, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 3.8100000000000001, 'G8IV', 0, 44, 'PE', '2006-03-30 03:08:13', '2001-04-30 19:42:17', 0, 0, '2000-09-20 17:39:44', '2000-09-20 23:09:11', 43.775799999999997, 18.287099999999999, -14.5365, 109.904, 262.31700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 225742581, 0.68558651300951601, -0.0673310740396008, 0.72487078824306805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0340201', 'EGB1', 16.8233, 73.562799999999996, '2000-09-21 00:47:08', 22697, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.550000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-04 03:47:46', '2001-03-28 21:25:04', 0, 0, '2000-09-21 00:47:08', '2000-09-21 09:59:58', 57.930700000000002, 59.326999999999998, 10.725899999999999, 124.074, 286.47899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 62323759, 0.270853906256876, 0.081895816557263107, 0.95913045864252); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5170101', 'TITAN', 59.183300000000003, 18.1372, '2000-09-21 10:32:11', 8789, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9, '', 0, 4, 'PE', '2006-04-04 12:01:04', '2001-03-29 04:25:56', 0, 0, '2000-09-21 10:32:11', '2000-09-21 14:36:44', -2.2372899999999998, 60.842599999999997, -26.239999999999998, 172.95500000000001, 346.71499999999997, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 5793970, 0.48683931217603699, 0.81613959714665596, 0.31129349830868103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5170102', 'TITAN', 59.183300000000003, 18.1372, '2000-09-21 15:27:09', 9146, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9, '', 0, 4, 'PE', '2006-04-04 12:01:23', '2001-03-29 04:32:31', 0, 0, '2000-09-21 15:27:09', '2000-09-21 19:36:33', -2.2372899999999998, 60.842599999999997, -26.239999999999998, 172.95500000000001, 349.22300000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 5793970, 0.48683931217603699, 0.81613959714665596, 0.31129349830868103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070301', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2000-09-23 03:44:01', 15994, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 18, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2006-04-04 08:10:57', '2001-08-23 16:16:45', 2, 0, '2000-09-23 03:44:01', '2000-09-24 03:17:30', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 189.68799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070302', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2000-09-24 04:42:55', 16372, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 18, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2006-04-04 08:12:03', '2001-08-23 16:59:05', 2, 0, '2000-09-24 04:42:55', '2000-09-25 04:20:46', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 188.828, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330101', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-26 00:40:49', 1492, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 19:50:47', '2001-03-28 22:27:22', 6, 0, '2000-09-26 00:40:49', '2000-09-26 01:05:40', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 7.24085, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0750201', 'E0102-P1', 16.0045, -72.034300000000002, '2000-09-26 02:21:31', 3054, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-04-04 04:09:37', '2001-04-27 16:32:13', 0, 0, '2000-09-26 02:21:31', '2000-09-26 05:23:30', -65.036100000000005, 314.62900000000002, -45.060200000000002, 301.56099999999998, 73.950400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JON A.', 'MORSE', 'y', 546047569, 0.29649217610588802, 0.085042965099719106, -0.95124133824968005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330102', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-26 05:54:45', 4355, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 19:51:06', '2001-03-28 22:39:38', 6, 0, '2000-09-26 05:54:45', '2000-09-26 07:45:28', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 7.4952699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230263', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-09-26 08:36:14', 2254, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:15:25', '2001-03-28 22:22:24', 1, 0, '2000-09-26 08:36:14', '2000-09-26 09:14:30', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 67.345500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0750204', 'E0102-P1', 16.0045, -72.034300000000002, '2000-09-26 10:05:18', 5737, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-04-04 04:10:11', '2001-04-27 16:41:34', 0, 0, '2000-09-26 10:05:18', '2000-09-26 12:33:53', -65.036100000000005, 314.62900000000002, -45.060200000000002, 301.56099999999998, 74.277500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JON A.', 'MORSE', 'y', 546047569, 0.29649217610588802, 0.085042965099719106, -0.95124133824968005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330103', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-26 13:27:17', 3481, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 20:01:51', '2001-03-28 22:48:40', 6, 0, '2000-09-26 13:27:17', '2000-09-26 14:25:17', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 7.7781099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172201', 'SK-66D172', 84.273200000000003, -66.359899999999996, '2000-09-26 15:07:10', 3563, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.130000000000001, 'O5V', 0.20999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 09:57:39', '2001-03-29 03:02:31', 8, 0, '2000-09-26 15:07:10', '2000-09-26 16:06:32', -87.704800000000006, 2.38259, -32.104500000000002, 276.274, 6.5645100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542572649, 0.040012884572396497, 0.39898893500622001, -0.91608231006323804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1142001', 'SK-65.63', 82.164599999999993, -65.650300000000001, '2000-09-26 16:58:59', 5585, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.56, 'O9.7', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2006-08-16 20:23:33', '2001-03-29 00:25:49', 1, 0, '2000-09-26 16:58:59', '2000-09-26 19:27:50', -86.700800000000001, 12.3956, -33.031199999999998, 275.54300000000001, 8.5333299999999994, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 542583573, 0.056208552856742998, 0.40845542108481298, -0.91104597445583302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330104', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-26 20:28:33', 2196, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 20:12:31', '2001-03-28 22:54:22', 6, 0, '2000-09-26 20:28:33', '2000-09-26 21:05:08', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 8.0591399999999993, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0491501', 'SK-67.46', 76.756799999999998, -67.624899999999997, '2000-09-26 22:18:57', 3469, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.34, 'B1II', 0.14000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:51:47', '2001-04-27 16:23:29', 2, 0, '2000-09-26 22:18:57', '2000-09-27 02:03:08', -84.747299999999996, 342.27999999999997, -34.799999999999997, 278.33199999999999, 13.8756, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542662626, 0.087205402680810104, 0.37054521811958502, -0.92471155452497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330105', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-27 02:46:11', 1816, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 20:12:43', '2001-03-28 23:01:23', 6, 0, '2000-09-27 02:46:11', '2000-09-27 03:44:51', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 8.3297699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230264', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-09-27 05:06:01', 1985, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:46:33', '2001-09-08 01:32:14', 1, 0, '2000-09-27 05:06:01', '2000-09-27 06:53:28', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 68.147400000000005, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171901', 'SK-67D167', 82.9666, -67.6614, '2000-09-27 09:24:47', 7341, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.539999999999999, 'O4IN', 0.14000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 09:57:32', '2001-04-30 17:54:21', 6, 0, '2000-09-27 09:24:47', '2000-09-27 12:04:58', -87.053200000000004, 334.863, -32.470199999999998, 277.87, 8.5740400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542334805, 0.046539929108667701, 0.37721926448020199, -0.92495386993275297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330106', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-27 12:45:53', 3546, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 20:23:26', '2001-04-05 18:44:41', 6, 0, '2000-09-27 12:45:53', '2000-09-27 13:44:58', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 8.7401400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174201', 'SK-67D14', 73.632999999999996, -67.256900000000002, '2000-09-27 14:26:15', 6329, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.52, 'B1IA', 0.10000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:48:10', '2001-04-30 18:08:53', 6, 0, '2000-09-27 14:26:15', '2000-09-27 17:01:59', -83.562299999999993, 346.31400000000002, -36.052399999999999, 278.26900000000001, 17.4468, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542696977, 0.108939554784556, 0.370933493088975, -0.92224753570186002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330107', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-27 21:30:03', 2097, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 20:34:07', '2001-04-05 18:53:08', 6, 0, '2000-09-27 21:30:03', '2000-09-27 22:05:00', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 9.0811799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1840401', '0513-69', 78.413700000000006, -69.533600000000007, '2000-09-27 23:13:26', 4965, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.5, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2006-04-04 11:50:24', '2001-08-19 18:54:31', 0, 0, '2000-09-27 23:13:26', '2000-09-28 03:01:36', -84.759399999999999, 320.25099999999998, -33.778199999999998, 280.41699999999997, 13.4817, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542286990, 0.070226608214040906, 0.34253315155181302, -0.93687740051019197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330108', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-28 03:45:30', 2001, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 20:44:18', '2001-04-05 19:02:46', 6, 0, '2000-09-28 03:45:30', '2000-09-28 04:45:06', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 9.3517200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230265', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-09-28 05:35:05', 3327, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:46:38', '2001-04-05 18:02:59', 1, 0, '2000-09-28 05:35:05', '2000-09-28 07:51:52', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 69.148200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0491401', 'SK-71.08', 76.847499999999997, -71.198499999999996, '1999-12-21 14:53:19', 7292, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.25, 'O9II', 0.080000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:51:36', '2000-08-10 01:23:26', 1, 0, '1999-12-21 14:53:19', '1999-12-21 17:39:21', -83.394900000000007, 309.61000000000001, -33.879300000000001, 282.51499999999999, 98.892700000000005, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 541521663, 0.073335156396062903, 0.31383611529718303, -0.94664082289511398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171802', 'MK42', 84.675399999999996, -69.098500000000001, '2000-09-28 12:03:59', 3657, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 10.960000000000001, 'O3IF', 0.45000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 09:25:39', '2001-04-30 17:36:45', 4, 0, '2000-09-28 12:03:59', '2000-09-28 13:04:56', -86.765199999999993, 305.92399999999998, -31.672499999999999, 279.464, 8.1248500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542225962, 0.033106876095220499, 0.35522300770640403, -0.93419513462190096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330109', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-28 13:45:12', 3615, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 20:54:49', '2001-04-05 19:12:46', 6, 0, '2000-09-28 13:45:12', '2000-09-28 14:45:27', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 9.7633399999999995, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171803', 'MK42', 84.675399999999996, -69.098500000000001, '2000-09-28 15:28:36', 6506, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.960000000000001, 'O3IF', 0.45000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 09:36:18', '2001-04-30 17:43:58', 3, 0, '2000-09-28 15:28:36', '2000-09-28 18:05:14', -86.765199999999993, 305.92399999999998, -31.672499999999999, 279.464, 8.2611699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542225962, 0.033106876095220499, 0.35522300770640403, -0.93419513462190096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1171804', 'MK42', 84.675399999999996, -69.098500000000001, '2000-09-28 19:00:50', 5176, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.960000000000001, 'O3IF', 0.45000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 09:46:50', '2001-04-30 17:49:32', 3, 0, '2000-09-28 19:00:50', '2000-09-28 21:25:31', -86.765199999999993, 305.92399999999998, -31.672499999999999, 279.464, 8.3973099999999992, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542225962, 0.033106876095220499, 0.35522300770640403, -0.93419513462190096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330110', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-28 22:31:35', 2166, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 21:07:44', '2001-04-05 19:20:26', 6, 0, '2000-09-28 22:31:35', '2000-09-28 23:07:40', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 10.104900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173401', 'SK-67D101', 81.484800000000007, -67.507999999999996, '2000-09-29 00:14:41', 4390, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.630000000000001, 'O9II', 0.14000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:28:00', '2001-07-02 20:34:23', 3, 0, '2000-09-29 00:14:41', '2000-09-29 03:13:30', -86.548199999999994, 340.19, -33.051000000000002, 277.78199999999998, 11.5139, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542341917, 0.0566455162642533, 0.37833738640083903, -0.92393295619245996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330111', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-29 06:24:30', 3745, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 21:27:02', '2001-04-05 19:29:56', 6, 0, '2000-09-29 06:24:30', '2000-09-29 07:26:55', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 10.446199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1175401', 'AV388', 16.415099999999999, -72.490799999999993, '2000-09-29 08:04:10', 5333, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.119999999999999, 'O4V', 0.11, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 03:01:38', '2001-09-07 22:54:47', 3, 0, '2000-09-29 08:04:10', '2000-09-29 10:29:18', -65.338999999999999, 313.762, -44.595700000000001, 301.43200000000002, 76.682100000000005, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545694803, 0.288595783161817, 0.085021010642006498, -0.95366865403589196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330112', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-29 13:04:27', 3836, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 21:37:23', '2001-04-27 17:11:44', 6, 0, '2000-09-29 13:04:27', '2000-09-29 14:08:22', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 10.719799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172901', 'BI272', 86.096599999999995, -67.241500000000002, '2000-09-29 14:46:27', 4332, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.199999999999999, 'O7II', 0.17000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:17:42', '2001-09-01 18:41:20', 4, 0, '2000-09-29 14:46:27', '2000-09-29 15:58:28', -88.324399999999997, 334.24000000000001, -31.317399999999999, 277.238, 7.8476900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542431461, 0.026334466230520999, 0.38595037504465601, -0.92214359179644201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230266', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-09-29 16:35:25', 3755, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:46:43', '2001-04-27 17:03:23', 1, 0, '2000-09-29 16:35:25', '2000-09-29 18:49:35', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 70.569599999999994, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330113', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-29 20:04:25', 3922, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 21:48:04', '2001-04-05 19:41:20', 6, 0, '2000-09-29 20:04:25', '2000-09-29 21:09:47', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 10.9815, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173101', 'SK-67D191', 83.392200000000003, -67.505399999999995, '2000-09-29 21:49:13', 8476, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.460000000000001, 'O8V', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:17:50', '2001-07-02 20:27:23', 4, 0, '2000-09-29 21:49:13', '2000-09-30 00:43:38', -87.255499999999998, 336.851, -32.328200000000002, 277.66300000000001, 10.6694, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542508782, 0.044026274499307801, 0.38005481130718199, -0.92391559547178004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174501', 'HD33133', 75.792500000000004, -66.681700000000006, '2000-09-30 01:18:35', 4628, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.69, 'WN8', 0.080000000000000002, 11, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:58:11', '2001-07-02 20:54:15', 7, 0, '2000-09-30 01:18:35', '2000-09-30 04:16:24', -84.373199999999997, 352.24900000000002, -35.383099999999999, 277.31700000000001, 17.8217, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542740757, 0.097152419721672295, 0.38373139892019897, -0.91831999914244); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330114', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-30 04:44:02', 2768, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 22:00:14', '2001-04-05 19:50:18', 6, 0, '2000-09-30 04:44:02', '2000-09-30 05:30:09', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 11.380599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1175701', 'NGC346-4', 14.7516, -72.177199999999999, '2000-09-30 05:45:51', 4956, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.66, 'O5-6', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 11:50:17', '2001-09-07 23:44:38', 4, 0, '2000-09-30 05:45:51', '2000-09-30 08:07:45', -64.749300000000005, 313.93599999999998, -44.938800000000001, 302.11599999999999, 79.258799999999994, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545873275, 0.29598560339813301, 0.077935344574973905, -0.95200767047698898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031706', 'SK-69D243', 84.677400000000006, -69.100899999999996, '2000-09-30 09:03:18', 5577, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.5, 'OBN?', 0.25, 11, 'PC', '2006-04-04 09:04:07', '2001-04-05 22:22:57', 3, 0, '2000-09-30 09:03:18', '2000-09-30 10:36:14', -86.763900000000007, 305.887, -31.671500000000002, 279.46699999999998, 9.9515399999999996, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542225962, 0.033090846457706199, 0.355185200079708, -0.93421007783316601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330115', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-09-30 10:45:21', 5518, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 22:20:07', '2001-04-05 20:06:52', 6, 0, '2000-09-30 10:45:21', '2000-09-30 12:17:18', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 11.6279, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172704', 'BI208', 83.489400000000003, -67.405600000000007, '2000-09-30 12:24:06', 4100, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14.02, 'O7V', 0.029999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:07:51', '2001-04-30 18:02:28', 6, 0, '2000-09-30 12:24:06', '2000-09-30 13:32:15', -87.319199999999995, 338.65800000000002, -32.302900000000001, 277.541, 11.1729, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542509045, 0.043563872841604102, 0.38172730894893703, -0.92324777312790896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173701', 'BI170', 81.699100000000001, -69.103200000000001, '2000-09-30 14:04:18', 4283, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.09, 'O9.5', 0.13, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:37:56', '2001-07-02 20:38:07', 6, 0, '2000-09-30 14:04:18', '2000-09-30 15:15:30', -85.971299999999999, 317.13499999999999, -32.723199999999999, 279.64299999999997, 12.980600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542275093, 0.051495354467358999, 0.35294901155338299, -0.93422439687249204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230267', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-09-30 17:36:54', 3360, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:36:10', '2001-04-05 18:13:21', 1, 0, '2000-09-30 17:36:54', '2000-09-30 19:48:06', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 71.566299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172401', 'SK-69D104', 79.748199999999997, -69.215199999999996, '2000-09-30 22:51:20', 3898, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.1, 'O6IB', 0.11, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:07:18', '2001-07-02 20:20:17', 5, 0, '2000-09-30 22:51:20', '2000-10-01 00:00:09', -85.325199999999995, 320.79700000000003, -33.385599999999997, 279.92399999999998, 15.1782, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542294709, 0.063155829974125999, 0.34919366476601299, -0.93491984984145104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330116', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-01 00:35:32', 3683, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 22:29:28', '2001-04-05 20:18:02', 5, 0, '2000-10-01 00:35:32', '2000-10-01 01:36:54', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 12.194800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172703', 'BI208', 83.489400000000003, -67.405600000000007, '2000-10-01 02:14:11', 3316, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14.02, 'O7V', 0.029999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:07:44', '2001-04-30 18:00:48', 5, 0, '2000-10-01 02:14:11', '2000-10-01 03:09:26', -87.319199999999995, 338.65800000000002, -32.302900000000001, 277.541, 11.719099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542509045, 0.043563872841604102, 0.38172730894893703, -0.92324777312790896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1175601', 'NGC346-6', 14.740600000000001, -72.176000000000002, '2000-10-01 03:24:21', 5926, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.02, 'O4V(', 0.089999999999999997, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 11:39:16', '2001-09-07 23:22:12', 4, 0, '2000-10-01 03:24:21', '2000-10-01 07:26:21', -64.745699999999999, 313.935, -44.940100000000001, 302.12, 80.126499999999993, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545873275, 0.29601984296044298, 0.077883591259840207, -0.95200125986583894); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330117', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-01 08:23:54', 5125, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 22:30:10', '2001-04-05 20:31:00', 5, 0, '2000-10-01 08:23:54', '2000-10-01 09:49:18', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 12.481999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1175201', 'NGC346-3', 14.7545, -72.174499999999995, '2000-10-01 10:05:01', 4822, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.5, 'O3II', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 11:08:30', '2001-04-30 18:30:34', 4, 0, '2000-10-01 10:05:01', '2000-10-01 12:26:05', -64.748900000000006, 313.94299999999998, -44.941400000000002, 302.11399999999998, 80.375299999999996, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545873278, 0.29602504104029898, 0.077961751003675694, -0.95199324601466095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172702', 'BI208', 83.489400000000003, -67.405600000000007, '2000-10-01 13:22:30', 4213, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14.02, 'O7V', 0.029999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:07:35', '2001-04-30 17:59:11', 5, 0, '2000-10-01 13:22:30', '2000-10-01 14:32:33', -87.319199999999995, 338.65800000000002, -32.302900000000001, 277.541, 12.162699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542509045, 0.043563872841604102, 0.38172730894893703, -0.92324777312790896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330118', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-01 15:08:07', 4034, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 22:40:09', '2001-04-05 20:42:24', 5, 0, '2000-10-01 15:08:07', '2000-10-01 16:16:08', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 12.7919, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172705', 'BI208', 83.489400000000003, -67.405600000000007, '2000-10-01 16:52:59', 4018, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14.02, 'O7V', 0.029999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:17:35', '2001-04-30 18:03:54', 5, 0, '2000-10-01 16:52:59', '2000-10-01 17:59:47', -87.319199999999995, 338.65800000000002, -32.302900000000001, 277.541, 12.340299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542509045, 0.043563872841604102, 0.38172730894893703, -0.92324777312790896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174001', 'SK-68D52', 76.835800000000006, -68.536000000000001, '2000-10-01 18:39:13', 8092, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.699999999999999, 'B0IA', 0.14999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:38:03', '2001-07-02 20:43:32', 7, 0, '2000-10-01 18:39:13', '2000-10-01 21:28:53', -84.611400000000003, 332.54700000000003, -34.558, 279.40100000000001, 18.6875, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542645534, 0.083334753533790898, 0.356300778382452, -0.93064766382209396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174203', 'SK-67D14', 73.632999999999996, -67.256900000000002, '2000-10-01 22:07:02', 4185, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.52, 'B1IA', 0.10000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:48:24', '2001-04-30 18:15:37', 4, 0, '2000-10-01 22:07:02', '2000-10-01 23:16:36', -83.562299999999993, 346.31400000000002, -36.052399999999999, 278.26900000000001, 21.7346, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542696977, 0.108939554784556, 0.370933493088975, -0.92224753570186002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330119', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-01 23:52:29', 3388, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 23:31:09', '2001-04-05 20:52:22', 5, 0, '2000-10-01 23:52:29', '2000-10-02 00:48:56', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 13.148899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1176401', 'AV327', 15.7941, -72.037199999999999, '2000-10-02 01:34:18', 4192, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.25, 'O9II', 0.089999999999999997, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 00:10:01', '2001-09-08 00:18:45', 6, 0, '2000-10-02 01:34:18', '2000-10-02 05:05:20', -64.9786, 314.55700000000002, -45.061599999999999, 301.65300000000002, 79.8934, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 546047550, 0.29675613948485802, 0.083940518944017495, -0.95125694896670898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230268', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-02 06:11:45', 1927, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-04-11 23:58:30', '2001-04-05 18:19:47', 1, 0, '2000-10-02 06:11:45', '2000-10-02 06:46:05', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 72.985299999999995, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330120', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-02 07:43:06', 5434, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 23:51:41', '2001-04-05 21:00:00', 5, 0, '2000-10-02 07:43:06', '2000-10-02 09:13:49', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 13.438700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174301', 'SK-69D52', 74.452100000000002, -69.872799999999998, '2000-10-02 09:23:59', 5486, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.5, 'B2IA', 0.17000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:48:31', '2001-07-02 20:46:12', 1, 0, '2000-10-02 09:23:59', '2000-10-02 10:55:25', -83.374099999999999, 323.06900000000002, -35.017699999999998, 281.24400000000003, 21.642099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 541930425, 0.092235369156080896, 0.33151351750785302, -0.938931000865459); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174801', 'HDE269687', 82.856700000000004, -69.093999999999994, '2000-10-02 11:03:47', 3781, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.9, 'WN11', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:58:29', '2001-04-30 18:18:39', 6, 0, '2000-10-02 11:03:47', '2000-10-02 12:06:38', -86.304599999999994, 313.50900000000001, -32.316499999999998, 279.55700000000002, 13.736000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542312770, 0.0443730253737699, 0.354066154933454, -0.93416711168281796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174202', 'SK-67D14', 73.632999999999996, -67.256900000000002, '2000-10-02 12:43:57', 3948, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.52, 'B1IA', 0.10000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:48:17', '2001-04-30 18:12:27', 3, 0, '2000-10-02 12:43:57', '2000-10-02 13:49:35', -83.562299999999993, 346.31400000000002, -36.052399999999999, 278.26900000000001, 22.334700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542696977, 0.108939554784556, 0.370933493088975, -0.92224753570186002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031501', 'SK-71D45', 82.814800000000005, -71.069100000000006, '2000-10-02 14:23:48', 4140, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.470000000000001, 'O4-5', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 08:50:20', '2001-04-12 18:58:54', 7, 0, '2000-10-02 14:23:48', '2000-10-02 15:33:08', -84.804900000000004, 296.625, -32.0246, 281.86500000000001, 13.9711, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 541544826, 0.040578417296105597, 0.32187988523685501, -0.94591053040425099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330121', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-02 16:10:35', 3945, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-22 23:51:59', '2001-04-12 21:21:16', 5, 0, '2000-10-02 16:10:35', '2000-10-02 17:16:47', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 13.8177, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230281', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-02 19:40:23', 2443, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-04-11 23:08:34', '2001-08-19 14:53:19', 1, 0, '2000-10-02 19:40:23', '2000-10-02 21:41:07', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 73.554000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174101', 'SK-68D41', 76.363299999999995, -68.167400000000001, '2000-10-03 00:53:24', 4378, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.01, 'B0.5', 0.16, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:38:20', '2001-04-30 18:05:53', 3, 0, '2000-10-03 00:53:24', '2000-10-03 02:06:11', -84.524199999999993, 336.755, -34.815800000000003, 279.017, 20.346900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542662976, 0.087679941614455206, 0.36141238131243197, -0.92827437671873902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1180202', 'AZV70', 12.5756, -72.636099999999999, '2000-10-03 02:37:32', 2878, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.390000000000001, 'O9IA', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:15:09', '2001-04-12 20:34:26', 3, 0, '2000-10-03 02:37:32', '2000-10-03 04:23:05', -64.358199999999997, 312.30700000000002, -44.491700000000002, 303.05200000000002, 84.215500000000006, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 545868989, 0.29127980924180502, 0.064978521398480898, -0.95442855389228798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330122', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-03 07:03:20', 5441, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 00:12:30', '2001-04-27 17:18:30', 5, 0, '2000-10-03 07:03:20', '2000-10-03 08:34:01', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 14.428100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173601', 'SK-69D124', 81.326499999999996, -69.053100000000001, '2000-10-03 08:43:45', 5501, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.66, 'O9IB', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:28:18', '2001-08-15 19:45:31', 6, 0, '2000-10-03 08:43:45', '2000-10-03 10:15:26', -85.889399999999995, 318.77300000000002, -32.862699999999997, 279.61099999999999, 16.058399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542276608, 0.0539126811580019, 0.35341408949728897, -0.93391215012717199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173201', 'BI173', 81.792000000000002, -69.132300000000001, '2000-10-03 10:21:53', 4208, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13, 'O8II', 0.17000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-04 10:27:50', '2001-08-15 19:12:14', 5, 0, '2000-10-03 10:21:53', '2000-10-03 11:55:13', -85.981399999999994, 316.52499999999998, -32.6858, 279.67099999999999, 15.693899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542274719, 0.050855264379801098, 0.352562373665955, -0.93440543382403796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1060101', 'BR-EARTH', 219.75, -30, '2000-03-27 08:32:56', 12497, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99, '', 0, 1, 'EE', '2007-05-11 17:52:49', '2007-05-11 13:38:47', 0, 0, '2000-03-27 08:32:56', '2000-03-27 16:00:34', -13.7957, 226.71600000000001, 27.350100000000001, 329.10000000000002, 31.859999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 723953318, -0.66583655806778497, -0.55377041988575404, -0.5); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330123', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-03 15:27:32', 3975, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 00:34:00', '2001-04-05 21:09:55', 5, 0, '2000-10-03 15:27:32', '2000-10-03 16:33:47', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 14.7742, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031705', 'SK-69D243', 84.677400000000006, -69.100899999999996, '2000-10-03 17:11:41', 3953, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.5, 'OBN?', 0.25, 11, 'PC', '2006-04-04 08:53:48', '2001-04-05 22:08:33', 3, 0, '2000-10-03 17:11:41', '2000-10-03 18:17:23', -86.763900000000007, 305.887, -31.671500000000002, 279.46699999999998, 13.2662, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542225962, 0.033090846457706199, 0.355185200079708, -0.93421007783316601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1175901', 'AV207', 14.638299999999999, -71.929599999999994, '2000-10-03 18:57:57', 3799, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.369999999999999, 'O7V', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 03:12:11', '2001-04-30 18:34:48', 4, 0, '2000-10-03 18:57:57', '2000-10-03 22:42:49', -64.609800000000007, 314.42099999999999, -45.187600000000003, 302.15100000000001, 82.728300000000004, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 546054315, 0.30011686055246101, 0.078388852319769595, -0.95067610564488503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230269', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-04 00:07:48', 2675, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:46:47', '2001-04-05 18:31:20', 1, 0, '2000-10-04 00:07:48', '2000-10-04 03:43:45', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 74.634100000000004, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330124', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-04 04:41:45', 5130, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 00:54:42', '2001-04-05 21:21:11', 5, 0, '2000-10-04 04:41:45', '2000-10-04 06:07:14', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 15.284000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1176901', 'AV242', 15.028499999999999, -72.232500000000002, '2000-10-04 06:22:06', 4953, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.109999999999999, 'B1IA', 0.029999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-19 00:41:52', '2001-04-30 18:56:07', 5, 0, '2000-10-04 06:22:06', '2000-10-04 08:42:18', -64.849500000000006, 313.904, -44.879800000000003, 302, 82.782399999999996, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 546046515, 0.29471794442897198, 0.079126579700765101, -0.95230263971933804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0491201', 'SK-71.50', 85.180499999999995, -71.483099999999993, '2000-07-05 10:45:17', 5376, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.44, 'O6.5', 0.20000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:41:44', '2001-01-12 05:46:41', 1, 0, '2000-07-05 10:45:17', '2000-07-05 16:04:55', -84.787599999999998, 287.07999999999998, -31.212299999999999, 282.214, 285.64499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 541449634, 0.026682480177109402, 0.31646148493444698, -0.94823002156896696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031704', 'SK-69D243', 84.677400000000006, -69.100899999999996, '2000-10-04 11:21:05', 3736, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.5, 'OBN?', 0.25, 11, 'PC', '2006-04-01 02:58:35', '2001-04-12 19:43:40', 1, 0, '2000-10-04 11:21:05', '2000-10-04 12:23:39', -86.763900000000007, 305.887, -31.671500000000002, 279.46699999999998, 14.0098, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542225962, 0.033090846457706199, 0.355185200079708, -0.93421007783316601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330125', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-04 13:02:44', 3839, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 01:05:01', '2001-04-27 17:23:55', 5, 0, '2000-10-04 13:02:44', '2000-10-04 14:07:07', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 15.6602, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031703', 'SK-69D243', 84.677400000000006, -69.100899999999996, '2000-10-04 14:42:56', 3914, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.5, 'OBN?', 0.25, 11, 'PC', '2006-04-01 02:47:25', '2001-04-12 19:33:59', 1, 0, '2000-10-04 14:42:56', '2000-10-04 15:50:47', -86.763900000000007, 305.887, -31.671500000000002, 279.46699999999998, 14.1486, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542225962, 0.033090846457706199, 0.355185200079708, -0.93421007783316601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030704', 'SK-67D05', 72.578999999999994, -67.660499999999999, '2000-10-04 16:28:27', 3968, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.34, 'O9.7', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-01 01:55:06', '2001-04-12 18:27:56', 6, 0, '2000-10-04 16:28:27', '2000-10-04 17:34:23', -83.159000000000006, 342.815, -36.322600000000001, 278.892, 25.4969, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542682965, 0.113796514243464, 0.36265925670271099, -0.92494789954563095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1070101', 'SK143', 17.732299999999999, -72.715500000000006, '2000-10-04 19:59:42', 3437, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.619999999999999, 'O9.7', 0.27000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 03:59:09', '2001-09-08 00:29:59', 2, 0, '2000-10-04 19:59:42', '2000-10-04 23:42:03', -65.789500000000004, 313.637, -44.335900000000002, 300.911, 80.564599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'FERLET', 'y', 545667878, 0.28300054739571501, 0.090492815396424994, -0.954841212210362); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330126', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-05 02:43:36', 4102, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 01:15:41', '2001-04-12 21:31:22', 5, 0, '2000-10-05 02:43:36', '2000-10-05 03:51:57', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 16.209, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172501', 'SK-70D91', 81.890600000000006, -70.613399999999999, '2000-10-05 04:02:19', 5492, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.779999999999999, 'O6.5', 0.089999999999999997, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-01 03:19:15', '2001-04-30 17:57:26', 8, 0, '2000-10-05 04:02:19', '2000-10-05 05:33:50', -84.989599999999996, 302.42200000000003, -32.401400000000002, 281.39600000000002, 17.356000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542247428, 0.046824743797348897, 0.32862129742398399, -0.94330031604345899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031503', 'SK-71D45', 82.814800000000005, -71.069100000000006, '2000-10-05 05:40:49', 5428, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.470000000000001, 'O4-5', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-01 02:36:47', '2001-04-12 19:14:35', 8, 0, '2000-10-05 05:40:49', '2000-10-05 07:11:16', -84.804900000000004, 296.625, -32.0246, 281.86500000000001, 16.5611, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 541544826, 0.040578417296105597, 0.32187988523685501, -0.94591053040425099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030901', 'SK-65D21', 75.343000000000004, -65.696700000000007, '2000-10-05 07:21:51', 5505, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.02, 'O9.5', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-01 02:04:47', '2001-04-12 18:35:26', 6, 0, '2000-10-05 07:21:51', '2000-10-05 08:57:05', -84.020300000000006, 1.53352, -35.788800000000002, 276.19099999999997, 23.338699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542759680, 0.10413956157854699, 0.39817361105704102, -0.91137957359819299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230270', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-05 09:11:33', 3556, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:46:53', '2001-04-12 20:48:30', 1, 0, '2000-10-05 09:11:33', '2000-10-05 11:22:44', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 75.986400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330127', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-05 12:20:54', 3792, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 01:15:48', '2001-04-12 21:41:55', 5, 0, '2000-10-05 12:20:54', '2000-10-05 13:24:07', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 16.584, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030904', 'SK-65D21', 75.343000000000004, -65.696700000000007, '2000-10-05 14:01:48', 3689, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.02, 'O9.5', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-01 02:15:57', '2001-04-12 18:50:58', 6, 0, '2000-10-05 14:01:48', '2000-10-05 15:07:46', -84.020300000000006, 1.53352, -35.788800000000002, 276.19099999999997, 23.6142, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542759680, 0.10413956157854699, 0.39817361105704102, -0.91137957359819299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1180203', 'AZV70', 12.5756, -72.636099999999999, '2000-10-05 15:47:15', 1972, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.390000000000001, 'O9IA', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:15:18', '2001-04-12 20:38:58', 3, 0, '2000-10-05 15:47:15', '2000-10-05 16:20:07', -64.358199999999997, 312.30700000000002, -44.491700000000002, 303.05200000000002, 86.595799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL J.', 'WOLFF', 'y', 545868989, 0.29127980924180502, 0.064978521398480898, -0.95442855389228798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0611111', 'M31-OB78-277', 10.126300000000001, 40.709200000000003, '2000-07-30 16:12:23', 7096, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 18, '', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-09 22:51:21', '2007-11-09 22:51:21', 0, 0, '2000-07-30 16:12:23', '2000-07-30 18:51:22', 33.051000000000002, 27.0913, -22.115400000000001, 120.697, 323.77699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', NULL, 44372131, 0.74622147240191505, 0.13327571832649901, 0.652220129274521); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330128', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-05 19:15:46', 3968, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 01:26:17', '2001-04-12 21:50:42', 5, 0, '2000-10-05 19:15:46', '2000-10-05 20:21:54', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 16.9011, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030903', 'SK-65D21', 75.343000000000004, -65.696700000000007, '2000-10-05 21:00:18', 4079, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.02, 'O9.5', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-01 02:15:39', '2001-04-12 18:47:17', 5, 0, '2000-10-05 21:00:18', '2000-10-05 22:09:43', -84.020300000000006, 1.53352, -35.788800000000002, 276.19099999999997, 23.902100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542759680, 0.10413956157854699, 0.39817361105704102, -0.91137957359819299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030902', 'SK-65D21', 75.343000000000004, -65.696700000000007, '2000-10-05 22:44:41', 4240, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.02, 'O9.5', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-01 02:05:07', '2001-04-12 18:41:28', 5, 0, '2000-10-05 22:44:41', '2000-10-05 23:56:09', -84.020300000000006, 1.53352, -35.788800000000002, 276.19099999999997, 23.975899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542759680, 0.10413956157854699, 0.39817361105704102, -0.91137957359819299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1177001', 'AV264', 15.2822, -71.999600000000001, '2000-10-06 00:28:54', 4305, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.359999999999999, 'B2IA', 0.029999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-19 00:42:04', '2001-04-30 19:02:09', 5, 0, '2000-10-06 00:28:54', '2000-10-06 04:00:51', -64.819699999999997, 314.47800000000001, -45.108400000000003, 301.87299999999999, 84.167400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 546048441, 0.298096357116513, 0.081450403565606497, -0.95105435892637802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330129', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-06 05:00:34', 5431, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 01:36:36', '2001-04-12 22:02:05', 5, 0, '2000-10-06 05:00:34', '2000-10-06 06:31:04', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 17.267700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031502', 'SK-71D45', 82.814800000000005, -71.069100000000006, '2000-10-06 06:40:15', 5201, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.470000000000001, 'O4-5', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-01 02:26:17', '2001-04-12 19:04:50', 8, 0, '2000-10-06 06:40:15', '2000-10-06 08:06:56', -84.804900000000004, 296.625, -32.0246, 281.86500000000001, 17.582599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 541544826, 0.040578417296105597, 0.32187988523685501, -0.94591053040425099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1070104', 'SK143', 17.732299999999999, -72.715500000000006, '2000-10-06 08:22:32', 4763, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.619999999999999, 'O9.7', 0.27000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 04:08:59', '2001-04-12 20:10:56', 1, 0, '2000-10-06 08:22:32', '2000-10-06 10:41:06', -65.789500000000004, 313.637, -44.335900000000002, 300.911, 81.991500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'FERLET', 'y', 545667878, 0.28300054739571501, 0.090492815396424994, -0.954841212210362); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330130', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-06 11:40:20', 3631, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 01:57:07', '2001-04-12 22:10:58', 5, 0, '2000-10-06 11:40:20', '2000-10-06 12:41:07', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 17.541899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030602', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-06 13:29:14', 5729, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 01:28:32', '2001-04-12 18:12:59', 3, 0, '2000-10-06 13:29:14', '2000-10-06 17:22:35', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 77.078400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031504', 'SK-71D45', 82.814800000000005, -71.069100000000006, '2000-10-06 18:30:28', 4082, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.470000000000001, 'O4-5', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-01 02:37:05', '2001-04-12 19:22:32', 7, 0, '2000-10-06 18:30:28', '2000-10-06 19:38:17', -84.804900000000004, 296.625, -32.0246, 281.86500000000001, 18.027200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 541544826, 0.040578417296105597, 0.32187988523685501, -0.94591053040425099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330131', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-06 20:17:13', 4140, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 02:07:59', '2001-04-12 22:19:35', 5, 0, '2000-10-06 20:17:13', '2000-10-06 21:26:13', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 17.9297, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230271', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-06 23:44:49', 1891, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:46:58', '2001-04-12 20:56:38', 1, 0, '2000-10-06 23:44:49', '2000-10-07 01:43:05', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 77.505099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330132', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-07 04:21:07', 1903, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 02:18:31', '2001-04-12 22:24:54', 5, 0, '2000-10-07 04:21:07', '2000-10-07 04:52:50', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 18.263400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1130101', 'SN1987A', 83.867199999999997, -69.2697, '2000-10-07 06:49:39', 12699, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 4, 19.5, 'SNR', 0.16, 75, 'PE', '2006-04-01 02:58:44', '2001-04-12 19:51:38', 0, 286, '2000-10-07 06:49:39', '2000-10-07 10:48:00', -86.445700000000002, 307.58800000000002, -31.936800000000002, 279.70499999999998, 17.581299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GEORGE', 'SONNEBORN', 'y', 542223928, 0.037815721791100897, 0.35194370400602998, -0.93525697024718002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030703', 'SK-67D05', 72.578999999999994, -67.660499999999999, '2000-10-07 11:00:29', 3474, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.34, 'O9.7', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-01 01:54:55', '2001-04-12 18:20:35', 6, 0, '2000-10-07 11:00:29', '2000-10-07 11:58:09', -83.159000000000006, 342.815, -36.322600000000001, 278.892, 28.239699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542682965, 0.113796514243464, 0.36265925670271099, -0.92494789954563095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330133', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-07 12:40:47', 3569, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 02:28:50', '2001-04-12 22:32:44', 5, 0, '2000-10-07 12:40:47', '2000-10-07 13:41:46', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 18.6038, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1130102', 'SN1987A', 83.867199999999997, -69.2697, '2000-10-07 15:10:40', 13732, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 4, 19.5, 'SNR', 0.16, 75, 'PE', '2006-04-01 02:59:04', '2001-04-12 20:00:19', 0, 286, '2000-10-07 15:10:40', '2000-10-07 20:42:41', -86.445700000000002, 307.58800000000002, -31.936800000000002, 279.70499999999998, 17.923400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GEORGE', 'SONNEBORN', 'y', 542223928, 0.037815721791100897, 0.35194370400602998, -0.93525697024718002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330134', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-07 21:18:22', 4262, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 02:39:12', '2001-04-12 22:42:17', 5, 0, '2000-10-07 21:18:22', '2000-10-07 22:29:24', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 18.959399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230272', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-07 23:01:41', 2101, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:57:15', '2001-09-08 02:48:42', 1, 0, '2000-10-07 23:01:41', '2000-10-08 01:06:08', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 78.420299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1130104', 'SN1987A', 83.867199999999997, -69.2697, '2000-10-08 02:49:25', 14335, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 3, 19.5, 'SNR', 0.16, 75, 'PE', '2006-04-01 03:09:06', '2001-04-12 20:06:15', 0, 286, '2000-10-08 02:49:25', '2000-10-08 06:49:02', -86.445700000000002, 307.58800000000002, -31.936800000000002, 279.70499999999998, 18.4023, 'F', 'F', 'GEORGE', 'SONNEBORN', 'y', 542223928, 0.037815721791100897, 0.35194370400602998, -0.93525697024718002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330135', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-08 08:40:20', 3467, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 02:50:02', '2001-04-12 22:53:15', 5, 0, '2000-10-08 08:40:20', '2000-10-08 10:04:59', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 19.428599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1176803', 'AV488', 18.995200000000001, -73.356700000000004, '2000-10-08 10:19:31', 4920, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.9, 'B0.5', 0.14000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-19 00:31:15', '2001-04-30 18:47:54', 3, 0, '2000-10-08 10:19:31', '2000-10-08 12:45:50', -66.366299999999995, 312.49599999999998, -43.6556, 300.50900000000001, 82.674400000000006, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545570331, 0.27081616554854299, 0.093224106908829499, -0.958106398250547); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1176802', 'AV488', 18.995200000000001, -73.356700000000004, '2000-10-08 13:37:20', 4934, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.9, 'B0.5', 0.14000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-19 00:31:10', '2001-04-30 18:39:12', 2, 0, '2000-10-08 13:37:20', '2000-10-08 16:05:44', -66.366299999999995, 312.49599999999998, -43.6556, 300.50900000000001, 82.778899999999993, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545570331, 0.27081616554854299, 0.093224106908829499, -0.958106398250547); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330136', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-08 18:51:24', 4054, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 02:50:09', '2001-04-12 23:04:10', 5, 0, '2000-10-08 18:51:24', '2000-10-08 19:58:59', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 19.8475, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230273', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-08 20:35:02', 2782, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:57:21', '2001-04-19 17:59:01', 1, 0, '2000-10-08 20:35:02', '2000-10-08 22:45:29', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 79.266199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1130301', 'SN1987A-STAR3', 83.75, -69.2667, '2000-10-09 00:28:46', 26256, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.800000000000001, 'B0V', 0.16, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-01 03:09:26', '2001-08-15 17:38:03', 0, 286, '2000-10-09 00:28:46', '2000-10-09 07:48:29', -86.419300000000007, 308.10500000000002, -31.978300000000001, 279.70800000000003, 19.3078, 'F', 'F', 'GEORGE', 'SONNEBORN', 'y', 542224010, 0.038540883282843899, 0.35191429312261802, -0.93523843516602001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330137', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-09 07:59:33', 3601, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 03:00:39', '2001-04-12 23:14:47', 5, 0, '2000-10-09 07:59:33', '2000-10-09 09:24:22', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 20.3873, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1070106', 'SK143', 17.732299999999999, -72.715500000000006, '2000-10-09 09:41:02', 4757, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.619999999999999, 'O9.7', 0.27000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 04:09:07', '2001-04-12 20:15:27', 1, 0, '2000-10-09 09:41:02', '2000-10-09 12:05:12', -65.789500000000004, 313.637, -44.335900000000002, 300.911, 84.852199999999996, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'FERLET', 'y', 545667878, 0.28300054739571501, 0.090492815396424994, -0.954841212210362); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330138', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-09 19:51:45', 4241, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 03:10:58', '2001-04-12 23:24:11', 5, 0, '2000-10-09 19:51:45', '2000-10-09 21:02:27', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 20.836500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230274', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-09 21:34:16', 2717, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 22:07:48', '2001-04-12 21:05:52', 1, 0, '2000-10-09 21:34:16', '2000-10-09 23:44:51', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 80.233400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490801', 'SK-68.171', 87.594999999999999, -68.190700000000007, '2000-02-11 13:43:15', 4576, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.02, 'B1IA', 0.10000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:31:33', '2000-08-19 20:42:59', 3, 0, '2000-02-11 13:43:15', '2000-02-11 17:09:20', -88.125900000000001, 298.471, -30.690200000000001, 278.30200000000002, 141.87899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542391415, 0.015589974278994599, 0.37119129446241, -0.92842553584942999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030604', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-10 02:28:56', 4113, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 01:48:55', '2001-04-12 18:01:24', 3, 0, '2000-10-10 02:28:56', '2000-10-10 03:44:18', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 80.437899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330139', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-10 04:00:01', 5032, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 03:21:28', '2001-04-12 23:35:15', 5, 0, '2000-10-10 04:00:01', '2000-10-10 05:23:52', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 21.206700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1070102', 'SK143', 17.732299999999999, -72.715500000000006, '2000-10-10 05:41:38', 2193, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.619999999999999, 'O9.7', 0.27000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 03:59:15', '2001-05-07 16:56:06', 1, 0, '2000-10-10 05:41:38', '2000-10-10 06:26:25', -65.789500000000004, 313.637, -44.335900000000002, 300.911, 85.6297, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'FERLET', 'y', 545667878, 0.28300054739571501, 0.090492815396424994, -0.954841212210362); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030601', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-10 07:28:09', 6872, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 01:18:15', '2001-04-12 17:46:41', 5, 0, '2000-10-10 07:28:09', '2000-10-10 10:24:11', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 80.637200000000007, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330140', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-10 10:40:41', 7210, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 03:31:58', '2001-04-12 23:49:54', 5, 0, '2000-10-10 10:40:41', '2000-10-10 13:16:15', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 21.481300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1176801', 'AV488', 18.995200000000001, -73.356700000000004, '2000-10-10 13:58:38', 3176, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.9, 'B0.5', 0.14000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-19 00:21:03', '2001-07-10 18:13:57', 2, 0, '2000-10-10 13:58:38', '2000-10-10 14:59:50', -66.366299999999995, 312.49599999999998, -43.6556, 300.50900000000001, 84.6845, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545570331, 0.27081616554854299, 0.093224106908829499, -0.958106398250547); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1176701', 'AV423', 16.918500000000002, -72.849900000000005, '2000-10-10 17:25:09', 3538, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.279999999999999, 'O9.5', 0.11, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 00:20:49', '2001-07-10 18:11:53', 4, 0, '2000-10-10 17:25:09', '2000-10-10 18:31:41', -65.618899999999996, 313.11099999999999, -44.225499999999997, 301.26499999999999, 86.907799999999995, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545664940, 0.28211363861314698, 0.085812185624086601, -0.95553553764727595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330141', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-10 19:09:42', 8724, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 03:52:39', '2001-04-13 00:07:22', 5, 0, '2000-10-10 19:09:42', '2000-10-10 22:05:14', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 21.831199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230275', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-10 22:36:03', 2071, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 22:07:52', '2001-04-12 21:11:52', 1, 0, '2000-10-10 22:36:03', '2000-10-10 23:10:33', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 81.224999999999994, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030501', 'SK159', 18.995200000000001, -73.356700000000004, '2000-10-11 00:08:47', 6784, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.9, 'B0.5', 0.14999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-18 01:17:59', '2001-04-12 17:32:44', 7, 0, '2000-10-11 00:08:47', '2000-10-11 02:04:36', -66.366299999999995, 312.49599999999998, -43.6556, 300.50900000000001, 85.084100000000007, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 545570331, 0.27081616554854299, 0.093224106908829499, -0.958106398250547); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330142', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-11 03:19:21', 3723, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 03:52:57', '2001-04-13 00:17:10', 5, 0, '2000-10-11 03:19:21', '2000-10-11 04:25:02', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 22.1676, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1030603', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-11 05:08:16', 4885, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 01:38:39', '2001-04-12 17:54:16', 3, 0, '2000-10-11 05:08:16', '2000-10-11 06:29:40', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 81.480500000000006, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1176301', 'AV469', 18.120699999999999, -72.491299999999995, '2000-10-11 06:37:26', 8160, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.199999999999999, 'O8II', 0.089999999999999997, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 00:09:44', '2001-07-10 18:09:43', 4, 0, '2000-10-11 06:37:26', '2000-10-11 09:43:22', -65.810500000000005, 314.25099999999998, -44.545900000000003, 300.71499999999997, 86.211699999999993, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545690687, 0.28592945269141701, 0.093570501555045094, -0.95367127948907204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330143', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-11 09:59:21', 1403, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 04:03:09', '2001-09-07 14:04:30', 5, 0, '2000-10-11 09:59:21', '2000-10-11 11:45:17', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 22.4422, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1175501', 'NGC346-1', 14.77, -72.173599999999993, '2000-10-11 13:39:29', 5557, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O4II', 0.13, 13, 'PC', '2006-03-30 03:07:49', '2001-11-20 16:54:03', 2, 0, '2000-10-11 13:39:29', '2000-10-11 16:01:10', -64.752799999999993, 313.94999999999999, -44.9422, 302.10700000000003, 89.859999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545873278, 0.29601839924269002, 0.078045642953947503, -0.95198843739076); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330144', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-11 16:56:31', 3301, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 04:03:17', '2001-09-19 19:38:39', 5, 0, '2000-10-11 16:56:31', '2000-10-11 18:53:42', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 22.718900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1176501', 'AV372', 16.232199999999999, -72.779899999999998, '2000-10-11 20:09:29', 4342, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.630000000000001, 'O9I', 0.13, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 01:03:23', '2001-04-19 17:47:35', 7, 0, '2000-10-11 20:09:29', '2000-10-11 21:21:51', -65.404899999999998, 313.07400000000001, -44.311500000000002, 301.53899999999999, 88.634100000000004, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545686524, 0.28424190957918699, 0.082753162898869595, -0.95517456565227399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230276', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-11 21:52:48', 4554, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 22:07:56', '2001-04-27 17:08:30', 1, 0, '2000-10-11 21:52:48', '2000-10-11 23:08:43', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 82.138300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330145', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-11 23:41:01', 1305, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 04:03:25', '2001-09-19 19:41:57', 5, 0, '2000-10-11 23:41:01', '2000-10-12 00:04:01', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 23.007000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1070103', 'SK143', 17.732299999999999, -72.715500000000006, '2000-10-12 01:17:07', 4353, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.619999999999999, 'O9.7', 0.27000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 04:08:43', '2001-09-08 00:36:25', 1, 0, '2000-10-12 01:17:07', '2000-10-12 02:29:40', -65.789500000000004, 313.637, -44.335900000000002, 300.911, 87.321600000000004, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'FERLET', 'y', 545667878, 0.28300054739571501, 0.090492815396424994, -0.954841212210362); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1176601', 'AV238', 14.9817, -72.227099999999993, '2000-10-12 02:37:23', 11104, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.77, 'O9II', 0.080000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 00:20:30', '2001-04-19 17:54:00', 6, 0, '2000-10-12 02:37:23', '2000-10-12 05:42:40', -64.834299999999999, 313.90100000000001, -44.885800000000003, 302.01900000000001, 90.150700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 546046608, 0.29486917808702701, 0.078909025153515694, -0.95227387529197904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330146', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-12 06:17:59', 4857, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 20:18:56', '2001-09-07 14:18:01', 6, 0, '2000-10-12 06:17:59', '2000-10-12 09:11:59', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 23.266400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230277', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-12 09:26:09', 6720, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 22:18:03', '2001-04-19 18:10:32', 1, 0, '2000-10-12 09:26:09', '2000-10-12 11:50:12', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 82.585700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330147', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-12 13:00:27', 3087, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 20:19:20', '2001-04-19 18:44:06', 5, 0, '2000-10-12 13:00:27', '2000-10-12 14:56:35', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 23.5182, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174401', 'HD32109', 73.881200000000007, -67.500299999999996, '2000-10-12 16:01:12', 8350, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.869999999999999, 'WN4', 0, 11, 'PC', '2006-03-30 23:35:23', '2001-04-19 17:38:32', 5, 0, '2000-10-12 16:01:12', '2000-10-12 19:31:24', -83.658600000000007, 344.13, -35.8932, 278.52499999999998, 32.106000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542690038, 0.106243016619501, 0.36763477588940402, -0.92388153622438896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330148', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-12 19:41:13', 2953, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 20:29:11', '2001-04-19 18:54:02', 5, 0, '2000-10-12 19:41:13', '2000-10-12 20:31:56', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 23.835999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174402', 'HD32109', 73.881200000000007, -67.500299999999996, '2000-10-12 21:14:21', 7881, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.869999999999999, 'WN4', 0, 11, 'PC', '2006-03-30 23:35:50', '2001-04-19 17:44:05', 7, 0, '2000-10-12 21:14:21', '2000-10-12 23:55:11', -83.658600000000007, 344.13, -35.8932, 278.52499999999998, 32.314300000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542690038, 0.106243016619501, 0.36763477588940402, -0.92388153622438896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330149', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-13 00:40:07', 1892, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 20:29:20', '2001-04-19 18:59:17', 5, 0, '2000-10-13 00:40:07', '2000-10-13 01:12:23', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 24.028500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2030101', 'SK-68D82', 81.688800000000001, -68.831299999999999, '2000-10-13 02:21:09', 2367, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.8599999999999994, 'WOLF', 0.20000000000000001, 19, 'PC', '2006-03-30 03:08:21', '2001-04-30 19:48:37', 1, 270, '2000-10-13 02:21:09', '2000-10-13 03:00:35', -86.118399999999994, 320.452, -32.770899999999997, 279.32499999999999, 25.298500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542319393, 0.052199067524642699, 0.35732260514442199, -0.93252121327204196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2030102', 'SK-68D82', 81.688800000000001, -68.831299999999999, '2000-10-13 05:42:16', 2424, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.8599999999999994, 'WOLF', 0.20000000000000001, 19, 'PC', '2006-03-30 03:19:01', '2001-04-30 19:53:36', 1, 270, '2000-10-13 05:42:16', '2000-10-13 06:34:47', -86.118399999999994, 320.452, -32.770899999999997, 279.32499999999999, 25.447700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542319393, 0.052199067524642699, 0.35732260514442199, -0.93252121327204196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230279', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-13 07:05:43', 8541, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 22:38:28', '2001-04-19 18:33:15', 1, 0, '2000-10-13 07:05:43', '2000-10-13 10:26:42', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 83.429400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330150', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-13 10:42:28', 6042, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 20:40:15', '2001-04-19 19:20:52', 5, 0, '2000-10-13 10:42:28', '2000-10-13 14:34:46', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 24.451699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330151', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-13 19:00:05', 3030, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 20:50:57', '2001-08-26 17:32:28', 6, 0, '2000-10-13 19:00:05', '2000-10-13 19:50:34', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 24.782499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1230278', 'SK188', 22.767600000000002, -73.417299999999997, '2000-10-13 20:25:42', 5950, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.869999999999999, 'WO4+', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 22:28:21', '2001-04-19 18:19:50', 1, 0, '2000-10-13 20:25:42', '2000-10-13 22:28:32', -67.406800000000004, 313.23399999999998, -43.411200000000001, 299.05700000000002, 83.947000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 545553240, 0.26316131726754299, 0.11044776298435401, -0.95840879208496599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2030103', 'SK-68D82', 81.688800000000001, -68.831299999999999, '2000-10-14 00:02:14', 2388, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.8599999999999994, 'WOLF', 0.20000000000000001, 19, 'PC', '2006-03-30 23:55:21', '2001-04-30 19:58:20', 1, 270, '2000-10-14 00:02:14', '2000-10-14 00:42:46', -86.118399999999994, 320.452, -32.770899999999997, 279.32499999999999, 26.203399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542319393, 0.052199067524642699, 0.35732260514442199, -0.93252121327204196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2030104', 'SK-68D82', 81.688800000000001, -68.831299999999999, '2000-10-14 01:40:22', 2413, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.8599999999999994, 'WOLF', 0.20000000000000001, 19, 'PC', '2006-03-30 23:55:28', '2001-04-30 20:05:39', 1, 270, '2000-10-14 01:40:22', '2000-10-14 02:20:34', -86.118399999999994, 320.452, -32.770899999999997, 279.32499999999999, 26.2591, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 542319393, 0.052199067524642699, 0.35732260514442199, -0.93252121327204196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330152', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-14 03:20:00', 1933, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 20:51:06', '2001-04-19 19:31:16', 5, 0, '2000-10-14 03:20:00', '2000-10-14 03:52:13', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 25.1265, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330153', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-14 05:00:02', 3975, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:00:59', '2001-04-19 19:43:16', 5, 0, '2000-10-14 05:00:02', '2000-10-14 06:06:17', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 25.194400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330154', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-14 06:40:01', 2370, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:01:09', '2001-04-19 19:52:25', 5, 0, '2000-10-14 06:40:01', '2000-10-14 07:46:05', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 25.263100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330155', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-14 08:20:01', 2105, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:11:00', '2001-04-19 20:01:08', 5, 0, '2000-10-14 08:20:01', '2000-10-14 09:25:53', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 25.331700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330156', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-14 09:59:56', 1826, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:11:19', '2001-04-19 20:08:42', 5, 0, '2000-10-14 09:59:56', '2000-10-14 11:05:42', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 25.400400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330157', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-14 11:39:57', 3637, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:21:59', '2001-04-19 20:18:00', 5, 0, '2000-10-14 11:39:57', '2000-10-14 13:51:33', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 25.469100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330158', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-14 14:59:54', 2234, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:22:08', '2001-04-19 20:23:11', 5, 0, '2000-10-14 14:59:54', '2000-10-14 15:37:08', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 25.6065, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330159', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-14 16:39:45', 2710, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:31:49', '2001-04-19 20:29:25', 5, 0, '2000-10-14 16:39:45', '2000-10-14 17:24:55', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 25.6751, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330160', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-14 18:19:48', 1977, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:32:07', '2001-04-19 20:33:43', 5, 0, '2000-10-14 18:19:48', '2000-10-14 18:53:30', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 25.7438, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330161', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-14 19:59:43', 2024, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:43:00', '2001-04-19 20:38:51', 5, 0, '2000-10-14 19:59:43', '2000-10-14 20:33:27', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 25.8126, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1330162', 'SK-67D166', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2000-10-14 21:39:46', 1919, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:43:09', '2001-04-19 20:47:40', 5, 0, '2000-10-14 21:39:46', '2000-10-14 22:11:45', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 25.8812, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100507', 'HE2347-4342', 357.64299999999997, -43.433300000000003, '2000-10-15 08:57:38', 27997, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 16, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-03-31 01:46:42', '2001-09-20 18:03:55', 6, 2.8849999999999998, '2000-10-15 08:57:38', '2000-10-15 09:41:02', -38.235599999999998, 337.47699999999998, -69.573300000000003, 336.03500000000003, 114.88800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 760522320, 0.725560855075016, -0.029864543071491102, -0.68750967604095803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100508', 'HE2347-4342', 357.64299999999997, -43.433300000000003, '2000-10-16 06:37:08', 59875, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 23, 16, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-03-31 02:05:52', '2001-04-19 21:44:29', 6, 2.8849999999999998, '2000-10-16 06:37:08', '2000-10-17 20:01:14', -38.235599999999998, 337.47699999999998, -69.573300000000003, 336.03500000000003, 115.69, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 760522320, 0.725560855075016, -0.029864543071491102, -0.68750967604095803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100509', 'HE2347-4342', 357.64299999999997, -43.433300000000003, '2000-10-18 00:19:51', 85872, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 34, 16, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-03-31 02:27:31', '2001-04-30 17:13:43', 6, 2.8849999999999998, '2000-10-18 00:19:51', '2000-10-20 06:05:50', -38.235599999999998, 337.47699999999998, -69.573300000000003, 336.03500000000003, 117.2, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 760522320, 0.725560855075016, -0.029864543071491102, -0.68750967604095803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1100510', 'HE2347-4342', 357.64299999999997, -43.433300000000003, '2000-10-21 01:33:43', 88615, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 45, 16, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-03-31 02:59:40', '2001-09-01 18:25:15', 6, 2.8849999999999998, '2000-10-21 01:33:43', '2000-10-23 10:52:29', -38.235599999999998, 337.47699999999998, -69.573300000000003, 336.03500000000003, 119.255, 'F', 'F', 'ARTHUR', 'DAVIDSEN', 'y', 760522320, 0.725560855075016, -0.029864543071491102, -0.68750967604095803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030308', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-10-24 06:09:32', 3954, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-30 01:44:48', '2001-04-27 17:37:12', 3, 0, '2000-10-24 06:09:32', '2000-10-24 08:24:38', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 142.93799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030309', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-10-24 09:29:25', 5025, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-30 01:55:01', '2001-04-27 17:44:27', 3, 0, '2000-10-24 09:29:25', '2000-10-24 11:54:28', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 143.02199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030310', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-10-24 12:49:19', 5056, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-04-13 20:16:02', '2001-04-27 17:51:16', 3, 0, '2000-10-24 12:49:19', '2000-10-24 15:16:31', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 143.10599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030203', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-10-24 16:17:02', 4830, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-30 01:34:57', '2001-04-27 17:30:48', 3, 0, '2000-10-24 16:17:02', '2000-10-24 19:52:43', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 143.19, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030103', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-10-24 21:16:52', 4347, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 9, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-28 00:14:28', '2001-05-19 15:36:21', 3, 0, '2000-10-24 21:16:52', '2000-10-25 04:04:12', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 143.315, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030311', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-10-25 05:28:46', 5877, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 13, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-30 02:26:07', '2001-04-30 16:31:20', 3, 0, '2000-10-25 05:28:46', '2000-10-25 09:25:52', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 143.524, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030312', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2000-10-25 10:28:36', 5430, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-30 02:26:37', '2001-04-30 16:41:38', 3, 0, '2000-10-25 10:28:36', '2000-10-25 12:46:30', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 143.649, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1160201', 'BD+31D643', 56.142499999999998, 32.162599999999998, '2000-10-26 06:25:27', 34726, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 8.5099999999999998, 'B5V', 0.83999999999999997, 21, 'PC', '2006-03-28 02:21:37', '2001-04-30 17:30:43', 1, 0, '2000-10-26 06:25:27', '2000-10-27 01:04:43', 12.049799999999999, 61.167000000000002, -17.802700000000002, 160.49199999999999, 322.99799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 25224699, 0.471632680270202, 0.70298931644980001, 0.53232380733777795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1061010', 'HD27731', 65.876599999999996, 24.4053, '2000-10-27 02:29:18', 4575, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.1900000000000004, 'F5V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-06-14 00:24:25', '2001-05-06 15:26:14', 1, 0, '2000-10-27 02:29:18', '2000-10-27 06:15:13', 2.77942, 68.122600000000006, -17.4068, 172.60499999999999, 344.04500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 17382327, 0.37218373808878202, 0.83111635124273098, 0.41318866852713898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1160301', 'HD27778', 65.998999999999995, 24.300899999999999, '2000-10-27 07:28:18', 9729, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.3600000000000003, 'B3V', 0.41999999999999998, 21, 'PC', '2006-03-28 02:22:28', '2001-05-06 16:34:33', 10, 0, '2000-10-27 07:28:18', '2000-10-27 13:17:37', 2.65835, 68.215699999999998, -17.3932, 172.76400000000001, 344.25200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 17381824, 0.370713011611362, 0.83259594810661997, 0.41152867484353101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1061616', 'HD28483', 67.574799999999996, 19.839700000000001, '2000-10-27 14:09:15', 6691, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.0999999999999996, 'F5V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-03-28 00:36:46', '2001-05-01 16:09:38', 1, 0, '2000-10-27 14:09:15', '2000-10-27 16:44:29', -1.97664, 68.958299999999994, -19.197700000000001, 177.32900000000001, 351.63799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 16778994, 0.35883472794189802, 0.86951263433917103, 0.33938977112962598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1061919', 'HD27808', 66.060699999999997, 21.7362, '2000-10-27 19:08:55', 6717, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.1399999999999997, 'F7V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-03-28 00:37:25', '2001-05-01 16:16:11', 1, 0, '2000-10-27 19:08:55', '2000-10-27 21:43:42', 0.118118, 67.856999999999999, -19.047000000000001, 174.82900000000001, 348.03100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 16923682, 0.37691794815305701, 0.84899104690324401, 0.37033371793319397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1062020', 'HD28033', 66.576999999999998, 21.470400000000001, '2000-10-27 22:33:58', 3094, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.3799999999999999, 'F8V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-06-14 00:55:00', '2001-05-01 16:22:45', 1, 0, '2000-10-27 22:33:58', '2000-10-27 23:25:31', -0.220888, 68.288499999999999, -18.858000000000001, 175.374, 348.73500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 16914353, 0.369931336926481, 0.85392025024156404, 0.366020507877865); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1062121', 'HD28205', 66.899500000000003, 15.5891, '2000-10-28 01:49:39', 4406, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.4199999999999999, 'F8V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-03-28 00:46:56', '2001-05-06 15:41:51', 1, 0, '2000-10-28 01:49:39', '2000-10-28 05:32:10', -6.0769900000000003, 67.663399999999996, -22.386900000000001, 180.41300000000001, 357.822, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 385650130, 0.37791222088871401, 0.88598137810134103, 0.26873658284760599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1061414', 'HD28406', 67.376099999999994, 17.863199999999999, '2000-10-28 06:49:03', 5996, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.9199999999999999, 'F6V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-03-28 00:36:38', '2001-05-01 16:03:10', 1, 0, '2000-10-28 06:49:03', '2000-10-28 10:49:02', -3.9013, 68.470200000000006, -20.599799999999998, 178.82400000000001, 354.584, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 385825067, 0.36613557164640897, 0.87855109429057898, 0.30674536328359397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1060303', 'HD27901', 66.238, 19.042000000000002, '2000-10-28 11:48:17', 5947, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.9699999999999998, 'F4V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-03-28 00:15:16', '2001-05-01 15:25:41', 1, 0, '2000-10-28 11:48:17', '2000-10-28 14:20:11', -2.5676800000000002, 67.587500000000006, -20.676200000000001, 177.11799999999999, 352.32999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 5583916, 0.38088946116075301, 0.86514557646416301, 0.32626116823974199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1200304', 'JUPITER-NPOLE', 68.326999999999998, 20.9877, '2000-10-28 15:10:39', 9709, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, -2.5, '', 0, 3, 'EE', '2006-03-28 02:33:00', '2001-05-06 16:38:42', 1, 0, '2000-10-28 15:10:39', '2000-10-28 19:22:52', -0.94677800000000001, 69.826999999999998, -17.9223, 176.87100000000001, 349.71199999999999, 'F', 'M', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 16807088, 0.34480793903024198, 0.86765402644942102, 0.35816752444606698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1062323', 'HD28677', 67.965500000000006, 15.851599999999999, '2000-10-28 20:09:25', 6678, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.0199999999999996, 'F4V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-03-28 00:47:14', '2001-05-01 16:28:24', 1, 0, '2000-10-28 20:09:25', '2000-10-28 22:44:04', -5.9751899999999996, 68.723500000000001, -21.421199999999999, 180.88200000000001, 357.96699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 385641803, 0.36089819743564699, 0.89170811995829402, 0.273146700306165); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1061111', 'HD27848', 66.092799999999997, 17.078900000000001, '2000-10-29 00:03:47', 4792, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 6.9699999999999998, 'F6V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-03-28 00:36:12', '2001-05-01 15:52:10', 1, 0, '2000-10-29 00:03:47', '2000-10-29 04:49:05', -4.4829299999999996, 67.134200000000007, -22.043199999999999, 178.63800000000001, 355.51900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 385794288, 0.387385162025843, 0.87388781118152303, 0.29368832069147499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1060808', 'HD28568', 67.694699999999997, 16.148599999999998, '2000-10-29 06:08:30', 5394, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.5099999999999998, 'F2V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-03-28 00:26:03', '2001-05-01 15:40:08', 1, 0, '2000-10-29 06:08:30', '2000-10-29 10:05:22', -5.6422400000000001, 68.509900000000002, -21.440100000000001, 180.458, 357.57999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 385664989, 0.364566384423337, 0.88867053745792801, 0.27812951515927498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1060606', 'HD29225', 69.169700000000006, 15.869300000000001, '2000-10-29 11:08:45', 5486, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.6500000000000004, 'F5V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-03-28 00:15:40', '2001-05-01 15:29:44', 1, 0, '2000-10-29 11:08:45', '2000-10-29 13:36:46', -6.1269900000000002, 69.878399999999999, -20.498200000000001, 181.631, 358.46100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 385330794, 0.342048591949485, 0.89901680438711595, 0.27344386293159501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1060707', 'HD28911', 68.444100000000006, 13.252000000000001, '2000-10-29 14:32:47', 6228, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.6200000000000001, 'F5V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-03-28 00:25:40', '2001-05-01 15:33:56', 1, 0, '2000-10-29 14:32:47', '2000-10-29 17:03:53', -8.61477, 68.795000000000002, -22.6496, 183.40299999999999, 2.3108200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 385046934, 0.35762516934628802, 0.90529323576325604, 0.22923436812863199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1061313', 'HD30738', 72.702200000000005, 16.2104, '2000-10-30 02:09:19', 781, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.2999999999999998, 'F5V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-03-28 04:27:28', '2001-07-18 14:30:04', 1, 0, '2000-10-30 02:09:19', '2000-10-30 02:22:20', -6.2324099999999998, 73.308800000000005, -17.580300000000001, 183.50299999999999, 359.012, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 396419795, 0.28551694693687102, 0.91681336582312101, 0.27916540842290599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1061818', 'HD30869', 72.957999999999998, 13.655099999999999, '2000-10-30 03:49:45', 6052, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.2699999999999996, 'F6V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-03-28 00:37:07', '2001-05-19 15:14:57', 1, 0, '2000-10-30 03:49:45', '2000-10-30 09:21:39', -8.7990300000000001, 73.251000000000005, -18.873899999999999, 185.83799999999999, 2.51431, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 383765447, 0.28478876628079303, 0.92906573646253598, 0.23607671619960499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1061212', 'HD31845', 74.9345, 15.916700000000001, '2000-10-30 10:29:55', 5071, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.75, 'F5V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2006-03-28 00:36:20', '2001-05-06 15:33:18', 1, 0, '2000-10-30 10:29:55', '2000-10-30 12:55:01', -6.7635500000000004, 75.421300000000002, -16.007999999999999, 185.05799999999999, 0.056244000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 395029998, 0.24995802948576401, 0.92860845677683301, 0.27423952577654298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0700102', 'HD34078', 79.075599999999994, 34.3123, '2000-10-30 13:48:45', 6619, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 5.9900000000000002, '09.5', 0.52000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-03-27 23:54:04', '2001-05-03 17:33:45', 1, 0, '2000-10-30 13:48:45', '2000-10-30 16:25:27', 11.2204, 80.817300000000003, -2.2595900000000002, 172.083, 341.45999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'BOISSE''', 'y', 21195923, 0.15653393424391401, 0.811009018395349, 0.56370337901376399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1790303', 'HD222107', 354.39100000000002, 46.458100000000002, '2000-10-31 03:11:30', 685, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 3.8100000000000001, 'G8IV', 0, 44, 'PE', '2006-03-28 04:38:28', '2001-12-08 20:32:04', 0, 0, '2000-10-31 03:11:30', '2000-10-31 03:22:55', 43.775799999999997, 18.287099999999999, -14.5365, 109.904, 207.06800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 225742581, 0.68558651300951601, -0.0673310740396008, 0.72487078824306805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1141401', 'NGC1952-P1', 83.636099999999999, 21.9741, '2000-11-01 04:15:48', 8152, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, '', 0.5, 75, 'EE', '2006-03-28 02:02:40', '2001-07-10 18:05:30', 0, 0, '2000-11-01 04:15:48', '2000-11-01 11:28:09', -1.3351299999999999, 84.098500000000001, -5.8039800000000001, 184.595, 356.303, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 396251106, 0.102790388713084, 0.92163870507171797, 0.37418743071078597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S3040207', 'HD224151', 358.89100000000002, 57.412199999999999, '2000-11-01 12:42:19', 8553, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 12, 6, 'B0.5', 0.44, 23, 'PC', '2006-03-28 03:15:23', '2001-05-06 16:57:19', 2, 0, '2000-11-01 12:42:19', '2000-11-01 19:27:36', 51.003599999999999, 31.158799999999999, -4.6444700000000001, 115.438, 217.774, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 232613230, 0.53849050261864595, -0.0104241631909615, 0.842567098462363); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011201', 'AKN120', 79.047600000000003, -0.14983299999999999, '2000-11-01 21:12:47', 8448, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.1, 'SYFT', 0.20000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-03-28 01:09:05', '2001-09-19 20:44:20', 10, 0.032730000000000002, '2000-11-01 21:12:47', '2000-11-02 06:04:16', -23.1371, 78.0762, -21.131900000000002, 201.696, 19.1784, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 375038565, 0.189992766959693, 0.98178200731093102, -0.0026150761975443598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1141402', 'NGC1952-P1', 83.636099999999999, 21.9741, '2000-11-02 06:51:17', 3159, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, '', 0.5, 75, 'EE', '2006-03-28 02:02:59', '2001-05-06 16:25:59', 0, 0, '2000-11-02 06:51:17', '2000-11-02 08:58:11', -1.3351299999999999, 84.098500000000001, -5.8039800000000001, 184.595, 356.35599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 396251106, 0.102790388713084, 0.92163870507171797, 0.37418743071078597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S3040208', 'HD224151', 358.89100000000002, 57.412199999999999, '2000-11-02 12:01:47', 11072, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 16, 6, 'B0.5', 0.44, 23, 'PC', '2006-03-28 04:27:21', '2001-09-20 02:12:40', 2, 0, '2000-11-02 12:01:47', '2000-11-02 20:38:42', 51.003599999999999, 31.158799999999999, -4.6444700000000001, 115.438, 216.541, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 232613230, 0.53849050261864595, -0.0104241631909615, 0.842567098462363); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1260207', 'SS-CYG', 325.678, 43.585999999999999, '2000-11-02 23:01:52', 5607, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 13, 8.1999999999999993, 'CV', 0.029999999999999999, 54, 'PC', '2006-03-28 01:08:32', '2001-05-19 15:21:55', 0, 0, '2000-11-02 23:01:52', '2000-11-03 02:57:15', 52.656199999999998, 350.46600000000001, -7.1104599999999998, 90.560199999999995, 178.12200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 229682506, 0.59821954842209701, -0.408414382994502, 0.68944257458390501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011202', 'AKN120', 79.047600000000003, -0.14983299999999999, '2000-11-03 07:49:39', 20942, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14.1, 'SYFT', 0.20000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-03-28 01:18:50', '2001-09-19 20:58:23', 13, 0.032730000000000002, '2000-11-03 07:49:39', '2000-11-03 18:43:11', -23.1371, 78.0762, -21.131900000000002, 201.696, 20.276800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 375038565, 0.189992766959693, 0.98178200731093102, -0.0026150761975443598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1180901', 'HD39801', 88.793000000000006, 7.4070600000000004, '2000-11-03 19:37:08', 10366, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 0.54000000000000004, 'M2IA', 0, 49, 'PE', '2006-03-28 02:32:42', '2001-05-09 15:36:23', 2, 21, '2000-11-03 19:37:08', '2000-11-04 05:43:13', -16.027200000000001, 88.754599999999996, -8.9588800000000006, 199.78899999999999, 11.1172, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 386843750, 0.020888788172329101, 0.99143525359088003, 0.128917789563265); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0240201', 'V1309-ORI', 78.922600000000003, 1.07789, '2000-11-04 08:48:54', 11340, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.5, '', 0, 59, 'PE', '2006-03-28 00:14:48', '2001-05-16 14:52:50', 0, 0, '2000-11-04 08:48:54', '2000-11-04 14:42:35', -21.903300000000002, 78.050700000000006, -20.637699999999999, 200.48599999999999, 20.045000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MARTINE', 'MOUCHET', 'y', 376465423, 0.19210088708174899, 0.98119486960694902, 0.018811619797549101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2041701', 'WD0549+158', 88.114199999999997, 15.889699999999999, '2000-11-04 15:32:22', 13929, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-28 06:41:59', '2001-05-19 17:57:19', 6, 0, '2000-11-04 15:32:22', '2000-11-04 19:49:12', -7.5377900000000002, 88.170400000000001, -5.3379500000000002, 192.02699999999999, 4.0465099999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 389766838, 0.031650100064902702, 0.96126963983158198, 0.27378632307685102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021201', 'HD042401', 92.746499999999997, 11.9947, '2000-11-05 00:23:16', 1431, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 7.3499999999999996, 'B2V', 0.17999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2006-03-28 01:29:06', '2001-05-19 15:44:00', 1, 8, '2000-11-05 00:23:16', '2000-11-05 00:47:32', -11.418699999999999, 92.740799999999993, -3.3309500000000001, 197.642, 8.0833700000000004, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 389109021, -0.046870929745116398, 0.97704322375476804, 0.20782120887849101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021101', 'HD042088', 92.4148, 20.4877, '2000-11-05 02:08:48', 4158, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 7.54, 'O6.5', 0.38, 12, 'PC', '2006-03-28 01:19:23', '2001-05-19 15:41:34', 2, 23, '2000-11-05 02:08:48', '2000-11-05 06:47:14', -2.9328099999999999, 92.264899999999997, 0.484404, 190.04400000000001, 0.97763100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 392925324, -0.039468664059173701, 0.93591549815246999, 0.35000629262257399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041301', 'HD034029', 79.171800000000005, 45.997999999999998, '2000-11-05 21:56:20', 14176, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 0.080000000000000002, 'G5II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2006-03-28 04:37:40', '2001-05-09 15:20:56', 3, 30, '2000-11-05 21:56:20', '2000-11-06 07:50:43', 22.864100000000001, 81.857500000000002, 4.5658000000000003, 162.59, 325.93599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 24649117, 0.13050654297824099, 0.68231457499602399, 0.71931555174892703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041201', 'WD0501+527', 76.377600000000001, 52.831699999999998, '2000-11-06 09:18:39', 15371, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 32, 11.779999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-03-28 02:01:40', '2001-05-19 16:18:26', 4, 64, '2000-11-06 09:18:39', '2000-11-07 01:10:12', 29.837700000000002, 80.558599999999998, 7.0990599999999997, 155.95400000000001, 317.19600000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 30975413, 0.142292629945974, 0.58716274680286695, 0.79686430226856697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041302', 'HD034029', 79.171800000000005, 45.997999999999998, '2000-11-07 02:23:25', 12298, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 0.080000000000000002, 'G5II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2006-03-28 04:38:10', '2001-05-09 19:29:07', 3, 30, '2000-11-07 02:23:25', '2000-11-07 10:40:22', 22.864100000000001, 81.857500000000002, 4.5658000000000003, 162.59, 324.93599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 24649117, 0.13050654297824099, 0.68231457499602399, 0.71931555174892703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1260208', 'SS-CYG', 325.678, 43.585999999999999, '2000-11-07 17:56:35', 6542, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 8.1999999999999993, 'CV', 0.029999999999999999, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-12 01:12:39', '2001-05-19 15:30:51', 0, 0, '2000-11-07 17:56:35', '2000-11-08 01:05:18', 52.656199999999998, 350.46600000000001, -7.1104599999999998, 90.560199999999995, 173.68199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 229682506, 0.59821954842209701, -0.408414382994502, 0.68944257458390501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1141001', 'CYGLP-W1', 311.41000000000003, 31.109100000000002, '2000-11-08 03:52:52', 8538, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-01-12 04:01:06', '2001-05-19 17:35:51', 0, 0, '2000-11-08 03:52:52', '2000-11-08 08:01:41', 46.8414, 325.88600000000002, -7.3880400000000002, 73.612899999999996, 162.102, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 216501408, 0.56631740516429296, -0.64213504146386602, 0.51666931893831303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1141101', 'CYGLP-W2', 311.411, 31.109100000000002, '2000-11-08 10:32:29', 9114, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-01-08 01:39:38', '2001-05-19 17:39:39', 2, 0, '2000-11-08 10:32:29', '2000-11-08 14:41:25', 46.841000000000001, 325.887, -7.3889100000000001, 73.613600000000005, 161.89699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 216501408, 0.56632861244875299, -0.642125157262733, 0.51666931893831303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028802', 'HD195965', 308.10700000000003, 48.2164, '2000-11-08 17:10:43', 15907, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 33, 6.9800000000000004, 'B0V', 0.25, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-12 03:09:08', '2001-05-19 16:00:05', 3, 10, '2000-11-08 17:10:43', '2000-11-09 05:37:18', 63.2134, 335.84399999999999, 4.9953099999999999, 85.706999999999994, 161.81700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 242572419, 0.41120682411929399, -0.52429957150356299, 0.74566675339517796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2072001', 'J083535.8+245940', 128.90000000000001, 24.9955, '2000-11-09 06:20:46', 10709, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.9, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-08 01:50:17', '2001-08-19 21:54:22', 4, 0.33100000000000002, '2000-11-09 06:20:46', '2000-11-09 13:15:02', 6.1483400000000001, 124.92100000000001, 33.146900000000002, 199.49100000000001, 10.721500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 79001065, -0.56914865093987499, 0.70535365526888405, 0.42254707919016998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1028803', 'HD195965', 308.10700000000003, 48.2164, '2000-11-09 14:48:48', 14047, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 28, 6.9800000000000004, 'B0V', 0.25, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-12 03:29:39', '2001-09-19 22:17:39', 5, 10, '2000-11-09 14:48:48', '2000-11-10 01:22:52', 63.2134, 335.84399999999999, 4.9953099999999999, 85.706999999999994, 161.01900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 242572419, 0.41120682411929399, -0.52429957150356299, 0.74566675339517796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2040401', 'WD2013+400', 303.28800000000001, 40.039999999999999, '2000-11-10 02:27:28', 11483, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.4, 'DAO+', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-11 00:30:23', '2001-05-21 18:19:54', 5, 0, '2000-11-10 02:27:28', '2000-11-10 08:16:34', 57.6511, 321.74900000000002, 3.1824699999999999, 76.9983, 156.60599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 240095901, 0.42019537464663798, -0.63997837935110002, 0.64332225290962197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071602', 'PG1100+772', 166.05699999999999, 76.982799999999997, '2000-11-10 08:58:29', 9156, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.720000000000001, 'QSO', 0.059999999999999998, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-10 23:59:38', '2001-09-20 17:23:49', 7, 0.3115, '2000-11-10 08:58:29', '2000-11-10 12:52:43', 60.7288, 116.55800000000001, 38.549399999999999, 130.39599999999999, 30.502400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 131361783, -0.218606952729062, 0.054273894278031698, 0.97430249133336899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1260206', 'SS-CYG', 325.678, 43.585999999999999, '2000-11-10 14:12:33', 7483, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 8.1999999999999993, 'CV', 0.029999999999999999, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-08 01:08:32', '2001-07-02 19:56:38', 0, 0, '2000-11-10 14:12:33', '2000-11-10 18:21:08', 52.656199999999998, 350.46600000000001, -7.1104599999999998, 90.560199999999995, 171.13999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 229682506, 0.59821954842209701, -0.408414382994502, 0.68944257458390501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2070301', 'UGC4305', 124.81699999999999, 70.716300000000004, '2000-11-10 18:53:08', 12350, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.1, 'IM', 0.029999999999999999, 82, 'PC', '2005-01-08 01:50:07', '2001-08-19 19:13:11', 3, 0.00051999999999999995, '2000-11-10 18:53:08', '2000-11-11 00:26:00', 49.302, 106.80800000000001, 32.703699999999998, 144.279, 352.64400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 127794574, -0.18855625639394599, 0.27112520825401298, 0.94389494098862403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2070201', 'RJ075704.9+583245', 119.276, 58.549599999999998, '2000-11-11 01:17:05', 10749, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.5, 'QSO', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-08 01:39:57', '2001-05-19 18:02:55', 3, 0.16800000000000001, '2000-11-11 01:17:05', '2000-11-11 08:39:07', 36.988799999999998, 108.629, 31.3474, 158.81, 352.22000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 126043756, -0.25514969468279702, 0.45511800070587599, 0.853092163096556); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1180601', 'HD62509', 116.32899999999999, 28.026199999999999, '2000-11-11 09:22:17', 20964, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 1.1499999999999999, 'K0II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-01-11 00:09:04', '2001-05-21 18:05:32', 3, 3.2999999999999998, '2000-11-11 09:22:17', '2000-11-11 20:09:56', 6.6840000000000002, 113.21599999999999, 23.405999999999999, 192.23099999999999, 4.3259299999999996, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 101903495, -0.39151397493891699, 0.79115993521141104, 0.46987526466478802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0010202', 'HS0713+3958', 109.261, 39.889899999999997, '2000-11-11 21:04:25', 9482, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.199999999999999, 'DO', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-10 23:37:06', '2001-05-21 16:22:23', 0, 0, '2000-11-11 21:04:25', '2000-11-12 02:50:21', 17.473800000000001, 105.38800000000001, 21.626899999999999, 178.042, 353.80000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KLAUS', 'WERNER', 'y', 110396889, -0.25310351541985499, 0.72433035793026401, 0.64131438706981003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010601', 'GD246', 348.08999999999997, 10.784599999999999, '2000-11-12 04:50:06', 1566, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 13.07, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-09-30 20:14:07', '2001-09-08 04:42:13', 3, 0, '2000-11-12 04:50:06', '2000-11-12 05:16:36', 14.614599999999999, 353.37900000000002, -45.114400000000003, 87.256799999999998, 163.20699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 327195270, 0.96119077976759904, -0.20272988293771199, 0.18711728796082899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1100101', 'ABELL78', 323.87200000000001, 31.696100000000001, '2000-11-13 03:56:14', 7894, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 13.25, 'WC-P', 0, 10, 'PC', '2004-09-03 23:13:37', '2001-09-19 20:33:33', 0, 0, '2000-11-13 03:56:14', '2000-11-13 08:00:35', 42.968899999999998, 339.91800000000001, -14.912699999999999, 81.297499999999999, 164.73699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KLAUS', 'WERNER', 'y', 215448112, 0.68723059664956199, -0.50165178363241303, 0.52541373697982596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1043701', 'NGC7094', 324.221, 12.788600000000001, '2000-11-13 08:53:28', 22699, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 13.68, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-09-03 00:04:02', '2001-05-21 16:51:12', 1, -87, '2000-11-13 08:53:28', '2000-11-14 03:49:29', 25.4604, 331.19299999999998, -28.202200000000001, 66.779399999999995, 160.86199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 206061973, 0.79115312277114302, -0.57015693880208995, 0.22135447017238999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2070401', 'RJ105837.5+562816', 164.65700000000001, 56.469799999999999, '2000-11-14 04:44:17', 12376, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.1, 'BLLA', 0.01, 87, 'PC', '2004-09-03 00:04:12', '2001-08-19 19:44:24', 3, 0.14399999999999999, '2000-11-14 04:44:17', '2000-11-14 11:40:16', 44.964599999999997, 138.84, 54.424500000000002, 149.59399999999999, 28.023, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 99749560, -0.532689254345033, 0.14615707614520901, 0.83359478609094995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1260210', 'SS-CYG', 325.678, 43.585999999999999, '2000-11-14 12:13:57', 11512, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 8.1999999999999993, 'CV', 0.029999999999999999, 54, 'PC', '2004-09-02 23:22:31', '2001-05-21 16:32:55', 0, 0, '2000-11-14 12:13:57', '2000-11-14 21:47:43', 52.656199999999998, 350.46600000000001, -7.1104599999999998, 90.560199999999995, 167.66, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 229682506, 0.59821954842209701, -0.408414382994502, 0.68944257458390501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018301', 'IIZW136', 323.11599999999999, 10.1387, '2000-11-14 23:20:03', 22629, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 14.6, 'SYFT', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2004-09-08 00:17:37', '2001-09-20 17:16:12', 12, 0.96209999999999996, '2000-11-14 23:20:03', '2000-11-15 21:04:37', 23.3611, 329.05599999999998, -29.069500000000001, 63.670999999999999, 159.68199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 202843000, 0.78736220695358405, -0.59082451650132894, 0.176031661249199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1310401', 'ZAND', 353.41699999999997, 48.818399999999997, '2000-11-16 13:58:41', 6407, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.1999999999999993, 'WD+M', 0.23999999999999999, 57, 'PC', '2004-09-03 23:13:46', '2001-05-22 19:14:30', 2, -1.8, '2000-11-16 13:58:41', '2000-11-16 18:04:39', 46.099800000000002, 19.382200000000001, -12.087899999999999, 109.98099999999999, 188.46000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES D.', 'KEYES', 'y', 226066253, 0.65410653326676604, -0.075486039338272207, 0.75262640201015596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2070101', 'RJ004931.6+112832', 12.3835, 11.474, '2000-11-19 17:02:49', 12358, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0.080000000000000002, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-09 11:51:28', '2001-07-10 18:39:37', 3, 0.27500000000000002, '2000-11-19 17:02:49', '2000-11-20 06:53:06', 5.6762499999999996, 15.8604, -51.395200000000003, 122.18600000000001, 160.83500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 323036921, 0.95721411893788899, 0.21016820839024, 0.198923238179951); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1190608', 'HD560', 2.5091700000000001, 11.145799999999999, '2000-11-20 08:03:36', 4830, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 10, 5.5, 'B9VN', 0.01, 22, 'PC', '2004-09-09 12:44:59', '2001-05-27 14:49:47', 0, 0, '2000-11-20 08:03:36', '2000-11-20 14:59:04', 9.2225000000000001, 6.7666300000000001, -50.430300000000003, 106.86799999999999, 161.023, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 320588520, 0.98019776755876498, 0.0429535363306498, 0.19330631182013899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1110102', 'I_ZW_1', 13.3954, 12.693300000000001, '2000-11-20 16:19:13', 25189, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 14.4, '', 0.080000000000000002, 84, 'PC', '2004-09-09 14:08:27', '2001-09-19 23:43:50', 7, 0.059999999999999998, '2000-11-20 16:19:13', '2000-11-21 14:32:22', 6.4132600000000002, 17.2547, -50.1753, 123.749, 161.81200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'KRISS', 'y', 323256393, 0.94901962264032602, 0.226007850163953, 0.21973212670859499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1010204', 'MRK335', 1.58138, 20.2029, '2000-11-21 15:35:59', 53391, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 30, 13.75, 'SYFT', 0.080000000000000002, 84, 'PC', '2004-09-09 12:34:08', '2001-05-27 14:13:12', 12, 0.02564, '2000-11-21 15:35:59', '2000-11-23 14:48:32', 17.851199999999999, 9.7461400000000005, -41.424599999999998, 108.765, 167.30199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 325770182, 0.93811811311809301, 0.025898906563744099, 0.34534569995665299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1790401', 'HD224085', 358.767, 28.633700000000001, '2000-11-23 16:00:54', 5336, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.5099999999999998, 'K2IV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2004-09-09 11:02:28', '2001-05-27 14:54:52', 0, 0, '2000-11-23 16:00:54', '2000-11-23 19:49:31', 26.5627, 11.171099999999999, -32.624200000000002, 108.23399999999999, 171.358, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 332376490, 0.87749804178900204, -0.0188865941927291, 0.47920818358649198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0130202', 'WD0109+111', 18.094799999999999, 11.3934, '2000-11-23 21:09:57', 4342, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.4, 'DO', 0.029999999999999999, 17, 'PC', '2004-09-08 23:37:48', '2001-05-27 13:17:28', 0, 0, '2000-11-23 21:09:57', '2000-11-24 02:30:48', 3.4473500000000001, 21.012599999999999, -51.145000000000003, 131.13, 159.221, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN', 'DREIZLER', 'y', 300754169, 0.93181244499300597, 0.30446965285350802, 0.19754441993491201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0020101', 'ZWIV29', 10.5672, 40.326799999999999, '2000-11-24 05:10:21', 8262, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.300000000000001, '', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2004-09-09 11:52:06', '2001-05-27 13:25:44', 3, 0.10299999999999999, '2000-11-24 05:10:21', '2000-11-24 09:15:23', 32.5565, 27.232399999999998, -22.511500000000002, 121.042, 187.434, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 42971238, 0.749436365896201, 0.13980919688927701, 0.64714644551096101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1340102', 'EG-AND', 11.1549, 40.679299999999998, '2000-11-24 10:09:58', 5523, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.5, 'WD+M', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PC', '2004-09-08 23:58:59', '2001-05-30 17:00:54', 0, -100, '2000-11-24 10:09:58', '2000-11-24 12:35:27', 32.6616, 27.8965, -22.174199999999999, 121.53700000000001, 188.00299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN R.', 'ESPEY', 'y', 42977776, 0.74404255927617202, 0.14671585866357201, 0.65182446011359096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2041101', 'WD0004+330', 1.8845799999999999, 33.2911, '2000-11-24 13:30:19', 10103, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.800000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-09-09 11:50:57', '2001-05-27 15:16:01', 3, 0, '2000-11-24 13:30:19', '2000-11-24 20:50:30', 29.515799999999999, 16.2532, -28.688300000000002, 112.482, 175.52500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 334614848, 0.83544050136961101, 0.0274893284604735, 0.54889298182075996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0020201', 'PGC2304', 9.6379199999999994, 41.480600000000003, '2000-11-24 22:10:10', 9403, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 17, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-09 11:52:25', '2001-05-27 13:31:20', 3, 0.071999999999999995, '2000-11-24 22:10:10', '2000-11-25 05:14:26', 33.904800000000002, 27.136299999999999, -21.326599999999999, 120.343, 187.05600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 44383023, 0.73860569692913702, 0.12542867382058501, 0.66236641841765598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1790402', 'HD224085', 358.767, 28.633700000000001, '2000-11-25 06:19:39', 5519, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.5099999999999998, 'K2IV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2004-09-09 11:02:35', '2001-05-27 14:59:25', 0, 0, '2000-11-25 06:19:39', '2000-11-25 10:07:50', 26.5627, 11.171099999999999, -32.624200000000002, 108.23399999999999, 170.304, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 332376490, 0.87749804178900204, -0.0188865941927291, 0.47920818358649198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0020301', '3C48', 24.4224, 33.159799999999997, '2000-11-25 11:09:44', 8347, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.199999999999999, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-09 11:52:33', '2001-05-27 13:35:00', 4, 0.36699999999999999, '2000-11-25 11:09:44', '2000-11-25 15:14:31', 21.355699999999999, 35.071199999999997, -28.7196, 133.964, 188.583, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 36797186, 0.762242007772862, 0.34612769486530798, 0.546975996213384); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0020401', 'QSO0045+3926', 12.0787, 39.686599999999999, '2000-11-25 16:13:26', 8243, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.300000000000001, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-09 14:09:17', '2001-07-02 20:09:22', 4, 0.13400000000000001, '2000-11-25 16:13:26', '2000-11-25 21:53:19', 31.455500000000001, 28.0975, -23.1815, 122.28, 186.47900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 42942847, 0.75251195545973903, 0.161032000751721, 0.63858785740417801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0020501', 'RGBJ0042+366', 10.535299999999999, 36.6875, '2000-11-25 23:10:31', 9496, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.300000000000001, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-09 11:53:10', '2001-05-27 13:40:12', 3, 0.10299999999999999, '2000-11-25 23:10:31', '2000-11-26 06:11:39', 29.3291, 25.270700000000001, -26.146999999999998, 120.857, 182.30000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 42763070, 0.78838783247300204, 0.14662151704089399, 0.59745021244380503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0020601', 'QSO0034+393', 9.4033300000000004, 39.636600000000001, '2000-11-26 07:08:17', 7834, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 17.949999999999999, '', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-09 11:53:20', '2001-05-27 13:44:09', 3, 1.9379999999999999, '2000-11-26 07:08:17', '2000-11-26 11:11:58', 32.359299999999998, 25.916599999999999, -23.157599999999999, 120.039, 183.85499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 42921533, 0.75975773611465502, 0.12582244492052999, 0.63791605620814495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1860601', 'HD12230', 31.272099999999998, 77.2821, '2000-11-26 12:10:28', 10833, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 5.2699999999999996, 'F0VN', 0, 40, 'PE', '2004-09-09 11:03:01', '2001-05-27 15:03:09', 1, 0, '2000-11-26 12:10:28', '2000-11-26 16:28:33', 58.158700000000003, 69.104399999999998, 15.004200000000001, 127.062, 232.767, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 65321883, 0.188165606418494, 0.114281020304783, 0.97546581332164495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1790403', 'HD224085', 358.767, 28.633700000000001, '2000-11-26 17:20:39', 4884, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.5099999999999998, 'K2IV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2004-09-09 11:02:53', '2001-05-30 18:11:26', 0, 0, '2000-11-26 17:20:39', '2000-11-26 21:06:07', 26.5627, 11.171099999999999, -32.624200000000002, 108.23399999999999, 169.36500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 332376490, 0.87749804178900204, -0.0188865941927291, 0.47920818358649198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1790304', 'HD222107', 354.39100000000002, 46.458100000000002, '2000-11-26 22:28:01', 5301, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 3.8100000000000001, 'G8IV', 0, 44, 'PE', '2004-09-09 11:02:21', '2001-05-30 18:00:09', 0, 0, '2000-11-26 22:28:01', '2000-11-27 03:47:18', 43.775799999999997, 18.287099999999999, -14.5365, 109.904, 177.40000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 225742581, 0.68558651300951601, -0.0673310740396008, 0.72487078824306805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1080501', 'AGK+81D266', 140.32900000000001, 81.724599999999995, '2000-11-27 05:00:50', 6864, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.85, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2004-09-09 12:07:46', '2001-05-30 17:38:36', 0, 0, '2000-11-27 05:00:50', '2000-11-27 07:35:40', 60.619199999999999, 103.051, 31.948599999999999, 130.67099999999999, 347.81799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 133292579, -0.110787224375408, 0.0918826412983859, 0.98958767734002495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1310402', 'ZAND', 353.41699999999997, 48.818399999999997, '2000-11-27 08:10:47', 10145, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.1999999999999993, 'WD+M', 0.23999999999999999, 57, 'PC', '2004-09-09 00:09:59', '2001-05-30 17:18:54', 2, -1.8, '2000-11-27 08:10:47', '2000-11-27 13:51:03', 46.099800000000002, 19.382200000000001, -12.087899999999999, 109.98099999999999, 177.59100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES D.', 'KEYES', 'y', 226066253, 0.65410653326676604, -0.075486039338272207, 0.75262640201015596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0610101', 'M33-OB2-4', 23.494599999999998, 30.590599999999998, '2000-11-28 09:15:20', 4544, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 17, '', 0, 13, 'PC', '2004-09-08 23:37:55', '2001-06-11 13:44:03', 1, 0, '2000-11-28 09:15:20', '2000-11-28 11:30:08', 19.2928, 33.2346, -31.393899999999999, 133.65899999999999, 182.19800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 35316619, 0.789461071238025, 0.34317897486188398, 0.50890019474594095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0610202', 'M33-FUV425', 23.4679, 30.655799999999999, '2000-11-28 12:30:40', 7212, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 17, '', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2004-09-08 23:38:13', '2001-06-04 16:45:29', 1, 0, '2000-11-28 12:30:40', '2000-11-28 16:29:52', 19.361899999999999, 33.238900000000001, -31.334299999999999, 133.61799999999999, 181.959, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 35318065, 0.78908919308482794, 0.34258020439624998, 0.50987944546976904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0610303', 'M33-FUV297', 23.460799999999999, 30.6633, '2000-11-28 17:36:50', 9152, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 19.100000000000001, '', 0, 13, 'PC', '2004-09-08 23:48:44', '2001-06-11 14:00:44', 1, 0, '2000-11-28 17:36:50', '2000-11-29 02:29:19', 19.371099999999998, 33.235999999999997, -31.328099999999999, 133.61000000000001, 181.77699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 35318067, 0.78907040665586903, 0.34245584432815501, 0.50999204702174705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0610404', 'M33-FUV420', 23.468800000000002, 30.661100000000001, '2000-11-29 03:29:58', 9725, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 18.800000000000001, '', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2004-09-08 23:49:02', '2001-07-02 19:27:13', 1, 0, '2000-11-29 03:29:58', '2000-11-29 09:08:57', 19.366499999999998, 33.241799999999998, -31.329000000000001, 133.61799999999999, 181.41, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 35318065, 0.78904054491110698, 0.34257381438940898, 0.50995901813878597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0610606', 'M33-FUV350', 23.4833, 30.758600000000001, '2000-11-29 10:09:39', 7245, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 18, '', 0, 13, 'PC', '2004-09-08 23:49:20', '2001-06-11 14:11:25', 1, 0, '2000-11-29 10:09:39', '2000-11-29 14:08:42', 19.451499999999999, 33.293999999999997, -31.230899999999998, 133.61000000000001, 181.173, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 35318944, 0.78815676043633798, 0.34242719137319999, 0.51142207577182097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1012801', 'BD+38D2182', 162.304, 38.003999999999998, '2000-11-30 09:45:20', 11745, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.25, 'B3V', 0, 21, 'PC', '2004-09-09 01:23:33', '2001-06-11 15:17:40', 4, 78, '2000-11-30 09:45:20', '2000-11-30 17:14:11', 28.0105, 148.24199999999999, 62.208799999999997, 182.15700000000001, 18.072099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 90314578, -0.75068326652600603, 0.23951584615268101, 0.61571648735405005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2071001', 'HS2236+2005', 339.83499999999998, 20.349699999999999, '2000-11-30 18:04:54', 12027, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.9, 'QSO', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-09 14:08:58', '2001-08-19 20:20:45', 3, 0.39000000000000001, '2000-11-30 18:04:54', '2000-12-01 05:54:49', 26.591200000000001, 349.80900000000003, -32.755600000000001, 85.516599999999997, 157.78299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 330007643, 0.88011706005355705, -0.32320975087392301, 0.34774907266979199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018602', 'HD215733', 341.75999999999999, 17.2332, '2000-12-01 07:13:07', 1932, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.3399999999999999, 'B1II', 0.11, 23, 'PC', '2004-09-09 01:23:39', '2001-07-10 17:41:42', 1, -23, '2000-12-01 07:13:07', '2000-12-01 09:09:10', 22.9998, 350.21600000000001, -36.353999999999999, 85.158799999999999, 157.553, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 329434666, 0.90711633444677098, -0.29894658086306097, 0.29626153575876002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2070501', 'RJ113849.7+574245', 174.70599999999999, 57.711599999999997, '2000-12-01 10:45:05', 10413, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.5, 'SYFT', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2004-09-11 01:12:26', '2001-06-11 18:35:25', 3, 0.11559999999999999, '2000-12-01 10:45:05', '2000-12-01 16:30:38', 49.113399999999999, 144.351, 56.848100000000002, 140.65199999999999, 23.167200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 98463669, -0.53190258659852296, 0.049286931571258498, 0.84536999990896999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1012901', 'MRK421', 166.114, 38.2089, '2000-12-01 17:28:37', 21577, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.300000000000001, 'BLAZ', 0.029999999999999999, 87, 'PC', '2004-09-10 23:35:42', '2001-07-10 17:37:56', 13, 0.030020000000000002, '2000-12-01 17:28:37', '2000-12-02 04:16:33', 29.503499999999999, 151.21700000000001, 65.031099999999995, 179.833, 19.6234, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 88863850, -0.76279708253737599, 0.188575403665281, 0.61853045842944898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2072201', 'HS1102+3441', 166.416, 34.426200000000001, '2000-12-02 05:07:46', 9359, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-11 01:22:52', '2001-08-19 22:09:09', 4, 0.51000000000000001, '2000-12-02 05:07:46', '2000-12-02 12:18:47', 26.207799999999999, 153.33500000000001, 66.218299999999999, 188.56399999999999, 19.891500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 88632691, -0.80178108737756704, 0.19373427126654499, 0.56534424916193005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0010101', 'LMC-2000', 81.257300000000001, -70.238699999999994, '2000-12-03 09:02:25', 42956, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13, '', 0.20000000000000001, 55, 'PC', '2004-09-13 14:16:38', '2001-06-11 14:38:49', 0, 0, '2000-12-03 09:02:25', '2000-12-04 01:10:39', -85.121600000000001, 307.178, -32.677500000000002, 281.00400000000002, 77.049800000000005, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN N.', 'SHORE', 'y', 542254265, 0.051390695304261602, 0.33417388213632199, -0.94110935227213799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172001', 'SK-70D60', 76.170599999999993, -70.259600000000006, '2000-12-04 01:41:56', 7900, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.85, 'O4V', 0.13, 13, 'PC', '2004-09-11 00:18:12', '2001-06-11 16:29:17', 6, 0, '2000-12-04 01:41:56', '2000-12-04 03:53:48', -83.731899999999996, 317.68599999999998, -34.346699999999998, 281.495, 82.449200000000005, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 541922135, 0.080735126101273105, 0.32796797626450902, -0.94123262053457002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1172101', 'SK-70D69', 76.328000000000003, -70.430499999999995, '2000-12-04 04:01:14', 6098, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.9, 'O4V', 0.01, 13, 'PC', '2004-09-11 00:18:19', '2001-06-11 16:41:42', 6, 0, '2000-12-04 04:01:14', '2000-12-04 05:43:11', -83.691400000000002, 316.09500000000003, -34.249699999999997, 281.67700000000002, 82.417100000000005, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 541921400, 0.079169906879036495, 0.32545914626468903, -0.94223588870166897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173202', 'BI173', 81.792000000000002, -69.132300000000001, '2000-12-04 06:41:49', 7049, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13, 'O8II', 0.17000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2004-09-11 00:28:39', '2001-06-11 16:52:35', 7, 0, '2000-12-04 06:41:49', '2000-12-04 09:09:02', -85.981399999999994, 316.52499999999998, -32.6858, 279.67099999999999, 77.445099999999996, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542274719, 0.050855264379801098, 0.352562373665955, -0.93440543382403796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173602', 'SK-69D124', 81.326499999999996, -69.053100000000001, '2000-12-04 10:03:22', 7078, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.66, 'O9IB', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2004-09-11 00:39:29', '2001-06-11 17:05:06', 7, 0, '2000-12-04 10:03:22', '2000-12-04 12:36:17', -85.889399999999995, 318.77300000000002, -32.862699999999997, 279.61099999999999, 78.020200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542276608, 0.0539126811580019, 0.35341408949728897, -0.93391215012717199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2071401', 'HE0238-1904', 40.135800000000003, -18.8642, '2000-12-05 07:42:57', 10345, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-11 01:22:16', '2001-08-19 20:59:26', 4, 0.63100000000000001, '2000-12-05 07:42:57', '2000-12-05 13:23:37', -32.634799999999998, 30.786300000000001, -63.633699999999997, 200.482, 126.008, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 597092911, 0.72345462102256197, 0.609978335955627, -0.32332621450464799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2071501', 'HE0450-2958', 73.125200000000007, -29.8931, '2000-12-05 14:22:30', 15995, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.6, 'SYFT', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2004-09-13 16:50:56', '2001-08-19 21:28:15', 1, 0.28499999999999998, '2000-12-05 14:22:30', '2000-12-05 21:55:15', -51.930799999999998, 65.912300000000002, -37.585500000000003, 231.13200000000001, 86.606899999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 568066246, 0.251661371505218, 0.82962678521939404, -0.498383337741788); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2041601', 'WD0501-289', 75.980800000000002, -28.91, '2000-12-05 22:41:54', 13862, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.9, 'DO', 0, 17, 'PC', '2004-09-13 17:01:36', '2001-07-10 18:30:05', 1, 0, '2000-12-05 22:41:54', '2000-12-06 04:37:01', -51.387099999999997, 70.135000000000005, -34.936199999999999, 230.67400000000001, 83.681899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 567753798, 0.21205824616282801, 0.849306619232302, -0.48343517327822); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041501', 'WD0621-376', 95.802700000000002, -37.691800000000001, '2000-12-06 05:28:58', 8371, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 19, 12, 'WD', 0, 17, 'PC', '2004-09-11 00:07:55', '2001-06-11 16:14:27', 3, 0, '2000-12-06 05:28:58', '2000-12-06 11:09:02', -60.940399999999997, 99.480599999999995, -21.427, 245.40899999999999, 64.060900000000004, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 649016344, -0.080004062774373996, 0.78725632390493605, -0.61141379638611404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0480101', 'HH1F', 84.084299999999999, -6.7520300000000004, '2000-12-07 09:49:05', 7186, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99.900000000000006, 'OTR', 0.11, 69, 'EE', '2004-09-10 20:59:01', '2001-07-02 19:16:45', 0, 0, '2000-12-07 09:49:05', '2000-12-07 13:54:08', -30.052199999999999, 83.209100000000007, -19.759699999999999, 210.43000000000001, 69.803799999999995, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'HARTIGAN', 'y', 351215919, 0.10235026867123199, 0.98777584019301001, -0.117572581982029); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0480102', 'HH1F', 84.084299999999999, -6.7520300000000004, '2000-12-07 16:29:22', 8487, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99.900000000000006, 'OTR', 0.11, 69, 'EE', '2004-09-10 20:59:19', '2001-07-02 19:21:19', 0, 0, '2000-12-07 16:29:22', '2000-12-07 20:35:12', -30.052199999999999, 83.209100000000007, -19.759699999999999, 210.43000000000001, 70.339500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'HARTIGAN', 'y', 351215919, 0.10235026867123199, 0.98777584019301001, -0.117572581982029); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1070902', 'MRK618', 69.092699999999994, -10.376099999999999, '2000-12-07 22:59:27', 6293, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.10000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2004-09-11 00:08:02', '2001-07-02 20:13:04', 4, 0.035549999999999998, '2000-12-07 22:59:27', '2000-12-08 01:29:54', -32.056800000000003, 65.532700000000006, -34.660200000000003, 206.72200000000001, 97.293899999999994, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 370804702, 0.35102122752166798, 0.91888241926150405, -0.18010884875904001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1520203', 'HD45677', 97.072500000000005, -13.0528, '2000-12-08 02:28:06', 4761, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 7.5499999999999998, 'B2IV', 0.27000000000000002, 26, 'PC', '2004-09-11 00:50:41', '2001-08-12 16:55:06', 0, 0, '2000-12-08 02:28:06', '2000-12-08 04:33:31', -36.282400000000003, 98.557000000000002, -10.9765, 222.09, 56.287399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 349242176, -0.119943912276188, 0.96675009395390898, -0.22584887369210199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1040701', 'HD22049', 53.232799999999997, -9.4582499999999996, '2000-12-08 05:46:17', 33325, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 15, 3.73, 'K2V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2004-09-10 23:46:17', '2001-09-19 22:52:31', 6, 16, '2000-12-08 05:46:17', '2000-12-09 05:33:18', -27.715900000000001, 48.167900000000003, -48.051499999999997, 195.846, 120.94499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 601251152, 0.59042797724479701, 0.79018404357835903, -0.16432888048292699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1520204', 'HD45677', 97.072500000000005, -13.0528, '2000-12-09 06:48:26', 6108, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 7.5499999999999998, 'B2IV', 0.27000000000000002, 26, 'PC', '2004-09-11 01:01:23', '2001-08-12 17:07:25', 0, 0, '2000-12-09 06:48:26', '2000-12-09 10:44:01', -36.282400000000003, 98.557000000000002, -10.9765, 222.09, 57.900500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 349242176, -0.119943912276188, 0.96675009395390898, -0.22584887369210199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2041201', 'WD0134-161', 23.600000000000001, -16.1189, '2000-12-10 07:45:04', 8604, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.9, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-09-14 16:19:01', '2001-07-02 21:29:17', 2, 0, '2000-12-10 07:45:04', '2000-12-10 13:17:56', -24.061199999999999, 15.397, -75.154200000000003, 167.25999999999999, 141.86600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 285339462, 0.88033833418324703, 0.38461036120639602, -0.27763156776589998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1180501', 'HD4128', 10.897399999999999, -17.986599999999999, '2000-12-10 14:31:56', 12598, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 2.04, 'K0II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2004-09-11 02:56:48', '2001-07-02 21:08:23', 2, 13, '2000-12-10 14:31:56', '2000-12-11 05:48:47', -20.7836, 2.5834299999999999, -80.681299999999993, 111.33, 148.06800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 275816253, 0.93397733467482102, 0.17981173210829399, -0.30879455842020997); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2042001', 'WD0050-332', 13.3217, -32.999400000000001, '2000-12-11 07:00:27', 8503, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.300000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-09-11 03:37:14', '2001-07-02 21:42:47', 5, 0, '2000-12-11 07:00:27', '2000-12-11 12:35:17', -35.208799999999997, 357.24000000000001, -84.114999999999995, 299.15199999999999, 144.553, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 582831684, 0.81610889746721804, 0.193246359846178, -0.54463025244751395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1180101', 'HD45348', 95.988, -52.695700000000002, '2000-12-11 13:52:48', 5638, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, -0.71999999999999997, 'F0II', 0.050000000000000003, 40, 'PC', '2004-09-11 02:45:59', '2001-08-19 18:01:13', 2, 20.5, '2000-12-11 13:52:48', '2000-12-11 16:19:40', -75.824100000000001, 104.961, -25.292200000000001, 261.214, 71.496600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 640380015, -0.063223039901160696, 0.60274135790225403, -0.79542799969563704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1330601', 'PK255-59D1', 44.242600000000003, -44.1721, '2000-12-11 17:01:19', 5848, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.4, 'SDO', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-09-11 03:06:30', '2001-07-02 21:16:17', 1, 0, '2000-12-11 17:01:19', '2000-12-11 19:27:30', -56.968800000000002, 19.499300000000002, -59.620399999999997, 255.32400000000001, 120.224, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 553615393, 0.513832208712656, 0.50042385131172495, -0.69681592284319505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1040401', 'WD0109-264', 18.048300000000001, -26.2242, '2000-12-11 20:21:53', 19536, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.130000000000001, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2004-09-11 02:45:51', '2001-07-10 17:56:54', 0, 0, '2000-12-11 20:21:53', '2000-12-12 11:53:24', -31.0627, 5.3065600000000002, -85.276799999999994, 203.07499999999999, 143.18600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 586021762, 0.85293200153901505, 0.27792955001441999, -0.44188478812857002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2071301', 'HE0226-4110', 37.063299999999998, -40.9544, '2000-12-12 13:00:01', 11046, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-11 01:12:36', '2001-08-19 20:39:50', 15, 0.495, '2000-12-12 13:00:01', '2000-12-12 18:42:41', -51.483699999999999, 14.591799999999999, -65.774600000000007, 253.94399999999999, 127.59099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 576395052, 0.60265217012290695, 0.45517573378343901, -0.65545817045854204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0880303', 'NGC1399', 54.622100000000003, -35.450299999999999, '2000-12-12 19:34:49', 16524, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.6300000000000008, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EC', '2004-09-17 02:37:15', '2001-08-16 15:10:03', 8, 1449, '2000-12-12 19:34:49', '2000-12-13 04:24:06', -52.7821, 38.761200000000002, -53.634999999999998, 236.71700000000001, 113.94, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 565823616, 0.47163725016359997, 0.66420050135314201, -0.57999655021418295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0520202', 'TOL0440-381', 70.533500000000004, -38.0197, '2000-12-13 05:39:13', 34645, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 16, 'GAL', 0.13, 88, 'EC', '2004-09-11 02:04:32', '2001-08-16 14:58:26', 3, 0.041000000000000002, '2000-12-13 05:39:13', '2000-12-14 00:50:16', -59.379899999999999, 58.972700000000003, -40.9786, 241.07599999999999, 98.576800000000006, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN-MICHEL', 'DEHARVENG', 'y', 566499418, 0.26253847871438002, 0.74276567622260303, -0.61593238055805999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070202', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2000-12-15 00:36:55', 4639, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2004-09-14 15:25:54', '2001-07-10 17:30:55', 1, 0, '2000-12-15 00:36:55', '2000-12-15 02:57:49', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 169.34299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070203', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2000-12-15 03:56:42', 8309, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2004-09-14 15:47:30', '2001-11-15 15:00:48', 1, 0, '2000-12-15 03:56:42', '2000-12-15 08:04:22', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 169.22399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0600202', 'PG1001+054', 151.084, 5.2167500000000002, '2000-12-15 09:36:08', 16632, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16.100000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-17 02:47:02', '2001-07-10 16:40:06', 3, 0, '2000-12-15 09:36:08', '2000-12-15 20:22:28', -6.2069999999999999, 151.26400000000001, 44.622, 234.16200000000001, 20.554600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 448101949, -0.87170379774079398, 0.48152400449880001, 0.090923715804606994); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1310403', 'ZAND', 353.41699999999997, 48.818399999999997, '2000-12-15 21:14:48', 10402, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 9.1999999999999993, 'WD+M', 0.23999999999999999, 57, 'PC', '2004-09-14 16:29:32', '2001-07-10 17:24:28', 2, -1.8, '2000-12-15 21:14:48', '2000-12-16 07:21:02', 46.099800000000002, 19.382200000000001, -12.087899999999999, 109.98099999999999, 161.47800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES D.', 'KEYES', 'y', 226066253, 0.65410653326676604, -0.075486039338272207, 0.75262640201015596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0850102', 'NGC40', 3.2545999999999999, 72.522000000000006, '2000-12-16 08:31:59', 26588, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 12.199999999999999, 'WC8', 0.34999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-12 22:17:05', '2001-07-10 16:54:58', 1, 0, '2000-12-16 08:31:59', '2000-12-17 06:39:30', 60.266300000000001, 52.801000000000002, 9.8678399999999993, 120.018, 178.709, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 62571027, 0.29985516335370699, 0.0170511617678826, 0.95383234317802801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0350101', 'PG-1004+130', 151.85900000000001, 12.8155, '2000-12-17 08:17:23', 83498, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 48, 15.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-17 23:11:43', '2001-08-28 00:07:33', 4, 0.23999999999999999, '2000-12-17 08:17:23', '2000-12-20 06:16:20', 1.1787000000000001, 149.31700000000001, 49.120199999999997, 225.119, 17.6325, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'MULCHAEY', 'y', 451883787, -0.85982366925117604, 0.45989407971803198, 0.221812292796746); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0680505', 'NGC3379', 161.95599999999999, 12.5825, '2000-12-20 07:52:50', 4005, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.2400000000000002, 'AGN', 0.02, 81, 'EE', '2004-09-22 17:15:10', '2001-09-19 19:18:41', 4, 920, '2000-12-20 07:52:50', '2000-12-20 11:36:23', 4.5665899999999997, 158.58199999999999, 57.632800000000003, 233.489, 18.239799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL N.', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 450812192, -0.92798343721068, 0.30230816886294898, 0.21784515441336399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0410303', 'HD97603', 168.52699999999999, 20.523700000000002, '2000-12-21 02:44:26', 7918, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 2.5600000000000001, 'A4IV', 0, 31, 'PE', '2004-09-21 01:44:51', '2001-09-06 16:34:39', 1, 0, '2000-12-21 02:44:26', '2000-12-21 11:28:02', 14.333500000000001, 161.31700000000001, 66.827299999999994, 224.22900000000001, 16.6602, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 464534454, -0.91781407190111697, 0.18628101402185701, 0.35059479921310799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0600606', 'PG1202+281', 181.17599999999999, 27.903300000000002, '2000-12-22 03:43:11', 15722, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 15, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-17 02:57:25', '2001-09-06 17:07:20', 3, 0, '2000-12-22 03:43:11', '2000-12-22 15:49:53', 25.8857, 169.13900000000001, 79.612700000000004, 205.96299999999999, 18.694900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 466478270, -0.88355253424732605, -0.018137526439594199, 0.46798071473061897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1013201', 'HD100340', 173.208, 5.2766700000000002, '2000-12-22 16:49:51', 5281, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 11, 10.109999999999999, 'B1V', 0.02, 20, 'PC', '2004-09-14 15:47:51', '2001-07-12 13:18:27', 1, 250, '2000-12-22 16:49:51', '2000-12-22 22:26:25', 2.1509299999999998, 171.678, 61.2271, 258.84899999999999, 20.424399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 443929325, -0.98877399888131701, 0.117764141489429, 0.091965135325873207); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2072401', 'J130613.3+391526', 196.596, 39.2928, '2000-12-22 23:33:39', 10745, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-17 23:40:52', '2001-08-19 22:19:43', 3, 0.45000000000000001, '2000-12-22 23:33:39', '2000-12-23 06:56:10', 41.986499999999999, 176.21299999999999, 77.443299999999994, 109.52, 25.129000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 177414603, -0.74168024578757097, -0.221048104683809, 0.633283623998114); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2041001', 'WD1800+685', 270.04000000000002, 68.598299999999995, '2000-12-23 08:14:46', 13162, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.699999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-09-14 15:57:59', '2001-07-12 14:16:59', 2, 0, '2000-12-23 08:14:46', '2000-12-23 15:37:58', 87.962100000000007, 89.593800000000002, 29.775300000000001, 98.7333, 85.765500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 262913959, 0.00025475131510101402, -0.36490432023418001, 0.931044989340579); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080403', 'MRK817', 219.09200000000001, 58.7943, '2000-12-23 16:13:55', 71804, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 26, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2004-09-18 00:24:20', '2001-07-12 13:44:06', 15, 0.031449999999999999, '2000-12-23 16:13:55', '2000-12-25 10:45:08', 66.161699999999996, 174.251, 53.478099999999998, 100.30200000000001, 39.704000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 188261166, -0.40212465544824599, -0.32670462405065498, 0.85531272064932495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080102', 'PG1259+593', 195.304, 59.035200000000003, '2000-12-25 11:25:37', 47354, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 15.6, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-18 00:02:50', '2001-09-19 23:23:18', 18, 0.4778, '2000-12-25 11:25:37', '2000-12-26 19:40:00', 57.218600000000002, 156.43100000000001, 58.047699999999999, 120.557, 19.611599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 183791105, -0.49626628126394101, -0.13580033121450799, 0.85748355559887501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2072301', 'J115117.7+382221', 177.82400000000001, 38.372700000000002, '2000-12-27 07:05:36', 11550, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-17 23:30:03', '2001-07-12 14:24:24', 3, 0.33000000000000002, '2000-12-27 07:05:36', '2000-12-27 14:05:55', 33.897399999999998, 160.70699999999999, 73.120099999999994, 167.39599999999999, 11.473800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 469666954, -0.7834240017031, 0.0297674754567403, 0.62077429953279595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0230101', 'NGC3504', 165.797, 27.9725, '2000-12-27 14:45:39', 12813, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.9, 'AGN', 0, 89, 'EC', '2004-09-17 02:25:41', '2001-09-06 16:16:03', 4, 1539, '2000-12-27 14:45:39', '2000-12-27 20:40:13', 20.1296, 155.76599999999999, 66.0398, 204.60400000000001, 10.3413, 'F', 'F', 'VERONIQUE', 'BUAT', 'y', 85206457, -0.85617643990669801, 0.21669364566865201, 0.46904772430480901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2040901', 'WD1234+481', 189.18899999999999, 47.923099999999998, '2000-12-27 21:41:36', 12224, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-09-17 23:40:46', '2001-07-12 14:10:02', 3, 0, '2000-12-27 21:41:36', '2000-12-28 05:09:57', 46.349400000000003, 163.411, 69.008300000000006, 129.81200000000001, 15.235900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 179719493, -0.66152763713947205, -0.107013765805481, 0.74224607727410596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q2230101', 'MKN36', 166.244, 29.138400000000001, '2000-12-28 06:21:35', 7942, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.5, '', 0, 72, 'EC', '2004-09-21 01:44:21', '2001-08-07 16:41:56', 3, 0, '2000-12-28 06:21:35', '2000-12-28 11:37:18', 21.3537, 155.63399999999999, 66.492500000000007, 201.761, 9.5948499999999992, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'FERLET', 'y', 85250650, -0.84839317980692397, 0.207694655997195, 0.486920878919053); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0040201', 'NGC3690', 172.12899999999999, 58.561399999999999, '2000-12-28 19:11:29', 15440, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12, 'GAL', 0.02, 89, 'EC', '2004-09-17 02:46:42', '2001-07-10 17:02:03', 6, 3100, '2000-12-28 19:11:29', '2000-12-29 02:52:30', 48.971400000000003, 141.91399999999999, 55.4056, 141.91, 356.928, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 99911352, -0.51667064978307797, 0.071427450099244505, 0.85319960092879299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1860501', 'HD23628', 56.849600000000002, 24.589600000000001, '2000-12-29 22:53:06', 6694, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 7.6600000000000001, 'A4V', 0.040000000000000001, 31, 'PE', '2004-09-14 15:48:09', '2001-07-12 14:01:05', 1, 0, '2000-12-29 22:53:06', '2000-12-30 06:06:52', 4.5278499999999999, 60.079099999999997, -23.110499999999998, 166.29900000000001, 170.57599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 7775527, 0.49724675374453697, 0.76131028611067098, 0.416115746100297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1061515', 'HD28608', 67.738, 10.751799999999999, '2000-12-30 17:34:12', 4250, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.0499999999999998, 'F7V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2004-09-17 02:37:43', '2001-07-12 13:12:03', 1, 0, '2000-12-30 17:34:12', '2000-12-30 21:25:21', -10.9824, 67.719899999999996, -24.706600000000002, 185.12899999999999, 151.45500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 384854304, 0.372191699273067, 0.90921428062330101, 0.18655490050620399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1060202', 'HD26462', 62.834000000000003, 5.5233299999999996, '2000-12-30 22:56:44', 3156, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 5.7199999999999998, 'F4V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2004-09-17 02:37:23', '2001-07-12 13:08:31', 1, 0, '2000-12-30 22:56:44', '2000-12-31 07:09:35', -15.304500000000001, 61.890500000000003, -31.724399999999999, 186.58199999999999, 147.74600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 382398015, 0.45445024211097701, 0.88555672421547504, 0.096251055277491504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1200506', 'NAURORA-DEC31', 60.310499999999998, 19.816199999999998, '2000-12-31 08:20:21', 7499, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, -2.5, '', 0, 3, 'EE', '2004-09-17 23:14:10', '2001-07-12 13:52:34', 0, 0, '2000-12-31 08:20:21', '2000-12-31 12:24:27', -0.80606999999999995, 62.223999999999997, -24.3064, 172.44, 164.58000000000001, 'F', 'M', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 5884688, 0.46597029459537098, 0.81728086785837895, 0.339003934471798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1200607', 'SAURORA-DEC31', 60.295999999999999, 19.804099999999998, '2000-12-31 13:19:19', 5404, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, -2.5, '', 0, 3, 'EE', '2004-09-17 23:14:47', '2001-07-12 13:55:38', 0, 0, '2000-12-31 13:19:19', '2000-12-31 15:44:24', -0.81527099999999997, 62.208300000000001, -24.3246, 172.44, 164.602, 'F', 'M', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 5884676, 0.46621257624741003, 0.81722508410299899, 0.33880524739383699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011203', 'AKN120', 79.047600000000003, -0.14983299999999999, '2000-12-31 16:50:39', 25617, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 14.1, 'SYFT', 0.20000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-03 05:08:01', '2001-08-16 15:38:25', 13, 0.032730000000000002, '2000-12-31 16:50:39', '2001-01-01 18:27:18', -23.1371, 78.0762, -21.131900000000002, 201.696, 128.89699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 375038565, 0.189992766959693, 0.98178200731093102, -0.0026150761975443598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1020801', 'HD030677', 72.515199999999993, 8.4078300000000006, '2001-01-01 19:46:16', 4178, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.8399999999999999, 'B1II', 0.23000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2004-09-22 16:53:04', '2001-08-16 15:49:48', 1, 26, '2001-01-01 19:46:16', '2001-01-02 03:55:50', -13.9557, 72.165800000000004, -22.217099999999999, 190.18199999999999, 147.14099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 382966471, 0.29722361906120398, 0.94354562808728304, 0.14621822044305799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1200202', 'HD23478', 56.670200000000001, 32.290100000000002, '2001-01-02 05:31:04', 1871, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 6.5999999999999996, 'B3IV', 0.34999999999999998, 74, 'PC', '2004-09-22 17:03:53', '2001-07-18 14:36:51', 0, 0, '2001-01-02 05:31:04', '2001-01-02 07:28:28', 12.073499999999999, 61.641100000000002, -17.417999999999999, 160.76499999999999, 178.48099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 25222602, 0.46448613894729401, 0.70631173411730497, 0.53420629065375203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0530301', 'HS0505+0112', 77.128299999999996, 1.27772, '2001-01-02 08:50:02', 7096, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.199999999999999, 'DAO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-09-28 00:33:19', '2001-07-10 17:07:49', 3, 0, '2001-01-02 08:50:02', '2001-01-02 12:46:10', -21.544899999999998, 76.1464, -22.094100000000001, 199.34100000000001, 134.869, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 375871409, 0.222713236676295, 0.97462894881551099, 0.022298572598714001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1190810', 'HD27638', 65.645600000000002, 25.629300000000001, '2001-01-02 13:59:00', 4347, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 9, 5.4000000000000004, 'B9V', 0.029999999999999999, 22, 'PC', '2004-09-22 17:03:46', '2001-07-18 17:39:50', 1, 0, '2001-01-02 13:59:00', '2001-01-02 21:03:29', 4.0211800000000002, 68.116299999999995, -16.7425, 171.50700000000001, 173.95099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 17515971, 0.37180608990320502, 0.82137898341997795, 0.432546872728092); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0551001', 'RE-J0357+283', 59.2746, 28.6312, '2001-01-02 22:31:36', 4990, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.9, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-09-28 01:46:23', '2001-07-10 17:13:50', 0, 0, '2001-01-02 22:31:36', '2001-01-03 08:41:51', 8.0188500000000005, 63.0715, -18.667000000000002, 165.084, 175.26499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 19425701, 0.44844937122116402, 0.75451267823810997, 0.47916988618786999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2072101', 'J093255.4+284036', 143.23099999999999, 28.6768, '2001-01-03 10:00:54', 12632, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 17.5, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-28 02:28:16', '2001-07-18 18:59:45', 3, 0.55000000000000004, '2001-01-03 10:00:54', '2001-01-03 15:45:57', 13.377700000000001, 136.25299999999999, 46.433999999999997, 198.82900000000001, 357.14499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 81041196, -0.70279834093365701, 0.52516751507687498, 0.479868287229819); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0601501', 'HD37641', 84.985699999999994, -1.92672, '2001-01-03 16:44:39', 4010, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 7.5599999999999996, 'B6V', 0.029999999999999999, 22, 'PC', '2004-09-22 16:42:36', '2001-10-26 15:02:23', 1, 0, '2001-01-03 16:44:39', '2001-01-03 20:29:05', -25.2698, 84.456699999999998, -16.758400000000002, 206.34, 124.536, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 374456003, 0.087354957903687303, 0.995609723490952, -0.033621270349519498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0600101', 'HD35899', 81.940700000000007, -2.14547, '2001-01-03 21:49:41', 972, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 2, 7.5199999999999996, 'B5V', 0.029999999999999999, 21, 'PC', '2004-09-22 17:04:00', '2001-07-18 15:19:41', 1, 0, '2001-01-03 21:49:41', '2001-01-03 22:06:06', -25.335799999999999, 81.082700000000003, -19.549299999999999, 205.04300000000001, 127.98999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 374517626, 0.14009965517883199, 0.98942941901991199, -0.037436765307525502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0600301', 'HD36393', 82.836299999999994, -1.98122, '2001-01-03 23:34:13', 5881, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 8.4800000000000004, 'B8', 0.029999999999999999, 22, 'PC', '2004-09-22 16:31:26', '2001-07-18 15:48:44', 0, 0, '2001-01-03 23:34:13', '2001-01-04 08:06:00', -25.224, 82.081400000000002, -18.682200000000002, 205.33500000000001, 127.16800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 374525482, 0.124630102812519, 0.99160078645841698, -0.034571921670481301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0600601', 'HD36628', 83.265299999999996, -1.2410600000000001, '2001-01-04 09:05:51', 19724, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 7.9800000000000004, 'B9.5', 0.040000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2004-09-28 02:17:21', '2001-07-18 16:27:55', 0, 0, '2001-01-04 09:05:51', '2001-01-05 00:45:29', -24.5076, 82.596599999999995, -17.955200000000001, 204.86000000000001, 128.011, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 374580158, 0.11724469899937, 0.99286684558587501, -0.021658889466006099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0600701', 'HD36760', 83.509399999999999, -0.47633300000000001, '2001-01-05 02:19:48', 6023, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 7.6299999999999999, 'B7V', 0.02, 22, 'PC', '2004-09-22 16:41:46', '2001-07-18 16:39:52', 0, 0, '2001-01-05 02:19:48', '2001-01-05 09:05:19', -23.7561, 82.905799999999999, -17.3779, 204.274, 129.553, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 374937566, 0.11303629950466, 0.99355607843126803, -0.0083134834198989802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0601101', 'HD37235', 84.239000000000004, -0.70191700000000001, '2001-01-05 10:06:28', 4846, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.1699999999999999, 'B7V', 0.040000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2004-09-28 02:07:30', '2001-07-25 15:05:43', 0, 0, '2001-01-05 10:06:28', '2001-01-05 12:25:21', -24.0153, 83.691500000000005, -16.842400000000001, 204.84399999999999, 128.941, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 374596672, 0.10037154759552, 0.994874604537622, -0.0122504562931843); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0601201', 'HD37332', 84.441199999999995, -0.77825, '2001-01-05 13:26:12', 2309, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.6100000000000003, 'B5V', 0.029999999999999999, 21, 'PC', '2004-09-28 02:17:29', '2001-09-06 21:13:59', 2, 0, '2001-01-05 13:26:12', '2001-01-05 14:05:20', -24.100300000000001, 83.909000000000006, -16.700299999999999, 205.01400000000001, 128.81999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 374590765, 0.096858295005709194, 0.99520549811048997, -0.0135826072327305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0600801', 'HD36935', 83.788399999999996, -0.26961099999999999, '2001-01-05 15:05:49', 4569, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.5099999999999998, 'B5VN', 0.02, 23, 'PC', '2004-09-22 16:42:05', '2001-07-18 16:49:55', 0, 0, '2001-01-05 15:05:49', '2001-01-05 17:25:04', -23.562999999999999, 83.2209, -17.034199999999998, 204.22300000000001, 130.25899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 374949502, 0.108199429576124, 0.99411807192846602, -0.0047055822838583698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0600201', 'HD36312', 82.702799999999996, 0.028527799999999999, '2001-01-05 18:35:57', 14312, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 8.1400000000000006, 'B8V', 0.029999999999999999, 22, 'PC', '2004-09-28 01:45:54', '2001-09-06 20:48:51', 0, 0, '2001-01-05 18:35:57', '2001-01-06 10:04:04', -23.210000000000001, 82.056200000000004, -17.8459, 203.405, 132.035, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 374970061, 0.12701611959866199, 0.99190052800353301, 0.00049790401777822103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0460101', 'HD32039', 75.135199999999998, 3.6145800000000001, '2001-01-06 11:13:39', 3271, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.0300000000000002, 'B9V', 0.029999999999999999, 25, 'PC', '2004-09-28 00:33:10', '2001-09-06 18:21:08', 0, 0, '2001-01-06 11:13:39', '2001-01-06 15:05:00', -19.017800000000001, 74.287499999999994, -22.610900000000001, 196.06800000000001, 143.65600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LAUROESCH', 'y', 377005518, 0.25602871728559901, 0.96461115944022302, 0.063044484362076395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0600101', 'PG0947+396', 147.702, 39.447499999999998, '2001-01-06 16:25:02', 10905, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.399999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-09-28 00:22:59', '2001-09-06 16:46:15', 5, 0, '2001-01-06 16:25:02', '2001-01-06 22:06:26', 24.759599999999999, 135.95599999999999, 50.744900000000001, 182.84999999999999, 343.14800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 93182618, -0.65273158913434803, 0.41260789184441699, 0.63537091539812696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1350101', 'HD31964', 75.492199999999997, 43.823300000000003, '2001-01-07 13:46:54', 41797, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 24, 3, 'A8IA', 0.29999999999999999, 40, 'PE', '2004-09-28 02:28:06', '2001-07-18 18:37:26', 0, 0, '2001-01-07 13:46:54', '2001-01-08 23:52:19', 20.944199999999999, 78.841399999999993, 1.17821, 162.78999999999999, 204.65100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS', 'AKE', 'y', 23923309, 0.18073892871886099, 0.698473302729261, 0.69243662888385404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0520601', 'HDW4', 84.484999999999999, 55.537500000000001, '2001-01-09 01:10:13', 11893, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.600000000000001, 'DA', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-08 01:26:27', '2001-07-18 14:53:57', 0, 0, '2001-01-09 01:10:13', '2001-01-09 08:14:56', 32.168500000000002, 86.316400000000002, 12.544600000000001, 156.31100000000001, 227.06, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 31214351, 0.054383381888830899, 0.56324736992667102, 0.82449672409599095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030604', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-01-09 09:02:01', 503, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-08 01:46:23', '2001-07-18 16:55:56', 1, 0, '2001-01-09 09:02:01', '2001-01-09 09:10:24', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 213.691, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030506', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-01-09 09:26:40', 503, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 1, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-08 02:49:48', '2001-07-18 16:53:14', 1, 0, '2001-01-09 09:26:40', '2001-01-09 09:35:03', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 213.64500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070402', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2001-01-09 17:36:48', 3381, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-22 04:12:56', '2001-07-18 17:03:34', 0, 0, '2001-01-09 17:36:48', '2001-01-09 21:22:58', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 200.83699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070403', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2001-01-09 22:51:07', 4829, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 10, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-08 02:07:22', '2001-07-18 17:12:40', 0, 0, '2001-01-09 22:51:07', '2001-01-10 07:28:33', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 200.565, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030605', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-01-10 13:20:46', 503, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-08 01:46:29', '2001-07-18 16:57:29', 0, 0, '2001-01-10 13:20:46', '2001-01-10 13:29:09', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 212.29300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030507', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-01-10 13:45:24', 503, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 1, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-08 01:36:05', '2001-07-18 16:54:34', 1, 0, '2001-01-10 13:45:24', '2001-01-10 13:53:47', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 212.244, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030403', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-01-10 15:08:06', 483, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 1, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-08 02:49:41', '2001-07-18 16:51:49', 1, 0, '2001-01-10 15:08:06', '2001-01-10 15:16:09', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 212.21100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070404', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2001-01-10 15:29:56', 6246, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-08 02:17:46', '2001-10-26 15:27:41', 0, 0, '2001-01-10 15:29:56', '2001-01-10 19:08:12', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 199.851, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2072701', 'MS07007+6338', 106.372, 63.559199999999997, '2001-01-10 20:16:05', 7159, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.699999999999999, 'SYFT', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2004-10-08 02:49:33', '2001-08-19 22:27:21', 8, 0.153, '2001-01-10 20:16:05', '2001-01-11 00:17:57', 40.659999999999997, 99.523799999999994, 25.630299999999998, 152.46799999999999, 259.23000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 128031665, -0.12551023556447, 0.42721790010112898, 0.89539491097600798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0520701', 'PUWE1', 94.892499999999998, 55.611699999999999, '2001-01-11 01:27:15', 6155, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.699999999999999, 'DAO', 0.01, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-08 01:35:59', '2001-07-18 15:01:15', 3, 0, '2001-01-11 01:27:15', '2001-01-11 05:14:35', 32.227600000000002, 93.264300000000006, 17.8553, 158.92400000000001, 239.072, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 116165558, -0.048169687946212, 0.562740639551222, 0.82522884932644303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041303', 'HD034029', 79.171800000000005, 45.997999999999998, '2001-01-11 06:11:51', 19681, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 28, 0.080000000000000002, 'G5II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2004-10-08 02:48:56', '2001-08-16 16:28:33', 4, 30, '2001-01-11 06:11:51', '2001-01-11 21:49:15', 22.864100000000001, 81.857500000000002, 4.5658000000000003, 162.59, 207.773, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 24649117, 0.13050654297824099, 0.68231457499602399, 0.71931555174892703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2070801', 'RJ132400.2+573918', 201.00399999999999, 57.654600000000002, '2001-01-12 14:06:12', 10656, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.5, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2004-10-08 02:49:16', '2001-07-18 18:51:48', 3, 0.115, '2001-01-12 14:06:12', '2001-01-12 19:49:27', 58.364699999999999, 162.226, 58.936, 114.48699999999999, 6.8753399999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 182302766, -0.49947263316177198, -0.19176958931138599, 0.84483815807395202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0530801', 'HS1136+6646', 174.77500000000001, 66.504999999999995, '2001-01-12 20:33:08', 6053, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.199999999999999, 'DAO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-09 00:32:52', '2001-07-18 15:17:31', 4, 0, '2001-01-12 20:33:08', '2001-01-12 23:05:31', 55.789299999999997, 134.92099999999999, 49.065600000000003, 133.821, 338.584, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 123054894, -0.397012472441369, 0.0363056364540085, 0.91709486831388398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0530601', 'PG1210+533', 183.352, 53.066200000000002, '2001-01-13 00:05:50', 4597, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.1, 'DAO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-09 00:22:23', '2001-07-18 15:08:51', 3, 0, '2001-01-13 00:05:50', '2001-01-13 02:25:38', 48.3611, 154.53100000000001, 63.115699999999997, 135.613, 354.30599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 183108424, -0.59986384318276698, -0.035134189459232697, 0.79933031868748905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1200708', 'NAURORA-JAN13', 59.467599999999997, 19.708400000000001, '2001-01-13 04:40:45', 6439, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, -2.5, '', 0, 3, 'EE', '2004-10-09 01:26:23', '2001-07-18 17:46:24', 0, 0, '2001-01-13 04:40:45', '2001-01-13 08:35:16', -0.75343599999999999, 61.4251, -24.9498, 171.917, 165.25299999999999, 'F', 'M', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 5877593, 0.478265952455941, 0.81088556067361495, 0.33723328159072502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q2240101', 'IZW36', 186.566, 48.493899999999996, '2001-01-13 18:21:36', 18570, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.300000000000001, '', 0, 72, 'EC', '2004-10-09 01:56:34', '2001-08-07 16:52:46', 7, 0, '2001-01-13 18:21:36', '2001-01-14 05:04:25', 45.8264, 160.87, 68.081900000000005, 134.15600000000001, 357.77199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'LEMOINE', 'y', 179744725, -0.65835299888196697, -0.075778163417251299, 0.74888517064515903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1200910', 'WANSA-JAN14', 59.381900000000002, 19.695799999999998, '2001-01-14 05:56:40', 9741, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, -2.5, '', 0, 4, 'EE', '2004-10-09 01:36:23', '2001-07-18 17:57:15', 1, 0, '2001-01-14 05:56:40', '2001-01-14 12:53:52', -0.749417, 61.343499999999999, -25.016200000000001, 171.864, 165.28200000000001, 'F', 'M', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 5877650, 0.47951605661286201, 0.81023309129129595, 0.33702624412202797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1040901', 'HD029139', 68.980099999999993, 16.5093, '2001-01-14 13:59:39', 12177, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 0.84999999999999998, 'K5II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2004-10-08 02:27:36', '2001-07-18 17:28:09', 5, 54, '2001-01-14 13:59:39', '2001-01-15 02:15:01', -5.4675599999999998, 69.789100000000005, -20.248699999999999, 180.97300000000001, 163.392, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 385692105, 0.34390460022320801, 0.89497289590287699, 0.284170972382005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1201011', 'SATURN', 52.311799999999998, 16.736599999999999, '2001-01-15 03:20:06', 9962, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 0, '', 0, 3, 'EE', '2004-10-09 01:36:41', '2001-07-18 18:04:34', 0, 0, '2001-01-15 03:20:06', '2001-01-15 10:30:30', -2.1341999999999999, 54.135399999999997, -31.788900000000002, 168.65100000000001, 162.423, 'F', 'M', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 6381743, 0.58546592079339399, 0.757826896318604, 0.28797230909525801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1630101', 'T-TAU', 65.497500000000002, 19.5351, '2001-01-15 11:48:37', 21311, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 9.8000000000000007, 'K0IV', 0.47999999999999998, 58, 'PE', '2004-10-09 01:46:43', '2001-08-12 17:41:06', 2, 0, '2001-01-15 11:48:37', '2001-01-16 09:53:01', -1.96736, 66.977699999999999, -20.8873, 176.23099999999999, 166.334, 'F', 'F', 'ERIK', 'WILKINSON', 'y', 5610400, 0.39085959979692902, 0.85756395335465196, 0.33438426869894); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1900101', 'PG0832+675', 129.39500000000001, 67.403599999999997, '2001-01-16 10:59:57', 1789, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.5, 'PAGB', 0, 18, 'PC', '2004-10-22 03:19:55', '2001-07-18 18:43:49', 3, 0, '2001-01-16 10:59:57', '2001-01-16 15:10:29', 46.797199999999997, 110.86799999999999, 35.012099999999997, 147.75, 281.63900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 127349113, -0.243861236590978, 0.29693435544605001, 0.92323436127787095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0330501', 'PG1219+534', 185.37100000000001, 53.076799999999999, '2001-01-16 16:07:06', 6302, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.24, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-10-22 00:11:41', '2001-07-18 14:45:47', 2, 0, '2001-01-16 16:07:06', '2001-01-16 18:38:14', 49.0989, 155.99100000000001, 63.4604, 133.02500000000001, 352.113, 'F', 'F', 'GILLES', 'FONTAINE', 'y', 183026784, -0.59810639678950195, -0.0562322812015471, 0.79944147294867596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1140101', 'NGC891-1', 35.620800000000003, 42.353299999999997, '2001-01-16 19:27:54', 31549, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 10.800000000000001, 'GAL', 0.059999999999999998, 80, 'EE', '2004-10-22 00:22:24', '2001-07-25 15:25:01', 4, 528, '2001-01-16 19:27:54', '2001-01-17 19:08:17', 26.544899999999998, 47.815800000000003, -17.415199999999999, 140.37, 166.09100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'MURPHY', 'y', 39484286, 0.60072907103013895, 0.43040971993049298, 0.67370027178903502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1140201', 'NGC891-2', 35.666699999999999, 42.3767, '2001-01-17 20:24:14', 29445, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 10.800000000000001, 'GAL', 0.059999999999999998, 80, 'EE', '2004-10-22 00:33:06', '2001-08-01 21:58:12', 4, 528, '2001-01-17 20:24:14', '2001-01-18 20:06:41', 26.554400000000001, 47.860500000000002, -17.3812, 140.39400000000001, 165.61099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'MURPHY', 'y', 39484976, 0.60016049123692505, 0.43073036563776002, 0.67400203032024597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1140301', 'NGC891-3', 35.686700000000002, 42.369999999999997, '2001-01-18 21:24:56', 18531, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 10.800000000000001, 'GAL', 0.059999999999999998, 80, 'EE', '2004-10-22 00:43:38', '2001-08-01 22:21:51', 4, 528, '2001-01-18 21:24:56', '2001-01-19 11:05:43', 26.542899999999999, 47.873199999999997, -17.382100000000001, 140.411, 165.102, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'MURPHY', 'y', 39484953, 0.60007411301230096, 0.43098580939562797, 0.67391564085729305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080203', 'PKS1302-102', 196.38800000000001, -10.555400000000001, '2001-01-20 06:56:16', 80459, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 34, 14.92, 'QSO', 0.059999999999999998, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-22 03:19:31', '2001-08-19 16:33:44', 13, 0.27839999999999998, '2001-01-20 06:56:16', '2001-01-22 09:15:01', -3.3101600000000002, 199.14099999999999, 52.161499999999997, 308.59300000000002, 20.639600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 421770364, -0.94313880790887505, -0.27736621863926902, -0.18318616152422601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030606', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-01-23 06:08:08', 2190, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-11-14 22:31:00', '2001-08-01 22:43:35', 1, 0, '2001-01-23 06:08:08', '2001-01-23 06:45:15', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 199.61799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030508', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-01-23 07:55:36', 2418, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 5, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-22 02:16:20', '2001-08-01 22:34:14', 1, 0, '2001-01-23 07:55:36', '2001-01-23 09:51:52', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 199.559, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030404', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-01-23 11:18:43', 1853, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 5, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-22 02:05:36', '2003-06-06 18:48:25', 0, 0, '2001-01-23 11:18:43', '2001-01-23 14:43:27', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 199.441, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070405', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2001-01-23 16:15:49', 9187, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 19, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-09 01:04:30', '2001-07-28 18:19:10', 0, 0, '2001-01-23 16:15:49', '2001-01-24 02:47:17', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 189.54300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070406', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2001-01-24 03:54:56', 9191, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 19, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-02-12 04:12:27', '2001-07-28 18:32:58', 0, 0, '2001-01-24 03:54:56', '2001-01-24 19:06:23', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 189.22300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030607', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-01-25 04:46:29', 1926, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-22 02:26:54', '2001-08-01 22:47:37', 1, 0, '2001-01-25 04:46:29', '2001-01-25 05:19:12', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 197.999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030509', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-01-25 06:33:58', 2417, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 5, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-22 02:16:26', '2001-08-01 22:39:24', 1, 0, '2001-01-25 06:33:58', '2001-01-25 08:46:13', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 197.941, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030405', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-01-25 09:53:50', 2419, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 5, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-22 02:05:42', '2001-08-01 22:28:51', 1, 0, '2001-01-25 09:53:50', '2001-01-25 13:21:47', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 197.828, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070407', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2001-01-25 14:46:09', 6955, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-09 01:26:06', '2001-08-01 23:08:30', 0, 0, '2001-01-25 14:46:09', '2001-01-25 18:43:10', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 188.28, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070408', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2001-01-25 19:58:46', 6285, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 13, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-22 02:37:42', '2001-08-01 23:21:33', 0, 0, '2001-01-25 19:58:46', '2001-01-26 03:05:33', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 188.149, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070409', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2001-01-26 04:13:10', 5805, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 12, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-22 02:48:22', '2001-08-12 16:23:14', 0, 0, '2001-01-26 04:13:10', '2001-01-26 12:56:57', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 187.93000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0830401', 'HD114710', 197.96799999999999, 27.8782, '2001-01-26 14:28:02', 24275, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 4.2300000000000004, 'F9.5', 0, 44, 'PE', '2004-10-22 00:01:05', '2001-08-12 16:12:50', 2, 0, '2001-01-26 14:28:02', '2001-01-27 03:57:51', 32.512099999999997, 184.36500000000001, 85.407499999999999, 43.508200000000002, 5.2422800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 169993072, -0.84083275208403196, -0.27268402893143801, 0.46759352368110402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0600909', 'PG1352+183', 208.649, 18.088200000000001, '2001-01-27 05:20:30', 13504, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-21 23:51:14', '2001-09-06 17:36:57', 4, 0, '2001-01-27 05:20:30', '2001-01-27 16:07:30', 27.784400000000002, 199.453, 72.874200000000002, 4.3764000000000003, 12.1959, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 144925711, -0.83420333288855097, -0.45574834700523698, 0.31048066541997099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2040801', 'WD1211+332', 183.48500000000001, 32.941899999999997, '2001-01-27 16:57:07', 12423, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.199999999999999, 'DO', 0, 17, 'PC', '2004-10-22 03:30:03', '2001-08-01 23:51:27', 5, 0, '2001-01-27 16:57:07', '2001-01-27 22:45:43', 31.279199999999999, 168.56100000000001, 80.024000000000001, 175.036, 354.40600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 467579118, -0.83767048556871104, -0.051014003241396003, 0.54378831274712702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2072402', 'J130613.3+391526', 196.596, 39.2928, '2001-01-27 23:37:14', 9125, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-22 03:41:02', '2001-08-01 23:58:33', 3, 0.45000000000000001, '2001-01-27 23:37:14', '2001-01-28 03:47:58', 41.986499999999999, 176.21299999999999, 77.443299999999994, 109.52, 357.67500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 177414603, -0.74168024578757097, -0.221048104683809, 0.633283623998114); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0530701', 'HS-1345+2855', 207.018, 28.6737, '2001-01-28 04:41:57', 4785, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 17.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2004-10-21 23:50:51', '2001-09-08 14:20:35', 3, 2.4700000000000002, '2001-01-28 04:41:57', '2001-01-28 10:06:30', 36.781599999999997, 192.607, 77.400099999999995, 43.266100000000002, 7.6276200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 169060821, -0.78161410613139204, -0.398561628694521, 0.47982081783598701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2041801', 'WD1254+223', 194.25999999999999, 22.0322, '2001-01-28 11:19:27', 9881, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.35, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-22 03:51:42', '2001-08-07 16:30:10', 5, 0, '2001-01-28 11:19:27', '2001-01-28 17:08:43', 25.785299999999999, 183.83799999999999, 84.747699999999995, 317.25999999999999, 5.8482700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 459188653, -0.89841122107457505, -0.228334306804823, 0.37512760786597898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1110909', 'MRK478', 220.53100000000001, 35.439700000000002, '2001-01-29 04:04:56', 14118, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14.6, '', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2004-10-22 03:19:50', '2001-08-01 23:37:26', 11, 0.079000000000000001, '2001-01-29 04:04:56', '2001-01-29 16:26:47', 47.953800000000001, 202.39099999999999, 65.034800000000004, 59.239800000000002, 11.8032, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'KRISS', 'y', 150638864, -0.61923630358161497, -0.52945746918572401, 0.57984583179499205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1072701', 'PG1444+407', 221.691, 40.585000000000001, '2001-01-29 17:18:45', 10090, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.949999999999999, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-22 02:48:28', '2001-08-19 15:44:52', 4, 0.26729999999999998, '2001-01-29 17:18:45', '2001-01-29 21:34:00', 52.922199999999997, 199.84299999999999, 62.7179, 69.900199999999998, 10.5319, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 173323650, -0.56710748600582805, -0.50511456576318603, 0.65057541820300702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080103', 'PG1259+593', 195.304, 59.035200000000003, '2001-01-29 22:07:13', 82171, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 31, 15.6, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-11-12 13:30:40', '2001-09-01 17:20:49', 18, 0.4778, '2001-01-29 22:07:13', '2001-01-31 21:39:38', 57.218600000000002, 156.43100000000001, 58.047699999999999, 120.557, 343.81900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 183791105, -0.49626628126394101, -0.13580033121450799, 0.85748355559887501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1042902', 'WD1631+781', 247.29499999999999, 78.077500000000001, '2001-01-31 22:28:47', 30094, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 33, 13.1, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2004-11-11 21:18:49', '2001-08-16 19:37:40', 6, 0, '2001-01-31 22:28:47', '2001-02-02 04:46:46', 76.779399999999995, 110.40600000000001, 33.578699999999998, 111.297, 23.096900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 198442371, -0.079740354487051898, -0.19057873672225201, 0.97842793346042101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041502', 'WD0621-376', 95.802700000000002, -37.691800000000001, '2001-02-03 03:45:54', 6360, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 21, 12, 'WD', 0, 17, 'PC', '2004-11-11 04:07:00', '2001-08-16 16:53:41', 3, 0, '2001-02-03 03:45:54', '2001-02-03 15:41:46', -60.940399999999997, 99.480599999999995, -21.427, 245.40899999999999, 130.72999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 649016344, -0.080004062774373996, 0.78725632390493605, -0.61141379638611404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0500101', 'MCNAUGHT-HARTLEY', 247.714, 17.434100000000001, '2001-02-03 17:40:27', 631, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-10-22 03:51:55', '2001-08-07 14:48:59', 1, 0, '2001-02-03 17:40:27', '2001-02-03 18:23:45', 38.758800000000001, 242.35599999999999, 38.712299999999999, 34.124499999999998, 19.804500000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 520032944, -0.36180907503580101, -0.88279603684886998, 0.299608662334163); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0500102', 'MCNAUGHT-HARTLEY', 247.714, 17.434100000000001, '2001-02-03 19:08:46', 650, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-10-22 03:41:18', '2001-08-07 14:50:39', 1, 0, '2001-02-03 19:08:46', '2001-02-03 20:03:43', 38.758800000000001, 242.35599999999999, 38.712299999999999, 34.124499999999998, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 520032944, -0.36180907503580101, -0.88279603684886998, 0.299608662334163); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0500103', 'MCNAUGHT-HARTLEY', 247.714, 17.434100000000001, '2001-02-03 20:48:31', 648, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-10-22 03:52:01', '2001-08-07 14:52:08', 1, 0, '2001-02-03 20:48:31', '2001-02-03 21:43:45', 38.758800000000001, 242.35599999999999, 38.712299999999999, 34.124499999999998, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 520032944, -0.36180907503580101, -0.88279603684886998, 0.299608662334163); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0500104', 'MCNAUGHT-HARTLEY', 247.714, 17.434100000000001, '2001-02-03 22:28:18', 646, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-10-22 03:41:23', '2001-08-07 14:53:37', 1, 0, '2001-02-03 22:28:18', '2001-02-03 23:23:41', 38.758800000000001, 242.35599999999999, 38.712299999999999, 34.124499999999998, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 520032944, -0.36180907503580101, -0.88279603684886998, 0.299608662334163); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0500105', 'MCNAUGHT-HARTLEY', 247.714, 17.434100000000001, '2001-02-04 00:08:23', 645, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-10-22 03:52:06', '2001-08-07 14:55:10', 1, 0, '2001-02-04 00:08:23', '2001-02-04 01:03:41', 38.758800000000001, 242.35599999999999, 38.712299999999999, 34.124499999999998, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 520032944, -0.36180907503580101, -0.88279603684886998, 0.299608662334163); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050101', 'PG0749+658-BKGD', 118.601, 65.701899999999995, '2001-02-04 04:40:59', 26242, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 15, 11, 'SKY', 0.029999999999999999, 7, 'EE', '2004-10-22 05:16:15', '2001-02-15 16:26:08', 1, 0, '2001-02-04 04:40:59', '2001-02-05 04:20:41', 43.828400000000002, 105.846, 30.993600000000001, 150.45099999999999, 243.495, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 127460694, -0.19698041057174701, 0.36127262737626997, 0.91141692246722805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1072301', 'PG1229+204', 188.01499999999999, 20.158200000000001, '2001-02-05 05:48:15', 6267, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.26, 'SYFT', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2004-11-12 13:20:21', '2001-08-19 15:39:32', 6, 0.064019999999999994, '2001-02-05 05:48:15', '2001-02-05 11:20:46', 21.607299999999999, 178.953, 81.739599999999996, 269.44099999999997, 0.67083700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 459745759, -0.92957465030341802, -0.13089137530426301, 0.34461343181053899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0680202', 'NGC4472', 187.44499999999999, 8.0005600000000001, '2001-02-05 12:26:08', 5382, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.4100000000000001, 'GAL', 0.01, 81, 'EE', '2004-10-21 23:51:21', '2001-08-12 16:00:15', 7, 868, '2001-02-05 12:26:08', '2001-02-05 14:53:42', 10.296200000000001, 183.63399999999999, 70.196399999999997, 286.923, 11.631600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL N.', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 454156113, -0.98191846371122704, -0.12831322793793001, 0.13918277967885301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0680404', 'NGC4374', 186.26599999999999, 12.8873, '2001-02-05 15:46:04', 6430, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.1099999999999994, 'GAL', 0.040000000000000001, 81, 'EE', '2004-10-21 23:51:26', '2001-09-01 15:42:04', 1, 1000, '2001-02-05 15:46:04', '2001-02-05 18:19:31', 14.297000000000001, 180.52600000000001, 74.478800000000007, 278.20400000000001, 7.4094800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL N.', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 455033787, -0.968987036964437, -0.106395185971287, 0.223034048066694); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0880202', 'NGC4649', 190.91499999999999, 11.5528, '2001-02-05 19:07:25', 15347, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 9.8300000000000001, 'GAL', 0.01, 81, 'EC', '2004-10-22 00:01:24', '2001-09-01 15:50:16', 3, 1413, '2001-02-05 19:07:25', '2001-02-06 06:00:43', 14.924099999999999, 185.37700000000001, 74.317999999999998, 295.86799999999999, 8.0920400000000008, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 457239968, -0.96201624816153997, -0.18551633763332101, 0.20027088341622201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1072101', 'PG1216+069', 184.83799999999999, 6.6440599999999996, '2001-02-06 06:45:47', 12377, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.68, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-11-12 19:58:25', '2001-08-19 15:31:14', 5, 0.33129999999999998, '2001-02-06 06:45:47', '2001-02-06 15:57:06', 8.0174500000000002, 181.78399999999999, 68.143600000000006, 281.07299999999998, 13.218500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 454170109, -0.98974515682270703, -0.0837723123667065, 0.115701012211347); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2070601', 'RJ123325.8+093119', 188.358, 9.5228599999999997, '2001-02-06 16:45:59', 13150, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.100000000000001, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-22 04:56:06', '2001-08-12 17:57:16', 3, 0.41499999999999998, '2001-02-06 16:45:59', '2001-02-06 22:39:25', 12.0526, 183.85300000000001, 71.888800000000003, 288.51299999999998, 9.6881699999999995, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 454361003, -0.97574518235980201, -0.143354736512734, 0.16544110317874999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2040802', 'WD1211+332', 183.48500000000001, 32.941899999999997, '2001-02-06 23:57:10', 16002, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 25, 14.199999999999999, 'DO', 0, 17, 'PC', '2004-11-11 22:00:30', '2001-09-01 19:50:30', 5, 0, '2001-02-06 23:57:10', '2001-02-07 20:18:04', 31.279199999999999, 168.56100000000001, 80.024000000000001, 175.036, 343.98500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 467579118, -0.83767048556871104, -0.051014003241396003, 0.54378831274712702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010403', 'GD153', 194.25999999999999, 22.031300000000002, '2001-02-07 21:05:48', 8050, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.346, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-11-11 05:40:32', '2001-08-14 06:51:49', 4, 0, '2001-02-07 21:05:48', '2001-02-08 03:00:35', 25.784300000000002, 183.83799999999999, 84.746799999999993, 317.255, 358.72300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 459188653, -0.89841693189460603, -0.22833575822940699, 0.37511304695902697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1042302', 'WD1314+293', 199.09200000000001, 29.098700000000001, '2001-02-08 04:35:44', 39605, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 85, 12.68, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-29 21:29:28', '2001-09-02 16:25:45', 4, 0, '2001-02-08 04:35:44', '2001-02-10 19:54:18', 34.046700000000001, 184.75999999999999, 84.161900000000003, 54.109099999999998, 355.62400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 170179862, -0.82572045211980705, -0.28580223211450001, 0.48631555503544299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2040701', 'WD1039+4306', 159.90299999999999, 43.102800000000002, '2001-02-10 22:43:55', 6310, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.1, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2004-11-11 11:50:38', '2001-08-16 21:05:41', 0, 0, '2001-02-10 22:43:55', '2001-02-11 05:12:10', 31.811599999999999, 143.792, 58.960999999999999, 173.316, 296.55099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 90939490, -0.68567297588797704, 0.25087996811264102, 0.68330945532512999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2072302', 'J115117.7+382221', 177.82400000000001, 38.372700000000002, '2001-02-11 06:33:34', 12135, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-22 04:56:15', '2001-08-14 07:37:19', 3, 0.33000000000000002, '2001-02-11 06:33:34', '2001-02-11 14:14:11', 33.897399999999998, 160.70699999999999, 73.120099999999994, 167.39599999999999, 326.03199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 469666954, -0.7834240017031, 0.0297674754567403, 0.62077429953279595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071302', 'MRK110', 141.304, 52.286299999999997, '2001-02-11 14:54:28', 10791, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16, 'SYFT', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2004-11-11 09:44:05', '2001-08-19 15:15:21', 1, 0.035290000000000002, '2001-02-11 14:54:28', '2001-02-11 20:39:36', 35.006599999999999, 125.65300000000001, 44.363500000000002, 165.01300000000001, 261.85399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 118718957, -0.47742863305336503, 0.38243773959423499, 0.79107728805398503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080901', 'IZW18', 143.50999999999999, 55.240299999999998, '2001-02-11 21:59:52', 58523, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 38, 15.6, '', 0.059999999999999998, 82, 'EC', '2004-11-11 12:00:47', '2001-08-19 17:42:14', 12, 770, '2001-02-11 21:59:52', '2001-02-14 06:33:45', 38.234999999999999, 125.7, 44.842300000000002, 160.52799999999999, 264.61000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 119292427, -0.45836680225739301, 0.33904980419703601, 0.82155042746156703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1790201', 'HD62044', 115.828, 28.883500000000002, '2001-02-14 07:52:47', 6282, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 4.2800000000000002, 'K1II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2004-11-11 10:57:48', '2001-08-16 20:14:51', 0, 0, '2001-02-14 07:52:47', '2001-02-14 11:48:35', 7.4503000000000004, 112.627, 23.2742, 191.191, 198.84200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 102267029, -0.38147514766870699, 0.78813608702978699, 0.48303024753374801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0230201', 'NGC3991', 179.37799999999999, 32.3367, '2001-02-14 13:00:05', 6872, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.1, 'GAL', 0, 82, 'EC', '2004-11-11 04:49:15', '2001-08-16 14:33:50', 3, 3192, '2001-02-14 13:00:05', '2001-02-14 15:33:41', 29.150700000000001, 165.33000000000001, 77.200299999999999, 185.69499999999999, 330.31299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'VERONIQUE', 'BUAT', 'y', 468861436, -0.84486960095271402, 0.0091722207334326393, 0.53489366022866502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0330401', 'PG1206+165', 182.31999999999999, 16.197600000000001, '2001-02-14 16:18:48', 6480, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.710000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-11-11 19:24:53', '2001-08-16 15:17:38', 1, 0, '2001-02-14 16:18:48', '2001-02-14 18:52:08', 15.747299999999999, 175.51300000000001, 75.338700000000003, 258.98500000000001, 356.71100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GILLES', 'FONTAINE', 'y', 456647353, -0.95951823345961196, -0.038873713334019303, 0.27895088110664001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0530501', 'LB2', 184.14599999999999, 26.492799999999999, '2001-02-14 19:49:45', 8971, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.6, 'DAO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-11-11 13:56:32', '2001-08-19 15:02:39', 3, 0, '2001-02-14 19:49:45', '2001-02-15 03:14:04', 25.786300000000001, 172.465, 82.198899999999995, 215.626, 342.95499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 466751196, -0.89264828884899705, -0.064706212873987007, 0.44608534881843398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050201', 'WD0439+466-BKGD', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2001-02-15 03:55:46', 8031, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 12.67, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2004-11-11 13:14:04', '2001-08-19 22:38:57', 3, 0, '2001-02-15 03:55:46', '2001-02-15 12:34:52', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 177.39500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0700103', 'HD34078', 79.075599999999994, 34.3123, '2001-02-16 01:25:34', 6063, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 13, 5.9900000000000002, '09.5', 0.52000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2004-11-11 04:59:03', '2001-08-26 17:10:17', 1, 0, '2001-02-16 01:25:34', '2001-02-16 08:35:27', 11.2204, 80.817300000000003, -2.2595900000000002, 172.083, 177.958, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'BOISSE''', 'y', 21195923, 0.15653393424391401, 0.811009018395349, 0.56370337901376399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2072601', 'J152840.6+282530', 232.16999999999999, 28.424700000000001, '2001-02-16 10:17:53', 5043, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.399999999999999, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-22 04:56:21', '2001-08-23 17:05:45', 4, 0.45000000000000001, '2001-02-16 10:17:53', '2001-02-16 12:48:27', 45.481699999999996, 219.709, 55.3504, 44.434899999999999, 4.7856100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 147978219, -0.53938086771359195, -0.694614327201446, 0.47600337812983501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080404', 'MRK817', 219.09200000000001, 58.7943, '2001-02-18 09:23:37', 86013, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 31, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2004-11-11 12:31:23', '2001-09-07 01:01:44', 15, 0.031449999999999999, '2001-02-18 09:23:37', '2001-02-20 10:06:40', 66.161699999999996, 174.251, 53.478099999999998, 100.30200000000001, 343.32100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 188261166, -0.40212465544824599, -0.32670462405065498, 0.85531272064932495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021001', 'HD041161', 91.468800000000002, 48.249400000000001, '2001-02-20 10:37:21', 58, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 6.7599999999999998, 'O8.5', 0.23000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2004-11-11 05:30:19', '2001-08-26 20:18:55', 1, 5, '2001-02-20 10:37:21', '2001-02-20 10:38:19', 24.8154, 91.077500000000001, 12.8934, 164.97399999999999, 191.35900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 112902297, -0.017068470878584801, 0.66567068817131303, 0.74605040192429195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1310101', 'HD47732', 100.119, 9.8178900000000002, '2001-02-20 12:10:56', 1412, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.0999999999999996, 'B3V', 0.050000000000000003, 21, 'PC', '2004-11-11 04:07:06', '2001-08-26 20:32:49', 0, 0, '2001-02-20 12:10:56', '2001-02-20 12:43:19', -13.2624, 100.246, 2.05287, 202.95099999999999, 171.327, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 387280809, -0.173120111346977, 0.97002748435562802, 0.17051717403799099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1310301', 'HD261878', 100.215, 9.8638300000000001, '2001-02-20 13:48:20', 1572, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 9, 'B3V', 0.070000000000000007, 21, 'PC', '2004-11-11 04:18:02', '2001-08-26 20:51:17', 1, 0, '2001-02-20 13:48:20', '2001-02-20 14:23:23', -13.2098, 100.33799999999999, 2.1574900000000001, 202.953, 171.39699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 387280860, -0.17472086156340499, 0.96960119139864298, 0.17130718073938001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1510401', 'HD47088', 99.293400000000005, 6.0592199999999998, '2001-02-20 15:28:33', 4642, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 7.5999999999999996, 'B1II', 0.23000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2004-11-11 04:38:26', '2001-08-26 21:29:16', 0, 0, '2001-02-20 15:28:33', '2001-02-20 19:19:31', -17.0688, 99.6708, -0.39649800000000002, 205.917, 168.59700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 364600220, -0.1605879495078, 0.98136097937948696, 0.105556329152802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1510301', 'HD47129', 99.349999999999994, 6.1353099999999996, '2001-02-20 20:50:36', 58, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 6.0499999999999998, 'O8II', 0.35999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2004-11-11 04:27:54', '2001-09-01 18:42:12', 0, 0, '2001-02-20 20:50:36', '2001-02-20 20:51:34', -16.989100000000001, 99.724199999999996, -0.31154100000000001, 205.875, 168.744, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 364601010, -0.161534397714653, 0.98106267891672805, 0.106876837489224); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1310201', 'HD47777', 100.176, 9.6559399999999993, '2001-02-20 21:01:51', 58, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 7.9000000000000004, 'B3V', 0.070000000000000007, 21, 'PC', '2004-11-11 04:07:12', '2001-08-26 20:37:29', 1, 0, '2001-02-20 21:01:51', '2001-02-20 21:02:49', -13.4199, 100.315, 2.02894, 203.12100000000001, 171.36099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 387279931, -0.174169501961667, 0.97032529852720395, 0.167731331672164); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1310401', 'HD47961', 100.364, 9.8537499999999998, '2001-02-20 22:35:59', 58, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 7.5, 'B3V', 0.080000000000000002, 21, 'PC', '2004-11-11 04:18:37', '2001-08-26 20:56:01', 1, 0, '2001-02-20 22:35:59', '2001-02-20 22:36:57', -13.209099999999999, 100.48999999999999, 2.2840099999999999, 203.029, 171.529, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 387283151, -0.177247174274345, 0.969173175831755, 0.17113384954458999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050401', 'NGC2392-BKGD', 112.295, 20.911799999999999, '2001-02-21 00:20:38', 3063, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 10.6, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2004-11-11 13:34:56', '2001-09-20 19:02:10', 2, 0, '2001-02-21 00:20:38', '2001-02-21 06:48:06', -0.93534700000000004, 110.759, 17.399899999999999, 197.88, 185.12799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 100703582, -0.35438633308285, 0.86429799464837398, 0.35693039009152899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0320601', 'NGC2392', 112.295, 20.911799999999999, '2001-02-21 16:27:25', 3923, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.6, 'CSPN', 0.14999999999999999, 70, 'PC', '2004-11-11 13:34:59', '2001-08-26 19:12:35', 0, 0, '2001-02-21 16:27:25', '2001-02-21 18:45:23', -0.93534700000000004, 110.759, 17.399899999999999, 197.88, 185.154, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT', 'GRUENDL', 'y', 100703582, -0.35438633308285, 0.86429799464837398, 0.35693039009152899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0530201', 'TON320', 126.773, 31.502300000000002, '2001-02-21 20:07:02', 7776, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.699999999999999, 'DAO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-11-11 05:09:45', '2001-08-26 20:12:19', 3, 0, '2001-02-21 20:07:02', '2001-02-22 07:51:01', 11.9902, 121.453, 33.083100000000002, 191.40600000000001, 210.136, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 82537340, -0.51041723448193799, 0.68295953656698505, 0.52253279146482201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1540203', 'HD64511', 118.77200000000001, 22.0014, '2001-02-22 17:35:19', 12008, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 8.8000000000000007, 'WDA+', 0, 54, 'PC', '2004-11-11 19:04:05', '2001-08-26 22:38:30', 1, 0, '2001-02-22 17:35:19', '2001-02-23 09:08:52', 1.1710499999999999, 116.511, 23.394600000000001, 199.22499999999999, 190.06, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 78488905, -0.44627270816645798, 0.81270757101160795, 0.37462924867952702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1070102', 'NGC3783', 174.75700000000001, -37.738599999999998, '2001-02-28 16:47:37', 26645, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 13, 'AGN', 0.12, 84, 'PC', '2004-11-11 13:56:36', '2001-09-06 22:37:04', 3, 0.0097599999999999996, '2001-02-28 16:47:37', '2001-03-01 11:47:25', -36.178199999999997, 192.679, 22.947600000000001, 287.45699999999999, 69.661900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'D. MICHAEL', 'CRENSHAW', 'y', 626990500, -0.78750269311349297, 0.072264309298071594, -0.612059946362011); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1190102', 'HD39060', 86.821200000000005, -51.066499999999998, '2001-03-01 12:43:08', 16846, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 3.8500000000000001, 'A5V', 0.02, 31, 'PC', '2004-11-11 04:48:46', '2001-09-20 01:24:58', 5, 0, '2001-03-01 12:43:08', '2001-03-02 12:29:11', -74.423699999999997, 82.543499999999995, -30.611699999999999, 258.36599999999999, 161.83099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MAGALI A.-M.', 'DELEUIL', 'y', 557952421, 0.034847076622894102, 0.62745106250650295, -0.77787585475466403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1270103', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2001-03-02 13:38:57', 19588, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 6.2000000000000002, 'PEC', 0, 61, 'PC', '2004-11-11 22:00:35', '2001-09-20 16:50:42', 1, 0, '2001-03-02 13:38:57', '2001-03-03 06:58:47', -58.927300000000002, 202.155, -0.62929500000000005, 287.59800000000001, 89.809899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1190103', 'HD39060', 86.821200000000005, -51.066499999999998, '2001-03-03 07:59:44', 11426, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 3.8500000000000001, 'A5V', 0.02, 31, 'PC', '2004-11-11 04:49:06', '2001-09-20 01:34:23', 4, 0, '2001-03-03 07:59:44', '2001-03-03 18:27:12', -74.423699999999997, 82.543499999999995, -30.611699999999999, 258.36599999999999, 163.572, 'F', 'F', 'MAGALI A.-M.', 'DELEUIL', 'y', 557952421, 0.034847076622894102, 0.62745106250650295, -0.77787585475466403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050501', 'WD1202+608-BKGD', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2001-03-03 19:59:52', 11253, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-02-10 04:03:20', '2001-09-21 15:40:35', 2, 0, '2001-03-03 19:59:52', '2001-03-04 03:17:15', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 287.66300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1790202', 'HD62044', 115.828, 28.883500000000002, '2001-03-04 08:58:08', 5102, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 4.2800000000000002, 'K1II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2004-11-11 11:07:59', '2001-09-20 00:57:52', 0, 0, '2001-03-04 08:58:08', '2001-03-04 11:17:56', 7.4503000000000004, 112.627, 23.2742, 191.191, 193.51599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 102267029, -0.38147514766870699, 0.78813608702978699, 0.48303024753374801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1310202', 'HD47777', 100.176, 9.6559399999999993, '2001-03-04 12:17:34', 1413, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.9000000000000004, 'B3V', 0.070000000000000007, 21, 'PC', '2004-11-11 04:17:03', '2001-09-20 00:48:40', 1, 0, '2001-03-04 12:17:34', '2001-03-04 12:49:58', -13.4199, 100.315, 2.02894, 203.12100000000001, 175.08500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 387279931, -0.174169501961667, 0.97032529852720395, 0.167731331672164); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1310402', 'HD47961', 100.364, 9.8537499999999998, '2001-03-04 13:56:00', 1407, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.5, 'B3V', 0.080000000000000002, 21, 'PC', '2004-11-11 04:27:36', '2001-09-20 00:53:56', 1, 0, '2001-03-04 13:56:00', '2001-03-04 14:28:23', -13.209099999999999, 100.48999999999999, 2.2840099999999999, 203.029, 175.226, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 387283151, -0.177247174274345, 0.969173175831755, 0.17113384954458999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021504', 'HD047360', 99.596199999999996, 4.6241700000000003, '2001-03-04 15:38:13', 4993, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.1899999999999995, 'B0.5', 0.40999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2004-11-11 03:35:41', '2001-09-19 21:59:29', 1, 20, '2001-03-04 15:38:13', '2001-03-04 19:28:48', -18.479800000000001, 100.09, -0.78728600000000004, 207.33099999999999, 172.72300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 364482915, -0.16616072622897701, 0.98279760107881697, 0.080619404443233594); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1510102', 'HD47240', 99.469399999999993, 4.9569700000000001, '2001-03-04 20:53:49', 1737, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 6.2000000000000002, 'B1II', 0.38, 23, 'PC', '2004-11-11 04:27:49', '2001-09-08 14:35:03', 1, 0, '2001-03-04 20:53:49', '2001-03-04 22:48:42', -18.156600000000001, 99.9328, -0.74692099999999995, 206.977, 172.947, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 364486433, -0.16390550714093199, 0.98268444484887796, 0.086407560901386196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021401', 'HD046150', 97.9816, 4.94292, '2001-03-05 00:22:06', 4860, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.7400000000000002, 'O5VF', 0.45000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2004-11-11 03:35:35', '2001-09-19 21:49:01', 2, 0, '2001-03-05 00:22:06', '2001-03-05 05:27:58', -18.264800000000001, 98.376599999999996, -2.0694900000000001, 206.30699999999999, 172.91499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 364535496, -0.13833868082458001, 0.98662976976338601, 0.086163256695433399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2240101', 'HD45166', 96.579599999999999, 7.9744700000000002, '2001-03-05 06:35:26', 4050, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 9.8800000000000008, 'WN', 0.14999999999999999, 11, 'PC', '2004-11-11 18:53:45', '2001-10-18 21:15:58', 0, 0, '2001-03-05 06:35:26', '2001-03-05 08:47:50', -15.3108, 96.756500000000003, -1.90004, 202.97300000000001, 174.108, 'F', 'F', 'ALLAN', 'WILLIS', 'y', 387051237, -0.11347543175347299, 0.98380729956979296, 0.13873184097947799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1020901', 'HD039680', 88.686400000000006, 13.854799999999999, '2001-03-05 09:55:40', 3866, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.9900000000000002, 'O6.5', 0.34000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2004-11-24 05:25:11', '2001-09-19 21:39:26', 2, 0, '2001-03-05 09:55:40', '2001-03-05 12:06:20', -9.5788100000000007, 88.706599999999995, -5.8767899999999997, 194.07599999999999, 174.62100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 389618280, 0.022257660192176301, 0.97065053480125796, 0.239462180422716); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1210202', 'MRK106', 139.97999999999999, 55.360199999999999, '2001-03-05 13:18:25', 6297, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.149999999999999, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2004-12-04 01:10:51', '2001-09-14 15:18:17', 4, 0, '2001-03-05 13:18:25', '2001-03-05 15:48:52', 37.549900000000001, 123.30200000000001, 42.878900000000002, 161.14099999999999, 233.89400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BRAD', 'GIBSON', 'y', 119226845, -0.43530388781939899, 0.36552234332110101, 0.82274172240282495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0520801', 'K2-2', 103.09699999999999, 9.9652799999999999, '2001-03-05 16:43:16', 4695, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.300000000000001, 'DAO', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2004-11-24 04:13:08', '2001-09-14 15:25:22', 0, 0, '2001-03-05 16:43:16', '2001-03-05 20:29:19', -12.874499999999999, 103.235, 4.7345100000000002, 204.15199999999999, 176.02500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 367688445, -0.22318154549221, 0.95929308337978403, 0.17305137367676399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0550901', 'RE-J0702+129', 105.517, 12.965400000000001, '2001-03-05 21:53:46', 4287, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-11-24 02:50:47', '2001-09-14 15:38:42', 0, 0, '2001-03-05 21:53:46', '2001-03-06 03:10:04', -9.6519399999999997, 105.334, 8.1930399999999999, 202.50999999999999, 178.17099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 367982263, -0.26070394340048397, 0.93898608855474097, 0.22436260694711499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1190404', 'HD36408', 83.058899999999994, 17.0581, '2001-03-06 04:23:34', 4832, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 10, 5.5, 'B7II', 0.070000000000000007, 26, 'PC', '2004-11-24 05:35:04', '2001-09-08 14:28:32', 0, 0, '2001-03-06 04:23:34', '2001-03-06 11:18:24', -6.2206900000000003, 83.3262, -8.8857400000000002, 188.49600000000001, 173.88900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 395493638, 0.115532530596474, 0.94900112047674001, 0.293341281970109); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050601', 'HD093840-BKGD', 162.286, -46.778399999999998, '2001-03-06 12:38:48', 15133, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 7.7699999999999996, 'BN1I', 0.14000000000000001, 23, 'EE', '2004-11-24 05:45:46', '2001-09-14 15:54:15', 3, -2, '2001-03-06 12:38:48', '2001-03-06 23:20:52', -48.717100000000002, 188.60300000000001, 11.097300000000001, 282.142, 93.527699999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 624397738, -0.65235252454426595, 0.20836789593631, -0.72871050744709198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1070106', 'NGC3783', 174.75700000000001, -37.738599999999998, '2001-03-07 08:33:42', 25541, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13, 'AGN', 0.12, 84, 'PC', '2004-11-24 03:10:46', '2001-09-19 20:22:30', 3, 0.0097599999999999996, '2001-03-07 08:33:42', '2001-03-08 00:22:55', -36.178199999999997, 192.679, 22.947600000000001, 287.45699999999999, 77.292900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'D. MICHAEL', 'CRENSHAW', 'y', 626990500, -0.78750269311349297, 0.072264309298071594, -0.612059946362011); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0531201', 'HE-1338-0724', 205.26400000000001, -7.6635299999999997, '2001-03-08 01:40:39', 5256, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2004-11-24 02:39:30', '2001-09-19 19:11:53', 3, 2.3500000000000001, '2001-03-08 01:40:39', '2001-03-08 03:53:23', 2.6310500000000001, 206.20599999999999, 53.191400000000002, 323.74799999999999, 14.928800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 421261888, -0.89627348280166197, -0.42297776263582698, -0.13335537612772999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2071701', 'HE1050-2711', 163.21299999999999, -27.454699999999999, '2001-03-08 07:56:23', 8342, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16, 'QSO', 0.070000000000000007, 85, 'PC', '2004-11-24 13:40:17', '2001-09-20 01:03:05', 4, 0.20799999999999999, '2001-03-08 07:56:23', '2001-03-08 12:00:12', -31.6648, 176.51499999999999, 28.433700000000002, 272.98899999999998, 97.490499999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 635239741, -0.84956016390288702, 0.256287020452104, -0.46104716793087802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1550202', 'HD97528', 168.30199999999999, -26.465299999999999, '2001-03-08 13:02:53', 9322, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.2999999999999998, 'A1II', 0.02, 66, 'PE', '2004-11-24 02:50:18', '2001-09-19 19:47:22', 1, 0, '2001-03-08 13:02:53', '2001-03-08 18:41:44', -28.7559, 180.702, 31.429200000000002, 277.08300000000003, 87.890100000000004, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE J.', 'PETERS', 'y', 411250233, -0.87661093224741304, 0.181505485343081, -0.44565573288660099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2071901', 'HE1326-0516', 202.369, -5.5266700000000002, '2001-03-08 19:48:39', 13035, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.5, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-11-24 13:41:04', '2001-09-20 01:09:48', 4, 0.57799999999999996, '2001-03-08 19:48:39', '2001-03-09 03:11:39', 3.5729299999999999, 202.74299999999999, 56.074599999999997, 320.06900000000002, 14.493, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 422825626, -0.92045334526131894, -0.378801003963816, -0.096309078457087499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1014501', 'HD121968', 209.71299999999999, -2.91472, '2001-03-09 04:02:42', 9258, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 18, 10.25, 'B1V', 0.089999999999999997, 20, 'PC', '2004-11-24 04:44:40', '2001-09-19 21:14:09', 5, 50, '2001-03-09 04:02:42', '2001-03-09 08:13:48', 8.6416900000000005, 208.67500000000001, 55.840299999999999, 333.976, 7.4993600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 425794408, -0.867395495759688, -0.495014525102768, -0.050849521857012102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0560701', 'NGC3923', 177.75899999999999, -28.8064, '2001-03-09 08:53:58', 15663, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2004-11-24 03:00:26', '2001-09-19 19:54:17', 4, 1788, '2001-03-09 08:53:58', '2001-03-09 16:20:26', -27.1113, 190.37, 32.222700000000003, 287.279, 73.134100000000004, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 405229208, -0.87558269595151295, 0.034263990142374703, -0.48185155549173297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1210405', 'ESO265-G23', 170.19999999999999, -43.264000000000003, '2001-03-09 17:17:10', 4863, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2004-12-06 13:24:35', '2001-09-19 19:31:56', 5, 0, '2001-03-09 17:17:10', '2001-03-09 19:41:26', -42.696300000000001, 192.48599999999999, 16.591899999999999, 285.911, 87.340400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BRAD', 'GIBSON', 'y', 625962266, -0.71757750657091801, 0.123947157511335, -0.68536094447256402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1014701', 'HD125924', 215.679, -8.2481100000000005, '2001-03-09 20:51:32', 10975, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 20, 9.6799999999999997, 'B2IV', 0.050000000000000003, 20, 'PC', '2004-11-24 05:24:49', '2001-09-19 21:31:04', 2, 252, '2001-03-09 20:51:32', '2001-03-10 02:35:20', 5.6230099999999998, 216.12, 48.282200000000003, 338.15699999999998, 11.5694, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 736864252, -0.80389504474023399, -0.577210526730357, -0.143459976557089); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2670101', 'MRK1383', 217.27699999999999, 1.2851399999999999, '2001-03-10 03:22:23', 38107, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 18.5, '', 0, 35, 'PC', '2004-11-24 13:40:43', '2001-10-18 21:38:31', 11, 0.085999999999999993, '2001-03-10 03:22:23', '2001-03-11 00:14:19', 15.1557, 214.495, 55.125700000000002, 349.22000000000003, 2.2244299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'GREEN', 'y', 425423045, -0.79551652135329298, -0.60551667781520802, 0.022428043641602301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1070103', 'NGC3783', 174.75700000000001, -37.738599999999998, '2001-03-11 00:54:13', 27221, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13, 'AGN', 0.12, 84, 'PC', '2004-11-24 03:00:45', '2001-09-19 20:07:11', 3, 0.0097599999999999996, '2001-03-11 00:54:13', '2001-03-11 15:00:35', -36.178199999999997, 192.679, 22.947600000000001, 287.45699999999999, 82.037000000000006, 'F', 'F', 'D. MICHAEL', 'CRENSHAW', 'y', 626990500, -0.78750269311349297, 0.072264309298071594, -0.612059946362011); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050502', 'WD1202+608-BKGD', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2001-03-11 16:00:28', 19273, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 13.609999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2004-11-24 05:35:24', '2001-11-20 18:13:34', 2, 0, '2001-03-11 16:00:28', '2001-03-12 02:46:16', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 278.55700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080104', 'PG1259+593', 195.304, 59.035200000000003, '2001-03-12 10:12:49', 103286, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 35, 15.6, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-11-24 03:32:39', '2001-10-26 17:51:28', 13, 0.4778, '2001-03-12 10:12:49', '2001-03-14 19:42:14', 57.218600000000002, 156.43100000000001, 58.047699999999999, 120.557, 295.06099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 183791105, -0.49626628126394101, -0.13580033121450799, 0.85748355559887501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080105', 'PG1259+593', 195.304, 59.035200000000003, '2001-03-14 22:18:36', 95646, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 35, 15.6, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-11-24 13:40:11', '2001-11-01 19:48:16', 16, 0.4778, '2001-03-14 22:18:36', '2001-03-17 07:25:01', 57.218600000000002, 156.43100000000001, 58.047699999999999, 120.557, 292.35199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 183791105, -0.49626628126394101, -0.13580033121450799, 0.85748355559887501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080106', 'PG1259+593', 195.304, 59.035200000000003, '2001-03-17 11:46:06', 63710, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 35, 15.6, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-01 14:51:19', '2001-10-26 20:29:58', 16, 0.4778, '2001-03-17 11:46:06', '2001-03-19 21:13:37', 57.218600000000002, 156.43100000000001, 58.047699999999999, 120.557, 289.38299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 183791105, -0.49626628126394101, -0.13580033121450799, 0.85748355559887501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080107', 'PG1259+593', 195.304, 59.035200000000003, '2001-03-19 23:44:16', 95618, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 38, 15.6, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-01 14:09:11', '2001-10-26 22:14:05', 16, 0.4778, '2001-03-19 23:44:16', '2001-03-22 12:27:00', 57.218600000000002, 156.43100000000001, 58.047699999999999, 120.557, 286.62, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 183791105, -0.49626628126394101, -0.13580033121450799, 0.85748355559887501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080108', 'PG1259+593', 195.304, 59.035200000000003, '2001-03-22 13:21:57', 32671, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 15.6, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-01 03:20:37', '2001-10-26 22:48:48', 16, 0.4778, '2001-03-22 13:21:57', '2001-03-23 09:59:38', 57.218600000000002, 156.43100000000001, 58.047699999999999, 120.557, 283.779, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 183791105, -0.49626628126394101, -0.13580033121450799, 0.85748355559887501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0330201', 'PG1255+547', 194.45599999999999, 54.426400000000001, '2001-03-23 11:01:19', 5504, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.529999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-11-24 02:50:30', '2001-10-18 15:59:20', 1, 0, '2001-03-23 11:01:19', '2001-03-23 13:29:49', 53.5154, 161.334, 62.676600000000001, 120.91, 282.375, 'F', 'F', 'GILLES', 'FONTAINE', 'y', 182803516, -0.56332989503164799, -0.14522556786876001, 0.81336889773388099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0520501', 'NGC3587', 168.69900000000001, 55.019199999999998, '2001-03-23 14:23:16', 9857, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.300000000000001, 'DAO', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-12-01 01:57:37', '2001-10-18 16:39:52', 0, 0, '2001-03-23 14:23:16', '2001-03-23 20:04:07', 44.994799999999998, 142.65299999999999, 57.049500000000002, 148.49100000000001, 250.24700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 98248806, -0.56218628978444796, 0.11234610952927999, 0.81934420560106003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1042701', 'HD140436', 235.68600000000001, 26.295500000000001, '2001-03-23 21:12:44', 2204, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 3.8399999999999999, 'B9IV', 0, 22, 'PC', '2004-11-24 03:10:52', '2001-10-18 20:58:19', 0, -11, '2001-03-23 21:12:44', '2001-03-23 22:01:19', 44.507100000000001, 224.874, 51.9238, 41.742899999999999, 337.36700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 142390900, -0.50539401568840103, -0.74049118711807405, 0.44300077957811601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0820101', 'UX-UMA', 204.17099999999999, 51.913699999999999, '2001-03-23 22:42:36', 22850, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 12.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-12-01 14:19:36', '2001-11-20 15:02:48', 1, 0, '2001-03-23 22:42:36', '2001-03-24 14:28:50', 55.346400000000003, 171.77500000000001, 63.794699999999999, 107.03100000000001, 293.75999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 181606470, -0.56276710166303701, -0.25257526822926202, 0.78708253897841096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0820102', 'UX-UMA', 204.17099999999999, 51.913699999999999, '2001-03-24 15:20:02', 21060, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 12.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-12-01 02:17:58', '2001-10-18 17:03:36', 0, 0, '2001-03-24 15:20:02', '2001-03-25 03:22:19', 55.346400000000003, 171.77500000000001, 63.794699999999999, 107.03100000000001, 292.94900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 181606470, -0.56276710166303701, -0.25257526822926202, 0.78708253897841096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0030101', 'REJ-1032+532', 158.03700000000001, 53.490000000000002, '2001-03-25 04:40:49', 7410, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.300000000000001, 'WDA', 0.02, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-01 14:19:32', '2001-10-18 15:00:03', 1, 0, '2001-03-25 04:40:49', '2001-03-25 10:15:51', 40.459600000000002, 136.48599999999999, 53.243000000000002, 157.52699999999999, 236.26400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 98969771, -0.55178397193786899, 0.22252081143188099, 0.80375303221335703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0040202', 'NGC3690', 172.12899999999999, 58.561399999999999, '2001-03-25 11:19:37', 42089, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 20, 12, 'GAL', 0.02, 89, 'EC', '2004-12-01 01:26:44', '2001-10-18 15:28:02', 6, 3100, '2001-03-25 11:19:37', '2001-03-26 17:59:50', 48.971400000000003, 141.91399999999999, 55.4056, 141.91, 252.89099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 99911352, -0.51667064978307797, 0.071427450099244505, 0.85319960092879299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0330301', 'FEIGE48', 176.81100000000001, 61.259, '2001-03-26 18:57:38', 4990, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.48, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-01 01:47:09', '2001-10-18 16:06:54', 2, 0, '2001-03-26 18:57:38', '2001-03-26 21:20:14', 52.542999999999999, 142.13300000000001, 54.201500000000003, 136.06899999999999, 257.39299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'GILLES', 'FONTAINE', 'y', 100080351, -0.48010643130678599, 0.026749655800639701, 0.876802298430159); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0320401', 'NGC6058', 241.11099999999999, 40.683100000000003, '2001-03-26 22:20:56', 4437, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.9, 'CSPN', 0.19, 70, 'PC', '2004-12-01 01:36:52', '2001-10-18 15:51:05', 0, 0, '2001-03-26 22:20:56', '2001-03-27 00:14:00', 59.563499999999998, 223.68100000000001, 48.299999999999997, 64.669600000000003, 331.34800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT', 'GRUENDL', 'y', 160677000, -0.36635844493047898, -0.66395842696792695, 0.65187475567504305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2072501', 'HS1513+4816', 228.89599999999999, 48.091900000000003, '2001-03-27 01:36:05', 10548, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-01 03:20:45', '2001-10-18 21:09:04', 3, 0.31, '2001-03-27 01:36:05', '2001-03-27 10:36:33', 62.007399999999997, 200.678, 55.090200000000003, 79.5702, 317.39100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 184919332, -0.439120896173609, -0.50330279914649401, 0.74421712619032798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2470101', '44I-BOO', 225.947, 47.6541, '2001-03-27 11:36:50', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 4.7999999999999998, 'G0V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2004-12-01 03:31:14', '2001-12-10 17:50:24', 0, -24.800000000000001, '2001-03-27 11:36:50', '2001-03-27 22:31:45', 60.537199999999999, 197.77699999999999, 57.066000000000003, 80.371700000000004, 314.10700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'YOUNG', 'y', 184976527, -0.46837324799832902, -0.484117707530207, 0.73909170325149298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2040101', 'WD1529+486', 232.43100000000001, 48.606099999999998, '2001-03-27 23:14:59', 15506, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14.699999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-03 13:40:57', '2001-11-02 19:51:19', 3, 0, '2001-03-27 23:14:59', '2001-03-28 13:27:15', 63.734999999999999, 204.34899999999999, 52.720799999999997, 78.870699999999999, 319.58100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 163231455, -0.40316399826173099, -0.52410547561488796, 0.75018147200267904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2040201', 'WD1638+349', 249.61000000000001, 35.003100000000003, '2001-03-28 14:22:15', 13122, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.699999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-02 13:10:40', '2001-11-20 17:11:03', 3, 0, '2001-03-28 14:22:15', '2001-03-28 20:20:16', 56.273800000000001, 239.06899999999999, 41.396599999999999, 56.984900000000003, 338.10700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 154550298, -0.28538868578467103, -0.76779719094577603, 0.57362075590225503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080109', 'PG1259+593', 195.304, 59.035200000000003, '2001-03-28 20:57:39', 30493, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 15.6, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-02 03:02:21', '2001-11-02 18:51:15', 16, 0.4778, '2001-03-28 20:57:39', '2001-03-29 21:00:51', 57.218600000000002, 156.43100000000001, 58.047699999999999, 120.557, 276.95800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 183791105, -0.49626628126394101, -0.13580033121450799, 0.85748355559887501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1020201', 'GD190', 236.08099999999999, 18.1126, '2001-03-29 22:03:24', 4714, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.699999999999999, 'DB3', 0, 29, 'PC', '2004-12-02 13:10:35', '2001-10-18 19:28:17', 1, 0, '2001-03-29 22:03:24', '2001-03-30 00:34:46', 36.795699999999997, 228.523, 49.302900000000001, 29.493200000000002, 337.375, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 139433013, -0.53036895598551503, -0.78870717418292002, 0.310885451443498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1070104', 'NGC3783', 174.75700000000001, -37.738599999999998, '2001-03-30 22:54:09', 25180, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 13, 'AGN', 0.12, 84, 'PC', '2004-12-02 13:00:28', '2001-10-18 17:48:41', 3, 0.0097599999999999996, '2001-03-30 22:54:09', '2001-03-31 19:43:44', -36.178199999999997, 192.679, 22.947600000000001, 287.45699999999999, 112.489, 'F', 'F', 'D. MICHAEL', 'CRENSHAW', 'y', 626990500, -0.78750269311349297, 0.072264309298071594, -0.612059946362011); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050701', 'HD96548-BKG', 166.572, -65.509699999999995, '2001-03-31 20:33:14', 21292, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 15, 7.7000000000000002, 'WN8', 0.35999999999999999, 11, 'EE', '2004-12-02 04:36:28', '2002-02-08 11:11:21', 3, 0, '2001-03-31 20:33:14', '2001-04-01 14:02:00', -60.836199999999998, 214.166, -4.8286699999999998, 292.31599999999997, 114.13500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 610021019, -0.40320672173253302, 0.096265642053149705, -0.91003146413176195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1080101', 'VELA-1', 130.31200000000001, -44.752200000000002, '2001-04-01 23:11:25', 14054, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 10, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2004-12-02 13:10:27', '2001-10-18 18:26:44', 0, 0, '2001-04-01 23:11:25', '2001-04-02 13:13:58', -59.468499999999999, 154.74100000000001, -1.6992499999999999, 263.84899999999999, 159.65899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 642893865, -0.45943658356906503, 0.54151906488437596, -0.70404199309780902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0480202', 'HH47A', 126.45999999999999, -50.997300000000003, '2001-04-02 14:09:45', 8322, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99.900000000000006, 'OTR', 0.10000000000000001, 69, 'EE', '2004-12-02 02:08:31', '2001-10-18 14:44:35', 2, 0, '2001-04-02 14:09:45', '2001-04-02 18:15:40', -66.111500000000007, 157.452, -7.47553, 267.36599999999999, 151.09299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'HARTIGAN', 'y', 619627334, -0.37400260696243398, 0.50617417867548897, -0.777116304569334); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1080201', 'VELA-2', 135.101, -45.908700000000003, '2001-04-02 19:09:34', 12599, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2004-12-02 02:40:36', '2001-10-18 18:54:23', 1, 0, '2001-04-02 19:09:34', '2001-04-03 09:04:41', -58.685699999999997, 161.5, 0.16430600000000001, 266.88200000000001, 156.06800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 620547574, -0.492874084361836, 0.49113948062920099, -0.71823195941963003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1080301', 'PUPPIS-VELA', 126.078, -42.961300000000001, '2001-04-03 10:09:21', 17721, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.20000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2004-12-02 13:10:31', '2001-10-18 19:16:00', 0, 0, '2001-04-03 10:09:21', '2001-04-03 20:50:17', -59.377299999999998, 147.78200000000001, -3.0947800000000001, 260.59399999999999, 165.06700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 643353324, -0.43095517819447898, 0.59146397718437704, -0.68150421721410004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1080401', 'RXJ-VELA', 132.15100000000001, -45.556399999999996, '2001-04-03 22:19:37', 17295, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-02-04 00:23:42', '2001-12-28 17:25:21', 0, 0, '2001-04-03 22:19:37', '2001-04-04 15:10:53', -59.487699999999997, 157.745, -1.1832499999999999, 265.28500000000003, 159.80500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 620491790, -0.46989955738858602, 0.51911848793859305, -0.71394005451883702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1022301', 'HD069106', 123.51600000000001, -36.952399999999997, '2001-04-04 16:08:52', 58, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 7.1299999999999999, 'B0.5', 0.17999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2004-12-02 03:02:00', '2001-10-18 20:53:58', 0, 6, '2001-04-04 16:08:52', '2001-04-04 16:09:51', -54.743099999999998, 139.85599999999999, -1.3306500000000001, 254.51900000000001, 170.16999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 645111163, -0.44125835102559002, 0.66626432351713005, -0.60115132775237101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0470201', 'VV-PUP', 123.77800000000001, -19.0547, '2001-04-05 00:28:05', 18453, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2004-12-02 02:08:49', '2001-10-18 16:25:11', 1, 0, '2001-04-05 00:28:05', '2001-04-05 17:41:21', -37.737699999999997, 131.64500000000001, 8.7129399999999997, 239.65299999999999, 176.86799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PAULA', 'SZKODY', 'y', 665848955, -0.52551306052730695, 0.78565444895004599, -0.32647068790355799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0580101', 'HD60414', 113.45, -14.523899999999999, '2001-04-05 18:31:53', 2728, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 4.9699999999999998, 'B0VP', 0.14000000000000001, 66, 'PC', '2004-12-02 12:49:54', '2001-10-18 16:48:18', 1, 0, '2001-04-05 18:31:53', '2001-04-05 19:18:00', -35.686799999999998, 118.313, 2.5210599999999999, 230.66800000000001, 181.49000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSARIO', 'GONZALEZ-RIESTR', 'y', 352753956, -0.38523143234930901, 0.88809020629243995, -0.25078382925848802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0630902', 'HD51013', 103.67100000000001, -24.255700000000001, '2001-04-05 20:10:47', 4080, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.8100000000000005, 'B3V', 0.050000000000000003, 21, 'PC', '2004-12-03 23:48:05', '2001-10-18 14:50:51', 3, 0, '2001-04-05 20:10:47', '2001-04-05 23:53:15', -46.827599999999997, 108.358, -10.1267, 235.10499999999999, 183.73599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ADOLF', 'WITT', 'y', 340205610, -0.21548199165989701, 0.88589108804863104, -0.41080955610391601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0390201', 'NGC2440', 115.48099999999999, -18.209199999999999, '2001-04-06 01:27:45', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 17.649999999999999, 'PN', 0.73999999999999999, 71, 'PE', '2004-12-03 23:48:20', '2001-10-18 16:08:41', 0, 0, '2001-04-06 01:27:45', '2001-04-06 01:28:44', -38.888500000000001, 121.67, 2.42082, 234.84, 180.399, 'F', 'F', 'SUN', 'KWOK', 'y', 665545301, -0.40866757141502902, 0.85752108344780098, -0.312487451774069); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050601', 'CPD-31D1701', 114.126, -32.2121, '2001-04-06 03:08:35', 7134, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 10.56, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2004-12-07 04:31:09', '2001-10-30 19:34:15', 1, 0, '2001-04-06 03:08:35', '2001-04-06 10:20:42', -52.771000000000001, 124.863, -5.5061, 246.46100000000001, 178.16399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 651024449, -0.34583092300710699, 0.77217444562143001, -0.53305496735448399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021901', 'HD058510', 111.283, -21.174299999999999, '2001-04-06 11:28:10', 5749, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.79, 'B1IB', 0.31, 23, 'PC', '2004-12-07 02:37:46', '2001-10-18 20:51:20', 0, 0, '2001-04-06 11:28:10', '2001-04-06 15:17:29', -42.611699999999999, 117.381, -2.4721700000000002, 235.52199999999999, 181.535, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 654242846, -0.33846886587745201, 0.86888940988332897, -0.36120634023260401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031105', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2001-04-06 16:41:24', 6090, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2004-12-04 00:09:12', '2001-10-18 19:58:43', 2, 0, '2001-04-06 16:41:24', '2001-04-06 19:08:15', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 25.603300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031106', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2001-04-06 20:18:23', 6762, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 14, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2004-12-04 00:39:57', '2001-10-18 20:40:12', 0, 0, '2001-04-06 20:18:23', '2001-04-07 11:18:48', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 25.7121, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031107', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2001-04-07 12:42:24', 5797, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2004-12-02 03:01:55', '2001-11-09 18:46:25', 1, 0, '2001-04-07 12:42:24', '2001-04-07 18:22:03', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 26.185400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050801', 'WD1211+332-BKGD', 183.48500000000001, 32.941899999999997, '2001-04-07 19:33:17', 12251, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'DO', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-02-17 01:06:35', '2001-10-18 21:56:09', 2, 0, '2001-04-07 19:33:17', '2001-04-08 10:45:21', 31.279199999999999, 168.56100000000001, 80.024000000000001, 175.036, 247.78100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 467579118, -0.83767048556871104, -0.051014003241396003, 0.54378831274712702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2110201', 'NGC4151', 182.636, 39.405799999999999, '2001-04-08 16:45:03', 13612, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 11.699999999999999, '', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2004-12-02 13:21:31', '2001-12-03 21:08:56', 2, 997, '2001-04-08 16:45:03', '2001-04-09 08:14:42', 36.623899999999999, 164.09700000000001, 75.062799999999996, 155.07900000000001, 247.822, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD', 'GREEN', 'y', 178791642, -0.77185173191081202, -0.035535564753706797, 0.63480873307155705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0320101', 'IC4593', 242.93600000000001, 12.071400000000001, '2001-04-09 18:03:20', 58, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 11.1, 'CSPN', 0.029999999999999999, 70, 'PC', '2004-12-02 02:08:38', '2001-10-18 15:40:05', 1, 0, '2001-04-09 18:03:20', '2001-04-09 18:04:19', 32.5655, 238.13399999999999, 40.836199999999998, 25.3353, 335.52600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT', 'GRUENDL', 'y', 518888475, -0.44492472701628599, -0.87080792196827495, 0.20913046245532599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0550501', 'HD160365', 264.74099999999999, 13.3269, '2001-04-09 19:46:55', 5271, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.5, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-04 01:10:58', '2001-10-18 16:44:28', 0, 0, '2001-04-09 19:46:55', '2001-04-09 22:13:46', 36.649999999999999, 263.61799999999999, 21.988800000000001, 37.087400000000002, 343.61700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 523201644, -0.089189756773887893, -0.96897465840539798, 0.230506613039101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0230101', 'ABELL30-CENTRAL-STAR', 131.72300000000001, 17.8794, '2001-04-10 00:12:51', 4271, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.300000000000001, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-12-03 23:48:11', '2001-10-18 15:37:50', 0, 0, '2001-04-10 00:12:51', '2001-04-10 03:56:33', -0.050106199999999997, 129.30000000000001, 33.288699999999999, 208.559, 192.834, 'F', 'F', 'MARIO', 'PERINOTTO', 'y', 76842384, -0.63338814777471097, 0.71032497724747701, 0.30701446375845598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0220104', 'BD+20D2465', 154.90199999999999, 19.869700000000002, '2001-04-11 03:01:25', 65092, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 47, 9.4299999999999997, 'M3VE', 0, 48, 'PE', '2004-12-04 02:34:45', '2001-11-03 21:31:02', 1, 0, '2001-04-11 03:01:25', '2001-04-13 19:01:39', 8.8096800000000002, 149.524, 54.580100000000002, 216.458, 206.012, 'F', 'F', 'GEORGE', 'FISHER', 'y', 72812400, -0.85167240264349997, 0.39891625400280001, 0.33988224559076802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050903', 'WD1034+001-BKGD', 159.26599999999999, -0.13894400000000001, '2001-04-14 17:55:17', 7049, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 10.6, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2004-12-04 01:31:32', '2001-12-20 17:04:35', 2, 0, '2001-04-14 17:55:17', '2001-04-15 05:38:07', -8.22438, 160.90000000000001, 47.7517, 247.554, 191.137, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 443179438, -0.93523135999695395, 0.354028844189193, -0.00242502789904982); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1020202', 'GD190', 236.08099999999999, 18.1126, '2001-04-15 15:34:09', 21054, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.699999999999999, 'DB3', 0, 29, 'PC', '2004-12-04 01:11:19', '2001-10-26 15:10:02', 1, 0, '2001-04-15 15:34:09', '2001-04-16 06:40:40', 36.795699999999997, 228.523, 49.302900000000001, 29.493200000000002, 318.69900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 139433013, -0.53036895598551503, -0.78870717418292002, 0.310885451443498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0910301', 'HD139006', 233.672, 26.714700000000001, '2001-04-16 08:09:39', 16663, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 34, 2.2200000000000002, 'A0V', 0.029999999999999999, 30, 'PC', '2004-12-04 05:34:15', '2001-11-15 14:42:10', 0, 0, '2001-04-16 08:09:39', '2001-04-16 17:20:22', 44.323700000000002, 222.29599999999999, 53.772500000000001, 41.871600000000001, 308.48899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'JURA', 'y', 142334837, -0.529171117984227, -0.71964182240594698, 0.44954819022611098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071702', 'MRK734', 170.446, 11.7385, '2001-04-16 18:18:19', 4587, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.07, 'SYFT', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2004-12-04 01:11:35', '2001-10-26 16:24:41', 4, 0.050200000000000002, '2001-04-16 18:18:19', '2001-04-16 23:41:37', 7.0085199999999999, 166.59999999999999, 63.9377, 244.755, 208.63, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 461452666, -0.96550601691259996, 0.16250589410617799, 0.20344524001882799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0410202', 'HD102647', 177.26499999999999, 14.572100000000001, '2001-04-17 01:13:46', 7040, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 2.1400000000000001, 'A3VA', 0, 30, 'PE', '2004-12-04 02:35:06', '2001-10-26 13:31:16', 1, 0, '2001-04-17 01:13:46', '2001-04-17 08:03:51', 12.2668, 171.61699999999999, 70.799700000000001, 250.64099999999999, 217.94499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 456851721, -0.96672935541069105, 0.046181670925763897, 0.25159810543351702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0530902', 'HS-1104+0452', 166.785, 4.6048900000000001, '2001-04-17 08:57:53', 2505, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.600000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2004-12-04 02:35:11', '2001-10-26 13:37:40', 3, 2.6699999999999999, '2001-04-17 08:57:53', '2001-04-17 09:40:58', -0.97301400000000005, 166.053, 56.453400000000002, 250.48400000000001, 199.34299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 444172270, -0.97037659710052204, 0.227867812185022, 0.080283995725318594); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2100601', 'MC1104+167', 166.81299999999999, 16.467500000000001, '2001-04-17 12:15:28', 11203, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16, '', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-04 01:21:13', '2001-10-30 19:46:19', 3, 0.63200000000000001, '2001-04-17 12:15:28', '2001-04-17 19:38:19', 9.9655299999999993, 161.441, 63.644500000000001, 231.39500000000001, 210.11500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 462302195, -0.93369302330632897, 0.21877223083465, 0.28347142579935197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0220401', 'IIZW70', 222.73500000000001, 35.5717, '2001-04-17 21:02:48', 10762, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.800000000000001, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2004-12-04 04:20:48', '2001-10-26 14:41:16', 5, 1213, '2001-04-17 21:02:48', '2001-04-18 05:55:20', 48.875599999999999, 204.71899999999999, 63.247500000000002, 58.763399999999997, 289.702, 'F', 'F', 'TRINH XUAN', 'THUAN', 'y', 150578250, -0.59743378237242395, -0.55197212007707297, 0.58172128578710203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0531002', 'HS-1110+1537', 168.21899999999999, 15.3567, '2001-04-18 15:00:06', 4406, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2004-12-04 02:35:17', '2001-10-26 13:40:39', 3, 2.79, '2001-04-18 15:00:06', '2001-04-18 17:17:42', 9.4772800000000004, 163.14599999999999, 64.266000000000005, 235.12100000000001, 209.95099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 462193869, -0.94398306869884396, 0.19688166157180001, 0.26482744825006599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0220301', 'NGC4670', 191.31999999999999, 27.125, '2001-04-18 18:33:21', 8711, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.09, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2004-12-04 03:59:05', '2001-10-26 14:22:50', 8, 1076, '2001-04-18 18:33:21', '2001-04-19 02:42:52', 29.196400000000001, 178.61699999999999, 88.629999999999995, 212.708, 244.66, 'F', 'F', 'TRINH XUAN', 'THUAN', 'y', 461176264, -0.87269979813544096, -0.17469944233762699, 0.45593329246862702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1300101', 'HD108662', 187.22800000000001, 25.9129, '2001-04-19 04:14:47', 4620, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 5.29, 'A0P', 0, 36, 'PC', '2004-12-04 02:45:36', '2001-11-01 15:43:28', 0, 0, '2001-04-19 04:14:47', '2001-04-19 06:44:59', 26.4847, 175.51400000000001, 84.816999999999993, 225.22200000000001, 237.661, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'RICE', 'y', 461088989, -0.89231170734326504, -0.113168235741702, 0.43700431045615301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0220302', 'NGC4670', 191.31999999999999, 27.125, '2001-04-19 07:34:18', 15966, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.09, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2004-12-04 04:09:34', '2001-11-01 17:09:00', 8, 1076, '2001-04-19 07:34:18', '2001-04-19 15:05:55', 29.196400000000001, 178.61699999999999, 88.629999999999995, 212.708, 244.03800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'TRINH XUAN', 'THUAN', 'y', 461176264, -0.87269979813544096, -0.17469944233762699, 0.45593329246862702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1300102', 'HD108662', 187.22800000000001, 25.9129, '2001-04-19 16:02:43', 2504, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 5.29, 'A0P', 0, 36, 'PC', '2004-12-04 02:45:41', '2001-10-26 13:49:02', 0, 0, '2001-04-19 16:02:43', '2001-04-19 16:44:27', 26.4847, 175.51400000000001, 84.816999999999993, 225.22200000000001, 237.184, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'RICE', 'y', 461088989, -0.89231170734326504, -0.113168235741702, 0.43700431045615301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0220303', 'NGC4670', 191.31999999999999, 27.125, '2001-04-19 17:48:13', 10673, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.09, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2004-12-04 04:20:07', '2001-10-26 14:29:56', 8, 1076, '2001-04-19 17:48:13', '2001-04-20 03:45:08', 29.196400000000001, 178.61699999999999, 88.629999999999995, 212.708, 243.58000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'TRINH XUAN', 'THUAN', 'y', 461176264, -0.87269979813544096, -0.17469944233762699, 0.45593329246862702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1300103', 'HD108662', 187.22800000000001, 25.9129, '2001-04-20 05:13:31', 2325, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.29, 'A0P', 0, 36, 'PC', '2004-12-04 02:55:59', '2001-11-01 15:51:32', 0, 0, '2001-04-20 05:13:31', '2001-04-20 06:03:44', 26.4847, 175.51400000000001, 84.816999999999993, 225.22200000000001, 236.64699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'RICE', 'y', 461088989, -0.89231170734326504, -0.113168235741702, 0.43700431045615301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0561601', 'NGC4494', 187.851, 25.775300000000001, '2001-04-20 06:53:23', 18617, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2004-12-04 04:52:01', '2001-11-01 17:56:30', 4, 1351, '2001-04-20 06:53:23', '2001-04-20 16:01:19', 26.6084, 176.14500000000001, 85.316699999999997, 228.59399999999999, 237.13999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 461081956, -0.892065549022659, -0.12300682207569499, 0.43484293482789799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1300104', 'HD108662', 187.22800000000001, 25.9129, '2001-04-20 17:04:44', 2300, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 5.29, 'A0P', 0, 36, 'PC', '2004-12-04 03:06:49', '2001-10-26 13:55:48', 0, 0, '2001-04-20 17:04:44', '2001-04-20 17:43:04', 26.4847, 175.51400000000001, 84.816999999999993, 225.22200000000001, 236.18600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'RICE', 'y', 461088989, -0.89231170734326504, -0.113168235741702, 0.43700431045615301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1180401', 'HD111812', 192.92500000000001, 27.540700000000001, '2001-04-20 18:49:53', 12916, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 4.9400000000000004, 'G0II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2004-12-04 01:10:46', '2001-10-26 23:10:27', 2, -1.3999999999999999, '2001-04-20 18:49:53', '2001-04-21 07:04:06', 30.206199999999999, 179.87, 89.583299999999994, 114.994, 244.12799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 461205419, -0.86421734149631102, -0.19832909964019699, 0.46237858394713499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1300105', 'HD108662', 187.22800000000001, 25.9129, '2001-04-21 07:54:09', 2885, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 5.29, 'A0P', 0, 36, 'PC', '2004-12-04 03:07:34', '2001-10-26 14:02:06', 0, 0, '2001-04-21 07:54:09', '2001-04-21 08:42:14', 26.4847, 175.51400000000001, 84.816999999999993, 225.22200000000001, 235.59899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'RICE', 'y', 461088989, -0.89231170734326504, -0.113168235741702, 0.43700431045615301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0560801', 'NGC3607', 169.22800000000001, 18.0517, '2001-04-21 09:32:46', 14897, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2004-12-04 04:30:39', '2001-10-26 14:51:47', 1, 935, '2001-04-21 09:32:46', '2001-04-21 18:37:06', 12.3344, 162.958, 66.422300000000007, 230.601, 211.46299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 462381391, -0.93402336529390695, 0.17770147021035301, 0.309875040250298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1300106', 'HD108662', 187.22800000000001, 25.9129, '2001-04-21 19:52:08', 3402, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.29, 'A0P', 0, 36, 'PC', '2004-12-04 03:17:49', '2001-11-01 15:59:04', 0, 0, '2001-04-21 19:52:08', '2001-04-21 22:01:29', 26.4847, 175.51400000000001, 84.816999999999993, 225.22200000000001, 235.155, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'RICE', 'y', 461088989, -0.89231170734326504, -0.113168235741702, 0.43700431045615301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0560802', 'NGC3607', 169.22800000000001, 18.0517, '2001-04-21 23:20:50', 9731, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2004-12-04 04:30:57', '2001-11-01 17:25:11', 3, 935, '2001-04-21 23:20:50', '2001-04-22 07:56:24', 12.3344, 162.958, 66.422300000000007, 230.601, 211.27000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 462381391, -0.93402336529390695, 0.17770147021035301, 0.309875040250298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1300107', 'HD108662', 187.22800000000001, 25.9129, '2001-04-22 08:51:57', 2928, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 5.29, 'A0P', 0, 36, 'PC', '2004-12-04 03:27:47', '2001-10-26 14:07:20', 0, 0, '2001-04-22 08:51:57', '2001-04-22 09:40:45', 26.4847, 175.51400000000001, 84.816999999999993, 225.22200000000001, 234.65000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'RICE', 'y', 461088989, -0.89231170734326504, -0.113168235741702, 0.43700431045615301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1013102', 'PG1116+215', 169.786, 21.3217, '2001-04-22 10:41:11', 10792, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.17, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-04 00:59:53', '2001-10-26 15:35:21', 15, 0.17649999999999999, '2001-04-22 10:41:11', '2001-04-22 17:56:42', 15.5389, 162.096, 68.209299999999999, 223.36099999999999, 214.262, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 464593866, -0.91679061058283795, 0.16518794370211601, 0.36360406983780202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1300108', 'HD108662', 187.22800000000001, 25.9129, '2001-04-22 19:08:14', 3664, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.29, 'A0P', 0, 36, 'PC', '2004-12-04 03:38:14', '2001-11-01 16:06:21', 0, 0, '2001-04-22 19:08:14', '2001-04-22 21:20:04', 26.4847, 175.51400000000001, 84.816999999999993, 225.22200000000001, 234.27600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'RICE', 'y', 461088989, -0.89231170734326504, -0.113168235741702, 0.43700431045615301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1013103', 'PG1116+215', 169.786, 21.3217, '2001-04-22 22:37:06', 8032, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.17, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-04 01:00:09', '2001-10-26 16:05:53', 16, 0.17649999999999999, '2001-04-22 22:37:06', '2001-04-23 07:15:56', 15.5389, 162.096, 68.209299999999999, 223.36099999999999, 214.05699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 464593866, -0.91679061058283795, 0.16518794370211601, 0.36360406983780202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1300109', 'HD108662', 187.22800000000001, 25.9129, '2001-04-23 08:10:34', 2927, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 5.29, 'A0P', 0, 36, 'PC', '2004-12-04 03:48:42', '2001-10-26 14:13:45', 0, 0, '2001-04-23 08:10:34', '2001-04-23 08:59:20', 26.4847, 175.51400000000001, 84.816999999999993, 225.22200000000001, 233.78399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'RICE', 'y', 461088989, -0.89231170734326504, -0.113168235741702, 0.43700431045615301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1013104', 'PG1116+215', 169.786, 21.3217, '2001-04-23 10:00:08', 10918, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.17, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-04 01:00:26', '2001-11-15 15:11:07', 16, 0.17649999999999999, '2001-04-23 10:00:08', '2001-04-23 17:15:22', 15.5389, 162.096, 68.209299999999999, 223.36099999999999, 213.85300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 464593866, -0.91679061058283795, 0.16518794370211601, 0.36360406983780202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1300110', 'HD108662', 187.22800000000001, 25.9129, '2001-04-23 18:24:35', 2049, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 5.29, 'A0P', 0, 36, 'PC', '2004-12-04 03:48:47', '2001-10-26 14:17:52', 0, 0, '2001-04-23 18:24:35', '2001-04-23 18:58:44', 26.4847, 175.51400000000001, 84.816999999999993, 225.22200000000001, 233.42099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'RICE', 'y', 461088989, -0.89231170734326504, -0.113168235741702, 0.43700431045615301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1013105', 'PG1116+215', 169.786, 21.3217, '2001-04-23 20:09:05', 33490, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 20, 15.17, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-09 16:46:58', '2001-10-30 19:14:40', 16, 0.17649999999999999, '2001-04-23 20:09:05', '2001-04-25 04:13:26', 15.5389, 162.096, 68.209299999999999, 223.36099999999999, 213.68100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 464593866, -0.91679061058283795, 0.16518794370211601, 0.36360406983780202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2480101', 'AG-DRA', 240.42099999999999, 66.802800000000005, '2001-04-25 05:28:06', 2140, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.8000000000000007, 'K3II', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PE', '2004-12-09 00:26:57', '2001-10-30 19:54:15', 1, -148, '2001-04-25 05:28:06', '2001-04-25 06:16:36', 78.398799999999994, 165.21199999999999, 40.9711, 100.289, 294.61900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'YOUNG', 'y', 191265163, -0.19443667258588199, -0.34256272479587002, 0.91915458979116205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2480102', 'AG-DRA', 240.42099999999999, 66.802800000000005, '2001-04-25 06:57:46', 2060, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.8000000000000007, 'K3II', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PE', '2004-12-09 13:37:40', '2001-10-30 19:57:16', 1, -148, '2001-04-25 06:57:46', '2001-04-25 07:32:06', 78.398799999999994, 165.21199999999999, 40.9711, 100.289, 294.53699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'YOUNG', 'y', 191265163, -0.19443667258588199, -0.34256272479587002, 0.91915458979116205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0521001', 'A31', 133.55500000000001, 8.8977799999999991, '2001-04-25 08:30:51', 8432, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.5, 'DAO', 0.01, 70, 'PC', '2004-12-09 15:33:40', '2001-10-30 16:58:55', 3, 0, '2001-04-25 08:30:51', '2001-04-25 13:59:03', -8.2155100000000001, 133.458, 31.290700000000001, 219.13499999999999, 192.38800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 69537671, -0.68075843649227397, 0.71599196270007803, 0.15467210638471801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1510101', 'IPM-UPWIND', 252.01499999999999, -15.5442, '2001-04-26 11:13:12', 43270, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 19, 99, 'SOL', 0, 7, 'EE', '2004-12-09 14:19:23', '2001-11-01 16:53:33', 0, 0, '2001-04-26 11:13:12', '2001-04-27 09:38:36', 6.8134499999999996, 252.56700000000001, 18.507100000000001, 3.6569099999999999, 355.42899999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN T.', 'CLARKE', 'y', 481275512, -0.29747450236428602, -0.91634859206021002, -0.26798167525484101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1027601', 'HD163892', 269.86000000000001, -22.466899999999999, '2001-04-27 10:39:12', 5434, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 7.4400000000000004, 'O9IV', 0.46999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2004-12-09 05:06:40', '2001-12-13 21:06:12', 1, -9, '2001-04-27 10:39:12', '2001-04-27 13:04:38', 0.97253400000000001, 269.87, 0.61633899999999997, 7.15313, 356.81400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 473757717, -0.0022580011339708899, -0.92409769740304903, -0.38214963965083398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2160701', 'HD179406', 288.17000000000002, -7.9395199999999999, '2001-04-27 14:06:26', 58, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 5.3600000000000003, 'B3V', 0.23999999999999999, 21, 'PC', '2004-12-09 06:49:25', '2001-11-01 20:51:03', 3, 0, '2001-04-27 14:06:26', '2001-04-27 14:07:25', 14.3352, 288.58800000000002, -8.3115500000000004, 28.229900000000001, 345.33600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 489492113, 0.30884832994725198, -0.94102786446801301, -0.13812772127116599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2160601', 'HD170740', 277.85700000000003, -10.7958, '2001-04-27 15:45:27', 0, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 5.7599999999999998, 'B2V', 0.45000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2004-12-09 06:49:20', '2001-11-01 20:48:58', 4, 0, '2001-04-27 15:45:27', '2001-04-27 16:33:49', 12.4283, 277.904, -0.52562600000000004, 21.058800000000002, 347.53699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 483695218, 0.13428166273443701, -0.973079471543976, -0.18730930866609899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2190601', 'HD163296', 269.089, -21.956099999999999, '2001-04-27 17:17:05', 15751, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.9000000000000004, 'A1V', 0, 30, 'PC', '2004-12-09 04:26:36', '2001-12-03 21:22:03', 3, -4, '2001-04-27 17:17:05', '2001-04-28 00:52:00', 1.4807300000000001, 269.15499999999997, 1.48987, 7.2385299999999999, 356.69200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 473851794, -0.0147461144394635, -0.92735337207463597, -0.37389607568245598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2160501', 'HD166734', 273.10300000000001, -10.731400000000001, '2001-04-28 01:48:56', 32634, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 8.4900000000000002, 'O8E', 1.3, 12, 'PC', '2004-12-09 17:17:45', '2001-11-01 20:41:53', 0, 0, '2001-04-28 01:48:56', '2001-04-28 19:13:46', 12.6744, 273.125, 3.6282800000000002, 18.921199999999999, 347.89699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 483945638, 0.053184391878319102, -0.98107037675119702, -0.18620509209416999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2040501', 'WD1847-223', 281.98500000000001, -22.326699999999999, '2001-04-28 20:01:46', 13038, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.9, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-08 23:35:06', '2001-11-01 20:20:04', 3, 0, '2001-04-28 20:01:46', '2001-04-29 01:56:20', 0.65317400000000003, 281.07600000000002, -9.2451000000000008, 12.503299999999999, 352.42200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 474842809, 0.19208824393971499, -0.90486892398524599, -0.379887268733685); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1016802', 'HD175754', 284.399, -19.152999999999999, '2001-04-29 02:51:25', 1932, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.0099999999999998, 'O8II', 0.23000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2004-12-09 16:15:29', '2001-11-01 18:05:38', 1, -11, '2001-04-29 02:51:25', '2001-04-29 03:31:58', 3.6085600000000002, 283.61399999999998, -9.9148499999999995, 16.393699999999999, 350.11399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 475727191, 0.23490789397753001, -0.91497213777683695, -0.328091859757488); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1027602', 'HD163892', 269.86000000000001, -22.466899999999999, '2001-04-29 04:18:17', 6583, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 7.4400000000000004, 'O9IV', 0.46999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2004-12-09 16:47:04', '2001-11-01 18:26:36', 1, -9, '2001-04-29 04:18:17', '2001-04-29 06:51:55', 0.97253400000000001, 269.87, 0.61633899999999997, 7.15313, 356.76799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 473757717, -0.0022580011339708899, -0.92409769740304903, -0.38214963965083398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2190501', 'HD158643', 262.85399999999998, -23.962700000000002, '2001-04-29 07:42:54', 9177, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 19, 4.7999999999999998, 'B9V', 0.070000000000000007, 30, 'PC', '2004-12-09 04:35:42', '2001-11-02 20:11:08', 0, 0, '2001-04-29 07:42:54', '2001-04-29 16:18:39', -0.68499100000000002, 263.47199999999998, 5.3386899999999997, 2.5217999999999998, 1.03555, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 478537116, -0.11367626353184999, -0.90671192760064401, -0.40614183169942197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q2190101', 'HD163296', 269.089, -21.956099999999999, '2001-04-29 17:36:06', 16142, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.9000000000000004, 'A1V', 0, 30, 'PC', '2004-12-09 13:48:09', '2001-12-03 21:32:15', 3, -4, '2001-04-29 17:36:06', '2001-04-30 01:11:02', 1.4807300000000001, 269.15499999999997, 1.48987, 7.2385299999999999, 356.608, 'F', 'F', 'ALAIN', 'LECAVELIER', 'y', 473851794, -0.0147461144394635, -0.92735337207463597, -0.37389607568245598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1016902', 'HD175876', 284.54500000000002, -20.4237, '2001-04-30 10:31:07', 1932, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.9500000000000002, 'O6.5', 0.22, 13, 'PC', '2004-12-09 03:55:04', '2001-11-02 18:17:53', 2, 14, '2001-04-30 10:31:07', '2001-04-30 12:26:34', 2.3305099999999999, 283.62400000000002, -10.5823, 15.286, 350.601, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 475560538, 0.235353056996115, -0.90710311101701402, -0.34895971765497302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051301', 'PG1032+406-BKGD', 158.81800000000001, 40.3536, '2001-04-30 13:51:04', 15373, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'EE', '2005-02-17 01:06:53', '2001-11-11 20:42:09', 2, 0, '2001-04-30 13:51:04', '2001-05-01 01:47:48', 28.982299999999999, 144.321, 59.009, 178.87899999999999, 209.50800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 90833414, -0.710575945557408, 0.27535745774479398, 0.64750296992331902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0551201', 'RE-J1027+32', 156.80000000000001, 32.391399999999997, '2001-05-01 09:22:55', 9702, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.899999999999999, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-09 17:18:01', '2001-11-09 18:10:30', 0, 0, '2001-05-01 09:22:55', '2001-05-01 15:03:34', 21.049499999999998, 146.26499999999999, 58.407499999999999, 194.517, 206.14500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 87180248, -0.77612554852831095, 0.332647834993823, 0.53570005674402399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0540501', 'PG1032+406', 158.81800000000001, 40.3536, '2001-05-01 16:05:45', 3948, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 11.52, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-09 15:33:44', '2001-11-09 17:42:44', 1, 0, '2001-05-01 16:05:45', '2001-05-01 18:15:28', 28.982299999999999, 144.321, 59.009, 178.87899999999999, 208.97399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', 'y', 90833414, -0.710575945557408, 0.27535745774479398, 0.64750296992331902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0550801', 'HD90052', 156.02500000000001, 26.350999999999999, '2001-05-01 19:34:49', 6341, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.800000000000001, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-09 15:43:57', '2001-11-09 17:58:14', 0, 0, '2001-05-01 19:34:49', '2001-05-02 01:01:37', 15.2126, 148.05000000000001, 57.2136, 205.71799999999999, 203.88900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 84806817, -0.81877944629746702, 0.36411610049230603, 0.44386899382936101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050201', 'PG0919+272', 140.666, 27.040600000000001, '2001-05-02 02:04:40', 9870, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 23, 12.69, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-09 13:47:58', '2001-11-09 20:46:51', 0, 0, '2001-05-02 02:04:40', '2001-05-02 09:10:02', 11.100899999999999, 134.59100000000001, 43.885300000000001, 200.46100000000001, 196.32599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 80804977, -0.68891266829187503, 0.56455149831569995, 0.45462175620670398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2073101', 'TON28', 151.011, 28.926500000000001, '2001-05-02 10:23:02', 11215, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.5, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2004-12-09 13:48:03', '2001-12-03 20:39:40', 4, 0.32969999999999999, '2001-05-02 10:23:02', '2001-05-02 17:39:54', 15.964600000000001, 142.77799999999999, 53.206800000000001, 200.08500000000001, 201.69999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 86227155, -0.76558439829312797, 0.42417823904937102, 0.48368724461900198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071402', '3C232', 149.58699999999999, 32.400700000000001, '2001-05-02 18:50:47', 10995, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.779999999999999, 'QSO', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-09 06:38:23', '2001-11-09 19:40:56', 3, 0.53049999999999997, '2001-05-02 18:50:47', '2001-05-03 03:39:33', 18.759799999999998, 140.26400000000001, 52.321599999999997, 194.173, 201.24100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 86935770, -0.72814177080310905, 0.427420346711336, 0.535837110350594); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0030301', 'REJ-1059+514', 164.81100000000001, 51.407800000000002, '2001-05-03 04:44:45', 32743, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 16.600000000000001, 'WDA', 0.02, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-09 14:51:13', '2001-11-20 14:36:03', 3, 0, '2001-05-03 04:44:45', '2001-05-04 03:04:49', 40.700000000000003, 142.56399999999999, 57.816400000000002, 156.34700000000001, 213.86699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 97349162, -0.60198281257836195, 0.16343101307899999, 0.78160539745079605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0030201', 'REJ-1043+490', 160.78999999999999, 49.035299999999999, '2001-05-04 04:02:20', 37028, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 16.100000000000001, 'WDA', 0.02, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-09 14:51:06', '2001-11-09 17:25:54', 3, 0, '2001-05-04 04:02:20', '2001-05-05 05:40:52', 37.372500000000002, 141.17099999999999, 57.008400000000002, 162.67099999999999, 210.23500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 97266864, -0.61908977389033804, 0.21571103123162499, 0.75511363573266199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1190301', 'EG102', 204.71000000000001, 70.285399999999996, '2001-05-05 06:43:13', 10568, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.77, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-09 16:46:54', '2001-11-09 18:29:21', 1, 0, '2001-05-05 06:43:13', '2001-05-05 12:29:54', 66.896100000000004, 141.34800000000001, 46.309199999999997, 117.178, 250.572, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 196358661, -0.30644713637065202, -0.14101473977824, 0.94138461628364301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2073001', 'MRK885', 247.45099999999999, 67.378299999999996, '2001-05-05 13:22:14', 5580, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.4, 'SYFT', 0, 84, 'PC', '2004-12-09 14:40:28', '2001-11-11 20:18:51', 3, 0.025999999999999999, '2001-05-05 13:22:14', '2001-05-05 15:55:25', 81.189800000000005, 164.375, 38.261200000000002, 99.401300000000006, 291.32999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 191901331, -0.14750110793225801, -0.355239580459492, 0.92306460425786097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080801', '3C351.0', 256.173, 60.741100000000003, '2001-05-05 16:43:09', 79672, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 31, 15.300000000000001, '', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-07 07:42:50', '2001-11-18 19:55:29', 4, 0.371, '2001-05-05 16:43:09', '2001-05-07 17:53:17', 81.576599999999999, 217.11799999999999, 36.381999999999998, 90.084999999999994, 299.27100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 167403448, -0.116808500728887, -0.47459345620288901, 0.872420096906797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2100101', 'PG1718+481', 259.90899999999999, 48.070300000000003, '2001-05-07 18:41:08', 11252, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16, '', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-10 19:36:31', '2001-12-03 20:48:07', 3, 1.0840000000000001, '2001-05-07 18:41:08', '2001-05-08 00:34:41', 70.780699999999996, 249.16499999999999, 34.829500000000003, 74.376900000000006, 302.80900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 159011780, -0.117079915352564, -0.65788142956033901, 0.743965266703145); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2072801', 'NGC5905', 228.84800000000001, 55.517200000000003, '2001-05-08 01:22:16', 5127, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.5, 'SYFT', 0, 84, 'PC', '2004-12-10 18:41:36', '2001-11-11 20:11:48', 3, 0.011310000000000001, '2001-05-08 01:22:16', '2001-05-08 03:48:04', 67.796499999999995, 189.63200000000001, 51.5886, 90.558599999999998, 271.56700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 186333535, -0.37256583759133499, -0.42629860016230398, 0.82429618472944899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1110808', 'MRK477', 220.15899999999999, 53.504399999999997, '2001-05-08 04:41:48', 11289, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.9, '', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-07 07:43:10', '2001-12-08 20:26:55', 3, 0.036999999999999998, '2001-05-08 04:41:48', '2001-05-08 12:06:36', 62.890799999999999, 184.04400000000001, 56.818600000000004, 93.038600000000002, 262.512, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'KRISS', 'y', 187045023, -0.45455072224266801, -0.38356792271850199, 0.80390253735765904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0710701', 'HD156110', 258.36599999999999, 45.372100000000003, '2001-05-08 13:02:47', 503, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 7.5800000000000001, 'B3V', 0.040000000000000001, 21, 'PC', '2004-12-13 21:22:25', '2001-11-11 19:37:31', 2, 0, '2001-05-08 13:02:47', '2001-05-08 13:11:10', 67.919399999999996, 247.86000000000001, 35.713200000000001, 70.996200000000002, 301.14299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN I.B.', 'CARTLEDGE', 'y', 158860854, -0.141665509297561, -0.68806736293423598, 0.71168405036237004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0530602', 'HS-1104+4259', 166.77000000000001, 42.727800000000002, '2001-05-08 14:44:29', 6127, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2004-12-13 21:17:12', '2001-11-11 19:33:29', 3, 2.7400000000000002, '2001-05-08 14:44:29', '2001-05-08 18:35:30', 33.755499999999998, 149.32599999999999, 63.707799999999999, 169.76400000000001, 211.71000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 90643970, -0.71508898245764096, 0.168117672743267, 0.67851617171522405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051401', 'HD163522-BKGD', 269.64699999999999, -42.4861, '2001-05-09 07:40:18', 15500, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 8.4600000000000009, 'B1IA', 0.19, 23, 'EE', '2005-01-19 20:26:50', '2002-02-08 11:11:21', 3, 33, '2001-05-09 07:40:18', '2001-05-09 18:28:07', -19.046900000000001, 269.72399999999999, -9.0883800000000008, 349.57299999999998, 18.213999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 693443856, -0.0045433556160348696, -0.73742721793503097, -0.67541132368975498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1550203', 'HD97528', 168.30199999999999, -26.465299999999999, '2001-05-10 03:30:28', 6450, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.2999999999999998, 'A1II', 0.02, 66, 'PE', '2004-12-15 20:51:02', '2001-11-15 13:25:36', 1, 0, '2001-05-10 03:30:28', '2001-05-10 08:50:46', -28.7559, 180.702, 31.429200000000002, 277.08300000000003, 180.71000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE J.', 'PETERS', 'y', 411250233, -0.87661093224741304, 0.181505485343081, -0.44565573288660099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2071801', 'HE1115-1735', 169.54499999999999, -17.866700000000002, '2001-05-10 09:59:55', 11734, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-16 00:56:24', '2001-12-03 20:29:08', 4, 0.217, '2001-05-10 09:59:55', '2001-05-10 18:50:42', -20.498899999999999, 177.77099999999999, 39.643000000000001, 273.64499999999998, 186.874, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 414217933, -0.93597128853687495, 0.172711773633517, -0.30680350435251902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1090101', 'WD1159-034', 180.44200000000001, -3.7613300000000001, '2001-05-10 20:00:29', 6324, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.9, 'PG11', 0, 17, 'PC', '2004-12-10 19:53:09', '2001-11-15 15:38:34', 5, 0, '2001-05-10 20:00:29', '2001-05-10 23:53:49', -3.2749799999999998, 181.90299999999999, 56.864800000000002, 279.81900000000002, 198.07499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 419193137, -0.99781627913742899, -0.0076976619950578596, -0.065600450365419394); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1320201', 'PG1144+005', 176.648, 0.20827799999999999, '2001-05-11 00:59:36', 6857, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.199999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-07 07:43:38', '2001-11-15 15:23:27', 3, 0, '2001-05-11 00:59:36', '2001-05-11 06:29:10', -1.14144, 176.84200000000001, 58.898600000000002, 270.21800000000002, 199.964, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 441873465, -0.99828256620869205, 0.058469683101634702, 0.0036351288535579201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0220201', 'POX36', 179.74299999999999, -19.028099999999998, '2001-05-11 07:40:02', 25394, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14.300000000000001, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 89, 'EC', '2004-12-13 21:19:44', '2001-11-15 13:50:17', 5, 1075, '2001-05-11 07:40:02', '2001-05-12 02:21:00', -17.506499999999999, 187.58000000000001, 42.124600000000001, 286.12, 184.518, 'F', 'F', 'TRINH XUAN', 'THUAN', 'y', 415244571, -0.94534928091489301, 0.0042403890245207403, -0.32603183306943401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0560101', 'NGC4636', 190.70699999999999, 2.6966700000000001, '2001-05-12 03:40:07', 15213, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2004-12-13 21:20:37', '2001-11-15 14:06:56', 4, 938, '2001-05-12 03:40:07', '2001-05-12 15:54:54', 6.7180799999999996, 188.77699999999999, 65.481899999999996, 297.745, 207.90100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 431126274, -0.98150199635468505, -0.18558092470712401, 0.047048395685896499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0900101', 'MARS', 268.93200000000002, -24.7089, '2001-05-12 17:15:24', 14274, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 0.29999999999999999, '', 1.3700000000000001, 3, 'EE', '2004-12-13 21:17:43', '2001-11-15 13:16:55', 2, 0, '2001-05-12 17:15:24', '2001-05-13 02:15:15', -1.2729900000000001, 269.02999999999997, 0.229072, 4.7869000000000002, 359.81999999999999, 'F', 'M', 'VLADIMIR A.', 'KRASNOPOLSKY', 'y', 473523093, -0.0169325074882496, -0.90828544095068497, -0.41800819124411898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0560601', 'NGC4697', 192.149, -5.8008300000000004, '2001-05-13 04:45:43', 11496, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2004-12-13 21:22:12', '2001-11-20 14:46:22', 4, 1241, '2001-05-13 04:45:43', '2001-05-13 13:33:03', -0.54123100000000002, 193.43299999999999, 57.064, 301.63200000000001, 199.71600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 428045329, -0.97259754226567596, -0.20937701046509299, -0.10107070924589); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1040101', 'RWSEX', 154.98599999999999, -8.6989199999999993, '2001-05-13 14:48:05', 25589, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 34, 10.699999999999999, 'CV', 0.02, 63, 'PC', '2004-12-14 01:44:32', '2001-11-20 16:26:21', 1, 0, '2001-05-13 14:48:05', '2001-05-15 07:01:03', -17.759699999999999, 160.15299999999999, 38.717599999999997, 251.875, 194.34899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 438777166, -0.89578018697820305, 0.41797566594542601, -0.15124218754955099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2071601', 'HE1015-1618', 154.565, -16.552499999999998, '2001-05-15 08:14:24', 12148, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.9, 'QSO', 0.080000000000000002, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-10 19:53:05', '2001-11-20 17:57:58', 4, 0.247, '2001-05-15 08:14:24', '2001-05-15 18:41:39', -25.159800000000001, 163.01599999999999, 32.659500000000001, 258.05700000000002, 192.84700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 436734836, -0.86564893136374699, 0.41168854265205901, -0.28489378981969199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1290305', 'HD72350', 127.663, -44.737200000000001, '2001-05-15 19:55:33', 806, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 2, 6.2999999999999998, 'B4IV', 0.17000000000000001, 21, 'PC', '2004-12-13 21:18:01', '2001-11-20 14:16:54', 2, 0, '2001-05-15 19:55:33', '2001-05-15 20:09:48', -60.395200000000003, 151.47200000000001, -3.1948500000000002, 262.70600000000002, 201.339, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', 'y', 642957789, -0.434030689870127, 0.56232021233001594, -0.70385604995338902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2041501', 'WD1019-141', 154.96799999999999, -14.1264, '2001-05-15 21:35:17', 18825, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14.5, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-31 02:52:36', '2001-11-20 17:42:34', 3, 0, '2001-05-15 21:35:17', '2001-05-16 16:20:53', -22.776700000000002, 162.36199999999999, 34.738500000000002, 256.483, 193.56999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 436930012, -0.87867169989859695, 0.41032894973767298, -0.24406187085345399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0790101', 'PG1011-040', 153.58600000000001, -4.3114400000000002, '2001-05-16 17:33:03', 85197, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 57, 15.49, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2004-12-13 21:27:41', '2001-11-24 19:51:20', 6, 0.058000000000000003, '2001-05-16 17:33:03', '2001-05-20 15:15:32', -14.2072, 157.10900000000001, 40.748199999999997, 246.50200000000001, 196.29900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BRAD', 'GIBSON', 'y', 440062582, -0.89306865993554696, 0.44359515627775298, -0.075177828964677201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0560501', 'NGC3115', 151.30600000000001, -7.7183299999999999, '2001-05-20 16:27:24', 11464, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2004-12-13 21:21:21', '2001-11-24 17:55:07', 4, 720, '2001-05-20 16:27:24', '2001-05-21 06:09:27', -18.208600000000001, 156.21600000000001, 36.779299999999999, 247.78100000000001, 196.977, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 439151501, -0.86924929734989398, 0.47578178411751598, -0.134303212763766); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0540901', 'EC11481-2303', 177.66200000000001, -23.3428, '2001-05-21 14:17:13', 8303, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 11.76, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-05 23:13:12', '2001-12-13 20:55:16', 0, 0, '2001-05-21 14:17:13', '2001-05-21 19:43:58', -22.236799999999999, 187.65100000000001, 37.4373, 285.28699999999998, 186.88200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', 'y', 406545987, -0.91738634596928703, 0.037455473348952398, -0.39623147243161599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2042201', 'WD2004-605', 302.27300000000002, -60.428100000000001, '2001-05-21 21:09:25', 10180, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.6, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-31 03:13:39', '2001-11-24 22:26:19', 5, 0, '2001-05-21 21:09:25', '2001-05-22 12:17:31', -39.1965, 289.87799999999999, -32.858699999999999, 336.58300000000003, 10.327299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 750102130, 0.26351449325332299, -0.41727393457700002, -0.869737072550132); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2042301', 'WD2156-546', 329.08800000000002, -54.639699999999998, '2001-05-22 13:52:07', 13861, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 24, 14.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-31 03:35:39', '2001-12-03 20:15:19', 5, 0, '2001-05-22 13:52:07', '2001-05-23 08:14:19', -39.048099999999998, 309.74200000000002, -48.054699999999997, 339.72800000000001, 345.99799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 752176291, 0.49651383623819401, -0.29729865592710802, -0.81552898146415798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0540809', 'HD223816', 358.26799999999997, -70.391199999999998, '2001-05-23 16:21:27', 6551, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.199999999999999, 'F5IV', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-05 23:07:07', '2001-11-30 19:02:13', 0, 0, '2001-05-23 16:21:27', '2001-05-23 18:57:40', -59.343400000000003, 311.13799999999998, -45.9373, 309.916, 325.31200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 743514397, 0.33544293340485898, -0.010143228676397, -0.94200592001364902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1200201', 'HD223816B', 358.26799999999997, -70.391300000000001, '2001-05-23 19:39:44', 8350, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.199999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-07 05:55:32', '2001-11-30 19:58:29', 0, 0, '2001-05-23 19:39:44', '2001-05-23 23:57:14', -59.343299999999999, 311.137, -45.937199999999997, 309.916, 325.43400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 743514397, 0.33544129004499601, -0.0101431789839658, -0.94200650573817601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1550204', 'HD97528', 168.30199999999999, -26.465299999999999, '2001-05-24 01:57:00', 4474, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.2999999999999998, 'A1II', 0.02, 66, 'PE', '2005-01-05 23:09:28', '2001-11-30 19:10:37', 1, 0, '2001-05-24 01:57:00', '2001-05-24 05:43:31', -28.7559, 180.702, 31.429200000000002, 277.08300000000003, 189.44, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE J.', 'PETERS', 'y', 411250233, -0.87661093224741304, 0.181505485343081, -0.44565573288660099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051501', 'HD92809-BKGD', 160.41, -58.771900000000002, '2001-05-24 07:03:24', 14296, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 9.0800000000000001, 'SKY', 0.029999999999999999, 7, 'EE', '2004-12-16 01:02:34', '2001-11-30 21:39:17', 2, 0, '2001-05-24 07:03:24', '2001-05-24 16:12:17', -58.615600000000001, 200.298, -0.031243799999999999, 286.78199999999998, 180.90299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 622903937, -0.48843668811207402, 0.17382842977497701, -0.85511009741908395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051502', 'HD92809-BKGD', 160.41, -58.771900000000002, '2001-05-24 18:42:57', 4355, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 2, 9.0800000000000001, 'SKY', 0.029999999999999999, 7, 'EE', '2005-01-05 23:42:13', '2001-12-03 21:47:45', 2, 0, '2001-05-24 18:42:57', '2001-05-24 21:11:40', -58.615600000000001, 200.298, -0.031243799999999999, 286.78199999999998, 181.37700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 622903937, -0.48843668811207402, 0.17382842977497701, -0.85511009741908395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2630101', 'HD104237', 180.02099999999999, -78.192899999999995, '2001-05-25 00:19:35', 20844, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 6.5999999999999996, 'A7IV', 0.14999999999999999, 34, 'PE', '2004-12-31 05:08:35', '2001-11-30 21:23:09', 2, 0, '2001-05-25 00:19:35', '2001-05-25 15:37:55', -63.901400000000002, 242.28200000000001, -15.5916, 300.22800000000001, 154.78200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIK', 'WILKINSON', 'y', 679477418, -0.204617336185624, -7.4996174043236201e-05, -0.97884204042729706); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0840101', 'HD88366-PH22', 152.34100000000001, -61.548999999999999, '2001-05-25 16:21:02', 15129, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 8.0999999999999996, 'M2II', 0, 51, 'PE', '2005-01-05 23:19:48', '2001-11-30 19:36:39', 0, 0, '2001-05-25 16:21:02', '2001-05-26 07:49:53', -63.462400000000002, 199.18700000000001, -4.5073800000000004, 284.84500000000003, 188.04599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DONALD G.', 'LUTTERMOSER', 'y', 611563978, -0.42196609240600202, 0.22115211386861, -0.87922486281443102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0230201', 'LO-4-CENTRAL-STAR', 151.43700000000001, -44.361800000000002, '2001-05-26 09:00:03', 26076, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 16.600000000000001, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-05 23:09:51', '2001-12-03 17:21:48', 2, 0, '2001-05-26 09:00:03', '2001-05-27 10:33:21', -51.029000000000003, 176.76400000000001, 9.1084499999999995, 274.31, 194.13200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARIO', 'PERINOTTO', 'y', 630380584, -0.62792514330662097, 0.341830051913037, -0.69918683483922195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2220501', 'HD94910', 164.048, -60.453600000000002, '2001-05-27 11:38:45', 10684, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.0899999999999999, 'B2:P', 0.11, 20, 'PC', '2004-12-31 04:37:27', '2001-11-30 20:50:29', 0, 0, '2001-05-27 11:38:45', '2001-05-27 17:21:45', -58.438400000000001, 205.06100000000001, -0.69519600000000004, 289.18400000000003, 180.17699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 621450638, -0.47413899491325801, 0.13552739831119001, -0.86995662984406597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0710402', 'HD91983', 158.976, -58.257599999999996, '2001-05-27 18:19:17', 4308, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.5800000000000001, 'B0IB', 0.27000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2005-01-05 23:14:06', '2001-12-08 17:28:02', 2, 0, '2001-05-27 18:19:17', '2001-05-27 22:19:41', -58.7956, 198.584, 0.053345499999999997, 285.87799999999999, 185.58799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN I.B.', 'CARTLEDGE', 'y', 622990428, -0.49107869414684402, 0.18874350018774699, -0.85042201717259602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070303', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2001-05-28 19:38:09', 7305, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-07 06:48:26', '2001-12-03 17:39:59', 1, 0, '2001-05-28 19:38:09', '2001-05-28 23:45:11', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 321.44200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070304', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2001-05-29 01:04:35', 7451, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-07 06:59:32', '2001-12-03 18:08:12', 2, 0, '2001-05-29 01:04:35', '2001-05-29 10:59:05', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 321.28800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070305', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2001-05-29 12:17:05', 7372, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-07 07:10:28', '2001-12-03 18:32:58', 2, 0, '2001-05-29 12:17:05', '2001-05-29 17:31:27', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 320.92599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3030101', 'HD193793', 305.11700000000002, 43.854500000000002, '2001-05-29 18:55:15', 8591, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.8869999999999996, 'WC7+', 0.84999999999999998, 10, 'PC', '2005-01-07 07:52:42', '2001-12-03 21:44:14', 0, 0, '2001-05-29 18:55:15', '2001-05-29 23:11:10', 60.492100000000001, 327.37099999999998, 4.1770800000000001, 80.931799999999996, 320.15699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'CECILE', 'GRY', 'y', 242290703, 0.41481219724192903, -0.58984596336170003, 0.69282940218009703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0531601', 'HS-1140+2711', 175.726, 26.9162, '2001-05-30 02:55:23', 25546, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 16.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2004-12-31 01:39:28', '2001-12-08 17:13:13', 3, 2.6299999999999999, '2001-05-30 02:55:23', '2001-06-01 12:00:47', 22.885999999999999, 164.833, 74.747299999999996, 209.80699999999999, 205.41900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 467745090, -0.88918988713151104, 0.066452754472355893, 0.45268684103482398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0531602', 'HS-1140+2711', 175.726, 26.9162, '2001-06-01 13:12:37', 45938, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 33, 16.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2005-01-05 23:06:51', '2001-12-13 19:30:24', 3, 2.6299999999999999, '2001-06-01 13:12:37', '2001-06-04 10:01:45', 22.885999999999999, 164.833, 74.747299999999996, 209.80699999999999, 204.46799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 467745090, -0.88918988713151104, 0.066452754472355893, 0.45268684103482398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2340101', 'CYGLP-NE0', 314.03300000000002, 31.9391, '2001-06-05 19:08:40', 16202, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2004-12-31 04:57:44', '2001-12-08 21:26:49', 0, 0, '2001-06-05 19:08:40', '2001-06-06 05:58:16', 46.723199999999999, 329.36399999999998, -8.6104599999999998, 75.680599999999998, 322.08100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 217190854, 0.58984613503860595, -0.61009994881628604, 0.52901757006207595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0040505', 'V1329CYG', 312.755, 35.581499999999998, '2001-06-06 06:46:04', 8644, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.9, 'OTR', 0.34000000000000002, 57, 'PE', '2004-12-16 01:18:40', '2001-12-08 16:38:00', 0, 0, '2001-06-06 06:46:04', '2001-06-06 10:58:14', 50.478499999999997, 330.18200000000002, -5.4771999999999998, 77.836500000000001, 320.36599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'HANS MARTIN', 'SCHMID', 'y', 217687117, 0.55211307577741398, -0.59716800421743998, 0.58186040103667702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2350201', 'HD198478', 312.23399999999998, 46.114199999999997, '2001-06-06 11:46:33', 6612, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 4.8399999999999999, 'B3IA', 0.54000000000000004, 73, 'PC', '2004-12-31 05:07:55', '2001-12-10 17:36:26', 3, 0, '2001-06-06 11:46:33', '2001-06-06 14:19:49', 59.930199999999999, 338.428, 1.4902, 85.754900000000006, 318.84500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'PAULE', 'SONNENTRUCKER', 'y', 252196101, 0.46595697571851902, -0.51326653945698597, 0.72072294000753301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2220401', 'HD193237', 304.447, 38.032800000000002, '2001-06-06 15:05:13', 3043, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 4.79, 'B+', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2004-12-31 04:27:43', '2001-12-08 20:45:34', 0, 0, '2001-06-06 15:05:13', '2001-06-06 15:56:35', 55.451599999999999, 321.779, 1.3194300000000001, 75.828199999999995, 313.83499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 239960259, 0.44553385289650399, -0.64954213975169095, 0.61611248535473695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2330201', 'HD200311', 315.31, 43.721800000000002, '2001-06-06 16:48:24', 6372, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.7000000000000002, 'B9V', 0.050000000000000003, 27, 'PC', '2004-12-31 04:57:38', '2001-12-10 17:19:42', 0, 0, '2001-06-06 16:48:24', '2001-06-06 19:19:34', 56.751399999999997, 339.56900000000002, -1.7170000000000001, 85.334199999999996, 321.05200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GIOVANNI', 'CATANZARO', 'y', 251686834, 0.51378649853917902, -0.50825665893879401, 0.69115743688629006); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2160901', 'HD197512', 310.54199999999997, 49.734699999999997, '2001-06-06 20:10:42', 8283, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.5500000000000007, 'B1V', 0.32000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2004-12-31 04:16:34', '2001-12-10 17:06:27', 4, 0, '2001-06-06 20:10:42', '2001-06-07 00:19:31', 63.5687, 340.702, 4.6294000000000004, 87.888400000000004, 317.10599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 252421840, 0.42011646125625202, -0.49116366005016299, 0.76305990461277096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0561701', 'NGC4552', 188.916, 12.5564, '2001-06-07 04:07:06', 11008, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2004-12-31 02:01:54', '2001-12-10 16:47:02', 4, 340, '2001-06-07 04:07:06', '2001-06-07 13:00:21', 15.048400000000001, 183.10499999999999, 74.966999999999999, 287.93299999999999, 205.95599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 457708687, -0.96428810678466503, -0.15127938322981699, 0.21740054122115701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050801', 'PG1230+068', 188.34800000000001, 6.4218299999999999, '2001-06-07 14:05:51', 12077, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.199999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2004-12-31 04:06:41', '2001-12-12 19:47:24', 0, 0, '2001-06-07 14:05:51', '2001-06-08 07:19:12', 9.2071299999999994, 185.107, 68.854100000000003, 290.41699999999997, 204.017, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 431738429, -0.98319636577143499, -0.14427415142212999, 0.111847555025875); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0330901', 'KPD1930+2752', 293.05799999999999, 27.975000000000001, '2001-06-08 09:13:22', 7694, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.82, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-31 02:01:26', '2001-12-13 20:37:53', 0, 0, '2001-06-08 09:13:22', '2001-06-08 12:49:21', 48.904200000000003, 301.75099999999998, 4.2854200000000002, 62.284199999999998, 305.91899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GILLES', 'FONTAINE', 'y', 235869625, 0.34589787704374098, -0.81259629568763103, 0.469086259542287); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0690201', 'NGC6720', 283.39699999999999, 33.028700000000001, '2001-06-08 13:35:13', 28312, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 15.289999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.059999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-12 23:08:47', '2001-12-12 18:56:20', 0, 0, '2001-06-08 13:35:13', '2001-06-09 07:06:50', 55.5383, 290.077, 13.9778, 63.171300000000002, 295.57400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 243364672, 0.194254193620786, -0.81558318044613198, 0.54505906472061405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0080101', 'HZ-HER', 254.458, 35.342399999999998, '2001-06-09 07:47:29', 65467, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 24, 13, 'A9V', 0.02, 59, 'PE', '2004-12-31 02:01:06', '2001-12-13 20:20:21', 0, 0, '2001-06-09 07:47:29', '2001-06-10 21:18:24', 57.494, 246, 37.523200000000003, 58.150799999999997, 264.17200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'BRAM', 'BOROSON', 'y', 155859397, -0.21856508725900101, -0.78588274167993999, 0.57846142391786703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0330801', 'KPD2109+4401', 317.94799999999998, 44.230800000000002, '2001-06-10 22:46:37', 3872, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.380000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-31 02:10:31', '2001-12-13 20:30:51', 1, 0, '2001-06-10 22:46:37', '2001-06-11 00:52:48', 56.191099999999999, 342.98099999999999, -2.7807300000000001, 86.988600000000005, 319.50799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GILLES', 'FONTAINE', 'y', 229371913, 0.53205446406020496, -0.47993906576546502, 0.69755038558213101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2100401', 'PG1404+226', 211.59200000000001, 22.395199999999999, '2001-06-11 03:41:44', 10707, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16, '', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-07 07:44:08', '2002-05-07 23:01:13', 3, 0.97999999999999998, '2001-06-11 03:41:44', '2001-06-11 10:25:39', 32.835099999999997, 200.39699999999999, 72.364199999999997, 21.477, 218.73699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 145931392, -0.78755558336897502, -0.48435585852741497, 0.38099292042572602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051601', 'SK157-BKGD', 18.9663, -73.346800000000002, '2001-06-11 20:21:19', 0, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 12.199999999999999, 'O9.5', 0.089999999999999997, 13, 'EE', '2005-01-05 22:54:23', '2001-12-28 22:19:32', 0, 0, '2001-06-11 20:21:19', '2001-06-12 06:53:35', -66.355099999999993, 312.512, -43.666400000000003, 300.51799999999997, 323.82100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545570360, 0.27101971054116902, 0.093141299324186494, -0.95805689541821204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051602', 'SK157-BKGD', 18.9663, -73.346800000000002, '2001-06-12 09:00:16', 0, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 12.199999999999999, 'O9.5', 0.089999999999999997, 13, 'EE', '2005-01-05 22:54:33', '2001-12-15 16:10:42', 0, 0, '2001-06-12 09:00:16', '2001-06-12 14:29:24', -66.355099999999993, 312.512, -43.666400000000003, 300.51799999999997, 324.29199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545570360, 0.27101971054116902, 0.093141299324186494, -0.95805689541821204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0270201', 'SK157', 18.9663, -73.346800000000002, '2001-06-12 14:37:30', 3276, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.199999999999999, 'O9.5', 0.089999999999999997, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-14 22:48:45', '2001-12-15 14:00:33', 0, 0, '2001-06-12 14:37:30', '2001-06-12 16:12:30', -66.355099999999993, 312.512, -43.666400000000003, 300.51799999999997, 324.53699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GIOVANNI', 'VLADILO', 'y', 545570360, 0.27101971054116902, 0.093141299324186494, -0.95805689541821204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0890201', 'SK155', 18.708300000000001, -73.338099999999997, '2001-06-12 16:20:34', 12820, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.5, 'O9IB', 0.13, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-15 19:06:21', '2001-12-15 14:17:59', 0, 0, '2001-06-12 16:20:34', '2001-06-12 22:12:17', -66.282700000000006, 312.46800000000002, -43.684600000000003, 300.61799999999999, 324.83800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DANIEL E.', 'WELTY', 'y', 545569786, 0.27157415740635898, 0.091966631123766504, -0.95801336931630099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2170701', 'AV170', 13.927, -73.291700000000006, '2001-06-12 22:50:45', 8814, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.09, 'O9.7', 0.070000000000000007, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 01:03:14', '2001-12-15 15:47:35', 3, 0, '2001-06-12 22:50:45', '2001-06-13 02:29:41', -64.994900000000001, 311.31200000000001, -43.832799999999999, 302.50799999999998, 329.47000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 545511429, 0.27904770180101901, 0.069196892470638496, -0.95778085708160599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2170501', 'AV461', 17.856200000000001, -72.163499999999999, '2001-06-13 03:20:54', 6988, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.66, 'O8V', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-19 00:52:31', '2001-12-15 15:31:54', 2, 0, '2001-06-13 03:20:54', '2001-06-13 05:49:21', -65.608000000000004, 314.90800000000002, -44.880699999999997, 300.77600000000001, 325.75700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 545693417, 0.29154695499268901, 0.093921036083678605, -0.95193445783596897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2170601', 'AV451', 17.6082, -72.391199999999998, '2001-06-13 06:39:24', 6464, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.15, 'O9V', 0.080000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-19 00:52:47', '2001-12-15 15:38:42', 2, 0, '2001-06-13 06:39:24', '2001-06-13 08:33:31', -65.629099999999994, 314.32900000000001, -44.662300000000002, 300.916, 326.16300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 545692009, 0.288342607270407, 0.091513084243560097, -0.95314421586910703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1340401', 'AV393', 16.4846, -72.329099999999997, '2001-06-13 08:42:07', 7933, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.43, 'B3IA', 0.10000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2007-05-15 19:57:59', '2001-12-15 14:24:55', 0, 0, '2001-06-13 08:42:07', '2001-06-13 11:05:40', -65.292400000000001, 314.13600000000002, -44.755299999999998, 301.38499999999999, 327.279, 'F', 'F', 'SARA R.', 'HEAP', 'y', 545695545, 0.29107210004147499, 0.086134391756604506, -0.95281577397425898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1340301', 'AV483', 18.870100000000001, -73.330500000000001, '2001-06-13 15:04:13', 14779, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.85, 'B1.5', 0.080000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-15 19:57:54', '2001-12-20 15:47:25', 0, 0, '2001-06-13 15:04:13', '2001-06-13 21:28:02', -66.323499999999996, 312.52600000000001, -43.686199999999999, 300.553, 325.55599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SARA R.', 'HEAP', 'y', 545570446, 0.27143360993961901, 0.092774271744507406, -0.95797532843879796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0890101', 'SK13', 11.800000000000001, -73.108599999999996, '2001-06-13 22:03:39', 41929, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 12.5, 'B2IA', 0.17999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-14 22:59:36', '2001-12-20 15:08:34', 2, 0, '2001-06-13 22:03:39', '2001-06-14 12:04:10', -64.360399999999998, 311.09399999999999, -44.015900000000002, 303.36200000000002, 332.26499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DANIEL E.', 'WELTY', 'y', 545865734, 0.28441831282584401, 0.059418081256100097, -0.95685720718879697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2210301', 'AV208', 14.638299999999999, -72.658799999999999, '2001-06-14 12:39:56', 7563, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.1, '', 0.32000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 01:45:25', '2001-12-28 21:36:51', 1, 0, '2001-06-14 12:39:56', '2001-06-14 15:30:56', -64.923199999999994, 312.87700000000001, -44.459000000000003, 302.19099999999997, 330.113, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545520754, 0.28838640704212498, 0.075324923201715605, -0.95454671765083798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2210201', 'AV456', 17.732299999999999, -72.715400000000002, '2001-06-14 16:06:12', 7350, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.9, '', 0.40000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 01:35:18', '2002-05-08 00:50:45', 1, 0, '2001-06-14 16:06:12', '2001-06-14 18:58:25', -65.789400000000001, 313.63799999999998, -44.335999999999999, 300.911, 327.43200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545667878, 0.28300213473147401, 0.090493322966050199, -0.954840693642657); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2210101', 'AV6', 11.325799999999999, -73.256500000000003, '2001-06-14 21:17:46', 3989, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.5, '', 0.33000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 01:35:13', '2001-12-20 16:44:40', 1, 0, '2001-06-14 21:17:46', '2001-06-14 22:31:59', -64.301500000000004, 310.649, -43.864199999999997, 303.54599999999999, 333.10899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545505160, 0.28247750847852199, 0.0565768648665681, -0.95760404947224198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2170801', 'AV81', 12.681100000000001, -73.451700000000002, '2001-06-14 23:04:18', 8302, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.35, 'WN5H', 0.11, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-19 01:03:19', '2001-12-28 21:29:29', 3, 0, '2001-06-14 23:04:18', '2001-06-15 02:04:36', -64.735900000000001, 310.62299999999999, -43.676200000000001, 303.00400000000002, 332.53199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 545508119, 0.277875825918937, 0.062525711717489399, -0.95857997096960601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0550201', 'HD2133', 6.1716699999999998, -74.2346, '2001-06-15 02:30:46', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.6, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-05 23:39:21', '2001-12-20 14:45:48', 0, 0, '2001-06-15 02:30:46', '2001-06-15 05:59:54', -63.455300000000001, 307.18900000000002, -42.764899999999997, 305.404, 338.94299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 545801563, 0.27012442729999298, 0.0292097709998781, -0.96238224373373904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2170401', 'AV220', 14.7921, -72.096699999999998, '2001-06-15 06:58:05', 11080, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.5, 'O6.5', 0.10000000000000001, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-19 00:42:14', '2001-12-20 16:06:05', 3, 0, '2001-06-15 06:58:05', '2001-06-15 10:22:41', -64.7256, 314.11900000000003, -45.018700000000003, 302.09300000000002, 330.53100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 546048515, 0.29722338035020102, 0.078485963792610802, -0.95157669983073101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1175802', 'AV243', 15.0283, -72.788600000000002, '2001-06-15 10:59:03', 4592, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.869999999999999, 'O6V', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 03:01:43', '2001-12-28 20:53:54', 3, 0, '2001-06-15 10:59:03', '2001-06-15 13:04:00', -65.082499999999996, 312.71100000000001, -44.324300000000001, 302.03699999999998, 331.041, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 545518899, 0.28577776795592302, 0.076725230247609799, -0.95521950691219704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0900701', 'SK101', 15.475, -72.200000000000003, '2001-06-15 14:17:17', 5441, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.859999999999999, 'O9.5', 0.27000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-15 19:26:56', '2002-01-11 14:36:55', 0, 0, '2001-06-15 14:17:17', '2001-06-15 17:20:56', -64.959000000000003, 314.11099999999999, -44.905099999999997, 301.80500000000001, 330.24799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 546046366, 0.29461292274370898, 0.081564975503556902, -0.95212939274213904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0900601', 'SK35', 12.574999999999999, -72.633300000000006, '2001-06-15 17:35:05', 5410, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.4, 'O9.5', 0.25, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-15 19:16:28', '2001-12-20 15:24:51', 2, 0, '2001-06-15 17:35:05', '2001-06-15 20:00:18', -64.356800000000007, 312.31200000000001, -44.494399999999999, 303.053, 333.14400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 545868989, 0.29132601265008401, 0.064985625855880302, -0.95441396824728097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051701', 'HD104994-BKGD', 181.328, -62.052799999999998, '2001-06-16 06:16:52', 0, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 10.93, 'SKY', 0.34000000000000002, 11, 'EE', '2005-01-05 22:54:44', '2002-02-08 11:11:21', 2, 0, '2001-06-16 06:16:52', '2001-06-16 11:25:06', -53.722799999999999, 217.64099999999999, 0.336783, 297.55700000000002, 183.27600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 705206333, -0.46853181733202898, -0.0108615626419194, -0.88337985182169598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2180201', 'HD209750', 331.44600000000003, -0.31986100000000001, '2001-06-16 13:15:48', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 2.9500000000000002, 'G2IB', 0, 45, 'PE', '2004-12-22 14:01:07', '2001-12-20 16:35:46', 2, 7.5, '2001-06-16 13:15:48', '2001-06-17 06:48:21', 10.6616, 333.35300000000001, -42.065899999999999, 59.929900000000004, 332.46800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 312034613, 0.87835332344144701, -0.47797936544606801, -0.0055825986009885101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1210303', '1H2107-097', 317.29199999999997, -9.6708300000000005, '2001-06-17 07:30:25', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.390000000000001, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-05 23:09:20', '2001-12-20 14:14:31', 3, 0, '2001-06-17 07:30:25', '2001-06-17 09:54:28', 6.4215299999999997, 316.798, -34.936599999999999, 40.267699999999998, 335.06900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BRAD', 'GIBSON', 'y', 802838633, 0.72437746265323799, -0.668623573817127, -0.167987523751229); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0340101', 'AE-AQR', 310.03800000000001, -0.870861, '2001-06-17 10:47:13', 42545, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 11.5, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2005-07-14 22:20:09', '2001-12-20 14:35:43', 0, 0, '2001-06-17 10:47:13', '2001-06-18 09:11:11', 16.8919, 312.23899999999998, -24.418500000000002, 45.281700000000001, 326.286, 'F', 'F', 'MARTINE', 'MOUCHET', 'y', 492009847, 0.64322122207132004, -0.76552952637794802, -0.015198806552896099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1080703', 'PKS2155-304', 329.71699999999998, -30.2256, '2001-06-18 10:13:53', 63664, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 14, 'BLLA', 0.029999999999999999, 87, 'PC', '2005-07-15 02:20:46', '2001-12-28 20:21:54', 13, 0.11600000000000001, '2001-06-18 10:13:53', '2001-06-19 20:29:11', -16.771000000000001, 321.19600000000003, -52.245600000000003, 17.7316, 348.23899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 770280637, 0.74614620690616495, -0.435715708452658, -0.50340605809539096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0561801', 'IC1459', 344.29399999999998, -36.462200000000003, '2001-06-19 21:18:10', 10131, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2005-07-14 22:41:14', '2001-12-28 15:54:17', 4, 1691, '2001-06-19 21:18:10', '2001-06-20 01:35:18', -27.3001, 330.60599999999999, -64.109200000000001, 4.6602899999999998, 345.48500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 762979863, 0.77422118655514505, -0.217711245488037, -0.59429232527199205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2070701', 'EUVEJ2359-30.6', 359.78300000000002, -30.627500000000001, '2001-06-20 02:23:07', 11163, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2005-07-15 02:41:17', '2001-12-28 21:17:40', 3, 0.16500000000000001, '2001-06-20 02:23:07', '2001-06-20 07:45:43', -27.782499999999999, 346.55900000000003, -78.034999999999997, 12.8423, 336.57799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 269477766, 0.86049143399265404, -0.0032590102722884601, -0.50945448361684997); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018502', 'HD214080', 339.02699999999999, -16.387799999999999, '2001-06-20 09:05:47', 1933, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.8499999999999996, 'B1IB', 0.070000000000000007, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-04 08:43:10', '2001-12-28 17:33:45', 0, 0, '2001-06-20 09:05:47', '2001-06-20 11:00:41', -7.0225499999999998, 334.5, -56.918700000000001, 44.804200000000002, 338.75999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 302110910, 0.89581477181038305, -0.343386814337166, -0.282137183557367); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1111010', 'MR_2251-178', 343.524, -17.581900000000001, '2001-06-20 12:16:01', 51372, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 14.4, '', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2005-07-15 02:20:55', '2002-05-07 22:35:42', 13, 0.064000000000000001, '2001-06-20 12:16:01', '2001-06-21 19:08:38', -9.7644599999999997, 338.06099999999998, -61.325099999999999, 46.1982, 338.44900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'KRISS', 'y', 279762586, 0.91414289468499998, -0.270365000179355, -0.302068758356347); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2490101', 'HD210121', 332.05000000000001, -3.53132, '2001-06-21 19:51:58', 21943, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 7.6900000000000004, 'B9', 0.38, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-15 03:33:14', '2001-12-28 21:57:07', 1, 0, '2001-06-21 19:51:58', '2001-06-22 06:42:56', 7.4451400000000003, 332.76900000000001, -44.460900000000002, 56.876300000000001, 332.59800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIAL', 'ANDRE', 'y', 311454515, 0.88167969847055305, -0.46781093429599102, -0.061594147919964003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2071101', 'FIRSTJ215501.4-092224', 328.75599999999997, -9.3736099999999993, '2001-06-22 07:29:36', 10704, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2005-07-15 02:31:06', '2002-01-11 17:00:35', 13, 0.19, '2001-06-22 07:29:36', '2001-06-22 14:54:18', 3.10318, 327.64999999999998, -44.814999999999998, 47.474299999999999, 335.33699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 304766797, 0.84355007074698496, -0.51175789244430803, -0.16287153730383899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0750101', 'SN1006NW', 225.58000000000001, -41.747300000000003, '2001-06-23 01:30:27', 35437, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.11, 75, 'EE', '2005-07-14 23:23:14', '2001-12-28 16:22:46', 1, 0, '2001-06-23 01:30:27', '2001-06-24 03:09:01', -23.511600000000001, 235.286, 14.775600000000001, 327.584, 166.71199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 699049454, -0.522196990607105, -0.53287778205140102, -0.66584650813596902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1042501', 'HD128621', 219.89400000000001, -60.836500000000001, '2001-06-24 04:26:35', 22742, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 13, 1.3300000000000001, 'K1V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-07-15 00:15:21', '2001-12-28 18:59:59', 4, -21, '2001-06-24 04:26:35', '2001-06-25 00:42:04', -42.598100000000002, 239.476, -0.67994500000000002, 315.73099999999999, 156.99199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 684257271, -0.37387497138729903, -0.31254148051702602, -0.87323268876421001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1042601', 'HD128620', 219.898, -60.834099999999999, '2001-06-25 02:03:25', 15332, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, -0.01, 'G2V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2005-07-15 00:15:50', '2001-12-28 19:21:50', 4, -25, '2001-06-25 02:03:25', '2001-06-25 14:02:04', -42.595100000000002, 239.477, -0.67868899999999999, 315.73399999999998, 157.916, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 684260002, -0.37388121273462599, -0.31259104276963601, -0.87321227587813799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0750201', 'SN1006NE', 226.02099999999999, -41.8446, '2001-06-25 15:10:43', 42357, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.11, 75, 'EE', '2005-07-14 23:33:59', '2001-12-28 16:55:30', 1, 0, '2001-06-25 15:10:43', '2001-06-26 21:44:22', -23.504799999999999, 235.66, 14.526899999999999, 327.82799999999997, 168.34, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 699046212, -0.51729412568379596, -0.53606680620641201, -0.66711255933065305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1070105', 'NGC3783', 174.75700000000001, -37.738599999999998, '2001-06-27 05:25:33', 27483, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 13, 'AGN', 0.12, 84, 'PC', '2005-07-15 00:58:25', '2002-01-11 15:29:30', 3, 0.0097599999999999996, '2001-06-27 05:25:33', '2001-06-28 11:47:13', -36.178199999999997, 192.679, 22.947600000000001, 287.45699999999999, 202.63300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'D. MICHAEL', 'CRENSHAW', 'y', 626990500, -0.78750269311349297, 0.072264309298071594, -0.612059946362011); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051801', 'WD2111+498-BKGD', 318.18400000000003, 50.104999999999997, '2001-06-28 13:21:09', 16985, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2006-04-04 11:51:28', '2002-02-08 11:11:21', 1, 94, '2001-06-28 13:21:09', '2001-06-28 22:26:05', 60.928800000000003, 349.666, 1.13381, 91.372600000000006, 304.76900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 252168620, 0.47801599572181203, -0.42763588688754001, 0.76722112593436298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0620101', 'AKN564', 340.66399999999999, 29.7254, '2001-06-29 07:37:42', 55515, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 29, 13.98, 'AGN', 0.059999999999999998, 84, 'PC', '2005-07-14 23:12:19', '2002-01-25 16:00:24', 6, 0.02, '2001-06-29 07:37:42', '2001-06-30 21:07:28', 34.701700000000002, 355.35500000000002, -25.3369, 92.139799999999994, 323.286, 'F', 'F', 'SMITA', 'MATHUR', 'y', 219783222, 0.81942736614351697, -0.28753751203525602, 0.49584369592410299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2180301', 'HD159181', 262.608, 52.301400000000001, '2001-06-30 23:31:55', 16132, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 2.79, 'G2IA', 0, 45, 'PE', '2005-07-15 02:41:23', '2002-01-11 17:24:59', 2, -20, '2001-06-30 23:31:55', '2001-07-01 11:47:34', 75.278000000000006, 251.96600000000001, 33.310200000000002, 79.580600000000004, 251.09999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 164754501, -0.078674827691742305, -0.60642554936356996, 0.79123847515573098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0720301', 'HD220657', 351.34500000000003, 23.4041, '2001-07-01 13:00:39', 10929, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 4.4000000000000004, 'F8II', 0, 41, 'PE', '2005-07-14 23:22:32', '2002-01-11 14:22:06', 1, 0, '2001-07-01 13:00:39', '2001-07-01 18:50:04', 24.794899999999998, 1.97556, -35.361699999999999, 98.558499999999995, 328.56599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS', 'AYRES', 'y', 330602395, 0.90727548848669604, -0.138103488549012, 0.39721356276167202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2160801', 'HD186994', 296.40800000000002, 44.963700000000003, '2001-07-02 03:51:14', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 7.5099999999999998, 'B0II', 0.20000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-07-15 00:25:54', '2002-01-11 17:07:02', 3, 0, '2001-07-02 03:51:14', '2001-07-02 03:52:13', 64.214299999999994, 316.33800000000002, 10.061199999999999, 78.618099999999998, 282.416, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 242113089, 0.31469216688724, -0.63372106991069199, 0.70665864860699301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2350101', 'HD190603', 301.14999999999998, 32.218600000000002, '2001-07-02 05:28:47', 25252, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 5.6399999999999997, 'B1.5', 0.69999999999999996, 73, 'PC', '2005-07-15 03:12:19', '2002-01-11 19:15:16', 0, 0, '2001-07-02 05:28:47', '2001-07-02 21:14:48', 51.001600000000003, 314.06099999999998, 0.390038, 69.487399999999994, 289.02199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PAULE', 'SONNENTRUCKER', 'y', 236444543, 0.43762960424630198, -0.72403756488260596, 0.533150948724741); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1100102', 'ABELL78', 323.87200000000001, 31.696100000000001, '2001-07-02 22:09:52', 9972, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 19, 13.25, 'WC-P', 0, 10, 'PC', '2005-07-14 23:54:55', '2002-01-11 16:12:58', 0, 0, '2001-07-02 22:09:52', '2001-07-03 03:29:19', 42.968899999999998, 339.91800000000001, -14.912699999999999, 81.297499999999999, 309.07900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KLAUS', 'WERNER', 'y', 215448112, 0.68723059664956199, -0.50165178363241303, 0.52541373697982596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2340201', 'CYGLP-NE4', 314.02199999999999, 31.930499999999999, '2001-07-03 04:47:24', 12721, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-07-15 02:51:38', '2002-01-11 18:34:56', 0, 0, '2001-07-03 04:47:24', '2001-07-03 13:54:09', 46.719000000000001, 329.34699999999998, -8.6089199999999995, 75.668099999999995, 300.505, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 217190856, 0.58978416777405995, -0.610270270764809, 0.52889018904088902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1044003', 'HD218045', 346.19, 15.2052, '2001-07-03 14:57:28', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 2.4700000000000002, 'B9V', 0.02, 22, 'PC', '2005-07-15 00:15:57', '2002-05-07 21:40:53', 0, -4, '2001-07-03 14:57:28', '2001-07-03 14:58:27', 19.405999999999999, 353.48599999999999, -40.3812, 88.281000000000006, 326.971, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 327884302, 0.93709729714767998, -0.230346601907604, 0.26227675967979303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q2100101', 'WD2117+539', 319.73399999999998, 54.211599999999997, '2001-07-03 16:29:02', 5804, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.33, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-07-15 03:23:03', '2002-01-11 19:24:59', 1, 0, '2001-07-03 16:29:02', '2001-07-03 18:54:16', 63.456299999999999, 356.90699999999998, 3.3005399999999998, 94.991, 301.34899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GUILLAUME', 'HEBRARD', 'y', 253333313, 0.44622782133660199, -0.37797370042399703, 0.81118223184003502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0850101', 'HD217782', 345.65100000000001, 42.758000000000003, '2001-07-03 19:47:54', 21042, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 5.0999999999999996, 'A3V', 0.01, 30, 'PC', '2005-07-14 23:34:29', '2002-01-19 16:23:02', 1, 0, '2001-07-03 19:47:54', '2001-07-04 07:56:20', 44.047899999999998, 8.2479899999999997, -15.7585, 102.518, 322.52999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'K.-P. (PATRICIA', 'CHENG', 'y', 224843731, 0.71132285905903903, -0.18196192073468401, 0.678903269680313); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2220101', 'CPD-59D2628', 161.28700000000001, -59.68, '2001-07-05 05:07:13', 425, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.5199999999999996, 'B+', 0.11, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-15 02:31:46', '2002-01-12 16:51:19', 0, 0, '2001-07-05 05:07:13', '2001-07-05 05:15:19', -58.9163, 202.16399999999999, -0.62027500000000002, 287.60599999999999, 216.61699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 622863707, -0.47814245761797902, 0.161963218650888, -0.86321938464522696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2220301', 'CPD-59D2627', 161.27799999999999, -59.699100000000001, '2001-07-05 19:02:30', 16969, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.17, 'O9', 0.20000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-15 03:33:08', '2002-01-11 18:18:56', 0, 0, '2001-07-05 19:02:30', '2001-07-06 01:08:46', -58.932400000000001, 202.185, -0.63907999999999998, 287.61099999999999, 217.19200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 622863691, -0.47784444931332998, 0.16194594952803601, -0.86338762539887204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2220201', 'CPD-59D2632', 161.297, -59.686599999999999, '2001-07-06 01:46:25', 17805, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 10.789999999999999, 'B1.5', 0.14999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-15 03:01:47', '2002-01-11 18:02:04', 0, 0, '2001-07-06 01:46:25', '2001-07-06 15:18:48', -58.917000000000002, 202.18000000000001, -0.62367399999999995, 287.61399999999998, 217.40700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 622863704, -0.478076530196761, 0.16184787818888099, -0.863277531041311); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1270102', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2001-07-06 16:35:04', 21623, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.2000000000000002, 'PEC', 0, 61, 'PC', '2005-07-15 01:59:15', '2002-08-14 20:28:21', 1, 0, '2001-07-06 16:35:04', '2001-07-07 00:23:02', -58.927300000000002, 202.155, -0.62929500000000005, 287.59800000000001, 217.94800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0040304', 'SY-MUS', 173.042, -65.419700000000006, '2001-07-07 01:01:55', 8527, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11, 'OTR', 0.45000000000000001, 57, 'PE', '2005-07-14 21:59:16', '2002-01-11 13:31:20', 0, 0, '2001-07-07 01:01:55', '2001-07-07 04:02:22', -58.691600000000001, 217.38399999999999, -3.8059099999999999, 294.80799999999999, 207.56, 'F', 'F', 'HANS MARTIN', 'SCHMID', 'y', 609694873, -0.41290463119894599, 0.050391103387674302, -0.90937918506739301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052001', 'HD153426-BKGD', 255.304, -38.203499999999998, '2001-07-07 05:24:36', 12949, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'O9II', 0.45000000000000001, 13, 'EE', '2005-07-15 03:23:09', '2002-01-11 19:39:23', 1, -6, '2001-07-07 05:24:36', '2001-07-07 14:32:14', -15.370799999999999, 258.06799999999998, 2.38035, 347.14299999999997, 156.08500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 695041111, -0.19935477821021499, -0.76011140917627196, -0.61845639946953301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0260203', 'NGC6397-ROB162', 265.16000000000003, -53.642099999999999, '2001-07-07 23:41:44', 6514, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.199999999999999, 'SDO', 0.19, 16, 'PC', '2005-07-14 22:09:07', '2002-01-11 13:58:09', 0, 0, '2001-07-07 23:41:44', '2001-07-08 05:02:28', -30.258400000000002, 266.68000000000001, -11.9351, 338.19, 124.378, 'F', 'F', 'ULRICH', 'HEBER', 'y', 689382930, -0.050018918146834498, -0.59071339905618703, -0.80532961450756702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0710601', 'HD152590', 254.02199999999999, -40.349400000000003, '2001-07-08 06:22:41', 1389, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.4800000000000004, 'O7.5', 0.38, 12, 'PC', '2006-04-04 06:57:01', '2002-01-11 14:10:09', 4, 0, '2001-07-08 06:22:41', '2001-07-08 06:46:06', -17.6126, 257.28500000000003, 1.82979, 344.84199999999998, 155.32900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN I.B.', 'CARTLEDGE', 'y', 694966346, -0.20978478354116001, -0.73266813050483004, -0.64744710605357203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0950101', 'MARS', 254.27600000000001, -26.857299999999999, '2001-07-08 18:02:26', 7835, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, -2, '', 0, 3, 'EE', '2005-07-14 23:34:49', '2002-01-12 15:56:34', 0, 0, '2001-07-08 18:02:26', '2001-07-08 22:05:17', -4.1804100000000002, 255.971, 10.013500000000001, 355.63799999999998, 175.96799999999999, 'F', 'M', 'RANDY', 'GLADSTONE', 'y', 702401451, -0.24177171638891201, -0.85874928494867098, -0.45176996663623498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0130201', 'WR79-HD152270', 253.58199999999999, -41.819899999999997, '2001-07-08 23:00:48', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 6.9500000000000002, 'WC7+', 0.46000000000000002, 10, 'PE', '2005-07-14 22:09:43', '2002-01-11 14:03:14', 1, 0, '2001-07-08 23:00:48', '2001-07-08 23:01:47', -19.111699999999999, 257.11900000000003, 1.1642999999999999, 343.48899999999998, 154.459, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 694593128, -0.21063799436546701, -0.71485728087665401, -0.66679134915453897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052101', 'BD+28D4211-BKGD', 327.79599999999999, 28.8644, '2001-07-09 01:20:00', 21522, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'EE', '2005-07-15 03:33:20', '2002-01-11 20:06:16', 3, 0, '2001-07-09 01:20:00', '2001-07-09 16:37:53', 38.9437, 342.322, -19.293299999999999, 81.874700000000004, 308.45600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 220857477, 0.74103347111694595, -0.46672593474796897, 0.48273833131211502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1110101', 'AG-PEG', 327.75799999999998, 12.6256, '2001-07-10 01:42:39', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 8.5, '', 0.10000000000000001, 57, 'PE', '2005-07-15 00:26:00', '2002-01-12 16:53:45', 1, 0, '2001-07-10 01:42:39', '2001-07-10 01:43:38', 24.055599999999998, 334.66899999999998, -30.886800000000001, 69.278999999999996, 314.935, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'FERLET', 'y', 205642338, 0.82535014098570303, -0.52059605298684397, 0.218579263402087); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0480101', 'LS-PEG', 327.99099999999999, 14.1149, '2001-07-10 03:21:10', 13214, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 12, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-07-14 22:40:25', '2002-01-19 14:53:51', 0, 0, '2001-07-10 03:21:10', '2001-07-10 14:09:41', 25.354700000000001, 335.50900000000001, -30.034400000000002, 70.720100000000002, 314.20999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PAULA', 'SZKODY', 'y', 205922251, 0.82236362525943496, -0.51404945826548099, 0.24386722269941399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1300101', 'HD166', 1.6534599999999999, 29.0214, '2001-07-10 15:11:16', 17068, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.1299999999999999, 'K0V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-07-15 01:59:21', '2002-01-19 17:01:09', 0, 0, '2001-07-10 15:11:16', '2001-07-10 22:47:12', 25.7896, 13.8886, -32.832900000000002, 111.265, 329.32900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SARA R.', 'HEAP', 'y', 333055463, 0.87407447739259503, 0.025231326518033802, 0.48513625728552001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0720101', 'HD223460', 357.42099999999999, 36.4253, '2001-07-10 23:54:02', 35817, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 5.9000000000000004, 'G1II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2005-07-14 23:22:26', '2002-01-19 15:57:15', 1, 0, '2001-07-10 23:54:02', '2001-07-11 22:06:42', 33.999099999999999, 14.1713, -24.804500000000001, 109.28400000000001, 326.303, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS', 'AYRES', 'y', 335223193, 0.80381669590292104, -0.036205885758339502, 0.59377424432537096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0430101', 'V-SGE', 305.06099999999998, 21.102499999999999, '2001-07-11 23:07:26', 14904, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 12, 'OTR', 0.20000000000000001, 66, 'PE', '2005-07-14 22:30:13', '2002-01-19 14:23:03', 0, 0, '2001-07-11 23:07:26', '2001-07-12 12:38:09', 39.352600000000002, 313.87400000000002, -8.6022300000000005, 62.054099999999998, 285.65300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JANET', 'WOOD', 'y', 212928997, 0.53592447547750899, -0.76364778790836496, 0.36003751555472402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1800101', 'LINEARA2-1', 340.07999999999998, 12.533099999999999, '2001-07-12 13:48:11', 2610, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2005-07-15 02:21:04', '2002-01-19 18:04:31', 3, 0, '2001-07-12 13:48:11', '2001-07-12 14:40:11', 19.3536, 346.589, -39.159599999999998, 79.963800000000006, 321.36099999999999, 'F', 'M', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 317990018, 0.91776577945688398, -0.33258896088844703, 0.217003587880573); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1800201', 'LINEARA2-2', 339.92500000000001, 12.6112, '2001-07-12 15:26:00', 3243, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2005-07-15 02:21:13', '2002-01-20 16:24:35', 3, 0, '2001-07-12 15:26:00', '2001-07-12 16:20:03', 19.485199999999999, 346.47500000000002, -39.0045, 79.873999999999995, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'M', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 317991236, 0.91658400424296604, -0.33496869229922099, 0.21833400638764699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1800301', 'LINEARA2-3', 339.77800000000002, 12.6816, '2001-07-12 17:03:41', 3180, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2005-07-15 02:21:19', '2002-01-19 18:10:23', 3, 0, '2001-07-12 17:03:41', '2001-07-12 17:59:56', 19.606400000000001, 346.36500000000001, -38.860399999999998, 79.786699999999996, 321.36099999999999, 'F', 'M', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 317991728, 0.91546915670928297, -0.33722622207147102, 0.21953290929015101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1800401', 'LINEARA2-4', 339.63299999999998, 12.751899999999999, '2001-07-12 18:43:49', 3227, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2005-07-15 02:21:26', '2002-01-19 18:13:13', 3, 0, '2001-07-12 18:43:49', '2001-07-12 19:39:50', 19.7273, 346.25599999999997, -38.716700000000003, 79.700500000000005, 321.36099999999999, 'F', 'M', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 318013654, 0.91435959013117296, -0.339447941264856, 0.220729778476319); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1800501', 'LINEARA2-5', 339.47899999999998, 12.8287, '2001-07-12 20:23:48', 3281, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2005-07-15 02:21:33', '2002-01-19 18:16:04', 3, 0, '2001-07-12 20:23:48', '2001-07-12 21:19:43', 19.857199999999999, 346.142, -38.563000000000002, 79.612399999999994, 321.36099999999999, 'F', 'M', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 318014186, 0.91316600304242301, -0.34180031011227602, 0.22203693137556799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0540909', 'HD204188', 321.61099999999999, 19.375599999999999, '2001-07-12 22:23:02', 4208, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.4, 'A8M', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-07-21 15:23:15', '2002-01-19 13:54:39', 0, 0, '2001-07-12 22:23:02', '2001-07-13 01:25:11', 32.507800000000003, 331.25799999999998, -21.978100000000001, 70.432900000000004, 303.78199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 208049056, 0.73942069981875302, -0.585826523371202, 0.33175942065652902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1190501', 'WOLF1346', 308.59100000000001, 25.063600000000001, '2001-07-13 02:54:01', 5690, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.52, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-07-20 00:57:55', '2002-01-19 16:49:01', 1, 0, '2001-07-13 02:54:01', '2001-07-13 08:24:49', 42.090499999999999, 319.58699999999999, -9.0236699999999992, 67.218900000000005, 287.33499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 213220871, 0.56502270628033302, -0.70801979001460802, 0.42362402945928102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018902', 'HD219188', 348.50200000000001, 4.9971100000000002, '2001-07-13 13:16:03', 1660, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 3, 7.0499999999999998, 'B0.5', 0.14000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-07-20 02:01:41', '2002-01-19 17:05:09', 2, 48, '2001-07-13 13:16:03', '2001-07-13 13:43:59', 9.1433300000000006, 351.40600000000001, -50.172199999999997, 83.030900000000003, 328.98099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 310118563, 0.976207034121372, -0.19857607949915099, 0.087105494560913405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0540801', 'PG2317+046', 349.97899999999998, 4.8763899999999998, '2001-07-13 14:48:31', 5014, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 12.859999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-07-14 22:40:55', '2002-01-19 15:05:36', 0, 0, '2001-07-13 14:48:31', '2001-07-13 17:09:54', 8.4508100000000006, 352.72500000000002, -51.0989, 84.841999999999999, 329.483, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', 'y', 309761990, 0.98117967134754602, -0.173379275149525, 0.085006349662515607); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2042401', 'GD246', 348.08999999999997, 10.784599999999999, '2001-07-14 01:26:55', 24634, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 51, 13.07, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-07-20 03:25:15', '2002-01-28 00:35:06', 4, 0, '2001-07-14 01:26:55', '2001-07-15 18:49:56', 14.614599999999999, 353.37900000000002, -45.114400000000003, 87.256799999999998, 326.07100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 327195270, 0.96119077976759904, -0.20272988293771199, 0.18711728796082899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0910101', 'HD149630', 248.52600000000001, 42.436999999999998, '2001-07-15 20:18:08', 11936, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 24, 4.2000000000000002, 'B9V', 0.040000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2005-07-20 00:10:50', '2002-01-27 18:10:21', 1, 0, '2001-07-15 20:18:08', '2001-07-16 14:36:10', 63.162199999999999, 233.24199999999999, 42.699100000000001, 66.912700000000001, 223.06700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'JURA', 'y', 157990328, -0.27017351326887701, -0.68678920428767798, 0.67477912060306799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q2060101', 'Q0026+1259', 7.3075400000000004, 13.267899999999999, '2001-07-16 16:14:50', 19936, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14.800000000000001, '', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-07-20 04:17:20', '2002-05-08 01:09:10', 1, 0.14199999999999999, '2001-07-16 16:14:50', '2001-07-17 08:02:04', 9.2835800000000006, 11.9815, -49.246099999999998, 114.639, 331.86799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'VINCENT', 'LE BRUN', 'y', 323529157, 0.965402121437962, 0.12379999584123599, 0.22950447697766599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0540201', 'PG0044+097', 11.871700000000001, 9.9821399999999993, '2001-07-17 08:49:05', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 10.289999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-07-19 21:55:55', '2002-01-20 15:26:50', 1, 0, '2001-07-17 08:49:05', '2001-07-17 08:50:04', 4.4991599999999998, 14.810700000000001, -52.877499999999998, 121.321, 333.72300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', 'y', 300596398, 0.96379634437564699, 0.20260661077916001, 0.173341189094572); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0550701', 'BD+08D102', 11.0054, 9.5493900000000007, '2001-07-17 10:29:44', 5005, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.5, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-07-19 22:16:53', '2002-01-19 15:15:08', 0, 0, '2001-07-17 10:29:44', '2001-07-17 13:02:14', 4.4347200000000004, 13.8529, -53.278500000000001, 119.874, 333.48200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 320165395, 0.96800699893994202, 0.18825618104876701, 0.16589774049160799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1220201', 'PG1658+441', 254.952, 44.017800000000001, '2001-07-17 13:42:45', 28513, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 14.619999999999999, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-07-20 01:14:38', '2002-01-27 18:56:54', 1, 0, '2001-07-17 13:42:45', '2001-07-18 18:21:51', 66.033799999999999, 242.636, 38.054600000000001, 69.124899999999997, 227.374, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 158127105, -0.18670483432725399, -0.69446423269006596, 0.69488181322655895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052201', 'HD216438-BKGD', 342.99299999999999, 53.709699999999998, '2001-07-18 19:51:34', 18634, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'B1II', 0.31, 23, 'EE', '2005-07-20 04:07:40', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 3, -72, '2001-07-18 19:51:34', '2001-07-19 07:34:57', 53.937899999999999, 15.9526, -5.1215400000000004, 105.72, 308.93799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 233119246, 0.56599338498020701, -0.17311715870887001, 0.80602849671659604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1640202', 'VV-CEP', 329.16300000000001, 63.625599999999999, '2001-07-19 15:26:02', 5674, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.0999999999999996, 'B0V', 0.29999999999999999, 19, 'PC', '2005-07-20 02:32:18', '2002-01-24 20:07:15', 0, 0, '2001-07-19 15:26:02', '2001-07-19 17:00:48', 65.861599999999996, 21.135100000000001, 7.0459699999999996, 104.92100000000001, 295.49900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ERIK', 'WILKINSON', 'y', 258038781, 0.38143301553259801, -0.22771369083382401, 0.89591033573039403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0710901', 'HD206773', 325.60000000000002, 57.736199999999997, '2001-07-19 17:13:55', 4399, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.9299999999999997, 'B0V', 0.44, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-19 23:09:42', '2002-01-25 21:01:28', 2, 0, '2001-07-19 17:13:55', '2001-07-19 18:28:10', 63.609699999999997, 7.7138, 3.6201099999999999, 99.802199999999999, 292.41399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN I.B.', 'CARTLEDGE', 'y', 253609178, 0.44046060127470099, -0.30158966802526299, 0.845599273217013); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2510101', 'WD2247+583', 342.46800000000002, 58.575800000000001, '2001-07-19 19:04:27', 19822, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.26, '', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-07-20 04:06:37', '2002-01-25 19:45:09', 2, 0, '2001-07-19 19:04:27', '2001-07-20 06:06:32', 57.7136, 21.450800000000001, -0.63886900000000002, 107.639, 307.43400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'CRISTINA', 'OLIVEIRA', 'y', 233699792, 0.49715186188129501, -0.15705669901825101, 0.853330662475838); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2330301', 'HD215441', 341.03100000000001, 55.589199999999998, '2001-07-20 06:37:56', 4118, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.8000000000000007, 'B9V', 0.20000000000000001, 27, 'PC', '2005-07-20 04:17:14', '2002-01-25 19:10:25', 0, 0, '2001-07-20 06:37:56', '2001-07-20 09:11:02', 56.098599999999998, 16.6309, -2.9312499999999999, 105.571, 305.93900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GIOVANNI', 'CATANZARO', 'y', 233278296, 0.53443331130541805, -0.18369676770952301, 0.82500698984929799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0320501', 'PK107-13D1', 350.74200000000002, 46.8994, '2001-07-20 10:01:30', 10158, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 25, 'CSPN', 0.059999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2005-07-21 16:17:17', '2002-01-25 14:40:01', 0, 0, '2001-07-20 10:01:30', '2001-07-20 14:19:42', 45.531199999999998, 15.7018, -13.322100000000001, 107.60299999999999, 314.75799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT', 'GRUENDL', 'y', 226035915, 0.67438093669340304, -0.109926570875005, 0.73015512135449101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1310404', 'ZAND', 353.41699999999997, 48.818399999999997, '2001-07-20 15:02:39', 10764, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.1999999999999993, 'WD+M', 0.23999999999999999, 57, 'PC', '2005-07-20 01:16:33', '2002-01-25 16:50:22', 1, -1.8, '2001-07-20 15:02:39', '2001-07-20 19:20:40', 46.099800000000002, 19.382200000000001, -12.087899999999999, 109.98099999999999, 316.56999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES D.', 'KEYES', 'y', 226066253, 0.65410653326676604, -0.075486039338272207, 0.75262640201015596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0690301', 'NGC7662', 351.47500000000002, 42.534999999999997, '2001-07-20 20:08:48', 10153, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.199999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.12, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-12 23:19:05', '2002-01-27 16:27:35', 0, 0, '2001-07-20 20:08:48', '2001-07-21 01:57:20', 41.583100000000002, 13.0341, -17.601299999999998, 106.56100000000001, 315.613, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 224078340, 0.72872309157135695, -0.109233484342687, 0.67604045863323803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0300501', 'HD209339', 330.16300000000001, 62.4878, '2001-07-21 03:07:28', 2044, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.6900000000000004, 'B0IV', 0.37, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-19 21:43:12', '2002-01-25 14:24:33', 2, 0, '2001-07-21 03:07:28', '2001-07-21 03:41:56', 64.843199999999996, 19.504100000000001, 5.8694800000000003, 104.57899999999999, 295.17099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', 'y', 256627075, 0.40070504768040699, -0.229829708199775, 0.88691249286062601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2310201', 'HD198781', 312.322, 64.042299999999997, '2001-07-21 04:05:37', 844, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 2, 6.4500000000000002, 'B0.5', 0.34999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-20 03:26:10', '2002-01-25 19:02:54', 2, 0, '2001-07-21 04:05:37', '2001-07-21 04:19:49', 72.488200000000006, 11.643700000000001, 12.6135, 99.946200000000005, 278.52300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIAL', 'ANDRE', 'y', 255774416, 0.29470689145283102, -0.32362892049015501, 0.89911743946638401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0460401', 'HD206267C', 324.745, 57.4876, '2001-07-21 05:46:11', 12725, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 8.0999999999999996, 'B0V', 0.52000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-20 13:00:13', '2002-01-27 16:10:46', 5, 0, '2001-07-21 05:46:11', '2001-07-21 11:51:18', 63.7791, 6.6016399999999997, 3.7353399999999999, 99.292900000000003, 290.32999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LAUROESCH', 'y', 253598781, 0.43890316480798203, -0.31024352486499601, 0.84327514323670205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0300301', 'HD207308', 326.42500000000001, 62.308300000000003, '2001-07-21 12:26:04', 21646, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.5, 'B0.5', 0.5, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-20 12:50:21', '2002-04-23 13:35:16', 0, 0, '2001-07-21 12:26:04', '2001-07-21 20:26:07', 66.152199999999993, 16.7362, 6.8179100000000004, 103.11, 291.38099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', 'y', 258017952, 0.38718215292202302, -0.25699976342304598, 0.88546095456500296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0300201', 'HD206165', 324.47899999999998, 62.081899999999997, '2001-07-21 21:11:18', 14590, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 4.6900000000000004, 'B2IB', 0.46999999999999997, 23, 'PC', '2005-07-20 12:50:04', '2002-01-27 15:43:44', 0, 0, '2001-07-21 21:11:18', '2001-07-22 04:44:47', 66.767300000000006, 14.971299999999999, 7.2470499999999998, 102.27200000000001, 289.28199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', 'y', 257999075, 0.38107651501328998, -0.27203002666785497, 0.88361776481486098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1310406', 'ZAND', 353.41699999999997, 48.818399999999997, '2001-07-22 05:56:20', 12629, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 9.1999999999999993, 'WD+M', 0.23999999999999999, 57, 'PC', '2005-07-20 01:29:38', '2002-01-27 19:23:40', 2, -1.8, '2001-07-22 05:56:20', '2001-07-22 12:57:26', 46.099800000000002, 19.382200000000001, -12.087899999999999, 109.98099999999999, 315.45400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES D.', 'KEYES', 'y', 226066253, 0.65410653326676604, -0.075486039338272207, 0.75262640201015596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0540701', 'PG1647+253', 252.28899999999999, 25.1677, '2001-07-22 13:34:20', 8100, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.09, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-07-19 22:27:36', '2002-02-02 16:26:14', 0, 0, '2001-07-22 13:34:20', '2001-07-22 20:41:02', 47.149500000000003, 246.11799999999999, 37.127899999999997, 45.140900000000002, 216.16200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', 'y', 151376961, -0.27533580126982798, -0.86216956506234099, 0.425269135512225); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0810401', 'CYGLP-XA2', 314.35199999999998, 31.031700000000001, '2001-07-22 22:16:28', 15633, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-07-20 13:31:55', '2002-01-25 16:24:40', 1, 0, '2001-07-22 22:16:28', '2001-07-23 10:20:51', 45.782699999999998, 329.19900000000001, -9.3994400000000002, 75.149600000000007, 281.83100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217089682, 0.59901597112603999, -0.61272097749224996, 0.51551224047239597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0810501', 'CYGLP-XA3', 314.339, 31.0517, '2001-07-23 11:04:35', 13983, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-07-20 00:10:41', '2002-01-25 16:34:06', 1, 0, '2001-07-23 11:04:35', '2001-07-23 17:00:32', 45.805599999999998, 329.19499999999999, -9.3778699999999997, 75.157799999999995, 281.18900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217089713, 0.59875113137459901, -0.61272813509899904, 0.51581131737849695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0810601', 'CYGLP-XA4', 314.34100000000001, 31.000299999999999, '2001-07-23 17:56:23', 12587, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-07-19 23:54:19', '2002-01-27 17:29:18', 1, 0, '2001-07-23 17:56:23', '2001-07-24 03:55:15', 45.757800000000003, 329.16800000000001, -9.4120699999999999, 75.118899999999996, 280.89600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217089578, 0.59909569562807896, -0.61303793174419297, 0.51504256302048501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0810101', 'CYGLP-XA1', 314.32400000000001, 31.041399999999999, '2001-07-24 05:24:12', 10868, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-07-19 22:59:36', '2002-01-27 16:44:29', 1, 0, '2001-07-24 05:24:12', '2001-07-24 11:19:36', 45.801099999999998, 329.173, -9.3749300000000009, 75.141800000000003, 280.334, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217089703, 0.59865547896933302, -0.61295119366764494, 0.51565730061874204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0810201', 'CYGLP-XA5', 314.32400000000001, 31.039999999999999, '2001-07-24 12:03:58', 10371, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-07-19 23:53:08', '2002-01-27 16:54:32', 1, 0, '2001-07-24 12:03:58', '2001-07-24 16:19:22', 45.799799999999998, 329.173, -9.3758199999999992, 75.140699999999995, 280.02699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217089703, 0.59866428251928105, -0.61296020744374702, 0.51563636501530097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0810301', 'CYGLP-XA6', 314.31700000000001, 31.040600000000001, '2001-07-24 17:12:14', 11220, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-07-19 23:53:15', '2002-01-27 17:08:31', 1, 0, '2001-07-24 17:12:14', '2001-07-25 00:38:55', 45.802799999999998, 329.16500000000002, -9.3707700000000003, 75.137200000000007, 279.78800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217089702, 0.59858561840070601, -0.61302948004586699, 0.51564533745447405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1010101', 'V884-HER', 270.52699999999999, 18.078600000000002, '2001-07-25 02:59:30', 33012, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2005-07-20 13:32:04', '2002-02-02 17:05:18', 0, 0, '2001-07-25 02:59:30', '2001-07-26 09:42:53', 41.5169, 270.67000000000002, 18.796099999999999, 44.116599999999998, 224.465, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL', 'BARRETT', 'y', 524248077, 0.0087436779441457894, -0.95059149115844399, 0.31032138990597202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0520301', 'A39', 246.89099999999999, 27.909199999999998, '2001-07-26 10:40:31', 6879, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.6, 'DAO', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-07-21 15:55:57', '2002-02-02 16:14:14', 3, 0, '2001-07-26 10:40:31', '2001-07-26 14:37:00', 48.829599999999999, 238.20599999999999, 42.482500000000002, 47.053400000000003, 210.12700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 151988760, -0.346832252036123, -0.81278303305074096, 0.46807171473225001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1015102', 'HD149881', 249.24299999999999, 14.475199999999999, '2001-07-26 15:53:10', 1932, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.0300000000000002, 'B0.5', 0.089999999999999997, 23, 'PC', '2005-07-20 02:11:54', '2002-02-02 18:48:15', 0, 13, '2001-07-26 15:53:10', '2001-07-26 17:57:10', 36.120600000000003, 244.86099999999999, 36.2331, 31.372499999999999, 207.18299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 519465300, -0.34315501561692502, -0.90540828952297903, 0.249960925986486); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2100201', '3C334', 245.09100000000001, 17.6067, '2001-07-26 19:18:44', 15357, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 16, '', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-07-20 04:06:29', '2002-02-03 00:28:25', 3, 0.55510000000000004, '2001-07-26 19:18:44', '2001-07-27 13:52:44', 38.418300000000002, 239.178, 41.1083, 33.162599999999998, 206.261, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 139728567, -0.40144831712045098, -0.86449076361474098, 0.30248135199704601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0330601', 'PG1605+072', 242.01400000000001, 7.0747799999999996, '2001-07-27 14:59:42', 4693, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.92, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-07-21 16:06:27', '2002-02-02 15:45:22', 1, 0, '2001-07-27 14:59:42', '2001-07-27 18:52:57', 27.489899999999999, 238.33500000000001, 39.331200000000003, 18.9938, 201.023, 'F', 'F', 'GILLES', 'FONTAINE', 'y', 518105131, -0.46568300650310801, -0.87633886254591298, 0.12316466800978799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052301', 'WOLF1346-BKGD', 308.59100000000001, 25.063600000000001, '2001-07-27 20:24:11', 12310, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'DA', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-07-20 04:17:34', '2002-02-03 00:42:19', 2, 0, '2001-07-27 20:24:11', '2001-07-28 06:46:55', 42.090499999999999, 319.58699999999999, -9.0236699999999992, 67.218900000000005, 269.45400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 213220871, 0.56502270628033302, -0.70801979001460802, 0.42362402945928102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052302', 'WOLF1346-BKGD', 308.59100000000001, 25.063600000000001, '2001-07-28 09:17:59', 7978, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'DA', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-07-20 04:17:41', '2002-02-03 00:49:31', 2, 0, '2001-07-28 09:17:59', '2001-07-28 12:56:22', 42.090499999999999, 319.58699999999999, -9.0236699999999992, 67.218900000000005, 268.69999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 213220871, 0.56502270628033302, -0.70801979001460802, 0.42362402945928102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070306', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2001-07-28 13:09:26', 7371, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-07-22 05:53:54', '2002-02-02 17:49:33', 1, 0, '2001-07-28 13:09:26', '2001-07-28 16:48:20', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 256.24099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070307', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2001-07-28 17:57:03', 7167, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-07-22 06:04:36', '2002-02-02 18:17:18', 2, 0, '2001-07-28 17:57:03', '2001-07-29 02:51:25', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 256.01299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070308', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2001-07-29 06:02:14', 5688, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-07-22 06:15:07', '2002-02-02 18:42:28', 2, 0, '2001-07-29 06:02:14', '2001-07-29 10:35:30', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 255.422, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031201', 'BD+28D4211', 327.79599999999999, 28.8644, '2001-07-29 12:05:17', 2954, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 10.529999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-07-21 12:54:59', '2002-02-02 17:15:44', 1, 0, '2001-07-29 12:05:17', '2001-07-29 12:55:03', 38.9437, 342.322, -19.293299999999999, 81.874700000000004, 290.90199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 220857477, 0.74103347111694595, -0.46672593474796897, 0.48273833131211502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031203', 'BD+28D4211', 327.79599999999999, 28.8644, '2001-07-29 17:15:40', 2415, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 5, 10.529999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-07-21 12:55:06', '2002-02-02 17:23:44', 1, 0, '2001-07-29 17:15:40', '2001-07-29 19:25:27', 38.9437, 342.322, -19.293299999999999, 81.874700000000004, 290.68799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 220857477, 0.74103347111694595, -0.46672593474796897, 0.48273833131211502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0520201', 'A43', 268.38400000000001, 10.6233, '2001-07-29 20:41:47', 11478, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14.800000000000001, 'DAO', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-07-22 05:01:46', '2002-02-02 16:05:13', 0, 0, '2001-07-29 20:41:47', '2001-07-30 08:36:57', 34.052100000000003, 268.08300000000003, 17.620799999999999, 36.063800000000001, 213.261, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 522583022, -0.027717433067399901, -0.98246955753251397, 0.18435105756686199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0030101', 'WZSGE', 301.90199999999999, 17.7043, '2001-07-30 09:36:56', 3180, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.9000000000000004, 'B0', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-07-21 15:34:10', '2002-02-01 12:09:12', 3, 0, '2001-07-30 09:36:56', '2001-07-30 11:50:58', 36.921100000000003, 309.029, -7.9292600000000002, 57.537999999999997, 255.18799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 210693680, 0.50343901854441198, -0.80874567900931604, 0.30410455651107998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051101', 'HD191877', 302.83800000000002, 21.875399999999999, '2001-07-30 12:54:43', 28055, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 52, 6.2800000000000002, 'B1IB', 0.17999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2005-07-21 17:35:57', '2002-02-06 18:42:25', 3, -18, '2001-07-30 12:54:43', '2001-07-31 08:05:09', 40.692300000000003, 311.58100000000002, -6.4471299999999996, 61.566899999999997, 257.363, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 213016926, 0.50322045412345995, -0.77970913030090405, 0.37258938078961201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031204', 'BD+28D4211', 327.79599999999999, 28.8644, '2001-07-31 14:02:22', 2929, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 10.529999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-07-21 13:08:21', '2002-02-02 17:30:11', 1, 0, '2001-07-31 14:02:22', '2001-07-31 14:51:43', 38.9437, 342.322, -19.293299999999999, 81.874700000000004, 288.79300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 220857477, 0.74103347111694595, -0.46672593474796897, 0.48273833131211502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031206', 'BD+28D4211', 327.79599999999999, 28.8644, '2001-07-31 19:19:05', 2414, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 5, 10.529999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-07-21 13:08:29', '2002-02-08 17:41:31', 1, 0, '2001-07-31 19:19:05', '2001-07-31 22:56:11', 38.9437, 342.322, -19.293299999999999, 81.874700000000004, 288.57299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 220857477, 0.74103347111694595, -0.46672593474796897, 0.48273833131211502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070309', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2001-08-01 00:24:49', 7666, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-07-22 06:35:38', '2002-02-06 14:38:10', 1, 0, '2001-08-01 00:24:49', '2001-08-01 05:43:12', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 251.37200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070310', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2001-08-01 06:38:12', 6919, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-07-22 06:56:43', '2002-02-06 15:08:15', 2, 0, '2001-08-01 06:38:12', '2001-08-01 11:51:58', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 250.98500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070311', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2001-08-01 13:17:22', 6333, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-07-22 07:17:26', '2002-02-08 17:59:50', 2, 0, '2001-08-01 13:17:22', '2001-08-01 17:26:06', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 250.59, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052402', 'HD203374A-BKGD', 319.779, 61.858600000000003, '2001-08-02 04:18:50', 7732, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'B0IV', 0.59999999999999998, 20, 'EE', '2005-07-22 07:38:04', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 0, '2001-08-02 04:18:50', '2001-08-02 08:00:48', 68.461299999999994, 11.203200000000001, 8.6228099999999994, 100.514, 274.65800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 255278951, 0.360132146785547, -0.30456158772476799, 0.88178629845002798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1530102', 'HD210334', 332.17099999999999, 45.741399999999999, '2001-08-02 08:12:06', 8040, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.1100000000000003, 'KOIV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-07-22 07:18:01', '2002-02-08 18:16:16', 0, 0, '2001-08-02 08:12:06', '2001-08-02 11:52:16', 51.877699999999997, 358.69799999999998, -8.3026999999999997, 95.558499999999995, 288.00799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 228512726, 0.61718244035594005, -0.32580271427748497, 0.71619719818337002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0300101', 'HD203374A', 319.779, 61.858600000000003, '2001-08-02 12:40:19', 10170, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 6.6900000000000004, 'B0IV', 0.59999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-21 12:10:07', '2002-02-08 16:40:20', 2, 0, '2001-08-02 12:40:19', '2001-08-02 16:53:58', 68.461299999999994, 11.203200000000001, 8.6228099999999994, 100.514, 274.34100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', 'y', 255278951, 0.360132146785547, -0.30456158772476799, 0.88178629845002798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1530105', 'HD210334', 332.17099999999999, 45.741399999999999, '2001-08-02 17:43:16', 8255, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.1100000000000003, 'KOIV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-07-22 07:27:56', '2002-02-08 18:38:06', 0, 0, '2001-08-02 17:43:16', '2001-08-02 21:51:31', 51.877699999999997, 358.69799999999998, -8.3026999999999997, 95.558499999999995, 287.67000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 228512726, 0.61718244035594005, -0.32580271427748497, 0.71619719818337002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0300102', 'HD203374A', 319.779, 61.858600000000003, '2001-08-02 22:58:18', 8483, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 19, 6.6900000000000004, 'B0IV', 0.59999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-21 12:26:15', '2002-03-07 14:19:27', 2, 0, '2001-08-02 22:58:18', '2001-08-03 04:32:53', 68.461299999999994, 11.203200000000001, 8.6228099999999994, 100.514, 273.95800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', 'y', 255278951, 0.360132146785547, -0.30456158772476799, 0.88178629845002798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1530101', 'HD210334', 332.17099999999999, 45.741399999999999, '2001-08-03 05:18:30', 9898, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.1100000000000003, 'KOIV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-07-22 07:17:33', '2002-02-08 18:07:59', 0, 0, '2001-08-03 05:18:30', '2001-08-03 09:30:38', 51.877699999999997, 358.69799999999998, -8.3026999999999997, 95.558499999999995, 287.23000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 228512726, 0.61718244035594005, -0.32580271427748497, 0.71619719818337002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0300401', 'HD208440', 328.471, 62.600299999999997, '2001-08-03 10:20:25', 9777, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 7.9699999999999998, 'B1V', 0.34000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-21 13:08:12', '2002-02-08 16:57:47', 5, 0, '2001-08-03 10:20:25', '2001-08-03 14:33:21', 65.544300000000007, 18.6464, 6.4390000000000001, 104.03100000000001, 281.87299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', 'y', 256622078, 0.39225910295952499, -0.240649869136912, 0.88781779472467004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0320102', 'IC4593', 242.93600000000001, 12.071400000000001, '2001-08-03 15:28:55', 1933, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.1, 'CSPN', 0.029999999999999999, 70, 'PC', '2005-07-21 12:41:01', '2002-02-08 17:04:10', 1, 0, '2001-08-03 15:28:55', '2001-08-03 17:26:23', 32.5655, 238.13399999999999, 40.836199999999998, 25.3353, 199.08600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT', 'GRUENDL', 'y', 518888475, -0.44492472701628599, -0.87080792196827495, 0.20913046245532599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052501', 'A43-BKGD', 268.38400000000001, 10.6233, '2001-08-03 18:44:40', 3202, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'DAO', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'EE', '2005-07-22 07:38:21', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 0, '2001-08-03 18:44:40', '2001-08-03 20:54:40', 34.052100000000003, 268.08300000000003, 17.620799999999999, 36.063800000000001, 208.941, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 522583022, -0.027717433067399901, -0.98246955753251397, 0.18435105756686199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0520202', 'A43', 268.38400000000001, 10.6233, '2001-08-03 22:18:20', 9542, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.800000000000001, 'DAO', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-07-22 05:02:07', '2002-02-08 17:16:24', 0, 0, '2001-08-03 22:18:20', '2001-08-04 06:50:24', 34.052100000000003, 268.08300000000003, 17.620799999999999, 36.063800000000001, 208.774, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 522583022, -0.027717433067399901, -0.98246955753251397, 0.18435105756686199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1530104', 'HD210334', 332.17099999999999, 45.741399999999999, '2001-08-04 07:59:52', 6242, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.1100000000000003, 'KOIV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-07-22 07:27:39', '2002-02-08 18:31:03', 0, 0, '2001-08-04 07:59:52', '2001-08-04 10:27:25', 51.877699999999997, 358.69799999999998, -8.3026999999999997, 95.558499999999995, 286.22899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 228512726, 0.61718244035594005, -0.32580271427748497, 0.71619719818337002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0460501', 'HD206267D', 324.73599999999999, 57.494399999999999, '2001-08-04 11:22:49', 6224, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 11, 7.8799999999999999, 'B0V', 0.52000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-22 04:51:10', '2002-03-28 16:00:06', 5, 0, '2001-08-04 11:22:49', '2001-08-04 16:56:23', 63.787100000000002, 6.6057699999999997, 3.7435, 99.293899999999994, 277.53199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LAUROESCH', 'y', 253598783, 0.43877270643469701, -0.310254679838676, 0.84333892696007595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0561501', 'NGC5846', 226.62200000000001, 1.6058300000000001, '2001-08-04 18:05:00', 9631, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2005-07-22 05:33:36', '2002-02-08 17:32:47', 4, 1702, '2001-08-04 18:05:00', '2001-08-05 07:36:26', 18.343800000000002, 223.673, 48.7973, 0.42741800000000002, 194.631, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 134288000, -0.68653874437324502, -0.72655298790891898, 0.028023351602394098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1530103', 'HD210334', 332.17099999999999, 45.741399999999999, '2001-08-05 08:59:53', 9452, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.1100000000000003, 'KOIV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-07-22 07:18:09', '2002-02-08 18:24:43', 0, 0, '2001-08-05 08:59:53', '2001-08-05 13:06:44', 51.877699999999997, 358.69799999999998, -8.3026999999999997, 95.558499999999995, 285.27800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 228512726, 0.61718244035594005, -0.32580271427748497, 0.71619719818337002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1640101', '32CYG', 303.86799999999999, 47.714199999999998, '2001-08-05 13:50:13', 6156, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 3.98, 'B5V', 0.059999999999999998, 21, 'PC', '2005-07-21 14:28:39', '2002-04-23 19:21:10', 0, 0, '2001-08-05 13:50:13', '2001-08-05 16:21:30', 64.286799999999999, 329.79300000000001, 7.0455500000000004, 83.670199999999994, 255.089, 'F', 'F', 'ERIK', 'WILKINSON', 'y', 242627547, 0.37495522769815998, -0.55866599100678205, 0.73979786949830495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052601', 'HD156385-BKGD', 259.87400000000002, -45.640000000000001, '2001-08-05 17:24:54', 7387, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SKY', 0.029999999999999999, 7, 'EE', '2005-07-22 07:38:40', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 3, 0, '2001-08-05 17:24:54', '2001-08-06 03:43:14', -22.468800000000002, 262.35599999999999, -4.7621599999999997, 343.16500000000002, 164.62100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 692990501, -0.122922508679289, -0.68827383995267699, -0.71496096263837094); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2100501', '3C57', 30.4879, -11.5428, '2001-08-06 15:14:29', 11449, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16, '', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-07-22 07:37:56', '2002-05-07 23:10:41', 4, 0.66900000000000004, '2001-08-06 15:14:29', '2001-08-06 21:01:19', -22.415600000000001, 24.032299999999999, -67.2624, 173.07900000000001, 343.67700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 286532302, 0.84430814207448002, 0.497095360970086, -0.20009988338017301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0410606', 'HD18978', 45.597999999999999, -23.624400000000001, '2001-08-06 21:53:42', 12580, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 4.0899999999999999, 'A4IV', 0, 31, 'PE', '2005-07-22 04:31:03', '2002-02-24 16:26:43', 1, 0, '2001-08-06 21:53:42', '2001-08-07 03:47:35', -38.906199999999998, 34.534500000000001, -60.296900000000001, 213.541, 342.70299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 591153608, 0.64104891206885595, 0.654571886682207, -0.40073923878331602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011002', 'HD018100', 43.420099999999998, -26.1556, '2001-08-07 04:41:25', 1932, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.4600000000000009, 'B1V', 0.02, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-21 13:08:37', '2002-02-28 19:10:40', 2, 84, '2001-08-07 04:41:25', '2001-08-07 05:21:58', -40.530200000000001, 30.933199999999999, -62.734099999999998, 217.928, 344.01900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 590543832, 0.65195719930262996, 0.61695866277796296, -0.44081041128891002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0540601', 'TONS227', 25.952100000000002, -24.086200000000002, '2001-08-07 06:07:27', 6518, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.9, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-07-22 05:22:34', '2002-02-28 14:48:20', 0, 0, '2001-08-07 06:07:27', '2001-08-07 08:41:05', -32.232300000000002, 13.9701, -77.814999999999998, 201.38800000000001, 350.15899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', 'y', 586530519, 0.820872583338351, 0.39951714646842401, -0.408110587465151); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0550301', 'HD7672', 19.151199999999999, -2.5003600000000001, '2001-08-07 09:25:22', 4669, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 17, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-07-22 05:22:42', '2002-02-28 14:54:45', 0, 0, '2001-08-07 09:25:22', '2001-08-07 11:45:56', -9.8109699999999993, 16.7117, -64.646100000000004, 137.74700000000001, 340.45400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 294737957, 0.94375676795081198, 0.32774985024847803, -0.0436256645695818); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0130303', 'WD0111+002', 18.444199999999999, 0.47452899999999998, '2001-08-07 12:43:23', 5410, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.800000000000001, 'DO', 0.029999999999999999, 17, 'PC', '2005-07-22 04:21:32', '2002-02-24 16:17:10', 1, 0, '2001-08-07 12:43:23', '2001-08-07 15:11:19', -6.7909600000000001, 17.195399999999999, -61.879600000000003, 134.84800000000001, 338.65800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN', 'DREIZLER', 'y', 295098382, 0.94859969182936499, 0.31637008891123902, 0.0082819987641492201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1161702', 'HD149404', 249.09399999999999, -42.858899999999998, '2001-08-07 16:10:41', 17850, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 38, 5.4699999999999998, 'O9I', 0.73999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2005-07-26 08:06:27', '2004-08-08 15:10:56', 2, 0, '2001-08-07 16:10:41', '2001-08-08 12:13:36', -20.5899, 253.774, 3.00603, 340.53899999999999, 175.37299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 694821248, -0.261571727402302, -0.68477346325057298, -0.68019521863329202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1201602', 'HD144965', 242.54400000000001, -40.128999999999998, '2001-08-08 13:24:38', 7220, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 7, 'B3VN', 0.41999999999999998, 74, 'PC', '2005-07-26 02:09:22', '2002-02-24 17:14:03', 0, 0, '2001-08-08 13:24:38', '2001-08-08 20:31:47', -18.7502, 248.143, 8.4176000000000002, 339.04399999999998, 181.22499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER G.', 'WANNIER', 'y', 698118297, -0.35252988390117601, -0.67847522229127599, -0.64451070875000005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1161802', 'HD152236', 253.499, -42.362099999999998, '2001-08-08 22:03:16', 4562, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 4.7300000000000004, 'B1IA', 0.66000000000000003, 23, 'PC', '2005-07-26 08:38:24', '2002-02-28 19:49:59', 2, 0, '2001-08-08 22:03:16', '2001-08-09 03:13:40', -19.657399999999999, 257.12299999999999, 0.87021499999999996, 343.029, 173.06700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 694415852, -0.20987164884371601, -0.70846940559275395, -0.67381376681592797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0250601', 'CPD-41-7712', 253.50200000000001, -41.878900000000002, '2001-08-09 04:24:24', 9610, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.0800000000000001, 'B0IV', 0.46000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-26 04:15:04', '2002-02-28 14:08:37', 1, 0, '2001-08-09 04:24:24', '2001-08-09 11:33:12', -19.177499999999998, 257.06400000000002, 1.17347, 343.40499999999997, 173.44399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'OLE', 'MARGGRAF', 'y', 694592481, -0.21144081667171399, -0.71390374330044004, -0.66755840669323996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0250501', 'HD326329', 253.559, -41.835799999999999, '2001-08-09 12:44:23', 5484, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.7799999999999994, 'O9V', 0.44, 12, 'PC', '2005-07-26 04:14:58', '2002-02-28 13:49:36', 1, 0, '2001-08-09 12:44:23', '2001-08-09 16:32:54', -19.1297, 257.10300000000001, 1.1678200000000001, 343.46499999999997, 173.56899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'OLE', 'MARGGRAF', 'y', 694593168, -0.21087256003662, -0.71459516670308398, -0.66699813429138899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0250101', 'HD152200', 253.465, -41.842500000000001, '2001-08-09 17:51:14', 5367, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 8.3100000000000005, 'O9.5', 0.42999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2005-07-26 02:51:16', '2002-02-28 12:48:46', 1, 0, '2001-08-09 17:51:14', '2001-08-10 00:52:20', -19.144600000000001, 257.03100000000001, 1.2174799999999999, 343.416, 173.714, 'F', 'F', 'OLE', 'MARGGRAF', 'y', 694593861, -0.21202244791810301, -0.71417346942280102, -0.66708525478488401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0950201', 'MARS', 256.697, -26.9405, '2001-08-10 02:06:44', 13240, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, -2, '', 0, 3, 'EE', '2005-07-26 05:39:19', '2002-02-28 16:56:35', 0, 0, '2001-08-10 02:06:44', '2001-08-10 12:35:32', -4.0474399999999999, 258.13299999999998, 8.2354599999999998, 356.88099999999997, 180.57499999999999, 'F', 'M', 'RANDY', 'GLADSTONE', 'y', 478328476, -0.20512958991372199, -0.86755632878453004, -0.45306497075776703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0250201', 'HD152219', 253.482, -41.881100000000004, '2001-08-10 13:45:35', 4905, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 7.54, 'O9.5', 0.46000000000000002, 66, 'PC', '2005-07-26 02:51:33', '2002-02-28 12:53:34', 1, 0, '2001-08-10 13:45:35', '2001-08-10 17:31:19', -19.1814, 257.048, 1.18363, 343.39400000000001, 174.018, 'F', 'F', 'OLE', 'MARGGRAF', 'y', 694592439, -0.21168271532976901, -0.71380531794845403, -0.66758699515428199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1070302', 'TONS210', 20.4648, -28.349299999999999, '2001-08-10 19:07:33', 38683, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 14.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2005-07-26 06:42:08', '2002-02-28 19:40:16', 10, 0.11700000000000001, '2001-08-10 19:07:33', '2001-08-11 17:30:57', -33.921599999999998, 6.4645200000000003, -83.160300000000007, 224.97399999999999, 357.471, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 585594379, 0.82452544331962396, 0.30770020076196197, -0.47484563783362899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0250301', 'HD152234', 253.50800000000001, -41.8065, '2001-08-11 18:20:35', 5123, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 5.4299999999999997, 'B0.5', 0.45000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-07-26 03:02:06', '2002-02-28 13:08:22', 1, 0, '2001-08-11 18:20:35', '2001-08-12 01:09:26', -19.1051, 257.05900000000003, 1.21567, 343.464, 174.51499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'OLE', 'MARGGRAF', 'y', 694593189, -0.21160535198395, -0.71473414657971202, -0.66661703752958501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0250401', 'HD152249', 253.54900000000001, -41.849400000000003, '2001-08-12 02:23:53', 4947, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 6.4400000000000004, 'O9.5', 0.44, 13, 'PC', '2005-07-26 05:39:12', '2002-02-28 13:29:51', 1, 0, '2001-08-12 02:23:53', '2001-08-12 06:09:08', -19.143999999999998, 257.09699999999998, 1.16506, 343.44999999999999, 174.589, 'F', 'F', 'OLE', 'MARGGRAF', 'y', 694593153, -0.210952435265882, -0.71440649095852105, -0.66717496635569795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0710602', 'HD152590', 254.02199999999999, -40.349400000000003, '2001-08-12 07:23:52', 2773, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 8.4800000000000004, 'O7.5', 0.38, 12, 'PC', '2005-07-26 05:18:42', '2002-02-28 16:14:55', 4, 0, '2001-08-12 07:23:52', '2001-08-12 09:21:20', -17.6126, 257.28500000000003, 1.82979, 344.84199999999998, 175.084, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN I.B.', 'CARTLEDGE', 'y', 694966346, -0.20978478354116001, -0.73266813050483004, -0.64744710605357203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0551101', 'MS0354-3650', 59.127499999999998, -36.688899999999997, '2001-08-12 11:18:14', 11641, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.399999999999999, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-07-26 04:57:34', '2002-02-28 15:08:03', 0, 0, '2001-08-12 11:18:14', '2001-08-12 20:21:31', -55.280299999999997, 43.7438, -49.977400000000003, 238.643, 341.24299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 565496925, 0.41147401804767902, 0.68827244806250798, -0.597469806525602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1290101', 'SKY-033255-632751', 53.228900000000003, -63.463999999999999, '2001-08-13 12:27:37', 49618, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 25, 25, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-07-26 06:00:38', '2002-02-28 17:59:14', 2, 0, '2001-08-13 12:27:37', '2001-08-14 22:28:40', -74.403899999999993, 354.12099999999998, -45.306600000000003, 278.63799999999998, 351.19499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN L.', 'SHELTON', 'y', 544106136, 0.26743932463929798, 0.35786971233348802, -0.89465383061317205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0860101', 'SK-67D2', 71.768299999999996, -67.114800000000002, '2001-08-14 23:14:39', 6635, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.07, 'B2IA', 0.26000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-23 19:59:09', '2002-02-28 16:21:04', 1, 0, '2001-08-14 23:14:39', '2001-08-15 01:49:42', -82.833399999999997, 347.226, -36.785299999999999, 278.363, 336.30500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 542776380, 0.121667049194895, 0.36936356069637799, -0.92128588894539198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050101', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2001-08-15 02:29:13', 10150, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 19, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-07-26 08:27:35', '2002-02-28 21:05:31', 0, 0, '2001-08-15 02:29:13', '2001-08-15 08:20:39', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 358.95999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2410101', 'DI1388', 44.299799999999998, -72.881799999999998, '2001-08-15 09:10:58', 16722, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.390000000000001, 'B0V', 0.059999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-19 03:48:32', '2002-04-30 15:24:35', 1, 137, '2001-08-15 09:10:58', '2001-08-15 21:43:22', -73.457499999999996, 317.72000000000003, -41.245199999999997, 291.15100000000001, 3.07117, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLAS', 'LEHNER', 'y', 540274164, 0.210660520890117, 0.20557355614192899, -0.95569956469251705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1290102', 'SKY-033255-632751', 53.228900000000003, -63.463999999999999, '2001-08-16 06:48:11', 52126, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 30, 25, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-07-26 06:52:59', '2002-02-28 19:03:18', 2, 0, '2001-08-16 06:48:11', '2001-08-17 22:01:48', -74.403899999999993, 354.12099999999998, -45.306600000000003, 278.63799999999998, 353.88299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN L.', 'SHELTON', 'y', 544106136, 0.26743932463929798, 0.35786971233348802, -0.89465383061317205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0320801', 'PK342-14D1', 271.81599999999997, -51.019399999999997, '2001-08-18 01:49:57', 9429, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.199999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.20999999999999999, 70, 'PC', '2005-07-26 05:08:16', '2002-02-28 14:34:06', 0, 0, '2001-08-18 01:49:57', '2001-08-18 08:52:50', -27.588100000000001, 271.28899999999999, -14.3127, 342.51600000000002, 158.02799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT', 'GRUENDL', 'y', 780322837, 0.0199347431856573, -0.62874127403918401, -0.77735900093438504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0700201', 'VW-HYI', 62.2971, -71.295000000000002, '2001-08-18 10:29:41', 17029, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13.6, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-07-26 05:29:08', '2002-02-28 16:03:21', 2, 0, '2001-08-18 10:29:41', '2001-08-18 23:03:02', -79.101900000000001, 322.05099999999999, -38.133499999999998, 284.88999999999999, 349.096, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'SION', 'y', 541784481, 0.14908719296095399, 0.28393433786328098, -0.94718229537780296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0130202', 'WR79-HD152270', 253.58199999999999, -41.819899999999997, '2001-08-18 23:33:53', 727, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 6.9500000000000002, 'WC7+', 0.46000000000000002, 10, 'PE', '2005-07-26 02:20:08', '2002-02-24 17:46:47', 1, 0, '2001-08-18 23:33:53', '2001-08-18 23:46:00', -19.111699999999999, 257.11900000000003, 1.1642999999999999, 343.48899999999998, 177.149, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 694593128, -0.21063799436546701, -0.71485728087665401, -0.66679134915453897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2310101', 'HD148594', 247.565, -27.9163, '2001-08-19 01:01:59', 4016, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.8899999999999997, 'B8V', 0.44, 22, 'PC', '2005-07-26 08:17:33', '2002-02-28 21:18:16', 2, 0, '2001-08-19 01:01:59', '2001-08-19 04:42:46', -6.0074199999999998, 250.179, 13.939500000000001, 350.93000000000001, 184.60499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIAL', 'ANDRE', 'y', 703650531, -0.33722514820459698, -0.81675305191632996, -0.46818121662850698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0060101', 'V818SCO', 244.97999999999999, -15.6402, '2001-08-19 05:59:28', 22424, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 12.199999999999999, 'OTR', 0.29999999999999999, 59, 'PE', '2005-07-26 02:30:31', '2002-02-24 17:43:40', 0, 0, '2001-08-19 05:59:28', '2001-08-20 05:41:36', 5.7251799999999999, 245.83799999999999, 23.784700000000001, 359.096, 188.19300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BRAM', 'BOROSON', 'y', 503868580, -0.40727487249067201, -0.87260840474481005, -0.269595530761222); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010201', 'LMC-SM2', 70.236500000000007, -67.800799999999995, '2001-08-20 08:03:39', 8785, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16.800000000000001, 'CSPN', 0.070000000000000007, 71, 'PC', '2005-07-26 02:09:33', '2002-03-07 14:02:19', 1, 0, '2001-08-20 08:03:39', '2001-08-20 16:18:18', -82.269999999999996, 341.77600000000001, -37.118499999999997, 279.41300000000001, 342.90800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 542077461, 0.127758133472339, 0.35557242653416798, -0.92587586037236502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1860201', 'HD144668', 242.143, -39.104799999999997, '2001-08-20 17:11:11', 4753, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.0499999999999998, 'A7IV', 0, 31, 'PE', '2005-07-21 14:18:35', '2002-02-28 19:56:30', 2, 0, '2001-08-20 17:11:11', '2001-08-20 22:20:29', -17.805700000000002, 247.614, 9.3757599999999996, 339.52600000000001, 185.85400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 698152219, -0.362595739928536, -0.68606876365939296, -0.63074081912981494); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0130203', 'WR79-HD152270', 253.58199999999999, -41.819899999999997, '2001-08-20 23:37:25', 795, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 2, 6.9500000000000002, 'WC7+', 0.46000000000000002, 10, 'PE', '2005-07-26 02:20:24', '2002-02-24 17:49:29', 1, 0, '2001-08-20 23:37:25', '2001-08-20 23:50:48', -19.111699999999999, 257.11900000000003, 1.1642999999999999, 343.48899999999998, 177.84299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 694593128, -0.21063799436546701, -0.71485728087665401, -0.66679134915453897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0690101', 'SWST1', 274.05099999999999, -30.8689, '2001-08-21 01:17:09', 23141, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 11.76, 'CSPN', 0.40999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-27 21:37:05', '2002-02-28 15:39:06', 2, 0, '2001-08-21 01:17:09', '2001-08-21 18:32:10', -7.4787100000000004, 273.50599999999997, -6.7172599999999996, 1.59202, 170.57599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 471404200, 0.060637159788473102, -0.85619901143733801, -0.51307542103136405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0910201', 'HD176638', 285.779, -42.095199999999998, '2001-08-21 19:38:51', 18594, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 36, 4.7400000000000002, 'B9.5', 0, 22, 'PC', '2005-07-28 20:35:35', '2002-03-07 15:54:02', 0, 0, '2001-08-21 19:38:51', '2001-08-22 09:31:32', -19.329599999999999, 282.34699999999998, -19.834299999999999, 354.91399999999999, 153.173, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'JURA', 'y', 781798328, 0.20177895036725399, -0.71407054973712603, -0.67036445698351799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0690102', 'SWST1', 274.05099999999999, -30.8689, '2001-08-22 10:34:39', 16411, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 11.76, 'CSPN', 0.40999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-27 21:47:38', '2002-03-07 14:33:39', 2, 0, '2001-08-22 10:34:39', '2001-08-22 21:11:45', -7.4787100000000004, 273.50599999999997, -6.7172599999999996, 1.59202, 170.834, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 471404200, 0.060637159788473102, -0.85619901143733801, -0.51307542103136405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1080303', 'PK010-081', 279.09500000000003, -23.9222, '2001-08-22 22:34:59', 4678, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.300000000000001, '', 0, 71, 'PC', '2005-07-30 08:01:31', '2002-02-28 21:44:17', 2, 0, '2001-08-22 22:34:59', '2001-08-23 01:55:03', -0.744676, 278.30900000000003, -7.5552000000000001, 9.8759599999999992, 172.84399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 474693760, 0.144493033888623, -0.90260452168331795, -0.40549579602566699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0130204', 'WR79-HD152270', 253.58199999999999, -41.819899999999997, '2001-08-23 03:15:44', 795, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 2, 6.9500000000000002, 'WC7+', 0.46000000000000002, 10, 'PE', '2005-07-28 21:48:44', '2002-02-28 12:42:42', 1, 0, '2001-08-23 03:15:44', '2001-08-23 03:29:07', -19.111699999999999, 257.11900000000003, 1.1642999999999999, 343.48899999999998, 178.589, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 694593128, -0.21063799436546701, -0.71485728087665401, -0.66679134915453897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2430101', 'AV336A', 15.8979, -72.056100000000001, '2001-08-23 04:12:33', 9196, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 17, 12.93, 'WN2+', 0.089999999999999997, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-19 03:59:01', '2002-02-28 21:37:19', 0, 180, '2001-08-23 04:12:33', '2001-08-23 12:18:55', -65.015600000000006, 314.54899999999998, -45.040700000000001, 301.60899999999998, 39.631399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES G.', 'HOOPES', 'y', 546047555, 0.29630177895117099, 0.084392040899503099, -0.95135862808048799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0710801', 'HD203532', 323.47699999999998, -82.683099999999996, '2001-08-23 13:30:11', 4748, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.3600000000000003, 'B3IV', 0.28999999999999998, 21, 'PC', '2005-07-30 00:37:10', '2002-03-07 15:04:11', 4, 0, '2001-08-23 13:30:11', '2001-08-23 15:52:51', -61.625399999999999, 282.43700000000001, -31.7394, 309.46100000000001, 95.601799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN I.B.', 'CARTLEDGE', 'y', 739005889, 0.102346518945552, -0.075796039124646705, -0.991856920383552); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0900301', 'SK-7079', 76.655699999999996, -70.490200000000002, '2001-08-23 16:58:33', 19568, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12.73, 'O', 0.27000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-23 23:08:21', '2002-03-07 15:16:25', 0, 0, '2001-08-23 16:58:33', '2001-08-24 03:52:34', -83.753100000000003, 315.10300000000001, -34.1282, 281.71100000000001, 340.625, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 541571968, 0.077080539438766305, 0.324951185305065, -0.94258438222191099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2410201', 'DGIK975', 64.994299999999996, -73.873800000000003, '2001-08-24 05:08:21', 21058, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 15.050000000000001, 'B2V', 0.12, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-30 08:01:00', '2002-06-05 20:44:04', 1, 210, '2001-08-24 05:08:21', '2001-08-24 22:09:57', -78.964500000000001, 307.83300000000003, -36.140700000000002, 287.17899999999997, 353.76299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLAS', 'LEHNER', 'y', 538924457, 0.117408940741941, 0.251718903042919, -0.96065224430317397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1280801', 'HD269074', 76.567400000000006, -70.493200000000002, '2001-08-24 22:54:25', 6150, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.289999999999999, 'B0.7', 0.080000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-26 00:33:13', '2002-02-28 17:09:31', 0, 0, '2001-08-24 22:54:25', '2001-08-25 01:30:34', -83.726500000000001, 315.22399999999999, -34.155799999999999, 281.72399999999999, 341.916, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 541571802, 0.077569773322200594, 0.32478400473482999, -0.94260186745791497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0130205', 'WR79-HD152270', 253.58199999999999, -41.819899999999997, '2001-08-25 02:01:14', 574, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 6.9500000000000002, 'WC7+', 0.46000000000000002, 10, 'PE', '2005-07-28 21:28:21', '2002-02-28 12:44:09', 1, 0, '2001-08-25 02:01:14', '2001-08-25 02:10:48', -19.111699999999999, 257.11900000000003, 1.1642999999999999, 343.48899999999998, 179.25800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 694593128, -0.21063799436546701, -0.71485728087665401, -0.66679134915453897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0900401', 'SK-6979', 78.474999999999994, -69.530000000000001, '2001-08-25 02:43:49', 7600, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12, 'WR', 0.29999999999999999, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-23 23:18:38', '2002-02-28 16:43:38', 0, 0, '2001-08-25 02:43:49', '2001-08-25 09:50:00', -84.779899999999998, 320.17200000000003, -33.758099999999999, 280.40699999999998, 340.21199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 542286995, 0.069871857355044503, 0.34266576821263001, -0.93685542899905505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2030201', 'NGC346-1', 14.77, -72.173599999999993, '2001-08-25 10:32:08', 4464, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.57, 'O4II', 0.13, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 01:13:41', '2002-02-28 20:08:12', 3, 0, '2001-08-25 10:32:08', '2001-08-25 14:25:06', -64.752799999999993, 313.94999999999999, -44.9422, 302.10700000000003, 43.119900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 545873278, 0.29601839924269002, 0.078045642953947503, -0.95198843739076); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2030301', 'NGC346-3', 14.7545, -72.174499999999995, '2001-08-25 15:32:55', 7987, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.5, 'O3II', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 01:13:46', '2002-02-28 20:22:45', 4, 0, '2001-08-25 15:32:55', '2001-08-25 19:42:14', -64.748900000000006, 313.94299999999998, -44.941400000000002, 302.11399999999998, 43.332000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 545873278, 0.29602504104029898, 0.077961751003675694, -0.95199324601466095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2030401', 'NGC346-4', 14.7516, -72.177199999999999, '2001-08-25 20:32:34', 11447, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.66, 'O5-6', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 01:24:15', '2002-02-28 20:39:31', 3, 0, '2001-08-25 20:32:34', '2001-08-26 05:41:11', -64.749300000000005, 313.93599999999998, -44.938800000000001, 302.11599999999999, 43.548999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 545873275, 0.29598560339813301, 0.077935344574973905, -0.95200767047698898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2030501', 'NGC346-6', 14.740600000000001, -72.176000000000002, '2001-08-26 06:31:47', 1011, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.02, 'O4V(', 0.089999999999999997, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 01:24:30', '2002-03-07 16:16:28', 1, 0, '2001-08-26 06:31:47', '2001-08-26 07:22:41', -64.745699999999999, 313.935, -44.940100000000001, 302.12, 43.982599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 545873275, 0.29601984296044298, 0.077883591259840207, -0.95200125986583894); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052701', 'SK-71D45-BKGD', 82.814800000000005, -71.069100000000006, '2001-08-27 04:45:17', 14124, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'O4-5', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'EE', '2005-07-30 08:32:41', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 1, 0, '2001-08-27 04:45:17', '2001-08-27 16:47:18', -84.804900000000004, 296.625, -32.0246, 281.86500000000001, 338.26799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541544826, 0.040578417296105597, 0.32187988523685501, -0.94591053040425099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052702', 'SK-71D45-BKGD', 82.814800000000005, -71.069100000000006, '2001-08-27 19:08:05', 8782, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'O4-5', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'EE', '2005-07-30 08:11:58', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 1, 0, '2001-08-27 19:08:05', '2001-08-27 23:03:08', -84.804900000000004, 296.625, -32.0246, 281.86500000000001, 338.87099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541544826, 0.040578417296105597, 0.32187988523685501, -0.94591053040425099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1090202', 'RU-LUPI', 239.17599999999999, -37.820900000000002, '2001-08-28 01:34:48', 24463, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 10.5, 'G5VP', 0.46999999999999997, 58, 'PE', '2005-07-28 21:58:56', '2002-03-07 13:46:55', 0, 0, '2001-08-28 01:34:48', '2001-08-29 11:16:43', -17.023299999999999, 244.95699999999999, 11.8857, 338.64999999999998, 189.63300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK M.', 'WALTER', 'y', 699669415, -0.40476291268064102, -0.67834989590023198, -0.61319524072715104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2041901', 'WD1615-154', 244.48099999999999, -15.5969, '2001-08-29 12:40:19', 13908, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 18, 13.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-07-30 05:44:18', '2002-03-07 16:50:07', 5, 0, '2001-08-29 12:40:19', '2001-08-31 06:27:19', 5.6858399999999998, 245.35499999999999, 24.180399999999999, 358.79399999999998, 187.27199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 503879657, -0.414946700753763, -0.86921193679578002, -0.26886770811180699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2042202', 'WD2004-605', 302.27300000000002, -60.428100000000001, '2001-08-31 07:53:17', 35260, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 38, 13.6, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-07-30 07:08:52', '2002-03-07 18:08:01', 4, 0, '2001-08-31 07:53:17', '2001-09-01 21:11:25', -39.1965, 289.87799999999999, -32.858699999999999, 336.58300000000003, 131.39699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 750102130, 0.26351449325332299, -0.41727393457700002, -0.869737072550132); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051802', 'WD2111+498-BKGD', 318.18400000000003, 50.104999999999997, '2001-09-01 23:44:46', 9266, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-07-30 08:32:34', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 94, '2001-09-01 23:44:46', '2001-09-02 10:20:15', 60.928800000000003, 349.666, 1.13381, 91.372600000000006, 241.43100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 252168620, 0.47801599572181203, -0.42763588688754001, 0.76722112593436298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0700101', 'RX-AND', 16.148299999999999, 41.299399999999999, '2001-09-02 19:42:59', 8201, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.9, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-07-30 00:37:03', '2002-03-07 14:54:25', 0, 0, '2001-09-02 19:42:59', '2001-09-03 00:02:46', 31.494499999999999, 32.188800000000001, -21.5047, 125.58799999999999, 308.55000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'SION', 'y', 43598737, 0.72162967460607297, 0.20894687305321999, 0.65999380070513902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1260101', 'EG-AND', 11.1549, 40.679400000000001, '2001-09-03 00:39:05', 11049, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 7.5, 'WD+M', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PC', '2005-07-30 02:44:45', '2002-03-07 16:12:11', 0, -95, '2001-09-03 00:39:05', '2001-09-03 09:36:20', 32.6616, 27.896599999999999, -22.174099999999999, 121.53700000000001, 303.423, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN R.', 'ESPEY', 'y', 42977776, 0.74404144311948694, 0.14671563857147599, 0.65182578371773203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0630705', 'BD+32D270', 23.709900000000001, 32.956000000000003, '2001-09-03 10:46:14', 4919, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 10.289999999999999, 'B2V', 0.080000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-28 21:17:33', '2002-03-07 13:01:42', 1, 0, '2001-09-03 10:46:14', '2001-09-03 13:11:24', 21.401, 34.395400000000002, -29.037299999999998, 133.34200000000001, 319.31700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ADOLF', 'WITT', 'y', 36804602, 0.76826373161907202, 0.33740253795841701, 0.54399482171980096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0860101', 'NGC604', 23.635400000000001, 30.784400000000002, '2001-09-03 14:05:27', 6972, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 72, 'PC', '2005-07-28 21:17:40', '2002-03-07 13:06:22', 8, -179, '2001-09-03 14:05:27', '2001-09-03 16:44:17', 19.424800000000001, 33.432400000000001, -31.180299999999999, 133.755, 320.55200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM C.', 'KEEL', 'y', 35319040, 0.78703390878887303, 0.34442589739615997, 0.51180897571199202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0860303', 'NGC595', 23.390000000000001, 30.6922, '2001-09-03 17:25:29', 7049, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 72, 'PC', '2005-07-28 21:17:50', '2002-03-07 13:09:53', 7, -179, '2001-09-03 17:25:29', '2001-09-03 20:04:07', 19.421399999999998, 33.188299999999998, -31.311399999999999, 133.53299999999999, 319.85199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM C.', 'KEEL', 'y', 35318185, 0.78925677293546204, 0.34137836967741497, 0.51042585660592399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0410101', 'HD11636', 28.66, 20.808, '2001-09-03 21:07:29', 10301, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 2.6400000000000001, 'A5V', 0, 31, 'PE', '2005-07-28 20:35:48', '2002-03-07 12:51:33', 1, 0, '2001-09-03 21:07:29', '2001-09-04 07:05:11', 8.4871200000000009, 33.969999999999999, -39.682099999999998, 142.24600000000001, 330.49000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 11298615, 0.820248449367598, 0.44832890872059999, 0.35523748523409898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2420101', 'SS-CYG', 325.678, 43.585999999999999, '2001-09-04 08:22:31', 18553, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12, 'B2V', 0, 54, 'PE', '2005-07-30 08:01:06', '2002-03-07 18:33:58', 0, 0, '2001-09-04 08:22:31', '2001-09-04 20:41:36', 52.656199999999998, 350.46699999999998, -7.1105400000000003, 90.560299999999998, 245.489, 'F', 'F', 'ORSOLA', 'DE MARCO', 'y', 229682506, 0.59821954842209701, -0.408414382994502, 0.68944257458390501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1840201', 'M33OB88-7', 23.747499999999999, 30.700299999999999, '2001-09-04 22:12:48', 5110, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 18.5, 'O8', 0, 13, 'PC', '2005-07-30 04:57:23', '2002-05-07 22:49:04', 1, 0, '2001-09-04 22:12:48', '2001-09-05 02:03:36', 19.309999999999999, 33.492199999999997, -31.244, 133.88399999999999, 319.87200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 35317164, 0.78704531722906701, 0.34626723852664398, 0.51054742008057297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052801', 'HD187459-BKGD', 297.21100000000001, 33.4373, '2001-09-05 02:41:41', 7022, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0.41999999999999998, 7, 'EE', '2005-07-30 08:32:48', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, -10, '2001-09-05 02:41:41', '2001-09-05 09:54:21', 53.202800000000003, 309.57299999999998, 3.8514300000000001, 68.810400000000001, 210.75200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 236901556, 0.38158582468663998, -0.74213521821874295, 0.55102411587664302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1210101', 'MRK595', 40.395499999999998, 7.1872100000000003, '2001-09-05 19:42:16', 6833, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.69, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-04-04 04:20:19', '2002-04-10 15:22:10', 3, 0, '2001-09-05 19:42:16', '2001-09-05 23:44:36', -8.1041000000000007, 40.250399999999999, -46.545900000000003, 164.761, 344.75400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BRAD', 'GIBSON', 'y', 2201950, 0.75560513881595204, 0.64296805592643902, 0.125111763048491); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0670101', 'V410TAU', 64.629900000000006, 28.454599999999999, '2001-09-06 01:01:18', 34955, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 10.800000000000001, 'K0', 0.10000000000000001, 58, 'PE', '2005-07-28 23:33:46', '2002-03-14 18:48:39', 0, 0, '2001-09-06 01:01:18', '2001-09-07 02:33:15', 6.9582300000000004, 67.697400000000002, -15.483000000000001, 168.71199999999999, 347.10399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK M.', 'WALTER', 'y', 19152484, 0.37670308212029502, 0.79440449931973101, 0.476462253889684); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0030102', 'WZSGE', 301.90199999999999, 17.7043, '2001-09-07 04:42:43', 8276, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 8.9000000000000004, 'B0', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-07-30 08:53:31', '2002-03-14 20:33:05', 3, 0, '2001-09-07 04:42:43', '2001-09-07 11:53:02', 36.921100000000003, 309.029, -7.9292600000000002, 57.537999999999997, 202.327, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 210693680, 0.50343901854441198, -0.80874567900931604, 0.30410455651107998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2160802', 'HD186994', 296.40800000000002, 44.963700000000003, '2001-09-07 12:57:14', 404, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 7.5099999999999998, 'B0II', 0.20000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-07-30 07:19:22', '2002-03-14 20:34:57', 3, 0, '2001-09-07 12:57:14', '2001-09-07 13:03:58', 64.214299999999994, 316.33800000000002, 10.061199999999999, 78.618099999999998, 212.309, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 242113089, 0.31469216688724, -0.63372106991069199, 0.70665864860699301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0550601', 'HD27786', 66.156099999999995, 33.959699999999998, '2001-09-07 15:02:39', 6245, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-07-28 23:44:18', '2002-03-14 18:18:46', 0, 0, '2001-09-07 15:02:39', '2001-09-07 17:33:49', 12.165800000000001, 69.940399999999997, -10.7475, 165.53200000000001, 346.96300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 20118614, 0.33529421902651102, 0.75863894509660401, 0.55860964695403703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052901', 'HD013268-BKGD', 32.8735, 56.158799999999999, '2001-09-07 18:07:00', 26776, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'SKY', 0.44, 12, 'EE', '2005-07-30 08:42:52', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 3, -127, '2001-09-07 18:07:00', '2001-09-08 09:29:06', 39.926699999999997, 52.417200000000001, -4.9892300000000001, 133.96299999999999, 316.61099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 53201048, 0.46771829090938799, 0.30227376255010602, 0.830584235838005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052902', 'HD013268-BKGD', 32.8735, 56.158799999999999, '2001-09-08 12:26:49', 12181, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SKY', 0.44, 12, 'EE', '2005-07-30 08:42:59', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 3, -127, '2001-09-08 12:26:49', '2001-09-08 16:55:16', 39.926699999999997, 52.417200000000001, -4.9892300000000001, 133.96299999999999, 316.08699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 53201048, 0.46771829090938799, 0.30227376255010602, 0.830584235838005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0520401', 'SH2-174', 356.26100000000002, 80.950000000000003, '2001-09-08 17:14:35', 5244, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.699999999999999, 'DAO', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-07-28 23:02:19', '2002-03-14 18:01:22', 3, 0, '2001-09-08 17:14:35', '2001-09-08 18:44:11', 65.524600000000007, 67.737099999999998, 18.4299, 120.21899999999999, 276.51799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 266159961, 0.156961514731564, -0.0102575376811935, 0.98755144970471898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120101', 'IC63-POS1', 14.7554, 60.888300000000001, '2001-09-08 19:37:36', 2842, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.029999999999999999, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:12:26', '2002-03-28 17:29:58', 1, 0, '2001-09-08 19:37:36', '2001-09-08 20:24:58', 48.789000000000001, 44.430999999999997, -1.97011, 123.85599999999999, 296.58999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668149, 0.47046951592801201, 0.12391170196761001, 0.87367289342061605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120102', 'IC63-POS1', 14.7554, 60.888300000000001, '2001-09-08 21:24:45', 2466, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.029999999999999999, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:12:32', '2002-03-28 17:32:56', 1, 0, '2001-09-08 21:24:45', '2001-09-08 22:05:51', 48.789000000000001, 44.430999999999997, -1.97011, 123.85599999999999, 296.58999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668149, 0.47046951592801201, 0.12391170196761001, 0.87367289342061605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120103', 'IC63-POS1', 14.7554, 60.888300000000001, '2001-09-09 00:33:56', 2901, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.029999999999999999, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:12:40', '2002-03-14 20:11:33', 1, 0, '2001-09-09 00:33:56', '2001-09-09 01:24:32', 48.789000000000001, 44.430999999999997, -1.97011, 123.85599999999999, 296.58999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668149, 0.47046951592801201, 0.12391170196761001, 0.87367289342061605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120104', 'IC63-POS1', 14.7554, 60.888300000000001, '2001-09-09 03:15:15', 3076, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13, 'OTR', 0.029999999999999999, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:12:48', '2002-03-14 20:15:12', 1, 0, '2001-09-09 03:15:15', '2001-09-09 04:42:39', 48.789000000000001, 44.430999999999997, -1.97011, 123.85599999999999, 296.58999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668149, 0.47046951592801201, 0.12391170196761001, 0.87367289342061605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120105', 'IC63-POS1', 14.7554, 60.888300000000001, '2001-09-09 05:46:05', 2211, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.029999999999999999, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:23:11', '2002-03-28 17:39:35', 1, 0, '2001-09-09 05:46:05', '2001-09-09 06:22:56', 48.789000000000001, 44.430999999999997, -1.97011, 123.85599999999999, 296.58999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668149, 0.47046951592801201, 0.12391170196761001, 0.87367289342061605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120106', 'IC63-POS1', 14.7554, 60.888300000000001, '2001-09-09 07:26:53', 2134, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.029999999999999999, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:12:55', '2002-03-28 17:41:41', 1, 0, '2001-09-09 07:26:53', '2001-09-09 08:02:27', 48.789000000000001, 44.430999999999997, -1.97011, 123.85599999999999, 296.58999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668149, 0.47046951592801201, 0.12391170196761001, 0.87367289342061605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120201', 'IC63-POS2', 14.746, 60.885100000000001, '2001-09-09 08:36:51', 2311, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13, 'OTR', 0.029999999999999999, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:23:17', '2002-03-28 17:44:45', 1, 0, '2001-09-09 08:36:51', '2001-09-09 09:40:20', 48.789099999999998, 44.422499999999999, -1.9734400000000001, 123.852, 296.20999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668150, 0.470537025903977, 0.123846934464696, 0.873645720001613); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120202', 'IC63-POS2', 14.746, 60.885100000000001, '2001-09-09 10:17:52', 3689, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.029999999999999999, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:23:27', '2002-03-28 17:47:08', 1, 0, '2001-09-09 10:17:52', '2001-09-09 11:21:35', 48.789099999999998, 44.422499999999999, -1.9734400000000001, 123.852, 296.20999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668150, 0.470537025903977, 0.123846934464696, 0.873645720001613); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120203', 'IC63-POS2', 14.746, 60.885100000000001, '2001-09-09 11:57:43', 3793, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.029999999999999999, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:23:34', '2002-03-28 17:48:50', 1, 0, '2001-09-09 11:57:43', '2001-09-09 13:01:10', 48.789099999999998, 44.422499999999999, -1.9734400000000001, 123.852, 296.20999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668150, 0.470537025903977, 0.123846934464696, 0.873645720001613); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120204', 'IC63-POS2', 14.746, 60.885100000000001, '2001-09-09 13:37:45', 3604, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.029999999999999999, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:23:40', '2002-05-09 15:07:02', 1, 0, '2001-09-09 13:37:45', '2001-09-09 14:40:48', 48.789099999999998, 44.422499999999999, -1.9734400000000001, 123.852, 296.20999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668150, 0.470537025903977, 0.123846934464696, 0.873645720001613); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120205', 'IC63-POS2', 14.746, 60.885100000000001, '2001-09-09 15:16:31', 3730, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.029999999999999999, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:33:01', '2002-03-28 17:50:37', 1, 0, '2001-09-09 15:16:31', '2001-09-09 16:20:25', 48.789099999999998, 44.422499999999999, -1.9734400000000001, 123.852, 296.20999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668150, 0.470537025903977, 0.123846934464696, 0.873645720001613); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120301', 'IC63-POS3', 14.736599999999999, 60.881900000000002, '2001-09-09 16:57:30', 3548, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:43:52', '2002-03-28 17:52:49', 1, 0, '2001-09-09 16:57:30', '2001-09-09 17:58:23', 48.789099999999998, 44.414099999999998, -1.9767600000000001, 123.84699999999999, 295.64999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668147, 0.47060452582238999, 0.123782147759081, 0.87361854385746196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120302', 'IC63-POS3', 14.736599999999999, 60.881900000000002, '2001-09-09 18:53:39', 2702, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:33:18', '2002-03-28 17:55:27', 1, 0, '2001-09-09 18:53:39', '2001-09-09 19:39:41', 48.789099999999998, 44.414099999999998, -1.9767600000000001, 123.84699999999999, 295.64999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668147, 0.47060452582238999, 0.123782147759081, 0.87361854385746196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120303', 'IC63-POS3', 14.736599999999999, 60.881900000000002, '2001-09-09 20:41:49', 2252, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:33:24', '2002-03-28 17:59:12', 1, 0, '2001-09-09 20:41:49', '2001-09-09 21:19:21', 48.789099999999998, 44.414099999999998, -1.9767600000000001, 123.84699999999999, 295.64999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668147, 0.47060452582238999, 0.123782147759081, 0.87361854385746196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120304', 'IC63-POS3', 14.736599999999999, 60.881900000000002, '2001-09-09 22:28:09', 1852, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:33:30', '2002-05-09 15:11:25', 1, 0, '2001-09-09 22:28:09', '2001-09-09 22:59:01', 48.789099999999998, 44.414099999999998, -1.9767600000000001, 123.84699999999999, 295.64999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668147, 0.47060452582238999, 0.123782147759081, 0.87361854385746196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120305', 'IC63-POS3', 14.736599999999999, 60.881900000000002, '2001-09-10 01:30:48', 2734, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:33:47', '2002-03-28 18:02:52', 1, 0, '2001-09-10 01:30:48', '2001-09-10 02:18:22', 48.789099999999998, 44.414099999999998, -1.9767600000000001, 123.84699999999999, 295.64999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668147, 0.47060452582238999, 0.123782147759081, 0.87361854385746196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120306', 'IC63-POS3', 14.736599999999999, 60.881900000000002, '2001-09-10 04:14:05', 2665, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:43:59', '2002-03-28 18:08:03', 1, 0, '2001-09-10 04:14:05', '2001-09-10 05:35:15', 48.789099999999998, 44.414099999999998, -1.9767600000000001, 123.84699999999999, 295.64999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668147, 0.47060452582238999, 0.123782147759081, 0.87361854385746196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120307', 'IC63-POS3', 14.736599999999999, 60.881900000000002, '2001-09-10 06:46:14', 1872, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:33:56', '2002-03-28 18:11:47', 1, 0, '2001-09-10 06:46:14', '2001-09-10 07:17:25', 48.789099999999998, 44.414099999999998, -1.9767600000000001, 123.84699999999999, 295.64999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668147, 0.47060452582238999, 0.123782147759081, 0.87361854385746196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120308', 'IC63-POS3', 14.736599999999999, 60.881900000000002, '2001-09-10 08:26:59', 1810, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:34:12', '2002-03-28 18:14:59', 1, 0, '2001-09-10 08:26:59', '2001-09-10 08:57:08', 48.789099999999998, 44.414099999999998, -1.9767600000000001, 123.84699999999999, 295.64999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668147, 0.47060452582238999, 0.123782147759081, 0.87361854385746196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120309', 'IC63-POS3', 14.736599999999999, 60.881900000000002, '2001-09-10 09:41:56', 1747, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:54:16', '2002-03-28 18:20:48', 1, 0, '2001-09-10 09:41:56', '2001-09-10 10:18:32', 48.789099999999998, 44.414099999999998, -1.9767600000000001, 123.84699999999999, 295.64999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668147, 0.47060452582238999, 0.123782147759081, 0.87361854385746196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120310', 'IC63-POS3', 14.736599999999999, 60.881900000000002, '2001-09-10 11:22:03', 3182, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:44:05', '2002-03-28 18:25:01', 1, 0, '2001-09-10 11:22:03', '2001-09-10 12:16:34', 48.789099999999998, 44.414099999999998, -1.9767600000000001, 123.84699999999999, 295.64999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668147, 0.47060452582238999, 0.123782147759081, 0.87361854385746196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120311', 'IC63-POS3', 14.736599999999999, 60.881900000000002, '2001-09-10 13:02:21', 3237, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:44:11', '2002-03-28 18:29:26', 1, 0, '2001-09-10 13:02:21', '2001-09-10 13:56:18', 48.789099999999998, 44.414099999999998, -1.9767600000000001, 123.84699999999999, 295.64999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668147, 0.47060452582238999, 0.123782147759081, 0.87361854385746196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1120312', 'IC63-POS3', 14.736599999999999, 60.881900000000002, '2001-09-10 14:42:31', 3090, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'OTR', 0.050000000000000003, 73, 'EE', '2005-07-30 02:44:16', '2002-05-09 15:17:03', 1, 0, '2001-09-10 14:42:31', '2001-09-10 15:36:01', 48.789099999999998, 44.414099999999998, -1.9767600000000001, 123.84699999999999, 295.64999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49668147, 0.47060452582238999, 0.123782147759081, 0.87361854385746196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2330101', 'HD9996', 24.6326, 45.399700000000003, '2001-09-10 16:03:38', 7048, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.4000000000000004, 'B9V', 0.14999999999999999, 27, 'PC', '2005-07-30 07:40:20', '2002-03-14 20:39:51', 0, 0, '2001-09-10 16:03:38', '2001-09-10 18:43:03', 32.469700000000003, 40.8414, -16.6844, 131.535, 309.98200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'GIOVANNI', 'CATANZARO', 'y', 40810139, 0.63825988741955597, 0.292657583908837, 0.71202236951644804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0970501', 'HD12882', 32.189300000000003, 65.037400000000005, '2001-09-10 19:33:37', 15457, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.6200000000000001, 'B6IA', 0.38, 22, 'PC', '2005-07-30 02:23:04', '2002-03-14 20:08:45', 0, 0, '2001-09-10 19:33:37', '2001-09-11 03:15:40', 47.931399999999996, 57.7879, 3.37995, 130.97800000000001, 311.95299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'PETER E.', 'DEWDNEY', 'y', 60009297, 0.35715799660122899, 0.224821255067089, 0.90658345933171303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0970301', 'HD17505', 42.783200000000001, 60.4178, '2001-09-11 04:19:06', 8930, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 7.0999999999999996, 'O6E', 0.70999999999999996, 14, 'PC', '2005-07-30 01:51:06', '2002-03-28 17:25:26', 0, 0, '2001-09-11 04:19:06', '2001-09-11 09:52:15', 41.644199999999998, 60.997399999999999, 0.90237599999999996, 137.19200000000001, 322.68700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER E.', 'DEWDNEY', 'y', 54083573, 0.36232001772636802, 0.335314732575131, 0.86964833977466605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0970101', 'HD19243', 47.225700000000003, 62.384599999999999, '2001-09-11 10:32:00', 3695, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 6.5, 'B1VE', 0.47999999999999998, 26, 'PC', '2005-07-30 01:50:59', '2002-03-14 19:22:40', 0, 0, '2001-09-11 10:32:00', '2001-09-11 11:33:35', 42.657600000000002, 64.656400000000005, 3.6408900000000002, 138.13300000000001, 326.30000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER E.', 'DEWDNEY', 'y', 54331885, 0.31479170272514501, 0.34025012907541802, 0.88607902218682799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0970401', 'BD+60D586', 43.544499999999999, 60.651000000000003, '2001-09-11 12:10:19', 14710, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.5, 'O7', 0.52000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2005-07-30 02:12:10', '2002-03-14 19:54:10', 0, 0, '2001-09-11 12:10:19', '2001-09-11 18:11:36', 41.713700000000003, 61.5807, 1.27894, 137.422, 323.12, 'F', 'F', 'PETER E.', 'DEWDNEY', 'y', 54095221, 0.35526420288425797, 0.33765792934211902, 0.87165042815420302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0970201', 'HD17520', 42.810200000000002, 60.386099999999999, '2001-09-11 18:49:44', 6686, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.2899999999999991, 'O9V', 0.55000000000000004, 12, 'PC', '2005-07-30 01:20:00', '2002-03-14 19:29:59', 0, 0, '2001-09-11 18:49:44', '2001-09-11 21:31:02', 41.6098, 60.997300000000003, 0.87991299999999995, 137.21799999999999, 322.29500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'PETER E.', 'DEWDNEY', 'y', 54083540, 0.362514884477036, 0.33581235914491098, 0.86937507324406904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0290101', 'BD+56D563', 35.430999999999997, 57.125900000000001, '2001-09-11 22:20:55', 11357, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.4499999999999993, 'B1II', 0.57999999999999996, 23, 'PC', '2005-07-28 21:38:44', '2002-03-28 14:53:03', 0, 0, '2001-09-11 22:20:55', '2001-09-12 05:47:43', 40.195, 54.619199999999999, -3.6187999999999998, 134.983, 315.935, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID M.', 'MEYER', 'y', 53370992, 0.44227698342062499, 0.31467017940419301, 0.83986531547033505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0290201', 'BD+56D571', 35.503300000000003, 57.137500000000003, '2001-09-12 06:26:22', 15080, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 9.3599999999999994, 'B1II', 0.58999999999999997, 23, 'PC', '2005-07-28 21:59:03', '2002-03-28 15:05:40', 0, 0, '2001-09-12 06:26:22', '2001-09-12 14:06:56', 40.188800000000001, 54.6721, -3.5944400000000001, 135.01599999999999, 315.76100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID M.', 'MEYER', 'y', 53371140, 0.44174112395480702, 0.31512927035551003, 0.83997519152195699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0290301', 'BD+56D573', 35.526499999999999, 57.090200000000003, '2001-09-12 14:45:59', 17101, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.6600000000000001, 'B2II', 0.64000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-07-28 22:51:37', '2002-03-28 15:16:39', 0, 0, '2001-09-12 14:45:59', '2001-09-12 22:26:07', 40.140700000000002, 54.660800000000002, -3.6345399999999999, 135.04400000000001, 315.55200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID M.', 'MEYER', 'y', 53365471, 0.44217768505447702, 0.31571094532924898, 0.83952694646400405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0290401', 'BD+56D574', 35.530799999999999, 57.111800000000002, '2001-09-12 23:22:09', 10594, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.5299999999999994, 'B1II', 0.56000000000000005, 23, 'PC', '2005-07-28 22:20:17', '2002-03-14 17:41:24', 0, 0, '2001-09-12 23:22:09', '2001-09-13 06:38:07', 40.159199999999998, 54.6755, -3.6135000000000002, 135.03899999999999, 315.30700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID M.', 'MEYER', 'y', 53365665, 0.44189639454824398, 0.31556017946831399, 0.83973171288167303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0290501', 'BD+56D575', 35.536200000000001, 57.124400000000001, '2001-09-13 07:25:11', 13089, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.0800000000000001, 'B0.5', 0.56999999999999995, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-28 23:12:38', '2002-03-14 17:53:44', 0, 0, '2001-09-13 07:25:11', '2001-09-13 13:24:44', 40.169400000000003, 54.686, -3.6006399999999998, 135.03700000000001, 315.06400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID M.', 'MEYER', 'y', 53365671, 0.441716368854707, 0.31549448675675201, 0.83985110484651104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0290601', 'BD+56D578', 35.5732, 57.1235, '2001-09-13 14:04:48', 14322, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.25, 'B2II', 0.56000000000000005, 23, 'PC', '2005-07-28 22:51:43', '2002-03-28 15:26:32', 0, 0, '2001-09-13 14:04:48', '2001-09-13 20:04:07', 40.1601, 54.709299999999999, -3.59457, 135.05699999999999, 314.904, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID M.', 'MEYER', 'y', 53365659, 0.44152326956291599, 0.31578734345079101, 0.83984257819591701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0330701', 'KPD0054-OFF', 14.4125, 54.381900000000002, '2001-09-13 20:53:56', 7624, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.119999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-07-28 22:51:49', '2003-06-06 16:34:39', 0, 0, '2001-09-13 20:53:56', '2001-09-14 00:59:32', 43.485799999999998, 38.975200000000001, -8.4791100000000004, 123.848, 293.52999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'GILLES', 'FONTAINE', 'y', 48585169, 0.56405166007048502, 0.14495502801927099, 0.81291682515719998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1260102', 'EG-AND', 11.1549, 40.679400000000001, '2001-09-14 02:07:38', 7509, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 7.5, 'WD+M', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PC', '2005-07-30 03:57:42', '2002-03-28 18:42:21', 0, -95, '2001-09-14 02:07:38', '2001-09-14 07:32:19', 32.6616, 27.896599999999999, -22.174099999999999, 121.53700000000001, 293.87299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN R.', 'ESPEY', 'y', 42977776, 0.74404144311948694, 0.14671563857147599, 0.65182578371773203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1180701', 'HD187642', 297.69600000000003, 8.8683300000000003, '2001-09-14 13:10:32', 4234, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 0.77000000000000002, 'A7V', 0, 31, 'PE', '2005-07-30 03:58:12', '2002-03-28 19:02:00', 2, -26, '2001-09-14 13:10:32', '2001-09-14 15:26:09', 29.303599999999999, 301.77600000000001, -8.9090199999999999, 47.7455, 187.96299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 500425426, 0.459223891840431, -0.87484101091884503, 0.154164272052316); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0610707', 'M33-FUV444', 23.5413, 30.653099999999998, '2001-09-14 16:43:44', 5682, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 17.699999999999999, '', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-07-28 21:17:27', '2002-03-28 14:29:13', 1, 0, '2001-09-14 16:43:44', '2001-09-14 19:09:47', 19.334900000000001, 33.299399999999999, -31.3249, 133.691, 313.95699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 35316711, 0.78867170278129495, 0.34360039926250702, 0.50983890677222499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0610808', 'M33-OB21-108', 23.253299999999999, 30.584700000000002, '2001-09-14 20:11:05', 4521, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 17, '', 0, 13, 'PC', '2005-07-28 20:56:27', '2002-03-28 14:33:21', 1, 0, '2001-09-14 20:11:05', '2001-09-14 22:29:30', 19.367799999999999, 33.029299999999999, -31.4392, 133.422, 313.315, 'F', 'F', 'J. B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 35307335, 0.79094749970572598, 0.33987182919383302, 0.50881154903333103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0320301', 'NGC6891', 303.78699999999998, 12.7042, '2001-09-15 02:26:52', 7387, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.300000000000001, 'CSPN', 0.17999999999999999, 70, 'PC', '2006-04-04 06:56:33', '2002-03-28 15:41:11', 0, 0, '2001-09-15 02:26:52', '2001-09-15 09:45:56', 31.619599999999998, 309.57299999999998, -12.112, 54.198099999999997, 192.131, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT', 'GRUENDL', 'y', 209924175, 0.54249268058936095, -0.81076376984742704, 0.219917714179094); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0320201', 'NGC6572', 273.02600000000001, 6.8533299999999997, '2001-09-15 10:48:58', 6883, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12, 'CSPN', 0.22, 70, 'PC', '2006-04-04 06:56:23', '2002-03-28 15:32:44', 0, 0, '2001-09-15 10:48:58', '2001-09-15 16:15:29', 30.2563, 273.47899999999998, 11.8484, 34.624600000000001, 181.62200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT', 'GRUENDL', 'y', 520615299, 0.052411929432446797, -0.99147051467208402, 0.11932815337982999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053001', 'SK-67D166-BKGD', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2001-09-15 17:46:40', 16337, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'EE', '2005-07-30 08:43:05', '2002-08-20 16:32:25', 1, 0, '2001-09-15 17:46:40', '2001-09-16 05:24:08', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 356.92700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2150101', 'HD268939', 76.062100000000001, -67.251499999999993, '2001-09-16 16:56:59', 19656, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 10.9, 'B1', 0.34999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2005-07-30 07:19:15', '2002-03-28 20:00:03', 0, 0, '2001-09-16 16:56:59', '2001-09-17 06:27:44', -84.501400000000004, 346.416, -35.146299999999997, 277.96499999999997, 4.2307100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 542714147, 0.093141292294611003, 0.37530173880102802, -0.92221109542371804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490201', 'SK-67.28', 74.663700000000006, -67.188599999999994, '1999-12-16 14:59:08', 5594, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.279999999999999, 'B0.7', 0.10000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:11:19', '2000-08-17 21:00:01', 2, 0, '1999-12-16 14:59:08', '1999-12-16 17:39:59', -83.959699999999998, 347.024, -35.686399999999999, 278.05500000000001, 95.788899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542693744, 0.10254021969685501, 0.37389305643473902, -0.92178603032070805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490902', 'SK-66.185', 85.627300000000005, -66.302999999999997, '2000-02-11 07:04:09', 6983, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.109999999999999, 'B0IA', 0.050000000000000003, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:31:39', '2000-08-19 21:47:07', 2, 0, '2000-02-11 07:04:09', '2000-02-11 12:26:31', -88.233099999999993, 6.3713899999999999, -31.5672, 276.15600000000001, 143.36199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542486912, 0.030642430239185899, 0.40072997957492101, -0.91568363802075203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0491402', 'SK-71.08', 76.847499999999997, -71.198499999999996, '2001-09-17 12:45:08', 3540, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.25, 'O9II', 0.080000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:51:41', '2002-03-28 14:25:06', 1, 0, '2001-09-17 12:45:08', '2001-09-17 13:44:08', -83.394900000000007, 309.61000000000001, -33.879300000000001, 282.51499999999999, 4.65543, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 541521663, 0.073335156396062903, 0.31383611529718303, -0.94664082289511398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0860601', 'SK-68D140', 84.738699999999994, -68.947999999999993, '2001-09-17 14:25:13', 10712, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.74, 'B0I', 0.33000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-23 20:07:53', '2002-03-28 16:23:19', 1, 0, '2001-09-17 14:25:13', '2001-09-17 18:50:30', -86.892899999999997, 307.423, -31.666899999999998, 279.28500000000003, 357.15499999999997, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 542226285, 0.032939309769580899, 0.35770166981989299, -0.93325479761957997); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0860201', 'SK-68D26', 75.384200000000007, -68.178600000000003, '2001-09-17 19:43:46', 11391, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 11.539999999999999, 'B3IA', 0.31, 21, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:25:09', '2002-03-28 16:12:09', 1, 0, '2001-09-17 19:43:46', '2001-09-18 03:54:43', -84.163600000000002, 337.27999999999997, -35.165399999999998, 279.142, 6.0396700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 542653651, 0.093797051792742697, 0.35968577477140901, -0.92834705606366896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0900501', 'SK-6995', 79.580299999999994, -69.194599999999994, '2001-09-18 04:24:41', 8103, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.31, 'WR', 0.20000000000000001, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-25 23:52:24', '2002-03-28 17:09:18', 0, 0, '2001-09-18 04:24:41', '2001-09-18 08:06:32', -85.283299999999997, 321.37299999999999, -33.4482, 279.91399999999999, 2.56867, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 542296090, 0.064239626241875, 0.34933766671296401, -0.93479220420147202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0270101', 'HD269445', 80.749499999999998, -68.029600000000002, '2001-09-18 08:44:12', 24746, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 11.449999999999999, 'OFPE', 0.27000000000000002, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:04:35', '2002-03-28 14:44:53', 0, 0, '2001-09-18 08:44:12', '2001-09-18 18:22:36', -86.143699999999995, 333.411, -33.243099999999998, 278.44999999999999, 1.5726899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GIOVANNI', 'VLADILO', 'y', 542348439, 0.0601414437197276, 0.36926200181858798, -0.92737725913472602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2130301', 'SN1987A-STAR3', 83.868300000000005, -69.269900000000007, '2001-09-18 19:19:49', 59637, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 15, 15.800000000000001, 'B0V', 0.16, 20, 'PC', '2005-08-04 02:04:41', '2002-04-11 19:19:37', 0, 286, '2001-09-18 19:19:49', '2001-09-19 15:55:30', -86.445800000000006, 307.58100000000002, -31.936299999999999, 279.70499999999998, 359.23399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GEORGE', 'SONNEBORN', 'y', 542223928, 0.037808616237536098, 0.35194118396320601, -0.93525820582809105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2130401', 'SN1987A-STAR2', 83.865700000000004, -69.269099999999995, '2001-09-19 16:49:45', 44069, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15.1, 'SNR', 0.16, 20, 'PC', '2005-08-04 02:15:04', '2002-04-10 20:18:44', 0, 286, '2001-09-19 16:49:45', '2001-09-20 08:53:47', -86.445800000000006, 307.601, -31.9374, 279.70400000000001, 0.108917, 'F', 'F', 'GEORGE', 'SONNEBORN', 'y', 542223928, 0.0378259822195069, 0.35195245176203699, -0.93525326343607096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2130101', 'SN1987A', 83.867199999999997, -69.2697, '2001-09-20 09:30:57', 80098, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 18, 20, 'SNR', 0.16, 75, 'PE', '2005-08-04 01:54:07', '2002-04-11 18:57:29', 0, 286, '2001-09-20 09:30:57', '2001-09-21 12:43:31', -86.445700000000002, 307.58800000000002, -31.936800000000002, 279.70499999999998, 0.78738399999999997, 'F', 'F', 'GEORGE', 'SONNEBORN', 'y', 542223928, 0.037815721791100897, 0.35194370400602998, -0.93525697024718002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1280701', 'SK-69-237', 84.505600000000001, -69.370500000000007, '2001-09-21 13:20:14', 4955, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.08, 'B1IA', 0.14000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-26 00:23:39', '2002-03-28 18:55:33', 0, 0, '2001-09-21 13:20:14', '2001-09-21 15:12:38', -86.517799999999994, 303.73899999999998, -31.700500000000002, 279.79000000000002, 1.2557100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 542222046, 0.033734438859971801, 0.35070482379352802, -0.935878258216715); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1280501', 'HD269668', 82.753799999999998, -68.899100000000004, '2001-09-21 15:20:58', 3940, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.01, 'BN1I', 0.089999999999999997, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-26 00:12:51', '2002-03-28 18:51:13', 0, 0, '2001-09-21 15:20:58', '2001-09-21 16:58:59', -86.397000000000006, 316.26799999999997, -32.381100000000004, 279.33499999999998, 2.9754299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 542313860, 0.045409389424382503, 0.35713616556414102, -0.93294787989375205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1280201', 'SK-67-256', 86.104699999999994, -67.230400000000003, '2001-09-21 17:08:18', 3937, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.9, 'BC1I', 0.089999999999999997, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-26 00:02:35', '2002-03-28 18:47:28', 0, 0, '2001-09-21 17:08:18', '2001-09-21 18:47:56', -88.331500000000005, 334.55200000000002, -31.315000000000001, 277.22500000000002, 359.875, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 542431454, 0.026292039221121499, 0.38613232249243801, -0.92206862987534199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0900101', 'SK-67181', 83.200000000000003, -67.344999999999999, '2001-09-21 18:55:26', 7917, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.1, 'O8', 0.20000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:46:56', '2002-03-28 16:51:26', 0, 0, '2001-09-21 18:55:26', '2001-09-21 22:17:29', -87.226299999999995, 340.47000000000003, -32.420499999999997, 277.48500000000001, 2.6354700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 542510552, 0.045607001974410297, 0.38247180847442702, -0.92284089478804898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0900201', 'SK-67266', 86.466700000000003, -67.240300000000005, '2001-09-21 22:26:30', 4700, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.01, 'O8', 0.19, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:56:49', '2002-03-28 16:58:40', 1, 0, '2001-09-21 22:26:30', '2001-09-22 00:18:47', -88.456400000000002, 332.25999999999999, -31.174600000000002, 277.226, 359.75799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 542430170, 0.023842092035614, 0.38613170512259498, -0.92213548947347401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0860801', 'SK-69D279', 85.436199999999999, -69.587400000000002, '2001-09-22 01:28:21', 5976, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.93, 'O9I', 0.35999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:35:57', '2002-03-28 16:29:55', 1, 0, '2001-09-22 01:28:21', '2001-09-22 03:33:08', -86.528400000000005, 297.27800000000002, -31.351900000000001, 279.99900000000002, 0.86080900000000005, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 542215797, 0.0277519760951709, 0.34767230447251601, -0.93720531183171496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0861101', 'SK-65D63', 82.165000000000006, -65.650099999999995, '2001-09-22 04:25:54', 4125, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.56, 'O9I', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:46:37', '2002-03-28 16:45:48', 1, 0, '2001-09-22 04:25:54', '2001-09-22 05:54:37', -86.700900000000004, 12.3993, -33.031100000000002, 275.54199999999997, 3.8580299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 542583616, 0.056206134818770598, 0.40845896394498199, -0.91104453523509299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0860901', 'SK-67D168', 82.967100000000002, -67.572400000000002, '2001-09-22 06:10:40', 4102, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.08, 'O8I', 0.14000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:36:08', '2002-03-28 16:38:25', 1, 0, '2001-09-22 06:10:40', '2001-09-22 07:38:58', -87.080600000000004, 336.517, -32.481299999999997, 277.76499999999999, 3.3148200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 542509651, 0.046712498163810297, 0.37864517533956499, -0.92436236060722698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0860701', 'SK-68D155', 85.728800000000007, -68.948400000000007, '2001-09-22 07:48:12', 8020, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.720000000000001, 'O8I', 0.34000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:35:27', '2002-03-28 16:26:48', 1, 0, '2001-09-22 07:48:12', '2001-09-22 10:02:04', -87.117500000000007, 302.14100000000002, -31.313099999999999, 279.24299999999999, 0.86804199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 542231736, 0.026752948710729599, 0.35821094576953, -0.93325730539127305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0860501', 'SK-68D129', 84.111699999999999, -68.9589, '2001-09-22 10:10:38', 6683, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.77, 'O9I', 0.34000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:26:36', '2002-03-28 16:19:38', 1, 0, '2001-09-22 10:10:38', '2001-09-22 12:02:13', -86.728700000000003, 310.20100000000002, -31.889299999999999, 279.32900000000001, 2.4761700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 542227968, 0.036833450702071599, 0.35714318427534902, -0.93332311812953705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0150101', 'CAL83', 85.892499999999998, -68.372799999999998, '2001-09-22 12:37:45', 45220, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 16.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-08-03 14:00:48', '2002-04-03 13:38:43', 2, 0, '2001-09-22 12:37:45', '2001-09-23 05:36:48', -87.6006, 309.09300000000002, -31.305700000000002, 278.56599999999997, 0.87878400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'CRAMPTON', 'y', 542410977, 0.026399641641286602, 0.36761921085820598, -0.92960162151816506); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0860401', 'SK-69D228', 84.288300000000007, -69.338800000000006, '2001-09-23 05:47:44', 9407, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.93, 'B2IA', 0.25, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:25:58', '2002-03-28 16:16:51', 1, 0, '2001-09-23 05:47:44', '2001-09-23 08:24:58', -86.493399999999994, 305.03899999999999, -31.7804, 279.76400000000001, 3.1238700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 542223460, 0.035115803225213398, 0.35108952900915702, -0.93568318515616); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2140101', '0519-69.0', 79.890799999999999, -69.036000000000001, '2001-09-23 08:36:53', 27449, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-08-04 02:15:33', '2002-03-28 19:10:49', 0, 0, '2001-09-23 08:36:53', '2001-09-23 18:12:04', -85.456400000000002, 322.44200000000001, -33.370800000000003, 279.702, 7.3432599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542295753, 0.062799491963653004, 0.35222674146548699, -0.93380541142451701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2140201', '0509-67.5', 77.382900000000006, -67.5214, '2001-09-23 18:51:55', 29581, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-08-04 02:25:54', '2002-03-28 19:19:36', 0, 0, '2001-09-23 18:51:55', '2001-09-24 05:24:58', -84.994799999999998, 343.18299999999999, -34.590299999999999, 278.14499999999998, 9.9779999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542706725, 0.083515881514626897, 0.37310548227191498, -0.92402240050416395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2140301', '0505-67.9', 76.427899999999994, -67.877200000000002, '2001-09-24 06:15:37', 27723, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-08-04 02:26:14', '2002-03-28 19:28:51', 0, 0, '2001-09-24 06:15:37', '2001-09-24 15:44:58', -84.594399999999993, 339.73599999999999, -34.862000000000002, 278.66699999999997, 11.3574, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542666803, 0.088374608285398601, 0.366076719724091, -0.92637884468852805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2140401', '0548-70.4', 86.958699999999993, -70.414500000000004, '2001-09-24 16:22:23', 29525, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-08-04 02:36:27', '2002-03-28 19:42:09', 0, 0, '2001-09-24 16:22:23', '2001-09-25 03:38:00', -85.989099999999993, 284.73000000000002, -30.752800000000001, 280.90100000000001, 2.0309499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542146062, 0.017784993697077998, 0.334741019143941, -0.94214231626738398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010801', 'LMC-SM85', 85.128600000000006, -66.293800000000005, '2001-09-25 03:56:09', 10270, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.4, 'CSPN', 0.17000000000000001, 71, 'PC', '2007-04-12 22:37:23', '2002-04-10 15:34:44', 1, 0, '2001-09-25 03:56:09', '2001-09-25 06:48:13', -88.034199999999998, 5.5596500000000004, -31.767800000000001, 276.16199999999998, 3.3176899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 542484463, 0.034141647410747003, 0.400594588538421, -0.91561909304350597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0940101', 'N132D', 81.228300000000004, -69.642499999999998, '2001-09-25 07:14:34', 9437, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.20000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-08-03 15:02:50', '2002-03-28 17:14:28', 1, 0, '2001-09-25 07:14:34', '2001-09-25 09:52:47', -85.513000000000005, 312.69600000000003, -32.794800000000002, 280.30900000000003, 8.0142199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JON A.', 'MORSE', 'y', 542270088, 0.053050399263202, 0.343807881686989, -0.93754029013579998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2030502', 'NGC346-6', 14.740600000000001, -72.176000000000002, '2001-09-25 10:42:35', 9611, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.02, 'O4V(', 0.089999999999999997, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-19 01:35:08', '2002-04-03 15:31:43', 4, 0, '2001-09-25 10:42:35', '2001-09-25 17:59:51', -64.745699999999999, 313.935, -44.940100000000001, 302.12, 74.303600000000003, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 545873275, 0.29601984296044298, 0.077883591259840207, -0.95200125986583894); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053101', 'GD50-BKGD', 57.209000000000003, -0.97591399999999995, '2001-09-25 19:13:10', 13734, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'WD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-08-04 03:08:09', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 3, 0, '2001-09-25 19:13:10', '2001-09-26 02:42:28', -20.485700000000001, 54.686300000000003, -40.098100000000002, 188.95599999999999, 359.52600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 378494719, 0.54149760853788698, 0.84052974242107303, -0.017032088929849601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0360404', 'SBS0335-052', 54.433300000000003, -5.0441700000000003, '2001-09-26 10:06:30', 24396, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16.649999999999999, '', 0.20000000000000001, 88, 'EC', '2005-08-02 21:13:29', '2002-04-03 13:16:16', 4, 0.013599999999999999, '2001-09-26 10:06:30', '2001-09-26 22:39:07', -23.764900000000001, 50.7224, -44.693899999999999, 191.346, 2.9495200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'TRINH XUAN', 'THUAN', 'y', 378111444, 0.57939769414460096, 0.81028867439383201, -0.087923695150999806); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1530206', 'HD22468', 54.197299999999998, 0.58997200000000005, '2001-09-26 23:38:09', 8074, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 5.71, 'K1IV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-08-03 16:45:49', '2002-04-03 15:16:37', 0, 0, '2001-09-26 23:38:09', '2001-09-27 03:38:43', -18.249199999999998, 51.979399999999998, -41.567500000000003, 184.911, 358.76900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 379972242, 0.58496488233797495, 0.81099325701205405, 0.010296771935906999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0561901', 'NGC1395', 54.6233, -23.027799999999999, '2001-09-27 04:23:13', 16573, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2005-08-03 14:30:35', '2002-04-03 13:52:02', 4, 1717, '2001-09-27 04:23:13', '2001-09-27 11:52:32', -41.100999999999999, 45.002800000000001, -52.121499999999997, 216.214, 16.912600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 592316993, 0.53281613452143795, 0.75039120714990504, -0.391177712843845); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053201', 'BD+532820-BKGD', 333.45699999999999, 54.409599999999998, '2001-09-27 12:50:46', 16989, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'B0IV', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'EE', '2005-08-04 03:08:17', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 3, 16, '2001-09-27 12:50:46', '2001-09-27 23:25:14', 58.162300000000002, 9.2573600000000003, -1.6863699999999999, 101.24299999999999, 230.72399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 233461470, 0.52064488356059602, -0.26007201704739502, 0.81319828527307703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053202', 'BD+532820-BKGD', 333.45699999999999, 54.409599999999998, '2001-09-28 03:31:31', 8847, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'B0IV', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'EE', '2005-08-04 03:17:39', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 3, 16, '2001-09-28 03:31:31', '2001-09-28 07:44:30', 58.162300000000002, 9.2573600000000003, -1.6863699999999999, 101.24299999999999, 230.017, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 233461470, 0.52064488356059602, -0.26007201704739502, 0.81319828527307703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1260103', 'EG-AND', 11.1549, 40.679400000000001, '2001-09-28 08:34:54', 9619, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.5, 'WD+M', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PC', '2005-08-03 15:34:18', '2002-04-03 14:00:01', 0, -95, '2001-09-28 08:34:54', '2001-09-28 12:47:02', 32.6616, 27.896599999999999, -22.174099999999999, 121.53700000000001, 277.57100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN R.', 'ESPEY', 'y', 42977776, 0.74404144311948694, 0.14671563857147599, 0.65182578371773203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030608', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-09-28 13:50:03', 2728, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-08-03 15:44:45', '2002-04-03 14:29:33', 0, 0, '2001-09-28 13:50:03', '2001-09-28 14:36:03', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 343.75200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030510', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-09-28 15:35:37', 1910, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-08-03 15:14:11', '2002-04-03 14:21:27', 0, 0, '2001-09-28 15:35:37', '2001-09-28 16:15:40', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 343.71199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030406', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-09-28 17:15:30', 1932, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-08-03 15:13:51', '2002-04-03 14:15:57', 0, 0, '2001-09-28 17:15:30', '2001-09-28 19:02:24', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 343.67599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053301', 'WZSGE-BKGD', 301.90199999999999, 17.7043, '2001-09-28 20:31:29', 5770, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'B0', 0, 63, 'EE', '2005-08-04 03:17:46', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 0, '2001-09-28 20:31:29', '2001-09-29 01:50:34', 36.921100000000003, 309.029, -7.9292600000000002, 57.537999999999997, 183.77199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 210693680, 0.50343901854441198, -0.80874567900931604, 0.30410455651107998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0030103', 'WZSGE', 301.90199999999999, 17.7043, '2001-09-29 02:50:17', 8853, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.9000000000000004, 'B0', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-08-04 03:28:38', '2002-04-03 14:09:25', 3, 0, '2001-09-29 02:50:17', '2001-09-29 08:28:27', 36.921100000000003, 309.029, -7.9292600000000002, 57.537999999999997, 183.58500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 210693680, 0.50343901854441198, -0.80874567900931604, 0.30410455651107998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070204', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2001-09-29 09:33:35', 3029, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-08-03 15:44:51', '2002-04-03 14:43:15', 0, 0, '2001-09-29 09:33:35', '2001-09-29 10:25:32', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 262.61700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070205', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2001-09-29 11:17:34', 3201, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-08-03 15:24:08', '2002-05-16 16:25:30', 1, 0, '2001-09-29 11:17:34', '2001-09-29 13:14:59', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 262.51900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070206', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2001-09-29 14:36:06', 3596, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-08-03 15:34:33', '2002-04-03 15:06:56', 1, 0, '2001-09-29 14:36:06', '2001-09-29 17:02:17', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 262.34899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053401', 'EG50-BKGD', 101.908, 37.515500000000003, '2001-09-29 18:14:11', 6088, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'DA', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-08-04 03:18:04', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 1, 0, '2001-09-29 18:14:11', '2001-09-29 20:46:31', 14.477399999999999, 99.731800000000007, 15.4238, 178.28999999999999, 3.1394700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 109869379, -0.16366718267601499, 0.77611935219682904, 0.60897602946295903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1190201', 'EG50', 101.908, 37.515500000000003, '2001-09-29 21:31:41', 6436, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.050000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-08-03 15:34:12', '2002-04-10 16:28:06', 0, 0, '2001-09-29 21:31:41', '2001-09-30 00:04:37', 14.477399999999999, 99.731800000000007, 15.4238, 178.28999999999999, 3.10175, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 109869379, -0.16366718267601499, 0.77611935219682904, 0.60897602946295903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053501', 'HD1383-BKGD', 4.5740400000000001, 61.727200000000003, '2001-09-30 00:44:22', 6006, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'B1II', 0.5, 23, 'EE', '2005-08-04 03:18:11', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 0, '2001-09-30 00:44:22', '2001-09-30 03:07:10', 52.466900000000003, 39.192500000000003, -0.89267099999999999, 119.01900000000001, 265.43099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 50024749, 0.47216158118749801, 0.037773911267973997, 0.88070231797017595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0710101', 'HD1383', 4.5740400000000001, 61.727200000000003, '2001-09-30 03:49:17', 22667, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 7.6299999999999999, 'B1II', 0.5, 23, 'PC', '2005-08-03 14:40:44', '2002-04-23 15:55:09', 2, 0, '2001-09-30 03:49:17', '2001-09-30 14:44:27', 52.466900000000003, 39.192500000000003, -0.89267099999999999, 119.01900000000001, 265.298, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN I.B.', 'CARTLEDGE', 'y', 50024749, 0.47216158118749801, 0.037773911267973997, 0.88070231797017595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1310405', 'ZAND', 353.41699999999997, 48.818399999999997, '2001-09-30 15:31:08', 10740, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.1999999999999993, 'WD+M', 0.23999999999999999, 57, 'PC', '2005-08-03 15:13:30', '2002-04-10 16:40:20', 2, -1.8, '2001-09-30 15:31:08', '2001-09-30 21:20:09', 46.099800000000002, 19.382200000000001, -12.087899999999999, 109.98099999999999, 249.01599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES D.', 'KEYES', 'y', 226066253, 0.65410653326676604, -0.075486039338272207, 0.75262640201015596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053601', 'WD1800+685-BKGD', 270.04000000000002, 68.598299999999995, '2001-09-30 22:28:03', 9861, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'DA', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-08-04 03:18:28', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 0, '2001-09-30 22:28:03', '2001-10-01 03:59:09', 87.962100000000007, 89.593800000000002, 29.775300000000001, 98.7333, 169.756, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 262913959, 0.00025475131510101402, -0.36490432023418001, 0.931044989340579); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2041002', 'WD1800+685', 270.04000000000002, 68.598299999999995, '2001-10-01 04:55:36', 14837, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 16, 14.699999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-08-03 16:57:01', '2002-04-10 18:07:03', 3, 0, '2001-10-01 04:55:36', '2001-10-01 17:09:36', 87.962100000000007, 89.593800000000002, 29.775300000000001, 98.7333, 169.48500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 262913959, 0.00025475131510101402, -0.36490432023418001, 0.931044989340579); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0550101', 'HD160538', 263.17200000000003, 74.227400000000003, '2001-10-01 18:15:51', 5235, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-08-03 14:10:07', '2002-04-10 16:03:30', 0, 0, '2001-10-01 18:15:51', '2001-10-01 20:40:23', 82.010499999999993, 103.44499999999999, 31.353300000000001, 105.494, 162.05000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 192742654, -0.032316472280384798, -0.26989218721317398, 0.96234809341560001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1080202', 'NGC6543', 269.63900000000001, 66.632999999999996, '2001-10-01 21:52:01', 3752, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.140000000000001, '', 0, 71, 'PC', '2005-08-04 02:58:02', '2002-04-10 20:32:11', 1, 0, '2001-10-01 21:52:01', '2001-10-02 01:35:26', 89.839200000000005, 153.02699999999999, 29.954599999999999, 96.4696, 168.42699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 190144085, -0.0024989379342842599, -0.39661136359480997, 0.91798321421290996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053701', 'RE0503-289-BKGD', 75.980699999999999, -28.91, '2001-10-02 02:54:46', 34802, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 14, 99, 'DOZ1', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-08-04 03:28:13', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 0, '2001-10-02 02:54:46', '2001-10-02 23:43:30', -51.387099999999997, 70.134699999999995, -34.936300000000003, 230.67400000000001, 11.8713, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 567753798, 0.21205972848219201, 0.849306249119548, -0.48343517327822); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053702', 'RE0503-289-BKGD', 75.980699999999999, -28.91, '2001-10-03 02:06:13', 9975, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'DOZ1', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-08-04 03:28:30', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 0, '2001-10-03 02:06:13', '2001-10-03 06:23:05', -51.387099999999997, 70.134699999999995, -34.936300000000003, 230.67400000000001, 12.7112, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 567753798, 0.21205972848219201, 0.849306249119548, -0.48343517327822); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0880304', 'NGC1399', 54.622100000000003, -35.450299999999999, '2001-10-03 06:59:40', 11563, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.6300000000000008, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EC', '2005-08-03 13:49:25', '2002-04-10 15:10:46', 7, 1449, '2001-10-03 06:59:40', '2001-10-03 14:25:44', -52.7821, 38.761200000000002, -53.634999999999998, 236.71700000000001, 30.441700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 565823616, 0.47163725016359997, 0.66420050135314201, -0.57999655021418295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1019101', 'HE0226-4110', 37.063299999999998, -40.9544, '2001-10-03 15:10:40', 63848, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 15.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2005-08-03 16:25:35', '2002-05-07 20:16:24', 17, 0.495, '2001-10-03 15:10:40', '2001-10-04 22:11:51', -51.483699999999999, 14.591799999999999, -65.774600000000007, 253.94399999999999, 51.365200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 576395052, 0.60265217012290695, 0.45517573378343901, -0.65545817045854204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0561101', 'NGC1407', 55.049199999999999, -18.579999999999998, '2001-10-04 22:59:16', 16186, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2005-08-03 14:10:35', '2002-04-10 16:17:48', 4, 1779, '2001-10-04 22:59:16', '2001-10-05 07:47:47', -36.968800000000002, 47.183700000000002, -50.384300000000003, 209.637, 20.698499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 593884283, 0.54301450867836298, 0.77692415988253305, -0.31862845628665498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0520901', 'A7', 75.781199999999998, -15.606400000000001, '2001-10-05 09:02:05', 10980, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.5, 'DAO', 0.040000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-08-03 14:04:10', '2002-04-10 15:53:55', 3, 0, '2001-10-05 09:02:05', '2001-10-05 16:30:47', -38.185200000000002, 72.483999999999995, -30.855, 215.572, 9.7710299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 347641809, 0.23656987738419799, 0.93362677144045703, -0.26902740522871299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1150808', 'NGC1535', 63.5655, -12.7394, '2001-10-05 17:17:25', 6526, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.199999999999999, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-08-03 16:45:36', '2002-04-10 17:18:08', 1, 0, '2001-10-05 17:17:25', '2001-10-05 19:51:30', -33.349299999999999, 58.680500000000002, -40.564999999999998, 206.47800000000001, 13.0852, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 371266269, 0.43421564156589698, 0.87340084415045705, -0.22051698813647999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0870101', 'PKS0405-12', 61.951799999999999, -12.1935, '2001-10-05 20:36:46', 70320, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 28, 14.82, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2005-08-03 15:33:59', '2002-04-16 16:56:24', 12, 0.57259000000000004, '2001-10-05 20:36:46', '2001-10-07 15:02:18', -32.474699999999999, 56.989199999999997, -41.756599999999999, 204.929, 13.4749, 'F', 'F', 'JASON X.', 'PROCHASKA', 'y', 371260729, 0.45960607842651302, 0.86264183562268104, -0.211213910779884); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2180202', 'HD209750', 331.44600000000003, -0.31986100000000001, '2001-10-07 16:05:00', 10315, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 2.9500000000000002, 'G2IB', 0, 45, 'PE', '2005-08-04 02:46:35', '2002-04-23 22:05:39', 2, 7.5, '2001-10-07 16:05:00', '2001-10-07 23:01:53', 10.6616, 333.35300000000001, -42.065899999999999, 59.929900000000004, 168.23500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 312034613, 0.87835332344144701, -0.47797936544606801, -0.0055825986009885101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1180202', 'HD209750', 331.44600000000003, -0.31986100000000001, '2001-10-08 00:02:55', 15781, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 2.8999999999999999, 'G2IB', 0, 45, 'PE', '2005-08-03 16:45:42', '2002-04-11 18:20:06', 1, 7.5, '2001-10-08 00:02:55', '2001-10-08 10:41:19', 10.6616, 333.35300000000001, -42.065899999999999, 59.929900000000004, 168.108, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'LINSKY', 'y', 312034613, 0.87835332344144701, -0.47797936544606801, -0.0055825986009885101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2190201', 'HD39060', 86.821200000000005, -51.066499999999998, '2001-10-08 12:11:41', 11344, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 3.8500000000000001, 'A5V', 0.02, 31, 'PC', '2005-08-04 02:57:31', '2002-04-11 19:31:20', 1, 0, '2001-10-08 12:11:41', '2001-10-08 19:38:31', -74.423699999999997, 82.543499999999995, -30.611699999999999, 258.36599999999999, 14.337199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 557952421, 0.034847076622894102, 0.62745106250650295, -0.77787585475466403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2040601', 'WD2127-222', 321.93000000000001, -22.1967, '2001-10-08 20:26:36', 18938, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 24, 14.9, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-08-03 16:56:54', '2002-04-23 21:40:59', 5, 0, '2001-10-08 20:26:36', '2001-10-09 19:46:43', -6.8636200000000001, 317.23700000000002, -43.758899999999997, 27.361000000000001, 154.59200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 794902078, 0.72891614980892905, -0.57092721226918097, -0.37778745987429102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0550401', 'HD204075', 321.66699999999997, -22.411300000000001, '2001-10-10 05:18:04', 4286, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 17, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-08-03 14:10:15', '2002-04-16 15:11:20', 0, 0, '2001-10-10 05:18:04', '2001-10-10 07:36:44', -6.9907700000000004, 316.93700000000001, -43.588299999999997, 26.979500000000002, 155.15899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 794898376, 0.72517276025117094, -0.573385419197883, -0.38125270994573401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2180401', 'HD197481', 311.29000000000002, -31.340900000000001, '2001-10-10 08:40:01', 26541, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 8.6099999999999994, 'M0VE', 0, 48, 'PE', '2005-08-04 02:57:11', '2002-04-16 17:45:29', 3, 1.2, '2001-10-10 08:40:01', '2001-10-11 05:09:39', -12.8226, 305.31, -36.802199999999999, 12.656000000000001, 157.81999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 790931239, 0.56358734874907201, -0.64174387460911597, -0.52012892606705896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0561201', 'NGC1549', 63.9375, -55.591900000000003, '2001-10-11 06:37:58', 17990, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2005-08-03 14:30:18', '2002-04-16 15:32:59', 4, 1220, '2001-10-11 06:37:58', '2001-10-11 19:10:23', -73.511200000000002, 28.988299999999999, -43.801699999999997, 265.40699999999998, 38.014400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 556310378, 0.248270244407121, 0.50762329743506296, -0.82503361970478695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0540401', 'JL236', 18.524999999999999, -52.7333, '2001-10-11 19:42:15', 7290, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.460000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-08-03 14:05:08', '2002-04-16 15:05:24', 1, 0, '2001-10-11 19:42:15', '2001-10-11 22:22:09', -53.773099999999999, 346.29199999999997, -64.047899999999998, 295.08300000000003, 85.218599999999995, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', 'y', 572238944, 0.57415071415902896, 0.192386749628537, -0.79582554369537795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1980202', 'NGC7293', 337.411, -20.837499999999999, '2001-10-11 23:15:24', 4831, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13.5, '', 0, 71, 'PC', '2005-08-03 16:45:55', '2002-04-16 17:23:00', 1, 0, '2001-10-11 23:15:24', '2001-10-12 05:50:45', -10.577500000000001, 331.38, -57.1188, 36.162100000000002, 146.34899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 771702524, 0.86289479893736998, -0.35899408395855997, -0.355718728280633); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1090101', 'ESO350-38', 9.21875, -33.555300000000003, '2001-10-12 07:26:35', 16058, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.199999999999999, 'GAL', 0, 88, 'EC', '2005-08-03 15:03:20', '2002-04-30 14:42:01', 4, 6050, '2001-10-12 07:26:35', '2001-10-12 16:30:59', -34.072099999999999, 353.24900000000002, -82.847200000000001, 328.08600000000001, 99.4131, 'F', 'F', 'NILS', 'BERGVALL', 'y', 582887973, 0.82258904792777998, 0.13350662179455, -0.55274156725026202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052403', 'HD203374A-BKGD', 319.779, 61.858600000000003, '2001-10-13 03:14:55', 7174, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'B0IV', 0.59999999999999998, 20, 'EE', '2005-08-04 03:07:22', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 0, '2001-10-13 03:14:55', '2001-10-13 08:53:03', 68.461299999999994, 11.203200000000001, 8.6228099999999994, 100.514, 202.41900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 255278951, 0.360132146785547, -0.30456158772476799, 0.88178629845002798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052404', 'HD203374A-BKGD', 319.779, 61.858600000000003, '2001-10-13 13:14:10', 13083, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'B0IV', 0.59999999999999998, 20, 'EE', '2005-08-04 03:07:41', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 0, '2001-10-13 13:14:10', '2001-10-13 22:12:29', 68.461299999999994, 11.203200000000001, 8.6228099999999994, 100.514, 201.97800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 255278951, 0.360132146785547, -0.30456158772476799, 0.88178629845002798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1510203', 'HD47382', 99.619, 4.6072499999999996, '2001-10-13 23:38:10', 5089, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.1399999999999997, 'B0II', 0.46999999999999997, 23, 'PC', '2005-08-03 16:05:49', '2002-04-30 15:08:28', 0, 0, '2001-10-13 23:38:10', '2001-10-14 02:06:34', -18.495100000000001, 100.11499999999999, -0.77489399999999997, 207.35599999999999, 4.8944400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 364482883, -0.166555773595223, 0.98275483220795001, 0.080325052468211297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0390101', 'PK194+02D1', 96.488299999999995, 17.790800000000001, '2001-10-14 02:50:32', 20516, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 17.800000000000001, 'PN', 0.52000000000000002, 71, 'PE', '2005-08-23 01:40:32', '2002-04-23 14:04:11', 0, 0, '2001-10-14 02:50:32', '2001-10-14 18:44:07', -5.5089899999999998, 96.205600000000004, 2.5952099999999998, 194.244, 1.5210600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SUN', 'KWOK', 'y', 392381496, -0.10759647187162399, 0.94607971675407998, 0.30554241732908299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2160101', 'HD40893', 90.776799999999994, 31.052299999999999, '2001-10-14 21:03:34', 7138, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.9900000000000002, 'B0IV', 0.33000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-08-04 02:36:50', '2002-05-08 00:03:30', 2, 0, '2001-10-14 21:03:34', '2001-10-15 00:33:51', 7.6146099999999999, 90.671400000000006, 4.3357599999999996, 180.08600000000001, 354.916, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 401622722, -0.011614497666404299, 0.85661807895590603, 0.51582028871482899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2160301', 'HD42087', 92.433300000000003, 23.113499999999998, '2001-10-15 02:07:03', 2948, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 5.7699999999999996, 'B2.5', 0.42999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2005-08-23 04:17:19', '2002-04-30 18:14:09', 2, 0, '2001-10-15 02:07:03', '2001-10-15 04:39:33', -0.30711899999999998, 92.237899999999996, 1.7684500000000001, 187.75299999999999, 358.57600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 398758115, -0.039048320529880803, 0.91889973143572201, 0.392553833545355); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2160401', 'HD43384', 94.244600000000005, 23.7409, '2001-10-15 05:26:29', 8106, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 6.29, 'B3IB', 0.51000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2005-08-23 04:17:48', '2002-04-23 21:56:56', 0, 0, '2001-10-15 05:26:29', '2001-10-15 12:43:43', 0.35864499999999999, 93.884900000000002, 3.5283600000000002, 187.99600000000001, 359.06999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 398789752, -0.067751056190059, 0.91286471023582305, 0.40260131046880498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0380201', 'HD250550', 90.5, 16.515799999999999, '2001-10-15 13:45:48', 9084, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.4000000000000004, 'A0V', 0.14999999999999999, 30, 'PC', '2005-08-03 14:03:26', '2002-04-23 13:42:56', 1, 0, '2001-10-15 13:45:48', '2001-10-15 18:01:08', -6.9228699999999996, 90.482900000000001, -3.0390299999999999, 192.625, 0.45602399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'CLAUDE', 'CATALA', 'y', 389908512, -0.0083664906668428803, 0.95870487183301001, 0.28427973997028499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0710201', 'HD37367', 84.8262, 29.215199999999999, '2001-10-15 18:42:43', 3301, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 5.9800000000000004, 'B2IV', 0.38, 20, 'PC', '2005-08-03 14:40:50', '2002-04-23 16:07:27', 2, 0, '2001-10-15 18:42:43', '2001-10-15 19:38:24', 5.85717, 85.462000000000003, -1.0262500000000001, 179.03700000000001, 352.45699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN I.B.', 'CARTLEDGE', 'y', 400807074, 0.078705974292112096, 0.86923663697009002, 0.48809121950682299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0630101', 'HD34078', 79.075599999999994, 34.3123, '2001-10-15 20:19:12', 6851, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 5.9900000000000002, 'O9.5', 0.52000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2005-08-23 00:05:48', '2002-05-07 15:57:33', 1, 0, '2001-10-15 20:19:12', '2001-10-15 22:55:47', 11.2204, 80.817300000000003, -2.2595900000000002, 172.083, 346.23700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'BOISSE', 'y', 21195923, 0.15653393424391401, 0.811009018395349, 0.56370337901376399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2190301', 'HD31293', 73.941000000000003, 30.551200000000001, '2001-10-15 23:38:37', 15664, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 7.0999999999999996, 'A0PE', 0.19, 34, 'PC', '2005-07-21 14:55:53', '2002-05-08 00:43:36', 1, 0, '2001-10-15 23:38:37', '2001-10-16 11:59:34', 7.88422, 76.084100000000007, -7.9811399999999999, 172.501, 345.52199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 18267601, 0.238224387471065, 0.82756993477492602, 0.50830811942232601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q2010202', 'HD30675', 72.716200000000001, 28.3142, '2001-10-16 13:08:15', 955, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 2, 6.3399999999999999, 'B5II', 0.23000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2005-08-23 04:17:57', '2003-06-18 20:26:23', 0, 0, '2001-10-16 13:08:15', '2001-10-16 13:24:18', 5.7846299999999999, 74.757900000000006, -10.2056, 173.607, 346.06, 'F', 'F', 'CECILE', 'GRY', 'y', 18056569, 0.26155922800172199, 0.84060704285746402, 0.47430640913398198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1061314', 'HD30738', 72.702200000000005, 16.2104, '2001-10-16 14:40:45', 6321, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.2999999999999998, 'F5V', 0.01, 91, 'PE', '2005-08-23 01:30:25', '2002-04-23 13:18:41', 1, 0, '2001-10-16 14:40:45', '2001-10-16 17:14:19', -6.2324099999999998, 73.308800000000005, -17.580300000000001, 183.50299999999999, 356.08699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ERIKA', 'BOHM-VITENSE', 'y', 396419795, 0.28551694693687102, 0.91681336582312101, 0.27916540842290599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0460201', 'HD32040', 75.140699999999995, 3.6157499999999998, '2001-10-16 18:03:25', 3108, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 6, 6.6500000000000004, 'B8V', 0.029999999999999999, 25, 'PC', '2005-08-23 01:41:28', '2002-04-30 14:25:36', 0, 0, '2001-10-16 18:03:25', '2001-10-16 18:55:53', -19.017199999999999, 74.293499999999995, -22.605599999999999, 196.071, 6.1501799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LAUROESCH', 'y', 377005519, 0.25593578988222898, 0.96463448744901004, 0.063064864079337202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1190101', 'EG46', 93.827699999999993, 17.727699999999999, '2001-10-16 19:45:56', 6251, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.390000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-08-23 01:50:59', '2002-04-30 14:51:35', 0, 0, '2001-10-16 19:45:56', '2001-10-16 22:21:00', -5.6631, 93.663600000000002, 0.33008199999999999, 193.10599999999999, 1.0662799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 392359495, -0.063586322535575099, 0.95038962004993399, 0.30449359547902399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1161001', 'HD46202', 98.043700000000001, 4.9665800000000004, '2001-10-16 23:08:01', 4939, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.1899999999999995, 'O9V', 0.46999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2005-08-23 03:56:07', '2002-04-30 17:59:49', 2, 0, '2001-10-16 23:08:01', '2001-10-17 01:42:25', -18.237500000000001, 98.440200000000004, -2.0036499999999999, 206.315, 5.7160000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 364535594, -0.13940296687713699, 0.98644393724624702, 0.086574658509143906); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1510302', 'HD47129', 99.349999999999994, 6.1353099999999996, '2001-10-17 03:01:32', 859, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 2, 6.0499999999999998, 'O8II', 0.35999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2005-08-23 03:56:24', '2002-04-30 18:05:02', 0, 0, '2001-10-17 03:01:32', '2001-10-17 03:15:59', -16.989100000000001, 99.724199999999996, -0.31154100000000001, 205.875, 5.5547199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY Y.', 'WELSH', 'y', 364601010, -0.161534397714653, 0.98106267891672805, 0.106876837489224); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1870202', 'STAR-065948+141421', 104.95, 14.2393, '2001-10-17 04:08:41', 14443, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 24, '', 0, 62, 'PC', '2005-08-23 04:06:36', '2002-05-16 17:41:50', 0, 0, '2001-10-17 04:08:41', '2001-10-17 16:44:07', -8.4434299999999993, 104.643, 8.2579100000000007, 201.10900000000001, 4.8161300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'MALINA', 'y', 390432610, -0.250050184573826, 0.93646812032358995, 0.24597228464239199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0510101', 'HD200775', 315.40300000000002, 68.163399999999996, '2001-10-17 17:24:50', 17651, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 7.4199999999999999, 'B2VE', 0.45000000000000001, 74, 'PC', '2005-08-23 04:27:40', '2002-05-09 14:35:09', 0, 0, '2001-10-17 17:24:50', '2001-10-18 10:20:37', 72.849599999999995, 26.078399999999998, 14.192600000000001, 104.063, 196.06899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', 'y', 264291352, 0.264859500519394, -0.26115959117784698, 0.92824841121352697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1160701', 'HD38087', 85.752499999999998, -2.3123900000000002, '2001-10-18 16:51:25', 4003, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.2799999999999994, 'B5V', 0.28999999999999998, 21, 'PC', '2005-08-23 03:45:27', '2002-04-30 17:38:43', 3, 0, '2001-10-18 16:51:25', '2001-10-18 19:13:22', -25.682500000000001, 85.289699999999996, -16.2593, 207.06800000000001, 9.8852799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 374456473, 0.074004665277428994, 0.99644134770382398, -0.040347863677795803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1160601', 'HD37903', 85.409999999999997, -2.2590300000000001, '2001-10-18 20:11:50', 4040, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.8300000000000001, 'B1.5', 0.34999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2005-08-23 03:34:43', '2002-04-30 17:15:15', 4, 0, '2001-10-18 20:11:50', '2001-10-18 22:33:04', -25.6175, 84.912300000000002, -16.537700000000001, 206.85300000000001, 9.9596599999999995, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 374447354, 0.079962759891298696, 0.99601818945644904, -0.039417296995908797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0380301', 'HD259431', 98.271600000000007, 10.3222, '2001-10-18 23:48:00', 16718, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 8.6999999999999993, 'B6PE', 0.52000000000000002, 22, 'PC', '2005-08-23 04:48:13', '2002-04-30 14:22:35', 1, 0, '2001-10-18 23:48:00', '2001-10-19 15:07:43', -12.8779, 98.348299999999995, 0.66831499999999999, 201.667, 4.8305699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'CLAUDE', 'CATALA', 'y', 387393502, -0.14153733371121899, 0.97358126772600295, 0.17918342082611499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1201112', 'JUP-DTOH1', 106.65300000000001, 22.408899999999999, '2001-10-19 16:08:43', 14759, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 1, '', 0, 3, 'EE', '2005-08-23 09:20:28', '2002-04-23 18:54:18', 2, 0, '2001-10-19 16:08:43', '2001-10-19 23:43:17', -0.14685200000000001, 105.363, 13.1943, 194.28100000000001, 4.1283899999999996, 'F', 'M', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 392104838, -0.26493455135706201, 0.88571190619863804, 0.38121398546643898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0601102', 'HD37235', 84.239000000000004, -0.70191700000000001, '2001-10-20 00:56:28', 4282, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 8.1699999999999999, 'B7V', 0.040000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2005-08-23 01:50:51', '2002-05-09 15:01:49', 0, 0, '2001-10-20 00:56:28', '2001-10-20 06:14:21', -24.0153, 83.691500000000005, -16.842400000000001, 204.84399999999999, 9.6732200000000006, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 374596672, 0.10037154759552, 0.994874604537622, -0.0122504562931843); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051803', 'WD2111+498-BKGD', 318.18400000000003, 50.104999999999997, '2001-10-20 07:05:03', 8110, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-08-23 09:40:11', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 94, '2001-10-20 07:05:03', '2001-10-20 13:59:00', 60.928800000000003, 349.666, 1.13381, 91.372600000000006, 188.857, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 252168620, 0.47801599572181203, -0.42763588688754001, 0.76722112593436298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0020203', 'B0736+017', 114.825, 1.6179399999999999, '2001-10-20 18:55:32', 16369, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 16.399999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-08-23 04:18:18', '2002-05-09 14:14:56', 0, 0, '2001-10-20 18:55:32', '2001-10-21 07:22:19', -19.571000000000002, 116.45, 11.379899999999999, 216.99100000000001, 8.0250500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'FRANCOISE', 'COMBES', 'y', 359391875, -0.41968075154053802, 0.90723253502360002, 0.028234627339869499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041801', 'HD61421', 114.825, 5.2244400000000004, '2001-10-21 08:09:27', 5317, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 0.38, 'F5IV', 0, 41, 'PE', '2005-08-23 08:09:21', '2002-04-23 18:42:10', 4, -3, '2001-10-21 08:09:27', '2001-10-21 13:26:22', -16.020399999999999, 115.785, 13.018599999999999, 213.70400000000001, 8.0815999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 365372047, -0.418103938178426, 0.90382390506257104, 0.091057374864063997); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1201213', 'JUP-DTOH2', 106.73999999999999, 22.402799999999999, '2001-10-21 14:47:57', 15090, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 1, '', 0, 3, 'EE', '2005-08-23 09:30:27', '2002-04-23 19:05:53', 2, 0, '2001-10-21 14:47:57', '2001-10-21 22:21:29', -0.14369799999999999, 105.444, 13.2652, 194.31999999999999, 3.9632900000000002, 'F', 'M', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', 'y', 392104771, -0.26629083109449603, 0.88534745999814102, 0.38111555773786399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1160801', 'WALKER67', 100.155, 9.7916699999999999, '2001-10-21 23:23:33', 12257, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 11, 10.789999999999999, 'B1.5', 0.59999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2005-08-23 03:55:59', '2002-06-05 19:12:32', 0, 0, '2001-10-21 23:23:33', '2001-10-22 11:08:19', -13.286, 100.28400000000001, 2.0722999999999998, 202.99000000000001, 5.9820000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 387280769, -0.173743303313315, 0.96999522729327603, 0.17006623292718301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3030102', 'HD193793', 305.11700000000002, 43.854500000000002, '2001-10-22 12:25:22', 5491, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.8869999999999996, 'WC7+', 0.84999999999999998, 10, 'PC', '2005-08-23 09:30:51', '2002-04-30 15:30:49', 0, 0, '2001-10-22 12:25:22', '2001-10-22 17:32:38', 60.492100000000001, 327.37099999999998, 4.1770800000000001, 80.931799999999996, 174.85499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CECILE', 'GRY', 'y', 242290703, 0.41481219724192903, -0.58984596336170003, 0.69282940218009703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5200101', 'HD186994', 296.40800000000002, 44.963700000000003, '2001-10-22 18:43:13', 3079, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.5099999999999998, 'B0II', 0.20000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-08-23 09:41:25', '2004-06-03 13:20:48', 3, 0, '2001-10-22 18:43:13', '2001-10-22 20:49:42', 64.214299999999994, 316.33800000000002, 10.061199999999999, 78.617999999999995, 168.845, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 242113089, 0.31469216688724, -0.63372106991069199, 0.70665864860699301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053801', 'WD0005+511-BKGD', 2.0762499999999999, 51.387799999999999, '2001-10-23 01:23:56', 12548, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-08-23 09:40:40', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 1, 0, '2001-10-23 01:23:56', '2001-10-23 13:43:52', 45.0655, 27.997900000000001, -10.9114, 116.104, 230.892, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363630398296199, 0.022608854457214, 0.78138761191524098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1260104', 'EG-AND', 11.1549, 40.679400000000001, '2001-10-23 21:21:24', 5568, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 7.5, 'WD+M', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PC', '2005-08-23 04:48:33', '2002-05-09 15:35:11', 0, -95, '2001-10-23 21:21:24', '2001-10-24 06:05:46', 32.6616, 27.896599999999999, -22.174099999999999, 121.53700000000001, 235.05600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN R.', 'ESPEY', 'y', 42977776, 0.74404144311948694, 0.14671563857147599, 0.65182578371773203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053901', 'SK-67D14-BKGD', 73.632999999999996, -67.256900000000002, '2001-10-24 07:39:12', 15257, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'B1IA', 0.10000000000000001, 23, 'EE', '2005-08-23 09:40:59', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 0, 0, '2001-10-24 07:39:12', '2001-10-24 16:47:06', -83.562299999999993, 346.31400000000002, -36.052399999999999, 278.26900000000001, 43.676099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542696977, 0.108939554784556, 0.370933493088975, -0.92224753570186002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053902', 'SK-67D14-BKGD', 73.632999999999996, -67.256900000000002, '2001-10-24 19:08:31', 7447, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'B1IA', 0.10000000000000001, 23, 'EE', '2005-08-23 09:41:07', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 0, 0, '2001-10-24 19:08:31', '2001-10-24 23:26:28', -83.562299999999993, 346.31400000000002, -36.052399999999999, 278.26900000000001, 44.174100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542696977, 0.108939554784556, 0.370933493088975, -0.92224753570186002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1280101', 'HD268732', 74.268600000000006, -66.577399999999997, '2001-10-25 00:45:22', 4034, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.6, 'BC1I', 0.11, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-25 23:52:44', '2002-05-09 15:46:41', 1, 0, '2001-10-25 00:45:22', '2001-10-25 04:24:26', -83.760999999999996, 352.62200000000001, -35.994700000000002, 277.37700000000001, 43.743499999999997, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 542745729, 0.107776051142373, 0.38262045673623102, -0.917597901527196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010302', 'LMC-SM23', 76.539299999999997, -67.757499999999993, '2001-10-25 05:09:22', 6708, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 17.800000000000001, 'CSPN', 0.040000000000000001, 71, 'PC', '2005-08-23 04:28:09', '2002-05-07 15:23:13', 1, 0, '2001-10-25 05:09:22', '2001-10-25 10:42:14', -84.6511, 340.94799999999998, -34.849499999999999, 278.51299999999998, 41.872700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 542667098, 0.088112996496169493, 0.36812924182361401, -0.92559006107608799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2180101', 'HD45348', 95.988, -52.695700000000002, '2001-10-25 11:55:03', 6070, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, -0.71999999999999997, 'F0II', 0, 40, 'PE', '2005-08-23 09:30:33', '2002-04-30 18:21:13', 2, 20.5, '2001-10-25 11:55:03', '2001-10-25 14:27:26', -75.824100000000001, 104.961, -25.292200000000001, 261.214, 23.373699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 640380015, -0.063223039901160696, 0.60274135790225403, -0.79542799969563704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190206', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2001-10-25 15:05:11', 1345, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-08-23 07:56:46', '2002-04-30 16:54:31', 0, 0, '2001-10-25 15:05:11', '2001-10-25 15:28:05', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 73.619600000000005, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190201', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2001-10-25 15:39:55', 13351, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-08-23 06:21:17', '2002-04-30 17:38:03', 0, 0, '2001-10-25 15:39:55', '2001-10-26 02:53:04', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 73.665199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2180102', 'HD45348', 95.988, -52.695700000000002, '2001-10-26 05:12:22', 11121, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, -0.71999999999999997, 'F0II', 0, 40, 'PE', '2005-09-02 10:00:30', '2002-05-08 00:20:47', 2, 20.5, '2001-10-26 05:12:22', '2001-10-26 13:45:32', -75.824100000000001, 104.961, -25.292200000000001, 261.214, 24.042999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 640380015, -0.063223039901160696, 0.60274135790225403, -0.79542799969563704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190207', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2001-10-26 14:23:20', 1249, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-08-23 08:07:21', '2002-05-07 18:59:05', 0, 0, '2001-10-26 14:23:20', '2001-10-26 14:46:08', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 74.629900000000006, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190202', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2001-10-26 14:57:55', 14001, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-08-23 07:14:19', '2002-05-07 17:14:20', 0, 0, '2001-10-26 14:57:55', '2001-10-27 02:46:37', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 74.675399999999996, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010802', 'LMC-SM85', 85.128600000000006, -66.293800000000005, '2001-10-27 03:47:23', 5902, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.4, 'CSPN', 0.17000000000000001, 71, 'PC', '2007-04-12 22:48:04', '2002-08-12 22:12:52', 1, 0, '2001-10-27 03:47:23', '2001-10-27 09:14:12', -88.034199999999998, 5.5596500000000004, -31.767800000000001, 276.16199999999998, 35.8506, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 542484463, 0.034141647410747003, 0.400594588538421, -0.91561909304350597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173301', 'SK-65D44', 80.075000000000003, -65.403599999999997, '2001-10-27 10:25:06', 5386, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.65, 'O9V', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-09-02 09:09:14', '2002-05-07 22:43:10', 0, 0, '2001-10-27 10:25:06', '2001-10-27 13:00:06', -85.802999999999997, 11.4077, -33.921999999999997, 275.38799999999998, 40.674500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542569327, 0.071739860492887303, 0.40999454825524501, -0.90926226294586698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190208', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2001-10-27 13:40:37', 1318, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-08-23 08:07:28', '2002-05-07 19:04:18', 0, 0, '2001-10-27 13:40:37', '2001-10-27 14:03:34', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 75.635400000000004, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190203', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2001-10-27 14:15:17', 7496, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-08-23 07:24:48', '2002-05-19 18:12:03', 0, 0, '2001-10-27 14:15:17', '2001-10-27 17:54:50', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 75.6828, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2150202', 'HD38029', 84.2333, -69.193299999999994, '2001-10-28 04:43:13', 13937, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 11.59, 'O', 0.41999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2005-09-17 00:28:35', '2002-05-07 23:47:16', 0, 0, '2001-10-28 04:43:13', '2001-10-28 13:58:13', -86.5899, 306.87200000000001, -31.817599999999999, 279.59699999999998, 37.515900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 542223829, 0.035691442555619103, 0.35341862356589299, -0.93478414484044903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190209', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2001-10-28 14:40:04', 1249, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-09-02 08:13:57', '2002-05-07 19:10:09', 0, 0, '2001-10-28 14:40:04', '2001-10-28 15:02:52', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 76.712999999999994, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190204', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2001-10-28 15:14:36', 12882, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-08-23 08:07:04', '2002-05-07 18:16:55', 0, 0, '2001-10-28 15:14:36', '2001-10-29 03:11:59', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 76.761200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2150201', 'HD38029', 84.2333, -69.193299999999994, '2001-10-29 03:59:54', 13708, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 11.59, 'O', 0.41999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2005-09-02 09:50:30', '2002-05-07 23:27:29', 0, 0, '2001-10-29 03:59:54', '2001-10-29 13:15:59', -86.5899, 306.87200000000001, -31.817599999999999, 279.59699999999998, 38.621899999999997, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 542223829, 0.035691442555619103, 0.35341862356589299, -0.93478414484044903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190210', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2001-10-29 13:59:29', 1367, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-09-02 08:24:22', '2002-05-07 19:14:54', 0, 0, '2001-10-29 13:59:29', '2001-10-29 14:22:15', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 77.716099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190205', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2001-10-29 14:33:56', 13178, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-09-02 08:13:48', '2002-05-07 18:52:23', 0, 0, '2001-10-29 14:33:56', '2001-10-30 03:24:43', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 77.765199999999993, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010401', 'LMC-SM35', 77.708200000000005, -65.491900000000001, '2001-10-30 04:57:25', 19017, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 17.899999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.029999999999999999, 71, 'PC', '2005-09-02 05:38:12', '2002-09-14 21:16:15', 1, 0, '2001-10-30 04:57:25', '2001-10-30 15:52:52', -84.901499999999999, 6.4128400000000001, -34.876300000000001, 275.69499999999999, 45.653300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 542912889, 0.088311659391558398, 0.40531252631034398, -0.90990263590751097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053903', 'SK-67D14-BKGD', 73.632999999999996, -67.256900000000002, '2001-10-30 18:31:49', 4518, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'B1IA', 0.10000000000000001, 23, 'EE', '2005-09-02 10:22:38', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 0, 0, '2001-10-30 18:31:49', '2001-10-30 20:53:17', -83.562299999999993, 346.31400000000002, -36.052399999999999, 278.26900000000001, 50.121699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542696977, 0.108939554784556, 0.370933493088975, -0.92224753570186002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0160101', '0513-69', 78.461699999999993, -69.863100000000003, '2001-10-30 22:07:26', 3771, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-09-02 06:30:24', '2002-05-07 15:28:19', 1, 0, '2001-10-30 22:07:26', '2001-10-31 01:49:36', -84.605999999999995, 317.09899999999999, -33.688000000000002, 280.798, 45.776800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 541586700, 0.068860779427156196, 0.33730725944721501, -0.93887273140766703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0160102', '0513-69', 78.461699999999993, -69.863100000000003, '2001-10-31 02:37:27', 3968, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-09-02 06:30:49', '2002-05-09 14:46:13', 1, 0, '2001-10-31 02:37:27', '2001-10-31 06:18:01', -84.605999999999995, 317.09899999999999, -33.688000000000002, 280.798, 45.984200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 541586700, 0.068860779427156196, 0.33730725944721501, -0.93887273140766703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0160103', '0513-69', 78.461699999999993, -69.863100000000003, '2001-10-31 07:37:11', 4914, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-09-02 06:31:14', '2002-05-07 15:32:04', 1, 0, '2001-10-31 07:37:11', '2001-10-31 10:12:30', -84.605999999999995, 317.09899999999999, -33.688000000000002, 280.798, 46.191299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 541586700, 0.068860779427156196, 0.33730725944721501, -0.93887273140766703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0160104', '0513-69', 78.461699999999993, -69.863100000000003, '2001-10-31 10:57:07', 6599, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-09-02 06:31:48', '2002-05-07 15:36:12', 1, 0, '2001-10-31 10:57:07', '2001-10-31 13:32:10', -84.605999999999995, 317.09899999999999, -33.688000000000002, 280.798, 46.3294, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 541586700, 0.068860779427156196, 0.33730725944721501, -0.93887273140766703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0160105', '0513-69', 78.461699999999993, -69.863100000000003, '2001-10-31 14:17:16', 6555, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-09-02 06:31:56', '2002-05-07 15:40:31', 1, 0, '2001-10-31 14:17:16', '2001-10-31 16:51:52', -84.605999999999995, 317.09899999999999, -33.688000000000002, 280.798, 46.467500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 541586700, 0.068860779427156196, 0.33730725944721501, -0.93887273140766703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0160106', '0513-69', 78.461699999999993, -69.863100000000003, '2001-10-31 17:48:47', 4401, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-09-02 06:32:30', '2002-05-07 15:44:18', 1, 0, '2001-10-31 17:48:47', '2001-10-31 20:07:51', -84.605999999999995, 317.09899999999999, -33.688000000000002, 280.798, 46.605699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 541586700, 0.068860779427156196, 0.33730725944721501, -0.93887273140766703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010402', 'LMC-SM35', 77.708200000000005, -65.491900000000001, '2001-10-31 21:22:16', 15875, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 17.899999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.029999999999999999, 71, 'PC', '2005-09-02 05:48:30', '2002-09-14 20:47:51', 1, 0, '2001-10-31 21:22:16', '2001-11-01 11:08:57', -84.901499999999999, 6.4128400000000001, -34.876300000000001, 275.69499999999999, 47.323900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 542912889, 0.088311659391558398, 0.40531252631034398, -0.90990263590751097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050602', 'CPD-31D1701', 114.126, -32.2121, '2001-11-01 12:19:07', 9289, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 19, 10.56, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-09-02 09:39:18', '2002-06-05 19:34:07', 1, 0, '2001-11-01 12:19:07', '2001-11-01 21:20:18', -52.771000000000001, 124.863, -5.5061, 246.46100000000001, 16.471, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 651024449, -0.34583092300710699, 0.77217444562143001, -0.53305496735448399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054001', 'PG0952+519-BKGD', 148.833, 51.618200000000002, '2001-11-01 22:27:43', 17816, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'EE', '2005-09-02 10:32:09', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 0, '2001-11-01 22:27:43', '2001-11-02 09:17:33', 36.255099999999999, 131.21100000000001, 49.004300000000001, 164.06700000000001, 23.4589, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 96405807, -0.531279814801635, 0.32133641114318401, 0.78389072532972304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054002', 'PG0952+519-BKGD', 148.833, 51.618200000000002, '2001-11-02 11:42:49', 9614, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'EE', '2005-09-02 10:32:27', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 0, '2001-11-02 11:42:49', '2001-11-02 15:54:31', 36.255099999999999, 131.21100000000001, 49.004300000000001, 164.06700000000001, 23.122800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 96405807, -0.531279814801635, 0.32133641114318401, 0.78389072532972304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050701', 'PG0952+519', 148.833, 51.618200000000002, '2001-11-02 16:43:58', 9510, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 18, 12.699999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-09-02 09:49:43', '2002-05-09 16:14:17', 0, 0, '2001-11-02 16:43:58', '2001-11-02 20:54:34', 36.255099999999999, 131.21100000000001, 49.004300000000001, 164.06700000000001, 22.999600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 96405807, -0.531279814801635, 0.32133641114318401, 0.78389072532972304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2072901', 'NGC3079', 150.49100000000001, 55.679699999999997, '2001-11-02 21:43:47', 6220, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.199999999999999, 'SYFT', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-09-02 09:50:01', '2002-06-05 19:38:52', 3, 0.0040000000000000001, '2001-11-02 21:43:47', '2001-11-03 00:17:10', 40.336599999999997, 130.06999999999999, 48.359499999999997, 157.81200000000001, 24.411000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 121650788, -0.49067920123924702, 0.27771469148154299, 0.82589858433498098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0341501', 'PG0948+534', 147.858, 53.158499999999997, '2001-11-03 01:09:49', 5244, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.27, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-09-02 04:34:23', '2002-06-05 15:40:39', 1, 0, '2001-11-03 01:09:49', '2001-11-03 03:36:02', 37.3992, 129.72300000000001, 47.923200000000001, 162.184, 22.1951, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 118818334, -0.507703498275479, 0.31900065764222801, 0.80029728117910504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0030104', 'WZSGE', 301.90199999999999, 17.7043, '2001-11-03 05:38:59', 3144, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.9000000000000004, 'B0', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-09-02 11:14:54', '2002-06-14 16:29:05', 2, 0, '2001-11-03 05:38:59', '2001-11-03 09:14:54', 36.921100000000003, 309.029, -7.9292600000000002, 57.537999999999997, 161.19499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 210693680, 0.50343901854441198, -0.80874567900931604, 0.30410455651107998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054003', 'PG0952+519-BKGD', 148.833, 51.618200000000002, '2001-11-03 19:22:23', 19880, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'EE', '2005-09-02 10:32:46', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 0, '2001-11-03 19:22:23', '2001-11-04 06:13:42', 36.255099999999999, 131.21100000000001, 49.004300000000001, 164.06700000000001, 22.349, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 96405807, -0.531279814801635, 0.32133641114318401, 0.78389072532972304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054004', 'PG0952+519-BKGD', 148.833, 51.618200000000002, '2001-11-04 10:18:38', 9689, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'EE', '2005-09-02 10:42:05', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 2, 0, '2001-11-04 10:18:38', '2001-11-04 14:33:00', 36.255099999999999, 131.21100000000001, 49.004300000000001, 164.06700000000001, 21.9726, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 96405807, -0.531279814801635, 0.32133641114318401, 0.78389072532972304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0410405', 'HD76644', 134.80199999999999, 48.041699999999999, '2001-11-04 15:16:42', 5888, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 3.1400000000000001, 'A7IV', 0, 31, 'PE', '2005-09-02 04:44:01', '2002-05-16 15:28:12', 1, 0, '2001-11-04 15:16:42', '2001-11-04 17:49:37', 29.574999999999999, 122.8, 40.835799999999999, 171.51400000000001, 11.4442, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 118051903, -0.47112764090678499, 0.47439514609949202, 0.743631623406945); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0530401', 'PG0834+500', 129.40600000000001, 49.874299999999998, '2001-11-04 18:33:46', 9125, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.800000000000001, 'DAO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-09-02 07:01:05', '2002-05-16 16:08:30', 3, 0, '2001-11-04 18:33:46', '2001-11-04 22:48:26', 30.228999999999999, 118.262, 37.228499999999997, 169.32499999999999, 7.2703300000000004, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 119561859, -0.409114808591857, 0.49795819335597602, 0.76463240257034604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0780101', 'HD72905', 129.79900000000001, 65.020899999999997, '2001-11-04 23:41:09', 15397, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 5.6299999999999999, 'G2V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2005-09-02 07:21:55', '2002-06-05 17:44:36', 2, 0, '2001-11-04 23:41:09', '2001-11-05 08:50:35', 44.636400000000002, 112.325, 35.703800000000001, 150.553, 3.9171800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 127189060, -0.27030474942895799, 0.32444135093108201, 0.90646188681166495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0030105', 'WZSGE', 301.90199999999999, 17.7043, '2001-11-05 14:10:09', 2853, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.9000000000000004, 'B0', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-09-02 11:15:12', '2002-05-16 16:17:05', 2, 0, '2001-11-05 14:10:09', '2001-11-05 17:49:56', 36.921100000000003, 309.029, -7.9292600000000002, 57.537999999999997, 159.857, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 210693680, 0.50343901854441198, -0.80874567900931604, 0.30410455651107998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054101', 'SWUMA-BKGD', 129.179, 53.476999999999997, '2001-11-05 19:38:41', 8803, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'CV', 0, 54, 'EE', '2005-09-02 10:42:14', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 3, 0, '2001-11-05 19:38:41', '2001-11-05 23:46:32', 33.627499999999998, 116.843, 36.961300000000001, 164.81700000000001, 5.6345799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 119940264, -0.37598028401554001, 0.46134250408491201, 0.80361801868565497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0740101', 'SWUMA', 129.179, 53.476999999999997, '2001-11-06 00:42:38', 26232, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 17, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-09-02 07:11:34', '2002-08-12 23:19:38', 1, 0, '2001-11-06 00:42:38', '2001-11-06 16:25:30', 33.627499999999998, 116.843, 36.961300000000001, 164.81700000000001, 5.4880699999999996, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 119940264, -0.37598028401554001, 0.46134250408491201, 0.80361801868565497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0040101', 'IRAS08339+6517', 129.59700000000001, 65.121099999999998, '2001-11-06 17:11:05', 18277, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.199999999999999, 'GAL', 0.089999999999999997, 89, 'EC', '2005-09-02 05:59:53', '2002-06-05 16:20:49', 1, 5730, '2001-11-06 17:11:05', '2001-11-07 02:26:30', 44.6995, 112.163, 35.599400000000003, 150.45500000000001, 2.4003000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 127189574, -0.26814841657532901, 0.32417031240755401, 0.90719900531346098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0030106', 'WZSGE', 301.90199999999999, 17.7043, '2001-11-07 07:47:51', 6209, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 8.9000000000000004, 'B0', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-09-02 11:24:02', '2002-05-09 15:55:31', 3, 0, '2001-11-07 07:47:51', '2001-11-07 14:47:34', 36.921100000000003, 309.029, -7.9292600000000002, 57.537999999999997, 158.80799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 210693680, 0.50343901854441198, -0.80874567900931604, 0.30410455651107998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0480201', 'DW-UMA', 158.471, 58.7819, '2001-11-07 18:14:29', 18493, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-09-02 06:50:46', '2002-06-05 17:28:23', 1, 0, '2001-11-07 18:14:29', '2001-11-08 03:27:35', 45.151200000000003, 133.12899999999999, 50.408799999999999, 150.27799999999999, 27.3613, 'F', 'F', 'PAULA', 'SZKODY', 'y', 99548943, -0.48213661012334202, 0.19020061413573899, 0.85520057036999197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0030107', 'WZSGE', 301.90199999999999, 17.7043, '2001-11-08 08:46:10', 3869, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.9000000000000004, 'B0', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-09-02 11:24:19', '2002-06-05 18:15:24', 3, 0, '2001-11-08 08:46:10', '2001-11-08 12:26:29', 36.921100000000003, 309.029, -7.9292600000000002, 57.537999999999997, 158.17500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 210693680, 0.50343901854441198, -0.80874567900931604, 0.30410455651107998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0430102', 'V-SGE', 305.06099999999998, 21.102499999999999, '2001-11-08 13:46:00', 3651, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12, 'OTR', 0.20000000000000001, 66, 'PE', '2005-09-02 06:41:45', '2002-06-05 17:10:11', 0, 0, '2001-11-08 13:46:00', '2001-11-08 19:05:14', 39.352600000000002, 313.87400000000002, -8.6022300000000005, 62.054099999999998, 158.851, 'F', 'F', 'JANET', 'WOOD', 'y', 212928997, 0.53592447547750899, -0.76364778790836496, 0.36003751555472402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1330201', 'PK65-27D1', 322.49700000000001, 12.1738, '2001-11-08 20:46:04', 9223, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.800000000000001, 'SDO', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-09-02 09:21:08', '2002-05-16 17:22:20', 0, 0, '2001-11-08 20:46:04', '2001-11-09 11:52:10', 25.4802, 329.209, -27.311399999999999, 65.022800000000004, 162.59999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 203255140, 0.77548158931630795, -0.59511246620546399, 0.21087782528825499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0430103', 'V-SGE', 305.06099999999998, 21.102499999999999, '2001-11-09 13:04:46', 3589, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12, 'OTR', 0.20000000000000001, 66, 'PE', '2005-09-02 06:42:05', '2002-06-05 17:16:03', 0, 0, '2001-11-09 13:04:46', '2001-11-09 16:44:19', 39.352600000000002, 313.87400000000002, -8.6022300000000005, 62.054099999999998, 158.22800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JANET', 'WOOD', 'y', 212928997, 0.53592447547750899, -0.76364778790836496, 0.36003751555472402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0020303', 'B2145+067', 327.02300000000002, 6.9607200000000002, '2001-11-09 18:17:51', 16249, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 16.399999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-09-02 04:23:34', '2002-08-12 21:08:31', 0, 0, '2001-11-09 18:17:51', '2001-11-10 16:12:21', 19.032599999999999, 331.74599999999998, -34.071599999999997, 63.657200000000003, 161.61000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FRANCOISE', 'COMBES', 'y', 314412119, 0.83270607311053202, -0.54029052936022803, 0.121188859588994); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053002', 'SK-67D166-BKGD', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2001-11-10 17:38:56', 10738, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'EE', '2005-09-02 10:22:13', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 0, 0, '2001-11-10 17:38:56', '2001-11-11 04:10:02', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 52.376600000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053003', 'SK-67D166-BKGD', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2001-11-11 06:41:44', 10936, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'EE', '2005-09-02 10:22:31', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 0, 0, '2001-11-11 06:41:44', '2001-11-11 12:31:12', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 52.9467, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2320201', 'N44C-NEBULA', 80.559200000000004, -67.976799999999997, '2001-11-11 13:21:23', 19985, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.199999999999999, '', 0.080000000000000002, 72, 'EE', '2005-09-02 10:21:53', '2002-06-05 20:04:28', 0, 275, '2001-11-11 13:21:23', '2001-11-12 05:08:33', -86.091499999999996, 334.47000000000003, -33.322200000000002, 278.40199999999999, 55.440199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES G.', 'HOOPES', 'y', 542348829, 0.061507716564777201, 0.36990309149978601, -0.92703209421351096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2320101', 'N44C-STAR2', 80.559200000000004, -67.976799999999997, '2001-11-12 06:00:27', 18937, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.199999999999999, 'O7V', 0.080000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2005-09-02 10:10:43', '2002-05-16 18:33:53', 0, 275, '2001-11-12 06:00:27', '2001-11-12 16:47:50', -86.091499999999996, 334.47000000000003, -33.322200000000002, 278.40199999999999, 56.136499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES G.', 'HOOPES', 'y', 542348829, 0.061507716564777201, 0.36990309149978601, -0.92703209421351096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2170201', 'BI128', 79.582999999999998, -65.820599999999999, '2001-11-12 17:51:44', 6943, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.82, 'O9V', 0.059999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2005-09-02 10:00:00', '2002-05-16 17:53:57', 0, 0, '2001-11-12 17:51:44', '2001-11-12 23:25:32', -85.735299999999995, 5.1850199999999997, -34.057899999999997, 275.923, 57.495800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542566456, 0.074059280652001999, 0.402844065080674, -0.91226744005175697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2190202', 'HD39060', 86.821200000000005, -51.066499999999998, '2001-11-13 00:48:24', 12739, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 3.8500000000000001, 'A5V', 0.02, 31, 'PC', '2005-09-02 10:00:40', '2002-05-16 18:05:39', 1, 0, '2001-11-13 00:48:24', '2001-11-13 07:53:37', -74.423699999999997, 82.543499999999995, -30.611699999999999, 258.36599999999999, 50.069200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 557952421, 0.034847076622894102, 0.62745106250650295, -0.77787585475466403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0510101', 'WD0718-316', 110.2, -31.784600000000001, '2001-11-13 08:46:23', 17591, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.800000000000001, 'DAO+', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-09-02 07:00:47', '2002-05-16 15:56:36', 3, 0, '2001-11-13 08:46:23', '2001-11-13 16:25:00', -53.186700000000002, 119.32899999999999, -8.2520000000000007, 244.51599999999999, 28.4099, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHANE', 'VENNES', 'y', 652495076, -0.293515312129702, 0.797751257625261, -0.526727341707945); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1174901', 'HD32402', 74.350800000000007, -68.399199999999993, '2001-11-13 17:07:55', 4077, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.300000000000001, 'WC4', 0.23999999999999999, 10, 'PC', '2005-09-02 09:17:20', '2002-05-16 16:41:21', 2, 0, '2001-11-13 17:07:55', '2001-11-13 19:26:15', -83.750299999999996, 335.81099999999998, -35.474299999999999, 279.52800000000002, 63.4251, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542672044, 0.0993039186461874, 0.35449115116406998, -0.92977134580921805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0100501', 'PGMW-3168', 74.226699999999994, -66.404399999999995, '2001-11-13 20:35:12', 10736, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.68, 'O7II', 0.22, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 19:58:57', '2002-06-05 16:49:25', 0, 0, '2001-11-13 20:35:12', '2001-11-14 05:25:46', -83.720799999999997, 354.173, -36.055500000000002, 277.17599999999999, 63.632800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542746090, 0.10880847703591801, 0.38520607574766302, -0.91639347145874495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0100401', 'PGMW-3157', 74.210599999999999, -66.409700000000001, '2001-11-14 06:17:06', 8295, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.470000000000001, 'BC1I', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-23 19:57:58', '2002-06-05 16:38:31', 0, 0, '2001-11-14 06:17:06', '2001-11-14 10:25:26', -83.715199999999996, 354.11599999999999, -36.060299999999998, 277.18400000000003, 64.066100000000006, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542746388, 0.108893648677162, 0.38509391374597701, -0.91643049429489298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0100101', 'PGMW-3053', 74.171000000000006, -66.411199999999994, '2001-11-14 11:17:17', 8377, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.130000000000001, 'O5.5', 0.23999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 19:47:21', '2002-06-05 16:27:56', 0, 0, '2001-11-14 11:17:17', '2001-11-14 15:25:08', -83.699799999999996, 354.08100000000002, -36.075299999999999, 277.19099999999997, 64.312299999999993, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542746386, 0.109153236159011, 0.38499547744003298, -0.916440971032361); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010701', 'LMC-SM67', 82.315600000000003, -67.546499999999995, '2001-11-14 16:22:11', 37490, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 17.300000000000001, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 71, 'PC', '2005-09-02 05:59:02', '2002-08-12 21:54:49', 1, 0, '2001-11-14 16:22:11', '2001-11-15 16:25:20', -86.848399999999998, 338.26900000000001, -32.731200000000001, 277.77300000000002, 56.938000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 542340537, 0.051070759756320201, 0.37850360700959201, -0.92418980571019105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0160201', 'LMC-X-3', 84.735200000000006, -64.083600000000004, '2001-11-15 17:24:08', 23784, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-09-02 06:41:11', '2002-08-12 22:36:40', 2, 0, '2001-11-15 17:24:08', '2001-11-16 05:20:27', -86.6905, 45.997300000000003, -32.081699999999998, 273.577, 56.072499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 553795706, 0.040104050515003799, 0.43521541455608498, -0.89943271458462304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1050101', '1H0707-495', 107.173, -49.551600000000001, '2001-11-16 05:38:04', 19989, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.699999999999999, 'AGN', 0.089999999999999997, 84, 'PC', '2005-09-02 07:22:33', '2002-06-12 18:18:01', 3, 0.041000000000000002, '2001-11-16 05:38:04', '2001-11-16 14:18:50', -70.865899999999996, 125.76000000000001, -17.6723, 260.17099999999999, 35.4572, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 640920818, -0.191552361897948, 0.61983956420368402, -0.76099054350175999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0100801', 'PGMW-3264', 74.317499999999995, -66.389200000000002, '2001-11-16 15:01:34', 4615, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.210000000000001, 'O3-O', 0.01, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:56:04', '2002-06-05 16:56:37', 0, 0, '2001-11-16 15:01:34', '2001-11-16 18:40:35', -83.754400000000004, 354.36099999999999, -36.0242, 277.14600000000002, 66.353800000000007, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542746078, 0.10826359227473401, 0.38561207374224998, -0.91628724926846605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0100901', 'PGMW-3271', 74.341499999999996, -66.407499999999999, '2001-11-16 20:14:45', 4462, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.99, 'B1II', 0.080000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:56:26', '2002-06-05 17:02:52', 0, 0, '2001-11-16 20:14:45', '2001-11-17 01:42:22', -83.7667, 354.20800000000003, -36.010300000000001, 277.16500000000002, 66.521900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542746072, 0.108023063218336, 0.38537557305911502, -0.91641512727709096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0861001', 'SK-65D15', 74.922499999999999, -65.830600000000004, '2001-11-17 02:39:52', 4293, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.77, 'B1IA', 0.12, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:46:00', '2002-06-05 17:52:15', 1, 0, '2001-11-17 02:39:52', '2001-11-17 05:01:52', -83.886099999999999, 359.89600000000002, -35.925199999999997, 276.40199999999999, 66.245800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 542762049, 0.106504640176141, 0.39534095114925599, -0.91233891398172495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0101001', 'PGMW-1210', 74.144999999999996, -66.473799999999997, '2001-11-17 05:54:14', 5943, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 11, 12.609999999999999, 'BLEN', 0.02, 39, 'PC', '2005-09-02 06:30:04', '2003-01-24 17:07:44', 0, 0, '2001-11-17 05:54:14', '2001-11-17 08:23:26', -83.698599999999999, 353.50299999999999, -36.069099999999999, 277.26900000000001, 67.127700000000004, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542746182, 0.109054311222642, 0.38398248712821198, -0.91687764002760397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0100201', 'PGMW-3070', 74.180199999999999, -66.417199999999994, '2001-11-17 09:12:23', 6362, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.75, 'O6V', 0.11, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-23 19:47:32', '2002-06-05 16:32:42', 0, 0, '2001-11-17 09:12:23', '2001-11-17 11:44:44', -83.704300000000003, 354.03199999999998, -36.0702, 277.197, 67.232600000000005, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542746386, 0.10906525281592, 0.38492066261365698, -0.91648287170097298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1160103', 'SIRIUSB', 101.288, -16.717199999999998, '2001-11-17 16:04:48', 890, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 8.4399999999999995, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-09-02 07:32:33', '2002-06-14 16:25:00', 1, 0, '2001-11-17 16:04:48', '2001-11-17 16:26:51', -39.606400000000001, 104.08199999999999, -8.8904899999999998, 227.233, 32.403500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 343081840, -0.18746800960016999, 0.93920942782723205, -0.28764804198359001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030609', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-11-21 09:54:26', 2703, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-09-02 08:34:35', '2002-06-05 18:28:37', 0, 0, '2001-11-21 09:54:26', '2001-11-21 10:40:02', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 299.57900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030511', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-11-21 11:39:12', 1910, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-09-02 08:25:35', '2002-06-05 18:23:22', 0, 0, '2001-11-21 11:39:12', '2001-11-21 12:19:15', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 299.46699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030407', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2001-11-21 13:19:03', 1932, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-09-02 08:25:06', '2002-06-05 18:19:02', 0, 0, '2001-11-21 13:19:03', '2001-11-21 15:05:57', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 299.36599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0940102', 'MRK153', 162.27099999999999, 52.334800000000001, '2001-11-22 11:03:39', 40269, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 26, 15.050000000000001, '', 0, 84, 'EC', '2005-09-16 23:26:29', '2002-06-12 15:56:08', 1, 0, '2001-11-22 11:03:39', '2001-11-23 09:12:30', 40.7121, 140.161, 56.006500000000003, 156.72300000000001, 22.035, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT', 'BENJAMIN', 'y', 97487021, -0.582026223461792, 0.186072908464571, 0.79159481298094703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054501', 'HD36487-BKGD', 82.863600000000005, -7.0988800000000003, '2001-11-23 10:18:06', 27458, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'B5V', 0.059999999999999998, 21, 'EE', '2005-09-02 10:42:43', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 1, 0, '2001-11-23 10:18:06', '2001-11-24 00:24:04', -30.3352, 81.787999999999997, -20.999300000000002, 210.18600000000001, 47.539400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 351180631, 0.123279562446846, 0.98464695157817705, -0.123582078922139); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054502', 'HD36487-BKGD', 82.863600000000005, -7.0988800000000003, '2001-11-24 02:47:15', 11505, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'B5V', 0.059999999999999998, 21, 'EE', '2005-09-02 10:53:04', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 1, 0, '2001-11-24 02:47:15', '2001-11-24 08:28:47', -30.3352, 81.787999999999997, -20.999300000000002, 210.18600000000001, 48.553199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 351180631, 0.123279562446846, 0.98464695157817705, -0.123582078922139); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0630604', 'NGC2023-POS2', 85.433499999999995, -2.2521100000000001, '2001-11-24 09:27:46', 9624, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99.900000000000006, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EC', '2005-09-02 05:15:40', '2002-06-12 15:29:25', 1, 0, '2001-11-24 09:27:46', '2001-11-24 15:21:48', -25.6114, 84.938699999999997, -16.5137, 206.858, 41.296999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ADOLF', 'WITT', 'y', 374447351, 0.079554612399445404, 0.99605564091108201, -0.039296613787799299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0630503', 'NGC2023-POS1', 85.414599999999993, -2.25414, '2001-11-24 16:07:09', 3274, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 99.900000000000006, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EC', '2005-09-02 05:05:13', '2002-06-05 16:10:08', 1, 0, '2001-11-24 16:07:09', '2001-11-24 17:01:42', -25.6128, 84.917599999999993, -16.531400000000001, 206.84999999999999, 41.714599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ADOLF', 'WITT', 'y', 374447355, 0.079883062822690906, 0.99602795580535397, -0.039332016580306398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0630302', 'IC435-POS2', 85.760499999999993, -2.3039999999999998, '2001-11-24 17:49:36', 21868, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EC', '2005-09-02 05:05:03', '2002-06-05 16:06:39', 1, 0, '2001-11-24 17:49:36', '2001-11-25 04:39:25', -25.674299999999999, 85.298900000000003, -16.2484, 207.06399999999999, 42.166600000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ADOLF', 'WITT', 'y', 374456477, 0.073865971078728998, 0.99645755240522604, -0.0402015493629534); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0630201', 'IC435-POS1', 85.756600000000006, -2.3079200000000002, '2001-11-25 05:28:30', 9176, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99.900000000000006, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EC', '2005-09-02 04:54:47', '2002-06-05 15:56:08', 1, 0, '2001-11-25 05:28:30', '2001-11-25 11:12:00', -25.678100000000001, 85.294399999999996, -16.253599999999999, 207.065, 42.049399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ADOLF', 'WITT', 'y', 374456476, 0.073933593931693006, 0.99644977694168602, -0.040269910866642201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0040606', 'V694-MON', 111.464, -7.7355799999999997, '2001-11-25 12:15:10', 5164, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.800000000000001, 'OTR', 0.23000000000000001, 57, 'PC', '2005-09-02 04:23:45', '2002-06-05 15:33:36', 0, 0, '2001-11-25 12:15:10', '2001-11-25 14:40:48', -29.361599999999999, 114.584, 4.0460700000000003, 223.761, 28.5488, 'F', 'F', 'HANS MARTIN', 'SCHMID', 'y', 355605533, -0.36258664373875699, 0.92217858843050904, -0.13460154836619501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1160104', 'SIRIUSB', 101.288, -16.717199999999998, '2001-11-25 15:43:28', 1781, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.4399999999999995, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-09-02 07:42:50', '2002-06-18 15:13:08', 1, 0, '2001-11-25 15:43:28', '2001-11-25 17:58:12', -39.606400000000001, 104.08199999999999, -8.8904899999999998, 227.233, 39.718899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 343081840, -0.18746800960016999, 0.93920942782723205, -0.28764804198359001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1160102', 'SIRIUSB', 101.288, -16.717199999999998, '2001-11-25 19:02:53', 1616, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.4399999999999995, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-09-02 07:32:24', '2002-06-14 16:21:33', 1, 0, '2001-11-25 19:02:53', '2001-11-25 21:19:36', -39.606400000000001, 104.08199999999999, -8.8904899999999998, 227.233, 39.853099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 343081840, -0.18746800960016999, 0.93920942782723205, -0.28764804198359001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1160101', 'SIRIUSB', 101.288, -16.717199999999998, '2001-11-25 22:22:41', 966, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 3, 8.4399999999999995, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-04 06:57:09', '2002-06-14 16:17:31', 0, 0, '2001-11-25 22:22:41', '2001-11-25 23:00:49', -39.606400000000001, 104.08199999999999, -8.8904899999999998, 227.233, 39.988500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 343081840, -0.18746800960016999, 0.93920942782723205, -0.28764804198359001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1161101', 'HD53367', 106.10599999999999, -10.454499999999999, '2001-11-26 09:52:58', 9970, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 6.9400000000000004, 'B0IV', 0.73999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2005-09-17 00:28:05', '2003-02-23 15:23:55', 2, 0, '2001-11-26 09:52:58', '2001-11-26 15:43:55', -32.840600000000002, 108.94799999999999, -1.9010899999999999, 223.71100000000001, 33.423200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 354662877, -0.272809980995047, 0.94480099890427804, -0.18145464099592701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054601', 'HD36981-BKGD', 83.775800000000004, -5.2044199999999998, '2001-11-26 16:25:02', 16731, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-09-02 10:53:23', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 4, 0, '2001-11-26 16:25:02', '2001-11-26 23:59:46', -28.491599999999998, 82.943399999999997, -19.3384, 208.81700000000001, 49.677100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 373637584, 0.10797227652956801, 0.99000696521093901, -0.090709405988845804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054602', 'HD36981-BKGD', 83.775800000000004, -5.2044199999999998, '2001-11-27 02:23:20', 7367, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-09-02 10:53:33', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 3, 0, '2001-11-27 02:23:20', '2001-11-27 06:17:36', -28.491599999999998, 82.943399999999997, -19.3384, 208.81700000000001, 50.331699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 373637584, 0.10797227652956801, 0.99000696521093901, -0.090709405988845804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0600901', 'HD36981', 83.775800000000004, -5.2044199999999998, '2001-11-27 07:24:45', 2153, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.8399999999999999, 'B5V', 0.029999999999999999, 21, 'PC', '2005-09-02 07:11:04', '2002-06-05 17:32:57', 0, 0, '2001-11-27 07:24:45', '2001-11-27 08:01:01', -28.491599999999998, 82.943399999999997, -19.3384, 208.81700000000001, 50.665599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 373637584, 0.10797227652956801, 0.99000696521093901, -0.090709405988845804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0780101', 'HD14386B', 34.836799999999997, -2.9776699999999998, '2001-11-27 09:04:57', 28501, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 9.5999999999999996, 'DA', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-09-02 07:32:05', '2002-06-06 15:57:55', 2, 0, '2001-11-27 09:04:57', '2001-11-28 02:23:02', -15.937099999999999, 31.521999999999998, -57.982999999999997, 167.75700000000001, 135.25399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'WOOD', 'y', 290268850, 0.81967430659596396, 0.57046960113297396, -0.051946754370335697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0230505', 'NGC1140', 43.639899999999997, -10.027799999999999, '2001-11-28 03:19:26', 4034, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.5, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 82, 'EC', '2005-09-02 04:23:53', '2002-06-05 15:36:17', 1, 1501, '2001-11-28 03:19:26', '2001-11-28 05:33:52', -25.4727, 37.8733, -56.3399, 188.32599999999999, 119.55, 'F', 'F', 'VERONIQUE', 'BUAT', 'y', 602223030, 0.71263588701562697, 0.67958092456748598, -0.17412598743855001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0540404', 'HD18131', 43.661700000000003, -5.3307799999999999, '2001-11-28 06:39:24', 4526, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.1, 'K0II', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-09-02 04:53:42', '2002-06-05 15:50:25', 0, 0, '2001-11-28 06:39:24', '2001-11-28 09:00:45', -21.018999999999998, 39.498199999999997, -53.466299999999997, 181.857, 124.01000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 603527917, 0.72029993347923804, 0.68741295871923103, -0.092905489690745899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1110202', 'NGC1068', 40.669699999999999, -0.013464, '2001-11-28 09:57:53', 21951, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 11.4, '', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2005-09-02 09:08:01', '2002-06-05 18:46:19', 8, 0.0038, '2001-11-28 09:57:53', '2001-11-28 22:21:31', -15.0373, 38.244799999999998, -51.934199999999997, 172.10499999999999, 133.251, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'KRISS', 'y', 290887056, 0.75847906153245404, 0.65169736687822899, -0.00023499112832584199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1390201', 'NGC1068', 40.668799999999997, -0.01436, '2001-11-29 01:23:46', 19541, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 9, 12.5, 'SEYF', 0, 84, 'EE', '2005-09-02 05:26:18', '2002-06-12 16:13:50', 1, 0.0030000000000000001, '2001-11-29 01:23:46', '2001-11-29 15:04:12', -15.0379, 38.243600000000001, -51.935499999999998, 172.10499999999999, 129, 'F', 'F', 'WEI', 'ZHENG', 'y', 290887056, 0.75848929539711996, 0.65168545016207502, -0.00025062927796244699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1390202', 'NGC1068', 40.668799999999997, -0.01436, '2001-11-29 16:34:46', 19828, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 9, 12.5, 'SEYF', 0, 84, 'EE', '2005-09-02 05:26:48', '2002-06-12 16:29:49', 1, 0.0030000000000000001, '2001-11-29 16:34:46', '2001-11-30 05:49:41', -15.0379, 38.243600000000001, -51.935499999999998, 172.10499999999999, 129, 'F', 'F', 'WEI', 'ZHENG', 'y', 290887056, 0.75848929539711996, 0.65168545016207502, -0.00025062927796244699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1390203', 'NGC1068', 40.668799999999997, -0.01436, '2001-11-30 08:38:00', 18023, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12.5, 'SEYF', 0, 84, 'EE', '2005-09-02 05:26:57', '2002-06-12 16:43:05', 1, 0.0030000000000000001, '2001-11-30 08:38:00', '2001-11-30 19:22:26', -15.0379, 38.243600000000001, -51.935499999999998, 172.10499999999999, 129, 'F', 'F', 'WEI', 'ZHENG', 'y', 290887056, 0.75848929539711996, 0.65168545016207502, -0.00025062927796244699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1390204', 'NGC1068', 40.668799999999997, -0.01436, '2001-11-30 20:53:34', 17962, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 9, 12.5, 'SEYF', 0, 84, 'EE', '2005-09-02 05:37:09', '2002-12-17 13:46:46', 1, 0.0030000000000000001, '2001-11-30 20:53:34', '2001-12-01 10:16:33', -15.0379, 38.243600000000001, -51.935499999999998, 172.10499999999999, 129, 'F', 'F', 'WEI', 'ZHENG', 'y', 290887056, 0.75848929539711996, 0.65168545016207502, -0.00025062927796244699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1390205', 'NGC1068', 40.668799999999997, -0.01436, '2001-12-01 11:52:20', 19080, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.5, 'SEYF', 0, 84, 'EE', '2005-09-02 05:37:38', '2002-06-12 16:58:02', 1, 0.0030000000000000001, '2001-12-01 11:52:20', '2001-12-01 23:38:58', -15.0379, 38.243600000000001, -51.935499999999998, 172.10499999999999, 129, 'F', 'F', 'WEI', 'ZHENG', 'y', 290887056, 0.75848929539711996, 0.65168545016207502, -0.00025062927796244699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1151111', 'IC418', 81.870000000000005, -12.6967, '2001-12-02 02:23:33', 4440, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 10.199999999999999, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-04-04 09:15:09', '2002-06-05 18:57:10', 0, 0, '2001-12-02 02:23:33', '2001-12-02 06:05:43', -35.859999999999999, 80.198999999999998, -24.281500000000001, 215.214, 66.644499999999994, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 347591606, 0.13796148352342, 0.965742707655184, -0.21979001723201799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054701', 'HD72350-BKGD', 127.663, -44.737200000000001, '2001-12-02 07:32:38', 14856, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'B4IV', 0.17000000000000001, 21, 'EE', '2006-04-04 12:00:46', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 1, 0, '2001-12-02 07:32:38', '2001-12-02 18:26:06', -60.395200000000003, 151.47200000000001, -3.1948500000000002, 262.70600000000002, 34.533900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 642957789, -0.434030689870127, 0.56232021233001594, -0.70385604995338902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054702', 'HD72350-BKGD', 127.663, -44.737200000000001, '2001-12-02 20:48:51', 10164, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'B4IV', 0.17000000000000001, 21, 'EE', '2006-04-04 12:00:55', '2002-02-08 11:11:22', 1, 0, '2001-12-02 20:48:51', '2001-12-03 01:05:30', -60.395200000000003, 151.47200000000001, -3.1948500000000002, 262.70600000000002, 35.035600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 642957789, -0.434030689870127, 0.56232021233001594, -0.70385604995338902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0010101', 'HE0504-2408', 76.575699999999998, -24.0672, '2001-12-03 01:37:47', 6621, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.199999999999999, 'DO', 0, 17, 'PC', '2004-12-20 13:22:43', '2002-06-05 15:30:26', 0, 0, '2001-12-03 01:37:47', '2001-12-03 07:05:26', -46.671599999999998, 72.005499999999998, -33.079300000000003, 225.239, 78.150599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'KLAUS', 'WERNER', 'y', 344571787, 0.21197822891829199, 0.88812049194409404, -0.40780782515008801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0541001', 'MCT0019-2411', 5.4950000000000001, -24.421399999999998, '2001-12-03 08:14:08', 9203, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.5, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-21 03:03:04', '2002-06-12 18:08:31', 1, 0, '2001-12-03 08:14:08', '2001-12-03 13:48:15', -24.457000000000001, 354.67599999999999, -82.838700000000003, 53.5015, 146.05000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', 'y', 274727658, 0.90634501862891004, 0.087191273007252906, -0.41344454176822298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0040301', 'NGC7714', 354.05900000000003, 2.1552799999999999, '2001-12-04 00:49:44', 15323, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 89, 'EC', '2004-12-20 13:23:25', '2002-06-12 17:13:12', 3, 2798, '2001-12-04 00:49:44', '2001-12-04 14:41:02', 4.3385100000000003, 355.40199999999999, -55.564100000000003, 88.216800000000006, 155.25200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 308170830, 0.99392537938199699, -0.10343108319633, 0.037607861534361103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0370201', 'NGC7714', 354.05900000000003, 2.1552799999999999, '2001-12-04 15:48:34', 51926, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 28, 14.359999999999999, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 80, 'EC', '2004-12-21 03:24:32', '2002-06-12 18:49:26', 4, 2798, '2001-12-04 15:48:34', '2001-12-06 13:18:08', 4.3385100000000003, 355.40199999999999, -55.564100000000003, 88.216800000000006, 155.20500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT A.', 'BENJAMIN', 'y', 308170830, 0.99392537938199699, -0.10343108319633, 0.037607861534361103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0370202', 'NGC7714', 354.05900000000003, 2.1552799999999999, '2001-12-06 14:26:22', 10119, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.359999999999999, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 80, 'EC', '2004-12-21 03:25:03', '2002-08-13 00:00:17', 4, 2798, '2001-12-06 14:26:22', '2001-12-06 21:39:18', 4.3385100000000003, 355.40199999999999, -55.564100000000003, 88.216800000000006, 155.03399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT A.', 'BENJAMIN', 'y', 308170830, 0.99392537938199699, -0.10343108319633, 0.037607861534361103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0370205', 'NGC7714', 354.05900000000003, 2.1552799999999999, '2001-12-07 02:11:58', 5931, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.359999999999999, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 80, 'EC', '2004-12-21 03:34:26', '2002-08-13 00:10:20', 3, 2798, '2001-12-07 02:11:58', '2001-12-07 07:37:35', 4.3385100000000003, 355.40199999999999, -55.564100000000003, 88.216800000000006, 154.99600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT A.', 'BENJAMIN', 'y', 308170830, 0.99392537938199699, -0.10343108319633, 0.037607861534361103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0500301', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-01', 10.4315, -16.8428, '2001-12-07 08:50:52', 397, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 00:36:20', '2002-06-12 17:16:26', 2, 0, '2001-12-07 08:50:52', '2001-12-07 09:23:02', -19.558599999999998, 2.66038, -79.472200000000001, 110.111, 147.12100000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 275935779, 0.94128439301097, 0.173292998150157, -0.28974683478184698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0500401', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-02', 10.298500000000001, -17.054200000000002, '2001-12-07 10:29:52', 391, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 00:36:36', '2002-06-12 17:18:42', 2, 0, '2001-12-07 10:29:52', '2001-12-07 11:05:44', -19.698, 2.4442699999999999, -79.651499999999999, 109.175, 147.13, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 275932320, 0.94062587760458005, 0.17091525460798501, -0.29327620790460002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0500501', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-03', 10.164300000000001, -17.2667, '2001-12-07 12:09:46', 386, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 00:36:49', '2002-06-12 17:20:54', 2, 0, '2001-12-07 12:09:46', '2001-12-07 12:45:37', -19.837900000000001, 2.2264400000000002, -79.828999999999994, 108.20099999999999, 147.21199999999999, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 275920220, 0.93994651138162899, 0.16851851420838199, -0.29681992202428698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0370203', 'NGC7714', 354.05900000000003, 2.1552799999999999, '2001-12-07 13:45:36', 1960, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14.359999999999999, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 80, 'EC', '2004-12-21 03:25:21', '2002-06-12 18:54:16', 3, 2798, '2001-12-07 13:45:36', '2001-12-07 14:18:15', 4.3385100000000003, 355.40199999999999, -55.564100000000003, 88.216800000000006, 154.94999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT A.', 'BENJAMIN', 'y', 308170830, 0.99392537938199699, -0.10343108319633, 0.037607861534361103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0500601', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-04', 9.89377, -17.691299999999998, '2001-12-07 15:30:30', 398, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 00:36:56', '2002-06-12 17:22:54', 2, 0, '2001-12-07 15:30:30', '2001-12-07 16:05:24', -20.116299999999999, 1.7885500000000001, -80.174300000000002, 106.143, 147.27699999999999, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 275910123, 0.93853898196883601, 0.16369611650397001, -0.30388840182938598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0500701', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-05', 9.7617799999999999, -17.8996, '2001-12-07 17:09:30', 402, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 00:47:05', '2002-06-12 17:24:59', 2, 0, '2001-12-07 17:09:30', '2001-12-07 17:45:18', -20.2531, 1.57423, -80.339399999999998, 105.087, 147.19, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 275908968, 0.93781859252560196, 0.161345222251534, -0.30734997441012002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0500801', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-06', 9.6279599999999999, -18.108899999999998, '2001-12-07 18:49:27', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 00:47:11', '2002-06-12 17:27:03', 2, 0, '2001-12-07 18:49:27', '2001-12-07 19:25:11', -20.390000000000001, 1.35761, -80.501800000000003, 103.985, 147.215, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 275208119, 0.93707968768179395, 0.15896557557109101, -0.31082407358109099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0500901', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-07', 9.4942399999999996, -18.317399999999999, '2001-12-07 20:29:19', 252, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 00:47:17', '2002-06-12 17:29:10', 2, 0, '2001-12-07 20:29:19', '2001-12-07 21:05:06', -20.526199999999999, 1.14134, -80.6601, 102.849, 147.15199999999999, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 275206961, 0.93632633430572298, 0.15659052760388101, -0.31428076993406001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0501001', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-07', 9.3608399999999996, -18.525099999999998, '2001-12-07 22:09:13', 251, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 00:47:24', '2002-06-12 17:31:28', 2, 0, '2001-12-07 22:09:13', '2001-12-07 22:44:59', -20.6617, 0.92557199999999995, -80.8142, 101.68000000000001, 147.24199999999999, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 275203482, 0.93555811706468806, 0.154223764957269, -0.31772006533547897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0501101', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-09', 9.2279699999999991, -18.732099999999999, '2001-12-07 23:49:12', 168, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 00:47:30', '2002-06-12 17:33:45', 2, 0, '2001-12-07 23:49:12', '2001-12-08 00:00:12', -20.796700000000001, 0.71047099999999996, -80.964100000000002, 100.47799999999999, 147.26900000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 275202317, 0.934774129913018, 0.151868707440172, -0.32114361545235798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0501201', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-10', 9.0945499999999999, -18.938199999999998, '2001-12-08 01:29:03', 290, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 00:47:47', '2002-06-12 17:35:54', 2, 0, '2001-12-08 01:29:03', '2001-12-08 01:43:06', -20.930599999999998, 0.49517800000000001, -81.109099999999998, 99.237200000000001, 147.28999999999999, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 275103622, 0.93397852082702104, 0.149508002829919, -0.32454811619169599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0370204', 'NGC7714', 354.05900000000003, 2.1552799999999999, '2001-12-08 03:04:35', 18691, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14.359999999999999, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 80, 'EC', '2004-12-21 03:34:19', '2002-06-12 19:09:59', 4, 2798, '2001-12-08 03:04:35', '2001-12-08 18:36:25', 4.3385100000000003, 355.40199999999999, -55.564100000000003, 88.216800000000006, 154.90199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT A.', 'BENJAMIN', 'y', 308170830, 0.99392537938199699, -0.10343108319633, 0.037607861534361103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0501301', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-11', 7.6416700000000004, -21.1523, '2001-12-08 19:49:07', 265, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 00:57:25', '2002-06-12 17:38:13', 1, 0, '2001-12-08 19:49:07', '2001-12-08 20:23:39', -22.358599999999999, 358.15600000000001, -82.361400000000003, 83.282899999999998, 147.869, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 275022589, 0.92434198472904805, 0.12401784190519401, -0.36084826472680098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0501401', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-12', 7.5128399999999997, -21.346299999999999, '2001-12-08 21:27:58', 269, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 00:57:31', '2002-06-12 17:40:48', 1, 0, '2001-12-08 21:27:58', '2001-12-08 22:03:32', -22.482900000000001, 357.94900000000001, -82.439300000000003, 81.661199999999994, 147.899, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 274847359, 0.92340188346662999, 0.121778691736424, -0.364003999770945); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0501501', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-13', 7.3824199999999998, -21.541599999999999, '2001-12-08 23:07:53', 299, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 00:57:37', '2002-06-12 17:43:12', 1, 0, '2001-12-08 23:07:53', '2001-12-08 23:16:36', -22.607700000000001, 357.74000000000001, -82.511399999999995, 79.993399999999994, 148.02199999999999, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 274846122, 0.92244085800001396, 0.119516355677106, -0.367176666221945); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1090103', 'NGC1672', 71.427800000000005, -59.247100000000003, '2001-12-09 00:49:30', 7951, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 10.279999999999999, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2004-12-21 03:44:36', '2002-06-14 16:13:53', 1, 0.0044999999999999997, '2001-12-09 00:49:30', '2001-12-09 07:54:32', -78.894000000000005, 32.277200000000001, -38.989600000000003, 268.78500000000003, 91.6096, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', 'y', 555759069, 0.162860401858576, 0.48470773826109498, -0.85938053153203098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0501601', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-14', 6.59781, -22.6999, '2001-12-09 09:10:10', 276, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 02:41:37', '2002-06-12 17:45:01', 1, 0, '2001-12-09 09:10:10', '2001-12-09 09:41:51', -23.342400000000001, 356.48700000000002, -82.800799999999995, 69.521500000000003, 148.46199999999999, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 274802974, 0.91642893459947095, 0.105998948316518, -0.385904432191017); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0501701', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-15', 6.4737299999999998, -22.8841, '2001-12-09 10:47:17', 269, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 02:41:43', '2002-06-12 17:46:25', 1, 0, '2001-12-09 10:47:17', '2001-12-09 11:22:43', -23.459299999999999, 356.28899999999999, -82.825500000000005, 67.799899999999994, 148.48400000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 274757602, 0.91541887028521496, 0.103873661808837, -0.38886829943846501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0501801', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-16', 6.3443899999999998, -23.072500000000002, '2001-12-09 12:27:06', 285, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 02:42:00', '2002-06-12 17:48:15', 1, 0, '2001-12-09 12:27:06', '2001-12-09 13:02:37', -23.577999999999999, 356.08300000000003, -82.842600000000004, 66.018500000000003, 148.51300000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 274756460, 0.91437522935136795, 0.101665074752761, -0.39189558880414599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0501901', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-17', 6.2157600000000004, -23.259799999999998, '2001-12-09 14:07:05', 279, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 02:42:14', '2002-06-12 17:50:06', 1, 0, '2001-12-09 14:07:05', '2001-12-09 14:42:31', -23.695900000000002, 355.87799999999999, -82.853200000000001, 64.241, 148.52000000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 274753018, 0.91332270410699101, 0.099472791240830805, -0.394901002740499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0502001', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-18', 6.0872000000000002, -23.4465, '2001-12-09 15:46:53', 281, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 02:42:21', '2002-06-12 17:51:20', 1, 0, '2001-12-09 15:46:53', '2001-12-09 16:22:24', -23.813199999999998, 355.67399999999998, -82.856999999999999, 62.465699999999998, 148.535, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 274751953, 0.91225921239114005, 0.097286261997313495, -0.39789258931788102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1090201', 'ESO118-33', 69.993799999999993, -59.680199999999999, '2001-12-09 17:27:45', 6806, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.4, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2004-12-21 03:55:05', '2002-06-12 19:14:33', 0, 0.058000000000000003, '2001-12-09 17:27:45', '2001-12-09 20:02:09', -78.719399999999993, 28.003499999999999, -39.600499999999997, 269.54500000000002, 93.639700000000005, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', 'y', 544593321, 0.17271197977605801, 0.47436254459544402, -0.86322114682552298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0502101', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-19', 5.6976800000000001, -24.005800000000001, '2001-12-09 20:49:30', 289, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 02:42:27', '2002-06-12 17:53:12', 1, 0, '2001-12-09 20:49:30', '2001-12-09 21:22:07', -24.163, 355.05700000000002, -82.826300000000003, 57.145800000000001, 148.77799999999999, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 274733607, 0.90899119440089204, 0.090692209949050695, -0.40682911837305402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0502201', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-20', 5.5746900000000004, -24.1844, '2001-12-09 22:26:36', 281, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 02:42:33', '2002-06-12 17:55:03', 1, 0, '2001-12-09 22:26:36', '2001-12-09 22:33:00', -24.275099999999998, 354.86099999999999, -82.805499999999995, 55.467799999999997, 148.80099999999999, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 274730174, 0.90791721024925098, 0.088617156560585497, -0.40967467446296302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0502301', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-21', 5.4467600000000003, -24.366700000000002, '2001-12-10 00:06:28', 280, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 02:42:40', '2002-06-14 15:59:58', 1, 0, '2001-12-10 00:06:28', '2001-12-10 00:15:35', -24.3886, 354.65899999999999, -82.776399999999995, 53.758699999999997, 148.83000000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 274729153, 0.90681062594003903, 0.086465574993996097, -0.41257507562041601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1090101', 'NGC1672', 71.427800000000005, -59.247100000000003, '2001-12-10 01:47:32', 4329, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.279999999999999, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2004-12-21 03:44:15', '2002-06-14 16:04:46', 1, 0.0044999999999999997, '2001-12-10 01:47:32', '2001-12-10 05:26:03', -78.894000000000005, 32.277200000000001, -38.989600000000003, 268.78500000000003, 92.666499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', 'y', 555759069, 0.162860401858576, 0.48470773826109498, -0.85938053153203098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0502401', 'LINEAR-2000WM1-22', 4.9337099999999996, -25.091799999999999, '2001-12-10 06:48:55', 123, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12, '', 0, 6, 'EE', '2004-12-21 02:42:49', '2002-06-12 17:57:03', 2, 0, '2001-12-10 06:48:55', '2001-12-10 07:10:25', -24.838200000000001, 353.85000000000002, -82.5989, 47.127899999999997, 149.17400000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 271926032, 0.90227402364215004, 0.077886952197201501, -0.424069816112908); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054801', 'CVZ-BKGD', 254.91, 65.012200000000007, '2002-01-19 01:01:02', 0, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 55, 6.2999999999999998, 'B4IV', 0.17000000000000001, 21, 'EE', '2005-01-08 03:03:31', '2002-03-14 17:30:22', 2, 0, '2002-01-19 01:01:02', '2002-01-22 12:52:30', 83.637600000000006, 187.07900000000001, 36.122100000000003, 95.419899999999998, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 190032925, -0.10997250470169, -0.40785923863787998, 0.90639775466809602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056101', 'CVZ-BKGD', 236.50899999999999, 65.027199999999993, '2002-01-22 13:23:51', 33449, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0.17000000000000001, 7, 'EE', '2006-08-25 00:23:42', '2002-05-17 08:36:09', 2, 0, '2002-01-22 13:23:51', '2002-01-22 23:59:54', 76.351100000000002, 170.84299999999999, 43.253500000000003, 99.348299999999995, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 191063947, -0.23296584776656001, -0.35209315516046102, 0.906508314282643); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054901', 'NCVZ-BKGD', 218.209, 65.036000000000001, '2002-01-25 00:12:22', 3957, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 17, 99.900000000000006, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2004-12-22 14:32:43', '2003-09-11 16:07:00', 1, 0, '2002-01-25 00:12:22', '2002-01-25 23:19:19', 69.326099999999997, 159.93899999999999, 48.836199999999998, 107, 5.6608900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 194291197, -0.33162890081645202, -0.261050572246182, 0.90657314700646896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054902', 'NCVZ-BKGD', 218.209, 65.036000000000001, '2002-01-25 23:22:48', 64890, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 16, 99.900000000000006, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2004-12-22 14:53:32', '2002-08-20 16:32:30', 2, 0, '2002-01-25 23:22:48', '2002-01-26 23:40:57', 69.326099999999997, 159.93899999999999, 48.836199999999998, 107, 5.6608900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 194291197, -0.33162890081645202, -0.261050572246182, 0.90657314700646896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054903', 'NCVZ-BKGD', 218.209, 65.036000000000001, '2002-01-27 00:13:09', 53228, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 13, 99.900000000000006, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-01-20 02:58:04', '2002-02-15 15:01:29', 1, 0, '2002-01-27 00:13:09', '2002-01-27 19:49:55', 69.326099999999997, 159.93899999999999, 48.836199999999998, 107, 5.6608900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 194291197, -0.33162890081645202, -0.261050572246182, 0.90657314700646896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6010401', 'EG102', 204.71000000000001, 70.285399999999996, '2002-01-27 20:12:55', 17351, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.77, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-05 22:55:10', '2002-02-15 15:02:41', 1, 0, '2002-01-27 20:12:55', '2002-01-28 01:27:56', 66.896100000000004, 141.34800000000001, 46.309199999999997, 117.178, 349.32799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 196358661, -0.30644713637065202, -0.14101473977824, 0.94138461628364301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6010202', 'WD1501+664', 225.53999999999999, 66.205200000000005, '2002-01-28 02:02:52', 38278, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.9, 'PG11', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-05 22:54:58', '2002-02-15 15:02:41', 1, 0, '2002-01-28 02:02:52', '2002-01-28 16:30:24', 72.561499999999995, 160.55500000000001, 46.009399999999999, 104.65300000000001, 9.7207600000000003, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 191537677, -0.28258946273222602, -0.28796698983489399, 0.91499628869091099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6010101', 'WD1202+608', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2002-01-28 18:04:59', 10458, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.6, 'WD', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-08 04:26:38', '2002-02-15 15:02:41', 3, 0, '2002-01-28 18:04:59', '2002-01-28 21:40:44', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 330.149, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6010601', 'HS1136+6646', 174.77500000000001, 66.504999999999995, '2002-01-29 15:31:13', 7776, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.199999999999999, 'DAO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-22 00:37:22', '2002-02-15 15:02:41', 4, 0, '2002-01-29 15:31:13', '2002-01-29 17:42:45', 55.789299999999997, 134.92099999999999, 49.065600000000003, 133.821, 318.79700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 123054894, -0.397012472441369, 0.0363056364540085, 0.91709486831388398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050503', 'WD1202+608-BKGD', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2002-01-29 18:54:06', 21587, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 13.609999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-01-19 03:15:21', '2002-02-15 15:01:27', 2, 0, '2002-01-29 18:54:06', '2002-01-30 01:45:05', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 328.82299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0340101', 'SBS1150+599A', 178.35400000000001, 59.665300000000002, '2002-01-30 02:20:12', 30470, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 18, '', 0, 71, 'EE', '2005-01-13 06:15:59', '2002-08-12 23:46:40', 1, -200, '2002-01-30 02:20:12', '2002-01-30 14:02:05', 51.822200000000002, 144.762, 55.966700000000003, 135.99700000000001, 326.06999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GAGIK', 'TOVMASIAN', 'y', 98558967, -0.50484203290523899, 0.0145071534047306, 0.86308983559777597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0410201', 'YY-DRA', 175.91, 71.688999999999993, '2002-01-30 21:29:16', 52411, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 16, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-01-07 18:31:16', '2002-08-13 00:56:14', 1, 0, '2002-01-30 21:29:16', '2002-01-31 17:17:30', 59.554400000000001, 128.202, 44.4557, 130.30600000000001, 316.02600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PAULA', 'SZKODY', 'y', 125113982, -0.31337460116868099, 0.022407996194869401, 0.94936517792096198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2520101', 'NGC5430', 210.191, 59.328899999999997, '2002-01-31 19:19:09', 32767, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 12.699999999999999, '', 0.01, 89, 'PC', '2005-01-15 03:17:38', '2002-09-26 23:42:02', 0, 2961, '2002-01-31 19:19:09', '2002-02-01 09:00:03', 63.0212, 166.387, 55.646700000000003, 107.312, 354.57100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ANNE', 'PELLERIN', 'y', 193332682, -0.44091477927807898, -0.25652581850498102, 0.860109680130687); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6010701', 'PG1351+640', 208.316, 63.762500000000003, '2002-02-01 10:07:26', 48620, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 14.84, 'SYFT', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-05 22:57:07', '2002-05-28 10:48:39', 3, 0.088200000000000001, '2002-02-01 10:07:26', '2002-02-02 04:40:17', 65.007900000000006, 157.09999999999999, 52.020299999999999, 111.896, 350.45400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 193820793, -0.38919434152818499, -0.20969977622656799, 0.89696921261154205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6010801', 'MRK205', 185.43299999999999, 75.310599999999994, '2002-02-02 12:48:10', 16027, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.5, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-05 22:57:22', '2002-05-28 10:48:48', 4, 0.070000000000000007, '2002-02-02 12:48:10', '2002-02-02 17:28:53', 63.772199999999998, 124.834, 41.671999999999997, 125.44799999999999, 321.86500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 197028145, -0.25243981194392101, -0.024009290001398901, 0.96731468268570497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1310301', 'M82-C', 149.01300000000001, 69.646699999999996, '2002-02-02 17:52:09', 10674, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.4100000000000001, 'GAL', 0.02, 89, 'EE', '2005-01-08 00:47:07', '2002-08-13 01:22:26', 1, 203, '2002-02-02 17:52:09', '2002-02-02 21:04:43', 52.089300000000001, 119.03100000000001, 40.598500000000001, 141.434, 282.84300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES', 'HOOPES', 'y', 124628428, -0.298170266016763, 0.179066705591436, 0.93756578831147797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1310201', 'M82-B', 149, 69.654700000000005, '2002-02-02 21:34:57', 8414, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.4100000000000001, 'GAL', 0.02, 89, 'EE', '2005-01-14 08:56:11', '2002-08-13 01:11:14', 1, 203, '2002-02-02 21:34:57', '2002-02-03 00:30:46', 52.093499999999999, 119.017, 40.5901, 141.429, 282.64100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES', 'HOOPES', 'y', 124628452, -0.29801741567868001, 0.17906692886568601, 0.93761434232781005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1310101', 'M82-A', 148.988, 69.663700000000006, '2002-02-03 01:09:37', 7177, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.4100000000000001, 'GAL', 0.02, 89, 'EE', '2004-12-30 22:53:30', '2002-08-13 01:04:09', 1, 203, '2002-02-03 01:09:37', '2002-02-03 03:57:51', 52.098599999999998, 119.003, 40.581400000000002, 141.423, 282.44799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES', 'HOOPES', 'y', 124628454, -0.29785367396703699, 0.179053458043404, 0.93766894374669196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1310401', 'M82-D', 148.96799999999999, 69.715100000000007, '2002-02-03 05:25:30', 9996, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.4100000000000001, 'GAL', 0.02, 89, 'EE', '2004-12-30 23:34:23', '2002-08-13 01:33:40', 1, 203, '2002-02-03 05:25:30', '2002-02-03 09:17:29', 52.137500000000003, 118.94799999999999, 40.5458, 141.37299999999999, 282.23700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES', 'HOOPES', 'y', 124628849, -0.29707024293791501, 0.17872370220584599, 0.93798033509804701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0561001', 'NGC4125', 182.023, 65.174700000000001, '2002-02-03 10:25:56', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2004-12-30 22:52:58', '2002-08-12 22:52:56', 1, 1356, '2002-02-03 10:25:56', '2002-02-03 16:25:29', 56.991999999999997, 140.375, 51.338000000000001, 130.19200000000001, 320.97000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 184533693, -0.41959120850418002, -0.0148210903517727, 0.907592173295245); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1070101', 'HD82210', 143.62, 69.830299999999994, '2002-02-04 11:12:38', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 4.5700000000000003, 'G4II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2004-12-30 22:53:24', '2002-10-04 15:58:41', 0, 0, '2002-02-04 11:12:38', '2002-02-04 15:44:26', 51.2483, 116.327, 38.930100000000003, 142.55000000000001, 274.58999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', 'y', 124696333, -0.277600270875553, 0.204515037460234, 0.93867549721000998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6010901', 'PG1100+772', 166.05699999999999, 76.982799999999997, '2002-02-04 16:24:46', 29857, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.720000000000001, 'QSO', 0.059999999999999998, 85, 'PC', '2006-11-11 02:44:08', '2002-05-28 10:48:53', 5, 0.3115, '2002-02-04 16:24:46', '2002-02-05 03:27:08', 60.7288, 116.55800000000001, 38.549399999999999, 130.39599999999999, 297.98700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 131361783, -0.218606952729062, 0.054273894278031698, 0.97430249133336899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6011001', 'PG0804+761', 122.744, 76.045000000000002, '2002-02-05 13:26:45', 51876, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 15.15, 'QSO', 0.070000000000000007, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-05 22:57:40', '2002-05-28 10:49:03', 8, 0.10000000000000001, '2002-02-05 13:26:45', '2002-02-06 10:34:51', 54.068199999999997, 102.843, 31.032299999999999, 138.28, 249.66499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 132240768, -0.130440029193682, 0.202838421038257, 0.97048543200537496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6011101', 'PG0832+675', 129.39500000000001, 67.403599999999997, '2002-02-06 11:43:30', 51114, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 14.5, 'PAGB', 0, 18, 'PC', '2007-04-12 02:46:06', '2002-05-28 10:49:32', 0, 0, '2002-02-06 11:43:30', '2002-02-07 09:52:05', 46.797199999999997, 110.86799999999999, 35.012099999999997, 147.75, 254.643, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 127349113, -0.243861236590978, 0.29693435544605001, 0.92323436127787095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6011201', 'HS0624+6907', 97.510300000000001, 69.084400000000002, '2002-02-07 17:40:17', 38491, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.12, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-08 04:37:32', '2002-06-05 10:10:20', 5, 0.37, '2002-02-07 17:40:17', '2002-02-08 11:58:18', 45.744900000000001, 93.833799999999997, 23.347899999999999, 145.71000000000001, 217.74100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 128775611, -0.046660477548707197, 0.353929841850459, 0.93410731015372905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055001', 'Z-CAM-BKGD', 126.30500000000001, 73.110900000000001, '2002-02-08 12:21:09', 16844, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99.900000000000006, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-01-21 02:25:31', '2002-03-07 14:53:47', 3, 0, '2002-02-08 12:21:09', '2002-02-08 17:05:31', 51.700299999999999, 106.113, 32.628300000000003, 141.38399999999999, 249.74799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 130754185, -0.17201219714065399, 0.23412340614031801, 0.95686887018655797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6011301', 'VIIZW118', 106.80500000000001, 64.599699999999999, '2002-02-08 18:54:49', 47363, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-11 06:00:45', '2002-05-28 10:49:39', 8, 0.079659999999999995, '2002-02-08 18:54:49', '2002-02-09 12:55:29', 41.717100000000002, 99.563199999999995, 25.986799999999999, 151.36199999999999, 224.535, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 128054639, -0.124013093429301, 0.41062167373733699, 0.90333304695181105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0680101', 'Z-CAM', 126.30500000000001, 73.110900000000001, '2002-02-09 13:19:54', 24418, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 43, 10.5, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-07 04:12:07', '2002-10-02 19:42:39', 1, 0, '2002-02-09 13:19:54', '2002-02-09 21:06:12', 51.700299999999999, 106.113, 32.628300000000003, 141.38399999999999, 248.625, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', 'y', 130754185, -0.17201219714065399, 0.23412340614031801, 0.95686887018655797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6011002', 'PG0804+761', 122.744, 76.045000000000002, '2002-02-09 21:44:26', 36040, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.15, 'QSO', 0.070000000000000007, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-08 04:26:58', '2002-05-28 10:49:23', 8, 0.10000000000000001, '2002-02-09 21:44:26', '2002-02-10 11:12:26', 54.068199999999997, 102.843, 31.032299999999999, 138.28, 244.91499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 132240768, -0.130440029193682, 0.202838421038257, 0.97048543200537496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6011401', 'UGC4305', 124.81699999999999, 70.716300000000004, '2002-02-10 17:25:02', 12953, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.1, 'IM', 0.029999999999999999, 82, 'PC', '2005-01-08 04:37:41', '2002-05-28 10:49:45', 0, 0.00051999999999999995, '2002-02-10 17:25:02', '2002-02-10 22:05:38', 49.302, 106.80800000000001, 32.703699999999998, 144.279, 245.19999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 127794574, -0.18855625639394599, 0.27112520825401298, 0.94389494098862403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6011501', 'MS07007+6338', 106.372, 63.559199999999997, '2002-02-10 22:45:17', 16229, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.699999999999999, 'SYFT', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-08 04:47:52', '2002-05-28 10:49:51', 5, 0.153, '2002-02-10 22:45:17', '2002-02-11 05:08:01', 40.659999999999997, 99.523799999999994, 25.630299999999998, 152.46799999999999, 221.428, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 128031665, -0.12551023556447, 0.42721790010112898, 0.89539491097600798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6011601', 'MRK9', 114.238, 58.770400000000002, '2002-02-11 05:42:08', 23555, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.289999999999999, 'SYFT', 0.10000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-08 04:48:03', '2002-05-28 10:49:57', 5, 0.039870000000000003, '2002-02-11 05:42:08', '2002-02-11 13:00:40', 36.618000000000002, 105.378, 28.746600000000001, 158.36500000000001, 227.67400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 126378768, -0.21284591461717201, 0.47276479446022501, 0.85509652422972704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6011801', 'IR07546+3928', 119.5, 39.3414, '2002-02-11 13:28:28', 27410, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 14.359999999999999, 'SYFT', 0.10000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-08 05:09:59', '2002-05-31 08:53:54', 1, 0.096000000000000002, '2002-02-11 13:28:28', '2002-02-12 13:23:26', 18.292899999999999, 113.64700000000001, 29.089099999999998, 180.923, 218.935, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 107073426, -0.38083168915996701, 0.67311773178591505, 0.63393985809929199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6011901', 'HS0713+3958', 109.261, 39.889899999999997, '2002-02-12 14:14:59', 8888, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.199999999999999, 'DO', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-08 05:10:21', '2002-03-07 14:54:14', 0, 0, '2002-02-12 14:14:59', '2002-02-12 19:58:49', 17.473800000000001, 105.38800000000001, 21.626899999999999, 178.042, 206.239, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 110396889, -0.25310351541985499, 0.72433035793026401, 0.64131438706981003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1100201', 'SS-AUR', 93.343299999999999, 47.740600000000001, '2002-02-13 06:59:53', 12673, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-07 06:29:29', '2002-10-17 19:08:02', 1, 0, '2002-02-13 06:59:53', '2002-02-13 15:55:58', 24.329699999999999, 92.466899999999995, 13.7994, 166.00800000000001, 196.93899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'SION', 'y', 112785996, -0.039218495214684401, 0.67134368366393105, 0.74010780838850698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0040102', 'IRAS08339+6517', 129.59700000000001, 65.121099999999998, '2002-02-13 17:01:43', 18975, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.199999999999999, 'GAL', 0.089999999999999997, 89, 'EC', '2005-01-07 05:03:11', '2002-10-02 17:16:04', 1, 5730, '2002-02-13 17:01:43', '2002-02-14 00:53:13', 44.6995, 112.163, 35.599400000000003, 150.45500000000001, 246.096, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 127189574, -0.26814841657532901, 0.32417031240755401, 0.90719900531346098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2110102', 'NGC3516', 166.69800000000001, 72.568600000000004, '2002-02-14 01:46:54', 20702, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.5, '', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-07 07:52:34', '2002-09-26 23:14:33', 0, 0.0089999999999999993, '2002-02-14 01:46:54', '2002-02-14 12:27:03', 57.987200000000001, 123.363, 42.4026, 133.23699999999999, 289.154, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD', 'GREEN', 'y', 125218132, -0.29152666094475899, 0.068924727360885493, 0.95407630088826101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1070102', 'HD82210', 143.62, 69.830299999999994, '2002-02-14 12:51:47', 22643, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 4.5700000000000003, 'G4II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2005-01-07 06:28:58', '2002-09-05 15:16:34', 1, 0, '2002-02-14 12:51:47', '2002-02-14 22:25:18', 51.2483, 116.327, 38.930100000000003, 142.55000000000001, 262.50999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', 'y', 124696333, -0.277600270875553, 0.204515037460234, 0.93867549721000998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050103', 'PG0749+658-BKGD', 118.601, 65.701899999999995, '2002-02-15 15:52:46', 0, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 2, 11, 'SKY', 0.029999999999999999, 7, 'EE', '2005-01-08 01:50:35', '2002-08-20 16:32:10', 1, 0, '2002-02-15 15:52:46', '2002-02-15 18:24:09', 43.828400000000002, 105.846, 30.993600000000001, 150.45099999999999, 231.42599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 127460694, -0.19698041057174701, 0.36127262737626997, 0.91141692246722805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6012201', 'PUWE1', 94.892499999999998, 55.611699999999999, '2002-02-15 22:34:03', 7913, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.699999999999999, 'DAO', 0.01, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-08 05:10:29', '2002-03-07 14:54:21', 3, 0, '2002-02-15 22:34:03', '2002-02-16 01:25:01', 32.227600000000002, 93.264300000000006, 17.8553, 158.92400000000001, 196.12799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 116165558, -0.048169687946212, 0.562740639551222, 0.82522884932644303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030610', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-02-17 07:27:00', 8639, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-07 04:53:36', '2002-09-05 18:10:49', 0, 0, '2002-02-17 07:27:00', '2002-02-17 11:32:49', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 177.74000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030512', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-02-17 12:34:36', 4757, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-07 04:30:48', '2002-09-06 14:46:47', 0, 0, '2002-02-17 12:34:36', '2002-02-17 16:11:25', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 182.62100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030408', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-02-17 17:43:44', 1932, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-07 04:12:41', '2002-09-05 17:04:05', 0, 0, '2002-02-17 17:43:44', '2002-02-17 19:51:17', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 182.50399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6011202', 'HS0624+6907', 97.510300000000001, 69.084400000000002, '2002-02-20 08:39:58', 39491, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 14.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.12, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-17 14:24:14', '2002-06-05 10:10:25', 5, 0.37, '2002-02-20 08:39:58', '2002-02-21 04:04:24', 45.744900000000001, 93.833799999999997, 23.347899999999999, 145.71000000000001, 206.21600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 128775611, -0.046660477548707197, 0.353929841850459, 0.93410731015372905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9030101', 'WD0421+740', 66.891300000000001, 74.125299999999996, '2002-02-21 07:59:48', 27794, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.9, 'WDA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-17 22:59:43', '2002-03-07 14:54:02', 0, 0, '2002-02-21 07:59:48', '2002-02-21 17:29:46', 51.482100000000003, 80.073300000000003, 17.193899999999999, 136.333, 176.91300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 58437472, 0.107355946964592, 0.25158663105818202, 0.96186218749056196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030611', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-02-23 02:05:28', 3646, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-15 04:00:03', '2002-09-05 18:26:18', 0, 0, '2002-02-23 02:05:28', '2002-02-23 04:03:38', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 179.59299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030513', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-02-23 06:43:35', 1797, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-15 03:48:54', '2002-09-05 17:35:34', 0, 0, '2002-02-23 06:43:35', '2002-02-23 07:21:42', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 179.48099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030409', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-02-23 08:23:27', 1921, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-15 03:39:04', '2002-09-05 17:12:42', 0, 0, '2002-02-23 08:23:27', '2002-02-23 10:09:24', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 179.44399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9030102', 'WD0421+740', 66.891300000000001, 74.125299999999996, '2002-02-23 11:34:51', 32186, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.9, 'WDA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-17 23:21:25', '2002-03-07 14:54:07', 0, 0, '2002-02-23 11:34:51', '2002-02-24 02:05:10', 51.482100000000003, 80.073300000000003, 17.193899999999999, 136.333, 175.161, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 58437472, 0.107355946964592, 0.25158663105818202, 0.96186218749056196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1780401', 'HS2209+8229', 332.108, 82.747799999999998, '2002-02-24 14:22:34', 3239, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.399999999999999, 'O', 0.14999999999999999, 18, 'PC', '2005-01-15 03:38:44', '2002-09-05 15:27:38', 0, 0, '2002-02-24 14:22:34', '2002-02-24 18:45:21', 69.008300000000006, 71.853300000000004, 21.5444, 117.851, 82.173500000000004, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS', 'RAUCH', 'y', 267687710, 0.11157222090350501, -0.059054505865151201, 0.99200010325588295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9011601', 'HD25443', 61.5336, 62.101799999999997, '2002-02-24 21:11:34', 4625, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.7800000000000002, 'B0.5', 0.5, 23, 'PC', '2005-01-17 22:29:01', '2002-03-07 14:53:55', 0, 0, '2002-02-24 21:11:34', '2002-02-24 23:28:25', 40.333300000000001, 72.988299999999995, 7.35405, 143.68299999999999, 167.63499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 55444017, 0.22302238312074699, 0.41133118621530301, 0.88378033010123902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030612', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-02-25 02:17:04', 7004, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 13, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-15 04:31:40', '2002-09-05 18:51:44', 0, 0, '2002-02-25 02:17:04', '2002-02-25 05:57:07', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 178.56100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030514', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-02-25 06:59:58', 1593, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-15 03:49:12', '2002-09-05 17:43:24', 0, 0, '2002-02-25 06:59:58', '2002-02-25 07:38:35', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 178.41999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6012901', 'HD115473', 199.61699999999999, -58.1372, '2002-02-25 22:08:46', 19219, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.9800000000000004, 'WC5', 0.53000000000000003, 10, 'PC', '2005-01-15 06:37:02', '2002-05-31 08:53:58', 0, 0, '2002-02-25 22:08:46', '2002-02-26 05:36:17', -45.131900000000002, 225.18299999999999, 4.5471899999999996, 306.50599999999997, 45.449199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 705750795, -0.49724733671864602, -0.17722807286468301, -0.84931460385117796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0750102', 'SN1006NW', 225.58000000000001, -41.747300000000003, '2002-02-26 18:06:17', 13566, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.11, 75, 'EE', '2005-01-15 03:18:14', '2002-09-05 14:56:27', 1, 0, '2002-02-26 18:06:17', '2002-02-27 01:46:31', -23.511600000000001, 235.286, 14.775600000000001, 327.584, 20.1434, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 699049454, -0.522196990607105, -0.53287778205140102, -0.66584650813596902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0750202', 'SN1006NE', 226.02099999999999, -41.8446, '2002-02-27 02:21:41', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.11, 75, 'EE', '2005-01-15 03:28:04', '2002-10-05 15:21:39', 1, 0, '2002-02-27 02:21:41', '2002-02-27 11:21:50', -23.504799999999999, 235.66, 14.526899999999999, 327.82799999999997, 20.141200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 699046212, -0.51729412568379596, -0.53606680620641201, -0.66711255933065305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1210406', 'ESO265-G23', 170.19999999999999, -43.264000000000003, '2002-02-28 03:09:17', 8381, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-17 13:52:28', '2002-09-26 14:49:43', 1, 0, '2002-02-28 03:09:17', '2002-02-28 07:17:05', -42.696300000000001, 192.48599999999999, 16.591899999999999, 285.911, 75.676699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'BRAD', 'GIBSON', 'y', 625962266, -0.71757750657091801, 0.123947157511335, -0.68536094447256402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6013001', 'NGC5189-STAR', 203.387, -65.974100000000007, '2002-02-28 09:47:30', 47780, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 13.800000000000001, 'PNCS', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-15 07:18:40', '2002-03-14 14:27:07', 0, 0, '2002-02-28 09:47:30', '2002-03-01 04:54:28', -50.6877, 233.85300000000001, -3.4520900000000001, 307.20699999999999, 44.945500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 682624859, -0.373700071439653, -0.16161380356712901, -0.91336150296723295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6013101', 'NGC5315-STAR', 208.488, -66.513999999999996, '2002-03-01 07:24:25', 51462, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 14.5, 'PNCS', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-15 07:08:39', '2002-05-31 08:54:06', 1, 0, '2002-03-01 07:24:25', '2002-03-02 04:03:48', -49.983699999999999, 236.99299999999999, -4.3951200000000004, 309.11500000000001, 40.815199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 681158779, -0.35027038885865402, -0.19008632765702199, -0.91715747978560003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0110101', 'HD106111', 183.196, -70.151799999999994, '2002-03-02 06:42:57', 15613, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.0599999999999996, 'B3V', 0.23000000000000001, 39, 'PC', '2005-01-26 23:56:36', '2002-10-02 18:12:38', 1, 0, '2002-03-02 06:42:57', '2002-03-02 12:34:50', -58.8093, 229.11199999999999, -7.5275299999999996, 299.63799999999998, 66.906400000000005, 'F', 'F', 'NANCY REMAGE', 'EVANS', 'y', 681710959, -0.339001231089125, -0.018929370648861601, -0.94059547322262604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0680102', 'GAMMA-CRU', 187.792, -57.113199999999999, '2002-03-02 15:04:10', 20248, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 1.6299999999999999, 'M3II', 0, 49, 'PE', '2005-01-26 22:56:59', '2002-09-14 19:58:16', 0, 0, '2002-03-02 15:04:10', '2002-03-02 23:09:53', -47.831099999999999, 216.74000000000001, 5.6499800000000002, 300.17099999999999, 61.121000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM', 'HARPER', 'y', 706835568, -0.53796753812220699, -0.073615863651968899, -0.83974498066109704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2190401', 'HD100546', 173.35599999999999, -70.194800000000001, '2002-03-03 01:13:04', 11436, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.7000000000000002, 'B9VN', 0.040000000000000001, 26, 'PC', '2005-01-27 22:52:03', '2002-09-05 19:15:14', 3, 0, '2002-03-03 01:13:04', '2002-03-03 04:32:30', -61.498600000000003, 225.14699999999999, -8.3234899999999996, 296.36900000000003, 77.572000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 609271802, -0.33654784336434601, 0.039201847551279499, -0.940850022200868); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0710501', 'HD122879', 211.60499999999999, -59.716099999999997, '2002-03-03 07:01:30', 1518, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 6.4299999999999997, 'B0IA', 0.32000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-01-22 00:38:01', '2002-09-14 19:30:26', 2, 0, '2002-03-03 07:01:30', '2002-03-03 07:27:17', -43.405299999999997, 233.75999999999999, 1.79067, 312.26400000000001, 38.369100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN I.B.', 'CARTLEDGE', 'y', 683091331, -0.42949004894676002, -0.26427570920516302, -0.86353728777616701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0680101', 'GAMMA-CRU', 187.792, -57.113199999999999, '2002-03-03 09:31:14', 21140, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 1.6299999999999999, 'M3II', 0, 49, 'PE', '2005-01-26 22:56:36', '2002-09-14 14:50:10', 2, 0, '2002-03-03 09:31:14', '2002-03-03 18:52:16', -47.831099999999999, 216.74000000000001, 5.6499800000000002, 300.17099999999999, 61.785699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM', 'HARPER', 'y', 706835568, -0.53796753812220699, -0.073615863651968899, -0.83974498066109704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055301', 'WR42-HD97152-BKGD', 167.517, -60.979199999999999, '2002-03-03 21:11:52', 26635, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SKY', 0.35999999999999999, 7, 'EE', '2005-01-27 23:26:58', '2002-03-14 14:26:41', 3, 0, '2002-03-03 21:11:52', '2002-03-04 06:01:40', -57.564500000000002, 207.97900000000001, -0.488205, 290.94799999999998, 84.110699999999994, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 621338310, -0.47365878432474401, 0.104860189496781, -0.87444364980866895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0130101', 'WR42-HD97152', 167.517, -60.979199999999999, '2002-03-04 07:00:33', 604, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 8.25, 'WC7+', 0.35999999999999999, 10, 'PE', '2005-01-22 00:27:07', '2002-09-14 13:53:15', 0, 0, '2002-03-04 07:00:33', '2002-03-04 07:10:37', -57.564500000000002, 207.97900000000001, -0.488205, 290.94799999999998, 84.569699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 621338310, -0.47365878432474401, 0.104860189496781, -0.87444364980866895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2220602', 'HD90177', 155.72499999999999, -59.624600000000001, '2002-03-04 09:10:05', 7248, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.5700000000000003, 'B2E', 0.85999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-27 22:52:58', '2002-10-30 01:35:49', 0, 0, '2002-03-04 09:10:05', '2002-03-04 12:50:09', -60.9544, 198.30000000000001, -1.9835799999999999, 285.14800000000002, 97.382499999999993, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 611767773, -0.460954027877226, 0.207886638893203, -0.86273085580234599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9013801', 'HD97848', 168.63300000000001, -59.024700000000003, '2002-03-04 15:20:01', 1880, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.7200000000000006, 'B0II', 0.23999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2005-01-26 22:52:43', '2002-03-14 14:26:56', 0, 0, '2002-03-04 15:20:01', '2002-03-04 15:51:45', -55.790599999999998, 206.173, 1.53322, 290.73700000000002, 83.593800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 621582438, -0.504573207761431, 0.101437411487961, -0.85738925206697203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9012501', 'HD91943', 158.92500000000001, -58.192900000000002, '2002-03-04 17:51:15', 3851, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.6900000000000004, 'B0.5', 0.31, 23, 'PC', '2005-01-22 01:09:17', '2002-03-14 17:30:31', 0, 0, '2002-03-04 17:51:15', '2002-03-04 19:25:56', -58.769599999999997, 198.458, 0.0962031, 285.822, 94.372600000000006, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 622990725, -0.49180626751940698, 0.18952574392476201, -0.84982738695478399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1780201', 'LOTR4', 178.12200000000001, -42.293300000000002, '2002-03-04 22:12:20', 13917, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.5, 'O', 0, 18, 'PC', '2005-01-27 16:23:59', '2002-10-10 15:56:49', 0, 0, '2002-03-04 22:12:20', '2002-03-05 03:59:10', -38.831899999999997, 198.36500000000001, 19.258800000000001, 291.43599999999998, 71.011399999999995, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS', 'RAUCH', 'y', 626362563, -0.73931247188066795, 0.0242413362276594, -0.67292601862284496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2220102', 'CPD-59D2628', 161.28700000000001, -59.68, '2002-03-05 09:38:55', 7135, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.5199999999999996, 'B+', 0.11, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-27 22:52:37', '2002-09-14 17:26:37', 0, 0, '2002-03-05 09:38:55', '2002-03-05 13:14:07', -58.9163, 202.16399999999999, -0.62027500000000002, 287.60599999999999, 92.390799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 622863707, -0.47814245761797902, 0.161963218650888, -0.86321938464522696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1070201', 'HD93497', 161.69200000000001, -49.420200000000001, '2002-03-05 15:20:18', 25199, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 2.7200000000000002, 'G5II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2005-01-27 01:56:01', '2002-09-14 15:36:04', 1, 0, '2002-03-05 15:20:18', '2002-03-06 03:15:53', -51.087699999999998, 190.51599999999999, 8.57254, 283.02800000000002, 92.386399999999995, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', 'y', 624149567, -0.61757891044638002, 0.204340362939122, -0.75950069482902305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9012901', 'HD92536', 159.845, -64.111800000000002, '2002-03-06 05:37:32', 503, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 6.3200000000000003, 'B8V', 0.040000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2005-01-22 01:09:25', '2002-04-11 07:52:53', 0, 0, '2002-03-06 05:37:32', '2002-03-06 05:45:55', -62.282499999999999, 208.20699999999999, -4.8404199999999999, 289.12099999999998, 94.594499999999996, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 610004138, -0.40987983659758398, 0.150441024263687, -0.89964771870395499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0130102', 'WR42-HD97152', 167.517, -60.979199999999999, '2002-03-06 07:43:37', 604, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 8.25, 'WC7+', 0.35999999999999999, 10, 'PE', '2005-01-22 00:27:24', '2002-09-14 13:56:48', 0, 0, '2002-03-06 07:43:37', '2002-03-06 07:53:41', -57.564500000000002, 207.97900000000001, -0.488205, 290.94799999999998, 86.552800000000005, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 621338310, -0.47365878432474401, 0.104860189496781, -0.87444364980866895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9013601', 'HD94144', 162.667, -61.269599999999997, '2002-03-06 10:37:12', 2654, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 6.8399999999999999, 'B4II', 0.17000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2005-01-22 01:30:13', '2002-03-14 14:26:56', 0, 0, '2002-03-06 10:37:12', '2002-03-06 11:21:57', -59.485100000000003, 205.352, -1.7233499999999999, 288.93700000000001, 91.887600000000006, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 610258874, -0.45886044153734901, 0.14320908751827999, -0.87689124322479695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0320701', 'IC2448', 136.77699999999999, -69.941900000000004, '2002-03-07 00:32:47', 11790, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.300000000000001, 'CSPN', 0.080000000000000002, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-26 22:55:19', '2002-09-14 14:32:34', 0, 0, '2002-03-07 00:32:47', '2002-03-07 03:52:24', -72.796700000000001, 212.32599999999999, -14.9513, 285.80099999999999, 118.592, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT', 'GRUENDL', 'y', 608010728, -0.249922180214942, 0.234881415818084, -0.93934531687761302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9013901', 'HD99897', 172.226, -62.652700000000003, '2002-03-07 06:36:02', 6495, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.3599999999999994, 'O6', 0.42999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2005-01-28 01:06:58', '2002-03-27 10:54:17', 0, 0, '2002-03-07 06:36:02', '2002-03-07 08:54:18', -57.104199999999999, 213.06399999999999, -1.2835300000000001, 293.61500000000001, 82.424999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 620943068, -0.45516094774318, 0.062138886079494797, -0.88823829600300896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9015101', 'HD113012', 195.423, -60.0764, '2002-03-07 11:45:01', 2260, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.1600000000000001, 'B0II', 0.39000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-01-26 22:52:49', '2002-03-14 14:26:56', 0, 0, '2002-03-07 11:45:01', '2002-03-07 12:23:03', -47.936399999999999, 224.12899999999999, 2.77007, 304.21300000000002, 57.721800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 705017186, -0.480880734283608, -0.132664328995344, -0.86669134944746795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0130103', 'WR42-HD97152', 167.517, -60.979199999999999, '2002-03-07 14:58:22', 603, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 8.25, 'WC7+', 0.35999999999999999, 10, 'PE', '2005-01-22 00:37:29', '2002-09-14 13:59:51', 0, 0, '2002-03-07 14:58:22', '2002-03-07 15:08:25', -57.564500000000002, 207.97900000000001, -0.488205, 290.94799999999998, 87.855699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 621338310, -0.47365878432474401, 0.104860189496781, -0.87444364980866895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1210407', 'ESO265-G23', 170.19999999999999, -43.264000000000003, '2002-03-07 17:18:00', 21716, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 15, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-26 22:54:16', '2002-09-26 15:37:07', 2, 0, '2002-03-07 17:18:00', '2002-03-08 03:32:46', -42.696300000000001, 192.48599999999999, 16.591899999999999, 285.911, 84.807000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BRAD', 'GIBSON', 'y', 625962266, -0.71757750657091801, 0.123947157511335, -0.68536094447256402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051702', 'LSS1274', 139.732, -57.077199999999998, '2002-03-08 06:00:48', 7935, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 11, 12.4, 'SDO', 0.17999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-27 22:51:44', '2002-09-26 22:53:56', 4, 0, '2002-03-08 06:00:48', '2002-03-08 12:25:33', -65.488600000000005, 181.59999999999999, -5.3077199999999998, 277.04199999999997, 118.97799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 617789972, -0.41471300592593302, 0.351304191906121, -0.83940364989977501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1770301', 'LSS1362', 148.185, -46.280099999999997, '2002-03-08 15:53:37', 7914, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 12.5, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-27 16:23:39', '2002-09-14 16:16:12', 0, 0, '2002-03-08 15:53:37', '2002-03-08 19:38:53', -53.902999999999999, 175.44399999999999, 6.1916599999999997, 273.673, 113.105, 'F', 'F', 'KLAUS', 'WERNER', 'y', 629961558, -0.58729392002465797, 0.36435055353417301, -0.72272714466900501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9012201', 'HD71634', 126.376, -58.133200000000002, '2002-03-08 22:33:09', 504, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 6.6500000000000004, 'B5II', 0.14999999999999999, 24, 'PC', '2005-01-22 00:58:16', '2002-03-14 14:26:56', 2, 0, '2002-03-08 22:33:09', '2002-03-08 22:41:33', -71.4923, 170.541, -11.5236, 273.32600000000002, 132.91900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 618718988, -0.31311528522361298, 0.42507190494762598, -0.849277748315315); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0130104', 'WR42-HD97152', 167.517, -60.979199999999999, '2002-03-09 00:52:26', 603, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 8.25, 'WC7+', 0.35999999999999999, 10, 'PE', '2005-01-22 00:37:46', '2002-10-10 12:44:36', 0, 0, '2002-03-09 00:52:26', '2002-03-09 01:02:29', -57.564500000000002, 207.97900000000001, -0.488205, 290.94799999999998, 89.283000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 621338310, -0.47365878432474401, 0.104860189496781, -0.87444364980866895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9013701', 'HD97175', 167.43799999999999, -70.367699999999999, '2002-03-09 06:12:18', 530, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 8.8699999999999992, 'B0.5', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2005-01-26 21:26:44', '2002-03-14 14:26:56', 0, 0, '2002-03-09 06:12:18', '2002-03-09 06:21:23', -63.279800000000002, 223.16800000000001, -9.1723599999999994, 294.53300000000002, 89.943899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 608690856, -0.32793958157886299, 0.073074850244668907, -0.94186819518210696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9012001', 'HD62714', 115.599, -56.146000000000001, '2002-03-09 08:37:40', 603, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 7.2699999999999996, 'B7VP', 0.040000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2005-01-22 00:47:40', '2002-04-11 07:52:46', 0, 0, '2002-03-09 08:37:40', '2002-03-09 08:47:43', -74.106800000000007, 151.517, -15.6251, 268.58600000000001, 143.69999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 638859126, -0.240696935172973, 0.50239575964221395, -0.83045980401935204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0380101', 'HD76534', 133.786, -43.4666, '2002-03-09 11:52:13', 2775, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 8, 'B2V', 0.32000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-26 23:55:46', '2004-10-12 18:37:51', 0, 0, '2002-03-09 11:52:13', '2002-03-09 14:19:33', -57.096200000000003, 157.59299999999999, 1.0478000000000001, 264.42000000000002, 131.03399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CLAUDE', 'CATALA', 'y', 620734760, -0.50221255769663697, 0.52395863211501503, -0.68793160904552397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6013201', 'HD92809', 160.41, -58.771900000000002, '2002-03-09 18:30:24', 8931, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.0800000000000001, 'WC6', 0.22, 10, 'PC', '2005-01-27 23:57:12', '2002-03-14 14:27:07', 0, 0, '2002-03-09 18:30:24', '2002-03-09 21:24:36', -58.615600000000001, 200.298, -0.031243799999999999, 286.78199999999998, 97.903599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 622903937, -0.48843668811207402, 0.17382842977497701, -0.85511009741908395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9012002', 'HD62714', 115.599, -56.146000000000001, '2002-03-09 23:38:58', 2276, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.2699999999999996, 'B7VP', 0.040000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2005-01-22 00:48:07', '2002-03-14 14:26:56', 0, 0, '2002-03-09 23:38:58', '2002-03-10 00:17:18', -74.106800000000007, 151.517, -15.6251, 268.58600000000001, 145.126, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 638859126, -0.240696935172973, 0.50239575964221395, -0.83045980401935204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0130105', 'WR42-HD97152', 167.517, -60.979199999999999, '2002-03-10 03:33:51', 593, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 8.25, 'WC7+', 0.35999999999999999, 10, 'PE', '2005-01-22 00:37:53', '2002-09-14 14:03:08', 0, 0, '2002-03-10 03:33:51', '2002-03-10 03:43:49', -57.564500000000002, 207.97900000000001, -0.488205, 290.94799999999998, 90.370400000000004, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 621338310, -0.47365878432474401, 0.104860189496781, -0.87444364980866895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9013301', 'HD93162', 161.04300000000001, -59.719700000000003, '2002-03-10 09:28:43', 2484, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 8.1099999999999994, 'WN+.', 0.59999999999999998, 11, 'PC', '2005-01-22 01:19:14', '2002-04-08 13:17:56', 2, 0, '2002-03-10 09:28:43', '2002-03-10 10:10:39', -59.033099999999997, 202.05699999999999, -0.71280600000000005, 287.51600000000002, 97.727500000000006, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 622863937, -0.47688259179807502, 0.163803618901156, -0.86356897123208198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9013501', 'HD93403', 161.434, -59.407800000000002, '2002-03-10 11:10:35', 2613, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 7.2999999999999998, 'O6E', 0.48999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2005-01-22 01:30:04', '2002-03-27 10:54:07', 0, 0, '2002-03-10 11:10:35', '2002-03-10 11:54:40', -58.6753, 201.88, -0.344613, 287.54500000000002, 97.615300000000005, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 622867556, -0.48243855276835002, 0.16203986569505999, -0.86081131772782005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9013401', 'HD93249', 161.18299999999999, -59.356999999999999, '2002-03-10 12:50:03', 3024, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 8.4100000000000001, 'O+..', 0.35999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2005-01-28 00:24:35', '2002-04-08 13:18:10', 0, 0, '2002-03-10 12:50:03', '2002-03-10 13:40:26', -58.732999999999997, 201.63999999999999, -0.35917300000000002, 287.40899999999999, 97.970299999999995, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 622868006, -0.482446303381105, 0.16439786854236199, -0.86035975334312098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6013401', 'HD78791', 136.28700000000001, -72.602699999999999, '2002-03-10 16:12:08', 23233, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.5, 'F9II', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-27 23:57:20', '2002-05-31 08:54:12', 0, 0, '2002-03-10 16:12:08', '2002-03-10 23:39:47', -73.275599999999997, 221.322, -16.770099999999999, 287.82600000000002, 123.334, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 607560009, -0.21611728278422501, 0.206619996842929, -0.95425441942209099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2042101', 'WD0715-704', 108.821, -70.418899999999994, '2002-03-11 04:47:38', 10095, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-27 21:42:59', '2002-10-29 20:47:06', 5, 0, '2002-03-11 04:47:38', '2002-03-11 09:24:50', -82.140000000000001, 217.755, -23.492599999999999, 281.62099999999998, 149.477, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 613208270, -0.10812065704151599, 0.31722118112292202, -0.94216805601118203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051701', 'LSS1274', 139.732, -57.077199999999998, '2002-03-11 12:13:23', 13568, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 12, 12.4, 'SDO', 0.17999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-27 22:51:23', '2002-10-30 01:20:56', 4, 0, '2002-03-11 12:13:23', '2002-03-11 18:59:59', -65.488600000000005, 181.59999999999999, -5.3077199999999998, 277.04199999999997, 122.50700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 617789972, -0.41471300592593302, 0.351304191906121, -0.83940364989977501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2042501', 'IX-VEL', 123.82899999999999, -49.221899999999998, '2002-03-12 04:58:04', 40526, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 85, 9.5999999999999996, '', 0.02, 63, 'PC', '2005-03-25 09:21:54', '2002-12-28 23:17:17', 0, 0, '2002-03-12 04:58:04', '2002-03-14 10:27:26', -65.585099999999997, 151.60400000000001, -7.8898299999999999, 264.93000000000001, 141.226, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 642125978, -0.363608689519549, 0.54255792437564998, -0.75724475541469605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055401', 'SK-67D111-BKGD', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-14 13:23:44', 27076, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'EE', '2005-01-26 16:41:48', '2002-08-20 16:32:35', 2, 0, '2002-03-14 13:23:44', '2002-03-14 22:35:32', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 178.86199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550201', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-15 05:17:38', 4226, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:24:44', '2002-11-10 23:26:06', 0, 0, '2002-03-15 05:17:38', '2002-03-15 06:28:11', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 179.458, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1400601', 'HD-269128', 77.596299999999999, -68.773499999999999, '2002-03-15 07:40:22', 6050, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.4, 'LBV(', 0.23999999999999999, 64, 'PC', '2005-01-26 18:59:03', '2002-10-02 16:07:36', 0, 0, '2002-03-15 07:40:22', '2002-03-15 09:55:58', -84.805199999999999, 329.19600000000003, -34.233400000000003, 279.60300000000001, 183.583, 'F', 'F', 'NICHOLE', 'KING', 'y', 542293926, 0.077768993296008199, 0.35360478561317299, -0.93215644570704304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9050701', 'SK-69_220', 84.182599999999994, -69.496499999999997, '2002-03-15 11:00:33', 2517, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 10.582000000000001, 'OF/W', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2005-01-26 22:53:25', '2002-03-27 10:54:34', 0, 0, '2002-03-15 11:00:33', '2002-03-15 11:42:29', -86.348500000000001, 303.87900000000002, -31.797699999999999, 279.95299999999997, 177.608, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 542222458, 0.035502268103435097, 0.34846072666769001, -0.93665079454924804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550202', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-15 12:40:24', 7621, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:24:52', '2002-10-04 16:25:45', 0, 0, '2002-03-15 12:40:24', '2002-03-15 15:16:19', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 179.89599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2170301', 'BI184', 82.627499999999998, -71.042000000000002, '2002-03-15 16:00:08', 11398, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.84, 'B0.5', 0.20000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-26 16:41:25', '2002-10-18 00:46:44', 0, 0, '2002-03-15 16:00:08', '2002-03-15 19:36:33', -84.793599999999998, 297.34800000000001, -32.089100000000002, 281.846, 179.363, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 541544942, 0.041687830126773497, 0.32218918072890901, -0.94575697546492099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1780101', 'K1-27', 89.258799999999994, -75.671700000000001, '2002-03-15 20:05:33', 6361, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.100000000000001, 'O', 0.050000000000000003, 18, 'PC', '2005-01-26 19:01:33', '2002-10-04 19:06:13', 0, 0, '2002-03-15 20:05:33', '2002-03-15 21:53:16', -80.885900000000007, 271.15800000000002, -29.576799999999999, 286.87700000000001, 173.33699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS', 'RAUCH', 'y', 541148966, 0.0032013751718887999, 0.247456899356371, -0.96889361343644897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550203', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-15 22:39:10', 6978, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:35:43', '2002-10-04 16:41:03', 0, 0, '2002-03-15 22:39:10', '2002-03-16 00:35:40', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 180.31899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1173302', 'SK-65D44', 80.075000000000003, -65.403599999999997, '2002-03-16 01:00:46', 4424, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.65, 'O9V', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-01-26 19:59:02', '2002-10-18 00:18:07', 0, 0, '2002-03-16 01:00:46', '2002-03-16 02:17:14', -85.802999999999997, 11.4077, -33.921999999999997, 275.38799999999998, 181.749, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542569327, 0.071739860492887303, 0.40999454825524501, -0.90926226294586698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9050201', 'SK-69_94', 79.560500000000005, -69.250299999999996, '2002-03-16 02:50:29', 8434, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.7210000000000001, 'A0E/', 0.10000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-01-26 22:53:08', '2002-03-27 10:54:25', 0, 228, '2002-03-16 02:50:29', '2002-03-16 05:44:04', -85.25, 320.82600000000002, -33.443899999999999, 279.98099999999999, 182.60400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 542285135, 0.064195650288403502, 0.34842156741456498, -0.93513706473672997); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550204', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-16 06:58:25', 5920, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:46:13', '2002-10-10 14:27:36', 0, 0, '2002-03-16 06:58:25', '2002-03-16 09:11:36', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 180.64500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1601001', 'SK-67D199', 83.577100000000002, -67.303700000000006, '2002-03-16 10:18:37', 11402, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.06, 'B3IA', 0.13, 24, 'PC', '2007-05-30 08:04:42', '2002-10-04 18:54:11', 0, 0, '2002-03-16 10:18:37', '2002-03-16 14:31:45', -87.377300000000005, 340.60899999999998, -32.280900000000003, 277.416, 179.04499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 542512013, 0.043163144376734103, 0.38342461940047101, -0.92256300825749404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550205', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-16 15:18:00', 9924, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:57:13', '2002-10-04 17:08:17', 0, 0, '2002-03-16 15:18:00', '2002-03-16 18:25:50', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 181.011, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1600701', 'SK-66D118', 82.686000000000007, -66.877499999999998, '2002-03-16 18:40:41', 12371, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.81, 'B2IA', 0.11, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-30 07:54:16', '2002-11-10 23:40:14', 0, 0, '2002-03-16 18:40:41', '2002-03-16 22:11:17', -87.093599999999995, 350.39100000000002, -32.6755, 276.96300000000002, 180.22999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 542520447, 0.049993230754166403, 0.38950305676640101, -0.91966735597627403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1600901', 'SK-67D78', 80.079599999999999, -67.301699999999997, '2002-03-16 22:32:02', 10198, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.26, 'B3IA', 0.10000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2007-05-30 08:04:34', '2002-11-10 23:52:27', 0, 0, '2002-03-16 22:32:02', '2002-03-17 01:33:16', -86.047300000000007, 344.666, -33.616999999999997, 277.642, 182.816, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 542363470, 0.066479113487288605, 0.380109030874624, -0.92254953911294002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550206', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-17 02:05:50', 4086, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:57:22', '2002-11-10 23:30:35', 0, 0, '2002-03-17 02:05:50', '2002-03-17 03:16:25', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 181.46899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1181101', 'CPD-61-455', 80.890199999999993, -60.924799999999998, '2002-03-17 04:38:13', 469, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.18, 'B0.5', 0.14999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-29 09:19:48', '2002-11-10 22:05:48', 0, 0, '2002-03-17 04:38:13', '2002-03-17 06:43:26', -83.086100000000002, 50.2712, -34.078000000000003, 269.97000000000003, 181.85400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 553905917, 0.076940112357543694, 0.479827626523113, -0.87398264738815301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0550202', 'N49-NW', 81.506299999999996, -66.076400000000007, '2002-03-17 07:57:02', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'SNR', 0.14999999999999999, 75, 'EE', '2005-01-26 15:17:05', '2002-10-02 15:47:33', 2, 0, '2002-03-17 07:57:02', '2002-03-17 10:12:54', -86.557100000000005, 4.17232, -33.244900000000001, 276.08800000000002, 181.78, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 542557588, 0.059895296582769, 0.40107045319632401, -0.91408700079377403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550207', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-17 11:17:14', 7079, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:57:31', '2002-10-04 17:26:16', 0, 0, '2002-03-17 11:17:14', '2002-03-17 13:47:12', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 181.828, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1400201', 'SK-69-297', 86.130399999999995, -69.337599999999995, '2002-03-17 14:35:43', 16642, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.73, 'WN11', 0.26000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-26 01:58:21', '2002-11-10 22:48:24', 0, 0, '2002-03-17 14:35:43', '2002-03-17 19:43:05', -86.867199999999997, 295.83199999999999, -31.134399999999999, 279.68000000000001, 177.93000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NICHOLE', 'KING', 'y', 542218138, 0.0238131451059207, 0.35205644527348601, -0.93567579506021303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550208', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-17 19:59:52', 10683, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 03:08:03', '2002-10-04 17:51:15', 0, 0, '2002-03-17 19:59:52', '2002-03-17 23:03:20', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 182.22300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0550301', 'N49-SW', 81.4953, -66.089399999999998, '2002-03-17 23:20:10', 14170, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.14999999999999999, 75, 'EE', '2005-01-26 15:17:15', '2002-10-02 15:58:44', 2, 0, '2002-03-17 23:20:10', '2002-03-18 04:15:45', -86.555400000000006, 3.9452699999999998, -33.247599999999998, 276.10399999999998, 182.46899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 542557586, 0.059941621471628001, 0.40085381727303898, -0.914178986409655); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550209', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-18 05:35:37', 5594, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 03:18:52', '2002-10-04 18:09:55', 0, 0, '2002-03-18 05:35:37', '2002-03-18 07:42:55', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 182.578, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0550201', 'N49-NW', 81.506299999999996, -66.076400000000007, '2002-03-18 08:54:50', 6526, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.14999999999999999, 75, 'EE', '2005-01-26 15:16:59', '2002-10-05 14:17:35', 2, 0, '2002-03-18 08:54:50', '2002-03-18 13:02:37', -86.557100000000005, 4.17232, -33.244900000000001, 276.08800000000002, 182.81800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 542557588, 0.059895296582769, 0.40107045319632401, -0.91408700079377403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550210', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-18 13:54:32', 7954, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 03:19:10', '2002-10-04 18:38:14', 0, 0, '2002-03-18 13:54:32', '2002-03-18 16:31:56', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 182.94200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0020701', 'SK-6547', 80.228200000000001, -65.454999999999998, '2002-03-18 17:16:45', 7928, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O4IF', 0.12, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-26 01:26:20', '2002-10-02 15:33:20', 1, 0, '2002-03-18 17:16:45', '2002-03-18 19:29:05', -85.880600000000001, 11.046099999999999, -33.851399999999998, 275.43799999999999, 184.24700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'MASSEY', 'y', 542568942, 0.070504871310115805, 0.409380874725295, -0.90963529094395701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1281001', 'SK-67-150', 82.632499999999993, -67.014799999999994, '2002-03-18 19:46:27', 7909, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.24, 'B1.5', 0.059999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-26 00:54:22', '2002-10-02 17:37:49', 0, 0, '2002-03-18 19:46:27', '2002-03-18 21:58:29', -87.062700000000007, 347.73500000000001, -32.679299999999998, 277.12799999999999, 182.322, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 542519615, 0.050074159255320001, 0.38726945135635199, -0.92060575200300698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1280901', 'SK-66-106', 82.254499999999993, -66.641099999999994, '2002-03-18 22:14:22', 6646, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.720000000000001, 'B1.5', 0.089999999999999997, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-26 00:43:43', '2002-10-02 17:27:13', 0, 0, '2002-03-18 22:14:22', '2002-03-19 00:05:20', -86.924899999999994, 354.94600000000003, -32.874000000000002, 276.709, 182.755, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 542532265, 0.053436115953677303, 0.39287207799559798, -0.91803927576286504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550211', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-19 00:35:41', 4351, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 03:29:50', '2002-10-10 14:38:04', 0, 0, '2002-03-19 00:35:41', '2002-03-19 01:48:11', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 183.40100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0020602', 'BI253', 84.393699999999995, -69.019400000000005, '2002-03-19 02:23:39', 8356, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.76, 'O3IF', 0.25, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-26 01:05:38', '2002-10-22 14:04:56', 1, 0, '2002-03-19 02:23:39', '2002-03-19 05:15:06', -86.756399999999999, 308.185, -31.781600000000001, 279.38499999999999, 181.036, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'MASSEY', 'y', 542227492, 0.034978917034948702, 0.35633914227222802, -0.93370171417201298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1280401', 'HD269504', 81.412400000000005, -67.316699999999997, '2002-03-19 06:33:05', 5731, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.949999999999999, 'B1IA', 0.080000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-26 00:12:33', '2002-10-10 13:03:54', 0, 0, '2002-03-19 06:33:05', '2002-03-19 08:43:39', -86.555199999999999, 343.40199999999999, -33.106999999999999, 277.56099999999998, 183.87100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 542343046, 0.057583858377390502, 0.38131364806256102, -0.92265053029605604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550212', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-19 09:53:08', 6830, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 03:29:58', '2002-10-10 14:50:59', 0, 0, '2002-03-19 09:53:08', '2002-03-19 12:18:02', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 183.75899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1280301', 'SK-66-78', 80.876999999999995, -66.703199999999995, '2002-03-19 13:15:25', 7900, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.220000000000001, 'B1IA', 0.11, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-26 00:02:43', '2002-10-10 12:55:22', 0, 0, '2002-03-19 13:15:25', '2002-03-19 15:52:47', -86.381900000000002, 353.55799999999999, -33.405500000000004, 276.87299999999999, 184.54599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 542541771, 0.062707357568728195, 0.39049129883132699, -0.91846847133898402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0020601', 'BI253', 84.393699999999995, -69.019400000000005, '2002-03-19 16:32:43', 13884, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.76, 'O3IF', 0.25, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-26 01:05:30', '2002-10-10 13:16:25', 1, 0, '2002-03-19 16:32:43', '2002-03-19 20:25:18', -86.756399999999999, 308.185, -31.781600000000001, 279.38499999999999, 181.619, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'MASSEY', 'y', 542227492, 0.034978917034948702, 0.35633914227222802, -0.93370171417201298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550213', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-19 20:42:01', 7906, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 03:40:48', '2002-10-10 15:06:14', 0, 0, '2002-03-19 20:42:01', '2002-03-19 22:54:51', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 184.244, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1030201', 'HV982', 82.468800000000002, -69.156099999999995, '2002-03-19 23:12:15', 14003, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.6, 'B1V', 0.089999999999999997, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-26 01:37:20', '2002-10-18 13:38:37', 0, 0, '2002-03-19 23:12:15', '2002-03-20 04:30:56', -86.1584, 314.11399999999998, -32.444099999999999, 279.654, 183.71600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 542269268, 0.046636333447869598, 0.35275366180600998, -0.93455331923063101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550214', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-20 05:51:08', 5578, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 03:40:55', '2002-10-17 23:15:21', 0, 0, '2002-03-20 05:51:08', '2002-03-20 07:59:01', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 184.58000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010601', 'LMC-SM62', 81.229799999999997, -71.549000000000007, '2002-03-20 09:10:47', 11311, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 17.199999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.14000000000000001, 71, 'PC', '2007-04-12 22:37:17', '2002-11-10 14:43:05', 1, 0, '2002-03-20 09:10:47', '2002-03-20 13:19:31', -84.120900000000006, 298.10700000000003, -32.436799999999998, 282.53199999999998, 185.376, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 541531074, 0.048256346689141097, 0.31279302312247198, -0.94859467091594096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550215', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-20 14:10:30', 7980, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 03:51:25', '2002-10-10 15:32:15', 0, 0, '2002-03-20 14:10:30', '2002-03-20 16:34:53', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 184.94499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1550216', 'SK-67D111', 81.699799999999996, -67.491600000000005, '2002-03-20 23:04:32', 4525, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.57, 'O6:I', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 04:01:54', '2002-10-10 15:42:59', 0, 0, '2002-03-20 23:04:32', '2002-03-21 00:19:56', -86.632099999999994, 340.16899999999998, -32.972099999999998, 277.74799999999999, 185.33099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STAN', 'OWOCKI', 'y', 542342279, 0.055263600913353798, 0.37880895750536597, -0.92382341826118897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0050101', 'N_LMC_2002', 84.194299999999998, -71.5929, '2002-03-21 00:56:00', 16611, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.5, 'NOVA', 0.20000000000000001, 55, 'PC', '2005-01-28 10:16:44', '2003-01-01 15:01:14', 0, 275, '2002-03-21 00:56:00', '2002-03-21 07:14:35', -84.563000000000002, 289.70100000000002, -31.5062, 282.392, 183.35400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GEORGE', 'SONNEBORN', 'y', 541451758, 0.031941457837737199, 0.31414694033837598, -0.94883688964291302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2170101', 'SK-69D257', 84.995400000000004, -69.734200000000001, '2002-03-21 08:29:47', 10901, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.529999999999999, 'O9II', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-01-28 10:06:49', '2002-10-18 00:33:15', 0, 0, '2002-03-21 08:29:47', '2002-03-21 12:32:57', -86.322599999999994, 298.10599999999999, -31.4879, 280.19, 182.70699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 542220340, 0.030216339669407299, 0.34505527229647798, -0.93809585431201403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1510101', 'HD36521', 81.626300000000001, -68.840400000000002, '2002-03-21 13:29:22', 9938, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.51, 'WC4+', 0.089999999999999997, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 06:18:35', '2002-10-17 19:38:12', 0, 0, '2002-03-21 13:29:22', '2002-03-21 16:32:35', -86.094499999999996, 320.51400000000001, -32.791699999999999, 279.33999999999997, 186.04900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542319227, 0.052567245469038897, 0.35711891899676501, -0.93257855561790604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010501', 'LMC-SM61', 81.149900000000002, -73.677700000000002, '2002-03-21 17:01:20', 3518, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.899999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.13, 71, 'PC', '2007-04-12 22:17:10', '2002-10-17 17:36:19', 1, 0, '2002-03-21 17:01:20', '2002-03-21 17:59:57', -82.291700000000006, 288.80599999999998, -32.0139, 284.99900000000002, 186.958, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 541459136, 0.043238013092211799, 0.277694251730494, -0.95969598143353696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1510102', 'HD36521', 81.626300000000001, -68.840400000000002, '2002-03-21 20:10:24', 6192, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.51, 'WC4+', 0.089999999999999997, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 06:29:16', '2002-10-10 13:46:27', 0, 0, '2002-03-21 20:10:24', '2002-03-21 21:53:48', -86.094499999999996, 320.51400000000001, -32.791699999999999, 279.33999999999997, 186.31299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542319227, 0.052567245469038897, 0.35711891899676501, -0.93257855561790604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010502', 'LMC-SM61', 81.149900000000002, -73.677700000000002, '2002-03-21 22:24:19', 8801, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.899999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.13, 71, 'PC', '2007-04-12 22:26:47', '2002-11-10 12:53:51', 1, 0, '2002-03-21 22:24:19', '2002-03-22 01:19:07', -82.291700000000006, 288.80599999999998, -32.0139, 284.99900000000002, 187.178, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 541459136, 0.043238013092211799, 0.277694251730494, -0.95969598143353696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1510103', 'HD36521', 81.626300000000001, -68.840400000000002, '2002-03-22 01:56:22', 8196, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.51, 'WC4+', 0.089999999999999997, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 06:39:55', '2002-10-10 14:19:32', 0, 0, '2002-03-22 01:56:22', '2002-03-22 04:46:07', -86.094499999999996, 320.51400000000001, -32.791699999999999, 279.33999999999997, 186.57599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542319227, 0.052567245469038897, 0.35711891899676501, -0.93257855561790604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010503', 'LMC-SM61', 81.149900000000002, -73.677700000000002, '2002-03-22 07:06:42', 4174, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.899999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.13, 71, 'PC', '2007-04-12 22:27:03', '2002-11-10 13:03:59', 1, 0, '2002-03-22 07:06:42', '2002-03-22 08:16:19', -82.291700000000006, 288.80599999999998, -32.0139, 284.99900000000002, 187.46000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 541459136, 0.043238013092211799, 0.277694251730494, -0.95969598143353696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1510104', 'HD36521', 81.626300000000001, -68.840400000000002, '2002-03-22 09:28:15', 6779, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.51, 'WC4+', 0.089999999999999997, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 06:40:14', '2002-10-17 20:03:30', 0, 0, '2002-03-22 09:28:15', '2002-03-22 11:50:25', -86.094499999999996, 320.51400000000001, -32.791699999999999, 279.33999999999997, 186.864, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542319227, 0.052567245469038897, 0.35711891899676501, -0.93257855561790604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1600801', 'SK-70D50', 75.941500000000005, -70.199399999999997, '2002-03-22 12:49:08', 11963, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.199999999999999, 'B3IA', 0.10000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2007-05-30 07:54:24', '2002-10-17 23:31:54', 0, 0, '2002-03-22 12:49:08', '2002-03-22 16:29:40', -83.693200000000004, 318.50999999999999, -34.437600000000003, 281.44999999999999, 192.36600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 541922271, 0.082286054327497596, 0.32860167231501503, -0.94087722164743004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1510105', 'HD36521', 81.626300000000001, -68.840400000000002, '2002-03-22 16:51:54', 9956, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.51, 'WC4+', 0.089999999999999997, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 07:00:45', '2002-10-17 20:37:00', 0, 0, '2002-03-22 16:51:54', '2002-03-22 19:38:02', -86.094499999999996, 320.51400000000001, -32.791699999999999, 279.33999999999997, 187.20400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542319227, 0.052567245469038897, 0.35711891899676501, -0.93257855561790604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0550302', 'N49-SW', 81.4953, -66.089399999999998, '2002-03-22 20:01:53', 9096, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.14999999999999999, 75, 'EE', '2005-02-04 03:10:26', '2002-10-17 18:15:53', 2, 0, '2002-03-22 20:01:53', '2002-03-22 22:51:42', -86.555400000000006, 3.9452699999999998, -33.247599999999998, 276.10399999999998, 187.304, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 542557586, 0.059941621471628001, 0.40085381727303898, -0.914178986409655); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1510106', 'HD36521', 81.626300000000001, -68.840400000000002, '2002-03-22 23:24:42', 8575, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.51, 'WC4+', 0.089999999999999997, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 07:11:25', '2002-10-17 21:13:36', 0, 0, '2002-03-22 23:24:42', '2002-03-23 02:18:26', -86.094499999999996, 320.51400000000001, -32.791699999999999, 279.33999999999997, 187.46700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542319227, 0.052567245469038897, 0.35711891899676501, -0.93257855561790604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010504', 'LMC-SM61', 81.149900000000002, -73.677700000000002, '2002-03-23 02:59:55', 1975, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.899999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.13, 71, 'PC', '2007-04-12 22:27:08', '2002-11-10 13:16:37', 1, 0, '2002-03-23 02:59:55', '2002-03-23 04:01:57', -82.291700000000006, 288.80599999999998, -32.0139, 284.99900000000002, 188.34399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 541459136, 0.043238013092211799, 0.277694251730494, -0.95969598143353696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1510107', 'HD36521', 81.626300000000001, -68.840400000000002, '2002-03-23 05:26:38', 5391, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.51, 'WC4+', 0.089999999999999997, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 07:11:45', '2002-10-17 21:36:50', 0, 0, '2002-03-23 05:26:38', '2002-03-23 07:31:35', -86.094499999999996, 320.51400000000001, -32.791699999999999, 279.33999999999997, 187.68100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542319227, 0.052567245469038897, 0.35711891899676501, -0.93257855561790604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010505', 'LMC-SM61', 81.149900000000002, -73.677700000000002, '2002-03-23 08:48:51', 4196, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.899999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.13, 71, 'PC', '2007-04-12 22:27:16', '2002-11-10 13:36:24', 1, 0, '2002-03-23 08:48:51', '2002-03-23 11:07:31', -82.291700000000006, 288.80599999999998, -32.0139, 284.99900000000002, 188.55799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 541459136, 0.043238013092211799, 0.277694251730494, -0.95969598143353696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1510108', 'HD36521', 81.626300000000001, -68.840400000000002, '2002-03-23 12:06:09', 6794, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.51, 'WC4+', 0.089999999999999997, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 07:22:15', '2002-10-17 22:01:40', 0, 0, '2002-03-23 12:06:09', '2002-03-23 14:50:11', -86.094499999999996, 320.51400000000001, -32.791699999999999, 279.33999999999997, 187.99299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542319227, 0.052567245469038897, 0.35711891899676501, -0.93257855561790604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1030101', 'MACHO78-6097', 79.519599999999997, -69.805300000000003, '2002-03-23 15:26:05', 8289, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.4, 'B0V', 0.12, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-26 01:37:10', '2002-10-17 18:26:11', 0, 0, '2002-03-23 15:26:05', '2002-03-23 18:12:48', -84.941999999999993, 315.41699999999997, -33.344499999999996, 280.63600000000002, 190.15899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 542279320, 0.062793660380169897, 0.339452288672971, -0.93852495967381799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1510109', 'HD36521', 81.626300000000001, -68.840400000000002, '2002-03-23 18:45:15', 7643, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.51, 'WC4+', 0.089999999999999997, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 07:32:45', '2002-10-17 22:25:18', 0, 0, '2002-03-23 18:45:15', '2002-03-23 21:27:03', -86.094499999999996, 320.51400000000001, -32.791699999999999, 279.33999999999997, 188.267, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542319227, 0.052567245469038897, 0.35711891899676501, -0.93257855561790604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010506', 'LMC-SM61', 81.149900000000002, -73.677700000000002, '2002-03-23 22:35:17', 4161, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.899999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.13, 71, 'PC', '2007-04-12 22:27:32', '2002-11-23 19:53:50', 1, 0, '2002-03-23 22:35:17', '2002-03-24 00:49:48', -82.291700000000006, 288.80599999999998, -32.0139, 284.99900000000002, 189.12899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 541459136, 0.043238013092211799, 0.277694251730494, -0.95969598143353696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1510110', 'HD36521', 81.626300000000001, -68.840400000000002, '2002-03-24 01:25:16', 6631, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12.51, 'WC4+', 0.089999999999999997, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 07:43:46', '2002-10-17 23:00:08', 0, 0, '2002-03-24 01:25:16', '2002-03-24 06:48:37', -86.094499999999996, 320.51400000000001, -32.791699999999999, 279.33999999999997, 188.541, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542319227, 0.052567245469038897, 0.35711891899676501, -0.93257855561790604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0010507', 'LMC-SM61', 81.149900000000002, -73.677700000000002, '2002-03-24 08:07:08', 13852, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.899999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.13, 71, 'PC', '2007-04-12 22:37:12', '2002-11-23 20:17:43', 1, 0, '2002-03-24 08:07:08', '2002-03-24 15:45:34', -82.291700000000006, 288.80599999999998, -32.0139, 284.99900000000002, 189.536, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 541459136, 0.043238013092211799, 0.277694251730494, -0.95969598143353696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0150201', 'CAL87', 86.687899999999999, -71.148300000000006, '2002-03-24 16:23:57', 14171, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 19, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-02-04 01:15:57', '2003-01-24 17:26:33', 0, 0, '2002-03-24 16:23:57', '2002-03-24 23:59:19', -85.260900000000007, 283.05900000000003, -30.7715, 281.76100000000002, 184.46299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'CRAMPTON', 'y', 542129107, 0.0186681989399607, 0.32258003182724898, -0.94635808308201697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9050401', 'SK-67_184', 83.2971, -67.712500000000006, '2002-03-25 00:45:57', 4466, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.210000000000001, 'WN4+', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2005-02-04 11:43:24', '2002-04-18 08:37:06', 0, 0, '2002-03-25 00:45:57', '2002-03-25 06:03:58', -87.1541, 333.07400000000001, -32.339399999999998, 277.911, 188.00200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 542509075, 0.044266943485540999, 0.37666200044720599, -0.92529248085865101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9050601', 'SK-71_38', 82.661500000000004, -71.030000000000001, '2002-03-25 07:22:31', 9679, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.1, 'WC5+', 0.10000000000000001, 10, 'PC', '2005-02-04 11:43:31', '2002-04-18 08:37:12', 0, 0, '2002-03-25 07:22:31', '2002-03-25 13:17:20', -84.809799999999996, 297.322, -32.080199999999998, 281.82900000000001, 188.88499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 541544953, 0.0415219318091316, 0.32241031136943099, -0.94568891306893499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055501', 'PG1520+525-BKGD', 230.44900000000001, 52.362200000000001, '2002-03-25 21:11:28', 13802, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 16, 99.900000000000006, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-02-10 06:59:30', '2002-08-20 16:32:39', 3, 0, '2002-03-25 21:11:28', '2002-03-26 10:39:47', 66.041700000000006, 196.74700000000001, 52.348799999999997, 85.357100000000003, 318.98700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 185792014, -0.38885171923916201, -0.47086029688002901, 0.79188693717398795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055502', 'PG1520+525-BKGD', 230.44900000000001, 52.362200000000001, '2002-03-26 13:20:38', 3060, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99.900000000000006, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-02-04 08:03:52', '2002-05-15 11:33:58', 3, 0, '2002-03-26 13:20:38', '2002-03-26 18:02:01', 66.041700000000006, 196.74700000000001, 52.348799999999997, 85.357100000000003, 318.142, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 185792014, -0.38885171923916201, -0.47086029688002901, 0.79188693717398795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1290101', 'PG1544+488', 236.54900000000001, 48.643500000000003, '2002-03-26 18:31:16', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.9, 'HE-S', 0.01, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-04 06:08:51', '2002-11-10 22:31:21', 2, 0, '2002-03-26 18:31:16', '2002-03-26 21:17:39', 65.225999999999999, 209.63800000000001, 50.128500000000003, 77.540000000000006, 324.80900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 163170203, -0.36421670445711302, -0.55129521708713503, 0.75061293341591695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1060601', 'NGC5457-POS1', 210.83799999999999, 54.378300000000003, '2002-03-27 00:03:29', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 80, 'EE', '2005-02-04 02:18:38', '2002-10-17 18:03:03', 0, 300, '2002-03-27 00:03:29', '2002-03-27 04:33:09', 59.833100000000002, 174.35599999999999, 59.735100000000003, 102.036, 297.44999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 187344336, -0.50008686468712005, -0.29856131183066997, 0.81288023155035305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9042101', 'PG1449+653', 222.65000000000001, 65.0976, '2002-03-27 07:43:11', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.609999999999999, 'SDB', 0.12, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-04 11:32:50', '2002-07-03 10:36:03', 0, 0, '2002-03-27 07:43:11', '2002-03-27 11:40:30', 71.025099999999995, 162.26400000000001, 47.630400000000002, 104.848, 305.81200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 188722151, -0.30970236264754702, -0.28528511642611898, 0.90702637718881296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1020501', 'EKDRA', 219.751, 64.291700000000006, '2002-03-27 12:40:04', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.5199999999999996, 'G1V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2005-02-04 05:57:52', '2002-11-10 21:36:22', 2, 0, '2002-03-27 12:40:04', '2002-03-27 19:11:45', 69.554100000000005, 162.69499999999999, 49.039900000000003, 105.518, 303.24099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 194261135, -0.33351075886133102, -0.27738781756699799, 0.90101419100320301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1060101', 'NGC5194-POS1', 202.46799999999999, 47.195500000000003, '2002-03-27 21:31:42', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 80, 'EE', '2005-02-04 02:18:13', '2002-11-10 17:49:16', 0, 463, '2002-03-27 21:31:42', '2002-03-28 01:19:43', 50.935000000000002, 175.12200000000001, 68.560699999999997, 104.857, 287.68799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 180675275, -0.62792028492455798, -0.25968232617914599, 0.73367649904467402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1780301', 'HS1522+6615', 230.73699999999999, 66.078299999999999, '2002-03-28 03:39:15', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.699999999999999, 'O', 0.029999999999999999, 18, 'PC', '2005-02-04 07:32:23', '2002-11-11 00:00:20', 0, 0, '2002-03-28 03:39:15', '2002-03-28 05:35:05', 74.483099999999993, 163.59100000000001, 44.5608, 102.482, 313.322, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS', 'RAUCH', 'y', 191428203, -0.256625543029741, -0.31394856589903097, 0.914100447781661); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0180501', 'NGC5471', 211.12, 54.396900000000002, '2002-03-28 08:42:34', 0, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99.900000000000006, '', 0.14999999999999999, 72, 'EC', '2005-02-04 01:25:48', '2002-11-09 16:38:23', 3, 0, '2002-03-28 08:42:34', '2002-03-28 12:12:21', 59.958100000000002, 174.56999999999999, 59.6297, 101.785, 294.964, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LEQUEUX', 'y', 187341612, -0.49838541006630599, -0.30088262664213999, 0.81306926397322798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1060401', 'NGC5194-POS4', 202.49700000000001, 47.2316, '2002-03-28 20:46:48', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 80, 'EE', '2005-02-04 02:18:20', '2002-10-17 17:47:50', 0, 463, '2002-03-28 20:46:48', '2002-03-28 22:59:46', 50.9756, 175.114, 68.519900000000007, 104.849, 286.43599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 180675293, -0.62736155825111495, -0.259823182275006, 0.73410448110689297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0620201', 'NGC4051', 180.78999999999999, 44.531300000000002, '2002-03-29 01:56:21', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 38, 12.949999999999999, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-04 02:18:07', '2002-11-10 17:27:40', 3, 0.002, '2002-03-29 01:56:21', '2002-03-30 05:54:54', 40.341200000000001, 159.25800000000001, 70.084800000000001, 148.88499999999999, 258.92500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SMITA', 'MATHUR', 'y', 179036106, -0.71279968322736398, -0.0098287769529600503, 0.70129879989529298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0480301', 'NGC4194', 183.53999999999999, 54.527200000000001, '2002-03-30 07:19:08', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 12.5, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2005-02-04 03:00:44', '2002-11-10 19:27:44', 0, 2506, '2002-03-30 07:19:08', '2002-03-31 13:56:35', 49.5916, 153.31899999999999, 61.763800000000003, 134.39099999999999, 260.60500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 183173375, -0.57920912432194804, -0.035831841979652002, 0.81439110346475896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6010102', 'WD1202+608', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2002-03-31 14:58:25', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.6, 'WD', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-04 08:55:01', '2002-05-28 10:48:31', 3, 0, '2002-03-31 14:58:25', '2002-04-01 03:37:08', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 240.46700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6010103', 'WD1202+608', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2002-04-01 07:33:21', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.6, 'WD', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-04 09:16:34', '2002-05-17 08:37:35', 3, 0, '2002-04-01 07:33:21', '2002-04-01 19:52:02', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 257.33499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6010104', 'WD1202+608', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2002-04-01 23:12:22', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.6, 'WD', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-04 10:40:13', '2002-05-15 11:35:05', 3, 0, '2002-04-01 23:12:22', '2002-04-02 12:20:05', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 269.18599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0260101', 'GD323', 196.13399999999999, 59.459000000000003, '2002-04-02 17:00:13', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.52, 'DAB_', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-04 02:28:19', '2002-10-29 14:59:14', 0, 0, '2002-04-02 17:00:13', '2002-04-03 02:24:53', 57.818600000000004, 156.422, 57.590000000000003, 119.82899999999999, 272.88999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THIERRY', 'LANZ', 'y', 183836913, -0.488140831872445, -0.14120846614784799, 0.861265753032738); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9041901', 'FEIGE_87', 205.06100000000001, 60.879899999999999, '2002-04-03 03:27:54', 0, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 11.710000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-03 07:02:10', '2002-05-17 08:37:05', 1, 0, '2002-04-03 03:27:54', '2002-04-03 04:41:20', 62.068600000000004, 160.238, 55.252099999999999, 112.53700000000001, 281.53399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 193581085, -0.44082811494109497, -0.206133189987763, 0.87360155738354195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9032001', 'WD1335+700', 204.08000000000001, 69.828100000000006, '2002-04-03 07:03:30', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.33, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-03 05:58:30', '2002-05-17 08:36:50', 1, 0, '2002-04-03 07:03:30', '2002-04-03 10:54:45', 66.516099999999994, 142.19, 46.806600000000003, 117.307, 280.67700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 196179723, -0.31482893932641298, -0.14069792500386499, 0.93866225707770601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0561002', 'NGC4125', 182.023, 65.174700000000001, '2002-04-03 11:25:19', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2005-02-04 01:36:47', '2002-11-23 13:58:00', 1, 1356, '2002-04-03 11:25:19', '2002-04-03 19:11:41', 56.991999999999997, 140.375, 51.338000000000001, 130.19200000000001, 256.51299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 184533693, -0.41959120850418002, -0.0148210903517727, 0.907592173295245); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0360102', 'PG1144+615', 176.81100000000001, 61.258899999999997, '2002-04-03 19:52:36', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.48, 'SDB', 0.10000000000000001, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-04 02:49:28', '2002-11-23 17:51:45', 1, 0, '2002-04-03 19:52:36', '2002-04-04 03:56:36', 52.542700000000004, 142.13200000000001, 54.201500000000003, 136.06999999999999, 249.464, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT A.', 'BENJAMIN', 'y', 100080351, -0.48010795924501498, 0.0267497409313921, 0.87680145918542496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0040101', 'REJ-1043+490', 160.79900000000001, 49.039700000000003, '2002-04-04 12:42:26', 18547, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 61, 16.100000000000001, 'WDA', 0.02, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-05 03:29:06', '2002-12-11 21:37:37', 1, 0, '2002-04-04 12:42:26', '2002-04-06 09:54:55', 37.379300000000001, 141.17500000000001, 57.011400000000002, 162.65799999999999, 230.041, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY', 'WELSH', 'y', 97266865, -0.61906888553941797, 0.21559471008025899, 0.75516397950537295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0341502', 'PG0948+534', 147.858, 53.158499999999997, '2002-04-06 12:21:41', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.27, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-04 00:54:18', '2002-11-10 12:34:17', 0, 0, '2002-04-06 12:21:41', '2002-04-06 14:56:14', 37.3992, 129.72300000000001, 47.923200000000001, 162.184, 212.233, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 118818334, -0.507703498275479, 0.31900065764222801, 0.80029728117910504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9012401', 'HD74604', 132.20500000000001, 66.708200000000005, '2002-04-06 15:50:23', 0, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.1900000000000004, 'B8V', 0.01, 22, 'PC', '2005-02-04 09:37:44', '2002-06-27 14:43:01', 0, 0, '2002-04-06 15:50:23', '2002-04-06 16:59:09', 46.568600000000004, 112.73, 36.248199999999997, 148.23599999999999, 205.321, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 127255370, -0.26563332233527698, 0.29290136829890301, 0.918502981222028); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9041201', 'PG0833+699', 129.56200000000001, 69.7136, '2002-04-06 17:34:39', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.529999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-03 06:09:14', '2002-06-27 14:43:51', 0, 0, '2002-04-06 17:34:39', '2002-04-06 22:09:38', 48.959600000000002, 109.65300000000001, 34.496400000000001, 145.00800000000001, 197.40299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 130201773, -0.22082596933260301, 0.26729348946015102, 0.93797125849384799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9041501', 'PG1051+501', 163.577, 49.833500000000001, '2002-04-07 00:39:52', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.380000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-03 06:30:36', '2002-05-17 08:37:00', 1, 0, '2002-04-07 00:39:52', '2002-04-07 04:15:28', 38.945, 142.702, 58.119, 159.613, 226.26499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 96971708, -0.61869490842723596, 0.182361719344905, 0.76417328768008097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0220101', 'HARO3', 161.34299999999999, 55.960299999999997, '2002-04-07 05:03:28', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.199999999999999, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2005-02-04 01:26:06', '2002-10-29 14:16:44', 0, 995, '2002-04-07 05:03:28', '2002-04-07 09:23:41', 43.554200000000002, 137.03800000000001, 53.374099999999999, 152.30600000000001, 230.65100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'TRINH XUAN', 'THUAN', 'y', 99067387, -0.53035179081933304, 0.179070663787919, 0.82864991120815301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9031701', 'WD1041+580', 161.19300000000001, 57.743099999999998, '2002-04-07 10:04:35', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.59, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-03 05:58:10', '2002-05-17 08:36:41', 1, 0, '2002-04-07 10:04:35', '2002-04-07 19:25:48', 45.026699999999998, 135.62899999999999, 52.174799999999998, 150.12100000000001, 229.94800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 99464492, -0.50522118101544, 0.17206019986691201, 0.84566355359275303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9041601', 'LB_1938', 165.93000000000001, 58.842399999999998, '2002-04-07 20:24:22', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 13.32, 'SD', 0.14999999999999999, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-03 06:52:35', '2002-04-30 15:57:59', 0, 0, '2002-04-07 20:24:22', '2002-04-08 08:43:35', 47.315600000000003, 137.75399999999999, 53.201500000000003, 145.96199999999999, 235.321, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 100159409, -0.50187177449538101, 0.125782154290319, 0.85574737605612505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9041401', 'PG1043+760', 161.77099999999999, 75.739599999999996, '2002-04-08 09:23:46', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.77, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-03 06:19:54', '2002-05-17 08:36:55', 0, 0, '2002-04-08 09:23:46', '2002-04-08 15:32:26', 59.155099999999997, 117.15000000000001, 39.0259, 132.357, 233.10599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 131336887, -0.23396690135459799, 0.077055647445077202, 0.96918621341171995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9031801', 'WD1057+719', 165.143, 71.634200000000007, '2002-04-08 16:12:29', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14.800000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-04 11:43:19', '2002-07-03 15:03:07', 1, 0, '2002-04-08 16:12:29', '2002-04-09 08:15:47', 56.9938, 123.992, 42.921700000000001, 134.47800000000001, 235.11699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 125031670, -0.30454899965449, 0.080789528831499105, 0.94906425432666797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055602', 'WD2004-605-BKGD', 302.27300000000002, -60.428100000000001, '2002-04-10 00:01:51', 0, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'DA', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-02-04 08:04:13', '2002-05-15 11:34:07', 2, 0, '2002-04-10 00:01:51', '2002-04-10 10:52:13', -39.1965, 289.87799999999999, -32.858699999999999, 336.58300000000003, 341.63499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 750102130, 0.26351449325332299, -0.41727393457700002, -0.869737072550132); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0760101', 'NGC6752-UIT-1', 287.72699999999998, -59.996200000000002, '2002-04-10 16:25:39', 0, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.4, 'SDO', 0.040000000000000001, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-04 03:10:56', '2002-11-10 20:03:32', 2, 0, '2002-04-10 16:25:39', '2002-04-11 04:02:40', -37.233400000000003, 281.02499999999998, -25.635000000000002, 336.483, 354.18700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 772109791, 0.15225846733816001, -0.47631376035431899, -0.86599224062399205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2042203', 'WD2004-605', 302.27300000000002, -60.428100000000001, '2002-04-11 04:40:06', 0, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 37, 13.6, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-05 04:32:09', '2002-10-30 00:12:58', 5, 0, '2002-04-11 04:40:06', '2002-04-11 22:57:05', -39.1965, 289.87799999999999, -32.858699999999999, 336.58300000000003, 341.94400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 750102130, 0.26351449325332299, -0.41727393457700002, -0.869737072550132); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3040101', 'HEN3-1357', 259.08800000000002, -59.489899999999999, '2002-04-12 02:00:59', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 10.800000000000001, 'PN', 0.17999999999999999, 71, 'PC', '2005-02-08 07:14:49', '2002-10-30 02:00:03', 0, 0, '2002-04-12 02:00:59', '2002-04-12 05:54:11', -36.309600000000003, 263.14999999999998, -12.1639, 331.31200000000001, 20.848299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'CECILE', 'GRY', 'y', 688686080, -0.096106321081192103, -0.49851073852239602, -0.86153967907815698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1490301', 'PKS2005-489', 302.35599999999999, -48.831600000000002, '2002-04-12 13:26:20', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-02-08 04:18:40', '2002-11-10 23:13:22', 9, 0, '2002-04-12 13:26:20', '2002-04-13 00:23:37', -27.999600000000001, 293.51499999999999, -32.6004, 350.375, 343.04500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JASON X.', 'PROCHASKA', 'y', 776199274, 0.35229412665798099, -0.55607015234707702, -0.75277807751753001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9017901', 'HD154154', 256.52999999999997, -48.418700000000001, '2002-04-13 03:06:22', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.5899999999999999, 'B2VN', 0.34000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-05 09:24:14', '2002-04-30 15:57:41', 0, 0, '2002-04-13 03:06:22', '2002-04-13 05:12:19', -25.4391, 260.142, -4.5363699999999998, 339.56700000000001, 18.852799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 691358921, -0.15459558965013101, -0.64542555842350602, -0.74801474062643603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9016601', 'HD153262', 255.47499999999999, -59.047600000000003, '2002-04-13 05:49:38', 0, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.6100000000000003, 'B2:V', 0.17999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-04 00:33:33', '2002-07-03 10:34:31', 0, 0, '2002-04-13 05:49:38', '2002-04-13 06:50:52', -36.0702, 260.81700000000001, -10.398999999999999, 330.60000000000002, 25.008900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 688613444, -0.12899414801909301, -0.49788705590452298, -0.85759488649335702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9033701', 'WD2043-635', 311.79700000000003, -63.337200000000003, '2002-04-13 09:10:33', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.52, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-05 10:05:48', '2002-07-10 14:54:07', 0, 0, '2002-04-13 09:10:33', '2002-04-13 11:50:17', -43.380899999999997, 294.29899999999998, -36.921999999999997, 332.35500000000002, 335.34399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 750951609, 0.299081512421498, -0.33453971910472802, -0.89366292597880503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0460201', 'EC20058-5234', 302.41699999999997, -52.421399999999998, '2002-04-13 14:12:21', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.800000000000001, 'DB', 0, 43, 'PC', '2005-02-08 03:46:53', '2002-12-27 00:09:13', 1, 0, '2002-04-13 14:12:21', '2002-04-13 22:15:30', -31.4892, 292.54399999999998, -32.892400000000002, 346.12, 343.10000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JUDITH', 'PROVENCAL', 'y', 776014186, 0.32692630597788203, -0.51481573225803501, -0.79251747758600199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9016901', 'HD164073', 270.50200000000001, -48.810400000000001, '2002-04-14 00:38:06', 0, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 8.0299999999999994, 'B3II', 0.23999999999999999, 24, 'PC', '2005-02-04 10:30:11', '2002-07-03 10:34:46', 0, 0, '2002-04-14 00:38:06', '2002-04-14 01:22:00', -25.371600000000001, 270.36599999999999, -12.5745, 344.16500000000002, 7.8093599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 780807327, 0.0057698719965242904, -0.65852759856545695, -0.75253445801820695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9016801', 'CPD-69D2698', 258.137, -70.085700000000003, '2002-04-14 03:46:30', 0, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 9.3000000000000007, 'B2P', 0.13, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-04 09:58:44', '2002-07-03 10:34:41', 0, 0, '2002-04-14 03:46:30', '2002-04-14 04:57:03', -46.888300000000001, 264.11900000000003, -17.573599999999999, 321.87099999999998, 27.082599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 675803282, -0.070020830945664594, -0.33333936041182599, -0.94020314508829095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9018001', 'CPD-69D2698', 258.137, -70.085700000000003, '2002-04-14 05:09:34', 0, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 9.3000000000000007, 'B2P', 0.13, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-04 10:51:11', '2002-07-03 10:34:56', 0, 0, '2002-04-14 05:09:34', '2002-04-14 06:24:24', -46.888300000000001, 264.11900000000003, -17.573599999999999, 321.87099999999998, 27.203399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 675803282, -0.070020830945664594, -0.33333936041182599, -0.94020314508829095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9043801', 'JL_36', 300.46699999999998, -71.956800000000001, '2002-04-14 08:29:22', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.93, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-05 10:16:07', '2002-07-10 14:54:34', 0, 0, '2002-04-14 08:29:22', '2002-04-14 11:06:13', -50.011099999999999, 284.14499999999998, -31.127400000000002, 323.108, 346.90699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 747637827, 0.15704814479238299, -0.26696633199431902, -0.95082325265990897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0760301', 'NGC6752-B852', 287.86599999999999, -60.010899999999999, '2002-04-14 13:29:47', 21604, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.9, 'SDO', 0.040000000000000001, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-08 04:08:10', '2002-11-10 20:41:58', 3, 0, '2002-04-14 13:29:47', '2002-04-15 02:51:00', -37.258499999999998, 281.10899999999998, -25.706099999999999, 336.48099999999999, 356.47300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 772808727, 0.153345390321977, -0.47573149561966399, -0.86612050855667799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9018401', 'HD192273', 304.77600000000001, -69.435100000000006, '2002-04-15 03:26:18', 4189, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.8100000000000005, 'B2V', 0.070000000000000007, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-04 11:11:53', '2002-04-30 15:57:47', 0, 0, '2002-04-15 03:26:18', '2002-04-15 04:37:04', -48.094299999999997, 287.45600000000002, -32.929900000000004, 325.77999999999997, 343.63499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 747738728, 0.20035265425596799, -0.28852750620484802, -0.93627490198968799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0760401', 'NGC6752-B1754', 287.78699999999998, -59.872399999999999, '2002-04-15 05:12:07', 35380, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16, 'SDO', 0.040000000000000001, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-08 04:18:11', '2002-11-10 21:17:22', 3, 0, '2002-04-15 05:12:07', '2002-04-15 17:14:56', -37.115600000000001, 281.08600000000001, -25.642199999999999, 336.62400000000002, 357.44200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 772809365, 0.15332842334702501, -0.477934662261012, -0.86490973702656804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9017201', 'HD192273', 304.77600000000001, -69.435100000000006, '2002-04-15 17:59:06', 3653, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 8.8100000000000005, 'B2V', 0.070000000000000007, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-04 10:51:05', '2002-07-03 10:34:52', 0, 0, '2002-04-15 17:59:06', '2002-04-15 19:00:48', -48.094299999999997, 287.45600000000002, -32.929900000000004, 325.77999999999997, 342.88, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 747738728, 0.20035265425596799, -0.28852750620484802, -0.93627490198968799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9033301', 'WD2000-561.1', 301.07499999999999, -56.046399999999998, '2002-04-15 21:30:46', 11596, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.050000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-05 09:44:50', '2002-07-10 14:54:03', 2, 0, '2002-04-15 21:30:46', '2002-04-16 02:07:36', -34.802900000000001, 290.55399999999997, -32.2498, 341.78500000000003, 346.08100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 750649013, 0.288286185635104, -0.47836927221363401, -0.82949015339168497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9033401', 'WD2014-575', 304.72800000000001, -57.358899999999998, '2002-04-16 15:55:41', 16878, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.609999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-05 10:05:41', '2002-07-03 10:35:45', 1, 0, '2002-04-16 15:55:41', '2002-04-17 01:22:35', -36.601399999999998, 292.50400000000002, -34.247100000000003, 340.202, 342.995, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 753057834, 0.30727179278344202, -0.44329380331680102, -0.84206570367197298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9020102', 'HD149730', 249.93600000000001, -56.994399999999999, '2002-04-17 03:39:43', 4495, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.6500000000000004, 'B9IV', 0.02, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-05 09:34:58', '2002-07-03 10:35:04', 0, 0, '2002-04-17 03:39:43', '2002-04-17 04:55:35', -34.463799999999999, 256.89999999999998, -6.8285, 330.35300000000001, 32.4148, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 690076283, -0.186877203711803, -0.51166188209210695, -0.83861733177106501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031111', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-04-17 05:10:54', 9773, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 17, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-05 04:54:13', '2002-11-17 05:09:26', 1, 0, '2002-04-17 05:10:54', '2002-04-17 07:55:57', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 33.088799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031113', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-04-17 11:29:59', 4941, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 11, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-05 05:25:57', '2002-10-29 20:03:13', 1, 0, '2002-04-17 11:29:59', '2002-04-17 15:41:12', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 33.270400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9016701', 'HD154154', 256.52999999999997, -48.418700000000001, '2002-04-17 18:40:21', 1965, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 8.5899999999999999, 'B2VN', 0.34000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-05 09:03:13', '2002-07-03 10:34:36', 0, 0, '2002-04-17 18:40:21', '2002-04-17 19:14:06', -25.4391, 260.142, -4.5363699999999998, 339.56700000000001, 21.546600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 691358921, -0.15459558965013101, -0.64542555842350602, -0.74801474062643603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9017301', 'HD196519', 310.488, -66.760599999999997, '2002-04-17 22:02:23', 500, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 5.1399999999999997, 'B9II', 0.029999999999999999, 25, 'PC', '2005-02-05 09:03:22', '2002-05-09 15:47:43', 0, 0, '2002-04-17 22:02:23', '2002-04-17 22:10:43', -46.3583, 291.79000000000002, -35.579300000000003, 328.38999999999999, 340.25999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 747997678, 0.25619238390333698, -0.30008998705855899, -0.91886422397279099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9015701', 'HD138679', 234.167, -60.5503, '2002-04-18 01:08:54', 1095, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 2, 8.9100000000000001, 'B2II', 0.20999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-05 08:32:13', '2002-04-30 15:57:34', 0, 0, '2002-04-18 01:08:54', '2002-04-18 01:27:17', -39.819800000000001, 247.99100000000001, -3.9201899999999998, 321.91800000000001, 52.244, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 678428158, -0.287829497653247, -0.398601345278148, -0.870787659434337); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0380401', 'HD137333', 235.81999999999999, -84.465299999999999, '2002-04-18 02:25:00', 6165, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 5.5700000000000003, 'A2V', 0, 30, 'PE', '2005-02-08 03:37:09', '2002-10-29 15:22:45', 0, 0, '2002-04-18 02:25:00', '2002-04-18 07:47:47', -61.819499999999998, 263.41199999999998, -23.018899999999999, 307.029, 54.430500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 671497025, -0.054184292819613698, -0.0797896623393992, -0.99533796883038805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9016301', 'HD152424', 253.76400000000001, -42.090800000000002, '2002-04-18 17:25:25', 3432, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.3099999999999996, 'B0IB', 0.65000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-05 08:52:44', '2002-07-03 10:34:25', 1, 0, '2002-04-18 17:25:25', '2002-04-18 20:08:24', -19.364799999999999, 257.29500000000002, 0.88869699999999996, 343.363, 20.4529, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 694586297, -0.207482401668491, -0.71248785762719902, -0.67030747103973098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6013501', 'ALPHA-TRA', 252.166, -69.027699999999996, '2002-04-18 22:42:26', 7804, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 1.9199999999999999, 'K3II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-02-05 07:07:32', '2002-05-15 11:35:10', 0, 0, '2002-04-18 22:42:26', '2002-04-19 01:20:01', -46.151200000000003, 260.89600000000002, -15.2585, 321.53699999999998, 36.997999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 676181792, -0.109615618059939, -0.34071789201929398, -0.93375357259571801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S1010204', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-04-19 04:45:35', 1212, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-05 07:07:25', '2002-11-11 02:24:53', 0, 0, '2002-04-19 04:45:35', '2002-04-19 05:10:30', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 34.5884, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S1010201', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-04-19 07:25:54', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-05 06:26:35', '2002-10-30 02:25:58', 0, 0, '2002-04-19 07:25:54', '2002-04-19 08:32:28', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 34.677599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6013502', 'ALPHA-TRA', 252.166, -69.027699999999996, '2002-04-19 08:57:47', 52491, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 1.9199999999999999, 'K3II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-02-05 07:39:00', '2002-05-20 16:24:28', 0, 0, '2002-04-19 08:57:47', '2002-04-20 04:35:21', -46.151200000000003, 260.89600000000002, -15.2585, 321.53699999999998, 37.442399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 676181792, -0.109615618059939, -0.34071789201929398, -0.93375357259571801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S1010202', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-04-20 05:00:31', 191, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-05 01:55:12', '2002-11-11 02:10:47', 0, 0, '2002-04-20 05:00:31', '2002-04-20 06:08:18', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 35.468299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9015401', 'HD120678', 208.23500000000001, -62.720599999999997, '2002-04-20 08:18:03', 470, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 7.6200000000000001, 'O+..', 0.56999999999999995, 12, 'PC', '2005-02-05 08:32:06', '2002-04-30 15:57:28', 1, 0, '2002-04-20 08:18:03', '2002-04-20 08:25:53', -46.8185, 233.83799999999999, -0.68510099999999996, 309.91399999999999, 87.100899999999996, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 682744059, -0.40379546144720502, -0.21683091286815201, -0.88878207708043); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9020101', 'HD149730', 249.93600000000001, -56.994399999999999, '2002-04-20 10:58:21', 3070, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 6.6500000000000004, 'B9IV', 0.02, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-05 09:24:34', '2002-05-15 11:35:00', 0, 0, '2002-04-20 10:58:21', '2002-04-20 11:50:12', -34.463799999999999, 256.89999999999998, -6.8285, 330.35300000000001, 35.014400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 690076283, -0.186877203711803, -0.51166188209210695, -0.83861733177106501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6013503', 'ALPHA-TRA', 252.166, -69.027699999999996, '2002-04-20 12:38:30', 19561, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 1.9199999999999999, 'K3II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-02-05 07:49:42', '2002-05-22 15:53:26', 0, 0, '2002-04-20 12:38:30', '2002-04-20 20:35:59', -46.151200000000003, 260.89600000000002, -15.2585, 321.53699999999998, 38.431199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 676181792, -0.109615618059939, -0.34071789201929398, -0.93375357259571801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9020103', 'HD149730', 249.93600000000001, -56.994399999999999, '2002-04-20 21:11:30', 4184, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.6500000000000004, 'B9IV', 0.02, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-05 09:35:21', '2002-07-03 10:35:10', 0, 0, '2002-04-20 21:11:30', '2002-04-20 22:22:09', -34.463799999999999, 256.89999999999998, -6.8285, 330.35300000000001, 35.427999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 690076283, -0.186877203711803, -0.51166188209210695, -0.83861733177106501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9015201', 'HD114800', 198.548, -63.373699999999999, '2002-04-21 00:36:50', 1577, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 7.9699999999999998, 'B2IV', 0, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-05 08:31:48', '2002-07-03 10:34:21', 1, 0, '2002-04-21 00:36:50', '2002-04-21 01:03:23', -49.771299999999997, 228.86099999999999, -0.61426199999999997, 305.48000000000002, 99.936999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 682452832, -0.42489043277884397, -0.142562267195845, -0.89394861155716698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S1010203', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-04-21 03:37:20', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-05 06:46:54', '2002-10-30 02:42:20', 0, 0, '2002-04-21 03:37:20', '2002-04-21 04:44:38', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 36.168799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6013601', 'HE2-138', 239.00700000000001, -66.152299999999997, '2002-04-21 06:55:48', 7520, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.92, 'CSPN', 0, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-05 08:00:02', '2002-05-15 11:35:14', 0, 0, '2002-04-21 06:55:48', '2002-04-21 09:24:16', -44.530200000000001, 253.02000000000001, -9.6575900000000008, 320.13600000000002, 52.020499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 677823348, -0.20819109573623901, -0.34658407535651098, -0.91462339045391605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9014901', 'HD111990', 193.499, -60.3354, '2002-04-21 11:56:13', 4584, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.7699999999999996, 'B1/B', 0.47999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-05 08:21:05', '2002-06-05 10:09:45', 0, 0, '2002-04-21 11:56:13', '2002-04-21 14:11:06', -48.7012, 223.18199999999999, 2.5350100000000002, 303.25, 107.495, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 705101996, -0.481249178044381, -0.115528822005736, -0.86893746605700795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9014401', 'HD104683', 180.80699999999999, -64.351299999999995, '2002-04-21 18:43:40', 2659, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 7.9500000000000002, 'B1IB', 0.22, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-05 08:10:43', '2002-05-15 11:34:38', 0, 0, '2002-04-21 18:43:40', '2002-04-21 20:41:47', -55.5533, 220.078, -1.96611, 297.745, 121.759, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 704777960, -0.43280919376098698, -0.0060964371355087203, -0.90146493844753395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9015001', 'HD112784', 195.023, -60.593699999999998, '2002-04-21 22:10:55', 1352, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 8.2699999999999996, 'O9.5', 0.32000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-02-08 03:26:47', '2002-05-15 11:34:55', 0, 0, '2002-04-21 22:10:55', '2002-04-21 22:33:43', -48.473100000000002, 224.333, 2.2604700000000002, 303.99700000000001, 106.096, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 705008398, -0.47421809039401203, -0.127270407131716, -0.87115982816678605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9014801', 'HD111973', 193.45400000000001, -60.376300000000001, '2002-04-21 23:50:20', 995, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 2, 5.9000000000000004, 'B5IA', 0.37, 24, 'PC', '2005-02-10 09:27:09', '2002-05-15 11:34:49', 0, 0, '2002-04-21 23:50:20', '2002-04-22 00:07:03', -48.747399999999999, 223.191, 2.4943900000000001, 303.22699999999998, 108.238, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 705058271, -0.48073638349703002, -0.115006467183159, -0.86929053951382995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9014701', 'CPD-59D4552', 193.44399999999999, -60.403399999999998, '2002-04-22 01:14:10', 4846, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.3699999999999992, 'B1II', 0.34999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-10 09:57:40', '2002-05-15 11:34:43', 0, 0, '2002-04-22 01:14:10', '2002-04-22 03:39:58', -48.772399999999998, 223.209, 2.4672499999999999, 303.22199999999998, 108.328, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 705058260, -0.480356500896225, -0.11482695549519201, -0.869524239074702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9014501', 'HD105056', 181.458, -69.573099999999997, '2002-04-22 06:15:01', 27892, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 53, 7.3399999999999999, 'O+..', 0.46000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2005-02-10 09:26:50', '2002-05-17 08:36:34', 0, 0, '2002-04-22 06:15:01', '2002-04-23 04:29:19', -58.898699999999998, 227.512, -7.0548299999999999, 298.947, 119.718, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 681741796, -0.34889906239099799, -0.0088803166066767098, -0.93711823386360804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055701', 'LSE44-BKGD', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2002-04-23 07:13:26', 29134, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'EE', '2005-02-10 07:08:47', '2002-05-17 08:35:50', 3, 0, '2002-04-23 07:13:26', '2002-04-23 23:04:48', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 91.666300000000007, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055702', 'LSE44-BKGD', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2002-04-24 01:31:47', 10645, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'EE', '2005-02-10 07:09:05', '2002-05-17 08:35:59', 3, 0, '2002-04-24 01:31:47', '2002-04-24 06:52:56', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 93.018299999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051602', 'LSE44', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2002-04-24 08:17:01', 13560, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 14, 12.460000000000001, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-10 06:58:22', '2002-11-17 07:05:22', 2, 0, '2002-04-24 08:17:01', '2002-04-24 19:00:16', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 93.467200000000005, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0380801', 'HD129791', 221.49000000000001, -44.8675, '2002-04-24 21:40:23', 6496, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.9100000000000001, 'A0V', 0, 30, 'PE', '2005-02-10 04:43:59', '2002-11-23 15:58:37', 0, 0, '2002-04-24 21:40:23', '2002-04-25 00:09:19', -27.418299999999999, 233.267, 13.4129, 323.36700000000002, 70.587000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 709974910, -0.53089692196338301, -0.46953275845647602, -0.70546966411466405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0180601', 'NGC5128-MOE13', 201.37100000000001, -43.0167, '2002-04-25 02:32:43', 10383, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99.900000000000006, '', 0.10000000000000001, 72, 'EC', '2005-02-10 04:14:32', '2002-12-04 15:15:18', 0, 0, '2002-04-25 02:32:43', '2002-04-25 08:10:38', -31.3278, 217.14699999999999, 19.4194, 309.52199999999999, 108.389, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LEQUEUX', 'y', 708818511, -0.68088095425763295, -0.26643685389366201, -0.68221149874248099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9060901', 'HD101412', 174.935, -60.174399999999999, '2002-04-25 10:50:33', 8998, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.2799999999999994, 'B9.5', 0.20000000000000001, 26, 'PC', '2005-02-10 10:19:08', '2002-05-17 08:37:30', 0, 0, '2002-04-25 10:50:33', '2002-04-25 16:37:05', -54.431399999999996, 211.602, 1.4658, 294.12599999999998, 134.57599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 621217867, -0.49541952608001, 0.043909986274909198, -0.86754331666147699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0910401', 'HD109573', 189.005, -39.869799999999998, '2002-04-25 22:32:14', 12378, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 24, 5.7800000000000002, 'A0V', 0, 30, 'PC', '2005-02-10 04:34:40', '2002-12-26 20:44:42', 1, 0, '2002-04-25 22:32:14', '2002-04-26 05:43:43', -32.708300000000001, 205.72399999999999, 22.905999999999999, 299.72199999999998, 133.28999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'JURA', 'y', 715618691, -0.75804342878011299, -0.12013009637385599, -0.64104517783733295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055801', 'HD102567-BKGD', 177, -62.206899999999997, '2002-04-26 11:48:27', 13844, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-02-10 07:09:18', '2002-05-17 08:36:04', 3, 0, '2002-04-26 11:48:27', '2002-04-26 17:55:38', -55.2196, 215.28399999999999, -0.24002000000000001, 295.613, 132.489, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 621055239, -0.46564108820574301, 0.024403215375801899, -0.88463713467946503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9014301', 'HD102567', 177, -62.206899999999997, '2002-04-27 03:24:12', 4252, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.9399999999999995, 'B1VN', 0.39000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-10 08:13:00', '2002-05-17 08:36:29', 0, 0, '2002-04-27 03:24:12', '2002-04-27 04:35:59', -55.2196, 215.28399999999999, -0.24002000000000001, 295.613, 133.374, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 621055239, -0.46564108820574301, 0.024403215375801899, -0.88463713467946503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9012801', 'HD92288', 159.517, -59.0745, '2002-04-27 06:08:24', 791, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 7.9000000000000004, 'B6V', 0.080000000000000002, 22, 'PC', '2005-02-10 07:30:44', '2002-05-15 11:34:19', 0, 0, '2002-04-27 06:08:24', '2002-04-27 06:37:54', -59.157800000000002, 200.10599999999999, -0.51883800000000002, 286.52499999999998, 153.34, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 622896152, -0.48143084628322902, 0.17983682425887301, -0.85783626461434803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9013101', 'HD92964', 160.66900000000001, -59.215800000000002, '2002-04-27 07:48:14', 1824, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 5.4000000000000004, 'B2.5', 0.41999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-10 07:40:33', '2002-05-17 08:36:15', 0, 0, '2002-04-27 07:48:14', '2002-04-27 08:19:02', -58.826099999999997, 201.09399999999999, -0.35811399999999999, 287.11099999999999, 152.23099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 622869396, -0.48295137335620097, 0.16942056826216301, -0.85910106624487703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9012701', 'HD92087', 159.166, -59.167999999999999, '2002-04-27 11:06:02', 1888, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.5199999999999996, 'B5V', 0.080000000000000002, 21, 'PC', '2005-02-10 07:30:36', '2002-05-22 15:53:20', 0, 0, '2002-04-27 11:06:02', '2002-04-27 11:37:54', -59.353000000000002, 199.99799999999999, -0.68876700000000002, 286.41399999999999, 153.80500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 622895631, -0.47901112469220097, 0.18228459778006501, -0.858673784293705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9014101', 'HD100444', 173.22200000000001, -63.646799999999999, '2002-04-27 14:11:28', 8292, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.4399999999999995, 'O+..', 0.46999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2005-02-10 08:01:49', '2002-05-17 08:36:24', 0, 0, '2002-04-27 14:11:28', '2002-04-27 17:09:14', -57.455100000000002, 214.976, -2.09179, 294.34800000000001, 137.208, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 620913300, -0.44080091514589997, 0.052390672682917597, -0.89607464567544204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9060401', 'HD85567', 147.619, -60.967500000000001, '2002-04-27 19:27:47', 7058, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.5700000000000003, 'B5VN', 0.27000000000000002, 26, 'PC', '2005-02-10 09:57:46', '2002-06-27 14:44:06', 0, 0, '2002-04-27 19:27:47', '2002-04-28 02:24:31', -64.901399999999995, 194.93799999999999, -5.4258899999999999, 282.68099999999998, 164.27500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 611992344, -0.40984332643590599, 0.25990387854423802, -0.87434456691490503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9014201', 'HD101008', 174.23400000000001, -63.3979, '2002-04-28 05:36:48', 579, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 9.1600000000000001, 'B1II', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-10 08:01:57', '2002-05-15 11:34:32', 0, 0, '2002-04-28 05:36:48', '2002-04-28 05:56:14', -56.9557, 215.21000000000001, -1.7220899999999999, 294.70699999999999, 137.03299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 620911745, -0.44552625783534899, 0.044987814613470199, -0.89413782501107397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9013201', 'HD93160', 161.03, -59.575200000000002, '2002-04-28 07:06:43', 2045, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.4000000000000004, 'O7', 0.62, 12, 'PC', '2005-02-10 07:40:40', '2002-06-27 14:43:16', 0, 0, '2002-04-28 07:06:43', '2002-04-28 07:41:12', -58.939100000000003, 201.84399999999999, -0.58822799999999997, 287.44200000000001, 152.76300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 622864248, -0.47890353131361901, 0.16461927747497901, -0.86229455592561899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9012601', 'CPD-57D3506', 158.94399999999999, -58.236699999999999, '2002-04-28 08:45:10', 4451, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.5999999999999996, 'B0.5', 0.37, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-10 07:19:47', '2002-06-27 14:43:07', 0, 0, '2002-04-28 08:45:10', '2002-04-28 11:00:42', -58.792999999999999, 198.53200000000001, 0.063144400000000003, 285.85300000000001, 155.57499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 622990454, -0.49126266939490798, 0.18912918117095001, -0.85023005268491603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9014001', 'HD99953', 172.31299999999999, -63.553899999999999, '2002-04-28 12:05:02', 6612, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.4800000000000004, 'B1/B', 0.46999999999999997, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-10 07:51:10', '2002-05-15 11:34:26', 0, 0, '2002-04-28 12:05:02', '2002-04-28 14:36:41', -57.689700000000002, 214.33799999999999, -2.1270699999999998, 293.935, 139.351, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 620926100, -0.44135356606267301, 0.059571375929850401, -0.89535371831114097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1210408', 'ESO265-G23', 170.19999999999999, -43.264000000000003, '2002-04-28 20:29:28', 11487, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-10 04:13:25', '2002-11-22 19:08:50', 1, 0, '2002-04-28 20:29:28', '2002-04-29 05:13:41', -42.696300000000001, 192.48599999999999, 16.591899999999999, 285.911, 154.828, 'F', 'F', 'BRAD', 'GIBSON', 'y', 625962266, -0.71757750657091801, 0.123947157511335, -0.68536094447256402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9060801', 'HD98922', 170.63200000000001, -53.369799999999998, '2002-04-29 10:15:18', 9886, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.7699999999999996, 'B9VE', 0.10000000000000001, 26, 'PC', '2005-02-10 10:08:39', '2002-08-13 08:53:43', 0, 0, '2002-04-29 10:15:18', '2002-04-29 17:10:55', -50.797199999999997, 201.34999999999999, 7.21678, 289.78300000000002, 147.822, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 622625537, -0.58869058997649404, 0.097119328660130594, -0.80250309985303703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1210409', 'ESO265-G23', 170.19999999999999, -43.264000000000003, '2002-04-29 21:59:46', 6428, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-10 04:14:15', '2002-11-23 13:13:32', 1, 0, '2002-04-29 21:59:46', '2002-04-30 03:02:35', -42.696300000000001, 192.48599999999999, 16.591899999999999, 285.911, 156.078, 'F', 'F', 'BRAD', 'GIBSON', 'y', 625962266, -0.71757750657091801, 0.123947157511335, -0.68536094447256402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9060501', 'HD95881', 165.49000000000001, -71.513400000000004, '2002-04-30 09:02:06', 10571, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.25, 'A1/A', 0.10000000000000001, 26, 'PC', '2005-02-10 09:57:51', '2003-04-14 16:01:13', 1, 0, '2002-04-30 09:02:06', '2002-04-30 13:08:45', -64.387500000000003, 224.756, -10.477, 294.40800000000002, 144.928, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 608977280, -0.30696916104736199, 0.079444785049812894, -0.94839783861745897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9015301', 'HD117111', 202.477, -65.501999999999995, '2002-04-30 14:03:06', 3081, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 7.6799999999999997, 'B2V:', 0.33000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-10 09:37:11', '2002-06-27 14:43:22', 1, 0, '2002-04-30 14:03:06', '2002-04-30 14:55:07', -50.518000000000001, 232.94300000000001, -2.9275500000000001, 306.911, 106.27, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 682634909, -0.38316092215325998, -0.158530280087675, -0.90997574584709995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9060701', 'HD97300', 167.458, -76.613299999999995, '2002-04-30 17:26:41', 13428, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9, 'B9VE', 0.38, 26, 'PC', '2005-02-10 09:58:09', '2002-05-17 08:37:14', 0, 0, '2002-04-30 17:26:41', '2002-04-30 21:40:51', -65.860200000000006, 236.45400000000001, -14.9193, 297.03399999999999, 142.96700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 605516153, -0.225997296361201, 0.050276229500894998, -0.97282964736103805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9031201', 'WD0809-728', 122.38500000000001, -72.988100000000003, '2002-05-01 05:00:41', 9396, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.15, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-10 09:47:49', '2002-06-27 14:43:27', 1, 0, '2002-05-01 05:00:41', '2002-05-01 13:29:23', -77.320599999999999, 224.44499999999999, -20.426200000000001, 285.82100000000003, 187.464, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 607792368, -0.156702339009724, 0.24706632215299701, -0.95624401143571802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1010303', 'HD94414', 162.73599999999999, -77.124399999999994, '2002-05-01 14:02:33', 45607, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 8, 'B2V', 0.67000000000000004, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-10 06:58:45', '2003-01-06 03:32:16', 0, 0, '2002-05-01 14:02:33', '2002-05-02 05:36:39', -67.031199999999998, 236.95400000000001, -15.8416, 296.25799999999998, 148.31399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CECILE', 'GRY', 'y', 605522756, -0.21279570100403999, 0.066131834783063503, -0.974856179168202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051703', 'LSS1274', 139.73400000000001, -57.073900000000002, '2002-05-02 07:55:04', 39832, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 54, 12.4, 'SDO', 0.17999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-14 19:07:41', '2003-01-06 02:42:17', 4, 0, '2002-05-02 07:55:04', '2002-05-03 12:04:18', -65.485600000000005, 181.596, -5.3047599999999999, 277.04000000000002, 177.56700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 617789972, -0.41476215846442699, 0.35132096282358, -0.83937234466394195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9031301', 'WD0830-535', 127.96599999999999, -53.674999999999997, '2002-05-03 13:37:47', 14574, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.460000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-11 09:08:05', '2002-06-27 14:43:38', 1, 0, '2002-05-03 13:37:47', '2002-05-03 20:39:17', -67.661199999999994, 163.49299999999999, -8.2609200000000005, 270.11200000000002, 188.90299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 619452501, -0.36441910845126801, 0.46700614561002701, -0.80566989105839704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A1290102', 'HD72537', 127.902, -45.784799999999997, '2002-05-03 21:56:37', 1227, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 7, 'B3V', 0.40000000000000002, 21, 'PC', '2005-02-10 02:39:06', '2002-11-23 19:28:08', 1, 0, '2002-05-03 21:56:37', '2002-05-03 22:17:20', -61.218499999999999, 152.84399999999999, -3.67516, 263.654, 195.667, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', 'y', 642913904, -0.42839422793133602, 0.55025698966908598, -0.71672563146257795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9012301', 'HD74371', 130.48699999999999, -45.410699999999999, '2002-05-03 23:36:28', 1322, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 5.2400000000000002, 'B6IA', 0.29999999999999999, 25, 'PC', '2005-02-11 06:31:32', '2002-05-15 11:34:13', 0, 0, '2002-05-03 23:36:28', '2002-05-03 23:58:46', -59.971299999999999, 155.619, -2.0058699999999998, 264.44499999999999, 184.01400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 642856609, -0.45580443246390101, 0.53392368147673597, -0.71215716081816505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2310301', 'HD79186', 137.768, -44.867899999999999, '2002-05-04 01:16:19', 5393, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 5.0199999999999996, 'B5IA', 0.31, 24, 'PC', '2005-02-11 05:40:11', '2002-11-17 07:37:20', 2, 0, '2002-05-04 01:16:19', '2002-05-04 06:42:50', -56.798200000000001, 163.40100000000001, 2.2515200000000002, 267.36599999999999, 187.233, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIAL', 'ANDRE', 'y', 620582839, -0.52476831681785596, 0.47636518075478101, -0.70547461203690298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0710302', 'HD72754', 128.09800000000001, -49.601399999999998, '2002-05-04 09:35:36', 5950, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6.9000000000000004, 'B2IA', 0.33000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-10 03:21:22', '2002-11-23 14:43:26', 3, 0, '2002-05-04 09:35:36', '2002-05-04 14:58:33', -64.367999999999995, 157.57599999999999, -5.8150500000000003, 266.82799999999997, 180.76400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN I.B.', 'CARTLEDGE', 'y', 619681713, -0.39988394541590699, 0.51002756411685202, -0.76155414386610698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9013001', 'HD92741', 160.30099999999999, -59.973599999999998, '2002-05-04 16:15:27', 3559, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.2699999999999996, 'B1/B', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-11 06:32:01', '2002-07-03 10:34:16', 0, 0, '2002-05-04 16:15:27', '2002-05-04 17:15:34', -59.479100000000003, 201.92699999999999, -1.1130199999999999, 287.30799999999999, 160.203, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 611679064, -0.47111384691807101, 0.16867390194923401, -0.865794928400067); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3010201', 'HD83443', 144.29900000000001, -43.272199999999998, '2002-05-04 19:33:47', 5232, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.1999999999999993, 'K0V', 0, 46, 'PC', '2005-02-11 08:58:14', '2002-11-17 07:54:01', 0, 0, '2002-05-04 19:33:47', '2002-05-05 00:50:34', -52.931199999999997, 168.792, 6.6792800000000003, 269.59699999999998, 180.971, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 631534115, -0.59127501160677098, 0.42488984559919402, -0.68546515575637101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1180601', 'CD-40-5307', 143.45400000000001, -41.515999999999998, '2002-05-05 02:14:10', 5793, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 10.31, 'B3V', 0.029999999999999999, 21, 'PC', '2005-02-11 07:55:58', '2002-11-23 19:09:24', 0, 0, '2002-05-05 02:14:10', '2002-05-05 07:42:04', -51.765999999999998, 166.41, 7.54983, 267.93599999999998, 182.43100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 631702371, -0.60154665395316997, 0.445868942804857, -0.66282917026925203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2042502', 'IX-VEL', 123.82899999999999, -49.221899999999998, '2002-05-05 12:28:13', 9820, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 20, 9.5999999999999996, '', 0.02, 63, 'PC', '2005-02-11 05:39:50', '2002-12-05 02:33:25', 0, 0, '2002-05-05 12:28:13', '2002-05-06 08:34:15', -65.585099999999997, 151.60400000000001, -7.8898299999999999, 264.93000000000001, 194.358, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 642125978, -0.363608689519549, 0.54255792437564998, -0.75724475541469605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1380201', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2002-05-06 15:08:52', 8268, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 5.1500000000000004, 'G5IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-11 08:05:46', '2003-01-03 14:45:13', 0, 0, '2002-05-06 15:08:52', '2002-05-06 19:18:36', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 338.51499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', 'y', 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9033001', 'WD1917+599', 289.59899999999999, 59.999400000000001, '2002-05-07 01:36:00', 15825, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.800000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-11 09:18:59', '2002-07-10 14:53:52', 1, 0, '2002-05-07 01:36:00', '2002-05-07 13:16:43', 79.090599999999995, 332.399, 20.0395, 91.025700000000001, 328.46899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 260736544, 0.167720605898345, -0.47104019723240598, 0.86602016774919799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1380101', 'HD169690', 276.41199999999998, 8.0319400000000005, '2002-05-07 17:53:44', 4929, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.6500000000000004, 'G9II', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-11 07:56:05', '2002-11-23 16:34:29', 0, 0, '2002-05-07 17:53:44', '2002-05-07 20:08:00', 31.306100000000001, 277.43599999999998, 9.3624799999999997, 37.214199999999998, 331.322, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', 'y', 521356812, 0.110581549071115, -0.98399624693933696, 0.13972511232535001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9033101', 'WD1943+500J', 295.93200000000002, 50.0764, '2002-05-08 00:12:49', 28166, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 14.6, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-11 07:55:09', '2002-06-05 10:10:13', 1, 0, '2002-05-08 00:12:49', '2002-05-08 17:56:37', 68.938599999999994, 321.346, 12.738899999999999, 83.073700000000002, 332.40800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 248542598, 0.280646733317092, -0.57714855871572202, 0.76690087511412397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9032901', 'WD1845+683', 281.29000000000002, 68.376400000000004, '2002-05-08 20:40:32', 35745, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.5, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-11 07:24:24', '2002-06-05 10:10:06', 1, 0, '2002-05-08 20:40:32', '2002-05-09 09:58:18', 85.316800000000001, 27.920200000000001, 25.650300000000001, 98.814099999999996, 319.803, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 262999087, 0.072144551632434994, -0.36137644774474698, 0.92962477736188998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1380202', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2002-05-09 13:03:34', 7469, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 5.1500000000000004, 'G5IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-11 08:16:06', '2002-12-20 17:27:21', 0, 0, '2002-05-09 13:03:34', '2002-05-09 17:14:25', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 336.63799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', 'y', 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9043601', 'KPD1946+4340', 296.928, 43.791800000000002, '2002-05-09 21:10:32', 21427, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 14.23, 'SDB', 0.059999999999999998, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-14 19:10:37', '2002-05-17 08:37:10', 0, 0, '2002-05-09 21:10:32', '2002-05-10 11:02:27', 62.991799999999998, 316.04500000000002, 9.1714800000000007, 77.757599999999996, 331.47699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 242005387, 0.326908750399107, -0.64359264009011496, 0.69203987062475703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1380102', 'HD169690', 276.41199999999998, 8.0319400000000005, '2002-05-10 14:06:42', 10756, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 5.6500000000000004, 'G9II', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-11 07:56:35', '2002-12-20 14:23:27', 0, 0, '2002-05-10 14:06:42', '2002-05-10 19:42:25', 31.306100000000001, 277.43599999999998, 9.3624799999999997, 37.214199999999998, 329.22300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', 'y', 521356812, 0.110581549071115, -0.98399624693933696, 0.13972511232535001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9032801', 'WD1820+580J', 275.125, 58.077500000000001, '2002-05-11 01:25:38', 4698, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.949999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-11 06:52:53', '2002-06-05 10:09:59', 1, 0, '2002-05-11 01:25:38', '2002-05-11 04:58:09', 81.196399999999997, 287.976, 26.766500000000001, 87.000299999999996, 312.25900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 250471527, 0.047234589369157198, -0.52665775201604603, 0.84876410492464405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056001', 'WD1725+586-BKGD', 261.68099999999998, 58.624699999999997, '2002-05-11 06:20:04', 10899, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0.080000000000000002, 7, 'EE', '2005-02-14 19:08:11', '2002-06-05 10:09:40', 2, 0, '2002-05-11 06:20:04', '2002-05-11 13:50:14', 81.2059, 240.47999999999999, 33.828600000000002, 87.171999999999997, 299.85700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 167026763, -0.075328685243438706, -0.51516335905849997, 0.85377532329240902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0060101', 'AMHER', 274.05599999999998, 49.867800000000003, '2002-05-11 23:39:59', 46115, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 29, 13, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-02-12 04:55:17', '2002-12-04 21:11:04', 1, 0, '2002-05-11 23:39:59', '2002-05-13 06:03:53', 73.179699999999997, 279.06400000000002, 25.876000000000001, 77.866299999999995, 311.68200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', 'y', 247247234, 0.0455901933472138, -0.64293905904525805, 0.76455928522552297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1380103', 'HD169690', 276.41199999999998, 8.0319400000000005, '2002-05-13 10:07:52', 13407, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 5.6500000000000004, 'G9II', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-14 19:02:41', '2002-12-20 15:05:59', 0, 0, '2002-05-13 10:07:52', '2002-05-13 17:37:08', 31.306100000000001, 277.43599999999998, 9.3624799999999997, 37.214199999999998, 327.065, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', 'y', 521356812, 0.110581549071115, -0.98399624693933696, 0.13972511232535001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9032701', 'WD1725+586', 261.68099999999998, 58.624699999999997, '2002-05-13 23:16:44', 12543, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.449999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-14 19:08:36', '2002-06-05 10:09:51', 0, 0, '2002-05-13 23:16:44', '2002-05-14 04:30:26', 81.2059, 240.47999999999999, 33.828600000000002, 87.171999999999997, 297.25799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 167026763, -0.075328685243438706, -0.51516335905849997, 0.85377532329240902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1380104', 'HD169690', 276.41199999999998, 8.0319400000000005, '2002-05-14 09:32:45', 15117, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 5.6500000000000004, 'G9II', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-14 19:03:24', '2002-12-20 15:25:28', 0, 0, '2002-05-14 09:32:45', '2002-05-14 18:35:14', 31.306100000000001, 277.43599999999998, 9.3624799999999997, 37.214199999999998, 326.29199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', 'y', 521356812, 0.110581549071115, -0.98399624693933696, 0.13972511232535001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1230101', 'HS-1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '2002-05-15 05:18:42', 52784, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 16.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2005-02-14 19:02:08', '2002-12-04 17:38:06', 1, 2.7200000000000002, '2002-05-15 05:18:42', '2002-05-15 23:33:08', 83.438500000000005, 194.178, 36.158900000000003, 94.402000000000001, 290.358, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1230102', 'HS-1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '2002-05-16 00:13:38', 52115, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 16.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2005-02-14 18:51:53', '2002-12-04 18:54:39', 1, 2.7200000000000002, '2002-05-16 00:13:38', '2002-05-16 18:39:28', 83.438500000000005, 194.178, 36.158900000000003, 94.402000000000001, 289.58999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1010301', 'NGC6543-OUT', 269.63900000000001, 66.657899999999998, '2002-05-16 20:08:49', 19573, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, '', 0.080000000000000002, 7, 'EE', '2005-02-14 18:42:32', '2002-12-27 00:26:11', 2, 0, '2002-05-16 20:08:49', '2002-05-17 03:59:56', 89.826899999999995, 145.61500000000001, 29.9541, 96.4983, 301.387, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'GUERRERO', 'y', 190144117, -0.00249642411584291, -0.396212390516617, 0.91815549307714805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9032501', 'WD1620+647', 245.09, 64.599400000000003, '2002-05-17 04:45:13', 42283, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.68, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-12 05:04:29', '2002-06-27 14:43:44', 1, 0, '2002-05-17 04:45:13', '2002-05-17 18:43:08', 79.590400000000002, 179.24199999999999, 40.219900000000003, 96.570400000000006, 278.93099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 189760964, -0.180668938696877, -0.38904009886737501, 0.90333080101555696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9043201', 'PG1648+536', 252.499, 53.5259, '2002-05-17 22:43:48', 6729, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.050000000000001, 'SDB', 0.040000000000000001, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-14 19:09:27', '2002-06-27 14:44:00', 0, 0, '2002-05-17 22:43:48', '2002-05-18 02:42:14', 74.426900000000003, 228.251, 39.351399999999998, 81.378900000000002, 285.09399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 166006756, -0.17876726925515901, -0.56694283893338304, 0.80412566233469296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1380105', 'HD169690', 276.41199999999998, 8.0319400000000005, '2002-05-18 06:35:11', 8169, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 5.6500000000000004, 'G9II', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-14 19:03:59', '2002-12-20 18:07:23', 0, 0, '2002-05-18 06:35:11', '2002-05-18 12:28:08', 31.306100000000001, 277.43599999999998, 9.3624799999999997, 37.214199999999998, 323.08999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', 'y', 521356812, 0.110581549071115, -0.98399624693933696, 0.13972511232535001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0900201', 'MRK279', 208.26400000000001, 69.308300000000003, '2002-05-18 18:13:44', 41708, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 23, 14.4, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-14 18:41:54', '2002-12-06 18:47:10', 6, 0.029999999999999999, '2002-05-18 18:13:44', '2002-05-19 22:19:25', 67.646500000000003, 144.91399999999999, 46.8645, 115.04300000000001, 242.226, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD A.', 'KRISS', 'y', 194941727, -0.31121246844280798, -0.16731850237408699, 0.935495226203227); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9042001', 'FEIGE_91', 212.13499999999999, 59.673699999999997, '2002-05-19 23:01:21', 5371, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.5, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-14 19:09:05', '2002-07-03 10:35:59', 0, 0, '2002-05-19 23:01:21', '2002-05-20 08:53:40', 63.9968, 167.226, 54.862499999999997, 106.09999999999999, 244.59100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 193255842, -0.42756810941456502, -0.26857707335770697, 0.86316387058209498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1320301', 'PG1424+535', 216.48099999999999, 53.256900000000002, '2002-05-20 10:05:16', 10451, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.199999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.01, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-14 19:04:27', '2002-12-05 01:45:19', 3, 0, '2002-05-20 10:05:16', '2002-05-20 15:48:41', 61.244799999999998, 180.90299999999999, 58.561100000000003, 95.574700000000007, 247.72, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 186890974, -0.48100773933418201, -0.35568021872995298, 0.80132586174716203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0370101', 'PG1626+554', 246.98400000000001, 55.375599999999999, '2002-05-20 18:38:48', 86852, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 37, 16.170000000000002, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-02-12 04:44:13', '2002-12-17 17:12:49', 6, 0.13300000000000001, '2002-05-20 18:38:48', '2002-05-22 13:11:10', 74.368300000000005, 214.46299999999999, 42.188600000000001, 84.516900000000007, 276.91199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT A.', 'BENJAMIN', 'y', 166496330, -0.222157222147355, -0.52296353312133503, 0.82289447177206199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2470102', '44I-BOO', 225.947, 47.6541, '2002-05-22 13:47:48', 17651, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 4.7999999999999998, 'G0V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-02-17 01:02:58', '2002-12-05 03:05:37', 0, -24.800000000000001, '2002-05-22 13:47:48', '2002-05-23 03:52:33', 60.537199999999999, 197.77699999999999, 57.066000000000003, 80.371700000000004, 254.03, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'YOUNG', 'y', 184976527, -0.46837324799832902, -0.484117707530207, 0.73909170325149298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9042401', 'PG1532+523', 233.374, 52.113900000000001, '2002-05-23 04:36:14', 9234, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.119999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-15 05:28:43', '2002-07-03 10:36:08', 0, 0, '2002-05-23 04:36:14', '2002-05-23 09:59:30', 66.947699999999998, 200.672, 50.839100000000002, 83.755399999999995, 261.22699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 185724048, -0.36636165003943399, -0.49283899470648801, 0.78923308767250799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021601', 'HD153345', 254.07599999999999, 52.698399999999999, '2002-05-23 12:58:12', 3413, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 7.1100000000000003, 'A0V', 0.070000000000000007, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-15 04:25:41', '2002-07-03 10:35:15', 0, 0, '2002-05-23 12:58:12', '2002-05-23 14:05:29', 74.075599999999994, 232.69900000000001, 38.4925, 80.199299999999994, 281.12, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 164586402, -0.16626631306456499, -0.58275584701155503, 0.79545655815623295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021602', 'HD153345', 254.07599999999999, 52.698399999999999, '2002-05-23 14:38:17', 3988, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 7.1100000000000003, 'A0V', 0.070000000000000007, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-15 04:26:04', '2002-07-03 10:35:20', 0, 0, '2002-05-23 14:38:17', '2002-05-23 15:45:17', 74.075599999999994, 232.69900000000001, 38.4925, 80.199299999999994, 280.97899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 164586402, -0.16626631306456499, -0.58275584701155503, 0.79545655815623295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021603', 'HD153345', 254.07599999999999, 52.698399999999999, '2002-05-23 16:18:23', 2630, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 7.1100000000000003, 'A0V', 0.070000000000000007, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-15 04:26:13', '2002-07-03 10:35:25', 0, 0, '2002-05-23 16:18:23', '2002-05-23 17:14:39', 74.075599999999994, 232.69900000000001, 38.4925, 80.199299999999994, 280.90899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 164586402, -0.16626631306456499, -0.58275584701155503, 0.79545655815623295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021604', 'HD153345', 254.07599999999999, 52.698399999999999, '2002-05-23 18:11:55', 2879, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 7.1100000000000003, 'A0V', 0.070000000000000007, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-15 04:26:20', '2002-07-03 10:35:30', 0, 0, '2002-05-23 18:11:55', '2002-05-23 19:04:56', 74.075599999999994, 232.69900000000001, 38.4925, 80.199299999999994, 280.83999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 164586402, -0.16626631306456499, -0.58275584701155503, 0.79545655815623295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9042601', 'PG1559+533', 240.30099999999999, 53.197699999999998, '2002-05-23 21:48:17', 12255, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.390000000000001, 'SDO', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-15 05:39:01', '2002-07-10 14:54:13', 0, 0, '2002-05-23 21:48:17', '2002-05-24 06:41:49', 70.325999999999993, 208.166, 46.5274, 83.040899999999993, 266.851, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 163543451, -0.29679827795800501, -0.52036387611527402, 0.80070732395516997); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021605', 'HD153345', 254.07599999999999, 52.698399999999999, '2002-05-24 08:58:39', 3870, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 7.1100000000000003, 'A0V', 0.070000000000000007, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-15 04:26:39', '2002-07-03 10:35:37', 0, 0, '2002-05-24 08:58:39', '2002-05-24 10:03:08', 74.075599999999994, 232.69900000000001, 38.4925, 80.199299999999994, 280.28899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 164586402, -0.16626631306456499, -0.58275584701155503, 0.79545655815623295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021606', 'HD153345', 254.07599999999999, 52.698399999999999, '2002-05-24 10:38:25', 3871, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 7.1100000000000003, 'A0V', 0.070000000000000007, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-15 04:26:46', '2002-07-03 10:35:41', 0, 0, '2002-05-24 10:38:25', '2002-05-24 11:42:55', 74.075599999999994, 232.69900000000001, 38.4925, 80.199299999999994, 280.149, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 164586402, -0.16626631306456499, -0.58275584701155503, 0.79545655815623295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0380301', 'HD129002', 219.709, 44.404499999999999, '2002-05-24 13:57:51', 6074, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.3899999999999997, 'A1V', 0, 30, 'PE', '2005-02-15 05:09:39', '2002-12-04 15:31:28', 0, 0, '2002-05-24 13:57:51', '2002-05-24 16:25:59', 55.4407, 194.334, 62.416699999999999, 78.759200000000007, 246.03399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 173900436, -0.54960099089296799, -0.45643338838326197, 0.69971945290840798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1060201', 'NGC5194-POS2', 202.47900000000001, 47.207799999999999, '2002-05-24 21:01:32', 10255, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 80, 'EE', '2005-02-15 04:36:39', '2002-12-26 21:20:59', 0, 463, '2002-05-24 21:01:32', '2002-05-25 08:59:08', 50.949199999999998, 175.12, 68.546499999999995, 104.852, 230.375, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 180675279, -0.62772486816275597, -0.25974264723775098, 0.73382235390861195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1060301', 'NGC5194-POS3', 202.49000000000001, 47.219000000000001, '2002-05-25 09:54:39', 11014, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 80, 'EE', '2005-02-15 04:37:14', '2002-12-26 21:40:37', 0, 463, '2002-05-25 09:54:39', '2002-05-25 15:38:32', 50.962699999999998, 175.12, 68.533199999999994, 104.845, 229.83699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 180675289, -0.62754244183795305, -0.25980828099954001, 0.73395513542458701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1180701', 'PB166', 201.00299999999999, 49.375599999999999, '2002-05-25 16:42:11', 9819, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.449999999999999, 'B2V', 0, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-16 22:39:55', '2002-12-27 00:58:26', 0, 0, '2002-05-25 16:42:11', '2002-05-26 03:18:39', 52.109900000000003, 171.78, 66.884200000000007, 109.34699999999999, 228.68700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 180849703, -0.60783966530992495, -0.23336430339730299, 0.75899409956587305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1060501', 'NGC5194-POS5', 202.49600000000001, 47.165599999999998, '2002-05-26 04:10:41', 14884, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 80, 'EE', '2005-02-15 04:46:18', '2002-12-26 22:05:41', 0, 463, '2002-05-26 04:10:41', '2002-05-26 13:17:39', 50.921900000000001, 175.17500000000001, 68.580100000000002, 104.77500000000001, 229.297, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 180675135, -0.62814695719664504, -0.26013561341610297, 0.73332180030135796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1060901', 'NGC5055-POS2', 198.94300000000001, 42.005600000000001, '2002-05-26 14:09:03', 6875, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 80, 'EE', '2005-02-15 05:08:38', '2002-12-26 23:23:05', 0, 503, '2002-05-26 14:09:03', '2002-05-26 19:56:24', 45.229599999999998, 176.346, 74.312899999999999, 106.001, 225.196, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 177631634, -0.702835723177064, -0.24122390811310099, 0.66920323697723905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1060801', 'NGC5055-POS1', 198.96600000000001, 42.056699999999999, '2002-05-26 21:18:19', 6808, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 80, 'EE', '2005-02-15 05:08:12', '2002-12-26 23:07:10', 0, 504, '2002-05-26 21:18:19', '2002-05-27 07:14:47', 45.2819, 176.328, 74.259100000000004, 106.008, 225.00399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 177631698, -0.70217411724922596, -0.241311952525044, 0.66986569596734902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0570401', 'NGC4631-I', 190.542, 32.551699999999997, '2002-05-27 10:09:06', 9407, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.75, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 80, 'EE', '2005-02-16 22:03:53', '2002-12-04 16:40:38', 0, 610, '2002-05-27 10:09:06', '2002-05-27 15:48:17', 33.710799999999999, 174.99700000000001, 84.216099999999997, 142.70699999999999, 216.42599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD M.', 'MURPHY', 'y', 176311491, -0.82867891180645303, -0.154214963290566, 0.53806041131508797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1061001', 'NGC4736-POS1', 192.732, 41.140000000000001, '2002-05-27 16:59:18', 9607, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 80, 'EE', '2005-02-15 05:09:29', '2002-12-26 23:46:45', 0, 308, '2002-05-27 16:59:18', '2002-05-28 06:28:46', 42.038899999999998, 171.52799999999999, 75.9876, 123.331, 219.399, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 177877257, -0.73458664997630596, -0.16597741261219501, 0.65790117204573295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0570101', 'NGC4631-A', 190.53700000000001, 32.576700000000002, '2002-05-28 07:47:43', 7153, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.75, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 80, 'EE', '2005-02-16 22:03:37', '2002-12-04 16:15:46', 0, 610, '2002-05-28 07:47:43', '2002-05-28 11:47:17', 33.730899999999998, 174.97800000000001, 84.191299999999998, 142.65799999999999, 215.875, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD M.', 'MURPHY', 'y', 176311525, -0.82846147339807596, -0.15409969908479601, 0.538428147329859); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0180301', 'NGC5447', 210.619, 54.2697, '2002-05-28 14:29:29', 11572, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99.900000000000006, '', 0.37, 72, 'EC', '2006-02-22 05:18:28', '2002-12-17 14:07:12', 1, 0, '2002-05-28 14:29:29', '2002-05-28 20:27:08', 59.666600000000003, 174.316, 59.895699999999998, 102.13200000000001, 235.297, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LEQUEUX', 'y', 187344387, -0.50254942288611204, -0.29743188278882698, 0.81177481647161798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0920101', 'NGC4151', 182.636, 39.405700000000003, '2002-05-28 23:17:01', 48892, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 34, 11.5, 'AGN', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-16 22:37:51', '2002-12-28 18:06:00', 5, 995, '2002-05-28 23:17:01', '2002-05-30 23:43:39', 36.623800000000003, 164.09700000000001, 75.062799999999996, 155.07900000000001, 211.22, 'F', 'F', 'D. MICHAEL', 'CRENSHAW', 'y', 178791642, -0.77185283868753196, -0.035535615709005798, 0.63480738450823004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0460707', 'NGC4449-HII', 187.03899999999999, 44.087699999999998, '2002-05-31 01:19:03', 13427, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 9.5999999999999996, '', 0.02, 89, 'EC', '2005-02-15 06:09:45', '2002-12-26 19:47:33', 1, 0, '2002-05-31 01:19:03', '2002-05-31 11:25:32', 42.326799999999999, 164.626, 72.404399999999995, 136.87700000000001, 213.38300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 178770827, -0.71286200979635905, -0.088021035227844102, 0.69575861643713399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9041801', 'TON_102', 190.16, 51.2667, '2002-05-31 12:22:44', 8530, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.539999999999999, 'SDO', 0.040000000000000001, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-15 05:17:49', '2002-07-03 10:35:54', 0, 0, '2002-05-31 12:22:44', '2002-05-31 16:30:13', 49.428800000000003, 161.25200000000001, 65.774799999999999, 127.053, 215.33500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 182605568, -0.61588458948937297, -0.110371295550575, 0.78006688786795297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0460606', 'NGC4449-NUC', 187.04499999999999, 44.095199999999998, '2002-05-31 17:35:11', 6908, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 9.5999999999999996, '', 0.02, 89, 'EC', '2005-02-15 05:59:20', '2002-12-17 13:22:56', 1, 0, '2002-05-31 17:35:11', '2002-06-01 03:28:46', 42.335500000000003, 164.626, 72.398499999999999, 136.85599999999999, 212.86600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 178770828, -0.71276239525083995, -0.088084514531775293, 0.69585263254225505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056201', 'NGC4194-BKGD', 183.53999999999999, 54.527200000000001, '2002-06-01 05:01:28', 19007, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EE', '2005-02-17 01:08:48', '2002-06-19 08:07:44', 2, 2506, '2002-06-01 05:01:28', '2002-06-01 15:51:00', 49.5916, 153.31899999999999, 61.763800000000003, 134.39099999999999, 209.803, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 183173375, -0.57920912432194804, -0.035831841979652002, 0.81439110346475896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2110202', 'NGC4151', 182.636, 39.405799999999999, '2002-06-01 16:49:19', 5953, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.699999999999999, '', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-17 01:01:13', '2002-12-19 01:14:57', 2, 997, '2002-06-01 16:49:19', '2002-06-01 22:20:34', 36.623899999999999, 164.09700000000001, 75.062799999999996, 155.07900000000001, 209.03, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD', 'GREEN', 'y', 178791642, -0.77185173191081202, -0.035535564753706797, 0.63480873307155705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055603', 'WD2004-605-BKGD', 302.27300000000002, -60.428100000000001, '2002-06-02 11:01:22', 7016, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'DA', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-02-17 01:07:28', '2002-06-19 08:07:37', 2, 0, '2002-06-02 11:01:22', '2002-06-02 13:37:09', -39.1965, 289.87799999999999, -32.858699999999999, 336.58300000000003, 20.2498, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 750102130, 0.26351449325332299, -0.41727393457700002, -0.869737072550132); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0020101', 'AV177', 14.1839, -72.058800000000005, '2002-06-02 23:05:19', 7635, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.6, 'O4V', 0.14999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-15 19:58:14', '2003-01-24 17:47:17', 1, 0, '2002-06-02 23:05:19', '2002-06-03 01:57:39', -64.540700000000001, 314.00700000000001, -45.063299999999998, 302.35599999999999, 319.47199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'MASSEY', 'y', 545879281, 0.29864994931558397, 0.075480767961765893, -0.95137314521784799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0830401', 'E0102-NE-BGD', 16.041399999999999, -72.0244, '2002-06-03 02:29:37', 14692, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0.080000000000000002, 7, 'EC', '2005-02-19 02:39:55', '2002-12-20 14:53:01', 0, 0, '2002-06-03 02:29:37', '2002-06-03 07:24:40', -65.042199999999994, 314.661, -45.069299999999998, 301.54399999999998, 317.98700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'TERRANCEJ.', 'GAETZ', 'y', 546047573, 0.29659530306789, 0.085279313645538701, -0.95118802813229997); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0230101', 'BETA-GRU', 340.66699999999997, -46.884599999999999, '2002-06-03 15:33:08', 21418, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 2.1299999999999999, 'M4.5', 0, 49, 'PE', '2006-02-22 05:28:06', '2002-12-17 14:31:05', 2, 0, '2002-06-03 15:33:08', '2002-06-04 00:59:53', -35.432000000000002, 322.327, -57.953800000000001, 346.26799999999997, 342.57499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM M.', 'HARPER', 'y', 758926161, 0.64492942463681502, -0.22626816301557801, -0.72997859944191601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1340202', 'NGC346-12', 14.558999999999999, -72.179500000000004, '2002-06-04 03:40:59', 13911, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.869999999999999, 'O9.5', 0.16, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-15 19:27:12', '2003-01-24 17:38:32', 1, 0, '2002-06-04 03:40:59', '2002-06-04 08:16:21', -64.697199999999995, 313.87200000000001, -44.938800000000001, 302.19900000000001, 320.81900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'SARA R.', 'HEAP', 'y', 545873335, 0.29620892148178402, 0.076930342607038293, -0.95201995631444702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9044001', 'MCT2030-4241', 308.48000000000002, -42.518500000000003, '2002-06-04 11:23:29', 3083, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 15.699999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-19 03:00:50', '2002-07-10 14:54:39', 0, 0, '2002-06-04 11:23:29', '2002-06-04 12:15:22', -22.988399999999999, 299.88099999999997, -36.285800000000002, 358.46899999999999, 2.4912999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 777590614, 0.45862873597257803, -0.57698863733758898, -0.67582822885960203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1490302', 'PKS2005-489', 302.35599999999999, -48.831600000000002, '2002-06-04 14:35:46', 13302, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-02-19 02:51:00', '2003-01-03 15:01:28', 9, 0, '2002-06-04 14:35:46', '2002-06-04 20:37:02', -27.999600000000001, 293.51499999999999, -32.6004, 350.375, 13.016, 'F', 'F', 'JASON X.', 'PROCHASKA', 'y', 776199274, 0.35229412665798099, -0.55607015234707702, -0.75277807751753001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0760201', 'NGC6752-B2004', 287.76999999999998, -59.9664, '2002-06-04 23:19:57', 36988, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 14, 16.399999999999999, 'SDO', 0.040000000000000001, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-19 02:39:05', '2003-01-03 14:12:17', 3, 0, '2002-06-04 23:19:57', '2002-06-05 19:47:19', -37.2072, 281.05700000000002, -25.650700000000001, 336.51900000000001, 38.727899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 772808871, 0.152753336777951, -0.47662821334785999, -0.86573203957346401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1610201', 'QS-TEL', 294.649, -46.215699999999998, '2002-06-06 04:53:08', 21138, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2005-02-19 03:01:50', '2003-01-03 16:10:42', 0, 0, '2002-06-06 04:53:08', '2002-06-06 14:13:27', -24.343900000000001, 288.46600000000001, -27.065799999999999, 352.45499999999998, 19.227599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL', 'BARRETT', 'y', 778177155, 0.28858151202450399, -0.62889515094141701, -0.72194985978253601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2230105', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2002-06-06 18:54:28', 4252, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.93, 'WN3+', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-19 03:07:14', '2003-01-04 01:12:23', 1, 0, '2002-06-06 18:54:28', '2002-06-06 21:13:38', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 322.209, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0830201', 'E0102-NE', 16.017700000000001, -72.029200000000003, '2002-06-06 23:51:41', 15513, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-02-19 02:39:35', '2003-01-03 14:32:13', 1, 0, '2002-06-06 23:51:41', '2002-06-07 05:59:54', -65.037599999999998, 314.64400000000001, -45.064999999999998, 301.55500000000001, 321.50299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'TERRANCEJ.', 'GAETZ', 'y', 546047572, 0.296553959014768, 0.085134633223849093, -0.95121387900855803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9033501', 'WD2020-425', 305.99700000000001, -42.407499999999999, '2002-06-07 09:16:57', 9190, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.869999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-03-02 20:00:14', '2002-07-03 10:35:50', 0, 0, '2002-06-07 09:16:57', '2002-06-07 13:29:06', -22.403400000000001, 297.99599999999998, -34.453099999999999, 358.36099999999999, 6.1567100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 777580188, 0.43396999569227801, -0.597374229795126, -0.67439904538449902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1130101', 'V603-AQL', 282.22800000000001, 0.58413899999999996, '2002-06-07 16:27:19', 16777, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 11.9, '', 0.070000000000000007, 55, 'PE', '2005-02-19 03:32:07', '2003-01-04 01:41:13', 0, 0, '2002-06-07 16:27:19', '2002-06-08 02:43:43', 23.4588, 283.34800000000001, 0.82888700000000004, 33.165199999999999, 313.86900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'FERLET', 'y', 496691554, 0.21179141932753001, -0.97726171379041205, 0.0101949722244624); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2040301', 'WD1847+019', 281.91199999999998, 1.96028, '2002-06-08 03:30:57', 9475, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.960000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-19 05:27:10', '2003-01-04 00:39:56', 1, 0, '2002-06-08 03:30:57', '2002-06-08 07:43:15', 24.858000000000001, 283.14100000000002, 1.73682, 34.246699999999997, 311.51400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 498172534, 0.20628832472791001, -0.97789315934258902, 0.034206665898945998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030104', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2002-06-09 19:54:52', 3381, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 7, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-02-22 05:48:25', '2003-01-03 23:27:49', 0, 0, '2002-06-09 19:54:52', '2002-06-09 22:28:22', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 352.20299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1600201', 'AV374', 16.257000000000001, -72.448099999999997, '2002-06-10 01:05:58', 8753, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.109999999999999, 'B2IB', 0, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-15 20:08:54', '2003-01-03 15:28:56', 0, 0, '2002-06-10 01:05:58', '2002-06-10 04:43:46', -65.278099999999995, 313.80900000000003, -44.6419, 301.49400000000003, 324.11900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 545694947, 0.28951151689204901, 0.084423288672471897, -0.95344417241734203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1290401', 'JL87', 327.15699999999998, -76.345699999999994, '2002-06-10 07:16:12', 12553, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12, 'HE-S', 0.12, 28, 'PC', '2006-03-21 01:44:55', '2003-01-30 14:38:31', 2, 0, '2002-06-10 07:16:12', '2002-06-10 12:08:20', -57.206099999999999, 291.48000000000002, -36.144100000000002, 315.00999999999999, 12.9788, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 739998829, 0.198330771954183, -0.12802622714227899, -0.97173771670125597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030314', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2002-06-10 14:23:40', 3774, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-21 02:29:24', '2003-01-03 23:38:42', 0, 0, '2002-06-10 14:23:40', '2002-06-10 16:27:29', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 352.71600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1600101', 'AV96', 12.845700000000001, -72.122299999999996, '2002-06-10 19:23:05', 8147, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.619999999999999, 'B1.5', 0.029999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-15 20:08:48', '2003-01-03 15:14:54', 0, 0, '2002-06-10 19:23:05', '2002-06-10 23:34:03', -64.2012, 313.44999999999999, -45.005699999999997, 302.94, 327.85399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 545877843, 0.29930307712677301, 0.068251087602986996, -0.95171395758570998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9043501', 'JL_25', 294.91300000000001, -76.021100000000004, '2002-06-11 03:03:41', 8890, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 13.279999999999999, 'SDOB', 0.050000000000000003, 16, 'PC', '2006-03-21 03:51:44', '2002-07-25 08:36:00', 0, 0, '2002-06-11 03:03:41', '2002-06-11 05:33:44', -53.432899999999997, 279.834, -29.1678, 318.63, 46.9039, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 741141560, 0.101757040164561, -0.21908660025219601, -0.97038475171803995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2160702', 'HD179406', 288.17000000000002, -7.9395199999999999, '2002-06-11 11:58:15', 1018, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 5.3600000000000003, 'B3V', 0.23999999999999999, 21, 'PC', '2006-03-21 02:48:23', '2003-01-04 00:47:48', 2, 0, '2002-06-11 11:58:15', '2002-06-11 12:15:29', 14.3352, 288.58800000000002, -8.3115500000000004, 28.229900000000001, 325.44200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 489492113, 0.30884832994725198, -0.94102786446801301, -0.13812772127116599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3010401', 'GLIESE876', 343.31999999999999, -14.2637, '2002-06-11 15:08:55', 8120, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.199999999999999, 'M4V', 0, 48, 'PC', '2006-03-21 03:08:52', '2003-01-15 20:10:48', 0, 0, '2002-06-11 15:08:55', '2002-06-11 19:16:27', -6.6265799999999997, 339.16899999999998, -59.629899999999999, 52.005000000000003, 336.25900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 303039562, 0.92839192511333102, -0.27817772375236499, -0.246385038897079); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0560101', 'SMC-SMP1', 5.9950000000000001, -73.634500000000003, '2002-06-11 23:45:22', 14081, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16, 'CSPN', 0.16, 70, 'PC', '2006-03-21 01:33:49', '2003-01-03 13:18:14', 0, 0, '2002-06-11 23:45:22', '2002-06-12 05:40:42', -63.127400000000002, 308.31299999999999, -43.351700000000001, 305.58800000000002, 336.32799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 545811932, 0.280222803471399, 0.029427879495291399, -0.95948380930740096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0560201', 'SMC-SMP3', 8.5912500000000005, -73.222499999999997, '2002-06-12 14:37:15', 10758, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 17.449999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2006-03-21 01:34:10', '2003-01-30 13:23:41', 0, 0, '2002-06-12 14:37:15', '2002-06-12 22:04:06', -63.582900000000002, 309.90600000000001, -43.8489, 304.64100000000002, 333.72500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 545858453, 0.28541688850649299, 0.043120662289375798, -0.95743292623504295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055607', 'WD2004-605-BKGD', 302.27300000000002, -60.428100000000001, '2002-06-13 00:46:04', 25283, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'DA', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-03-21 03:20:05', '2002-07-12 08:34:16', 2, 0, '2002-06-13 00:46:04', '2002-06-13 10:46:44', -39.1965, 289.87799999999999, -32.858699999999999, 336.58300000000003, 31.408100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 750102130, 0.26351449325332299, -0.41727393457700002, -0.869737072550132); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1760201', 'NGC7009-POS1', 316.04599999999999, -11.3629, '2002-06-13 13:56:18', 6776, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.800000000000001, 'PN', 0.059999999999999998, 71, 'EE', '2006-03-21 01:56:07', '2003-07-05 18:00:00', 0, 0, '2002-06-13 13:56:18', '2002-06-13 17:43:56', 5.1588099999999999, 315.12599999999998, -34.571599999999997, 37.764499999999998, 336.85700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 802024499, 0.70578653748123898, -0.68047591853505796, -0.197022556587091); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055608', 'WD2004-605-BKGD', 302.27300000000002, -60.428100000000001, '2002-06-13 20:51:13', 19574, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'DA', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-03-21 03:20:34', '2002-07-12 08:34:24', 2, 0, '2002-06-13 20:51:13', '2002-06-14 04:02:18', -39.1965, 289.87799999999999, -32.858699999999999, 336.58300000000003, 32.351199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 750102130, 0.26351449325332299, -0.41727393457700002, -0.869737072550132); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1410102', 'RR-TEL', 301.077, -55.725900000000003, '2002-06-14 04:26:07', 119, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 10.800000000000001, 'F5PE', 0.080000000000000002, 57, 'PE', '2006-03-31 01:33:52', '2003-01-03 14:49:12', 0, 0, '2002-06-14 04:26:07', '2002-06-14 04:29:03', -34.492800000000003, 290.65300000000002, -32.241300000000003, 342.16399999999999, 30.247499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER R', 'YOUNG', 'y', 750737390, 0.29069347280928798, -0.48232573286674801, -0.826352946555302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9020105', 'HD149730', 249.93600000000001, -56.994399999999999, '2002-06-14 07:44:16', 6440, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6.6500000000000004, 'B9IV', 0.02, 66, 'PC', '2006-02-22 07:02:55', '2002-07-15 15:49:57', 0, 0, '2002-06-14 07:44:16', '2002-06-14 10:02:24', -34.463799999999999, 256.89999999999998, -6.8285, 330.35300000000001, 107.678, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 690076283, -0.186877203711803, -0.51166188209210695, -0.83861733177106501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1760202', 'NGC7009-POS1', 316.04599999999999, -11.3629, '2002-06-14 14:30:11', 7994, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.800000000000001, 'PN', 0.059999999999999998, 71, 'EE', '2006-03-21 01:56:30', '2003-07-13 18:00:00', 0, 0, '2002-06-14 14:30:11', '2002-06-14 18:29:29', 5.1588099999999999, 315.12599999999998, -34.571599999999997, 37.764499999999998, 336.85399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 802024499, 0.70578653748123898, -0.68047591853505796, -0.197022556587091); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055609', 'WD2004-605-BKGD', 302.27300000000002, -60.428100000000001, '2002-06-14 21:12:18', 3927, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 1, 99, 'DA', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-03-21 03:20:41', '2002-07-12 08:34:29', 2, 0, '2002-06-14 21:12:18', '2002-06-14 22:19:00', -39.1965, 289.87799999999999, -32.858699999999999, 336.58300000000003, 33.513399999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 750102130, 0.26351449325332299, -0.41727393457700002, -0.869737072550132); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9044701', 'JL_119', 345.65199999999999, -71.216700000000003, '2002-06-15 00:48:21', 6846, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.48, 'SDOB', 0.01, 28, 'PC', '2006-03-21 04:56:51', '2002-07-10 14:54:43', 0, 0, '2002-06-15 00:48:21', '2002-06-15 03:24:50', -56.811999999999998, 304.74200000000002, -43.3581, 314.61599999999999, 355.971, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 743198856, 0.31194640709218802, -0.079792516827705495, -0.94674315068057202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9043503', 'JL_25', 294.91300000000001, -76.021100000000004, '2002-06-15 06:58:12', 5646, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.279999999999999, 'SDOB', 0.050000000000000003, 16, 'PC', '2006-03-21 04:56:26', '2002-07-10 14:54:26', 0, 0, '2002-06-15 06:58:12', '2002-06-15 09:16:20', -53.432899999999997, 279.834, -29.1678, 318.63, 51.583300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 741141560, 0.101757040164561, -0.21908660025219601, -0.97038475171803995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1760301', 'NGC7009-POS2', 316.04700000000003, -11.362500000000001, '2002-06-15 12:19:59', 12676, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.800000000000001, 'PN', 0.059999999999999998, 71, 'EE', '2006-03-21 01:57:00', '2003-07-05 18:00:00', 0, 0, '2002-06-15 12:19:59', '2002-06-15 19:38:57', 5.1587199999999998, 315.12700000000001, -34.572800000000001, 37.765700000000002, 336.70999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 802024499, 0.70579940412055397, -0.68046455479053702, -0.19701571210638599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9043502', 'JL_25', 294.91300000000001, -76.021100000000004, '2002-06-15 22:48:04', 23790, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 13.279999999999999, 'SDOB', 0.050000000000000003, 16, 'PC', '2006-03-21 04:45:34', '2002-07-10 14:54:21', 0, 0, '2002-06-15 22:48:04', '2002-06-16 07:56:08', -53.432899999999997, 279.834, -29.1678, 318.63, 52.3568, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 741141560, 0.101757040164561, -0.21908660025219601, -0.97038475171803995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1760302', 'NGC7009-POS2', 316.04700000000003, -11.362500000000001, '2002-06-16 11:37:56', 12090, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.800000000000001, 'PN', 0.059999999999999998, 71, 'EE', '2006-03-21 02:06:02', '2003-07-03 18:00:00', 0, 0, '2002-06-16 11:37:56', '2002-06-16 18:56:43', 5.1587199999999998, 315.12700000000001, -34.572800000000001, 37.765700000000002, 336.58100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 802024499, 0.70579940412055397, -0.68046455479053702, -0.19701571210638599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3040102', 'HEN3-1357', 259.08800000000002, -59.489899999999999, '2002-06-16 22:12:47', 15272, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.800000000000001, 'PN', 0.17999999999999999, 71, 'PC', '2006-03-21 03:09:20', '2003-01-02 01:15:52', 0, 0, '2002-06-16 22:12:47', '2002-06-17 02:38:21', -36.309600000000003, 263.14999999999998, -12.1639, 331.31200000000001, 96.762299999999996, 'F', 'F', 'CECILE', 'GRY', 'y', 688686080, -0.096106321081192103, -0.49851073852239602, -0.86153967907815698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056301', 'WD1634-573-BKGD', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-06-17 03:55:47', 40767, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2006-03-21 03:40:43', '2002-08-20 16:32:44', 3, 0, '2002-06-17 03:55:47', '2002-06-17 20:06:32', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 112.628, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056302', 'WD1634-573-BKGD', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-06-17 22:36:35', 11593, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2006-03-21 03:41:01', '2002-08-20 16:32:49', 3, 0, '2002-06-17 22:36:35', '2002-06-18 01:57:12', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 113.932, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S1010206', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-06-18 02:16:27', 9115, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 12, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-03-18 10:29:32', '2003-01-15 21:39:08', 2, 0, '2002-06-18 02:16:27', '2002-06-18 08:47:17', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 114.163, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031115', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-06-18 10:02:33', 5487, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-03-21 02:48:14', '2003-01-04 00:01:09', 0, 0, '2002-06-18 10:02:33', '2002-06-18 13:37:00', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 114.611, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031116', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-06-18 14:42:55', 5313, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 11, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-03-18 07:01:57', '2003-02-16 14:36:33', 1, 0, '2002-06-18 14:42:55', '2002-06-18 18:50:46', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 114.926, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056303', 'WD1634-573-BKGD', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-06-18 19:52:30', 11561, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2006-03-21 03:41:21', '2002-07-10 14:53:48', 3, 0, '2002-06-18 19:52:30', '2002-06-18 23:13:50', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 115.28100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031114', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-06-19 14:12:20', 7467, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-03-18 06:52:14', '2003-01-25 00:28:12', 1, 0, '2002-06-19 14:12:20', '2002-06-19 16:49:11', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 116.455, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0750203', 'SN1006NE', 226.02099999999999, -41.8446, '2002-06-19 19:14:41', 14500, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'SNR', 0.11, 75, 'EE', '2006-03-18 05:27:28', '2003-01-03 12:59:39', 1, 0, '2002-06-19 19:14:41', '2002-06-20 02:32:47', -23.504799999999999, 235.66, 14.526899999999999, 327.82799999999997, 163.06299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 699046212, -0.51729412568379596, -0.53606680620641201, -0.66711255933065305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1040201', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-06-20 08:31:48', 15308, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-03-18 09:58:25', '2003-02-13 22:56:12', 0, 0, '2002-06-20 08:31:48', '2002-06-22 13:45:28', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 117.51900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1680101', 'HD148937', 248.46799999999999, -48.1113, '2002-06-22 05:27:01', 10020, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 19, 6.7699999999999996, 'O7V', 0.65000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-03-18 06:20:09', '2003-01-15 16:39:10', 0, -53.899999999999999, '2002-06-22 05:27:01', '2002-06-22 12:48:59', -25.846, 254.19900000000001, -0.21779499999999999, 336.36799999999999, 130.78999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK C.', 'BRUHWEILER', 'y', 691641121, -0.24505456577983001, -0.62108978215524502, -0.74444324316418498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9100301', 'RXSJ1548-4528', 237.06100000000001, -45.477800000000002, '2002-06-22 13:45:29', 26861, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14.6, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-03-18 10:41:28', '2002-07-03 10:36:14', 0, 0, '2002-06-22 13:45:29', '2002-06-23 06:50:19', -24.8386, 245.15700000000001, 7.0233499999999998, 332.44200000000001, 150.28999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 697103288, -0.38126673332939898, -0.58846994953050902, -0.71297881914955197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9101501', 'V834-CEN', 212.28100000000001, -45.2881, '2002-06-23 09:43:37', 25513, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 14.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-03-18 10:42:01', '2002-07-03 10:36:19', 0, 0, '2002-06-23 09:43:37', '2002-06-24 04:22:31', -30.168700000000001, 226.529, 15.454599999999999, 316.98000000000002, 173.828, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 709773230, -0.59480210179475002, -0.37574226656200899, -0.71065336755649799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9104301', 'EK-TRA', 228.506, -65.091899999999995, '2002-06-24 07:22:05', 33548, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 17, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2006-03-18 10:42:53', '2002-08-02 08:54:01', 0, 0, '2002-06-24 07:22:05', '2002-06-24 19:51:53', -44.963500000000003, 246.774, -6.2558600000000002, 317.22899999999998, 143.69399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 678142426, -0.27903870253173901, -0.31546243935805102, -0.906984482691778); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9104302', 'EK-TRA', 228.506, -65.091899999999995, '2002-06-24 20:39:39', 33747, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 17, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2006-03-18 10:51:18', '2002-08-02 08:54:04', 0, 0, '2002-06-24 20:39:39', '2002-06-25 14:08:28', -44.963500000000003, 246.774, -6.2558600000000002, 317.22899999999998, 144.40700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 678142426, -0.27903870253173901, -0.31546243935805102, -0.906984482691778); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1540101', 'ETA-CARINAE', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2002-06-25 16:38:24', 29726, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 6.2000000000000002, 'PEC', 0.5, 61, 'PC', '2006-03-18 05:58:06', '2003-01-05 20:50:11', 1, 0, '2002-06-25 16:38:24', '2002-06-26 01:09:23', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 208.56299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q2250101', 'NGC5102', 200.48599999999999, -36.631300000000003, '2002-06-26 05:56:23', 1463, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, '', 0.050000000000000003, 81, 'EC', '2006-03-18 10:08:26', '2003-09-27 14:05:50', 0, 4680, '2002-06-26 05:56:23', '2002-06-26 06:20:45', -25.830300000000001, 213.36500000000001, 25.837800000000001, 309.72899999999998, 188.35300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 717782325, -0.75174025408921397, -0.280854821028721, -0.59666335557566297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9015601', 'HD123335', 212.23400000000001, -59.276699999999998, '2002-06-26 09:18:33', 1729, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 6.3399999999999999, 'B5IV', 0.19, 21, 'PC', '2006-03-18 10:40:56', '2002-07-31 16:33:32', 0, 0, '2002-06-26 09:18:33', '2002-06-26 09:47:38', -42.867899999999999, 233.87, 2.1181199999999998, 312.69799999999998, 166.42699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 683095840, -0.43215215187045303, -0.27249900889781098, -0.85964458224515505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9015501', 'CPD-46D6542', 208.28399999999999, -46.7286, '2002-06-26 12:39:56', 362, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 11.4, 'SD:O', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-03-18 10:40:44', '2002-07-31 16:33:28', 0, 0, '2002-06-26 12:39:56', '2002-06-26 12:45:58', -32.604300000000002, 224.23099999999999, 14.8371, 313.80399999999997, 178.40600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 709600019, -0.60361831916307096, -0.32479757894934802, -0.72811500292150999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1640401', 'G278+08', 155.10499999999999, -47.483699999999999, '2002-06-26 16:53:24', 4162, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, '', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-03-18 06:08:43', '2003-07-05 18:00:00', 0, 0, '2002-06-26 16:53:24', '2002-06-26 17:50:22', -52.131700000000002, 183.006, 8.0151900000000005, 278.23399999999998, 214.934, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC J.', 'KORPELA', 'y', 624616181, -0.61300510704910705, 0.28448247836948098, -0.73708510921905901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9104501', 'BPM-6502', 161.04499999999999, -69.305999999999997, '2002-06-26 19:16:27', 31740, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.09, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2006-03-14 03:23:57', '2002-07-25 08:36:14', 1, 0, '2002-06-26 19:16:27', '2002-06-27 05:34:44', -64.681600000000003, 218.59999999999999, -9.1668699999999994, 292.05599999999998, 208.11099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 609069947, -0.334214662099589, 0.114785803269517, -0.93548104149973499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1640402', 'G278+08', 155.10499999999999, -47.483699999999999, '2002-06-27 08:33:22', 28575, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 25, 99, '', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-03-18 06:08:53', '2003-08-03 18:00:00', 0, 0, '2002-06-27 08:33:22', '2002-06-27 12:10:10', -52.131700000000002, 183.006, 8.0151900000000005, 278.23399999999998, 215.41200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC J.', 'KORPELA', 'y', 624616181, -0.61300510704910705, 0.28448247836948098, -0.73708510921905901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9103601', 'QU-CAR', 166.428, -68.632800000000003, '2002-06-28 01:13:46', 9337, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.1, 'CV', 0.10000000000000001, 43, 'PC', '2006-03-18 10:42:20', '2002-07-05 13:21:11', 0, 0, '2002-06-28 01:13:46', '2002-06-28 04:50:24', -62.676200000000001, 219.50399999999999, -7.7164700000000002, 293.51400000000001, 204.59999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 609753879, -0.35416971664966401, 0.085499483615619098, -0.93126454356952704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9900201', 'HD100546', 173.35599999999999, -70.194800000000001, '2002-06-28 07:10:10', 14146, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.7000000000000002, 'B9VN', 0.040000000000000001, 26, 'PC', '2006-03-14 03:24:05', '2002-07-25 08:36:29', 1, 0, '2002-06-28 07:10:10', '2002-06-28 11:52:20', -61.498600000000003, 225.14699999999999, -8.3234899999999996, 296.36900000000003, 198.154, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 609271802, -0.33654784336434601, 0.039201847551279499, -0.940850022200868); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9900101', 'HD104994', 181.328, -62.052799999999998, '2002-06-28 14:31:54', 3946, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.93, 'WN3P', 0.34000000000000002, 11, 'PC', '2006-03-18 10:51:26', '2002-07-25 08:36:20', 0, 0, '2002-06-28 14:31:54', '2002-06-28 15:56:39', -53.722799999999999, 217.64099999999999, 0.336783, 297.55700000000002, 193.874, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 705206333, -0.46853181733202898, -0.0108615626419194, -0.88337985182169598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052405', 'HD203374A-BKGD', 319.779, 61.858600000000003, '2002-06-29 00:43:15', 20235, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'B0IV', 0.59999999999999998, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-14 02:31:00', '2002-08-20 16:32:16', 2, 0, '2002-06-29 00:43:15', '2002-06-29 16:24:40', 68.461299999999994, 11.203200000000001, 8.6228099999999994, 100.514, 305.495, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 255278951, 0.360132146785547, -0.30456158772476799, 0.88178629845002798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9017701', 'HD212791', 336.42399999999998, 52.438499999999998, '2002-06-30 01:29:08', 2252, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.0199999999999996, 'B8', 0.070000000000000007, 22, 'PC', '2006-03-14 01:58:57', '2002-07-31 16:33:37', 2, 0, '2002-06-30 01:29:08', '2002-06-30 02:38:19', 55.515000000000001, 9.3120399999999997, -4.3034400000000002, 101.64400000000001, 318.47399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 232994479, 0.55872848975135503, -0.243823814724766, 0.79269945257533303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0460301', 'HD206267AB', 324.74000000000001, 57.489100000000001, '2002-06-30 04:48:49', 4869, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 5.6200000000000001, 'O6', 0.52000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2006-03-14 03:44:50', '2003-01-30 13:07:05', 3, 0, '2002-06-30 04:48:49', '2002-06-30 08:36:27', 63.7821, 6.6000399999999999, 3.7381899999999999, 99.291899999999998, 308.76600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LAUROESCH', 'y', 253598782, 0.43885806244842801, -0.31026908038565798, 0.84328921419679603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0510102', 'HD200775', 315.40300000000002, 68.163399999999996, '2002-06-30 11:59:59', 33898, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 11, 7.4199999999999999, 'B2VE', 0.45000000000000001, 74, 'PC', '2006-03-14 03:34:28', '2003-02-14 14:04:55', 2, 0, '2002-06-30 11:59:59', '2002-07-01 04:20:50', 72.849599999999995, 26.078399999999998, 14.192600000000001, 104.063, 301.43400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', 'y', 264291352, 0.264859500519394, -0.26115959117784698, 0.92824841121352697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1140201', 'BD+43D4035', 341.70699999999999, 44.3337, '2002-07-01 07:31:02', 37056, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 10.1, 'M3.5', 0, 48, 'PE', '2006-03-14 05:49:01', '2003-02-13 17:10:07', 0, 0, '2002-07-01 07:31:02', '2002-07-02 08:54:17', 46.926299999999998, 6.0512699999999997, -13.069599999999999, 100.607, 321.63099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 225177866, 0.679134216665364, -0.22451012478847901, 0.69883611785724398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0530201', 'SSCYG', 325.678, 43.585999999999999, '2002-07-02 10:05:24', 5152, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.4, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-03-14 05:28:13', '2003-01-15 15:56:02', 0, 0, '2002-07-02 10:05:24', '2002-07-02 14:26:53', 52.656199999999998, 350.46600000000001, -7.1104599999999998, 90.560199999999995, 308.66399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 229682506, 0.59821954842209701, -0.408414382994502, 0.68944257458390501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0960101', 'HS2115+1148', 319.57799999999997, 12.025399999999999, '2002-07-02 16:58:25', 9987, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.800000000000001, 'DAO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-14 05:38:31', '2003-02-14 18:04:13', 0, 0, '2002-07-02 16:58:25', '2002-07-02 21:02:30', 26.322199999999999, 326.17200000000003, -25.177800000000001, 62.902000000000001, 314.30099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID S.', 'FINLEY', 'y', 203318953, 0.74458315021424404, -0.634183072801494, 0.20834529653699199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3010501', 'HD217014', 344.36700000000002, 20.768799999999999, '2002-07-03 12:57:08', 5986, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 5.5, 'G2.5', 0, 44, 'PC', '2006-03-14 02:20:47', '2003-02-19 12:53:09', 0, 0, '2002-07-03 12:57:08', '2002-07-03 15:28:52', 25.186499999999999, 354.28399999999999, -34.7273, 90.063900000000004, 325.02499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 330061586, 0.90043024075123401, -0.25196376955119199, 0.35459785726119297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050901', 'LSIV+10_9', 310.76100000000002, 10.572900000000001, '2002-07-03 17:49:36', 6639, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 12, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-03-14 02:19:47', '2003-02-16 15:24:50', 0, 0, '2002-07-03 17:49:36', '2002-07-03 21:44:41', 27.679500000000001, 316.44900000000001, -19.009799999999998, 56.172800000000002, 313.09100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 203881617, 0.64182031842815201, -0.74458002496637998, 0.18348641713720801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056401', 'BD+43D4035-BKGD', 341.70699999999999, 44.3337, '2002-07-04 02:48:43', 11631, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'M3.5', 0, 48, 'EE', '2006-03-14 02:41:22', '2002-07-17 08:21:32', 3, 0, '2002-07-04 02:48:43', '2002-07-04 10:55:59', 46.926299999999998, 6.0512699999999997, -13.069599999999999, 100.607, 319.62200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 225177866, 0.679134216665364, -0.22451012478847901, 0.69883611785724398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0520101', 'KPD2055+3111', 314.36200000000002, 31.381399999999999, '2002-07-04 13:48:49', 2161, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.1, 'SDO', 0.10000000000000001, 16, 'PC', '2006-03-14 04:48:57', '2003-01-30 13:14:13', 0, 0, '2002-07-04 13:48:49', '2002-07-04 14:30:47', 46.099899999999998, 329.411, -9.1822999999999997, 75.427499999999995, 305.339, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217094801, 0.59691183708603801, -0.61035555738035197, 0.52073251513756202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1100101', 'RU-PEG', 333.50999999999999, 12.703099999999999, '2002-07-04 17:10:03', 3056, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.6, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-03-14 05:29:14', '2003-01-30 13:29:14', 0, 0, '2002-07-04 17:10:03', '2002-07-04 18:02:14', 22.013999999999999, 340.351, -34.827599999999997, 74.039199999999994, 321.68099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'SION', 'y', 317578066, 0.87310469465076701, -0.43512369315171301, 0.219898985529278); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050902', 'LSIV+10_9', 310.76100000000002, 10.572900000000001, '2002-07-04 18:53:12', 5992, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 12, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-03-14 02:20:29', '2003-02-16 16:14:20', 0, 0, '2002-07-04 18:53:12', '2002-07-04 22:49:38', 27.679500000000001, 316.44900000000001, -19.009799999999998, 56.172800000000002, 312.041, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 203881617, 0.64182031842815201, -0.74458002496637998, 0.18348641713720801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9061001', 'BD+41D3731', 306.065, 42.300400000000003, '2002-07-05 01:20:09', 295, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.8399999999999999, 'B3NE', 0.25, 26, 'PC', '2006-03-14 02:52:02', '2002-07-15 15:50:05', 0, 0, '2002-07-05 01:20:09', '2002-07-05 01:25:04', 58.793199999999999, 327.18000000000001, 2.72288, 80.046400000000006, 289.49000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 240853153, 0.43542003773384802, -0.59787674069230101, 0.67301767709251503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1520101', 'ZAND', 353.41699999999997, 48.818399999999997, '2002-07-05 02:07:55', 3733, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.1999999999999993, 'WD+M', 0.23999999999999999, 57, 'PC', '2006-03-14 01:59:05', '2003-01-30 14:47:01', 2, -1.8, '2002-07-05 02:07:55', '2002-07-05 04:18:32', 46.099800000000002, 19.382200000000001, -12.087899999999999, 109.98099999999999, 327.26600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES D.', 'KEYES', 'y', 226066253, 0.65410653326676604, -0.075486039338272207, 0.75262640201015596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056501', 'HD182308-BKGD', 289.94200000000001, 64.390799999999999, '2002-07-06 04:45:34', 9011, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'B9MN', 0, 22, 'EE', '2006-03-14 02:41:30', '2002-07-17 08:21:48', 1, 0, '2002-07-06 04:45:34', '2002-07-06 08:19:28', 81.483599999999996, 354.54399999999998, 21.331, 95.515500000000003, 271.928, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 262413673, 0.14742032323572701, -0.40631329942824201, 0.90176313464501801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056502', 'HD182308-BKGD', 289.94200000000001, 64.390799999999999, '2002-07-07 07:36:21', 6177, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'B9MN', 0, 22, 'EE', '2006-03-14 02:41:59', '2002-08-19 10:06:35', 1, 0, '2002-07-07 07:36:21', '2002-07-07 09:46:44', 81.483599999999996, 354.54399999999998, 21.331, 95.515500000000003, 271.11399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 262413673, 0.14742032323572701, -0.40631329942824201, 0.90176313464501801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0410301', 'MV-LYR', 286.81799999999998, 44.018999999999998, '2002-07-07 11:56:39', 11213, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2006-03-14 04:16:21', '2003-01-24 18:08:56', 1, 0, '2002-07-07 11:56:39', '2002-07-07 17:22:39', 65.694999999999993, 300.36500000000001, 15.8239, 74.718500000000006, 267.90199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PAULA', 'SZKODY', 'y', 245178732, 0.20806174551137499, -0.68835212213230601, 0.69489687437109005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9061201', 'BD+46D3471', 328.142, 47.2288, '2002-07-07 22:03:32', 10389, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 10.16, 'B9.5', 0.41999999999999998, 26, 'PC', '2006-03-14 02:52:22', '2003-04-10 07:54:21', 0, 0, '2002-07-07 22:03:32', '2002-07-08 05:23:59', 54.6935, 356.34399999999999, -5.4357100000000003, 94.250299999999996, 305.839, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 229889153, 0.57677614051912496, -0.358425188507422, 0.73407129624531797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056601', 'HD192035-BKGD', 302.70600000000002, 47.813299999999998, '2002-07-08 07:31:02', 8646, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-03-10 03:24:41', '2002-07-17 08:21:54', 2, 0, '2002-07-08 07:31:02', '2002-07-08 11:55:51', 64.768500000000003, 328.346, 7.7557900000000002, 83.328400000000002, 282.52800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 242649838, 0.36285681258112301, -0.56507740002382101, 0.74096050201463903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1710201', 'HD192641', 303.63200000000001, 36.661000000000001, '2002-07-08 21:31:31', 4500, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.1500000000000004, 'WC7', 0.47999999999999998, 10, 'PC', '2006-03-10 02:20:56', '2003-01-15 16:54:21', 0, 0, '2002-07-08 21:31:31', '2002-07-09 01:52:56', 54.438099999999999, 319.81299999999999, 1.0916699999999999, 74.328199999999995, 284.209, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', 'y', 239874796, 0.44429397624245498, -0.66790659773225403, 0.59707925720158395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1110301', 'HD164058', 269.15199999999999, 51.488900000000001, '2002-07-09 08:32:49', 15780, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 2.23, 'K5II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2006-03-10 01:50:33', '2003-01-30 13:49:01', 0, -27.600000000000001, '2002-07-09 08:32:49', '2002-07-09 17:35:00', 74.922499999999999, 267.96899999999999, 29.217300000000002, 79.056700000000006, 249.02199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA K.', 'DUPREE', 'y', 159217697, -0.0092153680362955393, -0.62259804406865604, 0.78248754144320998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1710401', 'HD192303', 303.19900000000001, 38.227699999999999, '2002-07-09 22:41:41', 3648, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.9399999999999995, 'B1II', 0.52000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2006-03-10 02:21:12', '2003-01-15 17:06:43', 0, 0, '2002-07-09 22:41:41', '2002-07-10 02:08:54', 56.0167, 320.31200000000001, 2.24356, 75.444800000000001, 282.471, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', 'y', 240010442, 0.43013110394320098, -0.65733426391050698, 0.61878825046201003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1640102', '32CYG', 303.86799999999999, 47.714199999999998, '2002-07-10 04:29:20', 4027, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 3.98, 'B5V', 0.059999999999999998, 21, 'PC', '2006-03-10 02:32:00', '2003-01-15 20:00:47', 0, 0, '2002-07-10 04:29:20', '2002-07-10 07:12:37', 64.286799999999999, 329.79300000000001, 7.0455500000000004, 83.670199999999994, 281.86500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIK', 'WILKINSON', 'y', 242627547, 0.37495522769815998, -0.55866599100678205, 0.73979786949830495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1020101', '16CYGA', 295.45400000000001, 50.525100000000002, '2002-07-10 09:26:03', 40224, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 5.96, 'G1.5', 0, 44, 'PE', '2006-03-10 01:49:54', '2003-01-30 14:05:23', 1, 0, '2002-07-10 09:26:03', '2002-07-11 07:30:20', 69.478999999999999, 321.209, 13.2148, 83.341200000000001, 273.37900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 248610829, 0.27323240759540501, -0.574029234014094, 0.77190316098381795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1110302', 'HD164058', 269.15199999999999, 51.488900000000001, '2002-07-11 10:27:04', 28089, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 2.23, 'K5II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2006-03-10 02:00:19', '2003-01-30 14:50:14', 0, -27.600000000000001, '2002-07-11 10:27:04', '2002-07-12 08:31:41', 74.922499999999999, 267.96899999999999, 29.217300000000002, 79.056700000000006, 246.90700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA K.', 'DUPREE', 'y', 159217697, -0.0092153680362955393, -0.62259804406865604, 0.78248754144320998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9032601', 'WD1650+406J', 252.584, 40.622799999999998, '2002-07-12 11:22:54', 10038, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.83, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-10 03:46:10', '2002-07-31 16:33:42', 1, 0, '2002-07-12 11:22:54', '2002-07-12 17:04:22', 62.304400000000001, 240.739, 39.601500000000001, 64.641400000000004, 229.80699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 157529685, -0.227177882259264, -0.72421671690210299, 0.65107630641249303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3050101', 'MRK499', 252.09999999999999, 48.709200000000003, '2002-07-12 18:20:09', 15396, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 25, 99, '', 0, 88, 'EC', '2006-03-10 03:24:32', '2003-02-19 13:56:14', 0, 0.025999999999999999, '2002-07-12 18:20:09', '2002-07-13 13:07:06', 69.909099999999995, 233.81200000000001, 40.014000000000003, 75.169799999999995, 230.41800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN-MICHEL', 'DEHARVENG', 'y', 164029066, -0.202818801147605, -0.62793909418701999, 0.75137010047820896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0500201', 'HD150100', 249.048, 52.900100000000002, '2002-07-13 14:00:36', 19664, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 36, 5.5099999999999998, 'B9.5', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-14 04:48:36', '2003-02-14 16:50:36', 1, 0, '2002-07-13 14:00:36', '2002-07-14 09:04:59', 72.910499999999999, 222.77600000000001, 41.484999999999999, 80.941800000000001, 227.36600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MATT', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 165980067, -0.215698058418898, -0.56332277132000397, 0.79758498162056002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1290102', 'PG1544+488', 236.54900000000001, 48.643500000000003, '2002-07-14 11:40:45', 8525, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.9, 'HE-S', 0.01, 28, 'PC', '2006-03-10 02:00:42', '2003-02-14 18:57:27', 2, 0, '2002-07-14 11:40:45', '2002-07-14 17:17:00', 65.225999999999999, 209.63800000000001, 50.128500000000003, 77.540000000000006, 216.28899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 163170203, -0.36421670445711302, -0.55129521708713503, 0.75061293341591695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9102401', 'EP-DRA', 286.77600000000001, 69.145099999999999, '2002-07-14 20:23:29', 15022, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 17.600000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-03-10 04:58:49', '2002-07-25 08:36:06', 0, 0, '2002-07-14 20:23:29', '2002-07-15 02:28:29', 83.195499999999996, 29.862500000000001, 23.857900000000001, 100.081, 260.90199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 263337880, 0.102753286254989, -0.34085123989139998, 0.93448498887263798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021607', 'HD153345', 254.07599999999999, 52.698399999999999, '2002-07-15 05:05:29', 4223, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.1100000000000003, 'A0V', 0.070000000000000007, 66, 'PC', '2006-03-10 03:46:03', '2002-08-16 08:49:33', 0, 0, '2002-07-15 05:05:29', '2002-07-15 08:06:01', 74.075599999999994, 232.69900000000001, 38.4925, 80.199299999999994, 230.20500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 164586402, -0.16626631306456499, -0.58275584701155503, 0.79545655815623295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9042901', 'PG1613+426', 243.696, 42.460000000000001, '2002-07-15 10:56:45', 10928, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.33, 'SDO', 0.029999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2006-03-10 04:28:16', '2002-08-01 12:28:23', 1, 0, '2002-07-15 10:56:45', '2002-07-15 18:18:53', 61.938499999999998, 225.976, 46.259900000000002, 67.107699999999994, 220.28700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 160880655, -0.32692141527166502, -0.66135897363299101, 0.67507532633913403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9043301', 'PG1738+505', 264.86900000000003, 50.490299999999998, '2002-07-16 06:56:30', 9638, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.26, 'SD', 0.040000000000000001, 28, 'PC', '2006-03-10 04:58:24', '2002-08-01 12:30:32', 0, 0, '2002-07-16 06:56:30', '2002-07-16 11:10:51', 73.721199999999996, 258.28800000000001, 31.781600000000001, 77.549300000000002, 238.49700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 159257946, -0.056898188986083197, -0.63365944350525405, 0.77151688623562598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9043401', 'PG1743+477', 266.11099999999999, 47.696100000000001, '2002-07-16 11:53:38', 6758, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.789999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2006-03-10 04:58:31', '2002-08-01 12:30:41', 0, 0, '2002-07-16 11:53:38', '2002-07-16 14:28:16', 71.026700000000005, 261.92899999999997, 30.654199999999999, 74.412000000000006, 243.97, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 158660798, -0.045649645457316201, -0.67151300761751498, 0.73958528275655999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9042701', 'PG1610+519', 243.00200000000001, 51.829000000000001, '2002-07-16 18:58:41', 8029, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 13.74, 'SDB', 0.050000000000000003, 28, 'PC', '2006-03-10 04:26:44', '2002-07-31 16:33:46', 0, 0, '2002-07-16 18:58:41', '2002-07-17 04:47:42', 70.1083, 214.45500000000001, 45.314799999999998, 80.508300000000006, 219.37200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 166203645, -0.28055170064963503, -0.55066123285066804, 0.78616979711636104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9042501', 'PG1538+401', 235.16300000000001, 39.930700000000002, '2002-07-17 07:55:19', 4611, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.27, 'SDB', 0.01, 28, 'PC', '2006-03-10 04:06:39', '2002-08-16 08:49:50', 1, 0, '2002-07-17 07:55:19', '2002-07-17 10:12:09', 57.061300000000003, 216.33000000000001, 52.884900000000002, 64.140000000000001, 212.096, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 160407705, -0.43804187918092102, -0.62939199523872003, 0.64186059889439395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9043101', 'PG1626+471', 246.94499999999999, 46.979900000000001, '2002-07-17 14:37:45', 17489, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 13.76, 'SDB', 0.029999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2006-03-10 04:58:16', '2002-08-01 12:30:24', 0, 0, '2002-07-17 14:37:45', '2002-07-18 07:57:21', 66.998500000000007, 226.86099999999999, 43.5944, 73.209699999999998, 221.53299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 164153004, -0.26718095317423002, -0.62776274703601798, 0.73111440397156902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9042801', 'PG1610+529', 242.839, 52.7684, '2002-07-18 08:49:40', 6697, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.779999999999999, 'SDB', 0.029999999999999999, 28, 'PC', '2006-03-10 04:27:26', '2002-08-16 08:49:55', 1, 0, '2002-07-18 08:49:40', '2002-07-18 11:23:23', 70.843800000000002, 212.68100000000001, 45.18, 81.836200000000005, 217.84100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 166237486, -0.27619540746161902, -0.53831912059201603, 0.79619634594875399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056701', 'HDE269687-BKGD', 82.856700000000004, -69.093999999999994, '2002-07-18 17:22:55', 27343, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SKY', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'EE', '2006-03-10 03:24:59', '2002-08-01 12:28:07', 0, 0, '2002-07-18 17:22:55', '2002-07-19 04:57:41', -86.304599999999994, 313.50900000000001, -32.316499999999998, 279.55700000000002, 299.98000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542312770, 0.0443730253737699, 0.354066154933454, -0.93416711168281796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0080101', 'SN1987A', 83.867199999999997, -69.2697, '2002-07-19 11:48:13', 25840, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 20, 'SNR', 0.16, 75, 'PE', '2006-03-10 03:35:07', '2003-02-15 16:10:17', 0, 280, '2002-07-19 11:48:13', '2002-07-19 22:55:17', -86.445700000000002, 307.58800000000002, -31.936800000000002, 279.70499999999998, 299.81099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'LUNDQVIST', 'y', 542223928, 0.037815721791100897, 0.35194370400602998, -0.93525697024718002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0080102', 'SN1987A', 83.867199999999997, -69.2697, '2002-07-20 00:00:09', 26545, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 20, 'SNR', 0.16, 75, 'PE', '2006-03-10 03:45:38', '2003-01-30 15:35:21', 0, 280, '2002-07-20 00:00:09', '2002-07-20 09:50:00', -86.445700000000002, 307.58800000000002, -31.936800000000002, 279.70499999999998, 300.29599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'LUNDQVIST', 'y', 542223928, 0.037815721791100897, 0.35194370400602998, -0.93525697024718002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0770201', 'HV2274', 75.670699999999997, -68.405900000000003, '2002-07-20 10:44:58', 22131, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.199999999999999, 'B1.5', 0.12, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:14:55', '2003-02-14 14:40:36', 0, 0, '2002-07-20 10:44:58', '2002-07-20 18:43:51', -84.226200000000006, 334.87900000000002, -35.004399999999997, 279.37700000000001, 313.13900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 542651241, 0.091085111997370502, 0.356579171498834, -0.92981438837309405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0080103', 'SN1987A', 83.867199999999997, -69.2697, '2002-07-21 05:01:32', 7309, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 20, 'SNR', 0.16, 75, 'PE', '2006-03-10 03:45:46', '2003-01-30 15:13:01', 0, 280, '2002-07-21 05:01:32', '2002-07-21 08:51:01', -86.445700000000002, 307.58800000000002, -31.936800000000002, 279.70499999999998, 301.15300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'LUNDQVIST', 'y', 542223928, 0.037815721791100897, 0.35194370400602998, -0.93525697024718002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9040101', 'JL_163', 2.6383299999999998, -50.256900000000002, '2002-07-21 14:06:05', 8061, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.890000000000001, 'SDB', 0.040000000000000001, 28, 'PC', '2006-03-10 04:06:18', '2002-08-16 08:49:45', 0, 0, '2002-07-21 14:06:05', '2002-07-21 17:47:59', -45.8217, 336.41300000000001, -65.587400000000002, 318.86599999999999, 6.2619600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 579007202, 0.63866869971408902, 0.029429929636443301, -0.76891883267813699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1580101', 'NGC346-637', 14.8109, -72.199700000000007, '2002-07-21 20:25:32', 21860, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.98, 'B0V', 0.14000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-16 22:18:55', '2003-02-14 20:33:24', 0, 0, '2002-07-21 20:25:32', '2002-07-22 04:33:44', -64.775400000000005, 313.90699999999998, -44.915599999999998, 302.09100000000001, 6.4138799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE J.', 'PETERS', 'y', 545873245, 0.29554332933281602, 0.078146068195375604, -0.95212779211221299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9034201', 'WD2321-549', 351.12799999999999, -54.693300000000001, '2002-07-22 05:10:45', 14375, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.199999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-10 03:55:49', '2002-08-16 08:49:40', 1, 0, '2002-07-22 05:10:45', '2002-07-22 12:00:49', -45.5017, 324.56099999999998, -58.203600000000002, 326.89600000000002, 19.6236, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 756627153, 0.57103805316994505, -0.089136289554369502, -0.816070011528642); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1600301', 'AV472', 18.2576, -72.763199999999998, '2002-07-22 12:44:07', 16844, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.65, 'B2IA', 0.02, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-15 20:19:32', '2003-02-15 13:32:54', 0, 0, '2002-07-22 12:44:07', '2002-07-22 18:58:35', -65.951800000000006, 313.67399999999998, -44.271099999999997, 300.702, 4.3222399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 545666726, 0.28140400204274202, 0.092834511041742104, -0.95508823738645698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1400501', 'SK-67-23', 74.404200000000003, -67.793899999999994, '2002-07-22 21:44:11', 17775, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.699999999999999, 'B0.5', 0.20000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-30 06:07:54', '2003-02-14 20:15:00', 0, 0, '2002-07-22 21:44:11', '2002-07-23 05:42:49', -83.843800000000002, 341.351, -35.621600000000001, 278.80599999999998, 311.52699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NICHOLE', 'KING', 'y', 542676973, 0.10160870012445, 0.36402449101269202, -0.92583035271153802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2230107', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2002-07-23 07:51:45', 3953, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 10.93, 'WN3+', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-19 03:17:35', '2003-02-16 19:54:58', 1, 0, '2002-07-23 07:51:45', '2002-07-23 08:57:38', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 7.9075899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0020301', 'AV476', 18.4267, -73.291600000000003, '2002-07-23 09:14:16', 21567, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.539999999999999, 'O4II', 0.28000000000000003, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-15 20:08:43', '2003-02-14 15:15:15', 1, 0, '2002-07-23 09:14:16', '2002-07-23 16:32:22', -66.190600000000003, 312.50599999999997, -43.740699999999997, 300.721, 5.06128, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'MASSEY', 'y', 545657275, 0.27276042701809899, 0.090876512123437503, -0.95778035529926298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0020401', 'SK-6722', 74.364999999999995, -67.650800000000004, '2002-07-23 19:24:39', 4913, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.44, 'O3IF', 0.16, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-26 00:54:40', '2003-02-14 15:52:42', 1, 0, '2002-07-23 19:24:39', '2002-07-23 21:46:05', -83.837900000000005, 342.69099999999997, -35.674599999999998, 278.642, 312.43000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'MASSEY', 'y', 542689393, 0.10248060202225399, 0.36618051309215199, -0.92488353755525599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0770101', 'HV2241', 74.315600000000003, -66.565100000000001, '2002-07-23 22:43:46', 10074, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.5, 'O7II', 0.20000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:06:31', '2003-02-14 14:16:21', 0, 0, '2002-07-23 22:43:46', '2002-07-24 03:06:35', -83.778000000000006, 352.75599999999997, -35.979799999999997, 277.35599999999999, 312.63, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 542745657, 0.107515399869265, 0.38289837947712302, -0.91751254475606203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0560301', 'SMC-SMP22', 14.655099999999999, -71.596900000000005, '2002-07-25 08:59:36', 26372, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 17.170000000000002, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2006-03-14 05:38:23', '2003-02-14 17:52:04', 0, 0, '2002-07-25 08:59:36', '2002-07-25 18:30:48', -64.466200000000001, 315.12, -45.519799999999996, 302.125, 9.7913499999999996, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 546056940, 0.305429478690463, 0.079872152294556797, -0.948858931999224); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1600601', 'SK-66D01', 73.079099999999997, -66.731300000000005, '2002-07-25 21:22:16', 8932, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.609999999999999, 'B2IA', 0.10000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-30 07:53:47', '2003-02-15 14:27:03', 0, 0, '2002-07-25 21:22:16', '2002-07-26 01:36:32', -83.3108, 350.77600000000001, -36.406999999999996, 277.71800000000002, 315.85599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 542702486, 0.11497794299769599, 0.37794126962303098, -0.91866232606967702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2230108', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2002-07-26 05:07:23', 8035, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.93, 'WN3+', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-19 03:38:16', '2003-02-16 21:04:02', 1, 0, '2002-07-26 05:07:23', '2002-07-26 07:21:45', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 10.923400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1530101', 'SKY-032010-622629', 50.040799999999997, -62.441400000000002, '2002-07-26 10:30:27', 53007, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 22, 99, 'OTR', 0.070000000000000007, 64, 'EE', '2006-03-14 01:49:25', '2003-06-18 18:00:00', 0, 0, '2002-07-26 10:30:27', '2002-07-27 12:40:55', -72.639300000000006, 354.75400000000002, -47.079900000000002, 278.69200000000001, 336.38999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN L.', 'SHELTON', 'y', 549729417, 0.297136818021216, 0.35462641040529702, -0.88653810996441695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2230101', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2002-07-27 16:14:04', 6930, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.93, 'WN3+', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-19 01:55:42', '2003-02-16 16:36:20', 1, 0, '2002-07-27 16:14:04', '2002-07-27 18:44:53', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 12.460100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1280601', 'HD268809', 74.043800000000005, -69.2607, '2002-07-27 21:36:43', 5710, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.94, 'B1IA', 0.11, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-26 00:23:25', '2003-02-14 14:53:12', 0, 0, '2002-07-27 21:36:43', '2002-07-28 00:07:01', -83.444999999999993, 328.512, -35.333799999999997, 280.57999999999998, 316.733, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 541966672, 0.097347459215615897, 0.34047304367096898, -0.93520135731172405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1400101', 'HD-269006', 75.531999999999996, -71.337100000000007, '2002-07-28 02:34:32', 8012, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11, 'LBV(', 0.13, 64, 'PC', '2006-03-14 05:59:38', '2003-02-14 19:40:47', 0, 0, '2002-07-28 02:34:32', '2002-07-28 05:21:26', -82.973799999999997, 310.81200000000001, -34.246000000000002, 282.81799999999998, 315.79599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NICHOLE', 'KING', 'y', 541869263, 0.079948456997821299, 0.30985154650663699, -0.94741768156980899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1600401', 'AV187', 14.382, -71.332999999999998, '2002-07-28 07:29:08', 24600, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.09, 'B3IA', 0.01, 24, 'PC', '2007-05-15 20:29:50', '2003-02-15 14:00:28', 0, 0, '2002-07-28 07:29:08', '2002-07-28 16:17:25', -64.268699999999995, 315.57100000000003, -45.786700000000003, 302.23500000000001, 13.2248, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 546081000, 0.31003686906696099, 0.079500124452994897, -0.94739478045380499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0530401', 'VWHYI', 62.296999999999997, -71.295000000000002, '2002-07-28 19:16:01', 18560, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 13.4, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-03-07 04:17:25', '2003-02-14 17:25:04', 0, 0, '2002-07-28 19:16:01', '2002-07-29 04:38:01', -79.101900000000001, 322.05099999999999, -38.133499999999998, 284.88999999999999, 327.61700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 541784481, 0.149087688519632, 0.283934077656609, -0.94718229537780296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2230102', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2002-07-29 06:43:35', 6895, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.93, 'WN3+', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-19 02:16:01', '2003-02-16 18:20:10', 1, 0, '2002-07-29 06:43:35', '2002-07-29 08:39:12', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 14.145799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1151010', 'NGC1360', 53.311399999999999, -25.869299999999999, '2002-07-29 17:06:28', 672, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 2, 11.300000000000001, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-06-15 05:54:22', '2003-02-16 14:47:03', 0, 0, '2002-07-29 17:06:28', '2002-07-29 17:17:48', -43.418999999999997, 42.257100000000001, -53.933, 220.36099999999999, 334.43200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 591959896, 0.53759459210846905, 0.72153804428443202, -0.43631972816493803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2230103', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2002-07-30 00:51:12', 7864, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.93, 'WN3+', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-19 02:26:18', '2003-09-03 16:43:09', 1, 0, '2002-07-30 00:51:12', '2002-07-30 03:02:57', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 14.914400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1044203', 'WD2331-475', 353.50999999999999, -47.241, '2002-07-30 04:01:03', 32113, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 72, 13.19, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-03-07 06:23:25', '2003-02-19 17:34:04', 2, 0, '2002-07-30 04:01:03', '2002-07-31 07:39:57', -40.023600000000002, 331.74900000000002, -64.807699999999997, 334.83600000000001, 19.948599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 759972026, 0.67456531723310498, -0.076737749929203403, -0.73421587460501203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9070301', 'RXJ2241.8-4405', 340.48099999999999, -44.082000000000001, '2002-07-31 09:50:32', 20115, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.4, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-03-07 07:24:48', '2002-08-16 08:50:08', 2, 0, '2002-07-31 09:50:32', '2002-07-31 19:11:11', -32.875, 323.72300000000001, -58.997500000000002, 351.25099999999998, 33.881500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 759029004, 0.67706214392352004, -0.24001298700424101, -0.69568715622396504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9091001', 'ESO290-01', 340.47000000000003, -46.093299999999999, '2002-07-31 19:56:09', 18153, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.1, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2006-03-07 07:46:02', '2002-08-16 08:50:28', 0, 0, '2002-07-31 19:56:09', '2002-08-01 03:32:11', -34.666499999999999, 322.62299999999999, -58.1783, 347.726, 36.382800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 758937508, 0.65358745731404599, -0.231832660532023, -0.72047002238289104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030313', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2002-08-01 04:07:07', 3796, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-07 04:59:49', '2003-02-16 14:02:24', 0, 0, '2002-08-01 04:07:07', '2002-08-01 05:11:11', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 49.575099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1580201', 'AV304', 15.5893, -72.6541, '2002-08-01 07:27:21', 18219, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14.98, 'B0.5', 0.080000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-16 22:29:58', '2003-02-14 21:03:21', 0, 0, '2002-08-01 07:27:21', '2002-08-01 16:49:21', -65.179400000000001, 313.16500000000002, -44.449800000000003, 301.79399999999998, 16.8172, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE J.', 'PETERS', 'y', 545693816, 0.28717191191903801, 0.0801220313710541, -0.95452226432584597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1600501', 'AV362', 16.204899999999999, -72.106099999999998, '2002-08-02 00:27:18', 9115, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.359999999999999, 'B3IA', 0.11, 24, 'PC', '2007-05-15 20:30:06', '2003-02-15 14:14:23', 0, 0, '2002-08-02 00:27:18', '2002-08-02 03:28:03', -65.122299999999996, 314.536, -44.984099999999998, 301.48099999999999, 16.631799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 545697710, 0.29504799670391002, 0.085746730385789394, -0.95162712123454996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9122101', 'AV119', 13.0655, -73.179500000000004, '2002-08-02 03:52:22', 9042, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.99, 'B2II', 0, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-19 05:11:31', '2002-08-16 10:25:05', 0, 0, '2002-08-02 03:52:22', '2002-08-02 06:49:39', -64.722300000000004, 311.31099999999998, -43.948399999999999, 302.851, 20.562999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 545514726, 0.28188305531930902, 0.065417342675605894, -0.95721602285017904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2230104', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2002-08-02 07:08:27', 6886, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.93, 'WN3+', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-19 02:56:57', '2003-02-16 19:08:21', 1, 0, '2002-08-02 07:08:27', '2002-08-02 10:51:00', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 18.460100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1180301', 'HD3175', 8.5932899999999997, -63.061700000000002, '2002-08-02 12:03:29', 4177, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 9.2799999999999994, 'B3V', 0.02, 21, 'PC', '2006-03-07 04:38:42', '2003-02-14 18:20:36', 0, 0, '2002-08-02 12:03:29', '2002-08-02 14:19:41', -57.656500000000001, 326.85500000000002, -53.9574, 306.21699999999998, 20.870899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 570541428, 0.44794496567747499, 0.067691648234057294, -0.89149489537717597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9073701', 'FAIRALL333', 279.98500000000001, -67.425600000000003, '2002-08-02 17:10:34', 22115, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 12.6, 'SEY', 0.080000000000000002, 84, 'PC', '2006-03-07 07:35:20', '2002-08-16 08:50:14', 2, 4419, '2002-08-02 17:10:34', '2002-08-03 11:49:24', -44.1706, 275.32499999999999, -23.822900000000001, 327.71199999999999, 126.938, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 748932400, 0.066561571188785196, -0.37806818660418701, -0.92338182975338101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0560401', 'SMC-SMP5', 10.340400000000001, -72.754999999999995, '2002-08-03 14:47:36', 34752, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 14.83, 'CSPN', 0.059999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2006-03-07 04:27:56', '2003-09-24 17:43:03', 0, 0, '2002-08-03 14:47:36', '2002-08-04 07:38:58', -63.818800000000003, 311.37700000000001, -44.352499999999999, 303.97800000000001, 24.578499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 545864046, 0.29164337075480201, 0.053213043433066501, -0.95504581895496898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9090201', 'IC4662', 266.77699999999999, -64.640299999999996, '2002-08-04 10:26:34', 31715, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 11.4, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2006-03-07 07:35:53', '2002-08-16 08:50:19', 1, 0, '2002-08-04 10:26:34', '2002-08-05 12:06:33', -41.221299999999999, 268.16500000000002, -17.844999999999999, 328.55000000000001, 144.53399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 687915965, -0.024079991566584399, -0.42762219846620297, -0.90363676849997898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0560402', 'SMC-SMP5', 10.340400000000001, -72.754999999999995, '2002-08-05 15:04:18', 26316, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.83, 'CSPN', 0.059999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2006-03-07 04:28:13', '2003-09-24 17:57:08', 0, 0, '2002-08-05 15:04:18', '2002-08-06 03:44:21', -63.818800000000003, 311.37700000000001, -44.352499999999999, 303.97800000000001, 26.724799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 545864046, 0.29164337075480201, 0.053213043433066501, -0.95504581895496898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9101601', 'V347-PAV', 281.20100000000002, -74.309299999999993, '2002-08-06 05:56:08', 22359, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-03-07 07:46:25', '2002-10-03 16:55:50', 0, 0, '2002-08-06 05:56:08', '2002-08-06 14:51:36', -51.056199999999997, 274.79399999999998, -25.596, 320.37599999999998, 126.33199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 746795961, 0.052534180568902397, -0.26529269820725798, -0.96273565642385295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0380402', 'HD137333', 235.81999999999999, -84.465299999999999, '2002-08-06 17:55:44', 4305, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 5.5700000000000003, 'A2V', 0, 30, 'PE', '2006-03-07 03:56:21', '2003-03-27 17:00:34', 0, 0, '2002-08-06 17:55:44', '2002-08-06 20:11:46', -61.819499999999998, 263.41199999999998, -23.018899999999999, 307.029, 167.20099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 671497025, -0.054184292819613698, -0.0797896623393992, -0.99533796883038805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9122301', 'AV266', 15.289099999999999, -72.457800000000006, '2002-08-06 22:52:54', 10002, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.630000000000001, 'B1II', 0.13, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-19 05:11:40', '2002-10-03 09:40:02', 0, 0, '2002-08-06 22:52:54', '2002-08-07 03:00:11', -65.016400000000004, 313.50099999999998, -44.650700000000001, 301.904, 22.992699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 545695968, 0.290740600059815, 0.079478180628884607, -0.95349521355944999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9101602', 'V347-PAV', 281.20100000000002, -74.309299999999993, '2002-08-07 06:38:33', 23216, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-03-07 07:46:43', '2002-10-04 08:46:06', 0, 0, '2002-08-07 06:38:33', '2002-08-07 15:54:21', -51.056199999999997, 274.79399999999998, -25.596, 320.37599999999998, 127.279, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 746795961, 0.052534180568902397, -0.26529269820725798, -0.96273565642385295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0020102', 'AV177', 14.1839, -72.058800000000005, '2002-08-07 18:37:35', 10411, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.6, 'O4V', 0.14999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 00:03:49', '2003-08-25 17:52:46', 1, 0, '2002-08-07 18:37:35', '2002-08-07 22:56:43', -64.540700000000001, 314.00700000000001, -45.063299999999998, 302.35599999999999, 24.794, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'MASSEY', 'y', 545879281, 0.29864994931558397, 0.075480767961765893, -0.95137314521784799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9122001', 'AV175', 14.1586, -72.609700000000004, '2002-08-07 23:35:26', 6878, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.65, 'B1II', 0, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-19 05:11:24', '2002-10-03 16:55:10', 0, 0, '2002-08-07 23:35:26', '2002-08-08 02:16:33', -64.7727, 312.83999999999997, -44.512799999999999, 302.38900000000001, 25.363099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 545520625, 0.28979998842170701, 0.073107903963493703, -0.95429094153137795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9020104', 'HD149730', 249.93600000000001, -56.994399999999999, '2002-08-08 05:54:27', 1608, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 6.6500000000000004, 'B9IV', 0.02, 66, 'PC', '2006-03-07 07:14:30', '2002-10-03 16:54:17', 0, 0, '2002-08-08 05:54:27', '2002-08-08 06:21:31', -34.463799999999999, 256.89999999999998, -6.8285, 330.35300000000001, 167.899, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 690076283, -0.186877203711803, -0.51166188209210695, -0.83861733177106501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031117', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-08-08 07:36:18', 6692, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-03-07 05:10:04', '2003-04-04 18:58:47', 1, 0, '2002-08-08 07:36:18', '2002-08-08 13:01:37', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 168.06200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031118', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-08-08 14:23:46', 5730, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-03-07 05:20:00', '2003-04-04 19:11:59', 0, 0, '2002-08-08 14:23:46', '2002-08-08 22:49:08', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 168.24799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031119', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2002-08-09 00:22:56', 6742, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 14, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-03-07 05:30:03', '2003-04-04 19:28:05', 1, 0, '2002-08-09 00:22:56', '2002-08-09 13:47:52', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 168.52600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056801', 'V3885-SGR-BKGD', 296.91899999999998, -42.007199999999997, '2002-08-09 16:58:34', 11035, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'CV', 0, 43, 'EE', '2006-03-07 07:14:15', '2002-10-07 08:55:54', 2, 0, '2002-08-09 16:58:34', '2002-08-09 22:40:01', -20.514900000000001, 291.05000000000001, -27.762, 357.47800000000001, 130.946, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 778658497, 0.336406195067249, -0.66254820699905104, -0.66922398740833999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056802', 'V3885-SGR-BKGD', 296.91899999999998, -42.007199999999997, '2002-08-10 01:14:08', 5941, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'CV', 0, 43, 'EE', '2006-03-07 07:14:23', '2002-10-07 08:55:59', 2, 0, '2002-08-10 01:14:08', '2002-08-10 04:57:52', -20.514900000000001, 291.05000000000001, -27.762, 357.47800000000001, 131.363, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 778658497, 0.336406195067249, -0.66254820699905104, -0.66922398740833999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9104601', 'V3885-SGR', 296.91899999999998, -42.007199999999997, '2002-08-10 06:12:22', 1714, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 9.5999999999999996, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2006-03-07 07:56:49', '2002-10-04 08:46:10', 0, 0, '2002-08-10 06:12:22', '2002-08-10 06:41:13', -20.514900000000001, 291.05000000000001, -27.762, 357.47800000000001, 131.17599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 778658497, 0.336406195067249, -0.66254820699905104, -0.66922398740833999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9043901', 'MCT2005-5112', 302.20400000000001, -51.069400000000002, '2002-08-10 09:30:48', 21456, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.800000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2006-03-07 07:24:41', '2002-10-03 16:54:57', 0, 0, '2002-08-10 09:30:48', '2002-08-10 20:26:10', -30.146599999999999, 292.78500000000003, -32.680999999999997, 347.71600000000001, 115.81699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 776057193, 0.33488517190024802, -0.53170630317092404, -0.77790766085034202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1190202', 'HD176386', 285.41199999999998, -36.890700000000002, '2002-08-10 22:54:56', 14429, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 7.2000000000000002, 'B9IV', 0.17999999999999999, 22, 'PC', '2006-03-07 06:23:42', '2003-09-26 19:46:45', 0, 0, '2002-08-10 22:54:56', '2002-08-11 11:07:53', -14.126099999999999, 282.66000000000003, -17.783100000000001, 359.97699999999998, 152.81899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 783614885, 0.21254851785984699, -0.771021753186932, -0.60029041610551503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9091401', 'ESO185-13', 296.25299999999999, -54.250300000000003, '2002-08-11 13:53:59', 13444, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2006-03-07 07:46:18', '2003-04-14 08:10:38', 0, 0, '2002-08-11 13:53:59', '2002-08-11 19:45:36', -32.4238, 287.82799999999997, -29.373999999999999, 343.642, 123.502, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 773259417, 0.25843257581071999, -0.52398025740951604, -0.81157704107798301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2190701', 'HD176386', 285.41199999999998, -36.890700000000002, '2002-08-11 22:10:51', 14684, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 7.2000000000000002, 'B9IV', 0.17999999999999999, 22, 'PC', '2006-03-07 06:24:10', '2003-09-26 20:08:07', 0, 0, '2002-08-11 22:10:51', '2002-08-12 10:23:18', -14.126099999999999, 282.66000000000003, -17.783100000000001, 359.97699999999998, 147.46100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 783614885, 0.21254851785984699, -0.771021753186932, -0.60029041610551503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056901', 'HD149730-BKGD', 249.93600000000001, -56.994399999999999, '2002-08-12 13:15:35', 8119, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'B9IV', 0.02, 66, 'EE', '2006-03-10 03:25:05', '2003-09-16 16:02:23', 1, 0, '2002-08-12 13:15:35', '2002-08-12 22:09:17', -34.463799999999999, 256.89999999999998, -6.8285, 330.35300000000001, 170.721, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 690076283, -0.186877203711803, -0.51166188209210695, -0.83861733177106501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0381101', 'HD159217', 263.91500000000002, -46.505600000000001, '2002-08-13 07:23:23', 4033, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 4.5899999999999999, 'A0V', 0, 30, 'PE', '2006-03-07 04:06:44', '2003-04-14 13:09:07', 0, 0, '2002-08-13 07:23:23', '2002-08-13 09:38:45', -23.162199999999999, 265.44799999999998, -7.5801600000000002, 343.98500000000001, 164.59700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 692562746, -0.072960651096641502, -0.684405699333137, -0.72544164624859697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9101603', 'V347-PAV', 281.20100000000002, -74.309299999999993, '2002-08-13 12:26:11', 6571, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-03-07 07:56:43', '2002-10-15 08:32:27', 0, 0, '2002-08-13 12:26:11', '2002-08-13 14:58:27', -51.056199999999997, 274.79399999999998, -25.596, 320.37599999999998, 133.24100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 746795961, 0.052534180568902397, -0.26529269820725798, -0.96273565642385295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1160201', 'CD-38-10980', 245.89099999999999, -39.229500000000002, '2002-08-13 19:10:32', 3669, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 8, 11, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-07 04:28:53', '2003-08-10 17:21:08', 0, 0, '2002-08-13 19:10:32', '2002-08-14 05:17:38', -17.396999999999998, 250.63499999999999, 7.2511200000000002, 341.53399999999999, 181.12100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 700594208, -0.316411588243383, -0.70704897863472005, -0.63242821619287204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9016001', 'HD152245', 253.50200000000001, -40.532800000000002, '2002-08-14 06:43:25', 1620, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 8.3800000000000008, 'B0IB', 0.35999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-02-22 07:01:57', '2002-10-15 08:31:45', 0, 0, '2002-08-14 06:43:25', '2002-08-14 07:10:41', -17.841000000000001, 256.89499999999998, 2.0223900000000001, 344.44999999999999, 175.96000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 694968417, -0.21583589568788, -0.72874318353308798, -0.64988324996623104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9020106', 'HD149730', 249.93600000000001, -56.994399999999999, '2002-08-14 10:03:06', 6387, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6.6500000000000004, 'B9IV', 0.02, 66, 'PC', '2006-02-22 07:12:30', '2002-10-17 09:06:42', 0, 0, '2002-08-14 10:03:06', '2002-08-14 12:25:10', -34.463799999999999, 256.89999999999998, -6.8285, 330.35300000000001, 171.892, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 690076283, -0.186877203711803, -0.51166188209210695, -0.83861733177106501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0690401', 'NGC5882', 229.208, -45.649099999999997, '2002-08-14 15:01:12', 3301, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.43, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-27 21:47:43', '2003-05-12 18:17:32', 0, 0, '2002-08-14 15:01:12', '2002-08-14 17:07:01', -26.457999999999998, 239.327, 10.0809, 327.81999999999999, 190.89599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 698494163, -0.45670031186693, -0.52924178055028703, -0.71507199837541602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1160202', 'CD-38-10980', 245.89099999999999, -39.229500000000002, '2002-08-14 20:09:52', 6448, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 11, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-05 05:40:37', '2003-04-03 14:39:08', 1, 0, '2002-08-14 20:09:52', '2002-08-15 06:21:38', -17.396999999999998, 250.63499999999999, 7.2511200000000002, 341.53399999999999, 181.46199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 700594208, -0.316411588243383, -0.70704897863472005, -0.63242821619287204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0690402', 'NGC5882', 229.208, -45.649099999999997, '2002-08-15 09:20:04', 14941, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.43, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-27 21:58:43', '2003-03-06 18:42:43', 0, 0, '2002-08-15 09:20:04', '2002-08-15 21:27:31', -26.457999999999998, 239.327, 10.0809, 327.81999999999999, 191.22399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 698494163, -0.45670031186693, -0.52924178055028703, -0.71507199837541602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1190709', 'HD143939', 241.185, -39.434699999999999, '2002-08-16 00:21:32', 4323, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7, 'B9P', 0.01, 25, 'PC', '2005-03-07 13:50:42', '2004-09-12 03:20:40', 0, 0, '2002-08-16 00:21:32', '2002-08-16 07:25:19', -18.2761, 246.91900000000001, 9.6367499999999993, 338.74700000000001, 184.44300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 698149551, -0.37225915518305502, -0.67671717191129299, -0.63519838682318697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0130207', 'WR79-HD152270', 253.58199999999999, -41.819899999999997, '2002-08-16 10:18:23', 2265, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.9500000000000002, 'WC7+', 0.46000000000000002, 10, 'PE', '2005-03-04 07:22:35', '2003-04-11 13:26:46', 0, 0, '2002-08-16 10:18:23', '2002-08-16 10:56:32', -19.111699999999999, 257.11900000000003, 1.1642999999999999, 343.48899999999998, 176.10300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 694593128, -0.21063799436546701, -0.71485728087665401, -0.66679134915453897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0690403', 'NGC5882', 229.208, -45.649099999999997, '2002-08-16 13:41:18', 10012, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.43, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-27 21:58:49', '2003-03-06 19:08:43', 0, 0, '2002-08-16 13:41:18', '2002-08-16 20:49:40', -26.457999999999998, 239.327, 10.0809, 327.81999999999999, 191.73500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 698494163, -0.45670031186693, -0.52924178055028703, -0.71507199837541602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021701', 'HD9234', 23.0229, 54.018999999999998, '2002-08-18 00:41:15', 11527, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 7.9500000000000002, 'B8', 0.17999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-12 07:14:47', '2002-09-09 16:14:08', 0, 0, '2002-08-18 00:41:15', '2002-08-18 09:26:14', 40.619700000000002, 44.572099999999999, -8.3775899999999996, 128.94800000000001, 321.88900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 47445485, 0.54072040026861801, 0.22977729058062499, 0.80921186685983104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1630201', 'MRK533', 351.98599999999999, 8.7787199999999999, '2002-08-18 12:39:02', 10393, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.359999999999999, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PE', '2005-03-04 07:53:59', '2003-03-06 19:33:21', 1, 0.028899999999999999, '2002-08-18 12:39:02', '2002-08-18 18:05:54', 11.2348, 356.15899999999999, -48.785400000000003, 90.627700000000004, 315.28800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PRAJVAL', 'SHASTRI', 'y', 321442056, 0.97863357293513897, -0.137781836016692, 0.15261879172655399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021301', 'HD1486', 4.8280799999999999, 59.139000000000003, '2002-08-18 21:18:10', 3612, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.2800000000000002, 'B9V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-07 13:51:51', '2002-09-18 11:32:13', 0, 0, '2002-08-18 21:18:10', '2002-08-18 23:03:40', 50.390300000000003, 36.7059, -3.4758900000000001, 118.816, 304.238, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 49854470, 0.51113695672708603, 0.043173648574420603, 0.85841426335805104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0220101', 'HD6833', 17.4678, 54.738900000000001, '2002-08-18 23:51:24', 19736, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 13, 6.7699999999999996, 'K2II', 0.059999999999999998, 47, 'PE', '2005-03-05 03:24:51', '2003-03-18 15:06:33', 2, 0, '2002-08-18 23:51:24', '2002-08-19 14:01:37', 42.860799999999998, 41.3001, -8.0370299999999997, 125.61799999999999, 316.327, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM M.', 'HARPER', 'y', 47872347, 0.55068150197686105, 0.173289023546709, 0.81652972860682604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0580201', 'M33-UIT236', 23.473299999999998, 30.6477, '2002-08-19 16:50:16', 8645, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 18.100000000000001, 'O', 0, 13, 'PC', '2005-03-04 07:43:47', '2003-03-06 17:44:28', 1, 0, '2002-08-19 16:50:16', '2002-08-19 20:53:54', 19.352599999999999, 33.240099999999998, -31.3413, 133.625, 326.99200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 35318041, 0.78912301164901399, 0.34268328138009801, 0.50975782598068997); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0220102', 'HD6833', 17.4678, 54.738900000000001, '2002-08-19 23:48:33', 14094, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 12, 6.7699999999999996, 'K2II', 0.059999999999999998, 47, 'PE', '2005-03-05 03:45:03', '2003-03-18 15:36:01', 2, 0, '2002-08-19 23:48:33', '2002-08-20 09:44:04', 42.860799999999998, 41.3001, -8.0370299999999997, 125.61799999999999, 315.69299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM M.', 'HARPER', 'y', 47872347, 0.55068150197686105, 0.173289023546709, 0.81652972860682604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1630202', 'MRK533', 351.98599999999999, 8.7787199999999999, '2002-08-20 12:53:20', 10819, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.359999999999999, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PE', '2005-03-04 07:44:20', '2003-03-06 19:52:06', 1, 0.028899999999999999, '2002-08-20 12:53:20', '2002-08-20 18:21:41', 11.2348, 356.15899999999999, -48.785400000000003, 90.627700000000004, 313.88799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PRAJVAL', 'SHASTRI', 'y', 321442056, 0.97863357293513897, -0.137781836016692, 0.15261879172655399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1060401', 'HD3712', 10.126799999999999, 56.537300000000002, '2002-08-20 21:35:08', 19118, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 2.25, 'K0II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-03-05 03:55:36', '2003-03-18 18:00:02', 0, 0, '2002-08-20 21:35:08', '2002-08-21 12:32:06', 46.622100000000003, 37.783799999999999, -6.3024899999999997, 121.41800000000001, 308.74299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', 'y', 48725858, 0.54280385975088097, 0.0969500671003444, 0.83424496062534603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0580101', 'M33-UIT0336', 23.363299999999999, 30.6525, '2002-08-21 15:25:39', 9439, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 18, 'O', 0.050000000000000003, 13, 'PC', '2005-03-04 07:53:54', '2003-04-03 14:08:08', 0, 0, '2002-08-21 15:25:39', '2002-08-21 19:31:20', 19.393599999999999, 33.1496, -31.354700000000001, 133.51599999999999, 326.23899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 35317991, 0.78974025493366395, 0.34115070690712701, 0.50982989801901502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1060402', 'HD3712', 10.126799999999999, 56.537300000000002, '2002-08-21 22:22:02', 8505, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 2.25, 'K0II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-03-05 04:47:32', '2003-03-18 18:15:08', 0, 0, '2002-08-21 22:22:02', '2002-08-22 04:42:27', 46.622100000000003, 37.783799999999999, -6.3024899999999997, 121.41800000000001, 307.95600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', 'y', 48725858, 0.54280385975088097, 0.0969500671003444, 0.83424496062534603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9022101', 'HD216014', 341.971, 65.062200000000004, '2002-08-22 07:45:18', 2247, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.8799999999999999, 'B0.5', 0.5, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-07 13:52:40', '2002-09-18 16:33:58', 0, 0, '2002-08-22 07:45:18', '2002-08-22 10:01:10', 62.110300000000002, 31.0063, 5.2465200000000003, 110.379, 278.404, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 257452909, 0.40093188859582302, -0.130495058114589, 0.90676604508255398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1130301', 'M33-LB4B-3', 23.418199999999999, 30.732900000000001, '2002-08-22 13:04:38', 14859, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 17.126000000000001, 'OTR', 0.080000000000000002, 83, 'PC', '2005-03-05 04:47:40', '2003-04-03 14:21:30', 0, 0, '2002-08-22 13:04:38', '2002-08-22 20:29:59', 19.449400000000001, 33.228700000000003, -31.2668, 133.55199999999999, 325.947, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 35318207, 0.78875574353695099, 0.34162259697102598, 0.511036572347072); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070207', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2002-08-22 23:22:09', 2890, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-04 09:29:03', '2003-04-04 19:41:31', 0, 0, '2002-08-22 23:22:09', '2002-08-23 01:23:42', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 299.714, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070208', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2002-08-23 02:07:19', 4064, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-04 09:08:34', '2003-04-04 19:56:11', 1, 0, '2002-08-23 02:07:19', '2002-08-23 07:20:34', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 299.56999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070209', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2002-08-23 08:46:02', 4330, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-04 09:29:09', '2003-03-17 20:00:50', 1, 0, '2002-08-23 08:46:02', '2002-08-23 12:32:53', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 299.34899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1690121', 'EG-AND', 11.1549, 40.679400000000001, '2002-08-23 15:31:23', 10862, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.25, 'WD+M', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PC', '2005-03-05 06:12:19', '2003-03-16 13:41:30', 0, -95, '2002-08-23 15:31:23', '2002-08-23 19:45:35', 32.6616, 27.896599999999999, -22.174099999999999, 121.53700000000001, 311.00200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 42977776, 0.74404144311948694, 0.14671563857147599, 0.65182578371773203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021702', 'HD9234', 23.0229, 54.018999999999998, '2002-08-23 22:35:30', 8297, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.9500000000000002, 'B8', 0.17999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-12 07:35:21', '2002-09-18 16:33:55', 0, 0, '2002-08-23 22:35:30', '2002-08-24 02:45:38', 40.619700000000002, 44.572099999999999, -8.3775899999999996, 128.94800000000001, 318.125, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 47445485, 0.54072040026861801, 0.22977729058062499, 0.80921186685983104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021302', 'HD1486', 4.8280799999999999, 59.139000000000003, '2002-08-24 04:49:23', 9084, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.2800000000000002, 'B9V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-07 13:52:15', '2002-10-03 16:54:27', 0, 0, '2002-08-24 04:49:23', '2002-08-24 08:31:19', 50.390300000000003, 36.7059, -3.4758900000000001, 118.816, 300.05500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 49854470, 0.51113695672708603, 0.043173648574420603, 0.85841426335805104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0180101', 'NGC595', 23.390000000000001, 30.6922, '2002-08-24 11:35:23', 8301, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99.900000000000006, '', 0.34999999999999998, 72, 'EC', '2005-03-05 03:04:09', '2003-03-06 17:58:02', 1, 0, '2002-08-24 11:35:23', '2002-08-24 15:47:22', 19.421399999999998, 33.188299999999998, -31.311399999999999, 133.53299999999999, 325.17599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LEQUEUX', 'y', 35318185, 0.78925677293546204, 0.34137836967741497, 0.51042585660592399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1930502', 'HD217312', 344.666, 63.077100000000002, '2002-08-24 18:36:52', 7870, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 7.4100000000000001, 'B0IV', 0.71999999999999997, 20, 'PC', '2005-03-04 10:00:58', '2003-04-16 16:51:05', 0, 0, '2002-08-24 18:36:52', '2002-08-24 20:49:47', 59.959499999999998, 29.2761, 2.9458600000000001, 110.56399999999999, 279.012, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 256964261, 0.43667204404214799, -0.119738517917151, 0.89161662909518302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3010101', 'HD9826', 24.199300000000001, 41.405500000000004, '2002-08-24 23:46:53', 6735, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 4.0999999999999996, 'F8V', 0, 41, 'PC', '2005-03-10 14:49:52', '2003-03-18 21:50:40', 0, 0, '2002-08-24 23:46:53', '2002-08-25 05:10:20', 28.9802, 38.5503, -20.666399999999999, 132.00200000000001, 321.37700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 40514916, 0.68413724647904695, 0.30745342319345798, 0.66138386777021796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0530301', 'RXAND', 16.148099999999999, 41.299399999999999, '2002-08-25 05:42:56', 16209, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 12.6, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-03-10 14:17:32', '2003-03-18 16:09:03', 0, 0, '2002-08-25 05:42:56', '2002-08-25 15:06:27', 31.494599999999998, 32.188699999999997, -21.504799999999999, 125.58799999999999, 314.30700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 43598737, 0.72163040396385603, 0.20894435408918699, 0.65999380070513902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1280101', 'NGC221', 10.6745, 40.865900000000003, '2002-08-25 21:04:53', 28340, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 31, 8.8200000000000003, 'GAL', 0.11, 81, 'EC', '2005-03-10 14:28:25', '2003-04-03 15:27:49', 0, -205, '2002-08-25 21:04:53', '2002-08-26 17:44:10', 32.995899999999999, 27.616299999999999, -21.975899999999999, 121.152, 308.96199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 42985514, 0.74315647469807999, 0.14007834533378499, 0.65429084609435795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1280102', 'NGC221', 10.6745, 40.865900000000003, '2002-08-26 18:18:38', 32127, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 31, 8.8200000000000003, 'GAL', 0.11, 81, 'EC', '2005-03-10 14:38:46', '2003-04-03 16:15:17', 0, -205, '2002-08-26 18:18:38', '2002-08-27 15:22:49', 32.995899999999999, 27.616299999999999, -21.975899999999999, 121.152, 308.34399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 42985514, 0.74315647469807999, 0.14007834533378499, 0.65429084609435795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1280103', 'NGC221', 10.6745, 40.865900000000003, '2002-08-27 15:58:35', 29584, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 30, 8.8200000000000003, 'GAL', 0.11, 81, 'EC', '2005-03-17 02:39:53', '2003-04-03 17:04:01', 0, -205, '2002-08-27 15:58:35', '2002-08-30 05:59:57', 32.995899999999999, 27.616299999999999, -21.975899999999999, 121.152, 307.71699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 42985514, 0.74315647469807999, 0.14007834533378499, 0.65429084609435795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1280104', 'NGC221', 10.6745, 40.865900000000003, '2002-08-28 13:38:36', 29792, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 28, 8.8200000000000003, 'GAL', 0.11, 81, 'EC', '2005-03-10 14:49:38', '2003-04-03 18:09:39', 0, -205, '2002-08-28 13:38:36', '2002-08-29 10:06:30', 32.995899999999999, 27.616299999999999, -21.975899999999999, 121.152, 307.07999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 42985514, 0.74315647469807999, 0.14007834533378499, 0.65429084609435795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0720401', 'HD432', 2.29454, 59.149799999999999, '2002-08-29 13:32:41', 42356, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 2.2999999999999998, 'F2II', 0, 40, 'PE', '2005-03-10 13:46:40', '2003-05-12 18:56:45', 0, 0, '2002-08-29 13:32:41', '2002-08-30 09:19:38', 51.2149, 35.116900000000001, -3.2780900000000002, 117.53, 293.149, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS', 'AYRES', 'y', 49245822, 0.51238409891996095, 0.020530565066750401, 0.85851093823667701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9017801', 'HD220057', 350.00299999999999, 61.149799999999999, '2002-08-30 19:28:15', 0, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 6.9500000000000002, 'B2IV', 0.23999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2005-03-12 02:52:56', '2002-09-24 09:50:24', 3, 0, '2002-08-30 19:28:15', '2002-08-30 20:19:32', 56.817100000000003, 29.746300000000002, 0.21015600000000001, 112.131, 279.154, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 234477850, 0.47519507404261202, -0.083764058149309595, 0.87588425272292503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021303', 'HD1486', 4.8280799999999999, 59.139000000000003, '2002-08-30 22:44:23', 4808, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.2800000000000002, 'B9V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-12 07:04:03', '2002-10-03 16:54:37', 0, 0, '2002-08-30 22:44:23', '2002-08-31 01:06:26', 50.390300000000003, 36.7059, -3.4758900000000001, 118.816, 294.56200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 49854470, 0.51113695672708603, 0.043173648574420603, 0.85841426335805104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9010201', 'HD698', 2.9047900000000002, 58.211799999999997, '2002-08-31 02:05:17', 5362, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.0800000000000001, 'B5II', 0.17999999999999999, 24, 'PC', '2005-03-12 07:14:38', '2002-09-09 08:36:54', 0, 0, '2002-08-31 02:05:17', '2002-08-31 05:03:42', 50.285800000000002, 34.575800000000001, -4.2545000000000002, 117.694, 292.59100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49227241, 0.52610390198708801, 0.026695369961382699, 0.850001200903025); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9022102', 'HD216014', 341.971, 65.062200000000004, '2002-08-31 08:09:50', 6671, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.8799999999999999, 'B0.5', 0.5, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-12 07:45:12', '2002-09-09 16:14:12', 0, 0, '2002-08-31 08:09:50', '2002-08-31 10:25:19', 62.110300000000002, 31.0063, 5.2465200000000003, 110.379, 269.72800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 257452909, 0.40093188859582302, -0.130495058114589, 0.90676604508255398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9010101', 'HD108', 1.5141199999999999, 63.679699999999997, '2002-08-31 13:08:27', 4849, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 7.3799999999999999, 'O6PS', 0.11, 12, 'PC', '2005-03-12 02:52:37', '2002-10-15 08:31:39', 0, 0, '2002-08-31 13:08:27', '2002-08-31 14:30:21', 54.855600000000003, 39.647199999999998, 1.2495700000000001, 117.928, 290.12099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 50241293, 0.443233977746821, 0.011715796584334, 0.89632939318150495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9120101', 'HD225094', 0.85712500000000003, 63.640500000000003, '2002-08-31 14:48:18', 4845, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.2599999999999998, 'B3IA', 0.44, 24, 'PC', '2005-03-12 07:45:37', '2002-09-09 08:36:59', 0, 0, '2002-08-31 14:48:18', '2002-08-31 16:10:07', 55.029200000000003, 39.233899999999998, 1.2635799999999999, 117.634, 289.31400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 50246223, 0.44395224588089299, 0.0066418671741089201, 0.89602583053043305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0430102', 'HD197345', 310.358, 45.280299999999997, '2002-08-31 18:32:20', 58, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 1.25, 'A2IA', 0.11, 32, 'PC', '2005-03-12 05:08:09', '2003-05-12 18:59:50', 0, -5, '2002-08-31 18:32:20', '2002-08-31 18:33:19', 59.906199999999998, 335.32900000000001, 1.9975099999999999, 84.286199999999994, 233.59899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NANCY D.', 'MORRISON', 'y', 241027152, 0.45564955525400602, -0.53618224789692903, 0.71055758375871503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1053301', 'WD2247+583', 342.46800000000002, 58.575800000000001, '2002-08-31 21:56:01', 11656, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.26, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-12 06:53:47', '2003-03-17 18:49:27', 0, 0, '2002-08-31 21:56:01', '2002-09-01 02:31:05', 57.713700000000003, 21.450800000000001, -0.63886399999999999, 107.639, 270.31, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 233699792, 0.49715186188129501, -0.15705669901825101, 0.853330662475838); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1930503', 'HD217312', 344.666, 63.077100000000002, '2002-09-01 07:27:05', 4900, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 7.4100000000000001, 'B0IV', 0.71999999999999997, 20, 'PC', '2005-03-12 06:43:31', '2003-04-16 17:11:12', 0, 0, '2002-09-01 07:27:05', '2002-09-01 09:14:34', 59.959499999999998, 29.2761, 2.9458600000000001, 110.56399999999999, 272.065, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 256964261, 0.43667204404214799, -0.119738517917151, 0.89161662909518302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9022501', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2002-09-01 12:52:36', 3921, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.9199999999999999, 'B8V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-12 07:35:40', '2003-02-12 17:10:42', 0, 0, '2002-09-01 12:52:36', '2002-09-01 13:58:45', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 302.25099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0090101', 'VWCEP', 309.33999999999997, 75.600399999999993, '2002-09-01 16:03:21', 62405, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 7.3799999999999999, '', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-03-12 02:52:27', '2003-03-18 19:25:31', 0, 0, '2002-09-01 16:03:21', '2002-09-02 14:22:11', 74.8322, 52.950200000000002, 20.0579, 109.226, 236.53299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NANCY', 'BRICKHOUSE', 'y', 265199413, 0.15764544559805699, -0.19233099133486001, 0.96858489728796604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052901', 'RE_J1738+669', 264.50999999999999, 66.896600000000007, '2002-09-02 16:51:13', 9010, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.399999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-12 06:11:56', '2003-03-18 20:32:03', 1, 0, '2002-09-02 16:51:13', '2002-09-02 21:33:16', 87.805899999999994, 168.67599999999999, 31.961500000000001, 96.894099999999995, 192.494, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 190259276, -0.037540907143393698, -0.39059176374697302, 0.91979821394905903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1053002', 'WD1800+685', 270.04000000000002, 68.598299999999995, '2002-09-02 23:58:35', 11789, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.699999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-12 06:22:40', '2003-03-18 20:52:38', 1, 0, '2002-09-02 23:58:35', '2002-09-03 04:34:04', 87.962100000000007, 89.593800000000002, 29.775300000000001, 98.7333, 197.292, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 262913959, 0.00025475131510101402, -0.36490432023418001, 0.931044989340579); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0970101', 'HD192163', 303.02699999999999, 38.354900000000001, '2002-09-03 07:43:57', 20699, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 7.4800000000000004, 'WN6', 0.54000000000000004, 11, 'PC', '2005-03-12 06:22:20', '2003-03-18 17:26:55', 0, 0, '2002-09-03 07:43:57', '2002-09-04 02:03:24', 56.186399999999999, 320.178, 2.4262199999999998, 75.477099999999993, 220.51400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'REGINALD J.', 'DUFOUR', 'y', 240012327, 0.42740608025788601, -0.65746914917001598, 0.620530708706865); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1053202', 'WD2111+498', 318.18400000000003, 50.104999999999997, '2002-09-04 05:18:54', 7668, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.09, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-12 06:53:41', '2003-03-18 21:12:19', 0, 0, '2002-09-04 05:18:54', '2002-09-04 09:35:35', 60.928800000000003, 349.666, 1.13381, 91.372600000000006, 239.31200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 252168620, 0.47801599572181203, -0.42763588688754001, 0.76722112593436298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1710101', 'HD192639', 303.62700000000001, 37.3538, '2002-09-04 11:58:42', 13301, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 7.1100000000000003, 'O7I', 0.66000000000000003, 13, 'PC', '2005-03-12 02:42:00', '2003-12-26 16:34:25', 3, 0, '2002-09-04 11:58:42', '2002-09-05 00:23:54', 55.080100000000002, 320.26499999999999, 1.4793700000000001, 74.902500000000003, 219.28200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', 'y', 239911577, 0.440205174563705, -0.66188515336043596, 0.60673507237374102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1930501', 'HD217312', 344.666, 63.077100000000002, '2002-09-05 03:35:09', 10817, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 20, 7.4100000000000001, 'B0IV', 0.71999999999999997, 20, 'PC', '2005-03-16 00:32:23', '2003-03-18 21:35:13', 0, 0, '2002-09-05 03:35:09', '2002-09-05 08:49:13', 59.959499999999998, 29.2761, 2.9458600000000001, 110.56399999999999, 268.54399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 256964261, 0.43667204404214799, -0.119738517917151, 0.89161662909518302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0100101', 'EM-CYG', 294.66699999999997, 30.5075, '2002-09-05 11:34:11', 8391, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.300000000000001, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 54, 'PE', '2005-03-12 05:08:02', '2003-03-12 16:00:48', 0, 0, '2002-09-05 11:34:11', '2002-09-05 16:58:33', 51.005000000000003, 304.84899999999999, 4.2773300000000001, 65.187600000000003, 207.25700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JANET H.', 'WOOD', 'y', 236617106, 0.359567807509309, -0.78294399938207604, 0.50765114560547198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9033602', 'WD2025+554', 306.77300000000002, 55.568899999999999, '2002-09-05 21:42:48', 12207, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.640000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-12 07:45:28', '2002-09-18 16:34:02', 0, 0, '2002-09-05 21:42:48', '2002-09-06 08:18:38', 69.537300000000002, 345.51600000000002, 9.9107199999999995, 91.284899999999993, 227.21000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 254578741, 0.33848341311777902, -0.45290491649084402, 0.82480671412310902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052406', 'HD203374A-BKGD', 319.779, 61.858600000000003, '2002-09-06 17:43:52', 21581, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 18, 99, 'B0IV', 0.59999999999999998, 20, 'EE', '2005-03-12 06:43:55', '2002-09-24 09:50:06', 2, 0, '2002-09-06 17:43:52', '2002-09-07 06:03:47', 68.461299999999994, 11.203200000000001, 8.6228099999999994, 100.514, 240.721, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 255278951, 0.360132146785547, -0.30456158772476799, 0.88178629845002798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1780402', 'HS2209+8229', 332.108, 82.747799999999998, '2002-09-07 16:48:19', 13609, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.399999999999999, 'O', 0.14999999999999999, 18, 'PC', '2005-03-15 01:33:42', '2003-09-26 18:49:46', 0, 0, '2002-09-07 16:48:19', '2002-09-07 22:56:21', 69.008300000000006, 71.853300000000004, 21.5444, 117.851, 253.61699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS', 'RAUCH', 'y', 267687710, 0.11157222090350501, -0.059054505865151201, 0.99200010325588295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9017401', 'HD201908', 316.37200000000001, 78.126300000000001, '2002-09-07 23:42:34', 6146, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 5.9199999999999999, 'B8VN', 0.029999999999999999, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-16 03:29:17', '2002-09-24 09:50:19', 0, 0, '2002-09-07 23:42:34', '2002-09-08 02:14:28', 72.615499999999997, 60.101799999999997, 20.1892, 112.402, 237.619, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 265986825, 0.14893262674118399, -0.141965473164885, 0.978603534185853); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0530503', 'AMHER', 274.05599999999998, 49.867800000000003, '2002-09-08 05:51:32', 4456, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-03-15 01:44:06', '2003-03-18 16:21:24', 1, 0, '2002-09-08 05:51:32', '2002-09-08 08:19:08', 73.179699999999997, 279.06400000000002, 25.876000000000001, 77.866299999999995, 194.78, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 247247234, 0.0455901933472138, -0.64293905904525805, 0.76455928522552297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0530504', 'AMHER', 274.05599999999998, 49.867800000000003, '2002-09-08 09:12:48', 7029, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-03-15 01:44:22', '2003-03-23 14:06:31', 1, 0, '2002-09-08 09:12:48', '2002-09-08 13:18:43', 73.179699999999997, 279.06400000000002, 25.876000000000001, 77.866299999999995, 194.54300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 247247234, 0.0455901933472138, -0.64293905904525805, 0.76455928522552297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0530505', 'AMHER', 274.05599999999998, 49.867800000000003, '2002-09-08 14:12:33', 5847, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-03-15 01:44:30', '2003-03-23 19:31:21', 1, 0, '2002-09-08 14:12:33', '2002-09-08 18:18:16', 73.179699999999997, 279.06400000000002, 25.876000000000001, 77.866299999999995, 194.34700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 247247234, 0.0455901933472138, -0.64293905904525805, 0.76455928522552297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9017102', 'HD182308', 289.94200000000001, 64.390799999999999, '2002-09-08 21:13:36', 3824, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.5199999999999996, 'B9MN', 0, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-16 03:19:00', '2002-09-24 09:50:15', 0, 0, '2002-09-08 21:13:36', '2002-09-08 22:18:07', 81.483599999999996, 354.54399999999998, 21.331, 95.515500000000003, 209.84100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 262413673, 0.14742032323572701, -0.40631329942824201, 0.90176313464501801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0541301', 'PG1716+426', 259.51600000000002, 42.57, '2002-09-09 03:28:29', 6074, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.970000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-15 01:43:59', '2003-04-03 13:49:21', 1, 0, '2002-09-09 03:28:29', '2002-09-09 09:00:05', 65.329400000000007, 251.274, 34.623199999999997, 67.679599999999994, 183.083, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', 'y', 158341415, -0.134005389918712, -0.72415690050138404, 0.67649045738204105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0541101', 'PG1710+490', 258.07799999999997, 48.976599999999998, '2002-09-09 10:08:28', 4630, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.9, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-15 01:33:49', '2003-04-03 13:40:44', 1, 0, '2002-09-09 10:08:28', '2002-09-09 12:24:58', 71.377600000000001, 244.874, 36.076599999999999, 75.429900000000004, 181.352, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', 'y', 164633050, -0.13559226502692201, -0.64220918929045501, 0.75444157815947999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1053001', 'WD1800+685', 270.04000000000002, 68.598299999999995, '2002-09-09 15:14:53', 16322, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.699999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-15 02:16:03', '2003-03-18 20:43:58', 1, 0, '2002-09-09 15:14:53', '2002-09-09 21:33:20', 87.962100000000007, 89.593800000000002, 29.775300000000001, 98.7333, 190.97999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 262913959, 0.00025475131510101402, -0.36490432023418001, 0.931044989340579); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9022502', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2002-09-10 01:42:17', 2415, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 6.9199999999999999, 'B8V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-16 03:29:33', '2003-02-12 17:10:45', 0, 0, '2002-09-10 01:42:17', '2002-09-10 02:23:42', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 294.88, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9073601', 'NGC6521', 268.952, 62.612200000000001, '2002-09-11 10:29:52', 74647, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 13.9, 'SEY', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-16 04:11:31', '2002-10-03 09:39:57', 2, 8233, '2002-09-11 10:29:52', '2002-09-12 12:23:55', 86.026300000000006, 263.024, 30.217099999999999, 91.819999999999993, 188.095, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 167237824, -0.0084136103868107607, -0.45993378264109203, 0.88791335542704597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9071101', 'RXJ1729.1+7033', 262.298, 70.549700000000001, '2002-09-12 13:01:12', 58156, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 15.029999999999999, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-16 03:40:43', '2002-09-24 09:50:29', 2, 0, '2002-09-12 13:01:12', '2002-09-13 09:32:12', 85.124799999999993, 121.678, 32.2791, 101.294, 180.64099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 190773595, -0.044627452549017302, -0.32998500608996101, 0.94293069004820995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9900301', 'WD1845+683', 281.29000000000002, 68.376400000000004, '2002-09-13 10:39:29', 11866, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.5, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-16 05:03:44', '2002-10-03 16:55:28', 0, 0, '2002-09-13 10:39:29', '2002-09-13 15:07:43', 85.316800000000001, 27.920200000000001, 25.650300000000001, 98.814099999999996, 197.589, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 262999087, 0.072144551632434994, -0.36137644774474698, 0.92962477736188998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2041102', 'WD0004+330', 1.8845799999999999, 33.2911, '2002-09-14 10:07:23', 23502, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 24, 13.800000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-16 01:43:39', '2003-03-23 22:44:49', 4, 0, '2002-09-14 10:07:23', '2002-09-15 06:46:54', 29.515799999999999, 16.2532, -28.688300000000002, 112.482, 283.54599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 334614848, 0.83544050136961101, 0.0274893284604735, 0.54889298182075996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2041103', 'WD0004+330', 1.8845799999999999, 33.2911, '2002-09-15 07:44:42', 23559, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 24, 13.800000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-16 02:15:00', '2003-03-23 23:28:52', 3, 0, '2002-09-15 07:44:42', '2002-09-16 04:24:28', 29.515799999999999, 16.2532, -28.688300000000002, 112.482, 282.387, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 334614848, 0.83544050136961101, 0.0274893284604735, 0.54889298182075996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2041104', 'WD0004+330', 1.8845799999999999, 33.2911, '2002-09-16 05:22:29', 23682, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 24, 13.800000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-16 03:07:40', '2003-04-02 20:57:37', 3, 0, '2002-09-16 05:22:29', '2002-09-17 01:59:39', 29.515799999999999, 16.2532, -28.688300000000002, 112.482, 281.197, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 334614848, 0.83544050136961101, 0.0274893284604735, 0.54889298182075996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1053003', 'WD1800+685', 270.04000000000002, 68.598299999999995, '2002-09-17 19:44:18', 12448, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.699999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-16 00:00:12', '2003-03-24 14:56:13', 1, 0, '2002-09-17 19:44:18', '2002-09-18 03:05:55', 87.962100000000007, 89.593800000000002, 29.775300000000001, 98.7333, 182.803, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 262913959, 0.00025475131510101402, -0.36490432023418001, 0.931044989340579); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057101', 'HD5980-BKGD', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2002-09-19 06:31:29', 0, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'WN3+', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'EE', '2005-03-16 03:18:32', '2003-09-26 16:02:21', 0, 0, '2002-09-19 06:31:29', '2002-09-19 19:23:12', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 67.976399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1020402', 'WD0308-566', 47.450000000000003, -56.397500000000001, '2002-09-20 15:50:13', 10973, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.07, 'DB', 0, 29, 'PC', '2005-03-17 03:20:19', '2003-04-04 18:12:59', 1, 0, '2002-09-20 15:50:13', '2002-09-20 20:26:43', -67.871799999999993, 6.5166199999999996, -51.745100000000001, 272.44, 32.432600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 550362924, 0.37424639509305802, 0.40770340584748999, -0.83289709365575704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1020403', 'WD0308-566', 47.450000000000003, -56.397500000000001, '2002-09-20 21:01:28', 12477, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.07, 'DB', 0, 29, 'PC', '2005-03-17 03:20:24', '2003-04-03 20:29:22', 1, 0, '2002-09-20 21:01:28', '2002-09-21 01:30:58', -67.871799999999993, 6.5166199999999996, -51.745100000000001, 272.44, 32.651200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 550362924, 0.37424639509305802, 0.40770340584748999, -0.83289709365575704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190211', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2002-09-21 01:57:28', 4515, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-17 03:20:13', '2003-04-03 22:10:08', 0, 0, '2002-09-21 01:57:28', '2002-09-21 03:58:56', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 36.970199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050301', 'LB_3241', 33.299599999999998, -49.7483, '2002-09-21 06:45:43', 9099, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 17, 12.720000000000001, 'SDOB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-15 02:15:56', '2003-03-27 17:57:05', 0, 0, '2002-09-21 06:45:43', '2002-09-21 10:56:02', -57.282299999999999, 2.3201000000000001, -62.482199999999999, 273.69799999999998, 44.428699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 574750701, 0.54005658223665098, 0.35474547055699102, -0.76321329856218201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050401', 'REJ0230-47', 37.722099999999998, -47.9236, '2002-09-21 11:51:12', 5455, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.529999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-17 05:05:13', '2003-04-02 19:29:20', 0, 0, '2002-09-21 11:51:12', '2002-09-21 14:23:02', -57.574800000000003, 8.6793899999999997, -61.5916, 266.62, 49.270299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 574976709, 0.53005735533687104, 0.41000156045330699, -0.74225192521079697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050601', 'CD-61_1208', 88.033799999999999, -61.1205, '2002-09-21 17:18:15', 5017, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 11.19, 'SDB', 0.02, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-17 05:06:04', '2003-04-02 19:43:20', 0, 0, '2002-09-21 17:18:15', '2002-09-21 19:41:52', -84.492000000000004, 80.058400000000006, -30.614699999999999, 270.07900000000001, 342.69099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 553986550, 0.016570636012011499, 0.48268476531114102, -0.87563738577032302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190212', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2002-09-22 05:08:48', 4315, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-17 04:23:24', '2003-04-03 22:31:55', 0, 0, '2002-09-22 05:08:48', '2002-09-22 07:53:51', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 38.107700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050101', 'JL_163', 2.6383299999999998, -50.256900000000002, '2002-09-22 11:07:49', 5659, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.890000000000001, 'SDB', 0.040000000000000001, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-17 03:20:34', '2003-03-27 17:39:12', 0, 0, '2002-09-22 11:07:49', '2002-09-22 13:38:33', -45.8217, 336.41300000000001, -65.587400000000002, 318.86599999999999, 82.961100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 579007202, 0.63866869971408902, 0.029429929636443301, -0.76891883267813699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0230202', 'R-DOR', 69.189999999999998, -62.077199999999998, '2002-09-22 16:29:23', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 5.7300000000000004, 'M8II', 0, 49, 'PE', '2005-03-17 03:31:05', '2003-03-27 16:55:28', 0, 0, '2002-09-22 16:29:23', '2002-09-22 20:43:08', -79.993600000000001, 16.772200000000002, -39.342300000000002, 272.673, 15.468400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM M.', 'HARPER', 'y', 544498414, 0.166366407561574, 0.43773250147460702, -0.88357935443730196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0860301', 'SK-66D35', 74.268799999999999, -66.577299999999994, '2002-09-22 21:35:36', 4542, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.359999999999999, 'B2IA', 0.11, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:25:30', '2003-04-03 14:00:54', 1, 0, '2002-09-22 21:35:36', '2002-09-22 23:56:31', -83.761099999999999, 352.62299999999999, -35.994599999999998, 277.37700000000001, 11.671200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 542745729, 0.107775149753137, 0.382622374467391, -0.91759720774020703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190213', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2002-09-23 02:48:43', 3763, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-17 04:23:30', '2003-04-03 22:48:18', 0, 0, '2002-09-23 02:48:43', '2002-09-23 04:47:35', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 39.0745, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1051701', 'WD2331-475', 353.50999999999999, -47.241, '2002-09-23 08:46:55', 8046, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.19, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-17 14:57:41', '2003-04-02 20:01:03', 0, 0, '2002-09-23 08:46:55', '2002-09-23 12:52:00', -40.023600000000002, 331.74900000000002, -64.807699999999997, 334.83600000000001, 95.983099999999993, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 759972026, 0.67456531723310498, -0.076737749929203403, -0.73421587460501203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1090301', 'RXJ0438-6148', 69.621899999999997, -61.799399999999999, '2002-09-23 15:56:12', 7005, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.699999999999999, 'AGN', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-03-17 02:07:06', '2003-04-03 14:13:15', 0, 0.069000000000000006, '2002-09-23 15:56:12', '2002-09-23 19:58:20', -79.992500000000007, 18.752700000000001, -39.225700000000003, 272.255, 16.446400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', 'y', 544502302, 0.16455189572029699, 0.44298489972538202, -0.88129850347663097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0100701', 'PGMW-3223', 74.253299999999996, -66.406999999999996, '2002-09-23 20:47:28', 7106, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.949999999999999, 'O8.5', 0.20999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:54:47', '2003-04-03 13:35:20', 0, 0, '2002-09-23 20:47:28', '2002-09-23 23:28:52', -83.731700000000004, 354.16399999999999, -36.044499999999999, 277.17500000000001, 12.622199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542746089, 0.108618344921703, 0.38521652501473402, -0.91641163458461306); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1051501', 'WD2156-546', 329.08800000000002, -54.639699999999998, '2002-09-24 03:07:55', 4069, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-17 03:41:02', '2003-04-04 20:30:56', 1, 0, '2002-09-24 03:07:55', '2002-09-24 05:23:26', -39.048099999999998, 309.74200000000002, -48.054699999999997, 339.72800000000001, 125.101, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 752176291, 0.49651383623819401, -0.29729865592710802, -0.81552898146415798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0541201', 'MCT0013-3645', 4.09375, -36.4741, '2002-09-24 06:23:52', 2439, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.27, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-17 03:51:57', '2003-06-02 19:34:04', 0, 0, '2002-09-24 06:23:52', '2002-09-24 08:42:43', -34.627600000000001, 347.09300000000002, -78.060199999999995, 339.25799999999998, 72.671000000000006, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', 'y', 268772648, 0.80207399694777703, 0.0574054374203984, -0.59445935031319896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I8190214', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2002-09-24 15:07:39', 4699, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-17 04:43:40', '2003-04-03 23:05:58', 0, 0, '2002-09-24 15:07:39', '2002-09-24 18:41:28', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 30.691099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030315', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2002-09-25 17:20:00', 5460, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-17 04:58:35', '2003-04-04 18:44:24', 0, 0, '2002-09-25 17:20:00', '2002-09-25 19:47:16', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 122.27200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030205', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2002-09-25 20:53:33', 3989, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-17 04:48:56', '2003-04-04 18:31:31', 0, 0, '2002-09-25 20:53:33', '2002-09-26 00:13:18', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 132.43799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030105', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2002-09-26 01:46:08', 3865, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-17 04:43:53', '2003-04-04 18:20:50', 0, 0, '2002-09-26 01:46:08', '2002-09-26 05:27:43', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 112.60299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1050301', 'MS2318.2-4220', 350.255, -42.058300000000003, '2002-09-26 08:18:59', 42630, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 16, 17, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2005-03-18 02:42:39', '2003-04-14 13:26:29', 1, 0.21199999999999999, '2002-09-26 08:18:59', '2002-09-27 09:56:21', -34.375799999999998, 332.44799999999998, -66.273499999999999, 348.108, 106.21599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MASSIMILIANO', 'BONAMENTE', 'y', 760888862, 0.73175045205476597, -0.12567198251997999, -0.66988642972308599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1050302', 'MS2318.2-4220', 350.255, -42.058300000000003, '2002-09-27 12:36:35', 52171, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 19, 17, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2005-03-17 03:52:04', '2003-04-14 13:42:07', 1, 0.21199999999999999, '2002-09-27 12:36:35', '2002-09-28 19:24:26', -34.375799999999998, 332.44799999999998, -66.273499999999999, 348.108, 107.515, 'F', 'F', 'MASSIMILIANO', 'BONAMENTE', 'y', 760888862, 0.73175045205476597, -0.12567198251997999, -0.66988642972308599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1050303', 'MS2318.2-4220', 350.255, -42.058300000000003, '2002-09-28 21:53:36', 27279, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 12, 17, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2005-03-17 03:52:25', '2003-04-14 13:52:20', 1, 0.21199999999999999, '2002-09-28 21:53:36', '2002-09-29 15:23:05', -34.375799999999998, 332.44799999999998, -66.273499999999999, 348.108, 108.976, 'F', 'F', 'MASSIMILIANO', 'BONAMENTE', 'y', 760888862, 0.73175045205476597, -0.12567198251997999, -0.66988642972308599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9100801', 'BL-HYI', 25.251000000000001, -67.891000000000005, '2002-09-29 18:13:33', 10333, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.300000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2005-03-17 05:57:41', '2002-10-03 16:55:05', 0, 0, '2002-09-29 18:13:33', '2002-09-29 22:26:37', -66.047600000000003, 326.98099999999999, -48.556899999999999, 295.92500000000001, 66.441699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 546875157, 0.34040679760244802, 0.16055353140412901, -0.92646952227243295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9070801', 'HE2336-5540', 354.80500000000001, -55.397399999999998, '2002-09-30 01:11:47', 19899, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15.27, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-17 05:26:29', '2003-04-10 07:54:22', 2, 0, '2002-09-30 01:11:47', '2002-09-30 12:56:08', -47.2849, 326.48200000000003, -58.853299999999997, 322.827, 100.72, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 756250517, 0.56554841430535596, -0.0514191758721744, -0.82311059975517498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9030201', 'WD0027-636', 7.4862500000000001, -63.415799999999997, '2002-09-30 15:44:24', 14315, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-17 02:07:25', '2002-10-03 16:54:43', 1, 0, '2002-09-30 15:44:24', '2002-09-30 21:39:34', -57.530299999999997, 325.73899999999998, -53.543100000000003, 306.97800000000001, 86.578100000000006, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 570540072, 0.44369797070959299, 0.058305624020086003, -0.89427767779130996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2230106', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2002-10-01 00:01:27', 3736, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 10.93, 'WN3+', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-19 03:07:29', '2003-04-03 20:35:30', 1, 0, '2002-10-01 00:01:27', '2002-10-01 01:06:12', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 79.338700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9044801', 'LB_1516', 345.48399999999998, -48.063400000000001, '2002-10-01 04:50:51', 3919, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.02, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-18 04:58:21', '2003-04-09 07:51:04', 1, 0, '2002-10-01 04:50:51', '2002-10-01 08:42:06', -38.015000000000001, 325.20400000000001, -60.155000000000001, 341.06700000000001, 114.95099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 758497341, 0.646973942615794, -0.167511605023177, -0.74388478930459101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057102', 'HD5980-BKGD', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2002-10-01 14:56:10', 9773, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'WN3+', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'EE', '2005-03-18 03:44:24', '2002-10-17 09:06:38', 0, 0, '2002-10-01 14:56:10', '2002-10-01 19:22:43', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 79.987399999999994, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9044201', 'MCT2110-4020', 318.34199999999998, -40.130699999999997, '2002-10-02 02:47:39', 8139, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.1, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-18 04:47:34', '2003-04-09 07:51:04', 0, 0, '2002-10-02 02:47:39', '2002-10-02 10:59:09', -22.904399999999999, 308.32499999999999, -43.540700000000001, 2.1249199999999999, 145.91900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 766207850, 0.57123443781192995, -0.50820066949689202, -0.64453339446501901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1770401', 'NGC7293', 337.41000000000003, -20.8371, '2002-10-02 14:17:53', 8747, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 17, 13.5, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-18 03:14:17', '2003-05-12 20:30:12', 1, 0, '2002-10-02 14:17:53', '2002-10-02 21:02:17', -10.5768, 331.37900000000002, -57.117899999999999, 36.162300000000002, 142.596, 'F', 'F', 'KLAUS', 'WERNER', 'y', 771702524, 0.86289082600928302, -0.359010098203628, -0.35571220358154398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9044101', 'MCT2048-4054', 313, -40.712000000000003, '2002-10-03 00:03:53', 7266, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.800000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-18 04:37:34', '2002-10-15 08:32:09', 0, 0, '2002-10-03 00:03:53', '2002-10-03 05:29:44', -22.204799999999999, 303.94299999999998, -39.505400000000002, 1.10084, 150.72, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 777471148, 0.51695321861226695, -0.554364456186345, -0.65225717281118201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2500101', 'HD181296', 290.71300000000002, -54.423900000000003, '2002-10-03 08:22:17', 19164, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 5.0300000000000002, 'A0V', 0.01, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-18 03:34:20', '2003-04-16 17:49:03', 0, 0, '2002-10-03 08:22:17', '2002-10-03 19:07:03', -31.9895, 284.041, -26.2072, 342.90100000000001, 165.744, 'F', 'F', 'AKI', 'ROBERGE', 'y', 773417135, 0.20576939506556899, -0.54417946052669597, -0.81334351340330002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9043701', 'MCT1953-4332', 299.12900000000002, -43.411700000000003, '2002-10-03 21:43:18', 11684, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.4, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-18 04:37:26', '2002-10-15 08:32:03', 0, 0, '2002-10-03 21:43:18', '2002-10-04 08:12:17', -22.216699999999999, 292.45600000000002, -29.636399999999998, 356.28399999999999, 161.19, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 778349162, 0.353611950608549, -0.63455925920305201, -0.68723586558509298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9033201', 'WD1950-432', 298.44799999999998, -43.119199999999999, '2002-10-04 09:18:35', 14779, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.859999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-18 04:05:50', '2002-10-15 08:31:56', 1, 0, '2002-10-04 09:18:35', '2002-10-04 18:19:06', -21.827999999999999, 291.99700000000001, -29.093800000000002, 356.50599999999997, 161.57599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 778269519, 0.34771172322766303, -0.64179368478629695, -0.68351841503976796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9017501', 'HD205805', 324.79399999999998, -46.097499999999997, '2002-10-05 00:17:58', 1031, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 2, 10.18, 'B7II', 0, 25, 'PC', '2005-03-18 03:55:43', '2002-10-15 08:31:50', 1, 0, '2002-10-05 00:17:58', '2002-10-05 00:35:17', -30.135000000000002, 310.93000000000001, -47.813899999999997, 353.12299999999999, 139.65199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 764115773, 0.56659359553696498, -0.39977668028003599, -0.72052085563206902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9070201', 'CTS0563', 327.459, -44.734999999999999, '2002-10-05 01:57:07', 19138, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.199999999999999, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-18 05:09:35', '2002-10-15 08:32:22', 2, 0, '2002-10-05 01:57:07', '2002-10-05 16:05:08', -29.587499999999999, 313.52300000000002, -49.892699999999998, 354.66800000000001, 137.744, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 764262532, 0.59884641740787004, -0.38210996442929501, -0.70382877423532597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2190702', 'HD176386', 285.41199999999998, -36.890700000000002, '2002-10-05 17:08:46', 11940, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 7.2000000000000002, 'B9IV', 0.17999999999999999, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-18 03:24:08', '2003-04-16 17:32:08', 0, 0, '2002-10-05 17:08:46', '2002-10-06 04:59:53', -14.126099999999999, 282.66000000000003, -17.783100000000001, 359.97699999999998, 171.30099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 783614885, 0.21254851785984699, -0.771021753186932, -0.60029041610551503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9044301', 'MCT2125-4054', 322.21800000000002, -40.694099999999999, '2002-10-06 07:58:35', 8412, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.199999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-18 04:47:52', '2002-10-15 08:32:16', 0, 0, '2002-10-06 07:58:35', '2002-10-06 13:44:19', -24.421099999999999, 311.15699999999998, -46.488999999999997, 1.3060400000000001, 144.994, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 765916357, 0.59924266356041, -0.46451880147652702, -0.65202033192519104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9033901', 'WD2146-433', 327.41300000000001, -43.103900000000003, '2002-10-06 15:14:10', 14042, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.81, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-18 04:27:16', '2003-04-09 07:51:03', 1, 0, '2002-10-06 15:14:10', '2002-10-07 04:15:27', -28.067799999999998, 314.19999999999999, -50.125999999999998, 357.18099999999998, 139.065, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 764376222, 0.61517701298890703, -0.39322547525773599, -0.68332347266750204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057201', 'HD21291-BKGD', 52.267200000000003, 59.940300000000001, '2002-10-07 20:46:20', 12216, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-03-18 03:55:27', '2002-10-29 09:20:43', 2, 0, '2002-10-07 20:46:20', '2002-10-08 12:17:36', 39.531500000000001, 66.581199999999995, 2.87784, 141.499, 312.92599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 53813059, 0.30654200819468902, 0.39615010360254199, 0.86550395298211202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9120501', 'HD21291', 52.267200000000003, 59.940300000000001, '2002-10-08 22:09:40', 2819, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 4.2599999999999998, 'B9IA', 0.40999999999999998, 25, 'PC', '2005-03-18 05:09:54', '2003-04-09 07:52:17', 0, 0, '2002-10-08 22:09:40', '2002-10-09 00:03:21', 39.531500000000001, 66.581199999999995, 2.87784, 141.499, 311.93799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 53813059, 0.30654200819468902, 0.39615010360254199, 0.86550395298211202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0380901', 'HD31647', 74.8142, 37.890300000000003, '2002-10-09 02:37:48', 3571, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 4.9400000000000004, 'A1V', 0, 30, 'PE', '2005-03-18 02:32:26', '2003-09-27 12:56:25', 0, 0, '2002-10-09 02:37:48', '2002-10-09 06:13:34', 15.100300000000001, 77.635999999999996, -2.8771900000000001, 167.15199999999999, 343.44499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 23140639, 0.20672781815529001, 0.761630763057079, 0.61415160177747996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0010201', 'HD37318', 84.742099999999994, 28.460100000000001, '2002-10-09 07:42:55', 17310, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 8.4100000000000001, 'B1VE', 0.60999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2005-03-18 02:32:05', '2003-06-12 16:26:27', 1, 0, '2002-10-09 07:42:55', '2002-10-09 20:19:32', 5.1052900000000001, 85.360500000000002, -1.4908399999999999, 179.637, 353.5, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY', 'WELSH', 'y', 400777635, 0.080564282297518303, 0.87544999192728801, 0.47654664834872001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9020401', 'HD33357', 78.873999999999995, 42.165399999999998, '2002-10-09 23:03:48', 1584, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.5500000000000007, 'B1VN', 0.27000000000000002, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-18 03:55:56', '2003-02-12 17:10:30', 0, 0, '2002-10-09 23:03:48', '2002-10-09 23:39:20', 19.061499999999999, 81.296099999999996, 2.1734200000000001, 165.59700000000001, 344.14600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 24119587, 0.14302927008237001, 0.72727920626938403, 0.67127310688562403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0630102', 'HD34078', 79.075599999999994, 34.3123, '2002-10-10 02:33:41', 4306, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 5.9900000000000002, 'O9.5', 0.52000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2005-03-19 04:05:35', '2003-05-12 18:11:10', 1, 0, '2002-10-10 02:33:41', '2002-10-10 07:13:32', 11.2204, 80.817300000000003, -2.2595900000000002, 172.083, 347.74200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'BOISSE', 'y', 21195923, 0.15653393424391401, 0.811009018395349, 0.56370337901376399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0010202', 'HD37318', 84.742099999999994, 28.460100000000001, '2002-10-10 08:41:43', 18975, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 8.4100000000000001, 'B1VE', 0.60999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2005-03-22 05:00:27', '2003-04-22 17:09:15', 0, 0, '2002-10-10 08:41:43', '2002-10-10 21:18:01', 5.1052900000000001, 85.360500000000002, -1.4908399999999999, 179.637, 353.39499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY', 'WELSH', 'y', 400777635, 0.080564282297518303, 0.87544999192728801, 0.47654664834872001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9020501', 'HD33853', 77.873999999999995, 46.405999999999999, '2002-10-11 00:08:01', 1912, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 8.1099999999999994, 'B7V', 0.10000000000000001, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-20 01:30:12', '2003-04-08 07:44:08', 0, 0, '2002-10-11 00:08:01', '2002-10-11 00:40:17', 23.347899999999999, 80.922700000000006, 4.0727500000000001, 161.733, 341.10599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 24683269, 0.14484709884959801, 0.67415861550483502, 0.72424407425636494); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1051901', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2002-10-11 01:07:05', 4610, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-19 04:26:32', '2003-04-28 15:25:03', 0, 0, '2002-10-11 01:07:05', '2002-10-11 03:55:58', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 334.98899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0170201', 'HDE283572', 65.495000000000005, 28.3017, '2002-10-11 06:20:19', 8750, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 9, 'G5', 0.13, 44, 'PE', '2005-03-22 05:11:12', '2003-12-26 15:36:15', 0, 0, '2002-10-11 06:20:19', '2002-10-11 13:35:39', 6.6789800000000001, 68.426900000000003, -15.0328, 169.36699999999999, 342.50700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK M.', 'WALTER', 'y', 19154540, 0.36519209078491099, 0.801155625300915, 0.47411433312740597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q2010301', 'HD30122', 71.427000000000007, 23.628, '2002-10-11 14:46:16', 1910, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.3399999999999999, 'B5II', 0.23000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2005-03-19 04:57:09', '2003-04-28 16:51:48', 0, 0, '2002-10-11 14:46:16', '2002-10-11 15:26:19', 1.2760800000000001, 73.029200000000003, -14.032, 176.61799999999999, 349.52199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CECILE', 'GRY', 'y', 17107600, 0.291810768996904, 0.86845172402749105, 0.40079680404303802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9030301', 'WD0147+674', 27.788699999999999, 67.658600000000007, '2002-10-11 18:31:14', 3986, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.41, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-20 01:48:20', '2003-04-09 07:51:01', 1, 0, '2002-10-11 18:31:14', '2002-10-11 21:51:34', 51.0884, 57.630000000000003, 5.4435099999999998, 128.57900000000001, 279.41000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 60514474, 0.33628593480230201, 0.17721870886858099, 0.924935294645574); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9030302', 'WD0147+674', 27.788699999999999, 67.658600000000007, '2002-10-12 17:08:33', 11316, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.41, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-20 02:04:49', '2003-04-09 07:52:01', 1, 0, '2002-10-12 17:08:33', '2002-10-13 04:59:35', 51.0884, 57.630000000000003, 5.4435099999999998, 128.57900000000001, 278.47699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 60514474, 0.33628593480230201, 0.17721870886858099, 0.924935294645574); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1051902', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2002-10-13 08:06:05', 4627, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-19 04:27:07', '2003-04-28 15:35:54', 0, 0, '2002-10-13 08:06:05', '2002-10-13 10:19:24', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 333.80200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0170202', 'HDE283572', 65.495000000000005, 28.3017, '2002-10-13 13:10:27', 17705, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 9, 'G5', 0.13, 44, 'PE', '2005-03-22 05:21:15', '2003-12-26 15:52:06', 0, 0, '2002-10-13 13:10:27', '2002-10-13 22:27:26', 6.6789800000000001, 68.426900000000003, -15.0328, 169.36699999999999, 342.05799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK M.', 'WALTER', 'y', 19154540, 0.36519209078491099, 0.801155625300915, 0.47411433312740597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9010901', 'HD18352', 44.947400000000002, 61.289900000000003, '2002-10-14 01:28:34', 3621, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.8499999999999996, 'B1V', 0.40999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2005-03-19 05:07:49', '2003-04-08 07:44:02', 0, 0, '2002-10-14 01:28:34', '2002-10-14 02:29:42', 42.043500000000002, 62.753799999999998, 2.1607099999999999, 137.72900000000001, 298.887, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 54276249, 0.339990316828372, 0.339366637629885, 0.87706149711792103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9100601', 'HS0551+7241', 89.349800000000002, 72.697900000000004, '2002-10-14 05:38:37', 10267, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2005-03-22 07:59:04', '2003-04-09 07:52:13', 0, 0, '2002-10-14 05:38:37', '2002-10-14 09:34:31', 49.259099999999997, 89.703699999999998, 21.932300000000001, 141.09800000000001, 340.97300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 58029259, 0.0033749736393817202, 0.29739071766237002, 0.95474989950310696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5210101', 'HD5394_10ARCMIN', 14.464600000000001, 60.802500000000002, '2002-10-14 21:11:13', 2003, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 2.3900000000000001, 'B0IV', 0, 20, 'EC', '2006-04-04 12:01:54', '2004-06-03 15:35:03', 0, 0, '2002-10-14 21:11:13', '2002-10-15 02:23:57', 48.802199999999999, 44.180300000000003, -2.0597400000000001, 123.717, 261.512, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 49657420, 0.47235867627988398, 0.12184894483497299, 0.87294336333219202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5210301', 'HD5394_10ARCMIN_OPP', 13.887499999999999, 60.630800000000001, '2002-10-15 14:57:43', 2398, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 2.3900000000000001, 'B0IV', 0, 20, 'EC', '2006-04-04 12:02:31', '2004-05-26 15:53:40', 0, 0, '2002-10-15 14:57:43', '2002-10-15 15:42:49', 48.828299999999999, 43.680199999999999, -2.2371400000000001, 123.438, 258.77600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 49655209, 0.47609937133061803, 0.117712458553064, 0.87147757614294497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5210201', 'HD5394_5ARCMIN', 14.3208, 60.759399999999999, '2002-10-15 16:39:00', 2332, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 2.3900000000000001, 'B0IV', 0, 20, 'EC', '2006-04-04 12:02:10', '2004-05-26 15:50:23', 0, 0, '2002-10-15 16:39:00', '2002-10-15 17:22:37', 48.808300000000003, 44.055700000000002, -2.1044499999999999, 123.648, 260.37400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 49656786, 0.47329912409566399, 0.120825435580742, 0.87257615899530605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1570201', 'HD17034', 41.4255, 48.143900000000002, '2002-10-15 20:25:37', 3293, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.5999999999999996, 'B3V', 0.17999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-20 02:35:16', '2003-05-12 19:52:41', 1, 0, '2002-10-15 20:25:37', '2002-10-15 22:35:37', 30.5137, 54.496400000000001, -10.482900000000001, 141.86699999999999, 297.53300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE J.', 'PETERS', 'y', 51009189, 0.50032422381515695, 0.441491040563952, 0.74482302070056905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9020402', 'HD33357', 78.873999999999995, 42.165399999999998, '2002-10-16 00:01:21', 1666, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 8.5500000000000007, 'B1VN', 0.27000000000000002, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-19 05:08:12', '2003-02-12 17:10:36', 0, 0, '2002-10-16 00:01:21', '2002-10-16 00:29:23', 19.061499999999999, 81.296099999999996, 2.1734200000000001, 165.59700000000001, 342.101, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 24119587, 0.14302927008237001, 0.72727920626938403, 0.67127310688562403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9020502', 'HD33853', 77.873999999999995, 46.405999999999999, '2002-10-16 01:41:23', 1775, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 8.1099999999999994, 'B7V', 0.10000000000000001, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-20 01:30:27', '2003-02-12 17:10:38', 0, 0, '2002-10-16 01:41:23', '2002-10-16 02:11:14', 23.347899999999999, 80.922700000000006, 4.0727500000000001, 161.733, 338.589, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 24683269, 0.14484709884959801, 0.67415861550483502, 0.72424407425636494); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0630201', 'ABELL426', 49.950699999999998, 41.511699999999998, '2002-10-16 04:23:56', 4804, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.6, 'CLU', 0.23000000000000001, 81, 'EE', '2005-03-22 05:32:41', '2003-04-22 19:12:40', 1, 0.017559000000000002, '2002-10-16 04:23:56', '2002-10-16 08:04:43', 22.337900000000001, 58.606299999999997, -13.2616, 150.577, 313.10599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 27872357, 0.48182587221650802, 0.57321532958285204, 0.66277297379572098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0630202', 'ABELL426', 49.950699999999998, 41.511699999999998, '2002-10-16 21:32:05', 24107, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 12.6, 'CLU', 0.23000000000000001, 81, 'EE', '2005-03-22 05:42:15', '2003-04-22 19:37:22', 1, 0.017559000000000002, '2002-10-16 21:32:05', '2002-10-17 14:35:35', 22.337900000000001, 58.606299999999997, -13.2616, 150.577, 312.51499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 27872357, 0.48182587221650802, 0.57321532958285204, 0.66277297379572098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9010301', 'HD1279', 4.2876700000000003, 47.947400000000002, '2002-10-17 17:19:45', 956, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 2, 5.8499999999999996, 'B7II', 0.050000000000000003, 25, 'PC', '2005-03-19 04:57:16', '2003-04-08 07:42:17', 0, 0, '2002-10-17 17:19:45', '2002-10-17 17:35:49', 41.401899999999998, 27.066600000000001, -14.530099999999999, 117.014, 240.089, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 45714836, 0.66793792260183404, 0.050077954734096798, 0.74253022160717197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9022505', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2002-10-17 20:52:57', 3324, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 6.9199999999999999, 'B8V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-20 01:30:54', '2003-04-08 07:44:11', 0, 0, '2002-10-17 20:52:57', '2002-10-17 21:49:04', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 260.44900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1570202', 'HD17034', 41.4255, 48.143900000000002, '2002-10-18 09:34:04', 6107, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.5999999999999996, 'B3V', 0.17999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-20 02:47:58', '2003-05-12 20:01:21', 1, 0, '2002-10-18 09:34:04', '2002-10-18 12:15:02', 30.5137, 54.496400000000001, -10.482900000000001, 141.86699999999999, 296.18599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE J.', 'PETERS', 'y', 51009189, 0.50032422381515695, 0.441491040563952, 0.74482302070056905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1280304', 'NGC224', 10.6846, 41.269300000000001, '2002-10-18 14:32:55', 8088, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10, 'GAL', 0.080000000000000002, 80, 'EC', '2005-03-20 02:21:33', '2003-07-13 18:00:00', 0, -300, '2002-10-18 14:32:55', '2002-10-18 18:37:50', 33.348999999999997, 27.849499999999999, -21.573, 121.176, 244.852, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 44385323, 0.73858661763658495, 0.139351795156716, 0.65959903383400298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021703', 'HD9234', 23.0229, 54.018999999999998, '2002-10-18 19:52:35', 5992, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.9500000000000002, 'B8', 0.17999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-20 01:30:40', '2003-04-08 07:44:09', 0, 0, '2002-10-18 19:52:35', '2002-10-18 22:46:22', 40.619700000000002, 44.572099999999999, -8.3775899999999996, 128.94800000000001, 267.00900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 47445485, 0.54072040026861801, 0.22977729058062499, 0.80921186685983104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1280303', 'NGC224', 10.6846, 41.269300000000001, '2002-10-18 23:25:11', 12041, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 10, 'GAL', 0.080000000000000002, 80, 'EC', '2005-03-20 02:21:15', '2003-09-24 18:43:04', 0, -300, '2002-10-18 23:25:11', '2002-10-19 12:57:25', 33.348999999999997, 27.849499999999999, -21.573, 121.176, 244.06399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 44385323, 0.73858661763658495, 0.139351795156716, 0.65959903383400298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1280302', 'NGC224', 10.6846, 41.269300000000001, '2002-10-19 13:47:59', 11855, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10, 'GAL', 0.080000000000000002, 80, 'EC', '2005-03-20 02:20:44', '2003-07-13 18:00:00', 0, -300, '2002-10-19 13:47:59', '2002-10-19 21:17:02', 33.348999999999997, 27.849499999999999, -21.573, 121.176, 243, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 44385323, 0.73858661763658495, 0.139351795156716, 0.65959903383400298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1280301', 'NGC224', 10.6846, 41.269300000000001, '2002-10-19 22:39:49', 13404, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 10, 'GAL', 0.080000000000000002, 80, 'EC', '2005-03-20 02:20:36', '2003-07-13 18:00:00', 0, -300, '2002-10-19 22:39:49', '2002-10-20 12:15:39', 33.348999999999997, 27.849499999999999, -21.573, 121.176, 242.374, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 44385323, 0.73858661763658495, 0.139351795156716, 0.65959903383400298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1690122', 'EG-AND', 11.1549, 40.679400000000001, '2002-10-20 13:06:18', 8638, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.25, 'WD+M', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PC', '2005-03-22 04:18:24', '2003-05-12 20:08:34', 0, -95, '2002-10-20 13:06:18', '2002-10-20 17:15:12', 32.6616, 27.896599999999999, -22.174099999999999, 121.53700000000001, 241.648, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 42977776, 0.74404144311948694, 0.14671563857147599, 0.65182578371773203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9010701', 'HD13854', 34.215499999999999, 57.055199999999999, '2002-10-20 18:23:00', 4083, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 6.5, 'B1IA', 0.46999999999999997, 23, 'PC', '2005-03-19 04:57:39', '2003-04-08 07:44:01', 0, 0, '2002-10-20 18:23:00', '2002-10-20 19:34:00', 40.413899999999998, 53.796999999999997, -3.9056799999999998, 134.38300000000001, 279.64299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 53380576, 0.44970917082176798, 0.305799916039799, 0.83919489573569805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9120201', 'HD13267', 32.871600000000001, 57.645600000000002, '2002-10-20 20:13:17', 3637, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 6.4100000000000001, 'B5IA', 0, 24, 'PC', '2005-03-22 04:07:36', '2003-04-09 07:52:17', 0, 0, '2002-10-20 20:13:17', '2002-10-20 21:17:24', 41.2622, 53.277500000000003, -3.5738500000000002, 133.50700000000001, 276.53800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 58983462, 0.44947050303838598, 0.29045957770494502, 0.84475410660019001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1520106', 'ZAND', 353.41699999999997, 48.818399999999997, '2002-10-20 23:44:17', 59, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 9.1999999999999993, 'WD+M', 0.23999999999999999, 57, 'PC', '2005-03-19 04:15:42', '2003-07-31 16:15:37', 1, -1.8, '2002-10-20 23:44:17', '2002-10-20 23:45:16', 46.099800000000002, 19.382200000000001, -12.087899999999999, 109.98099999999999, 221.80799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES D.', 'KEYES', 'y', 226066253, 0.65410653326676604, -0.075486039338272207, 0.75262640201015596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1570101', 'HD17034', 41.4255, 48.143900000000002, '2002-10-21 03:16:09', 6187, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 10.800000000000001, 'B3V', 0.17999999999999999, 66, 'PE', '2005-03-20 02:22:31', '2003-04-28 14:59:52', 1, 0, '2002-10-21 03:16:09', '2002-10-21 07:51:22', 30.5137, 54.496400000000001, -10.482900000000001, 141.86699999999999, 292.87400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE J.', 'PETERS', 'y', 51009189, 0.50032422381515695, 0.441491040563952, 0.74482302070056905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070210', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2002-10-21 18:10:24', 3022, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-20 03:10:10', '2003-04-28 15:48:49', 0, 0, '2002-10-21 18:10:24', '2002-10-21 21:34:30', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 232.999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070212', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2002-10-22 08:27:34', 4019, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-20 03:10:26', '2003-04-28 16:09:07', 1, 0, '2002-10-22 08:27:34', '2002-10-22 11:58:37', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 232.202, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1690123', 'EG-AND', 11.1549, 40.679400000000001, '2002-10-22 15:05:51', 6709, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.25, 'WD+M', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PC', '2005-03-22 04:18:41', '2003-04-28 15:08:47', 0, -95, '2002-10-22 15:05:51', '2002-10-22 19:13:43', 32.6616, 27.896599999999999, -22.174099999999999, 121.53700000000001, 237.619, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 42977776, 0.74404144311948694, 0.14671563857147599, 0.65182578371773203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1520103', 'ZAND', 353.41699999999997, 48.818399999999997, '2002-10-22 22:11:39', 4872, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 9.1999999999999993, 'WD+M', 0.23999999999999999, 57, 'PC', '2005-03-19 04:15:30', '2003-05-12 19:45:35', 2, -1.8, '2002-10-22 22:11:39', '2002-10-23 06:21:40', 46.099800000000002, 19.382200000000001, -12.087899999999999, 109.98099999999999, 219.22399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES D.', 'KEYES', 'y', 226066253, 0.65410653326676604, -0.075486039338272207, 0.75262640201015596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070213', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2002-10-23 09:22:09', 3166, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-20 03:10:33', '2003-04-28 16:20:10', 0, 0, '2002-10-23 09:22:09', '2002-10-23 10:16:27', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 230.84100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070214', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2002-10-23 11:06:41', 3322, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-20 04:02:50', '2003-04-28 16:31:53', 1, 0, '2002-10-23 11:06:41', '2002-10-23 13:04:44', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 230.63900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070215', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2002-10-23 14:26:09', 3706, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-20 04:03:02', '2003-04-28 16:45:53', 1, 0, '2002-10-23 14:26:09', '2002-10-23 16:49:39', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 230.44399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1690124', 'EG-AND', 11.1549, 40.679400000000001, '2002-10-23 19:43:39', 6697, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 7.25, 'WD+M', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PC', '2005-03-22 06:54:29', '2003-09-26 18:42:37', 0, -95, '2002-10-23 19:43:39', '2002-10-24 05:36:46', 32.6616, 27.896599999999999, -22.174099999999999, 121.53700000000001, 235.42099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 42977776, 0.74404144311948694, 0.14671563857147599, 0.65182578371773203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0070101', 'HUBBLE_12', 350.98899999999998, 57.906700000000001, '2002-10-24 14:22:07', 67291, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 11.9, '', 0.11, 71, 'PE', '2007-04-12 23:50:33', '2003-05-08 16:18:22', 0, 0, '2002-10-24 14:22:07', '2002-10-25 14:14:23', 54.132800000000003, 26.414000000000001, -3.0104500000000001, 111.502, 219.74600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 233951504, 0.52474237092798404, -0.083214300387966997, 0.84718405577762101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1053302', 'WD2247+583', 342.46800000000002, 58.575800000000001, '2002-10-25 14:43:55', 12809, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.26, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-19 04:57:03', '2003-05-12 20:44:46', 0, 0, '2002-10-25 14:43:55', '2002-10-25 19:18:13', 57.713700000000003, 21.450800000000001, -0.63886399999999999, 107.639, 209.827, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 233699792, 0.49715186188129501, -0.15705669901825101, 0.853330662475838); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9100401', 'V709-CAS', 7.2036300000000004, 59.289400000000001, '2002-10-25 22:06:48', 10527, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2005-03-22 07:58:59', '2003-04-09 07:52:12', 0, 0, '2002-10-25 22:06:48', '2002-10-26 02:18:28', 49.759300000000003, 38.342100000000002, -3.4555799999999999, 120.04300000000001, 237.81200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49837629, 0.50667089209006699, 0.064040031792134494, 0.85975780394057399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9033801', 'WD2116+736', 319.22000000000003, 73.844999999999999, '2002-10-26 13:56:27', 16911, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-20 02:20:18', '2003-04-09 07:52:05', 1, 0, '2002-10-26 13:56:27', '2002-10-26 20:17:12', 72.466399999999993, 45.625300000000003, 16.927700000000002, 109.38800000000001, 191.93899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 264743555, 0.210687336644413, -0.181732129913422, 0.96051250857800596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0530202', 'SSCYG', 325.678, 43.585999999999999, '2002-10-26 22:43:48', 9495, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 11.4, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-03-22 05:31:35', '2003-05-13 20:52:27', 0, 0, '2002-10-26 22:43:48', '2002-10-27 10:31:33', 52.656199999999998, 350.46600000000001, -7.1104599999999998, 90.560199999999995, 185.37100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 229682506, 0.59821954842209701, -0.408414382994502, 0.68944257458390501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1053201', 'WD2111+498', 318.18400000000003, 50.104999999999997, '2002-10-27 16:44:22', 4403, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.09, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-19 04:37:00', '2003-05-08 20:18:28', 0, 0, '2002-10-27 16:44:22', '2002-10-27 22:09:03', 60.928800000000003, 349.666, 1.13381, 91.372600000000006, 181.75999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 252168620, 0.47801599572181203, -0.42763588688754001, 0.76722112593436298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9033802', 'WD2116+736', 319.22000000000003, 73.844999999999999, '2002-10-28 01:26:30', 37118, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-20 04:33:20', '2003-04-09 07:52:06', 1, 0, '2002-10-28 01:26:30', '2002-10-28 13:19:18', 72.466399999999993, 45.625300000000003, 16.927700000000002, 109.38800000000001, 190.423, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 264743555, 0.210687336644413, -0.181732129913422, 0.96051250857800596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1053101', 'WD2013+400', 303.28800000000001, 40.039999999999999, '2002-10-29 06:54:36', 6543, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-22 07:48:29', '2003-05-14 00:07:09', 0, 0, '2002-10-29 06:54:36', '2002-10-29 13:51:20', 57.6511, 321.74900000000002, 3.1824699999999999, 76.9983, 157.19399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 240095901, 0.42019537464663798, -0.63997837935110002, 0.64332225290962197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052902', 'RE_J1738+669', 264.50999999999999, 66.896600000000007, '2002-10-29 17:29:13', 10693, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.399999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-22 07:26:32', '2003-05-13 23:25:21', 1, 0, '2002-10-29 17:29:13', '2002-10-29 23:19:07', 87.805899999999994, 168.67599999999999, 31.961500000000001, 96.894099999999995, 137.095, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 190259276, -0.037540907143393698, -0.39059176374697302, 0.91979821394905903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1053005', 'WD1800+685', 270.04000000000002, 68.598299999999995, '2002-10-30 16:40:53', 15865, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.699999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-22 07:48:14', '2003-05-13 23:46:26', 1, 0, '2002-10-30 16:40:53', '2002-10-31 00:21:47', 87.962100000000007, 89.593800000000002, 29.775300000000001, 98.7333, 140.59100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 262913959, 0.00025475131510101402, -0.36490432023418001, 0.931044989340579); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070313', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2002-10-31 05:30:42', 8426, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-20 04:12:48', '2003-05-08 21:03:38', 2, 0, '2002-10-31 05:30:42', '2002-11-01 10:05:28', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 162.61500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070319', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2002-11-03 05:04:05', 3097, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-20 04:33:13', '2003-05-08 21:34:11', 2, 0, '2002-11-03 05:04:05', '2002-11-03 10:22:08', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 160.50299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031002', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2002-11-03 14:54:18', 12410, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-22 07:15:56', '2003-05-08 21:17:47', 3, 0, '2002-11-03 14:54:18', '2002-11-03 19:32:23', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 141.613, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031003', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2002-11-03 20:18:49', 9833, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-22 07:05:32', '2003-05-09 00:35:55', 4, 0, '2002-11-03 20:18:49', '2002-11-04 01:42:47', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 141.24700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031004', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2002-11-04 03:01:33', 11625, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 19, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-22 07:06:05', '2003-05-11 20:01:08', 4, 0, '2002-11-04 03:01:33', '2002-11-04 07:59:05', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 140.989, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9120701', 'HD192987', 304.11700000000002, 37.056399999999996, '2002-11-04 10:57:49', 1690, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 6.46, 'B6II', 0, 25, 'PC', '2005-03-22 04:07:45', '2003-04-14 08:10:44', 0, 0, '2002-11-04 10:57:49', '2002-11-04 11:26:17', 54.655200000000001, 320.69200000000001, 0.98926000000000003, 74.872699999999995, 167.13499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 239887200, 0.447609918335794, -0.66069473995251604, 0.602600880854402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053004', 'SK-67D166-BKGD', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2002-11-04 17:55:07', 19884, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'EE', '2005-03-23 01:14:49', '2003-09-12 16:03:17', 0, 0, '2002-11-04 17:55:07', '2002-11-05 01:54:23', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 46.123699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0550101', 'N49-SE', 81.517200000000003, -66.088300000000004, '2002-11-05 15:17:50', 20728, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.14999999999999999, 75, 'EE', '2005-03-22 05:31:53', '2003-06-02 20:07:24', 3, 0, '2002-11-05 15:17:50', '2002-11-05 23:22:51', -86.563800000000001, 3.99302, -33.238900000000001, 276.101, 35.340400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 542557585, 0.059790988879624002, 0.40089405820148899, -0.91417120483393999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0770302', 'HV5936', 83.412499999999994, -66.627700000000004, '2002-11-05 23:55:51', 24888, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.800000000000001, 'B2V', 0.070000000000000007, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-23 22:16:58', '2003-06-06 16:52:23', 0, 0, '2002-11-05 23:55:51', '2002-11-06 07:14:09', -87.383499999999998, 355.50700000000001, -32.419499999999999, 276.62900000000002, 46.958399999999997, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 542526871, 0.045510069664005399, 0.394085036818561, -0.91794652203431204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0380101', 'HD43940', 94.290000000000006, -37.253500000000003, '2002-11-06 09:42:07', 2527, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.8700000000000001, 'A3V', 0, 30, 'PE', '2005-03-22 05:21:21', '2003-08-24 19:00:15', 0, 0, '2002-11-06 09:42:07', '2002-11-06 12:09:04', -60.589300000000001, 96.964299999999994, -22.431899999999999, 244.55699999999999, 33.906199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', 'y', 649002839, -0.059541912263152599, 0.79373489459105395, -0.60534261190880601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1320101', 'HD39060', 86.821200000000005, -51.066499999999998, '2002-11-06 14:32:35', 23172, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 3.8610000000000002, 'A5V', 0.02, 31, 'PC', '2005-03-22 05:52:33', '2003-06-02 21:11:21', 1, 0, '2002-11-06 14:32:35', '2002-11-07 01:39:33', -74.423699999999997, 82.543499999999995, -30.611699999999999, 258.36599999999999, 43.088900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN-CLAUDE', 'BOURET', 'y', 557952421, 0.034847076622894102, 0.62745106250650295, -0.77787585475466403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1490601', 'PKS0558-504', 89.947500000000005, -50.447800000000001, '2002-11-07 02:08:53', 47461, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14.9, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-03-22 06:03:16', '2003-06-06 18:38:17', 4, 0.13700000000000001, '2002-11-07 02:08:53', '2002-11-07 21:41:40', -73.887200000000007, 89.879499999999993, -28.569299999999998, 257.964, 40.878300000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JASON X.', 'PROCHASKA', 'y', 558120993, 0.00058348094200763004, 0.63678068661167897, -0.77104475661815397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1400301', 'SK-66-40', 74.434399999999997, -66.548500000000004, '2002-11-08 00:34:43', 3067, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'WN10', 0.25, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-26 01:58:28', '2003-06-06 18:03:33', 0, 0, '2002-11-08 00:34:43', '2002-11-08 01:25:49', -83.822800000000001, 352.96300000000002, -35.938400000000001, 277.32100000000003, 57.384, 'F', 'F', 'NICHOLE', 'KING', 'y', 542745683, 0.10679257590539599, 0.38337654461781001, -0.91739728077229299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1400302', 'SK-66-40', 74.434399999999997, -66.548500000000004, '2002-11-08 02:03:51', 2960, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'WN10', 0.25, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-26 01:58:35', '2003-06-06 18:05:30', 0, 0, '2002-11-08 02:03:51', '2002-11-08 02:54:55', -83.822800000000001, 352.96300000000002, -35.938400000000001, 277.32100000000003, 57.445999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'NICHOLE', 'KING', 'y', 542745683, 0.10679257590539599, 0.38337654461781001, -0.91739728077229299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1400303', 'SK-66-40', 74.434399999999997, -66.548500000000004, '2002-11-08 03:32:59', 2943, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'WN10', 0.25, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-26 01:58:42', '2003-06-06 18:07:24', 0, 0, '2002-11-08 03:32:59', '2002-11-08 04:24:01', -83.822800000000001, 352.96300000000002, -35.938400000000001, 277.32100000000003, 57.508099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NICHOLE', 'KING', 'y', 542745683, 0.10679257590539599, 0.38337654461781001, -0.91739728077229299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1400304', 'SK-66-40', 74.434399999999997, -66.548500000000004, '2002-11-08 05:11:21', 3012, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'WN10', 0.25, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-26 01:58:49', '2003-06-06 18:09:37', 0, 0, '2002-11-08 05:11:21', '2002-11-08 06:02:32', -83.822800000000001, 352.96300000000002, -35.938400000000001, 277.32100000000003, 57.576599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NICHOLE', 'KING', 'y', 542745683, 0.10679257590539599, 0.38337654461781001, -0.91739728077229299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1400305', 'SK-66-40', 74.434399999999997, -66.548500000000004, '2002-11-08 06:51:12', 1542, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'WN10', 0.25, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-30 05:58:04', '2003-06-06 18:11:49', 0, 0, '2002-11-08 06:51:12', '2002-11-08 07:17:23', -83.822800000000001, 352.96300000000002, -35.938400000000001, 277.32100000000003, 57.646099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'NICHOLE', 'KING', 'y', 542745683, 0.10679257590539599, 0.38337654461781001, -0.91739728077229299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1400306', 'SK-66-40', 74.434399999999997, -66.548500000000004, '2002-11-08 08:30:58', 1581, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13, 'WN10', 0.25, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-30 05:58:14', '2003-06-06 18:14:11', 0, 0, '2002-11-08 08:30:58', '2002-11-08 08:57:19', -83.822800000000001, 352.96300000000002, -35.938400000000001, 277.32100000000003, 57.715600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'NICHOLE', 'KING', 'y', 542745683, 0.10679257590539599, 0.38337654461781001, -0.91739728077229299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0550203', 'N49-NW', 81.506299999999996, -66.076400000000007, '2002-11-08 09:49:42', 2916, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 99, 'SNR', 0.14999999999999999, 75, 'EE', '2005-03-22 05:32:13', '2003-05-13 21:00:30', 2, 0, '2002-11-08 09:49:42', '2002-11-08 10:40:03', -86.557100000000005, 4.17232, -33.244900000000001, 276.08800000000002, 51.077199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 542557588, 0.059895296582769, 0.40107045319632401, -0.91408700079377403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1530102', 'SKY-032010-622629', 50.040799999999997, -62.441400000000002, '2002-11-08 13:39:11', 103944, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 33, 99, 'OTR', 0.070000000000000007, 64, 'EE', '2005-03-22 06:24:02', '2003-06-18 18:00:00', 0, 0, '2002-11-08 13:39:11', '2002-11-10 17:51:57', -72.639300000000006, 354.75400000000002, -47.079900000000002, 278.69200000000001, 81.302400000000006, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN L.', 'SHELTON', 'y', 549729417, 0.297136818021216, 0.35462641040529702, -0.88653810996441695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1530103', 'SKY-032010-622629', 50.040799999999997, -62.441400000000002, '2002-11-10 18:31:42', 60405, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 99, 'OTR', 0.070000000000000007, 64, 'EE', '2005-03-22 06:33:37', '2003-06-18 18:00:00', 0, 0, '2002-11-10 18:31:42', '2002-11-11 15:20:46', -72.639300000000006, 354.75400000000002, -47.079900000000002, 278.69200000000001, 83.547399999999996, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN L.', 'SHELTON', 'y', 549729417, 0.297136818021216, 0.35462641040529702, -0.88653810996441695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9121301', 'SK-65D2', 74.214699999999993, -65.519000000000005, '2002-11-11 17:55:55', 12431, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.83, 'B1V', 0.11, 20, 'PC', '2005-03-22 07:59:40', '2003-04-09 07:52:18', 0, 0, '2002-11-11 17:55:55', '2002-11-11 22:25:21', -83.523600000000002, 1.9506300000000001, -36.283799999999999, 276.11599999999999, 61.217300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 542764440, 0.11272830603654301, 0.39876385933487002, -0.91009873832815102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1030301', 'MACHO79-4779', 77.371200000000002, -68.917500000000004, '2002-11-12 05:30:36', 16624, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.6, 'B0V', 0.11, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-26 01:48:11', '2003-06-02 20:54:21', 0, 0, '2002-11-12 05:30:36', '2002-11-12 11:07:05', -84.680000000000007, 328.017, -34.2791, 279.79500000000002, 58.889499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 542642458, 0.078645152526197304, 0.35100932406931401, -0.93306344607456104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057301', 'HD35580-BKGD', 80.592299999999994, -56.134399999999999, '2002-11-12 11:59:36', 18837, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-03-23 01:15:07', '2002-12-04 09:54:55', 3, 0, '2002-11-12 11:59:36', '2002-11-12 19:55:50', -78.668800000000005, 62.380699999999997, -34.509999999999998, 264.19099999999997, 55.453699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 555236619, 0.091086731514489205, 0.54975182019358204, -0.83034700188285804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057302', 'HD35580-BKGD', 80.592299999999994, -56.134399999999999, '2002-11-12 23:37:56', 21240, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-03-23 01:24:56', '2002-12-04 17:01:06', 2, 0, '2002-11-12 23:37:56', '2002-11-13 06:57:51', -78.668800000000005, 62.380699999999997, -34.509999999999998, 264.19099999999997, 55.973300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 555236619, 0.091086731514489205, 0.54975182019358204, -0.83034700188285804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9011701', 'HD35580', 80.592299999999994, -56.134399999999999, '2002-11-13 07:58:16', 2518, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 6.0899999999999999, 'B8.5', 0, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-22 07:38:06', '2003-04-08 07:44:06', 0, 0, '2002-11-13 07:58:16', '2002-11-13 08:40:50', -78.668800000000005, 62.380699999999997, -34.509999999999998, 264.19099999999997, 56.3279, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 555236619, 0.091086731514489205, 0.54975182019358204, -0.83034700188285804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1320102', 'HD39060', 86.821200000000005, -51.066499999999998, '2002-11-13 09:46:08', 24338, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 3.8610000000000002, 'A5V', 0.02, 31, 'PC', '2005-03-22 05:52:53', '2003-06-02 21:31:48', 1, 0, '2002-11-13 09:46:08', '2002-11-13 22:29:08', -74.423699999999997, 82.543499999999995, -30.611699999999999, 258.36599999999999, 50.079700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN-CLAUDE', 'BOURET', 'y', 557952421, 0.034847076622894102, 0.62745106250650295, -0.77787585475466403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050302', 'LB_3241', 33.299599999999998, -49.7483, '2002-11-14 02:15:04', 5589, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 12.720000000000001, 'SDOB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-22 07:16:03', '2003-06-02 23:12:50', 0, 0, '2002-11-14 02:15:04', '2002-11-14 04:41:21', -57.282299999999999, 2.3201000000000001, -62.482199999999999, 273.69799999999998, 103.758, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 574750701, 0.54005658223665098, 0.35474547055699102, -0.76321329856218201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0230203', 'R-DOR', 69.189999999999998, -62.077199999999998, '2002-11-14 07:16:44', 37698, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 5.7300000000000004, 'M8II', 0, 49, 'PE', '2005-03-22 23:40:09', '2003-06-02 19:54:44', 0, 0, '2002-11-14 07:16:44', '2002-11-14 22:00:47', -79.993600000000001, 16.772200000000002, -39.342300000000002, 272.673, 68.144999999999996, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM M.', 'HARPER', 'y', 544498414, 0.166366407561574, 0.43773250147460702, -0.88357935443730196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0880101', 'ABELL3112', 49.490400000000001, -44.238199999999999, '2002-11-15 00:33:38', 23817, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 16, 'CLU', 0.01, 90, 'PE', '2005-03-22 23:40:33', '2003-06-02 20:29:37', 1, 0.0746, '2002-11-15 00:33:38', '2002-11-15 14:06:31', -58.953499999999998, 25.527699999999999, -56.079000000000001, 252.93700000000001, 88.408900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ALAIN', 'LECAVELIER', 'y', 564320900, 0.46538549476028002, 0.54471156824759903, -0.69764292348161205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1019102', 'HE0226-4110', 37.063299999999998, -40.9544, '2002-11-15 16:34:31', 14501, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 15.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2005-03-23 00:43:15', '2004-03-10 12:15:35', 11, 0.495, '2002-11-15 16:34:31', '2002-11-16 01:30:47', -51.483699999999999, 14.591799999999999, -65.774600000000007, 253.94399999999999, 101.994, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 576395052, 0.60265217012290695, 0.45517573378343901, -0.65545817045854204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0880102', 'ABELL3112', 49.490400000000001, -44.238199999999999, '2002-11-16 04:12:26', 9099, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16, 'CLU', 0.01, 90, 'PE', '2005-03-22 23:40:43', '2003-06-02 20:42:03', 1, 0.0746, '2002-11-16 04:12:26', '2002-11-16 09:54:02', -58.953499999999998, 25.527699999999999, -56.079000000000001, 252.93700000000001, 89.670699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ALAIN', 'LECAVELIER', 'y', 564320900, 0.46538549476028002, 0.54471156824759903, -0.69764292348161205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050303', 'LB_3241', 33.299599999999998, -49.7483, '2002-11-16 10:51:40', 11151, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 21, 12.720000000000001, 'SDOB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-20 02:48:03', '2003-06-02 23:37:46', 0, 0, '2002-11-16 10:51:40', '2002-11-16 16:24:45', -57.282299999999999, 2.3201000000000001, -62.482199999999999, 273.69799999999998, 106.074, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 574750701, 0.54005658223665098, 0.35474547055699102, -0.76321329856218201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1019103', 'HE0226-4110', 37.063299999999998, -40.9544, '2002-11-16 19:16:39', 18981, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2005-03-23 00:53:39', '2004-02-29 12:33:14', 11, 0.495, '2002-11-16 19:16:39', '2002-11-17 07:23:57', -51.483699999999999, 14.591799999999999, -65.774600000000007, 253.94399999999999, 103.155, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 576395052, 0.60265217012290695, 0.45517573378343901, -0.65545817045854204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9071901', 'ESO116-G18', 51.221699999999998, -60.738900000000001, '2002-11-17 10:13:22', 19817, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.199999999999999, 'SEY', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-22 07:48:39', '2003-04-10 07:54:23', 2, 5546, '2002-11-17 10:13:22', '2002-11-17 17:57:04', -72.173000000000002, 0.48302, -47.637599999999999, 276.17700000000002, 89.206800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 549818513, 0.30613354623070199, 0.38104877957884598, -0.87240132935116899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1019104', 'HE0226-4110', 37.063299999999998, -40.9544, '2002-11-17 20:49:25', 18159, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 15.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2005-03-23 01:04:09', '2003-06-20 16:26:11', 13, 0.495, '2002-11-17 20:49:25', '2002-11-18 09:42:45', -51.483699999999999, 14.591799999999999, -65.774600000000007, 253.94399999999999, 104.252, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 576395052, 0.60265217012290695, 0.45517573378343901, -0.65545817045854204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050304', 'LB_3241', 33.299599999999998, -49.7483, '2002-11-18 12:47:16', 9749, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 18, 12.720000000000001, 'SDOB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-20 02:59:34', '2003-06-06 19:14:12', 0, 0, '2002-11-18 12:47:16', '2002-11-18 17:01:38', -57.282299999999999, 2.3201000000000001, -62.482199999999999, 273.69799999999998, 108.014, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 574750701, 0.54005658223665098, 0.35474547055699102, -0.76321329856218201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057401', 'PG1051+501-BKGD', 163.916, 49.486800000000002, '2002-11-20 13:12:48', 12317, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'EE', '2005-03-23 01:25:04', '2002-12-09 17:01:40', 2, 0, '2002-11-20 13:12:48', '2002-11-20 19:19:48', 38.750399999999999, 143.166, 58.496000000000002, 159.92099999999999, 23.8218, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 96964147, -0.62419472708330004, 0.179975735905686, 0.76025632333221105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1010101', 'NGC6543-N-EXTENSION', 269.642, 66.634500000000003, '2002-11-21 09:01:28', 14562, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'PN', 0.080000000000000002, 71, 'EE', '2005-03-22 23:50:26', '2004-01-23 15:16:15', 2, 0, '2002-11-21 09:01:28', '2002-11-22 07:02:56', 89.839500000000001, 152.37700000000001, 29.953399999999998, 96.471299999999999, 116.40000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'GUERRERO', 'y', 190144085, -0.0024780212452742601, -0.39658746148409502, 0.91799359736564001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1010201', 'NGC6543-N-CAVITY', 269.63999999999999, 66.633600000000001, '2002-11-22 09:59:31', 14456, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'PN', 0.080000000000000002, 71, 'EE', '2005-03-23 00:10:57', '2003-06-06 17:28:17', 2, 0, '2002-11-22 09:59:31', '2002-11-23 14:38:04', 89.839600000000004, 152.72, 29.953900000000001, 96.470299999999995, 116.40000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'GUERRERO', 'y', 190144085, -0.0024919553591445098, -0.39660179421936598, 0.91798736754950405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1060101', 'HD131873', 222.67599999999999, 74.155500000000004, '2002-11-23 17:38:45', 30941, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 2.0800000000000001, 'K4II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-03-26 03:42:22', '2003-06-06 17:58:59', 0, 0, '2002-11-23 17:38:45', '2002-11-24 22:19:32', 72.987499999999997, 133.31899999999999, 40.502400000000002, 112.649, 71.118499999999997, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', 'y', 197966081, -0.20072942931620999, -0.18507216883480401, 0.962006231024088); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0341503', 'PG0948+534', 147.858, 53.158499999999997, '2002-11-25 01:15:37', 3939, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.27, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-26 03:21:26', '2003-06-06 16:26:27', 0, 0, '2002-11-25 01:15:37', '2002-11-25 03:13:00', 37.3992, 129.72300000000001, 47.923200000000001, 162.184, 8.6315299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 118818334, -0.507703498275479, 0.31900065764222801, 0.80029728117910504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1012603', 'HD093521', 162.09800000000001, 37.570300000000003, '2002-11-25 05:47:20', 5006, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 16, 7.04, 'O9VP', 0.029999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2006-04-04 08:22:43', '2003-06-18 20:23:34', 1, -16, '2002-11-25 05:47:20', '2002-11-25 20:22:12', 27.5489, 148.286, 62.151699999999998, 183.14099999999999, 20.892600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 90225339, -0.75423075241172599, 0.24363896983726899, 0.60973438847835704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1071603', 'PG1100+772', 166.05699999999999, 76.982799999999997, '2002-11-25 23:12:56', 71503, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 39, 15.720000000000001, 'QSO', 0.059999999999999998, 85, 'PC', '2005-03-26 04:24:41', '2003-06-27 18:37:18', 4, 0.3115, '2002-11-25 23:12:56', '2002-11-28 09:40:50', 60.7288, 116.55800000000001, 38.549399999999999, 130.39599999999999, 16.454499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 131361783, -0.218606952729062, 0.054273894278031698, 0.97430249133336899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052302', 'WD1202+608', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2002-11-28 10:44:12', 4933, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.609999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-25 06:18:27', '2003-06-06 19:27:02', 0, 0, '2002-11-28 10:44:12', '2002-11-28 13:12:42', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 31.008700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050702', 'PG0952+519', 148.833, 51.618200000000002, '2002-11-28 16:09:02', 0, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 32, 12.699999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-03-25 10:54:11', '2004-10-02 16:02:45', 0, 0, '2002-11-28 16:09:02', '2002-11-29 01:26:26', 36.255099999999999, 131.21100000000001, 49.004300000000001, 164.06700000000001, 7.07864, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 96405807, -0.531279814801635, 0.32133641114318401, 0.78389072532972304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1110201', 'HD89758', 155.58199999999999, 41.499499999999998, '2002-11-29 02:37:41', 1781, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 3.0699999999999998, 'M0II', 0, 49, 'PE', '2005-03-26 03:52:24', '2003-09-24 18:18:45', 0, -20.5, '2002-11-29 02:37:41', '2002-11-29 12:29:23', 28.997900000000001, 141.23500000000001, 56.359999999999999, 177.905, 14.0595, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA K.', 'DUPREE', 'y', 93685603, -0.68196976922883701, 0.30961357714160598, 0.662613512318867); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0480501', 'UGC5720', 158.13300000000001, 54.400799999999997, '2002-11-29 15:13:11', 13411, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.300000000000001, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 89, 'EC', '2005-03-25 09:22:47', '2003-07-31 16:11:36', 0, 1461, '2002-11-29 15:13:11', '2002-11-30 01:11:51', 41.282299999999999, 135.964, 52.802300000000002, 156.19800000000001, 12.272600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 99002075, -0.54022922498744896, 0.21680940754467601, 0.81310888893775302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1490501', 'MRK106', 139.98099999999999, 55.360300000000002, '2002-11-30 04:21:42', 77262, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 28, 16, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-03-25 10:22:24', '2003-08-03 20:52:26', 4, 0.124, '2002-11-30 04:21:42', '2002-12-01 21:59:46', 37.5501, 123.303, 42.879199999999997, 161.13999999999999, 357.08300000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JASON X.', 'PROCHASKA', 'y', 119226839, -0.43530916762146099, 0.36551382239985097, 0.82274271447358405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9072901', 'NGC2985', 147.59, 72.278899999999993, '2002-12-02 00:24:16', 43269, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 10.609999999999999, 'SEY', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-25 12:17:10', '2003-04-14 08:10:35', 0, 1322, '2002-12-02 00:24:16', '2002-12-03 02:25:01', 54.003300000000003, 115.92700000000001, 38.681699999999999, 139.01499999999999, 353.75799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 130376758, -0.25697133321416099, 0.16314188684800601, 0.952549452082047); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057601', 'G191-B2B-BKGD', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-12-03 05:51:01', 2731, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-03-25 10:54:31', '2003-01-02 17:02:50', 2, 0, '2002-12-03 05:51:01', '2002-12-03 11:15:23', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 280.43299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030613', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-12-03 21:00:11', 2359, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-25 05:36:43', '2003-06-18 20:07:15', 0, 0, '2002-12-03 21:00:11', '2002-12-03 23:01:56', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 279.10700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3060101', 'HD9672', 23.657399999999999, -15.676399999999999, '2002-12-04 08:16:34', 16958, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 5.5999999999999996, 'A3V', 0, 30, 'PC', '2006-04-04 11:50:53', '2003-06-18 20:37:13', 0, 0, '2002-12-04 08:16:34', '2002-12-04 23:49:20', -23.677299999999999, 15.645300000000001, -74.779200000000003, 166.32900000000001, 138.916, 'F', 'F', 'ALAIN', 'LECAVELIER', 'y', 285431513, 0.88189029803897501, 0.38634098759487101, -0.27020389251257598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057602', 'G191-B2B-BKGD', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-12-05 09:14:42', 10437, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-03-25 11:04:13', '2003-01-02 17:02:59', 2, 0, '2002-12-05 09:14:42', '2002-12-05 14:57:36', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 276.35700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030515', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-12-06 05:16:06', 2002, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-26 00:17:32', '2003-06-18 20:00:34', 0, 0, '2002-12-06 05:16:06', '2002-12-06 08:43:16', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 274.68799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1630101', 'NGC2273', 102.536, 60.845799999999997, '2002-12-06 18:28:57', 22159, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.539999999999999, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PE', '2005-03-25 10:23:03', '2003-06-27 15:28:11', 0, 0.0060000000000000001, '2002-12-06 18:28:57', '2002-12-07 02:53:51', 37.740299999999998, 97.684399999999997, 23.313700000000001, 154.97, 308.827, 'F', 'F', 'PRAJVAL', 'SHASTRI', 'y', 116858896, -0.10573991167973699, 0.47554770115827799, 0.87331177422558504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9110701', 'M4-18', 66.461699999999993, 60.1203, '2002-12-07 06:11:25', 18582, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14, '[WR]', 0.69999999999999996, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-25 12:17:27', '2003-04-09 07:52:15', 0, 0, '2002-12-07 06:11:25', '2002-12-07 12:45:56', 37.868000000000002, 75.402699999999996, 7.6009000000000002, 146.79599999999999, 256.82600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 54937374, 0.198954386336124, 0.45672861511088703, 0.86707330964371598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9110601', 'NGC1501', 61.753, 60.917400000000001, '2002-12-07 13:11:31', 15148, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.4, '[WR]', 0.59999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-25 12:17:18', '2003-04-10 07:54:26', 0, 0, '2002-12-07 13:11:31', '2002-12-07 19:15:39', 39.159399999999998, 72.741600000000005, 6.5501100000000001, 144.566, 249.91, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 55147436, 0.23004407326719001, 0.42818661073483399, 0.87391987661458703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052001', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-12-07 21:46:19', 4275, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 11.779999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-25 06:07:00', '2003-07-08 19:51:39', 0, 0, '2002-12-07 21:46:19', '2002-12-08 04:45:27', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 271.30900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1570102', 'HD17034', 41.4255, 48.143900000000002, '2002-12-08 08:52:48', 5321, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.800000000000001, 'B3V', 0.17999999999999999, 66, 'PE', '2005-03-25 10:22:44', '2003-08-03 21:07:40', 1, 0, '2002-12-08 08:52:48', '2002-12-08 12:42:17', 30.5137, 54.496400000000001, -10.482900000000001, 141.86699999999999, 209.512, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE J.', 'PETERS', 'y', 51009189, 0.50032422381515695, 0.441491040563952, 0.74482302070056905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030615', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-12-08 22:36:38', 1895, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-25 05:46:11', '2003-06-18 20:10:41', 0, 0, '2002-12-08 22:36:38', '2002-12-08 23:08:36', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 269.16000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030516', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-12-09 00:29:55', 1911, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-25 05:35:15', '2003-06-27 16:52:16', 0, 0, '2002-12-09 00:29:55', '2002-12-09 02:25:04', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 269.01999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030412', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-12-09 03:53:23', 1880, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-25 00:38:12', '2003-07-02 19:11:07', 0, 0, '2002-12-09 03:53:23', '2002-12-09 07:28:54', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 268.74000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052101', 'AGK+81D266', 140.32900000000001, 81.724599999999995, '2002-12-09 10:25:49', 6277, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 11.85, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-03-25 06:17:29', '2003-07-08 14:35:43', 0, 0, '2002-12-09 10:25:49', '2002-12-09 12:51:11', 60.619199999999999, 103.051, 31.948599999999999, 130.67099999999999, 335.34899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 133292579, -0.110787224375408, 0.0918826412983859, 0.98958767734002495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9011101', 'HD21279', 51.982300000000002, 47.735999999999997, '2002-12-09 14:49:53', 5217, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 7.25, 'B8.5', 0.11, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-25 11:15:10', '2003-04-10 07:54:13', 0, 0, '2002-12-09 14:49:53', '2002-12-09 22:08:44', 27.919, 62.044400000000003, -7.2912100000000004, 148.26300000000001, 221.19900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 29001975, 0.41422538438150902, 0.52984684726909204, 0.740053815187108); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9011501', 'HD22136', 53.993600000000001, 47.091099999999997, '2002-12-09 23:37:10', 4201, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.8799999999999999, 'B8V', 0.089999999999999997, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-25 11:39:06', '2003-04-08 07:44:05', 0, 0, '2002-12-09 23:37:10', '2002-12-10 06:00:24', 26.930800000000001, 63.3249, -7.0305900000000001, 149.75800000000001, 222.83000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 28893365, 0.40024608960807001, 0.55076209755565497, 0.73243715064812498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0230303', 'ALPHA-CET', 45.569899999999997, 4.0896699999999999, '2002-12-10 09:16:19', 9388, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 2.5600000000000001, 'M1.5', 0, 49, 'PE', '2005-03-25 09:22:15', '2003-07-08 19:22:14', 0, 0, '2002-12-10 09:16:19', '2002-12-10 16:20:09', -12.585800000000001, 44.320099999999996, -45.5961, 173.31800000000001, 142.58500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM M.', 'HARPER', 'y', 250950, 0.69825604972097799, 0.71228666085855696, 0.0713176120675766); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9011201', 'HD21551', 52.6539, 48.103700000000003, '2002-12-10 19:27:46', 4294, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 5.8200000000000003, 'B8V', 0.070000000000000007, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-25 11:27:07', '2003-04-09 07:51:59', 0, 0, '2002-12-10 19:27:46', '2002-12-10 23:10:52', 28.148399999999999, 62.649299999999997, -6.7326199999999998, 148.42500000000001, 220.64099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 29004764, 0.405096928613291, 0.53087908374465798, 0.74435467142385203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9011401', 'HD21672', 52.974699999999999, 48.735199999999999, '2002-12-11 00:39:03', 4295, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.6299999999999999, 'B8V', 0.089999999999999997, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-26 06:52:13', '2003-04-08 07:44:05', 0, 0, '2002-12-11 00:39:03', '2002-12-11 07:01:32', 28.697700000000001, 63.078499999999998, -6.0935100000000002, 148.23400000000001, 220.80699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 29019814, 0.39715362977992602, 0.52655674509274897, 0.75166946761855302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0260201', 'HS-0209+0832', 33.020000000000003, 8.7808600000000006, '2002-12-11 10:12:24', 4986, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14, 'DAB_', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-26 04:34:00', '2003-06-27 14:20:11', 0, 0, '2002-12-11 10:12:24', '2002-12-11 13:54:09', -4.2531800000000004, 33.804400000000001, -49.118299999999998, 154.29300000000001, 153.66399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THIERRY', 'LANZ', 'y', 293584031, 0.82865293552039299, 0.53854484349449105, 0.15265570411526899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9030601', 'WD0239+500J', 39.951700000000002, 50.063099999999999, '2002-12-11 16:47:37', 5913, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.6, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-26 07:45:14', '2003-04-10 07:54:16', 0, 0, '2002-12-11 16:47:37', '2002-12-12 01:43:14', 32.650100000000002, 54.234999999999999, -9.1496300000000002, 140.15799999999999, 205.24700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 52495346, 0.49210497973789302, 0.41221867992408501, 0.76675188218798196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9010801', 'HD14818', 36.316800000000001, 56.6098, '2002-12-12 11:03:33', 4289, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.2699999999999996, 'B2IA', 0.46000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2005-03-26 06:42:12', '2003-04-08 07:44:02', 0, 0, '2002-12-12 11:03:33', '2002-12-12 13:26:15', 39.523299999999999, 54.909300000000002, -3.9336199999999999, 135.61799999999999, 206.94900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 53275011, 0.44343735807870999, 0.32593734858234402, 0.83494200652457595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9110501', 'IC1747', 29.398599999999998, 63.321899999999999, '2002-12-12 14:20:04', 10426, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.4, '[WR]', 0.59999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-26 08:17:11', '2003-04-09 07:52:14', 0, 0, '2002-12-12 14:20:04', '2002-12-12 19:00:55', 47.066099999999999, 54.952100000000002, 1.39724, 130.279, 203.94800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 59593518, 0.39116077994922899, 0.22039517980946799, 0.89354306496456204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9060201', 'BD+61D154', 10.8261, 61.911099999999998, '2002-12-12 21:44:21', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.25, 'B8E', 0.62, 26, 'PC', '2005-03-26 07:56:00', '2003-04-10 07:54:20', 0, 0, '2002-12-12 21:44:21', '2002-12-13 00:11:40', 50.736199999999997, 43.054099999999998, -0.94572900000000004, 121.976, 184.57499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49781287, 0.46246085039205898, 0.088437475544169294, 0.88221809932353301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0900101', 'NGC7469', 345.815, 8.87378, '2002-12-13 07:07:39', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.1, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-26 04:44:39', '2003-07-24 20:01:46', 1, 0.016, '2002-12-13 07:07:39', '2002-12-13 12:15:35', 13.759, 350.47199999999998, -45.466900000000003, 83.099500000000006, 153.94399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD A.', 'KRISS', 'y', 315936489, 0.95790505340765897, -0.242120423604786, 0.15425825465597701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0900102', 'NGC7469', 345.815, 8.87378, '2002-12-14 06:25:22', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.1, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-26 04:45:12', '2003-07-24 20:16:40', 1, 0.016, '2002-12-14 06:25:22', '2002-12-14 11:33:15', 13.759, 350.47199999999998, -45.466900000000003, 83.099500000000006, 153.70500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD A.', 'KRISS', 'y', 315936489, 0.95790505340765897, -0.242120423604786, 0.15425825465597701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9090701', 'MRK7', 112.05, 72.574799999999996, '2002-12-15 01:26:20', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.9, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2005-03-26 08:07:24', '2003-04-14 08:10:37', 0, 0, '2002-12-15 01:26:20', '2002-12-15 06:48:52', 49.904299999999999, 100.053, 28.530200000000001, 142.596, 302.99799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 129434216, -0.11242211970115901, 0.27755690261002403, 0.95410871121451801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9105001', 'V709-CAS', 7.2037500000000003, 59.289400000000001, '2002-12-15 09:10:30', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.1, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2005-03-26 08:16:55', '2003-04-14 08:10:41', 0, 0, '2002-12-15 09:10:30', '2002-12-15 16:47:17', 49.759300000000003, 38.342300000000002, -3.45553, 120.04300000000001, 177.411, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 49837629, 0.50667075796382699, 0.064041092961029, 0.85975780394057399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057701', 'HDE232522-BKGD', 26.509, 55.331800000000001, '2002-12-15 19:06:41', 0, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'B1II', 0.23000000000000001, 23, 'EE', '2005-03-26 06:31:08', '2002-12-30 09:55:29', 1, -33, '2002-12-15 19:06:41', '2002-12-16 05:02:27', 40.813499999999998, 47.735199999999999, -6.7146600000000003, 130.70099999999999, 191.608, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 47661753, 0.50901949377042899, 0.253887598049575, 0.82245987289248002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5210501', 'HD5394_+3ARCMIN', 14.2654, 60.711399999999998, '2002-12-16 15:14:02', 566, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 2.3900000000000001, 'B0IV', 0, 20, 'EC', '2006-04-04 12:02:38', '2003-07-08 14:57:46', 1, 0, '2002-12-16 15:14:02', '2002-12-16 16:01:04', 48.785200000000003, 43.979700000000001, -2.1530999999999998, 123.622, 183.21799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 49656718, 0.474124031090015, 0.120547828495667, 0.87216662638966702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5210601', 'HD5394_-3ARCMIN', 14.088900000000001, 60.7226, '2002-12-16 16:38:39', 4029, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 2.3900000000000001, 'B0IV', 0, 20, 'EC', '2006-04-04 12:03:00', '2003-07-08 15:01:25', 1, 0, '2002-12-16 16:38:39', '2002-12-16 17:46:03', 48.844799999999999, 43.883400000000002, -2.1436299999999999, 123.535, 182.87899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 49657958, 0.47432776018160799, 0.11904521307591399, 0.87226223875896902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5210701', 'HD5394_+1ARCMIN', 14.211, 60.714700000000001, '2002-12-16 18:36:24', 3116, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 2.3900000000000001, 'B0IV', 0, 20, 'EC', '2006-04-04 12:10:35', '2003-07-08 15:04:36', 1, 0, '2002-12-16 18:36:24', '2002-12-16 19:29:30', 48.803400000000003, 43.9499, -2.15035, 123.595, 183.03800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 49656573, 0.474189575848391, 0.120085280724695, 0.87219480135460203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9060101', 'VX-CAS', 7.8778699999999997, 61.980800000000002, '2002-12-16 20:07:47', 12280, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.9, 'A0E', 0.20000000000000001, 34, 'PC', '2005-03-26 07:55:54', '2003-04-09 07:51:05', 0, 0, '2002-12-16 20:07:47', '2002-12-17 00:43:47', 51.658900000000003, 41.398899999999998, -0.80066999999999999, 120.595, 177.85599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 50095740, 0.46533397380326502, 0.064387242676284498, 0.88279022185625); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070216', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2002-12-17 04:11:09', 3010, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-26 05:48:31', '2003-07-08 20:07:00', 0, 0, '2002-12-17 04:11:09', '2002-12-17 07:57:19', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 177.99799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070217', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2002-12-17 09:16:44', 2499, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-26 05:48:53', '2003-07-08 20:15:47', 1, 0, '2002-12-17 09:16:44', '2002-12-17 12:52:06', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 167.76300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9010403', 'HD10250', 25.732199999999999, 70.622600000000006, '2002-12-20 21:07:46', 6327, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 5.1799999999999997, 'B9V', 0, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-26 06:42:05', '2003-04-08 07:42:20', 0, 0, '2002-12-20 21:07:46', '2002-12-20 23:28:52', 53.921199999999999, 59.500100000000003, 8.1798999999999999, 127.21599999999999, 195.684, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 62147463, 0.29888658624973002, 0.14405133461022199, 0.94335360366990495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9110503', 'IC1747', 29.398599999999998, 63.321899999999999, '2002-12-21 01:50:03', 10636, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.4, '[WR]', 0.59999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-26 08:17:24', '2003-04-09 07:51:07', 0, 0, '2002-12-21 01:50:03', '2002-12-21 05:47:56', 47.066099999999999, 54.952100000000002, 1.39724, 130.279, 194.297, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 59593518, 0.39116077994922899, 0.22039517980946799, 0.89354306496456204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9051101', 'BD+65D1637', 325.709, 66.109700000000004, '2002-12-21 14:47:09', 22021, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 10.050000000000001, 'B2NN', 0.63, 26, 'PC', '2005-03-31 15:20:36', '2004-03-01 08:49:26', 0, 0, '2002-12-21 14:47:09', '2002-12-22 04:03:58', 68.377799999999993, 24.765599999999999, 9.8919999999999995, 105.392, 138.101, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 258210593, 0.334594749934641, -0.22816805639740501, 0.91432253136188602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9022103', 'HD216014', 341.971, 65.062200000000004, '2002-12-22 04:25:30', 15782, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.8799999999999999, 'B0.5', 0.5, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-26 07:55:38', '2003-04-08 07:44:10', 0, 0, '2002-12-22 04:25:30', '2002-12-22 08:51:55', 62.110300000000002, 31.0063, 5.2465200000000003, 110.379, 151.38999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 257452909, 0.40093188859582302, -0.130495058114589, 0.90676604508255398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021304', 'HD1486', 4.8280799999999999, 59.139000000000003, '2002-12-22 09:21:53', 29661, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 7.2800000000000002, 'B9V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-26 07:13:57', '2003-04-08 07:44:08', 0, 0, '2002-12-22 09:21:53', '2002-12-22 20:11:28', 50.390300000000003, 36.7059, -3.4758900000000001, 118.816, 169.22900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 49854470, 0.51113695672708603, 0.043173648574420603, 0.85841426335805104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054403', 'WD0005+511-BKGD', 2.0762499999999999, 51.387799999999999, '2002-12-22 22:44:38', 3689, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-03-26 06:20:56', '2003-01-08 17:13:36', 2, 0, '2002-12-22 22:44:38', '2002-12-23 04:02:10', 45.0655, 27.997900000000001, -10.9114, 116.104, 163.20699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363630398296199, 0.022608854457214, 0.78138761191524098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9112301', 'K3-61', 322.50299999999999, 54.458300000000001, '2002-12-23 13:14:45', 33856, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15, '[WR]', 1.2, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-13 21:29:09', '2003-04-14 08:10:43', 0, 0, '2002-12-23 13:14:45', '2002-12-24 02:33:09', 62.536099999999998, 359.87799999999999, 2.3474900000000001, 96.318399999999997, 132.874, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 253493405, 0.461191109408636, -0.35384602043152102, 0.81369266583102895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9044601', 'KPD2215+5037', 334.33600000000001, 50.8827, '2002-12-24 09:11:29', 16274, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13.710000000000001, 'SDB', 0.089999999999999997, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-26 08:06:29', '2003-04-10 07:54:19', 0, 0, '2002-12-24 09:11:29', '2002-12-24 22:15:23', 55.137099999999997, 5.8163200000000002, -4.9059100000000004, 99.704999999999998, 141.50299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 232934055, 0.56867038897317401, -0.27324264408846199, 0.77585594420397697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9017601', 'HD212593', 336.12900000000002, 49.476399999999998, '2002-12-25 08:49:15', 4464, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 4.5999999999999996, 'B9IA', 0.14999999999999999, 25, 'PC', '2005-03-26 07:03:05', '2003-04-10 07:54:14', 0, 0, '2002-12-25 08:49:15', '2002-12-25 10:55:27', 53.322099999999999, 5.8733199999999997, -6.71089, 99.899799999999999, 142.06, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 232804594, 0.59417991383963897, -0.26294457690405199, 0.76013839494283397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1051801', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2002-12-25 13:29:42', 4732, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.32, 'DO', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-26 05:27:30', '2003-07-29 15:45:10', 0, 0, '2002-12-25 13:29:42', '2002-12-25 15:52:50', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 161.12700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031005', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2002-12-25 19:05:12', 8888, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-26 04:55:41', '2003-07-29 15:29:05', 3, 0, '2002-12-25 19:05:12', '2002-12-25 23:14:57', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 88.790800000000004, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031006', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2002-12-25 23:59:16', 8945, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-26 05:16:58', '2003-07-30 01:39:47', 4, 0, '2002-12-25 23:59:16', '2002-12-26 05:25:58', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 88.277000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1053006', 'WD1800+685', 270.04000000000002, 68.598299999999995, '2002-12-26 14:56:09', 8464, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.699999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-26 05:38:31', '2003-07-29 16:40:51', 1, 0, '2002-12-26 14:56:09', '2002-12-26 20:08:19', 87.962100000000007, 89.593800000000002, 29.775300000000001, 98.7333, 82.881, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 262913959, 0.00025475131510101402, -0.36490432023418001, 0.931044989340579); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1010302', 'NGC6543-OUT', 269.63900000000001, 66.657899999999998, '2002-12-26 21:56:00', 19619, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, '', 0.080000000000000002, 7, 'EE', '2005-03-31 13:52:45', '2003-09-26 18:33:34', 2, 0, '2002-12-26 21:56:00', '2002-12-27 06:49:02', 89.826899999999995, 145.61500000000001, 29.9541, 96.4983, 82.215500000000006, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'GUERRERO', 'y', 190144117, -0.00249642411584291, -0.396212390516617, 0.91815549307714805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057801', 'HD074194-BKGD', 130.19900000000001, -45.058599999999998, '2002-12-27 14:19:54', 5105, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-03-26 06:31:43', '2003-07-25 08:45:55', 1, 0, '2002-12-27 14:19:54', '2002-12-27 23:05:30', -59.773099999999999, 154.91200000000001, -1.95024, 264.04199999999997, 55.277700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 642881060, -0.455931055952083, 0.53954064720833295, -0.70782961383968102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3010201', 'HD73658', 129.417, -46.282699999999998, '2002-12-28 11:32:46', 3639, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.8799999999999999, 'B1IB', 0.20999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2005-03-26 06:20:39', '2003-07-30 02:15:46', 0, 0, '2002-12-28 11:32:46', '2002-12-28 14:56:50', -61.103700000000003, 155.244, -3.1284399999999999, 264.68299999999999, 56.878300000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 642807914, -0.43882111785601702, 0.53390651588901905, -0.72275850656691998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3010101', 'J0800-474', 120.09999999999999, -47.628599999999999, '2002-12-28 18:11:50', 20824, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 17.699999999999999, 'DAWD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-26 06:10:00', '2004-03-23 16:49:34', 0, 0, '2002-12-28 18:11:50', '2002-12-29 04:57:58', -65.471599999999995, 144.501, -9.1553599999999999, 262.24400000000003, 65.799499999999995, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 642365385, -0.33798498324750798, 0.58305469199722704, -0.73879183620232303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9080101', 'VELA-A', 134.47900000000001, -41.822800000000001, '2002-12-29 07:24:37', 14064, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-03-26 07:56:08', '2003-03-07 17:17:10', 0, 0, '2002-12-29 07:24:37', '2002-12-29 15:00:13', -55.417200000000001, 156.91200000000001, 2.5019999999999998, 263.49900000000002, 52.388300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 643127720, -0.52213023828455596, 0.53171327579488403, -0.66682906851185297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9080201', 'VELA-B', 135.75800000000001, -43.551400000000001, '2002-12-29 17:23:25', 16884, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-03-26 07:56:19', '2003-03-07 17:17:27', 0, 0, '2002-12-29 17:23:25', '2002-12-30 01:04:58', -56.437899999999999, 159.91499999999999, 2.0731899999999999, 265.42099999999999, 52.267299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 620711709, -0.51921513809674302, 0.50565571989429703, -0.68900503141077296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0510101', 'PUPA-OMEGA', 125.67400000000001, -42.8645, '2002-12-30 03:21:04', 21715, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SNR', 0.29999999999999999, 75, 'EE', '2005-03-26 04:34:18', '2003-07-29 23:31:10', 0, 0, '2002-12-30 03:21:04', '2002-12-30 14:15:35', -59.426600000000001, 147.179, -3.2818700000000001, 260.34500000000003, 61.533000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 643349722, -0.42744485801142201, 0.59542244801980504, -0.68026686069049203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0510201', 'PUPA-ORICH2', 125.852, -42.911900000000003, '2002-12-30 16:42:03', 22575, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SNR', 0.29999999999999999, 75, 'EE', '2005-03-26 04:34:48', '2003-07-29 23:52:28', 0, 0, '2002-12-30 16:42:03', '2002-12-31 03:38:30', -59.409300000000002, 147.44999999999999, -3.2019099999999998, 260.45800000000003, 61.602200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 643348331, -0.42896282220312498, 0.59363528884703398, -0.68087299917314104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1022302', 'HD069106', 123.51600000000001, -36.952399999999997, '2002-12-31 06:06:15', 404, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 1, 7.1299999999999999, 'B0.5', 0.17999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2005-03-31 13:21:05', '2003-07-29 16:44:35', 0, 6, '2002-12-31 06:06:15', '2002-12-31 06:12:59', -54.743099999999998, 139.85599999999999, -1.3306500000000001, 254.51900000000001, 63.354100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 645111163, -0.44125835102559002, 0.66626432351713005, -0.60115132775237101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9080401', 'VELA-E', 119.529, -44.633299999999998, '2002-12-31 08:11:09', 17533, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-03-26 08:06:59', '2003-03-07 17:43:09', 0, 0, '2002-12-31 08:11:09', '2002-12-31 16:55:32', -62.985300000000002, 140.54900000000001, -7.9717900000000004, 259.43299999999999, 68.618300000000005, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 643921135, -0.35073083099354702, 0.619183197273941, -0.70256676010482899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9030901', 'WD0605-483J', 91.260800000000003, -48.333300000000001, '2002-12-31 19:26:41', 14027, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15.6, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-31 13:42:45', '2003-04-10 07:54:17', 1, 0, '2002-12-31 19:26:41', '2003-01-01 04:20:38', -71.761099999999999, 92.678899999999999, -27.360499999999998, 255.774, 97.0946, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 646594226, -0.014627735931931301, 0.66463535124275697, -0.74702468447831305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9060301', 'NX-PUP', 109.86799999999999, -44.586500000000001, '2003-01-01 06:54:57', 17803, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.9600000000000009, '', 0, 26, 'PC', '2005-03-31 15:06:32', '2003-04-09 07:51:06', 0, 0, '2003-01-01 06:54:57', '2003-01-01 16:09:23', -65.573400000000007, 125.824, -14.049300000000001, 256.15899999999999, 78.907200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 641648244, -0.24204136186887901, 0.66980046656609604, -0.70198526632152203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1770101', 'NGC1535', 63.565800000000003, -12.7395, '2003-01-01 20:27:40', 7862, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 10.6, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-31 13:20:56', '2003-07-30 01:17:22', 0, 0, '2003-01-01 20:27:40', '2003-01-02 01:49:45', -33.349400000000003, 58.680799999999998, -40.564799999999998, 206.47900000000001, 134.01499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KLAUS', 'WERNER', 'y', 371266269, 0.43421089710856098, 0.873402773050306, -0.22051869050086001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9080501', 'VELA-F', 121.96299999999999, -41.4925, '2003-01-02 04:41:30', 13490, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-03-31 15:20:12', '2003-03-07 17:43:09', 0, 0, '2003-01-02 04:41:30', '2003-01-02 12:01:44', -59.387799999999999, 141.13900000000001, -4.8144900000000002, 257.67399999999998, 67.995699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 644194207, -0.39652173207160901, 0.63548021967269197, -0.66252200446451404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3011001', 'HD65818', 119.56, -49.244900000000001, '2003-01-02 14:32:40', 4362, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 8, 4.4500000000000002, 'B1V+', 0.10000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-07 01:31:34', '2003-07-30 02:23:31', 0, 0, '2003-01-02 14:32:40', '2003-01-02 16:56:32', -67.054900000000004, 145.703, -10.279199999999999, 263.47699999999998, 71.064099999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 642283317, -0.32206231788637002, 0.56785490495166502, -0.75750687806778005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3011101', 'HD64760', 118.32599999999999, -48.102899999999998, '2003-01-02 19:39:49', 3773, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 8, 4.2300000000000004, 'B0.5', 0.089999999999999997, 23, 'PC', '2006-04-07 01:32:16', '2003-07-30 02:32:05', 0, 0, '2003-01-02 19:39:49', '2003-01-02 21:56:10', -66.455799999999996, 142.488, -10.423299999999999, 262.05799999999999, 72.406999999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 642407204, -0.31686046290888797, 0.58783454387006295, -0.74434534732087898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1290201', 'LB1766', 74.828199999999995, -53.881799999999998, '2003-01-03 12:11:44', 5353, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 12.300000000000001, 'HE-S', 0.01, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-31 14:04:44', '2003-07-29 15:16:20', 2, 0, '2003-01-03 12:11:44', '2003-01-03 14:34:38', -75.339799999999997, 52.443100000000001, -37.943600000000004, 261.65100000000001, 113.93300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 556795794, 0.154268206138124, 0.56890785083987505, -0.80780268495943897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0650101', 'HH2', 85.606200000000001, -6.79453, '2003-01-03 17:49:44', 9770, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99.900000000000006, 'OTR', 0.11, 69, 'EE', '2005-03-31 15:33:04', '2003-07-29 21:50:36', 0, 0, '2003-01-03 17:49:44', '2003-01-04 00:32:38', -30.1571, 84.952500000000001, -18.4251, 211.18199999999999, 118.54600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 351128513, 0.076073081433896295, 0.99005849656157097, -0.118309169836463); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5220101', 'HD35580_OFF', 80.592299999999994, -56.134399999999999, '2003-01-04 03:28:01', 15504, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 6.0899999999999999, 'B8.5', 0, 20, 'PC', '2005-04-01 07:44:55', '2004-05-26 13:57:24', 1, 0, '2003-01-04 03:28:01', '2003-01-04 11:38:08', -78.668800000000005, 62.380699999999997, -34.509999999999998, 264.19099999999997, 109.601, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 555236619, 0.091086731514489205, 0.54975182019358204, -0.83034700188285804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0720202', 'DEML71SW', 76.415300000000002, -67.887299999999996, '2003-01-04 13:49:09', 4843, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'SNR', 0.12, 75, 'EE', '2005-03-31 13:32:15', '2003-07-29 15:02:39', 0, 0, '2003-01-04 13:49:09', '2003-01-04 15:44:47', -84.588399999999993, 339.637, -34.864199999999997, 278.68000000000001, 113, 'F', 'F', 'PARVIZ', 'GHAVAMIAN', 'y', 542666791, 0.088416752822803701, 0.36589853868151301, -0.92644521543964198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0650102', 'HH2', 85.606200000000001, -6.79453, '2003-01-04 20:00:19', 9557, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'OTR', 0.11, 69, 'EE', '2005-03-31 15:33:11', '2003-07-29 22:14:23', 0, 0, '2003-01-04 20:00:19', '2003-01-05 01:30:23', -30.1571, 84.952500000000001, -18.4251, 211.18199999999999, 118.54600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 351128513, 0.076073081433896295, 0.99005849656157097, -0.118309169836463); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0720203', 'DEML71SW', 76.415300000000002, -67.887299999999996, '2003-01-05 04:33:37', 26918, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'SNR', 0.12, 75, 'EE', '2005-03-31 13:32:48', '2003-07-30 00:08:07', 0, 0, '2003-01-05 04:33:37', '2003-01-05 15:01:07', -84.588399999999993, 339.637, -34.864199999999997, 278.68000000000001, 113, 'F', 'F', 'PARVIZ', 'GHAVAMIAN', 'y', 542666791, 0.088416752822803701, 0.36589853868151301, -0.92644521543964198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0650103', 'HH2', 85.606200000000001, -6.79453, '2003-01-05 19:15:37', 9739, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'OTR', 0.11, 69, 'EE', '2005-03-31 15:33:33', '2003-07-29 22:35:58', 0, 0, '2003-01-05 19:15:37', '2003-01-06 00:48:18', -30.1571, 84.952500000000001, -18.4251, 211.18199999999999, 118.54600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 351128513, 0.076073081433896295, 0.99005849656157097, -0.118309169836463); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0720204', 'DEML71SW', 76.415300000000002, -67.887299999999996, '2003-01-06 03:51:41', 27845, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SNR', 0.12, 75, 'EE', '2005-03-31 13:52:39', '2003-07-30 00:21:52', 0, 0, '2003-01-06 03:51:41', '2003-01-06 14:16:00', -84.588399999999993, 339.637, -34.864199999999997, 278.68000000000001, 113, 'F', 'F', 'PARVIZ', 'GHAVAMIAN', 'y', 542666791, 0.088416752822803701, 0.36589853868151301, -0.92644521543964198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0650104', 'HH2', 85.606200000000001, -6.79453, '2003-01-06 18:31:00', 7306, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99.900000000000006, 'OTR', 0.11, 69, 'EE', '2005-03-31 15:33:41', '2003-07-29 22:50:44', 0, 0, '2003-01-06 18:31:00', '2003-01-06 22:26:20', -30.1571, 84.952500000000001, -18.4251, 211.18199999999999, 118.54600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', 'y', 351128513, 0.076073081433896295, 0.99005849656157097, -0.118309169836463); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0720205', 'DEML71SW', 76.415300000000002, -67.887299999999996, '2003-01-07 01:33:11', 20964, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.12, 75, 'EE', '2006-04-07 01:12:03', '2003-07-30 00:36:39', 0, 0, '2003-01-07 01:33:11', '2003-01-07 08:18:36', -84.588399999999993, 339.637, -34.864199999999997, 278.68000000000001, 113, 'F', 'F', 'PARVIZ', 'GHAVAMIAN', 'y', 542666791, 0.088416752822803701, 0.36589853868151301, -0.92644521543964198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1090104', 'NGC1672', 71.427800000000005, -59.247100000000003, '2003-01-07 11:00:16', 20370, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.279999999999999, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 13:52:55', '2003-08-03 17:47:26', 1, 0.0044999999999999997, '2003-01-07 11:00:16', '2003-01-07 18:49:14', -78.894000000000005, 32.277200000000001, -38.989600000000003, 268.78500000000003, 121.024, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', 'y', 555759069, 0.162860401858576, 0.48470773826109498, -0.85938053153203098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0490101', 'NGC1667', 72.154799999999994, -6.3199699999999996, '2003-01-07 22:45:48', 10585, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.77, '', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 13:21:44', '2003-08-03 16:06:41', 0, 4547, '2003-01-07 22:45:48', '2003-01-08 05:50:21', -28.511700000000001, 69.719099999999997, -30.124300000000002, 204.05799999999999, 137.81899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANNE', 'PELLERIN', 'y', 371165711, 0.30458395176693598, 0.94610297886065897, -0.110080741808115); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1090105', 'NGC1672', 71.427800000000005, -59.247100000000003, '2003-01-08 09:50:59', 21706, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.279999999999999, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 13:53:07', '2003-08-03 18:20:44', 1, 0.0044999999999999997, '2003-01-08 09:50:59', '2003-01-08 18:05:54', -78.894000000000005, 32.277200000000001, -38.989600000000003, 268.78500000000003, 121.93000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', 'y', 555759069, 0.162860401858576, 0.48470773826109498, -0.85938053153203098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0490102', 'NGC1667', 72.154799999999994, -6.3199699999999996, '2003-01-08 22:03:59', 12263, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.77, '', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 13:21:53', '2003-08-03 16:22:35', 0, 4547, '2003-01-08 22:03:59', '2003-01-09 06:49:03', -28.511700000000001, 69.719099999999997, -30.124300000000002, 204.05799999999999, 138.71899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANNE', 'PELLERIN', 'y', 371165711, 0.30458395176693598, 0.94610297886065897, -0.110080741808115); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9072601', 'IRAS05595-5756', 90.090400000000002, -57.9392, '2003-01-09 11:12:05', 18383, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.09, 'SEY', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 16:49:20', '2003-04-10 07:54:24', 2, 11482, '2003-01-09 11:12:05', '2003-01-09 19:02:31', -81.378600000000006, 90.3202, -29.396699999999999, 266.47800000000001, 106.244, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 639797268, -0.00083751381520296298, 0.53081821987301003, -0.84748528956050795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0490103', 'NGC1667', 72.154799999999994, -6.3199699999999996, '2003-01-09 23:01:59', 9453, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.77, '', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 13:31:36', '2003-08-03 16:36:27', 0, 4547, '2003-01-09 23:01:59', '2003-01-10 06:04:23', -28.511700000000001, 69.719099999999997, -30.124300000000002, 204.05799999999999, 139.65899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANNE', 'PELLERIN', 'y', 371165711, 0.30458395176693598, 0.94610297886065897, -0.110080741808115); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9072602', 'IRAS05595-5756', 90.090400000000002, -57.9392, '2003-01-10 10:36:30', 17055, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.09, 'SEY', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 17:09:06', '2003-04-10 07:54:25', 2, 11482, '2003-01-10 10:36:30', '2003-01-10 18:17:53', -81.378600000000006, 90.3202, -29.396699999999999, 266.47800000000001, 107.241, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 639797268, -0.00083751381520296298, 0.53081821987301003, -0.84748528956050795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057901', 'WD1631+781-BKGD', 247.29499999999999, 78.077500000000001, '2003-01-11 03:34:32', 17655, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-03-31 16:48:05', '2003-11-26 17:01:14', 2, 0, '2003-01-11 03:34:32', '2003-01-11 15:37:28', 76.779399999999995, 110.40600000000001, 33.578699999999998, 111.297, 45.341299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 198442371, -0.079740354487051898, -0.19057873672225201, 0.97842793346042101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052802', 'WD1631+781', 247.29499999999999, 78.077500000000001, '2003-01-12 04:09:52', 5382, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.1, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-31 15:20:01', '2003-07-29 16:32:25', 1, 0, '2003-01-12 04:09:52', '2003-01-12 08:02:04', 76.779399999999995, 110.40600000000001, 33.578699999999998, 111.297, 44.303699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 198442371, -0.079740354487051898, -0.19057873672225201, 0.97842793346042101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9071401', '87GB163624.4+713451', 248.96700000000001, 71.4816, '2003-01-12 10:46:50', 23801, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.44, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 16:48:13', '2003-04-10 07:54:23', 2, 0, '2003-01-12 10:46:50', '2003-01-12 19:20:48', 81.076400000000007, 137.297, 36.1569, 103.875, 46.375900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 192488050, -0.113991713228107, -0.29644811328408399, 0.94822170690489205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1110401', 'HD137759', 231.232, 58.966099999999997, '2003-01-12 21:30:38', 46752, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 3.3100000000000001, 'K2II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-03-31 14:04:11', '2003-07-30 00:56:08', 0, -10.699999999999999, '2003-01-12 21:30:38', '2003-01-13 14:18:55', 71.093599999999995, 184.94900000000001, 48.627699999999997, 93.972899999999996, 31.3748, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA K.', 'DUPREE', 'y', 187979199, -0.32281810207794798, -0.40196426012554498, 0.85686241985076905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052601', 'WD1501+664', 225.53999999999999, 66.205200000000005, '2003-01-13 16:43:41', 13940, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.9, 'DOZ', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-31 15:06:24', '2003-07-29 16:20:07', 1, 0, '2003-01-13 16:43:41', '2003-01-13 20:36:27', 72.561499999999995, 160.55500000000001, 46.009399999999999, 104.65300000000001, 24.7911, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 191537677, -0.28258946273222602, -0.28796698983489399, 0.91499628869091099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1060701', 'NGC5457-POS2', 210.83600000000001, 54.405000000000001, '2003-01-15 00:36:01', 13666, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 80, 'EE', '2005-03-31 15:34:34', '2003-09-24 16:22:04', 0, 300, '2003-01-15 00:36:01', '2003-01-15 05:48:05', 59.851599999999998, 174.31800000000001, 59.7136, 102.068, 13.565, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 187344349, -0.49977197586497202, -0.29834965434390398, 0.81315155776330805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9032201', 'WD1440+750J', 220.023, 75.092799999999997, '2003-01-15 08:40:52', 20472, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.32, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-31 14:36:23', '2003-04-10 07:54:17', 1, 0, '2003-01-15 08:40:52', '2003-01-15 16:23:33', 72.252700000000004, 130.26300000000001, 40.115900000000003, 114.099, 15.920999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 198065094, -0.19700177742865299, -0.165438926186772, 0.96634375943145601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0600703', 'PG1309+355', 198.07400000000001, 35.255699999999997, '2003-01-15 19:02:45', 10480, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.5, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-03-31 15:20:18', '2003-08-03 15:14:49', 0, 0, '2003-01-15 19:02:45', '2003-01-15 23:15:03', 39.077300000000001, 180.209, 80.732799999999997, 95.493399999999994, 10.3325, 'F', 'F', 'ANURADHA', 'KORATKAR', 'y', 171587808, -0.77629110859384798, -0.25334119977835801, 0.57722642975958405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9104701', 'UX-UMA', 204.17099999999999, 51.913699999999999, '2003-01-16 02:10:50', 9102, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2005-03-31 17:30:05', '2003-04-14 08:10:40', 0, 0, '2003-01-16 02:10:50', '2003-01-16 07:43:20', 55.346400000000003, 171.77500000000001, 63.794699999999999, 107.03100000000001, 8.2580600000000004, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 181606470, -0.56276710166303701, -0.25257526822926202, 0.78708253897841096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0530101', 'HZ34', 193.81100000000001, 37.541499999999999, '2003-01-16 09:55:16', 7489, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.699999999999999, 'DAO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-31 13:21:24', '2004-01-30 12:21:30', 3, 0, '2003-01-16 09:55:16', '2003-01-16 15:38:01', 39.371699999999997, 174.90000000000001, 79.555700000000002, 118.768, 7.0006700000000004, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 176671337, -0.76998789192121897, -0.189283918989961, 0.60933590433070495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052301', 'WD1202+608', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2003-01-16 18:21:17', 8942, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.609999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-07 01:21:17', '2003-07-29 15:52:09', 0, 0, '2003-01-16 18:21:17', '2003-01-16 20:52:00', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 344.44499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0700101', 'M-101-D', 210.803, 54.2986, '2003-01-16 23:04:11', 28918, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 8.3100000000000005, 'GAL', 0, 72, 'EC', '2005-03-31 13:32:07', '2003-08-03 17:18:16', 1, 241, '2003-01-16 23:04:11', '2003-01-17 13:04:38', 59.760399999999997, 174.43299999999999, 59.813299999999998, 101.985, 11.718999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT', 'OCONNELL', 'y', 187344169, -0.50123989665290203, -0.29883451925070498, 0.81206926804773705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0190101', 'NGC4051', 180.78999999999999, 44.531300000000002, '2003-01-18 11:44:07', 13933, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 13.5, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 15:55:41', '2003-08-03 15:56:58', 2, 0.002418, '2003-01-18 11:44:07', '2003-01-19 06:14:53', 40.341200000000001, 159.25800000000001, 70.084800000000001, 148.88499999999999, 352.06299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM N.', 'BRANDT', 'y', 179036106, -0.71279968322736398, -0.0098287769529600503, 0.70129879989529298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0100101', 'MRK421', 166.114, 38.2089, '2003-01-19 09:23:13', 26537, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0.029999999999999999, 87, 'PC', '2005-03-31 18:41:53', '2003-04-22 18:00:00', 12, 0, '2003-01-19 09:23:13', '2003-01-19 23:35:27', 29.503499999999999, 151.21700000000001, 65.031099999999995, 179.833, 346.50299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'FABRIZIO', 'NICASTRO', 'y', 88863850, -0.76279708253737599, 0.188575403665281, 0.61853045842944898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052401', 'WD1234+481', 189.18899999999999, 47.923099999999998, '2003-01-20 02:44:58', 6358, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-31 14:51:50', '2003-07-30 02:07:40', 1, 0, '2003-01-20 02:44:58', '2003-01-20 06:31:39', 46.349400000000003, 163.411, 69.008300000000006, 129.81200000000001, 354.94999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 179719493, -0.66152763713947205, -0.107013765805481, 0.74224607727410596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0100102', 'MRK421', 166.114, 38.2089, '2003-01-20 08:44:21', 23444, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0.029999999999999999, 87, 'PC', '2005-03-31 12:59:50', '2003-04-22 18:00:00', 12, 0, '2003-01-20 08:44:21', '2003-01-20 21:14:27', 29.503499999999999, 151.21700000000001, 65.031099999999995, 179.833, 345.44299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'FABRIZIO', 'NICASTRO', 'y', 88863850, -0.76279708253737599, 0.188575403665281, 0.61853045842944898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0470101', 'AR-UMA', 168.93600000000001, 42.972900000000003, '2003-01-21 00:13:21', 10646, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 16.5, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-03-31 15:34:24', '2003-08-03 15:35:12', 1, 0, '2003-01-21 00:13:21', '2003-01-21 08:18:44', 34.718899999999998, 150.88200000000001, 64.966300000000004, 167.45599999999999, 341.35899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PAULA', 'SZKODY', 'y', 91260439, -0.71807684741934197, 0.140412586536864, 0.68165236502364401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0100103', 'MRK421', 166.114, 38.2089, '2003-01-21 11:14:44', 12152, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0.029999999999999999, 87, 'PC', '2005-03-31 13:00:11', '2003-04-22 18:00:00', 12, 0, '2003-01-21 11:14:44', '2003-01-21 17:13:30', 29.503499999999999, 151.21700000000001, 65.031099999999995, 179.833, 344.19299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'FABRIZIO', 'NICASTRO', 'y', 88863850, -0.76279708253737599, 0.188575403665281, 0.61853045842944898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0470102', 'AR-UMA', 168.93600000000001, 42.972900000000003, '2003-01-21 19:42:11', 11419, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16.5, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-04-01 06:42:18', '2003-09-24 16:12:54', 1, 0, '2003-01-21 19:42:11', '2003-01-22 03:16:08', 34.718899999999998, 150.88200000000001, 64.966300000000004, 167.45599999999999, 340.37799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PAULA', 'SZKODY', 'y', 91260439, -0.71807684741934197, 0.140412586536864, 0.68165236502364401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1690126', 'EG-AND', 11.1549, 40.679400000000001, '2003-01-22 12:10:58', 3396, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.25, 'WD+M', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PC', '2005-03-31 16:06:36', '2003-08-03 21:26:53', 0, -95, '2003-01-22 12:10:58', '2003-01-22 19:04:19', 32.6616, 27.896599999999999, -22.174099999999999, 121.53700000000001, 147.70599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 42977776, 0.74404144311948694, 0.14671563857147599, 0.65182578371773203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052103', 'AGK+81D266', 140.32900000000001, 81.724599999999995, '2003-01-23 03:04:01', 5087, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 11.85, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-03-31 14:20:26', '2003-07-30 01:54:45', 0, 0, '2003-01-23 03:04:01', '2003-01-23 08:33:47', 60.619199999999999, 103.051, 31.948599999999999, 130.67099999999999, 284.065, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 133292579, -0.110787224375408, 0.0918826412983859, 0.98958767734002495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052303', 'WD1202+608', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2003-01-23 11:25:24', 2557, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.609999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-31 15:06:17', '2003-07-29 16:09:15', 0, 0, '2003-01-23 11:25:24', '2003-01-23 13:09:15', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 336.76799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9091201', 'MRK162', 166.28399999999999, 44.747199999999999, '2003-01-23 16:26:47', 10241, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 11.6, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2005-03-31 17:39:59', '2003-04-14 08:10:38', 0, 0, '2003-01-23 16:26:47', '2003-01-24 01:53:37', 35.373399999999997, 147.798, 62.412599999999998, 166.256, 334.20100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 91045396, -0.68996640250804797, 0.16839981738896501, 0.70398001741062599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054005', 'PG0952+519-BKGD', 148.833, 51.618200000000002, '2003-01-24 04:04:14', 15992, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'EE', '2005-03-31 16:47:58', '2003-01-30 17:03:25', 2, 0, '2003-01-24 04:04:14', '2003-01-24 13:31:37', 36.255099999999999, 131.21100000000001, 49.004300000000001, 164.06700000000001, 305.09899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 96405807, -0.531279814801635, 0.32133641114318401, 0.78389072532972304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1680401', 'HD46149', 97.968900000000005, 5.0331099999999998, '2003-01-25 06:40:46', 5475, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 7.6200000000000001, 'O8.5', 0.5, 12, 'PC', '2005-03-31 16:37:22', '2003-08-10 17:43:57', 0, 36.5, '2003-01-25 06:40:46', '2003-01-25 10:37:35', -18.1755, 98.357699999999994, -2.0391699999999999, 206.221, 148.42699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK C.', 'BRUHWEILER', 'y', 364541218, -0.13810100987188301, 0.98652486597121403, 0.087731407676185799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1160901', 'HD46056', 97.837000000000003, 4.8342499999999999, '2003-01-25 13:24:55', 6878, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.1600000000000001, 'B1V', 0.51000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2005-04-01 07:23:27', '2003-08-10 18:04:21', 2, 0, '2003-01-25 13:24:55', '2003-01-25 17:21:42', -18.381599999999999, 98.2316, -2.2474599999999998, 206.33699999999999, 148.51900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 364534495, -0.13587027891262601, 0.98713587884530296, 0.084273507133120401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2110103', 'NGC3516', 166.69800000000001, 72.568600000000004, '2003-01-28 06:17:55', 16753, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.5, '', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 16:37:42', '2003-09-03 16:25:59', 0, 0.0089999999999999993, '2003-01-28 06:17:55', '2003-01-28 12:45:10', 57.987200000000001, 123.363, 42.4026, 133.23699999999999, 309.20499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD', 'GREEN', 'y', 125218132, -0.29152666094475899, 0.068924727360885493, 0.95407630088826101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4058001', 'Z-CAM-BKGD', 126.30500000000001, 73.110900000000001, '2003-01-28 14:50:37', 48889, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 13, 99, 'CV', 0, 54, 'EE', '2005-03-31 13:10:37', '2003-02-10 17:07:18', 2, 0, '2003-01-28 14:50:37', '2003-01-29 09:24:26', 51.700299999999999, 106.113, 32.628300000000003, 141.38399999999999, 262.50700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 130754185, -0.17201219714065399, 0.23412340614031801, 0.95686887018655797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9102001', 'HS-CAM', 109.81, 65.962400000000002, '2003-01-30 14:53:24', 73339, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 17, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2005-03-31 17:19:21', '2003-04-14 16:01:15', 0, 0, '2003-01-30 14:53:24', '2003-01-31 16:24:07', 43.2729, 100.93000000000001, 27.4069, 150.02799999999999, 238.87200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 128268346, -0.13804705961430599, 0.38323058119193698, 0.91327834255014195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1020601', 'HD72905', 129.79900000000001, 65.020899999999997, '2003-01-31 19:26:52', 43061, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 5.6299999999999999, 'G2V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2005-03-31 15:55:47', '2003-08-10 20:32:13', 0, 0, '2003-01-31 19:26:52', '2003-02-01 11:17:48', 44.636400000000002, 112.325, 35.703800000000001, 150.553, 262.27699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 127189060, -0.27030474942895799, 0.32444135093108201, 0.90646188681166495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9022503', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2003-02-01 14:07:25', 3104, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.9199999999999999, 'B8V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2006-04-07 01:41:20', '2003-04-08 07:44:11', 0, 0, '2003-02-01 14:07:25', '2003-02-01 14:59:49', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 146.52500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9031001', 'HS0727+6003', 112.839, 59.960599999999999, '2003-02-01 18:45:07', 20337, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.800000000000001, 'DO', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-31 14:20:44', '2003-04-09 07:51:02', 0, 0, '2003-02-01 18:45:07', '2003-02-02 02:49:06', 37.642299999999999, 104.20399999999999, 28.1601, 156.935, 237.51400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 126415678, -0.194302599684194, 0.46134831396396198, 0.86568136918763205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9073101', 'NGC3147', 154.22300000000001, 73.400599999999997, '2003-02-02 05:14:11', 17253, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.65, 'SEY', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 16:58:29', '2003-04-14 08:10:36', 0, 2820, '2003-02-02 05:14:11', '2003-02-02 13:19:56', 56.081099999999999, 117.452, 39.462899999999998, 136.292, 290.01400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 125499553, -0.25725145573813801, 0.12423283710123501, 0.95832556613417497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9072801', 'MRK10', 116.871, 60.933599999999998, '2003-02-02 16:42:58', 22699, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.710000000000001, 'SEY', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-01 07:54:56', '2003-04-14 16:01:14', 0, 8770, '2003-02-02 16:42:58', '2003-02-03 02:05:22', 39.0167, 106.417, 30.214500000000001, 155.99000000000001, 241.99700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 126618885, -0.21958381949174399, 0.43336685002159298, 0.87405727473648998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0630806', 'HD37525', 84.756200000000007, -2.649, '2003-02-03 07:19:03', 4145, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 8.0800000000000001, 'B5V', 0.070000000000000007, 21, 'PC', '2005-03-31 15:20:25', '2003-08-10 19:52:59', 0, 0, '2003-02-03 07:19:03', '2003-02-03 10:57:33', -25.982399999999998, 84.170900000000003, -17.2973, 206.89699999999999, 154.93299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ADOLF', 'WITT', 'y', 374448149, 0.091296199055853594, 0.99475070494964402, -0.046217302389272102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9090101', 'MRK71', 112.21599999999999, 69.208600000000004, '2003-02-03 17:54:29', 18416, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.6, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2005-03-31 17:09:12', '2003-04-09 07:52:11', 0, 0, '2003-02-03 17:54:29', '2003-02-04 01:19:39', 46.636899999999997, 101.27200000000001, 28.5318, 146.428, 227.96299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 129077570, -0.13421264760156401, 0.328615706589445, 0.93487896682217497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0600501', 'HD36541', 83.029300000000006, -6.70831, '2003-02-04 08:04:00', 3292, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.6799999999999997, 'B6V', 0.029999999999999999, 22, 'PC', '2005-04-01 06:42:27', '2003-09-10 15:28:53', 0, 0, '2003-02-04 08:04:00', '2003-02-04 10:14:40', -29.954499999999999, 82.003399999999999, -20.678100000000001, 209.89099999999999, 153.38900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 351194592, 0.12053088090707401, 0.98581266648460797, -0.116814782224991); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057603', 'G191-B2B-BKGD', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2003-02-04 16:51:46', 10666, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-04-01 07:34:39', '2003-11-26 17:01:13', 2, 0, '2003-02-04 16:51:46', '2003-02-05 06:29:14', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 190.63399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030616', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2003-02-05 19:14:29', 1980, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-31 16:37:34', '2003-08-10 17:54:43', 0, 0, '2003-02-05 19:14:29', '2003-02-05 19:47:53', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 189.90100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030517', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2003-02-05 21:07:29', 1910, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-31 16:27:01', '2003-08-20 17:30:37', 0, 0, '2003-02-05 21:07:29', '2003-02-05 23:06:14', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 189.81100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030413', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2003-02-06 00:36:19', 1932, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-31 16:37:28', '2003-08-14 19:08:48', 0, 0, '2003-02-06 00:36:19', '2003-02-06 06:53:04', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 189.72, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070416', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2003-02-06 09:59:10', 7493, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-01 07:03:39', '2003-08-14 19:51:12', 0, 0, '2003-02-06 09:59:10', '2003-02-06 13:58:22', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 181.87100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070417', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2003-02-06 15:05:59', 5793, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 12, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-01 07:13:13', '2003-08-14 20:11:29', 0, 0, '2003-02-06 15:05:59', '2003-02-06 23:58:11', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 181.732, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070418', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2003-02-07 06:02:32', 5796, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 12, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-01 07:13:46', '2003-08-14 20:32:32', 0, 0, '2003-02-07 06:02:32', '2003-02-07 14:45:43', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 181.52000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8081101', 'UGC3478', 98.195800000000006, 63.673299999999998, '2003-02-07 18:21:30', 4239, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 12.9, 'AGN', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-01 06:42:40', '2004-01-01 12:57:59', 0, 0, '2003-02-07 18:21:30', '2003-02-07 20:20:54', 40.369199999999999, 94.760000000000005, 22.122800000000002, 151.43299999999999, 215.80699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 117273275, -0.063222172820450104, 0.43895941540273298, 0.89627986058660902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8081201', 'S50716+714', 110.473, 71.343500000000006, '2003-02-08 11:55:30', 3574, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.1, 'BLLA', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-04-08 00:39:18', '2004-01-23 16:36:24', 0, 0, '2003-02-08 11:55:30', '2003-02-08 12:56:33', 48.595500000000001, 99.739699999999999, 28.017199999999999, 143.983, 221.41200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 129369822, -0.11188794322419, 0.29968834674395101, 0.94745341995632604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1051903', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2003-02-08 17:30:08', 2217, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-01 06:43:31', '2003-08-20 17:44:29', 0, 0, '2003-02-08 17:30:08', '2003-02-08 19:15:33', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 180.547, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052104', 'AGK+81D266', 140.32900000000001, 81.724599999999995, '2003-02-08 22:49:42', 6209, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.85, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-04-01 07:02:43', '2003-08-14 19:25:15', 0, 0, '2003-02-08 22:49:42', '2003-02-09 02:23:33', 60.619199999999999, 103.051, 31.948599999999999, 130.67099999999999, 264.17200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 133292579, -0.110787224375408, 0.0918826412983859, 0.98958767734002495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8081501', 'QSO1006+817', 153.16, 81.503900000000002, '2003-02-09 05:06:32', 18570, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.100000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-01 06:52:17', '2003-09-24 19:43:00', 0, 0, '2003-02-09 05:06:32', '2003-02-09 13:54:29', 61.7485, 106.17100000000001, 33.514200000000002, 129.43299999999999, 286.40899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 132036784, -0.131825957677566, 0.066705638600176795, 0.98902592213820895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9011301', 'HD21641', 52.887999999999998, 47.862499999999997, '2003-02-09 18:06:18', 1319, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 6.7699999999999996, 'B8.5', 0.050000000000000003, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-31 13:10:55', '2004-03-01 08:49:25', 0, 0, '2003-02-09 18:06:18', '2003-02-09 18:28:33', 27.873699999999999, 62.745600000000003, -6.8398300000000001, 148.69300000000001, 167.38300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 28982784, 0.40481160024413998, 0.53502393471779897, 0.74153688889148495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9011001', 'HD20863', 50.947099999999999, 48.604500000000002, '2003-02-09 21:32:07', 2472, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 6.9900000000000002, 'B9V', 0.059999999999999998, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-31 13:00:31', '2003-04-09 07:51:01', 0, 0, '2003-02-09 21:32:07', '2003-02-09 23:35:15', 28.9468, 61.569499999999998, -6.9578499999999996, 147.197, 166.303, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 50689860, 0.41661425144126102, 0.51350562701970004, 0.75016300662932101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8081102', 'UGC3478', 98.195800000000006, 63.673299999999998, '2003-02-10 22:56:46', 3900, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.9, 'AGN', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-02 08:10:42', '2003-09-24 19:27:10', 0, 0, '2003-02-10 22:56:46', '2003-02-11 02:22:24', 40.369199999999999, 94.760000000000005, 22.122800000000002, 151.43299999999999, 212.87299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 117273275, -0.063222172820450104, 0.43895941540273298, 0.89627986058660902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8080401', '3C066A', 35.664999999999999, 43.035600000000002, '2003-02-11 06:33:50', 9117, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.5, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-02 08:00:42', '2003-08-20 17:17:36', 0, 0, '2003-02-11 06:33:50', '2003-02-11 15:10:43', 27.169, 48.126800000000003, -16.767199999999999, 140.14400000000001, 144.624, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 39552696, 0.59383649777927205, 0.42616499192117502, 0.68245264565834396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9010501', 'HD13621', 33.6374, 55.317100000000003, '2003-02-11 18:35:04', 2613, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 8.1300000000000008, 'B1V', 0.27000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-04-02 12:53:05', '2003-04-08 07:42:22', 0, 0, '2003-02-11 18:35:04', '2003-02-11 19:19:09', 38.9818, 52.450099999999999, -5.6550500000000001, 134.637, 152.227, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 53162353, 0.47375495994077499, 0.31520798990211302, 0.82231390662774495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8081202', 'S50716+714', 110.473, 71.343500000000006, '2003-02-11 22:18:29', 4515, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.1, 'BLLA', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-02 08:11:00', '2003-09-10 14:31:34', 0, 0, '2003-02-11 22:18:29', '2003-02-12 01:43:56', 48.595500000000001, 99.739699999999999, 28.017199999999999, 143.983, 227.90199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 129369822, -0.11188794322419, 0.29968834674395101, 0.94745341995632604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9022504', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2003-02-12 11:06:35', 2038, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.9199999999999999, 'B8V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2005-04-02 13:03:34', '2003-09-23 16:01:38', 0, 0, '2003-02-12 11:06:35', '2003-02-12 11:40:57', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 138.398, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9040702', 'KPD0311+4801', 48.691400000000002, 48.201799999999999, '2003-02-12 15:47:50', 8852, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.32, 'SDB', 0.029999999999999999, 28, 'PC', '2005-04-02 13:25:29', '2003-04-10 07:54:18', 0, 0, '2003-02-12 15:47:50', '2003-02-12 23:01:19', 29.001200000000001, 59.798000000000002, -8.1050599999999999, 146.14400000000001, 163.15000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 50702060, 0.43997223770295002, 0.50065831054481602, 0.74549693905009995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8081502', 'QSO1006+817', 153.16, 81.503900000000002, '2003-02-13 02:42:44', 13569, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.100000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-02 08:21:30', '2003-09-26 18:59:18', 0, 0, '2003-02-13 02:42:44', '2003-02-13 09:25:41', 61.7485, 106.17100000000001, 33.514200000000002, 129.43299999999999, 286.81599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 132036784, -0.131825957677566, 0.066705638600176795, 0.98902592213820895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9011002', 'HD20863', 50.947099999999999, 48.604500000000002, '2003-02-13 13:24:35', 4695, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.9900000000000002, 'B9V', 0.059999999999999998, 22, 'PC', '2005-04-02 13:03:20', '2003-04-08 07:44:03', 0, 0, '2003-02-13 13:24:35', '2003-02-13 15:40:06', 28.9468, 61.569499999999998, -6.9578499999999996, 147.197, 154.39500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 50689860, 0.41661425144126102, 0.51350562701970004, 0.75016300662932101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9022507', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2003-02-13 19:10:23', 4984, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 6.9199999999999999, 'B8V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2005-04-02 13:03:55', '2003-04-10 07:54:15', 0, 0, '2003-02-13 19:10:23', '2003-02-13 21:14:49', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 138.06899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1061101', 'NGC4736-POS2', 192.70699999999999, 41.097799999999999, '2003-02-14 01:33:36', 18971, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 80, 'EE', '2005-04-02 06:37:22', '2003-08-20 16:49:18', 0, 308, '2003-02-14 01:33:36', '2003-02-14 11:54:34', 41.992899999999999, 171.536, 76.029700000000005, 123.411, 325.49200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 177877063, -0.73513149722127802, -0.165763415132371, 0.657346310552403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9011003', 'HD20863', 50.947099999999999, 48.604500000000002, '2003-02-14 19:35:41', 1216, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 6.9900000000000002, 'B9V', 0.059999999999999998, 22, 'PC', '2005-04-02 13:03:28', '2003-04-08 07:44:04', 0, 0, '2003-02-14 19:35:41', '2003-02-14 19:56:13', 28.9468, 61.569499999999998, -6.9578499999999996, 147.197, 173.98599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 50689860, 0.41661425144126102, 0.51350562701970004, 0.75016300662932101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1180101', 'GD712', 185.62299999999999, 40.826599999999999, '2003-02-15 03:51:56', 14130, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.6, 'B3V', 0.01, 21, 'PC', '2005-04-02 07:18:24', '2003-09-10 16:39:41', 0, 0, '2003-02-15 03:51:56', '2003-02-15 11:09:56', 38.9998, 165.69399999999999, 75.058800000000005, 144.63, 317.35899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 178507521, -0.75305053016460899, -0.074142462190709996, 0.653771974253333); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9010502', 'HD13621', 33.6374, 55.317100000000003, '2003-02-15 18:48:09', 5847, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 8.1300000000000008, 'B1V', 0.27000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-04-02 12:53:35', '2003-04-08 07:44:00', 0, 0, '2003-02-15 18:48:09', '2003-02-15 22:41:25', 38.9818, 52.450099999999999, -5.6550500000000001, 134.637, 149.714, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 53162353, 0.47375495994077499, 0.31520798990211302, 0.82231390662774495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052105', 'AGK+81D266', 140.32900000000001, 81.724599999999995, '2003-02-16 03:00:25', 9188, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 19, 11.85, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-04-02 08:53:21', '2003-08-25 13:30:40', 0, 0, '2003-02-16 03:00:25', '2003-02-16 07:13:46', 60.619199999999999, 103.051, 31.948599999999999, 130.67099999999999, 248.74799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 133292579, -0.110787224375408, 0.0918826412983859, 0.98958767734002495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051902', 'CPD-592603-BKGD', 161.197, -59.731099999999998, '2003-02-16 14:40:33', 11581, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'O7V', 0.46000000000000002, 12, 'EE', '2005-04-02 09:12:52', '2003-09-11 16:07:00', 1, 0, '2003-02-16 14:40:33', '2003-02-17 01:23:33', -58.984299999999998, 202.17599999999999, -0.68656600000000001, 287.58999999999997, 75.654399999999995, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 622863658, -0.477158479321453, 0.16246587623928799, -0.86366927968374496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0890101', 'HE2-99', 208.12899999999999, -66.391099999999994, '2003-02-17 13:53:09', 25039, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14, 'CSPN', 0.59999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-13 20:05:55', '2003-09-10 20:49:05', 0, 0, '2003-02-17 13:53:09', '2003-02-17 23:40:18', -49.9587, 236.702, -4.2417199999999999, 309.005, 31.6967, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET L.', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 681246765, -0.35318867473730098, -0.18881498276405601, -0.91630053056904803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1540102', 'ETA-CARINAE', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2003-02-18 02:19:58', 23131, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.2000000000000002, 'PEC', 0.5, 61, 'PC', '2005-04-02 08:00:04', '2003-09-10 20:33:58', 0, 0, '2003-02-18 02:19:58', '2003-02-18 08:56:19', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 76.848100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1640403', 'G278+08', 155.10499999999999, -47.483699999999999, '2003-02-18 11:35:51', 52350, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 37, 99, '', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-04-02 12:52:59', '2003-08-27 16:23:24', 0, 0, '2003-02-18 11:35:51', '2003-02-19 18:16:54', -52.131700000000002, 183.006, 8.0151900000000005, 278.23399999999998, 83.052899999999994, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC J.', 'KORPELA', 'y', 624616181, -0.61300510704910705, 0.28448247836948098, -0.73708510921905901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9111001', 'HE2-35', 145.40199999999999, -49.962499999999999, '2003-02-19 20:58:19', 9534, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.199999999999999, '[WR]', 1.2, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-02 09:34:16', '2003-04-14 08:10:42', 0, 0, '2003-02-19 20:58:19', '2003-02-20 02:32:18', -57.966999999999999, 176.69499999999999, 2.1771600000000002, 274.61900000000003, 95.7363, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 629694995, -0.52952719596718201, 0.36526906420616601, -0.76562357556770999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0670101', 'TWHYA', 165.46600000000001, -34.704700000000003, '2003-02-20 05:09:12', 15004, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.1, 'K8VE', 0.14999999999999999, 58, 'PE', '2005-04-02 06:57:23', '2003-08-24 19:17:19', 2, 0, '2003-02-20 05:09:12', '2003-02-20 12:36:45', -37.187800000000003, 182.67599999999999, 22.954799999999999, 278.68000000000001, 70.880499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY L.', 'LINSKY', 'y', 628851781, -0.79578931377165596, 0.20630900250302101, -0.56934696238150295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9111101', 'PB6', 153.31800000000001, -50.333599999999997, '2003-02-20 15:13:54', 19519, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 17, '[WR]', 0.29999999999999999, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-02 09:44:07', '2003-04-14 16:01:16', 0, 0, '2003-02-20 15:13:54', '2003-02-21 01:57:16', -55.111800000000002, 184.334, 4.9961700000000002, 278.858, 87.457599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 623832348, -0.57034378032393296, 0.28662856964699401, -0.769774015739635); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0670102', 'TWHYA', 165.46600000000001, -34.704700000000003, '2003-02-21 05:11:23', 15258, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 11.1, 'K8VE', 0.14999999999999999, 58, 'PE', '2005-04-02 06:57:40', '2003-08-27 15:14:48', 2, 0, '2003-02-21 05:11:23', '2003-02-21 13:35:33', -37.187800000000003, 182.67599999999999, 22.954799999999999, 278.68000000000001, 72.024600000000007, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY L.', 'LINSKY', 'y', 628851781, -0.79578931377165596, 0.20630900250302101, -0.56934696238150295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0230501', 'LAMBDA-VEL', 136.999, -43.432600000000001, '2003-02-21 16:24:02', 25271, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 2.23, 'K4IB', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-04-02 10:17:06', '2003-08-27 14:35:59', 1, 0, '2003-02-21 16:24:02', '2003-02-22 09:24:19', -55.870899999999999, 161.18799999999999, 2.8211599999999999, 265.93599999999998, 108.82299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM M.', 'HARPER', 'y', 631809276, -0.53108843180561305, 0.495265304643634, -0.68750080408571401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9110901', 'NGC2867', 140.357, -58.313299999999998, '2003-02-22 12:07:50', 15120, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.600000000000001, '[WR]', 0.69999999999999996, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-02 09:33:59', '2003-04-09 07:52:16', 0, 0, '2003-02-22 12:07:50', '2003-02-22 18:08:58', -66.067300000000003, 184.38399999999999, -5.9372699999999998, 278.16300000000001, 102.533, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 617053667, -0.40447928501207298, 0.33512599014342598, -0.85093306359931198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9110101', 'PNG281.0-05.6', 144.697, -60.091900000000003, '2003-02-23 06:20:22', 11060, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.41, '', 0.35999999999999999, 71, 'PE', '2005-04-02 09:33:51', '2003-04-14 08:10:41', 0, 0, '2003-02-23 06:20:22', '2003-02-23 10:23:06', -65.493700000000004, 191.18199999999999, -5.6966099999999997, 281.012, 98.751400000000004, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 612022511, -0.406919513203226, 0.288147063984031, -0.86682626822900999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4058101', 'HD113001-BKGD', 195.08699999999999, 35.255800000000001, '2003-02-23 14:58:28', 13765, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'EE', '2005-04-02 09:23:15', '2003-02-27 17:01:56', 2, 0, '2003-02-23 14:58:28', '2003-02-23 22:15:15', 37.889499999999998, 177.48699999999999, 81.652699999999996, 110.30800000000001, 319.36900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 176500704, -0.78843690520152898, -0.212544701102068, 0.577227854966882); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4058102', 'HD113001-BKGD', 195.08699999999999, 35.255800000000001, '2003-02-24 04:01:16', 7050, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'EE', '2005-04-02 09:23:23', '2003-03-10 17:06:29', 2, 0, '2003-02-24 04:01:16', '2003-02-24 07:55:00', 37.889499999999998, 177.48699999999999, 81.652699999999996, 110.30800000000001, 318.53399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 176500704, -0.78843690520152898, -0.212544701102068, 0.577227854966882); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0570301', 'NGC4631-H', 190.483, 32.5533, '2003-02-24 10:43:28', 22866, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 9.75, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 80, 'EE', '2005-04-02 06:47:33', '2003-08-27 14:59:00', 0, 610, '2003-02-24 10:43:28', '2003-02-24 23:09:53', 33.6892, 174.94399999999999, 84.196799999999996, 143.155, 328.93900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD M.', 'MURPHY', 'y', 176311482, -0.82882249938392205, -0.15335882047430999, 0.53808394948903404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0570201', 'NGC4631-F', 190.57499999999999, 32.563299999999998, '2003-02-25 01:41:46', 16339, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 9.75, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 80, 'EE', '2005-04-02 06:37:40', '2003-09-03 16:09:02', 0, 610, '2003-02-25 01:41:46', '2003-02-25 12:20:43', 33.734299999999998, 175.02000000000001, 84.215199999999996, 142.405, 328.04199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD M.', 'MURPHY', 'y', 176311419, -0.82848285140094602, -0.154672227335378, 0.53823105356869905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0860101', 'NGC4395', 186.45400000000001, 33.546799999999998, '2003-02-25 14:59:43', 36484, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 27, 10.640000000000001, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-02 10:58:19', '2003-09-10 16:26:11', 1, 318, '2003-02-25 14:59:43', '2003-02-26 13:20:32', 32.975499999999997, 170.81800000000001, 81.532700000000006, 162.096, 320.85599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN B.', 'KRAEMER', 'y', 467528319, -0.82815275553982903, -0.093682634712696403, 0.55261793080307897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057902', 'WD1631+781-BKGD', 247.29499999999999, 78.077500000000001, '2003-02-26 16:38:06', 13828, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-04-02 09:13:12', '2003-03-10 17:06:26', 2, 0, '2003-02-26 16:38:06', '2003-02-26 23:23:39', 76.779399999999995, 110.40600000000001, 33.578699999999998, 111.297, 357.40100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 198442371, -0.079740354487051898, -0.19057873672225201, 0.97842793346042101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052803', 'WD1631+781', 247.29499999999999, 78.077500000000001, '2003-02-27 10:07:37', 5334, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.1, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-02 09:02:42', '2003-09-10 14:46:32', 1, 0, '2003-02-27 10:07:37', '2003-02-27 12:35:37', 76.779399999999995, 110.40600000000001, 33.578699999999998, 111.297, 356.65100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 198442371, -0.079740354487051898, -0.19057873672225201, 0.97842793346042101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1230103', 'HS-1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '2003-02-27 15:16:08', 154614, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 56, 16.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2005-04-02 12:31:42', '2003-09-10 18:15:09', 2, 2.7200000000000002, '2003-02-27 15:16:08', '2003-03-02 22:32:55', 83.438500000000005, 194.178, 36.158900000000003, 94.402000000000001, 6.1657400000000004, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1230104', 'HS-1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '2003-03-03 04:03:19', 128848, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 30, 16.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2005-04-06 14:44:25', '2003-09-12 16:23:34', 1, 2.7200000000000002, '2003-03-03 04:03:19', '2003-03-05 01:13:56', 83.438500000000005, 194.178, 36.158900000000003, 94.402000000000001, 2.6128499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DIETER', 'REIMERS', 'y', 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4058201', 'CD-61_1208-BKGD', 88.033799999999999, -61.1205, '2003-03-05 06:10:46', 33766, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'SDB', 0.02, 28, 'EE', '2005-04-02 09:33:34', '2003-03-11 10:33:45', 2, 0, '2003-03-05 06:10:46', '2003-03-05 19:22:50', -84.492000000000004, 80.058400000000006, -30.614699999999999, 270.07900000000001, 163.416, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 553986550, 0.016570636012011499, 0.48268476531114102, -0.87563738577032302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050602', 'CD-61_1208', 88.033799999999999, -61.1205, '2003-03-06 03:33:25', 5577, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 11.19, 'SDB', 0.02, 28, 'PC', '2005-04-06 01:36:57', '2003-09-12 14:05:02', 0, 0, '2003-03-06 03:33:25', '2003-03-06 05:38:37', -84.492000000000004, 80.058400000000006, -30.614699999999999, 270.07900000000001, 164.41300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 553986550, 0.016570636012011499, 0.48268476531114102, -0.87563738577032302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1050102', '1H0707-495', 107.173, -49.551600000000001, '2003-03-06 08:34:36', 24260, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.699999999999999, 'AGN', 0.089999999999999997, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-02 09:55:09', '2003-09-20 14:40:42', 2, 0.041000000000000002, '2003-03-06 08:34:36', '2003-03-06 22:38:07', -70.865899999999996, 125.76000000000001, -17.6723, 260.17099999999999, 149.405, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 640920818, -0.191552361897948, 0.61983956420368402, -0.76099054350175999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1050103', '1H0707-495', 107.173, -49.551600000000001, '2003-03-06 23:33:02', 22576, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 15.699999999999999, 'AGN', 0.089999999999999997, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-05 22:59:21', '2003-09-20 15:10:42', 2, 0.041000000000000002, '2003-03-06 23:33:02', '2003-03-07 16:56:02', -70.865899999999996, 125.76000000000001, -17.6723, 260.17099999999999, 150.14500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 640920818, -0.191552361897948, 0.61983956420368402, -0.76099054350175999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9011901', 'HD45057', 95.578500000000005, -53.334899999999998, '2003-03-07 19:29:29', 2818, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 6.8499999999999996, 'B3V', 0.10000000000000001, 21, 'PC', '2005-04-06 04:10:12', '2003-04-08 07:44:07', 0, 0, '2003-03-07 19:29:29', '2003-03-07 20:16:59', -76.495500000000007, 104.393, -25.665400000000002, 261.85000000000002, 160.02600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 640370709, -0.058047318998575501, 0.59430858805655995, -0.80213952085612605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9113401', 'LMC-SMP102', 97.387200000000007, -68.059100000000001, '2003-03-07 23:01:40', 19056, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'CSPN', 0, 71, 'PC', '2005-04-06 06:08:19', '2003-04-14 08:10:44', 0, 0, '2003-03-07 23:01:40', '2003-03-08 05:52:43', -86.783100000000005, 211.11600000000001, -27.043500000000002, 278.25, 157.518, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 614698819, -0.048041696268311097, 0.37054868538228303, -0.927569764050729); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9051301', 'V347-PUP', 92.640000000000001, -48.7408, '2003-03-09 03:08:58', 18192, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13.4, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-04-06 07:00:16', '2003-09-12 16:39:22', 0, 0, '2003-03-09 03:08:58', '2003-03-09 17:10:46', -72.128299999999996, 95.680400000000006, -26.545500000000001, 256.42399999999998, 163.77799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 646508797, -0.030375285578548902, 0.65876660955810096, -0.75173392643763604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057903', 'WD1631+781-BKGD', 247.29499999999999, 78.077500000000001, '2003-03-10 04:01:13', 4657, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-04-06 06:50:12', '2003-03-12 17:00:38', 2, 0, '2003-03-10 04:01:13', '2003-03-10 07:51:31', 76.779399999999995, 110.40600000000001, 33.578699999999998, 111.297, 346.233, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 198442371, -0.079740354487051898, -0.19057873672225201, 0.97842793346042101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1010101', 'G226-29', 252.108, 59.055300000000003, '2003-03-11 00:08:34', 12966, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.199999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-06 05:57:32', '2003-12-17 18:19:30', 2, 0, '2003-03-11 00:08:34', '2003-03-11 05:20:28', 78.974000000000004, 214.30799999999999, 38.688099999999999, 88.451999999999998, 352.52999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ALLARD', 'y', 166681533, -0.15797768447021099, -0.48934192108776903, 0.85766399917191505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052903', 'RE_J1738+669', 264.50999999999999, 66.896600000000007, '2003-03-11 08:24:33', 6131, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.399999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-06 03:23:13', '2003-09-14 16:35:17', 1, 0, '2003-03-11 08:24:33', '2003-03-11 10:38:59', 87.805899999999994, 168.67599999999999, 31.961500000000001, 96.894099999999995, 2.4982899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 190259276, -0.037540907143393698, -0.39059176374697302, 0.91979821394905903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1270401', 'IC405-04', 79.077699999999993, 34.540300000000002, '2003-03-11 15:08:45', 6166, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'REF', 0, 72, 'EE', '2005-04-06 05:57:52', '2003-09-14 16:25:03', 2, 0, '2003-03-11 15:08:45', '2003-03-11 21:44:55', 11.4476, 80.836799999999997, -2.12608, 171.898, 173.161, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 21196771, 0.156077939936239, 0.80880580119944101, 0.56698576050143501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1010102', 'G226-29', 252.108, 59.055300000000003, '2003-03-12 01:56:47', 15158, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.199999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-06 05:47:02', '2003-12-17 18:28:20', 2, 0, '2003-03-12 01:56:47', '2003-03-12 08:06:05', 78.974000000000004, 214.30799999999999, 38.688099999999999, 88.451999999999998, 351.50700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ALLARD', 'y', 166681533, -0.15797768447021099, -0.48934192108776903, 0.85766399917191505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1270402', 'IC405-04', 79.077699999999993, 34.540300000000002, '2003-03-12 12:47:14', 5827, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'REF', 0, 72, 'EE', '2005-04-06 05:58:00', '2003-09-14 14:26:08', 2, 0, '2003-03-12 12:47:14', '2003-03-12 18:01:42', 11.4476, 80.836799999999997, -2.12608, 171.898, 172.982, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 21196771, 0.156077939936239, 0.80880580119944101, 0.56698576050143501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1270101', 'IC405-01', 79.050600000000003, 34.313699999999997, '2003-03-12 19:20:27', 1847, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'REF', 0, 72, 'EE', '2005-04-06 05:47:08', '2003-09-14 16:14:53', 2, 0, '2003-03-12 19:20:27', '2003-03-12 21:21:20', 11.2234, 80.796400000000006, -2.2756099999999999, 172.06999999999999, 173.017, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 21195919, 0.156885172488857, 0.81092711701660403, 0.56372356127829204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1270201', 'IC405-02', 79.1006, 34.313699999999997, '2003-03-12 22:41:13', 1872, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'REF', 0, 72, 'EE', '2005-04-06 05:57:38', '2004-01-23 15:20:34', 2, 0, '2003-03-12 22:41:13', '2003-03-13 03:52:47', 11.2202, 80.838399999999993, -2.2419500000000001, 172.09399999999999, 172.66, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 21195839, 0.156177445431953, 0.81106371636146402, 0.56372356127829204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1270301', 'IC405-03', 79.125900000000001, 34.415700000000001, '2003-03-13 05:16:17', 12619, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'REF', 0, 72, 'EE', '2005-04-06 05:57:44', '2003-09-18 13:42:37', 2, 0, '2003-03-13 05:16:17', '2003-03-13 17:19:01', 11.3203, 80.867500000000007, -2.1659000000000002, 172.023, 172.851, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 21196199, 0.15562972007093201, 0.81014577444274605, 0.56519307708358102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8061601', 'RXJ135515+561244', 208.81899999999999, 56.212400000000002, '2003-03-13 21:16:52', 47223, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 16.800000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PE', '2005-04-06 06:39:40', '2003-09-24 19:17:09', 0, 0.122, '2003-03-13 21:16:52', '2003-03-14 15:23:29', 60.360799999999998, 170.14500000000001, 58.7408, 105.79600000000001, 309.01400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 192989733, -0.48723908609490102, -0.26807240000353999, 0.83110484376987503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0010101', 'HD36665', 83.662899999999993, 28.051100000000002, '2003-03-14 19:42:31', 28102, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 23, 8.1600000000000001, 'BOVE', 0.64000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2005-04-06 00:01:23', '2003-09-24 17:09:49', 1, 0, '2003-03-14 19:42:31', '2003-03-16 13:32:48', 4.7348800000000004, 84.390699999999995, -2.5124499999999999, 179.47200000000001, 175.035, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY', 'WELSH', 'y', 400785602, 0.097411642058773201, 0.87713601635308402, 0.47025884447573801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3190201', 'HD36112', 82.614699999999999, 25.3325, '2003-03-16 14:49:33', 7103, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 8.2699999999999996, 'A3E', 0.23000000000000001, 34, 'PC', '2005-04-06 04:21:39', '2003-09-19 13:38:25', 1, 0, '2003-03-16 14:49:33', '2003-03-17 04:21:52', 2.0640299999999998, 83.323899999999995, -4.7756100000000004, 181.249, 174.48599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MAGALI A.-M.', 'DELEUIL', 'y', 397798449, 0.116180646433414, 0.89634189383732898, 0.42787061916708402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4058301', 'WD1234+481-BKGD', 189.18899999999999, 47.923099999999998, '2003-03-18 00:42:38', 10602, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-04-06 07:00:22', '2003-03-25 09:02:44', 1, 0, '2003-03-18 00:42:38', '2003-03-18 09:28:39', 46.349400000000003, 163.411, 69.008300000000006, 129.81200000000001, 283.839, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 179719493, -0.66152763713947205, -0.107013765805481, 0.74224607727410596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052402', 'WD1234+481', 189.18899999999999, 47.923099999999998, '2003-03-18 20:29:19', 12557, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-06 03:01:50', '2003-09-24 20:11:19', 1, 0, '2003-03-18 20:29:19', '2003-03-19 06:25:41', 46.349400000000003, 163.411, 69.008300000000006, 129.81200000000001, 282.654, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 179719493, -0.66152763713947205, -0.107013765805481, 0.74224607727410596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0190102', 'NGC4051', 180.78999999999999, 44.531300000000002, '2003-03-19 07:47:41', 28594, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 13.5, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-06 00:12:13', '2003-12-17 19:45:42', 2, 0.002418, '2003-03-19 07:47:41', '2003-03-20 06:18:39', 40.341200000000001, 159.25800000000001, 70.084800000000001, 148.88499999999999, 261.52499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM N.', 'BRANDT', 'y', 179036106, -0.71279968322736398, -0.0098287769529600503, 0.70129879989529298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9102101', 'AN-UMA', 166.107, 45.054200000000002, '2003-03-20 08:46:15', 9491, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2005-04-06 05:26:12', '2003-04-14 08:10:39', 0, 0, '2003-03-20 08:46:15', '2003-03-20 14:30:11', 35.584099999999999, 147.483, 62.147599999999997, 165.828, 248.251, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 91068887, -0.68577131516793499, 0.16962233167421301, 0.707775365416347); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9073202', 'UGC6100', 165.392, 45.6539, '2003-03-20 15:22:00', 18168, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 24, 14.1, 'SEY', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-06 05:15:23', '2003-04-09 07:52:11', 1, 8844, '2003-03-20 15:22:00', '2003-03-21 08:27:50', 35.873100000000001, 146.58799999999999, 61.408000000000001, 165.28700000000001, 247.93299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 91164462, -0.67639529933429698, 0.17628863274925299, 0.71513055940986403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052201', 'FEIGE_34', 159.90299999999999, 43.102699999999999, '2003-03-21 09:42:44', 5590, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.18, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-04-06 02:50:50', '2003-09-26 19:12:56', 0, 0, '2003-03-21 09:42:44', '2003-03-21 12:08:19', 31.811599999999999, 143.792, 58.961199999999998, 173.316, 238.768, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 90939490, -0.68567409587217798, 0.250880377902162, 0.68330818100878898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9031901', 'WD1120+439', 170.72999999999999, 43.715800000000002, '2003-03-21 14:39:05', 16912, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.81, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-06 04:44:27', '2003-04-09 07:52:03', 0, 0, '2003-03-21 14:39:05', '2003-03-22 04:09:43', 35.996699999999997, 151.84800000000001, 65.643100000000004, 164.249, 253.64699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 91255719, -0.71333727906855304, 0.116429973700897, 0.69108175168722297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0030101', 'WD1056+516', 164.81800000000001, 51.411900000000003, '2003-03-22 07:21:14', 38989, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 23, 16.600000000000001, 'DA', 0.029999999999999999, 67, 'PC', '2005-04-06 02:39:50', '2003-11-01 19:22:40', 0, 0, '2003-03-22 07:21:14', '2003-03-23 10:53:53', 40.7059, 142.566, 57.817300000000003, 156.33600000000001, 247.57599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY', 'WELSH', 'y', 97349163, -0.60194879494100295, 0.16334281794921901, 0.78165003172358605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8061101', 'MKN142', 156.38, 51.676400000000001, '2003-03-23 13:18:53', 20103, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 15.199999999999999, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-04-06 06:18:32', '2004-01-23 16:32:10', 0, 0.044999999999999998, '2003-03-23 13:18:53', '2003-03-24 06:12:35', 38.385800000000003, 136.45400000000001, 53.271700000000003, 160.994, 236.536, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 98764150, -0.56815187638134801, 0.24845566413439399, 0.78452101840797805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9031401', 'WD0937+505', 145.095, 50.351900000000001, '2003-03-24 09:13:19', 12721, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-06 04:44:21', '2003-04-09 07:52:03', 1, 0, '2003-03-24 09:13:19', '2003-03-24 19:59:44', 34.139099999999999, 129.215, 47.122, 166.904, 222.88300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 96194434, -0.52328295030421401, 0.36511513493422598, 0.76997785173528199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0080201', 'PG0836+619-BAD-COORDS', 130.28299999999999, 61.768300000000004, '2003-03-24 23:07:26', 16261, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.449999999999999, 'SDO', 0.070000000000000007, 16, 'PC', '2005-04-06 01:47:26', '2003-10-04 15:31:36', 0, 0, '2003-03-24 23:07:26', '2003-03-25 05:25:49', 41.666699999999999, 114.169, 36.557899999999997, 154.44900000000001, 211.25200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIPP', 'RICHTER', 'y', 121323266, -0.30584927528708, 0.36086208626034799, 0.88104186932642303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050703', 'PG0952+519', 148.833, 51.618200000000002, '2003-03-25 12:17:51', 15641, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 34, 12.699999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-04-06 04:21:32', '2003-10-21 16:09:57', 0, 0, '2003-03-25 12:17:51', '2003-03-26 10:15:29', 36.255099999999999, 131.21100000000001, 49.004300000000001, 164.06700000000001, 226.32599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 96405807, -0.531279814801635, 0.32133641114318401, 0.78389072532972304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0390101', 'NGC3079', 150.495, 55.680599999999998, '2003-03-26 16:26:05', 58162, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 24, 11.539999999999999, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EE', '2005-04-07 01:35:16', '2003-10-21 15:07:18', 0, 1125, '2003-03-26 16:26:05', '2003-03-28 02:25:25', 40.338500000000003, 130.072, 48.361400000000003, 157.809, 228.20099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES G.', 'HOOPES', 'y', 121650788, -0.49068729739832301, 0.27767404561292403, 0.82590744067654598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0420201', 'SDSS080908+3814', 122.285, 38.235100000000003, '2003-03-28 11:36:10', 8451, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-04-07 01:35:32', '2004-01-03 14:57:24', 1, 0, '2003-03-28 11:36:10', '2003-03-28 17:00:46', 17.6785, 116.126, 30.977, 182.702, 196.29599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PAULA', 'SZKODY', 'y', 105788347, -0.41954813041905598, 0.66404435178319698, 0.61888970352293704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9050801', 'BP-LYN', 135.78800000000001, 41.296399999999998, '2003-03-28 20:02:58', 5477, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-04-06 06:50:06', '2003-10-16 14:42:48', 0, 0, '2003-03-28 20:02:58', '2003-03-29 03:08:00', 23.396899999999999, 125.92700000000001, 41.635800000000003, 180.47300000000001, 207.66999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 95060476, -0.53850924216384799, 0.52389684330127495, 0.65995446334052199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2110104', 'NGC3516', 166.69800000000001, 72.568600000000004, '2003-03-29 05:44:39', 16125, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.5, '', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-06 03:58:05', '2003-10-23 13:07:25', 0, 0.0089999999999999993, '2003-03-29 05:44:39', '2003-03-29 11:56:49', 57.987200000000001, 123.363, 42.4026, 133.23699999999999, 246.27799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD', 'GREEN', 'y', 125218132, -0.29152666094475899, 0.068924727360885493, 0.95407630088826101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1160301', 'HD74389B', 131.446, 48.878500000000003, '2003-03-29 14:20:51', 22203, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 27, 15, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-06 00:44:34', '2004-02-22 19:54:51', 1, 0, '2003-03-29 14:20:51', '2003-03-30 17:11:16', 29.6737, 120.06699999999999, 38.576099999999997, 170.553, 206.45699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 118171161, -0.435312939223375, 0.49296719136059802, 0.75331666196012803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9100201', 'HD72905', 129.79900000000001, 65.020899999999997, '2003-03-30 18:32:56', 64497, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 5.6299999999999999, 'G2V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2005-04-07 23:54:59', '2003-10-16 15:15:28', 0, 0, '2003-03-30 18:32:56', '2003-03-31 17:10:32', 44.636400000000002, 112.325, 35.703800000000001, 150.553, 207.477, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 127189060, -0.27030474942895799, 0.32444135093108201, 0.90646188681166495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0080301', 'PG0931+690', 144.00399999999999, 68.866699999999994, '2003-03-31 19:42:39', 37747, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 15.92, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'PC', '2005-04-07 21:38:02', '2004-01-16 14:13:02', 0, 0, '2003-03-31 19:42:39', '2003-04-01 12:59:29', 50.487499999999997, 117.288, 39.526600000000002, 143.54300000000001, 220.90299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIPP', 'RICHTER', 'y', 124659711, -0.29169695187563, 0.21189912854038101, 0.93274414905176095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0080101', 'PG0822+645', 126.819, 64.373500000000007, '2003-04-01 15:27:32', 18952, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.59, 'SDB', 0.040000000000000001, 28, 'PC', '2005-04-07 21:16:15', '2003-10-16 13:45:23', 0, 0, '2003-04-01 15:27:32', '2003-04-01 23:03:26', 43.591000000000001, 110.96899999999999, 34.571899999999999, 151.619, 203.334, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIPP', 'RICHTER', 'y', 127003977, -0.25919421965102002, 0.34623263590320902, 0.90163258500068399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9131501', 'BH-LYN', 125.64400000000001, 51.0899, '2003-04-02 01:44:48', 5507, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.5, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2005-04-07 23:46:55', '2003-10-16 15:24:24', 0, 0, '2003-04-02 01:44:48', '2003-04-02 05:18:50', 30.7227, 115.2, 34.840400000000002, 167.809, 200.07499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 119705029, -0.36602366282727, 0.51042784382679895, 0.77813244020335903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8081301', 'RXSJ080534.6+543132', 121.395, 54.525100000000002, '2003-04-02 06:14:15', 5913, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.1, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-07 23:14:00', '2003-10-16 14:12:54', 0, 0.40600000000000003, '2003-04-02 06:14:15', '2003-04-02 08:41:35', 33.374899999999997, 111.22499999999999, 32.379600000000003, 163.59200000000001, 196.89699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 120233356, -0.30232275920692397, 0.49538139248670199, 0.81436983321059198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1450201', 'CH-UMA', 151.75299999999999, 67.546400000000006, '2003-04-02 22:00:04', 17311, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 15.300000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-04-07 22:09:18', '2004-01-08 12:46:13', 0, 0, '2003-04-02 22:00:04', '2003-04-03 08:10:20', 50.8979, 122.239, 42.651299999999999, 142.89699999999999, 226.25, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD M.', 'SION', 'y', 124224825, -0.33645257397547501, 0.18075978706041401, 0.92418913910906297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056304', 'WD1634-573-BKGD', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2003-04-03 12:25:42', 27102, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-04-08 13:08:46', '2003-04-17 08:22:58', 3, 0, '2003-04-03 12:25:42', '2003-04-04 01:28:15', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 23.190899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031120', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2003-04-04 09:49:01', 5423, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-04-07 17:06:28', '2003-10-16 15:37:57', 1, 0, '2003-04-04 09:49:01', '2003-04-04 11:41:33', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 23.8645, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031121', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2003-04-04 12:02:40', 5478, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 11, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-04-07 17:38:28', '2003-10-16 15:50:44', 0, 0, '2003-04-04 12:02:40', '2003-04-04 15:26:42', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 23.924700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031122', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2003-04-04 15:47:57', 5266, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 11, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-04-08 12:58:42', '2003-10-16 16:04:01', 1, 0, '2003-04-04 15:47:57', '2003-04-04 20:29:38', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 24.0274, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1460301', 'ARPAV', 275.11599999999999, -66.078599999999994, '2003-04-04 23:30:30', 19244, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.5, 'M5M6', 0.10000000000000001, 57, 'PC', '2005-04-07 22:20:22', '2004-01-08 13:08:20', 0, 0, '2003-04-04 23:30:30', '2003-04-05 05:46:54', -42.6892, 272.81999999999999, -21.603899999999999, 328.53699999999998, 2.8275100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'SION', 'y', 749368920, 0.036157911628602601, -0.40386767053531197, -0.91410257089838598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9020108', 'HD149730', 249.93600000000001, -56.994399999999999, '2003-04-05 07:55:18', 4496, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.6500000000000004, 'B9IV', 0.02, 66, 'PC', '2005-04-07 15:07:44', '2003-09-23 16:01:37', 0, 0, '2003-04-05 07:55:18', '2003-04-05 09:11:10', -34.463799999999999, 256.89999999999998, -6.8285, 330.35300000000001, 23.843900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 690076283, -0.186877203711803, -0.51166188209210695, -0.83861733177106501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1220101', 'GJ551', 217.422, -62.679299999999998, '2003-04-05 11:23:41', 45506, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 11.1, 'M6VE', 0, 48, 'PE', '2005-04-07 21:59:00', '2003-10-22 16:30:02', 1, 0, '2003-04-05 11:23:41', '2003-04-06 15:51:33', -44.764400000000002, 239.11099999999999, -1.9255199999999999, 313.93799999999999, 60.095500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAMIAN', 'CHRISTIAN', 'y', 681436932, -0.36450586284318398, -0.278907614289848, -0.88845147230678401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9120201', 'HD151003', 251.643, -41.610700000000001, '2003-04-06 19:01:01', 1861, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.0899999999999999, 'O9IA', 0.46999999999999997, 13, 'PC', '2005-04-07 01:56:27', '2004-01-08 13:00:40', 0, 0, '2003-04-06 19:01:01', '2003-04-06 19:32:27', -19.086300000000001, 255.571, 2.4115799999999998, 342.72399999999999, 16.195, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID C.', 'KNAUTH', 'y', 694796905, -0.23547010350161701, -0.70962692581954601, -0.66406585253936801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9010901', 'RT-NOR', 246.078, -59.344000000000001, '2003-04-06 22:04:20', 14923, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.5, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2005-04-07 23:34:06', '2003-10-16 14:30:38', 0, 0, '2003-04-06 22:04:20', '2003-04-07 03:19:25', -37.146799999999999, 254.96600000000001, -6.9231100000000003, 327.22500000000002, 29.526599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 678921500, -0.20675356231511, -0.46608269174627598, -0.86024408682917297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3021001', 'LSE259', 253.477, -56.0319, '2003-04-07 04:23:01', 11020, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.539999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-04-08 01:18:19', '2004-09-04 20:22:26', 0, 0, '2003-04-07 04:23:01', '2003-04-07 07:41:05', -33.218699999999998, 259.05099999999999, -7.7118099999999998, 332.36000000000001, 21.705200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 690245409, -0.15890328626758199, -0.53565879645657399, -0.82934878030419601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051801', 'LSE234', 273.31599999999997, -64.920900000000003, '2003-04-07 08:16:58', 9263, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 19, 12.9, 'SDO', 0.070000000000000007, 16, 'PC', '2005-04-08 00:05:10', '2003-10-16 16:26:09', 0, 0, '2003-04-07 08:16:58', '2003-04-07 11:54:26', -41.503, 271.87599999999998, -20.514600000000002, 329.44, 6.1008599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 771779617, 0.024517779732122099, -0.42315938394588698, -0.90572347560143596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1520103', 'HD153919', 255.98699999999999, -37.844099999999997, '2003-04-07 14:34:46', 6420, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6.5300000000000002, 'O6.5', 0.54000000000000004, 66, 'PC', '2007-05-30 05:47:24', '2003-10-16 13:59:46', 0, 0, '2003-04-07 14:34:46', '2003-04-07 17:08:19', -14.958399999999999, 258.584, 2.1738400000000002, 347.75599999999997, 11.26, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 695742535, -0.19121546175748899, -0.76618270325361904, -0.61351504661242595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9011001', 'RZ-NOR', 248.17400000000001, -53.259, '2003-04-07 19:34:25', 10853, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.199999999999999, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2005-04-07 23:45:07', '2003-12-19 14:55:44', 0, 0, '2003-04-07 19:34:25', '2003-04-08 00:02:29', -30.952400000000001, 254.97, -3.5792799999999998, 332.46199999999999, 25.623000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 690417596, -0.22240378681646, -0.555318178359266, -0.80134778741408197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9010401', 'Y-MUS', 196.45099999999999, -65.512900000000002, '2003-04-08 12:34:54', 8570, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.4, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2005-04-07 23:23:30', '2003-10-16 14:21:59', 0, 0, '2003-04-08 12:34:54', '2003-04-08 19:24:38', -52.023800000000001, 229.75800000000001, -2.68248, 304.423, 88.822999999999993, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 682066540, -0.39752014727781398, -0.11738113272598399, -0.91005461494802098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055703', 'LSE44-BKGD', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2003-04-08 20:33:59', 5975, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'EE', '2005-04-08 01:18:29', '2003-04-17 08:22:57', 3, 0, '2003-04-08 20:33:59', '2003-04-09 00:28:58', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 70.9709, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9010601', 'V854-CEN', 218.70599999999999, -39.555300000000003, '2003-04-09 11:18:58', 20150, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 7.5, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2005-04-07 23:44:48', '2003-12-19 14:38:55', 0, 0, '2003-04-09 11:18:58', '2003-04-09 23:51:29', -23.1096, 229.14400000000001, 19.097200000000001, 323.76999999999998, 50.6843, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 710721358, -0.60166939890751303, -0.48213153880308401, -0.63682267053681596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1620201', 'V895-CEN', 217.363, -38.069400000000002, '2003-04-10 00:48:13', 24743, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 16.5, 'CV', 0.029999999999999999, 63, 'PE', '2005-04-08 00:26:45', '2003-10-16 13:33:38', 0, 0, '2003-04-10 00:48:13', '2003-04-10 13:10:31', -22.066800000000001, 227.53200000000001, 20.878499999999999, 323.38799999999998, 52.683900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL', 'BARRETT', 'y', 710852056, -0.62572304504801901, -0.47776143205949101, -0.61661550818342103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0600101', 'V803-CEN', 200.935, -41.741700000000002, '2003-04-10 15:37:56', 26042, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 14, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2007-04-12 00:18:42', '2003-12-19 14:08:03', 0, 0, '2003-04-10 15:37:56', '2003-04-11 08:59:04', -30.316800000000001, 216.167, 20.726400000000002, 309.36799999999999, 82.718900000000005, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 714446623, -0.69689751399947497, -0.26660718411114798, -0.66577358340630799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1570301', 'NGC5904-ZNG1', 229.642, 2.08317, '2003-04-11 12:12:43', 7337, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.199999999999999, 'SDO', 0.029999999999999999, 18, 'PC', '2005-04-07 22:51:52', '2003-10-16 14:07:43', 0, 64, '2003-04-11 12:12:43', '2003-04-11 17:30:31', 19.6494, 226.595, 46.795299999999997, 3.86598, 338.54399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'W. VAN DYKE', 'DIXON', 'y', 514738836, -0.64713352614873698, -0.76150959600183898, 0.036350165493691897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1570302', 'NGC5904-ZNG1', 229.642, 2.08317, '2003-04-12 11:33:59', 7620, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.199999999999999, 'SDO', 0.029999999999999999, 18, 'PC', '2005-04-07 23:02:10', '2004-01-01 12:20:08', 0, 64, '2003-04-12 11:33:59', '2003-04-12 16:48:12', 19.6494, 226.595, 46.795299999999997, 3.86598, 337.38299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'W. VAN DYKE', 'DIXON', 'y', 514738836, -0.64713352614873698, -0.76150959600183898, 0.036350165493691897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0880201', 'ABELL2029', 227.733, 5.7450299999999999, '2003-04-12 17:33:49', 16200, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16, 'CLU', 0.029999999999999999, 90, 'PE', '2005-04-08 00:26:15', '2003-10-22 15:34:37', 1, 0.076700000000000004, '2003-04-12 17:33:49', '2003-04-13 02:44:43', 22.626899999999999, 223.53, 50.546300000000002, 6.4751799999999999, 329.51400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALAIN', 'LECAVELIER', 'y', 134692002, -0.66920814141538398, -0.73630163801665605, 0.100101754816573); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0790301', 'HD123515', 212.39599999999999, -51.5047, '2003-04-13 05:27:16', 5270, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 5.9800000000000004, 'B9IV', 0.02, 22, 'PC', '2005-04-08 00:27:53', '2003-10-22 15:47:56', 0, 0, '2003-04-13 05:27:16', '2003-04-13 07:29:58', -35.832599999999999, 229.58799999999999, 9.5092400000000001, 315.11700000000002, 71.424300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 708939993, -0.52557556925212701, -0.333488931313074, -0.78265921939051297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1570303', 'NGC5904-ZNG1', 229.642, 2.08317, '2003-04-13 10:55:11', 11711, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.199999999999999, 'SDO', 0.029999999999999999, 18, 'PC', '2005-04-07 23:23:11', '2004-01-23 15:28:12', 0, 64, '2003-04-13 10:55:11', '2003-04-13 17:44:00', 19.6494, 226.595, 46.795299999999997, 3.86598, 336.173, 'F', 'F', 'W. VAN DYKE', 'DIXON', 'y', 514738836, -0.64713352614873698, -0.76150959600183898, 0.036350165493691897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1450301', 'BV-CEN', 202.83199999999999, -54.976100000000002, '2003-04-13 20:26:03', 26545, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12.6, 'CV', 0.14999999999999999, 54, 'PC', '2005-04-07 22:19:42', '2004-01-08 12:55:41', 0, 0, '2003-04-13 20:26:03', '2003-04-14 04:52:03', -41.510199999999998, 225.06, 7.4497400000000003, 308.68599999999998, 85.876800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD M.', 'SION', 'y', 705943512, -0.52894963682183005, -0.22269765818471199, -0.81891271497339602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9010501', 'DY-CEN', 201.392, -54.245399999999997, '2003-04-14 05:11:56', 10163, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.9, 'B', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2006-04-07 01:20:59', '2004-01-23 16:39:24', 0, 0, '2003-04-14 05:11:56', '2003-04-14 08:28:17', -41.283299999999997, 223.614, 8.2932500000000005, 307.95999999999998, 88.459699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 706308032, -0.54405947590953296, -0.21312695000433299, -0.81152707278001202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1720101', 'NGC5128-JET-OUTERFIL-H', 201.61500000000001, -42.836100000000002, '2003-04-14 16:03:15', 36700, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'OTR', 0, 86, 'EE', '2006-04-08 00:07:02', '2004-01-23 15:47:22', 0, 540, '2003-04-14 16:03:15', '2003-04-15 11:10:27', -31.087499999999999, 217.244, 19.572700000000001, 309.73700000000002, 88.834999999999994, 'F', 'F', 'SUSAN', 'NEFF', 'y', 708829792, -0.68173591514733001, -0.27012482090005302, -0.67990346603907403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1720102', 'NGC5128-JET-OUTERFIL-H', 201.61500000000001, -42.836100000000002, '2003-04-15 12:03:26', 37258, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 23, 99, 'OTR', 0, 86, 'EE', '2006-04-08 00:38:51', '2004-01-23 16:14:33', 0, 540, '2003-04-15 12:03:26', '2003-04-16 06:51:14', -31.087499999999999, 217.244, 19.572700000000001, 309.73700000000002, 90.450500000000005, 'F', 'F', 'SUSAN', 'NEFF', 'y', 708829792, -0.68173591514733001, -0.27012482090005302, -0.67990346603907403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I7070102', 'HD088115', 151.88300000000001, -62.653500000000001, '2003-04-22 17:18:18', 2379, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 8.3000000000000007, 'B1.5', 0.16, 23, 'PC', '2005-04-08 01:18:08', '2003-11-01 17:32:10', 0, -18, '2003-04-22 17:18:18', '2003-04-22 17:58:21', -64.298100000000005, 200.898, -5.5296799999999999, 285.31700000000001, 153.70599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'TOM', 'AKE', 'y', 611509721, -0.40515891924462699, 0.216489226320557, -0.88824471011295802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('I7070103', 'HD088115', 151.88300000000001, -62.653500000000001, '2003-04-22 19:38:12', 1006, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 2, 8.3000000000000007, 'B1.5', 0.16, 23, 'PC', '2005-04-08 00:48:09', '2003-11-01 17:36:25', 0, -18, '2003-04-22 19:38:12', '2003-04-22 20:11:58', -64.298100000000005, 200.898, -5.5296799999999999, 285.31700000000001, 154.06299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'TOM', 'AKE', 'y', 611509721, -0.40515891924462699, 0.216489226320557, -0.88824471011295802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1560101', 'HD310376', 166.42699999999999, -68.632800000000003, '2003-04-22 23:53:06', 28762, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 11.4, 'CV', 0.10000000000000001, 63, 'PC', '2005-04-08 01:18:00', '2003-12-03 19:06:27', 0, 0, '2003-04-22 23:53:06', '2003-04-23 10:23:08', -62.676600000000001, 219.50299999999999, -7.7167199999999996, 293.51400000000001, 136.94800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'LOUISE', 'HARTLEY', 'y', 609753879, -0.35416822434822298, 0.085505665030262801, -0.93126454356952704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1560102', 'HD310376', 166.42699999999999, -68.632800000000003, '2003-04-23 23:23:58', 10748, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.4, 'CV', 0.10000000000000001, 63, 'PC', '2005-04-07 22:51:38', '2003-11-01 17:21:18', 0, 0, '2003-04-23 23:23:58', '2003-04-24 02:41:36', -62.676600000000001, 219.50299999999999, -7.7167199999999996, 293.51400000000001, 138.024, 'F', 'F', 'LOUISE', 'HARTLEY', 'y', 609753879, -0.35416822434822298, 0.085505665030262801, -0.93126454356952704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0470201', 'HD80404', 139.273, -59.275199999999998, '2003-04-26 01:45:41', 8751, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 2.2000000000000002, 'A8IB', 0, 33, 'PE', '2005-04-12 03:08:27', '2003-11-01 16:56:41', 0, 0, '2003-04-26 01:45:41', '2003-04-27 10:54:44', -67.116299999999995, 185.327, -7.0110099999999997, 278.46100000000001, 170.166, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 617036156, -0.38718519805104701, 0.333349382300204, -0.85963120681501803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0470202', 'HD80404', 139.273, -59.275199999999998, '2003-04-27 11:39:12', 64354, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 2.2000000000000002, 'A8IB', 0, 33, 'PE', '2005-04-12 03:19:06', '2003-11-02 17:58:18', 0, 0, '2003-04-27 11:39:12', '2003-04-28 10:10:55', -67.116299999999995, 185.327, -7.0110099999999997, 278.46100000000001, 171.583, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 617036156, -0.38718519805104701, 0.333349382300204, -0.85963120681501803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0340301', 'LMC-SMP-76', 83.484200000000001, -67.8857, '2003-04-29 01:39:40', 23696, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.4, 'CSPN', 0.23000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-13 19:03:09', '2004-01-08 13:15:22', 0, 0, '2003-04-29 01:39:40', '2003-04-29 11:12:57', -87.152500000000003, 329.30799999999999, -32.2483, 278.10500000000002, 221.874, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 542332718, 0.042719115216889099, 0.37402382001477102, -0.92643470318023202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0790101', 'HD53921', 105.813, -59.178100000000001, '2003-04-30 01:15:43', 3845, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 5.4900000000000002, 'B9IV', 0, 22, 'PC', '2005-04-12 03:40:06', '2003-12-18 18:50:10', 0, 0, '2003-04-30 01:15:43', '2003-04-30 02:51:30', -79.736199999999997, 141.59, -21.5976, 269.54399999999998, 202.87299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 638012641, -0.13962039944475799, 0.492981069116251, -0.85876411752697501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0340302', 'LMC-SMP-76', 83.484200000000001, -67.8857, '2003-04-30 03:18:06', 16547, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.4, 'CSPN', 0.23000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-13 20:05:50', '2004-01-08 13:24:48', 0, 0, '2003-04-30 03:18:06', '2003-04-30 10:27:42', -87.152500000000003, 329.30799999999999, -32.2483, 278.10500000000002, 222.91200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 542332718, 0.042719115216889099, 0.37402382001477102, -0.92643470318023202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9051001', 'AH-MEN', 92.935400000000001, -81.823599999999999, '2003-04-30 11:32:47', 24295, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 13.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-04-13 06:24:25', '2004-01-25 12:13:23', 0, 0, '2003-04-30 11:32:47', '2003-05-01 03:43:14', -74.720799999999997, 268.416, -28.239599999999999, 293.78300000000002, 213.47200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 606219477, -0.0072831474130724601, 0.14203462770094399, -0.989834895473792); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056002', 'WD1725+586-BKGD', 261.68099999999998, 58.624699999999997, '2003-05-01 14:09:00', 27745, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SKY', 0.080000000000000002, 7, 'EE', '2005-04-12 04:01:02', '2003-10-29 09:25:21', 2, 0, '2003-05-01 14:09:00', '2003-05-01 22:26:40', 81.2059, 240.47999999999999, 33.828600000000002, 87.171999999999997, 309.58800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 167026763, -0.075328685243438706, -0.51516335905849997, 0.85377532329240902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3060101', 'HS1700+6416', 255.25299999999999, 64.202500000000001, '2003-05-02 06:27:59', 41595, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 16, 'QSO', 0.02, 90, 'PC', '2005-04-13 07:07:21', '2004-09-04 17:56:38', 1, 2.7360000000000002, '2003-05-02 06:27:59', '2003-05-03 02:54:18', 83.438900000000004, 194.179, 36.158499999999997, 94.401899999999998, 302.47399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'KRISS', 'y', 189998761, -0.11077864814661099, -0.42085627841388301, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3060102', 'HS1700+6416', 255.25299999999999, 64.202500000000001, '2003-05-03 03:35:30', 51133, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 16, 'QSO', 0.02, 90, 'PC', '2005-04-13 07:07:53', '2004-09-04 18:11:01', 1, 2.7360000000000002, '2003-05-03 03:35:30', '2003-05-03 22:44:30', 83.438900000000004, 194.179, 36.158499999999997, 94.401899999999998, 301.62700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'KRISS', 'y', 189998761, -0.11077864814661099, -0.42085627841388301, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0120101', 'HS1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '2003-05-03 23:18:45', 50067, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 16.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2005-04-13 07:39:29', '2004-03-11 20:06:49', 1, 2.7200000000000002, '2003-05-03 23:18:45', '2003-05-04 18:12:12', 83.438500000000005, 194.178, 36.158900000000003, 94.402000000000001, 300.82299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0120102', 'HS1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '2003-05-04 18:24:28', 41808, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 16.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2005-04-13 07:49:06', '2004-03-11 20:26:10', 1, 2.7200000000000002, '2003-05-04 18:24:28', '2003-05-05 10:59:58', 83.438500000000005, 194.178, 36.158900000000003, 94.402000000000001, 300.03300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0120103', 'HS1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '2003-05-05 23:36:16', 19681, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2005-04-13 07:49:24', '2004-03-11 20:35:50', 1, 2.7200000000000002, '2003-05-05 23:36:16', '2003-05-06 07:42:42', 83.438500000000005, 194.178, 36.158900000000003, 94.402000000000001, 299.73700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1740102', 'BF-CYG', 290.97300000000001, 29.674800000000001, '2003-05-06 09:15:57', 4430, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12, 'WD+M', 0.40000000000000002, 66, 'PC', '2005-04-13 05:34:17', '2004-03-05 21:31:50', 0, 0, '2003-05-06 09:15:57', '2003-05-06 14:22:34', 50.981000000000002, 299.601, 6.6967299999999996, 62.929299999999998, 332.00700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 237320629, 0.31098548243188601, -0.81128738014827895, 0.49507657642908998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052602', 'WD1501+664', 225.53999999999999, 66.205200000000005, '2003-05-06 16:44:14', 9064, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.9, 'DOZ', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-04-13 06:56:17', '2003-12-09 17:58:05', 1, 0, '2003-05-06 16:44:14', '2003-05-06 19:18:59', 72.561499999999995, 160.55500000000001, 46.009399999999999, 104.65300000000001, 270.47199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 191537677, -0.28258946273222602, -0.28796698983489399, 0.91499628869091099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9050901', 'MV-LYR', 286.81799999999998, 44.018599999999999, '2003-05-06 20:07:23', 7385, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 12.1, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-04-13 06:04:29', '2004-01-23 16:58:58', 0, 0, '2003-05-06 20:07:23', '2003-05-07 12:50:47', 65.694599999999994, 300.36500000000001, 15.823399999999999, 74.718199999999996, 326.81099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 245178732, 0.20806314914388399, -0.68835676591443895, 0.694891854023448); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9100101', 'HD129333', 219.751, 64.291700000000006, '2003-05-08 23:38:59', 31330, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 7.5199999999999996, 'G0V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2005-04-13 06:24:56', '2003-12-25 20:35:54', 0, 0, '2003-05-08 23:38:59', '2003-05-09 11:58:18', 69.554100000000005, 162.69499999999999, 49.039900000000003, 105.518, 261.964, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 194261135, -0.33351075886133102, -0.27738781756699799, 0.90101419100320301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0120104', 'HS1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '2003-05-10 00:06:32', 6523, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 90, 'PC', '2005-04-13 07:59:35', '2003-12-02 12:31:19', 1, 2.7200000000000002, '2003-05-10 00:06:32', '2003-05-10 04:17:47', 83.438500000000005, 194.178, 36.158900000000003, 94.402000000000001, 295.86200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4058401', 'WD1725+586-BKGD', 261.68099999999998, 58.624699999999997, '2003-05-10 05:12:57', 11430, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'DA', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-04-12 04:01:09', '2003-06-11 09:00:05', 2, 0, '2003-05-10 05:12:57', '2003-05-10 10:47:30', 81.2059, 240.47999999999999, 33.828600000000002, 87.171999999999997, 301.09800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 167026763, -0.075328685243438706, -0.51516335905849997, 0.85377532329240902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3060103', 'HS1700+6416', 255.25299999999999, 64.202500000000001, '2003-05-10 18:03:11', 87439, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 34, 16, 'QSO', 0.02, 90, 'PC', '2005-04-13 07:38:50', '2003-12-25 21:31:05', 1, 2.7360000000000002, '2003-05-10 18:03:11', '2003-05-12 11:02:59', 83.438900000000004, 194.179, 36.158499999999997, 94.401899999999998, 295.05099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'KRISS', 'y', 189998761, -0.11077864814661099, -0.42085627841388301, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8061701', 'RXJ141336+702954', 213.40299999999999, 70.497299999999996, '2003-05-12 11:59:35', 27121, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 17.199999999999999, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-04-13 05:53:57', '2003-11-23 17:25:06', 0, 0.107, '2003-05-12 11:59:35', '2003-05-12 21:12:02', 69.710099999999997, 143.48699999999999, 45.076300000000003, 113.384, 252.75399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 194987548, -0.27870540457391002, -0.183793292813696, 0.94262575976788998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1540101', 'MRK279', 208.26499999999999, 69.308300000000003, '2003-05-12 21:54:00', 91040, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 14.4, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-13 05:34:07', '2003-12-03 13:01:53', 9, 0.030450000000000001, '2003-05-12 21:54:00', '2003-05-14 06:59:54', 67.646699999999996, 144.91399999999999, 46.864400000000003, 115.04300000000001, 247.523, 'F', 'F', 'NAHUM', 'ARAV', 'y', 194941727, -0.31120954813664098, -0.16732393403085, 0.935495226203227); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0920101', 'HS1136+6646', 174.77500000000001, 66.504999999999995, '2003-05-14 07:40:33', 29269, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.699999999999999, 'DAO', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-04-12 05:24:59', '2003-12-03 17:53:05', 0, 0, '2003-05-14 07:40:33', '2003-05-14 16:16:18', 55.789200000000001, 134.92099999999999, 49.065600000000003, 133.821, 215.50700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JAY', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 123054894, -0.397012472441369, 0.0363056364540085, 0.91709486831388398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8061702', 'RXJ141336+702954', 213.40299999999999, 70.497299999999996, '2003-05-14 17:16:18', 30524, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 17.199999999999999, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-04-13 05:54:16', '2003-11-30 17:16:40', 0, 0.107, '2003-05-14 17:16:18', '2003-05-15 06:14:47', 69.710099999999997, 143.48699999999999, 45.076300000000003, 113.384, 250.75299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 194987548, -0.27870540457391002, -0.183793292813696, 0.94262575976788998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0920102', 'HS1136+6646', 174.77500000000001, 66.504999999999995, '2003-05-15 07:05:16', 46097, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 13.699999999999999, 'DAO', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-04-12 06:37:55', '2003-11-23 18:03:25', 0, 0, '2003-05-15 07:05:16', '2003-05-15 22:24:48', 55.789200000000001, 134.92099999999999, 49.065600000000003, 133.821, 214.93100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JAY', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 123054894, -0.397012472441369, 0.0363056364540085, 0.91709486831388398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4058501', 'NGC6543-BKGD', 269.63900000000001, 66.632999999999996, '2003-05-15 23:36:59', 7870, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-04-12 04:01:16', '2003-06-03 08:03:12', 2, 0, '2003-05-15 23:36:59', '2003-05-16 04:50:25', 89.839200000000005, 153.02699999999999, 29.954599999999999, 96.4696, 302.46199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 190144085, -0.0024989379342842599, -0.39661136359480997, 0.91798321421290996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8061301', 'SBS1136+579', 174.70699999999999, 57.7121, '2003-05-16 12:47:08', 23625, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.699999999999999, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-04-13 05:43:18', '2003-12-05 16:06:07', 0, 0.115, '2003-05-16 12:47:08', '2003-05-16 21:40:04', 49.113999999999997, 144.351, 56.847799999999999, 140.65100000000001, 214.06999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 98463669, -0.53189610092829198, 0.049276967567442299, 0.84537466148722396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0280201', 'MRK876', 243.488, 65.719399999999993, '2003-05-16 22:48:06', 11786, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 15.49, 'AGN', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2006-04-07 23:47:52', '2004-02-19 18:32:09', 1, 38673, '2003-05-16 22:48:06', '2003-05-17 09:04:09', 79.324399999999997, 172.24600000000001, 40.375599999999999, 98.271100000000004, 277.14400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BART P.', 'WAKKER', 'y', 191178424, -0.18355617184742701, -0.367963710081953, 0.91154256062975103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8061302', 'SBS1136+579', 174.70699999999999, 57.7121, '2003-05-17 15:29:16', 11647, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16.699999999999999, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-04-13 05:43:37', '2003-12-23 21:05:25', 0, 0.115, '2003-05-17 15:29:16', '2003-05-18 02:13:08', 49.113999999999997, 144.351, 56.847799999999999, 140.65100000000001, 213.261, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 98463669, -0.53189610092829198, 0.049276967567442299, 0.84537466148722396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9030101', 'SBS1116+518', 169.90899999999999, 51.553899999999999, '2003-05-18 22:29:18', 41046, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 27, 15, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-14 02:37:34', '2003-11-30 17:52:23', 1, 0.10299999999999999, '2003-05-18 22:29:18', '2003-05-20 03:09:06', 42.471899999999998, 146.09100000000001, 60.076300000000003, 152.01400000000001, 208.27500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MASSIMILIANO', 'BONAMENTE', 'y', 97715046, -0.61215967279788697, 0.108943039661916, 0.78319343020048704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1012604', 'HD093521', 162.09800000000001, 37.570300000000003, '2003-05-20 07:10:34', 7589, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 16, 7.04, 'O9VP', 0.029999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2005-04-14 01:13:01', '2003-12-25 20:20:57', 2, -16, '2003-05-20 07:10:34', '2003-05-20 12:58:17', 27.5489, 148.286, 62.151699999999998, 183.14099999999999, 202.56800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 90225339, -0.75423075241172599, 0.24363896983726899, 0.60973438847835704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4058701', 'BKGD_1_MPS413', 170.524, 45.043900000000001, '2003-05-20 14:01:57', 9296, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-04-14 05:03:27', '2003-06-03 08:03:13', 2, 0, '2003-05-20 14:01:57', '2003-05-20 21:27:21', 37.0839, 150.881, 64.7333, 161.916, 208.01900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 91380159, -0.69692346494109803, 0.116324910370647, 0.70764835846750496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1740101', 'BF-CYG', 290.97300000000001, 29.674800000000001, '2003-05-21 00:46:33', 2828, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12, 'WD+M', 0.40000000000000002, 66, 'PC', '2005-04-14 02:16:14', '2003-12-23 20:52:06', 0, 0, '2003-05-21 00:46:33', '2003-05-21 02:47:08', 50.981000000000002, 299.601, 6.6967299999999996, 62.929299999999998, 310.11500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 237320629, 0.31098548243188601, -0.81128738014827895, 0.49507657642908998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4058801', 'BKGD_2_MPS413', 169.44399999999999, 52.8626, '2003-05-21 12:23:08', 24286, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 15, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-04-14 05:13:47', '2003-09-16 16:02:23', 2, 0, '2003-05-21 12:23:08', '2003-05-22 04:32:16', 43.4255, 144.80600000000001, 58.932899999999997, 150.63900000000001, 206.465, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 97757998, -0.59351117922313401, 0.11060091893969699, 0.797190013025037); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052307', 'WD1202+608', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2003-05-22 10:56:38', 7887, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 13, 13.609999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-14 04:11:14', '2003-12-03 20:02:07', 0, 0, '2003-05-22 10:56:38', '2003-05-22 13:37:22', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 215.006, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1710301', 'HD193077', 304.25, 37.423299999999998, '2003-05-22 14:56:18', 21779, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 8.0999999999999996, 'WN7', 0.52000000000000002, 11, 'PC', '2005-04-14 01:24:13', '2003-12-05 14:46:02', 0, 0, '2003-05-22 14:56:18', '2003-05-23 03:06:42', 54.952300000000001, 321.108, 1.1066400000000001, 75.236000000000004, 306.35700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', 'y', 239892527, 0.44696141525691002, -0.65645076282436998, 0.60769884750494796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1230201', 'HD192577', 303.40800000000002, 46.741399999999999, '2003-05-23 05:36:05', 46, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 3.79, 'K4IB', 0.02, 39, 'PC', '2006-04-07 01:20:51', '2003-12-09 17:23:45', 0, 0, '2003-05-23 05:36:05', '2003-05-23 05:37:03', 63.601999999999997, 328.06700000000001, 6.7768300000000004, 82.677199999999999, 304.52499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'BENNETT', 'y', 242446642, 0.377320096529148, -0.57206214235256403, 0.72826811686509296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1640103', '32CYG', 303.86799999999999, 47.714199999999998, '2003-05-23 07:11:59', 7688, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 17, 3.98, 'B5V', 0.059999999999999998, 21, 'PC', '2005-04-14 05:03:06', '2003-12-03 18:37:20', 0, 0, '2003-05-23 07:11:59', '2003-05-23 11:18:03', 64.286799999999999, 329.79300000000001, 7.0455500000000004, 83.670199999999994, 325.02499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ERIK', 'WILKINSON', 'y', 242627547, 0.37495522769815998, -0.55866599100678205, 0.73979786949830495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4058901', 'JL_25-BKGD', 294.91300000000001, -76.021100000000004, '2003-05-23 14:02:09', 16586, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 20, 99, 'SDOB', 0.050000000000000003, 16, 'EE', '2005-04-14 05:34:36', '2003-09-12 16:03:17', 2, 0, '2003-05-23 14:02:09', '2003-05-24 03:00:53', -53.433, 279.834, -29.1678, 318.63, 17.154199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 741141560, 0.101757040164561, -0.21908660025219601, -0.97038475171803995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9111201', 'IRAS22419-6049', 341.298, -60.565600000000003, '2003-05-24 12:42:22', 25240, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.4, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-14 02:48:04', '2003-12-09 15:52:02', 0, 0.113, '2003-05-24 12:42:22', '2003-05-24 22:42:54', -47.423200000000001, 313.471, -50.334899999999998, 326.69799999999998, 348.22000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 745887774, 0.46547895501752901, -0.15757404386191901, -0.87091891880748096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030316', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-05-24 23:28:41', 6929, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 13, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-14 04:00:20', '2003-12-09 17:53:36', 0, 0, '2003-05-24 23:28:41', '2003-05-25 02:02:41', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 342, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030206', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-05-25 02:53:17', 3348, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-14 03:29:37', '2003-12-09 17:42:35', 0, 0, '2003-05-25 02:53:17', '2003-05-25 04:56:26', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 342.072, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030106', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-05-25 05:59:39', 3864, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-14 03:29:08', '2003-12-03 18:01:33', 0, 0, '2003-05-25 05:59:39', '2003-05-25 08:32:40', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 342.15499999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9030401', '2MASX-J21362313-6224008', 324.09699999999998, -62.399999999999999, '2003-05-25 09:11:48', 36973, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.1, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-14 02:47:45', '2004-06-16 15:32:44', 1, 0.058999999999999997, '2003-05-25 09:11:48', '2003-05-26 01:30:06', -44.829799999999999, 301.94799999999998, -42.523099999999999, 331.14400000000001, 345.05799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MASSIMILIANO', 'BONAMENTE', 'y', 745484147, 0.37527485549294598, -0.271683637697474, -0.88620357923121496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1580101', 'WD2020-425', 305.99799999999999, -42.407200000000003, '2003-05-26 06:41:26', 9538, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.869999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-11-03 22:09:55', '2003-12-09 17:36:25', 1, 0, '2003-05-26 06:41:26', '2003-05-26 12:00:42', -22.403199999999998, 297.99599999999998, -34.453299999999999, 358.36099999999999, 358.43700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RALF', 'NAPIWOTZKI', 'y', 777580188, 0.43398249722272703, -0.59736951231955304, -0.67439517929432502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9131101', 'V345-PAV', 293.92899999999997, -59.139400000000002, '2003-05-26 13:50:52', 24429, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.4, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2005-04-14 03:08:00', '2003-12-02 13:09:33', 0, 0, '2003-05-26 13:50:52', '2003-05-27 00:45:00', -36.947099999999999, 285.08999999999997, -28.624500000000001, 337.928, 21.232299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 750477562, 0.208055151239908, -0.46886230213907898, -0.85841784445302705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1580102', 'WD2020-425', 305.99799999999999, -42.407200000000003, '2003-05-27 02:43:55', 15396, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 15, 14.869999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-14 02:16:06', '2003-12-09 15:44:40', 1, 0, '2003-05-27 02:43:55', '2003-05-27 11:19:56', -22.403199999999998, 297.99599999999998, -34.453299999999999, 358.36099999999999, 341.96699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'RALF', 'NAPIWOTZKI', 'y', 777580188, 0.43398249722272703, -0.59736951231955304, -0.67439517929432502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0150301', 'EC20011-5005', 301.22000000000003, -49.953899999999997, '2003-05-27 12:40:05', 6382, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.800000000000001, 'SDB', 0.050000000000000003, 28, 'PC', '2005-04-14 01:24:20', '2003-12-02 12:14:05', 0, 0, '2003-05-27 12:40:05', '2003-05-27 15:11:17', -28.9133, 292.39400000000001, -31.967099999999999, 348.97199999999998, 8.4692100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'FRANCIS', 'KEENAN', 'y', 776179839, 0.33349261100021599, -0.55022820247651505, -0.76552701037110404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9101701', 'CD-IND', 318.92099999999999, -58.681600000000003, '2003-05-27 15:52:26', 31157, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2005-04-14 06:26:33', '2003-06-03 16:01:04', 0, 0, '2003-05-27 15:52:26', '2003-05-28 04:02:15', -40.385899999999999, 300.95800000000003, -41.441600000000001, 337.02600000000001, 358.43000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 751290496, 0.39182255602522698, -0.34155578342217302, -0.85429194740482195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3021201', 'JL-9', 287.08699999999999, -72.506799999999998, '2003-05-28 04:30:01', 16920, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.24, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-04-15 06:34:25', '2003-12-09 18:23:40', 1, 0, '2003-05-28 04:30:01', '2003-05-28 09:17:15', -49.530999999999999, 277.82100000000003, -27.039899999999999, 322.601, 38.418599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 747018373, 0.088321158657205703, -0.28732436183858101, -0.95375263251406095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9030501', 'F917', 313.24799999999999, -51.865600000000001, '2003-05-28 10:42:01', 58476, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 21, 15.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-15 06:03:29', '2004-01-16 14:57:26', 1, 0.052999999999999999, '2003-05-28 10:42:01', '2003-05-29 17:09:26', -32.8703, 300.24799999999999, -39.543500000000002, 346.62400000000002, 0.40762300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MASSIMILIANO', 'BONAMENTE', 'y', 754069750, 0.42309043821793901, -0.44978984050621201, -0.78656441596728); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0790401', 'HD205879', 327.661, -83.960999999999999, '2003-05-29 18:40:31', 3883, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.7000000000000002, 'B8V', 0.10000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2005-04-14 02:05:32', '2003-12-05 14:58:01', 0, 0, '2003-05-29 18:40:31', '2003-05-29 20:43:19', -62.873600000000003, 281.24200000000002, -31.293800000000001, 307.94499999999999, 353.62200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 738619057, 0.088887813493334897, -0.0562772636046781, -0.99445051471329804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8082901', 'RXSJ232152.0-702645', 350.46199999999999, -70.445800000000006, '2003-05-29 21:47:19', 3768, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.800000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-15 05:41:54', '2003-12-25 20:41:27', 0, 0.3004, '2003-05-29 21:47:19', '2003-05-30 00:15:59', -57.4056, 307.78699999999998, -44.836599999999997, 313.29399999999998, 320.62799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 742882454, 0.33007152144720697, -0.055460096622841397, -0.94232529861619996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3021101', 'LSE234', 273.31700000000001, -64.921400000000006, '2003-05-30 02:53:43', 10577, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 19, 12.630000000000001, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-04-19 04:29:23', '2003-12-09 18:12:32', 0, 0, '2003-05-30 02:53:43', '2003-05-30 05:52:16', -41.503500000000003, 271.87599999999998, -20.514900000000001, 329.44, 52.169699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 771779617, 0.024524707928784001, -0.42315106526246599, -0.90572717452235496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0660401', 'LSE263', 285.54899999999998, -51.502600000000001, '2003-05-30 07:39:59', 3990, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.300000000000001, 'SDO', 0.13, 16, 'PC', '2005-04-15 05:32:14', '2003-12-03 12:37:07', 0, 0, '2003-05-30 07:39:59', '2003-05-30 10:56:28', -28.653099999999998, 280.96199999999999, -22.510899999999999, 345.23899999999998, 27.487500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GUILLAUME', 'HEBRARD', 'y', 775044373, 0.16686323873615799, -0.59969735478726705, -0.78263640486475805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0330101', 'HD174429', 283.274, -50.180500000000002, '2003-05-30 11:59:16', 55786, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 25, 8.4000000000000004, 'K0V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-04-14 01:55:31', '2003-12-09 15:26:39', 0, 0, '2003-05-30 11:59:16', '2003-05-31 12:12:21', -27.1785, 279.51400000000001, -20.753499999999999, 346.15199999999999, 28.6343, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK M.', 'WALTER', 'y', 774763778, 0.14703439994452999, -0.62326244987411605, -0.768065624676607); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9130101', 'BD-PAV', 280.79899999999998, -57.5124, '2003-05-31 13:06:09', 10714, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.699999999999999, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2005-04-14 02:58:10', '2003-12-05 15:03:48', 0, 0, '2003-05-31 13:06:09', '2003-05-31 17:23:18', -34.335000000000001, 277, -21.557200000000002, 338.18299999999999, 39.429299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 772695204, 0.100636493913611, -0.52760500484938799, -0.84350770888632298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9111202', 'IRAS22419-6049', 341.298, -60.565600000000003, '2003-05-31 18:29:57', 8223, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.4, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-14 02:58:03', '2003-12-05 14:52:34', 0, 0.113, '2003-05-31 18:29:57', '2003-05-31 22:45:10', -47.423200000000001, 313.471, -50.334899999999998, 326.69799999999998, 343.75099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 745887774, 0.46547895501752901, -0.15757404386191901, -0.87091891880748096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9033702', 'WD2043-635', 311.79700000000003, -63.337200000000003, '2003-05-31 23:42:53', 24448, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15.52, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-14 05:54:46', '2003-08-18 16:03:28', 0, 0, '2003-05-31 23:42:53', '2003-06-01 08:54:48', -43.380899999999997, 294.29899999999998, -36.921999999999997, 332.35500000000002, 11.3409, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 750951609, 0.299081512421498, -0.33453971910472802, -0.89366292597880503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9043802', 'JL_36', 300.46699999999998, -71.956800000000001, '2003-06-01 10:19:55', 24633, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.93, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-04-14 06:25:54', '2003-08-18 16:03:28', 1, 0, '2003-06-01 10:19:55', '2003-06-01 20:12:24', -50.011099999999999, 284.14499999999998, -31.127400000000002, 323.108, 28.2346, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 747637827, 0.15704814479238299, -0.26696633199431902, -0.95082325265990897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9073702', 'FAIRALL333', 279.98500000000001, -67.425600000000003, '2003-06-01 21:08:05', 32534, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.6, 'SEY', 0.080000000000000002, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-14 06:26:12', '2003-06-10 16:03:00', 2, 4419, '2003-06-01 21:08:05', '2003-06-02 07:15:07', -44.1706, 275.32499999999999, -23.822900000000001, 327.71199999999999, 48.9572, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 748932400, 0.066561571188785196, -0.37806818660418701, -0.92338182975338101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1081001', 'FIRSTJ215501.4-092224', 328.75599999999997, -9.3736099999999993, '2003-06-02 15:42:47', 15316, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-14 04:20:52', '2003-12-25 19:21:46', 7, 0.19, '2003-06-02 15:42:47', '2003-06-03 00:24:32', 3.10318, 327.64999999999998, -44.814999999999998, 47.474299999999999, 336.798, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 304766797, 0.84355007074698496, -0.51175789244430803, -0.16287153730383899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1081002', 'FIRSTJ215501.4-092224', 328.75599999999997, -9.3736099999999993, '2003-06-03 01:16:26', 24181, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-14 04:42:18', '2003-12-25 19:42:25', 8, 0.19, '2003-06-03 01:16:26', '2003-06-03 18:43:37', 3.10318, 327.64999999999998, -44.814999999999998, 47.474299999999999, 336.75, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 304766797, 0.84355007074698496, -0.51175789244430803, -0.16287153730383899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1081003', 'FIRSTJ215501.4-092224', 328.75599999999997, -9.3736099999999993, '2003-06-03 19:34:20', 21796, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-15 06:13:22', '2003-12-25 19:59:41', 8, 0.19, '2003-06-03 19:34:20', '2003-06-04 09:13:24', 3.10318, 327.64999999999998, -44.814999999999998, 47.474299999999999, 336.70600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 304766797, 0.84355007074698496, -0.51175789244430803, -0.16287153730383899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1740103', 'BF-CYG', 290.97300000000001, 29.674800000000001, '2003-06-04 10:37:40', 43631, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 33, 12, 'WD+M', 0.40000000000000002, 66, 'PC', '2005-04-19 00:48:43', '2003-12-27 20:13:51', 0, 0, '2003-06-04 10:37:40', '2003-06-05 13:37:52', 50.981000000000002, 299.601, 6.6967299999999996, 62.929299999999998, 307.46899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 237320629, 0.31098548243188601, -0.81128738014827895, 0.49507657642908998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q1110103', 'AG-PEG', 327.75799999999998, 12.6256, '2003-06-05 14:49:48', 2115, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 8.5, '', 0.10000000000000001, 57, 'PE', '2005-04-19 00:49:11', '2003-12-11 18:21:28', 1, 0, '2003-06-05 14:49:48', '2003-06-05 15:25:16', 24.055599999999998, 334.66899999999998, -30.886800000000001, 69.278999999999996, 339.82900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROGER', 'FERLET', 'y', 205642338, 0.82535014098570303, -0.52059605298684397, 0.218579263402087); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4059001', 'HE2-138-BKGD', 237.88300000000001, -66.260000000000005, '2003-06-05 17:52:00', 30349, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'CSPN', 0, 23, 'EE', '2005-04-19 01:09:43', '2003-06-18 16:01:35', 3, 0, '2003-06-05 17:52:00', '2003-06-06 04:12:38', -44.765799999999999, 252.45500000000001, -9.44754, 319.714, 107.92400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 677818711, -0.214035302907299, -0.34097672459207801, -0.91538175773599495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9010801', 'S-APS', 227.352, -72.0625, '2003-06-06 10:34:52', 16392, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.5999999999999996, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2005-04-19 00:58:54', '2003-12-17 18:12:51', 0, 0, '2003-06-06 10:34:52', '2003-06-06 18:12:37', -51.515500000000003, 250.41, -11.999599999999999, 313.20400000000001, 120.14400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 674673884, -0.20865368288515401, -0.22652799463068601, -0.95139303564145405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0260601', 'HD116796', 201.88499999999999, -63.539400000000001, '2003-06-06 19:05:23', 4932, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.5, 'O9II', 0.29999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2005-04-19 00:58:49', '2003-12-11 17:51:55', 0, 0, '2003-06-06 19:05:23', '2003-06-06 21:38:28', -49.051499999999997, 230.88499999999999, -0.94874800000000004, 306.94200000000001, 153.20500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 682791793, -0.41347090561014699, -0.16608851230402799, -0.895240982246992); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9111601', 'HE2-113', 224.97399999999999, -54.301900000000003, '2003-06-06 22:27:34', 25153, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 12.300000000000001, '[WR]', 0.80000000000000004, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-19 01:30:39', '2003-06-11 16:05:00', 0, 0, '2003-06-06 22:27:34', '2003-06-07 06:57:35', -35.523499999999999, 239.523, 3.9885899999999999, 321.05000000000001, 133.858, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 686817315, -0.41279409783023002, -0.41241962769440599, -0.81210287740466403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9111701', 'PM1-89', 229.78700000000001, -53.164000000000001, '2003-06-07 07:50:07', 24670, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16.199999999999999, '[WR]', 0.79000000000000004, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-19 01:30:57', '2003-06-11 16:05:01', 0, 0, '2003-06-07 07:50:07', '2003-06-07 19:00:58', -33.517699999999998, 242.33699999999999, 3.5311400000000002, 324.08800000000002, 130.166, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 685459207, -0.387072937368929, -0.457828219736855, -0.80035483528818097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9090901', 'NGC5408', 210.83799999999999, -41.378900000000002, '2003-06-07 19:45:51', 16297, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2005-04-19 01:20:23', '2003-08-18 16:03:29', 2, 0, '2003-06-07 19:45:51', '2003-06-08 04:30:11', -26.967500000000001, 223.708, 19.4986, 317.15600000000001, 165.036, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 711395790, -0.64426951054112802, -0.38464107702570699, -0.66103558122963402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9111401', 'HE2-86', 187.626, -64.852599999999995, '2003-06-08 05:55:48', 18809, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 18, '[WR]', 0.45000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-19 01:30:20', '2003-08-18 16:03:29', 0, 0, '2003-06-08 05:55:48', '2003-06-08 14:55:15', -53.909399999999998, 224.35599999999999, -2.0710199999999999, 300.71100000000001, 167.96700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 682334124, -0.421189952370637, -0.056393282714624703, -0.90521755489312605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3060201', 'HD135344', 228.952, -37.154400000000003, '2003-06-09 08:16:02', 8444, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.5999999999999996, 'A0V', 0, 30, 'PC', '2005-04-19 00:59:12', '2003-12-18 20:09:07', 1, 0, '2003-06-09 08:16:02', '2003-06-09 12:22:47', -18.3628, 236.53200000000001, 17.325199999999999, 332.39400000000001, 155.476, 'F', 'F', 'ALAIN', 'LECAVELIER', 'y', 721704643, -0.52338990082554204, -0.60107345947672997, -0.60396498907345997); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4059101', 'HD104994-BKGD', 181.328, -62.052799999999998, '2003-06-09 13:39:58', 17554, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'WN3P', 0.34000000000000002, 11, 'EE', '2005-04-19 01:30:14', '2003-06-19 09:02:07', 3, 0, '2003-06-09 13:39:58', '2003-06-09 21:50:49', -53.722799999999999, 217.64099999999999, 0.336783, 297.55700000000002, 176.54900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 705206333, -0.46853181733202898, -0.0108615626419194, -0.88337985182169598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1260101', 'HD100453', 173.273, -54.324599999999997, '2003-06-10 04:32:21', 11788, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.79, 'A9V', 0.10000000000000001, 34, 'PC', '2005-04-18 22:22:35', '2003-12-17 14:33:22', 0, 0, '2003-06-10 04:32:21', '2003-06-10 11:15:42', -50.576599999999999, 204.21299999999999, 6.8109999999999999, 291.57799999999997, 187.28100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL', 'GRADY', 'y', 622241183, -0.57917753470760702, 0.068314436086881897, -0.81233399603374301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0070102', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2003-06-10 12:40:38', 16387, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 6.2000000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2005-04-18 23:04:04', '2003-12-17 15:29:27', 3, 0, '2003-06-10 12:40:38', '2003-06-10 22:51:43', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 195.33000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0260101', 'HD113708', 196.70099999999999, -65.212100000000007, '2003-06-11 00:24:18', 6604, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.0999999999999996, 'B1/B', 0.28999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2005-04-19 03:04:57', '2003-12-23 19:33:08', 0, 0, '2003-06-11 00:24:18', '2003-06-11 02:58:47', -51.722700000000003, 229.59, -2.38822, 304.54500000000002, 161.86799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 682068853, -0.40157490526425899, -0.120485885046741, -0.90786604020995598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0260401', 'HD111195', 192.12200000000001, -67.357200000000006, '2003-06-11 05:05:49', 4144, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 8.6999999999999993, 'B2V', 0.27000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-04-19 03:26:05', '2003-12-23 20:12:35', 0, 0, '2003-06-11 05:05:49', '2003-06-11 10:45:32', -54.548400000000001, 229.53800000000001, -4.4868300000000003, 302.649, 165.28299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 681976583, -0.37640072258458201, -0.080844505347271695, -0.92292289059972898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0260301', 'HD111641', 192.94800000000001, -66.856200000000001, '2003-06-11 23:13:03', 2108, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.3900000000000006, 'B3V', 0.28999999999999998, 21, 'PC', '2005-04-19 03:05:03', '2003-12-27 19:38:21', 0, 0, '2003-06-11 23:13:03', '2003-06-12 00:13:01', -53.9604, 229.37899999999999, -3.9842499999999998, 302.96800000000002, 165.55600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 681982509, -0.38304665438511698, -0.088067193338600899, -0.919521304822151); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0260701', 'HD117667', 185.679, -65.435599999999994, '2003-06-12 00:31:28', 1015, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 8.3300000000000001, 'B1IV', 0.26000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2005-04-19 03:26:22', '2003-12-23 20:48:35', 0, 0, '2003-06-12 00:31:28', '2003-06-12 00:48:22', -54.893000000000001, 224.00299999999999, -2.73007, 299.952, 173.291, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 682328827, -0.41367539751753701, -0.0411371690265862, -0.90949458426819996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3031901', 'HD99546', 171.654, -59.437100000000001, '2003-06-12 04:50:50', 4077, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 10, 8.2899999999999991, 'O8.0', 0.27000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2005-04-21 04:41:09', '2004-01-02 19:26:26', 0, 0, '2003-06-12 04:50:50', '2003-06-12 07:58:03', -55.022399999999998, 208.64400000000001, 1.6773199999999999, 292.32999999999998, 188.31200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 621211100, -0.50309890184595796, 0.073806750720251599, -0.86107145958364595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9131001', 'WX-CEN', 198.21899999999999, -63.395899999999997, '2003-06-12 09:17:33', 3095, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.4, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2005-04-21 03:06:18', '2003-12-30 13:28:41', 0, 0, '2003-06-12 09:17:33', '2003-06-12 11:55:08', -49.875599999999999, 228.696, -0.62376200000000004, 305.33100000000002, 162.98099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 682454045, -0.42537299520613198, -0.14001184912006701, -0.89412219358169598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0260201', 'HD113659', 196.63499999999999, -65.080399999999997, '2003-06-12 12:43:00', 3528, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.0500000000000007, 'O8/O', 0.34999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2005-04-18 23:24:56', '2003-12-23 19:52:35', 0, 0, '2003-06-12 12:43:00', '2003-06-12 14:30:29', -51.636099999999999, 229.42400000000001, -2.2550699999999999, 304.524, 163.63, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 682075266, -0.403711847387281, -0.120620308147037, -0.90689993138254299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9110401', 'PNG294.6+04.7', 177.572, -57.181399999999996, '2003-06-12 14:49:53', 11371, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.699999999999999, '', 0.27000000000000002, 71, 'PE', '2005-04-19 01:20:33', '2003-06-24 08:14:23', 0, 0, '2003-06-12 14:49:53', '2003-06-12 19:36:40', -51.276699999999998, 210.047, 4.7085699999999999, 294.68900000000002, 184.83099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 621920978, -0.54149449051779097, 0.0229604378851355, -0.84039070379853698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090501', 'HD114630', 198.233, -59.816800000000001, '2003-06-12 20:00:37', 13730, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.2000000000000002, 'G0V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-04-19 01:20:05', '2003-12-17 15:43:39', 0, 0, '2003-06-12 20:00:37', '2003-06-13 00:06:04', -46.9298, 225.63200000000001, 2.9424199999999998, 305.63499999999999, 165.72800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 705700908, -0.47752360663913601, -0.157306595737564, -0.86442225795025096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0640301', 'HD91597', 158.255, -60.844900000000003, '2003-06-13 00:36:04', 14995, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 9.8399999999999999, 'B1II', 0.29999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2005-04-19 03:58:04', '2003-12-18 19:52:27', 1, 0, '2003-06-13 00:36:04', '2003-06-13 07:30:01', -60.813200000000002, 201.887, -2.36897, 286.858, 199.755, 'F', 'F', 'PAULE', 'SONNENTRUCKER', 'y', 611644724, -0.45250895621967602, 0.18048699506941299, -0.87330412179938399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1720103', 'NGC5128-JET-OUTERFIL-H', 201.61500000000001, -42.836100000000002, '2003-06-13 14:15:24', 6796, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'OTR', 0, 86, 'EE', '2005-04-19 03:58:21', '2004-01-16 14:17:37', 0, 540, '2003-06-13 14:15:24', '2003-06-13 17:50:58', -31.087499999999999, 217.244, 19.572700000000001, 309.73700000000002, 175.02799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SUSAN', 'NEFF', 'y', 708829792, -0.68173591514733001, -0.27012482090005302, -0.67990346603907403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0260501', 'HD111283', 192.25999999999999, -65.593199999999996, '2003-06-13 19:53:30', 5967, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 7.2999999999999998, 'B6IV', 0.17000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2005-04-19 00:17:05', '2003-12-23 20:43:29', 0, 0, '2003-06-13 19:53:30', '2003-06-13 22:11:05', -53.186, 227.63399999999999, -2.7223199999999999, 302.68599999999998, 168.809, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 682373636, -0.40378880916954601, -0.087744944049481896, -0.91063462617187596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0100101', 'TOL1238-364', 190.22, -36.755899999999997, '2003-06-13 23:35:37', 17912, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PE', '2005-04-19 02:02:55', '2003-12-18 19:15:58', 0, 0.010999999999999999, '2003-06-13 23:35:37', '2003-06-14 10:22:12', -29.503599999999999, 205.047, 26.067900000000002, 300.57999999999998, 187.08799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PRAJVAL', 'SHASTRI', 'y', 716771348, -0.788480267626263, -0.142154152219853, -0.598407106049612); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1720301', 'NGC3256', 156.96299999999999, -43.9039, '2003-06-14 14:47:42', 43010, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 31, 11.33, 'GAL', 0.33000000000000002, 89, 'PC', '2005-04-19 01:42:03', '2004-01-16 13:32:51', 0, 2500, '2003-06-14 14:47:42', '2003-06-15 16:05:24', -48.450299999999999, 181.483, 11.727399999999999, 277.37400000000002, 204.63399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 624882587, -0.66304540950525703, 0.28195154128143501, -0.69345087302780795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0560901', 'NGC3585', 168.31999999999999, -26.755800000000001, '2003-06-15 18:34:16', 6977, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2006-04-07 23:36:19', '2004-01-02 19:02:28', 1, 1399, '2003-06-15 18:34:16', '2003-06-16 03:43:50', -29.009, 180.86600000000001, 31.174199999999999, 277.24700000000001, 200.63, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 411247301, -0.87444388394386596, 0.18077031672882399, -0.45018883418286498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1720302', 'NGC3256', 156.96299999999999, -43.9039, '2003-06-16 04:23:29', 30517, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 11.33, 'GAL', 0.33000000000000002, 89, 'PC', '2005-04-19 01:42:33', '2004-01-16 13:49:22', 0, 2500, '2003-06-16 04:23:29', '2003-06-16 20:24:48', -48.450299999999999, 181.483, 11.727399999999999, 277.37400000000002, 205.858, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 624882587, -0.66304540950525703, 0.28195154128143501, -0.69345087302780795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1200401', 'NGC3132', 151.75999999999999, -40.4375, '2003-06-16 21:00:49', 9828, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'PN', 0.089999999999999997, 71, 'EE', '2005-04-19 03:47:46', '2003-12-27 20:29:37', 0, 0, '2003-06-16 21:00:49', '2003-06-17 01:13:45', -47.591099999999997, 173.83600000000001, 12.397600000000001, 272.11700000000002, 209.87899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'GUERRERO', 'y', 630996624, -0.67052109544175298, 0.36013317944244599, -0.64861818786730496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0070103', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2003-06-17 03:33:11', 16067, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.2000000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2005-04-19 02:02:37', '2003-12-27 20:25:24', 2, 0, '2003-06-17 03:33:11', '2003-08-03 12:39:16', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 201.09399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9111301', 'PB8', 173.328, -57.104999999999997, '2003-06-17 12:35:50', 18030, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.6, '[WR]', 0.29999999999999999, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-19 05:31:30', '2003-08-13 08:48:39', 0, 0, '2003-06-17 12:35:50', '2003-06-17 19:40:07', -52.700400000000002, 207.10599999999999, 4.1673299999999998, 292.44400000000002, 192.47900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 621987954, -0.53942305004072499, 0.063100410379942296, -0.83966726225013899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3030401', 'HD90087', 155.58699999999999, -59.755400000000002, '2003-06-17 21:06:22', 13990, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 32, 7.7999999999999998, 'O9.5', 0.29999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2005-04-19 05:09:52', '2003-12-27 20:50:11', 1, 0, '2003-06-17 21:06:22', '2003-06-18 06:35:01', -61.093200000000003, 198.40700000000001, -2.1312600000000002, 285.16000000000003, 206.381, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 611767477, -0.458657361548097, 0.20818169931264999, -0.86388298094651494); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9120301', 'HD91619', 158.35599999999999, -58.190100000000001, '2003-06-18 08:08:31', 7040, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.1500000000000004, 'B7IA', 0.40000000000000002, 25, 'PC', '2005-04-19 05:31:43', '2003-08-13 08:48:40', 0, 0, '2003-06-18 08:08:31', '2003-06-18 10:56:17', -58.982799999999997, 198.05000000000001, -0.051596099999999999, 285.56099999999998, 204.82499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 622991753, -0.48993848289171499, 0.19441572606855401, -0.84980162887523403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050901', 'HD100276', 172.95099999999999, -60.606299999999997, '2003-06-19 00:18:29', 4849, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 7.2199999999999998, 'B0.5', 0.26000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-04-19 04:18:38', '2003-12-30 12:14:12', 0, 0, '2003-06-19 00:18:29', '2003-06-19 02:13:44', -55.419600000000003, 210.88200000000001, 0.76937800000000001, 293.31099999999998, 192.941, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 621187514, -0.487098215480184, 0.060231037187165798, -0.87126778354038703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3031601', 'HD92850', 160.505, -57.009099999999997, '2003-06-19 05:41:42', 13307, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 20, 8.0399999999999991, 'O9.5', 0.29999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2005-04-19 05:21:01', '2004-01-16 15:13:35', 0, 0, '2003-06-19 05:41:42', '2003-06-19 16:40:27', -57.333300000000001, 198.01499999999999, 1.5423500000000001, 285.98599999999999, 203.96100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 622966365, -0.51328964361416296, 0.181714987440593, -0.83875705964117597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056602', 'HD192035-BKGD', 302.70600000000002, 47.813299999999998, '2003-06-19 19:31:57', 18250, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 13, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-04-21 04:41:17', '2003-07-25 08:45:54', 2, 0, '2003-06-19 19:31:57', '2003-06-20 11:14:04', 64.768500000000003, 328.346, 7.7557900000000002, 83.328400000000002, 299.88400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 242649838, 0.36285681258112301, -0.56507740002382101, 0.74096050201463903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1230202', 'HD192577', 303.40800000000002, 46.741399999999999, '2003-06-20 22:10:09', 58, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 3.79, 'K4IB', 0.02, 39, 'PC', '2005-04-21 02:12:20', '2004-01-21 14:13:16', 0, 0, '2003-06-20 22:10:09', '2003-06-20 22:11:07', 63.601999999999997, 328.06700000000001, 6.7768300000000004, 82.677199999999999, 299.31400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'BENNETT', 'y', 242446642, 0.377320096529148, -0.57206214235256403, 0.72826811686509296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0430103', 'HD197345', 310.358, 45.280299999999997, '2003-06-20 22:58:44', 8766, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 1.25, 'A2IA', 0.11, 32, 'PC', '2005-04-21 00:38:02', '2004-01-16 12:58:54', 0, -5, '2003-06-20 22:58:44', '2003-06-21 10:10:16', 59.906199999999998, 335.32900000000001, 1.9975099999999999, 84.286199999999994, 305.36200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'NANCY D.', 'MORRISON', 'y', 241027152, 0.45564955525400602, -0.53618224789692903, 0.71055758375871503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0390304', 'NGC7027', 316.75700000000001, 42.236199999999997, '2003-06-21 11:41:00', 58, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 15, 'PN', 0.69999999999999996, 71, 'PE', '2005-04-19 01:31:04', '2004-10-13 15:56:47', 0, 0, '2003-06-21 11:41:00', '2003-06-21 11:41:58', 54.933599999999998, 339.84100000000001, -3.4961600000000002, 84.931200000000004, 310.74099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SUN', 'KWOK', 'y', 229298184, 0.53933330838001003, -0.50722992789137999, 0.672188502373537); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1800201', 'WD2117+341', 319.28500000000003, 34.207700000000003, '2003-06-21 13:50:31', 6421, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 14, 13.199999999999999, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-19 04:08:45', '2003-12-30 12:25:19', 0, 0, '2003-06-21 13:50:31', '2003-06-21 19:12:05', 46.918999999999997, 336.596, -10.4093, 80.357100000000003, 314.25799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 215984698, 0.626839701178319, -0.53945278359863202, 0.56219452442581097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090602', 'HD203454', 320.25599999999997, 40.344999999999999, '2003-06-21 20:10:33', 6992, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.4000000000000004, 'F8V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-04-21 02:56:09', '2003-12-27 20:33:42', 0, 0, '2003-06-21 20:10:33', '2003-06-22 00:17:26', 51.980600000000003, 342.07499999999999, -6.7051699999999999, 85.367800000000003, 313.39800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 228826312, 0.58603160548468702, -0.48729353176608797, 0.64738857826808505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9130701', 'V751-CYG', 313.05399999999997, 44.323700000000002, '2003-06-22 02:31:49', 8495, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.199999999999999, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2005-04-21 03:06:09', '2003-12-30 13:24:56', 0, 0, '2003-06-22 02:31:49', '2003-06-22 09:41:57', 58.102400000000003, 337.56200000000001, -0.092956499999999997, 84.738399999999999, 307.01400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 251801090, 0.48839710334584202, -0.52275312990978595, 0.69871126698580899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1800202', 'WD2117+341', 319.28500000000003, 34.207700000000003, '2003-06-22 11:09:45', 10746, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 23, 13.199999999999999, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-21 02:55:32', '2003-12-30 12:46:07', 0, 0, '2003-06-22 11:09:45', '2003-06-22 21:32:16', 46.918999999999997, 336.596, -10.4093, 80.357100000000003, 313.56700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 215984698, 0.626839701178319, -0.53945278359863202, 0.56219452442581097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1360201', 'V1685-CYG', 305.11799999999999, 41.3643, '2003-06-22 23:08:53', 26409, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 10.699999999999999, 'B2', 0.51000000000000001, 20, 'PE', '2005-04-21 02:33:03', '2003-12-30 13:06:52', 0, 0, '2003-06-22 23:08:53', '2003-06-23 17:46:15', 58.267400000000002, 325.173, 2.7699099999999999, 78.873400000000004, 300.065, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN-CLAUDE', 'BOURET', 'y', 240792555, 0.43174753801294402, -0.61390455344017103, 0.66084435586996304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1200601', 'NGC6826-POS2', 296.20100000000002, 50.5261, '2003-06-23 19:56:26', 5788, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.199999999999999, 'PN', 0.029999999999999999, 71, 'EE', '2005-04-21 02:22:47', '2003-12-30 13:36:38', 1, 0, '2003-06-23 19:56:26', '2003-06-23 22:43:33', 69.246300000000005, 322.38400000000001, 12.792299999999999, 83.564400000000006, 290.11599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'GUERRERO', 'y', 248587725, 0.28068699465483898, -0.57040616358102503, 0.77191425662466695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090601', 'HD203454', 320.25599999999997, 40.344999999999999, '2003-06-24 00:05:26', 8313, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 6.4000000000000004, 'F8V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-04-21 02:55:52', '2004-01-21 13:17:10', 0, 0, '2003-06-24 00:05:26', '2003-06-24 07:12:45', 51.980600000000003, 342.07499999999999, -6.7051699999999999, 85.367800000000003, 311.73200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 228826312, 0.58603160548468702, -0.48729353176608797, 0.64738857826808505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0640601', 'HD204827', 322.24099999999999, 58.739800000000002, '2003-06-26 03:55:18', 5957, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8, 'B0V', 1.1100000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2005-04-21 04:30:30', '2004-01-02 19:10:19', 1, 0, '2003-06-26 03:55:18', '2003-06-26 06:40:31', 65.599500000000006, 6.7407199999999996, 5.5524100000000001, 99.168199999999999, 310.38400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PAULE', 'SONNENTRUCKER', 'y', 253726375, 0.41025902995344099, -0.31775957137753402, 0.85481950325178402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0070104', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2003-06-27 00:21:04', 4642, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 6.2000000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2005-04-21 04:30:21', '2004-02-13 18:58:31', 2, 0, '2003-06-27 00:21:04', '2003-06-27 11:15:26', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 209.53299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0230204', 'R-DOR', 69.189999999999998, -62.077199999999998, '2003-06-27 12:44:44', 20646, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 5.7300000000000004, 'M8II', 0, 49, 'PE', '2005-04-20 23:26:28', '2004-02-13 18:22:33', 0, 0, '2003-06-27 12:44:44', '2003-06-27 23:39:08', -79.993600000000001, 16.772200000000002, -39.342300000000002, 272.673, 271.923, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM M.', 'HARPER', 'y', 544498414, 0.166366407561574, 0.43773250147460702, -0.88357935443730196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051804', 'WD2111+498-BKGD', 318.18400000000003, 50.104999999999997, '2003-06-28 02:23:40', 12899, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-04-21 04:31:07', '2003-09-16 16:02:22', 2, 94, '2003-06-28 02:23:40', '2003-06-28 14:30:00', 60.928800000000003, 349.666, 1.13381, 91.372600000000006, 285.57999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 252168620, 0.47801599572181203, -0.42763588688754001, 0.76722112593436298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0760101', 'MRK290', 233.96799999999999, 57.9026, '2003-06-28 22:57:24', 9239, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.6, '', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-21 04:30:36', '2004-02-28 14:47:09', 5, 0.029576999999999999, '2003-06-28 22:57:24', '2003-06-29 16:28:06', 71.471999999999994, 190.38300000000001, 47.953400000000002, 91.491, 213.374, 'F', 'F', 'JULIA C.', 'LEE', 'y', 186585350, -0.31256569386848498, -0.42970487902367899, 0.84714603461254401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021608', 'HD153345', 254.07599999999999, 52.698399999999999, '2003-06-30 11:40:49', 3104, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 7.1100000000000003, 'A0V', 0.070000000000000007, 66, 'PC', '2005-04-21 03:16:59', '2003-07-21 08:44:31', 0, 0, '2003-06-30 11:40:49', '2003-06-30 12:35:47', 74.075599999999994, 232.69900000000001, 38.4925, 80.199299999999994, 254.24199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 164586402, -0.16626631306456499, -0.58275584701155503, 0.79545655815623295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9130501', 'DQ-HER', 271.87599999999998, 45.858899999999998, '2003-06-30 13:20:51', 7516, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.6, 'CV', 0.10000000000000001, 63, 'PE', '2005-04-21 02:56:26', '2004-01-17 19:21:08', 0, 0, '2003-06-30 13:20:51', '2003-06-30 16:03:47', 69.274299999999997, 273.69299999999998, 26.4438, 73.154399999999995, 260.42899999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 246361160, 0.022798625719111301, -0.69605447732664305, 0.71762691369461196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1230203', 'HD192577', 303.40800000000002, 46.741399999999999, '2003-06-30 22:18:35', 3169, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 3.79, 'K4IB', 0.02, 39, 'PC', '2005-04-21 02:22:54', '2004-01-17 19:18:52', 0, 0, '2003-06-30 22:18:35', '2003-07-01 02:01:33', 63.601999999999997, 328.06700000000001, 6.7768300000000004, 82.677199999999999, 290.62799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'BENNETT', 'y', 242446642, 0.377320096529148, -0.57206214235256403, 0.72826811686509296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9131701', 'V533-HER', 273.58499999999998, 41.855899999999998, '2003-07-01 03:34:36', 4031, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2005-04-21 03:16:33', '2004-01-17 19:24:46', 0, 0, '2003-07-01 03:34:36', '2003-07-01 06:27:35', 65.216099999999997, 276.37799999999999, 24.273900000000001, 69.189899999999994, 261.32100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 245996242, 0.046573359034200797, -0.74336782554278003, 0.66725946840495998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9043001', 'PG1619+522', 245.161, 52.102400000000003, '2003-07-02 08:28:11', 7390, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.300000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-04-21 04:19:36', '2003-07-24 08:27:09', 1, 0, '2003-07-02 08:28:11', '2003-07-02 11:10:54', 71.036799999999999, 217.43700000000001, 43.956800000000001, 80.467200000000005, 234.53700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 165861187, -0.25802883145601302, -0.55742875921201696, 0.789109815260712); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9032401', 'WD1603+432', 241.339, 43.077500000000001, '2003-07-02 11:51:56', 11045, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.859999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-21 03:37:24', '2003-08-18 16:03:27', 2, 0, '2003-07-02 11:51:56', '2003-07-02 17:47:41', 61.833199999999998, 222.083, 47.9328, 68.223200000000006, 230.08699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 161254109, -0.35033372114644401, -0.64093296021303903, 0.68298698694794802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4059301', 'SK-67D05-BKGD', 72.578999999999994, -67.660499999999999, '2003-07-02 19:39:52', 29658, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'O9.7', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'EE', '2005-04-21 03:16:52', '2003-07-17 16:01:14', 1, 0, '2003-07-02 19:39:52', '2003-07-03 08:32:24', -83.159000000000006, 342.815, -36.322600000000001, 278.892, 293.88, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542682965, 0.113796514243464, 0.36265925670271099, -0.92494789954563095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0050107', 'X0535-668', 83.920000000000002, -66.865099999999998, '2003-07-03 16:37:36', 3823, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 59, 'PC', '2005-04-21 00:38:09', '2004-01-21 13:06:27', 0, 0, '2003-07-03 16:37:36', '2003-07-03 17:43:18', -87.578100000000006, 349.99299999999999, -32.195300000000003, 276.88400000000001, 284.41500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542524992, 0.041614496365478301, 0.39068726876689602, -0.91958234634844405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0340401', 'LMC-SMP-50', 80.215900000000005, -67.095299999999995, '2003-07-03 18:19:01', 32388, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.52, 'CSPN', 0.13, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-21 01:19:29', '2004-02-11 13:48:37', 0, 0, '2003-07-03 18:19:01', '2003-07-04 07:44:55', -86.117199999999997, 347.61200000000002, -33.599600000000002, 277.387, 287.85000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 542366551, 0.066139022126739902, 0.38353864411993999, -0.92115348244402595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0340101', 'LMC-SMP-1', 69.644599999999997, -70.612200000000001, '2003-07-04 13:45:41', 23087, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16.300000000000001, 'CSPN', 0.12, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-21 00:59:25', '2004-02-11 13:14:48', 0, 0, '2003-07-04 13:45:41', '2003-07-04 23:52:52', -81.593100000000007, 322.16699999999997, -36.296300000000002, 282.77699999999999, 299.08499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 541896629, 0.115469843794492, 0.31123037318309099, -0.94329336369042105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0981401', 'D301-1005', 85.784599999999998, -67.847899999999996, '2003-07-05 00:39:43', 16568, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.109999999999999, 'O9.5', 0.10000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-30 09:31:00', '2004-01-17 19:13:36', 1, 0, '2003-07-05 00:39:43', '2003-07-05 06:59:19', -87.921099999999996, 319.82400000000001, -31.389900000000001, 277.95699999999999, 283.96699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542415718, 0.0277167541598013, 0.37604655816211302, -0.92618614092053497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0060101', 'RXJ0513.9-6951', 78.461699999999993, -69.863100000000003, '2003-07-05 07:27:20', 27601, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-04-21 00:59:11', '2004-02-13 18:44:29', 1, 0, '2003-07-05 07:27:20', '2003-07-05 16:13:57', -84.605999999999995, 317.09899999999999, -33.688000000000002, 280.798, 290.98599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'CRAMPTON', 'y', 541586700, 0.068860779427156196, 0.33730725944721501, -0.93887273140766703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0060102', 'RXJ0513.9-6951', 78.461699999999993, -69.863100000000003, '2003-07-05 16:48:12', 31813, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-04-21 00:59:17', '2004-02-11 13:04:47', 1, 0, '2003-07-05 16:48:12', '2003-07-06 06:13:47', -84.605999999999995, 317.09899999999999, -33.688000000000002, 280.798, 291.35399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'CRAMPTON', 'y', 541586700, 0.068860779427156196, 0.33730725944721501, -0.93887273140766703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0981501', 'D301-NW8', 85.816500000000005, -67.830799999999996, '2003-07-06 13:41:20', 13427, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.369999999999999, 'O7V', 0.10000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-30 09:41:32', '2004-01-21 13:45:40', 1, 0, '2003-07-06 13:41:20', '2003-07-06 19:59:29', -87.940899999999999, 320.00799999999998, -31.379300000000001, 277.93599999999998, 285.42599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542415711, 0.027527546174496698, 0.37633759964805003, -0.92607356365072602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0340201', 'LMC-SMP-83', 84.086699999999993, -67.302199999999999, '2003-07-06 20:19:02', 21554, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 15.66, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-21 01:09:48', '2004-02-11 13:35:16', 0, 0, '2003-07-06 20:19:02', '2003-07-07 07:38:15', -87.568200000000004, 339.54399999999998, -32.085599999999999, 277.38900000000001, 287.27199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 542512203, 0.0397537159441268, 0.38381737424040602, -0.92255290650446398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0981601', 'SK-69D243', 84.677400000000006, -69.100899999999996, '2003-07-07 07:58:32', 4408, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 9.5, 'WN5+', 0.40000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-30 09:41:40', '2004-01-21 13:48:05', 0, 0, '2003-07-07 07:58:32', '2003-07-07 09:18:10', -86.763900000000007, 305.887, -31.671500000000002, 279.46699999999998, 287.21300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542225962, 0.033090846457706199, 0.355185200079708, -0.93421007783316601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0980801', 'SK-67D18', 73.812100000000001, -67.190100000000001, '2003-07-07 09:43:55', 7868, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.949999999999999, 'O6+W', 0.10000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-30 08:58:17', '2004-01-21 13:26:23', 0, 0, '2003-07-07 09:43:55', '2003-07-07 11:59:59', -83.6297, 346.93000000000001, -36.004100000000001, 278.166, 297.13799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542696860, 0.108079217311308, 0.372304560046953, -0.92179617994089103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1380201', 'NGC1818-D1', 76.1357, -66.414199999999994, '2003-07-07 12:12:33', 28892, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.93, 'B1V', 0.089999999999999997, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-30 01:54:00', '2004-03-05 20:59:08', 0, 0, '2003-07-07 12:12:33', '2003-07-07 23:23:08', -84.478200000000001, 355.14699999999999, -35.311900000000001, 276.95999999999998, 295.125, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 542730961, 0.0958784766707651, 0.38846475013000897, -0.91646192262293302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0980101', 'SK-67D174', 83.047200000000004, -67.687799999999996, '2003-07-08 00:25:12', 2806, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.52, 'O8V+', 0.10000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-30 08:47:41', '2004-01-17 19:03:25', 0, 0, '2003-07-08 00:25:12', '2003-07-08 01:12:14', -87.073599999999999, 334.18200000000002, -32.436500000000002, 277.89600000000002, 289.31400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542334453, 0.045957639890848001, 0.37686126649794499, -0.92512889974815304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0980201', 'SK-67D176', 83.114400000000003, -67.686999999999998, '2003-07-08 02:18:53', 4667, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.66, 'O8II', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 08:47:59', '2004-01-17 19:07:46', 0, 0, '2003-07-08 02:18:53', '2003-07-08 04:43:24', -87.097800000000007, 334.02800000000002, -32.411299999999997, 277.892, 289.34899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542509190, 0.045517151012076297, 0.37692773324907097, -0.92512359869990402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0340501', 'LMC-SMP-29', 77.014499999999998, -68.671199999999999, '2003-07-08 05:26:11', 25617, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 15.43, 'CSPN', 0.050000000000000003, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-21 01:30:12', '2004-02-11 14:05:24', 0, 0, '2003-07-08 05:26:11', '2003-07-08 15:15:01', -84.636399999999995, 330.96699999999998, -34.462499999999999, 279.54199999999997, 295.79300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 542643908, 0.081729394892569904, 0.35441809117025902, -0.93150851990828498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0981001', 'SK-70D13', 73.504800000000003, -69.996499999999997, '2003-07-08 15:36:09', 7879, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.289999999999999, 'O9II', 0.17999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 09:09:10', '2004-01-21 13:34:54', 1, 0, '2003-07-08 15:36:09', '2003-07-08 20:14:37', -83.026399999999995, 323.12799999999999, -35.290100000000002, 281.50900000000001, 298.70999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541928446, 0.097127793902071796, 0.32799883934444601, -0.93967172621102801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0980501', 'SK-71D41', 82.667699999999996, -71.093699999999998, '2003-07-08 20:36:01', 9972, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12.83, 'O8.5', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 08:57:51', '2004-01-21 13:57:38', 0, 0, '2003-07-08 20:36:01', '2003-07-09 02:12:09', -84.758099999999999, 296.91300000000001, -32.067500000000003, 281.90300000000002, 290.56900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541544871, 0.041352835067486299, 0.32137180810873001, -0.94604973652805702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0980601', 'SK-71D46', 82.958299999999994, -71.061099999999996, '2003-07-09 03:12:47', 6487, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.25, 'O4IF', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 08:58:09', '2004-01-21 13:20:23', 0, 0, '2003-07-09 03:12:47', '2003-07-09 05:45:54', -84.837000000000003, 296.24099999999999, -31.98, 281.84699999999998, 290.53699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541545485, 0.039788318205384199, 0.32211158084390101, -0.94586522254527905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0100301', 'PGMW-3120', 74.194999999999993, -66.412899999999993, '2003-07-09 06:39:40', 7354, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12.800000000000001, 'O5.5', 0.26000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-23 19:57:36', '2004-02-11 12:46:17', 0, 0, '2003-07-09 06:39:40', '2003-07-09 09:22:16', -83.709500000000006, 354.07799999999997, -36.0655, 277.19, 298.55200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542746385, 0.10898455406030499, 0.38501500213328199, -0.91645284390883097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9113302', 'LMC-SMP81', 83.837199999999996, -73.924999999999997, '2003-07-09 09:51:36', 10958, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'CSPN', 0.16, 71, 'PC', '2005-04-26 01:34:34', '2003-08-18 16:03:30', 0, 0, '2003-07-09 09:51:36', '2003-07-09 16:00:14', -82.356200000000001, 282.91399999999999, -31.229900000000001, 285.10700000000003, 290.13999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 541369620, 0.029725793090684401, 0.27529519457485202, -0.96090006403846395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0100601', 'PGMW-3209', 74.245400000000004, -66.410600000000002, '2003-07-09 17:26:36', 4457, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.66, 'O3II', 0.22, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-23 21:54:20', '2004-02-11 12:52:18', 0, 0, '2003-07-09 17:26:36', '2003-07-09 19:45:44', -83.729100000000003, 354.12799999999999, -36.046700000000001, 277.18099999999998, 298.904, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542746088, 0.108655823771256, 0.385146127420889, -0.91643678041274701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0240101', 'FAIRALL9-OFF', 20.940799999999999, -58.822400000000002, '2003-07-09 21:02:30', 37873, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'SYFT', 0.040000000000000001, 7, 'EE', '2005-04-25 15:45:36', '2004-01-21 14:11:52', 0, 0.047019999999999999, '2003-07-09 21:02:30', '2003-07-10 12:04:17', -59.155799999999999, 340.56799999999998, -57.810200000000002, 295.08199999999999, 353.87200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 571497629, 0.483499075050081, 0.185024952638178, -0.855566719389526); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0240102', 'FAIRALL9-OFF', 20.940799999999999, -58.822400000000002, '2003-07-10 13:00:38', 3643, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'SYFT', 0.040000000000000001, 7, 'EE', '2005-04-23 02:59:59', '2004-01-29 12:55:24', 0, 0.047019999999999999, '2003-07-10 13:00:38', '2003-07-11 04:14:19', -59.155799999999999, 340.56799999999998, -57.810200000000002, 295.08199999999999, 354.47000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 571497629, 0.483499075050081, 0.185024952638178, -0.855566719389526); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0240103', 'FAIRALL9-OFF', 20.940799999999999, -58.822400000000002, '2003-07-11 04:42:42', 34378, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'SYFT', 0.040000000000000001, 7, 'EE', '2005-04-23 03:21:03', '2004-01-29 13:10:58', 0, 0.047019999999999999, '2003-07-11 04:42:42', '2003-07-11 16:55:30', -59.155799999999999, 340.56799999999998, -57.810200000000002, 295.08199999999999, 355.101, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 571497629, 0.483499075050081, 0.185024952638178, -0.855566719389526); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1620401', 'AV215', 14.7317, -72.535600000000002, '2003-07-11 17:50:49', 10700, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.76, 'B0IA', 0.070000000000000007, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-17 00:25:46', '2004-01-29 14:11:38', 0, 0, '2003-07-11 17:50:49', '2003-07-11 22:08:34', -64.896799999999999, 313.16800000000001, -44.5809, 302.14499999999998, 356.08999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'SARA R.', 'HEAP', 'y', 545521445, 0.29024760419663997, 0.076316695829085998, -0.95390360634386995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1620101', 'AV104', 12.910500000000001, -72.801500000000004, '2003-07-11 22:53:48', 8115, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.130000000000001, 'B0.5', 0.050000000000000003, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-17 00:14:47', '2004-01-29 13:59:10', 0, 0, '2003-07-11 22:53:48', '2003-07-12 01:42:44', -64.519999999999996, 312.06299999999999, -44.326500000000003, 302.91300000000001, 358.16399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SARA R.', 'HEAP', 'y', 545866972, 0.288208251928258, 0.066064091193917901, -0.95528610341362097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1380101', 'NGC346-11', 14.5593, -72.155100000000004, '2003-07-12 02:20:12', 37403, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.279999999999999, 'B0V', 0.14000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-17 00:14:41', '2004-01-29 13:36:42', 0, 0, '2003-07-12 02:20:12', '2003-07-12 14:27:19', -64.686599999999999, 313.923, -44.963200000000001, 302.19799999999998, 356.94999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 545873687, 0.29660090024383701, 0.077033803711702806, -0.95188954141762305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1620501', 'AV216', 14.746600000000001, -72.742699999999999, '2003-07-12 15:04:52', 11698, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.199999999999999, 'B1II', 0.10000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-17 00:36:04', '2004-01-29 14:18:33', 0, 0, '2003-07-12 15:04:52', '2003-07-12 19:37:54', -64.987499999999997, 312.72899999999998, -44.373800000000003, 302.15100000000001, 357.05700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'SARA R.', 'HEAP', 'y', 545519219, 0.28689147344855698, 0.075514017249166704, -0.95498215462981795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1620201', 'SK191', 25.4253, -73.843900000000005, '2003-07-12 20:23:20', 11127, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.859999999999999, 'B1IA', 0.12, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-17 00:25:30', '2004-01-29 14:06:11', 0, 0, '2003-07-12 20:23:20', '2003-07-13 00:57:33', -68.243499999999997, 312.68599999999998, -42.819000000000003, 298.19900000000001, 347.892, 'F', 'F', 'SARA R.', 'HEAP', 'y', 539994491, 0.251305058410492, 0.11946443175602001, -0.96050716663776703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1340101', 'AV377', 16.2805, -72.805099999999996, '2003-07-13 01:32:07', 18405, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.779999999999999, 'O6V', 0.02, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-16 23:53:15', '2004-01-21 14:20:12', 0, 0, '2003-07-13 01:32:07', '2003-07-13 07:12:09', -65.427999999999997, 313.03199999999998, -44.285400000000003, 301.52199999999999, 356.07299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SARA R.', 'HEAP', 'y', 545686487, 0.283768758980948, 0.082874966664700095, -0.95530467984132605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3020201', 'CPD-71D172', 43.377899999999997, -71.375500000000002, '2003-07-13 07:55:28', 11448, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 24, 12.050000000000001, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-04-23 04:55:46', '2004-01-21 14:40:08', 0, 0, '2003-07-13 07:55:28', '2003-07-13 13:41:56', -73.0745, 322.87599999999998, -42.606299999999997, 290.20400000000001, 330.72199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 540836697, 0.23212681508105501, 0.21934187545272199, -0.94763193455751005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9110201', 'ESO31-8', 46.897100000000002, -72.835099999999997, '2003-07-13 14:27:26', 15915, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.5, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-23 04:23:54', '2004-03-10 17:06:05', 0, 0.028000000000000001, '2003-07-13 14:27:26', '2003-07-13 22:25:34', -74.223200000000006, 317.87599999999998, -40.792900000000003, 290.32999999999998, 328.10000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 540443592, 0.20166056279971001, 0.21547731495544101, -0.95545933673333205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9042101', 'SNR0534-699', 83.5, -69.916300000000007, '2003-07-13 23:33:29', 12181, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-04-26 00:10:02', '2004-01-29 15:07:29', 1, 0, '2003-07-13 23:33:29', '2003-07-14 05:32:07', -85.873199999999997, 302.69600000000003, -31.975999999999999, 280.48000000000002, 294.65199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542174966, 0.038873136735721299, 0.34118514233762898, -0.93919198137993998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9040901', 'SNR0506-680', 76.480800000000002, -68.032499999999999, '2003-07-14 06:21:26', 11573, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-04-26 00:09:43', '2004-01-29 14:56:59', 1, 0, '2003-07-14 06:21:26', '2003-07-14 12:09:44', -84.590900000000005, 338.07499999999999, -34.805700000000002, 278.84500000000003, 301.279, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542658473, 0.087449270026522793, 0.36371544382187299, -0.92739619424347797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9041801', 'SNR0528-692', 81.914199999999994, -69.204099999999997, '2003-07-14 12:54:32', 6604, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-04-26 05:25:03', '2004-03-06 00:53:33', 1, 0, '2003-07-14 12:54:32', '2003-07-14 21:40:06', -85.973500000000001, 315.33300000000003, -32.631300000000003, 279.74700000000001, 296.63, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542274594, 0.049938467121010202, 0.35151045292885003, -0.93485108492388203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3020801', 'LB1566', 10.055400000000001, -55.031199999999998, '2003-07-15 18:29:17', 5727, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.130000000000001, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-04-26 00:40:45', '2004-01-21 14:46:40', 0, 0, '2003-07-15 18:29:17', '2003-07-15 20:54:36', -52.339799999999997, 337.46499999999997, -62.022100000000002, 306.36000000000001, 356.779, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 572845198, 0.56432665727027598, 0.100068731223545, -0.81946425969987602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1450101', 'EY-CYG', 298.65300000000002, 32.365200000000002, '2003-07-16 17:36:26', 18504, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.5, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-04-25 23:16:52', '2004-01-29 13:52:34', 1, 0, '2003-07-16 17:36:26', '2003-07-17 05:43:10', 51.811500000000002, 310.92700000000002, 2.26336, 68.503900000000002, 270.96499999999997, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD M.', 'SION', 'y', 236816577, 0.40501443481056898, -0.74121681384162297, 0.53531387285736298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1740104', 'BF-CYG', 290.97300000000001, 29.674800000000001, '2003-07-17 06:30:31', 16148, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12, 'WD+M', 0.40000000000000002, 66, 'PC', '2005-04-26 03:18:18', '2004-03-05 21:44:54', 0, 0, '2003-07-17 06:30:31', '2003-07-17 14:00:09', 50.981000000000002, 299.601, 6.6967299999999996, 62.929299999999998, 261.25900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 237320629, 0.31098548243188601, -0.81128738014827895, 0.49507657642908998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1610101', 'KPD1930+2752', 293.06200000000001, 27.975899999999999, '2003-07-17 14:50:52', 19131, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.82, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-04-25 23:48:19', '2004-03-02 17:20:02', 0, 0, '2003-07-17 14:50:52', '2003-07-18 03:18:50', 48.904299999999999, 301.75599999999997, 4.2829499999999996, 62.2866, 263.24299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GILLES', 'FONTAINE', 'y', 235869625, 0.34595171968440902, -0.81256536586073502, 0.46910013200915901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1230204', 'HD192577', 303.40800000000002, 46.741399999999999, '2003-07-18 05:49:31', 3936, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 3.79, 'K4IB', 0.02, 39, 'PC', '2005-04-23 03:32:39', '2004-01-30 13:32:27', 0, 0, '2003-07-18 05:49:31', '2003-07-18 08:22:23', 63.601999999999997, 328.06700000000001, 6.7768300000000004, 82.677199999999999, 278.85300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'BENNETT', 'y', 242446642, 0.377320096529148, -0.57206214235256403, 0.72826811686509296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057103', 'HD5980-BKGD', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2003-07-18 10:39:29', 23674, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'WN3+', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'EE', '2005-04-26 01:34:04', '2003-07-30 16:00:48', 0, 0, '2003-07-18 10:39:29', '2003-07-18 20:27:39', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 2.6172499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1620601', 'AV210', 14.648899999999999, -72.273600000000002, '2003-07-18 22:56:33', 22490, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.67, 'B1.5', 0.11, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-17 00:36:20', '2004-01-29 14:32:04', 0, 0, '2003-07-18 22:56:33', '2003-07-19 05:58:52', -64.762600000000006, 313.70100000000002, -44.843800000000002, 302.16500000000002, 2.5835300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SARA R.', 'HEAP', 'y', 545871797, 0.294574721462869, 0.076999495015963398, -0.95252129175276701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1620701', 'AV22', 11.9114, -73.130099999999999, '2003-07-19 06:43:09', 24138, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.25, 'B5IA', 0.050000000000000003, 24, 'PC', '2007-05-18 23:07:20', '2004-01-29 14:44:43', 0, 0, '2003-07-19 06:43:09', '2003-07-19 15:39:44', -64.398799999999994, 311.08199999999999, -43.995100000000001, 303.31599999999997, 6.8377999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'SARA R.', 'HEAP', 'y', 545516188, 0.28395090350653801, 0.059896849104813001, -0.95696617070047796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1750101', 'SMC-X-1', 19.271699999999999, -73.443299999999994, '2003-07-19 16:44:30', 151988, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 71, 13.800000000000001, 'B0I', 0.25, 66, 'PC', '2005-04-26 05:44:29', '2004-03-06 00:25:44', 0, 0, '2003-07-19 16:44:30', '2003-07-23 02:03:57', -66.470200000000006, 312.36000000000001, -43.559100000000001, 300.41699999999997, 0.224213, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 545568495, 0.26899583405445499, 0.094051868474056194, -0.95853820335857598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030107', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-07-23 22:37:23', 3868, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-26 00:20:02', '2004-01-30 13:39:22', 0, 0, '2003-07-23 22:37:23', '2003-07-24 01:54:31', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 36.5822, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1030201', 'HE0238-1904', 40.1357, -18.8642, '2003-07-24 03:44:54', 15425, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-04-26 02:28:11', '2004-02-28 15:58:35', 0, 0.63100000000000001, '2003-07-24 03:44:54', '2003-07-24 17:42:40', -32.634900000000002, 30.786200000000001, -63.633800000000001, 200.482, 346.24099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 597092911, 0.72345568563449303, 0.60997707328818596, -0.32332621450464799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4059401', 'HD219188-BKGD', 348.50200000000001, 4.9971100000000002, '2003-07-24 18:26:56', 18225, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-04-25 22:33:40', '2003-07-30 16:00:49', 1, 0, '2003-07-24 18:26:56', '2003-07-25 03:36:20', 9.1433300000000006, 351.40600000000001, -50.172199999999997, 83.030900000000003, 326.64299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 310118563, 0.976207034121372, -0.19857607949915099, 0.087105494560913405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3060102', 'HD9672', 23.657399999999999, -15.676399999999999, '2003-07-25 06:18:00', 30734, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 5.5999999999999996, 'A3V', 0, 30, 'PC', '2005-04-26 05:45:10', '2004-01-30 14:04:11', 0, 0, '2003-07-25 06:18:00', '2003-07-26 04:43:20', -23.677299999999999, 15.645300000000001, -74.779200000000003, 166.32900000000001, 340.63900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALAIN', 'LECAVELIER', 'y', 285431513, 0.88189029803897501, 0.38634098759487101, -0.27020389251257598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1450401', 'WW-CET', 2.8529200000000001, -11.478899999999999, '2003-07-26 05:30:03', 14164, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-04-26 02:47:26', '2004-03-02 16:52:40', 1, 0, '2003-07-26 05:30:03', '2003-07-26 17:56:06', -11.6532, 357.98700000000002, -71.743399999999994, 90.005499999999998, 341.41800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD M.', 'SION', 'y', 282595187, 0.97878344114473004, 0.048776732252166499, -0.199007049452228); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0480101', 'VV114', 16.944199999999999, -17.506699999999999, '2003-07-26 18:53:22', 13534, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.5, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2005-04-26 01:44:06', '2004-03-05 18:25:24', 1, 6016, '2003-07-26 18:53:22', '2003-07-27 02:19:27', -22.740200000000002, 8.43886, -79.665800000000004, 145.184, 343.274, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 274526292, 0.91228154025588803, 0.27794123463432802, -0.30081732230423303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1020301', '9CET', 5.7157900000000001, -12.2094, '2003-07-27 03:06:46', 23050, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 22, 6.3799999999999999, 'G3V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2005-04-26 01:54:54', '2004-01-30 13:24:53', 0, 0, '2003-07-27 03:06:46', '2003-07-27 20:35:33', -13.459300000000001, 0.30540099999999998, -73.645899999999997, 97.359200000000001, 342.322, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 282131739, 0.97252182885980298, 0.097341275820977596, -0.21148514939051699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1180901', 'BD-15-115', 9.5844199999999997, -14.9984, '2003-07-28 04:04:57', 5609, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 10.890000000000001, 'B2V', 0.059999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2005-04-25 22:56:43', '2004-02-01 13:11:35', 0, 0, '2003-07-28 04:04:57', '2003-07-28 09:26:37', -17.542400000000001, 2.6818900000000001, -77.493200000000002, 108.169, 353.63999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 276376838, 0.95244993088625496, 0.16082845832019799, -0.25879207126400999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9111801', 'HE2-142', 239.99199999999999, -55.923900000000003, '2003-07-29 04:06:58', 10036, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.199999999999999, '[WR]', 1, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-26 05:45:19', '2003-08-06 16:01:34', 0, 0, '2003-07-29 04:06:58', '2003-07-29 08:35:24', -34.537399999999998, 250.113, -2.20343, 327.19900000000001, 169.91399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 679450837, -0.28021451490614402, -0.48518931336510002, -0.82829412398749802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9111901', 'PE1-7', 247.607, -46.047600000000003, '2003-07-29 09:29:59', 9267, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.699999999999999, '[WR]', 0.80000000000000004, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-26 05:45:37', '2003-08-06 16:01:35', 0, 0, '2003-07-29 09:29:59', '2003-07-29 13:39:43', -23.906500000000001, 253.18899999999999, 1.61968, 337.47500000000002, 170.18000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 691937505, -0.264407504275535, -0.64172320915143999, -0.719916658036998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9110101', 'RBS78', 8.5929199999999994, -79.090000000000003, '2003-07-29 15:17:20', 5916, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.4, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-26 05:34:09', '2004-02-01 13:16:19', 0, 0.073999999999999996, '2003-07-29 15:17:20', '2003-07-29 19:15:26', -65.803700000000006, 297.16800000000001, -38.003999999999998, 303.95699999999999, 33.817399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 539545526, 0.187142276023055, 0.0282789547383984, -0.98192569435971799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9121001', 'CPD-417743', 253.589, -41.861600000000003, '2003-07-30 05:27:22', 12340, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.6600000000000001, 'B0.5', 0.54000000000000004, 20, 'PC', '2005-04-26 05:44:35', '2004-02-11 14:17:40', 0, 0, '2003-07-30 05:27:22', '2003-07-30 11:19:56', -19.1526, 257.13, 1.13411, 343.459, 168.69, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID C.', 'KNAUTH', 'y', 694593072, -0.210413493244719, -0.71441729918476704, -0.66733356313473202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3030801', 'HD152408', 253.744, -41.1509, '2003-07-30 12:29:22', 6327, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 12, 5.7699999999999996, 'O8.0', 0.45000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-04-26 00:51:27', '2004-02-13 17:24:10', 0, 0, '2003-07-30 12:29:22', '2003-07-30 19:17:56', -18.4331, 257.16300000000001, 1.49119, 344.08499999999998, 169.26900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 694599409, -0.210781099873873, -0.72287540716526599, -0.658044431365855); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3031201', 'HD151804', 252.89099999999999, -41.230499999999999, '2003-07-30 20:26:51', 24, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 5.2199999999999998, 'O8.0', 0.35999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2006-04-07 01:32:29', '2004-03-10 17:09:41', 0, 0, '2003-07-30 20:26:51', '2003-07-30 20:27:48', -18.589500000000001, 256.50099999999998, 1.93821, 343.61700000000002, 169.989, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 694952267, -0.22125010060748801, -0.71878293072475297, -0.65908989635702397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1520101', 'HD153919', 255.98699999999999, -37.844099999999997, '2003-07-30 22:03:19', 3888, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.5300000000000002, 'O6.5', 0.54000000000000004, 66, 'PC', '2007-05-30 05:26:59', '2004-02-18 14:40:50', 0, 0, '2003-07-30 22:03:19', '2003-07-31 00:00:33', -14.958399999999999, 258.584, 2.1738400000000002, 347.75599999999997, 170.44999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 695742535, -0.19121546175748899, -0.76618270325361904, -0.61351504661242595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3031801', 'HD152405', 253.73099999999999, -40.524799999999999, '2003-07-31 01:35:11', 12920, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 18, 7.2000000000000002, 'O9.7', 0.37, 13, 'PC', '2005-04-26 12:40:41', '2004-02-13 17:43:22', 0, 0, '2003-07-31 01:35:11', '2003-07-31 16:50:52', -17.8125, 257.07499999999999, 1.8923399999999999, 344.56599999999997, 170.00399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 694963029, -0.21294695458009999, -0.72968711455308899, -0.64977712285848299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1520102', 'HD153919', 255.98699999999999, -37.844099999999997, '2003-07-31 18:19:09', 3590, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.5300000000000002, 'O6.5', 0.54000000000000004, 66, 'PC', '2007-05-30 05:37:01', '2004-02-18 14:51:30', 0, 0, '2003-07-31 18:19:09', '2003-07-31 20:12:39', -14.958399999999999, 258.584, 2.1738400000000002, 347.75599999999997, 170.80699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 695742535, -0.19121546175748899, -0.76618270325361904, -0.61351504661242595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1160203', 'CD-38-10980', 245.89099999999999, -39.229500000000002, '2003-07-31 23:10:00', 13682, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 35, 11, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-26 02:27:47', '2004-02-28 14:19:42', 0, 0, '2003-07-31 23:10:00', '2003-08-01 21:27:11', -17.396999999999998, 250.63499999999999, 7.2511200000000002, 341.53399999999999, 177.018, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 700594208, -0.316411588243383, -0.70704897863472005, -0.63242821619287204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9120401', 'HD152235', 253.495, -41.994300000000003, '2003-08-01 22:25:12', 11243, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 6.3399999999999999, 'O+', 0.73999999999999999, 15, 'PC', '2005-04-30 01:12:25', '2004-03-02 16:24:19', 0, 0, '2003-08-01 22:25:12', '2003-08-02 07:26:12', -19.2927, 257.07299999999998, 1.10446, 343.31299999999999, 169.98099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID C.', 'KNAUTH', 'y', 694592198, -0.211145624736786, -0.71258732414914805, -0.66905667220084497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1520104', 'HD153919', 255.98699999999999, -37.844099999999997, '2003-08-02 08:27:40', 5642, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 6.5300000000000002, 'O6.5', 0.54000000000000004, 66, 'PC', '2007-05-30 05:57:57', '2004-02-18 16:40:04', 0, 0, '2003-08-02 08:27:40', '2003-08-02 10:54:08', -14.958399999999999, 258.584, 2.1738400000000002, 347.75599999999997, 171.44200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 695742535, -0.19121546175748899, -0.76618270325361904, -0.61351504661242595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9120901', 'CPD-417742', 253.58099999999999, -41.837499999999999, '2003-08-02 11:55:24', 3886, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.25, 'O8V', 0.54000000000000004, 12, 'PC', '2005-04-30 01:22:28', '2004-02-11 14:12:41', 0, 0, '2003-08-02 11:55:24', '2003-08-02 13:53:55', -19.129300000000001, 257.12099999999998, 1.1536599999999999, 343.47500000000002, 170.30199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID C.', 'KNAUTH', 'y', 694593084, -0.21059256566057399, -0.71465709976570901, -0.66702024035479002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0470401', 'HD159532', 264.32999999999998, -42.997799999999998, '2003-08-02 16:48:19', 17831, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 1.8999999999999999, 'F1II', 0, 40, 'PE', '2005-04-29 23:58:01', '2004-03-05 18:54:38', 0, 0, '2003-08-02 16:48:19', '2003-08-03 06:40:44', -19.6449, 265.59899999999999, -5.9753800000000004, 347.13999999999999, 165.60300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 693353156, -0.072259401351215502, -0.72780156594729295, -0.681970277593556); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4059601', 'HD224151-BKGD', 358.89100000000002, 57.412199999999999, '2003-08-03 13:02:19', 18799, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SKY', 0.44, 23, 'EE', '2005-04-30 01:42:58', '2003-08-14 16:09:18', 1, 0, '2003-08-03 13:02:19', '2003-08-03 22:05:15', 51.003599999999999, 31.158799999999999, -4.6444700000000001, 115.438, 310.79500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 232613230, 0.53849050261864595, -0.0104241631909615, 0.842567098462363); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4059602', 'HD224151-BKGD', 358.89100000000002, 57.412199999999999, '2003-08-04 00:33:12', 16228, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'SKY', 0.44, 23, 'EE', '2005-05-04 03:38:53', '2003-09-12 16:03:18', 1, 0, '2003-08-04 00:33:12', '2003-08-04 12:57:50', 51.003599999999999, 31.158799999999999, -4.6444700000000001, 115.438, 310.43900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 232613230, 0.53849050261864595, -0.0104241631909615, 0.842567098462363); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1520107', 'ZAND', 353.41699999999997, 48.818399999999997, '2003-08-04 13:58:39', 14074, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.1999999999999993, 'WD+M', 0.23999999999999999, 57, 'PC', '2005-04-29 23:37:21', '2004-02-13 18:31:43', 2, -1.8, '2003-08-04 13:58:39', '2003-08-04 20:52:04', 46.099800000000002, 19.382200000000001, -12.087899999999999, 109.98099999999999, 306.21800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES D.', 'KEYES', 'y', 226066253, 0.65410653326676604, -0.075486039338272207, 0.75262640201015596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1130101', 'BD+60D2522', 350.185, 61.194600000000001, '2003-08-04 22:22:48', 34473, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 8.6999999999999993, 'O6.5', 0.71999999999999997, 15, 'PC', '2005-05-04 01:54:35', '2004-04-27 20:41:34', 0, -26, '2003-08-04 22:22:48', '2003-08-05 18:55:11', 56.785299999999999, 29.917300000000001, 0.22184000000000001, 112.229, 301.57600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'REGINALD J.', 'DUFOUR', 'y', 234477909, 0.47478377101977998, -0.082137409735550601, 0.87626127193786896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0640101', 'HD108', 1.5141199999999999, 63.679699999999997, '2003-08-05 19:45:41', 3084, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.4000000000000004, 'O6PE', 0.5, 14, 'PC', '2005-05-04 01:23:40', '2004-02-11 14:09:28', 1, 0, '2003-08-05 19:45:41', '2003-08-05 20:37:46', 54.855600000000003, 39.647199999999998, 1.24956, 117.928, 311.09899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PAULE', 'SONNENTRUCKER', 'y', 50241293, 0.443233977746821, 0.011715796584334, 0.89632939318150495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1140101', 'V592-CAS', 5.21767, 55.704599999999999, '2003-08-05 21:22:24', 23645, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 12.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-04-30 00:29:35', '2004-02-18 16:55:26', 1, 0, '2003-08-05 21:22:24', '2003-08-06 13:13:45', 47.526400000000002, 33.799700000000001, -6.9102499999999996, 118.605, 314.74000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 49057220, 0.56112497210026202, 0.051240861791629198, 0.82614353460420598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1200801', 'NGC7354', 340.08300000000003, 61.285800000000002, '2003-08-06 14:30:30', 4901, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'PN', 1.2, 71, 'EE', '2005-04-30 00:29:43', '2004-02-18 16:58:44', 1, 0, '2003-08-06 14:30:30', '2003-08-06 16:32:22', 60.430700000000002, 23.744599999999998, 2.3152499999999998, 107.845, 290.68099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'GUERRERO', 'y', 256239524, 0.451704306558536, -0.163666278398238, 0.87702711973561098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070219', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2003-08-06 22:23:17', 3435, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-04-30 01:42:48', '2004-02-18 17:13:05', 0, 0, '2003-08-06 22:23:17', '2003-08-06 23:21:46', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 311.75599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1140102', 'V592-CAS', 5.21767, 55.704599999999999, '2003-08-07 00:03:58', 19891, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 12.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-05-04 01:54:44', '2004-04-27 21:03:32', 1, 0, '2003-08-07 00:03:58', '2003-08-07 14:14:33', 47.526400000000002, 33.799700000000001, -6.9102499999999996, 118.605, 313.95400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 49057220, 0.56112497210026202, 0.051240861791629198, 0.82614353460420598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070220', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2003-08-07 15:10:34', 3264, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2006-06-15 05:43:54', '2004-02-18 17:19:51', 0, 0, '2003-08-07 15:10:34', '2003-08-07 16:59:51', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 311.255, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3031101', 'HD1337', 4.4294599999999997, 51.433100000000003, '2003-08-07 22:04:51', 58, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 6.1299999999999999, 'O9.0', 0.17999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2005-04-30 01:22:35', '2004-03-10 17:08:08', 0, 0, '2003-08-07 22:04:51', '2003-08-07 22:05:49', 44.2834, 29.745699999999999, -11.088699999999999, 117.589, 313.113, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 45981318, 0.62156593385216596, 0.048148390052753703, 0.78188075971327797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1140103', 'V592-CAS', 5.21767, 55.704599999999999, '2003-08-08 03:29:19', 14195, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 12.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-05-05 02:59:06', '2004-04-03 16:13:16', 1, 0, '2003-08-08 03:29:19', '2003-08-08 15:16:32', 47.526400000000002, 33.799700000000001, -6.9102499999999996, 118.605, 313.15600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX', 'LONG', 'y', 49057220, 0.56112497210026202, 0.051240861791629198, 0.82614353460420598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8080101', 'RXSJ00066+4342', 1.6525000000000001, 43.707900000000002, '2003-08-08 16:20:05', 10900, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.800000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-04-30 01:22:21', '2004-03-06 00:37:19', 0, 0.16600000000000001, '2003-08-08 16:20:05', '2003-08-08 21:58:06', 38.731400000000001, 22.139399999999998, -18.421600000000002, 114.41800000000001, 311.59199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 44791976, 0.72257124491462299, 0.020845866603978701, 0.69098208795023097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055704', 'LSE44-BKGD', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2003-08-09 01:29:58', 24704, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'EE', '2005-04-30 01:22:54', '2003-08-18 16:03:26', 3, 0, '2003-08-09 01:29:58', '2003-08-09 14:17:04', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 203.17699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051603', 'LSE44', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2003-08-09 23:05:45', 6252, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 12.460000000000001, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'PC', '2005-05-04 02:36:31', '2004-03-10 19:58:48', 2, 0, '2003-08-09 23:05:45', '2003-08-10 05:58:39', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 203.61600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9010502', 'DY-CEN', 201.392, -54.245399999999997, '2003-08-10 06:28:40', 12818, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.9, 'B', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2005-05-04 01:55:22', '2004-09-30 17:31:46', 0, 0, '2003-08-10 06:28:40', '2003-08-10 11:59:05', -41.283299999999997, 223.614, 8.2932500000000005, 307.95999999999998, 209.41800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 706308032, -0.54405947590953296, -0.21312695000433299, -0.81152707278001202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880101', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-08-10 15:01:01', 2728, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 04:43:49', '2004-02-13 19:30:22', 0, 0, '2003-08-10 15:01:01', '2003-08-10 17:20:42', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 324.464, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051604', 'LSE44', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2003-08-10 20:44:29', 4102, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 14, 12.460000000000001, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'PC', '2005-05-04 02:37:01', '2004-03-10 20:25:34', 2, 0, '2003-08-10 20:44:29', '2003-08-11 07:36:40', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 204.09399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055705', 'LSE44-BKGD', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2003-08-11 08:22:10', 14887, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'EE', '2005-04-30 01:32:25', '2003-09-16 16:02:22', 2, 0, '2003-08-11 08:22:10', '2003-08-11 16:10:55', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 204.40000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051605', 'LSE44', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2003-08-11 16:43:50', 12013, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 25, 12.460000000000001, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'PC', '2005-05-04 03:17:46', '2004-02-18 17:54:08', 2, 0, '2003-08-11 16:43:50', '2003-08-12 09:55:08', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 204.58600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880102', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-08-12 13:38:26', 1017, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 04:44:08', '2004-03-05 19:05:06', 0, 0, '2003-08-12 13:38:26', '2003-08-12 14:13:35', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 326.32900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051606', 'LSE44', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2003-08-12 17:44:19', 8855, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 13, 12.460000000000001, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'PC', '2005-05-05 04:10:35', '2004-03-10 20:51:17', 2, 0, '2003-08-12 17:44:19', '2003-08-13 06:09:11', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 205.09800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090502', 'HD114630', 198.233, -59.816800000000001, '2003-08-13 07:16:37', 16682, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.2000000000000002, 'G0V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-05-04 01:56:03', '2004-09-30 19:29:10', 0, 0, '2003-08-13 07:16:37', '2003-08-13 13:40:42', -46.9298, 225.63200000000001, 2.9424199999999998, 305.63499999999999, 214.471, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 705700908, -0.47752360663913601, -0.157306595737564, -0.86442225795025096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1051001', 'LSE44', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2003-08-13 14:10:45', 4833, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 12.460000000000001, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'PC', '2005-05-04 01:56:43', '2004-09-12 17:14:30', 0, 0, '2003-08-13 14:10:45', '2003-08-13 16:22:37', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 205.43799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0260302', 'HD111641', 192.94800000000001, -66.856200000000001, '2003-08-13 16:55:37', 7226, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.3900000000000006, 'B3V', 0.28999999999999998, 21, 'PC', '2005-05-04 01:23:25', '2004-03-02 17:59:27', 0, 0, '2003-08-13 16:55:37', '2003-08-13 19:07:32', -53.9604, 229.37899999999999, -3.9842499999999998, 302.96800000000002, 219.643, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 681982509, -0.38304665438511698, -0.088067193338600899, -0.919521304822151); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0260702', 'HD117667', 185.679, -65.435599999999994, '2003-08-13 19:40:56', 3835, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 1, 8.3300000000000001, 'B1IV', 0.26000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2005-05-04 01:23:33', '2004-02-28 12:17:00', 0, 0, '2003-08-13 19:40:56', '2003-08-13 20:44:50', -54.893000000000001, 224.00299999999999, -2.73007, 299.952, 226.429, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 682328827, -0.41367539751753701, -0.0411371690265862, -0.90949458426819996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880103', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-08-14 12:06:06', 2889, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 04:54:32', '2004-03-02 17:41:10', 1, 0, '2003-08-14 12:06:06', '2003-08-14 15:33:27', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 315, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0260402', 'HD111195', 192.12200000000001, -67.357200000000006, '2003-08-14 17:35:30', 13246, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.6999999999999993, 'B2V', 0.27000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-05-04 03:39:11', '2004-02-28 12:46:19', 0, 0, '2003-08-14 17:35:30', '2003-08-14 21:42:44', -54.548400000000001, 229.53800000000001, -4.4868300000000003, 302.649, 221.21000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 681976583, -0.37640072258458201, -0.080844505347271695, -0.92292289059972898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050701', 'WD0715-704', 108.821, -70.418899999999994, '2003-08-15 00:08:17', 14157, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-04 13:20:09', '2004-09-12 17:10:01', 1, 0, '2003-08-15 00:08:17', '2003-08-15 11:45:54', -82.140000000000001, 217.755, -23.492599999999999, 281.62099999999998, 302.47300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 613208270, -0.10812065704151599, 0.31722118112292202, -0.94216805601118203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880104', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-08-16 06:13:09', 3164, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 04:55:01', '2004-04-27 20:05:47', 1, 0, '2003-08-16 06:13:09', '2003-08-16 12:41:46', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 320, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4059701', 'K1-16-BKGD', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2003-08-16 23:08:54', 16225, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'EE', '2005-05-05 04:21:29', '2003-09-12 16:03:19', 0, 0, '2003-08-16 23:08:54', '2003-08-17 11:48:19', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 218.89599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031009', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2003-08-18 01:44:41', 3755, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2005-05-05 03:09:00', '2004-03-12 14:05:20', 0, 0, '2003-08-18 01:44:41', '2003-08-18 07:24:47', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 217.786, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031010', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2003-08-18 08:24:02', 8830, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 16, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2005-05-05 03:29:46', '2004-03-12 14:39:40', 0, 0, '2003-08-18 08:24:02', '2003-08-18 14:22:08', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 217.495, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880105', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-08-19 18:42:59', 4011, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 05:05:29', '2004-03-05 19:29:41', 0, 0, '2003-08-19 18:42:59', '2003-08-19 22:34:44', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 335, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1070101', 'HD37350', 83.406599999999997, -62.489800000000002, '2003-08-19 23:54:16', 20295, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 3.77, 'F6IA', 0.029999999999999999, 41, 'PE', '2005-05-05 02:47:27', '2004-04-03 15:26:49', 0, 0, '2003-08-19 23:54:16', '2003-08-20 17:02:01', -85.044399999999996, 52.122199999999999, -32.7742, 271.73500000000001, 330.00799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'LOBEL', 'y', 553857724, 0.053037363058822798, 0.45885146453040399, -0.88692861698000802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880106', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-08-20 18:06:21', 4337, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 05:06:03', '2004-04-27 20:17:46', 0, 0, '2003-08-20 18:06:21', '2003-08-20 21:49:37', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 335, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1161501', 'HD147888', 246.351, -23.4604, '2003-08-21 06:45:44', 12181, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 26, 6.7400000000000002, 'B3/B', 0.52000000000000002, 21, 'PC', '2006-03-03 08:37:02', '2004-03-10 19:38:27', 3, 0, '2003-08-21 06:45:44', '2003-08-21 17:18:03', -1.7769299999999999, 248.399, 17.709399999999999, 353.64800000000002, 186.49000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 704422601, -0.36797312683272199, -0.840297630252414, -0.39811514731434999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880107', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-08-22 03:31:26', 4852, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 05:16:05', '2004-03-05 19:56:57', 0, 0, '2003-08-22 03:31:26', '2003-08-22 08:51:43', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 335.62099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056603', 'HD192035-BKGD', 302.70600000000002, 47.813299999999998, '2003-08-23 00:18:33', 6893, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-05-05 04:21:00', '2003-09-26 16:02:20', 2, 0, '2003-08-23 00:18:33', '2003-08-23 09:36:54', 64.768500000000003, 328.346, 7.7557900000000002, 83.328400000000002, 236.017, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 242649838, 0.36285681258112301, -0.56507740002382101, 0.74096050201463903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1230205', 'HD192577', 303.40800000000002, 46.741399999999999, '2003-08-23 17:27:57', 1451, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 3, 3.79, 'K4IB', 0.02, 39, 'PC', '2005-05-04 01:55:03', '2004-04-03 16:20:23', 0, 0, '2003-08-23 17:27:57', '2003-08-23 22:45:12', 63.601999999999997, 328.06700000000001, 6.7768300000000004, 82.677199999999999, 235.672, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'BENNETT', 'y', 242446642, 0.377320096529148, -0.57206214235256403, 0.72826811686509296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4059902', 'SK-67D104-BKGD', 81.517300000000006, -67.498999999999995, '2003-08-24 00:51:04', 15751, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'OB+W', 0.20000000000000001, 10, 'EE', '2005-05-05 04:32:11', '2003-09-29 16:02:27', 1, 0, '2003-08-24 00:51:04', '2003-08-24 10:54:16', -86.562200000000004, 340.29300000000001, -33.040100000000002, 277.76900000000001, 335.72699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542341958, 0.056452309785756397, 0.378512995395758, -0.92387285328468405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9041401', 'SNR0520-694-OFF', 79.937899999999999, -69.433000000000007, '2003-08-24 23:28:50', 6762, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-04-08 00:48:59', '2004-08-23 22:49:05', 0, 0, '2003-08-24 23:28:50', '2003-08-25 04:11:38', -85.269900000000007, 318.10000000000002, -33.277099999999997, 280.16399999999999, 338.24000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542283348, 0.061377970219111198, 0.34589906347208399, -0.93626202671096204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0050108', 'X0535-668', 83.920000000000002, -66.865099999999998, '2003-08-25 05:07:52', 2640, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 59, 'PC', '2006-04-07 23:36:38', '2004-06-12 14:49:30', 0, 0, '2003-08-25 05:07:52', '2003-08-25 05:57:36', -87.578100000000006, 349.99299999999999, -32.195300000000003, 276.88400000000001, 334.66699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542524992, 0.041614496365478301, 0.39068726876689602, -0.91958234634844405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9041301', 'SNR0519-697-OFF', 79.684200000000004, -69.653400000000005, '2003-08-25 20:07:28', 12236, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-05 03:08:10', '2004-08-23 22:45:14', 0, 0, '2003-08-25 20:07:28', '2003-08-26 01:39:22', -85.074799999999996, 316.48700000000002, -33.319899999999997, 280.44400000000002, 339.29599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542282284, 0.062263568560003903, 0.34207804124622898, -0.93760645354397898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9041901', 'SNR0532-710', 82.982900000000001, -71.003900000000002, '2003-08-26 02:47:28', 16371, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-04-08 00:49:20', '2004-03-10 16:14:02', 0, 0, '2003-08-26 02:47:28', '2003-08-26 08:41:30', -84.889399999999995, 296.51299999999998, -31.981400000000001, 281.779, 336.62099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541545561, 0.0397653548304795, 0.32306568473872999, -0.945540734130213); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9042201', 'SNR0534-705', 83.572500000000005, -70.557000000000002, '2003-08-26 13:59:51', 10833, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-04-08 00:59:10', '2004-03-10 16:22:26', 0, 0, '2003-08-26 13:59:51', '2003-08-26 17:55:43', -85.369500000000002, 297.48899999999998, -31.858899999999998, 281.22300000000001, 336.47199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542161484, 0.037263308618164001, 0.33077660592048602, -0.94297310820964098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9040801', 'SNR0500-702-OFF', 74.977900000000005, -70.135300000000001, '2003-08-26 22:44:58', 9599, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-04-08 00:39:56', '2004-08-23 22:40:10', 0, 0, '2003-08-26 22:44:58', '2003-08-27 02:41:09', -83.431100000000001, 320.34399999999999, -34.769300000000001, 281.48700000000002, 344.79599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541929485, 0.088073350715924995, 0.32818781581844902, -0.94049765679771102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9040701', 'SNR0455-687-OFF', 73.925399999999996, -68.6541, '2003-08-27 03:43:29', 14656, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-04-08 00:39:38', '2004-08-23 22:36:32', 0, 0, '2003-08-27 03:43:29', '2003-08-27 08:46:08', -83.550600000000003, 333.80200000000002, -35.551200000000001, 279.88299999999998, 345.846, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541972177, 0.10078679369745901, 0.34976592217697, -0.93139992586422304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9042401', 'SNR0536-693-OFF', 83.956699999999998, -69.304400000000001, '2003-08-28 03:00:52', 15849, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-04-08 01:09:55', '2004-08-23 22:54:02', 0, 0, '2003-08-28 03:00:52', '2003-08-28 08:38:09', -86.441699999999997, 306.83300000000003, -31.9009, 279.74099999999999, 337.55200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542223884, 0.037206275856517798, 0.35143900970162101, -0.93547117299082605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880110', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-08-28 15:28:30', 3494, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 05:26:28', '2004-03-10 14:33:00', 0, 0, '2003-08-28 15:28:30', '2003-08-28 18:00:52', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 341.92099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1380301', 'NGC2004-B15', 82.6524, -67.295100000000005, '2003-08-28 18:50:25', 11069, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.18, 'B2II', 0.059999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-30 01:54:18', '2004-03-05 21:08:24', 0, 0, '2003-08-28 18:50:25', '2003-08-28 23:22:46', -87.030299999999997, 342.327, -32.636200000000002, 277.45699999999999, 339.29000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 542516301, 0.049363076151572399, 0.38281543676405499, -0.92250508296052203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0981101', 'LH114-7', 85.8035, -67.854500000000002, '2003-08-29 00:10:23', 12917, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 20, 13.66, 'O2IA', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 09:20:17', '2004-03-10 15:37:35', 1, 0, '2003-08-29 00:10:23', '2003-08-29 06:41:42', -87.922899999999998, 319.56, -31.382200000000001, 277.964, 335.90199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542415716, 0.027584899825960098, 0.37594927511095899, -0.926229569731574); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0830301', 'E0102-SE', 16.0168, -72.033900000000003, '2003-08-29 07:54:23', 9139, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-05 22:25:03', '2004-04-03 13:08:57', 1, 0, '2003-08-29 07:54:23', '2003-08-29 11:57:17', -65.039400000000001, 314.63299999999998, -45.060299999999998, 301.55500000000001, 45.601799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'TERRANCEJ.', 'GAETZ', 'y', 546047572, 0.29648029574837198, 0.085108445099688498, -0.95123918485608605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0250101', 'AADOR', 82.918099999999995, -69.883899999999997, '2003-08-29 13:26:20', 731, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 11.140000000000001, 'O', 0.050000000000000003, 16, 'PC', '2005-05-06 21:54:38', '2004-03-09 20:19:02', 0, 0, '2003-08-29 13:26:20', '2003-08-29 13:53:18', -85.768799999999999, 305.07799999999997, -32.1785, 280.47699999999998, 339.93700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS', 'RAUCH', 'y', 542262129, 0.042401644432744801, 0.34129974927808798, -0.93899764733044599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0050101', 'X0535-668', 83.920000000000002, -66.865099999999998, '2003-08-29 14:32:24', 3946, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 59, 'PC', '2005-05-05 22:25:22', '2004-03-09 19:36:35', 0, 0, '2003-08-29 14:32:24', '2003-08-29 15:41:24', -87.578100000000006, 349.99299999999999, -32.195300000000003, 276.88400000000001, 338.911, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542524992, 0.041614496365478301, 0.39068726876689602, -0.91958234634844405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1530105', 'SK-67D105', 81.526499999999999, -67.182699999999997, '2003-08-29 16:19:21', 3750, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.42, 'O4F', 0.070000000000000007, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:14:57', '2004-03-09 20:48:38', 0, 0, '2003-08-29 16:19:21', '2003-08-29 17:26:02', -86.616799999999998, 345.53399999999999, -33.082999999999998, 277.39499999999998, 341.18400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'GIZIS', 'y', 542517880, 0.057142195197768197, 0.383560806558014, -0.92174610235169796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880111', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-08-29 18:09:30', 5493, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 08:15:14', '2004-03-05 20:21:18', 0, 0, '2003-08-29 18:09:30', '2003-08-29 20:46:25', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 343.012, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1380401', 'NGC2004-B30', 82.698499999999996, -67.289699999999996, '2003-08-29 21:35:21', 11861, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.83, 'B1II', 0.059999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:04:17', '2004-03-05 21:17:39', 0, 0, '2003-08-29 21:35:21', '2003-08-30 02:13:24', -87.0488, 342.36500000000001, -32.619199999999999, 277.44799999999998, 340.32100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 542516310, 0.049066097689102403, 0.38294126755534202, -0.92246870064011999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0050102', 'X0535-668', 83.920000000000002, -66.865099999999998, '2003-08-30 22:53:28', 6444, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 59, 'PC', '2005-05-05 22:35:01', '2004-03-09 19:43:07', 0, 0, '2003-08-30 22:53:28', '2003-08-31 01:28:11', -87.578100000000006, 349.99299999999999, -32.195300000000003, 276.88400000000001, 340.22000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542524992, 0.041614496365478301, 0.39068726876689602, -0.91958234634844405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0560201', 'NGC1316', 50.672899999999998, -37.209200000000003, '2003-08-31 03:47:39', 18569, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2005-05-05 22:24:56', '2004-03-05 18:11:02', 1, 1760, '2003-08-31 03:47:39', '2003-08-31 14:13:35', -53.119300000000003, 32.752400000000002, -56.690800000000003, 240.167, 1.35571, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 565144107, 0.50473676831631697, 0.61607308234703295, -0.604727006108564); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0050103', 'X0535-668', 83.920000000000002, -66.865099999999998, '2003-08-31 15:15:18', 2481, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 59, 'PC', '2005-05-05 22:35:17', '2004-03-09 19:50:25', 0, 0, '2003-08-31 15:15:18', '2003-08-31 17:40:23', -87.578100000000006, 349.99299999999999, -32.195300000000003, 276.88400000000001, 340.87700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542524992, 0.041614496365478301, 0.39068726876689602, -0.91958234634844405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880112', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-08-31 18:24:35', 5372, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 08:15:44', '2004-03-05 20:41:52', 0, 0, '2003-08-31 18:24:35', '2003-08-31 21:01:04', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 344.95999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1530104', 'SK-67D105', 81.526499999999999, -67.182699999999997, '2003-09-01 09:09:03', 7283, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.42, 'O4F', 0.070000000000000007, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:14:50', '2004-03-09 20:44:33', 0, 0, '2003-09-01 09:09:03', '2003-09-01 11:15:38', -86.616799999999998, 345.53399999999999, -33.082999999999998, 277.39499999999998, 343.81400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'GIZIS', 'y', 542517880, 0.057142195197768197, 0.383560806558014, -0.92174610235169796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0981201', 'SK-67D250', 85.814499999999995, -67.852699999999999, '2003-09-01 11:39:43', 2611, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 12.68, 'O9II', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 09:30:41', '2004-03-10 15:51:22', 1, 0, '2003-09-01 11:39:43', '2003-09-01 15:58:01', -87.927300000000002, 319.53300000000002, -31.378299999999999, 277.96199999999999, 339.28699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542415695, 0.027514845992212, 0.37598358467168302, -0.92621772672922698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0050104', 'X0535-668', 83.920000000000002, -66.865099999999998, '2003-09-01 16:20:06', 5647, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 59, 'PC', '2005-05-05 22:35:24', '2004-03-09 19:56:16', 0, 0, '2003-09-01 16:20:06', '2003-09-01 18:37:26', -87.578100000000006, 349.99299999999999, -32.195300000000003, 276.88400000000001, 341.89400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542524992, 0.041614496365478301, 0.39068726876689602, -0.91958234634844405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0270101', 'HE0226-4110', 37.063299999999998, -40.9544, '2003-09-01 19:28:52', 23846, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 24, 15.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2005-05-06 22:27:19', '2004-04-03 14:13:30', 9, 0.495, '2003-09-01 19:28:52', '2003-09-02 14:25:22', -51.483699999999999, 14.591799999999999, -65.774600000000007, 253.94399999999999, 14.1821, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR D.', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 576395052, 0.60265217012290695, 0.45517573378343901, -0.65545817045854204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1530106', 'SK-67D105', 81.526499999999999, -67.182699999999997, '2003-09-02 15:09:24', 3449, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.42, 'O4F', 0.070000000000000007, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:15:04', '2004-03-10 18:57:45', 0, 0, '2003-09-02 15:09:24', '2003-09-02 16:10:50', -86.616799999999998, 345.53399999999999, -33.082999999999998, 277.39499999999998, 345.00799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'GIZIS', 'y', 542517880, 0.057142195197768197, 0.383560806558014, -0.92174610235169796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880113', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-09-02 16:57:43', 5442, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 08:26:06', '2004-03-10 14:46:27', 0, 0, '2003-09-02 16:57:43', '2003-09-02 19:31:10', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 346.84300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0050105', 'X0535-668', 83.920000000000002, -66.865099999999998, '2003-09-02 20:23:52', 7283, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 59, 'PC', '2005-05-05 22:45:13', '2004-03-09 20:04:30', 0, 0, '2003-09-02 20:23:52', '2003-09-02 23:10:43', -87.578100000000006, 349.99299999999999, -32.195300000000003, 276.88400000000001, 343.00599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542524992, 0.041614496365478301, 0.39068726876689602, -0.91958234634844405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1530101', 'SK-67D105', 81.526499999999999, -67.182699999999997, '2003-09-02 23:51:02', 3672, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.42, 'O4F', 0.070000000000000007, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:04:35', '2004-03-09 20:23:48', 0, 0, '2003-09-02 23:51:02', '2003-09-03 00:56:58', -86.616799999999998, 345.53399999999999, -33.082999999999998, 277.39499999999998, 345.36200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'GIZIS', 'y', 542517880, 0.057142195197768197, 0.383560806558014, -0.92174610235169796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0270102', 'HE0226-4110', 37.063299999999998, -40.9544, '2003-09-03 01:34:10', 39888, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 15.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2005-05-06 22:38:31', '2004-04-03 14:40:47', 9, 0.495, '2003-09-03 01:34:10', '2003-09-03 23:43:51', -51.483699999999999, 14.591799999999999, -65.774600000000007, 253.94399999999999, 15.4725, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR D.', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 576395052, 0.60265217012290695, 0.45517573378343901, -0.65545817045854204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0050106', 'X0535-668', 83.920000000000002, -66.865099999999998, '2003-09-04 00:11:02', 4677, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 59, 'PC', '2005-05-06 21:33:28', '2004-04-03 13:24:48', 0, 0, '2003-09-04 00:11:02', '2003-09-04 01:59:32', -87.578100000000006, 349.99299999999999, -32.195300000000003, 276.88400000000001, 344.14499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542524992, 0.041614496365478301, 0.39068726876689602, -0.91958234634844405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8080801', 'IRASF04250-5718', 66.503500000000003, -57.200099999999999, '2003-09-04 02:35:37', 4895, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.1, 'SYFT', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-05-06 00:29:47', '2004-04-28 13:23:27', 0, 0.104, '2003-09-04 02:35:37', '2003-09-04 05:19:09', -75.654200000000003, 29.3474, -41.996200000000002, 266.988, 359.166, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 555921774, 0.215974712666783, 0.49679082030031102, -0.84056754895358898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1530103', 'SK-67D105', 81.526499999999999, -67.182699999999997, '2003-09-04 05:57:49', 7003, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.42, 'O4F', 0.070000000000000007, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:05:01', '2004-03-09 20:34:56', 0, 0, '2003-09-04 05:57:49', '2003-09-04 07:58:29', -86.616799999999998, 345.53399999999999, -33.082999999999998, 277.39499999999998, 346.58999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'GIZIS', 'y', 542517880, 0.057142195197768197, 0.383560806558014, -0.92174610235169796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8081001', 'J055225.0-640206', 88.107299999999995, -64.030900000000003, '2003-09-04 08:43:00', 11385, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-05-06 00:30:05', '2004-03-09 20:59:14', 0, 0.68000000000000005, '2003-09-04 08:43:00', '2003-09-04 13:48:31', -87.349900000000005, 71.772599999999997, -30.609100000000002, 273.46100000000001, 340.637, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 553723902, 0.0144624401694377, 0.43764746063516302, -0.89903033209338301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0050109', 'X0535-668', 83.920000000000002, -66.865099999999998, '2003-09-04 14:15:48', 5361, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 59, 'PC', '2005-05-05 22:45:20', '2004-03-09 20:11:53', 0, 0, '2003-09-04 14:15:48', '2003-09-04 16:24:43', -87.578100000000006, 349.99299999999999, -32.195300000000003, 276.88400000000001, 344.71600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542524992, 0.041614496365478301, 0.39068726876689602, -0.91958234634844405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880114', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-09-04 17:16:21', 5518, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 08:26:27', '2004-03-10 14:57:10', 0, 0, '2003-09-04 17:16:21', '2003-09-04 20:43:41', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 348.79500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9041001', 'SNR0509-687', 77.246200000000002, -68.726200000000006, '2003-09-04 20:55:45', 22483, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-06 00:40:58', '2004-03-10 16:03:12', 1, 0, '2003-09-04 20:55:45', '2003-09-05 04:40:21', -84.700199999999995, 330.13, -34.367699999999999, 279.58199999999999, 351.59500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542643431, 0.080098050407298296, 0.35387341438523101, -0.93185723633627904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9043201', 'SNR0528-672', 82.107500000000002, -67.245099999999994, '2003-09-05 09:33:07', 9057, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-07 04:03:25', '2004-03-10 16:56:40', 1, 0, '2003-09-05 09:33:07', '2003-09-05 19:51:00', -86.831400000000002, 343.92000000000002, -32.851500000000001, 277.43099999999998, 347.18400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542516175, 0.053112001693634101, 0.38312594044126103, -0.92216789633834795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9043101', 'SNR0536-692', 84.0321, -69.197900000000004, '2003-09-06 09:45:42', 12379, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-09 14:48:58', '2004-03-10 16:38:22', 1, 0, '2003-09-06 09:45:42', '2003-09-06 16:40:18', -86.537999999999997, 307.69600000000003, -31.887899999999998, 279.61200000000002, 346.47899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542224148, 0.036924482561728499, 0.35321646692852099, -0.93481266041816202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880115', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-09-06 17:49:35', 4590, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 08:37:00', '2004-03-10 15:08:48', 0, 0, '2003-09-06 17:49:35', '2003-09-06 21:50:43', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 350.76100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1530102', 'SK-67D105', 81.526499999999999, -67.182699999999997, '2003-09-06 22:50:00', 3233, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.42, 'O4F', 0.070000000000000007, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-30 02:04:43', '2004-03-09 20:27:56', 0, 0, '2003-09-06 22:50:00', '2003-09-06 23:45:42', -86.616799999999998, 345.53399999999999, -33.082999999999998, 277.39499999999998, 329.21300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'GIZIS', 'y', 542517880, 0.057142195197768197, 0.383560806558014, -0.92174610235169796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9051201', 'TW-PIC', 83.711699999999993, -58.028300000000002, '2003-09-07 00:27:38', 20493, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.1, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-05-06 23:07:52', '2004-03-10 19:10:05', 0, 0, '2003-09-07 00:27:38', '2003-09-07 09:43:20', -80.991600000000005, 68.259600000000006, -32.778100000000002, 266.42599999999999, 347.00200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 554860824, 0.057996879294353099, 0.52631450285075898, -0.84830973475557603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9043301', 'SNR0532-675', 83.096699999999998, -67.533299999999997, '2003-09-07 10:31:43', 15038, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-07 03:53:25', '2004-08-23 23:09:06', 1, 0, '2003-09-07 10:31:43', '2003-09-07 21:13:38', -87.139300000000006, 336.97699999999998, -32.436999999999998, 277.71199999999999, 348.24700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542509537, 0.045931712707410297, 0.37937601327292297, -0.92410179002148196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0050110', 'X0535-668', 83.920000000000002, -66.865099999999998, '2003-09-07 22:09:51', 6662, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 59, 'PC', '2005-05-05 22:45:28', '2004-03-10 18:54:10', 0, 0, '2003-09-07 22:09:51', '2003-09-08 00:51:40', -87.578100000000006, 349.99299999999999, -32.195300000000003, 276.88400000000001, 347.94799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542524992, 0.041614496365478301, 0.39068726876689602, -0.91958234634844405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9042701', 'SNR0538-693', 84.558300000000003, -69.360200000000006, '2003-09-08 01:33:14', 14681, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-09 14:46:28', '2004-03-12 13:53:15', 1, 0, '2003-09-08 01:33:14', '2003-09-08 09:12:03', -86.537400000000005, 303.60500000000002, -31.683299999999999, 279.77499999999998, 347.60399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542222211, 0.033427804679068598, 0.350903181906697, -0.93581490627265296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9040601', 'SNR0454-665', 73.702100000000002, -66.427899999999994, '2003-09-08 09:39:18', 15300, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-06 00:30:38', '2004-03-12 13:36:45', 1, 0, '2003-09-08 09:39:18', '2003-09-08 20:28:21', -83.516800000000003, 353.68000000000001, -36.251899999999999, 277.27199999999999, 357.738, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542747000, 0.11222532484898901, 0.38383290380181301, -0.91655756961666501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0880116', 'BREY22', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2003-09-08 21:31:18', 5155, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 08:37:20', '2004-03-12 13:14:24', 0, 0, '2003-09-08 21:31:18', '2003-09-09 00:53:18', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 352.85599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0230201', 'WD0320-539', 50.561599999999999, -53.7545, '2003-09-09 08:50:24', 9062, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.94, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-06 21:44:09', '2004-03-20 16:16:52', 1, 0, '2003-09-09 08:50:24', '2003-09-09 16:09:54', -67.157600000000002, 14.6435, -51.6355, 267.30200000000002, 16.306000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHANE', 'VENNES', 'y', 551144879, 0.37558818968346303, 0.45662425375709398, -0.80649104313133901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q2010101', 'HD24263', 58.000399999999999, 6.5347200000000001, '2003-09-09 17:32:53', 955, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 2, 5.6900000000000004, 'B5V', 0.23000000000000001, 21, 'PC', '2005-05-06 00:41:05', '2004-03-15 13:49:00', 0, 0, '2003-09-09 17:32:53', '2003-09-09 17:48:56', -13.340199999999999, 57.243499999999997, -34.875799999999998, 182.072, 349.54399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'CECILE', 'GRY', 'y', 381490127, 0.52647053624557905, 0.84254206638719698, 0.113805275946617); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9040501', 'LB_3241', 33.299599999999998, -49.7483, '2003-09-10 16:16:08', 3247, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 12.720000000000001, 'SDOB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-05-07 01:59:05', '2004-07-06 09:07:09', 0, 0, '2003-09-10 16:16:08', '2003-09-10 17:11:03', -57.282299999999999, 2.3201000000000001, -62.482199999999999, 273.69799999999998, 32.1295, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 574750701, 0.54005658223665098, 0.35474547055699102, -0.76321329856218201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8080501', 'RXSJ023434.1-520359', 38.642099999999999, -52.066400000000002, '2003-09-10 18:06:20', 6134, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.800000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-04-08 00:39:00', '2004-03-20 16:31:58', 0, 0.13700000000000001, '2003-09-10 18:06:20', '2003-09-10 20:40:58', -61.203899999999997, 4.5801699999999999, -58.462499999999999, 272.19, 28.378, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 552392072, 0.48015608017248801, 0.38388154736984398, -0.78872371351590898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8080301', 'HE0153-4520', 28.805, -45.103299999999997, '2003-09-10 21:37:35', 5413, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-05-06 00:19:22', '2004-04-03 18:08:14', 0, 0.45100000000000001, '2003-09-10 21:37:35', '2003-09-10 23:52:29', -51.739800000000002, 2.7997200000000002, -67.974900000000005, 271.798, 34.192, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 576807832, 0.61849454439492102, 0.34009054286085699, -0.70838049183353902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3020802', 'LB1566', 10.055400000000001, -55.031199999999998, '2003-09-11 00:29:30', 20616, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 20, 13.130000000000001, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-05-10 20:18:42', '2004-03-15 13:46:35', 1, 0, '2003-09-11 00:29:30', '2003-09-11 08:50:14', -52.339799999999997, 337.46499999999997, -62.022100000000002, 306.36000000000001, 61.106000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 572845198, 0.56432665727027598, 0.100068731223545, -0.81946425969987602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8060301', 'RXJ010027-511346', 15.1128, -51.231900000000003, '2003-09-11 09:07:14', 6321, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.4, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-05-06 22:47:12', '2004-03-20 16:29:05', 0, 0.062, '2003-09-11 09:07:14', '2003-09-11 12:55:41', -51.286799999999999, 345.14299999999997, -65.835700000000003, 299.48599999999999, 53.571599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 573741436, 0.60451335741901602, 0.16325511234418699, -0.77968671208086904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8060401', 'RXJ032315-493113', 50.813600000000001, -49.518500000000003, '2003-09-11 14:10:05', 8934, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.5, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-05-10 22:56:29', '2004-04-03 18:03:41', 0, 0.070999999999999994, '2003-09-11 14:10:05', '2003-09-11 21:38:11', -63.897799999999997, 21.201000000000001, -53.360999999999997, 260.93900000000002, 17.2835, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 551530922, 0.41019556830784498, 0.50319327191599905, -0.76061562358334101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1050304', 'MS2318.2-4220', 350.255, -42.058300000000003, '2003-09-12 16:59:23', 9554, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 17, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2005-05-10 04:49:48', '2004-04-03 13:20:40', 1, 0.21199999999999999, '2003-09-12 16:59:23', '2003-09-12 23:49:54', -34.375799999999998, 332.44799999999998, -66.273499999999999, 348.108, 87.140199999999993, 'F', 'F', 'MASSIMILIANO', 'BONAMENTE', 'y', 760888862, 0.73175045205476597, -0.12567198251997999, -0.66988642972308599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9050601', 'RZ-GRU', 341.80099999999999, -42.744199999999999, '2003-09-13 00:29:49', 5781, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.300000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-05-10 20:18:52', '2004-03-20 14:56:01', 0, 0, '2003-09-13 00:29:49', '2003-09-13 03:05:13', -32.105600000000003, 325.44799999999998, -60.3872, 352.99799999999999, 101.01600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 761865096, 0.69765513720206696, -0.229363845529098, -0.67872640725086597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0541202', 'MCT0013-3645', 4.09375, -36.4741, '2003-09-13 04:16:18', 2143, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 15.27, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-05-10 04:49:41', '2004-04-03 12:45:43', 0, 0, '2003-09-13 04:16:18', '2003-09-13 04:54:29', -34.627600000000001, 347.09300000000002, -78.060199999999995, 339.25799999999998, 63.6218, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', 'y', 268772648, 0.80207399694777703, 0.0574054374203984, -0.59445935031319896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8082401', 'RXJ2154.1-4414', 328.71199999999999, -44.234999999999999, '2003-09-13 05:34:51', 5689, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.800000000000001, 'SYFT', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-05-10 15:22:08', '2004-04-03 18:11:51', 0, 0.34399999999999997, '2003-09-13 05:34:51', '2003-09-13 07:59:57', -29.473800000000001, 314.69299999999998, -50.863999999999997, 355.18099999999998, 119.61499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 764270214, 0.61228453882165201, -0.37209921465045198, -0.69760290852065199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8060101', 'ESO242-G8', 6.2551300000000003, -45.498600000000003, '2003-09-13 09:04:26', 14087, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.100000000000001, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-05-11 14:18:38', '2004-03-20 16:24:16', 0, 0.056000000000000001, '2003-09-13 09:04:26', '2003-09-13 16:38:51', -43.2164, 342.95299999999997, -70.891099999999994, 317.19, 65.575599999999994, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 579765160, 0.69675378586571701, 0.076370082896237396, -0.71323332249707205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2180601', 'HD029139', 68.980099999999993, 16.5093, '2003-09-14 14:07:19', 6886, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 0.84999999999999998, 'K5II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2006-04-08 01:32:03', '2004-04-28 22:02:41', 1, 54, '2003-09-14 14:07:19', '2003-09-14 22:40:48', -5.4675599999999998, 69.789100000000005, -20.248699999999999, 180.97300000000001, 350.25299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 385692105, 0.34390460022320801, 0.89497289590287699, 0.284170972382005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2180602', 'HD029139', 68.980099999999993, 16.5093, '2003-09-15 02:51:42', 12506, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 0.84999999999999998, 'K5II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-05-10 15:35:22', '2004-04-28 22:20:55', 1, 54, '2003-09-15 02:51:42', '2003-09-15 15:11:14', -5.4675599999999998, 69.789100000000005, -20.248699999999999, 180.97300000000001, 350.303, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 385692105, 0.34390460022320801, 0.89497289590287699, 0.284170972382005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2180603', 'HD029139', 68.980099999999993, 16.5093, '2003-09-15 16:23:19', 10412, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 0.84999999999999998, 'K5II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-05-10 15:35:31', '2004-04-28 22:29:10', 1, 54, '2003-09-15 16:23:19', '2003-09-15 23:37:50', -5.4675599999999998, 69.789100000000005, -20.248699999999999, 180.97300000000001, 350.35399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 385692105, 0.34390460022320801, 0.89497289590287699, 0.284170972382005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050101', 'WD2211-495-BKGD', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-16 01:34:42', 9239, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-03-03 20:22:12', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2003-09-16 01:34:42', '2003-09-16 05:47:28', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 113.928, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9131801', 'CM-PHE', 5.3883299999999998, -51.709499999999998, '2003-09-16 15:32:12', 5504, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.300000000000001, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2005-05-10 15:22:16', '2004-03-25 12:56:01', 0, 0, '2003-09-16 15:32:12', '2003-09-16 17:55:41', -48.009700000000002, 337.24000000000001, -64.781300000000002, 313.834, 71.798000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 578898126, 0.616910743281744, 0.058188461931762303, -0.78487912300021201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030208', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-17 07:44:01', 5730, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-07 00:43:29', '2004-03-24 18:56:11', 0, 0, '2003-09-17 07:44:01', '2003-09-17 11:40:57', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 115.724, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5250101', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-17 13:28:45', 0, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 17, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-06 23:17:04', '2004-03-24 19:19:03', 0, 0, '2003-09-17 13:28:45', '2003-09-17 13:38:53', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 115.399, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5250102', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-17 21:18:47', 0, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 10, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-06 23:27:03', '2004-05-26 14:09:29', 0, 0, '2003-09-17 21:18:47', '2003-09-17 21:21:32', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 115.711, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5250103', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-18 02:29:59', 0, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-06 23:27:24', '2004-03-24 19:23:28', 0, 0, '2003-09-18 02:29:59', '2003-09-18 02:42:22', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 115.908, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030108', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-18 04:19:42', 3181, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 7, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-06 23:18:28', '2004-03-24 18:43:53', 0, 0, '2003-09-18 04:19:42', '2003-09-18 07:39:18', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 115.979, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230101', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-18 11:56:01', 1294, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-10 15:34:06', '2004-03-25 12:57:11', 1, 0, '2003-09-18 11:56:01', '2003-09-18 12:17:50', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 116.306, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230201', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-18 12:43:20', 464, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-10 15:35:38', '2004-05-26 15:57:14', 1, 0, '2003-09-18 12:43:20', '2003-09-18 12:55:10', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 116.34399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230202', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-18 13:35:15', 7138, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-10 15:35:56', '2004-03-25 13:00:41', 1, 0, '2003-09-18 13:35:15', '2003-09-18 17:55:28', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 116.36799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230301', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-18 18:45:41', 1055, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-10 15:36:02', '2004-03-25 13:01:45', 1, 0, '2003-09-18 18:45:41', '2003-09-18 19:04:46', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 116.563, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230302', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-18 20:40:28', 3282, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-10 15:36:31', '2004-05-26 16:02:13', 1, 0, '2003-09-18 20:40:28', '2003-09-18 23:00:43', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 116.608, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230401', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-18 23:33:42', 1232, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-10 15:36:37', '2004-03-25 13:02:49', 1, 0, '2003-09-18 23:33:42', '2003-09-18 23:57:59', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 116.75700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230402', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-19 00:16:04', 3833, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-10 15:36:47', '2004-05-26 16:08:16', 1, 0, '2003-09-19 00:16:04', '2003-09-19 03:56:23', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 116.798, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230102', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-09-19 04:54:19', 209, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-10 15:34:22', '2004-05-26 15:55:38', 1, 0, '2003-09-19 04:54:19', '2003-09-19 04:58:01', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 116.95, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0830101', 'E0102-N', 16.007200000000001, -72.027500000000003, '2003-09-19 10:56:38', 13441, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-10 01:20:35', '2004-04-01 12:52:55', 1, 0, '2003-09-19 10:56:38', '2003-09-19 19:20:31', -65.034000000000006, 314.64400000000001, -45.066899999999997, 301.55900000000003, 65, 'F', 'F', 'TERRANCEJ.', 'GAETZ', 'y', 546047571, 0.29659668443252502, 0.085088068151069493, -0.95120472425338198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0890201', 'HB7', 283.911, -32.265300000000003, '2003-09-19 21:27:06', 2471, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14, 'CSPN', 0.20000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-27 21:58:56', '2004-03-25 12:52:19', 0, 0, '2003-09-19 21:27:06', '2003-09-19 23:29:58', -9.3982299999999999, 281.89100000000002, -14.9057, 3.9645899999999998, 169.36500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET L.', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 786960038, 0.20329088386078301, -0.82078457103888902, -0.53384033613395099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9011101', 'RS-TEL', 274.71300000000002, -46.548200000000001, '2003-09-20 06:50:01', 4088, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.8000000000000007, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2006-03-03 15:47:44', '2004-03-25 12:53:58', 0, 0, '2003-09-20 06:50:01', '2003-09-20 07:47:25', -23.1663, 273.524, -14.139699999999999, 347.52699999999999, 172.84899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 780888763, 0.056508244872932503, -0.68541869085765705, -0.72595319166207695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1051301', 'HD177566', 286.78199999999998, -41.7194, '2003-09-21 01:23:11', 2576, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 10.199999999999999, 'PAGB', 0.070000000000000007, 18, 'PC', '2005-05-09 14:36:21', '2004-09-12 17:18:58', 0, 0, '2003-09-21 01:23:11', '2003-09-21 03:46:25', -19.044699999999999, 283.17899999999997, -20.4194, 355.55000000000001, 165.33099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 781800959, 0.215512565846359, -0.71462335962623302, -0.66548312363187201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9051501', 'V3885-SGR', 296.91899999999998, -42.007199999999997, '2003-09-21 04:43:22', 8245, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.5999999999999996, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-05-11 14:49:32', '2004-03-24 18:19:27', 0, 0, '2003-09-21 04:43:22', '2003-09-21 08:55:12', -20.514900000000001, 291.05000000000001, -27.762, 357.47800000000001, 157.517, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 778658497, 0.336406195067249, -0.66254820699905104, -0.66922398740833999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9111301', 'NGC7733', 355.63799999999998, -65.956699999999998, '2003-09-21 10:13:06', 9128, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-05-10 02:54:43', '2004-03-24 18:27:21', 0, 0.034000000000000002, '2003-09-21 10:13:06', '2003-09-21 15:59:21', -55.644399999999997, 316.04399999999998, -49.7087, 313.68400000000003, 89.380300000000005, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 743825611, 0.406246771615494, -0.030987970981191899, -0.91323781470461296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9122401', 'AV506', 20.546500000000002, -73.447699999999998, '2003-09-21 17:01:56', 12700, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.640000000000001, 'B1V', 0, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-19 05:21:31', '2003-09-24 16:02:09', 0, 0, '2003-09-21 17:01:56', '2003-09-22 00:27:01', -66.814300000000003, 312.654, -43.5, 299.92200000000003, 65.528599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 545573671, 0.26676789608748902, 0.099987272162298996, -0.95856008420056604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9051502', 'V3885-SGR', 296.91899999999998, -42.007199999999997, '2003-09-22 02:28:55', 6700, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.5999999999999996, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-05-10 15:34:40', '2004-03-29 15:17:28', 0, 0, '2003-09-22 02:28:55', '2003-09-22 06:26:23', -20.514900000000001, 291.05000000000001, -27.762, 357.47800000000001, 157.86600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 778658497, 0.336406195067249, -0.66254820699905104, -0.66922398740833999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050201', 'WD0501+527-BKGD', 76.377600000000001, 52.831699999999998, '2003-09-22 09:47:38', 13820, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-05-10 04:28:53', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 64, '2003-09-22 09:47:38', '2003-09-22 18:39:06', 29.837700000000002, 80.558599999999998, 7.0990599999999997, 155.95400000000001, 347.10599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 30975413, 0.142292629945974, 0.58716274680286695, 0.79686430226856697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1650101', 'NGC188-II91', 11.9678, 85.319000000000003, '2003-09-23 05:12:44', 43425, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 16.309999999999999, 'SDOB', 0.089999999999999997, 28, 'PC', '2005-05-10 01:31:52', '2004-04-03 17:02:40', 0, 0, '2003-09-23 05:12:44', '2003-09-24 06:05:56', 65.187899999999999, 79.033000000000001, 22.447500000000002, 122.855, 279.762, 'F', 'F', 'WAYNE', 'LANDSMAN', 'y', 66815817, 0.0798341988383343, 0.016922394821276499, 0.996664503857418); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1650201', 'NGC188-D702', 12.0831, 85.224500000000006, '2003-09-24 07:39:36', 39438, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 14.18, 'SDOB', 0.089999999999999997, 28, 'PC', '2005-05-10 02:02:38', '2004-04-03 17:44:55', 0, 0, '2003-09-24 07:39:36', '2003-09-25 04:12:12', 65.143500000000003, 78.833100000000002, 22.352900000000002, 122.864, 278.84699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WAYNE', 'LANDSMAN', 'y', 66815215, 0.081407289582385495, 0.017427096751245701, 0.99652854926573597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021002', 'HD041161', 91.468800000000002, 48.249400000000001, '2003-09-25 05:46:00', 6520, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 14, 6.7599999999999998, 'O8.5', 0.23000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2005-05-10 03:57:16', '2004-05-03 13:19:12', 1, 5, '2003-09-25 05:46:00', '2003-09-25 14:44:56', 24.8154, 91.077500000000001, 12.8934, 164.97399999999999, 357.86700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 112902297, -0.017068470878584801, 0.66567068817131303, 0.74605040192429195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0730101', 'HD34078', 79.075599999999994, 34.3123, '2003-09-25 17:26:48', 2579, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 5.9900000000000002, 'O9.5', 0.52000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2005-05-10 01:20:11', '2004-04-01 12:36:42', 0, 0, '2003-09-25 17:26:48', '2003-09-25 19:34:39', 11.2204, 80.817300000000003, -2.2595900000000002, 172.083, 350.858, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'BOISSE', 'y', 21195923, 0.15653393424391401, 0.811009018395349, 0.56370337901376399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1650102', 'NGC188-II91', 11.9678, 85.319000000000003, '2003-09-25 21:56:04', 8441, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.309999999999999, 'SDOB', 0.089999999999999997, 28, 'PC', '2005-05-10 01:41:34', '2004-04-03 17:15:12', 0, 0, '2003-09-25 21:56:04', '2003-09-26 03:05:47', 65.187899999999999, 79.033000000000001, 22.447500000000002, 122.855, 277.34300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WAYNE', 'LANDSMAN', 'y', 66815817, 0.0798341988383343, 0.016922394821276499, 0.996664503857418); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1650202', 'NGC188-D702', 12.0831, 85.224500000000006, '2003-09-26 04:34:37', 9875, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.18, 'SDOB', 0.089999999999999997, 28, 'PC', '2005-05-10 01:53:17', '2004-04-03 17:54:30', 0, 0, '2003-09-26 04:34:37', '2003-09-26 10:20:54', 65.143500000000003, 78.833100000000002, 22.352900000000002, 122.864, 277.17099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WAYNE', 'LANDSMAN', 'y', 66815215, 0.081407289582385495, 0.017427096751245701, 0.99652854926573597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0630301', 'AWM7', 43.615000000000002, 41.5792, '2003-09-26 11:37:34', 21027, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14, 'CLU', 0.029999999999999999, 81, 'EE', '2005-05-10 01:09:59', '2004-04-03 13:01:00', 1, 0.017239000000000001, '2003-09-26 11:37:34', '2003-09-26 22:18:53', 23.805499999999999, 53.705500000000001, -15.6347, 146.33799999999999, 320.89999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 39140575, 0.541573771365783, 0.516004160302304, 0.66365469690145096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070419', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2003-09-27 00:48:46', 3576, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-05-10 03:05:34', '2004-04-28 20:42:47', 0, 0, '2003-09-27 00:48:46', '2003-09-27 03:15:29', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 341.80000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9010201', 'XX-CAM', 62.1614, 53.360900000000001, '2003-09-27 04:57:30', 12089, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 7.5, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2005-05-10 02:02:57', '2004-04-08 15:01:45', 0, 0, '2003-09-27 04:57:30', '2003-09-27 13:14:17', 31.754799999999999, 70.868200000000002, 1.1203000000000001, 149.84, 332.41199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 32030346, 0.27868234418424997, 0.52770605882170196, 0.80241041027820503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070420', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2003-09-27 15:55:04', 4533, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-05-12 03:10:35', '2004-04-28 21:15:04', 1, 0, '2003-09-27 15:55:04', '2003-09-27 19:39:24', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 341.52600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070421', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2003-09-27 20:51:36', 9164, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 18, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-05-12 03:51:18', '2004-04-28 21:50:20', 1, 0, '2003-09-27 20:51:36', '2003-09-28 06:09:45', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 341.41000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1080101', 'HD12230', 31.280899999999999, 77.281499999999994, '2003-09-28 08:08:18', 82977, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 36, 5.2800000000000002, 'F0V', 0, 40, 'PE', '2005-05-12 07:38:30', '2004-05-10 16:27:39', 0, 0, '2003-09-28 08:08:18', '2003-09-30 10:58:06', 58.156999999999996, 69.106499999999997, 15.004200000000001, 127.06399999999999, 300.20100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 65321883, 0.188156781995999, 0.114315223118828, 0.97546350785265301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1740105', 'BF-CYG', 290.97300000000001, 29.674800000000001, '2003-09-30 13:15:15', 17311, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12, 'WD+M', 0.40000000000000002, 66, 'PC', '2005-05-12 08:09:54', '2004-05-26 14:35:08', 0, 0, '2003-09-30 13:15:15', '2003-09-30 23:43:52', 50.981000000000002, 299.601, 6.6967299999999996, 62.929299999999998, 182.422, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 237320629, 0.31098548243188601, -0.81128738014827895, 0.49507657642908998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0800101', 'V405-AUR', 89.497, 53.895800000000001, '2003-10-01 02:06:07', 22774, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 14.6, '', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-05-17 14:44:26', '2004-06-03 21:40:39', 1, 0, '2003-10-01 02:06:07', '2003-10-01 14:23:03', 30.456900000000001, 89.656199999999998, 14.312099999999999, 159.209, 353.28300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'STEVE B.', 'HOWELL', 'y', 25162704, 0.00517301194434146, 0.58923287742458397, 0.80794669137844); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0470101', 'HD20902', 51.0807, 49.861199999999997, '2003-10-01 14:53:52', 32204, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 1.8, 'F5IB', 0, 41, 'PE', '2005-05-12 01:37:10', '2004-06-04 13:50:21', 0, 0, '2003-10-01 14:53:52', '2003-10-02 08:20:26', 30.125299999999999, 62.081000000000003, -5.8627700000000003, 146.56999999999999, 320.72199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 51420123, 0.40498000309637999, 0.50155142459933899, 0.76448503293029202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1360101', 'XY-PER', 57.401400000000002, 38.982100000000003, '2003-10-02 09:07:39', 9381, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.4399999999999995, 'A2', 0.32000000000000001, 30, 'PE', '2005-05-17 15:15:51', '2004-08-23 22:30:22', 0, 0, '2003-10-02 09:07:39', '2003-10-02 14:58:06', 18.461400000000001, 63.799399999999999, -11.9025, 156.798, 331.96100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN-CLAUDE', 'BOURET', 'y', 26069166, 0.418793444461241, 0.65488431261913005, 0.62907756911342705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9020401', 'BD+56D493', 34.5764, 56.8506, '2003-10-02 16:03:32', 10646, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.6999999999999993, 'B1VP', 0.44, 26, 'PC', '2005-05-17 15:41:24', '2004-06-16 14:33:56', 0, 0, '2003-10-02 16:03:32', '2003-10-02 19:52:29', 40.144500000000001, 53.914400000000001, -4.0345800000000001, 134.636, 299.21100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53358020, 0.45023860906004198, 0.31032518078867299, 0.83724756021152802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1680201', 'WD0435+410', 69.664100000000005, 41.159500000000001, '2003-10-02 21:32:29', 34245, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 14.859999999999999, 'DB', 0, 29, 'PC', '2005-05-17 17:26:18', '2004-06-04 16:53:23', 0, 0, '2003-10-02 21:32:29', '2003-10-03 21:02:00', 18.846399999999999, 73.950599999999994, -3.8273000000000001, 162.089, 340.41800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', 'y', 23740713, 0.261643408123171, 0.70595432201913899, 0.65815744484750005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1380205', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2003-10-04 00:36:46', 3999, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 5.1500000000000004, 'G5IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-05-12 01:15:16', '2004-06-03 20:10:38', 0, 0, '2003-10-04 00:36:46', '2003-10-04 04:23:59', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 183.685, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', 'y', 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0710101', 'HR-CAM', 109.29000000000001, 74.011099999999999, '2003-10-04 06:46:29', 21576, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.970000000000001, 'DA+D', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-17 18:28:36', '2004-06-03 21:06:32', 0, 0, '2003-10-04 06:46:29', '2003-10-04 17:31:47', 51.129899999999999, 98.337400000000002, 27.761800000000001, 140.952, 7.8418900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BORIS', 'GAENSICKE', 'y', 129473750, -0.090995186056721605, 0.25998691849570998, 0.96131507755033596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9021401', 'HD14520', 35.6813, 57.086599999999997, '2003-10-04 18:32:31', 28090, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 9.2300000000000004, 'B1.5', 0.56999999999999995, 23, 'PC', '2005-05-12 08:41:48', '2004-04-29 16:27:30', 0, 0, '2003-10-04 18:32:31', '2003-10-05 05:23:11', 40.101799999999997, 54.758499999999998, -3.60893, 135.125, 298.48700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53365570, 0.44136593977584598, 0.31693522049168599, 0.83949280712682195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9021101', 'HD14143', 34.807899999999997, 57.169400000000003, '2003-10-05 06:10:53', 18425, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 6.7000000000000002, 'B3I', 0.63, 24, 'PC', '2005-05-12 08:20:46', '2004-06-16 14:40:38', 0, 0, '2003-10-05 06:10:53', '2003-10-05 12:46:22', 40.378500000000003, 54.242699999999999, -3.69204, 134.65000000000001, 296.98899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53361897, 0.44514917009852201, 0.30947776768776802, 0.840277173120627); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050402', 'HD003827-BKGD', 10.300800000000001, 39.603900000000003, '2003-10-07 18:30:48', 11318, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 15, 99, 'B0.7', 0.02, 20, 'EE', '2005-05-12 09:24:45', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, -22, '2003-10-07 18:30:48', '2003-10-08 08:28:57', 32.010100000000001, 26.622699999999998, -23.2255, 120.788, 262.81900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 42917148, 0.75805183687275202, 0.13777230079557101, 0.63747643544474797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1310101', 'QSO0045+3926', 12.0787, 39.686700000000002, '2003-10-08 20:05:59', 37276, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 30, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-05-12 07:49:23', '2005-06-10 00:00:00', 0, 0.13500000000000001, '2003-10-08 20:05:59', '2003-10-10 04:07:49', 31.4556, 28.0976, -23.1814, 122.28, 264.25299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'WANNIER', NULL, 42942847, 0.75251086558735303, 0.16103176752708001, 0.638589200519455); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1310102', 'QSO0045+3926', 12.0787, 39.686700000000002, '2003-10-10 04:56:00', 32634, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-05-17 15:05:31', '2005-06-10 00:00:00', 0, 0.13500000000000001, '2003-10-10 04:56:00', '2003-10-11 04:26:23', 31.4556, 28.0976, -23.1814, 122.28, 246.916, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'WANNIER', NULL, 42942847, 0.75251086558735303, 0.16103176752708001, 0.638589200519455); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9051101', 'KT-PER', 24.285799999999998, 50.955800000000004, '2003-10-11 05:49:03', 28552, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 15.4, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-04-08 01:31:33', '2004-08-26 20:45:04', 0, 0, '2003-10-11 05:49:03', '2003-10-11 20:15:07', 37.554400000000001, 43.592700000000001, -11.266299999999999, 130.244, 279.101, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 47249917, 0.57417512527075698, 0.25907871652283998, 0.77666025015136997); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1310103', 'QSO0045+3926', 12.0787, 39.686700000000002, '2003-10-11 21:25:19', 6662, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-05-17 15:15:45', '2005-06-10 00:00:00', 0, 0.13500000000000001, '2003-10-11 21:25:19', '2003-10-12 04:24:35', 31.4556, 28.0976, -23.1814, 122.28, 249.01900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'WANNIER', NULL, 42942847, 0.75251086558735303, 0.16103176752708001, 0.638589200519455); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9021102', 'HD14143', 34.807899999999997, 57.169400000000003, '2003-10-12 05:14:09', 33495, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 6.7000000000000002, 'B3I', 0.63, 24, 'PC', '2005-05-12 08:31:34', '2004-06-16 14:54:52', 0, 0, '2003-10-12 05:14:09', '2003-10-12 21:18:35', 40.378500000000003, 54.242699999999999, -3.69204, 134.65000000000001, 290.178, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53361897, 0.44514917009852201, 0.30947776768776802, 0.840277173120627); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051805', 'WD2111+498-BKGD', 318.18400000000003, 50.104999999999997, '2003-10-12 23:16:08', 9112, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-05-12 03:51:25', '2003-10-31 17:03:54', 2, 94, '2003-10-12 23:16:08', '2003-10-13 06:29:04', 60.928800000000003, 349.666, 1.13381, 91.372600000000006, 196.958, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 252168620, 0.47801599572181203, -0.42763588688754001, 0.76722112593436298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1270501', 'NGC7023-01', 315.404, 68.173900000000003, '2003-10-13 16:43:51', 7102, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EE', '2005-05-12 07:28:08', '2004-04-29 15:52:18', 0, 0, '2003-10-13 16:43:51', '2003-10-13 19:09:36', 72.852199999999996, 26.1129, 14.1991, 104.072, 199.85900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 264291353, 0.26474292274862798, -0.26103552899839799, 0.92831656101517501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1270601', 'NGC7023-02', 315.387, 68.170000000000002, '2003-10-13 20:00:32', 7827, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EE', '2005-05-12 07:38:46', '2004-04-29 16:07:39', 0, 0, '2003-10-13 20:00:32', '2003-10-14 02:08:44', 72.857100000000003, 26.0944, 14.2014, 104.06399999999999, 199.732, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 264291354, 0.26471044147543299, -0.26115844591682302, 0.92829125187098005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1270701', 'NGC7023-03', 315.404, 68.150800000000004, '2003-10-14 02:52:51', 10582, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EE', '2005-05-12 07:38:53', '2004-04-30 19:17:14', 0, 0, '2003-10-14 02:52:51', '2003-10-14 09:11:36', 72.845799999999997, 26.037800000000001, 14.1845, 104.053, 199.43100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 264291333, 0.26500940982195198, -0.26129828425332302, 0.92816659030159598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0710301', 'RXJ2130.3+4709', 322.577, 47.168599999999998, '2003-10-14 10:13:36', 6403, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16, 'DA+D', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-12 02:29:10', '2004-06-03 21:11:15', 0, 0, '2003-10-14 10:13:36', '2003-10-14 12:42:05', 56.843400000000003, 350.81200000000001, -2.99411, 91.355800000000002, 197.80799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BORIS', 'GAENSICKE', 'y', 230302058, 0.53991166528703005, -0.41313716941345002, 0.73335739781911802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0710401', 'KPD2154+4048', 329.07600000000002, 41.045999999999999, '2003-10-14 13:29:55', 6536, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.199999999999999, 'DA+D', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-12 02:29:18', '2004-04-29 15:34:25', 0, 0, '2003-10-14 13:29:55', '2003-10-14 16:03:12', 49.169400000000003, 351.69999999999999, -10.6707, 90.858500000000006, 200.00299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BORIS', 'GAENSICKE', 'y', 228126736, 0.64697534771621001, -0.38757492488752798, 0.65666473717256701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0640602', 'HD204827', 322.24099999999999, 58.739800000000002, '2003-10-14 17:18:28', 11594, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8, 'B0V', 1.1100000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2005-05-12 02:19:31', '2004-04-29 15:26:59', 1, 0, '2003-10-14 17:18:28', '2003-10-14 21:53:53', 65.599500000000006, 6.7407199999999996, 5.5524100000000001, 99.168199999999999, 202.423, 'F', 'F', 'PAULE', 'SONNENTRUCKER', 'y', 253726375, 0.41025902995344099, -0.31775957137753402, 0.85481950325178402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0470501', 'HD8890', 37.958100000000002, 89.264099999999999, '2003-10-14 22:52:54', 25704, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 2, 'F7IB', 0, 41, 'PE', '2005-05-12 02:19:14', '2004-04-29 15:15:36', 0, 0, '2003-10-14 22:52:54', '2003-10-15 12:50:55', 66.101200000000006, 88.567599999999999, 26.461099999999998, 123.282, 322.02800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 67102098, 0.010126615504423399, 0.0078998600394767499, 0.99991751853329502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9070101', 'WD0134+833', 25.376300000000001, 83.582700000000003, '2003-10-15 13:44:28', 11918, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.08, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-12 09:03:00', '2004-04-29 16:37:51', 0, 0, '2003-10-15 13:44:28', '2003-10-15 19:24:57', 63.211799999999997, 77.052099999999996, 20.855599999999999, 124.419, 272.86200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 66646345, 0.100984693014323, 0.047899877985556699, 0.99373421671278495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0390305', 'NGC7027', 316.75700000000001, 42.236199999999997, '2003-10-15 21:40:53', 8406, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 15, 'PN', 0.69999999999999996, 71, 'PE', '2005-05-12 03:52:07', '2004-08-17 16:43:04', 0, 0, '2003-10-15 21:40:53', '2003-10-16 06:00:01', 54.933599999999998, 339.84100000000001, -3.4961600000000002, 84.931200000000004, 189.25399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SUN', 'KWOK', 'y', 229298184, 0.53933330838001003, -0.50722992789137999, 0.672188502373537); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3030101', 'HD191423', 302.02999999999997, 42.606099999999998, '2003-10-16 07:06:53', 4795, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.0299999999999994, 'O9.0', 0.46999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2005-05-12 09:14:06', '2004-04-29 14:07:00', 0, 0, '2003-10-16 07:06:53', '2003-10-16 09:26:53', 60.377499999999998, 322.161, 5.3694100000000002, 78.6447, 178.57499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 241558931, 0.39036060550078799, -0.62398030954126205, 0.67695433448486697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1201601', 'NGC6826-POS1', 296.202, 50.5244, '2003-10-16 11:01:28', 8423, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.199999999999999, 'PN', 0.029999999999999999, 71, 'EE', '2005-05-12 07:28:01', '2004-04-29 15:46:26', 1, 0, '2003-10-16 11:01:28', '2003-10-16 15:16:23', 69.244500000000002, 322.38400000000001, 12.790900000000001, 83.563199999999995, 176.17599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'GUERRERO', 'y', 248587725, 0.280707062549367, -0.57042181402721304, 0.77189539389531903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9050301', 'AB-DRA', 297.27699999999999, 77.739699999999999, '2003-10-16 17:37:27', 16302, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-05-12 08:52:38', '2004-09-30 18:55:23', 0, 0, '2003-10-16 17:37:27', '2003-10-16 23:54:20', 76.3202, 65.700299999999999, 23.486000000000001, 109.97499999999999, 181.54400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 266743404, 0.097320009630657095, -0.18873992329697001, 0.97719294772288601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3032001', 'HD193322', 304.529, 40.732100000000003, '2003-10-17 04:56:07', 1910, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 5.8200000000000003, 'O8.5', 0.40000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2005-05-17 17:05:27', '2004-05-20 12:53:23', 0, 0, '2003-10-17 04:56:07', '2003-10-17 08:27:54', 57.8872, 323.90100000000001, 2.7806700000000002, 78.100099999999998, 179.06999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 240090370, 0.42952105045197703, -0.62427985765641503, 0.65252304675246298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8082101', 'RBS1524', 235.06, 81.918300000000002, '2003-10-17 10:31:04', 6063, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.300000000000001, 'BLLA', 0, 87, 'PC', '2005-05-17 15:29:59', '2004-06-16 16:57:13', 0, 0, '2003-10-17 10:31:04', '2003-10-17 13:07:31', 72.594399999999993, 105.614, 32.965800000000002, 116.471, 121.708, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 200397804, -0.080515612435239997, -0.115244882097158, 0.99006861040262795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9010701', 'Z-UMI', 225.506, 83.063500000000005, '2003-10-17 13:57:17', 10059, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2005-05-12 08:10:12', '2004-05-11 13:29:29', 0, 0, '2003-10-17 13:57:17', '2003-10-17 19:39:07', 70.9148, 105.002, 32.898000000000003, 118.483, 110.703, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 200525463, -0.084639262257743195, -0.086147582608344805, 0.99268060789722501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090401', 'HD153751', 251.49100000000001, 82.037199999999999, '2003-10-17 20:33:05', 6055, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 4.2199999999999998, 'A8V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-05-12 09:03:09', '2004-05-11 13:42:48', 0, 0, '2003-10-17 20:33:05', '2003-10-17 23:06:42', 73.922700000000006, 99.137299999999996, 31.048400000000001, 114.998, 133.79599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 199154848, -0.043976889821514202, -0.13136449086782001, 0.99035821988847295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3030301', 'HD189957', 300.25, 42.008600000000001, '2003-10-18 00:32:45', 7897, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 23, 7.8099999999999996, 'O9.5', 0.29999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2005-05-12 09:24:38', '2004-05-11 14:03:42', 0, 0, '2003-10-18 00:32:45', '2003-10-18 10:43:49', 60.381900000000002, 319.23700000000002, 6.1718799999999998, 77.436400000000006, 175.68299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 241594769, 0.37432642330517901, -0.64186811888054796, 0.66924214360745304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0470301', 'HD194093', 305.55700000000002, 40.256700000000002, '2003-10-18 12:21:15', 25084, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 30, 2.2000000000000002, 'F8IB', 0, 41, 'PE', '2005-05-12 02:08:01', '2004-06-04 14:33:06', 0, 0, '2003-10-18 12:21:15', '2003-10-19 10:45:27', 57.124499999999998, 324.84199999999998, 1.8670800000000001, 78.150000000000006, 178.36099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 240690871, 0.44378534370443501, -0.62085669526000198, 0.64621322538614601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3030601', 'HD198846', 313.01499999999999, 34.657699999999998, '2003-10-19 11:45:46', 3400, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 7.29, 'O9.5', 0.23999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2005-05-17 17:04:58', '2004-05-11 14:12:04', 0, 0, '2003-10-19 11:45:46', '2003-10-19 15:45:01', 49.551200000000001, 329.87599999999998, -6.2259599999999997, 77.252200000000002, 180.14599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 217610121, 0.56114484361391703, -0.60143841358835004, 0.56867240054871804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9011201', 'UV-CAS', 345.56099999999998, 59.610199999999999, '2003-10-20 04:26:06', 10157, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.4, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2005-05-12 08:31:16', '2004-05-03 13:39:16', 0, 0, '2003-10-20 04:26:06', '2003-10-20 08:48:35', 57.3093, 24.899100000000001, -0.387098, 109.518, 220.28200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 234409903, 0.48990130352383399, -0.12614078636395601, 0.86260374148338304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9131301', 'DI-LAC', 338.952, 52.7166, '2003-10-20 09:38:42', 5940, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.5, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2005-05-12 09:03:15', '2004-04-29 16:42:10', 0, 0, '2003-10-20 09:38:42', '2003-10-20 12:00:55', 54.739199999999997, 11.681699999999999, -4.8550399999999998, 103.10899999999999, 209.46600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 233088167, 0.56534166227386295, -0.21755791470629501, 0.79564901724697301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1460501', 'CHCYG', 291.13799999999998, 50.241399999999999, '2003-10-20 13:15:39', 9148, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 7.0999999999999996, 'M7II', 0.10000000000000001, 57, 'PC', '2005-05-12 07:49:42', '2004-06-04 16:32:16', 0, 0, '2003-10-20 13:15:39', '2003-10-20 18:22:49', 70.491900000000001, 313.68099999999998, 15.5799, 81.8596, 168.102, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'SION', 'y', 247974884, 0.230633220281483, -0.59652170452170405, 0.76874584469583496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0580101', 'WD2013+400', 303.28800000000001, 40.039999999999999, '2003-10-21 12:22:16', 42607, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 78, 14.4, 'DAO+', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-12 07:17:07', '2004-06-04 16:22:19', 1, 0, '2003-10-21 12:22:16', '2003-10-23 11:11:41', 57.6511, 321.74900000000002, 3.1824699999999999, 76.9983, 174.137, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 240095901, 0.42019537464663798, -0.63997837935110002, 0.64332225290962197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1053102', 'WD2013+400', 303.28800000000001, 40.039999999999999, '2003-10-23 12:19:51', 12881, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-17 18:28:27', '2004-09-12 21:29:53', 0, 0, '2003-10-23 12:19:51', '2003-10-23 23:56:56', 57.6511, 321.74900000000002, 3.1824699999999999, 76.9983, 172.35499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 240095901, 0.42019537464663798, -0.63997837935110002, 0.64332225290962197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4058202', 'CD-61_1208-BKGD', 88.033799999999999, -61.1205, '2003-10-24 02:50:09', 16746, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SDB', 0.02, 28, 'EE', '2005-05-17 15:29:31', '2003-10-31 17:03:55', 2, 0, '2003-10-24 02:50:09', '2003-10-24 09:31:38', -84.492000000000004, 80.058400000000006, -30.614699999999999, 270.07900000000001, 29.414899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 553986550, 0.016570636012011499, 0.48268476531114102, -0.87563738577032302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1070102', 'HD37350', 83.406599999999997, -62.489800000000002, '2003-10-24 20:35:13', 30495, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 3.77, 'F6IA', 0.029999999999999999, 41, 'PE', '2005-05-17 14:54:43', '2004-05-03 13:30:00', 0, 0, '2003-10-24 20:35:13', '2003-10-25 07:07:21', -85.044399999999996, 52.122199999999999, -32.7742, 271.73500000000001, 34.2926, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'LOBEL', 'y', 553857724, 0.053037363058822798, 0.45885146453040399, -0.88692861698000802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8060801', '1ES0614-584', 93.956999999999994, -58.434800000000003, '2003-10-25 07:36:12', 14710, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16, 'AGN', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PE', '2005-05-17 15:28:52', '2004-05-03 13:35:51', 0, 0.057000000000000002, '2003-10-25 07:36:12', '2003-10-25 11:56:20', -81.6755, 104.44799999999999, -27.4267, 267.29599999999999, 25.044699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 639663368, -0.036123404165068103, 0.522220606501, -0.85204503274020404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9111102', 'RXJ0503.1-6634', 75.766999999999996, -66.562899999999999, '2003-10-25 13:00:25', 6433, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-05-17 16:45:17', '2004-10-02 18:53:35', 0, 0.064000000000000001, '2003-10-25 13:00:25', '2003-10-25 15:22:12', -84.350899999999996, 353.44099999999997, -35.4208, 277.17899999999997, 42.391599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 542741559, 0.0977911344893269, 0.38553293974018299, -0.91749727323332297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9044901', 'SNR0536-693', 83.956699999999998, -69.304400000000001, '2003-10-25 16:16:28', 19125, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 16:44:26', '2004-05-03 14:47:57', 1, 0, '2003-10-25 16:16:28', '2003-10-26 00:11:20', -86.441699999999997, 306.83300000000003, -31.9009, 279.74099999999999, 34.939100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542223884, 0.037206275856517798, 0.35143900970162101, -0.93547117299082605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9044801', 'SNR0520-694', 79.937899999999999, -69.433000000000007, '2003-10-26 00:50:23', 21535, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 16:34:22', '2004-05-03 14:42:17', 1, 0, '2003-10-26 00:50:23', '2003-10-26 07:24:47', -85.269900000000007, 318.10000000000002, -33.277099999999997, 280.16399999999999, 39.005699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542283348, 0.061377970219111198, 0.34589906347208399, -0.93626202671096204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9044701', 'SNR0519-697', 79.684200000000004, -69.653400000000005, '2003-10-26 07:45:51', 21102, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 16:34:05', '2004-05-03 14:35:50', 1, 0, '2003-10-26 07:45:51', '2003-10-26 14:37:17', -85.074799999999996, 316.48700000000002, -33.319899999999997, 280.44400000000002, 39.537100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542282284, 0.062263568560003903, 0.34207804124622898, -0.93760645354397898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9042801', 'SNR0543-689', 85.780000000000001, -68.981099999999998, '2003-10-26 15:30:21', 11007, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 16:04:02', '2004-05-03 14:18:24', 1, 0, '2003-10-26 15:30:21', '2003-10-26 19:52:45', -87.101699999999994, 301.46699999999998, -31.291699999999999, 279.279, 34.202199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542231712, 0.026393639032516202, 0.35770346403967401, -0.93346216186444297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9042602', 'SNR0536-706', 84.030799999999999, -70.6464, '2003-10-26 20:28:37', 8275, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 16:03:54', '2004-04-30 19:35:37', 1, 0, '2003-10-26 20:28:37', '2003-10-26 23:25:58', -85.374899999999997, 295.30200000000002, -31.695399999999999, 281.30099999999999, 36.043799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542160977, 0.034463261533524699, 0.32960031579313798, -0.94349134359226405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9042501', 'SNR0536-676', 84.006200000000007, -67.580399999999997, '2003-10-27 00:04:10', 13141, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 16:13:34', '2004-04-30 19:32:31', 1, 0, '2003-10-27 00:04:10', '2003-10-27 04:05:41', -87.453100000000006, 333.66500000000002, -32.0867, 277.72000000000003, 36.2029, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542508385, 0.039824713868909602, 0.37930166276775301, -0.92441562123693999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9042301', 'SNR0535-660', 83.929599999999994, -66.034999999999997, '2003-10-27 04:21:55', 13434, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 16:03:23', '2004-04-30 19:27:14', 1, 0, '2003-10-27 04:21:55', '2003-10-27 08:09:58', -87.504900000000006, 9.3633100000000002, -32.272500000000001, 275.90699999999998, 36.413600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542574291, 0.0429535260505838, 0.403900953060018, -0.91379374845587102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9042202', 'SNR0534-705', 83.572500000000005, -70.557000000000002, '2003-10-27 08:29:20', 11396, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 16:03:13', '2004-05-03 14:14:30', 1, 0, '2003-10-27 08:29:20', '2003-10-27 12:09:19', -85.369500000000002, 297.48899999999998, -31.858899999999998, 281.22300000000001, 36.9711, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542161484, 0.037263308618164001, 0.33077660592048602, -0.94297310820964098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9042002', 'SNR0532-675', 83.095799999999997, -67.517200000000003, '2003-10-27 12:56:46', 11285, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 16:03:07', '2004-04-30 19:23:11', 1, 0, '2003-10-27 12:56:46', '2003-10-27 17:20:57', -87.143600000000006, 337.28699999999998, -32.439300000000003, 277.69299999999998, 37.584200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542509552, 0.045968885033792803, 0.37963306452096202, -0.92399437115773198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1750102', 'SMC-X-1', 19.271699999999999, -73.443299999999994, '2003-10-27 18:20:59', 21550, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.800000000000001, 'B0I', 0.25, 66, 'PC', '2005-05-19 20:51:34', '2004-05-18 16:14:39', 0, 0, '2003-10-27 18:20:59', '2003-10-28 09:24:19', -66.470200000000006, 312.36000000000001, -43.559100000000001, 300.41699999999997, 100.54900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 545568495, 0.26899583405445499, 0.094051868474056194, -0.95853820335857598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9041902', 'SNR0532-710', 82.982900000000001, -71.003900000000002, '2003-10-28 11:00:38', 9191, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 16:03:01', '2004-05-03 14:09:56', 2, 0, '2003-10-28 11:00:38', '2003-10-28 14:51:40', -84.889399999999995, 296.51299999999998, -31.981400000000001, 281.779, 38.392800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541545561, 0.0397653548304795, 0.32306568473872999, -0.945540734130213); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9041702', 'SNR0527-658', 81.987899999999996, -65.836399999999998, '2003-10-28 15:37:34', 11919, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 15:53:08', '2004-05-03 14:06:07', 1, 0, '2003-10-28 15:37:34', '2003-10-28 20:08:45', -86.688999999999993, 8.9362200000000005, -33.081000000000003, 275.77300000000002, 39.3386, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542539564, 0.0570552062310574, 0.40534773860861101, -0.91238035612721102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9041601', 'SNR0524-664', 81.085400000000007, -66.394300000000001, '2003-10-28 20:47:12', 8869, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 15:53:01', '2004-05-03 14:02:15', 1, 0, '2003-10-28 20:47:12', '2003-10-28 23:42:11', -86.441299999999998, 358.58100000000002, -33.368899999999996, 276.49299999999999, 40.743499999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542545710, 0.062053065888592697, 0.39560304070896402, -0.91632289679765599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9041502', 'SNR0523-679', 80.770799999999994, -67.875, '2003-10-29 00:19:45', 13379, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 15:52:55', '2004-05-03 19:24:58', 1, 0, '2003-10-29 00:19:45', '2003-10-29 04:10:35', -86.1965, 335.58999999999997, -33.260899999999999, 278.26600000000002, 41.231900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542348767, 0.060405278727362899, 0.37175291604712701, -0.92636438387511799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9041202', 'SNR0513-692', 78.424199999999999, -66.381600000000006, '2003-10-29 04:32:57', 12766, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 15:42:48', '2004-05-03 13:54:38', 1, 0, '2003-10-29 04:32:57', '2003-10-29 08:24:05', -85.382000000000005, 356.89999999999998, -34.422199999999997, 276.69, 43.543700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542725956, 0.080394750018967995, 0.39249424521903498, -0.91623411399015697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9041101', 'SNR0507-688', 76.875, -68.783299999999997, '2003-10-29 08:41:55', 9866, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 15:42:19', '2004-05-03 13:50:59', 1, 0, '2003-10-29 08:41:55', '2003-10-29 12:23:01', -84.554599999999994, 329.99299999999999, -34.4848, 279.68799999999999, 45.258099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542643087, 0.082178059210551505, 0.35244247460040001, -0.93221835890628901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9131601', 'RR-PIC', 98.900199999999998, -62.639800000000001, '2003-10-29 13:35:41', 13296, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.1, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2005-05-17 18:17:25', '2004-05-10 18:33:27', 0, 0, '2003-10-29 13:35:41', '2003-10-29 19:23:26', -84.537300000000002, 138.32400000000001, -25.671800000000001, 272.35599999999999, 25.214400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 637655857, -0.071103842333366293, 0.45404927206513901, -0.88813484457178504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9043001', 'SNR0547-697B', 86.758300000000006, -69.716700000000003, '2003-10-29 20:32:07', 11075, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 17:46:52', '2004-05-03 14:30:57', 1, 0, '2003-10-29 20:32:07', '2003-10-30 00:57:37', -86.622, 289.43200000000002, -30.881900000000002, 280.09800000000001, 36.363399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542194430, 0.019603112708175101, 0.34610756661442399, -0.93799001610059396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9042901', 'SNR0547-697A', 86.833299999999994, -69.688299999999998, '2003-10-30 01:10:32', 12800, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 16:13:40', '2004-05-03 14:22:47', 1, 0, '2003-10-30 01:10:32', '2003-10-30 05:02:14', -86.658100000000005, 289.20499999999998, -30.8584, 280.06299999999999, 36.574199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542194612, 0.019175723614203499, 0.346597114819436, -0.93781806957571201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8080901', 'RXSJ053621.3-5144-1', 84.088800000000006, -51.733600000000003, '2003-10-30 05:51:06', 13428, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.699999999999999, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-05-19 20:51:44', '2004-05-10 16:33:25', 0, 0.113, '2003-10-30 05:51:06', '2003-10-30 11:39:54', -74.882599999999996, 75.843800000000002, -32.369199999999999, 258.96600000000001, 37.993600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 558008833, 0.063781761090396405, 0.616025607799224, -0.78513969297686403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8080701', 'RXSJ033823.5-451057', 54.596200000000003, -45.180500000000002, '2003-10-30 13:11:52', 8978, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.210000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-05-17 15:29:13', '2004-06-16 16:54:05', 0, 0.11899999999999999, '2003-10-30 13:11:52', '2003-10-30 18:23:08', -61.562399999999997, 30.9589, -52.332099999999997, 252.77000000000001, 65.347499999999997, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 562996227, 0.40835930654638902, 0.57453666401775305, -0.70933088079985895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8060501', 'ESO301-G13', 51.259, -41.905099999999997, '2003-10-30 19:45:58', 4806, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.5, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-05-17 14:34:15', '2004-06-16 14:17:02', 0, 0.058999999999999997, '2003-10-30 19:45:58', '2003-10-31 02:39:55', -57.532600000000002, 29.8172, -55.452300000000001, 248.328, 67.645399999999995, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 564569345, 0.46575367797249101, 0.58050383055946497, -0.667898805329733); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8060601', 'FAIR1116', 57.923499999999997, -40.466500000000003, '2003-10-31 03:38:27', 12743, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.199999999999999, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-05-17 14:44:58', '2004-06-16 14:29:03', 0, 0.058999999999999997, '2003-10-31 03:38:27', '2003-10-31 10:55:08', -58.4161, 39.520400000000002, -50.730400000000003, 244.631, 60.762, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 563847707, 0.40401599678414601, 0.64464388627053104, -0.64900333915669395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8060702', 'FAIR303', 67.666700000000006, -53.615499999999997, '2003-10-31 11:47:42', 16728, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.199999999999999, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PE', '2005-05-17 15:28:46', '2004-05-11 13:23:33', 0, 0.40000000000000002, '2003-10-31 11:47:42', '2003-10-31 19:41:00', -73.114199999999997, 39.100499999999997, -42.1721, 262.08199999999999, 54.6646, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 556537374, 0.22541276106851199, 0.54870452532535596, -0.805054303159076); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0270103', 'HE0226-4110', 37.063299999999998, -40.9544, '2003-10-31 21:55:39', 17298, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 15.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2005-05-19 20:41:00', '2004-06-03 20:22:08', 9, 0.495, '2003-10-31 21:55:39', '2003-11-01 06:50:54', -51.483699999999999, 14.591799999999999, -65.774600000000007, 253.94399999999999, 85.432400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR D.', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 576395052, 0.60265217012290695, 0.45517573378343901, -0.65545817045854204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9030201', 'IRAS03335-5626', 53.699199999999998, -56.253599999999999, '2003-11-01 15:13:58', 19604, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 13, 14.9, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2005-05-17 15:15:39', '2004-06-16 15:19:27', 1, 0.078, '2003-11-01 15:13:58', '2003-11-02 07:19:14', -70.216200000000001, 13.6721, -48.867400000000004, 269.41199999999998, 69.949600000000004, 'F', 'F', 'MASSIMILIANO', 'BONAMENTE', 'y', 550717863, 0.32888022178088, 0.44770306676043498, -0.831504518168519); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9110501', 'RBS442', 53.508899999999997, -61.5379, '2003-11-02 08:06:57', 12944, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-06-04 04:45:49', '2004-10-02 18:50:45', 0, 0.17599999999999999, '2003-11-02 08:06:57', '2003-11-02 12:52:52', -73.535200000000003, 0.36910999999999999, -46.275700000000001, 276.24400000000003, 71.194699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 544192273, 0.28341954720839901, 0.38314399068240801, -0.87913255124818701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9110701', 'RBS494', 58.997900000000001, -61.074199999999998, '2003-11-02 13:42:25', 15857, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.800000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-05-17 16:44:51', '2004-05-10 18:03:42', 0, 0.22700000000000001, '2003-11-02 13:42:25', '2003-11-02 19:55:18', -75.451400000000007, 7.3680700000000003, -44.216799999999999, 273.81700000000001, 66.857799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 544791481, 0.249127035375659, 0.414582593356145, -0.87524681863519405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9110801', 'IRAS03575-6132', 59.576700000000002, -61.401899999999998, '2003-11-02 20:28:54', 17830, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.199999999999999, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-05-17 16:44:59', '2004-05-10 18:10:24', 0, 0.048000000000000001, '2003-11-02 20:28:54', '2003-11-03 01:58:05', -75.8673, 6.9259199999999996, -43.822000000000003, 274.05399999999997, 66.198800000000006, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 544788875, 0.24238738095325399, 0.41275462294785598, -0.87799884896837699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9131401', '0334-6400', 53.642499999999998, -64.015600000000006, '2003-11-03 02:26:19', 11700, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.199999999999999, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2005-05-17 17:46:59', '2004-05-10 18:22:11', 0, 0, '2003-11-03 02:26:19', '2003-11-03 05:44:26', -74.815600000000003, 352.57499999999999, -44.840600000000002, 279.13, 71.677700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 544096937, 0.25973083781140499, 0.35283798989819598, -0.89891336889290196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9110301', 'NGC1313', 49.565800000000003, -66.497900000000001, '2003-11-03 06:07:52', 15767, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.4000000000000004, 'AGN', 0, 80, 'PC', '2005-06-10 23:48:51', '2004-05-10 17:43:31', 0, 0.0016000000000000001, '2003-11-03 06:07:52', '2003-11-03 12:07:56', -74.177599999999998, 341.54899999999998, -44.6434, 283.36000000000001, 76.404700000000005, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 543840485, 0.258640217813566, 0.30353395877139999, -0.91704545885245703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9110401', 'Q0321-6657', 50.558900000000001, -66.7851, '2003-11-03 13:04:06', 15436, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-05-17 16:44:33', '2004-05-10 17:54:43', 0, 0.092999999999999999, '2003-11-03 13:04:06', '2003-11-03 19:09:57', -74.641199999999998, 340.99000000000001, -44.157899999999998, 283.30099999999999, 75.525400000000005, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 543750610, 0.250417090524931, 0.30441727836314297, -0.91903286198427403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9070301', 'WD0310-688', 47.6297, -68.601299999999995, '2003-11-03 19:46:45', 16545, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-17 15:28:38', '2004-05-10 17:32:14', 0, 0, '2003-11-03 19:46:45', '2003-11-04 00:57:51', -74.040800000000004, 333.416, -43.731999999999999, 286.19799999999998, 77.919799999999995, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 540927896, 0.245883346829885, 0.26955710312259501, -0.931064094414498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9040501', 'SNR0454-672', 73.637500000000003, -67.213899999999995, '2003-11-04 01:28:03', 18249, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-17 15:42:11', '2004-05-10 17:00:15', 1, 0, '2003-11-04 01:28:03', '2003-11-04 07:56:00', -83.562899999999999, 346.69799999999998, -36.062600000000003, 278.21699999999998, 53.937100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542697031, 0.10910537563188, 0.37160604989388601, -0.92195713603751095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9044501', 'SNR0455-687', 73.925399999999996, -68.6541, '2003-11-04 09:03:25', 10757, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-23 21:38:20', '2004-05-10 17:14:12', 1, 0, '2003-11-04 09:03:25', '2003-11-04 14:52:58', -83.550600000000003, 333.80200000000002, -35.551200000000001, 279.88299999999998, 54.0306, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541972177, 0.10078679369745901, 0.34976592217697, -0.93139992586422304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9040301', 'SNR0453-685', 73.403700000000001, -68.491399999999999, '2003-11-04 15:43:11', 8850, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-23 21:28:08', '2004-05-10 16:48:26', 1, 0, '2003-11-04 15:43:11', '2003-11-04 20:13:09', -83.391900000000007, 335.50799999999998, -35.781100000000002, 279.75999999999999, 54.796300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541974108, 0.104722343417845, 0.35136699227463702, -0.930362546284485); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9044601', 'SNR0500-702', 74.977900000000005, -70.135300000000001, '2003-11-04 20:57:25', 12213, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-23 21:48:42', '2004-05-10 17:21:29', 1, 0, '2003-11-04 20:57:25', '2003-11-05 01:21:18', -83.431100000000001, 320.34399999999999, -34.769300000000001, 281.48700000000002, 53.5565, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541929485, 0.088073350715924995, 0.32818781581844902, -0.94049765679771102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9040101', 'SNR0450-709', 72.623699999999999, -70.840500000000006, '2003-11-05 02:04:50', 21972, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-23 21:07:56', '2004-05-10 16:43:54', 1, 0, '2003-11-05 02:04:50', '2003-11-05 12:22:19', -82.416499999999999, 317.96199999999999, -35.296700000000001, 282.60399999999998, 56.005899999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541900855, 0.098015342823204302, 0.31322131493993999, -0.94460859642422501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0300201', 'LH103073', 74.180800000000005, -66.415000000000006, '2003-11-05 13:36:07', 24252, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.710000000000001, 'O6.5', 0.22, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-30 04:22:57', '2004-06-03 20:30:13', 0, 0, '2003-11-05 13:36:07', '2003-11-06 03:52:01', -83.7042, 354.05200000000002, -36.070500000000003, 277.19400000000002, 54.821300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FABRICE', 'MARTINS', 'y', 542746386, 0.10907081485129901, 0.38495566207620202, -0.916467509289416); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9111001', 'ESO33-2', 73.996300000000005, -75.540999999999997, '2003-11-06 04:32:02', 5020, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.5, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-05-23 21:49:43', '2004-05-10 18:14:41', 0, 0.017999999999999999, '2003-11-06 04:32:02', '2003-11-06 06:25:23', -79.702299999999994, 292.649, -33.285299999999999, 287.76999999999998, 55.713900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 541237586, 0.0688386046088236, 0.24001024652026001, -0.96832656066060396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9050701', 'WX-HYI', 32.4617, -63.311399999999999, '2003-11-06 07:33:16', 22186, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-05-24 21:16:19', '2004-05-11 13:39:09', 0, 0, '2003-11-06 07:33:16', '2003-11-06 16:53:45', -66.294799999999995, 340.49700000000001, -51.625100000000003, 288.887, 95.853399999999993, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 547275286, 0.37896310860938398, 0.24107014295437501, -0.89346077053727901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8060201', 'WPVS007', 9.8158799999999999, -51.283900000000003, '2003-11-06 20:38:54', 48135, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 14.800000000000001, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-05-24 21:15:48', '2004-06-16 14:08:38', 0, 0.029000000000000001, '2003-11-06 20:38:54', '2003-11-08 01:56:32', -49.313099999999999, 340.97300000000001, -65.734399999999994, 307.56900000000002, 119.801, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 573462841, 0.61630559722520994, 0.106630380325434, -0.78025468458736702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0400101', 'NGC625', 23.778300000000002, -41.436900000000001, '2003-11-08 02:39:58', 58089, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 23, 11.300000000000001, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2005-05-24 20:54:01', '2004-06-03 20:53:23', 4, 405, '2003-11-08 02:39:58', '2003-11-09 16:12:44', -46.670699999999997, 1.1757200000000001, -73.116799999999998, 273.66199999999998, 108.547, 'F', 'F', 'EVAN D.', 'SKILLMAN', 'y', 577423750, 0.68604607997384204, 0.30227205126203999, -0.66179481954633301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0320201', 'HD3003', 8.1829599999999996, -63.031500000000001, '2003-11-09 17:15:22', 18297, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 5.0700000000000003, 'A0V', 0.02, 30, 'PC', '2005-05-24 20:32:16', '2004-06-03 20:34:28', 0, 0, '2003-11-09 17:15:22', '2003-11-09 23:49:07', -57.499499999999998, 326.661, -53.965400000000002, 306.53699999999998, 122.536, 'F', 'F', 'AKI', 'ROBERGE', 'y', 570541801, 0.448883306504195, 0.064548806527666203, -0.89125598383276805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9110901', 'IRAS00521-7054', 13.484999999999999, -70.634200000000007, '2003-11-10 00:15:50', 13572, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.6, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-05-23 21:49:12', '2004-05-18 14:16:11', 0, 0.069000000000000006, '2003-11-10 00:15:50', '2003-11-10 04:24:06', -63.679699999999997, 316.65600000000001, -46.4923, 302.63200000000001, 117.224, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', 'y', 546004838, 0.32245623471884899, 0.077325613736082793, -0.94342075774877898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050501', 'NEAR-WD2211-495-BKGD', 333.02199999999999, -49.599499999999999, '2003-11-10 05:47:14', 17920, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-06-10 16:25:07', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2003-11-10 05:47:14', '2003-11-10 15:13:30', -35.572600000000001, 315.245, -52.200899999999997, 345.57799999999997, 152.90100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 763647922, 0.577597920362794, -0.29402153483686999, -0.76153265159462902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230501', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-11-11 02:12:09', 2113, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.77, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-08 01:32:10', '2004-05-18 15:02:31', 1, 0, '2003-11-11 02:12:09', '2003-11-11 02:54:40', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 152.99199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230502', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-11-11 03:50:15', 906, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.77, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-23 22:31:34', '2004-05-18 15:04:36', 1, 0, '2003-11-11 03:50:15', '2003-11-11 04:25:46', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 153.03899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230503', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-11-11 05:40:49', 8418, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 8, 11.77, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-23 22:31:45', '2004-05-26 16:19:34', 1, 0, '2003-11-11 05:40:49', '2003-11-11 12:18:07', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 153.08000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230504', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-11-11 13:52:28', 911, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.77, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-23 22:32:05', '2004-05-18 15:06:18', 1, 0, '2003-11-11 13:52:28', '2003-11-11 14:37:26', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 153.28299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230505', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-11-11 15:40:44', 8905, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.77, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-23 22:41:05', '2004-05-26 16:26:12', 1, 0, '2003-11-11 15:40:44', '2003-11-11 21:16:23', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 153.32400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230506', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-11-11 22:12:05', 909, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.77, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-23 22:41:23', '2004-05-18 15:07:54', 1, 0, '2003-11-11 22:12:05', '2003-11-11 22:58:29', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 153.48599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230507', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-11-11 23:52:18', 8605, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 11.77, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-23 22:41:42', '2004-05-26 16:33:51', 1, 0, '2003-11-11 23:52:18', '2003-11-12 06:50:02', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 153.52699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230508', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-11-12 08:06:39', 665, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.77, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-23 22:41:51', '2004-05-18 15:10:01', 1, 0, '2003-11-12 08:06:39', '2003-11-12 08:51:54', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 153.73099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230509', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2003-11-12 09:51:25', 1868, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 11.77, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-23 23:01:23', '2004-05-18 15:14:50', 0, 0, '2003-11-12 09:51:25', '2003-11-12 10:36:41', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 153.77199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057904', 'WD1631+781-BKGD', 247.29499999999999, 78.077500000000001, '2003-11-12 13:03:34', 13710, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-05-24 22:07:52', '2003-11-18 17:03:19', 2, 0, '2003-11-12 13:03:34', '2003-11-12 20:25:56', 76.779399999999995, 110.40600000000001, 33.578699999999998, 111.297, 106.724, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 198442371, -0.079740354487051898, -0.19057873672225201, 0.97842793346042101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050704', 'PG0952+519', 148.833, 51.618200000000002, '2003-11-13 06:05:24', 12128, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 20, 12.699999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-05-23 22:31:24', '2004-06-03 23:05:01', 0, 0, '2003-11-13 06:05:24', '2003-11-13 20:18:34', 36.255099999999999, 131.21100000000001, 49.004300000000001, 164.06700000000001, 16.989899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 96405807, -0.531279814801635, 0.32133641114318401, 0.78389072532972304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0540101', 'MRK205', 185.434, 75.310599999999994, '2003-11-13 21:56:23', 19618, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.800000000000001, 'AGN', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-05-23 19:42:44', '2004-06-04 14:45:53', 5, 21239, '2003-11-13 21:56:23', '2003-11-14 07:21:57', 63.772199999999998, 124.834, 41.671999999999997, 125.44799999999999, 46.492899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'TODD', 'TRIPP', 'y', 197028145, -0.25243939286431, -0.0240136959036234, 0.96731468268570497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1490101', 'AG-DRA', 240.42099999999999, 66.802800000000005, '2003-11-14 08:47:58', 4810, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.1999999999999993, 'WD+M', 0.059999999999999998, 57, 'PC', '2005-05-23 20:56:30', '2004-06-04 16:38:02', 0, 0, '2003-11-14 08:47:58', '2003-11-14 17:08:25', 78.398799999999994, 165.21299999999999, 40.9711, 100.289, 97.974000000000004, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES D.', 'KEYES', 'y', 191265163, -0.19443667258588199, -0.34256272479587002, 0.91915458979116205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0540102', 'MRK205', 185.434, 75.310599999999994, '2003-11-14 18:18:53', 114015, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 38, 14.800000000000001, 'AGN', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-05-23 20:36:28', '2004-06-16 16:39:59', 5, 21239, '2003-11-14 18:18:53', '2003-11-17 00:08:19', 63.772199999999998, 124.834, 41.671999999999997, 125.44799999999999, 45.703400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'TODD', 'TRIPP', 'y', 197028145, -0.25243939286431, -0.0240136959036234, 0.96731468268570497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1110202', 'HD89758', 155.58199999999999, 41.499499999999998, '2003-11-17 02:19:07', 1615, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 3.0699999999999998, 'M0II', 0, 49, 'PE', '2005-06-06 22:31:17', '2004-08-26 16:40:45', 0, -20.5, '2003-11-17 02:19:07', '2003-11-17 12:10:10', 28.997900000000001, 141.23500000000001, 56.359999999999999, 177.905, 20.4678, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA K.', 'DUPREE', 'y', 93685603, -0.68196976922883701, 0.30961357714160598, 0.662613512318867); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0540103', 'MRK205', 185.434, 75.310599999999994, '2003-11-17 14:16:00', 19131, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.800000000000001, 'AGN', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-05-23 20:45:40', '2004-06-16 16:48:54', 5, 21239, '2003-11-17 14:16:00', '2003-11-17 23:23:25', 63.772199999999998, 124.834, 41.671999999999997, 125.44799999999999, 43.125700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'TODD', 'TRIPP', 'y', 197028145, -0.25243939286431, -0.0240136959036234, 0.96731468268570497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1170101', '3C249.1', 166.05699999999999, 76.982799999999997, '2003-11-18 00:04:48', 20192, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.720000000000001, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2005-05-24 20:54:43', '2004-05-26 15:00:11', 5, 0.311, '2003-11-18 00:04:48', '2003-11-18 11:13:13', 60.7288, 116.55800000000001, 38.549399999999999, 130.39599999999999, 24.468800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT A.', 'BENJAMIN', 'y', 131361783, -0.218606952729062, 0.054273894278031698, 0.97430249133336899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8061201', 'EXO1128+69', 172.77000000000001, 68.864599999999996, '2003-11-20 16:38:43', 3781, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.1, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-05-24 21:15:58', '2004-05-26 16:36:14', 0, 0.042999999999999997, '2003-11-20 16:38:43', '2003-11-20 17:44:27', 56.8992, 130.91999999999999, 46.609400000000001, 133.31999999999999, 29.474499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 123531583, -0.35770622301600502, 0.045379101019537703, 0.93273093398165097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1230206', 'HD192577', 303.40800000000002, 46.741399999999999, '2003-11-20 21:03:27', 1640, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 6, 3.79, 'K4IB', 0.02, 39, 'PC', '2005-05-24 20:55:00', '2004-08-23 22:02:45', 0, 0, '2003-11-20 21:03:27', '2003-11-20 22:37:33', 63.601999999999997, 328.06700000000001, 6.7768300000000004, 82.677199999999999, 148.036, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'BENNETT', 'y', 242446642, 0.377320096529148, -0.57206214235256403, 0.72826811686509296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1230207', 'HD192577', 303.40800000000002, 46.741399999999999, '2003-11-21 02:00:49', 749, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 3.79, 'K4IB', 0.02, 39, 'PC', '2005-05-24 21:04:01', '2004-05-26 14:25:08', 0, 0, '2003-11-21 02:00:49', '2003-11-21 03:43:58', 63.601999999999997, 328.06700000000001, 6.7768300000000004, 82.677199999999999, 147.858, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP', 'BENNETT', 'y', 242446642, 0.377320096529148, -0.57206214235256403, 0.72826811686509296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057604', 'G191-B2B-BKGD', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2003-11-21 05:21:02', 16629, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 13, 99, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-05-24 22:07:21', '2003-11-26 17:01:13', 2, 0, '2003-11-21 05:21:02', '2003-11-21 16:05:34', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 300.53399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5250201', 'G191-B2B', 76.377499999999998, 52.831200000000003, '2003-11-22 01:08:10', 0, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 22, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-06 23:47:55', '2004-06-04 17:22:12', 0, 0, '2003-11-22 01:08:10', '2003-11-22 01:12:25', 29.837299999999999, 80.558499999999995, 7.09877, 155.95500000000001, 299.334, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 30975413, 0.14229529255394699, 0.58716925676047804, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5250202', 'G191-B2B', 76.377499999999998, 52.831200000000003, '2003-11-22 16:06:02', 0, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 15, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-07 00:38:58', '2004-06-04 17:49:38', 0, 0, '2003-11-22 16:06:02', '2003-11-22 16:12:20', 29.837299999999999, 80.558499999999995, 7.09877, 155.95500000000001, 298.43099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 30975413, 0.14229529255394699, 0.58716925676047804, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5250203', 'G191-B2B', 76.377499999999998, 52.831200000000003, '2003-11-22 23:24:10', 0, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 23, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-07 01:20:44', '2004-06-04 18:21:01', 0, 0, '2003-11-22 23:24:10', '2003-11-22 23:31:45', 29.837299999999999, 80.558499999999995, 7.09877, 155.95500000000001, 298.01999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 30975413, 0.14229529255394699, 0.58716925676047804, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230601', 'G191-B2B', 76.377499999999998, 52.831200000000003, '2003-11-23 15:25:19', 9509, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-23 23:11:56', '2004-06-03 23:10:07', 1, 0, '2003-11-23 15:25:19', '2003-11-23 19:27:10', 29.837299999999999, 80.558499999999995, 7.09877, 155.95500000000001, 296.97899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 30975413, 0.14229529255394699, 0.58716925676047804, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030617', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2003-11-23 20:16:20', 4121, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-23 21:59:00', '2004-06-04 16:57:57', 0, 0, '2003-11-23 20:16:20', '2003-11-23 21:25:58', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 296.66300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050601', 'HD201345-BKGD', 316.98099999999999, 33.397199999999998, '2003-11-24 04:37:57', 12325, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'O9V', 0.17999999999999999, 12, 'EE', '2005-05-24 22:08:12', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 20, '2003-11-24 04:37:57', '2003-11-24 13:26:59', 47.0197, 333.553, -9.5443099999999994, 78.437899999999999, 143.79300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217175110, 0.610399900721037, -0.56958566737636196, 0.55043994106457494); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3020601', 'BD+25D4655', 329.92500000000001, 26.432300000000001, '2003-11-24 22:59:30', 2645, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 10, 9.6799999999999997, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-06-07 00:36:51', '2004-06-12 16:38:01', 0, 0, '2003-11-24 22:59:30', '2003-11-25 09:06:38', 35.937800000000003, 343.154, -22.364699999999999, 81.666899999999998, 158.81399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 209156091, 0.77490519626812404, -0.44874521203994899, 0.44514005826018599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0490201', 'NGC6992-P1', 314.36099999999999, 31.378599999999999, '2003-11-25 10:25:34', 8410, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-05-24 20:21:25', '2004-06-12 15:53:44', 0, 0, '2003-11-25 10:25:34', '2003-11-25 16:01:22', 46.097499999999997, 329.40899999999999, -9.1837999999999997, 75.4251, 151.48400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217094801, 0.59691897607492805, -0.61038416850231203, 0.52069079389153805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0490301', 'NGC6992-P2', 314.36200000000002, 31.3842, '2003-11-25 17:13:01', 3958, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-06-06 23:32:48', '2004-06-12 15:58:00', 0, 0, '2003-11-25 17:13:01', '2003-11-25 20:41:39', 46.1023, 329.41300000000001, -9.18079, 75.429900000000004, 151.28399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217094806, 0.59689404354907605, -0.61033736309520703, 0.52077423513997201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0490101', 'KPD2055+3111', 314.36200000000002, 31.381399999999999, '2003-11-26 05:16:56', 17391, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 60, 14.1, 'SDOB', 0.10000000000000001, 16, 'PC', '2005-06-06 23:32:41', '2004-06-12 15:46:29', 0, 0, '2003-11-26 05:16:56', '2003-11-27 17:26:54', 46.099899999999998, 329.411, -9.1822999999999997, 75.427499999999995, 150.97999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 217094801, 0.59691183708603801, -0.61035555738035197, 0.52073251513756202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3070101', 'HD209458', 330.79500000000002, 18.8843, '2003-11-27 19:08:12', 21781, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 7.6500000000000004, 'G0V', 0.050000000000000003, 44, 'PC', '2005-06-07 01:41:17', '2004-06-12 19:03:27', 0, 0, '2003-11-27 19:08:12', '2003-11-28 21:52:09', 28.724299999999999, 340.35399999999998, -28.526900000000001, 76.754599999999996, 156.71600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MAGALI A.-M.', 'DELEUIL', 'y', 207166508, 0.82589595983629205, -0.46167223994985401, 0.32365816285979199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0150401', 'PG2229+099', 338.036, 10.2403, '2003-11-29 01:05:38', 8170, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.1, 'SDB', 0.089999999999999997, 28, 'PC', '2005-06-06 22:40:58', '2004-06-16 13:42:38', 0, 0, '2003-11-29 01:05:38', '2003-11-29 08:18:56', 18.030000000000001, 343.69400000000002, -39.635800000000003, 76.072100000000006, 156.97999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'FRANCIS', 'KEENAN', 'y', 317724441, 0.912646008564169, -0.36806605367201201, 0.17777694784814599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0150501', 'PG2219+094', 335.49700000000001, 9.6236099999999993, '2003-11-29 09:31:49', 5951, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.4000000000000004, 'SDB', 0.070000000000000007, 28, 'PC', '2005-06-03 23:52:24', '2004-06-16 13:46:48', 0, 0, '2003-11-29 09:31:49', '2003-11-29 13:17:45', 18.423400000000001, 341.01400000000001, -38.402799999999999, 73.1601, 156.434, 'F', 'F', 'FRANCIS', 'KEENAN', 'y', 317037265, 0.89713418860752903, -0.408904335502284, 0.16717503413771601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0370206', 'NGC7714', 354.05900000000003, 2.1552799999999999, '2003-11-29 14:27:05', 10362, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.359999999999999, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 80, 'EC', '2005-06-06 22:20:18', '2004-06-16 13:35:02', 3, 2798, '2003-11-29 14:27:05', '2003-11-30 04:06:58', 4.3385100000000003, 355.40199999999999, -55.564100000000003, 88.216800000000006, 155.661, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT A.', 'BENJAMIN', 'y', 308170830, 0.99392537938199699, -0.10343108319633, 0.037607861534361103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0300201', 'PKS2251+11', 343.54300000000001, 11.6106, '2003-11-30 05:21:35', 11752, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15.77, 'QSO', 0.080000000000000002, 85, 'PC', '2005-06-06 22:19:45', '2004-06-16 13:22:50', 0, 0.29999999999999999, '2003-11-30 05:21:35', '2003-11-30 14:16:49', 17.159500000000001, 349.47500000000002, -41.9405, 82.784199999999998, 157.53, 'F', 'F', 'BASSEM M.', 'SABRA', 'y', 316464615, 0.93940892166934598, -0.27749889166332398, 0.20125914392559399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1690190', 'EG-AND', 11.1549, 40.679400000000001, '2003-12-01 01:20:46', 8899, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.25, 'WD+M', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PC', '2005-06-03 23:52:18', '2004-06-16 15:57:46', 0, -95, '2003-12-01 01:20:46', '2003-12-01 08:42:15', 32.6616, 27.896599999999999, -22.174099999999999, 121.53700000000001, 182.172, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 42977776, 0.74404144311948694, 0.14671563857147599, 0.65182578371773203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9050101', 'BZ-CAM', 97.392099999999999, 71.076700000000002, '2003-12-01 17:39:28', 13228, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.5, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-06-06 23:33:07', '2004-10-02 18:47:03', 0, 0, '2003-12-01 17:39:28', '2003-12-02 00:33:10', 47.728400000000001, 93.556399999999996, 23.818100000000001, 143.59700000000001, 299.41500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 129543749, -0.041724342982585198, 0.321606824386938, 0.94595355578929996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053803', 'WD0005+511-BKGD', 2.0762499999999999, 51.387799999999999, '2003-12-02 02:21:53', 10406, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-06-04 03:11:59', '2003-12-12 17:00:37', 1, 0, '2003-12-02 02:21:53', '2003-12-02 07:57:30', 45.0655, 27.997900000000001, -10.9114, 116.104, 181.959, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363630398296199, 0.022608854457214, 0.78138761191524098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9021301', 'HD14476', 35.570599999999999, 57.271900000000002, '2003-12-02 16:33:27', 14967, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.7699999999999996, 'B1.5', 0.57999999999999996, 23, 'PC', '2005-06-04 00:13:49', '2004-06-16 15:01:34', 0, 0, '2003-12-02 16:33:27', '2003-12-02 22:18:14', 40.295099999999998, 54.789999999999999, -3.4557099999999998, 135.00399999999999, 219.506, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53371954, 0.43976677317585799, 0.31450089449572199, 0.84124572662919594); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070222', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2003-12-03 01:38:43', 2876, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-06-04 00:23:42', '2004-06-12 18:18:20', 0, 0, '2003-12-03 01:38:43', '2003-12-03 03:27:53', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 181.072, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070223', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2003-12-03 04:58:14', 2744, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-06-04 00:23:48', '2004-06-12 18:27:25', 1, 0, '2003-12-03 04:58:14', '2003-12-03 08:39:39', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 180.869, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070224', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2003-12-03 09:58:09', 2725, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-06-04 00:24:21', '2004-06-12 18:40:38', 1, 0, '2003-12-03 09:58:09', '2003-12-03 14:39:05', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 180.66499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3031001', 'HD14633', 35.726199999999999, 41.479900000000001, '2003-12-04 16:30:58', 57, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 7.4699999999999998, 'O8.0', 0.10000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2005-06-04 03:11:51', '2004-06-19 15:59:20', 0, 0, '2003-12-04 16:30:58', '2003-12-04 16:31:56', 25.701799999999999, 47.5471, -18.200800000000001, 140.779, 199.77000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 39471939, 0.60820336165967803, 0.43746031114595202, 0.66235726540738904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1200101', 'IC289', 47.580399999999997, 61.316899999999997, '2003-12-04 18:01:58', 20421, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'PN', 0.80000000000000004, 71, 'EE', '2005-06-04 00:13:41', '2004-06-12 18:14:39', 1, 0, '2003-12-04 18:01:58', '2003-12-05 02:04:52', 41.601999999999997, 64.343999999999994, 2.8042400000000001, 138.81800000000001, 234.97499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'GUERRERO', 'y', 53926858, 0.32376260582632399, 0.35432180168927402, 0.877287772578767); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9020601', 'HD14052', 34.6173, 57.208399999999997, '2003-12-05 03:05:24', 18184, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.3000000000000007, 'B1.5', 0.41999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2005-06-04 00:03:00', '2004-06-12 16:05:39', 0, 0, '2003-12-05 03:05:24', '2003-12-05 09:02:12', 40.457999999999998, 54.142200000000003, -3.6895600000000002, 134.53899999999999, 214.886, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53362340, 0.44570540801610897, 0.30767022936269101, 0.84064601303348996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3020101', 'BD+37D442', 29.639299999999999, 38.573300000000003, '2003-12-05 10:17:23', 6739, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 16, 9.9199999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-06-07 00:25:56', '2004-06-19 15:57:38', 0, 0, '2003-12-05 10:17:23', '2003-12-05 15:52:49', 24.725200000000001, 41.574100000000001, -22.4495, 137.06899999999999, 189.524, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 39938209, 0.67951576335438801, 0.38663542313493698, 0.62351533816753102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9021201', 'HD14443', 35.503, 57.145000000000003, '2003-12-05 17:14:15', 19656, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 8.0600000000000005, 'B1.5', 0.53000000000000003, 23, 'PC', '2005-06-04 00:03:05', '2004-06-12 16:33:07', 0, 0, '2003-12-05 17:14:15', '2003-12-06 01:19:30', 40.195700000000002, 54.676099999999998, -3.5874600000000001, 135.01300000000001, 215.096, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53371141, 0.44165325948789302, 0.31506310027449502, 0.84004621374609101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0180201', 'NGC604', 23.635000000000002, 30.784400000000002, '2003-12-06 02:49:30', 12278, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, '', 0.080000000000000002, 72, 'EC', '2005-06-06 22:09:17', '2004-06-16 13:09:33', 4, 0, '2003-12-06 02:49:30', '2003-12-06 10:18:43', 19.425000000000001, 33.432099999999998, -31.180299999999999, 133.75399999999999, 176.322, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LEQUEUX', 'y', 35319040, 0.78703631331606905, 0.344420402854553, 0.51180897571199202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9020701', 'BD+56D501', 34.624200000000002, 57.150799999999997, '2003-12-06 11:52:37', 23035, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 9.4100000000000001, 'B0.5', 0.42999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2005-06-04 06:00:06', '2004-06-12 16:17:48', 0, 0, '2003-12-06 11:52:37', '2003-12-06 22:21:11', 40.404400000000003, 54.114100000000001, -3.7426599999999999, 134.56200000000001, 212.97999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53361616, 0.44636356508814201, 0.30820393078136699, 0.84010112772970302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1040501', 'WD0232+035', 38.781700000000001, 3.7320799999999998, '2003-12-07 01:11:15', 2149, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 12.25, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-06-07 00:04:40', '2004-06-19 15:34:32', 1, 0, '2003-12-07 01:11:15', '2003-12-07 07:20:44', -10.8888, 37.613399999999999, -50.270499999999998, 165.97200000000001, 144.922, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 291484006, 0.77788491657007997, 0.62502657066471501, 0.065091032683979297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9020901', 'BD+56D510', 34.699100000000001, 57.134900000000002, '2003-12-07 09:10:30', 20214, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.3499999999999996, 'B1.5', 0.53000000000000003, 20, 'PC', '2005-06-04 06:10:59', '2004-06-12 16:27:00', 0, 0, '2003-12-07 09:10:30', '2003-12-07 18:15:45', 40.372599999999998, 54.153300000000002, -3.7442000000000002, 134.60499999999999, 221.87299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53361501, 0.44615193855693902, 0.308919880404183, 0.83995056712460803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0630302', 'AWM7', 43.615000000000002, 41.5792, '2003-12-07 19:18:05', 3376, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14, 'CLU', 0.029999999999999999, 81, 'EE', '2005-06-06 22:30:31', '2004-06-12 18:07:42', 0, 0.017239000000000001, '2003-12-07 19:18:05', '2003-12-08 02:25:56', 23.805499999999999, 53.705500000000001, -15.6347, 146.33799999999999, 204.81200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 39140575, 0.541573771365783, 0.516004160302304, 0.66365469690145096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050403', 'HD003827-BKGD', 10.300800000000001, 39.603900000000003, '2003-12-08 15:01:08', 11797, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 13, 99, 'B0.7', 0.02, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 20:33:13', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, -22, '2003-12-08 15:01:08', '2003-12-09 03:13:28', 32.010100000000001, 26.622699999999998, -23.2255, 120.788, 179.482, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 42917148, 0.75805183687275202, 0.13777230079557101, 0.63747643544474797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9130801', 'IW-AND', 15.287100000000001, 43.390500000000003, '2003-12-09 07:18:18', 17635, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.199999999999999, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2005-06-04 00:03:35', '2004-06-16 15:39:25', 0, 0, '2003-12-09 07:18:18', '2003-12-09 16:34:57', 33.6464, 32.643700000000003, -19.446300000000001, 124.804, 179.709, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 43817611, 0.70097602005544501, 0.19159571501992601, 0.68696703071779996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1310104', 'QSO0045+3926', 12.0787, 39.686700000000002, '2003-12-09 17:47:08', 35489, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 25, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-06-10 14:53:26', '2005-06-10 00:00:00', 0, 0.13500000000000001, '2003-12-09 17:47:08', '2003-12-11 00:08:17', 31.4556, 28.0976, -23.1814, 122.28, 174.697, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'WANNIER', NULL, 42942847, 0.75251086558735303, 0.16103176752708001, 0.638589200519455); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050701', 'HD71634-BKGD', 126.376, -58.133200000000002, '2003-12-11 01:49:13', 20896, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'B5II', 0.14999999999999999, 24, 'EE', '2005-06-10 16:25:44', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2003-12-11 01:49:13', '2003-12-11 12:02:40', -71.4923, 170.541, -11.5236, 273.32600000000002, 43.597099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 618718988, -0.31311528522361298, 0.42507190494762598, -0.849277748315315); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3020701', 'LSS1362', 148.18600000000001, -46.280500000000004, '2003-12-11 21:30:43', 28889, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 66, 12.470000000000001, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-06-07 01:40:11', '2004-08-23 23:52:51', 0, 0, '2003-12-11 21:30:43', '2003-12-12 22:45:19', -53.902900000000002, 175.44499999999999, 6.1917299999999997, 273.67399999999998, 27.597799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 629961558, -0.58729599147969802, 0.364337643408019, -0.72273196967324704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0780401', 'KNOTD-BK', 134.965, -45.835900000000002, '2003-12-13 00:12:06', 39343, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-06-10 16:04:10', '2004-06-19 15:19:12', 0, 0, '2003-12-13 00:12:06', '2003-12-13 19:04:56', -58.675699999999999, 161.27199999999999, 0.140959, 266.76499999999999, 38.153399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 620548075, -0.49235140870792699, 0.49295329717665098, -0.71734729186495705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0660201', 'LS1275', 140.04300000000001, -45.531700000000001, '2003-12-13 20:29:09', 2587, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 7, 11.4, 'SDO', 0.029999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2005-06-10 23:06:23', '2004-08-17 18:39:42', 0, 0, '2003-12-13 20:29:09', '2003-12-13 22:24:35', -56.481200000000001, 166.50299999999999, 2.9453499999999999, 268.95699999999999, 35.090299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GUILLAUME', 'HEBRARD', 'y', 631381470, -0.53696305045278803, 0.44987920554045402, -0.71363813159802902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0300101', 'LH91486', 74.2316, -66.482799999999997, '2003-12-14 00:36:02', 8996, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.199999999999999, 'O6.5', 0.11, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-30 04:12:45', '2004-08-17 18:09:47', 0, 0, '2003-12-14 00:36:02', '2003-12-14 06:17:39', -83.733999999999995, 353.46600000000001, -36.0334, 277.26900000000001, 93.492800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'FABRICE', 'MARTINS', 'y', 542745841, 0.108434675110145, 0.38400827148279298, -0.91694032993786201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050603', 'CD-61_1208', 88.033799999999999, -61.1205, '2003-12-14 07:08:08', 6781, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 13, 11.19, 'SDB', 0.02, 28, 'PC', '2005-06-10 16:55:34', '2004-06-19 15:28:50', 0, 0, '2003-12-14 07:08:08', '2003-12-14 09:42:51', -84.492000000000004, 80.058400000000006, -30.614699999999999, 270.07900000000001, 81.137, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 553986550, 0.016570636012011499, 0.48268476531114102, -0.87563738577032302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9030301', 'IRASL06229-6434', 95.787899999999993, -64.606700000000004, '2003-12-14 10:53:31', 45260, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 20, 14.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2005-06-10 16:06:43', '2004-09-30 18:06:25', 0, 0.129, '2003-12-14 10:53:31', '2003-12-15 14:02:59', -86.9131, 143.42400000000001, -27.3169, 274.31400000000002, 74.209699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MASSIMILIANO', 'BONAMENTE', 'y', 637600762, -0.043245821460004302, 0.42664333641475199, -0.90338544510033902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050801', 'LS982-BKGD', 122.63200000000001, -40.546799999999998, '2003-12-15 15:28:05', 20413, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'SDO', 0.02, 16, 'EE', '2005-06-10 16:36:51', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2003-12-15 15:28:05', '2003-12-16 03:35:08', -58.318100000000001, 141.27799999999999, -3.8786200000000002, 257.149, 49.557499999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 644915338, -0.40975604435750201, 0.63992996090794196, -0.65006894191681897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9030302', 'IRASL06229-6434', 95.787899999999993, -64.606700000000004, '2003-12-16 05:48:05', 21543, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2005-06-10 16:14:20', '2004-09-30 18:15:42', 0, 0.129, '2003-12-16 05:48:05', '2003-12-16 16:40:04', -86.9131, 143.42400000000001, -27.3169, 274.31400000000002, 81.024799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MASSIMILIANO', 'BONAMENTE', 'y', 637600762, -0.043245821460004302, 0.42664333641475199, -0.90338544510033902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2042503', 'IX-VEL', 123.82899999999999, -49.221899999999998, '2003-12-16 17:53:02', 7392, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 15, 9.5999999999999996, '', 0.02, 63, 'PC', '2005-06-10 16:56:27', '2004-06-19 15:45:14', 0, 0, '2003-12-16 17:53:02', '2003-12-17 01:17:07', -65.585099999999997, 151.60400000000001, -7.8898299999999999, 264.93000000000001, 50.676299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 642125978, -0.363608689519549, 0.54255792437564998, -0.75724475541469605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9030303', 'IRASL06229-6434', 95.787899999999993, -64.606700000000004, '2003-12-17 02:38:23', 10441, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2005-06-10 16:14:39', '2004-09-30 18:24:35', 0, 0.129, '2003-12-17 02:38:23', '2003-12-17 07:38:26', -86.9131, 143.42400000000001, -27.3169, 274.31400000000002, 76.907799999999995, 'F', 'F', 'MASSIMILIANO', 'BONAMENTE', 'y', 637600762, -0.043245821460004302, 0.42664333641475199, -0.90338544510033902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2042504', 'IX-VEL', 123.82899999999999, -49.221899999999998, '2003-12-17 08:41:53', 11551, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 24, 9.5999999999999996, '', 0.02, 63, 'PC', '2005-06-10 23:37:49', '2004-07-22 23:32:48', 0, 0, '2003-12-17 08:41:53', '2003-12-17 17:45:33', -65.585099999999997, 151.60400000000001, -7.8898299999999999, 264.93000000000001, 51.2819, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 642125978, -0.363608689519549, 0.54255792437564998, -0.75724475541469605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9030304', 'IRASL06229-6434', 95.787899999999993, -64.606700000000004, '2003-12-17 19:06:31', 8694, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2005-06-10 16:24:59', '2004-09-30 18:36:11', 0, 0.129, '2003-12-17 19:06:31', '2003-12-18 01:56:26', -86.9131, 143.42400000000001, -27.3169, 274.31400000000002, 77.605500000000006, 'F', 'F', 'MASSIMILIANO', 'BONAMENTE', 'y', 637600762, -0.043245821460004302, 0.42664333641475199, -0.90338544510033902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0660101', 'LS982', 122.63200000000001, -40.546799999999998, '2003-12-18 03:03:31', 5727, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 12, 12.6, 'SDO', 0.02, 16, 'PC', '2005-06-10 15:54:33', '2004-08-10 16:35:30', 0, 0, '2003-12-18 03:03:31', '2003-12-18 07:01:29', -58.318100000000001, 141.27799999999999, -3.8786200000000002, 257.149, 51.884399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GUILLAUME', 'HEBRARD', 'y', 644915338, -0.40975604435750201, 0.63992996090794196, -0.65006894191681897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2042505', 'IX-VEL', 123.82899999999999, -49.221899999999998, '2003-12-18 08:01:09', 11590, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 24, 9.5999999999999996, '', 0.02, 63, 'PC', '2005-06-10 17:41:38', '2004-07-22 23:54:05', 0, 0, '2003-12-18 08:01:09', '2003-12-18 17:00:39', -65.585099999999997, 151.60400000000001, -7.8898299999999999, 264.93000000000001, 52.205599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 642125978, -0.363608689519549, 0.54255792437564998, -0.75724475541469605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050901', 'HD26976-BKGD', 63.839100000000002, -7.6608900000000002, '2003-12-18 19:39:40', 12129, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'DA3', 0, 29, 'EE', '2005-06-10 16:37:10', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2003-12-18 19:39:40', '2003-12-19 04:29:44', -28.4345, 60.204599999999999, -38.0336, 200.77600000000001, 121.93000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 372064898, 0.43695821329764101, 0.88954822287948998, -0.13330971083786); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050902', 'HD26976-BKGD', 63.839100000000002, -7.6608900000000002, '2003-12-19 10:59:41', 7889, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'DA3', 0, 29, 'EE', '2005-06-10 16:37:30', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2003-12-19 10:59:41', '2003-12-19 16:08:26', -28.4345, 60.204599999999999, -38.0336, 200.77600000000001, 132.81800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 372064898, 0.43695821329764101, 0.88954822287948998, -0.13330971083786); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1650101', 'HD22049', 53.232700000000001, -9.4582599999999992, '2003-12-19 17:15:05', 6048, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 10, 3.73, 'K2', 0.90000000000000002, 46, 'PE', '2005-06-10 18:42:37', '2004-08-23 21:23:55', 1, 13, '2003-12-19 17:15:05', '2003-12-20 00:24:22', -27.715900000000001, 48.167700000000004, -48.051600000000001, 195.846, 117.202, 'F', 'F', 'WALTER', 'HARRIS', 'y', 601251152, 0.59042933920784801, 0.79018299011050597, -0.16432905264318001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0540303', 'HD32008', 74.959999999999994, -10.263, '2003-12-20 01:23:58', 5635, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.9, 'G4V', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-06-10 15:12:17', '2004-08-23 19:23:44', 0, 0, '2003-12-20 01:23:58', '2003-12-20 03:50:24', -32.783900000000003, 72.318899999999999, -29.408100000000001, 209.55199999999999, 107.86, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 370546178, 0.25534150959127899, 0.95029327070756697, -0.178166812643547); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1220102', 'GD50', 57.209000000000003, -0.97591399999999995, '2003-12-20 04:43:34', 11259, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.98, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-06-10 18:02:07', '2004-08-23 19:31:36', 0, 0, '2003-12-20 04:43:34', '2003-12-20 10:25:04', -20.485700000000001, 54.686300000000003, -40.098100000000002, 188.95599999999999, 136.03, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 378494719, 0.54149760853788698, 0.84052974242107303, -0.017032088929849601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1650102', 'HD22049', 53.232700000000001, -9.4582599999999992, '2003-12-20 11:44:00', 8779, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 4, 3.73, 'K2', 0.90000000000000002, 46, 'PE', '2005-06-10 18:42:56', '2004-08-23 21:31:53', 1, 13, '2003-12-20 11:44:00', '2003-12-20 17:02:32', -27.715900000000001, 48.167700000000004, -48.051600000000001, 195.846, 132.88900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WALTER', 'HARRIS', 'y', 601251152, 0.59042933920784801, 0.79018299011050597, -0.16432905264318001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0790101', 'HD26976', 63.839100000000002, -7.6608900000000002, '2003-12-20 18:18:28', 5114, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 14, 9.5, 'DA3', 0, 29, 'PC', '2005-06-10 18:41:35', '2004-08-23 20:05:14', 0, 0, '2003-12-20 18:18:28', '2003-12-21 03:02:53', -28.4345, 60.204599999999999, -38.0336, 200.77600000000001, 134.393, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'WOOD', 'y', 372064898, 0.43695821329764101, 0.88954822287948998, -0.13330971083786); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1650103', 'HD22049', 53.232700000000001, -9.4582599999999992, '2003-12-21 03:56:05', 11785, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 4, 3.73, 'K2', 0.90000000000000002, 46, 'PE', '2005-06-10 18:43:27', '2004-08-23 21:39:00', 1, 13, '2003-12-21 03:56:05', '2003-12-21 09:40:43', -27.715900000000001, 48.167700000000004, -48.051600000000001, 195.846, 123.464, 'F', 'F', 'WALTER', 'HARRIS', 'y', 601251152, 0.59042933920784801, 0.79018299011050597, -0.16432905264318001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1220103', 'GD50', 57.209000000000003, -0.97591399999999995, '2003-12-21 10:57:50', 13917, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.98, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-06-10 18:21:25', '2004-08-23 19:41:07', 0, 0, '2003-12-21 10:57:50', '2003-12-21 19:41:24', -20.485700000000001, 54.686300000000003, -40.098100000000002, 188.95599999999999, 132.18100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 378494719, 0.54149760853788698, 0.84052974242107303, -0.017032088929849601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1650104', 'HD22049', 53.232700000000001, -9.4582599999999992, '2003-12-21 20:59:33', 8284, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 4, 3.73, 'K2', 0.90000000000000002, 46, 'PE', '2005-06-10 18:44:17', '2004-08-23 21:46:55', 1, 13, '2003-12-21 20:59:33', '2003-12-22 02:18:57', -27.715900000000001, 48.167700000000004, -48.051600000000001, 195.846, 124.056, 'F', 'F', 'WALTER', 'HARRIS', 'y', 601251152, 0.59042933920784801, 0.79018299011050597, -0.16432905264318001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0790102', 'HD26976', 63.839100000000002, -7.6608900000000002, '2003-12-22 03:22:29', 5385, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 13, 9.5, 'DA3', 0, 29, 'PC', '2005-06-10 18:42:06', '2004-08-23 20:15:43', 0, 0, '2003-12-22 03:22:29', '2003-12-22 08:34:04', -28.4345, 60.204599999999999, -38.0336, 200.77600000000001, 136.03700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'WOOD', 'y', 372064898, 0.43695821329764101, 0.88954822287948998, -0.13330971083786); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1220104', 'GD50', 57.209000000000003, -0.97591399999999995, '2003-12-22 10:25:34', 9368, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.98, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-06-10 18:21:31', '2004-08-23 19:49:19', 0, 0, '2003-12-22 10:25:34', '2003-12-22 18:50:32', -20.485700000000001, 54.686300000000003, -40.098100000000002, 188.95599999999999, 138.02600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 378494719, 0.54149760853788698, 0.84052974242107303, -0.017032088929849601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1650105', 'HD22049', 53.232700000000001, -9.4582599999999992, '2003-12-22 20:12:47', 18791, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 15, 3.73, 'K2', 0.90000000000000002, 46, 'PE', '2005-06-10 19:02:51', '2004-08-23 21:59:53', 1, 13, '2003-12-22 20:12:47', '2003-12-23 08:15:55', -27.715900000000001, 48.167700000000004, -48.051600000000001, 195.846, 134.44399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WALTER', 'HARRIS', 'y', 601251152, 0.59042933920784801, 0.79018299011050597, -0.16432905264318001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1220105', 'GD50', 57.209000000000003, -0.97591399999999995, '2003-12-23 09:42:47', 8784, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.98, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-06-10 18:41:19', '2004-08-23 19:57:08', 0, 0, '2003-12-23 09:42:47', '2003-12-23 16:26:43', -20.485700000000001, 54.686300000000003, -40.098100000000002, 188.95599999999999, 138.839, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 378494719, 0.54149760853788698, 0.84052974242107303, -0.017032088929849601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0480201', 'NGC1741', 75.4071, -4.25861, '2003-12-23 17:42:01', 21199, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.5, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 89, 'EC', '2005-06-10 18:41:25', '2004-08-17 17:38:45', 1, 4019, '2003-12-23 17:42:01', '2003-12-24 06:00:49', -26.873100000000001, 73.640000000000001, -26.2972, 203.72, 116.43300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 374024255, 0.25125381636550798, 0.96506850397674604, -0.074258348984157604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4058203', 'CD-61_1208-BKGD', 88.033799999999999, -61.1205, '2003-12-24 07:15:53', 26407, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SDB', 0.02, 28, 'EE', '2005-06-10 19:25:57', '2004-02-27 09:47:00', 1, 0, '2003-12-24 07:15:53', '2003-12-24 18:05:36', -84.492000000000004, 80.058400000000006, -30.614699999999999, 270.07900000000001, 91.344999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 553986550, 0.016570636012011499, 0.48268476531114102, -0.87563738577032302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9100201', 'V436-CAR', 116.241, -52.953600000000002, '2003-12-25 13:16:06', 11106, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.6, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2005-06-11 02:15:34', '2004-02-27 09:47:01', 0, 0, '2003-12-25 13:16:06', '2003-12-25 19:02:47', -71.304400000000001, 146.20500000000001, -13.877599999999999, 265.79599999999999, 66.398300000000006, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 639080485, -0.26637706785717302, 0.54037322423178102, -0.79814787868738002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9030202', 'IRAS03335-5626', 53.699199999999998, -56.253599999999999, '2003-12-25 20:15:57', 23462, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.9, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2005-06-10 16:04:51', '2004-09-30 17:42:58', 1, 0.078, '2003-12-25 20:15:57', '2003-12-26 07:50:07', -70.216200000000001, 13.6721, -48.867400000000004, 269.41199999999998, 124.452, 'F', 'F', 'MASSIMILIANO', 'BONAMENTE', 'y', 550717863, 0.32888022178088, 0.44770306676043498, -0.831504518168519); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1260101', 'HD36705', 82.186800000000005, -65.448599999999999, '2003-12-26 08:51:11', 102208, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 26, 6.9299999999999997, 'K1IV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-06-10 19:23:56', '2004-08-10 17:28:47', 1, 0, '2003-12-26 08:51:11', '2003-12-27 22:00:34', -86.636399999999995, 15.6897, -33.0456, 275.30200000000002, 99.599599999999995, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 542584648, 0.056485935560650499, 0.41165203947078099, -0.90958888377298497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0720206', 'DEML71SW', 76.415300000000002, -67.887299999999996, '2003-12-29 05:00:29', 41079, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'SNR', 0.12, 75, 'EE', '2005-02-08 03:57:05', '2004-08-10 16:17:29', 0, 0, '2003-12-29 05:00:29', '2003-12-29 20:45:58', -84.588399999999993, 339.637, -34.864199999999997, 278.68000000000001, 106.961, 'F', 'F', 'PARVIZ', 'GHAVAMIAN', 'y', 542666791, 0.088416752822803701, 0.36589853868151301, -0.92644521543964198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9040401', 'SNR0453-672', 73.447500000000005, -69.987499999999997, '2003-12-29 21:04:02', 21381, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-02-08 04:59:40', '2004-08-17 19:04:39', 1, 0, '2003-12-29 21:04:02', '2003-12-30 03:40:26', -83.011399999999995, 323.25599999999997, -35.311500000000002, 281.50599999999997, 110.413, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541950291, 0.097497818334617903, 0.328043022817608, -0.93961798120335904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9040201', 'SNR0453-666', 73.308300000000003, -66.919399999999996, '2003-12-30 04:23:21', 18377, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-02-08 04:48:50', '2004-08-26 19:10:06', 1, 0, '2003-12-30 04:23:21', '2003-12-30 11:44:25', -83.418499999999995, 349.22899999999998, -36.267699999999998, 277.911, 110.758, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542701718, 0.112598298379694, 0.37550729958872198, -0.91995428753693098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9051001', 'BREY64', 83.976900000000001, -68.985399999999998, '2003-12-30 21:01:05', 13084, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.26, 'WN9', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2005-02-08 07:35:29', '2004-02-18 09:07:44', 0, 0, '2003-12-30 21:01:05', '2003-12-31 01:38:04', -86.6755, 310.45600000000002, -31.934000000000001, 279.36700000000002, 101.759, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 542227254, 0.037628300860742099, 0.356626209149775, -0.93348907755891497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050403', 'REJ0230-47', 37.722099999999998, -47.9236, '2003-12-31 03:23:45', 4960, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.529999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-08 03:05:43', '2004-08-17 19:10:32', 0, 0, '2003-12-31 03:23:45', '2003-12-31 05:49:11', -57.574800000000003, 8.6793899999999997, -61.5916, 266.62, 141.81999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 574976709, 0.53005735533687104, 0.41000156045330699, -0.74225192521079697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9050201', 'TX-COL', 85.834599999999995, -41.032200000000003, '2003-12-31 07:00:22', 3525, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-02-08 05:10:24', '2004-09-30 18:49:37', 0, 0, '2003-12-31 07:00:22', '2003-12-31 19:31:05', -64.366500000000002, 82.723699999999994, -29.729800000000001, 246.77199999999999, 101.78, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 559340167, 0.054792236218673497, 0.75234818453857799, -0.65648306914318999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1650106', 'HD22049', 53.232700000000001, -9.4582599999999992, '2003-12-31 22:01:31', 12116, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 5, 3.73, 'K2', 0.90000000000000002, 46, 'PE', '2005-02-08 04:28:29', '2004-08-17 22:39:56', 1, 13, '2003-12-31 22:01:31', '2004-01-01 05:04:22', -27.715900000000001, 48.167700000000004, -48.051600000000001, 195.846, 141.911, 'F', 'F', 'WALTER', 'HARRIS', 'y', 601251152, 0.59042933920784801, 0.79018299011050597, -0.16432905264318001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0230301', 'ALPHA-CET', 45.569899999999997, 4.0896699999999999, '2004-01-01 06:32:40', 11578, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 2.5600000000000001, 'M1.5', 0, 49, 'PE', '2005-02-08 03:36:12', '2004-08-17 16:58:55', 0, 0, '2004-01-01 06:32:40', '2004-01-01 16:50:18', -12.585800000000001, 44.320099999999996, -45.5961, 173.31800000000001, 147.22399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM M.', 'HARPER', 'y', 250950, 0.69825604972097799, 0.71228666085855696, 0.0713176120675766); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0410101', 'MRK1044', 37.5227, -8.9979399999999998, '2004-01-01 17:53:11', 12608, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-08 02:03:37', '2004-08-17 18:30:57', 1, 0.016, '2004-01-01 17:53:11', '2004-01-02 01:07:48', -22.506599999999999, 32.012300000000003, -60.477800000000002, 179.69499999999999, 131.00399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SMITA', 'MATHUR', 'y', 602532158, 0.78335202732324205, 0.60158039241364902, -0.15639895380726401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1650107', 'HD22049', 53.232700000000001, -9.4582599999999992, '2004-01-02 02:09:56', 5277, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 3, 3.73, 'K2', 0.90000000000000002, 46, 'PE', '2005-02-08 04:28:36', '2004-08-17 17:53:11', 1, 13, '2004-01-02 02:09:56', '2004-01-02 06:02:45', -27.715900000000001, 48.167700000000004, -48.051600000000001, 195.846, 142.70500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WALTER', 'HARRIS', 'y', 601251152, 0.59042933920784801, 0.79018299011050597, -0.16432905264318001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0260301', 'PG-0112+104', 18.6571, 10.684799999999999, '2004-01-02 07:19:58', 22899, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.359999999999999, 'DBA_', 0, 29, 'PC', '2005-02-08 03:36:51', '2004-08-17 17:19:06', 0, 0, '2004-01-02 07:19:58', '2004-01-02 20:59:20', 2.5826799999999999, 21.256, -51.771099999999997, 132.16399999999999, 140.79400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THIERRY', 'LANZ', 'y', 300393233, 0.93102319722376903, 0.31435719621215502, 0.185405931460844); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1040503', 'WD0232+035', 38.781700000000001, 3.7320799999999998, '2004-01-02 22:09:51', 16117, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 28, 12.25, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-15 04:25:29', '2004-08-10 18:19:14', 1, 0, '2004-01-02 22:09:51', '2004-01-03 23:09:02', -10.8888, 37.613399999999999, -50.270499999999998, 165.97200000000001, 143.876, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 291484006, 0.77788491657007997, 0.62502657066471501, 0.065091032683979297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0550101', 'MRK586', 31.957699999999999, 2.7154400000000001, '2004-01-04 00:45:33', 19223, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 15.4, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-08 04:39:10', '2004-08-27 05:27:40', 2, 0.15529999999999999, '2004-01-04 00:45:33', '2004-01-04 14:38:52', -9.60412, 30.735800000000001, -54.930799999999998, 157.601, 146.42099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', 'y', 292741154, 0.84748641626869303, 0.528698708195395, 0.047375628677281199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5051001', 'WD0232+035-BKGD', 38.781700000000001, 3.7320799999999998, '2004-01-04 15:35:18', 37553, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 15, 12.25, '', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-02-08 07:35:17', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2004-01-04 15:35:18', '2004-01-05 15:19:18', -10.8888, 37.613399999999999, -50.270499999999998, 165.97200000000001, 146.279, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 291484006, 0.77788491657007997, 0.62502657066471501, 0.065091032683979297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1040504', 'WD0232+035', 38.781700000000001, 3.7320799999999998, '2004-01-06 01:00:00', 11999, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 20, 12.25, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-08 03:26:40', '2004-08-17 19:43:08', 1, 0, '2004-01-06 01:00:00', '2004-01-06 18:03:42', -10.8888, 37.613399999999999, -50.270499999999998, 165.97200000000001, 146.595, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 291484006, 0.77788491657007997, 0.62502657066471501, 0.065091032683979297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5051101', 'WD0232+035-BKGD', 38.781700000000001, 3.7320799999999998, '2004-01-06 19:14:14', 19958, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 12.25, '', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-02-08 07:35:22', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2004-01-06 19:14:14', '2004-01-07 09:10:03', -10.8888, 37.613399999999999, -50.270499999999998, 165.97200000000001, 146.76400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 291484006, 0.77788491657007997, 0.62502657066471501, 0.065091032683979297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057905', 'WD1631+781-BKGD', 247.29499999999999, 78.077500000000001, '2004-01-07 10:17:52', 10122, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 13.1, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-02-08 07:24:58', '2004-02-27 09:47:00', 1, 0, '2004-01-07 10:17:52', '2004-01-07 17:23:03', 76.779399999999995, 110.40600000000001, 33.578699999999998, 111.297, 58.4283, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 198442371, -0.079740354487051898, -0.19057873672225201, 0.97842793346042101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2040803', 'WD1211+332', 183.48500000000001, 32.941899999999997, '2004-01-08 10:05:22', 1227, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 16, 14.199999999999999, 'DO', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-05 02:31:59', '2004-08-17 23:11:16', 1, 0, '2004-01-08 10:05:22', '2004-01-09 01:44:47', 31.279199999999999, 168.56100000000001, 80.024000000000001, 175.036, 9.4453999999999994, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 467579118, -0.83767048556871104, -0.051014003241396003, 0.54378831274712702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8061501', 'RXJ131957+523533', 199.994, 52.591099999999997, '2004-01-09 17:43:46', 6780, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.699999999999999, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-03-05 02:31:53', '2004-08-17 18:45:05', 0, 0.091999999999999998, '2004-01-09 17:43:46', '2004-01-09 20:25:48', 54.232999999999997, 167.613, 63.9846, 113.02800000000001, 11.507899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 181943686, -0.57088430088985798, -0.20771719275475201, 0.79432026464870098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9050401', 'CQ-DRA', 187.53, 69.201899999999995, '2004-01-09 21:24:59', 36568, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 4.9500000000000002, 'CV', 0.14999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2005-03-07 13:49:54', '2004-09-30 19:06:40', 0, 0, '2004-01-09 21:24:59', '2004-01-10 12:18:59', 61.1877, 136.92099999999999, 47.8093, 125.749, 353.63299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 195928640, -0.35201392280203903, -0.046531033726309297, 0.93483745167482502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1150101', 'HD029139', 68.980199999999996, 16.5093, '2004-01-10 14:40:35', 66645, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 74, 0.84999999999999998, 'K5II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-03-07 13:49:01', '2004-09-29 20:25:26', 0, 0, '2004-01-10 14:40:35', '2004-01-12 23:33:07', -5.4675099999999999, 69.789199999999994, -20.2486, 180.97300000000001, 147.80000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', 'y', 385692105, 0.34390303820030899, 0.89497349612827204, 0.284170972382005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1270802', 'NGC2023-S3', 85.392899999999997, -2.2703899999999999, '2004-01-13 02:57:22', 2536, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EE', '2005-03-05 06:22:45', '2004-08-26 18:50:07', 1, 7.2000000000000002, '2004-01-13 02:57:22', '2004-01-13 08:18:03', -25.6282, 84.893000000000001, -16.5581, 206.85499999999999, 135.71299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 374447339, 0.080259389934143999, 0.99598647053878397, -0.039615411535104103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1270701', 'NGC2023-S2', 85.395799999999994, -2.2814999999999999, '2004-01-13 11:02:49', 7836, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EE', '2005-03-05 06:02:12', '2004-08-26 18:36:09', 1, 7.2000000000000002, '2004-01-13 11:02:49', '2004-01-13 15:08:28', -25.639399999999998, 84.895799999999994, -16.560700000000001, 206.86699999999999, 136.21299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 374447330, 0.080208360295241907, 0.99598285595103297, -0.039809164653038298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1270601', 'NGC2023-S1', 85.406700000000001, -2.2814999999999999, '2004-01-13 16:31:09', 4701, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EE', '2005-03-05 05:51:50', '2004-08-26 18:25:25', 1, 7.2000000000000002, '2004-01-13 16:31:09', '2004-01-13 20:07:56', -25.639800000000001, 84.907799999999995, -16.551100000000002, 206.87200000000001, 136.49299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 374447331, 0.0800188821815358, 0.99599809683756202, -0.039809164653038298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1270501', 'NGC2023-E2', 85.4208, -2.2731699999999999, '2004-01-13 21:29:16', 3523, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EE', '2005-03-05 02:21:32', '2004-08-26 18:10:26', 1, 7.2000000000000002, '2004-01-13 21:29:16', '2004-01-14 03:59:47', -25.632000000000001, 84.9238, -16.534700000000001, 206.87100000000001, 136.733, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 374447333, 0.079774234399760599, 0.99602351732984495, -0.0396638935534104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1270401', 'NGC2023-E1', 85.423299999999998, -2.26206, '2004-01-14 05:25:27', 4692, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EE', '2005-03-05 01:51:07', '2004-08-26 17:42:46', 1, 7.2000000000000002, '2004-01-14 05:25:27', '2004-01-14 09:19:15', -25.620999999999999, 84.927000000000007, -16.5273, 206.86199999999999, 137.113, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 374447347, 0.079731386798308101, 0.996034645010623, -0.039470139317986298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1270201', 'NGC2023-N2', 85.415000000000006, -2.22872, '2004-01-14 10:32:33', 7826, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EE', '2005-03-05 05:40:53', '2004-08-26 17:19:42', 1, 7.2000000000000002, '2004-01-14 10:32:33', '2004-01-14 16:05:40', -25.587399999999999, 84.9191, -16.519200000000001, 206.827, 137.39099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 374447874, 0.0798774963018892, 0.99604580974731904, -0.038888693335594297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1270301', 'NGC2023-N3', 85.404200000000003, -2.2176100000000001, '2004-01-14 17:22:46', 4613, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EE', '2005-03-05 05:51:43', '2004-08-26 17:32:15', 0, 7.2000000000000002, '2004-01-14 17:22:46', '2004-01-14 21:05:05', -25.575900000000001, 84.907499999999999, -16.523700000000002, 206.81200000000001, 137.64599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 374447904, 0.080065847797808301, 0.99603823328252605, -0.038694933206327699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1270101', 'NGC2023-N1', 85.423299999999998, -2.2245599999999999, '2004-01-14 21:59:14', 3166, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EE', '2005-02-10 04:54:49', '2004-08-26 17:03:28', 0, 7.2000000000000002, '2004-01-14 21:59:14', '2004-01-15 06:47:21', -25.583500000000001, 84.928399999999996, -16.509899999999998, 206.827, 137.928, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 374447875, 0.0797334310397841, 0.99606018244844496, -0.038816142458949501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9051401', 'ER-UMA', 146.80000000000001, 51.902200000000001, '2004-01-15 08:56:38', 29276, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 15.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-03-05 02:11:28', '2004-10-14 15:11:18', 0, 0, '2004-01-15 08:56:38', '2004-01-15 23:00:04', 35.988900000000001, 129.648, 47.7211, 164.26499999999999, 316.54399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 96395997, -0.51628831627705396, 0.33784960730889202, 0.78695871385799598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5051201', 'NGC1360-BKGD', 52.782899999999998, -25.7315, '2004-01-16 02:26:26', 13594, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'EE', '2005-03-04 04:12:48', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2004-01-16 02:26:26', '2004-01-16 14:34:37', -43.132599999999996, 41.701999999999998, -54.372599999999998, 219.97200000000001, 146.785, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 591966699, 0.54486026868023696, 0.71738220925992902, -0.43415441199075999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1840501', 'TT-ARI', 31.721299999999999, 15.295299999999999, '2004-01-17 13:07:27', 5925, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-03-04 06:51:11', '2004-08-12 19:34:13', 1, 0, '2004-01-17 13:07:27', '2004-01-17 17:01:19', 2.30884, 34.799599999999998, -43.795299999999997, 148.529, 158.03700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 9126384, 0.82048609676312201, 0.50716400664609296, 0.26379392597461099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0230302', 'ALPHA-CET', 45.569899999999997, 4.0896699999999999, '2004-01-17 18:13:29', 7236, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 2.5600000000000001, 'M1.5', 0, 49, 'PE', '2005-03-04 02:59:07', '2004-09-12 17:47:47', 0, 0, '2004-01-17 18:13:29', '2004-01-18 08:04:25', -12.585800000000001, 44.320099999999996, -45.5961, 173.31800000000001, 157.01900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM M.', 'HARPER', 'y', 250950, 0.69825604972097799, 0.71228666085855696, 0.0713176120675766); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0210101', 'HD37903', 85.409999999999997, -2.2590300000000001, '2004-01-18 09:36:41', 13531, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 57, 7.8099999999999996, 'B1.5', 0.34999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2005-03-05 06:34:12', '2004-09-12 18:34:56', 2, 0, '2004-01-18 09:36:41', '2004-01-20 04:36:02', -25.6175, 84.912300000000002, -16.537800000000001, 206.85300000000001, 141.733, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID M.', 'MEYER', 'y', 374447354, 0.079962759891298696, 0.99601818945644904, -0.039417296995908797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054603', 'HD36981-BKGD', 83.775800000000004, -5.2044199999999998, '2004-01-20 06:01:44', 11621, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-03-04 04:12:41', '2004-03-01 08:49:24', 0, 0, '2004-01-20 06:01:44', '2004-01-20 13:31:46', -28.491599999999998, 82.943399999999997, -19.3384, 208.81700000000001, 141.92599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 373637584, 0.10797227652956801, 0.99000696521093901, -0.090709405988845804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0601301', 'HD37373', 84.461799999999997, -6.7220800000000001, '2004-01-20 21:31:26', 12160, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 20, 8.3200000000000003, 'B9', 0.02, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-04 07:53:48', '2004-08-17 22:17:17', 0, 0, '2004-01-20 21:31:26', '2004-01-21 11:07:44', -30.039400000000001, 83.643299999999996, -19.410699999999999, 210.57900000000001, 140.86799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 351210945, 0.095845934854604201, 0.98848977892103695, -0.11705346530747); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0480202', 'NGC1741', 75.4071, -4.25861, '2004-01-21 12:03:50', 7998, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.5, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 89, 'EC', '2005-03-04 02:59:25', '2004-08-17 17:46:58', 1, 4019, '2004-01-21 12:03:50', '2004-01-21 16:04:32', -26.873100000000001, 73.640000000000001, -26.2972, 203.72, 158.27699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'TIMOTHY', 'HECKMAN', 'y', 374024255, 0.25125381636550798, 0.96506850397674604, -0.074258348984157604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0601401', 'HD37526', 84.760000000000005, -5.1944699999999999, '2004-01-21 17:11:51', 1840, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.5999999999999996, 'B3V', 0.029999999999999999, 21, 'PC', '2006-04-03 17:48:45', '2004-08-17 22:21:59', 0, 0, '2004-01-21 17:11:51', '2004-01-21 17:47:08', -28.5259, 84.058099999999996, -18.460000000000001, 209.27600000000001, 142.73400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 351264533, 0.090952746107375304, 0.99173118703267604, -0.090536460292446802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0601001', 'HD37151', 84.025999999999996, -7.3964699999999999, '2004-01-21 19:14:12', 2283, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.4000000000000004, 'B8V', 0.029999999999999999, 22, 'PC', '2005-03-05 03:24:44', '2004-08-17 21:46:40', 0, 0, '2004-01-21 19:14:12', '2004-01-21 22:46:19', -30.693100000000001, 83.106399999999994, -20.0976, 211.017, 141.684, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 351162561, 0.103211136763057, 0.98629351104265905, -0.12873449935127099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0600401', 'HD36487', 82.922700000000006, -7.0486399999999998, '2004-01-22 00:15:34', 3505, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 7.79, 'B5V', 0.02, 21, 'PC', '2005-03-04 04:13:18', '2004-08-17 21:37:14', 0, 0, '2004-01-22 00:15:34', '2004-01-22 05:02:50', -30.2883, 81.859099999999998, -20.924399999999999, 210.166, 152.78399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', 'y', 351191622, 0.12227714822939, 0.98488074845594298, -0.12271189975609099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q2210101', 'HD44179', 94.991699999999994, -10.6372, '2004-01-22 06:20:47', 16914, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 8.3800000000000008, 'B8V', 0.40000000000000002, 18, 'PE', '2005-03-04 03:52:02', '2004-08-12 20:14:54', 0, 0, '2004-01-22 06:20:47', '2004-01-22 17:07:22', -33.974200000000003, 95.918800000000005, -11.765599999999999, 218.96899999999999, 130.52600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIAL', 'ANDRE', 'y', 349417930, -0.085516201028095803, 0.97908819712846096, -0.18458949484047599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050202', 'WD0439+466-BKGD', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2004-01-22 18:26:03', 9518, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 13, 99, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-03-04 03:52:23', '2004-02-27 17:05:16', 1, 0, '2004-01-22 18:26:03', '2004-01-23 06:04:09', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 190.65299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070422', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2004-01-23 17:40:31', 3216, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-04 07:12:06', '2004-08-12 18:47:32', 0, 0, '2004-01-23 17:40:31', '2004-01-23 21:28:20', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 189.97800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0550501', 'MS07007+6338', 106.372, 63.559199999999997, '2004-01-23 22:45:45', 77395, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 34, 14.5, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-04 03:41:19', '2004-09-12 19:33:52', 2, 0.153, '2004-01-23 22:45:45', '2004-01-25 15:28:49', 40.659999999999997, 99.523799999999994, 25.630299999999998, 152.46799999999999, 242.024, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', 'y', 128031665, -0.12551023556447, 0.42721790010112898, 0.89539491097600798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030519', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2004-01-25 21:31:01', 1887, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-04 08:04:42', '2004-08-12 18:39:16', 0, 0, '2004-01-25 21:31:01', '2004-01-25 23:23:36', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 198.035, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030415', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2004-01-26 00:51:07', 1902, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-04 07:54:07', '2004-08-12 18:36:05', 0, 0, '2004-01-26 00:51:07', '2004-01-26 03:38:16', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 197.952, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070423', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2004-01-26 06:49:22', 4898, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 12, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-02-17 12:40:16', '2004-08-12 19:08:14', 1, 0, '2004-01-26 06:49:22', '2004-01-26 12:42:02', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 188.376, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070424', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2004-01-26 13:33:56', 5740, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 12, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-02-17 14:57:18', '2004-08-12 19:25:47', 1, 0, '2004-01-26 13:33:56', '2004-01-26 19:21:22', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 188.13499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9130401', 'FY-PER', 70.484499999999997, 50.7102, '2004-01-26 20:43:05', 6991, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.300000000000001, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2005-02-18 02:28:55', '2004-09-30 19:37:31', 0, 0, '2004-01-26 20:43:05', '2004-01-27 03:02:28', 28.2075, 76.110500000000002, 2.9308700000000001, 155.31200000000001, 190.40600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 30290656, 0.211542365597885, 0.59686401487114504, 0.77395295419627996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5051301', 'AGK+81D266-BKGD', 140.32900000000001, 81.724599999999995, '2004-01-27 05:24:03', 8433, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SDO', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-02-17 03:51:37', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2004-01-27 05:24:03', '2004-01-27 09:14:16', 60.619199999999999, 103.051, 31.948599999999999, 130.67099999999999, 279.60399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 133292579, -0.110787224375408, 0.0918826412983859, 0.98958767734002495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230701', 'AGK+81D266', 140.32900000000001, 81.724599999999995, '2004-01-27 18:29:57', 12801, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.85, 'SDO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-19 18:31:46', '2004-08-12 20:22:00', 0, 0, '2004-01-27 18:29:57', '2004-01-28 01:51:05', 60.619199999999999, 103.051, 31.948599999999999, 130.67099999999999, 278.94799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 133292579, -0.110787224375408, 0.0918826412983859, 0.98958767734002495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230702', 'AGK+81D266', 140.32900000000001, 81.724599999999995, '2004-01-28 02:53:36', 13611, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.85, 'SDO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-08-11 19:15:51', '2004-08-12 20:26:59', 0, 0, '2004-01-28 02:53:36', '2004-01-28 10:09:32', 60.619199999999999, 103.051, 31.948599999999999, 130.67099999999999, 278.58499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 133292579, -0.110787224375408, 0.0918826412983859, 0.98958767734002495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5051302', 'AGK+81D266-BKGD', 140.32900000000001, 81.724599999999995, '2004-01-28 10:51:44', 13656, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SDO', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-02-17 03:52:04', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2004-01-28 10:51:44', '2004-01-28 20:07:39', 60.619199999999999, 103.051, 31.948599999999999, 130.67099999999999, 278.20299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 133292579, -0.110787224375408, 0.0918826412983859, 0.98958767734002495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230703', 'AGK+81D266', 140.32900000000001, 81.724599999999995, '2004-01-28 20:59:08', 0, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.85, 'SDO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-01 06:31:33', '2004-08-12 20:32:24', 1, 0, '2004-01-28 20:59:08', '2004-01-29 02:46:25', 60.619199999999999, 103.051, 31.948599999999999, 130.67099999999999, 277.74400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 133292579, -0.110787224375408, 0.0918826412983859, 0.98958767734002495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230704', 'AGK+81D266', 140.32900000000001, 81.724599999999995, '2004-01-29 03:51:51', 0, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.85, 'SDO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-01 06:42:10', '2004-08-12 20:39:33', 1, 0, '2004-01-29 03:51:51', '2004-01-29 11:04:54', 60.619199999999999, 103.051, 31.948599999999999, 130.67099999999999, 277.43900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 133292579, -0.110787224375408, 0.0918826412983859, 0.98958767734002495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9070201', 'WD0214+568', 34.388100000000001, 57.113100000000003, '2004-01-29 12:22:49', 10610, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.68, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-17 06:38:27', '2004-08-12 18:20:05', 0, 0, '2004-01-29 12:22:49', '2004-01-29 16:00:29', 40.425600000000003, 53.940899999999999, -3.8204199999999999, 134.453, 161.834, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 53383267, 0.44808586664512101, 0.30667411887658402, 0.83974403297919398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9021001', 'HD14134', 34.7682, 57.134700000000002, '2004-01-29 16:36:33', 11487, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.5700000000000003, 'B3I', 0.57999999999999996, 24, 'PC', '2005-02-17 03:30:41', '2004-11-07 01:24:36', 0, 0, '2004-01-29 16:36:33', '2004-01-29 21:12:29', 40.356400000000001, 54.197699999999998, -3.7318899999999999, 134.64099999999999, 162.011, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53361837, 0.44578145837411298, 0.30945939687817497, 0.83994867286855401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9020801', 'HD14092', 34.674500000000002, 56.761299999999999, '2004-01-29 21:53:22', 7979, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.2699999999999996, 'B1V', 0.5, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-17 03:30:31', '2004-08-17 18:51:46', 0, 0, '2004-01-29 21:53:22', '2004-01-30 00:46:08', 40.040799999999997, 53.927900000000001, -4.10107, 134.71700000000001, 161.71299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53356469, 0.45077923371656098, 0.31183761622282802, 0.83639427518268805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9020501', 'HD14053', 34.5961, 57.009900000000002, '2004-01-30 01:16:47', 8700, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.4600000000000009, 'B0.7', 0.46999999999999997, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-17 06:28:17', '2004-08-12 18:15:02', 0, 0, '2004-01-30 01:16:47', '2004-01-30 04:14:32', 40.283799999999999, 54.016599999999997, -3.88069, 134.59399999999999, 161.59999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53361234, 0.44821395321372098, 0.30915706918927499, 0.83876466229498803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9020301', 'BD+56D508', 34.700099999999999, 57.285499999999999, '2004-01-30 04:40:57', 11755, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.5, 'B2V', 0.59999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-17 06:18:10', '2004-08-12 18:11:02', 0, 0, '2004-01-30 04:40:57', '2004-01-30 08:18:58', 40.508400000000002, 54.238999999999997, -3.6019199999999998, 134.55600000000001, 161.64599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53362421, 0.444329895619546, 0.30766975355819698, 0.84137403490015195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9020201', 'BD+56D485', 34.457299999999996, 57.090499999999999, '2004-01-30 08:37:27', 7704, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.8900000000000006, 'B0.5', 0.5, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-17 03:30:22', '2004-08-12 18:06:05', 0, 0, '2004-01-30 08:37:27', '2004-01-30 11:16:45', 40.389000000000003, 53.9726, -3.82944, 134.49600000000001, 161.297, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53361391, 0.44798823093732298, 0.30740246344163802, 0.83952979125916705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9020101', 'HD13900', 34.314799999999998, 56.898000000000003, '2004-01-30 11:31:38', 6240, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.2599999999999998, 'B1II', 0.41999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-17 03:30:03', '2004-08-12 18:01:54', 0, 0, '2004-01-30 11:31:38', '2004-01-30 13:33:56', 40.248699999999999, 53.771999999999998, -4.0367699999999997, 134.48500000000001, 161.06299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SEAN D.', 'POINTS', 'y', 53358324, 0.45107854309561302, 0.30787568658742698, 0.837699653555533); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1210301', 'S308-C', 103.479, -23.886800000000001, '2004-01-30 15:53:28', 23904, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 28, 99, 'OTR', 0.029999999999999999, 76, 'EE', '2005-02-18 02:28:29', '2004-09-29 17:27:09', 0, 0, '2004-01-30 15:53:28', '2004-01-31 10:44:04', -46.4861, 108.03100000000001, -10.127700000000001, 234.69, 114.339, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 340208549, -0.213124250321923, 0.88916195490730698, -0.404930947039289); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1720104', 'NGC5128-JET-OUTERFIL-H', 201.61500000000001, -42.836100000000002, '2004-01-31 12:19:34', 58070, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 99, 'OTR', 0, 86, 'EE', '2005-02-17 03:20:12', '2004-09-29 17:41:56', 0, 540, '2004-01-31 12:19:34', '2004-02-01 18:50:45', -31.087499999999999, 217.244, 19.572700000000001, 309.73700000000002, 29.985900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SUSAN', 'NEFF', 'y', 708829792, -0.68173591514733001, -0.27012482090005302, -0.67990346603907403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055706', 'LSE44-BKGD', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2004-02-01 20:06:14', 1930, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'EE', '2005-02-17 03:51:09', '2004-02-27 09:47:00', 0, 0, '2004-02-01 20:06:14', '2004-02-02 06:41:15', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 21.068100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051607', 'LSE44', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2004-02-03 01:54:01', 18562, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 23, 12.460000000000001, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-18 03:41:58', '2004-08-11 21:27:57', 2, 0, '2004-02-03 01:54:01', '2004-02-03 15:31:57', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 21.759799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090503', 'HD114630', 198.233, -59.816800000000001, '2004-02-03 16:56:16', 23580, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 6.2000000000000002, 'G0V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-02-17 03:41:15', '2004-08-12 18:31:22', 0, 0, '2004-02-03 16:56:16', '2004-02-04 03:08:46', -46.9298, 225.63200000000001, 2.9424199999999998, 305.63499999999999, 30.037199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 705700908, -0.47752360663913601, -0.157306595737564, -0.86442225795025096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051608', 'LSE44', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2004-02-04 04:19:27', 11673, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 14, 12.460000000000001, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-17 00:09:13', '2004-08-11 21:54:22', 2, 0, '2004-02-04 04:19:27', '2004-02-04 11:32:25', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 22.377300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1720201', 'NGC5128-JET-OUTERFIL-H', 201.61699999999999, -42.835299999999997, '2004-02-04 12:38:49', 19771, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'OTR', 0, 86, 'EE', '2005-02-16 21:58:17', '2004-09-29 17:50:43', 0, 540, '2004-02-04 12:38:49', '2004-02-04 23:27:25', -31.086099999999998, 217.245, 19.5733, 309.73899999999998, 27.110600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'SUSAN', 'NEFF', 'y', 708829792, -0.68173531108758401, -0.27015211509651998, -0.679893227150551); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051609', 'LSE44', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2004-02-05 03:35:16', 6844, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 11, 12.460000000000001, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-17 00:59:06', '2004-08-11 22:16:08', 2, 0, '2004-02-05 03:35:16', '2004-02-05 09:01:27', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 22.8566, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0660301', 'LSE153', 208.28399999999999, -46.7286, '2004-02-05 10:43:37', 1962, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 6, 11.4, 'SDO', 0.059999999999999998, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-17 00:03:22', '2004-09-29 17:04:41', 0, 0, '2004-02-05 10:43:37', '2004-02-05 14:07:57', -32.604300000000002, 224.23099999999999, 14.8371, 313.80399999999997, 22.9955, 'F', 'F', 'GUILLAUME', 'HEBRARD', 'y', 709600019, -0.60361831916307096, -0.32479757894934802, -0.72811500292150999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090504', 'HD114630', 198.233, -59.816800000000001, '2004-02-05 15:48:07', 21493, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 6.2000000000000002, 'G0V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-02-17 00:07:36', '2004-10-14 15:18:37', 0, 0, '2004-02-05 15:48:07', '2004-02-06 00:47:59', -46.9298, 225.63200000000001, 2.9424199999999998, 305.63499999999999, 31.475100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 705700908, -0.47752360663913601, -0.157306595737564, -0.86442225795025096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051903', 'CPD-592603-BKGD', 161.197, -59.731099999999998, '2004-02-06 01:35:15', 26938, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'O7V', 0.46000000000000002, 12, 'EE', '2005-02-17 01:07:12', '2004-02-18 09:07:43', 0, 0, '2004-02-06 01:35:15', '2004-02-06 09:37:22', -58.984299999999998, 202.17599999999999, -0.68656600000000001, 287.58999999999997, 65.700000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 622863658, -0.477158479321453, 0.16246587623928799, -0.86366927968374496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9010302', 'UW-CEN', 190.822, -54.527999999999999, '2004-02-06 19:22:53', 18602, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.5, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2005-02-16 23:26:39', '2004-08-12 17:58:34', 0, 0, '2004-02-06 19:22:53', '2004-02-07 03:12:14', -44.737200000000001, 216.63900000000001, 8.3250799999999998, 301.738, 38.420900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 707154269, -0.56998444237472801, -0.108957186564426, -0.81439920613095795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0070106', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2004-02-07 04:14:21', 17478, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.2000000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2005-02-16 23:25:53', '2004-08-12 17:51:56', 0, 0, '2004-02-07 04:14:21', '2004-02-07 09:17:42', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 66.643299999999996, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1720303', 'NGC3256', 156.96299999999999, -43.9039, '2004-02-07 10:08:19', 18198, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 11.33, 'GAL', 0.33000000000000002, 89, 'PC', '2005-02-16 22:43:01', '2005-03-31 00:00:00', 0, 2500, '2004-02-07 10:08:19', '2004-02-07 19:22:12', -48.450299999999999, 181.483, 11.727399999999999, 277.37400000000002, 69.227199999999996, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 624882587, -0.66304540950525703, 0.28195154128143501, -0.69345087302780795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3030501', 'HD76968', 134.37, -50.749499999999998, '2004-02-07 22:01:20', 15111, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 32, 7.0700000000000003, 'O9.5', 0.39000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-02-17 01:05:55', '2004-08-12 19:58:15', 0, 0, '2004-02-07 22:01:20', '2004-02-08 09:54:31', -62.923000000000002, 166.41399999999999, -3.3706200000000002, 270.226, 94.317499999999995, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 619870151, -0.44244869556842997, 0.45228722738171201, -0.77438712265710996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5051401', 'HD5679-BKGD', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2004-02-08 12:56:24', 14130, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, '', 0.11, 66, 'EE', '2005-02-17 01:09:16', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2004-02-08 12:56:24', '2004-02-08 23:41:19', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 140.09899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1550101', 'NGC5548', 214.49799999999999, 25.136800000000001, '2004-02-10 00:06:01', 22229, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-16 23:26:18', '2004-09-29 20:53:36', 0, 5149, '2004-02-10 00:06:01', '2004-02-10 15:31:46', 36.418999999999997, 202.001, 70.495999999999995, 31.962700000000002, 3.56433, 'F', 'F', 'JACK R.', 'GABEL', 'y', 146193846, -0.74609616983189697, -0.51273934620107098, 0.42478096499192602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090402', 'HD153751', 251.49100000000001, 82.037199999999999, '2004-02-10 19:59:46', 18362, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 4.2199999999999998, 'A8V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-02-10 05:46:43', '2004-08-17 22:50:25', 0, 0, '2004-02-10 19:59:46', '2004-02-11 04:59:59', 73.922700000000006, 99.137299999999996, 31.048400000000001, 114.998, 5.7072099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 199154848, -0.043976889821514202, -0.13136449086782001, 0.99035821988847295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1550102', 'NGC5548', 214.49799999999999, 25.136800000000001, '2004-02-11 07:41:54', 7757, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-10 05:46:14', '2004-09-29 20:57:24', 0, 5149, '2004-02-11 07:41:54', '2004-02-11 14:55:57', 36.418999999999997, 202.001, 70.495999999999995, 31.962700000000002, 2.62256, 'F', 'F', 'JACK R.', 'GABEL', 'y', 146193846, -0.74609616983189697, -0.51273934620107098, 0.42478096499192602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0710201', 'LM-COM', 186.62899999999999, 30.648099999999999, '2004-02-11 15:54:39', 25213, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 16.16, 'DA+D', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-11 15:25:53', '2004-09-29 19:39:22', 0, 0, '2004-02-11 15:54:39', '2004-02-12 08:59:19', 30.477799999999998, 172.55600000000001, 83.509500000000003, 178.624, 343.46800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BORIS', 'GAENSICKE', 'y', 467069205, -0.85456271850740395, -0.099314629330322701, 0.509763832120538); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1710101', 'ABELL1795', 207.21799999999999, 26.587499999999999, '2004-02-12 10:17:06', 6491, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 17, 'CLU', 0.01, 81, 'EE', '2005-02-11 08:47:27', '2004-09-29 21:00:10', 1, 0.063200000000000006, '2004-02-12 10:17:06', '2004-02-12 15:57:17', 34.982700000000001, 193.929, 77.1858, 33.787100000000002, 347.863, 'F', 'F', 'ANDY', 'FABIAN', 'y', 168957167, -0.79523382778065399, -0.40901054067072301, 0.44756400299127203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0150201', 'PG1243+275', 191.56, 27.252199999999998, '2004-02-12 17:32:07', 1475, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.1, 'SDB', 0.01, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-11 08:26:52', '2004-09-30 17:27:08', 0, 0, '2004-02-12 17:32:07', '2004-02-12 22:33:38', 29.4053, 178.77000000000001, 88.8369, 206.506, 350.02699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'FRANCIS', 'KEENAN', 'y', 461220164, -0.87096655014584001, -0.17815017747553799, 0.45790805058711198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0750101', 'HD117555', 202.69499999999999, 24.232700000000001, '2004-02-12 23:36:07', 12933, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.1500000000000004, 'G5II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2005-02-11 08:37:49', '2004-09-29 17:09:04', 1, 0, '2004-02-12 23:36:07', '2004-02-13 08:14:28', 31.099399999999999, 190.73699999999999, 80.678799999999995, 17.023700000000002, 347.70299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', 'y', 168031354, -0.84128028839543201, -0.35182890898814201, 0.41044353467622402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052804', 'WD1631+781', 247.29499999999999, 78.077500000000001, '2004-02-13 20:02:02', 15589, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 13.1, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-11 05:39:42', '2004-09-12 21:21:08', 1, 0, '2004-02-13 20:02:02', '2004-02-14 05:44:56', 76.779399999999995, 110.40600000000001, 33.578699999999998, 111.297, 10.5868, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 198442371, -0.079740354487051898, -0.19057873672225201, 0.97842793346042101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0280203', 'MRK876', 243.488, 65.719399999999993, '2004-02-14 07:08:21', 73334, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 28, 15.49, 'AGN', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-10 05:36:22', '2004-09-29 19:10:51', 3, 38673, '2004-02-14 07:08:21', '2004-02-16 04:49:35', 79.324399999999997, 172.24600000000001, 40.375599999999999, 98.271100000000004, 8.6787100000000006, 'F', 'F', 'BART P.', 'WAKKER', 'y', 191178424, -0.18355617184742701, -0.367963710081953, 0.91154256062975103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9050501', 'EX-DRA', 271.05900000000003, 67.903300000000002, '2004-02-16 05:28:20', 20897, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-02-11 08:47:46', '2004-09-30 19:15:25', 0, 0, '2004-02-16 05:28:20', '2004-02-16 18:15:38', 88.596100000000007, 73.518699999999995, 29.403500000000001, 97.930499999999995, 31.608699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 262907421, 0.0069523846838167001, -0.37610664587705001, 0.92655029829703495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3031401', 'RE_J1738+66', 264.50999999999999, 66.896600000000007, '2004-02-16 19:13:52', 35431, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 43, 16.399999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-08 07:04:31', '2004-09-12 20:31:05', 2, 0, '2004-02-16 19:13:52', '2004-02-17 15:34:48', 87.805899999999994, 168.67599999999999, 31.961500000000001, 96.894099999999995, 24.715499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 190259276, -0.037540907143393698, -0.39059176374697302, 0.91979821394905903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9050502', 'EX-DRA', 271.05900000000003, 67.903300000000002, '2004-02-17 16:20:03', 19034, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-02-11 08:57:56', '2004-09-30 19:23:30', 0, 0, '2004-02-17 16:20:03', '2004-02-17 23:25:10', 88.596100000000007, 73.518699999999995, 29.403500000000001, 97.930499999999995, 30.150500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', 'y', 262907421, 0.0069523846838167001, -0.37610664587705001, 0.92655029829703495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3031402', 'RE_J1738+66', 264.50999999999999, 66.896600000000007, '2004-02-17 23:55:50', 6273, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16.399999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-11 06:11:06', '2004-08-26 21:21:38', 2, 0, '2004-02-17 23:55:50', '2004-02-18 02:59:05', 87.805899999999994, 168.67599999999999, 31.961500000000001, 96.894099999999995, 23.497299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 190259276, -0.037540907143393698, -0.39059176374697302, 0.91979821394905903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q2220101', 'M100', 185.72999999999999, 15.822900000000001, '2004-02-18 05:57:51', 13094, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 10.050000000000001, '', 0.02, 88, 'EC', '2005-02-11 06:21:53', '2004-09-19 02:44:30', 0, 1571, '2004-02-18 05:57:51', '2004-02-18 18:18:29', 16.7605, 178.78299999999999, 76.899900000000002, 271.13900000000001, 345.14100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MAGALI', 'DELEUIL', 'y', 459325715, -0.95730184604551904, -0.096057689422737097, 0.27266480495400702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0880203', 'NGC4649', 190.91499999999999, 11.5528, '2004-02-18 19:48:13', 7743, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.8300000000000001, 'GAL', 0.01, 81, 'EC', '2005-02-10 02:38:43', '2004-09-29 16:23:55', 1, 1413, '2004-02-18 19:48:13', '2004-02-19 00:57:32', 14.924099999999999, 185.37700000000001, 74.317999999999998, 295.86799999999999, 346.43700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 457239968, -0.96201624816153997, -0.18551633763332101, 0.20027088341622201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0560301', 'NGC4649', 190.91499999999999, 11.5525, '2004-02-19 01:55:40', 4645, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2005-02-10 02:49:33', '2004-10-13 16:03:01', 0, 1413, '2004-02-19 01:55:40', '2004-02-19 08:55:46', 14.9238, 185.37700000000001, 74.317700000000002, 295.86799999999999, 344.25099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 457239968, -0.96201727779391899, -0.18551653618883199, 0.20026575350387801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0560401', 'NGC4406', 186.54900000000001, 12.946099999999999, '2004-02-19 10:13:16', 5023, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2005-02-10 02:49:50', '2004-10-13 16:06:37', 1, -244, '2004-02-19 10:13:16', '2004-02-19 14:12:52', 14.4633, 180.761, 74.637, 279.08199999999999, 349.27999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 455034267, -0.96822179751160198, -0.111153804647644, 0.22403433338610601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0561401', 'NGC4621', 190.50999999999999, 11.646699999999999, '2004-02-19 15:17:58', 6210, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99.900000000000006, 'GAL', 0, 81, 'EE', '2005-02-10 02:59:59', '2004-10-13 16:11:02', 1, 410, '2004-02-19 15:17:58', '2004-02-19 19:15:17', 14.849500000000001, 184.96199999999999, 74.362099999999998, 294.36599999999999, 346.02800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 457327515, -0.96297953772745704, -0.17865155842715699, 0.20187627545049); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0660101', 'NGC4486', 187.70599999999999, 12.3911, '2004-02-19 20:14:58', 8281, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10, 'AGN', 0.02, 81, 'EC', '2005-02-10 03:00:17', '2004-09-29 16:27:04', 0, 0.0043600000000000002, '2004-02-19 20:14:58', '2004-02-20 01:53:42', 14.4168, 182.059, 74.491399999999999, 283.779, 344.745, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 454917264, -0.967885153315589, -0.130966418024551, 0.21458361386899399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5051501', 'MRK876-BKGD', 221.881, 52.561599999999999, '2004-02-20 03:23:58', 6372, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'AGN', 0.02, 84, 'EE', '2005-02-11 05:40:40', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 38673, '2004-02-20 03:23:58', '2004-02-20 09:55:03', 62.863, 187.11600000000001, 56.631599999999999, 90.508700000000005, 357.55099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 186933464, -0.45260763999472797, -0.40583076859186101, 0.79400737495475604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0950201', 'H1821+643', 275.48899999999998, 64.343400000000003, '2004-02-20 21:48:35', 99318, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 25, 14.1, 'QSO', 0.080000000000000002, 85, 'PC', '2005-02-10 03:53:32', '2004-10-13 16:39:48', 2, 0.29999999999999999, '2004-02-20 21:48:35', '2004-02-22 10:09:38', 86.821600000000004, 318.327, 27.416699999999999, 94.004199999999997, 30.911899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAJIB', 'GANGULY', 'y', 251522239, 0.041416207109663102, -0.43099104056312998, 0.90140524778978304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5051601', 'HD46223-BKGD', 98.038799999999995, 4.8235299999999999, '2004-02-22 12:38:34', 20374, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'O4V', 0.52000000000000002, 12, 'EE', '2005-02-11 05:50:43', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 43.399999999999999, '2004-02-22 12:38:34', '2004-02-22 23:24:25', -18.380600000000001, 98.443799999999996, -2.0739800000000002, 206.44, 148.28299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 364534912, -0.139348397575595, 0.986666807197766, 0.0840870719390336); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0590201', 'BD+051736', 114.64700000000001, 5.26119, '2004-02-23 02:10:25', 6430, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10, 'WD', 0, 29, 'PC', '2005-02-11 08:26:59', '2004-10-13 17:53:57', 0, 0, '2004-02-23 02:10:25', '2004-02-23 07:39:50', -16.014800000000001, 115.59699999999999, 12.877000000000001, 213.589, 148.09700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 365329855, -0.41526958605030001, 0.905065188898036, 0.091696099952915902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0590301', 'BD+041782', 115.236, 4.0986399999999996, '2004-02-23 08:54:23', 7043, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.8000000000000007, 'WD', 0, 29, 'PC', '2005-02-08 02:03:45', '2004-09-04 19:53:55', 0, 0, '2004-02-23 08:54:23', '2004-02-23 12:47:43', -17.056799999999999, 116.41200000000001, 12.877000000000001, 214.92500000000001, 146.91200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', 'y', 365219746, -0.425257334139715, 0.90224592000470605, 0.071473768581518798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1680302', 'HD46223', 98.038799999999995, 4.8235299999999999, '2004-02-23 17:10:03', 7116, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 7.3200000000000003, 'O4V', 0.52000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2005-02-11 08:26:34', '2004-09-29 16:43:09', 1, 43.399999999999999, '2004-02-23 17:10:03', '2004-02-23 21:02:03', -18.380600000000001, 98.443799999999996, -2.0739800000000002, 206.44, 148.76900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK C.', 'BRUHWEILER', 'y', 364534912, -0.139348397575595, 0.986666807197766, 0.0840870719390336); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3032101', 'HD54662', 107.334, -10.3466, '2004-02-23 22:14:05', 2662, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.21, 'O6.5', 0.34999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2005-02-11 06:11:27', '2004-09-12 20:35:56', 0, 0, '2004-02-23 22:14:05', '2004-02-24 01:45:39', -32.569400000000002, 110.35299999999999, -0.77862399999999998, 224.16999999999999, 136.65600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 354668908, -0.29309664919343198, 0.93906194788836705, -0.17960237264492801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021402', 'HD046150', 97.9816, 4.94292, '2004-02-24 03:03:16', 10573, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 15, 6.7400000000000002, 'O5VF', 0.45000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2005-02-08 05:31:51', '2004-09-04 20:06:36', 0, 0, '2004-02-24 03:03:16', '2004-02-24 15:12:24', -18.264800000000001, 98.376599999999996, -2.0694900000000001, 206.30699999999999, 149.08799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 364535496, -0.13833868082458001, 0.98662976976338601, 0.086163256695433399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3032301', 'HD53975', 106.65000000000001, -12.3939, '2004-02-24 19:46:35', 482, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.4699999999999998, 'O7.5', 0.22, 12, 'PC', '2005-02-08 07:14:26', '2004-09-12 20:39:10', 1, 0, '2004-02-24 19:46:35', '2004-02-24 23:14:16', -34.690399999999997, 109.898, -2.31589, 225.68000000000001, 136.22200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 354482355, -0.27984713659659299, 0.93574513951004001, -0.21463134445375101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021403', 'HD046150', 97.9816, 4.94292, '2004-02-25 00:40:41', 5724, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 14, 6.7400000000000002, 'O5VF', 0.45000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2005-02-08 05:42:04', '2004-09-04 20:16:44', 0, 0, '2004-02-25 00:40:41', '2004-02-25 09:04:52', -18.264800000000001, 98.376599999999996, -2.0694900000000001, 206.30699999999999, 149.476, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', 'y', 364535496, -0.13833868082458001, 0.98662976976338601, 0.086163256695433399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1680201', 'HD46150', 97.981300000000005, 4.9428599999999996, '2004-02-25 12:10:24', 3732, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.75, 'O6V', 0.46000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2005-02-08 02:13:45', '2004-09-29 16:36:44', 0, 36.299999999999997, '2004-02-25 12:10:24', '2004-02-25 15:51:55', -18.264900000000001, 98.376300000000001, -2.0697700000000001, 206.30699999999999, 149.65100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK C.', 'BRUHWEILER', 'y', 364535496, -0.138333527369633, 0.98663058344489296, 0.086162213392329795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1190506', 'HD50138', 102.889, -6.9664999999999999, '2004-02-25 18:59:43', 3843, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 6.7000000000000002, 'B6-B', 0.14999999999999999, 26, 'PC', '2005-02-08 05:52:44', '2004-09-12 19:42:03', 0, 0, '2004-02-25 18:59:43', '2004-02-26 03:26:54', -29.747299999999999, 104.77500000000001, -3.1443500000000002, 219.15299999999999, 141.923, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 360825938, -0.22141615017638999, 0.96760729018571501, -0.121288995463416); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055503', 'PG1520+525-BKGD', 230.44399999999999, 52.367699999999999, '2004-02-26 05:12:07', 15859, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 12, 99.900000000000006, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-02-08 07:15:10', '2004-03-30 17:02:22', 1, 0, '2004-02-26 05:12:07', '2004-02-26 14:44:01', 66.043899999999994, 196.732, 52.349299999999999, 85.367800000000003, 348.48500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 185792036, -0.388844397049185, -0.47076775091608403, 0.79194555341946804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0580201', 'WD1529+486', 232.43100000000001, 48.606400000000001, '2004-02-26 22:38:44', 28610, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 38, 14.6, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-08 02:56:03', '2004-09-29 19:32:22', 2, 0, '2004-02-26 22:38:44', '2004-02-27 21:19:45', 63.735100000000003, 204.34800000000001, 52.7209, 78.871200000000002, 350.78300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', 'y', 163231477, -0.40316160332613898, -0.52410236224449003, 0.75018493419505705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0760102', 'MRK290', 233.96799999999999, 57.9026, '2004-02-27 21:51:05', 46032, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14.6, '', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-08 03:05:26', '2004-09-22 18:40:18', 3, 0.029576999999999999, '2004-02-27 21:51:05', '2004-02-28 16:28:08', 71.471999999999994, 190.38300000000001, 47.953400000000002, 91.491, 348.39400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JULIA C.', 'LEE', 'y', 186585350, -0.31256569386848498, -0.42970487902367899, 0.84714603461254401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0730102', 'HD34078', 79.075599999999994, 34.3123, '2004-02-28 18:27:39', 6201, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 5.9900000000000002, 'O9.5', 0.52000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2005-02-08 04:07:39', '2004-09-29 16:32:41', 0, 0, '2004-02-28 18:27:39', '2004-02-28 22:20:47', 11.2204, 80.817300000000003, -2.2595900000000002, 172.083, 165.33500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'BOISSE', 'y', 21195923, 0.15653393424391401, 0.811009018395349, 0.56370337901376399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1170102', '3C249.1', 166.05699999999999, 76.982799999999997, '2004-02-28 23:40:01', 43338, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 36, 15.720000000000001, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2005-02-04 08:03:28', '2004-09-29 20:46:22', 3, 0.311, '2004-02-28 23:40:01', '2004-03-01 04:08:56', 60.7288, 116.55800000000001, 38.549399999999999, 130.39599999999999, 272.59199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT A.', 'BENJAMIN', 'y', 131361783, -0.218606952729062, 0.054273894278031698, 0.97430249133336899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5051701', 'HD37367-BKGD', 84.8262, 29.215199999999999, '2004-03-01 07:01:21', 16638, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 5.9800000000000004, 'B2IV', 0.38, 20, 'PC', '2005-02-04 08:12:55', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2004-03-01 07:01:21', '2004-03-01 17:39:03', 5.85717, 85.462000000000003, -1.0262500000000001, 179.03700000000001, 156.94399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 400807074, 0.078705974292112096, 0.86923663697009002, 0.48809121950682299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0190101', 'TITAN', 96.748500000000007, 22.7835, '2004-03-02 04:54:39', 30854, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 20, 7.7000000000000002, '', 0, 4, 'PE', '2005-02-04 00:44:29', '2004-09-21 20:03:09', 0, 0, '2004-03-02 04:54:39', '2004-03-03 11:13:42', -0.51039000000000001, 96.220100000000002, 5.1189600000000004, 189.91900000000001, 170.90100000000001, 'F', 'M', 'RANDY', 'GLADSTONE', 'y', 393080100, -0.108342537946104, 0.915586839165625, 0.387250092857441); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2160203', 'HD41117', 90.979900000000001, 20.138500000000001, '2004-03-03 12:14:58', 56, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 4.6500000000000004, 'B2IA', 0.92000000000000004, 23, 'PC', '2005-02-04 08:03:35', '2004-09-12 19:43:05', 1, 0, '2004-03-03 12:14:58', '2004-03-03 12:15:56', -3.2978999999999998, 90.921499999999995, -0.860761, 189.69300000000001, 166.84, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 392882643, -0.0160561061976735, 0.93872581439021496, 0.34429064299105799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0810101', 'GM-AUR', 73.795699999999997, 30.366599999999998, '2004-03-03 14:00:51', 32218, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 64, 12.300000000000001, 'K5V', 0.10000000000000001, 58, 'PC', '2005-02-03 02:12:07', '2004-10-13 19:06:40', 0, 0, '2004-03-03 14:00:51', '2004-03-05 17:36:37', 7.7147399999999999, 75.937700000000007, -8.1936800000000005, 172.56899999999999, 151.423, 'F', 'F', 'EDWIN', 'BERGIN', 'y', 18266485, 0.24077808175967899, 0.82853149619307098, 0.50553088447710104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0650101', 'MWC480', 74.692700000000002, 29.843699999999998, '2004-03-05 19:22:42', 11041, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 7.7300000000000004, 'A2VE', 0.070000000000000007, 34, 'PE', '2005-02-02 23:38:44', '2004-09-29 17:02:08', 1, 0, '2004-03-05 19:22:42', '2004-03-06 14:00:25', 7.1104099999999999, 76.658100000000005, -7.9026199999999998, 173.46700000000001, 151.566, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL A.', 'GRADY', 'y', 18245640, 0.22898642421415999, 0.83661458189039895, 0.49763566883209398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1180101', 'IZW92', 220.15899999999999, 53.504399999999997, '2004-03-06 17:30:13', 143111, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 72, 15.1, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-03 04:56:36', '2004-10-27 03:34:48', 2, 0.0378, '2004-03-06 17:30:13', '2004-03-10 23:42:51', 62.890900000000002, 184.04400000000001, 56.818399999999997, 93.038600000000002, 308.93900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN T.', 'STOCKE', 'y', 187045023, -0.45455072224266801, -0.38356792271850199, 0.80390253735765904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8060901', 'RXJ085903+484608', 134.762, 48.769199999999998, '2004-03-11 02:22:33', 2921, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.4, 'AGN', 0.02, 84, 'PE', '2005-02-03 04:56:43', '2004-10-27 03:53:04', 0, 0.083000000000000004, '2004-03-11 02:22:33', '2004-03-11 05:25:35', 30.254899999999999, 122.5, 40.762099999999997, 170.55699999999999, 220.59399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 118236194, -0.464109788054899, 0.46798160951248902, 0.75206071416457898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5051801', 'UV0904-02-BKGD', 136.78399999999999, -3.1038899999999998, '2004-03-11 06:39:17', 14485, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 11, 12, 'SDO', 0.01, 16, 'EE', '2005-02-04 08:24:07', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 1, 0, '2004-03-11 06:39:17', '2004-03-11 15:48:54', -18.763400000000001, 140.22399999999999, 28.1174, 232.97800000000001, 151.96600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 670896916, -0.72770831828803095, 0.68374611403980701, -0.054146606817695397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051301', 'UV0904-02', 136.78399999999999, -3.1038899999999998, '2004-03-12 02:44:41', 1797, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 12, 'SDO', 0.01, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-03 02:22:39', '2004-09-22 19:12:04', 1, 0, '2004-03-12 02:44:41', '2004-03-12 07:57:56', -18.763400000000001, 140.22399999999999, 28.1174, 232.97800000000001, 147.67599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 670896916, -0.72770831828803095, 0.68374611403980701, -0.054146606817695397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1160402', 'HD74389B', 131.45400000000001, 48.879300000000001, '2004-03-13 08:40:06', 20520, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 32, 15, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-03 02:34:44', '2004-10-13 17:15:20', 1, 0, '2004-03-13 08:40:06', '2004-03-14 08:31:08', 29.676200000000001, 120.07299999999999, 38.581699999999998, 170.55199999999999, 205.655, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 118171158, -0.43537480284261398, 0.49289852203224999, 0.753325844524252); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0280301', 'PG0844+349', 131.928, 34.751300000000001, '2004-03-14 14:28:57', 7935, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.5, 'AGN', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-03 02:44:16', '2004-10-27 01:28:29', 3, 19187, '2004-03-14 14:28:57', '2004-03-15 02:24:06', 16.249500000000001, 124.879, 37.965499999999999, 188.565, 207.036, 'F', 'F', 'BART P.', 'WAKKER', 'y', 83419447, -0.54901273215852597, 0.61128345140323803, 0.57001540502724601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0280302', 'PG0844+349', 131.928, 34.751300000000001, '2004-03-15 03:50:19', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.5, 'AGN', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-03 02:44:45', '2004-10-27 01:36:27', 3, 19187, '2004-03-15 03:50:19', '2004-03-15 11:21:21', 16.249500000000001, 124.879, 37.965499999999999, 188.565, 206.785, 'F', 'F', 'BART P.', 'WAKKER', 'y', 83419447, -0.54901273215852597, 0.61128345140323803, 0.57001540502724601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0280303', 'PG0844+349', 131.928, 34.751300000000001, '2004-03-15 12:06:50', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.5, 'AGN', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-03 02:54:25', '2004-10-27 01:42:55', 3, 19187, '2004-03-15 12:06:50', '2004-03-15 19:40:41', 16.249500000000001, 124.879, 37.965499999999999, 188.565, 206.63, 'F', 'F', 'BART P.', 'WAKKER', 'y', 83419447, -0.54901273215852597, 0.61128345140323803, 0.57001540502724601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0280304', 'PG0844+349', 131.928, 34.751300000000001, '2004-03-15 21:01:45', 10874, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 14.5, 'AGN', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-03 03:04:40', '2004-10-27 01:54:29', 3, 19187, '2004-03-15 21:01:45', '2004-03-16 08:59:34', 16.249500000000001, 124.879, 37.965499999999999, 188.565, 206.476, 'F', 'F', 'BART P.', 'WAKKER', 'y', 83419447, -0.54901273215852597, 0.61128345140323803, 0.57001540502724601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0420202', 'SDSS080908+3814', 122.285, 38.235100000000003, '2004-03-16 14:44:13', 10260, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-02-04 07:32:52', '2004-09-29 16:54:06', 1, 0, '2004-03-16 14:44:13', '2004-03-17 00:53:18', 17.6785, 116.126, 30.977, 182.702, 200.25, 'F', 'F', 'PAULA', 'SZKODY', 'y', 105788347, -0.41954813041905598, 0.66404435178319698, 0.61888970352293704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9130201', '0932+4950', 143.06200000000001, 49.848100000000002, '2004-03-17 02:31:49', 9117, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.300000000000001, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2005-02-03 04:58:14', '2004-10-28 02:37:05', 0, 0, '2004-03-17 02:31:49', '2004-03-17 08:26:06', 33.170000000000002, 128.005, 45.968400000000003, 168.05199999999999, 225.40899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 118512920, -0.51539277537405703, 0.38750262535865998, 0.76433762332648103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8081601', '87GB102254.2+680111', 156.63999999999999, 67.769800000000004, '2004-03-17 09:24:34', 6465, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-02-03 05:07:16', '2004-10-28 02:33:32', 0, 1.1779999999999999, '2004-03-17 09:24:34', '2004-03-17 12:04:03', 52.1494, 124.474, 43.926000000000002, 141.01599999999999, 245.12, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 124821935, -0.34731777256572299, 0.150010028420139, 0.92567130031851697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090301', 'HD65626', 120.649, 57.273600000000002, '2004-03-17 13:02:25', 11562, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.5, 'F9IV', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-02-03 02:12:25', '2004-09-29 17:53:28', 0, 0, '2004-03-17 13:02:25', '2004-03-17 17:07:04', 35.932499999999997, 109.899, 32.045900000000003, 160.32900000000001, 205.75399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 125910749, -0.27559990868738099, 0.46510571749312501, 0.84126176775526496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090302', 'HD65626', 120.649, 57.273600000000002, '2004-03-17 17:51:15', 10887, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.5, 'F9IV', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-02-03 02:12:33', '2004-09-29 17:55:58', 0, 0, '2004-03-17 17:51:15', '2004-03-17 22:18:59', 35.932499999999997, 109.899, 32.045900000000003, 160.32900000000001, 205.78399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 125910749, -0.27559990868738099, 0.46510571749312501, 0.84126176775526496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8081401', 'QSO0833+446', 129.245, 44.433900000000001, '2004-03-18 17:26:52', 9260, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.6, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-02-03 04:57:43', '2004-10-27 04:11:28', 0, 0.255, '2004-03-18 17:26:52', '2004-03-19 03:35:56', 24.982600000000001, 119.892, 36.987900000000003, 176.143, 208.10300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 106755083, -0.45174041626752598, 0.55300114123274102, 0.700085947656234); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9041101', 'PG0823+499', 126.90300000000001, 49.7592, '2004-03-19 16:18:34', 5172, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.01, 'SDO', 0.029999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-03 05:58:44', '2004-07-06 09:07:10', 0, 0, '2004-03-19 16:18:34', '2004-03-19 20:14:48', 29.660699999999999, 116.512, 35.613399999999999, 169.459, 197.691, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 119581463, -0.38789936591540602, 0.51657711436335696, 0.76333620825849302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9041001', 'PG0823+465', 126.639, 46.393700000000003, '2004-03-19 21:38:20', 6720, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.539999999999999, 'SDB', 0.029999999999999999, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-29 06:23:29', '2004-07-06 09:07:09', 1, 0, '2004-03-19 21:38:20', '2004-03-20 03:57:12', 26.372299999999999, 117.349, 35.287100000000002, 173.577, 191.029, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 108285298, -0.41159259733757603, 0.55342250946238403, 0.72409602943067197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090303', 'HD65626', 120.649, 57.273600000000002, '2004-03-20 16:17:11', 9766, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 6.5, 'F9IV', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-02-03 02:13:06', '2004-10-27 04:17:07', 0, 0, '2004-03-20 16:17:11', '2004-03-21 00:37:46', 35.932499999999997, 109.899, 32.045900000000003, 160.32900000000001, 203.92400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 125910749, -0.27559990868738099, 0.46510571749312501, 0.84126176775526496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8061001', 'MKN141', 154.80199999999999, 63.967399999999998, '2004-03-21 02:03:44', 15768, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.1, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-02-03 04:57:04', '2004-10-27 04:01:28', 0, 0.042000000000000003, '2004-03-21 02:03:44', '2004-03-21 10:42:22', 48.596600000000002, 126.90300000000001, 45.829999999999998, 145.78100000000001, 249.09100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 122626262, -0.39711925367573703, 0.18685320487256701, 0.89854447757964395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5051901', 'WD1321+36', 200.89699999999999, 36.133299999999998, '2004-03-21 11:48:03', 3474, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, '', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-29 05:52:24', '2004-04-19 14:48:10', 0, 0, '2004-03-21 11:48:03', '2004-03-21 15:25:25', 40.965299999999999, 182.25800000000001, 78.699399999999997, 87.743399999999994, 308.62, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 171559825, -0.75452281519789199, -0.28807897908654001, 0.58966585720584497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1710102', 'ABELL1795', 207.21799999999999, 26.587499999999999, '2004-03-22 03:06:00', 18859, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 17, 'CLU', 0.01, 81, 'EE', '2005-02-01 07:06:42', '2004-11-13 21:36:55', 1, 0.063200000000000006, '2004-03-22 03:06:00', '2004-03-22 16:37:02', 34.982700000000001, 193.929, 77.1858, 33.787100000000002, 294.22199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ANDY', 'FABIAN', 'y', 168957167, -0.79523382778065399, -0.40901054067072301, 0.44756400299127203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3020401', 'HZ44', 200.89699999999999, 36.133200000000002, '2004-03-22 23:01:47', 5890, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 17, 11.710000000000001, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-01 02:49:13', '2004-09-30 19:59:37', 0, 0, '2004-03-22 23:01:47', '2004-03-23 09:11:02', 40.965000000000003, 182.25800000000001, 78.699799999999996, 87.744399999999999, 286.23700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 171559825, -0.75452377666284098, -0.28807934617662101, 0.58966444759447201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0570202', 'NGC4631-F', 190.57499999999999, 32.563299999999998, '2004-03-23 10:12:03', 25255, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 9.75, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 80, 'EE', '2005-02-01 06:56:03', '2004-12-30 23:37:41', 0, 610, '2004-03-23 10:12:03', '2004-03-24 06:49:08', 33.734299999999998, 175.02000000000001, 84.215199999999996, 142.405, 290.82600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD M.', 'MURPHY', NULL, 176311419, -0.82848285140094602, -0.154672227335378, 0.53823105356869905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3020301', 'HD113001', 195.10900000000001, 35.755600000000001, '2004-03-24 07:51:18', 5868, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 15, 10.58, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-01 02:28:03', '2004-10-02 14:56:07', 0, 0, '2004-03-24 07:51:18', '2004-03-24 16:21:50', 38.334600000000002, 177.197, 81.162400000000005, 110.968, 276.62900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 176528441, -0.78346411486957102, -0.21152687349540999, 0.58432898482010698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056305', 'WD1634-573-BKGD', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-03-24 18:38:43', 29530, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-02-01 07:28:08', '2004-03-30 09:15:32', 1, 0, '2004-03-24 18:38:43', '2004-03-25 06:02:21', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 17.548200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8050501', 'HD151300', 252.21199999999999, -47.1676, '2004-03-25 07:28:46', 15209, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.3300000000000001, 'O5.5', 0.70999999999999996, 15, 'PC', '2005-02-01 07:17:37', '2004-09-29 17:59:58', 0, 0, '2004-03-25 07:28:46', '2004-03-25 14:36:36', -24.5398, 256.80200000000002, -1.4872799999999999, 338.74299999999999, 12.9428, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 691461525, -0.207693243845509, -0.647354498600618, -0.73334553220325305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8050502', 'HD151300', 252.21199999999999, -47.1676, '2004-03-25 15:26:40', 20186, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.3300000000000001, 'O5.5', 0.70999999999999996, 15, 'PC', '2005-02-01 07:18:06', '2004-09-30 19:46:01', 0, 0, '2004-03-25 15:26:40', '2004-03-26 00:49:58', -24.5398, 256.80200000000002, -1.4872799999999999, 338.74299999999999, 13.089399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 691461525, -0.207693243845509, -0.647354498600618, -0.73334553220325305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S1010208', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-03-26 01:35:36', 10883, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-01 07:17:31', '2004-10-14 16:27:33', 0, 0, '2004-03-26 01:35:36', '2004-03-26 13:32:17', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 18.3386, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8050503', 'HD151300', 252.21199999999999, -47.1676, '2004-03-26 14:43:55', 13280, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 9.3300000000000001, 'O5.5', 0.70999999999999996, 15, 'PC', '2005-02-01 07:28:01', '2004-10-27 04:45:23', 0, 0, '2004-03-26 14:43:55', '2004-03-27 01:20:29', -24.5398, 256.80200000000002, -1.4872799999999999, 338.74299999999999, 13.5298, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 691461525, -0.207693243845509, -0.647354498600618, -0.73334553220325305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S1010207', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-03-27 03:27:12', 10728, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 10, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-02-01 04:10:56', '2004-10-23 21:16:54', 1, 0, '2004-03-27 03:27:12', '2004-03-27 10:50:42', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 18.976099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8050504', 'HD151300', 252.21199999999999, -47.1676, '2004-03-27 12:42:29', 23462, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 9.3300000000000001, 'O5.5', 0.70999999999999996, 15, 'PC', '2005-02-01 01:56:01', '2004-10-27 04:54:30', 0, 0, '2004-03-27 12:42:29', '2004-03-28 01:05:34', -24.5398, 256.80200000000002, -1.4872799999999999, 338.74299999999999, 13.9453, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 691461525, -0.207693243845509, -0.647354498600618, -0.73334553220325305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5250301', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-03-29 00:55:42', 0, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-04-03 17:59:17', '2004-10-14 16:33:08', 0, 0, '2004-03-29 00:55:42', '2004-03-29 00:58:47', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 20.174199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5250302', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-03-29 02:37:52', 0, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-04-03 18:00:07', '2004-10-14 15:26:54', 0, 0, '2004-03-29 02:37:52', '2004-03-29 02:41:48', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 20.226800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8050601', 'HD152386', 253.77699999999999, -44.9893, '2004-03-29 04:38:43', 5900, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.1300000000000008, 'O6IA', 0.80000000000000004, 13, 'PC', '2005-01-29 02:57:13', '2004-10-14 15:55:44', 0, 0, '2004-03-29 04:38:43', '2004-03-29 07:01:20', -22.241499999999998, 257.67399999999998, -0.94047499999999995, 341.11500000000001, 12.7254, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', 'y', 694315456, -0.19758595614076399, -0.67907771290299401, -0.70697471650291599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5250303', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-03-29 07:37:18', 0, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 10, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-04-03 18:00:38', '2004-10-14 16:44:35', 0, 0, '2004-03-29 07:37:18', '2004-03-29 07:41:43', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 20.3523, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5250304', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-03-29 11:18:20', 0, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-04-03 18:01:38', '2004-10-14 15:29:38', 0, 0, '2004-03-29 11:18:20', '2004-03-29 11:22:54', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 20.4543, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0070107', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2004-03-29 14:36:24', 9206, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 6.2000000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2005-01-29 09:49:42', '2004-11-13 19:26:40', 1, 0, '2004-03-29 14:36:24', '2004-03-29 22:59:24', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 119.36799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0260102', 'HD113708', 196.70099999999999, -65.212100000000007, '2004-03-30 02:48:28', 5719, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.0999999999999996, 'B1/B', 0.28999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2005-01-29 02:56:53', '2004-10-13 17:48:58', 0, 0, '2004-03-30 02:48:28', '2004-03-30 09:42:50', -51.722700000000003, 229.59, -2.38822, 304.54500000000002, 78.693200000000004, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 682068853, -0.40157490526425899, -0.120485885046741, -0.90786604020995598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0070108', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2004-03-30 09:42:50', 34042, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 6.2000000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2005-01-29 11:22:31', '2004-11-13 19:51:28', 1, 0, '2004-03-30 09:42:50', '2004-03-31 11:28:50', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 120.241, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3031701', 'HD91572', 158.30099999999999, -58.170400000000001, '2004-03-31 12:55:32', 13073, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 29, 8.1999999999999993, 'O6.0', 0.37, 12, 'PC', '2005-01-29 04:52:06', '2004-10-23 20:56:13', 0, 0, '2004-03-31 12:55:32', '2004-04-01 15:51:35', -58.989699999999999, 197.983, -0.0491435, 285.52600000000001, 125.36799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 622991786, -0.49002308504424202, 0.19499396260500501, -0.849620345019657); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3031501', 'HD95275', 164.77199999999999, -54.887599999999999, '2004-04-01 17:27:22', 12593, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 20, 8.9000000000000004, 'O9.0', 0.31, 12, 'PC', '2005-01-29 03:59:29', '2004-10-13 19:25:46', 0, 0, '2004-04-01 17:27:22', '2004-04-02 09:34:21', -54.156399999999998, 198.601, 4.5089300000000003, 287.17099999999999, 120.71299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 623199249, -0.55498664565793099, 0.151077811317581, -0.81802525515343805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1190401', 'REJ1614-085', 243.58000000000001, -8.5574200000000005, '2004-04-02 11:53:25', 9283, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.013, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-28 09:24:42', '2004-10-27 01:19:52', 0, 0, '2004-04-02 11:53:25', '2004-04-02 18:57:08', 12.459300000000001, 243.21700000000001, 29.2972, 4.3006599999999997, 338.00900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JAY B.', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 505913929, -0.43999431584979698, -0.88558648033882104, -0.14880049684382299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0650201', 'HD141693', 237.54900000000001, 5.9547800000000004, '2004-04-02 20:13:51', 19236, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 7.9000000000000004, 'A3V', 0.029999999999999999, 30, 'PE', '2005-02-01 01:35:08', '2005-01-01 00:40:38', 0, -9.4000000000000004, '2004-04-02 20:13:51', '2004-04-03 07:53:17', 25.406700000000001, 233.785, 42.5792, 14.725099999999999, 324.39400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL A.', 'GRADY', NULL, 515659064, -0.533682803186451, -0.83929729439631695, 0.103743516433914); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Q3190101', 'HD141569', 237.49000000000001, -3.9211100000000001, '2004-04-03 09:10:44', 6791, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.1100000000000003, 'B9V', 0.17000000000000001, 26, 'PC', '2005-01-29 04:52:24', '2004-10-23 21:01:30', 1, 0, '2004-04-03 09:10:44', '2004-04-03 14:48:50', 15.7788, 236.13900000000001, 36.919899999999998, 4.1786300000000001, 338.29700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'MAGALI A.-M.', 'DELEUIL', 'y', 512162009, -0.53618871827550696, -0.84132362455388898, -0.068382871843579704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1640301', 'G276+11', 154.90600000000001, -44.178100000000001, '2004-04-03 18:55:56', 42945, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 99, '', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-01-29 09:39:42', '2004-10-13 17:35:15', 0, 0, '2004-04-03 18:55:56', '2004-04-04 20:27:46', -49.496899999999997, 179.83699999999999, 10.691599999999999, 276.262, 139.584, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC J.', 'KORPELA', 'y', 630489100, -0.64948499726591302, 0.30415807017630098, -0.69689102926722002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1570301', 'HD173787', 281.96800000000002, -20.2744, '2004-04-04 23:35:19', 2767, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 6.7999999999999998, 'B2V', 0.23999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-29 09:29:18', '2004-11-13 19:16:45', 1, 0, '2004-04-04 23:35:19', '2004-04-05 00:21:59', 2.69977, 281.22899999999998, -8.3377400000000002, 14.366, 352.56299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE J.', 'PETERS', 'y', 474971554, 0.194517799221676, -0.91765412686338999, -0.34651656415898002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0640201', 'NGC5846-M2', 226.62299999999999, 1.6058300000000001, '2004-04-05 17:51:57', 19824, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 10, 10.5, 'GAL', 0.02, 81, 'EE', '2005-01-29 08:37:41', '2005-01-01 00:08:59', 2, 1714, '2004-04-05 17:51:57', '2004-04-06 09:04:49', 18.344200000000001, 223.67400000000001, 48.796199999999999, 0.42896299999999998, 323.14600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', NULL, 134287914, -0.68652606352684997, -0.72656497015979005, 0.028023351602394098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0640101', 'NGC5846-M1', 226.62200000000001, 1.6058300000000001, '2004-04-06 10:24:21', 21280, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 13, 10.5, 'GAL', 0.02, 81, 'EE', '2005-01-26 23:58:01', '2004-12-30 23:59:07', 2, 1714, '2004-04-06 10:24:21', '2004-04-07 06:36:46', 18.343900000000001, 223.673, 48.796999999999997, 0.42783500000000002, 322.39800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', NULL, 134288000, -0.68653874437324502, -0.72655298790891898, 0.028023351602394098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054703', 'HD72350-BKGD', 127.663, -44.737200000000001, '2004-04-07 09:16:30', 4242, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 6.2999999999999998, 'B4IV', 0.17000000000000001, 21, 'EE', '2005-01-27 22:54:24', '2004-04-26 08:32:46', 0, 0, '2004-04-07 09:16:30', '2004-04-07 16:31:43', -60.395200000000003, 151.47200000000001, -3.1948500000000002, 262.70600000000002, 192.30799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 642957789, -0.434030689870127, 0.56232021233001594, -0.70385604995338902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1162002', 'HD164740', 270.91800000000001, -24.378900000000002, '2004-04-08 04:31:54', 9782, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 10.33, 'O7V', 0.88, 12, 'PC', '2005-01-27 21:42:27', '2004-10-23 23:30:36', 1, 0, '2004-04-08 04:31:54', '2004-04-08 16:21:52', -0.94206999999999996, 270.83699999999999, -1.17377, 5.9720800000000001, 357.43599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE P.', 'SNOW', 'y', 473347162, 0.014592897313601, -0.91071882363929602, -0.41276902938211402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0820101', 'HD164816', 270.98700000000002, -24.3126, '2004-04-08 17:21:55', 9364, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 20, 7.0899999999999999, 'O9II', 0.29999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2005-01-27 00:37:42', '2004-11-13 19:12:41', 0, 0, '2004-04-08 17:21:55', '2004-04-08 23:06:35', -0.87615699999999996, 270.89999999999998, -1.19563, 6.0605799999999999, 357.39699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LAUROESCH', 'y', 473347424, 0.015697861420407501, -0.91117754570249698, -0.411714776701541); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0070210', 'HD93308-OFFSET-NE', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2004-04-09 03:23:44', 35661, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 9, 6.2000000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'EC', '2005-01-27 17:15:28', '2004-11-13 20:10:46', 1, 0, '2004-04-09 03:23:44', '2004-04-09 17:21:16', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 131.298, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0730101', 'HD103779', 179.24000000000001, -63.249099999999999, '2004-04-09 18:14:34', 21658, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 44, 7.218, 'B0.5', 0.27000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2005-01-28 06:40:11', '2004-11-13 20:50:06', 1, 0, '2004-04-09 18:14:34', '2004-04-10 05:57:11', -55.251199999999997, 217.84899999999999, -1.0226, 296.84800000000001, 110.605, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LAUROESCH', 'y', 620846447, -0.45007287046887201, 0.0059703427911083403, -0.89297187317119198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0070311', 'HD93308-OFFSET-SW', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2004-04-10 07:18:51', 26090, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 8, 6.2000000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'EC', '2005-01-27 17:15:45', '2004-11-13 20:21:00', 1, 0, '2004-04-10 07:18:51', '2004-04-10 18:28:11', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 132.73500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0730102', 'HD103779', 179.24000000000001, -63.249099999999999, '2004-04-10 19:06:47', 21465, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 44, 7.218, 'B0.5', 0.27000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2005-01-26 16:41:10', '2004-11-13 23:00:34', 1, 0, '2004-04-10 19:06:47', '2004-04-11 08:40:46', -55.251199999999997, 217.84899999999999, -1.0226, 296.84800000000001, 111.798, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LAUROESCH', 'y', 620846447, -0.45007287046887201, 0.0059703427911083403, -0.89297187317119198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0780301', 'KNOTD-X', 135.09700000000001, -45.847299999999997, '2004-04-11 11:30:30', 17583, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-01-26 19:58:34', '2004-10-27 02:02:07', 0, 0, '2004-04-11 11:30:30', '2004-04-11 20:33:19', -58.6357, 161.43100000000001, 0.20247499999999999, 266.83300000000003, 165.25800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 620550671, -0.49338467895400701, 0.49171693050514997, -0.71748590148381697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0070109', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2004-04-11 21:16:55', 15404, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 6.2000000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2005-01-27 16:24:21', '2004-11-13 19:59:39', 2, 0, '2004-04-11 21:16:55', '2004-04-12 03:35:16', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 134.53700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0200801', 'HD97484', 168.01900000000001, -61.095300000000002, '2004-04-12 04:13:08', 9242, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 8.5199999999999996, 'O8V', 0.60999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2005-01-27 18:05:00', '2004-12-30 03:01:40', 0, 0, '2004-04-12 04:13:08', '2004-04-12 11:33:36', -57.468800000000002, 208.44800000000001, -0.50400500000000004, 291.21699999999998, 126.908, 'F', 'F', 'NANCY REMAGE', 'EVANS', 'y', 621336475, -0.47282504691683303, 0.100338199033913, -0.87542488017118103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050603', 'CPD-31D1701', 114.126, -32.2121, '2004-04-12 14:22:45', 11747, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 26, 10.56, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-27 22:16:26', '2004-10-23 20:41:40', 0, 0, '2004-04-12 14:22:45', '2004-04-13 05:13:24', -52.771000000000001, 124.863, -5.5061, 246.46100000000001, 183.53, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 651024449, -0.34583092300710699, 0.77217444562143001, -0.53305496735448399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5052001', 'PG1605+072-BKGD', 242.01499999999999, 7.0747200000000001, '2004-04-13 17:13:22', 1862, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.800000000000001, 'SDB', 0.050000000000000003, 28, 'EE', '2005-01-28 10:16:26', '2004-04-30 09:25:56', 0, 0, '2004-04-13 17:13:22', '2004-04-13 17:45:40', 27.490100000000002, 238.33600000000001, 39.330199999999998, 18.994499999999999, 335.78100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 518105131, -0.465667771954976, -0.87634710401012506, 0.123163628785272); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0200101', 'PG1605+072', 242.01499999999999, 7.0747200000000001, '2004-04-14 03:00:35', 2229, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.800000000000001, 'SDB', 0.050000000000000003, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-26 14:26:28', '2004-11-13 18:20:04', 0, 0, '2004-04-14 03:00:35', '2004-04-14 06:31:10', 27.490100000000002, 238.33600000000001, 39.330199999999998, 18.994499999999999, 335.02100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN', 'DREIZLER', 'y', 518105131, -0.465667771954976, -0.87634710401012506, 0.123163628785272); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090403', 'HD153751', 251.49100000000001, 82.037199999999999, '2004-04-14 09:16:08', 8989, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 4.2199999999999998, 'A8V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-01-27 17:16:47', '2004-10-27 04:21:30', 0, 0, '2004-04-14 09:16:08', '2004-04-14 13:25:27', 73.922700000000006, 99.137299999999996, 31.048400000000001, 114.998, 315.64499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 199154848, -0.043976889821514202, -0.13136449086782001, 0.99035821988847295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1740106', 'BF-CYG', 290.97300000000001, 29.674800000000001, '2004-04-14 14:54:27', 6812, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12, 'WD+M', 0.40000000000000002, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-27 17:16:11', '2004-10-27 03:48:57', 0, 0, '2004-04-14 14:54:27', '2004-04-14 18:57:06', 50.981000000000002, 299.601, 6.6967299999999996, 62.929299999999998, 333.03100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 237320629, 0.31098548243188601, -0.81128738014827895, 0.49507657642908998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1220901', 'PG1627+017', 247.398, 1.6383300000000001, '2004-04-14 21:35:36', 2549, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.9, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-27 19:37:19', '2005-01-01 00:40:47', 1, 0, '2004-04-14 21:35:36', '2004-04-14 23:42:19', 23.160599999999999, 245.30099999999999, 31.949300000000001, 16.574400000000001, 341.875, 'F', 'F', 'FRANCOIS', 'WESEMAEL', NULL, 515952276, -0.38417044013225299, -0.92281941053229899, 0.028590356300872199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0200105', 'PG1605+072', 242.01499999999999, 7.0747200000000001, '2004-04-15 00:35:26', 3816, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.800000000000001, 'SDB', 0.050000000000000003, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-26 15:16:53', '2004-11-13 18:37:41', 0, 0, '2004-04-15 00:35:26', '2004-04-15 04:04:24', 27.490100000000002, 238.33600000000001, 39.330199999999998, 18.994499999999999, 334.10000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN', 'DREIZLER', 'y', 518105131, -0.465667771954976, -0.87634710401012506, 0.123163628785272); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1120101', 'NNSER', 238.23400000000001, 12.9125, '2004-04-15 05:38:45', 22114, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 35, 16.600000000000001, 'DAO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-27 19:37:09', '2004-12-25 22:45:24', 0, 0, '2004-04-15 05:38:45', '2004-04-16 08:31:39', 32.321199999999997, 232.61099999999999, 45.339100000000002, 23.654900000000001, 330.77600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SIMON', 'GOOD', 'y', 138709294, -0.51313870911590698, -0.82870565061596801, 0.223462770599547); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0200102', 'PG1605+072', 242.01499999999999, 7.0747200000000001, '2004-04-16 09:58:46', 2772, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.800000000000001, 'SDB', 0.050000000000000003, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-26 14:39:10', '2004-11-13 18:23:59', 0, 0, '2004-04-16 09:58:46', '2004-04-16 12:05:12', 27.490100000000002, 238.33600000000001, 39.330199999999998, 18.994499999999999, 322.483, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN', 'DREIZLER', 'y', 518105131, -0.465667771954976, -0.87634710401012506, 0.123163628785272); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1200301', 'IC4593', 242.935, 12.071099999999999, '2004-04-16 13:25:30', 7539, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'PN', 0.029999999999999999, 71, 'EE', '2005-01-27 17:16:03', '2004-10-27 03:45:16', 1, 0, '2004-04-16 13:25:30', '2004-04-16 18:55:30', 32.564900000000002, 238.13300000000001, 40.836799999999997, 25.334399999999999, 323.33499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'GUERRERO', 'y', 518888475, -0.44494042363599701, -0.87080113151389205, 0.209125342244179); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5260501', 'PG1553+113', 238.929, 11.19, '2004-04-16 20:05:53', 11280, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14.83, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-28 09:45:56', '2005-01-01 01:02:02', 2, 0.35999999999999999, '2004-04-16 20:05:53', '2004-04-17 09:33:14', 30.815999999999999, 233.87700000000001, 43.964599999999997, 21.910299999999999, 315.83499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR D.', 'SAVAGE', NULL, 518769498, -0.506288313436838, -0.84024498906348499, 0.19406313928973001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0200103', 'PG1605+072', 242.01499999999999, 7.0747200000000001, '2004-04-17 11:09:06', 2443, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.800000000000001, 'SDB', 0.050000000000000003, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-26 14:54:45', '2004-11-13 18:27:35', 0, 0, '2004-04-17 11:09:06', '2004-04-17 13:06:25', 27.490100000000002, 238.33600000000001, 39.330199999999998, 18.994499999999999, 321.34800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN', 'DREIZLER', 'y', 518105131, -0.465667771954976, -0.87634710401012506, 0.123163628785272); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5260502', 'PG1553+113', 238.929, 11.19, '2004-04-17 14:37:23', 18155, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 14.83, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-28 09:56:30', '2005-01-01 01:13:17', 2, 0.35999999999999999, '2004-04-17 14:37:23', '2004-04-18 10:34:26', 30.815999999999999, 233.87700000000001, 43.964599999999997, 21.910299999999999, 314.88200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR D.', 'SAVAGE', NULL, 518769498, -0.506288313436838, -0.84024498906348499, 0.19406313928973001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0200104', 'PG1605+072', 242.01499999999999, 7.0747200000000001, '2004-04-18 12:02:55', 2248, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.800000000000001, 'SDB', 0.050000000000000003, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-26 14:54:51', '2004-11-13 18:32:18', 0, 0, '2004-04-18 12:02:55', '2004-04-18 14:08:00', 27.490100000000002, 238.33600000000001, 39.330199999999998, 18.994499999999999, 320.19299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN', 'DREIZLER', 'y', 518105131, -0.465667771954976, -0.87634710401012506, 0.123163628785272); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5260503', 'PG1553+113', 238.929, 11.19, '2004-04-18 15:24:42', 12582, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14.83, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-28 10:06:41', '2005-01-01 01:23:19', 2, 0.35999999999999999, '2004-04-18 15:24:42', '2004-04-19 02:48:12', 30.815999999999999, 233.87700000000001, 43.964599999999997, 21.910299999999999, 313.58600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR D.', 'SAVAGE', NULL, 518769498, -0.506288313436838, -0.84024498906348499, 0.19406313928973001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0200106', 'PG1605+072', 242.01499999999999, 7.0747200000000001, '2004-04-19 05:03:54', 5115, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.800000000000001, 'SDB', 0.050000000000000003, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-26 23:56:52', '2004-11-13 18:45:04', 0, 0, '2004-04-19 05:03:54', '2004-04-19 11:35:35', 27.490100000000002, 238.33600000000001, 39.330199999999998, 18.994499999999999, 319.40600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STEFAN', 'DREIZLER', 'y', 518105131, -0.465667771954976, -0.87634710401012506, 0.123163628785272); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053005', 'SK-67D166-BKGD', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2004-04-19 13:13:03', 8229, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 12.27, 'O4IF', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'EE', '2005-01-27 22:53:28', '2004-04-30 09:25:55', 0, 0, '2004-04-19 13:13:03', '2004-04-19 16:10:34', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 213.82499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0630101', 'LMC-X-3', 84.7346, -64.084199999999996, '2004-04-20 03:43:08', 86491, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 24, 16.699999999999999, 'B3V', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-01-27 18:49:53', '2004-11-06 15:20:30', 1, 0, '2004-04-20 03:43:08', '2004-04-21 13:42:45', -86.690799999999996, 45.987499999999997, -32.081899999999997, 273.57799999999997, 212.81399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'TODD', 'TRIPP', 'y', 553795706, 0.040107743715954401, 0.435205615447051, -0.89943729140911699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5112601', 'SK-67D38', 75.873999999999995, -67.873699999999999, '2004-04-21 21:03:02', 18583, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.66, 'O8II', 0.080000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 10:45:08', '2004-10-27 04:36:05', 0, 0, '2004-04-21 21:03:02', '2004-04-22 04:01:14', -84.388000000000005, 340.04899999999998, -35.065300000000001, 278.72399999999999, 222.75299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542664436, 0.091923236546110898, 0.36526015331901102, -0.92635583820703604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5112401', 'SK-67D32', 74.965400000000002, -67.948899999999995, '2004-04-22 04:39:47', 28798, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.48, 'WN4B', 0.089999999999999997, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-30 10:34:16', '2004-10-27 04:29:15', 0, 0, '2004-04-22 04:39:47', '2004-04-22 14:47:04', -84.039900000000003, 339.70299999999997, -35.3765, 278.92000000000002, 223.923, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542676307, 0.097388280372442196, 0.36258203871091199, -0.92684938800774797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0981701', 'MK42', 84.675399999999996, -69.098500000000001, '2004-04-22 22:51:11', 3655, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.960000000000001, 'O3IF', 0.40000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 09:41:59', '2004-11-13 23:06:11', 0, 0, '2004-04-22 22:51:11', '2004-04-23 00:39:13', -86.765199999999993, 305.92399999999998, -31.672499999999999, 279.464, 215.78899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542225962, 0.033106876095220499, 0.35522300770640403, -0.93419513462190096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057303', 'HD35580-BKGD', 80.592299999999994, -56.134399999999999, '2004-04-23 01:06:37', 31170, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 10, 99.900000000000006, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-01-27 23:28:51', '2004-04-30 09:25:56', 1, 0, '2004-04-23 01:06:37', '2004-04-23 13:48:05', -78.668800000000005, 62.380699999999997, -34.509999999999998, 264.19099999999997, 218.52699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 555236619, 0.091086731514489205, 0.54975182019358204, -0.83034700188285804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1390101', 'NEAT-Q4-1', 67.103499999999997, -60.451700000000002, '2004-04-24 00:40:32', 1165, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9, 'SOL', 0, 6, 'EE', '2005-01-27 20:20:43', '2004-10-27 14:10:49', 0, 0, '2004-04-24 00:40:32', '2004-04-24 05:58:00', -78.199399999999997, 20.245200000000001, -40.7791, 271.029, 231.774, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 544626237, 0.19187148348426, 0.45430083529563497, -0.86994027661399698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1390201', 'NEAT-Q4-2', 68.097700000000003, -60.120399999999997, '2004-04-24 06:45:19', 1201, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9, 'SOL', 0, 6, 'EE', '2005-01-27 19:37:51', '2004-10-27 14:15:44', 0, 0, '2004-04-24 06:45:19', '2004-04-24 11:20:14', -78.346299999999999, 23.0762, -40.403599999999997, 270.423, 231.12, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 544585934, 0.18583325483802299, 0.462221125955669, -0.86707417913150897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1390301', 'NEAT-Q4-3', 68.910200000000003, -59.839100000000002, '2004-04-24 11:50:59', 1284, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9, 'SOL', 0, 6, 'EE', '2005-01-27 20:20:49', '2004-10-27 14:21:04', 0, 0, '2004-04-24 11:50:59', '2004-04-24 16:59:56', -78.447100000000006, 25.482600000000001, -40.0884, 269.92399999999998, 230.47, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 544596347, 0.180789756020689, 0.46877606280641698, -0.86461787343177998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1390401', 'NEAT-Q4-4', 69.767899999999997, -59.522100000000002, '2004-04-24 17:26:25', 1341, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9, 'SOL', 0, 6, 'EE', '2005-01-27 19:38:22', '2004-10-27 14:25:59', 0, 0, '2004-04-24 17:26:25', '2004-04-24 22:17:09', -78.526200000000003, 28.142099999999999, -39.7498, 269.38099999999997, 229.85400000000001, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 544595273, 0.17540396827986701, 0.47591107740067601, -0.86182486290371296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1390501', 'NEAT-Q4-5', 70.675899999999999, -59.179099999999998, '2004-04-24 23:10:02', 928, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9, 'SOL', 0, 6, 'EE', '2005-01-27 20:20:55', '2004-10-27 14:30:01', 0, 0, '2004-04-24 23:10:02', '2004-04-25 03:28:33', -78.588300000000004, 31.029299999999999, -39.380099999999999, 268.80799999999999, 229.25399999999999, 'F', 'M', 'HAROLD', 'WEAVER', 'y', 555760583, 0.16954446710391999, 0.48349095664963698, -0.85877305995965303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055504', 'PG1520+525-BKGD', 230.44900000000001, 52.362200000000001, '2004-04-25 06:35:25', 14447, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99.900000000000006, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-01-27 23:27:28', '2004-04-30 09:25:55', 1, 0, '2004-04-25 06:35:25', '2004-04-25 14:25:13', 66.041700000000006, 196.74700000000001, 52.348799999999997, 85.357100000000003, 285.83100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 185792014, -0.38885171923916201, -0.47086029688002901, 0.79188693717398795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0810101', 'MRK501', 253.46799999999999, 39.760199999999998, '2004-04-26 13:00:01', 18658, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 14.15, 'QSO', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-26 23:58:48', '2004-11-13 18:58:41', 5, 0.033700000000000001, '2004-04-26 13:00:01', '2004-04-26 23:40:34', 61.635300000000001, 242.584, 38.859200000000001, 63.601799999999997, 310.25299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 157491139, -0.21874216789474499, -0.73694950871593701, 0.63957586382543197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050904', 'WD1034+001-BKGD', 159.26599999999999, -0.13894400000000001, '2004-04-27 03:22:27', 10288, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 10.6, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-01-27 22:53:09', '2004-04-30 09:25:54', 1, 0, '2004-04-27 03:22:27', '2004-04-27 10:47:32', -8.22438, 160.90000000000001, 47.7517, 247.554, 170.125, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 443179438, -0.93523135999695395, 0.354028844189193, -0.00242502789904982); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1042003', 'WD1034+001', 159.26599999999999, -0.13894400000000001, '2004-04-28 01:08:08', 5952, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 14, 13.220000000000001, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-27 21:42:17', '2004-11-06 23:04:32', 3, 0, '2004-04-28 01:08:08', '2004-04-28 16:26:20', -8.22438, 160.90000000000001, 47.7517, 247.554, 169.26499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 443179438, -0.93523135999695395, 0.354028844189193, -0.00242502789904982); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0180502', 'NGC5471', 211.12, 54.396900000000002, '2004-04-30 20:00:31', 0, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99.900000000000006, '', 0.14999999999999999, 72, 'EC', '2005-02-01 00:02:30', '2004-11-05 19:10:04', 2, 0, '2004-04-30 20:00:31', '2004-05-01 02:30:33', 59.958100000000002, 174.56999999999999, 59.6297, 101.785, 260.21800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LEQUEUX', 'y', 187341612, -0.49838541006630599, -0.30088262664213999, 0.81306926397322798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0750201', 'HD106591', 183.857, 57.032600000000002, '2004-05-01 16:48:26', 17057, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 3.2999999999999998, 'A3V', 0, 30, 'PC', '2005-01-27 18:50:12', '2004-12-11 12:30:08', 0, 0, '2004-05-01 16:48:26', '2004-05-01 23:59:28', 51.656599999999997, 151.065, 59.416600000000003, 132.56800000000001, 232.738, 'F', 'F', 'K.-P. (PATRICIA', 'CHENG', 'y', 183387547, -0.54292925921618795, -0.036603866944077502, 0.83898031944241802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491001', 'HD93033', 161.33500000000001, 45.566299999999998, '2004-05-02 03:14:55', 0, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 3, 7.0599999999999996, 'B8V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-27 21:05:08', '2004-11-07 23:49:47', 0, 0, '2004-05-02 03:14:55', '2004-05-02 03:31:54', 34.472900000000003, 143.56700000000001, 58.949300000000001, 168.142, 211.411, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 96588099, -0.66326323251004304, 0.22405072758036401, 0.71406103091475204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5052101', 'UV0904-02-BKGD', 136.78399999999999, -3.1038899999999998, '2004-05-02 20:16:15', 4137, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 12, 'SDO', 0.01, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-27 23:30:08', '2004-05-10 08:25:27', 1, 0, '2004-05-02 20:16:15', '2004-05-03 06:19:47', -18.763400000000001, 140.22399999999999, 28.1174, 232.97800000000001, 167.887, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 670896916, -0.72770831828803095, 0.68374611403980701, -0.054146606817695397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0200501', 'HD175227', 283.35899999999998, 24.277999999999999, '2004-05-03 20:00:53', 3748, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.4700000000000006, 'B5V', 0.20000000000000001, 21, 'PC', '2005-01-27 18:04:44', '2004-12-30 02:40:09', 0, 0, '2004-05-03 20:00:53', '2004-05-03 22:04:05', 46.888399999999997, 287.94999999999999, 10.393599999999999, 55.002400000000002, 305.41699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'NANCY REMAGE', 'EVANS', 'y', 527844342, 0.21061780627211499, -0.88689570795471495, 0.411164374542137); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051302', 'UV0904-02', 136.78399999999999, -3.1038899999999998, '2004-05-04 05:19:27', 3157, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 11, 12, 'SDO', 0.01, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-27 22:17:09', '2004-11-25 23:11:53', 1, 0, '2004-05-04 05:19:27', '2004-05-04 12:12:57', -18.763400000000001, 140.22399999999999, 28.1174, 232.97800000000001, 168.28800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 670896916, -0.72770831828803095, 0.68374611403980701, -0.054146606817695397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0200502', 'HD175227', 283.35899999999998, 24.277999999999999, '2004-05-04 16:00:38', 6829, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.4700000000000006, 'B5V', 0.20000000000000001, 21, 'PC', '2005-01-27 18:04:51', '2004-12-30 02:50:41', 0, 0, '2004-05-04 16:00:38', '2004-05-04 19:41:22', 46.888399999999997, 287.94999999999999, 10.393599999999999, 55.002400000000002, 304.73700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'NANCY REMAGE', 'EVANS', 'y', 527844342, 0.21061780627211499, -0.88689570795471495, 0.411164374542137); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051303', 'UV0904-02', 136.78399999999999, -3.1038899999999998, '2004-05-05 04:34:21', 2385, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 12, 'SDO', 0.01, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-27 22:17:40', '2004-11-25 23:15:52', 1, 0, '2004-05-05 04:34:21', '2004-05-05 09:55:34', -18.763400000000001, 140.22399999999999, 28.1174, 232.97800000000001, 168.57300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 670896916, -0.72770831828803095, 0.68374611403980701, -0.054146606817695397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050102', 'WD2211-495-BKGD', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2004-05-06 22:35:29', 22988, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 13, 99, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-01-27 23:29:45', '2004-05-13 08:25:10', 1, 0, '2004-05-06 22:35:29', '2004-05-07 09:33:09', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 332.08300000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230802', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2004-05-08 12:30:56', 7124, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-04-01 06:20:47', '2004-11-13 23:21:44', 0, 0, '2004-05-08 12:30:56', '2004-05-09 03:12:43', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 333.00400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050903', 'LSIV+10_9', 310.76100000000002, 10.572900000000001, '2004-05-10 18:11:14', 45577, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 65, 12, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-21 07:59:20', '2004-11-25 23:05:25', 0, 0, '2004-05-10 18:11:14', '2004-05-12 23:35:27', 27.679500000000001, 316.44900000000001, -19.009799999999998, 56.172800000000002, 318.61799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', 'y', 203881617, 0.64182031842815201, -0.74458002496637998, 0.18348641713720801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0990101', 'HD187642', 297.69600000000003, 8.8687799999999992, '2004-05-13 01:09:20', 26795, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 0.77000000000000002, 'A7V', 0, 31, 'PE', '2005-01-21 06:16:25', '2004-11-20 19:48:19', 0, 0, '2004-05-13 01:09:20', '2004-05-13 18:18:44', 29.303999999999998, 301.77699999999999, -8.9091199999999997, 47.746099999999998, 314.63900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 500425426, 0.45922332906879998, -0.874839938814994, 0.15417203213665401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1090101', 'V1432-AQL', 295.048, -10.4236, '2004-05-14 23:33:57', 12503, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.9, 'CV', 0.22, 63, 'PE', '2005-01-21 06:16:36', '2004-11-20 19:54:11', 0, 0, '2004-05-14 23:33:57', '2004-05-15 06:54:39', 10.8611, 295.08600000000001, -15.5032, 28.985700000000001, 321.57400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL', 'BARRETT', 'y', 488164266, 0.41639039661156502, -0.89100249689866795, -0.18092426075571799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0890401', 'CN3-1', 274.392, 10.1509, '2004-05-15 07:45:43', 23043, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 12.5, 'CSPN', 0.29999999999999999, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-13 20:06:03', '2004-12-24 21:46:05', 0, 0, '2004-05-15 07:45:43', '2004-05-15 21:46:22', 33.511400000000002, 275.18700000000001, 12.085100000000001, 38.259300000000003, 322.42899999999997, 'F', 'F', 'HARRIET L.', 'DINERSTEIN', 'y', 521787597, 0.075381108786212597, -0.98145642076468398, 0.17624126241586099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0610301', 'HD179406', 288.17000000000002, -7.9395300000000004, '2004-05-15 22:56:58', 21228, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 40, 5.3600000000000003, 'B3V', 0.28999999999999998, 21, 'PC', '2005-01-21 05:02:07', '2004-11-20 20:27:02', 2, 0, '2004-05-15 22:56:58', '2004-05-16 12:42:53', 14.3352, 288.58800000000002, -8.3115500000000004, 28.229900000000001, 314.65100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID C.', 'KNAUTH', 'y', 489492113, 0.30884832242952098, -0.94102784156228902, -0.138127894131091); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5230901', 'HD179406', 288.17000000000002, -7.9395300000000004, '2004-05-17 01:28:21', 9033, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 5, 5.3600000000000003, 'B3V', 0.28999999999999998, 21, 'PC', '2005-04-01 06:31:21', '2004-11-20 20:45:00', 3, 0, '2004-05-17 01:28:21', '2004-05-17 08:45:34', 14.3352, 288.58800000000002, -8.3115500000000004, 28.229900000000001, 314.23599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'SAHNOW', 'y', 489492113, 0.30884832242952098, -0.94102784156228902, -0.138127894131091); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1090102', 'V1432-AQL', 295.048, -10.4236, '2004-05-17 09:43:34', 9889, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.9, 'CV', 0.22, 63, 'PE', '2005-01-21 06:26:36', '2004-11-20 20:01:09', 0, 0, '2004-05-17 09:43:34', '2004-05-17 17:09:39', 10.8611, 295.08600000000001, -15.5032, 28.985700000000001, 325.98099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL', 'BARRETT', 'y', 488164266, 0.41639039661156502, -0.89100249689866795, -0.18092426075571799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056306', 'WD1634-573-BKGD', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-05-17 23:16:48', 7439, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-01-21 07:59:28', '2004-05-21 16:03:00', 1, 0, '2004-05-17 23:16:48', '2004-05-18 02:55:21', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 65.507599999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1051202', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-05-19 07:18:12', 5608, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.699999999999999, 'DO', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-21 05:12:15', '2004-11-20 20:34:11', 0, 0, '2004-05-19 07:18:12', '2004-05-19 08:52:53', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 67.456400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9011102', 'RS-TEL', 274.71300000000002, -46.548200000000001, '2004-05-19 20:13:19', 8363, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.8000000000000007, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2005-01-21 06:17:28', '2004-11-27 22:26:21', 0, 0, '2004-05-19 20:13:19', '2004-05-20 00:05:49', -23.1663, 273.524, -14.139699999999999, 347.52699999999999, 25.376300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', 'y', 780888763, 0.056508244872932503, -0.68541869085765705, -0.72595319166207695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5052201', 'HD190864-BKGD', 301.416, 35.607799999999997, '2004-05-20 09:11:20', 13629, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 13, 7.7599999999999998, 'O6.5', 0.52000000000000002, 13, 'EE', '2005-01-20 09:15:28', '2004-05-28 09:46:54', 1, 0, '2004-05-20 09:11:20', '2004-05-20 23:19:48', 54.113799999999998, 316.30000000000001, 2.0183399999999998, 72.468699999999998, 325.88900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 239707315, 0.42378580773622099, -0.693836838214408, 0.58223365678908701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3030201', 'HD186980', 296.56599999999997, 32.116199999999999, '2004-05-22 19:30:42', 5119, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 7.4800000000000004, 'O7.5', 0.40000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2005-01-20 05:35:32', '2004-12-03 17:14:03', 0, 0, '2004-05-22 19:30:42', '2004-05-22 21:51:15', 52.101900000000001, 308.07299999999998, 3.6582499999999998, 67.392399999999995, 321.38299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 236856762, 0.37878977668126401, -0.75754819044865596, 0.53163807635432403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1200301', 'NGC6853-03', 299.88499999999999, 22.709700000000002, '2004-05-26 08:14:04', 2778, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'PN', 0, 71, 'EE', '2005-01-20 07:41:35', '2004-12-15 14:42:45', 1, -42, '2004-05-26 08:14:04', '2004-05-26 10:26:25', 42.249000000000002, 308.38400000000001, -3.6890000000000001, 60.819699999999997, 323.048, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', 'y', 212720666, 0.45963197915631498, -0.79980898112176801, 0.38606221966647802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0660601', 'LSII+22-21', 301.24000000000001, 22.3444, '2004-05-29 03:19:59', 2492, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 7, 12.6, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-20 06:08:38', '2004-12-25 22:45:44', 0, 0, '2004-05-29 03:19:59', '2004-05-29 06:25:58', 41.557299999999998, 309.86900000000003, -4.9453699999999996, 61.168799999999997, 321.91399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GUILLAUME', 'HEBRARD', 'y', 213386575, 0.47968335626338199, -0.79080487894894602, 0.380173014763594); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0200601', 'HD187879', 297.65600000000001, 40.599800000000002, '2004-06-08 22:36:24', 1784, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 5.6799999999999997, 'B1II', 0.17000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2005-01-19 07:47:26', '2004-12-30 03:02:29', 0, 0, '2004-06-08 22:36:24', '2004-06-08 23:06:32', 59.835799999999999, 314.53699999999998, 7.1327999999999996, 75.217100000000002, 305.78199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'NANCY REMAGE', 'EVANS', 'y', 241415568, 0.35242592415042701, -0.67252682897760696, 0.65077156690504101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1460102', 'RW-HYA', 203.57599999999999, -25.380299999999998, '2004-06-14 06:07:21', 5934, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.8000000000000007, 'WD+M', 0.029999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-19 15:05:59', '2004-12-25 23:06:03', 0, 0, '2004-06-14 06:07:21', '2004-06-14 10:10:47', -14.448700000000001, 211.227, 36.485900000000001, 314.99400000000003, 163.667, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 720773984, -0.82806933100636204, -0.36136160379508597, -0.42862451440546501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9021305', 'HD1486', 4.8280799999999999, 59.139000000000003, '2003-08-07 23:15:40', 3868, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.2800000000000002, 'B9V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2005-05-04 03:38:59', '2004-08-19 09:24:42', 0, 0, '2003-08-07 23:15:40', '2003-08-08 01:14:13', 50.390300000000003, 36.7059, -3.4758900000000001, 118.816, 312.63499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 49854470, 0.51113695672708603, 0.043173648574420603, 0.85841426335805104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9031202', 'WD0809-728', 122.38500000000001, -72.988100000000003, '2003-08-15 12:51:19', 18016, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.15, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-05 04:33:09', '2004-07-08 09:01:11', 1, 0, '2003-08-15 12:51:19', '2003-08-16 03:17:39', -77.320599999999999, 224.44499999999999, -20.426200000000001, 285.82100000000003, 289.06599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 607792368, -0.156702339009724, 0.24706632215299701, -0.95624401143571802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9030801', 'WD0416+402', 64.964200000000005, 40.378900000000002, '2003-10-05 13:39:08', 17088, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 16, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-05-17 17:16:09', '2004-07-08 09:01:10', 1, 0, '2003-10-05 13:39:08', '2003-10-06 04:39:27', 18.652699999999999, 70.1083, -6.9513499999999997, 160.20500000000001, 336.05599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 26504732, 0.32237216530361501, 0.69020307619080201, 0.64783940961801201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9022506', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2003-11-30 15:33:56', 5301, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 6.9199999999999999, 'B8V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2005-06-04 04:04:33', '2004-08-19 09:24:43', 0, 0, '2003-11-30 15:33:56', '2003-11-30 17:23:28', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 213.98699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9022508', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2004-02-09 00:26:43', 6558, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 6.9199999999999999, 'B8V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-15 04:35:53', '2004-08-19 16:03:27', 0, 0, '2004-02-09 00:26:43', '2004-02-09 05:48:13', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 139.66, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9022509', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2004-02-10 17:10:30', 3055, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.9199999999999999, 'B8V', 0.11, 66, 'PC', '2005-02-10 09:47:43', '2004-08-19 16:03:28', 0, 0, '2004-02-10 17:10:30', '2004-02-10 18:51:58', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 138.08500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9031101', 'WD0802+413', 121.49299999999999, 41.159399999999998, '2004-03-14 09:37:15', 8518, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-03 05:08:12', '2004-07-08 09:01:10', 1, 0, '2004-03-14 09:37:15', '2004-03-14 13:40:19', 20.394300000000001, 114.81, 30.943899999999999, 179.21799999999999, 201.99199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 107272148, -0.39330105700157503, 0.64198503566848497, 0.65815613082244995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031403', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-03-28 05:45:30', 5591, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-29 03:18:18', '2005-02-13 03:43:23', 0, 0, '2004-03-28 05:45:30', '2004-03-28 09:24:42', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 19.686299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0381001', 'HD136933', 231.18799999999999, -39.710299999999997, '2004-03-28 10:04:58', 6673, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 5.3700000000000001, 'A0P', 0, 30, 'PE', '2005-01-29 08:47:51', '2005-02-21 02:13:41', 0, 0, '2004-03-28 10:04:58', '2004-03-29 00:11:12', -20.349299999999999, 239.05199999999999, 14.2272, 332.41699999999997, 28.682300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', NULL, 699169660, -0.48216228785459198, -0.59943181123213696, -0.63890612131500601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0640301', 'NGC5846-M3', 226.62100000000001, 1.6058300000000001, '2004-04-05 01:07:27', 20578, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 19, 10.5, 'GAL', 0.02, 81, 'EE', '2005-01-29 09:19:14', '2005-01-01 12:33:50', 2, 1714, '2004-04-05 01:07:27', '2004-04-05 16:43:16', 18.343599999999999, 223.672, 48.797899999999998, 0.42670799999999998, 323.85300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL', 'BREGMAN', NULL, 134288000, -0.68655142501050703, -0.72654100543672795, 0.028023351602394098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5680601', 'WD1745+607', 266.47399999999999, 60.703200000000002, '2004-04-25 23:58:44', 21795, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 16.199999999999999, 'DA1.', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-27 21:04:05', '2005-01-07 00:37:45', 0, 0, '2004-04-25 23:58:44', '2004-04-26 12:20:14', 83.939300000000003, 253.43799999999999, 31.366900000000001, 89.579400000000007, 318.024, 'F', 'F', 'JAY', 'HOLBERG', NULL, 167096138, -0.0300947458585369, -0.48840743309977502, 0.87209660334426198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0960401', 'NGC5194-INTERARM2', 202.82599999999999, 47.018300000000004, '2004-04-29 18:59:17', 33223, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 25, 18, 'GAL', 0.02, 80, 'EC', '2005-01-27 18:52:06', '2005-01-02 18:05:42', 0, 0.002, '2004-04-29 18:59:17', '2004-04-30 18:56:09', 50.932899999999997, 175.59999999999999, 68.620900000000006, 104.048, 251.721, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL N.', 'BREGMAN', NULL, 180669226, -0.628373834327422, -0.264479635087502, 0.73157149135039101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8481001', 'QSO1418+546', 214.94399999999999, 54.3874, '2004-05-01 03:27:44', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.6, 'BLLA', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-27 21:04:59', '2005-01-02 18:27:48', 0, 0, '2004-05-01 03:27:44', '2004-05-01 05:10:45', 61.469000000000001, 177.91499999999999, 58.311700000000002, 98.302599999999998, 263.66800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 187276049, -0.477319895433027, -0.333528206351764, 0.81297272585959401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8082001', 'QSO1418+546', 214.94399999999999, 54.3874, '2004-05-01 05:45:29', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.6, 'BLLA', 0, 87, 'PC', '2005-01-27 17:16:28', '2005-01-02 03:32:49', 0, 0.151, '2004-05-01 05:45:29', '2004-05-01 07:50:48', 61.469000000000001, 177.91499999999999, 58.311700000000002, 98.302599999999998, 263.57999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 187276049, -0.477319895433027, -0.333528206351764, 0.81297272585959401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8480901', 'PG1246+586', 192.078, 58.3414, '2004-05-01 09:02:48', 4581, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.1, 'BLLA', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-27 21:04:40', '2005-01-02 18:17:50', 0, 0, '2004-05-01 09:02:48', '2004-05-01 11:09:24', 55.551600000000001, 155.13800000000001, 58.781799999999997, 123.72499999999999, 240.95099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 183704912, -0.513238335140068, -0.109822655660296, 0.85119057539799603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8480801', 'FB1229+710', 187.90199999999999, 70.737200000000001, '2004-05-01 11:42:54', 7026, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-27 21:04:32', '2005-01-02 18:27:40', 0, 0, '2004-05-01 11:42:54', '2004-05-01 13:48:56', 62.1479, 134.38200000000001, 46.299599999999998, 125.29900000000001, 237.608, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 196649665, -0.326769022796913, -0.045354574995081803, 0.94401534323726199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8480701', '3C263', 174.988, 65.7971, '2004-05-01 14:14:29', 7403, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-27 21:04:22', '2005-01-02 18:17:37', 0, 0, '2004-05-01 14:14:29', '2004-05-01 16:22:49', 55.3444, 135.90600000000001, 49.743600000000001, 134.161, 225.268, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 123022235, -0.40840165080946, 0.035816706344473197, 0.91209936693473304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8081701', '3C263', 174.988, 65.7971, '2004-05-02 00:47:50', 3408, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-27 17:16:19', '2005-01-02 03:32:39', 0, 0.64600000000000002, '2004-05-02 00:47:50', '2004-05-02 01:45:04', 55.3444, 135.90700000000001, 49.743699999999997, 134.161, 224.88900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 123022235, -0.40840165080946, 0.035816706344473197, 0.91209936693473304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0960101', 'NGC5194-ARM1', 202.82400000000001, 47.000799999999998, '2004-05-02 05:08:31', 19827, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 17, 'GAL', 0.02, 80, 'EC', '2005-01-27 18:50:48', '2005-01-02 05:05:19', 0, 0.002, '2004-05-02 05:08:31', '2004-05-02 17:33:29', 50.917900000000003, 175.61500000000001, 68.6374, 104.03100000000001, 249.43000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL N.', 'BREGMAN', NULL, 180669052, -0.62858898686967102, -0.26454436320957098, 0.73136322404138099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0310101', 'NGC3783', 174.75700000000001, -37.738599999999998, '2004-05-05 11:06:22', 23286, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 42, 12.6, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-27 18:48:58', '2005-01-02 18:04:28', 1, 0, '2004-05-05 11:06:22', '2004-05-06 19:24:25', -36.178100000000001, 192.679, 22.947600000000001, 287.45699999999999, 143.60599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'D. MICHAEL', 'CRENSHAW', NULL, 626990500, -0.78750269311349297, 0.072264309298071594, -0.612059946362011); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031502', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2004-05-07 20:19:20', 4789, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-27 21:05:40', '2005-02-13 04:25:36', 0, 0, '2004-05-07 20:19:20', '2004-05-08 01:33:43', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 332.61399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031503', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2004-05-08 03:18:46', 5248, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 11, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-27 21:06:12', '2005-02-13 04:36:53', 0, 0, '2004-05-08 03:18:46', '2004-05-08 09:51:31', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 332.76999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5111401', 'SK190', 22.866700000000002, -73.370699999999999, '2004-05-09 06:10:01', 13934, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.52, 'O8IA', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-16 23:42:10', '2005-01-02 18:05:52', 0, 0, '2004-05-09 06:10:01', '2004-05-09 12:08:35', -67.419899999999998, 313.37200000000001, -43.450699999999998, 299.00599999999997, 289.96499999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545553953, 0.26368804067721902, 0.111205633558629, -0.95817635342802798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5111701', 'AV80', 12.6829, -72.794700000000006, '2004-05-09 12:48:28', 18475, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 13.32, 'O7II', 0.17000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-17 04:05:22', '2005-01-02 18:06:44', 0, 0, '2004-05-09 12:48:28', '2004-05-10 01:01:41', -64.456400000000002, 312.00900000000001, -44.333199999999998, 303.00700000000001, 299.86000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545867295, 0.28857901554389997, 0.064943595070693597, -0.95525100431614696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1440101', 'V794-AQL', 304.392, -3.6639400000000002, '2004-05-13 19:50:22', 13333, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2005-01-21 06:16:46', '2005-02-21 02:35:17', 1, 0, '2004-05-13 19:50:22', '2004-05-14 04:20:01', 15.6014, 305.82100000000003, -20.800599999999999, 39.699599999999997, 319.12400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', NULL, 491540388, 0.56369725308153096, -0.82350571022355901, -0.063904241623912394); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0640501', 'HD172028', 279.48599999999999, -0.38585000000000003, '2004-05-14 17:18:33', 8237, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.8300000000000001, 'B2V', 0.79000000000000004, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-21 05:23:23', '2005-02-21 02:34:56', 0, 0, '2004-05-14 17:18:33', '2004-05-14 22:30:17', 22.715399999999999, 280.29199999999997, 2.8260800000000001, 31.050000000000001, 312.94, 'F', 'F', 'PAULE', 'SONNENTRUCKER', NULL, 497364796, 0.16480286880039399, -0.98630353523218595, -0.0067343020167574498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1100301', 'UU-AQL', 299.32799999999997, -9.3222500000000004, '2004-05-16 13:48:33', 16121, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-21 05:12:33', '2005-01-02 02:09:31', 0, 0, '2004-05-16 13:48:33', '2004-05-17 00:31:44', 11.1629, 299.51499999999999, -18.833600000000001, 31.927600000000002, 325.53300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'SION', NULL, 488032492, 0.48333960889160399, -0.860315652107144, -0.161987040271653); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1200501', 'NGC6751', 286.48200000000003, -5.9919399999999996, '2004-05-17 18:23:08', 3950, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'PN', 0.69999999999999996, 71, 'EE', '2005-01-21 02:26:01', '2005-01-02 02:19:29', 0, 0, '2004-05-17 18:23:08', '2004-05-17 20:25:20', 16.473800000000001, 287.11200000000002, -5.9419700000000004, 29.229600000000001, 322.33699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'GUERRERO', NULL, 489658695, 0.28216406206809902, -0.95367000097529497, -0.104388559320503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1460201', 'AEARA', 265.26999999999998, -47.057600000000001, '2004-05-18 17:41:56', 8841, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.5, 'M5.5', 0.20000000000000001, 57, 'PC', '2005-01-21 06:26:42', '2005-01-02 02:29:35', 0, 0, '2004-05-18 17:41:56', '2004-05-18 23:02:01', -23.675799999999999, 266.48399999999998, -8.6600099999999998, 343.99700000000001, 36.167700000000004, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'SION', NULL, 692552797, -0.056177157281914601, -0.67894263420200995, -0.73203895146539799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1201701', 'PK342-14D1', 271.81400000000002, -51.018700000000003, '2004-05-19 09:43:37', 5163, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'PN', 0.20999999999999999, 71, 'EE', '2005-01-21 02:35:36', '2005-01-02 02:19:36', 1, 0, '2004-05-19 09:43:37', '2004-05-19 12:13:38', -27.587299999999999, 271.28699999999998, -14.311299999999999, 342.51600000000002, 32.644599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN A.', 'GUERRERO', NULL, 780322837, 0.019913096595998901, -0.62875146193535603, -0.77735131549262304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0040101', 'X1822-37', 276.44400000000002, -37.104999999999997, '2004-05-19 13:24:16', 10701, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 59, 'PC', '2005-01-21 05:03:36', '2005-01-02 02:19:21', 1, 0, '2004-05-19 13:24:16', '2004-05-19 19:02:11', -13.7837, 275.28800000000001, -11.2897, 356.85199999999998, 12.7745, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', NULL, 783244168, 0.089508577733299205, -0.79249250255052694, -0.60327758777644303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3020501', 'BD+39D3226', 266.63299999999998, 39.319200000000002, '2004-05-21 19:06:24', 5184, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 13, 10.18, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-20 09:15:20', '2005-01-02 18:38:14', 1, 0, '2004-05-21 19:06:24', '2004-05-22 01:18:12', 62.692300000000003, 264.31599999999997, 28.772099999999998, 65, 306.30599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 156510255, -0.045436265346427203, -0.77229249755919205, 0.63364015340345503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1680101', 'WD1822+410', 275.904, 41.066600000000001, '2004-05-22 02:39:54', 18805, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 14.390000000000001, 'DB', 0, 29, 'PC', '2005-01-20 18:20:22', '2005-01-02 02:51:36', 0, 0, '2004-05-22 02:39:54', '2004-05-22 16:46:36', 64.295199999999994, 280.30099999999999, 22.383600000000001, 68.898099999999999, 304.005, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', NULL, 245619164, 0.077552427105891997, -0.74994726983577797, 0.65693585190324999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1680102', 'WD1822+410', 275.904, 41.066600000000001, '2004-05-22 22:45:06', 8566, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.390000000000001, 'DB', 0, 29, 'PC', '2005-01-20 08:22:33', '2005-01-02 03:01:30', 0, 0, '2004-05-22 22:45:06', '2004-05-23 04:01:22', 64.295199999999994, 280.30099999999999, 22.383600000000001, 68.898099999999999, 303.18599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', NULL, 245619164, 0.077552427105891997, -0.74994726983577797, 0.65693585190324999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0820501', 'HD190864', 301.416, 35.607799999999997, '2004-05-23 05:29:25', 3394, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.7599999999999998, 'O6.5', 0.52000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2005-01-20 19:32:43', '2005-01-07 00:16:52', 1, 0, '2004-05-23 05:29:25', '2004-05-23 07:26:25', 54.113799999999998, 316.30000000000001, 2.0183399999999998, 72.468699999999998, 323.62299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 239707315, 0.42378580773622099, -0.693836838214408, 0.58223365678908701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1610102', 'KPD1930+2752', 293.06200000000001, 27.975899999999999, '2004-05-23 08:43:26', 7358, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.82, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-20 18:19:35', '2005-01-02 02:29:43', 0, 0, '2004-05-23 08:43:26', '2004-05-23 14:25:53', 48.904299999999999, 301.75599999999997, 4.2829499999999996, 62.2866, 319.613, 'F', 'F', 'GILLES', 'FONTAINE', NULL, 235869625, 0.34595171968440902, -0.81256536586073502, 0.46910013200915901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1610103', 'KPD1930+2752', 293.06200000000001, 27.975899999999999, '2004-05-23 15:27:57', 5169, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.82, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-20 06:39:40', '2005-01-02 02:40:12', 0, 0, '2004-05-23 15:27:57', '2004-05-23 19:28:04', 48.904299999999999, 301.75599999999997, 4.2829499999999996, 62.2866, 319.392, 'F', 'F', 'GILLES', 'FONTAINE', NULL, 235869625, 0.34595171968440902, -0.81256536586073502, 0.46910013200915901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0370101', 'HD199140', 313.59300000000002, 28.521999999999998, '2004-05-23 20:31:28', 6150, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 6.54, 'B2II', 0.12, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-20 19:11:30', '2005-01-06 23:55:20', 1, 0, '2004-05-23 20:31:28', '2004-05-24 00:23:19', 43.726900000000001, 326.96899999999999, -10.4803, 72.754800000000003, 331.01999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MYRON', 'SMITH', NULL, 214892342, 0.60584532136309099, -0.63635592041117495, 0.477496166623461); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1010202', 'G185-32', 294.30799999999999, 27.721900000000002, '2004-05-24 01:27:56', 10894, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-20 06:49:32', '2005-01-07 00:16:43', 0, 0, '2004-05-24 01:27:56', '2004-05-24 08:29:19', 48.391500000000001, 303.28100000000001, 3.1957, 62.5959, 319.94400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ALLARD', NULL, 235786359, 0.36439169288982998, -0.80673778808070895, 0.46518043320364399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0370102', 'HD199140', 313.59300000000002, 28.521999999999998, '2004-05-24 09:43:47', 4923, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6.54, 'B2II', 0.12, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-20 03:41:21', '2005-01-07 00:06:05', 1, 0, '2004-05-24 09:43:47', '2004-05-24 15:02:56', 43.726900000000001, 326.96899999999999, -10.4803, 72.754800000000003, 330.64499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MYRON', 'SMITH', NULL, 214892342, 0.60584532136309099, -0.63635592041117495, 0.477496166623461); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1010201', 'G185-32', 294.30799999999999, 27.721900000000002, '2004-05-24 16:58:42', 12958, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-20 06:19:10', '2005-01-07 00:16:35', 0, 0, '2004-05-24 16:58:42', '2004-05-25 01:24:41', 48.391500000000001, 303.28100000000001, 3.1957, 62.5959, 319.41199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ALLARD', NULL, 235786359, 0.36439169288982998, -0.80673778808070895, 0.46518043320364399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0370103', 'HD199140', 313.59300000000002, 28.521999999999998, '2004-05-25 02:24:38', 6327, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 6.54, 'B2II', 0.12, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-20 03:41:27', '2005-01-07 00:06:29', 1, 0, '2004-05-25 02:24:38', '2004-05-25 05:59:00', 43.726900000000001, 326.96899999999999, -10.4803, 72.754800000000003, 330.185, 'F', 'F', 'MYRON', 'SMITH', NULL, 214892342, 0.60584532136309099, -0.63635592041117495, 0.477496166623461); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070315', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2004-05-25 07:17:25', 4198, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-20 05:14:57', '2005-02-13 04:46:01', 1, 0, '2004-05-25 07:17:25', '2004-05-25 11:11:27', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 323.80700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070317', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2004-05-25 19:17:45', 5721, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-20 23:19:21', '2005-02-13 05:07:17', 1, 0, '2004-05-25 19:17:45', '2004-05-26 00:39:24', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 323.45999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1200101', 'NGC6853-01', 299.93700000000001, 22.747199999999999, '2004-05-26 01:37:14', 4176, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'PN', 0, 71, 'EE', '2005-01-20 07:51:53', '2005-01-07 00:17:08', 1, -42, '2004-05-26 01:37:14', '2004-05-26 04:03:16', 42.272199999999998, 308.46100000000001, -3.7107299999999999, 60.877099999999999, 323.27100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', NULL, 212720729, 0.46023147689470101, -0.79917236823086102, 0.38666589393376899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1200201', 'NGC6853-02', 299.91199999999998, 22.734400000000001, '2004-05-26 05:05:08', 3071, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'PN', 0, 71, 'EE', '2005-01-20 07:21:37', '2005-01-07 00:17:18', 1, -42, '2004-05-26 05:05:08', '2004-05-26 06:58:36', 42.265999999999998, 308.42599999999999, -3.6976599999999999, 60.854100000000003, 323.15899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', NULL, 212720715, 0.45992579293630897, -0.79944796131131501, 0.38645985839035002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1200401', 'NGC6853-04', 299.86399999999998, 22.7029, '2004-05-26 11:40:55', 3470, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'PN', 0, 71, 'EE', '2005-01-20 08:54:29', '2005-01-07 00:17:26', 1, -42, '2004-05-26 11:40:55', '2004-05-26 13:56:00', 42.247599999999998, 308.35599999999999, -3.6759499999999998, 60.803600000000003, 322.93599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', NULL, 212720676, 0.45936161489487498, -0.80001712018138504, 0.38595273567867999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1450101', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2004-05-26 15:05:25', 6496, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 5.1500000000000004, 'G3IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-20 21:36:04', '2005-01-07 00:17:44', 0, 0, '2004-05-26 15:05:25', '2004-05-26 19:02:21', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 324.84699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', NULL, 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5682201', 'WD2022+198', 306.06700000000001, 20.013000000000002, '2004-05-26 20:36:50', 5630, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.6, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-02-25 04:18:20', '2005-01-07 00:28:29', 0, 0, '2004-05-26 20:36:50', '2004-05-27 00:02:40', 38.032800000000002, 314.613, -9.9904299999999999, 61.665199999999999, 326.69900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JAY', 'HOLBERG', NULL, 211494990, 0.55318037291470501, -0.75951814545004104, 0.34223334401264499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0290101', 'CYG-CTR', 312.649, 30.703900000000001, '2004-05-27 01:00:36', 5507, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-01-20 13:22:34', '2005-01-08 02:50:12', 0, 0, '2004-05-27 01:00:36', '2004-05-27 03:22:45', 46.056800000000003, 327.08199999999999, -8.4732400000000005, 73.957300000000004, 328.15699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', NULL, 216471149, 0.58253087448080298, -0.63241121481501905, 0.51060144501638804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018302', 'IIZW136', 323.11599999999999, 10.1387, '2004-05-27 04:25:08', 11497, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.6, 'SYFT', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-20 23:29:22', '2005-01-08 05:35:32', 5, 0.96209999999999996, '2004-05-27 04:25:08', '2004-05-27 16:43:58', 23.3611, 329.05599999999998, -29.069500000000001, 63.670999999999999, 334.37299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', NULL, 202843000, 0.78736220695358405, -0.59082451650132894, 0.176031661249199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0290102', 'CYG-CTR', 312.649, 30.703900000000001, '2004-05-27 18:04:55', 15983, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-01-20 18:19:17', '2005-01-08 03:00:06', 0, 0, '2004-05-27 18:04:55', '2004-05-28 04:19:48', 46.056800000000003, 327.08199999999999, -8.4732400000000005, 73.957300000000004, 327.65300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', NULL, 216471149, 0.58253087448080298, -0.63241121481501905, 0.51060144501638804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018303', 'IIZW136', 323.11599999999999, 10.1387, '2004-05-28 05:25:11', 8067, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 14.6, 'SYFT', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-20 04:33:19', '2005-01-08 05:56:25', 5, 0.96209999999999996, '2004-05-28 05:25:11', '2004-05-28 15:58:36', 23.3611, 329.05599999999998, -29.069500000000001, 63.670999999999999, 323.971, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', NULL, 202843000, 0.78736220695358405, -0.59082451650132894, 0.176031661249199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0290103', 'CYG-CTR', 312.649, 30.703900000000001, '2004-05-28 17:21:15', 14939, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2005-01-20 18:19:26', '2005-01-08 03:10:08', 0, 0, '2004-05-28 17:21:15', '2004-05-29 01:57:17', 46.056800000000003, 327.08199999999999, -8.4732400000000005, 73.957300000000004, 326.97300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', NULL, 216471149, 0.58253087448080298, -0.63241121481501905, 0.51060144501638804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051501', 'LSII+18_9', 295.88, 18.41, '2004-05-29 07:57:58', 3525, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 12.130000000000001, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-20 05:15:13', '2005-01-08 05:57:07', 0, 0, '2004-05-29 07:57:58', '2004-05-29 13:13:33', 39.000399999999999, 302.202, -2.6501600000000001, 55.201999999999998, 329.96300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', NULL, 212367424, 0.41414870894192202, -0.85366384404263296, 0.31581464224461597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0820901', 'HD188001', 298.09100000000001, 18.671900000000001, '2004-05-29 14:41:38', 0, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 6.2199999999999998, 'O7.5', 0.33000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2005-01-20 18:20:31', '2005-01-07 00:17:00', 1, 0, '2004-05-29 14:41:38', '2004-05-29 14:42:36', 38.768999999999998, 304.89999999999998, -4.3313699999999997, 56.483899999999998, 320.98000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 212061778, 0.44609002670550901, -0.835768321435157, 0.320148404586588); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0960102', 'HS2115+1148', 319.57799999999997, 12.025399999999999, '2004-05-29 16:32:10', 6261, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.800000000000001, 'DAO', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-20 02:16:01', '2005-01-08 03:10:28', 0, 0, '2004-05-29 16:32:10', '2004-05-29 20:19:10', 26.322199999999999, 326.17200000000003, -25.177800000000001, 62.902000000000001, 332.16800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID S.', 'FINLEY', NULL, 203318953, 0.74458315021424404, -0.634183072801494, 0.20834529653699199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3030901', 'HD188001', 298.09100000000001, 18.671900000000001, '2004-05-29 22:43:59', 0, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 6.25, 'O7.5', 0.31, 13, 'PC', '2005-01-20 13:12:39', '2005-01-08 06:07:05', 0, 0, '2004-05-29 22:43:59', '2004-05-29 22:44:57', 38.769100000000002, 304.89999999999998, -4.3312499999999998, 56.483899999999998, 320.74900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', NULL, 212061778, 0.44609002670550901, -0.835768321435157, 0.320148404586588); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0430104', 'V-SGE', 305.06099999999998, 21.102499999999999, '2004-05-30 00:23:44', 7174, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12, 'OTR', 0.20000000000000001, 66, 'PE', '2005-01-20 05:46:42', '2005-01-08 02:49:52', 0, 0, '2004-05-30 00:23:44', '2004-05-30 04:33:18', 39.352600000000002, 313.87400000000002, -8.6022300000000005, 62.054099999999998, 324.05200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JANET', 'WOOD', NULL, 212928997, 0.53592447547750899, -0.76364778790836496, 0.36003751555472402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1180801', 'PHL159', 327.18299999999999, 1.9594400000000001, '2004-05-30 05:39:20', 4321, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 10.789999999999999, 'B2V', 0.080000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-20 02:47:26', '2005-01-08 03:20:23', 0, 0, '2004-05-30 05:39:20', '2004-05-30 12:41:04', 14.2896, 330.08100000000002, -37.292900000000003, 58.941200000000002, 335.06700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD L.', 'FITZPATRICK', NULL, 313601717, 0.83991443814362199, -0.541640695291985, 0.034192013709315898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2051901', 'PG2158+082', 330.25999999999999, 8.5130599999999994, '2004-05-30 13:57:40', 5684, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.140000000000001, 'SDO', 0.089999999999999997, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-20 18:50:37', '2005-01-08 06:06:51', 0, 0, '2004-05-30 13:57:40', '2004-05-30 19:17:35', 19.3277, 335.50599999999997, -35.478900000000003, 67.643500000000003, 334.71600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', NULL, 317218117, 0.85871876552738702, -0.49059939545630998, 0.14803484356402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1450102', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2004-05-30 20:53:56', 10422, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 5.1500000000000004, 'G3IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-20 08:02:24', '2005-01-07 00:17:53', 0, 0, '2004-05-30 20:53:56', '2004-05-31 03:19:59', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 321.84699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', NULL, 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1680301', 'WD2130-047', 323.39499999999998, -4.5400799999999997, '2004-05-31 05:25:33', 34608, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 27, 14.52, 'DB', 0, 29, 'PC', '2005-01-20 07:31:06', '2005-01-02 19:40:47', 0, 0, '2004-05-31 05:25:33', '2004-06-01 16:30:16', 9.4289299999999994, 324.214, -37.784999999999997, 49.472099999999998, 335.95100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', NULL, 311100342, 0.80024652870327295, -0.59442388077369102, -0.079156448027349599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1450103', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2004-06-01 17:49:09', 11781, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 5.1500000000000004, 'G3IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-20 08:23:01', '2005-01-07 00:27:15', 0, 0, '2004-06-01 17:49:09', '2004-06-02 00:45:02', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 320.495, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', NULL, 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056604', 'HD192035-BKGD', 302.70600000000002, 47.813299999999998, '2004-06-02 08:09:09', 16521, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-01-20 18:19:08', '2004-07-08 09:01:08', 1, 0, '2004-06-02 08:09:09', '2004-06-02 19:01:19', 64.768500000000003, 328.346, 7.7557900000000002, 83.328400000000002, 314.72699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 242649838, 0.36285681258112301, -0.56507740002382101, 0.74096050201463903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031601', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2004-06-03 03:56:49', 1335, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-20 19:32:51', '2005-02-13 01:37:18', 0, 0, '2004-06-03 03:56:49', '2004-06-03 04:27:04', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 289.601, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031603', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2004-06-03 12:21:57', 5206, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 12, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-20 19:33:42', '2005-02-13 04:45:43', 0, 0, '2004-06-03 12:21:57', '2004-06-03 17:56:15', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 289.279, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1450104', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2004-06-03 19:43:05', 7568, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 5.1500000000000004, 'G3IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-20 08:33:34', '2005-01-07 00:38:37', 0, 0, '2004-06-03 19:43:05', '2004-06-04 00:59:51', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 318.971, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', NULL, 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9370601', 'HD192910', 303.86799999999999, 47.714199999999998, '2004-06-04 04:10:27', 0, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 9, 4.0199999999999996, 'K5IA', 0.050000000000000003, 22, 'PC', '2005-01-20 09:15:14', '2005-01-08 05:16:02', 0, 0, '2004-06-04 04:10:27', '2004-06-04 07:09:34', 64.286799999999999, 329.79300000000001, 7.0455199999999998, 83.670299999999997, 289.077, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP D.', 'BENNETT', NULL, 242627547, 0.37495522769815998, -0.55866599100678205, 0.73979786949830495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491201', 'HD191240', 301.74099999999999, 46.299500000000002, '2004-06-05 02:45:56', 17712, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 9.3800000000000008, 'A3V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-19 18:02:50', '2005-02-20 22:28:48', 0, 0, '2004-06-05 02:45:56', '2004-06-05 16:53:08', 63.769100000000002, 325.31999999999999, 7.5083500000000001, 81.682000000000002, 311.65300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 242453363, 0.36346297565166202, -0.58755586026526296, 0.72296111679563102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1610401', 'HD201091', 316.73200000000003, 38.753700000000002, '2004-06-05 18:05:15', 10979, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 5.2599999999999998, 'K0V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2006-03-03 18:21:25', '2005-01-08 04:55:23', 0, 0, '2004-06-05 18:05:15', '2004-06-05 23:41:54', 51.900399999999998, 336.96800000000002, -5.8193700000000002, 82.328100000000006, 322.56, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 217934906, 0.56784788053801405, -0.53451430681494305, 0.62597383362136305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491202', 'HD191240', 301.74099999999999, 46.299500000000002, '2004-06-07 22:54:01', 17394, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 9.3800000000000008, 'A3V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-19 18:02:59', '2005-02-20 22:39:00', 0, 0, '2004-06-07 22:54:01', '2004-06-08 12:58:51', 63.769100000000002, 325.31999999999999, 7.5083500000000001, 81.682000000000002, 309.16800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 242453363, 0.36346297565166202, -0.58755586026526296, 0.72296111679563102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5681701', 'WD2046+396', 312.03399999999999, 39.860999999999997, '2004-06-08 14:09:22', 8227, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.43, 'DA.8', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-19 17:10:43', '2005-01-07 00:49:16', 0, 0, '2004-06-08 14:09:22', '2004-06-08 18:14:00', 54.570300000000003, 332.44900000000001, -2.3363999999999998, 80.806100000000001, 317.28899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JAY', 'HOLBERG', NULL, 240400826, 0.51396413564090404, -0.57013426127552902, 0.64092729025584905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0820701', 'HD193514', 304.78500000000003, 39.273400000000002, '2004-06-08 18:59:08', 6208, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.4000000000000004, 'O7IB', 0.75, 13, 'PC', '2005-01-18 03:15:06', '2005-01-07 00:38:11', 1, 0, '2004-06-08 18:59:08', '2004-06-08 21:30:03', 56.479799999999997, 323.10599999999999, 1.7982899999999999, 77.003200000000007, 311.83600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 239985245, 0.44164244301629502, -0.63579531169470005, 0.63302154319867998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0820301', 'HD193682', 305.03699999999998, 37.8309, '2004-06-09 00:23:20', 4777, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 8.4199999999999999, 'O5II', 0.81999999999999995, 13, 'PC', '2005-01-19 14:55:03', '2005-01-07 00:38:03', 1, 0, '2004-06-09 00:23:20', '2004-06-09 05:08:37', 55.081099999999999, 322.387, 0.82094299999999998, 75.923900000000003, 292.11099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 239936601, 0.45344234848502402, -0.64669354761453002, 0.61333310042269795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0821301', 'HD191423', 302.02999999999997, 42.606099999999998, '2004-06-09 06:32:02', 4418, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.0299999999999994, 'O9II', 0.46999999999999997, 13, 'PC', '2005-01-19 15:58:17', '2005-01-07 00:38:19', 1, 0, '2004-06-09 06:32:02', '2004-06-09 10:26:42', 60.377499999999998, 322.161, 5.3694600000000001, 78.6447, 288.726, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 241558931, 0.39036060550078799, -0.62398030954126205, 0.67695433448486697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1380302', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2004-06-09 11:49:15', 10925, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 5.1500000000000004, 'G5IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-19 07:15:23', '2005-02-13 01:05:18', 0, 0, '2004-06-09 11:49:15', '2004-06-09 19:07:05', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 314.62400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', NULL, 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9030401', 'RE1711+664', 257.86399999999998, 66.758600000000001, '2004-06-09 21:30:17', 34899, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 17.100000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-19 17:31:24', '2005-01-08 05:15:11', 0, 0, '2004-06-09 21:30:17', '2004-06-10 19:44:40', 85.1952, 172.07499999999999, 34.567599999999999, 97.191299999999998, 267.00700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 190411644, -0.082959144167066207, -0.38578702750454602, 0.91885045018668499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4059801', 'BREY22-BKGD', 79.818299999999994, -69.6554, '2004-06-10 21:54:31', 21379, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 16, 12.300000000000001, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'PC', '2005-01-19 15:17:06', '2004-07-08 09:01:09', 0, 0, '2004-06-10 21:54:31', '2004-06-11 13:05:31', -85.112300000000005, 316.16199999999998, -33.273800000000001, 280.435, 267.142, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542282263, 0.061456984216659599, 0.34219061778506099, -0.93761858993455904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1640101', 'SN1987A', 83.867199999999997, -69.2697, '2004-06-11 22:41:45', 61813, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 54, 15, 'SNR', 0.16, 56, 'PC', '2005-01-19 15:05:48', '2005-01-08 04:54:27', 0, 285, '2004-06-11 22:41:45', '2004-06-13 05:03:30', -86.445700000000002, 307.58800000000002, -31.936800000000002, 279.70499999999998, 264.49700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 542223928, 0.037815721791100897, 0.35194370400602998, -0.93525697024718002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113801', 'BI196', 83.079999999999998, -67.830600000000004, '2004-06-13 05:28:55', 20518, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14.529999999999999, 'O9V', 0.070000000000000007, 12, 'PC', '2005-01-19 18:03:13', '2005-01-02 18:17:17', 0, 0, '2004-06-13 05:28:55', '2004-06-13 15:08:13', -87.034499999999994, 331.49799999999999, -32.406199999999998, 278.06200000000001, 266.39400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542334147, 0.045463947860924503, 0.37459741558625698, -0.92607224646946196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5112501', 'SK-70D32', 75.043199999999999, -70.186000000000007, '2004-06-13 15:39:17', 10721, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.06, 'O9.5', 0.089999999999999997, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 10:44:50', '2005-01-02 18:16:43', 1, 0, '2004-06-13 15:39:17', '2004-06-13 20:39:01', -83.428899999999999, 319.86099999999999, -34.733499999999999, 281.53800000000001, 274.19600000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541921277, 0.087484432988032504, 0.32748381739729299, -0.94079797157926404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5112001', 'SK-69D50', 74.313299999999998, -69.338999999999999, '2004-06-13 21:12:18', 9263, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.31, 'O7IF', 0.14000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 10:13:04', '2005-01-02 18:06:55', 0, 0, '2004-06-13 21:12:18', '2004-06-14 02:38:34', -83.512699999999995, 327.60399999999998, -35.219900000000003, 280.637, 275.07900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541944655, 0.095399276281621398, 0.33969640893689002, -0.93568441679891401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4052802', 'HD187459-BKGD', 297.21100000000001, 33.4373, '2004-06-14 11:33:42', 12561, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 6.4400000000000004, 'SKY', 0.41999999999999998, 7, 'EE', '2005-01-19 10:56:31', '2004-07-08 09:01:07', 1, -10, '2004-06-14 11:33:42', '2004-06-14 18:57:57', 53.202800000000003, 309.57299999999998, 3.8514300000000001, 68.810400000000001, 301.97699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 236901556, 0.38158582468663998, -0.74213521821874295, 0.55102411587664302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0840101', 'MARKARIAN290', 233.96799999999999, 57.9026, '2004-06-15 05:33:49', 11230, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.210000000000001, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-19 15:58:26', '2005-01-08 04:54:47', 3, 0.029579999999999999, '2004-06-15 05:33:49', '2004-06-15 12:48:32', 71.471999999999994, 190.38300000000001, 47.953400000000002, 91.491, 240.083, 'F', 'F', 'JOSEPH', 'COLLINS', NULL, 186585350, -0.31256569386848498, -0.42970487902367899, 0.84714603461254401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1450105', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2004-06-15 14:22:06', 12754, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 5.1500000000000004, 'G3IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-19 16:19:08', '2005-01-07 00:48:48', 0, 0, '2004-06-15 14:22:06', '2004-06-15 23:13:39', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 309.67099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', NULL, 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0100101', 'PG1718+481', 259.90899999999999, 48.070099999999996, '2004-06-16 01:24:49', 50034, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 31, 15.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-19 16:09:02', '2005-02-19 12:35:08', 0, 1.0840000000000001, '2004-06-16 01:24:49', '2004-06-17 13:20:05', 70.780699999999996, 249.166, 34.829000000000001, 74.3767, 262.76999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JACQUELINE', 'BERGERON', NULL, 159011780, -0.117080370365123, -0.65788398631238398, 0.74396293417675896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1450106', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2004-06-17 14:49:49', 9077, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 5.1500000000000004, 'G3IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-19 16:19:19', '2005-01-07 00:49:07', 0, 0, '2004-06-17 14:49:49', '2004-06-17 21:44:51', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 312.94600000000003, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', NULL, 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5052301', 'EC11481-2303-BKGD', 177.66200000000001, -23.3428, '2004-06-18 01:36:34', 10969, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 11.76, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-19 11:18:22', '2004-07-08 09:01:12', 1, 0, '2004-06-18 01:36:34', '2004-06-18 12:03:23', -22.236799999999999, 187.65100000000001, 37.437199999999997, 285.28699999999998, 173.90799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 406545987, -0.91738634596928703, 0.037455473348952398, -0.39623147243161599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1720201', 'NGC4038-KNOTS', 180.46000000000001, -18.870200000000001, '2004-06-18 23:18:10', 22300, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 26, 14.6, 'GAL', 0.32000000000000001, 89, 'PC', '2005-01-19 14:44:51', '2005-02-20 22:18:33', 0, 1400, '2004-06-18 23:18:10', '2004-06-19 19:46:03', -17.080400000000001, 188.15700000000001, 42.457000000000001, 286.947, 173.94999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 415241757, -0.94622320673905702, -0.0075969300174570003, -0.32342530773389699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1300101', 'PHL2525', 0.10166699999999999, -12.763299999999999, '2004-06-20 01:07:45', 28719, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 15, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2005-01-19 16:09:47', '2005-02-20 22:28:17', 0, 0.20000000000000001, '2004-06-20 01:07:45', '2004-06-21 00:49:41', -11.7348, 354.94400000000002, -71.3172, 80.683499999999995, 309.35199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'MARSHALL', 'MCCALL', NULL, 281857488, 0.97528952861211204, 0.0017305788561349201, -0.22092383410666); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0250102', 'AADOR', 82.918099999999995, -69.883899999999997, '2004-06-22 22:51:41', 1623, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.140000000000001, 'O', 0.050000000000000003, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-18 02:21:33', '2005-01-08 03:31:17', 0, 0, '2004-06-22 22:51:41', '2004-06-22 23:43:29', -85.768799999999999, 305.07799999999997, -32.1785, 280.47699999999998, 275.822, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS', 'RAUCH', NULL, 542262129, 0.042401644432744801, 0.34129974927808798, -0.93899764733044599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053302', 'WZSGE-BKGD', 301.90199999999999, 17.7043, '2004-06-23 02:20:50', 5948, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 13, 8.9000000000000004, 'B0', 0, 63, 'EE', '2005-01-19 11:18:16', '2004-07-08 09:01:07', 1, 0, '2004-06-23 02:20:50', '2004-06-23 09:13:46', 36.921100000000003, 309.029, -7.9292600000000002, 57.537999999999997, 303.82900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 210693680, 0.50343901854441198, -0.80874567900931604, 0.30410455651107998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1450107', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2004-06-23 18:57:50', 5396, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 5.1500000000000004, 'G3IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-18 15:19:04', '2005-01-07 00:27:34', 0, 0, '2004-06-23 18:57:50', '2004-06-24 01:51:15', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 302.39299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', NULL, 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5052501', 'PG1519+640-BKGD', 230.13, 63.8688, '2004-06-24 04:08:36', 19920, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 12.43, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'EE', '2005-01-19 01:33:28', '2004-07-08 09:01:12', 1, 0, '2004-06-24 04:08:36', '2004-06-24 11:26:58', 73.368300000000005, 170.55099999999999, 46.162199999999999, 100.285, 228.57400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 191368209, -0.28233550180768602, -0.33802898162093498, 0.89778787695274398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0090102', 'BD+67D922', 240.42099999999999, 66.802800000000005, '2004-06-24 19:46:32', 10119, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.8200000000000003, 'K4', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PE', '2005-01-18 02:11:52', '2005-02-13 01:15:35', 0, -148, '2004-06-24 19:46:32', '2004-06-25 00:04:23', 78.398799999999994, 165.21199999999999, 40.9711, 100.289, 236.886, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'YOUNG', NULL, 191265163, -0.19443667258588199, -0.34256272479587002, 0.91915458979116205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0090101', 'BD+67D922', 240.42099999999999, 66.802800000000005, '2004-06-25 00:50:17', 12666, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.8200000000000003, 'K4', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PE', '2005-01-19 15:38:49', '2005-02-13 01:05:37', 0, -148, '2004-06-25 00:50:17', '2004-06-25 05:24:32', 78.398799999999994, 165.21199999999999, 40.9711, 100.289, 236.39099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'YOUNG', NULL, 191265163, -0.19443667258588199, -0.34256272479587002, 0.91915458979116205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5052601', 'GCRV12336-BKGD', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2004-06-25 06:57:22', 5603, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 10, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'EE', '2005-01-19 01:33:34', '2004-07-08 09:01:13', 0, -42, '2004-06-25 06:57:22', '2004-06-25 12:18:26', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 297.47300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0700301', 'WZ-SGE', 302.08300000000003, 17.713100000000001, '2004-06-26 00:01:19', 31829, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 15.5, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-19 14:44:45', '2005-02-20 21:47:38', 0, 0, '2004-06-26 00:01:19', '2004-06-27 01:21:02', 36.883899999999997, 309.24099999999999, -8.0715699999999995, 57.637900000000002, 301.12, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'SION', NULL, 210693428, 0.50596655268554702, -0.80711167570300701, 0.304250867718381); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1380301', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2004-06-27 02:47:42', 6689, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 5.1500000000000004, 'G5IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-19 07:58:05', '2005-02-20 21:57:52', 0, 0, '2004-06-27 02:47:42', '2004-06-27 09:09:50', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 299.25999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', NULL, 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1450108', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2004-06-28 16:52:04', 7046, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 5.1500000000000004, 'G3IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-17 23:53:44', '2005-02-21 05:20:46', 0, 0, '2004-06-28 16:52:04', '2004-06-28 22:16:40', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 297.65100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', NULL, 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057104', 'HD5980-BKGD', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2004-06-30 08:37:05', 49905, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 16, 10.93, 'WN3+', 0.10000000000000001, 11, 'EE', '2005-01-18 02:11:21', '2004-07-11 07:22:13', 0, 0, '2004-06-30 08:37:05', '2004-07-01 06:06:13', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 345.178, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0540101', 'AV95', 12.840199999999999, -72.737300000000005, '2004-07-01 19:55:31', 45262, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 13.91, 'O7.5', 0.059999999999999998, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-18 23:18:00', '2005-01-13 22:14:08', 0, 110, '2004-07-01 19:55:31', '2004-07-02 11:08:23', -64.473399999999998, 312.17599999999999, -44.390700000000002, 302.94200000000001, 348.75900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIAL KUASSIV', 'ANDRE', 'y', 545867388, 0.28933254483342802, 0.065948256067336203, -0.95495419053580199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5110201', 'AV61', 12.507400000000001, -72.190600000000003, '2004-07-02 11:37:27', 12862, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.539999999999999, 'O5V', 0.12, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-16 23:22:14', '2005-02-13 02:29:50', 0, 0, '2004-07-02 11:37:27', '2004-07-02 16:17:23', -64.139899999999997, 313.202, -44.936999999999998, 303.08600000000001, 349.50400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545877768, 0.29859305382992701, 0.066236947484206998, -0.95207922726656202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5110501', 'AV255', 15.1755, -71.520399999999995, '2004-07-02 17:03:43', 7337, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.800000000000001, 'O9V', 0.089999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-16 23:32:11', '2005-02-13 02:40:19', 0, 0, '2004-07-02 17:03:43', '2004-07-02 19:46:13', -64.578900000000004, 315.44999999999999, -45.588799999999999, 301.88499999999999, 346.995, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 546057087, 0.30591388029757399, 0.082974511412459095, -0.94843657051863295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5110701', 'AV267', 15.315300000000001, -72.109800000000007, '2004-07-02 20:33:15', 34986, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 34, 14.84, 'O8VN', 0.050000000000000003, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 01:08:18', '2005-02-21 06:45:07', 0, 0, '2004-07-02 20:33:15', '2004-07-03 11:03:37', -64.876300000000001, 314.25400000000002, -44.997799999999998, 301.86700000000002, 347.22300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 546046887, 0.296284450847979, 0.081139299568034798, -0.95164696093210999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5110901', 'AV440', 17.2334, -71.879599999999996, '2004-07-03 11:23:36', 36699, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14.48, 'O7V', 0.12, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 01:17:49', '2005-02-13 03:01:33', 0, 0, '2004-07-03 11:23:36', '2004-07-04 02:09:39', -65.316800000000001, 315.34300000000002, -45.182899999999997, 301.005, 345.971, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545700827, 0.29705208216038298, 0.092142770565787305, -0.95040505591912905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5111001', 'AV446', 17.356100000000001, -73.158199999999994, '2004-07-04 03:02:57', 27103, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.59, 'O6.5', 0.059999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 01:38:10', '2005-02-13 03:12:25', 0, 0, '2004-07-04 03:02:57', '2004-07-04 10:57:44', -65.854299999999995, 312.53500000000003, -43.906599999999997, 301.12700000000001, 346.97199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545662261, 0.27653847779228602, 0.086429269391026103, -0.95710838032735801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5111501', 'SK197', 27.594200000000001, -74.120500000000007, '2004-07-04 11:47:27', 26248, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 26, 13.380000000000001, 'O8.5', 0.10000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 02:20:09', '2005-02-21 07:05:35', 0, 0, '2004-07-04 11:47:27', '2004-07-05 03:20:54', -68.888900000000007, 312.31900000000002, -42.383200000000002, 297.52699999999999, 336.99700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 539988236, 0.242491509637137, 0.126740243199508, -0.96183926854107604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5111601', 'AV435', 17.0745, -71.998400000000004, '2004-07-05 04:09:16', 35388, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14, 'O4V', 0.20000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 03:54:22', '2005-02-13 03:22:46', 0, 0, '2004-07-05 04:09:16', '2004-07-05 15:46:27', -65.321200000000005, 315.03500000000003, -45.069200000000002, 301.09100000000001, 348.209, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545700624, 0.29542208281478899, 0.090739795511633206, -0.95104788654193395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050103', 'WD2211-495-BKGD', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2004-07-05 16:31:56', 13262, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-01-18 02:11:27', '2004-07-14 16:03:32', 1, 0, '2004-07-05 16:31:56', '2004-07-05 22:34:46', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 14.6531, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031504', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2004-07-06 17:27:33', 3889, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-14 08:55:56', '2005-02-04 00:07:06', 0, 0, '2004-07-06 17:27:33', '2004-07-06 18:33:10', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 15.7746, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031505', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2004-07-06 21:04:17', 5755, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 13, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-15 07:18:47', '2005-01-14 18:53:57', 0, 0, '2004-07-06 21:04:17', '2004-07-07 01:57:23', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 15.8498, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031506', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '2004-07-07 03:49:55', 5712, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 14, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-15 07:29:00', '2005-01-14 18:54:26', 0, 0, '2004-07-07 03:49:55', '2004-07-07 09:05:10', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 16.1859, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5680401', 'WD1740-706', 266.55799999999999, -70.648799999999994, '2004-07-07 11:39:47', 8720, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.510000000000002, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-01-18 04:10:06', '2005-02-21 07:27:07', 0, 0, '2004-07-07 11:39:47', '2004-07-07 18:42:44', -47.229399999999998, 268.32100000000003, -20.3307, 322.75900000000001, 112.51300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JAY', 'HOLBERG', NULL, 676381778, -0.019894085534059101, -0.33075990852203102, -0.94350522429674999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8481401', 'RXSJ224841.4-510951', 342.17099999999999, -51.1648, '2004-07-07 20:55:13', 3299, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.699999999999999, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-18 01:28:54', '2005-02-21 07:27:25', 0, 0, '2004-07-07 20:55:13', '2004-07-07 22:56:08', -39.665399999999998, 320.85000000000002, -56.628900000000002, 338.51299999999998, 10.0962, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 758275228, 0.59696656202438003, -0.191998347679988, -0.77895286013528897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8481601', 'RXSJ230152.0-550827', 345.46699999999998, -55.1419, '2004-07-07 23:46:39', 6772, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.4, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-18 01:39:52', '2005-02-21 07:36:24', 0, 0, '2004-07-07 23:46:39', '2004-07-08 02:05:07', -44.0914, 320.38099999999997, -55.669400000000003, 330.726, 10.739699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 756016522, 0.55325834852907496, -0.14342235478729801, -0.82057006277961897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8481701', 'RXSJ232444.9-404053', 351.18599999999998, -40.680399999999999, '2004-07-08 03:07:00', 5716, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.1, 'BLLA', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-02-16 23:27:56', '2005-02-13 03:32:47', 0, 0, '2004-07-08 03:07:00', '2004-07-08 05:30:55', -33.492600000000003, 333.976, -67.584100000000007, 350.19600000000003, 336.053, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 760950753, 0.749401900087311, -0.116201052522535, -0.65183901964993096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8481501', 'RXSJ230050.7-554549', 345.21699999999998, -55.762500000000003, '2004-07-08 06:08:26', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-18 01:39:45', '2005-02-13 03:22:58', 0, 0, '2004-07-08 06:08:26', '2004-07-08 10:07:20', -44.538400000000003, 319.74799999999999, -55.138800000000003, 330.10700000000003, 11.7399, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 756003016, 0.54400122198560297, -0.14355866028172001, -0.82671251444277105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9044401', 'SNR0104-723', 16.578800000000001, -72.093699999999998, '2004-07-08 11:29:54', 7635, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-01-18 02:22:59', '2005-01-14 22:37:24', 1, 0, '2004-07-08 11:29:54', '2004-07-08 17:02:01', -65.221599999999995, 314.67700000000002, -44.9876, 301.31799999999998, 351.62, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 545697653, 0.294679536680722, 0.087729074018446096, -0.951560602501754); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5052701', 'FEIGE108-BKGD', 349.05099999999999, -1.84294, '2004-07-08 19:54:50', 14884, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 12.9, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-18 02:11:34', '2004-07-14 16:03:32', 1, 0, '2004-07-08 19:54:50', '2004-07-09 04:39:52', 2.63686, 349.21300000000002, -55.944400000000002, 76.838499999999996, 333.101, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 307172284, 0.98128879199948105, -0.18983690991868199, -0.032159824762060502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1521701', 'FEIGE108', 349.05099999999999, -1.84294, '2004-07-09 18:55:49', 4965, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.9, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-17 23:43:06', '2005-02-03 23:56:35', 0, 0, '2004-07-09 18:55:49', '2004-07-09 21:17:59', 2.63686, 349.21300000000002, -55.944400000000002, 76.838499999999996, 333.048, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 307172284, 0.98128879199948105, -0.18983690991868199, -0.032159824762060502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5260401', 'PG2349-014', 357.98399999999998, -1.15333, '2004-07-10 10:03:05', 4332, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.33, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2006-03-03 20:01:24', '2005-02-21 07:26:47', 0, 0.217, '2004-07-10 10:03:05', '2004-07-10 15:31:39', -0.25639400000000001, 357.69099999999997, -60.361699999999999, 91.665800000000004, 314.13200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR D.', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 307518171, 0.99917857801899601, -0.0351714510894751, -0.020128046507240899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1180201', 'NGC246', 11.7638, -11.872199999999999, '2004-07-12 17:01:48', 6506, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 26, 11.779999999999999, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-19 13:09:51', '2005-02-23 13:07:04', 0, 0, '2004-07-12 17:01:48', '2004-07-13 09:38:54', -15.552199999999999, 6.0308200000000003, -74.709500000000006, 118.863, 337.49599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 276671829, 0.95805460613401705, 0.199516392698319, -0.20572938708420899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0280101', 'TONS180', 14.3331, -22.383099999999999, '2004-07-13 11:18:57', 8955, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 20, 14.41, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2005-01-18 02:22:27', '2005-02-21 02:34:35', 2, 18581, '2004-07-13 11:18:57', '2004-07-14 12:35:14', -26.1313, 3.73889, -85.070300000000003, 138.995, 320.11700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BART P.', 'WAKKER', NULL, 273151259, 0.89587643895843605, 0.22890730001794399, -0.38079765508422703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1310501', 'NGC253', 11.896699999999999, -25.2959, '2004-07-14 15:36:06', 6154, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 10.859999999999999, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EE', '2005-01-19 15:17:19', '2005-02-21 02:14:12', 0, 192, '2004-07-14 15:36:06', '2004-07-15 00:32:25', -27.786100000000001, 0.066806000000000004, -87.974400000000003, 97.469800000000006, 326.38600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES', 'HOOPES', NULL, 272880974, 0.88469355596042998, 0.18638095677328101, -0.42729316750255297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1221201', 'PHL457', 349.85199999999998, -8.8772199999999994, '2004-07-15 02:57:32', 10143, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 12.949999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-01-19 01:33:21', '2005-02-21 05:11:12', 1, 0, '2004-07-15 02:57:32', '2004-07-15 13:30:38', -4.1482900000000003, 347.19200000000001, -61.611800000000002, 68.618399999999994, 337.291, 'F', 'F', 'FRANCOIS', 'WESEMAEL', NULL, 283831594, 0.97256461376302505, -0.17408089522221001, -0.15431757506717); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056307', 'WD1634-573-BKGD', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-07-15 15:54:08', 21208, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 13, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-01-14 05:37:10', '2004-07-28 16:02:42', 1, 0, '2004-07-15 15:54:08', '2004-07-16 02:48:48', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 149.608, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031405', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-07-16 20:30:53', 5591, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-14 08:03:51', '2005-02-13 03:53:46', 0, 0, '2004-07-16 20:30:53', '2004-07-16 22:45:02', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 150.78, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031406', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-07-16 23:12:11', 5749, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-14 08:14:03', '2005-02-13 04:03:49', 0, 0, '2004-07-16 23:12:11', '2004-07-17 02:16:21', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 150.89400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5100501', 'HD139614', 235.19300000000001, -42.498199999999997, '2004-07-17 03:02:33', 31308, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 8.25, 'A7VE', 0.02, 34, 'PE', '2005-01-14 14:42:39', '2005-02-21 06:02:54', 0, 0, '2004-07-17 03:02:33', '2004-07-17 23:25:02', -22.272400000000001, 242.94900000000001, 10.197100000000001, 333.23200000000003, 175.16499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL A.', 'GRADY', NULL, 698686328, -0.42086025639563501, -0.60538071678394301, -0.67556704503162401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0880601', 'HD133699', 227.18799999999999, -61.633800000000001, '2004-07-17 23:57:09', 4670, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.8200000000000003, 'B3V', 0.14000000000000001, 21, 'PC', '2005-01-14 07:20:56', '2005-02-13 01:58:21', 0, 0, '2004-07-17 23:57:09', '2004-07-18 01:16:03', -41.9651, 244.26300000000001, -2.9831599999999998, 318.49599999999998, 170.75700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 684067086, -0.322879102031984, -0.34853126016799701, -0.87992900063398705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0880401', 'HD133738', 227.26400000000001, -61.887599999999999, '2004-07-18 01:35:48', 4664, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 6.96, 'B1B2', 0.23000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-14 06:59:23', '2005-02-21 03:16:10', 0, 0, '2004-07-18 01:35:48', '2004-07-18 02:54:36', -42.188499999999998, 244.43299999999999, -3.22044, 318.399, 170.62, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 683890141, -0.31976824199839499, -0.34609295291224501, -0.88202490857896898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0880701', 'HD129092', 220.86699999999999, -62.966700000000003, '2004-07-18 03:36:13', 0, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.3899999999999997, 'B3IV', 0.14000000000000001, 21, 'PC', '2005-01-14 07:21:04', '2005-02-21 03:17:07', 0, 0, '2004-07-18 03:36:13', '2004-07-18 05:27:22', -44.342300000000002, 241.27600000000001, -2.8100999999999998, 315.27199999999999, 176.59299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 684200196, -0.34371299332210298, -0.29738720022438198, -0.89074251687244799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0880501', 'HD131491', 224.16, -62.364400000000003, '2004-07-18 06:42:26', 2724, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.3899999999999997, 'B4II', 0.14000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2005-01-14 07:10:14', '2005-02-21 03:16:39', 0, 0, '2004-07-18 06:42:26', '2004-07-18 07:45:27', -43.178199999999997, 242.84999999999999, -2.9361600000000001, 316.89600000000002, 172.99299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 683902338, -0.33276221044512999, -0.32314541342466502, -0.88591554511831105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3020901', 'LSE125', 235.77099999999999, -39.304099999999998, '2004-07-18 13:52:20', 5191, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.35, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-01-14 05:25:33', '2005-02-17 12:22:10', 0, 0, '2004-07-18 13:52:20', '2004-07-18 17:10:55', -19.0672, 242.57900000000001, 12.4481, 335.58499999999998, 177.66800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 699461163, -0.435261114826201, -0.63977049350820503, -0.63343624584998304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0300301', 'HD124237', 213.63999999999999, -61.798999999999999, '2004-07-18 18:39:27', 17210, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.4100000000000001, 'B5V', 0.56000000000000005, 21, 'PC', '2005-01-14 06:28:43', '2005-01-27 23:03:36', 0, 0, '2004-07-18 18:39:27', '2004-07-19 01:52:29', -44.783999999999999, 236.33699999999999, -0.49468800000000002, 312.58600000000001, 183.25399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CLAIRE', 'MARTIN', NULL, 681553447, -0.39342771381639702, -0.261788840033644, -0.88129520436403297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0290401', 'COALSACK-4', 206.09399999999999, -67.343299999999999, '2004-07-19 02:21:53', 9052, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 20, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2004-09-30 20:33:59', '2005-03-30 20:33:59', 0, 0, '2004-07-19 02:21:53', '2004-07-19 08:25:23', -51.194899999999997, 236.49299999999999, -4.9947699999999999, 308.012, 188.25399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', NULL, 681098687, -0.34594581998185198, -0.16943218894333301, -0.92282946582072001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0250101', 'SN1006NW2', 225.471, -41.805799999999998, '2004-07-19 10:17:20', 47090, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-01-14 06:18:39', '2005-02-21 02:55:55', 0, 0, '2004-07-19 10:17:20', '2004-07-20 16:16:42', -23.591999999999999, 235.221, 14.7651, 327.48099999999999, 183.12899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN C.', 'RAYMOND', NULL, 699049573, -0.52273277160070797, -0.531398453354478, -0.66660793069623103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031408', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-07-21 01:49:22', 5591, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-14 08:35:19', '2005-02-13 04:14:17', 0, 0, '2004-07-21 01:49:22', '2004-07-21 04:36:41', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 154.61199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031409', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-07-21 05:07:00', 5748, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-14 14:11:12', '2005-02-13 04:15:53', 0, 0, '2004-07-21 05:07:00', '2004-07-21 10:03:52', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 154.72999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5052801', 'HD108002-BKGD', 186.233, -65.211100000000002, '2004-07-21 11:35:59', 7637, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 6.9000000000000004, 'B2IA', 0.26000000000000001, 74, 'PC', '2005-01-14 05:37:55', '2004-07-28 16:02:42', 0, 0, '2004-07-21 11:35:59', '2004-07-21 16:54:50', -54.570999999999998, 224.02799999999999, -2.4820500000000001, 300.15800000000002, 183.167, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 682331334, -0.41679769834477498, -0.045521626260564899, -0.90785872259790101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1460103', 'RW-HYA', 203.57599999999999, -25.380299999999998, '2004-07-22 19:08:27', 4354, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.8000000000000007, 'WD+M', 0.029999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-14 07:21:22', '2005-02-21 05:21:38', 0, 0, '2004-07-22 19:08:27', '2004-07-22 23:01:26', -14.448700000000001, 211.227, 36.485900000000001, 314.99400000000003, 174.37, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', NULL, 720773984, -0.82806933100636204, -0.36136160379508597, -0.42862451440546501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053804', 'WD0005+511-BKGD', 2.0762499999999999, 51.387799999999999, '2004-07-23 05:27:29', 3992, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 13.32, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-01-14 05:26:02', '2004-07-30 09:01:26', 0, 0, '2004-07-23 05:27:29', '2004-07-23 09:14:20', 45.0655, 27.997900000000001, -10.9114, 116.104, 321.42000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363630398296199, 0.022608854457214, 0.78138761191524098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070225', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2004-07-24 01:24:49', 3082, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-13 23:17:02', '2005-01-30 01:03:24', 0, 0, '2004-07-24 01:24:49', '2004-07-24 03:18:03', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 320.78500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070226', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2004-07-24 04:53:41', 696, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-13 23:26:14', '2005-01-30 01:03:31', 0, 0, '2004-07-24 04:53:41', '2004-07-24 10:01:25', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 320.69200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070227', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2004-07-24 11:32:45', 3205, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-18 01:40:00', '2005-01-30 01:13:32', 0, 0, '2004-07-24 11:32:45', '2004-07-24 15:13:05', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 320.50400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0820801', 'HD217086', 344.197, 62.7271, '2004-07-24 22:53:53', 4936, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.6500000000000004, 'O7VN', 0.94999999999999996, 12, 'PC', '2005-01-14 06:49:21', '2005-02-21 03:06:28', 1, 0, '2004-07-24 22:53:53', '2004-07-25 01:03:13', 59.897300000000001, 28.467099999999999, 2.7195499999999999, 110.22199999999999, 304.41300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 256962570, 0.44090984923784399, -0.12478984627750001, 0.88883406725389402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0650301', 'HD217312', 344.666, 63.077100000000002, '2004-07-25 02:07:29', 12164, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 7.4100000000000001, 'B0IV', 0.67000000000000004, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-14 06:38:45', '2005-01-30 00:52:44', 0, 0, '2004-07-25 02:07:29', '2004-07-25 11:16:13', 59.959499999999998, 29.2761, 2.9458600000000001, 110.56399999999999, 304.71199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'JENKINS', NULL, 256964261, 0.43667204404214799, -0.119738517917151, 0.89161662909518302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0230401', 'BETA-AND', 17.4331, 35.6205, '2004-07-25 12:37:32', 18331, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 2.0600000000000001, 'M0II', 0, 49, 'PE', '2005-01-14 05:47:40', '2005-01-30 00:41:51', 0, 0, '2004-07-25 12:37:32', '2004-07-25 23:21:23', 25.943100000000001, 30.4054, -27.103200000000001, 127.10899999999999, 341.32600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GRAHAM M.', 'HARPER', NULL, 37397627, 0.77555417690113704, 0.24353607756989701, 0.58241385424203995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0140302', 'HD209975', 331.286, 62.280099999999997, '2004-07-26 01:27:06', 1294, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 5.1100000000000003, 'O9IB', 0.34999999999999998, 13, 'PC', '2005-01-14 05:47:56', '2005-02-21 02:14:19', 1, 0, '2004-07-26 01:27:06', '2004-07-26 01:48:56', 64.299999999999997, 19.8277, 5.3908199999999997, 104.872, 291.68000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', NULL, 256772649, 0.40794953530190797, -0.22347542314486099, 0.88523212317289002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490101', 'HD232121', 2.6752899999999999, 54.891500000000001, '2004-07-26 03:10:58', 6556, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 9.6799999999999997, 'A6-S', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-13 23:15:03', '2005-02-21 07:37:05', 0, 0, '2004-07-26 03:10:58', '2004-07-26 08:43:47', 47.721200000000003, 31.3537, -7.5141499999999999, 117.04600000000001, 319.75200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 48963807, 0.57449978884642905, 0.026844411295542499, 0.81806440467581998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0200701', 'HD216014', 341.971, 65.062200000000004, '2004-07-26 10:21:37', 3509, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.8799999999999999, 'B0.5', 0.52000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-01-14 06:08:14', '2005-02-21 02:45:09', 0, 0, '2004-07-26 10:21:37', '2004-07-26 12:17:22', 62.110300000000002, 31.0063, 5.2465200000000003, 110.379, 301.11099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NANCY REMAGE', 'EVANS', NULL, 257452909, 0.40093188859582302, -0.130495058114589, 0.90676604508255398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491301', 'HD206821', 325.33999999999997, 69.692800000000005, '2004-07-26 13:36:36', 9931, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.8799999999999999, 'A1V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-14 07:53:20', '2005-02-21 07:47:42', 0, 0, '2004-07-26 13:36:36', '2004-07-26 18:54:55', 69.878600000000006, 33.920200000000001, 12.653, 107.72499999999999, 285.524, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 258917457, 0.28546583370906098, -0.19737121068287999, 0.93784532998696801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490201', 'HD1486', 4.8280799999999999, 59.139000000000003, '2004-07-26 19:46:38', 4431, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 7.2800000000000002, 'B9V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-14 07:43:03', '2005-02-13 03:33:04', 0, 0, '2004-07-26 19:46:38', '2004-07-26 21:00:28', 50.390300000000003, 36.7059, -3.4758900000000001, 118.816, 321.04599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 49854470, 0.51113695672708603, 0.043173648574420603, 0.85841426335805104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0680101', 'HD224014', 358.596, 57.499400000000001, '2004-07-27 12:34:33', 28005, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 4.5999999999999996, 'F2IA', 0.11, 42, 'PE', '2005-01-14 06:49:04', '2005-02-21 03:06:18', 0, 0, '2004-07-27 12:34:33', '2004-07-28 01:13:49', 51.171599999999998, 31.051100000000002, -4.5247799999999998, 115.30200000000001, 315.21899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'LOBEL', NULL, 232614975, 0.53714713044239404, -0.013165115512164399, 0.84338581917830102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491302', 'HD206821', 325.33999999999997, 69.692800000000005, '2004-07-28 03:18:29', 6528, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.8799999999999999, 'A1V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-14 07:53:28', '2005-02-21 07:57:27', 0, 0, '2004-07-28 03:18:29', '2004-07-28 08:59:50', 69.878600000000006, 33.920200000000001, 12.653, 107.72499999999999, 284.12, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 258917457, 0.28546583370906098, -0.19737121068287999, 0.93784532998696801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490202', 'HD1486', 4.8280799999999999, 59.139000000000003, '2004-07-28 10:08:04', 5265, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.2800000000000002, 'B9V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-14 07:53:02', '2005-02-13 03:33:11', 0, 0, '2004-07-28 10:08:04', '2004-07-28 12:31:07', 50.390300000000003, 36.7059, -3.4758900000000001, 118.816, 319.87200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 49854470, 0.51113695672708603, 0.043173648574420603, 0.85841426335805104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490102', 'HD232121', 2.6752899999999999, 54.891500000000001, '2004-07-28 13:27:52', 23519, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 9.6799999999999997, 'A6-S', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-01-14 07:42:56', '2005-02-21 07:47:16', 0, 0, '2004-07-28 13:27:52', '2004-07-28 22:16:51', 47.721200000000003, 31.3537, -7.5141499999999999, 117.04600000000001, 318.012, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 48963807, 0.57449978884642905, 0.026844411295542499, 0.81806440467581998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055707', 'LSE44-BKGD', 208.16999999999999, -48.139800000000001, '2004-07-29 05:54:24', 16394, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 12.460000000000001, 'SDO', 0.080000000000000002, 16, 'EE', '2005-01-14 05:26:32', '2004-08-06 16:03:22', 1, 0, '2004-07-29 05:54:24', '2004-07-29 15:04:12', -33.917900000000003, 224.85499999999999, 13.4869, 313.37299999999999, 197.738, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 709515954, -0.58827236604272803, -0.31503241066646398, -0.74477527052136105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5100401', 'HD105234', 181.773, -78.741100000000003, '2004-07-30 01:14:16', 15496, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 7.4000000000000004, 'A9V-', 0.02, 31, 'PE', '2005-01-13 04:33:56', '2005-02-21 05:52:30', 0, 0, '2004-07-30 01:14:16', '2004-07-30 12:48:57', -63.821100000000001, 243.74700000000001, -16.0624, 300.69400000000002, 218.10599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL A.', 'GRADY', NULL, 673875101, -0.19514919709752901, -0.0060407592274374904, -0.98075496435151699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1140101', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2004-07-30 14:52:02', 5909, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-13 04:01:42', '2005-02-21 03:26:37', 0, 0, '2004-07-30 14:52:02', '2004-07-30 18:13:02', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 330.91300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0790302', 'HD123515', 212.39599999999999, -51.5047, '2004-07-30 20:11:31', 7668, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 14, 5.9800000000000004, 'B9IV', 0.02, 22, 'PC', '2005-01-14 06:07:22', '2005-02-06 14:07:16', 0, 0, '2004-07-30 20:11:31', '2004-07-31 08:03:28', -35.832599999999999, 229.58799999999999, 9.5092400000000001, 315.11700000000002, 195.09, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 708939993, -0.52557556925212701, -0.333488931313074, -0.78265921939051297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1140102', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2004-07-31 12:22:42', 6321, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 13, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-13 04:02:24', '2005-02-21 03:37:09', 0, 0, '2004-07-31 12:22:42', '2004-07-31 15:49:48', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 331.78199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5100402', 'HD105234', 181.773, -78.741100000000003, '2004-07-31 16:37:36', 16871, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.4000000000000004, 'A9V-', 0.02, 31, 'PE', '2005-01-13 04:43:36', '2005-02-13 02:29:42', 0, 0, '2004-07-31 16:37:36', '2004-08-01 00:09:08', -63.821100000000001, 243.74700000000001, -16.0624, 300.69400000000002, 219.05799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL A.', 'GRADY', NULL, 673875101, -0.19514919709752901, -0.0060407592274374904, -0.98075496435151699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5100301', 'RS-CHA', 130.80099999999999, -79.070099999999996, '2004-08-01 01:45:58', 25739, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 6.0700000000000003, 'A7V', 0, 31, 'PE', '2005-01-13 05:35:38', '2005-02-21 05:42:07', 0, 0, '2004-08-01 01:45:58', '2004-08-01 18:29:07', -73.321700000000007, 244.42500000000001, -21.631699999999999, 292.55200000000002, 267.53899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL A.', 'GRADY', NULL, 606410278, -0.123896184720607, 0.143530046946095, -0.98185989888340397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1140103', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2004-08-01 19:51:48', 3482, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-13 04:22:01', '2005-02-21 03:37:27', 0, 0, '2004-08-01 19:51:48', '2004-08-01 23:25:04', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 333.072, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0790303', 'HD123515', 212.39599999999999, -51.5047, '2004-08-02 03:02:13', 6535, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 13, 5.9800000000000004, 'B9IV', 0.02, 22, 'PC', '2005-01-13 03:41:28', '2005-02-10 21:38:24', 0, 0, '2004-08-02 03:02:13', '2004-08-02 08:37:01', -35.832599999999999, 229.58799999999999, 9.5092400000000001, 315.11700000000002, 196.37799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 708939993, -0.52557556925212701, -0.333488931313074, -0.78265921939051297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1140104', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2004-08-02 10:28:01', 5524, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-13 04:22:17', '2005-02-13 02:09:12', 0, 0, '2004-08-02 10:28:01', '2004-08-02 14:22:51', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 333.66800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1140105', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2004-08-03 09:26:24', 4824, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-13 04:33:05', '2005-02-13 02:19:15', 0, 0, '2004-08-03 09:26:24', '2004-08-03 12:58:02', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 334.55599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090505', 'HD114630', 198.233, -59.816800000000001, '2004-08-03 15:41:45', 9894, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 6.2000000000000002, 'G0V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2005-01-13 03:42:00', '2005-02-10 21:48:58', 0, 0, '2004-08-03 15:41:45', '2004-08-04 03:42:09', -46.9298, 225.63200000000001, 2.9424199999999998, 305.63499999999999, 208.43299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 705700908, -0.47752360663913601, -0.157306595737564, -0.86442225795025096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1140106', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2004-08-04 06:16:17', 8262, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-13 04:33:12', '2005-02-21 03:47:29', 0, 0, '2004-08-04 06:16:17', '2004-08-04 12:55:57', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 335.42500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1140107', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2004-08-05 07:11:06', 25611, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 23, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-12 01:34:18', '2005-02-21 04:18:59', 0, 0, '2004-08-05 07:11:06', '2004-08-05 23:50:46', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 316.43700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5100701', 'HD142666', 239.167, -22.027799999999999, '2004-08-06 03:37:00', 21678, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 8.5999999999999996, 'A8VE', 0.20000000000000001, 34, 'PE', '2005-01-12 01:55:48', '2005-02-21 06:13:08', 1, 0, '2004-08-06 03:37:00', '2004-08-06 20:20:07', -1.57474, 241.62100000000001, 23.509699999999999, 349.899, 168.76599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL A.', 'GRADY', NULL, 726837859, -0.475123285179334, -0.79598401080026604, -0.37505642032995301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1140108', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2004-08-07 00:40:53', 22500, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-12 12:09:47', '2005-02-21 04:39:36', 0, 0, '2004-08-07 00:40:53', '2004-08-07 17:24:45', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 341.75599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5114201', 'SK-68D137', 84.603200000000001, -68.875799999999998, '2004-08-07 18:17:10', 35191, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 13.289999999999999, 'O3II', 0.23000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2005-01-12 02:17:01', '2005-02-21 07:26:16', 0, 0, '2004-08-07 18:17:10', '2004-08-08 15:08:28', -86.912199999999999, 308.99599999999998, -31.723400000000002, 279.20699999999999, 318.06400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 542237350, 0.033895734146090498, 0.35879329368863, -0.93280139987607302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5114001', 'BI237', 84.061199999999999, -67.6554, '2004-08-08 15:47:34', 35234, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 13.890000000000001, 'O3V', 0.17999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2005-01-12 02:06:16', '2005-02-13 01:37:04', 1, 0, '2004-08-08 15:47:34', '2004-08-09 12:36:10', -87.444900000000004, 331.92700000000002, -32.0578, 277.80500000000001, 319.36900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542508119, 0.039335358428824803, 0.37813582951900199, -0.92491406304113); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113001', 'SK-71D19', 80.566199999999995, -71.361099999999993, '2004-08-09 13:17:10', 22085, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.199999999999999, 'O6II', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 11:05:48', '2005-02-17 12:21:41', 0, 0, '2004-08-09 13:17:10', '2004-08-10 02:01:13', -84.138999999999996, 300.86399999999998, -32.6815, 282.36500000000001, 323.66800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541537139, 0.052385419321908398, 0.31528028514857698, -0.94755163956330102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1140109', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2004-08-10 03:19:43', 24167, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2005-01-10 23:59:06', '2005-02-17 02:09:25', 0, 0, '2004-08-10 03:19:43', '2004-08-10 16:54:49', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 341.90300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5112201', 'SK-68D16', 74.407600000000002, -68.409999999999997, '2004-08-10 18:03:16', 8477, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 11, 12.85, 'O7II', 0.23999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 10:23:56', '2005-02-17 02:19:50', 0, 0, '2004-08-10 18:03:16', '2004-08-11 04:33:15', -83.769000000000005, 335.68000000000001, -35.4512, 279.53399999999999, 330.23700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542672015, 0.098905336508228803, 0.35442060732797998, -0.929840721581637); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0300302', 'LH103102', 74.1892, -66.412800000000004, '2004-08-11 05:52:45', 15729, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.550000000000001, 'O7VZ', 0.22, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-30 04:33:19', '2005-02-17 01:59:09', 0, 0, '2004-08-11 05:52:45', '2004-08-11 13:00:46', -83.7072, 354.077, -36.067799999999998, 277.19, 330.661, 'F', 'F', 'FABRICE', 'MARTINS', 'y', 542746385, 0.109023964028134, 0.38500550674913903, -0.91645214552666698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0300402', 'LH103204', 74.244900000000001, -66.411199999999994, '2004-08-12 16:10:45', 12792, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.02, 'O6-7', 0.14999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-30 04:33:27', '2005-02-19 13:57:30', 0, 0, '2004-08-12 16:10:45', '2004-08-12 22:27:46', -83.728999999999999, 354.12099999999998, -36.046700000000001, 277.18099999999998, 332.03800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FABRICE', 'MARTINS', 'y', 542746088, 0.108656578985209, 0.38513594282602998, -0.916440971032361); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9570301', 'HDE269599', 82.094499999999996, -69.142300000000006, '2004-08-13 04:30:40', 2778, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 10.18, 'B', 0, 26, 'PC', '2004-09-01 00:11:56', '2005-03-01 00:11:56', 0, 0, '2004-08-13 04:30:40', '2004-08-13 05:43:49', -86.061999999999998, 315.48399999999998, -32.577800000000003, 279.66199999999998, 325.589, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL', 'JONES', 'y', 542269355, 0.0489707372123597, 0.35266441524451497, -0.93446759019086501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1140110', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2004-08-13 10:40:43', 10715, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2004-09-01 12:52:04', '2005-03-01 12:52:04', 0, 0, '2004-08-13 10:40:43', '2004-08-14 00:45:58', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 344.74400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9501401', 'SMP-LMC-94', 88.544300000000007, -73.046700000000001, '2004-08-14 01:11:04', 17696, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15, 'M+WD', 0, 57, 'PC', '2004-09-01 00:01:52', '2005-03-01 00:01:52', 0, 0, '2004-08-14 01:11:04', '2004-08-14 09:00:58', -83.494799999999998, 273.74900000000002, -30.021999999999998, 283.88799999999998, 320.64100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', NULL, 541399892, 0.0074076142572582302, 0.29149804676674002, -0.95654274132533701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9501201', 'SANDULEAKS-STAR', 86.332300000000004, -71.268799999999999, '2004-08-14 09:32:34', 19525, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.899999999999999, '+WD', 0, 57, 'PC', '2004-09-01 00:01:22', '2005-03-01 00:01:22', 0, 0, '2004-08-14 09:32:34', '2004-08-14 15:59:39', -85.112499999999997, 283.952, -30.872699999999998, 281.91399999999999, 322.94499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', NULL, 542147954, 0.020542519316826501, 0.32047101620592899, -0.94703554984596905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9000401', 'SNR0521-657', 80.433300000000003, -65.701400000000007, '2004-08-14 16:50:38', 15568, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2004-08-31 23:30:55', '2005-02-28 23:30:55', 1, 0, '2004-08-14 16:50:38', '2004-08-14 22:52:57', -86.038899999999998, 8.1086299999999998, -33.731299999999997, 275.71600000000001, 328.399, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 542565718, 0.068388200488039994, 0.40576938412839397, -0.91141333155603499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9000501', 'SNR0530-701', 82.654200000000003, -70.144400000000005, '2004-08-14 23:55:04', 11917, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2004-08-31 23:40:17', '2005-02-28 23:40:17', 1, 0, '2004-08-14 23:55:04', '2004-08-15 06:00:08', -85.513199999999998, 303.71899999999999, -32.2273, 280.798, 326.88400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 542250697, 0.043426884250264197, 0.33686312905865901, -0.94055161368482199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9500901', 'LMC-N19', 75.849999999999994, -67.943100000000001, '2004-08-16 14:02:51', 18920, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.4, 'M4+W', 0, 57, 'PC', '2004-08-31 23:51:22', '2005-02-28 23:51:22', 0, 0, '2004-08-16 14:02:51', '2004-08-16 21:22:56', -84.3703, 339.35899999999998, -35.056800000000003, 278.80900000000003, 334.517, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', NULL, 542664357, 0.091801861461658807, 0.364133336780536, -0.92681137847851602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9000301', 'SNR0506-657', 76.520799999999994, -65.691699999999997, '2004-08-17 18:35:15', 12837, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2004-08-31 23:30:36', '2005-02-28 23:30:36', 1, 0, '2004-08-17 18:35:15', '2004-08-18 00:10:01', -84.487099999999998, 2.8402699999999999, -35.317100000000003, 276.05399999999997, 334.88400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 542911170, 0.095951622823085905, 0.40030741952617299, -0.91134365414475405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9000101', 'SNR0448-669', 72.095799999999997, -66.982200000000006, '2004-08-18 00:47:10', 15653, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2004-08-31 23:30:11', '2005-02-28 23:30:11', 1, 0, '2004-08-18 00:47:10', '2004-08-18 06:50:38', -82.950500000000005, 348.37299999999999, -36.703899999999997, 278.15699999999998, 339.03300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 542786229, 0.120208962973491, 0.37208085588420903, -0.92038342113779503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9500701', 'LMC-S154', 72.959999999999994, -75.059700000000007, '2004-08-18 07:22:51', 18930, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.699999999999999, 'C2+W', 0, 57, 'PC', '2004-08-31 23:50:53', '2005-02-28 23:50:53', 0, 0, '2004-08-18 07:22:51', '2004-08-18 13:46:42', -79.904200000000003, 295.52999999999997, -33.706800000000001, 287.34899999999999, 339.71600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', NULL, 541243565, 0.075549168768992994, 0.24649458621022899, -0.96619498139214199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9031501', 'WD0416-550', 64.297300000000007, -54.963099999999997, '2004-08-18 14:18:33', 16553, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.300000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-09-01 12:30:08', '2005-03-01 12:30:08', 0, 0, '2004-08-18 14:18:33', '2004-08-18 21:37:35', -73.134600000000006, 30.883099999999999, -43.777200000000001, 264.49099999999999, 345.13200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 556325863, 0.24898973748394601, 0.51730007500599295, -0.81878247601330001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9000201', 'SNR0449-693', 72.416700000000006, -69.363600000000005, '2004-08-18 22:45:52', 12483, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2004-08-31 23:30:19', '2005-02-28 23:30:19', 1, 0, '2004-08-18 22:45:52', '2004-08-19 05:12:10', -82.863699999999994, 328.98500000000001, -35.848999999999997, 280.91800000000001, 340.09399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 541956856, 0.106468191529578, 0.335969996613875, -0.935835821908787); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5112101', 'SK-68D15', 74.350399999999993, -68.399299999999997, '2004-08-19 14:53:55', 11099, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.9, 'WC4', 0.23999999999999999, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 10:13:12', '2005-02-28 23:09:54', 0, 0, '2004-08-19 14:53:55', '2004-08-19 19:07:38', -83.750100000000003, 335.81, -35.474400000000003, 279.52800000000002, 338.863, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542672044, 0.099305955714282398, 0.35448889528219801, -0.92977198832900998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9500101', 'SMC1', 7.2982500000000003, -74.961299999999994, '2004-08-20 13:47:40', 15728, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 16.199999999999999, 'C3.2', 0, 57, 'PC', '2004-08-27 13:24:09', '2005-02-27 13:24:09', 0, 0, '2004-08-20 13:47:40', '2004-08-21 03:16:22', -64.049099999999996, 306.02499999999998, -42.082700000000003, 304.875, 47.097900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', NULL, 545421747, 0.257369259734961, 0.032961772691796801, -0.96575078860153796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9500201', 'SMC2', 10.700799999999999, -74.700100000000006, '2004-08-21 04:32:06', 16461, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.199999999999999, 'K+WD', 0, 57, 'PC', '2004-08-31 23:50:45', '2005-02-28 23:50:45', 0, 0, '2004-08-21 04:32:06', '2004-08-21 12:11:33', -64.749700000000004, 307.43200000000002, -42.414999999999999, 303.70499999999998, 44.122300000000003, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', NULL, 545460060, 0.25928269727504999, 0.048995723788421403, -0.96455787900168199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0830302', 'E0102-SE', 16.0168, -72.033900000000003, '2004-08-21 14:52:32', 8622, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2004-08-31 22:17:09', '2005-02-28 22:17:09', 1, 0, '2004-08-21 14:52:32', '2004-08-21 22:10:43', -65.039400000000001, 314.63299999999998, -45.060299999999998, 301.55500000000001, 40, 'F', 'F', 'TERRANCEJ.', 'GAETZ', NULL, 546047572, 0.29648029574837198, 0.085108445099688498, -0.95123918485608605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8480201', 'PKS,0312-077', 47.979999999999997, -76.864099999999993, '2004-08-22 21:10:23', 5164, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.100000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2004-08-31 23:19:20', '2005-02-28 23:19:20', 0, 0, '2004-08-22 21:10:23', '2004-08-22 23:55:50', -73.869799999999998, 303.19999999999999, -37.552399999999999, 293.44099999999997, 9.7253100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 540039744, 0.15212658931657899, 0.16883513824785401, -0.97383376246448405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1750201', 'SMC-X-1', 19.271699999999999, -73.443299999999994, '2004-08-23 00:32:46', 50020, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 13.800000000000001, 'B0I', 0.25, 66, 'PC', '2004-08-31 22:59:10', '2005-02-28 22:59:10', 0, 0, '2004-08-23 00:32:46', '2004-08-23 23:10:22', -66.470200000000006, 312.36000000000001, -43.559100000000001, 300.41699999999997, 36.722900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 545568495, 0.26899583405445499, 0.094051868474056194, -0.95853820335857598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5052901', 'PG0242+132-BKGD', 41.176299999999998, 13.4002, '2004-08-24 01:29:56', 10357, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'EE', '2004-09-01 00:12:20', '2004-09-01 08:07:23', 1, 0, '2004-08-24 01:29:56', '2004-08-24 07:08:32', -2.4147400000000001, 42.874499999999998, -41.032699999999998, 160.64599999999999, 320.86099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 3714458, 0.73219544702036499, 0.64045387243603502, 0.23175129912113701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1520601', 'PG0242+132', 41.413699999999999, 13.432700000000001, '2004-08-24 18:06:19', 7045, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.199999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-08-31 23:09:36', '2005-02-28 23:09:36', 0, 0, '2004-08-24 18:06:19', '2004-08-24 22:04:58', -2.4527899999999998, 43.104799999999997, -40.876199999999997, 160.875, 320.88499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 3715795, 0.72943680173852399, 0.64339509228988401, 0.232303050963101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5681601', 'WD0343-007', 56.604300000000002, -0.64444400000000002, '2004-08-27 14:22:26', 3674, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.91, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-08-31 23:19:13', '2005-02-28 23:19:13', 0, 0, '2004-08-27 14:22:26', '2004-08-27 16:37:57', -20.023199999999999, 54.140999999999998, -40.394199999999998, 188.13999999999999, 327.67700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JAY', 'HOLBERG', NULL, 378524621, 0.55038326755695899, 0.83483636364004299, -0.011247432488971899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1610201', 'HD17925', 43.134399999999999, -12.77, '2004-08-29 09:29:17', 19729, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 6.0199999999999996, 'K1V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2004-09-02 23:32:23', '2005-03-02 23:32:23', 0, 0, '2004-08-29 09:29:17', '2004-08-29 23:34:04', -27.907, 36.355200000000004, -58.253999999999998, 192.07599999999999, 333.447, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', NULL, 600711882, 0.71170166137328195, 0.666800570400369, -0.221037880265469); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0420101', 'SDSS015543+0028', 28.930800000000001, 0.468667, '2004-08-31 19:58:45', 17848, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.4, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2004-09-07 23:45:15', '2005-03-07 23:45:15', 0, 0, '2004-08-31 19:58:45', '2004-09-01 07:43:32', -10.6563, 27.059699999999999, -58.369700000000002, 154.79300000000001, 325.96199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PAULA', 'SZKODY', NULL, 291945936, 0.87517532726268099, 0.48373674576708198, 0.0081796910291292903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0910102', 'HD187311', 297.76999999999998, -41.023200000000003, '2004-09-02 22:44:57', 12347, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.19, 'B5II', 0.10000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2004-09-08 00:16:56', '2005-03-08 00:16:56', 1, 0, '2004-09-02 22:44:57', '2004-09-03 06:10:49', -19.6736, 291.91899999999998, -28.1676, 358.72300000000001, 134.74000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'STOCKE', NULL, 778839039, 0.35151306093162199, -0.66755083696440498, -0.65636456947538302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0200301', 'HD161783', 267.61799999999999, -53.612400000000001, '2004-09-03 07:28:31', 532, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 5.9199999999999999, 'B3V', 0.080000000000000002, 21, 'PC', '2004-09-07 23:45:22', '2005-03-07 23:45:22', 0, 0, '2004-09-03 07:28:31', '2004-09-03 07:37:23', -30.186399999999999, 268.36599999999999, -13.195499999999999, 338.94200000000001, 152.72499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NANCY REMAGE', 'EVANS', NULL, 689297709, -0.024656297613970601, -0.592732075806083, -0.80502220671145697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0910103', 'HD187311', 297.76999999999998, -41.023200000000003, '2004-09-03 23:40:24', 18106, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 10.19, 'B5II', 0.10000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2004-09-10 22:23:13', '2005-03-10 22:23:13', 1, 0, '2004-09-03 23:40:24', '2004-09-04 08:49:14', -19.6736, 291.91899999999998, -28.1676, 358.72300000000001, 150.28299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'STOCKE', NULL, 778839039, 0.35151306093162199, -0.66755083696440498, -0.65636456947538302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0910104', 'HD187311', 297.76999999999998, -41.023200000000003, '2004-09-05 04:40:33', 9137, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.19, 'B5II', 0.10000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2004-09-13 16:20:31', '2005-03-13 16:20:31', 1, 0, '2004-09-05 04:40:33', '2004-09-05 09:48:02', -19.6736, 291.91899999999998, -28.1676, 358.72300000000001, 160.904, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'STOCKE', NULL, 778839039, 0.35151306093162199, -0.66755083696440498, -0.65636456947538302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0910105', 'HD187311', 297.76999999999998, -41.023200000000003, '2004-09-06 03:57:49', 9247, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.19, 'B5II', 0.10000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2004-09-10 23:25:31', '2005-03-10 23:25:31', 1, 0, '2004-09-06 03:57:49', '2004-09-06 09:07:22', -19.6736, 291.91899999999998, -28.1676, 358.72300000000001, 161.387, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'STOCKE', NULL, 778839039, 0.35151306093162199, -0.66755083696440498, -0.65636456947538302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3032601', 'HD149038', 248.52099999999999, -44.045299999999997, '2004-09-11 03:08:32', 0, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 4.9199999999999999, 'O9.7', 0.39000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2004-09-28 02:28:22', '2005-03-28 02:28:22', 1, 0, '2004-09-11 03:08:32', '2004-09-11 03:09:30', -21.8263, 253.53, 2.5129600000000001, 339.38099999999997, 170.239, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', NULL, 692007154, -0.263192410248343, -0.66887168390825102, -0.69522688789589304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0381201', 'HD159312', 263.93000000000001, -37.439999999999998, '2004-09-11 04:44:30', 9857, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 6.4800000000000004, 'A0V', 0, 30, 'PE', '2004-09-21 01:55:22', '2005-03-21 01:55:22', 0, 0, '2004-09-11 04:44:30', '2004-09-11 10:24:03', -14.1051, 265.03300000000002, -2.74884, 351.69, 178.453, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'SIMON', NULL, 694129152, -0.083959262314974303, -0.78953884984620903, -0.60793029769460505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051402', 'HD163522-BKGD', 269.64699999999999, -42.4861, '2004-09-13 03:20:45', 0, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 8.4600000000000009, 'B1IA', 0.19, 23, 'EE', '2004-09-21 02:16:43', '2004-09-21 15:20:38', 1, 33, '2004-09-13 03:20:45', '2004-09-13 14:06:49', -19.046900000000001, 269.72399999999999, -9.0883800000000008, 349.57299999999998, 174.672, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 693443856, -0.0045433556160348696, -0.73742721793503097, -0.67541132368975498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0450201', 'LSE263', 285.54899999999998, -51.502600000000001, '2004-09-14 02:52:39', 23117, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 32, 11.300000000000001, 'SDO', 0.13, 16, 'PC', '2004-09-21 01:34:58', '2005-03-21 01:34:58', 0, 0, '2004-09-14 02:52:39', '2004-09-15 10:32:34', -28.653099999999998, 280.96199999999999, -22.510899999999999, 345.23899999999998, 160.96799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GUILLAUME', 'HEBRARD', NULL, 775044373, 0.16686323873615799, -0.59969735478726705, -0.78263640486475805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1360301', 'TY-CRA', 285.42000000000002, -36.876100000000001, '2004-09-15 12:12:56', 15378, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.4199999999999999, 'B9', 0.42999999999999999, 22, 'PE', '2004-09-21 01:55:42', '2005-03-21 01:55:42', 0, 0, '2004-09-15 12:12:56', '2004-09-15 21:02:42', -14.112299999999999, 282.66899999999998, -17.784099999999999, 359.99299999999999, 146.501, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN-CLAUDE', 'BOURET', NULL, 783614899, 0.21269683605440301, -0.77113950178341195, -0.60008659768543204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1570201', 'NGC6723-III60', 284.87099999999998, -36.680300000000003, '2004-09-15 21:48:09', 12096, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.609999999999999, 'SDO', 0.050000000000000003, 18, 'PC', '2004-09-22 17:23:53', '2005-03-22 17:23:53', 0, -86.700000000000003, '2004-09-15 21:48:09', '2004-09-16 08:34:41', -13.8705, 282.24000000000001, -17.303100000000001, 0.0185658, 144.77600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'W. VAN DYKE', 'DIXON', NULL, 783579055, 0.20582333779338499, -0.77511960589412898, -0.59734943724600698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5053101', 'HD200516-BKGD', 316.04500000000002, -11.363200000000001, '2004-09-16 10:07:15', 4025, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 12.779999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.059999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2004-09-21 02:17:02', '2004-09-21 15:20:39', 0, 0, '2004-09-16 10:07:15', '2004-09-16 13:44:31', 5.1587500000000004, 315.125, -34.570999999999998, 37.763800000000003, 167.18899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 802024499, 0.705773918179737, -0.68048752068910801, -0.197027689941318); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5053102', 'HD200516-BKGD', 316.04500000000002, -11.363200000000001, '2004-09-16 23:01:56', 10561, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 16, 12.779999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.059999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2004-09-28 02:59:27', '2004-09-28 08:23:13', 0, 0, '2004-09-16 23:01:56', '2004-09-17 11:21:53', 5.1587500000000004, 315.125, -34.570999999999998, 37.763800000000003, 167.071, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 802024499, 0.705773918179737, -0.68048752068910801, -0.197027689941318); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1070302', 'HD203387', 320.56200000000001, -16.834599999999998, '2004-09-19 14:17:47', 9146, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 4.2800000000000002, 'G8II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2004-09-28 02:17:37', '2005-03-28 02:17:37', 0, 0, '2004-09-19 14:17:47', '2004-09-19 19:54:52', -1.3666799999999999, 317.68200000000002, -40.768700000000003, 33.626199999999997, 157.93199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', NULL, 795804183, 0.73921481610553497, -0.60801939778387903, -0.28960985405988798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5053001', 'DEHT2-BKGD', 265.42099999999999, 3.1158299999999999, '2004-09-20 21:41:59', 2604, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 15, 'DAO', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'EE', '2004-09-28 02:38:08', '2004-09-28 08:23:12', 1, 0, '2004-09-20 21:41:59', '2004-09-21 08:15:44', 26.4741, 264.89100000000002, 16.924499999999998, 27.651199999999999, 158.05199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 509471993, -0.079715561710948304, -0.99533461541961199, 0.054354692240889999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8530201', 'IOTACEP', 342.42000000000002, 66.200400000000002, '2004-07-26 22:02:15', 16789, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 3.5099999999999998, 'K0II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2005-01-14 18:00:38', '2005-04-20 02:44:55', 0, -12.4, '2004-07-26 22:02:15', '2004-07-27 11:31:53', 62.615900000000003, 33.241, 6.17483, 111.06699999999999, 300.59500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'YOUNG', NULL, 257489853, 0.38469209076973798, -0.12188374029944, 0.91496248510516898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0290201', 'COALSACK-2', 190.13300000000001, -64.486099999999993, '2004-08-04 19:54:58', 10105, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 20, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2004-10-05 04:44:08', '2005-04-01 12:50:29', 0, 0, '2004-08-04 19:54:58', '2004-08-05 04:42:43', -52.926600000000001, 225.303, -1.6389800000000001, 301.75900000000001, 215.96899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', NULL, 682325925, -0.42401153013874998, -0.075779944717438902, -0.90248081546812797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1140111', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2004-08-16 06:28:24', 13966, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2004-10-20 02:34:39', '2005-04-20 02:34:39', 0, 0, '2004-08-16 06:28:24', '2004-08-16 13:31:50', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 347.37099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1140112', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2004-08-19 05:41:46', 23354, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2004-10-20 01:11:29', '2005-04-20 01:11:29', 0, 0, '2004-08-19 05:41:46', '2004-08-19 13:57:57', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 350.755, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8970301', 'EUVEJ0349-537', 57.3688, -53.746400000000001, '2004-08-20 01:24:27', 27732, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2004-10-20 13:09:16', '2005-04-20 13:09:16', 0, 0.13, '2004-08-20 01:24:27', '2004-08-20 11:09:43', -69.712599999999995, 23.120699999999999, -47.990600000000001, 264.65899999999999, 351.60300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RENATO', 'DUPKE', NULL, 550888133, 0.318878902616263, 0.49801934772096401, -0.80640744959470301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8970201', 'RXSJ01004-5113', 15.1129, -51.231900000000003, '2004-08-22 09:21:11', 16845, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.4, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2004-10-20 02:44:58', '2005-04-20 02:44:58', 0, 0.062, '2004-08-22 09:21:11', '2004-08-22 17:53:27', -51.286999999999999, 345.14299999999997, -65.835700000000003, 299.48599999999999, 30.075500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'RENATO', 'DUPKE', NULL, 573741436, 0.60451307248417196, 0.16325616741878399, -0.77968671208086904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0320303', 'HD2884', 7.8861299999999996, -62.958199999999998, '2004-08-22 19:24:04', 48, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 1, 4.3399999999999999, 'B9V', 0.02, 22, 'PC', '2004-10-19 20:42:01', '2005-04-19 20:42:01', 0, 0, '2004-08-22 19:24:04', '2004-08-22 19:25:02', -57.350900000000003, 326.58999999999997, -54.020899999999997, 306.77999999999997, 44.493000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'AKI', 'ROBERGE', NULL, 570543045, 0.45034074271734498, 0.062378829457300701, -0.89067507941130097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1030101', 'PKS0405-123', 61.951799999999999, -12.193300000000001, '2004-08-24 23:41:32', 35650, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 38, 14.9, 'AGN', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2004-10-19 22:44:36', '2005-04-19 22:44:36', 2, 0.57399999999999995, '2004-08-24 23:41:32', '2004-08-26 05:49:27', -32.474499999999999, 56.989199999999997, -41.756500000000003, 204.929, 322.416, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', NULL, 371260729, 0.459606425101167, 0.86264248630175999, -0.21121049886983101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1030102', 'PKS0405-123', 61.951799999999999, -12.193300000000001, '2004-08-26 06:43:31', 36132, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 14.9, 'AGN', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2004-10-19 22:34:49', '2005-04-19 22:34:49', 2, 0.57399999999999995, '2004-08-26 06:43:31', '2004-08-27 13:09:15', -32.474499999999999, 56.989199999999997, -41.756500000000003, 204.929, 323.11500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', NULL, 371260729, 0.459606425101167, 0.86264248630175999, -0.21121049886983101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0790103', 'HD26976', 63.839100000000002, -7.6608900000000002, '2004-08-27 18:14:08', 6362, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 18, 9.5, 'DA3', 0, 29, 'PC', '2004-10-19 20:10:16', '2005-04-19 20:10:16', 0, 0, '2004-08-27 18:14:08', '2004-08-28 00:51:56', -28.4345, 60.204599999999999, -38.0336, 200.77600000000001, 328.178, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'WOOD', NULL, 372064898, 0.43695821329764101, 0.88954822287948998, -0.13330971083786); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0550102', 'MRK586', 31.957699999999999, 2.7154400000000001, '2004-08-28 03:32:04', 42835, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 35, 15.4, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2004-10-19 21:43:33', '2005-04-19 21:43:33', 2, 0.15529999999999999, '2004-08-28 03:32:04', '2004-08-29 08:23:14', -9.60412, 30.735800000000001, -54.930799999999998, 157.601, 324.05099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', NULL, 292741154, 0.84748641626869303, 0.528698708195395, 0.047375628677281199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1140113', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2004-08-30 01:08:05', 21657, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2004-10-20 01:32:03', '2005-04-20 01:32:03', 0, 0, '2004-08-30 01:08:05', '2004-08-30 14:22:43', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 340.97199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'KNOX S.', 'LONG', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0900101', 'EXE1_1', 65.224199999999996, -11.2317, '2004-09-01 09:11:21', 25810, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 31, 99, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2004-10-19 23:47:26', '2005-04-19 23:47:26', 0, 0, '2004-09-01 09:11:21', '2004-09-02 10:23:35', -32.205199999999998, 60.936199999999999, -38.452599999999997, 205.61500000000001, 335.53100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC J.', 'KORPELA', NULL, 371476498, 0.41104243278238201, 0.89056499915693599, -0.19477705390766201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1030202', 'HE0238-1904', 40.1357, -18.8642, '2004-09-02 11:40:23', 10903, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-19 22:35:09', '2005-04-19 22:35:09', 0, 0.63100000000000001, '2004-09-02 11:40:23', '2004-09-02 20:43:17', -32.634900000000002, 30.786200000000001, -63.633800000000001, 200.482, 340.35199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', NULL, 597092911, 0.72345568563449303, 0.60997707328818596, -0.32332621450464799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1030203', 'HE0238-1904', 40.1357, -18.8642, '2004-09-03 16:24:14', 3891, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-19 22:35:30', '2005-04-19 22:35:30', 0, 0.63100000000000001, '2004-09-03 16:24:14', '2004-09-03 21:40:16', -32.634900000000002, 30.786200000000001, -63.633800000000001, 200.482, 341.04399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', NULL, 597092911, 0.72345568563449303, 0.60997707328818596, -0.32332621450464799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1030204', 'HE0238-1904', 40.1357, -18.8642, '2004-09-04 11:56:18', 16335, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 15.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-22 01:34:54', '2005-04-22 01:34:54', 0, 0.63100000000000001, '2004-09-04 11:56:18', '2004-09-05 03:06:52', -32.634900000000002, 30.786200000000001, -63.633800000000001, 200.482, 343.88099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', NULL, 597092911, 0.72345568563449303, 0.60997707328818596, -0.32332621450464799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1030205', 'HE0238-1904', 40.1357, -18.8642, '2004-09-05 12:53:24', 12291, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-22 01:46:18', '2005-04-22 01:46:18', 0, 0.63100000000000001, '2004-09-05 12:53:24', '2004-09-06 02:53:40', -32.634900000000002, 30.786200000000001, -63.633800000000001, 200.482, 342.68700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', NULL, 597092911, 0.72345568563449303, 0.60997707328818596, -0.32332621450464799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1030206', 'HE0238-1904', 40.1357, -18.8642, '2004-09-06 12:11:50', 47417, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 31, 15.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-19 23:15:24', '2005-04-19 23:15:24', 0, 0.63100000000000001, '2004-09-06 12:11:50', '2004-09-08 09:21:29', -32.634900000000002, 30.786200000000001, -63.633800000000001, 200.482, 343.392, 'F', 'F', 'J. CHRISTOPHER', 'HOWK', NULL, 597092911, 0.72345568563449303, 0.60997707328818596, -0.32332621450464799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1530201', 'NGC1360', 53.311399999999999, -25.871700000000001, '2004-09-09 10:12:00', 804, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 6, 11.300000000000001, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-20 12:47:07', '2005-04-20 12:47:07', 0, 0, '2004-09-09 10:12:00', '2004-09-09 17:26:35', -43.421300000000002, 42.256, -53.933500000000002, 220.36600000000001, 343.87700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 591959890, 0.53758367204588497, 0.72152338781147596, -0.43635741816853801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1760101', 'HD200516', 316.04500000000002, -11.363200000000001, '2004-09-18 00:04:05', 3808, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.779999999999999, 'CSPN', 0.059999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-19 20:41:54', '2005-04-19 20:41:54', 0, 0, '2004-09-18 00:04:05', '2004-09-18 07:03:33', 5.1587500000000004, 315.125, -34.570999999999998, 37.763800000000003, 166.851, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 802024499, 0.705773918179737, -0.68048752068910801, -0.197027689941318); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0300101', 'PKS2135-14', 324.43799999999999, -14.5486, '2004-09-18 08:24:54', 7463, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.91, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-20 12:46:58', '2005-04-20 12:46:58', 0, 0.20000000000000001, '2004-09-18 08:24:54', '2004-09-18 13:59:12', -0.37527500000000003, 321.94499999999999, -43.333399999999997, 38.403799999999997, 157.75700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BASSEM M.', 'SABRA', NULL, 796496818, 0.78740213962848904, -0.56293504502707903, -0.25120112577143699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0300102', 'PKS2135-14', 324.43799999999999, -14.5486, '2004-09-18 15:23:07', 5597, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.91, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-19 19:38:48', '2005-04-19 19:38:48', 0, 0.20000000000000001, '2004-09-18 15:23:07', '2004-09-18 20:38:22', -0.37527500000000003, 321.94499999999999, -43.333399999999997, 38.403799999999997, 157.76900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BASSEM M.', 'SABRA', NULL, 796496818, 0.78740213962848904, -0.56293504502707903, -0.25120112577143699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0300103', 'PKS2135-14', 324.43799999999999, -14.5486, '2004-09-18 21:40:20', 5789, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.91, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-22 04:12:38', '2005-04-22 04:12:38', 0, 0.20000000000000001, '2004-09-18 21:40:20', '2004-09-19 06:18:17', -0.37527500000000003, 321.94499999999999, -43.333399999999997, 38.403799999999997, 157.72499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BASSEM M.', 'SABRA', NULL, 796496818, 0.78740213962848904, -0.56293504502707903, -0.25120112577143699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1070301', 'HD203387', 320.56200000000001, -16.834599999999998, '2004-09-19 09:21:25', 5463, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 4.2800000000000002, 'G8II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2004-10-19 20:10:32', '2005-04-19 20:10:32', 0, 0, '2004-09-19 09:21:25', '2004-09-19 13:15:42', -1.3666799999999999, 317.68200000000002, -40.768700000000003, 33.626199999999997, 157.917, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', NULL, 795804183, 0.73921481610553497, -0.60801939778387903, -0.28960985405988798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1070303', 'HD203387', 320.56200000000001, -16.834599999999998, '2004-09-19 21:03:18', 2443, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 4.2800000000000002, 'G8II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2004-10-19 20:21:02', '2005-04-19 20:21:02', 0, 0, '2004-09-19 21:03:18', '2004-09-20 05:33:10', -1.3666799999999999, 317.68200000000002, -40.768700000000003, 33.626199999999997, 157.94800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', NULL, 795804183, 0.73921481610553497, -0.60801939778387903, -0.28960985405988798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1070304', 'HD203387', 320.56200000000001, -16.834599999999998, '2004-09-20 06:55:25', 6045, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 4.2800000000000002, 'G8II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2004-10-19 20:31:42', '2005-04-19 20:31:42', 0, 0, '2004-09-20 06:55:25', '2004-09-20 12:32:47', -1.3666799999999999, 317.68200000000002, -40.768700000000003, 33.626199999999997, 157.97200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', NULL, 795804183, 0.73921481610553497, -0.60801939778387903, -0.28960985405988798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1070305', 'HD203387', 320.56200000000001, -16.834599999999998, '2004-09-20 13:44:23', 5709, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 4.2800000000000002, 'G8II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2004-10-19 20:32:02', '2005-04-19 20:32:02', 0, 0, '2004-09-20 13:44:23', '2004-09-20 19:11:59', -1.3666799999999999, 317.68200000000002, -40.768700000000003, 33.626199999999997, 157.988, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', NULL, 795804183, 0.73921481610553497, -0.60801939778387903, -0.28960985405988798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0520101', 'DEHT2', 265.42099999999999, 3.1158299999999999, '2004-09-21 21:00:36', 2001, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15, 'DAO', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-19 19:28:03', '2005-04-19 19:28:03', 0, 0, '2004-09-21 21:00:36', '2004-09-22 05:48:30', 26.4741, 264.89100000000002, 16.924499999999998, 27.651199999999999, 157.62299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', NULL, 509471993, -0.079715561710948304, -0.99533461541961199, 0.054354692240889999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5100801', 'HD163296', 269.089, -21.956099999999999, '2004-09-22 07:33:23', 862, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.75, 'A3V', 0.01, 34, 'PE', '2004-10-20 02:44:51', '2005-04-20 02:44:51', 1, 0, '2004-09-22 07:33:23', '2004-09-22 10:55:31', 1.4807300000000001, 269.15499999999997, 1.4899100000000001, 7.2385099999999998, 157.851, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL A.', 'GRADY', NULL, 473851794, -0.0147461144394635, -0.92735337207463597, -0.37389607568245598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9051002', 'AH-MEN', 92.935400000000001, -81.823599999999999, '2004-09-22 12:31:59', 11479, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 13.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2004-10-19 23:26:06', '2005-04-19 23:26:06', 0, 0, '2004-09-22 12:31:59', '2004-09-22 23:09:45', -74.720799999999997, 268.416, -28.239599999999999, 293.78300000000002, 334.41000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA', 'FRONING', NULL, 606219477, -0.0072831474130724601, 0.14203462770094399, -0.989834895473792); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0660501', 'LSE21', 298.90899999999999, -23.228200000000001, '2004-09-26 09:16:56', 1075, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 15, 11.699999999999999, 'SDO', 0.070000000000000007, 16, 'PC', '2004-10-19 21:53:32', '2005-04-19 21:53:32', 0, 0, '2004-09-26 09:16:56', '2004-09-26 14:28:34', -2.3993099999999998, 296.39999999999998, -23.950399999999998, 18.022500000000001, 145.38900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GUILLAUME', 'HEBRARD', NULL, 799043840, 0.44423452433781502, -0.80443077221450499, -0.39439424450761301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5053201', 'BD+532820-BKGD', 333.45699999999999, 54.409599999999998, '2004-09-26 22:26:31', 2914, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 9.9499999999999993, 'B0IV', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2004-10-05 04:34:06', '2004-10-01 09:10:43', 1, 16, '2004-09-26 22:26:31', '2004-09-27 07:21:10', 58.162300000000002, 9.2573600000000003, -1.6863699999999999, 101.24299999999999, 231.09299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 233461470, 0.52064488356059602, -0.26007201704739502, 0.81319828527307703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0820201', 'HD14947', 36.695799999999998, 58.875900000000001, '2004-09-30 02:14:33', 5534, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.0099999999999998, 'O5IF', 0.67000000000000004, 13, 'PC', '2004-10-05 04:33:40', '2005-04-05 04:33:40', 1, 0, '2004-09-30 02:14:33', '2004-09-30 06:02:17', 41.494100000000003, 56.404400000000003, -1.74499, 134.99600000000001, 302.53300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 53438693, 0.41445522190134898, 0.30887814367114702, 0.85604974236370701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0640801', 'HD220057', 350.00299999999999, 61.149799999999999, '2004-09-30 11:38:54', 7499, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 16, 6.9299999999999997, 'O6.5', 0.27000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2004-10-05 04:23:31', '2005-04-05 04:23:31', 1, 0, '2004-09-30 11:38:54', '2004-09-30 15:08:10', 56.817100000000003, 29.746400000000001, 0.21016899999999999, 112.131, 247.696, 'F', 'F', 'PAULE', 'SONNENTRUCKER', NULL, 234477850, 0.47519507404261202, -0.083764058149309595, 0.87588425272292503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491303', 'HD206821', 325.33999999999997, 69.692800000000005, '2004-09-30 15:49:55', 10797, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.8799999999999999, 'A1V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-10-07 01:37:27', '2005-04-07 01:37:27', 0, 0, '2004-09-30 15:49:55', '2004-09-30 19:32:16', 69.878600000000006, 33.920200000000001, 12.653, 107.72499999999999, 223.059, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 258917457, 0.28546583370906098, -0.19737121068287999, 0.93784532998696801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0650303', 'HD217312', 344.666, 63.077100000000002, '2004-09-30 20:35:49', 13762, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.4100000000000001, 'B0IV', 0.67000000000000004, 20, 'PC', '2004-10-07 00:45:37', '2005-04-07 00:45:37', 0, 0, '2004-09-30 20:35:49', '2004-10-01 02:30:52', 59.959499999999998, 29.2761, 2.9458600000000001, 110.56399999999999, 241.69200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'JENKINS', NULL, 256964261, 0.43667204404214799, -0.119738517917151, 0.89161662909518302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1090101', 'SN2004ET', 308.85599999999999, 60.121600000000001, '2004-10-01 03:56:14', 71074, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 30, 13, 'SN', 0.40999999999999998, 56, 'PC', '2004-10-07 01:27:01', '2005-04-07 01:27:01', 0, 0.00014999999999999999, '2004-10-01 03:56:14', '2004-10-02 10:56:54', 71.776600000000002, 357.98200000000003, 11.598000000000001, 95.733900000000006, 203.72499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 255483949, 0.31252881992674397, -0.38793042030379699, 0.86708461277900495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0650304', 'HD217312', 344.666, 63.077100000000002, '2004-10-02 11:37:52', 14832, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.4100000000000001, 'B0IV', 0.67000000000000004, 20, 'PC', '2004-10-07 00:13:55', '2005-04-07 00:13:55', 0, 0, '2004-10-02 11:37:52', '2004-10-02 16:21:43', 59.959499999999998, 29.2761, 2.9458600000000001, 110.56399999999999, 239.92500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'JENKINS', NULL, 256964261, 0.43667204404214799, -0.119738517917151, 0.89161662909518302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0140202', 'HD209481', 330.51900000000001, 58.000500000000002, '2004-10-02 17:32:31', 7680, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 10, 5.5499999999999998, 'O9V', 0.38, 12, 'PC', '2004-10-07 00:24:56', '2005-04-07 00:24:56', 0, 0, '2004-10-02 17:32:31', '2004-10-02 23:12:09', 61.861400000000003, 12.0022, 2.1834899999999999, 102.00700000000001, 222.708, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', NULL, 256016069, 0.461298314808542, -0.26078812844135002, 0.84805272054210001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491304', 'HD206821', 325.33999999999997, 69.692800000000005, '2004-10-03 00:00:57', 8046, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.8799999999999999, 'A1V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-10-07 01:37:34', '2005-04-07 01:37:34', 0, 0, '2004-10-03 00:00:57', '2004-10-03 04:33:07', 69.878600000000006, 33.920200000000001, 12.653, 107.72499999999999, 220.67500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 258917457, 0.28546583370906098, -0.19737121068287999, 0.93784532998696801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1630101', 'SN2004ET', 308.85599999999999, 60.121600000000001, '2004-10-03 05:22:04', 30671, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13, 'SN', 0.40999999999999998, 56, 'PC', '2004-10-07 01:27:21', '2005-04-07 01:27:21', 0, 0.00014999999999999999, '2004-10-03 05:22:04', '2004-10-03 15:41:35', 71.776600000000002, 357.98200000000003, 11.598000000000001, 95.733900000000006, 201.58000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT', 'KIRSHNER', NULL, 255483949, 0.31252881992674397, -0.38793042030379699, 0.86708461277900495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5681301', 'WD1827+778', 276.28899999999999, 77.926199999999994, '2004-10-03 16:35:53', 7623, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.699999999999999, 'DA.5', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-07 01:37:09', '2005-04-07 01:37:09', 0, 0, '2004-10-03 16:35:53', '2004-10-03 20:46:22', 78.489599999999996, 83.405799999999999, 27.8523, 109.34, 173.05500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JAY', 'HOLBERG', NULL, 267008432, 0.0229133661686085, -0.20791263127359799, 0.97787898812057095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0950202', 'H1821+643', 275.48899999999998, 64.343400000000003, '2004-10-03 21:58:24', 91623, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 30, 14.1, 'QSO', 0.080000000000000002, 85, 'PC', '2004-10-22 01:34:23', '2005-04-22 01:34:23', 2, 0.29999999999999999, '2004-10-03 21:58:24', '2004-10-05 15:15:56', 86.821600000000004, 318.327, 27.416699999999999, 94.004199999999997, 171.441, 'F', 'F', 'RAJIB', 'GANGULY', NULL, 251522239, 0.041416207109663102, -0.43099104056312998, 0.90140524778978304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491305', 'HD206821', 325.33999999999997, 69.692800000000005, '2004-10-05 23:15:45', 7743, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.8799999999999999, 'A1V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-10-22 01:55:02', '2005-04-22 01:55:02', 0, 0, '2004-10-05 23:15:45', '2004-10-06 02:16:46', 69.878600000000006, 33.920200000000001, 12.653, 107.72499999999999, 217.643, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 258917457, 0.28546583370906098, -0.19737121068287999, 0.93784532998696801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8530101', 'DELDRA', 288.13900000000001, 67.661500000000004, '2004-10-11 01:53:06', 25678, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 3.0819999999999999, 'G9II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2004-10-22 04:13:03', '2005-04-22 04:13:03', 0, 24.800000000000001, '2004-10-11 01:53:06', '2004-10-11 09:57:09', 82.886200000000002, 17.1631, 22.994199999999999, 98.657499999999999, 176.477, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'YOUNG', NULL, 262536021, 0.118327085848367, -0.36118944072555698, 0.92495453329501098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9891301', 'HS1857+7127', 284.33499999999998, 71.521900000000002, '2004-10-11 10:22:30', 9157, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.5, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2004-10-22 01:55:19', '2005-04-22 01:55:19', 0, 0, '2004-10-11 10:22:30', '2004-10-11 13:04:11', 82.898099999999999, 50.601500000000001, 25.163900000000002, 102.443, 173.26400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA S.', 'FRONING', NULL, 263438060, 0.078471995670253106, -0.30707405875166499, 0.94844486836995801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031604', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2004-10-11 13:59:30', 2498, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-22 04:02:38', '2005-04-22 04:02:38', 0, 0, '2004-10-11 13:59:30', '2004-10-11 14:44:52', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 163.857, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031605', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2004-10-11 15:37:14', 5412, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-22 04:02:54', '2005-04-22 04:02:54', 0, 0, '2004-10-11 15:37:14', '2004-10-11 19:07:13', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 163.804, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031606', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2004-10-11 19:33:00', 5169, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 12, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2004-10-22 04:03:13', '2005-04-22 04:03:13', 0, 0, '2004-10-11 19:33:00', '2004-10-11 23:32:40', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 163.624, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9031601', 'HS1653+7753', 252.726, 77.812200000000004, '2004-10-13 21:27:35', 15370, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-22 04:34:24', '2005-04-22 04:34:24', 0, 0, '2004-10-13 21:27:35', '2004-10-14 04:34:21', 77.685500000000005, 107.09399999999999, 32.685600000000001, 110.404, 140.18899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 198587452, -0.062689319082285505, -0.20159438922335601, 0.97746086955266998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9031301', 'HS1817+7852', 273.60500000000002, 78.898700000000005, '2004-10-14 05:03:28', 59021, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 16.800000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-10-22 12:34:36', '2005-04-22 12:34:36', 0, 0, '2004-10-14 05:03:28', '2004-10-15 10:10:17', 77.621300000000005, 86.762200000000007, 28.3597, 110.462, 160.28299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 267046722, 0.0121067217674432, -0.19216323346363301, 0.98128829555480102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0290301', 'COALSACK-3', 178.321, -65.825000000000003, '2004-07-22 02:14:41', 17119, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 22, 20, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2004-11-18 05:26:44', '2005-05-18 05:26:44', 0, 0, '2004-07-22 02:14:41', '2004-07-22 17:06:10', -57.329599999999999, 220.68299999999999, -3.62283, 297.02100000000002, 215.58699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', NULL, 620765688, -0.40934918443582202, 0.011999035324151299, -0.91229889200470704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0290101', 'COALSACK-1', 194.208, -64.186899999999994, '2004-08-04 14:11:07', 6402, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 20, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2004-11-18 05:16:40', '2005-05-18 05:16:40', 0, 0, '2004-08-04 14:11:07', '2004-08-04 19:13:31', -51.574800000000003, 227.21899999999999, -1.3210999999999999, 303.52100000000002, 212.155, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', NULL, 682416824, -0.42211739357157102, -0.10687483603656101, -0.90021923744524701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5680901', 'WD0235-125', 39.358600000000003, -12.3598, '2004-08-30 17:27:03', 8297, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.782999999999999, 'DA1.', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-11-18 05:16:34', '2005-05-18 05:16:34', 0, 0, '2004-08-30 17:27:03', '2004-08-30 22:34:11', -26.282699999999998, 32.610500000000002, -61.119900000000001, 187.40899999999999, 334.59500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JAY', 'HOLBERG', NULL, 601945063, 0.755271504323625, 0.61947360235217497, -0.214050019260796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5680402', 'WD1740-706', 266.55799999999999, -70.648799999999994, '2004-09-23 09:58:07', 7172, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 16.510000000000002, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-11-18 05:16:25', '2005-05-18 05:16:25', 0, 0, '2004-09-23 09:58:07', '2004-09-23 23:05:12', -47.229399999999998, 268.32100000000003, -20.3307, 322.75900000000001, 181.256, 'F', 'F', 'JAY', 'HOLBERG', NULL, 676381778, -0.019894085534059101, -0.33075990852203102, -0.94350522429674999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1690105', 'HD179949', 288.88799999999998, -24.179400000000001, '2004-09-24 08:59:14', 2771, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.2539999999999996, 'F8V', 0.5, 41, 'PE', '2004-11-17 15:46:45', '2005-05-17 15:46:45', 0, -25.5, '2004-09-24 08:59:14', '2004-09-24 14:34:15', -1.8597900000000001, 287.18599999999998, -15.785600000000001, 13.457000000000001, 149.679, 'F', 'F', 'GILDA E.', 'BALLESTER', NULL, 788168207, 0.29531854375484901, -0.86314473866965102, -0.409595065670248); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1690101', 'HD179949', 288.88799999999998, -24.179400000000001, '2004-09-24 15:35:54', 1118, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 6.2539999999999996, 'F8V', 0.5, 41, 'PE', '2004-11-17 15:36:37', '2005-05-17 15:36:37', 0, -25.5, '2004-09-24 15:35:54', '2004-09-25 01:47:43', -1.8597900000000001, 287.18599999999998, -15.785600000000001, 13.457000000000001, 149.68799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GILDA E.', 'BALLESTER', NULL, 788168207, 0.29531854375484901, -0.86314473866965102, -0.409595065670248); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1690102', 'HD179949', 288.88799999999998, -24.179400000000001, '2004-09-25 03:18:15', 5989, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.2539999999999996, 'F8V', 0.5, 41, 'PE', '2004-11-17 15:36:54', '2005-05-17 15:36:54', 0, -25.5, '2004-09-25 03:18:15', '2004-09-25 10:31:43', -1.8597900000000001, 287.18599999999998, -15.785600000000001, 13.457000000000001, 149.70400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GILDA E.', 'BALLESTER', NULL, 788168207, 0.29531854375484901, -0.86314473866965102, -0.409595065670248); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1690103', 'HD179949', 288.88799999999998, -24.179400000000001, '2004-09-25 11:43:53', 2149, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 6.2539999999999996, 'F8V', 0.5, 41, 'PE', '2004-11-17 15:37:00', '2005-05-17 15:37:00', 0, -25.5, '2004-09-25 11:43:53', '2004-09-25 17:10:52', -1.8597900000000001, 287.18599999999998, -15.785600000000001, 13.457000000000001, 149.71600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GILDA E.', 'BALLESTER', NULL, 788168207, 0.29531854375484901, -0.86314473866965102, -0.409595065670248); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1690104', 'HD179949', 288.88799999999998, -24.179400000000001, '2004-09-25 18:09:51', 2560, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 6.2539999999999996, 'F8V', 0.5, 41, 'PE', '2004-11-17 15:46:39', '2005-05-17 15:46:39', 0, -25.5, '2004-09-25 18:09:51', '2004-09-26 04:33:24', -1.8597900000000001, 287.18599999999998, -15.785600000000001, 13.457000000000001, 149.72499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GILDA E.', 'BALLESTER', NULL, 788168207, 0.29531854375484901, -0.86314473866965102, -0.409595065670248); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9370101', 'HD4775', 12.681699999999999, 64.247600000000006, '2004-10-05 18:27:11', 4077, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.3700000000000001, 'G0II', 0.10000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2004-11-18 05:05:33', '2005-05-18 05:05:33', 0, 0, '2004-10-05 18:27:11', '2004-10-05 20:41:47', 52.037599999999998, 46.442599999999999, 1.3756600000000001, 122.85599999999999, 268.55700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP D.', 'BENNETT', NULL, 61003219, 0.42388364783206001, 0.095384053634851598, 0.90068004053202499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0440101', 'HD192103', 302.97300000000001, 36.197400000000002, '2004-10-09 02:11:21', 21214, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 57, 8.4600000000000009, 'WC8', 0.40999999999999998, 10, 'PC', '2004-11-17 03:58:58', '2005-05-17 03:58:58', 1, 0, '2004-10-09 02:11:21', '2004-10-10 08:19:23', 54.206899999999997, 318.67200000000003, 1.27843, 73.648700000000005, 183.24299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANTHONY F.J.', 'MOFFAT', NULL, 239697436, 0.43919770047947099, -0.67700338187227704, 0.590569048314459); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3030701', 'HD52266', 105.08799999999999, -5.82667, '2004-10-18 18:01:01', 802, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 3, 7.2300000000000004, 'O9V', 0.29999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-13 20:58:44', '2005-05-11 18:53:55', 0, 0, '2004-10-18 18:01:01', '2004-10-18 18:14:31', -28.373999999999999, 107.116, -0.68005199999999999, 219.13300000000001, 343.351, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', NULL, 360996444, -0.258957459000898, 0.96053883283455699, -0.10151938260561599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1190507', 'HD50138', 102.889, -6.9664999999999999, '2004-10-19 11:44:55', 4976, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.7000000000000002, 'B6-B', 0.14999999999999999, 26, 'PC', '2004-11-11 19:04:01', '2005-05-11 19:04:01', 0, 0, '2004-10-19 11:44:55', '2004-10-19 15:42:28', -29.747299999999999, 104.77500000000001, -3.1443500000000002, 219.15299999999999, 344.197, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', NULL, 360825938, -0.22141615017638999, 0.96760729018571501, -0.121288995463416); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5053301', 'HD29094-BKGD', 69.172600000000003, 41.264800000000001, '2004-10-19 18:19:38', 12920, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 4.25, 'G7II', 0.10000000000000001, 21, 'PC', '2004-11-11 13:46:00', '2004-11-11 17:00:54', 1, 0, '2004-10-19 18:19:38', '2004-10-20 03:18:24', 19.005199999999999, 73.580500000000001, -4.0321800000000003, 161.76300000000001, 331.95999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 23731930, 0.267259066587961, 0.70255219014425596, 0.65953999988631595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0760101', 'HD34078', 79.075599999999994, 34.3123, '2004-10-20 19:23:23', 22477, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 47, 5.9900000000000002, 'O9.5', 0.52000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2004-11-11 17:38:06', '2005-05-11 17:38:06', 0, 0, '2004-10-20 19:23:23', '2004-10-21 20:25:48', 11.2204, 80.817300000000003, -2.2595900000000002, 172.083, 344.78800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'BOISSE', NULL, 21195923, 0.15653393424391401, 0.811009018395349, 0.56370337901376399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0010102', 'HD36665', 83.662899999999993, 28.051100000000002, '2004-10-21 22:32:55', 15755, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 8.1600000000000001, 'BOVE', 0.64000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2004-11-11 15:52:15', '2005-05-11 15:52:15', 0, 0, '2004-10-21 22:32:55', '2004-10-22 09:59:16', 4.7348800000000004, 84.390699999999995, -2.5124499999999999, 179.47200000000001, 326.73200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY', 'WELSH', NULL, 400785602, 0.097411642058773201, 0.87713601635308402, 0.47025884447573801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0010103', 'HD36665', 83.662899999999993, 28.051100000000002, '2004-10-22 11:09:19', 11314, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.1600000000000001, 'BOVE', 0.64000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2004-11-11 16:03:06', '2005-05-11 16:03:06', 0, 0, '2004-10-22 11:09:19', '2004-10-22 20:12:24', 4.7348800000000004, 84.390699999999995, -2.5124499999999999, 179.47200000000001, 351.67000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY', 'WELSH', NULL, 400785602, 0.097411642058773201, 0.87713601635308402, 0.47025884447573801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0650102', 'MWC480', 74.692700000000002, 29.843699999999998, '2004-10-22 21:09:40', 16644, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 7.7300000000000004, 'A2VE', 0.070000000000000007, 34, 'PE', '2004-11-11 16:03:11', '2005-05-11 16:03:11', 1, 0, '2004-10-22 21:09:40', '2004-10-23 07:31:26', 7.1104099999999999, 76.658100000000005, -7.9026199999999998, 173.46700000000001, 344.81, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL A.', 'GRADY', NULL, 18245640, 0.22898642421415999, 0.83661458189039895, 0.49763566883209398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0810102', 'GM-AUR', 73.795699999999997, 30.366599999999998, '2004-10-23 08:44:54', 34115, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 12.300000000000001, 'K5V', 0.10000000000000001, 58, 'PC', '2004-11-11 16:13:44', '2005-05-11 16:13:44', 0, 0, '2004-10-23 08:44:54', '2004-10-24 10:12:23', 7.7147399999999999, 75.937700000000007, -8.1936800000000005, 172.56899999999999, 343.59699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'EDWIN', 'BERGIN', NULL, 18266485, 0.24077808175967899, 0.82853149619307098, 0.50553088447710104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5100101', 'MWC480', 74.692800000000005, 29.843599999999999, '2004-10-24 11:22:44', 26363, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 7.7300000000000004, 'A5VE', 0.070000000000000007, 34, 'PE', '2004-11-11 17:48:50', '2005-05-11 17:48:50', 1, 0, '2004-10-24 11:22:44', '2004-10-25 04:43:01', 7.1103500000000004, 76.658199999999994, -7.90259, 173.46700000000001, 344.43900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL A.', 'GRADY', NULL, 18245640, 0.228985193334628, 0.83661581927060602, 0.49763415495690799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5053701', 'HD61421-BKGD', 114.532, 5.6297199999999998, '2004-10-25 05:51:14', 23104, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 28, 0.38, 'F5IV', 0, 41, 'EE', '2004-11-11 19:14:46', '2004-11-11 17:00:55', 1, -3, '2004-10-25 05:51:14', '2004-10-26 02:34:53', -15.6717, 115.413, 12.9389, 213.19800000000001, 354.19600000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 365398290, -0.41319873400134899, 0.90534157549195704, 0.098099122857565904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5053601', 'HD36408-BKGD', 83.058899999999994, 17.0581, '2004-10-26 15:24:03', 26936, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 15, 5.5, 'B7II', 0.070000000000000007, 26, 'PC', '2004-11-17 03:59:29', '2004-11-17 09:22:40', 1, 0, '2004-10-26 15:24:03', '2004-10-27 13:11:25', -6.2206900000000003, 83.3262, -8.8857400000000002, 188.49600000000001, 339.95299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 395493638, 0.115532530596474, 0.94900112047674001, 0.293341281970109); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1190405', 'HD36408', 83.058899999999994, 17.0581, '2004-10-28 05:19:37', 5596, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 11, 5.5, 'B7II', 0.070000000000000007, 26, 'PC', '2004-11-11 19:03:57', '2005-05-11 19:03:57', 0, 0, '2004-10-28 05:19:37', '2004-10-28 14:12:35', -6.2206900000000003, 83.3262, -8.8857400000000002, 188.49600000000001, 340.24200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ALFRED', 'VIDAL-MADJAR', NULL, 395493638, 0.115532530596474, 0.94900112047674001, 0.293341281970109); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5053801', 'HD060369-BKGD', 113.258, -28.325800000000001, '2004-10-28 22:14:31', 14806, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 13, 99, '', 0.29999999999999999, 12, 'EE', '2004-11-17 03:59:49', '2004-11-17 09:22:40', 1, 0, '2004-10-28 22:14:31', '2004-10-29 13:27:14', -49.202800000000003, 122.14, -4.2988099999999996, 242.67699999999999, 352.18000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 653293102, -0.34759164443054402, 0.80873010295309, -0.47448463547258901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B1300201', 'HD43162', 93.438400000000001, -23.861899999999999, '2004-10-30 15:37:26', 19070, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 6.3700000000000001, 'G5V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2004-11-11 21:18:54', '2005-05-11 21:18:54', 0, 0, '2004-10-30 15:37:26', '2004-10-31 05:35:42', -47.246099999999998, 94.634299999999996, -18.523399999999999, 230.85499999999999, 1.87927, 'F', 'F', 'SARA R.', 'HEAP', NULL, 339165714, -0.0548488804209495, 0.91287688708265302, -0.40453354539129899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018304', 'IIZW136', 323.11599999999999, 10.1387, '2004-11-01 02:01:44', 21872, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.6, 'SYFT', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2004-11-18 05:37:35', '2005-05-18 05:37:35', 4, 0.96209999999999996, '2004-11-01 02:01:44', '2004-11-01 19:12:49', 23.3611, 329.05599999999998, -29.069500000000001, 63.670999999999999, 143.43700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', NULL, 202843000, 0.78736220695358405, -0.59082451650132894, 0.176031661249199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050202', 'WD0501+527-BKGD', 76.377600000000001, 52.831699999999998, '2004-11-03 03:09:42', 14713, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2004-11-17 03:16:22', '2004-11-17 09:22:39', 1, 64, '2004-11-03 03:09:42', '2004-11-03 14:54:27', 29.837700000000002, 80.558599999999998, 7.0990599999999997, 155.95400000000001, 303.25400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 30975413, 0.142292629945974, 0.58716274680286695, 0.79686430226856697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031302', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2004-11-04 05:13:18', 5835, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 13, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-11-11 18:32:08', '2005-05-11 18:32:08', 0, 0, '2004-11-04 05:13:18', '2004-11-04 13:38:41', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 299.24000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031303', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2004-11-04 15:11:20', 5760, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-11-11 18:21:01', '2005-05-11 18:21:01', 0, 0, '2004-11-04 15:11:20', '2004-11-04 20:45:59', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 298.85300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5681101', 'WD0615+655', 95.125399999999999, 65.572299999999998, '2004-11-05 09:17:05', 8154, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.699999999999999, 'DA.5', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-11-13 02:34:57', '2005-05-13 02:34:57', 0, 0, '2004-11-05 09:17:05', '2004-11-05 13:28:44', 42.183700000000002, 92.857799999999997, 21.446400000000001, 149.054, 330.036, 'F', 'F', 'JAY', 'HOLBERG', NULL, 128586226, -0.036944362097604197, 0.41189112348213602, 0.91048383648795495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8210101', 'HS0659+5734', 105.95699999999999, 57.500799999999998, '2004-11-05 14:21:53', 42907, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15.699999999999999, 'SDO', 0.050000000000000003, 16, 'PC', '2004-11-13 02:56:04', '2005-05-13 02:56:04', 0, 0, '2004-11-05 14:21:53', '2004-11-06 05:39:03', 34.632800000000003, 100.342, 24.230499999999999, 158.97200000000001, 344.76600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', NULL, 116479898, -0.14770894619800901, 0.51658521270084901, 0.84339894784846203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9890801', 'RXJ0625+7334', 96.317499999999995, 73.577699999999993, '2004-11-06 06:47:54', 11952, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2004-11-13 02:56:26', '2005-05-13 02:56:26', 0, 0, '2004-11-06 06:47:54', '2004-11-06 12:41:18', 50.199300000000001, 92.785700000000006, 24.123799999999999, 140.857, 327.31200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA S.', 'FRONING', NULL, 129715004, -0.031109342151597798, 0.28099799250497498, 0.95920401220963902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490602', 'RS-CEP', 76.513300000000001, 80.247900000000001, '2004-11-08 20:22:09', 10245, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 10.32, 'A5VE', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-11-13 02:56:21', '2005-05-13 02:56:21', 0, 0, '2004-11-08 20:22:09', '2004-11-09 05:08:05', 57.003300000000003, 85.840199999999996, 22.4878, 132.38900000000001, 301.78800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 64780151, 0.039504055201534299, 0.164714662380852, 0.98554985141259899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4054201', 'ABELL78-BKGD', 323.87200000000001, 31.696100000000001, '2004-11-10 07:11:18', 8622, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 13.25, 'WC-P', 0, 10, 'EE', '2004-11-17 03:05:53', '2004-11-17 09:22:38', 1, 0, '2004-11-10 07:11:18', '2004-11-10 12:50:36', 42.968899999999998, 339.91800000000001, -14.912699999999999, 81.297499999999999, 166.667, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 215448112, 0.68723059664956199, -0.50165178363241303, 0.52541373697982596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0200101', 'HD198846', 313.01499999999999, 34.657600000000002, '2004-11-13 06:54:28', 1482, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 7.3200000000000003, 'B0V', 0.20999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2004-11-17 03:05:47', '2005-05-17 03:05:47', 0, 0, '2004-11-13 06:54:28', '2004-11-13 07:19:27', 49.551200000000001, 329.87599999999998, -6.2259799999999998, 77.252099999999999, 134.376, 'F', 'F', 'NANCY REMAGE', 'EVANS', NULL, 217610121, 0.56114552070047896, -0.601439139293795, 0.568670964902664); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050204', 'WD0439+466-BKGD', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2004-11-16 00:37:49', 13578, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 12, 12.67, 'SKY', 0, 7, 'EE', '2004-11-19 00:40:18', '2004-11-19 09:37:01', 1, 0, '2004-11-16 00:37:49', '2004-11-16 10:55:32', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 303.55399999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070425', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2004-11-16 18:14:49', 5337, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-11-19 00:39:49', '2005-05-19 00:39:49', 0, 0, '2004-11-16 18:14:49', '2004-11-16 20:54:35', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 302.37299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070427', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2004-11-17 17:41:06', 5323, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 13, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-11-24 04:33:28', '2005-05-24 04:33:28', 1, 0, '2004-11-17 17:41:06', '2004-11-18 02:51:48', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 300.88799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9010101', 'DY-PER', 38.821399999999997, 56.145800000000001, '2004-11-18 04:21:34', 11681, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.699999999999999, 'K', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2004-11-24 04:13:18', '2005-05-24 04:13:18', 0, 0, '2004-11-18 04:21:34', '2004-11-18 08:58:31', 38.5364, 56.298400000000001, -3.8470200000000001, 137.08099999999999, 244.42099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GEOFFREY', 'CLAYTON', NULL, 53282875, 0.43402431692485899, 0.34923149343487597, 0.83045785944330497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8050101', 'HD16691', 40.716799999999999, 56.904600000000002, '2004-11-18 09:56:28', 11445, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.6999999999999993, 'O4IF', 0.92000000000000004, 13, 'PC', '2004-11-24 04:13:36', '2005-05-24 04:13:36', 0, 0, '2004-11-18 09:56:28', '2004-11-18 13:32:04', 38.825099999999999, 57.911200000000001, -2.7310300000000001, 137.733, 247.16999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', NULL, 52951091, 0.41386323452332502, 0.35618972453595898, 0.83776255779599595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057001', 'BD+48658-BKGD', 35.848399999999998, 49.032200000000003, '2002-08-17 04:42:22', 20471, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'B1', 0.14999999999999999, 20, 'EE', '2005-03-07 13:51:42', '2005-03-07 17:02:58', 2, 0, '2002-08-17 04:42:22', '2002-08-17 17:24:24', 32.686100000000003, 50.8444, -11.120100000000001, 138.06, 338.24900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 41359196, 0.53143748690607195, 0.383967660606923, 0.75507816358242397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9570501', 'HD38489', 85.055800000000005, -69.379499999999993, '2004-08-12 23:49:01', 5282, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.859999999999999, 'B0', 0, 20, 'PC', '2004-12-13 21:16:15', '2005-06-13 21:16:15', 0, 0, '2004-08-12 23:49:01', '2004-08-13 03:49:31', -86.628, 301.06599999999997, -31.507000000000001, 279.774, 322.685, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL', 'JONES', 'y', 542224422, 0.030352516132578999, 0.350866129405005, -0.93593358952479699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9570101', 'SK-66D97', 81.826800000000006, -66.368700000000004, '2004-08-13 06:25:08', 2768, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.539999999999999, 'B1[E', 0.070000000000000007, 23, 'PC', '2004-12-16 14:08:03', '2005-06-16 14:08:03', 0, 0, '2004-08-13 06:25:08', '2004-08-13 10:13:06', -86.733000000000004, 359.61000000000001, -33.078200000000002, 276.41399999999999, 325.78800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL', 'JONES', 'y', 542534498, 0.0569871608547372, 0.396778076403562, -0.91614388694309601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9570401', 'HD34664', 78.471299999999999, -67.448400000000007, '2004-08-16 22:04:46', 21303, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 11.52, 'B0-B', 0, 20, 'PC', '2004-12-16 14:08:35', '2005-06-16 14:08:35', 0, 0, '2004-08-16 22:04:46', '2004-08-17 14:45:05', -85.416600000000003, 343.57499999999999, -34.197899999999997, 277.95299999999997, 332.411, 'F', 'F', 'CAROL', 'JONES', 'y', 542358395, 0.076648896164322702, 0.37577778341424001, -0.92353451706423595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9890701', 'EF-TUC', 0.47920800000000002, -67.128799999999998, '2004-08-22 01:05:30', 13984, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.300000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2004-12-15 20:50:45', '2005-06-15 20:50:45', 0, 0, '2004-08-22 01:05:30', '2004-08-22 08:09:34', -57.848300000000002, 316.91300000000001, -49.287500000000001, 310.27300000000002, 53.662399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA S.', 'FRONING', NULL, 548023091, 0.38864726890469398, 0.0032506272688161901, -0.92138088421416797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1010101', 'HD14386B', 34.836799999999997, -2.9776699999999998, '2004-08-31 00:03:26', 8603, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 9.5999999999999996, 'DA', 0, 66, 'PE', '2004-12-13 19:37:59', '2005-06-13 19:37:59', 1, 0, '2004-08-31 00:03:26', '2004-08-31 18:45:33', -15.937099999999999, 31.521999999999998, -57.982999999999997, 167.75700000000001, 329.16300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'WOOD', NULL, 290268850, 0.81967430659596396, 0.57046960113297396, -0.051946754370335697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0910301', 'HD191466', 303.24200000000002, -56.846600000000002, '2004-09-12 15:57:10', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 8.6600000000000001, 'B5B6', 0.10000000000000001, 25, 'PC', '2004-12-20 22:21:59', '2005-06-20 22:21:59', 1, 0, '2004-09-12 15:57:10', '2004-09-13 02:03:21', -35.886600000000001, 291.71699999999998, -33.453899999999997, 340.84399999999999, 142.52699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'STOCKE', NULL, 753406605, 0.29978810140062501, -0.457392111713812, -0.83720938265202705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490103', 'HD232121', 2.6752899999999999, 54.891500000000001, '2004-09-30 07:26:39', 7292, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.6799999999999997, 'A6-S', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-12-13 19:39:43', '2005-06-13 19:39:43', 0, 0, '2004-09-30 07:26:39', '2004-09-30 10:55:53', 47.721200000000003, 31.3537, -7.5141499999999999, 117.04600000000001, 262.21899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 48963807, 0.57449978884642905, 0.026844411295542499, 0.81806440467581998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491203', 'HD191240', 301.74099999999999, 46.299500000000002, '2004-10-10 09:31:43', 15097, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 9.3800000000000008, 'A3V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-12-16 13:58:52', '2005-06-16 13:58:52', 0, 0, '2004-10-10 09:31:43', '2004-10-11 01:04:06', 63.769100000000002, 325.31999999999999, 7.5083500000000001, 81.682000000000002, 184.178, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 242453363, 0.36346297565166202, -0.58755586026526296, 0.72296111679563102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491204', 'HD191240', 301.74099999999999, 46.299500000000002, '2004-10-12 01:08:21', 11789, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 9.3800000000000008, 'A3V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-12-21 17:28:57', '2005-06-21 17:28:57', 0, 0, '2004-10-12 01:08:21', '2004-10-12 10:19:46', 63.769100000000002, 325.31999999999999, 7.5083500000000001, 81.682000000000002, 182.625, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 242453363, 0.36346297565166202, -0.58755586026526296, 0.72296111679563102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491205', 'HD191240', 301.74099999999999, 46.299500000000002, '2004-10-12 21:38:11', 26627, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 9.3800000000000008, 'A3V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-12-16 01:18:24', '2005-06-16 01:18:24', 0, 0, '2004-10-12 21:38:11', '2004-10-13 19:35:13', 63.769100000000002, 325.31999999999999, 7.5083500000000001, 81.682000000000002, 161.84399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 242453363, 0.36346297565166202, -0.58755586026526296, 0.72296111679563102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1210101', 'R-AQR-JET-NE', 355.95800000000003, -15.2828, '2004-10-15 12:31:34', 0, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 16, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 57, 'EE', '2004-12-09 05:06:18', '2005-06-09 05:06:18', 1, 0, '2004-10-15 12:31:34', '2004-10-16 14:07:05', -12.402799999999999, 350.14100000000002, -70.325599999999994, 66.524500000000003, 118.97499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', NULL, 281675739, 0.96223719812443798, -0.067995021790430696, -0.26358348119210601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1210201', 'R-AQR-JET-SW', 355.95299999999997, -15.291, '2004-10-16 15:19:13', 0, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 14, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 57, 'EE', '2004-12-09 04:56:20', '2005-06-09 04:56:20', 1, 0, '2004-10-16 15:19:13', '2004-10-17 13:24:27', -12.4084, 350.13299999999998, -70.327100000000002, 66.496499999999997, 119.744, 'F', 'F', 'JOY', 'NICHOLS', NULL, 281675727, 0.96219362170770795, -0.068076329559599705, -0.26372153438560297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1021404', 'HD046150', 97.9816, 4.94292, '2004-10-19 03:34:23', 7282, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 15, 6.7400000000000002, 'O5VF', 0.45000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2004-12-07 02:37:32', '2005-06-07 02:37:32', 0, 0, '2004-10-19 03:34:23', '2004-10-19 10:26:26', -18.264800000000001, 98.376599999999996, -2.0694900000000001, 206.30699999999999, 341.54000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', NULL, 364535496, -0.13833868082458001, 0.98662976976338601, 0.086163256695433399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1380303', 'HD192713', 303.87599999999998, 23.508900000000001, '2004-10-26 06:10:32', 7380, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 5.1500000000000004, 'G5IB', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-12-14 01:46:37', '2005-06-14 01:46:37', 0, 0, '2004-10-26 06:10:32', '2004-10-26 11:48:39', 41.975999999999999, 313.435, -6.3614699999999997, 63.470500000000001, 142.101, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS B.', 'AKE', NULL, 213107068, 0.51113235661783096, -0.76133387766328497, 0.39889151500187198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C1020201', 'HD39587', 88.595500000000001, 20.276, '2004-10-28 15:43:29', 8002, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 4.4100000000000001, 'G0V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2004-12-14 01:45:44', '2005-06-14 01:45:44', 0, 0, '2004-10-28 15:43:29', '2004-10-28 20:56:39', -3.1570100000000001, 88.680599999999998, -2.73305, 188.46000000000001, 336.30399999999997, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', NULL, 395703041, 0.022991869079924499, 0.93775236072056301, 0.34654275914989602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1370101', 'REJ0723-277', 110.833, -27.7897, '2004-10-30 02:21:31', 9127, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.6, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-21 16:15:08', '2005-06-21 16:15:08', 0, 0, '2004-10-30 02:21:31', '2004-10-30 14:28:21', -49.169800000000002, 118.765, -5.9337600000000004, 241.191, 353.238, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL', 'DOBBIE', NULL, 653405544, -0.31462690077039401, 0.82682629767054405, -0.46622761264433599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0300202', 'PKS2251+11', 343.54300000000001, 11.6106, '2004-10-31 09:48:06', 19279, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.77, 'QSO', 0.080000000000000002, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-14 01:45:31', '2005-06-14 01:45:31', 0, 0.29999999999999999, '2004-10-31 09:48:06', '2004-11-01 01:02:35', 17.159500000000001, 349.47500000000002, -41.9405, 82.784199999999998, 145.44900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BASSEM M.', 'SABRA', NULL, 316464615, 0.93940892166934598, -0.27749889166332398, 0.20125914392559399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1570101', 'NGC7078-K648', 322.49700000000001, 12.1739, '2004-11-01 20:29:55', 27142, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 14.949999999999999, 'SDO', 0.10000000000000001, 18, 'PC', '2004-12-15 21:13:27', '2005-06-15 21:13:27', 0, -140.59999999999999, '2004-11-01 20:29:55', '2004-11-03 01:11:19', 25.4803, 329.209, -27.311299999999999, 65.022900000000007, 142.685, 'F', 'F', 'W. VAN DYKE', 'DIXON', NULL, 203255140, 0.77548129733217996, -0.59511224213387204, 0.21087953136896501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490601', 'RS-CEP', 76.513300000000001, 80.247900000000001, '2004-11-05 02:24:12', 7693, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.32, 'A5VE', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-12-21 17:28:23', '2005-06-21 17:28:23', 0, 0, '2004-11-05 02:24:12', '2004-11-05 08:08:32', 57.003300000000003, 85.840199999999996, 22.4878, 132.38900000000001, 305.73899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 64780151, 0.039504055201534299, 0.164714662380852, 0.98554985141259899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490501', 'RX-CAS', 46.940600000000003, 67.577399999999997, '2004-11-06 13:24:48', 15096, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 8.5999999999999996, 'A-SH', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-12-21 17:08:16', '2005-06-21 17:08:16', 0, 0, '2004-11-06 13:24:48', '2004-11-06 21:51:54', 47.498199999999997, 67.327200000000005, 8.0673899999999996, 135.40100000000001, 274.29399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 62932400, 0.26042713323257199, 0.27869407852447398, 0.92439565061269002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0870101', 'IR07546+3928', 119.5, 39.3414, '2004-11-07 00:34:10', 53151, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 37, 14.359999999999999, 'AGN', 0.10000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2004-12-10 03:42:07', '2005-06-10 03:42:07', 0, 0.096000000000000002, '2004-11-07 00:34:10', '2004-11-08 18:26:34', 18.292899999999999, 113.64700000000001, 29.089099999999998, 180.923, 2.44577, 'F', 'F', 'JASON', 'TUMLINSON', NULL, 107073426, -0.38083168915996701, 0.67311773178591505, 0.63393985809929199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1170103', '3C249.1', 166.05699999999999, 76.982799999999997, '2004-11-09 06:21:34', 21697, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.720000000000001, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-16 01:07:00', '2005-06-16 01:07:00', 3, 0.311, '2004-11-09 06:21:34', '2004-11-09 21:40:38', 60.7288, 116.55800000000001, 38.549399999999999, 130.39599999999999, 11.4864, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT A.', 'BENJAMIN', NULL, 131361783, -0.218606952729062, 0.054273894278031698, 0.97430249133336899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9891201', 'SU-UMA', 123.11799999999999, 62.606400000000001, '2004-11-09 23:01:16', 10874, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2004-12-15 20:50:52', '2005-06-15 20:50:52', 0, 0, '2004-11-09 23:01:16', '2004-11-10 04:21:05', 41.400100000000002, 109.58, 33.136200000000002, 153.96199999999999, 354.75700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA S.', 'FRONING', NULL, 127015066, -0.25138292200962598, 0.385355938930176, 0.88786678440695399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1180101', 'A78', 323.87200000000001, 31.695799999999998, '2004-11-10 22:09:01', 56977, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 37, 13.300000000000001, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2004-12-13 19:38:57', '2005-06-13 19:38:57', 0, 0, '2004-11-10 22:09:01', '2004-11-13 05:38:17', 42.968699999999998, 339.91800000000001, -14.9129, 81.297300000000007, 161.233, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 215448112, 0.68723281867631203, -0.50165340562608995, 0.52540928194880299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0290104', 'CYG-CTR', 312.649, 30.703900000000001, '2004-11-13 10:19:17', 17907, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 31, 99, 'SNR', 0.080000000000000002, 75, 'EE', '2004-12-31 02:32:32', '2005-06-30 02:32:32', 0, 0, '2004-11-13 10:19:17', '2004-11-14 09:56:21', 46.056800000000003, 327.08199999999999, -8.4732400000000005, 73.957300000000004, 158.90299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'RAYMOND', NULL, 216471149, 0.58253087448080298, -0.63241121481501905, 0.51060144501638804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9031101', 'RE0239+500', 39.951799999999999, 50.063299999999998, '2004-11-16 23:39:22', 15324, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 16, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-16 01:16:40', '2005-06-16 01:16:40', 0, 0, '2004-11-16 23:39:22', '2004-11-17 11:38:29', 32.650300000000001, 54.235199999999999, -9.1493599999999997, 140.15799999999999, 245.018, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 52495346, 0.492102208536078, 0.41221782013048103, 0.76675412298910295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0230101', 'WD0106-358', 17.086500000000001, -35.578099999999999, '2004-11-21 06:29:36', 30835, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 33, 14.75, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-16 01:20:53', '2005-06-16 01:20:53', 1, 0, '2004-11-21 06:29:36', '2004-11-23 08:30:42', -38.965899999999998, 359.10199999999998, -80.813999999999993, 280.87799999999999, 118.917, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHANE', 'VENNES', NULL, 583707507, 0.77742496471391298, 0.238966649858559, -0.58181213849055102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1520301', 'CD-38D222', 10.742900000000001, -38.127000000000002, '2004-11-23 10:18:00', 1251, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 10.31, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-10 03:42:12', '2005-06-10 03:42:12', 0, 0, '2004-11-23 10:18:00', '2004-11-23 13:42:52', -38.666499999999999, 351.82299999999998, -78.858400000000003, 311.58199999999999, 134.453, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 582165152, 0.77285704746043105, 0.14663227417482899, -0.61740664100822695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4053802', 'WD0005+511-BKGD', 2.0762499999999999, 51.387799999999999, '2004-11-23 15:03:04', 14833, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 16, 13.32, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2004-12-04 01:42:24', '2004-12-06 10:16:38', 0, 0, '2004-11-23 15:03:04', '2004-11-24 08:22:11', 45.0655, 27.997900000000001, -10.9114, 116.104, 190.02600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 46034044, 0.62363630398296199, 0.022608854457214, 0.78138761191524098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9030501', 'RE0003+433', 0.99470800000000004, 43.600700000000003, '2004-11-24 19:34:17', 26198, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 16.800000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2004-12-16 00:52:39', '2005-06-16 00:52:39', 0, 0, '2004-11-24 19:34:17', '2004-11-25 17:30:17', 38.882100000000001, 21.543900000000001, -18.4376, 113.904, 182.33500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 44801428, 0.72405430672181004, 0.012571518966893701, 0.68962839111253504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1310105', 'QSO0045+3926', 12.0787, 39.686700000000002, '2004-11-25 18:48:53', 19399, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-10 01:57:32', '2005-06-10 01:57:32', 0, 0.13500000000000001, '2004-11-25 18:48:53', '2004-11-26 13:30:50', 31.4556, 28.0976, -23.1814, 122.28, 186.351, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'WANNIER', NULL, 42942847, 0.75251086558735303, 0.16103176752708001, 0.638589200519455); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1310106', 'QSO0045+3926', 12.0787, 39.686700000000002, '2004-11-26 14:30:38', 23214, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-10 01:57:52', '2005-06-10 01:57:52', 0, 0.13500000000000001, '2004-11-26 14:30:38', '2004-11-27 11:08:41', 31.4556, 28.0976, -23.1814, 122.28, 185.517, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'WANNIER', NULL, 42942847, 0.75251086558735303, 0.16103176752708001, 0.638589200519455); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1310107', 'QSO0045+3926', 12.0787, 39.686700000000002, '2004-11-27 11:58:25', 18656, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2004-12-10 02:08:34', '2005-06-10 02:08:34', 0, 0.13500000000000001, '2004-11-27 11:58:25', '2004-11-28 07:06:31', 31.4556, 28.0976, -23.1814, 122.28, 184.62799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'WANNIER', NULL, 42942847, 0.75251086558735303, 0.16103176752708001, 0.638589200519455); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490502', 'RX-CAS', 46.940600000000003, 67.577399999999997, '2004-11-28 08:14:39', 9907, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 8.5999999999999996, 'A-SH', 0, 66, 'PC', '2004-12-16 00:54:25', '2005-06-16 00:54:25', 0, 0, '2004-11-28 08:14:39', '2004-11-28 15:45:10', 47.498199999999997, 67.327200000000005, 8.0673899999999996, 135.40100000000001, 245.02199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 62932400, 0.26042713323257199, 0.27869407852447398, 0.92439565061269002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5054001', 'BD+523210-BKGD', 336.72699999999998, 53.6449, '2004-11-28 18:20:42', 32235, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 10, 99, '', 0.23999999999999999, 20, 'EE', '2004-12-04 01:53:04', '2004-12-06 10:16:39', 1, -58, '2004-11-28 18:20:42', '2004-11-29 07:29:17', 56.311799999999998, 10.960800000000001, -3.3749400000000001, 102.437, 165.72300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 233039608, 0.544554378063549, -0.234218017279123, 0.80535858455327702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5420101', 'HD210334', 332.17000000000002, 45.742199999999997, '2004-11-29 22:46:14', 41233, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 28, 6.4000000000000004, 'K0IV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2004-12-10 03:42:16', '2005-06-10 03:42:16', 0, 0, '2004-11-29 22:46:14', '2004-12-01 09:50:25', 51.878799999999998, 358.69799999999998, -8.3015899999999991, 95.558400000000006, 159.322, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', NULL, 228512732, 0.61716791050572195, -0.32580881756465202, 0.71620694260745998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5420104', 'HD210334', 332.17000000000002, 45.742199999999997, '2004-12-04 22:27:51', 46673, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 27, 6.4000000000000004, 'K0IV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2004-12-21 16:37:13', '2005-06-21 16:37:13', 0, 0, '2004-12-04 22:27:51', '2004-12-06 11:16:19', 51.878799999999998, 358.69799999999998, -8.3015899999999991, 95.558400000000006, 155.172, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', NULL, 228512732, 0.61716791050572195, -0.32580881756465202, 0.71620694260745998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5054101', 'CD-61_1208-BKGD', 88.033799999999999, -61.1205, '2004-12-09 00:08:51', 21584, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 11.19, 'SDB', 0.02, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-22 14:22:31', '2004-12-28 11:39:19', 1, 0, '2004-12-09 00:08:51', '2004-12-09 06:43:49', -84.492000000000004, 80.058400000000006, -30.614699999999999, 270.07900000000001, 76.450999999999993, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 553986550, 0.016570636012011499, 0.48268476531114102, -0.87563738577032302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5054201', 'PG0919+272-BKGD', 140.666, 27.040600000000001, '2004-12-12 15:20:38', 10850, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 12.69, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-22 14:53:37', '2004-12-28 11:41:00', 1, 0, '2004-12-12 15:20:38', '2004-12-12 22:28:08', 11.100899999999999, 134.59100000000001, 43.885300000000001, 200.46100000000001, 347.71100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 80804977, -0.68891266829187503, 0.56455149831569995, 0.45462175620670398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050205', 'PG0919+272', 140.666, 27.040600000000001, '2004-12-13 21:12:35', 12060, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 23, 12.69, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-22 13:50:59', '2005-06-22 13:50:59', 0, 0, '2004-12-13 21:12:35', '2004-12-14 14:14:13', 11.100899999999999, 134.59100000000001, 43.885300000000001, 200.46100000000001, 347.34199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', NULL, 80804977, -0.68891266829187503, 0.56455149831569995, 0.45462175620670398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P2050203', 'PG0919+272', 140.666, 27.040600000000001, '2004-12-14 15:29:13', 11799, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 25, 12.69, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-22 13:42:03', '2005-06-22 13:42:03', 0, 0, '2004-12-14 15:29:13', '2004-12-15 09:48:18', 11.100899999999999, 134.59100000000001, 43.885300000000001, 200.46100000000001, 344.10700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', NULL, 80804977, -0.68891266829187503, 0.56455149831569995, 0.45462175620670398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0590501', '83CNC', 139.745, 17.705400000000001, '2004-12-16 00:36:51', 5143, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.5999999999999996, 'WD', 0, 29, 'PC', '2004-12-22 13:40:41', '2005-06-22 13:40:41', 0, 0, '2004-12-16 00:36:51', '2004-12-16 02:59:09', 1.9576199999999999, 136.673, 40.357700000000001, 212.18600000000001, 348.67000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MARTIN', 'BARSTOW', NULL, 73586672, -0.72702658504845297, 0.61558235784713, 0.30412284580437499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1220101', 'PG0101+039', 16.090399999999999, 4.2267200000000003, '2004-12-17 04:32:39', 1486, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 5, 12.06, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-22 13:40:59', '2005-06-22 13:40:59', 1, 0, '2004-12-17 04:32:39', '2004-12-17 05:04:53', -2.42578, 16.449100000000001, -58.490299999999998, 129.107, 129.11000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FRANCOIS', 'WESEMAEL', NULL, 297080283, 0.95821236515562203, 0.276399870647831, 0.073703288723978702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1520401', 'PG0133+114', 24.109200000000001, 11.658899999999999, '2004-12-17 06:02:27', 6046, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.34, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-31 01:28:48', '2005-06-30 01:28:48', 0, 0, '2004-12-17 06:02:27', '2004-12-17 13:14:53', 1.5058, 26.5883, -49.7059, 140.11699999999999, 132.107, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 301020280, 0.89393638001805098, 0.40004934096518702, 0.20208481702874601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0940101', 'NGC246-A', 11.77, -11.8787, '2004-12-17 17:57:54', 15798, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'PN', 0.02, 71, 'EE', '2004-12-30 22:53:06', '2005-06-30 22:53:06', 0, 0, '2004-12-17 17:57:54', '2004-12-18 06:00:18', -15.560600000000001, 6.0339099999999997, -74.716399999999993, 118.88500000000001, 125.968, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREW', 'SZENTGYORGYI', NULL, 276670463, 0.95801015607354201, 0.19961530090721899, -0.20584040542048301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1220501', 'PG1338+481', 205.03700000000001, 47.8643, '2004-12-21 12:57:20', 14106, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.609999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2004-12-31 00:16:56', '2005-06-30 00:16:56', 1, 0, '2004-12-21 12:57:20', '2004-12-21 19:53:18', 52.4953, 176.75299999999999, 67.188500000000005, 101.52500000000001, 41.258000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'FRANCOIS', 'WESEMAEL', NULL, 180702400, -0.60784852220359598, -0.28392244951440399, 0.74155796585071199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0960301', 'NGC5194-INTERARM1', 202.488, 47.1875, '2004-12-23 00:56:51', 41325, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 46, 18, 'GAL', 0.02, 80, 'EC', '2004-12-31 00:07:16', '2005-06-30 00:07:16', 0, 0.002, '2004-12-23 00:56:51', '2004-12-24 09:27:11', 50.936300000000003, 175.14699999999999, 68.562600000000003, 104.81399999999999, 8.2433499999999995, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL N.', 'BREGMAN', NULL, 180675267, -0.62792424526825397, -0.25994067583261599, 0.73358161594465798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0090104', 'BD+67D922', 240.42099999999999, 66.802800000000005, '2004-12-25 18:12:45', 6766, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.8200000000000003, 'K4', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PE', '2004-12-30 23:34:40', '2005-06-30 23:34:40', 0, -148, '2004-12-25 18:12:45', '2004-12-25 22:26:12', 78.398799999999994, 165.21199999999999, 40.9711, 100.289, 56.260300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'YOUNG', NULL, 191265163, -0.19443667258588199, -0.34256272479587002, 0.91915458979116205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070412', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2002-02-18 16:57:18', 3373, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 9, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-07 07:19:59', '2005-07-07 07:19:59', 0, 0, '2002-02-18 16:57:18', '2002-02-19 06:17:14', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 175.988, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070413', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2002-02-22 02:52:40', 5168, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-17 14:23:57', '2005-07-17 14:23:57', 0, 0, '2002-02-22 02:52:40', '2002-02-22 06:18:29', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 174.43000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070414', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2002-02-22 07:21:01', 5637, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-15 06:05:17', '2005-07-15 06:05:17', 1, 0, '2002-02-22 07:21:01', '2002-02-22 11:19:42', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 174.358, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070415', 'WD0439+466', 70.838999999999999, 46.701300000000003, '2002-02-22 14:00:16', 6606, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 10, 12.67, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-01-15 06:16:10', '2005-07-15 06:16:10', 1, 0, '2002-02-22 14:00:16', '2002-02-22 21:18:45', 24.207799999999999, 75.711799999999997, 0.471528, 158.488, 174.239, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 29580213, 0.22509645445986601, 0.64780842082279, 0.72778831819470702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9120801', 'HD201836', 317.62900000000002, 47.6922, '2004-06-02 03:15:28', 3987, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.4900000000000002, 'B6IV', 0.14000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2005-02-01 00:53:18', '2005-02-01 09:14:42', 0, 0, '2004-06-02 03:15:28', '2004-06-02 06:55:23', 59.199800000000003, 346.214, -0.25293599999999999, 89.364699999999999, 326.60500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 252068990, 0.49729370206904999, -0.45363019131481003, 0.73953946710784002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0940201', 'NGC246-B', 11.765000000000001, -11.8583, '2004-12-18 15:28:38', 14111, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'PN', 0.02, 71, 'EE', '2005-01-28 05:48:28', '2005-07-28 05:48:28', 0, 0, '2004-12-18 15:28:38', '2004-12-19 06:57:44', -15.539999999999999, 6.0377900000000002, -74.695800000000006, 118.871, 126.22499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREW', 'SZENTGYORGYI', NULL, 276674568, 0.95809926067040996, 0.199546628805191, -0.20549196975866801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5054401', 'WD1631+781-BKGD', 247.29499999999999, 78.077500000000001, '2004-12-21 20:35:18', 25102, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 11, 13.1, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-01-11 00:40:26', '2005-01-11 13:57:57', 1, 0, '2004-12-21 20:35:18', '2004-12-22 13:13:46', 76.779399999999995, 110.40600000000001, 33.578699999999998, 111.297, 65.923100000000005, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 198442371, -0.079740354487051898, -0.19057873672225201, 0.97842793346042101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9040201', 'KPD0025+5402', 7.1210800000000001, 54.320999999999998, '2002-08-30 12:17:23', 7618, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.890000000000001, 'SDB', 0.029999999999999999, 28, 'PC', '2005-03-10 14:50:18', '2005-03-10 17:02:35', 0, 0, '2002-08-30 12:17:23', '2002-08-30 16:42:36', 45.766800000000003, 33.937600000000003, -8.4002800000000004, 119.554, 298.07600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 48846470, 0.57874461830350499, 0.072302695311370305, 0.81229735136552095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9073801', 'NGC6786', 287.72399999999999, 73.409700000000001, '2002-09-10 04:32:42', 70453, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 22, 13.800000000000001, 'SEY', 0.14000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-16 05:03:24', '2005-03-16 13:09:43', 0, 7500, '2002-09-10 04:32:42', '2002-09-11 08:24:35', 80.921300000000002, 56.573300000000003, 24.547699999999999, 104.70699999999999, 207.20400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 263648358, 0.086923312470936806, -0.27197335205394102, 0.95837092689710801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1053004', 'WD1800+685', 270.04000000000002, 68.598299999999995, '2002-09-18 10:29:46', 13535, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.699999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-16 00:21:16', '2005-09-16 00:21:16', 0, 0, '2002-09-18 10:29:46', '2002-09-18 21:20:47', 87.962100000000007, 89.593800000000002, 29.775300000000001, 98.7333, 182.197, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 262913959, 0.00025475131510101402, -0.36490432023418001, 0.931044989340579); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1020401', 'WD0308-566', 47.450000000000003, -56.397500000000001, '2002-09-20 08:12:01', 13130, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.07, 'DB', 0, 29, 'PC', '2005-03-17 02:59:24', '2005-09-17 02:59:24', 1, 0, '2002-09-20 08:12:01', '2002-09-20 15:07:29', -67.871799999999993, 6.5166199999999996, -51.745100000000001, 272.44, 32.012900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 550362924, 0.37424639509305802, 0.40770340584748999, -0.83289709365575704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9073901', 'IRAS_F22456-5125', 342.17099999999999, -51.164999999999999, '2002-09-24 09:40:18', 5534, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15, 'QSO', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-17 05:26:46', '2005-03-17 09:21:07', 0, 0.10000000000000001, '2002-09-24 09:40:18', '2002-09-24 12:07:31', -39.665399999999998, 320.85000000000002, -56.628500000000003, 338.51299999999998, 111.068, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 758275225, 0.59696397354633701, -0.19199751516517299, -0.77895504906134805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9073902', 'IRAS_F22456-5125', 342.17099999999999, -51.164999999999999, '2002-09-24 22:56:34', 31301, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15, 'QSO', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-17 05:47:06', '2005-03-17 09:21:08', 0, 0.10000000000000001, '2002-09-24 22:56:34', '2002-09-25 16:27:18', -39.665399999999998, 320.85000000000002, -56.628500000000003, 338.51299999999998, 111.499, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 758275225, 0.59696397354633701, -0.19199751516517299, -0.77895504906134805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9034001', 'WD2153-419', 329.14600000000002, -41.704999999999998, '2002-10-07 05:42:10', 5441, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.380000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-18 04:27:37', '2005-03-18 16:18:42', 0, 0, '2002-10-07 05:42:10', '2002-10-07 13:00:21', -27.264099999999999, 316.13900000000001, -51.594000000000001, 359.08300000000003, 138.71600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 765133056, 0.64092181292014705, -0.38288525169746701, -0.665295508594278); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9072701', 'UGC3478', 98.195800000000006, 63.673299999999998, '2002-10-14 12:17:30', 17052, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.9, 'SEY', 0.089999999999999997, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-22 07:48:58', '2005-03-22 16:43:53', 2, 3828, '2002-10-14 12:17:30', '2002-10-14 19:02:45', 40.369199999999999, 94.760000000000005, 22.122800000000002, 151.43299999999999, 351.16500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 117273275, -0.063222172820450104, 0.43895941540273298, 0.89627986058660902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9100701', 'V405-AUR', 89.497, 53.895800000000001, '2002-10-15 05:56:52', 7918, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.6, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2005-03-22 07:59:22', '2005-03-22 16:44:04', 0, 0, '2002-10-15 05:56:52', '2002-10-15 10:35:41', 30.456900000000001, 89.656199999999998, 14.312099999999999, 159.209, 345.74099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 25162704, 0.00517301194434146, 0.58923287742458397, 0.80794669137844); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9031501', 'WD0957+854J', 149.482, 85.4953, '2002-10-16 12:39:11', 11843, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-20 02:20:12', '2005-03-21 10:04:14', 0, 0, '2002-10-16 12:39:11', '2002-10-16 17:43:19', 63.9983, 98.878299999999996, 30.356400000000001, 126.518, 36.324300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 133627704, -0.067660580005266993, 0.039883764307387701, 0.99691089434212898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9030401', 'WD0214+568', 34.390000000000001, 57.113300000000002, '2002-10-18 01:12:31', 12558, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.65, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-20 02:04:55', '2005-03-21 10:04:02', 0, 0, '2002-10-18 01:12:31', '2002-10-18 06:33:45', 40.425400000000003, 53.9422, -3.8198500000000002, 134.45400000000001, 283.12799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 53383267, 0.44807327778621497, 0.30668732215330602, 0.83974592834044304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070211', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2002-10-21 23:01:35', 2919, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-20 03:10:15', '2005-09-20 03:10:15', 1, 0, '2002-10-21 23:01:35', '2002-10-22 07:00:39', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 232.78800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070314', 'GCRV12336', 299.90199999999999, 22.7211, '2002-11-02 05:47:56', 3623, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.94, 'CSPN', 0.10000000000000001, 70, 'PC', '2005-03-20 04:12:54', '2005-09-20 04:12:54', 2, 0, '2002-11-02 05:47:56', '2002-11-02 14:23:44', 42.255899999999997, 308.40800000000002, -3.6962299999999999, 60.837499999999999, 161.15299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 212720669, 0.459830964834609, -0.79960596619801905, 0.38624575415116902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030614', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2002-12-06 02:30:45', 703, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 3, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-03-25 05:37:06', '2005-09-25 05:37:06', 0, 0, '2002-12-06 02:30:45', '2002-12-06 02:42:32', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 274.95999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9071501', '2MASXIJ1622346+735943', 248.14400000000001, 73.995099999999994, '2003-01-13 23:26:20', 16840, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.74, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 16:48:59', '2005-03-31 17:01:59', 2, 0, '2003-01-13 23:26:20', '2003-01-14 13:28:39', 79.644000000000005, 124.81999999999999, 35.313899999999997, 106.80800000000001, 43.900700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 192650209, -0.102643540452038, -0.25590150648951998, 0.96123811960401595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9070601', 'MRK474', 218.71899999999999, 48.661900000000003, '2003-01-14 16:19:18', 17982, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.85, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 14:52:43', '2005-03-31 17:01:56', 1, 0, '2003-01-14 16:19:18', '2003-01-14 22:32:40', 58.562199999999997, 188.86600000000001, 60.614899999999999, 86.981399999999994, 20.973299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 186648517, -0.51533815954120399, -0.41314437162234702, 0.75082508583388496); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9070901', 'PG1246+586', 192.078, 58.3414, '2003-01-17 15:38:24', 23582, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.1, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 15:06:39', '2005-03-31 17:01:57', 2, 0, '2003-01-17 15:38:24', '2003-01-17 22:16:20', 55.551600000000001, 155.13800000000001, 58.781799999999997, 123.72499999999999, 354.91399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 183704912, -0.513238335140068, -0.109822655660296, 0.85119057539799603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9071201', 'FB1229+710', 187.90199999999999, 70.737200000000001, '2003-01-18 00:41:14', 19671, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.26, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 15:20:06', '2005-03-31 17:01:57', 2, 0, '2003-01-18 00:41:14', '2003-01-18 08:45:20', 62.1479, 134.38200000000001, 46.299599999999998, 125.29900000000001, 343.51299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 196649665, -0.326769022796913, -0.045354574995081803, 0.94401534323726199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9071301', 'S50716+714', 110.473, 71.343500000000006, '2003-01-29 19:10:32', 47681, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 15.1, '', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-03-31 16:06:29', '2005-03-31 17:01:58', 2, 0, '2003-01-29 19:10:32', '2003-01-30 12:51:20', 48.595500000000001, 99.739699999999999, 28.017199999999999, 143.983, 242.45500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 129369822, -0.11188794322419, 0.29968834674395101, 0.94745341995632604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050504', 'WD1202+608-BKGD', 181.161, 60.535299999999999, '2004-04-28 17:51:48', 14081, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 15, 99, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'EE', '2005-02-17 23:00:44', '2005-02-18 11:06:32', 1, 0, '2004-04-28 17:51:48', '2004-04-29 07:34:45', 53.3962, 145.56399999999999, 55.658000000000001, 133.11699999999999, 232.971, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 184196006, -0.49178625842051499, -0.0099665631513465892, 0.87065891349465896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5052401', 'AADOR-BKGD', 82.918099999999995, -69.883899999999997, '2004-06-21 03:35:32', 21951, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'O', 0.050000000000000003, 16, 'EE', '2005-02-17 01:35:29', '2005-02-17 09:11:35', 0, 0, '2004-06-21 03:35:32', '2004-06-21 12:40:46', -85.768799999999999, 305.07799999999997, -32.1785, 280.47699999999998, 249.071, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 542262129, 0.042401644432744801, 0.34129974927808798, -0.93899764733044599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031407', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2004-07-20 23:29:41', 3839, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2005-03-15 01:54:10', '2005-09-15 01:54:10', 0, 0, '2004-07-20 23:29:41', '2004-07-21 01:22:16', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 154.52699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5052402', 'AADOR-BKGD', 82.918099999999995, -69.883899999999997, '2004-08-11 13:33:12', 32478, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'O', 0.050000000000000003, 16, 'EE', '2005-02-17 01:36:42', '2005-02-17 09:11:35', 1, 0, '2004-08-11 13:33:12', '2004-08-12 04:44:28', -85.768799999999999, 305.07799999999997, -32.1785, 280.47699999999998, 323.31700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 542262129, 0.042401644432744801, 0.34129974927808798, -0.93899764733044599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5053901', 'GD1618-BKGD', 358.14999999999998, -30.1692, '2004-11-18 17:08:43', 2936, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 19, 12.1, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2005-02-05 01:55:41', '2005-02-06 11:23:20', 1, 0, '2004-11-18 17:08:43', '2004-11-19 06:29:29', -26.742699999999999, 345.37299999999999, -76.748800000000003, 16.206199999999999, 142.381, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 270897856, 0.86409445324332801, -0.027910092451548699, -0.50255527319237303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5054301', 'PG0101+039-BKGD', 15.974600000000001, 4.2428600000000003, '2004-12-16 07:21:11', 3897, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 12.06, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-02-03 02:22:44', '2005-02-03 17:01:38', 1, 0, '2004-12-16 07:21:11', '2004-12-16 17:26:10', -2.3666800000000001, 16.348500000000001, -58.485100000000003, 128.88399999999999, 129.05500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 297080721, 0.95874903885971197, 0.27445694799075498, 0.073984215784035204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010201', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '1999-10-13 01:25:31', 4145, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-22 00:19:47', '2005-11-17 16:54:28', 1, 0, '1999-10-13 01:25:31', '1999-10-13 03:40:34', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 336.053, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030302', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '1999-10-21 17:18:58', 2720, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-22 03:59:10', '2005-12-04 04:24:39', 0, 0, '1999-10-21 17:18:58', '1999-10-21 19:21:56', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 140.947, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030303', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '1999-10-25 19:43:40', 4160, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-22 04:10:02', '2005-12-04 04:35:30', 2, 0, '1999-10-25 19:43:40', '1999-10-26 01:01:32', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 143.44, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030304', 'WD2211-495', 333.55000000000001, -49.323799999999999, '1999-11-01 21:45:44', 2976, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 11.77, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-22 04:10:19', '2005-12-04 04:45:31', 3, 0, '1999-11-01 21:45:44', '1999-11-01 23:49:43', -35.474400000000003, 315.77199999999999, -52.621499999999997, 345.79000000000002, 147.62700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 763692377, 0.58355695547953401, -0.290315201023439, -0.75840514487058797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030502', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '1999-11-20 07:22:54', 900, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 1, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-22 04:10:31', '2005-11-27 20:53:28', 0, 0, '1999-11-20 07:22:54', '1999-11-20 07:37:54', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030401', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '1999-11-20 09:02:58', 1298, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 1, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-22 04:10:26', '2005-11-27 20:53:20', 0, 0, '1999-11-20 09:02:58', '1999-11-20 09:24:36', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030603', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '1999-11-20 10:43:00', 3664, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-22 04:20:48', '2005-11-27 21:04:25', 0, 0, '1999-11-20 10:43:00', '1999-11-20 11:44:46', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030503', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '1999-11-21 06:43:43', 1709, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 3, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-22 04:20:19', '2005-11-27 20:53:45', 0, 0, '1999-11-21 06:43:43', '1999-11-21 08:36:52', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030602', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '1999-11-21 11:39:56', 2812, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-22 04:20:41', '2005-11-27 21:04:07', 0, 0, '1999-11-21 11:39:56', '1999-11-21 12:27:24', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9032902', 'WD1845+683', 281.29000000000002, 68.376400000000004, '2002-07-03 01:09:15', 7070, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.5, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-14 02:51:45', '2005-04-06 12:01:05', 0, 0, '2002-07-03 01:09:15', '2002-07-03 09:56:18', 85.316800000000001, 27.920200000000001, 25.650300000000001, 98.814099999999996, 267.01499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 262999087, 0.072144551632434994, -0.36137644774474698, 0.92962477736188998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9040701', 'KPD0311+4801', 48.691400000000002, 48.201799999999999, '2003-02-10 02:45:08', 21112, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14.32, 'SDB', 0.029999999999999999, 28, 'PC', '2005-04-02 13:25:11', '2005-04-04 09:36:36', 0, 0, '2003-02-10 02:45:08', '2003-02-10 19:26:35', 29.001200000000001, 59.798000000000002, -8.1050599999999999, 146.14400000000001, 164.48599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 50702060, 0.43997223770295002, 0.50065831054481602, 0.74549693905009995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9091101', 'ESO60-03', 124.14, -71.859399999999994, '2003-03-08 07:09:00', 20517, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.4, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2005-04-06 05:15:33', '2005-04-06 12:01:07', 0, 0, '2003-03-08 07:09:00', '2003-03-08 18:11:49', -77.003399999999999, 219.01599999999999, -19.435700000000001, 285.01600000000002, 131.983, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 607833482, -0.174734836892559, 0.25769456940656699, -0.95029534654995296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9090401', 'UGC4483', 129.26400000000001, 69.774799999999999, '2003-04-02 11:14:29', 17462, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.300000000000001, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2005-04-08 01:18:39', '2005-04-08 15:12:18', 0, 0, '2003-04-02 11:14:29', '2003-04-02 19:00:08', 48.976300000000002, 109.47199999999999, 34.380699999999997, 144.97, 205.38999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 130199545, -0.21879856041858001, 0.26766255152635099, 0.93834106191147804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9112101', 'HE2-1333', 257.25599999999997, -56.914200000000001, '2003-04-08 05:31:27', 12938, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.5, '[WR]', 0.59999999999999998, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-08 01:19:30', '2005-04-08 15:12:26', 0, 0, '2003-04-08 05:31:27', '2003-04-08 09:21:59', -33.8429, 261.66399999999999, -9.9095300000000002, 332.91699999999997, 18.947700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 688852162, -0.120421720706425, -0.53244645286475301, -0.83785403502868405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9110201', 'PNG286.3-04.8', 154.46000000000001, -62.670000000000002, '2003-04-24 03:16:11', 8846, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 17.399999999999999, '', 0.20000000000000001, 71, 'PE', '2005-04-08 01:19:01', '2005-04-08 15:12:22', 0, 0, '2003-04-24 03:16:11', '2003-04-24 06:49:20', -63.355400000000003, 202.52199999999999, -4.8677200000000003, 286.303, 152.94499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 611528711, -0.41425214617081502, 0.197943254172844, -0.88837696251103804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9110301', 'PNG285.4-05.3', 152.33799999999999, -62.613, '2003-04-24 07:06:05', 8664, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.5, '', 0.29999999999999999, 71, 'PE', '2005-04-08 01:19:17', '2005-04-08 15:12:24', 0, 0, '2003-04-24 07:06:05', '2003-04-24 11:03:14', -64.1053, 201.10599999999999, -5.3747600000000002, 285.464, 155.227, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 611507044, -0.407421318362441, 0.21355640155229999, -0.88791977830198399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9091102', 'ESO60-03', 124.14, -71.859399999999994, '2003-04-25 01:08:26', 23929, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.4, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2005-04-08 01:18:48', '2005-04-08 15:12:20', 0, 0, '2003-04-25 01:08:26', '2003-04-25 10:39:28', -77.003399999999999, 219.01599999999999, -19.435700000000001, 285.01600000000002, 179.74199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 607833482, -0.174734836892559, 0.25769456940656699, -0.95029534654995296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9113301', 'LMC-SMP81', 83.837199999999996, -73.924999999999997, '2003-05-01 03:57:47', 1589, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'CSPN', 0.16, 71, 'PC', '2005-04-13 07:59:53', '2005-04-13 13:39:03', 0, 0, '2003-05-01 03:57:47', '2003-05-01 11:27:15', -82.356200000000001, 282.91399999999999, -31.229900000000001, 285.10700000000003, 223.92099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 541369620, 0.029725793090684401, 0.27529519457485202, -0.96090006403846395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4059201', 'BREY22-BKGD', 79.939499999999995, -69.344800000000006, '2003-06-26 08:24:26', 16370, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'WC4+', 0.13, 10, 'EE', '2005-04-23 04:56:25', '2005-04-23 16:32:45', 0, 0, '2003-06-26 08:24:26', '2003-06-26 16:00:20', -85.317300000000003, 319.00700000000001, -33.293799999999997, 280.06, 261.04599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 542283597, 0.061620009429542801, 0.347319469257311, -0.93572012947928096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4055901', 'BD+354258-BKGD', 311.55200000000002, 35.540700000000001, '2003-07-15 22:04:30', 15872, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'B0.5', 0.28999999999999998, 20, 'EE', '2005-04-30 01:43:37', '2005-04-30 23:27:19', 1, 0, '2003-07-15 22:04:30', '2003-07-16 08:10:39', 50.853700000000003, 328.75400000000002, -4.7401799999999996, 77.188800000000001, 285.69400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 217730532, 0.53972867261638302, -0.60893778413733901, 0.58128111530107796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9113101', 'LMC-SMP48', 80.040300000000002, -69.894099999999995, '2003-08-31 21:52:52', 29630, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'CSPN', 0.070000000000000007, 71, 'PC', '2007-04-13 21:29:17', '2005-05-06 09:15:15', 0, 0, '2003-08-31 21:52:52', '2003-09-01 08:47:20', -85.034599999999998, 313.38600000000002, -33.150799999999997, 280.69600000000003, 344.892, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 542278757, 0.059454543034633003, 0.33857586554368602, -0.93905885895607599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057002', 'BD+48658-BKGD', 35.848399999999998, 49.032200000000003, '2003-12-03 15:34:15', 20909, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 18, 99, 'B1', 0.14999999999999999, 20, 'EE', '2005-06-10 15:23:13', '2005-06-12 09:04:44', 1, 0, '2003-12-03 15:34:15', '2003-12-04 08:36:22', 32.686100000000003, 50.8444, -11.120100000000001, 138.06, 210.71799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 41359196, 0.53143748690607195, 0.383967660606923, 0.75507816358242397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0880301', 'HD131492', 224.18299999999999, -62.780999999999999, '2004-07-18 08:54:45', 1200, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 3, 5.1100000000000003, 'B4VN', 0.19, 21, 'PC', '2005-11-22 16:38:25', '2006-02-23 16:20:06', 0, 0, '2004-07-18 08:54:45', '2004-07-18 10:26:43', -43.557200000000002, 243.089, -3.3104, 316.71300000000002, 173.191, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 683878516, -0.32800438008059901, -0.31878102199937203, -0.88926474497810704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1800102', 'NGC1360', 53.311399999999999, -25.871700000000001, '2004-09-08 12:34:40', 9016, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 26, 11.300000000000001, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-11-22 00:19:10', '2006-02-23 02:23:36', 1, 0, '2004-09-08 12:34:40', '2004-09-09 04:08:34', -43.421300000000002, 42.256, -53.933399999999999, 220.36500000000001, 345.26600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 591959890, 0.53758367204588497, 0.72152338781147596, -0.43635741816853801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0910201', 'HD186236', 296.358, -48.934699999999999, '2004-09-12 00:54:05', 20159, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 10.9, 'B6B7', 0.10000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2005-11-22 01:31:55', '2006-02-23 03:24:03', 0, 0, '2004-09-12 00:54:05', '2004-09-12 14:48:30', -27.232600000000001, 289.149, -28.702500000000001, 349.67399999999998, 151.49299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN', 'STOCKE', 'y', 776612435, 0.29165777861352299, -0.58862380007137405, -0.75396137975612498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9370901', 'HD208816', 329.16300000000001, 63.625599999999999, '2004-09-26 15:57:00', 4777, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 5.1799999999999997, 'M2IA', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2005-11-22 17:00:39', '2006-02-23 03:25:13', 0, 0, '2004-09-26 15:57:00', '2004-09-26 21:42:28', 65.861599999999996, 21.135200000000001, 7.0459300000000002, 104.92100000000001, 229.679, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP D.', 'BENNETT', 'y', 258038781, 0.38143301553259801, -0.22771369083382401, 0.89591033573039403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0140101', 'HD208905', 329.32400000000001, 61.295299999999997, '2004-09-27 18:53:41', 1579, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 7, 'B1VP', 0.34999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2005-11-21 23:47:27', '2006-02-23 00:06:28', 0, 0, '2004-09-27 18:53:41', '2004-09-28 00:58:41', 64.448899999999995, 16.718399999999999, 5.1671199999999997, 103.532, 228.00700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', 'y', 256581120, 0.41308581016170898, -0.245038428281873, 0.87710676779294905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0450101', 'HD206773', 325.60000000000002, 57.736199999999997, '2004-09-28 16:55:07', 28138, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 59, 6.9299999999999997, 'B0V', 0.44, 20, 'PC', '2005-11-22 01:31:50', '2006-02-23 03:23:56', 0, 0, '2004-09-28 16:55:07', '2004-09-29 23:35:55', 63.609699999999997, 7.7138, 3.6201099999999999, 99.802199999999999, 221.959, 'F', 'F', 'GUILLAUME', 'HEBRARD', 'y', 253609178, 0.44046060127470099, -0.30158966802526299, 0.845599273217013); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5053501', 'DUMMY-BKGD', 98.9816, 7.94292, '2004-10-17 18:28:16', 6816, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 13.5, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2005-04-12 04:01:37', '2005-04-12 16:05:32', 0, 0, '2004-10-17 18:28:16', '2004-10-18 01:33:57', -15.2096, 99.220399999999998, 0.19445100000000001, 204.102, 347.33100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 387203757, -0.15461951640530699, 0.97826238718841096, 0.13818649340301001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5420102', 'HD210334', 332.17000000000002, 45.742199999999997, '2004-12-01 10:56:15', 50177, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 30, 6.4000000000000004, 'K0IV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-11-22 03:08:02', '2006-02-23 01:10:16', 0, 0, '2004-12-01 10:56:15', '2004-12-03 05:06:18', 51.878799999999998, 358.69799999999998, -8.3015899999999991, 95.558400000000006, 158.035, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', 'y', 228512732, 0.61716791050572195, -0.32580881756465202, 0.71620694260745998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5420103', 'HD210334', 332.17000000000002, 45.742199999999997, '2004-12-03 06:00:34', 50159, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 48, 6.4000000000000004, 'K0IV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-11-22 03:48:47', '2006-02-23 17:01:49', 0, 0, '2004-12-03 06:00:34', '2004-12-04 21:01:25', 51.878799999999998, 358.69799999999998, -8.3015899999999991, 95.558400000000006, 156.541, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', 'y', 228512732, 0.61716791050572195, -0.32580881756465202, 0.71620694260745998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5420105', 'HD210334', 332.17000000000002, 45.742199999999997, '2004-12-06 12:26:24', 39289, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 25, 6.4000000000000004, 'K0IV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-11-22 03:49:31', '2006-02-23 17:11:19', 0, 0, '2004-12-06 12:26:24', '2004-12-08 01:31:01', 51.878799999999998, 358.69799999999998, -8.3015899999999991, 95.558400000000006, 130.86699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', 'y', 228512732, 0.61716791050572195, -0.32580881756465202, 0.71620694260745998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9030201', 'HS1650+7229', 252.31800000000001, 72.403199999999998, '2004-12-08 03:09:25', 39327, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 22, 17.899999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-22 17:00:04', '2006-02-23 01:20:59', 0, 0, '2004-12-08 03:09:25', '2004-12-08 22:18:29', 81.541799999999995, 128.631, 34.8459, 104.43600000000001, 84.569000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 192505522, -0.091823773596316605, -0.28803429297581601, 0.95320755382679101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0780101', 'KNOTD-OPT', 135.13300000000001, -45.852200000000003, '2004-12-09 22:23:37', 10491, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-11-21 23:47:44', '2006-02-23 04:58:32', 0, 0, '2004-12-09 22:23:37', '2004-12-10 05:17:01', -58.625999999999998, 161.47800000000001, 0.21837300000000001, 266.85399999999998, 15.9925, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 620550334, -0.49365004577905502, 0.49136354154553602, -0.71754547057462803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9130301', 'V436-CAR', 116.241, -52.953600000000002, '2004-12-10 06:44:32', 7055, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.5, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2005-11-22 00:19:17', '2006-02-23 04:58:49', 0, 0, '2004-12-10 06:44:32', '2004-12-10 10:18:43', -71.304400000000001, 146.20500000000001, -13.877599999999999, 265.79599999999999, 52.023000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ERIC M.', 'SCHLEGEL', 'y', 639080485, -0.26637706785717302, 0.54037322423178102, -0.79814787868738002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1190101', '1H0707-495', 107.173, -49.551600000000001, '2004-12-10 11:21:46', 50252, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 15.699999999999999, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2005-11-22 01:42:28', '2006-02-23 03:24:45', 0, 0.040000000000000001, '2004-12-10 11:21:46', '2004-12-11 14:45:32', -70.865899999999996, 125.76000000000001, -17.6723, 260.17099999999999, 59.882800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 640920818, -0.191552361897948, 0.61983956420368402, -0.76099054350175999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('B0180102', 'NGC595', 23.390000000000001, 30.6922, '2004-12-15 14:16:52', 8325, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99.900000000000006, '', 0.34999999999999998, 72, 'EC', '2005-11-21 23:47:14', '2006-02-22 23:54:53', 0, 0, '2004-12-15 14:16:52', '2004-12-15 19:52:21', 19.421399999999998, 33.188299999999998, -31.311399999999999, 133.53299999999999, 144.94800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'LEQUEUX', 'y', 35318185, 0.78925677293546204, 0.34137836967741497, 0.51042585660592399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0430202', 'HD87737', 151.833, 16.762599999999999, '2004-12-15 23:05:09', 593, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 2, 3.5099999999999998, 'A0IB', 0, 32, 'PC', '2005-11-21 23:47:20', '2006-02-23 00:05:57', 0, 2, '2004-12-15 23:05:09', '2004-12-15 23:21:56', 4.8655900000000001, 147.905, 50.749899999999997, 219.53100000000001, 350.803, 'F', 'F', 'NANCY D.', 'MORRISON', 'y', 72416490, -0.84411553518763704, 0.45198501820558501, 0.28840684210432099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5260402', 'PG2349-014', 357.98399999999998, -1.15333, '2004-12-19 23:01:45', 26446, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 15.33, 'QSO', 0.02, 85, 'PC', '2005-11-22 02:46:13', '2006-02-23 00:48:58', 0, 0.217, '2004-12-19 23:01:45', '2004-12-21 03:47:52', -0.25639400000000001, 357.69099999999997, -60.361699999999999, 91.665800000000004, 129.078, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR D.', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 307518171, 0.99917857801899601, -0.0351714510894751, -0.020128046507240899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5681801', 'WD2353+026', 359.11599999999999, 2.9515400000000001, '2004-12-21 05:13:31', 5606, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.83, 'DA.8', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-22 03:49:40', '2006-02-23 01:11:09', 0, 0, '2004-12-21 05:13:31', '2004-12-21 10:28:25', 3.05951, 0.36385499999999998, -57.127600000000001, 97.011600000000001, 144.071, 'F', 'F', 'JAY', 'HOLBERG', 'y', 318952688, 0.99855458030317601, -0.015407632215356, 0.051491310189817799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0950101', 'NGC5055', 198.95500000000001, 42.029200000000003, '2004-12-24 10:11:11', 22959, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 17, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 80, 'EC', '2005-10-29 05:28:52', '2006-02-23 00:27:13', 0, 504, '2004-12-24 10:11:11', '2004-12-25 10:20:22', 45.2545, 176.34, 74.287599999999998, 106, 25.360199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL N.', 'BREGMAN', 'y', 177631682, -0.70252443009564602, -0.241281547967993, 0.66950925290764796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D8061502', 'RXJ131957+523533', 199.994, 52.591099999999997, '2004-12-25 23:52:12', 12295, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 16.699999999999999, 'AGN', 0.01, 84, 'PE', '2005-11-22 16:38:17', '2006-02-23 00:16:01', 0, 0.091999999999999998, '2004-12-25 23:52:12', '2004-12-26 16:31:02', 54.232999999999997, 167.613, 63.9846, 113.02800000000001, 33.378300000000003, 'F', 'F', 'KAREN', 'LEIGHLY', 'y', 181943686, -0.57088430088985798, -0.20771719275475201, 0.79432026464870098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('C0080101', 'AM-CVN', 188.72800000000001, 37.629100000000001, '2004-12-26 17:11:37', 13130, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 14.1, 'CV', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-11-22 16:27:52', '2006-01-20 01:39:44', 0, 0, '2004-12-26 17:11:37', '2004-12-27 12:02:17', 37.442700000000002, 170.38499999999999, 78.937799999999996, 140.23599999999999, 353.00900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DONALD W.', 'HOARD', 'y', 176935076, -0.78280840991269296, -0.12017805878391, 0.61054748182012297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7011002', 'IRAS09149-62', 139.03899999999999, -62.3249, '2005-03-30 23:12:54', 13648, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.5, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-24 05:27:46', '2005-04-04 09:36:37', 0, 0, '2005-03-30 23:12:54', '2005-03-31 04:35:52', -69.007800000000003, 191.74600000000001, -9.1952200000000008, 280.61399999999998, 142.953, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 616859029, -0.350737643733807, 0.30447268462247501, -0.88559555644031995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7011103', 'IC2448', 136.77699999999999, -69.941900000000004, '2005-03-31 05:42:49', 18716, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.300000000000001, 'CSPN', 0.080000000000000002, 70, 'PC', '2006-03-03 23:53:32', '2005-04-07 16:06:32', 0, 0, '2005-03-31 05:42:49', '2005-03-31 13:19:20', -72.796700000000001, 212.32599999999999, -14.9513, 285.80099999999999, 143.386, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 608010728, -0.249922180214942, 0.234881415818084, -0.93934531687761302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7011003', 'IRAS09149-62', 139.03899999999999, -62.3249, '2005-03-31 14:19:06', 14520, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.5, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-03-03 23:33:01', '2005-04-06 12:01:19', 0, 0, '2005-03-31 14:19:06', '2005-03-31 21:35:12', -69.007800000000003, 191.74600000000001, -9.1952200000000008, 280.61399999999998, 143.63399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 616859029, -0.350737643733807, 0.30447268462247501, -0.88559555644031995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055001', 'BKGD', 131.04300000000001, -65.388300000000001, '2005-03-31 22:29:00', 18280, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 20:43:41', '2005-04-06 12:01:13', 0, 0, '2005-03-31 22:29:00', '2005-04-01 03:53:02', -73.551299999999998, 195.036, -13.8569, 280.71800000000002, 150.864, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 613892988, -0.27346238758555702, 0.31410607902515902, -0.90915108408638401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055002', 'BKGD', 131.04300000000001, -65.388300000000001, '2005-04-01 04:57:39', 15457, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 20:54:10', '2005-04-06 12:01:14', 0, 0, '2005-04-01 04:57:39', '2005-04-01 12:35:45', -73.551299999999998, 195.036, -13.8569, 280.71800000000002, 151.13300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 613892988, -0.27346238758555702, 0.31410607902515902, -0.90915108408638401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055003', 'BKGD', 131.04300000000001, -65.388300000000001, '2005-04-01 13:16:40', 8372, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 21:04:49', '2005-04-30 23:37:41', 0, 0, '2005-04-01 13:16:40', '2005-04-01 20:46:39', -73.551299999999998, 195.036, -13.8569, 280.71800000000002, 151.506, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 613892988, -0.27346238758555702, 0.31410607902515902, -0.90915108408638401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055101', 'BKGD', 119.417, -64.817499999999995, '2005-04-01 21:02:51', 11045, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 21:15:35', '2005-04-06 12:01:14', 0, 0, '2005-04-01 21:02:51', '2005-04-02 03:08:38', -77.881399999999999, 185.44399999999999, -17.741700000000002, 277.57799999999997, 162.97, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 614187286, -0.20899095561554401, 0.37064201758314003, -0.90495705714293495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055102', 'BKGD', 119.417, -64.817499999999995, '2005-04-02 03:44:37', 9393, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 21:26:03', '2005-04-06 12:01:15', 0, 0, '2005-04-02 03:44:37', '2005-04-02 11:50:14', -77.881399999999999, 185.44399999999999, -17.741700000000002, 277.57799999999997, 163.238, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 614187286, -0.20899095561554401, 0.37064201758314003, -0.90495705714293495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055103', 'BKGD', 119.417, -64.817499999999995, '2005-04-02 19:00:32', 2123, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 21:36:32', '2005-04-06 12:01:16', 0, 0, '2005-04-02 19:00:32', '2005-04-02 20:05:42', -77.881399999999999, 185.44399999999999, -17.741700000000002, 277.57799999999997, 163.60300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 614187286, -0.20899095561554401, 0.37064201758314003, -0.90495705714293495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055104', 'BKGD', 119.417, -64.817499999999995, '2005-04-02 20:16:45', 21020, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 21:46:50', '2005-04-06 12:01:17', 0, 0, '2005-04-02 20:16:45', '2005-04-03 02:24:14', -77.881399999999999, 185.44399999999999, -17.741700000000002, 277.57799999999997, 163.94900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 614187286, -0.20899095561554401, 0.37064201758314003, -0.90495705714293495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055201', 'BKGD', 114.17100000000001, -64.989000000000004, '2005-04-03 03:00:44', 14651, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 21:57:19', '2005-04-06 12:01:17', 0, 0, '2005-04-03 03:00:44', '2005-04-03 11:04:41', -80.023600000000002, 182.178, -19.8414, 276.78199999999998, 169.01400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 615540957, -0.173117072073737, 0.38572499034583302, -0.90622663345287102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055202', 'BKGD', 114.17100000000001, -64.989000000000004, '2005-04-03 11:59:57', 12256, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 22:07:48', '2005-04-06 12:01:18', 0, 0, '2005-04-03 11:59:57', '2005-04-03 19:35:38', -80.023600000000002, 182.178, -19.8414, 276.78199999999998, 169.375, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 615540957, -0.173117072073737, 0.38572499034583302, -0.90622663345287102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055203', 'BKGD', 114.17100000000001, -64.989000000000004, '2005-04-03 20:18:47', 17091, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 22:18:17', '2005-04-06 12:01:18', 0, 0, '2005-04-03 20:18:47', '2005-04-04 01:39:55', -80.023600000000002, 182.178, -19.8414, 276.78199999999998, 169.72999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 615540957, -0.173117072073737, 0.38572499034583302, -0.90622663345287102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055301', 'BKGD', 108.047, -65.254199999999997, '2005-04-04 02:16:02', 16800, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 22:28:56', '2005-04-07 16:06:30', 0, 0, '2005-04-04 02:16:02', '2005-04-04 10:19:08', -82.545599999999993, 178.27600000000001, -22.360199999999999, 276.13999999999999, 175.53200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 614939126, -0.129678926522555, 0.39799951591966398, -0.90817386074675799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055302', 'BKGD', 108.047, -65.254199999999997, '2005-04-04 11:13:40', 10324, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 22:29:13', '2005-04-07 16:06:31', 0, 0, '2005-04-04 11:13:40', '2005-04-04 18:58:32', -82.545599999999993, 178.27600000000001, -22.360199999999999, 276.13999999999999, 175.88999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 614939126, -0.129678926522555, 0.39799951591966398, -0.90817386074675799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055303', 'BKGD', 108.047, -65.254199999999997, '2005-04-04 19:42:56', 17670, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 22:39:31', '2005-04-07 16:06:31', 0, 0, '2005-04-04 19:42:56', '2005-04-05 00:55:30', -82.545599999999993, 178.27600000000001, -22.360199999999999, 276.13999999999999, 176.24700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 614939126, -0.129678926522555, 0.39799951591966398, -0.90817386074675799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7011201', 'RR-PIC', 98.900199999999998, -62.639800000000001, '2005-04-05 01:36:55', 13340, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.1, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2006-03-04 00:14:17', '2005-04-13 13:39:05', 0, 0, '2005-04-05 01:36:55', '2005-04-05 09:31:39', -84.537300000000002, 138.32400000000001, -25.671800000000001, 272.35599999999999, 184.92599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 637655857, -0.071103842333366293, 0.45404927206513901, -0.88813484457178504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055401', 'BKGD', 95.522000000000006, -64.890299999999996, '2005-04-06 01:35:19', 13017, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 22:50:37', '2005-04-12 16:05:33', 0, 0, '2005-04-06 01:35:19', '2005-04-06 08:47:58', -87.183300000000003, 146.197, -27.459700000000002, 274.61900000000003, 188.82599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 615230200, -0.040834593029016597, 0.422383442693127, -0.90549697037088805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055402', 'BKGD', 95.522000000000006, -64.890299999999996, '2005-04-06 09:52:22', 4727, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 22:50:45', '2005-04-30 23:38:12', 0, 0, '2005-04-06 09:52:22', '2005-04-06 17:37:53', -87.183300000000003, 146.197, -27.459700000000002, 274.61900000000003, 189.161, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 615230200, -0.040834593029016597, 0.422383442693127, -0.90549697037088805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055403', 'BKGD', 95.522000000000006, -64.890299999999996, '2005-04-06 18:16:06', 19336, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 23:01:59', '2005-04-12 16:05:34', 0, 0, '2005-04-06 18:16:06', '2005-04-07 00:49:36', -87.183300000000003, 146.197, -27.459700000000002, 274.61900000000003, 189.523, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 615230200, -0.040834593029016597, 0.422383442693127, -0.90549697037088805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055501', 'BKGD', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2005-04-07 01:40:01', 10026, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 23:11:03', '2005-04-12 16:05:34', 1, 0, '2005-04-07 01:40:01', '2005-04-07 04:32:59', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 201.36699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055502', 'BKGD', 82.934600000000003, -67.633499999999998, '2005-04-07 10:57:49', 3049, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 23:11:28', '2005-04-30 23:38:21', 1, 0, '2005-04-07 10:57:49', '2005-04-07 15:24:06', -87.0505, 335.45299999999997, -32.485799999999998, 277.839, 201.73500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542509580, 0.046805995883147503, 0.37764015131155199, -0.92476868181549798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055601', 'BKGD', 83.668999999999997, -65.030799999999999, '2005-04-08 00:47:00', 14914, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 23:21:55', '2005-04-13 13:39:04', 0, 0, '2005-04-08 00:47:00', '2005-04-08 09:03:43', -86.989099999999993, 27.598500000000001, -32.469900000000003, 274.73399999999998, 201.53100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542595587, 0.046549263756231897, 0.41955661250529802, -0.90653483934531298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5114102', 'SK-66D171', 84.260199999999998, -66.644199999999998, '2005-04-08 10:10:44', 1285, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.19, 'O9IA', 0.14999999999999999, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-22 02:36:11', '2005-10-13 06:46:06', 0, 0, '2005-04-08 10:10:44', '2005-04-08 10:50:18', -87.719899999999996, 355.26600000000002, -32.083300000000001, 276.60899999999998, 201.43799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542527823, 0.0396483123453438, 0.39445216905295399, -0.91806072656311); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113401', 'SK-67D118', 81.889200000000002, -67.291700000000006, '2005-04-08 17:23:49', 2826, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.98, 'O7V', 0.11, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-30 11:16:36', '2005-10-13 06:45:07', 0, 0, '2005-04-08 17:23:49', '2005-04-08 20:02:50', -86.740799999999993, 343.33499999999998, -32.928600000000003, 277.5, 203.80600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542517348, 0.054465506241070501, 0.382178155597866, -0.92248217652901998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113501', 'SK-67D119', 81.919700000000006, -67.302899999999994, '2005-04-08 20:16:32', 3962, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.31, 'O7II', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 11:16:44', '2005-10-13 06:55:58', 0, 0, '2005-04-08 20:16:32', '2005-04-08 23:35:46', -86.750600000000006, 343.10599999999999, -32.915399999999998, 277.51100000000002, 204.071, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542517326, 0.054236707868503702, 0.38202855383356399, -0.92255762073456504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5111901', 'BI13', 73.277000000000001, -68.056399999999996, '2005-04-09 11:07:31', 23454, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.75, 'O6.5', 0.20999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-30 10:02:53', '2005-10-13 06:35:09', 0, 0, '2005-04-09 11:07:31', '2005-04-09 20:26:07', -83.399799999999999, 339.31200000000001, -35.954000000000001, 279.26400000000001, 212.81700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542680121, 0.107528497378769, 0.35788911924605799, -0.92755215517875); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5112701', 'SK-68D57', 77.418999999999997, -68.890299999999996, '2005-04-09 21:06:01', 13822, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.69, 'WN4B', 0.14999999999999999, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-30 10:55:18', '2005-10-14 03:19:08', 0, 0, '2005-04-09 21:06:01', '2005-04-10 05:44:17', -84.705500000000001, 328.22899999999998, -34.268700000000003, 279.75799999999998, 209.35900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542642508, 0.078448764531123205, 0.35150709049622098, -0.93289257509877399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5111802', 'BI12', 73.253699999999995, -68.025700000000001, '2005-04-10 06:54:08', 11757, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.5, 'O7.5', 0.10000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 09:51:39', '2005-10-14 03:08:18', 0, 0, '2005-04-10 06:54:08', '2005-04-10 12:42:04', -83.393900000000002, 339.58499999999998, -35.971299999999999, 279.23099999999999, 213.624, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542680257, 0.107817214874637, 0.35832123022704998, -0.92735179093224895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055701', 'BKGD', 71.445700000000002, -65.023799999999994, '2005-04-11 00:16:45', 12343, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-03 23:32:43', '2005-04-19 11:52:06', 0, 0, '2005-04-11 00:16:45', '2005-04-11 05:57:38', -82.268900000000002, 2.8465099999999999, -37.532200000000003, 275.90699999999998, 215.774, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542851003, 0.134358700252904, 0.400294691227152, -0.90648325954852005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5112301', 'SK-65D05', 74.719700000000003, -65.651499999999999, '2005-04-11 06:28:56', 2727, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.65, 'O9II', 0.17000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 10:24:05', '2005-10-15 05:23:59', 0, 0, '2005-04-11 06:28:56', '2005-04-11 08:33:31', -83.760599999999997, 1.3142499999999999, -36.048999999999999, 276.21199999999999, 213.054, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542762473, 0.108654346755496, 0.39771061257403301, -0.911054609547158); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7011901', 'ESO116-G18', 51.221699999999998, -60.738900000000001, '2005-04-14 07:27:08', 1897, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.199999999999999, 'SEY', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2006-03-04 00:14:55', '2005-05-04 08:47:39', 0, 5546, '2005-04-14 07:27:08', '2005-04-14 12:18:46', -72.173000000000002, 0.48302, -47.637599999999999, 276.17700000000002, 238.023, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 549818513, 0.30613354623070199, 0.38104877957884598, -0.87240132935116899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5057401', 'POLE-174-BKG', 337.601, -65.425399999999996, '2005-06-22 12:49:30', 2759, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 20:40:52', '2005-07-26 09:14:00', 0, 0, '2005-06-22 12:49:30', '2005-06-23 00:00:48', -50.474200000000003, 307.16800000000001, -45.799599999999998, 323.07600000000002, 8.9192499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 745556074, 0.38450082044296102, -0.15847195119753099, -0.90942056264543303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5057402', 'POLE-174-BKG', 337.601, -65.425399999999996, '2005-06-23 02:13:13', 9325, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 20:51:23', '2005-07-06 16:02:20', 0, 0, '2005-06-23 02:13:13', '2005-06-23 11:48:50', -50.474200000000003, 307.16800000000001, -45.799599999999998, 323.07600000000002, 9.4977400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 745556074, 0.38450082044296102, -0.15847195119753099, -0.90942056264543303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5057501', 'POLE-175-BKG', 332.13, -65.1905, '2005-06-23 12:53:51', 6043, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-07 22:05:59', '2005-07-06 16:02:21', 0, 0, '2005-06-23 12:53:51', '2005-06-23 21:32:21', -49.006, 304.43400000000003, -44.177900000000001, 325.37599999999998, 15.1265, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 744967722, 0.370933103940009, -0.196150369661965, -0.90770791826606001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5057502', 'POLE-175-BKG', 332.13, -65.1905, '2005-06-24 02:30:20', 17650, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 21:01:56', '2005-07-06 16:02:21', 0, 0, '2005-06-24 02:30:20', '2005-06-24 12:21:04', -49.006, 304.43400000000003, -44.177900000000001, 325.37599999999998, 15.7364, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 744967722, 0.370933103940009, -0.196150369661965, -0.90770791826606001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5057601', 'POLE-176-BKG', 325.56299999999999, -64.906300000000002, '2005-06-24 12:47:04', 2608, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-01-24 11:58:34', '2005-07-07 09:45:16', 0, 0, '2005-06-24 12:47:04', '2005-06-24 17:20:08', -47.348199999999999, 301.07999999999998, -41.984099999999998, 327.72300000000001, 22.698499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 745324581, 0.34977570750264803, -0.23982834539050199, -0.90561543669941702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5057602', 'POLE-176-BKG', 325.56299999999999, -64.906300000000002, '2005-06-25 02:24:36', 21311, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 21:02:32', '2005-07-06 16:02:22', 0, 0, '2005-06-25 02:24:36', '2005-06-25 12:23:14', -47.348199999999999, 301.07999999999998, -41.984099999999998, 327.72300000000001, 23.317599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 745324581, 0.34977570750264803, -0.23982834539050199, -0.90561543669941702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5057801', 'POLE-178-BKG', 313.32900000000001, -65.322999999999993, '2005-06-26 14:29:25', 7747, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 21:12:13', '2005-07-06 16:02:22', 0, 0, '2005-06-26 14:29:25', '2005-06-26 23:26:13', -45.470300000000002, 294.11200000000002, -37.067399999999999, 329.74000000000001, 18.716100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 750816000, 0.28648452226765703, -0.30370186652551001, -0.90867584691681602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5057802', 'POLE-178-BKG', 313.32900000000001, -65.322999999999993, '2005-06-27 00:17:22', 7655, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-07 22:16:29', '2005-07-15 08:52:57', 0, 0, '2005-06-27 00:17:22', '2005-06-27 09:56:51', -45.470300000000002, 294.11200000000002, -37.067399999999999, 329.74000000000001, 19.242699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 750816000, 0.28648452226765703, -0.30370186652551001, -0.90867584691681602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1051402', 'WD2004-605', 302.27300000000002, -60.428100000000001, '2005-06-29 11:40:36', 512, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.6, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-07 22:05:00', '2006-01-14 23:55:03', 0, 0, '2005-06-29 11:40:36', '2005-06-29 12:52:48', -39.1965, 289.87799999999999, -32.858699999999999, 336.58300000000003, 52.642800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 750102130, 0.26351449325332299, -0.41727393457700002, -0.869737072550132); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5058001', 'CVZ-184-BKGD', 276.16500000000002, -65.318600000000004, '2005-07-03 00:12:29', 7868, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-07 22:26:45', '2005-07-22 09:09:08', 0, 0, '2005-07-03 00:12:29', '2005-07-03 09:37:56', -41.953000000000003, 273.45699999999999, -21.777200000000001, 329.459, 65.6494, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 749438622, 0.044843923380900499, -0.41515719831850201, -0.90864378235925802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5058201', 'CVZ-186-BKGD', 264.464, -65.105500000000006, '2005-07-05 03:41:45', 8101, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 23, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 21:24:07', '2005-07-22 09:09:11', 0, 0, '2005-07-05 03:41:45', '2005-07-05 23:26:03', -41.725999999999999, 266.88099999999997, -17.180499999999999, 327.64800000000002, 84.216999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 676811213, -0.040609413151396101, -0.41898534400899401, -0.90708442664901001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5058701', 'POLE-BKG', 215.102, -64.977699999999999, '2005-07-14 13:00:05', 3743, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 21:24:57', '2005-07-20 10:25:29', 0, 0, '2005-07-14 13:00:05', '2005-07-14 18:17:59', -47.275100000000002, 239.334, -3.7125900000000001, 312.166, 182.035, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 681337845, -0.34604509164457398, -0.24322260996181999, -0.906143231808338); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5058901', 'POLE-BKG', 210.102, -70.977699999999999, '2005-07-14 19:34:36', 28451, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 23, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 21:43:41', '2005-07-20 10:25:30', 0, 0, '2005-07-14 19:34:36', '2005-07-15 12:37:59', -53.355499999999999, 241.80699999999999, -8.8607999999999993, 308.54500000000002, 184.33699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 680563643, -0.28197840296547899, -0.16347031362266801, -0.94539179011939001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5058902', 'POLE-BKG', 210.102, -70.977699999999999, '2005-07-15 14:02:05', 11817, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 18, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 21:53:06', '2005-07-20 10:25:31', 0, 0, '2005-07-15 14:02:05', '2005-07-16 03:36:13', -53.355499999999999, 241.80699999999999, -8.8607999999999993, 308.54500000000002, 185.04499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 680563643, -0.28197840296547899, -0.16347031362266801, -0.94539179011939001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5059001', 'POLE-BKG', 202.80199999999999, -64.986699999999999, '2005-07-16 04:56:19', 12738, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 21:54:10', '2005-07-20 10:25:31', 0, 0, '2005-07-16 04:56:19', '2005-07-16 12:22:57', -50.0182, 232.654, -2.4387500000000002, 307.12400000000002, 194.36799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 682662129, -0.38978441410386999, -0.163866290853033, -0.90620966075394105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5059101', 'POLE-BKG', 195.80199999999999, -70.986699999999999, '2005-07-16 13:58:20', 20301, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 17, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 22:04:41', '2005-07-21 16:02:57', 0, 0, '2005-07-16 13:58:20', '2005-07-17 02:51:13', -56.318899999999999, 235.58000000000001, -8.1368399999999994, 303.90100000000001, 199.15100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 680302772, -0.313475620908443, -0.088716478188662601, -0.94544297638401598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1130101', 'HD104994', 181.328, -62.052799999999998, '2005-07-17 04:09:40', 10197, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 10.869999999999999, 'WN3P', 0.27000000000000002, 11, 'PE', '2005-11-07 23:30:24', '2006-01-20 02:01:02', 0, 0, '2005-07-17 04:09:40', '2005-07-17 10:26:59', -53.722799999999999, 217.64099999999999, 0.33676600000000001, 297.55799999999999, 214.214, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 705206333, -0.46853181733202898, -0.0108615626419194, -0.88337985182169598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5059201', 'POLE-BKG', 190.58699999999999, -64.999899999999997, '2005-07-17 11:26:03', 21594, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 24, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 22:45:50', '2005-07-22 09:09:12', 0, 0, '2005-07-17 11:26:03', '2005-07-18 05:19:59', -53.190600000000003, 226.10400000000001, -2.1448900000000002, 301.97300000000001, 206.03800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 682229717, -0.41542561176493598, -0.077647235934010406, -0.90630704942725504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5059102', 'POLE-BKG', 195.80199999999999, -70.986699999999999, '2005-07-18 06:52:39', 4145, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 22:13:55', '2005-07-29 08:48:38', 0, 0, '2005-07-18 06:52:39', '2005-07-18 12:27:29', -56.318899999999999, 235.58000000000001, -8.1368399999999994, 303.90100000000001, 200.619, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 680302772, -0.313475620908443, -0.088716478188662601, -0.94544297638401598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5059302', 'POLE-BKG', 180.58699999999999, -70.999899999999997, '2005-07-19 20:24:51', 3941, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-08 22:47:04', '2005-07-28 16:07:00', 0, 0, '2005-07-19 20:24:51', '2005-07-20 02:19:23', -60.016300000000001, 229.351, -8.5113599999999998, 298.92099999999999, 215.858, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 681616284, -0.32555271866404401, -0.0033354312272693802, -0.94551800737425296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1130102', 'HD104994', 181.328, -62.052799999999998, '2005-07-20 03:46:53', 6215, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 10.869999999999999, 'WN3P', 0.27000000000000002, 11, 'PE', '2005-11-07 23:31:16', '2006-01-28 20:25:44', 0, 0, '2005-07-20 03:46:53', '2005-07-20 08:12:58', -53.722799999999999, 217.64099999999999, 0.33676600000000001, 297.55799999999999, 216.53899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 705206333, -0.46853181733202898, -0.0108615626419194, -0.88337985182169598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1320101', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2005-07-20 10:30:40', 10547, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 14, 4.9500000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2005-11-07 23:42:11', '2006-02-17 01:40:14', 0, 0, '2005-07-20 10:30:40', '2005-07-20 19:45:04', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 234.16399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE R.', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113701', 'SK-67D161', 82.887100000000004, -67.679599999999994, '2005-08-04 21:56:03', 10092, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 35, 14.529999999999999, 'WN4B', 0.070000000000000007, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-30 11:37:56', '2006-03-16 23:47:32', 0, 0, '2005-08-04 21:56:03', '2005-08-05 23:56:22', -87.018799999999999, 334.71699999999998, -32.497900000000001, 277.89600000000002, 321.57499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542334795, 0.047026906179262203, 0.37686275611610698, -0.92507455545365602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7053401', 'SBKGD34', 39.133200000000002, -68.267300000000006, '2005-08-09 20:02:11', 636, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-11-08 22:48:39', '2005-11-10 11:18:57', 0, 0, '2005-08-09 20:02:11', '2005-08-09 20:12:46', -70.948400000000007, 331.63, -45.977499999999999, 289.29199999999997, 1.3043499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 546584281, 0.28721675134998298, 0.233691196350862, -0.92892139737012502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7050401', 'SBKGD4', 35.207099999999997, -65.242199999999997, '2005-08-11 07:27:03', 4446, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-11-22 00:30:04', '2005-11-10 11:18:57', 0, 0, '2005-08-11 07:27:03', '2005-08-11 22:54:01', -68.309299999999993, 337.791, -49.357599999999998, 288.78300000000002, 10.484299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 547113871, 0.34217677312790401, 0.24144266852823901, -0.908086170881232); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7050301', 'SBKGD3', 22.9451, -65.0398, '2005-08-12 21:09:23', 21818, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 23, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-11-03 02:30:55', '2005-11-10 11:18:57', 0, 0, '2005-08-12 21:09:23', '2005-08-13 17:55:53', -63.796100000000003, 331.64800000000002, -51.5503, 296.108, 23.709099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 548443054, 0.38860036678316401, 0.16451180661364201, -0.90660113634426098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7050402', 'SBKGD4', 35.207099999999997, -65.242199999999997, '2005-08-13 22:35:03', 5000, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-11-22 17:01:05', '2005-11-10 11:18:57', 0, 0, '2005-08-13 22:35:03', '2005-08-14 02:24:01', -68.309299999999993, 337.791, -49.357599999999998, 288.78300000000002, 13.061299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 547113871, 0.34217677312790401, 0.24144266852823901, -0.908086170881232); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5110301', 'AV120', 13.0631, -72.154300000000006, '2005-08-16 21:33:33', 13982, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 14.56, 'O9V', 0.070000000000000007, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 03:03:06', '2006-02-23 00:38:00', 0, 0, '2005-08-16 21:33:33', '2005-08-17 08:33:06', -64.275199999999998, 313.45400000000001, -44.973599999999998, 302.84500000000003, 41.0077, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545880114, 0.29852412628587099, 0.069266101933076807, -0.95188526259641904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5111301', 'AV491', 19.32, -73.167000000000002, '2005-08-17 19:02:20', 368, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.720000000000001, 'O7.5', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-17 03:44:17', '2006-03-17 00:59:50', 0, 0, '2005-08-17 19:02:20', '2005-08-17 19:28:22', -66.388099999999994, 313.02100000000002, -43.8309, 300.34500000000003, 36.351399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545658142, 0.273275403107829, 0.095806787784908504, -0.95715286839176905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9500501', 'LIN358', 14.802099999999999, -75.088200000000001, '2005-08-19 21:44:05', 32387, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 15.199999999999999, 'K+WD', 0, 57, 'PC', '2005-11-01 00:09:24', '2006-03-02 04:13:24', 0, 0, '2005-08-19 21:44:05', '2005-08-20 12:39:45', -65.885999999999996, 307.51400000000001, -42.029600000000002, 302.26100000000002, 68.7607, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 545375312, 0.248792004770332, 0.065743438439337304, -0.96632310262382304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9500601', 'SMC-N73', 16.164899999999999, -75.806799999999996, '2005-08-21 18:19:49', 28229, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 15.5, 'K7+W', 0, 57, 'PC', '2005-11-02 02:23:55', '2006-03-16 23:48:25', 0, 0, '2005-08-21 18:19:49', '2005-08-22 11:09:27', -66.437899999999999, 306.09500000000003, -41.293500000000002, 301.85500000000002, 69.338200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 539750233, 0.235498506760283, 0.068262222742405995, -0.96947445673413302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9500401', 'SMC-N60', 14.275499999999999, -74.221400000000003, '2005-08-22 14:07:49', 13683, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16.5, 'C3+W', 0, 57, 'PC', '2005-11-02 02:12:22', '2006-03-02 07:43:14', 0, 0, '2005-08-22 14:07:49', '2005-08-22 21:54:02', -65.447599999999994, 309.36000000000001, -42.9009, 302.40800000000002, 46.384300000000003, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 545473971, 0.26352426656919897, 0.067051500483427798, -0.96231962320846698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7058801', 'SBKGD88', 292.5, -60, '2005-08-28 02:43:39', 17756, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-11-02 03:48:20', '2005-11-10 11:18:57', 0, 0, '2005-08-28 02:43:39', '2005-08-28 18:54:29', -37.648200000000003, 283.98500000000001, -27.995999999999999, 336.87, 145.018, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 750455598, 0.191341716182545, -0.46193976625564298, -0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7052701', 'SBKGD27', 300.81999999999999, -65, '2005-08-28 21:45:26', 11734, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-11-02 03:37:49', '2005-11-10 11:18:57', 0, 0, '2005-08-28 21:45:26', '2005-08-29 12:52:41', -43.405000000000001, 287.33999999999997, -31.9541, 331.21600000000001, 134.71299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 748378325, 0.21652536744284101, -0.36293657904718402, -0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3200201', 'HD172555', 281.36200000000002, -64.871499999999997, '2005-08-29 14:27:17', 15636, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 4.7800000000000002, 'A5IV', 0, 31, 'PE', '2005-11-01 00:19:57', '2006-03-16 23:56:39', 0, 0, '2005-08-29 14:27:17', '2005-08-29 23:13:29', -41.685499999999998, 276.43200000000002, -23.762599999999999, 330.56799999999998, 155.875, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 749513789, 0.083659052996661501, -0.41632755148114797, -0.90535768220599599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7052702', 'SBKGD27', 300.81999999999999, -65, '2005-08-30 02:04:32', 643, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-11-02 03:37:56', '2005-11-10 11:18:57', 0, 0, '2005-08-30 02:04:32', '2005-08-30 02:37:24', -43.405000000000001, 287.33999999999997, -31.9541, 331.21600000000001, 135.73400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 748378325, 0.21652536744284101, -0.36293657904718402, -0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3200701', 'HD181327', 290.74599999999998, -54.5381, '2005-08-30 06:23:55', 4855, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 7, 'F5V', 0, 41, 'PE', '2005-11-02 02:24:14', '2006-03-17 00:39:41', 0, 0, '2005-08-30 06:23:55', '2005-08-30 11:45:24', -32.105200000000004, 284.04000000000002, -26.246700000000001, 342.77999999999997, 147.995, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 773415593, 0.20550813130144099, -0.54254376134956706, -0.81450148863562799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3200901', 'HD155555', 259.35599999999999, -66.9512, '2005-09-01 10:11:06', 15417, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 6.8799999999999999, 'G5IV', 0, 44, 'PE', '2005-11-02 02:34:05', '2006-03-17 00:40:13', 0, 0, '2005-09-01 10:11:06', '2005-09-01 18:28:52', -43.723799999999997, 264.25700000000001, -16.2971, 324.89999999999998, 177.44900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 676590301, -0.072315222956808894, -0.38477851227397297, -0.92017172583216); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5057701', 'POLE-177-BKG', 319.51499999999999, -65.111099999999993, '2005-06-25 13:35:30', 18080, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2005-11-17 21:57:08', '2005-11-17 17:08:17', 0, 0, '2005-06-25 13:35:30', '2005-06-26 02:07:00', -46.350700000000003, 297.62900000000002, -39.586500000000001, 328.91699999999997, 30.436499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 745247431, 0.320096063171039, -0.27324296756402, -0.907125565188861); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7052801', 'SBKGD28', 312.08499999999998, -64.924999999999997, '2005-08-26 21:14:45', 35198, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 28, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-11-16 02:39:58', '2005-11-16 11:27:15', 0, 0, '2005-08-26 21:14:45', '2005-08-28 00:41:29', -44.902200000000001, 293.642, -36.666699999999999, 330.392, 120.352, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 748115387, 0.28404731952725898, -0.31452689155365898, -0.905753804716807); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7055302', 'SBKGD53', 300.19499999999999, -70, '2005-08-30 16:55:27', 1829, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-11-16 02:40:19', '2005-11-16 11:27:15', 0, 0, '2005-08-30 16:55:27', '2005-08-30 17:27:21', -48.121299999999998, 284.93299999999999, -31.277200000000001, 325.39100000000002, 135.23099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 747782539, 0.17201715767383, -0.29561440409142398, -0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7058501', 'SBKGD85', 263.173, -59.765300000000003, '2005-09-02 14:25:35', 11541, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 22, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-11-16 02:41:16', '2005-11-16 11:27:16', 0, 0, '2005-09-02 14:25:35', '2005-09-03 02:09:46', -36.426900000000003, 265.733, -14.0625, 332.19200000000001, 176.46100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 688313522, -0.0598571364377221, -0.49997296179928002, -0.863969999876808); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050502', 'CPD-71_172', 43.377899999999997, -71.375500000000002, '2005-10-13 03:58:46', 4854, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 13, 12.050000000000001, 'SDOB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2005-10-24 19:06:05', '2005-11-10 11:04:59', 0, 0, '2005-10-13 03:58:46', '2005-10-13 05:52:01', -73.0745, 322.87599999999998, -42.606299999999997, 290.20400000000001, 67.384, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 540836697, 0.23212681508105501, 0.21934187545272199, -0.94763193455751005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3230103', 'HD5303', 13.282400000000001, -74.651600000000002, '2005-10-13 06:44:15', 40235, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 7.5999999999999996, 'G0V+', 0, 46, 'PE', '2005-11-01 00:30:52', '2006-05-01 00:30:52', 0, 0, '2005-10-13 06:44:15', '2005-10-14 03:10:33', -65.360299999999995, 308.16300000000001, -42.475900000000003, 302.78199999999998, 97.697299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK M.', 'WALTER', 'y', 545384677, 0.25760722370122502, 0.060812220163580399, -0.96433417038686498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5110601', 'AV261', 15.244899999999999, -72.513800000000003, '2005-10-14 21:00:24', 16893, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.880000000000001, 'O8.5', 0.23000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-17 03:13:09', '2006-05-02 02:02:22', 0, 0, '2005-10-14 21:00:24', '2005-10-15 02:22:30', -65.027600000000007, 313.36799999999999, -44.595599999999997, 301.92700000000002, 97.201800000000006, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545695795, 0.28990254973018398, 0.079008784560906403, -0.95378934971100704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9044301', 'SNR0103-726', 16.303699999999999, -72.385000000000005, '2005-10-15 03:32:45', 29660, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2005-10-25 20:18:14', '2006-04-25 20:18:14', 0, 0, '2005-10-15 03:32:45', '2005-10-15 20:01:46', -65.265299999999996, 313.95999999999998, -44.703699999999998, 301.46800000000002, 96.419700000000006, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545695345, 0.290450240202137, 0.084953954738844095, -0.95311147487623504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3210101', 'H53-47', 15.842000000000001, -72.093999999999994, '2005-10-15 22:05:37', 29092, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 11, 13.6, 'O6V+', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 04:56:50', '2006-05-02 02:55:52', 0, 0, '2005-10-15 22:05:37', '2005-10-16 13:47:09', -65.016000000000005, 314.45100000000002, -45.003999999999998, 301.637, 97.576999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 546047158, 0.29577850694150698, 0.083931107791639301, -0.95156221235204597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490605', 'RS-CEP', 76.513300000000001, 80.247900000000001, '2005-11-01 14:14:32', 11467, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.32, 'A5VE', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-11-07 23:32:02', '2006-05-07 23:32:02', 0, 0, '2005-11-01 14:14:32', '2005-11-01 17:49:09', 57.003300000000003, 85.840199999999996, 22.4878, 132.38900000000001, 339.28199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 64780151, 0.039504055201534299, 0.164714662380852, 0.98554985141259899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5059401', 'BKGD', 42.909500000000001, 77.209199999999996, '2005-11-02 00:06:07', 2324, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2005-11-16 02:19:09', '2005-11-16 11:27:14', 0, 0, '2005-11-02 00:06:07', '2005-11-02 01:02:23', 56.590299999999999, 72.872900000000001, 15.9091, 129.553, 298.875, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 63944310, 0.162154084751542, 0.15073298482517999, 0.97518491584113498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1017601', 'RX-CAS', 46.940600000000003, 67.577399999999997, '2005-11-03 20:36:19', 4168, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.5999999999999996, 'A-SH', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-11-15 02:55:14', '2005-11-15 10:50:10', 0, 0, '2005-11-03 20:36:19', '2005-11-03 21:49:06', 47.498199999999997, 67.327200000000005, 8.0673899999999996, 135.40100000000001, 267.11000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 62932400, 0.26042713323257199, 0.27869407852447398, 0.92439565061269002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1017602', 'RX-CAS', 46.940600000000003, 67.577399999999997, '2005-11-05 10:14:14', 8869, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.5999999999999996, 'A-SH', 0, 66, 'PC', '2005-11-15 02:55:32', '2005-11-15 10:50:10', 0, 0, '2005-11-05 10:14:14', '2005-11-05 13:19:30', 47.498199999999997, 67.327200000000005, 8.0673899999999996, 135.40100000000001, 310.28100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 62932400, 0.26042713323257199, 0.27869407852447398, 0.92439565061269002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0820101', 'HD15570', 38.205800000000004, 61.378399999999999, '2005-11-08 00:36:53', 5233, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 8.6099999999999994, 'O4IF', 0.90000000000000002, 13, 'PC', '2005-11-15 02:35:11', '2006-05-15 02:35:11', 0, 0, '2005-11-08 00:36:53', '2005-11-08 07:04:27', 43.433799999999998, 58.777999999999999, 0.85791099999999998, 134.768, 265.74099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 54194531, 0.37641339250710898, 0.29626983630244402, 0.87780245046286598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0820601', 'HD5689', 14.9483, 63.607900000000001, '2005-11-08 18:51:05', 13807, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.1300000000000008, 'O6V', 0.56000000000000005, 12, 'PC', '2005-11-15 02:45:10', '2006-05-15 02:45:10', 0, 0, '2005-11-08 18:51:05', '2005-11-09 00:59:00', 50.917999999999999, 47.060099999999998, 0.75092000000000003, 123.86199999999999, 262.77800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 61014317, 0.42946894247323703, 0.11466060860185, 0.89577305847294397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1013201', 'HD12882', 32.189300000000003, 65.037400000000005, '2005-11-09 03:15:43', 4584, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.6200000000000001, 'B6IA', 0.38, 22, 'PC', '2005-11-15 02:45:35', '2005-11-15 10:50:09', 0, 0, '2005-11-09 03:15:43', '2005-11-09 06:18:51', 47.931399999999996, 57.7879, 3.37995, 130.97800000000001, 287.04000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 60009297, 0.35715799660122899, 0.224821255067089, 0.90658345933171303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1012802', 'WD0147+674', 27.788699999999999, 67.658600000000007, '2005-11-10 05:04:57', 105, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.41, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2005-11-15 02:45:28', '2006-04-03 13:09:22', 0, 0, '2005-11-10 05:04:57', '2005-11-10 05:33:15', 51.0884, 57.630000000000003, 5.4435099999999998, 128.57900000000001, 280.87400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 60514474, 0.33628593480230201, 0.17721870886858099, 0.924935294645574); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1042701', 'HD203280', 319.64499999999998, 62.585599999999999, '2005-11-19 17:35:02', 12938, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 2.4399999999999999, 'A7V', 0, 31, 'PE', '2005-12-20 14:59:11', '2005-12-20 17:02:22', 0, 0, '2005-11-19 17:35:02', '2005-11-19 23:44:08', 68.913700000000006, 12.778600000000001, 9.1717899999999997, 101, 198.65000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 255321157, 0.35086393989661002, -0.29813377016041298, 0.88769969627693701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3270804', 'NGC5879', 227.44499999999999, 57.0002, '2005-12-04 15:12:07', 8883, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.220000000000001, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2005-12-20 14:59:18', '2006-06-20 14:59:18', 0, 772, '2005-12-04 15:12:07', '2005-12-04 19:27:12', 68.287599999999998, 185.34800000000001, 51.396299999999997, 93.231300000000005, 92.972899999999996, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES G.', 'HOOPES', 'y', 187774282, -0.36833610962704599, -0.40119446648308599, 0.83867246908919402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6057801', 'NBKGD78', 195.5, 60, '2005-12-10 03:16:44', 4287, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-12-20 19:55:49', '2005-12-20 17:02:36', 0, 0, '2005-12-10 03:16:44', '2005-12-10 04:22:56', 57.963799999999999, 155.27199999999999, 57.078200000000002, 120.505, 57.719499999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 183862546, -0.48181522660431197, -0.13361918803912801, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6054501', 'NBKGD45', 185.93199999999999, 70, '2005-12-11 01:44:06', 8201, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-12-20 19:54:52', '2005-12-20 17:02:35', 0, 0, '2005-12-11 01:44:06', '2005-12-11 12:21:17', 61.188699999999997, 134.90199999999999, 46.941200000000002, 126.39700000000001, 26.760000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 196022978, -0.34018871157862202, -0.0353471208868332, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1031201', 'CQ-DRA', 187.53, 69.201899999999995, '2005-12-11 17:27:55', 6745, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 4.9500000000000002, 'CV', 0.14999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2005-12-20 14:59:45', '2005-12-20 17:02:14', 0, 0, '2005-12-11 17:27:55', '2005-12-11 20:39:41', 61.1877, 136.92099999999999, 47.8093, 125.749, 27.814800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 195928640, -0.35201392280203903, -0.046531033726309297, 0.93483745167482502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6051501', 'NBKGD15', 161.97999999999999, 65, '2005-12-13 10:27:11', 10736, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-12-20 14:59:36', '2005-12-20 17:02:27', 0, 0, '2005-12-13 10:27:11', '2005-12-13 16:15:10', 51.216200000000001, 129.911, 47.397399999999998, 141.62299999999999, 4.9782700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 123234787, -0.40188824056519601, 0.13073651843360901, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6051502', 'NBKGD15', 161.97999999999999, 65, '2005-12-13 17:43:34', 4524, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2005-12-20 19:43:53', '2005-12-20 17:02:29', 0, 0, '2005-12-13 17:43:34', '2005-12-14 04:49:19', 51.216200000000001, 129.911, 47.397399999999998, 141.62299999999999, 24.686299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 123234787, -0.40188824056519601, 0.13073651843360901, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011601', 'VIIZW118', 106.80500000000001, 64.599699999999999, '1999-10-02 02:14:30', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2006-03-03 08:15:00', '2006-09-03 08:15:00', 1, 0.079659999999999995, '1999-10-02 02:14:30', '1999-10-02 17:29:35', 41.717100000000002, 99.563199999999995, 25.986799999999999, 151.36199999999999, 7.1541100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 128054639, -0.124013093429301, 0.41062167373733699, 0.90333304695181105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1011603', 'VIIZW118', 106.80500000000001, 64.599699999999999, '1999-10-02 21:59:30', 8957, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2006-01-24 06:13:17', '2006-07-24 06:13:17', 1, 0.079659999999999995, '1999-10-02 21:59:30', '1999-10-03 02:16:49', 41.717100000000002, 99.563199999999995, 25.986799999999999, 151.36199999999999, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 128054639, -0.124013093429301, 0.41062167373733699, 0.90333304695181105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1010705', 'WD2111+498', 318.18099999999998, 50.104700000000001, '1999-10-13 04:24:37', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.09, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-02-16 06:53:41', '2006-08-16 06:53:41', 0, 94, '1999-10-13 04:24:37', '1999-10-13 06:23:58', 60.929600000000001, 349.66300000000001, 1.1347700000000001, 91.371399999999994, 196.75200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 252168620, 0.47799659790593901, -0.42766359371527102, 0.76721776765198002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1030501', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '1999-11-12 07:35:32', 0, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 1, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-06-14 05:57:12', '2006-07-20 02:45:26', 0, 0, '1999-11-12 07:35:32', '1999-11-12 15:22:47', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 312.166, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490702', 'SK-65.63', 82.164599999999993, -65.650300000000001, '2000-02-11 22:37:09', 8468, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.56, 'O9.7', 0.12, 13, 'PC', '2006-02-08 00:59:29', '2006-08-01 01:35:15', 0, 0, '2000-02-11 22:37:09', '2000-02-12 00:58:29', -86.700800000000001, 12.3956, -33.031199999999998, 275.54300000000001, 147.14099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542583573, 0.056208552856742998, 0.40845542108481298, -0.91104597445583302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5140103', 'CPD-721184', 179.751, -73.429500000000004, '2000-03-29 02:14:50', 9172, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 10.68, 'B0II', 0.23000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-06-27 00:25:37', '2006-12-27 00:25:37', 2, -218, '2000-03-29 02:14:50', '2000-03-29 07:37:12', -61.626800000000003, 233.12, -10.943300000000001, 299.15600000000001, 999.99000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 608506000, -0.28519222280050699, 0.0012394160817373501, -0.95846954041423904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031001', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2000-07-23 18:59:07', 10001, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2006-04-19 17:03:47', '2006-10-19 17:03:47', 3, 0, '2000-07-23 18:59:07', '2000-07-24 08:48:17', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 241.316, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1017001', 'HD177566', 286.78199999999998, -41.7194, '2000-08-29 01:02:33', 3387, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 10.199999999999999, 'PAGB', 0.070000000000000007, 18, 'PC', '2006-04-13 02:16:03', '2006-10-13 02:16:03', 0, -131, '2000-08-29 01:02:33', '2000-08-29 02:59:49', -19.044699999999999, 283.17899999999997, -20.4194, 355.55000000000001, 156.602, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 781800959, 0.215512565846359, -0.71462335962623302, -0.66548312363187201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1018201', 'HD204076', 321.75400000000002, -31.9391, '2000-09-07 02:00:31', 3351, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.7899999999999991, 'B1V', 0.11, 20, 'PC', '2006-03-31 01:44:23', '2006-09-30 01:44:23', 0, -11, '2000-09-07 02:00:31', '2000-09-07 08:27:00', -16.0456, 313.90699999999998, -45.679299999999998, 13.8996, 133.65199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 789703992, 0.66646516092293895, -0.52532332885716904, -0.52901757006207595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1040104', 'BD+28D4211', 327.79599999999999, 28.8644, '2000-09-10 07:41:25', 6735, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 10.529999999999999, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-04-11 19:20:40', '2006-10-11 19:20:40', 0, 0, '2000-09-10 07:41:25', '2000-09-10 12:59:54', 38.9437, 342.322, -19.293299999999999, 81.874700000000004, 233.07400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEX', 'FULLERTON', 'y', 220857477, 0.74103347111694595, -0.46672593474796897, 0.48273833131211502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0540606', 'HD27483', 65.219200000000001, 13.8645, '2000-09-12 00:13:46', 1908, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.5, 'F6V', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-11 18:25:36', '2006-10-11 18:25:36', 0, 0, '2000-09-12 00:13:46', '2000-09-12 00:45:34', -7.5145200000000001, 65.766199999999998, -24.734999999999999, 180.761, 349.642, 'F', 'F', 'MATTHEW', 'BURLEIGH', 'y', 385406379, 0.40693604494316699, 0.88146592256966805, 0.239626548350587); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490101', 'SK-66.18', 73.999499999999998, -65.974999999999994, '2000-10-03 05:35:40', 4633, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.5, 'O6V', 0.12, 12, 'PC', '2006-04-04 03:48:01', '2006-10-04 03:48:01', 0, 0, '2000-10-03 05:35:40', '2000-10-03 06:52:53', -83.5518, 357.82999999999998, -36.2545, 276.69099999999997, 22.556100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542751852, 0.11222508906371099, 0.39136250670914602, -0.91336789834489795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1031403', 'SK-68D80', 81.626800000000003, -68.840699999999998, '2000-10-03 12:02:34', 3854, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.4, 'WC5+', 0.20000000000000001, 10, 'PC', '2006-04-04 08:44:59', '2006-10-04 08:44:59', 0, 0, '2000-10-03 12:02:34', '2000-10-03 13:06:37', -86.094399999999993, 320.50900000000001, -32.791499999999999, 279.34100000000001, 15.9053, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 542319227, 0.0525634179563833, 0.357114546793879, -0.93258044562436804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490401', 'SK-68.03', 73.064800000000005, -68.407499999999999, '2000-10-05 16:35:01', 5080, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.130000000000001, 'O9I', 0.47999999999999998, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:11:36', '2001-04-12 20:21:21', 3, 0, '2000-10-05 16:35:01', '2000-10-05 18:35:35', -83.281300000000002, 336.38299999999998, -35.924900000000001, 279.70699999999999, 26.0928, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 541979727, 0.10719553416631999, 0.35204432850021899, -0.92982466531364205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9120401', 'HD199478', 313.95699999999999, 47.417700000000004, '2003-10-19 17:06:55', 2721, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.7300000000000004, 'B8IA', 0.51000000000000001, 25, 'PC', '2007-03-02 20:00:32', '2007-03-02 17:07:25', 0, 0, '2003-10-19 17:06:55', '2003-10-19 19:16:53', 60.377499999999998, 341.846, 1.4152899999999999, 87.512299999999996, 185.749, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 252253909, 0.46967414529696799, -0.48709284919661799, 0.73630615473529903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0070101', 'WD0947+857', 149.477, 85.494900000000001, '2003-10-20 20:08:13', 24288, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.9, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2007-01-18 04:34:59', '2007-01-18 09:40:33', 0, 0, '2003-10-20 20:08:13', '2003-10-21 10:05:59', 63.997799999999998, 98.878600000000006, 30.3565, 126.518, 32.549700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 133627704, -0.067663094536904, 0.039893203401591401, 0.996910345999102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9073001', 'MRK25', 150.96600000000001, 59.436399999999999, '2004-03-18 06:11:06', 20698, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 14.42, 'SEY', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2006-11-28 22:29:22', '2006-11-29 10:03:40', 0, 2602, '2004-03-18 06:11:06', '2004-03-18 16:10:28', 43.776299999999999, 128.006, 46.844900000000003, 152.69800000000001, 236.458, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', 'y', 122229009, -0.444592928488099, 0.24678688777064101, 0.861065247215829); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0090103', 'BD+67D922', 240.42099999999999, 66.802800000000005, '2004-12-25 12:07:01', 1276, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.8200000000000003, 'K4', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PE', '2007-04-30 20:02:07', '2007-08-24 00:34:19', 0, -148, '2004-12-25 12:07:01', '2004-12-25 12:28:17', 78.398799999999994, 165.21199999999999, 40.9711, 100.289, 56.5319, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'YOUNG', NULL, 191265163, -0.19443667258588199, -0.34256272479587002, 0.91915458979116205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113301', 'SK-67D108', 81.611000000000004, -67.622299999999996, '2005-04-09 00:18:09', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.57, 'O4-5', 0.050000000000000003, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 11:16:17', '2006-09-03 18:31:33', 0, 0, '2005-04-09 00:18:09', '2005-04-09 01:17:38', -86.569400000000002, 338.15300000000002, -32.986400000000003, 277.90800000000002, 204.51900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542341327, 0.055543035682413401, 0.37663704128094799, -0.92469427938228099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9501101', 'LMC-N67', 84.031999999999996, -64.722899999999996, '2005-04-09 02:49:51', 16769, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.9, 'C3+W', 0, 57, 'PC', '2006-03-03 20:11:53', '2006-09-03 20:11:53', 0, 0, '2005-04-09 02:49:51', '2005-04-09 10:02:53', -86.930300000000003, 33.998199999999997, -32.341500000000003, 274.35599999999999, 202.245, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 553781263, 0.044396106060110102, 0.42468221546276302, -0.90425328400638905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7012102', 'WX-HYI', 32.4617, -63.311399999999999, '2005-04-16 16:44:43', 18302, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-03-04 00:24:37', '2006-03-06 09:41:16', 0, 0, '2005-04-16 16:44:43', '2005-04-17 00:27:58', -66.294799999999995, 340.49700000000001, -51.625100000000003, 288.887, 259.70100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 547275286, 0.37896310860938398, 0.24107014295437501, -0.89346077053727901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5059301', 'POLE-BKG', 180.58699999999999, -70.999899999999997, '2005-07-19 04:23:14', 0, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-02-10 03:28:52', '2006-02-10 09:52:17', 0, 0, '2005-07-19 04:23:14', '2005-07-19 05:58:41', -60.016300000000001, 229.351, -8.5113599999999998, 298.92099999999999, 215.27099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 681616284, -0.32555271866404401, -0.0033354312272693802, -0.94551800737425296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7050504', 'SBKGD5', 46.807200000000002, -65.261499999999998, '2005-08-10 06:04:40', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-02-24 05:49:46', '2006-02-24 17:03:57', 0, 0, '2005-08-10 06:04:40', '2005-08-10 11:56:51', -72.676900000000003, 344.14299999999997, -46.310400000000001, 283.15899999999999, 358.85000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 549471738, 0.28642919256129101, 0.30509293074732202, -0.90822718592689999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7050503', 'SBKGD5', 46.807200000000002, -65.261499999999998, '2005-08-10 14:20:46', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-02-24 05:49:16', '2006-02-24 17:03:54', 0, 0, '2005-08-10 14:20:46', '2005-08-11 05:24:07', -72.676900000000003, 344.14299999999997, -46.310400000000001, 283.15899999999999, 359.16399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 549471738, 0.28642919256129101, 0.30509293074732202, -0.90822718592689999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7052401', 'SBKGD24', 266.43099999999998, -65.162400000000005, '2005-09-01 01:46:01', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-02-24 05:50:15', '2006-02-24 17:03:59', 0, 0, '2005-09-01 01:46:01', '2005-09-01 08:50:13', -41.747700000000002, 267.99200000000002, -17.943200000000001, 327.98899999999998, 171.28399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 687902090, -0.026148191204925501, -0.41923305610379702, -0.90750202025482096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7058401', 'SBKGD84', 254.20500000000001, -60.322000000000003, '2005-09-03 03:46:59', 9295, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-03-30 04:01:18', '2006-03-30 10:06:47', 0, 0, '2005-09-03 03:46:59', '2005-09-03 17:08:49', -37.417000000000002, 260.23000000000002, -10.652900000000001, 329.17200000000003, 184.52099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 688570489, -0.134771209062475, -0.47643004439600201, -0.86882169287182398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9050101', 'SBKGD1A', 220.315, -59.8949, '2005-09-08 19:05:26', 21990, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-03-31 03:00:35', '2006-03-31 10:31:32', 0, 0, '2005-09-08 19:05:26', '2005-09-09 11:31:50', -41.654000000000003, 239.21100000000001, 0.095028100000000004, 316.30500000000001, 217.94300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 684395510, -0.38246014025434699, -0.32452196520100901, -0.86510677677307601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9050102', 'SBKGD1A', 220.315, -59.8949, '2005-09-09 21:43:58', 4801, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-03-31 03:08:36', '2006-03-31 10:31:34', 0, 0, '2005-09-09 21:43:58', '2005-09-10 03:00:39', -41.654000000000003, 239.21100000000001, 0.095028100000000004, 316.30500000000001, 218.69800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 684395510, -0.38246014025434699, -0.32452196520100901, -0.86510677677307601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020901', 'BZ-CAM', 97.392099999999999, 71.076700000000002, '2005-11-01 04:23:10', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.5, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2006-03-04 00:24:53', '2006-03-30 10:06:48', 0, 0, '2005-11-01 04:23:10', '2005-11-01 08:50:11', 47.728400000000001, 93.556399999999996, 23.818100000000001, 143.59700000000001, 4.2712399999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 129543749, -0.041724342982585198, 0.321606824386938, 0.94595355578929996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1013102', 'HD12230', 31.280899999999999, 77.281499999999994, '2005-11-04 14:57:19', 13100, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 5.2800000000000002, 'F0V', 0, 40, 'PE', '2006-05-19 14:00:23', '2006-05-19 16:03:12', 0, 0, '2005-11-04 14:57:19', '2005-11-04 19:01:15', 58.156999999999996, 69.106499999999997, 15.004200000000001, 127.06399999999999, 263.18000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 65321883, 0.188156781995999, 0.114315223118828, 0.97546350785265301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0820602', 'HD5689', 14.9483, 63.607900000000001, '2005-11-09 18:10:11', 18197, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.1300000000000008, 'O6V', 0.56000000000000005, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 02:06:07', '2006-11-19 02:06:07', 0, 0, '2005-11-09 18:10:11', '2005-11-10 03:46:42', 50.917999999999999, 47.060099999999998, 0.75092000000000003, 123.86199999999999, 264.524, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 61014317, 0.42946894247323703, 0.11466060860185, 0.89577305847294397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0370401', 'HD218066', 346.00900000000001, 63.396900000000002, '2005-11-12 01:23:53', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 7.6699999999999999, 'B1.5', 0.65000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2006-02-10 02:45:35', '2006-08-10 02:45:35', 0, 0, '2005-11-12 01:23:53', '2005-11-12 02:15:32', 59.701900000000002, 30.537500000000001, 2.9881099999999998, 111.248, 200.66800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 257008929, 0.434522681821984, -0.108266177610298, 0.89413000943256904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0370301', 'HD217979', 345.834, 63.550600000000003, '2005-11-14 19:47:22', 19134, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.5999999999999996, 'B1V', 0.60999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2006-02-16 06:42:18', '2006-08-16 06:42:18', 0, 0, '2005-11-14 19:47:22', '2005-11-15 05:19:29', 59.860599999999998, 30.671600000000002, 3.16032, 111.239, 227.49700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 257010778, 0.43186278718939197, -0.109005444612402, 0.89532806617790295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9371101', 'HD217476', 345.02100000000002, 56.945399999999999, '2005-11-16 02:06:51', 13779, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 5.0999999999999996, 'F5I+', 0.10000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-25 21:13:39', '2006-11-25 21:13:39', 0, 0, '2005-11-16 02:06:51', '2005-11-16 10:39:53', 55.594999999999999, 21.170200000000001, -2.6981600000000001, 108.16, 221.87100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP D.', 'BENNETT', NULL, 233978051, 0.52690435543700498, -0.14097663088113199, 0.83815117357605595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1240101', 'SKY-164818-600500', 252.07499999999999, 60.083300000000001, '2005-11-30 02:24:58', 5379, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-05-25 21:04:34', '2006-11-25 21:04:34', 0, 0, '2005-11-30 02:24:58', '2005-11-30 08:27:09', 79.732799999999997, 210.55000000000001, 38.491799999999998, 89.743200000000002, 108.03400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN', 'SHELTON', NULL, 166720927, -0.15349822843145, -0.47453163586486802, 0.86675141790009103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1037801', 'HS1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '2005-11-30 17:04:07', 6636, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16.100000000000001, '', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2006-03-03 07:13:47', '2006-03-30 10:06:50', 0, 2.7200000000000002, '2005-11-30 17:04:07', '2005-12-01 02:18:50', 83.438599999999994, 194.179, 36.158799999999999, 94.401899999999998, 76.882999999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3270801', 'NGC5879', 227.44499999999999, 57.0002, '2005-12-02 16:56:16', 2276, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.220000000000001, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2006-02-10 02:46:12', '2006-08-10 02:46:12', 0, 772, '2005-12-02 16:56:16', '2005-12-02 19:11:32', 68.287599999999998, 185.34800000000001, 51.396299999999997, 93.231300000000005, 92.372, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES G.', 'HOOPES', 'y', 187774282, -0.36833610962704599, -0.40119446648308599, 0.83867246908919402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1035401', 'HS1522+6615', 230.73699999999999, 66.078299999999999, '2005-12-03 06:59:01', 4107, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.699999999999999, 'O', 0.029999999999999999, 18, 'PC', '2006-05-19 02:48:56', '2006-05-19 08:54:46', 0, 0, '2005-12-03 06:59:01', '2005-12-03 11:22:03', 74.483099999999993, 163.59100000000001, 44.5608, 102.482, 105.21899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 191428203, -0.256625543029741, -0.31394856589903097, 0.914100447781661); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3270803', 'NGC5879', 227.44499999999999, 57.0002, '2005-12-04 04:50:00', 8517, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.220000000000001, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2006-05-19 02:06:26', '2006-11-19 02:06:26', 0, 772, '2005-12-04 04:50:00', '2005-12-04 14:07:01', 68.287599999999998, 185.34800000000001, 51.396299999999997, 93.231300000000005, 75.909300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES G.', 'HOOPES', NULL, 187774282, -0.36833610962704599, -0.40119446648308599, 0.83867246908919402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3270805', 'NGC5879', 227.44499999999999, 57.0002, '2005-12-05 17:24:43', 4196, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.220000000000001, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2006-05-19 05:47:06', '2006-11-19 05:47:06', 0, 772, '2005-12-05 17:24:43', '2005-12-05 18:41:33', 68.287599999999998, 185.34800000000001, 51.396299999999997, 93.231300000000005, 69.741600000000005, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES G.', 'HOOPES', NULL, 187774282, -0.36833610962704599, -0.40119446648308599, 0.83867246908919402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3250102', 'MRK279', 208.26499999999999, 69.308300000000003, '2005-12-06 04:20:53', 1341, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-05-19 05:36:25', '2006-11-19 05:36:25', 1, 0.029999999999999999, '2005-12-06 04:20:53', '2005-12-06 05:40:11', 67.646699999999996, 144.91399999999999, 46.864400000000003, 115.04300000000001, 81.861400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'NAHUM', 'ARAV', NULL, 194941727, -0.31120954813664098, -0.16732393403085, 0.935495226203227); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9030701', 'RE1446+632', 221.50800000000001, 63.489699999999999, '2005-12-06 10:26:01', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 16, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-02-10 02:34:58', '2006-08-10 02:34:58', 0, 0, '2005-12-06 10:26:01', '2005-12-06 10:50:46', 69.831100000000006, 165.80500000000001, 49.170400000000001, 103.828, 78.596400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 188652322, -0.33426159234685998, -0.29581288949078199, 0.89485413464589603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3250103', 'MRK279', 208.26499999999999, 69.308300000000003, '2005-12-07 11:01:50', 2289, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-16 06:53:16', '2006-08-16 06:53:16', 1, 0.029999999999999999, '2005-12-07 11:01:50', '2005-12-07 11:49:57', 67.646699999999996, 144.91399999999999, 46.864400000000003, 115.04300000000001, 24.302900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'NAHUM', 'ARAV', 'y', 194941727, -0.31120954813664098, -0.16732393403085, 0.935495226203227); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3250104', 'MRK279', 208.26499999999999, 69.308300000000003, '2005-12-08 18:42:39', 3187, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-10 02:45:54', '2006-08-10 02:45:54', 1, 0.029999999999999999, '2005-12-08 18:42:39', '2005-12-08 19:45:41', 67.646699999999996, 144.91399999999999, 46.864400000000003, 115.04300000000001, 49.376600000000003, 'F', 'F', 'NAHUM', 'ARAV', 'y', 194941727, -0.31120954813664098, -0.16732393403085, 0.935495226203227); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6051901', 'NBKGD19', 208.25999999999999, 65, '2005-12-09 00:39:57', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-02-24 05:39:40', '2006-02-24 17:03:52', 0, 0, '2005-12-09 00:39:57', '2005-12-09 02:42:10', 65.659899999999993, 154.57900000000001, 50.884799999999998, 112.68600000000001, 59.379199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 194550234, -0.37224559445586197, -0.200098507153183, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1031301', 'FB1229+710', 187.90199999999999, 70.737200000000001, '2005-12-10 15:59:33', 10137, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-03-04 00:46:26', '2006-03-30 10:06:49', 0, 0, '2005-12-10 15:59:33', '2005-12-11 00:15:07', 62.1479, 134.38200000000001, 46.299599999999998, 125.29900000000001, 28.9406, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 196649665, -0.326769022796913, -0.045354574995081803, 0.94401534323726199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1025701', 'QSO1006+817', 153.16, 81.503900000000002, '2005-12-17 04:11:44', 19104, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 16.100000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-05-19 02:48:37', '2006-05-19 08:54:46', 0, 0, '2005-12-17 04:11:44', '2005-12-17 23:02:09', 61.7485, 106.17100000000001, 33.514200000000002, 129.43299999999999, 359.49000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 132036784, -0.131825957677566, 0.066705638600176795, 0.98902592213820895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0270102', 'UGC4305', 124.804, 70.718299999999999, '2005-12-18 02:24:38', 28130, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 11.4, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-16 08:48:54', '2006-08-16 08:48:54', 0, 333, '2005-12-18 02:24:38', '2005-12-18 18:31:08', 49.302399999999999, 106.801, 32.699100000000001, 144.27799999999999, 319.23599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIPP', 'RICHTER', 'y', 127794574, -0.18847592922331699, 0.27114092913344301, 0.94390646816941604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0270103', 'UGC4305', 124.804, 70.718299999999999, '2005-12-19 09:40:50', 18821, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 11.4, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-16 06:32:49', '2006-08-16 06:32:49', 0, 333, '2005-12-19 09:40:50', '2005-12-19 18:50:55', 49.302399999999999, 106.801, 32.699100000000001, 144.27799999999999, 302.75200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIPP', 'RICHTER', 'y', 127794574, -0.18847592922331699, 0.27114092913344301, 0.94390646816941604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0260302', '1H0717+714', 110.471, 71.343299999999999, '2005-12-20 04:39:09', 22556, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.5, 'GAL', 0.050000000000000003, 87, 'PC', '2006-02-16 06:32:17', '2006-08-16 06:32:17', 0, 0.5, '2005-12-20 04:39:09', '2005-12-20 16:12:25', 48.595300000000002, 99.738900000000001, 28.0166, 143.983, 299.83800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BART P.', 'WAKKER', 'y', 129369822, -0.11187863870907599, 0.29969535056767999, 0.94745230331068397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0270104', 'UGC4305', 124.804, 70.718299999999999, '2005-12-20 20:50:10', 2210, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.4, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-16 06:33:07', '2006-08-16 06:33:07', 0, 333, '2005-12-20 20:50:10', '2005-12-20 21:40:45', 49.302399999999999, 106.801, 32.699100000000001, 144.27799999999999, 300.91800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIPP', 'RICHTER', 'y', 127794574, -0.18847592922331699, 0.27114092913344301, 0.94390646816941604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9190901', 'NGC2403', 114.214, 65.602500000000006, '2005-12-21 11:27:09', 6660, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.9299999999999997, 'GAL', 0.040000000000000001, 80, 'EC', '2006-02-16 07:46:07', '2006-08-16 07:46:07', 0, 0, '2005-12-21 11:27:09', '2005-12-21 14:59:10', 43.290599999999998, 103.459, 29.185500000000001, 150.571, 290.238, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 126866584, -0.16941678818227099, 0.37672323101051702, 0.91070168502040205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9180501', 'NGC2403-HK270', 114.217, 65.613, '2005-12-21 16:52:03', 34806, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 17, 'GAL', 0.040000000000000001, 72, 'EC', '2006-02-10 03:17:58', '2006-08-10 03:17:58', 0, 0, '2005-12-21 16:52:03', '2005-12-22 11:06:32', 43.301099999999998, 103.458, 29.187200000000001, 150.559, 299.803, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 126866587, -0.16936805110053901, 0.376562145727589, 0.91077736778613405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490606', 'RS-CEP', 76.513300000000001, 80.247900000000001, '2005-12-22 13:35:15', 2154, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.32, 'A5VE', 0, 66, 'PC', '2006-02-10 02:45:18', '2006-08-10 02:45:18', 0, 0, '2005-12-22 13:35:15', '2005-12-22 14:12:09', 57.003300000000003, 85.840199999999996, 22.4878, 132.38900000000001, 260.75999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 64780151, 0.039504055201534299, 0.164714662380852, 0.98554985141259899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020101', 'RS-CEP', 76.513300000000001, 80.247900000000001, '2005-12-22 21:24:59', 4523, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.32, 'A5VE', 0, 66, 'PC', '2006-01-14 07:09:10', '2006-01-16 09:35:26', 0, 0, '2005-12-22 21:24:59', '2005-12-22 23:47:26', 57.003300000000003, 85.840199999999996, 22.4878, 132.38900000000001, 261.452, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 64780151, 0.039504055201534299, 0.164714662380852, 0.98554985141259899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9180202', 'NGC2403-HK542', 114.084, 65.618600000000001, '2005-12-23 02:08:18', 21847, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 17, 'GAL', 0.040000000000000001, 72, 'EC', '2006-02-10 02:56:31', '2006-08-10 02:56:31', 0, 0, '2005-12-23 02:08:18', '2005-12-23 13:20:10', 43.294199999999996, 103.38200000000001, 29.132200000000001, 150.55000000000001, 318.274, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 126866946, -0.168457159566681, 0.37687301227243603, 0.91081771942108503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053501', 'NBKGD35', 42.877499999999998, 70, '2006-01-04 18:21:03', 2472, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-20 03:48:16', '2006-01-20 10:03:40', 0, 0, '2006-01-04 18:21:03', '2006-01-04 20:56:15', 50.316000000000003, 66.889499999999998, 9.4922799999999992, 132.92400000000001, 205.78800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 63099231, 0.25063583621260899, 0.232721842650227, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9270401', 'HD19820', 48.522100000000002, 59.563299999999998, '2006-01-05 00:59:50', 765, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.1500000000000004, 'O9IV', 0.20000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2006-02-10 03:18:29', '2006-08-10 03:18:29', 0, 0, '2006-01-05 00:59:50', '2006-01-05 02:14:42', 39.796999999999997, 64.106200000000001, 1.5377400000000001, 140.11799999999999, 204.50200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 53798959, 0.33552775630499498, 0.37954002827204403, 0.86218935953083498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9270402', 'HD19820', 48.522100000000002, 59.563299999999998, '2006-01-05 06:26:01', 2225, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.1500000000000004, 'O9IV', 0.20000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2006-02-10 03:19:16', '2006-08-10 03:19:16', 0, 0, '2006-01-05 06:26:01', '2006-01-05 10:31:48', 39.796999999999997, 64.106200000000001, 1.5377400000000001, 140.11799999999999, 204.16499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 53798959, 0.33552775630499498, 0.37954002827204403, 0.86218935953083498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053301', 'NBKGD33', 14.295, 70, '2006-01-05 13:12:32', 5651, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-14 06:16:46', '2006-01-16 09:35:26', 0, 0, '2006-01-05 13:12:32', '2006-01-05 20:11:02', 55.950800000000001, 53.705100000000002, 7.1335100000000002, 123.428, 172.55199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 62055032, 0.33143027023051103, 0.084449715307047105, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050301', 'NBKGD3', 23.140000000000001, 65, '2006-01-06 06:33:58', 7474, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-14 06:16:20', '2006-01-16 09:35:26', 0, 0, '2006-01-06 06:33:58', '2006-01-06 12:26:07', 49.947600000000001, 52.848599999999998, 2.47424, 127.26300000000001, 177.911, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 59743257, 0.38861751118662502, 0.166080176890092, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053302', 'NBKGD33', 14.295, 70, '2006-01-07 01:24:59', 4918, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-14 06:26:57', '2006-01-16 09:35:27', 0, 0, '2006-01-07 01:24:59', '2006-01-07 08:53:27', 55.950800000000001, 53.705100000000002, 7.1335100000000002, 123.428, 186.12700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 62055032, 0.33143027023051103, 0.084449715307047105, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050401', 'NBKGD4', 34.710000000000001, 65, '2006-01-07 11:14:25', 6596, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-20 03:37:37', '2006-01-20 10:03:38', 0, 0, '2006-01-07 11:14:25', '2006-01-07 18:40:36', 47.374400000000001, 59.135599999999997, 3.6782300000000001, 132.00200000000001, 187.31200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 59992869, 0.34741108971517898, 0.240648560975631, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050302', 'NBKGD3', 23.140000000000001, 65, '2006-01-08 02:06:50', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-03-03 06:11:42', '2006-03-03 10:41:48', 0, 0, '2006-01-08 02:06:50', '2006-01-08 03:31:32', 49.947600000000001, 52.848599999999998, 2.47424, 127.26300000000001, 176.27000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 59743257, 0.38861751118662502, 0.166080176890092, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6056101', 'NBKGD61', 29.324999999999999, 60, '2006-01-08 07:15:00', 1930, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-20 03:59:38', '2006-01-20 10:03:40', 0, 0, '2006-01-08 07:15:00', '2006-01-08 08:15:16', 44.198999999999998, 52.551099999999998, -1.82555, 131.08500000000001, 174.43299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 59128078, 0.43592782802347202, 0.24488145857687599, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053303', 'NBKGD33', 14.295, 70, '2006-01-08 10:03:06', 14791, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-14 06:27:25', '2006-01-16 09:35:27', 0, 0, '2006-01-08 10:03:06', '2006-01-08 17:55:25', 55.950800000000001, 53.705100000000002, 7.1335100000000002, 123.428, 169.84700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 62055032, 0.33143027023051103, 0.084449715307047105, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0030203', 'HD209339', 330.16300000000001, 62.4878, '2006-01-08 22:51:37', 2242, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.6900000000000004, 'B0IV', 0.37, 20, 'PC', '2006-01-13 16:37:52', '2006-07-13 16:37:52', 0, 0, '2006-01-08 22:51:37', '2006-01-09 00:49:43', 64.843199999999996, 19.504100000000001, 5.8694800000000003, 104.57899999999999, 134.161, 'F', 'F', 'CRISTINA', 'OLIVEIRA', 'y', 256627075, 0.40070504768040699, -0.229829708199775, 0.88691249286062601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1011901', 'HD4775', 12.681699999999999, 64.247600000000006, '2006-01-09 09:28:02', 7400, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.3700000000000001, 'G0II', 0.10000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2006-01-14 06:47:34', '2006-01-16 09:35:25', 0, 0, '2006-01-09 09:28:02', '2006-01-09 12:08:57', 52.037599999999998, 46.442599999999999, 1.3756600000000001, 122.85599999999999, 175.68299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 61003219, 0.42388364783206001, 0.095384053634851598, 0.90068004053202499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1011902', 'HD4775', 12.681699999999999, 64.247600000000006, '2006-01-10 08:47:07', 7338, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.3700000000000001, 'G0II', 0.10000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2006-01-14 06:58:41', '2006-01-16 09:35:25', 0, 0, '2006-01-10 08:47:07', '2006-01-10 11:18:42', 52.037599999999998, 46.442599999999999, 1.3756600000000001, 122.85599999999999, 164.858, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 61003219, 0.42388364783206001, 0.095384053634851598, 0.90068004053202499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6055701', 'NBKGD57', 357.375, 70, '2006-01-10 13:35:39', 1345, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-20 03:59:30', '2006-01-20 10:03:40', 0, 0, '2006-01-10 13:35:39', '2006-01-10 14:41:32', 60.271000000000001, 46.451000000000001, 7.7664499999999999, 117.646, 167.51400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 257810881, 0.341661255213632, -0.015664135033782198, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053201', 'NBKGD32', 0, 70, '2006-01-11 10:56:19', 4135, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-20 03:37:47', '2006-01-20 10:03:39', 0, 0, '2006-01-11 10:56:19', '2006-01-11 11:58:05', 59.558799999999998, 47.541400000000003, 7.56907, 118.529, 154.042, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 61783727, 0.34202014332566899, 0, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050101', 'NBKGD1', 0, 65, '2006-01-11 13:45:17', 2729, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-17 23:20:09', '2006-01-18 09:28:05', 0, 0, '2006-01-11 13:45:17', '2006-01-11 19:08:36', 56.255200000000002, 40.465600000000002, 2.6690100000000001, 117.53, 153.00200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 50309866, 0.422618261740699, 0, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050102', 'NBKGD1', 0, 65, '2006-01-12 13:08:43', 2042, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-26 01:20:40', '2006-01-26 09:46:39', 0, 0, '2006-01-12 13:08:43', '2006-01-12 18:23:16', 56.255200000000002, 40.465600000000002, 2.6690100000000001, 117.53, 182.15199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 50309866, 0.422618261740699, 0, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0140103', 'HD208905', 329.32400000000001, 61.295299999999997, '2006-01-12 19:39:40', 5163, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 11, 7, 'B1VP', 0.34999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2006-01-24 08:53:11', '2006-07-24 08:53:11', 0, 0, '2006-01-12 19:39:40', '2006-01-12 23:18:48', 64.448899999999995, 16.718399999999999, 5.1671199999999997, 103.532, 154.85300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STEVEN R.', 'FEDERMAN', 'y', 256581120, 0.41308581016170898, -0.245038428281873, 0.87710676779294905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1011501', 'BD+61D154', 10.8261, 61.911099999999998, '2006-01-13 03:26:50', 6217, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.25, 'B8E', 0.62, 26, 'PC', '2006-01-24 11:58:42', '2006-01-24 10:00:25', 0, 0, '2006-01-13 03:26:50', '2006-01-13 05:49:32', 50.736199999999997, 43.054099999999998, -0.94572900000000004, 121.976, 135.363, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 49781287, 0.46246085039205898, 0.088437475544169294, 0.88221809932353301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0370101', 'BD+61D2365', 343.57499999999999, 62.665300000000002, '2006-01-13 17:00:09', 2454, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.2400000000000002, 'B1V', 0.78000000000000003, 20, 'PC', '2006-02-16 07:24:53', '2006-08-16 07:24:53', 0, 0, '2006-01-13 17:00:09', '2006-01-13 22:23:15', 60.075299999999999, 28.004899999999999, 2.7868499999999998, 109.938, 156.67400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 256959454, 0.44044851138013702, -0.129839902339632, 0.88833929811950596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6052901', 'NBKGD29', 323.95999999999998, 65, '2006-01-14 07:45:29', 13559, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-17 23:20:16', '2006-01-18 09:28:05', 0, 0, '2006-01-14 07:45:29', '2006-01-14 18:38:44', 68.501499999999993, 21.175699999999999, 9.5553899999999992, 104.092, 118.54900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 258189082, 0.341731850530062, -0.248647416013176, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0370501', 'HD218323', 346.48599999999999, 64.295199999999994, '2006-01-14 21:07:27', 11142, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 7.6500000000000004, 'B0II', 0.90000000000000002, 23, 'PC', '2006-02-16 06:42:54', '2006-08-16 06:42:54', 0, 0, '2006-01-14 21:07:27', '2006-01-15 08:04:36', 60.112299999999998, 32.185400000000001, 3.7276699999999998, 111.801, 113.229, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 257105065, 0.42172569733573601, -0.101356374916969, 0.90104068802156601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6052801', 'NBKGD28', 312.38999999999999, 65, '2006-01-15 11:59:12', 2288, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-20 02:45:52', '2006-01-20 10:03:39', 0, 0, '2006-01-15 11:59:12', '2006-01-15 16:05:27', 72.878200000000007, 14.5846, 13.171799999999999, 100.745, 114.294, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 261423123, 0.28491802953036299, -0.31213444475940999, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6052902', 'NBKGD29', 323.95999999999998, 65, '2006-01-16 14:38:31', 11292, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-26 01:10:04', '2006-01-26 09:46:45', 0, 0, '2006-01-16 14:38:31', '2006-01-17 09:03:32', 68.501499999999993, 21.175699999999999, 9.5553899999999992, 104.092, 138.916, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 258189082, 0.341731850530062, -0.248647416013176, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6052802', 'NBKGD28', 312.38999999999999, 65, '2006-01-17 10:14:16', 9256, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-26 01:30:39', '2006-01-26 09:46:42', 0, 0, '2006-01-17 10:14:16', '2006-01-17 21:41:56', 72.878200000000007, 14.5846, 13.171799999999999, 100.745, 134.86600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 261423123, 0.28491802953036299, -0.31213444475940999, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1072201', 'IRAS09149-62', 139.03899999999999, -62.3249, '2006-01-19 22:21:26', 7554, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.5, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-01-24 11:58:51', '2006-01-24 10:00:26', 0, 0, '2006-01-19 22:21:26', '2006-01-20 00:38:28', -69.007800000000003, 191.74600000000001, -9.1952200000000008, 280.61399999999998, 76.288600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 616859029, -0.350737643733807, 0.30447268462247501, -0.88559555644031995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1072101', 'IC2448', 136.77699999999999, -69.941900000000004, '2006-01-20 01:34:40', 24594, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.300000000000001, 'CSPN', 0.080000000000000002, 70, 'PC', '2006-03-03 11:11:19', '2006-03-30 10:06:53', 0, 0, '2006-01-20 01:34:40', '2006-01-20 10:37:47', -72.796700000000001, 212.32599999999999, -14.9513, 285.80099999999999, 78.6417, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 608010728, -0.249922180214942, 0.234881415818084, -0.93934531687761302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1730201', 'HD49855', 100.943, -71.976500000000001, '2006-01-20 13:05:56', 18027, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.9600000000000009, 'G6V', 0.01, 44, 'PE', '2006-01-26 00:48:46', '2006-07-26 00:48:46', 0, 0, '2006-01-20 13:05:56', '2006-01-20 21:12:01', -83.362799999999993, 239.459, -26.2837, 282.75799999999998, 132.69300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 613004758, -0.05873546407889, 0.30378095012448902, -0.95092969224906398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1072001', 'HD78791', 136.28700000000001, -72.602699999999999, '2006-01-20 22:14:22', 37556, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.5, 'F9II', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-03 10:50:38', '2006-03-30 10:06:52', 0, 0, '2006-01-20 22:14:22', '2006-01-21 11:36:26', -73.275599999999997, 221.322, -16.770099999999999, 287.82600000000002, 94.706999999999994, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 607560009, -0.21611728278422501, 0.206619996842929, -0.95425441942209099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1071701', 'ESO60-03', 124.14, -71.859399999999994, '2006-01-21 12:37:52', 14390, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.4, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2006-03-03 09:58:23', '2006-03-30 10:06:51', 0, 0, '2006-01-21 12:37:52', '2006-01-21 18:39:32', -77.003399999999999, 219.01599999999999, -19.435700000000001, 285.01600000000002, 111.949, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 607833482, -0.174734836892559, 0.25769456940656699, -0.95029534654995296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1074601', 'BPM-6502', 161.04499999999999, -69.305999999999997, '2006-01-21 21:05:10', 10696, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.09, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2006-03-03 11:21:54', '2006-03-30 10:06:53', 0, 0, '2006-01-21 21:05:10', '2006-01-22 01:35:12', -64.681600000000003, 218.59999999999999, -9.1668699999999994, 292.05599999999998, 57.813899999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 609069947, -0.334214662099589, 0.114785803269517, -0.93548104149973499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1071601', 'WD0809-728', 122.38500000000001, -72.988100000000003, '2006-01-22 02:47:56', 9901, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.15, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-06 03:18:00', '2006-04-06 10:39:02', 0, 0, '2006-01-22 02:47:56', '2006-01-22 09:07:46', -77.320599999999999, 224.44499999999999, -20.426200000000001, 285.82100000000003, 109.17400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 607792368, -0.156702339009724, 0.24706632215299701, -0.95624401143571802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1110502', 'AOMEN', 94.617500000000007, -72.044899999999998, '2006-01-22 11:36:16', 19485, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.1, 'G3V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2006-01-26 00:48:27', '2006-07-26 00:48:27', 0, 0, '2006-01-22 11:36:16', '2006-01-22 19:40:39', -84.281999999999996, 255.57599999999999, -28.236000000000001, 282.673, 140.577, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', 'y', 613074571, -0.024816902595318501, 0.307271055575703, -0.95129838628632601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1074602', 'BPM-6502', 161.04499999999999, -69.305999999999997, '2006-01-22 22:03:53', 7122, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.09, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2006-03-07 03:35:10', '2006-03-30 10:06:54', 0, 0, '2006-01-22 22:03:53', '2006-01-23 00:49:59', -64.681600000000003, 218.59999999999999, -9.1668699999999994, 292.05599999999998, 58.773899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 609069947, -0.334214662099589, 0.114785803269517, -0.93548104149973499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1071702', 'ESO60-03', 124.14, -71.859399999999994, '2006-01-23 02:50:40', 18574, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.4, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2006-03-07 03:24:41', '2006-03-30 10:06:52', 0, 0, '2006-01-23 02:50:40', '2006-01-23 10:06:04', -77.003399999999999, 219.01599999999999, -19.435700000000001, 285.01600000000002, 93.520799999999994, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 607833482, -0.174734836892559, 0.25769456940656699, -0.95029534654995296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5112902', 'BI130', 79.525300000000001, -69.242900000000006, '2006-01-23 11:18:04', 11271, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.529999999999999, 'O8.5', 0.14000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-30 11:05:18', '2006-07-26 00:37:27', 0, 0, '2006-01-23 11:18:04', '2006-01-23 18:55:00', -85.242699999999999, 320.97699999999998, -33.457599999999999, 279.976, 155.44499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542285158, 0.0644316498931118, 0.34850082409998301, -0.93509129933589097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7054201', 'SBKGD42', 142.84899999999999, -70, '2006-01-23 22:44:45', 12506, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-01-26 01:20:14', '2006-01-26 09:46:48', 0, 0, '2006-01-23 22:44:45', '2006-01-24 01:47:57', -70.788899999999998, 214.059, -13.4658, 287.30200000000002, 76.618700000000004, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 607639548, -0.27260602201925099, 0.206552015723281, -0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0280201', 'HR2550', 102.048, -61.941400000000002, '2006-01-24 04:02:58', 41311, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 3.2999999999999998, 'A7IV', 0, 31, 'PC', '2006-03-03 06:43:21', '2006-09-03 06:43:21', 0, 0, '2006-01-24 04:02:58', '2006-01-25 06:52:45', -83.040000000000006, 144.11699999999999, -24.099299999999999, 271.92000000000002, 130.77699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MARC', 'HEMPEL', 'y', 637823591, -0.098181743549240905, 0.46001346366559198, -0.88246697302506205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7054001', 'SBKGD40', 114.304, -70, '2006-01-25 11:04:49', 3710, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-02-07 23:56:50', '2006-02-08 17:02:19', 0, 0, '2006-01-25 11:04:49', '2006-01-25 12:04:15', -80.450100000000006, 211.95400000000001, -21.5976, 281.80099999999999, 95.027100000000004, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 612888145, -0.14076796160893201, 0.31170845260431601, -0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1071201', 'RR-PIC', 98.900199999999998, -62.639800000000001, '2006-01-25 19:36:33', 14988, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.1, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2006-03-03 09:48:34', '2006-03-30 10:06:51', 0, 0, '2006-01-25 19:36:33', '2006-01-26 01:01:28', -84.537300000000002, 138.32400000000001, -25.671800000000001, 272.35599999999999, 120.086, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 637655857, -0.071103842333366293, 0.45404927206513901, -0.88813484457178504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1070401', 'J055225.0-640206', 88.107299999999995, -64.030900000000003, '2006-01-26 02:23:34', 24614, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-03-03 09:07:18', '2006-03-30 10:06:50', 0, 0.68000000000000005, '2006-01-26 02:23:34', '2006-01-26 14:51:36', -87.349900000000005, 71.772599999999997, -30.609100000000002, 273.46100000000001, 130.19499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 553723902, 0.0144624401694377, 0.43764746063516302, -0.89903033209338301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7050901', 'SBKGD9', 92.560000000000002, -65, '2006-01-26 15:52:19', 35990, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-02-09 13:46:33', '2006-02-02 10:22:07', 0, 0, '2006-01-26 15:52:19', '2006-01-27 03:47:42', -88.119299999999996, 125.113, -28.718599999999999, 274.63099999999997, 126.14100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 637550576, -0.018876483063111599, 0.422196486891943, -0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9140401', '30DOR-S1-2', 84.716700000000003, -69.162400000000005, '2006-01-27 04:47:15', 14075, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'OTR', 0.29999999999999999, 72, 'EE', '2006-02-09 13:14:12', '2006-08-02 02:09:01', 0, 0, '2006-01-27 04:47:15', '2006-01-27 12:19:16', -86.726100000000002, 304.99799999999999, -31.650600000000001, 279.53699999999998, 134.47399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542225250, 0.032754858638241499, 0.35420910965804397, -0.93459243837666695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9140501', '30DOR-S2', 84.862499999999997, -69.088300000000004, '2006-01-27 13:26:27', 19113, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'OTR', 0.29999999999999999, 72, 'EE', '2006-02-09 13:45:33', '2006-08-02 02:09:19', 0, 0, '2006-01-27 13:26:27', '2006-01-27 20:25:39', -86.816199999999995, 305.13400000000001, -31.607299999999999, 279.44299999999998, 134.72900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542225988, 0.031961608797621097, 0.35549485943089099, -0.93413160768773795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0160103', 'X0535-668', 83.924199999999999, -66.8626, '2006-01-27 21:29:15', 11419, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 99, 'PC', '2006-02-08 01:31:51', '2006-08-02 01:58:01', 0, 0, '2006-01-27 21:29:15', '2006-01-28 00:44:45', -87.579899999999995, 350.04899999999998, -32.193899999999999, 276.88099999999997, 135.839, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542524992, 0.041590104266505397, 0.39073021680745201, -0.91956520209319703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0740201', 'N49-W', 81.477999999999994, -66.080299999999994, '2006-01-28 02:30:44', 50314, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 99, 'SNR', 0.070000000000000007, 75, 'EE', '2006-02-16 07:35:49', '2006-08-16 07:35:49', 0, 0, '2006-01-28 02:30:44', '2006-01-29 02:00:31', -86.546599999999998, 4.0682, -33.255800000000001, 276.09399999999999, 137.84100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 542557593, 0.0600841688090238, 0.40097928640973701, -0.91411460141979295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9270601', 'HV2241', 74.316000000000003, -66.565200000000004, '2006-01-29 04:22:03', 12666, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.5, 'O7II', 0.12, 12, 'PC', '2006-02-16 07:46:26', '2006-08-16 07:46:26', 0, 0, '2006-01-29 04:22:03', '2006-01-29 10:47:53', -83.778199999999998, 352.755, -35.979599999999998, 277.35599999999999, 145.78899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 542745657, 0.107512293832898, 0.38289758832786702, -0.91751323888404601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9140601', '30DOR-S3', 84.548900000000003, -69.074100000000001, '2006-01-29 16:49:49', 11719, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'OTR', 0.29999999999999999, 72, 'EE', '2006-02-16 06:53:34', '2006-08-16 06:53:34', 0, 0, '2006-01-29 16:49:49', '2006-01-29 20:44:17', -86.753699999999995, 306.80900000000003, -31.720099999999999, 279.44200000000001, 137.161, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', 'y', 542225399, 0.033928860755342599, 0.35554505252952501, -0.934043118934892); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9270602', 'HV2241', 74.316000000000003, -66.565200000000004, '2006-01-30 07:43:51', 27526, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.5, 'O7II', 0.12, 12, 'PC', '2006-02-09 13:46:11', '2006-08-02 02:20:00', 0, 0, '2006-01-30 07:43:51', '2006-01-30 18:42:03', -83.778199999999998, 352.755, -35.979599999999998, 277.35599999999999, 146.99100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 542745657, 0.107512293832898, 0.38289758832786702, -0.91751323888404601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7050701', 'SBKGD7', 69.424999999999997, -65, '2006-01-31 03:55:20', 15408, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-06-15 05:54:41', '2006-02-16 15:09:45', 0, 0, '2006-01-31 03:55:20', '2006-01-31 14:36:51', -81.457499999999996, 0.96422300000000005, -38.352600000000002, 276.20699999999999, 152.09399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 542877974, 0.14852208045363199, 0.39566069652475599, -0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3250106', 'MRK279', 208.26499999999999, 69.308300000000003, '2006-02-03 02:19:31', 3703, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-16 08:49:11', '2006-08-16 08:49:11', 1, 0.029999999999999999, '2006-02-03 02:19:31', '2006-02-03 03:33:53', 67.646699999999996, 144.91399999999999, 46.864400000000003, 115.04300000000001, 333.31599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'NAHUM', 'ARAV', 'y', 194941727, -0.31120954813664098, -0.16732393403085, 0.935495226203227); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9120903', 'HD106677', 183.923, 72.551199999999994, '2006-02-03 05:04:25', 4448, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.2999999999999998, 'K0II', 0, 66, 'PE', '2006-02-16 08:49:20', '2006-08-16 08:49:20', 0, 0, '2006-02-03 05:04:25', '2006-02-03 12:20:09', 62.058100000000003, 129.67500000000001, 44.316800000000001, 126.666, 309.28699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 196767368, -0.29915084194649599, -0.020514706686348499, 0.95398528320528897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1031401', 'HD109540', 188.279, 82.563900000000004, '2006-02-03 20:18:19', 5151, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.449999999999999, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:18:21', '2006-08-30 16:02:08', 0, -41, '2006-02-03 20:18:19', '2006-02-04 02:48:52', 66.516900000000007, 108.748, 34.538499999999999, 123.652, 317.495, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 200250411, -0.12807164963984399, -0.018635695959961, 0.99158981610069796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9120904', 'HD106677', 183.923, 72.551199999999994, '2006-02-04 07:20:00', 7857, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.2999999999999998, 'K0II', 0, 66, 'PE', '2006-02-16 08:49:48', '2006-08-16 08:49:48', 0, 0, '2006-02-04 07:20:00', '2006-02-04 13:21:04', 62.058100000000003, 129.67500000000001, 44.316800000000001, 126.666, 308.137, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 196767368, -0.29915084194649599, -0.020514706686348499, 0.95398528320528897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0611101', '2MASSJ15265306+7941307', 231.721, 79.691900000000004, '2006-02-04 16:03:50', 8205, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 22, 12.1, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2006-02-24 05:39:22', '2006-08-24 05:39:22', 0, 0, '2006-02-04 16:03:50', '2006-02-04 22:11:51', 73.445400000000006, 112.896, 34.933700000000002, 115.062, 9.0122699999999991, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', 'y', 198945290, -0.110852592544774, -0.140469548319891, 0.98385975053404195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1031402', 'HD109540', 188.279, 82.563900000000004, '2006-02-04 23:58:51', 2383, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.449999999999999, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-03-03 08:46:37', '2006-03-30 10:06:49', 0, -41, '2006-02-04 23:58:51', '2006-02-05 02:03:49', 66.516900000000007, 108.748, 34.538499999999999, 123.652, 307.37599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 200250411, -0.12807164963984399, -0.018635695959961, 0.99158981610069796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9120905', 'HD106677', 183.923, 72.551199999999994, '2006-02-05 03:29:03', 28771, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 6.2999999999999998, 'K0II', 0, 66, 'PE', '2006-02-16 08:59:31', '2006-08-16 08:59:31', 0, 0, '2006-02-05 03:29:03', '2006-02-05 21:40:55', 62.058100000000003, 129.67500000000001, 44.316800000000001, 126.666, 307.04199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 196767368, -0.29915084194649599, -0.020514706686348499, 0.95398528320528897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9120906', 'HD106677', 183.923, 72.551199999999994, '2006-02-06 03:35:32', 5005, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.2999999999999998, 'K0II', 0, 66, 'PE', '2006-02-16 08:59:49', '2006-08-16 08:59:49', 0, 0, '2006-02-06 03:35:32', '2006-02-06 04:46:02', 62.058100000000003, 129.67500000000001, 44.316800000000001, 126.666, 313.94200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 196767368, -0.29915084194649599, -0.020514706686348499, 0.95398528320528897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0611102', '2MASSJ15265306+7941307', 231.721, 79.691900000000004, '2006-02-06 07:57:55', 3735, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 8, 12.1, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2006-02-09 13:47:03', '2006-08-09 13:47:03', 0, 0, '2006-02-06 07:57:55', '2006-02-06 13:00:04', 73.445400000000006, 112.896, 34.933700000000002, 115.062, 7.2467699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', 'y', 198945290, -0.110852592544774, -0.140469548319891, 0.98385975053404195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9120907', 'HD106677', 183.923, 72.551199999999994, '2006-02-06 18:57:58', 10559, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.2999999999999998, 'K0II', 0, 66, 'PE', '2006-02-16 08:59:57', '2006-08-16 07:36:08', 0, 0, '2006-02-06 18:57:58', '2006-02-06 21:32:01', 62.058100000000003, 129.67500000000001, 44.316800000000001, 126.666, 321.529, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 196767368, -0.29915084194649599, -0.020514706686348499, 0.95398528320528897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1027501', 'PG1100+772', 166.05699999999999, 76.982799999999997, '2006-02-07 03:46:51', 13355, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.720000000000001, 'QSO', 0.059999999999999998, 85, 'PC', '2006-08-30 13:55:44', '2006-08-30 16:02:06', 0, 0.3115, '2006-02-07 03:46:51', '2006-02-07 12:50:12', 60.7288, 116.55800000000001, 38.549399999999999, 130.39599999999999, 300.37799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 131361783, -0.218606952729062, 0.054273894278031698, 0.97430249133336899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1027502', 'PG1100+772', 166.05699999999999, 76.982799999999997, '2006-02-07 22:33:31', 17490, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.720000000000001, 'QSO', 0.059999999999999998, 85, 'PC', '2006-08-30 13:56:25', '2006-08-30 16:02:06', 0, 0.3115, '2006-02-07 22:33:31', '2006-02-08 12:00:01', 60.7288, 116.55800000000001, 38.549399999999999, 130.39599999999999, 299.29700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 131361783, -0.218606952729062, 0.054273894278031698, 0.97430249133336899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0610801', '2MASSJ12504906+7439435', 192.70500000000001, 74.662099999999995, '2006-02-08 13:56:06', 4324, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.9, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2006-02-16 09:10:32', '2006-08-16 09:10:32', 0, 0, '2006-02-08 13:56:06', '2006-02-08 15:21:43', 65.222499999999997, 128.00299999999999, 42.465899999999998, 122.989, 326.57999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', 'y', 196968487, -0.25803456882758602, -0.058174263374284198, 0.964382660758073); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0610901', '2MASSJ09435347+7831407', 145.97300000000001, 78.528000000000006, '2006-02-08 18:06:53', 1280, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 3, 11.5, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2006-02-27 23:52:53', '2006-08-27 23:52:53', 0, 0, '2006-02-08 18:06:53', '2006-02-08 18:36:18', 58.746499999999997, 108.524, 34.600200000000001, 133.09299999999999, 276.57299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', 'y', 131795009, -0.16483404963603099, 0.11129502220976099, 0.980022017156714); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3270601', 'NGC4605', 189.99700000000001, 61.609200000000001, '2006-02-09 07:08:44', 3578, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.890000000000001, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2006-02-22 05:28:32', '2006-08-22 05:28:32', 0, 143, '2006-02-09 07:08:44', '2006-02-09 09:33:12', 57.136499999999998, 149.648, 55.465400000000002, 125.334, 330.53100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES G.', 'HOOPES', 'y', 183957217, -0.46826362552591499, -0.082542230970689606, 0.87972493264412299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1024901', 'NGC2985', 147.59, 72.278899999999993, '2006-02-09 11:10:35', 8706, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.609999999999999, 'SEY', 0.02, 84, 'PC', '2006-08-30 13:55:35', '2006-08-30 16:02:05', 0, 1322, '2006-02-09 11:10:35', '2006-02-09 16:25:16', 54.003300000000003, 115.92700000000001, 38.681699999999999, 139.01499999999999, 286.512, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 130376758, -0.25697133321416099, 0.16314188684800601, 0.952549452082047); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9170101', 'NGC3516', 166.69800000000001, 72.568600000000004, '2006-02-09 17:12:24', 28718, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12.5, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-28 00:02:54', '2006-08-28 00:02:54', 0, 0, '2006-02-09 17:12:24', '2006-02-10 05:14:02', 57.987200000000001, 123.363, 42.402500000000003, 133.23699999999999, 323.08300000000003, 'F', 'F', 'D. MICHAEL', 'CRENSHAW', 'y', 125218132, -0.29152666094475899, 0.068924727360885493, 0.95407630088826101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3270401', 'NGC3738', 173.953, 54.523899999999998, '2006-02-10 08:10:43', 4300, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.130000000000001, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2006-02-27 23:21:20', '2006-08-27 23:21:20', 0, 229, '2006-02-10 08:10:43', '2006-02-10 10:34:16', 46.289400000000001, 146.636, 59.314500000000002, 144.55600000000001, 290.70100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES G.', 'HOOPES', 'y', 97951376, -0.57713406169759496, 0.0611379312789566, 0.81435767828845695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0200101', 'PG0838+770', 131.18899999999999, 76.886099999999999, '2006-02-10 13:17:12', 5942, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-27 23:32:08', '2006-08-27 23:32:08', 0, 0, '2006-02-10 13:17:12', '2006-02-10 17:09:41', 55.652999999999999, 105.35599999999999, 32.677500000000002, 136.65899999999999, 265.92399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', 'y', 131050552, -0.14941568548720499, 0.17074229281397499, 0.97392095283704405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1027503', 'PG1100+772', 166.05699999999999, 76.982799999999997, '2006-02-10 18:16:44', 11693, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.720000000000001, 'QSO', 0.059999999999999998, 85, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:18:15', '2006-08-30 16:02:07', 0, 0.3115, '2006-02-10 18:16:44', '2006-02-10 23:16:49', 60.7288, 116.55800000000001, 38.549399999999999, 130.39599999999999, 303.31, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 131361783, -0.218606952729062, 0.054273894278031698, 0.97430249133336899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0200104', 'PG0838+770', 131.18899999999999, 76.886099999999999, '2006-02-13 21:49:40', 35047, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 16.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-02-27 23:52:45', '2006-08-27 23:52:45', 0, 0, '2006-02-13 21:49:40', '2006-02-14 15:01:20', 55.652999999999999, 105.35599999999999, 32.677500000000002, 136.65899999999999, 270.39999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', 'y', 131050552, -0.14941568548720499, 0.17074229281397499, 0.97392095283704405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9180802', 'HOLMBERGII-HSK45', 124.80500000000001, 70.718900000000005, '2006-02-14 17:12:56', 17239, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 17, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 72, 'EC', '2006-02-27 23:24:10', '2006-08-27 23:24:10', 0, 0, '2006-02-14 17:12:56', '2006-02-15 03:12:46', 49.303100000000001, 106.801, 32.699599999999997, 144.27699999999999, 269.94900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 127794574, -0.188475019522335, 0.27112952334099899, 0.94390992609937996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9181001', 'HOLMBERGII-HSK70', 124.87, 70.705799999999996, '2006-02-15 13:54:32', 8701, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 17, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 72, 'EC', '2006-02-27 23:31:54', '2006-08-27 23:31:54', 0, 0, '2006-02-15 13:54:32', '2006-02-15 19:32:24', 49.298299999999998, 106.839, 32.722999999999999, 144.28700000000001, 269.12, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 127794565, -0.18890586420623701, 0.27109258842698603, 0.94383440442084499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9180902', 'HOLMBERGII-HSK67', 124.86199999999999, 70.699700000000007, '2006-02-15 21:59:42', 13015, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 17, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 72, 'EC', '2006-02-27 23:31:32', '2006-08-27 23:31:32', 0, 0, '2006-02-15 21:59:42', '2006-02-16 04:14:04', 49.291699999999999, 106.83799999999999, 32.721800000000002, 144.29499999999999, 268.80099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 127794564, -0.18892544726966201, 0.27120141189142799, 0.94379922100097902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9180702', 'HOLMBERGII-HSK7', 124.709, 70.746700000000004, '2006-02-16 06:34:29', 4278, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 17, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 72, 'EC', '2006-02-27 22:50:28', '2006-08-27 22:50:28', 0, 0, '2006-02-16 06:34:29', '2006-02-16 07:47:19', 49.317999999999998, 106.73999999999999, 32.6629, 144.25200000000001, 268.27699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 127794947, -0.18775966967590499, 0.27106841365642498, 0.94407003000888901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9180601', 'NGC2403-HK128', 114.27800000000001, 65.610600000000005, '2006-02-17 00:45:41', 1394, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 17, 'GAL', 0.040000000000000001, 72, 'EC', '2006-02-27 23:22:19', '2006-08-27 23:22:19', 0, 0, '2006-02-17 00:45:41', '2006-02-27 22:32:06', 43.304400000000001, 103.492, 29.2121, 150.56200000000001, 254.25999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 126866624, -0.16978454824259201, 0.37641639074464001, 0.91076007156486505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9181201', 'M81-HK652', 148.74100000000001, 69.146699999999996, '2006-02-17 03:17:19', 3222, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 17, 'GAL', 0.080000000000000002, 72, 'EC', '2006-04-06 03:08:10', '2006-10-06 03:08:10', 0, 0, '2006-02-17 03:17:19', '2006-02-17 07:01:19', 51.619399999999999, 119.348, 40.810099999999998, 142.04499999999999, 294.50999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 124619686, -0.30429947243986999, 0.18471885914750999, 0.934494929974507); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1023901', 'IRAS08339+6517', 129.59700000000001, 65.121099999999998, '2006-02-17 08:39:34', 26769, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.199999999999999, 'GAL', 0.089999999999999997, 89, 'EC', '2006-08-30 13:55:05', '2006-08-30 16:02:05', 0, 5730, '2006-02-17 08:39:34', '2006-02-17 19:44:49', 44.6995, 112.163, 35.599400000000003, 150.45500000000001, 262.11000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 127189574, -0.26814841657532901, 0.32417031240755401, 0.90719900531346098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9180302', 'NGC2403-VS9', 114.12, 65.564300000000003, '2006-02-17 21:02:50', 19734, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 17, 'GAL', 0.040000000000000001, 72, 'EC', '2006-02-27 23:00:48', '2006-08-27 23:00:48', 0, 0, '2006-02-17 21:02:50', '2006-02-18 07:45:06', 43.244700000000002, 103.419, 29.145499999999998, 150.613, 254.233, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 126865894, -0.16904659042305201, 0.37755475418097501, 0.91042608588599006); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1023401', 'PG0822+645', 126.819, 64.373500000000007, '2006-02-18 09:28:46', 24140, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.59, 'SDB', 0.040000000000000001, 28, 'PC', '2006-06-22 23:41:56', '2006-06-23 09:36:18', 0, 0, '2006-02-18 09:28:46', '2006-02-18 16:47:45', 43.591000000000001, 110.96899999999999, 34.571899999999999, 151.619, 237.55500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 127003977, -0.25919421965102002, 0.34623263590320902, 0.90163258500068399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7010101', 'PG0749+658', 118.601, 65.701899999999995, '2006-02-18 19:42:21', 6193, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11, 'SDB', 0.029999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2006-02-22 06:52:07', '2006-02-22 10:14:27', 0, 0, '2006-02-18 19:42:21', '2006-02-18 22:26:50', 43.828400000000002, 105.846, 30.993600000000001, 150.45099999999999, 248.35900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 127460694, -0.19698041057174701, 0.36127262737626997, 0.91141692246722805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9180402', 'NGC2403-HK361', 114.18899999999999, 65.616799999999998, '2006-02-19 13:51:51', 20399, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 17, 'GAL', 0.040000000000000001, 72, 'EC', '2006-02-27 23:11:00', '2006-08-27 23:11:00', 0, 0, '2006-02-19 13:51:51', '2006-02-20 01:11:29', 43.302100000000003, 103.441, 29.1755, 150.554, 211.80099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 126866608, -0.16915925669163501, 0.37658976736733901, 0.91080475020157203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9180602', 'NGC2403-HK128', 114.27800000000001, 65.610600000000005, '2006-02-20 03:30:22', 29964, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 17, 'GAL', 0.040000000000000001, 72, 'EC', '2006-02-27 23:21:06', '2006-08-27 23:21:06', 0, 0, '2006-02-20 03:30:22', '2006-02-20 16:01:43', 43.304400000000001, 103.492, 29.2121, 150.56200000000001, 227.357, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 126866624, -0.16978454824259201, 0.37641639074464001, 0.91076007156486505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6059501', 'NBKGD95', 105, 65, '2006-02-20 18:09:39', 12927, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-02-27 22:50:36', '2006-02-28 09:48:00', 0, 0, '2006-02-20 18:09:39', '2006-02-21 00:07:45', 42.000599999999999, 98.464100000000002, 25.296600000000002, 150.78100000000001, 231.85900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 128145882, -0.109381654946615, 0.408217893676735, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6059601', 'NBKGD96', 100, 65, '2006-02-21 06:33:00', 27928, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-02-28 00:13:11', '2006-02-28 09:48:03', 0, 0, '2006-02-21 06:33:00', '2006-02-21 18:21:29', 41.756399999999999, 95.645700000000005, 23.234300000000001, 150.27799999999999, 236.36199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 128472804, -0.073386891000038201, 0.41619774072678301, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1021101', 'UGC3478', 98.195800000000006, 63.673299999999998, '2006-02-23 07:35:13', 20261, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.9, 'AGN', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-03-04 00:35:35', '2006-03-30 10:06:48', 0, 0, '2006-02-23 07:35:13', '2006-02-23 15:14:36', 40.369199999999999, 94.760000000000005, 22.122800000000002, 151.43299999999999, 207.40000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 117273275, -0.063222172820450104, 0.43895941540273298, 0.89627986058660902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053801', 'NBKGD38', 85.762500000000003, 70, '2006-02-24 05:37:13', 34154, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-03-03 06:53:12', '2006-03-03 10:41:50', 0, 0, '2006-02-24 05:37:13', '2006-02-24 19:39:51', 46.591500000000003, 87.892399999999995, 19.8154, 143.267, 196.779, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 56562031, 0.025272183799094398, 0.34108517289166301, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7052201', 'SBKGD22', 242.97, -65, '2006-02-28 13:08:17', 16427, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-03-14 02:42:25', '2006-03-14 17:03:35', 0, 0, '2006-02-28 13:08:17', '2006-02-28 23:41:11', -42.982399999999998, 254.779, -9.9066700000000001, 322.15199999999999, 13.3988, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 677860309, -0.192061813603318, -0.376455116729916, -0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1091601', 'EK-TRA', 228.506, -65.091899999999995, '2006-03-01 15:40:26', 8944, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 17, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2006-03-04 00:46:38', '2006-03-30 10:06:55', 0, 0, '2006-03-01 15:40:26', '2006-03-01 21:08:58', -44.963500000000003, 246.774, -6.2558600000000002, 317.22899999999998, 27.345600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 678142426, -0.27903870253173901, -0.31546243935805102, -0.906984482691778); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9271701', 'HD117688', 203.375, -62.316899999999997, '2006-03-06 18:24:01', 43025, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 10.9, 'WN8', 0, 11, 'PC', '2006-04-06 02:46:40', '2006-10-06 02:46:40', 0, 0, '2006-03-06 18:24:01', '2006-03-07 09:42:31', -47.658000000000001, 230.71799999999999, 0.15717200000000001, 307.79700000000003, 67.292199999999994, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 682817885, -0.42645170765572699, -0.184321255137434, -0.88553069734598999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9271702', 'HD117688', 203.375, -62.316899999999997, '2006-03-07 10:19:50', 26626, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 10.9, 'WN8', 0, 11, 'PC', '2006-04-06 03:08:03', '2006-10-06 03:08:03', 0, 0, '2006-03-07 10:19:50', '2006-03-07 23:42:13', -47.658000000000001, 230.71799999999999, 0.15717200000000001, 307.79700000000003, 71.127700000000004, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 682817885, -0.42645170765572699, -0.184321255137434, -0.88553069734598999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9321501', 'HD115071', 199.02000000000001, -62.583599999999997, '2006-03-08 01:54:12', 17081, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 7.9400000000000004, 'B0.5', 0.48999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2006-04-06 01:32:32', '2006-10-06 01:32:32', 0, 0, '2006-03-08 01:54:12', '2006-03-08 07:31:18', -49.002699999999997, 228.42699999999999, 0.152862, 305.76600000000002, 75.085099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 682482809, -0.43531535045966602, -0.150061085675779, -0.88768362394491895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5058906', 'POLE-BKG', 210.102, -70.977699999999999, '2006-03-08 23:25:39', 8875, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-14 02:42:06', '2006-03-14 17:03:21', 0, 0, '2006-03-08 23:25:39', '2006-03-09 02:11:27', -53.355499999999999, 241.80699999999999, -8.8607999999999993, 308.54500000000002, 66.001199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 680563643, -0.28197840296547899, -0.16347031362266801, -0.94539179011939001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9271801', 'HD119078', 205.81800000000001, -67.401399999999995, '2006-03-09 04:25:27', 6248, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10, 'WC8', 0, 10, 'PC', '2006-03-14 06:10:17', '2006-09-14 06:10:17', 0, 0, '2006-03-09 04:25:27', '2006-03-09 06:29:33', -51.303100000000001, 236.40700000000001, -5.03017, 307.89600000000002, 64.953599999999994, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 681098848, -0.34591542359501498, -0.16735613844168801, -0.923219606943531); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9321002', 'HD114444', 198.268, -75.313699999999997, '2006-03-09 07:38:22', 5492, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.32, 'B2II', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2006-03-14 06:10:34', '2006-09-14 06:10:34', 0, 0, '2006-03-09 07:38:22', '2006-03-09 11:22:44', -58.858600000000003, 242.255, -12.5006, 304.33600000000001, 87.470799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 674147041, -0.240749086944376, -0.079471009437311599, -0.96732840121360197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1130103', 'HD104994', 181.328, -62.052799999999998, '2006-03-09 14:28:48', 10142, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.869999999999999, 'WN3P', 0.27000000000000002, 11, 'PE', '2006-03-14 06:00:07', '2006-09-14 06:00:07', 0, 0, '2006-03-09 14:28:48', '2006-03-09 20:23:59', -53.722799999999999, 217.64099999999999, 0.33676600000000001, 297.55799999999999, 79.816000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 705206333, -0.46853181733202898, -0.0108615626419194, -0.88337985182169598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5058907', 'POLE-BKG', 210.102, -70.977699999999999, '2006-03-09 23:56:10', 4555, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 1, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-14 06:10:41', '2006-03-14 17:03:24', 0, 0, '2006-03-09 23:56:10', '2006-03-10 01:20:18', -53.355499999999999, 241.80699999999999, -8.8607999999999993, 308.54500000000002, 66.854100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 680563643, -0.28197840296547899, -0.16347031362266801, -0.94539179011939001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1130104', 'HD104994', 181.328, -62.052799999999998, '2006-03-10 02:46:20', 32983, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 10.869999999999999, 'WN3P', 0.27000000000000002, 11, 'PE', '2006-04-06 02:35:37', '2006-10-06 02:35:37', 0, 0, '2006-03-10 02:46:20', '2006-03-10 19:38:25', -53.722799999999999, 217.64099999999999, 0.33676600000000001, 297.55799999999999, 80.352099999999993, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 705206333, -0.46853181733202898, -0.0108615626419194, -0.88337985182169598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5058908', 'POLE-BKG', 210.102, -70.977699999999999, '2006-03-10 21:54:10', 11439, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-14 06:10:49', '2006-03-14 17:03:26', 0, 0, '2006-03-10 21:54:10', '2006-03-11 00:32:07', -53.355499999999999, 241.80699999999999, -8.8607999999999993, 308.54500000000002, 67.589600000000004, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 680563643, -0.28197840296547899, -0.16347031362266801, -0.94539179011939001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1130105', 'HD104994', 181.328, -62.052799999999998, '2006-03-11 03:44:02', 30365, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 10.869999999999999, 'WN3P', 0.27000000000000002, 11, 'PE', '2006-03-18 05:27:21', '2006-09-18 05:27:21', 0, 0, '2006-03-11 03:44:02', '2006-03-11 17:06:18', -53.722799999999999, 217.64099999999999, 0.33676600000000001, 297.55799999999999, 101.346, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLE', 'ST-LOUIS', 'y', 705206333, -0.46853181733202898, -0.0108615626419194, -0.88337985182169598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5058909', 'POLE-BKG', 210.102, -70.977699999999999, '2006-03-11 18:05:21', 21241, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-03-18 10:40:17', '2006-03-20 08:58:17', 0, 0, '2006-03-11 18:05:21', '2006-03-12 01:54:18', -53.355499999999999, 241.80699999999999, -8.8607999999999993, 308.54500000000002, 68.319699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 680563643, -0.28197840296547899, -0.16347031362266801, -0.94539179011939001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9320301', 'HD100444', 173.22200000000001, -63.646799999999999, '2006-03-12 03:55:05', 7708, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.4399999999999995, 'O+', 0.46999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2006-03-18 06:20:28', '2006-09-18 06:20:28', 0, 0, '2006-03-12 03:55:05', '2006-03-12 06:34:13', -57.455199999999998, 214.976, -2.0918199999999998, 294.34800000000001, 106.28100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 620913300, -0.44080091514589997, 0.052390672682917597, -0.89607464567544204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0630201', 'HD100943', 174.11799999999999, -61.665100000000002, '2006-03-12 07:23:23', 6059, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.1500000000000004, 'B5IA', 0.26000000000000001, 24, 'PC', '2006-03-18 04:56:12', '2006-09-18 04:56:12', 0, -10, '2006-03-12 07:23:23', '2006-03-12 11:05:12', -55.7819, 212.90600000000001, -0.0764156, 294.16199999999998, 106.45099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'LAURA R.', 'PENNY', 'y', 620983382, -0.47212556876141099, 0.048639529717247797, -0.88018841361983402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0580101', 'SYMUS', 173.023, -65.418899999999994, '2006-03-12 12:38:49', 32487, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 10.9, 'WD+M', 0, 57, 'PC', '2006-03-18 04:45:32', '2006-09-18 04:45:32', 0, 0, '2006-03-12 12:38:49', '2006-03-13 01:45:16', -58.697099999999999, 217.37200000000001, -3.8075100000000002, 294.80000000000001, 91.889600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', 'y', 609694874, -0.41290050143833401, 0.050529567326425301, -0.90937337696777598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1083501', 'HD104237', 180.02099999999999, -78.192899999999995, '2006-03-13 02:55:23', 23785, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 6.5999999999999996, 'A7IV', 0.14999999999999999, 34, 'PE', '2006-03-18 10:40:37', '2006-03-30 10:06:55', 0, 0, '2006-03-13 02:55:23', '2006-03-13 12:04:11', -63.901400000000002, 242.28200000000001, -15.5916, 300.22800000000001, 99.3857, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 679477418, -0.204617336185624, -7.4996174043236201e-05, -0.97884204042729706); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1320402', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2006-03-13 18:08:05', 30058, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 9, 4.9500000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2006-03-18 11:01:22', '2006-09-18 11:01:22', 0, 0, '2006-03-13 18:08:05', '2006-03-14 06:11:03', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 98.263599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE R.', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1320403', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2006-03-14 09:06:12', 29261, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 10, 4.9500000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2006-04-07 02:43:55', '2006-10-07 02:43:55', 0, 0, '2006-03-14 09:06:12', '2006-03-14 23:37:18', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 101.955, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE R.', 'GULL', 'y', 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9321401', 'HD91597', 158.255, -60.844799999999999, '2006-03-15 00:22:39', 10927, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.8399999999999999, 'B1II', 0.29999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-03-18 06:30:19', '2006-09-18 06:30:19', 0, 0, '2006-03-15 00:22:39', '2006-03-15 04:14:06', -60.813200000000002, 201.887, -2.3689, 286.85700000000003, 125.81699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 611644724, -0.45251037196279098, 0.18048755975043601, -0.873303271516504); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7054301', 'SBKGD43', 157.245, -70, '2006-03-15 06:47:55', 9302, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-03-30 03:51:27', '2006-03-30 10:06:47', 0, 0, '2006-03-15 06:47:55', '2006-03-15 11:58:04', -66.173400000000001, 218.67099999999999, -10.429399999999999, 291.24900000000002, 111.021, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 609103431, -0.31539976518603802, 0.13229046285013499, -0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3031702', 'HD91572', 158.30099999999999, -58.170400000000001, '2006-03-15 14:48:20', 9261, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 20, 8.1999999999999993, 'O6.0', 0.37, 12, 'PC', '2006-04-07 02:45:03', '2006-10-07 02:45:03', 0, 0, '2006-03-15 14:48:20', '2006-03-15 19:11:29', -58.989699999999999, 197.983, -0.0491435, 285.52600000000001, 111.827, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 622991786, -0.49002308504424202, 0.19499396260500501, -0.849620345019657); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1080901', 'HD97175', 167.43799999999999, -70.367699999999999, '2006-03-16 07:26:37', 4977, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 8.8699999999999992, 'B0.5', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:53:12', '2006-08-30 16:02:16', 0, 0, '2006-03-16 07:26:37', '2006-03-16 09:48:37', -63.279800000000002, 223.16800000000001, -9.1723599999999994, 294.53300000000002, 92.869, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 608690856, -0.32793958157886299, 0.073074850244668907, -0.94186819518210696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3031703', 'HD91572', 158.30099999999999, -58.170400000000001, '2006-03-16 11:09:55', 5931, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 8.1999999999999993, 'O6.0', 0.37, 12, 'PC', '2006-03-21 02:59:03', '2006-09-21 02:59:03', 0, 0, '2006-03-16 11:09:55', '2006-03-16 16:05:06', -58.989699999999999, 197.983, -0.0491435, 285.52600000000001, 112.785, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', 'y', 622991786, -0.49002308504424202, 0.19499396260500501, -0.849620345019657); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0480101', 'RECX11', 131.75700000000001, -78.992900000000006, '2006-03-16 19:01:32', 18026, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.1, 'K4V', 0, 58, 'PE', '2006-03-21 02:16:14', '2006-09-21 02:16:14', 0, 0, '2006-03-16 19:01:32', '2006-03-17 00:05:42', -73.187899999999999, 243.91999999999999, -21.436900000000001, 292.58800000000002, 142.37200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 606410193, -0.12715461171269299, 0.142429674980219, -0.98160353116990295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9210301', 'WD0957-666', 149.72900000000001, -66.886200000000002, '2006-03-17 01:47:49', 15325, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 28, 14.6, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-19 02:22:02', '2006-10-19 02:22:02', 0, 0, '2006-03-17 01:47:49', '2006-03-17 10:32:30', -67.301199999999994, 208.52799999999999, -9.4626999999999999, 287.14499999999998, 121.053, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 610677968, -0.33903359317374399, 0.19788510753695501, -0.91972697411502902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1590106', 'HD93205', 161.14099999999999, -59.737699999999997, '2006-03-17 13:41:19', 2263, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.7999999999999998, 'O3.5', 0.10000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2006-03-21 02:06:11', '2006-09-21 02:06:11', 1, 0, '2006-03-17 13:41:19', '2006-03-17 14:19:20', -59.009500000000003, 202.148, -0.70569599999999999, 287.56799999999998, 110.998, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 622863576, -0.47690530990320501, 0.16290000633742399, -0.86372733737065099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7130902', 'NGC2915-FUV1', 141.548, -76.626199999999997, '2006-03-17 15:47:55', 21274, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 17, 'GAL', 0.27000000000000002, 72, 'EC', '2006-04-19 04:15:50', '2006-10-19 04:15:50', 0, 468, '2006-03-17 15:47:55', '2006-03-17 23:39:12', -71.771299999999997, 234.614, -18.3569, 291.96800000000002, 154.154, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 605793644, -0.18114022002312699, 0.14383783416197199, -0.972881749316723); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1080401', 'HD96675', 166.49299999999999, -76.129999999999995, '2006-03-18 01:20:42', 8974, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.6500000000000004, 'B7V', 0.31, 22, 'PC', '2006-03-25 04:49:22', '2006-03-30 10:06:55', 0, 0, '2006-03-18 01:20:42', '2006-03-18 04:48:28', -65.923400000000001, 235.155, -14.568099999999999, 296.61799999999999, 104.593, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 608315621, -0.23308942928909901, 0.0559899404340648, -0.970842131617634); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0480301', 'HD75416', 130.33099999999999, -78.963399999999993, '2006-03-18 12:44:35', 4490, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 5.5, 'B8V', 0, 22, 'PC', '2006-03-25 04:37:34', '2006-09-25 04:37:34', 0, 0, '2006-03-18 12:44:35', '2006-03-18 15:20:14', -73.448099999999997, 244.22, -21.6509, 292.404, 139.37899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 606411907, -0.123897831696238, 0.14593516857946101, -0.981505096203099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1080101', 'HD95881', 165.49000000000001, -71.513400000000004, '2006-03-18 16:29:28', 15470, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.25, 'A1/A', 0.10000000000000001, 26, 'PC', '2006-03-25 04:49:03', '2006-03-30 10:06:54', 0, 0, '2006-03-18 16:29:28', '2006-03-18 22:25:02', -64.387500000000003, 224.756, -10.477, 294.40800000000002, 105.702, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 608977280, -0.30696916104736199, 0.079444785049812894, -0.94839783861745897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0480102', 'RECX11', 131.75700000000001, -78.992900000000006, '2006-03-19 00:10:48', 15762, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.1, 'K4V', 0, 58, 'PE', '2006-03-25 03:58:45', '2006-09-25 03:58:45', 0, 0, '2006-03-19 00:10:48', '2006-03-19 05:49:55', -73.187899999999999, 243.91999999999999, -21.436900000000001, 292.58800000000002, 139.54599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 606410193, -0.12715461171269299, 0.142429674980219, -0.98160353116990295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9211301', 'WD0850-617', 132.749, -61.891100000000002, '2006-03-19 07:25:58', 16089, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.73, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-25 04:37:55', '2006-09-25 04:37:55', 0, 0, '2006-03-19 07:25:58', '2006-03-19 16:21:13', -71.242999999999995, 185.96799999999999, -11.1419, 278.33100000000002, 141.75800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 616803053, -0.31981018618817397, 0.34598082443174, -0.88205369107317899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9211302', 'WD0850-617', 132.749, -61.891100000000002, '2006-03-19 17:53:32', 14810, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.73, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-25 04:48:37', '2006-09-25 04:48:37', 0, 0, '2006-03-19 17:53:32', '2006-03-19 23:40:56', -71.242999999999995, 185.96799999999999, -11.1419, 278.33100000000002, 117.779, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 616803053, -0.31981018618817397, 0.34598082443174, -0.88205369107317899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9191101', 'NGC2915', 141.548, -76.626400000000004, '2006-03-20 01:23:44', 7444, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.25, 'GAL', 0.27000000000000002, 82, 'EC', '2006-03-25 03:57:14', '2006-09-25 03:57:14', 0, 0, '2006-03-20 01:23:44', '2006-03-20 05:04:53', -71.7714, 234.61500000000001, -18.357099999999999, 291.96800000000002, 106.258, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 605793644, -0.18113756051618901, 0.14383572232994499, -0.97288255671076096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7130903', 'NGC2915-FUV1', 141.548, -76.626199999999997, '2006-03-20 16:23:06', 21877, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 17, 'GAL', 0.27000000000000002, 72, 'EC', '2006-04-19 04:16:05', '2006-10-19 04:16:05', 0, 468, '2006-03-20 16:23:06', '2006-03-21 00:23:02', -71.771299999999997, 234.614, -18.3569, 291.96800000000002, 122.223, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 605793644, -0.18114022002312699, 0.14383783416197199, -0.972881749316723); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7010501', 'HD53842', 101.556, -83.991500000000002, '2006-03-21 03:04:14', 2440, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 7.5, 'F5V', 0, 41, 'PE', '2006-03-25 04:27:35', '2006-09-25 04:27:35', 0, 0, '2006-03-21 03:04:14', '2006-03-21 03:45:08', -72.408299999999997, 266.02100000000002, -27.103200000000001, 296.18200000000002, 171.28700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 604684855, -0.020969283212362699, 0.102554154679936, -0.994506377314617); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1050702', 'WD0715-704', 108.821, -70.418899999999994, '2006-03-21 05:53:13', 10859, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-03-25 04:48:54', '2006-09-25 04:48:54', 0, 0, '2006-03-21 05:53:13', '2006-03-21 13:03:28', -82.140000000000001, 217.755, -23.492599999999999, 281.62099999999998, 149.59999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 613208270, -0.10812065704151599, 0.31722118112292202, -0.94216805601118203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0480103', 'RECX11', 131.75700000000001, -78.992900000000006, '2006-03-21 14:34:55', 25168, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 11.1, 'K4V', 0, 58, 'PE', '2006-04-01 06:42:17', '2006-10-01 06:42:17', 0, 0, '2006-03-21 14:34:55', '2006-03-22 01:18:52', -73.187899999999999, 243.91999999999999, -21.436900000000001, 292.58800000000002, 142.06399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', 'y', 606410193, -0.12715461171269299, 0.142429674980219, -0.98160353116990295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0340103', 'HD164963', 269.63900000000001, 66.633200000000002, '2006-03-23 16:47:54', 36124, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 65, 11.1, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-04-07 02:25:29', '2006-10-07 02:25:29', 0, 0, '2006-03-23 16:47:54', '2006-03-24 05:31:11', 89.839299999999994, 152.93899999999999, 29.9543, 96.469800000000006, 337.94799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 190144085, -0.00249891774485106, -0.39660815929008397, 0.91798459866962701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031610', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2006-03-24 08:20:09', 1993, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2006-06-15 05:43:48', '2006-09-30 00:42:09', 0, 0, '2006-03-24 08:20:09', '2006-03-24 08:59:43', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 3.9567000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031611', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2006-03-24 10:18:22', 7234, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2006-03-28 04:27:58', '2006-09-28 04:27:58', 0, 0, '2006-03-24 10:18:22', '2006-03-24 15:45:38', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 3.8037700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9380901', 'WD1631+781-O', 247.29499999999999, 78.094200000000001, '2006-03-24 16:53:50', 14949, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2006-04-21 03:36:04', '2006-10-21 03:36:04', 0, 0, '2006-03-24 16:53:50', '2006-03-25 03:05:04', 76.767099999999999, 110.357, 33.570500000000003, 111.31399999999999, 314.43099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 198442382, -0.079630274541052301, -0.19031564663214701, 0.97848810622485605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9030202', 'HS1650+7229', 252.31800000000001, 72.403199999999998, '2006-03-25 16:15:59', 42397, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 17.899999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-04-21 03:57:54', '2006-10-21 03:57:54', 0, 0, '2006-03-25 16:15:59', '2006-03-26 12:48:33', 81.541799999999995, 128.631, 34.8459, 104.43600000000001, 324.25200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 192505522, -0.091823773596316605, -0.28803429297581601, 0.95320755382679101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9191601', 'NGC5866', 226.62299999999999, 55.763300000000001, '2006-03-31 22:39:18', 9706, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.74, 'GAL', 0.01, 80, 'EC', '2006-04-21 02:44:16', '2006-10-21 02:44:16', 0, 0, '2006-03-31 22:39:18', '2006-04-01 06:02:55', 67.097200000000001, 186.83799999999999, 52.489100000000001, 92.036100000000005, 292.22000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 187716746, -0.38640026520950499, -0.408935526379616, 0.82672037008328902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090404', 'HD153751', 251.49100000000001, 82.037199999999999, '2006-04-03 16:21:51', 6299, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 4.2199999999999998, 'A8V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2006-04-21 04:07:24', '2006-10-21 04:07:24', 0, 0, '2006-04-03 16:21:51', '2006-04-03 19:52:47', 73.922700000000006, 99.137299999999996, 31.048400000000001, 114.998, 349.75999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 199154848, -0.043976889821514202, -0.13136449086782001, 0.99035821988847295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0440401', 'PG1322+659', 200.95599999999999, 65.696700000000007, '2006-04-03 22:01:37', 43846, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 15.9, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-04-21 03:16:08', '2006-10-21 03:16:08', 0, 0.16800000000000001, '2006-04-03 22:01:37', '2006-04-04 20:26:32', 63.473300000000002, 149.38, 51.096899999999998, 117.63800000000001, 280.88900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 195369279, -0.38434390897147303, -0.14719725698702199, 0.91137957359819299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7131401', 'NGC4236-FUV1', 184.08000000000001, 69.521199999999993, '2006-04-04 23:01:20', 8703, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 17, 'GAL', 0.01, 72, 'EC', '2006-04-21 03:26:33', '2006-10-21 03:26:33', 0, 0, '2006-04-04 23:01:20', '2006-04-05 05:12:54', 60.3889, 134.93199999999999, 47.297699999999999, 127.45, 262.33999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', 'y', 195979174, -0.34897412005096001, -0.024892338170622998, 0.93680170529043005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0610501', 'PG1224+672', 186.56999999999999, 66.887799999999999, '2006-04-05 06:52:07', 6446, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 15, 11.9, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2006-04-21 03:26:14', '2006-10-21 03:26:14', 0, 0, '2006-04-05 06:52:07', '2006-04-05 12:14:33', 59.508899999999997, 140.22200000000001, 50.052199999999999, 126.774, 263.88299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', 'y', 195671945, -0.38995512703815599, -0.044912446662639598, 0.91973793606191501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0440201', '3C263', 174.988, 65.7971, '2006-04-06 01:49:19', 21405, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-04-18 18:55:20', '2006-10-18 18:55:20', 0, 0.64600000000000002, '2006-04-06 01:49:19', '2006-04-06 12:59:22', 55.3444, 135.90600000000001, 49.743600000000001, 134.161, 251.89400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 123022235, -0.40840165080946, 0.035816706344473197, 0.91209936693473304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1031701', 'PG1255+547', 194.45599999999999, 54.426400000000001, '2006-04-06 14:56:00', 9954, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.529999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:06:13', '2006-08-30 16:02:08', 0, 0, '2006-04-06 14:56:00', '2006-04-06 18:05:46', 53.5154, 161.334, 62.676600000000001, 120.91, 255.78, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 182803516, -0.56332989503164799, -0.14522556786876001, 0.81336889773388099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1031801', 'PG1259+593', 195.304, 59.035200000000003, '2006-04-06 21:20:16', 10663, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.6, 'QSO', 0.029999999999999999, 85, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:18:28', '2006-08-30 16:02:09', 0, 0.4778, '2006-04-06 21:20:16', '2006-04-07 03:41:33', 57.218600000000002, 156.43100000000001, 58.047699999999999, 120.557, 272.23700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 183791105, -0.49626628126394101, -0.13580033121450799, 0.85748355559887501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0440202', '3C263', 174.988, 65.7971, '2006-04-07 05:01:51', 17527, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-04-18 18:55:39', '2006-10-18 18:55:39', 0, 0.64600000000000002, '2006-04-07 05:01:51', '2006-04-07 12:52:45', 55.3444, 135.90600000000001, 49.743600000000001, 134.161, 250.869, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 123022235, -0.40840165080946, 0.035816706344473197, 0.91209936693473304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1031601', 'PG1246+586', 192.078, 58.3414, '2006-04-07 15:43:10', 15304, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.1, 'BLLA', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-04-13 03:51:09', '2006-04-13 10:00:07', 0, 0, '2006-04-07 15:43:10', '2006-04-07 21:42:14', 55.551600000000001, 155.13800000000001, 58.781799999999997, 123.72499999999999, 251.964, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 183704912, -0.513238335140068, -0.109822655660296, 0.85119057539799603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3270602', 'NGC4605', 189.99700000000001, 61.609200000000001, '2006-04-08 00:18:58', 12709, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.890000000000001, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2006-04-21 04:08:00', '2006-10-21 04:08:00', 0, 143, '2006-04-08 00:18:58', '2006-04-08 08:15:59', 57.136499999999998, 149.648, 55.465400000000002, 125.334, 257.71499999999997, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES G.', 'HOOPES', 'y', 183957217, -0.46826362552591499, -0.082542230970689606, 0.87972493264412299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0440203', '3C263', 174.988, 65.7971, '2006-04-08 09:37:19', 23855, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-04-18 19:05:31', '2006-10-18 19:05:31', 0, 0.64600000000000002, '2006-04-08 09:37:19', '2006-04-08 17:28:48', 55.3444, 135.90600000000001, 49.743600000000001, 134.161, 266.09100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', 'y', 123022235, -0.40840165080946, 0.035816706344473197, 0.91209936693473304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0050101', '3C263', 174.988, 65.7971, '2006-04-08 19:54:58', 98272, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 29, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2006-04-18 16:32:06', '2006-10-18 16:32:06', 0, 0.64600000000000002, '2006-04-08 19:54:58', '2006-04-10 16:13:49', 55.3444, 135.90700000000001, 49.743600000000001, 134.161, 249.46700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR D.', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 123022235, -0.40840165080946, 0.035816706344473197, 0.91209936693473304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0600101', 'SZUMA', 170.00700000000001, 65.846800000000002, '2006-04-11 01:15:16', 35089, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 9.3200000000000003, 'DM1', 0, 48, 'PE', '2006-04-21 04:29:01', '2006-10-21 04:29:01', 0, 0, '2006-04-11 01:15:16', '2006-04-11 15:29:46', 53.990200000000002, 133.268, 48.732700000000001, 136.875, 242.62799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD F.', 'GUINAN', 'y', 123088091, -0.40297021118638399, 0.071003758963181701, 0.91245464276833999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0050102', '3C263', 174.988, 65.7971, '2006-04-11 17:47:43', 5757, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2006-04-18 16:32:14', '2006-10-18 16:32:14', 0, 0.64600000000000002, '2006-04-11 17:47:43', '2006-04-11 20:25:17', 55.3444, 135.90700000000001, 49.743600000000001, 134.161, 230.99199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR D.', 'SAVAGE', 'y', 123022235, -0.40840165080946, 0.035816706344473197, 0.91209936693473304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6054301', 'NBKGD43', 157.245, 70, '2006-04-11 23:07:15', 5160, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-04-19 04:05:32', '2006-04-19 10:16:42', 0, 0, '2006-04-11 23:07:15', '2006-04-12 01:40:14', 54.049799999999998, 122.495, 42.527099999999997, 138.613, 245.62, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 124969588, -0.31539976518603802, 0.13229046285013499, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6054302', 'NBKGD43', 157.245, 70, '2006-04-12 02:23:51', 22857, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-05-05 01:20:30', '2006-05-05 16:00:50', 0, 0, '2006-04-12 02:23:51', '2006-04-12 12:00:48', 54.049799999999998, 122.495, 42.527099999999997, 138.613, 229.46100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 124969588, -0.31539976518603802, 0.13229046285013499, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7131301', 'NGC3359-FUV1', 161.65600000000001, 63.224600000000002, '2006-04-12 13:28:37', 9897, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 17, 'GAL', 0, 72, 'EC', '2006-06-15 05:33:48', '2006-12-15 05:33:48', 0, 1014, '2006-04-12 13:28:37', '2006-04-12 17:57:03', 49.703600000000002, 131.38800000000001, 48.592100000000002, 143.59700000000001, 248.01400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 122851568, -0.42760198088477003, 0.14178021767038301, 0.89277932089669199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6051401', 'NBKGD14', 150.41, 65, '2006-04-12 20:20:00', 28492, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-05-05 01:16:21', '2006-05-05 16:00:49', 0, 0, '2006-04-12 20:20:00', '2006-04-13 09:26:05', 48.461399999999998, 123.655, 43.692700000000002, 146.16800000000001, 222.16, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 124032741, -0.36750086365081502, 0.20868471523481399, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6051402', 'NBKGD14', 150.41, 65, '2006-04-13 17:55:28', 6734, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-04-21 03:36:12', '2006-04-21 10:03:23', 0, 0, '2006-04-13 17:55:28', '2006-04-13 20:38:57', 48.461399999999998, 123.655, 43.692700000000002, 146.16800000000001, 221.49799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 124032741, -0.36750086365081502, 0.20868471523481399, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0670201', 'HO-IX-X1-SHELL', 149.47200000000001, 69.063400000000001, '2006-04-13 23:07:43', 24700, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SNR', 0.040000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-04-21 03:58:24', '2006-10-21 03:58:24', 0, 0, '2006-04-13 23:07:43', '2006-04-14 09:55:11', 51.693300000000001, 119.77200000000001, 41.070700000000002, 141.935, 236.75, 'F', 'F', 'PARVIZ', 'GHAVAMIAN', 'y', 124618348, -0.30780132024261803, 0.18151150406418301, 0.933976402886743); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9130301', 'WD1005+642', 152.40199999999999, 63.977400000000003, '2006-04-14 11:00:50', 15946, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.74, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-19 02:16:26', '2006-11-19 02:16:26', 0, 0, '2006-04-14 11:00:50', '2006-04-14 18:10:09', 48.040799999999997, 125.55800000000001, 44.979300000000002, 146.66499999999999, 222.71199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 122609950, -0.38880732464984402, 0.203246276299553, 0.89862106333481695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0070401', 'BKGD.05.0', 135.46700000000001, 58.106499999999997, '2006-04-15 00:07:24', 11308, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 22, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2006-04-21 02:44:23', '2006-10-21 02:44:23', 0, 0, '2006-04-15 00:07:24', '2006-04-15 04:43:20', 39.166499999999999, 119.063, 39.831200000000003, 158.35400000000001, 224.63, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', 'y', 120787901, -0.37662683063543201, 0.37053679844191101, 0.849031631593269); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9130302', 'WD1005+642', 152.40199999999999, 63.977400000000003, '2006-04-15 06:47:17', 28944, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.74, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-06-15 05:22:33', '2006-12-15 05:22:33', 0, 0, '2006-04-15 06:47:17', '2006-04-15 15:42:21', 48.040799999999997, 125.55800000000001, 44.979300000000002, 146.66499999999999, 222.11699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 122609950, -0.38880732464984402, 0.203246276299553, 0.89862106333481695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6051702', 'NBKGD17', 150.83099999999999, 64.909499999999994, '2006-04-15 18:05:01', 3393, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-04-21 03:36:40', '2006-04-21 10:03:24', 0, 0, '2006-04-15 18:05:01', '2006-04-15 19:08:29', 48.477499999999999, 123.956, 43.891199999999998, 146.13399999999999, 203.399, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 124010470, -0.37027384460892598, 0.20667622413785799, 0.90563912149080805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0070402', 'BKGD.05.0', 135.46700000000001, 58.106499999999997, '2006-04-15 21:39:48', 11085, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 22, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2006-04-21 02:44:41', '2006-10-21 02:44:41', 0, 0, '2006-04-15 21:39:48', '2006-04-16 02:11:00', 39.166499999999999, 119.063, 39.831200000000003, 158.35400000000001, 224.07599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', 'y', 120787901, -0.37662683063543201, 0.37053679844191101, 0.849031631593269); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6051301', 'NBKGD13', 138.84, 65, '2006-04-16 04:52:27', 38502, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-04-21 04:38:50', '2006-04-21 10:03:22', 0, 0, '2006-04-16 04:52:27', '2006-04-16 18:23:17', 46.126899999999999, 117.328, 39.363199999999999, 149.18700000000001, 217.05799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 124298713, -0.31817854524865102, 0.27815213193535399, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0070601', 'BKGD.05.2', 135.15000000000001, 58.610300000000002, '2006-04-16 19:29:19', 15551, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 22, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2006-04-21 02:54:11', '2006-10-21 02:54:11', 0, 0, '2006-04-16 19:29:19', '2006-04-17 03:12:03', 39.574599999999997, 118.624, 39.559399999999997, 157.761, 223.22200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', 'y', 120796916, -0.36926388433111801, 0.36733546733220801, 0.853644444817937); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6051302', 'NBKGD13', 138.84, 65, '2006-04-17 04:56:18', 25418, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-05-05 08:59:31', '2006-05-05 16:00:49', 0, 0, '2006-04-17 04:56:18', '2006-04-17 13:13:27', 46.126899999999999, 117.328, 39.363199999999999, 149.18700000000001, 213.32499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 124298713, -0.31817854524865102, 0.27815213193535399, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0070501', 'BKGD.05.1', 135.88200000000001, 57.8626, '2006-04-17 20:12:24', 24165, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 22, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2006-04-21 04:17:52', '2006-10-21 04:17:52', 0, 0, '2006-04-17 20:12:24', '2006-04-18 06:27:25', 39.020400000000002, 119.44199999999999, 40.099400000000003, 158.602, 218.227, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', 'y', 120699728, -0.38189199137356999, 0.37031179892493798, 0.84677486884159803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7010301', 'HD195772', 309.16000000000003, -63.121000000000002, '2006-04-20 00:47:02', 11567, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.4000000000000004, 'F2V', 0, 40, 'PE', '2006-05-05 03:33:08', '2006-11-05 03:33:08', 0, 0, '2006-04-20 00:47:02', '2006-04-20 05:42:09', -42.758800000000001, 292.88299999999998, -35.802700000000002, 332.916, 17.187100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 748516571, 0.285500723016677, -0.350557864426502, -0.89196329568300303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3200203', 'HD172555', 281.36200000000002, -64.871499999999997, '2006-04-20 07:37:03', 19068, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 4.7800000000000002, 'A5IV', 0, 31, 'PE', '2006-05-05 03:11:57', '2006-11-05 03:11:57', 0, 0, '2006-04-20 07:37:03', '2006-04-20 15:23:04', -41.685499999999998, 276.43200000000002, -23.762599999999999, 330.56799999999998, 28.702000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 749513789, 0.083659052996661501, -0.41632755148114797, -0.90535768220599599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3201401', 'CD-64D1208', 281.404, -64.862499999999997, '2006-04-20 18:07:04', 8510, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.1999999999999993, 'M0V', 0, 48, 'PE', '2006-05-05 03:12:15', '2006-11-05 03:12:15', 0, 0, '2006-04-20 18:07:04', '2006-04-20 22:23:02', -41.6785, 276.45699999999999, -23.777899999999999, 330.58199999999999, 12.9781, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 749513827, 0.083992332716744694, -0.41640551479499399, -0.90529096719956004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3201402', 'CD-64D1208', 281.404, -64.862499999999997, '2006-04-21 04:06:13', 35233, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 9.1999999999999993, 'M0V', 0, 48, 'PE', '2006-05-05 03:22:27', '2006-11-05 03:22:27', 0, 0, '2006-04-21 04:06:13', '2006-04-21 19:50:27', -41.6785, 276.45699999999999, -23.777899999999999, 330.58199999999999, 13.2883, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 749513827, 0.083992332716744694, -0.41640551479499399, -0.90529096719956004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1093901', 'LSE234', 273.31599999999997, -64.920900000000003, '2006-04-22 15:12:31', 8429, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 17, 12.9, 'SDO', 0.070000000000000007, 16, 'PC', '2006-05-05 10:24:34', '2006-05-05 16:00:54', 0, 0, '2006-04-22 15:12:31', '2006-04-22 23:50:06', -41.503, 271.87599999999998, -20.514600000000002, 329.44, 37.906100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 771779617, 0.024517779732122099, -0.42315938394588698, -0.90572347560143596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1093701', 'IC4662', 266.77699999999999, -64.640299999999996, '2006-04-23 02:37:35', 58003, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 11.4, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2006-08-30 15:36:12', '2006-08-30 16:02:24', 0, 0, '2006-04-23 02:37:35', '2006-04-24 04:56:58', -41.221299999999999, 268.16500000000002, -17.844999999999999, 328.55000000000001, 52.700000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 687915965, -0.024079991566584399, -0.42762219846620297, -0.90363676849997898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1094001', 'ARPAV', 275.11599999999999, -66.078599999999994, '2006-04-24 06:56:52', 16721, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.5, 'M5M6', 0.10000000000000001, 57, 'PC', '2006-05-05 10:25:02', '2006-05-05 16:00:55', 0, 0, '2006-04-24 06:56:52', '2006-04-24 14:06:07', -42.6892, 272.81999999999999, -21.603899999999999, 328.53699999999998, 51.989699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 749368920, 0.036157911628602601, -0.40386767053531197, -0.91410257089838598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9250801', 'V663-ARA', 251.74000000000001, -55.6892, '2006-04-24 17:07:04', 9785, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-05-19 02:16:45', '2006-11-19 02:16:45', 0, 0, '2006-04-24 17:07:04', '2006-04-24 22:53:46', -33.017899999999997, 257.84100000000001, -6.7398499999999997, 332.00599999999997, 40.904499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', NULL, 690265686, -0.17661815365894101, -0.53529725244586601, -0.82599205766279205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1093301', 'HD156359', 260.32799999999997, -62.917900000000003, '2006-04-25 01:12:41', 18405, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 35, 9.6699999999999999, 'O9.7', 0.13, 13, 'PC', '2006-08-30 15:36:03', '2006-08-30 16:02:23', 0, -82, '2006-04-25 01:12:41', '2006-04-25 12:49:08', -39.669800000000002, 264.29700000000003, -14.520200000000001, 328.68000000000001, 60.677399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 688045699, -0.076488301936264796, -0.44879546749379401, -0.89035507974287098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1093601', 'WD1740-706', 266.55799999999999, -70.648799999999994, '2006-04-25 16:13:03', 1919, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 16.510000000000002, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-05 10:04:31', '2006-05-05 16:00:53', 0, 0, '2006-04-25 16:13:03', '2006-04-25 16:49:08', -47.229399999999998, 268.32100000000003, -20.3307, 322.75900000000001, 49.397399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 676381778, -0.019894085534059101, -0.33075990852203102, -0.94350522429674999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1093602', 'WD1740-706', 266.55799999999999, -70.648799999999994, '2006-04-26 05:13:51', 10639, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.510000000000002, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-08-30 15:15:53', '2006-08-30 16:02:24', 0, 0, '2006-04-26 05:13:51', '2006-04-26 08:38:33', -47.229399999999998, 268.32100000000003, -20.3307, 322.75900000000001, 33.709400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 676381778, -0.019894085534059101, -0.33075990852203102, -0.94350522429674999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1093603', 'WD1740-706', 266.55799999999999, -70.648799999999994, '2006-04-26 21:57:10', 33834, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16.510000000000002, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-05-05 10:13:33', '2006-05-05 16:00:54', 0, 0, '2006-04-26 21:57:10', '2006-04-27 09:18:29', -47.229399999999998, 268.32100000000003, -20.3307, 322.75900000000001, 64.492699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 676381778, -0.019894085534059101, -0.33075990852203102, -0.94350522429674999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1092601', 'ALPHA-TRA', 252.166, -69.027699999999996, '2006-04-27 11:27:36', 52961, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 1.9199999999999999, 'K3II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2006-05-05 09:10:21', '2006-05-05 16:00:51', 0, 0, '2006-04-27 11:27:36', '2006-04-28 09:23:48', -46.151200000000003, 260.89600000000002, -15.2585, 321.53699999999998, 78.810500000000005, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 676181792, -0.109615618059939, -0.34071789201929398, -0.93375357259571801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9251101', 'DT-APS', 260.69900000000001, -75.165700000000001, '2006-04-28 10:47:43', 68245, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 15.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-05-19 02:38:44', '2006-11-19 02:38:44', 0, 0, '2006-04-28 10:47:43', '2006-04-29 13:47:36', -51.850299999999997, 266.15899999999999, -20.783200000000001, 317.625, 73.626999999999995, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', NULL, 675479973, -0.041378947055973302, -0.252658518170153, -0.96667029329373799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1092701', 'CPD-741569', 252.709, -74.539000000000001, '2006-04-30 01:22:35', 21619, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 40, 10.15, 'O9.5', 0.13, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-05 09:43:24', '2006-05-05 16:00:52', 0, -121, '2006-04-30 01:22:35', '2006-04-30 11:04:26', -51.538800000000002, 262.68099999999998, -18.681699999999999, 317.017, 58.353900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 675823675, -0.079234923920338401, -0.25453486683926502, -0.96381213335092197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5059701', 'BKGD', 228.5, -65, '2006-04-30 13:44:29', 47828, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-05-05 08:29:47', '2006-05-05 16:00:42', 0, 0, '2006-04-30 13:44:29', '2006-05-01 07:13:14', -44.879100000000001, 246.72200000000001, -6.1760400000000004, 317.27499999999998, 108.858, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 678143514, -0.28003533297147398, -0.31652236484060098, -0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1093101', 'CPD-69D2698', 258.137, -70.085700000000003, '2006-05-01 17:01:30', 14350, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 26, 9.3000000000000007, 'B2P', 0.13, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-05 10:04:24', '2006-05-05 16:00:52', 0, 0, '2006-05-01 17:01:30', '2006-05-02 03:29:42', -46.888300000000001, 264.11900000000003, -17.573599999999999, 321.87099999999998, 77.469999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 675803282, -0.070020830945664594, -0.33333936041182599, -0.94020314508829095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5059801', 'BKGD', 220, -75, '2006-05-02 05:41:28', 17729, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-05-05 08:39:38', '2006-05-05 16:00:44', 0, 0, '2006-05-02 05:41:28', '2006-05-02 14:26:01', -55.088900000000002, 249.73099999999999, -13.6187, 309.911, 121.65300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 674416890, -0.19826689127414601, -0.166365675342802, -0.96592582628906798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9321101', 'HD118969', 205.55199999999999, -63.713900000000002, '2006-05-02 16:33:54', 11113, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 10, 'B1V', 0.35999999999999999, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-05 03:54:37', '2006-11-05 03:54:37', 0, 0, '2006-05-02 16:33:54', '2006-05-02 22:05:37', -48.298999999999999, 233.08799999999999, -1.39378, 308.51900000000001, 140.58199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 682729567, -0.39954002709908698, -0.19101611723432901, -0.89659389341127105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9251102', 'DT-APS', 260.69900000000001, -75.165700000000001, '2006-05-03 00:23:57', 8053, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-05-08 21:16:53', '2006-11-08 21:16:53', 0, 0, '2006-05-03 00:23:57', '2006-05-03 03:23:36', -51.850299999999997, 266.15899999999999, -20.783200000000001, 317.625, 47.8429, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', 'y', 675479973, -0.041378947055973302, -0.252658518170153, -0.96667029329373799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5058702', 'POLE-BKG', 215.102, -64.977699999999999, '2006-05-03 05:12:15', 15252, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SKY', 0, 20, 'EE', '2006-05-09 04:05:26', '2006-05-09 08:54:00', 0, 0, '2006-05-03 05:12:15', '2006-05-03 12:31:41', -47.275100000000002, 239.334, -3.7125900000000001, 312.166, 98.903099999999995, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 681337845, -0.34604509164457398, -0.24322260996181999, -0.906143231808338); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7052001', 'SBKGD20', 219.83000000000001, -65, '2006-05-03 20:09:05', 29484, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-05-09 04:05:33', '2006-05-09 08:54:01', 0, 0, '2006-05-03 20:09:05', '2006-05-04 06:36:47', -46.372799999999998, 241.941, -4.4758399999999998, 314.01799999999997, 93.678399999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 681011750, -0.324548957750318, -0.27069201905470502, -0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1090501', 'COALSACK-4', 206.09399999999999, -67.343299999999999, '2006-05-04 07:46:36', 14427, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 20, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2006-05-09 04:05:46', '2006-05-09 08:54:01', 0, 0, '2006-05-04 07:46:36', '2006-05-04 15:17:42', -51.194899999999997, 236.49299999999999, -4.9947699999999999, 308.012, 110.99299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 681098687, -0.34594581998185198, -0.16943218894333301, -0.92282946582072001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0810401', 'A-CENAB', 219.887, -60.834400000000002, '2006-05-04 17:45:44', 5316, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 1.3300000000000001, 'G2V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2006-05-08 22:20:00', '2006-11-08 22:20:00', 0, 0, '2006-05-04 17:45:44', '2006-05-04 20:41:04', -42.597700000000003, 239.47, -0.67670699999999995, 315.72899999999998, 94.144000000000005, 'F', 'F', 'LAURENCE E.', 'DEWARF', 'y', 684257271, -0.37393771076752402, -0.31251632497062798, -0.87321482757268598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1083701', 'HD105234', 181.773, -78.741100000000003, '2006-05-04 21:32:41', 11849, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.4000000000000004, 'A9V-', 0.02, 31, 'PE', '2006-08-30 15:04:04', '2006-08-30 16:02:19', 0, 0, '2006-05-04 21:32:41', '2006-05-05 01:13:06', -63.821100000000001, 243.74700000000001, -16.0624, 300.69400000000002, 155.28299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 673875101, -0.19514919709752901, -0.0060407592274374904, -0.98075496435151699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0810102', 'HD128620', 219.88900000000001, -60.833599999999997, '2006-05-05 12:31:37', 12606, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, -0.01, 'G2V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2006-05-08 22:19:48', '2006-11-08 22:19:48', 0, 0, '2006-05-05 12:31:37', '2006-05-05 19:52:26', -42.596499999999999, 239.471, -0.6764, 315.73000000000002, 85.2273, 'F', 'F', 'LAURENCE E.', 'DEWARF', 'y', 684257271, -0.37393615669522901, -0.31253719663941798, -0.873208023000691); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1086201', 'Y-MUS', 196.45099999999999, -65.512900000000002, '2006-05-05 21:07:14', 13960, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.4, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2006-05-09 04:05:39', '2006-05-09 08:54:01', 0, 0, '2006-05-05 21:07:14', '2006-05-06 01:35:45', -52.023800000000001, 229.75800000000001, -2.68248, 304.423, 135.04400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 682066540, -0.39752014727781398, -0.11738113272598399, -0.91005461494802098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1085701', 'COALSACK-1', 194.208, -64.186899999999994, '2006-05-06 03:08:56', 11966, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 20, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2006-05-10 02:34:37', '2006-05-10 08:51:35', 0, 0, '2006-05-06 03:08:56', '2006-05-06 10:15:59', -51.574800000000003, 227.21899999999999, -1.3210999999999999, 303.52100000000002, 138.58199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 682416824, -0.42211739357157102, -0.10687483603656101, -0.90021923744524701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0810202', 'HD128621', 219.88499999999999, -60.8352, '2006-05-06 15:09:39', 9245, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 1.3300000000000001, 'K1V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2006-05-10 02:02:52', '2006-11-10 02:02:52', 0, 0, '2006-05-06 15:09:39', '2006-05-06 20:13:52', -42.598799999999997, 239.47, -0.67701500000000003, 315.72699999999998, 81.609700000000004, 'F', 'F', 'LAURENCE E.', 'DEWARF', 'y', 684257271, -0.37393926376544201, -0.31249545351324698, -0.87322163197444302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1083101', 'HD102065', 175.904, -80.4833, '2006-05-06 21:43:06', 10191, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.5700000000000003, 'B9IV', 0.17000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2006-05-10 02:34:11', '2006-05-10 08:51:34', 1, 0, '2006-05-06 21:43:06', '2006-05-07 01:06:21', -65.443399999999997, 246.62100000000001, -17.996200000000002, 300.02800000000002, 132.923, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 605300145, -0.16491276802035301, 0.011809522016148301, -0.98623745321987); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1084401', 'HD108927', 188.08500000000001, -78.193600000000004, '2006-05-07 02:34:49', 14312, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.7300000000000004, 'B5V', 0.23000000000000001, 21, 'PC', '2006-05-11 08:50:36', '2006-05-11 08:50:40', 0, 0, '2006-05-07 02:34:49', '2006-05-07 09:30:45', -62.452100000000002, 244.024, -15.3592, 301.92200000000003, 131.16900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 673867625, -0.20257171820032599, -0.028776119502364399, -0.97884454022676803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9240801', 'CPD-59D4559', 193.45599999999999, -60.384099999999997, '2006-05-07 10:56:48', 7647, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.4600000000000009, 'B1VE', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-11 02:52:46', '2006-11-11 02:52:46', 0, 0, '2006-05-07 10:56:48', '2006-05-07 14:47:31', -48.753100000000003, 223.19999999999999, 2.4865499999999998, 303.22899999999998, 133.114, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 705058269, -0.480617271409086, -0.114995709024384, -0.86935782352795599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9240901', 'CPD-59D4558', 193.46600000000001, -60.366199999999999, '2006-05-07 16:23:31', 3313, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10, 'B1VE', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-19 06:07:53', '2006-11-19 06:07:53', 0, 0, '2006-05-07 16:23:31', '2006-05-07 18:20:52', -48.735799999999998, 223.18899999999999, 2.5043899999999999, 303.233, 133.434, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 705101984, -0.48086130285517398, -0.1151428321093, -0.86920339140518399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1085702', 'COALSACK-1', 194.208, -64.186899999999994, '2006-05-07 20:42:54', 10741, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 20, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2006-05-11 09:02:27', '2006-05-11 08:50:44', 0, 0, '2006-05-07 20:42:54', '2006-05-08 00:07:37', -51.574800000000003, 227.21899999999999, -1.3210999999999999, 303.52100000000002, 130.95699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 682416824, -0.42211739357157102, -0.10687483603656101, -0.90021923744524701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1084501', 'HD110020', 189.983, -66.511200000000002, '2006-05-08 01:33:02', 12243, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 22, 6.2999999999999998, 'B8V', 0.050000000000000003, 74, 'PC', '2006-05-11 09:02:09', '2006-05-11 08:50:42', 0, 0, '2006-05-08 01:33:02', '2006-05-08 05:18:56', -54.485900000000001, 227.489, -3.6648399999999999, 301.78500000000003, 134.68899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 682186939, -0.39253514448274601, -0.069094454490045795, -0.917138003086031); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9320501', 'CPD-59D4552', 193.44399999999999, -60.403399999999998, '2006-05-08 08:00:44', 6347, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.3699999999999992, 'B1II', 0.34999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-11 02:53:15', '2006-11-11 02:53:15', 0, 0, '2006-05-08 08:00:44', '2006-05-08 12:04:05', -48.772399999999998, 223.209, 2.4672499999999999, 303.22199999999998, 124.20099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 705058260, -0.480356500896225, -0.11482695549519201, -0.869524239074702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7051801', 'SBKGD18', 196.69, -65, '2006-05-08 13:02:19', 11399, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-05-11 08:09:01', '2006-05-11 08:50:36', 0, 0, '2006-05-08 13:02:19', '2006-05-08 17:35:12', -51.558199999999999, 229.374, -2.1761699999999999, 304.55200000000002, 128.27199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 682075673, -0.40481446760445899, -0.12137315178757201, -0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0630301', 'HD102475', 176.82599999999999, -62.436199999999999, '2006-05-08 20:44:57', 3437, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 8.5199999999999996, 'B0.5', 0.23000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2006-05-19 05:47:44', '2006-11-19 05:47:44', 0, -33, '2006-05-08 20:44:57', '2006-05-08 21:56:26', -55.440300000000001, 215.464, -0.48214200000000002, 295.58999999999997, 152.096, 'F', 'F', 'LAURA R.', 'PENNY', NULL, 621054098, -0.46202619052286897, 0.0256209634823274, -0.88649611702542896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1083801', 'HD106111', 183.196, -70.151799999999994, '2006-05-08 23:04:40', 10775, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.0599999999999996, 'B3V', 0.23000000000000001, 39, 'PC', '2006-05-11 08:19:41', '2006-05-11 08:50:38', 0, 0, '2006-05-08 23:04:40', '2006-05-09 02:27:57', -58.8093, 229.11199999999999, -7.5275299999999996, 299.63799999999998, 141.482, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 681710959, -0.339001231089125, -0.018929370648861601, -0.94059547322262604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491103', 'HD102552', 176.98699999999999, -60.565300000000001, '2006-05-09 04:20:37', 4017, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.6600000000000001, 'B2V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2006-05-12 01:41:45', '2006-11-12 01:41:45', 0, 0, '2006-05-09 04:20:37', '2006-05-09 06:16:59', -54.029899999999998, 213.33000000000001, 1.35076, 295.20699999999999, 143.43700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 621120991, -0.49075195840227298, 0.025830875561480501, -0.87091634569117005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1084601', 'COALSACK-2', 190.13300000000001, -64.486099999999993, '2006-05-09 07:19:58', 7802, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 20, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2006-08-30 15:04:11', '2006-08-30 16:02:19', 0, 0, '2006-05-09 07:19:58', '2006-05-09 11:29:23', -52.926600000000001, 225.303, -1.6389800000000001, 301.75900000000001, 136.809, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 682325925, -0.42401153013874998, -0.075779944717438902, -0.90248081546812797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1590102', 'HD93205', 161.14099999999999, -59.737699999999997, '2006-05-09 12:45:52', 1813, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 7.7999999999999998, 'O3.5', 0.10000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-12 01:20:14', '2006-11-12 01:20:14', 1, 0, '2006-05-09 12:45:52', '2006-05-09 13:16:26', -59.009500000000003, 202.148, -0.70569599999999999, 287.56799999999998, 184.73500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 622863576, -0.47690530990320501, 0.16290000633742399, -0.86372733737065099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1590205', 'HD93403', 161.434, -59.407800000000002, '2006-05-09 14:40:13', 3623, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.2999999999999998, 'O5.5', 0.17000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-12 01:41:27', '2006-11-12 01:41:27', 0, 0, '2006-05-09 14:40:13', '2006-05-09 16:38:52', -58.6753, 201.88, -0.34458899999999998, 287.54500000000002, 189.75200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 622867556, -0.48243855276835002, 0.16203986569505999, -0.86081131772782005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9240601', 'CPD-60D3126', 174.042, -61.627800000000001, '2006-05-09 19:32:10', 6564, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.2599999999999998, 'B1.5', 0.20000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-12 01:52:15', '2006-11-12 01:52:15', 0, 0, '2006-05-09 19:32:10', '2006-05-09 21:43:32', -55.780700000000003, 212.81299999999999, -0.050992000000000003, 294.11700000000002, 156.5, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 620983592, -0.47263044972600698, 0.049325205422701301, -0.87987924290882102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7054501', 'SBKGD45', 185.83500000000001, -70, '2006-05-09 22:59:50', 16984, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-05-19 13:53:46', '2006-05-19 16:03:12', 0, 0, '2006-05-09 22:59:50', '2006-05-10 05:31:56', -58.029299999999999, 230.01400000000001, -7.2599600000000004, 300.517, 119.843, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 681631374, -0.34024806562814902, -0.034771141436738401, -0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9240701', 'CPD-60D3157', 174.13200000000001, -61.573700000000002, '2006-05-10 08:13:10', 8479, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.5399999999999991, 'B2II', 0.20000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-19 06:07:36', '2006-11-19 06:07:36', 0, 0, '2006-05-10 08:13:10', '2006-05-10 12:30:43', -55.712499999999999, 212.80000000000001, 0.012892199999999999, 294.142, 157.05199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 620983638, -0.47353358460007999, 0.048667655747368498, -0.87943015842069805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7051601', 'SBKGD16', 173.55000000000001, -65, '2006-05-10 13:48:24', 21961, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-05-19 13:39:37', '2006-05-19 16:03:11', 0, 0, '2006-05-10 13:48:24', '2006-05-10 22:03:47', -58.255699999999997, 217.04400000000001, -3.3417300000000001, 294.88600000000002, 156.05699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 609704490, -0.41994320046743, 0.047475293973842099, -0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7054401', 'SBKGD44', 171.53999999999999, -70, '2006-05-10 23:18:52', 20678, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 37, 'EE', '2006-05-25 21:45:14', '2006-05-26 09:08:17', 0, 0, '2006-05-10 23:18:52', '2006-05-11 08:14:10', -61.904699999999998, 224.08199999999999, -8.33249, 295.714, 156.00700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 609366417, -0.33829855811038201, 0.050317631312967299, -0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1590101', 'HD93205', 161.14099999999999, -59.737699999999997, '2006-05-11 09:49:15', 3579, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 7.7999999999999998, 'O3.5', 0.10000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2006-05-19 05:25:24', '2006-11-19 05:25:24', 1, 0, '2006-05-11 09:49:15', '2006-05-11 11:45:11', -59.009500000000003, 202.148, -0.70569599999999999, 287.56799999999998, 171.72499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 622863576, -0.47690530990320501, 0.16290000633742399, -0.86372733737065099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1590203', 'HD93403', 161.434, -59.407800000000002, '2006-05-11 13:03:31', 4996, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 9, 7.2999999999999998, 'O5.5', 0.17000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2006-05-19 05:25:56', '2006-11-19 05:25:56', 0, 0, '2006-05-11 13:03:31', '2006-05-11 15:18:20', -58.6753, 201.88, -0.34458899999999998, 287.54500000000002, 171.77699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 622867556, -0.48243855276835002, 0.16203986569505999, -0.86081131772782005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1320301', 'HD93308-S-COND', 161.25899999999999, -59.685600000000001, '2006-05-11 17:32:07', 23879, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 4.9500000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2006-05-19 05:36:17', '2006-11-19 05:36:17', 0, 0, '2006-05-11 17:32:07', '2006-05-12 02:20:50', -58.930100000000003, 202.15299999999999, -0.631602, 287.596, 171.97200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE R.', 'GULL', NULL, 622863718, -0.477983351599158, 0.16216975580578399, -0.86326872171759395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0480201', 'ECHAJ0843.3-7905', 130.827, -79.088399999999993, '2006-05-12 04:33:24', 10392, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.9, 'M3.4', 0, 58, 'PE', '2006-06-15 05:33:23', '2006-12-15 05:33:23', 0, 0, '2006-05-12 04:33:24', '2006-05-12 12:46:05', -73.309299999999993, 244.47499999999999, -21.6372, 292.572, 193.83799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', NULL, 606410249, -0.123756272054699, 0.14323650443802399, -0.98192040865005903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0060101', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2006-05-13 06:20:42', 6127, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 5.5999999999999996, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2006-05-19 05:47:24', '2006-11-19 05:47:24', 0, 0, '2006-05-13 06:20:42', '2006-05-13 12:00:30', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 173.49799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE R.', 'GULL', NULL, 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0200201', 'HD86118', 148.64099999999999, -58.421300000000002, '2006-05-13 14:31:35', 3035, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.6399999999999997, 'B2V', 0.050000000000000003, 20, 'PC', '2006-05-19 05:15:10', '2006-11-19 05:15:10', 0, 0, '2006-05-13 14:31:35', '2006-05-13 15:33:58', -62.876100000000001, 191.238, -3.1207600000000002, 281.48000000000002, 185.411, 'F', 'F', 'NANCY REMAGE', 'EVANS', NULL, 612072636, -0.44717341722356602, 0.27251679502188098, -0.85192166973237704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1075802', 'HD94414', 162.73599999999999, -77.124399999999994, '2006-05-14 09:10:54', 1245, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8, 'B2V', 0.67000000000000004, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-12 03:26:56', '2006-08-30 16:02:14', 0, 0, '2006-05-14 09:10:54', '2006-05-14 18:32:53', -67.031199999999998, 236.95400000000001, -15.8416, 296.25799999999998, 139.49799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 605522756, -0.21279570100403999, 0.066131834783063503, -0.974856179168202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0480202', 'ECHAJ0843.3-7905', 130.827, -79.088399999999993, '2006-05-14 20:41:01', 21341, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.9, 'M3.4', 0, 58, 'PE', '2006-06-22 21:17:38', '2006-12-22 21:17:38', 0, 0, '2006-05-14 20:41:01', '2006-05-15 10:29:17', -73.309299999999993, 244.47499999999999, -21.6372, 292.572, 188.54499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', NULL, 606410249, -0.123756272054699, 0.14323650443802399, -0.98192040865005903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7052601', 'SBKGD26', 136.922, -64.975999999999999, '2006-05-15 17:15:06', 1595, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-06-14 05:57:17', '2006-06-14 10:36:16', 0, 0, '2006-05-15 17:15:06', '2006-05-15 17:43:59', -71.134, 197.155, -11.672700000000001, 281.96699999999998, 195.55500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 616585542, -0.30896803320805699, 0.288904728767097, -0.90613068160809696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0520201', 'WD0809-728-OFF', 122.38500000000001, -73.0047, '2006-05-16 02:20:25', 19002, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2006-06-22 23:31:37', '2006-12-22 23:31:37', 0, 0, '2006-05-16 02:20:25', '2006-05-16 13:16:50', -77.316599999999994, 224.51900000000001, -20.433700000000002, 285.83699999999999, 207.297, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 607792333, -0.156553944223533, 0.24683235401772499, -0.95632873613529101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9050901', 'SBKGD9A', 114.959, -64.917400000000001, '2006-05-20 02:03:42', 2246, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-05-25 21:14:46', '2006-05-26 09:08:18', 0, 0, '2006-05-20 02:03:42', '2006-05-20 04:11:40', -79.685699999999997, 182.44900000000001, -19.505400000000002, 276.846, 243.91999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 615540194, -0.17888321239166399, 0.38433408343513897, -0.90569758122372701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3210203', 'LH54-425', 81.600999999999999, -67.504800000000003, '2006-05-20 06:09:38', 19788, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.08, 'O3II', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-21 00:29:53', '2007-05-03 00:22:41', 0, 0, '2006-05-20 06:09:38', '2006-05-20 16:43:04', -86.592399999999998, 340.08699999999999, -33.0075, 277.76999999999998, 249.29599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 542341619, 0.055885641833479403, 0.37850253759708902, -0.92391158888143798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9051001', 'SBKGD10A', 111.095, -63.026699999999998, '2006-05-20 18:59:20', 20954, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-06-14 04:55:01', '2006-06-14 10:36:20', 0, 0, '2006-05-20 18:59:20', '2006-05-21 04:06:16', -80.4041, 168.31899999999999, -20.3992, 274.31799999999998, 248.18700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 615693035, -0.16324870951870099, 0.42317887012190802, -0.89121798832991705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3210204', 'LH54-425', 81.600999999999999, -67.504800000000003, '2006-05-21 05:46:31', 17023, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.08, 'O3II', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-21 00:50:36', '2007-05-03 00:43:25', 0, 0, '2006-05-21 05:46:31', '2006-05-21 14:21:54', -86.592399999999998, 340.08699999999999, -33.0075, 277.76999999999998, 250.27000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 542341619, 0.055885641833479403, 0.37850253759708902, -0.92391158888143798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9051101', 'SBKGD11A', 103.17100000000001, -60.743899999999996, '2006-05-21 16:10:06', 19189, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-05-25 21:15:45', '2006-05-26 09:08:18', 0, 0, '2006-05-21 16:10:06', '2006-05-21 23:22:31', -81.784300000000002, 141.196, -23.2941, 270.78800000000001, 242.01300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 637860924, -0.111357457413715, 0.475858189641781, -0.87244398102640397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3210205', 'LH54-425', 81.600999999999999, -67.504800000000003, '2006-05-22 01:29:21', 23198, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13.08, 'O3II', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-21 01:22:13', '2006-12-14 03:18:14', 0, 0, '2006-05-22 01:29:21', '2006-05-22 15:23:37', -86.592399999999998, 340.08699999999999, -33.0075, 277.76999999999998, 266.06299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 542341619, 0.055885641833479403, 0.37850253759708902, -0.92391158888143798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3210206', 'LH54-425', 81.600999999999999, -67.504800000000003, '2006-05-22 23:03:11', 9422, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.08, 'O3II', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-21 01:22:43', '2007-05-03 01:04:50', 0, 0, '2006-05-22 23:03:11', '2006-05-23 07:57:43', -86.592399999999998, 340.08699999999999, -33.0075, 277.76999999999998, 252.928, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 542341619, 0.055885641833479403, 0.37850253759708902, -0.92391158888143798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9270501', 'BREY24', 80.489999999999995, -65.816400000000002, '2006-05-23 20:37:35', 31353, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.300000000000001, 'WN6', 0, 11, 'PC', '2006-06-14 03:49:51', '2006-12-14 03:49:51', 0, 0, '2006-05-23 20:37:35', '2006-05-24 11:58:05', -86.093100000000007, 6.59185, -33.691499999999998, 275.84899999999999, 243.80699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 542559989, 0.067684239851460506, 0.40403186324851997, -0.91223741271428804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1066001', 'HD37350', 83.406599999999997, -62.489800000000002, '2006-05-24 13:19:12', 28342, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 3.77, 'F6IA', 0.029999999999999999, 41, 'PE', '2006-06-14 04:33:13', '2006-06-14 10:36:42', 0, 0, '2006-05-24 13:19:12', '2006-05-25 02:53:59', -85.044399999999996, 52.122199999999999, -32.7742, 271.73500000000001, 260.017, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 553857724, 0.053037363058822798, 0.45885146453040399, -0.88692861698000802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0260101', '1H0419-577', 66.5, -57.200299999999999, '2006-05-25 05:20:21', 12744, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2006-06-14 04:43:58', '2006-12-14 04:43:58', 0, 31178, '2006-05-25 05:20:21', '2006-05-25 13:18:47', -75.653199999999998, 29.341100000000001, -41.997900000000001, 266.98899999999998, 268.68400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'BART P.', 'WAKKER', NULL, 555921774, 0.216003889503459, 0.49677493544857398, -0.84056943986171795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1066002', 'HD37350', 83.406599999999997, -62.489800000000002, '2006-05-25 15:00:36', 21368, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 3.77, 'F6IA', 0.029999999999999999, 41, 'PE', '2006-06-14 04:43:52', '2006-06-14 10:36:44', 0, 0, '2006-05-25 15:00:36', '2006-05-26 02:08:44', -85.044399999999996, 52.122199999999999, -32.7742, 271.73500000000001, 261.13299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 553857724, 0.053037363058822798, 0.45885146453040399, -0.88692861698000802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0260102', '1H0419-577', 66.5, -57.200299999999999, '2006-05-26 04:33:28', 5097, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2007-04-20 23:46:58', '2007-05-03 00:01:42', 0, 31178, '2006-05-26 04:33:28', '2006-05-26 12:40:11', -75.653199999999998, 29.341100000000001, -41.997900000000001, 266.98899999999998, 260.642, 'F', 'F', 'BART P.', 'WAKKER', 'y', 555921774, 0.216003889503459, 0.49677493544857398, -0.84056943986171795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9270603', 'HV2241', 74.316000000000003, -66.565200000000004, '2006-05-26 14:43:27', 11278, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.5, 'O7II', 0.12, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-20 20:48:54', '2007-05-02 23:50:37', 0, 0, '2006-05-26 14:43:27', '2006-05-26 20:03:31', -83.778199999999998, 352.755, -35.979599999999998, 277.35599999999999, 278.161, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 542745657, 0.107512293832898, 0.38289758832786702, -0.91751323888404601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1063501', 'SKY-033255-632751', 53.228900000000003, -63.463999999999999, '2006-05-27 19:58:18', 10989, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 25, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-06-14 05:05:19', '2006-06-14 10:36:38', 0, 0, '2006-05-27 19:58:18', '2006-05-28 00:38:16', -74.403899999999993, 354.12099999999998, -45.306600000000003, 278.63799999999998, 283.06799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 544106136, 0.26743932463929798, 0.35786971233348802, -0.89465383061317205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1062801', 'WD0310-688', 47.6297, -68.601299999999995, '2006-05-28 03:05:55', 22988, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 11.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-06-14 04:11:36', '2006-06-14 10:36:34', 0, 0, '2006-05-28 03:05:55', '2006-05-28 13:19:03', -74.040800000000004, 333.416, -43.731999999999999, 286.19799999999998, 263.55700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 540927896, 0.245883346829885, 0.26955710312259501, -0.931064094414498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0440301', 'RBS442', 53.508800000000001, -61.5379, '2006-05-28 14:34:11', 23260, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16, 'AGN', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-06-22 23:21:09', '2006-12-22 23:21:09', 0, 0.17630000000000001, '2006-05-28 14:34:11', '2006-05-28 23:53:00', -73.535200000000003, 0.36895600000000001, -46.275799999999997, 276.24400000000003, 283.04199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', NULL, 544192273, 0.28342021592038202, 0.38314349602139802, -0.87913255124818701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1062201', 'RXSJ023434.1-520359', 38.642099999999999, -52.066400000000002, '2006-05-29 03:21:01', 5521, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.800000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-06-14 04:01:07', '2006-06-14 10:36:32', 0, 0.13700000000000001, '2006-05-29 03:21:01', '2006-05-29 06:57:12', -61.203899999999997, 4.5801699999999999, -58.462499999999999, 272.19, 314.39299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 552392072, 0.48015608017248801, 0.38388154736984398, -0.78872371351590898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1063502', 'SKY-033255-632751', 53.228900000000003, -63.463999999999999, '2006-05-29 09:42:59', 32727, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 25, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-06-14 04:32:55', '2006-06-14 10:36:40', 0, 0, '2006-05-29 09:42:59', '2006-05-29 21:23:53', -74.403899999999993, 354.12099999999998, -45.306600000000003, 278.63799999999998, 300.58300000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 544106136, 0.26743932463929798, 0.35786971233348802, -0.89465383061317205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0440302', 'RBS442', 53.508800000000001, -61.5379, '2006-05-29 23:51:14', 10830, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16, 'AGN', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-06-22 21:17:20', '2006-12-22 21:17:20', 0, 0.17630000000000001, '2006-05-29 23:51:14', '2006-05-30 04:25:00', -73.535200000000003, 0.36895600000000001, -46.275799999999997, 276.24400000000003, 284.30900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', NULL, 544192273, 0.28342021592038202, 0.38314349602139802, -0.87913255124818701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1061901', 'BL-HYI', 25.251000000000001, -67.891000000000005, '2006-05-30 07:33:20', 12179, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.300000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-06-14 03:50:21', '2006-06-14 10:36:27', 0, 0, '2006-05-30 07:33:20', '2006-05-30 12:23:36', -66.047600000000003, 326.98099999999999, -48.556899999999999, 295.92500000000001, 286.86200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 546875157, 0.34040679760244802, 0.16055353140412901, -0.92646952227243295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1063401', 'ESO116-G18', 51.221699999999998, -60.738900000000001, '2006-05-30 14:48:32', 19356, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.199999999999999, 'SEY', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2006-06-14 04:22:14', '2006-06-14 10:36:36', 0, 5546, '2006-05-30 14:48:32', '2006-05-31 01:52:37', -72.173000000000002, 0.48302, -47.637599999999999, 276.17700000000002, 271.56099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 549818513, 0.30613354623070199, 0.38104877957884598, -0.87240132935116899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0150301', 'HD12311', 29.6936, -61.569899999999997, '2006-05-31 04:12:25', 3567, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 2.8999999999999999, 'F0V', 0, 40, 'PE', '2006-06-14 03:18:19', '2006-12-14 03:18:19', 0, 0, '2006-05-31 04:12:25', '2006-05-31 05:25:57', -64.242500000000007, 342.11799999999999, -53.759599999999999, 289.447, 284.06999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 548714860, 0.41356987601185802, 0.23583487050818, -0.879398585118219); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1062001', 'WX-HYI', 32.4617, -63.311399999999999, '2006-05-31 06:42:24', 24277, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:31:15', '2006-08-30 16:02:10', 0, 0, '2006-05-31 06:42:24', '2006-05-31 15:20:30', -66.294799999999995, 340.49700000000001, -51.625100000000003, 288.887, 281.15800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 547275286, 0.37896310860938398, 0.24107014295437501, -0.89346077053727901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1062101', 'HD15638', 37.0792, -61.305399999999999, '2006-05-31 17:24:48', 14173, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.800000000000001, 'F3IV', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-06-14 04:01:01', '2006-06-14 10:36:30', 0, 0, '2006-05-31 17:24:48', '2006-06-01 04:40:20', -66.919899999999998, 347.72699999999998, -52.156599999999997, 284.20699999999999, 301.36599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 550119585, 0.38305772338425298, 0.289485739839768, -0.87719141980818205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1062002', 'WX-HYI', 32.4617, -63.311399999999999, '2006-06-01 07:34:26', 43538, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 14.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:31:24', '2006-08-30 16:02:11', 0, 0, '2006-06-01 07:34:26', '2006-06-02 02:08:12', -66.294799999999995, 340.49700000000001, -51.625100000000003, 288.887, 291.00999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 547275286, 0.37896310860938398, 0.24107014295437501, -0.89346077053727901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0150302', 'HD12311', 29.6936, -61.569899999999997, '2006-06-02 10:14:51', 31508, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 2.8999999999999999, 'F0V', 0, 40, 'PE', '2006-06-14 04:54:44', '2006-12-14 04:54:44', 0, 0, '2006-06-02 10:14:51', '2006-06-03 01:22:34', -64.242500000000007, 342.11799999999999, -53.759599999999999, 289.447, 309.89299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 548714860, 0.41356987601185802, 0.23583487050818, -0.879398585118219); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5111201', 'AV480', 18.729399999999998, -72.360600000000005, '2006-06-03 09:46:02', 26003, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.34, 'OE', 0.20000000000000001, 14, 'PC', '2007-05-17 03:34:17', '2006-12-14 02:37:09', 0, 0, '2006-06-03 09:46:02', '2006-06-03 21:06:00', -65.930000000000007, 314.71899999999999, -44.653399999999998, 300.43700000000001, 338.14499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545701920, 0.28697877911636499, 0.0973011137685688, -0.95298251484288898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5110401', 'AV135', 13.206300000000001, -72.140699999999995, '2006-06-04 10:25:39', 27255, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.960000000000001, 'O7II', 0.070000000000000007, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-17 03:12:52', '2006-12-14 02:26:50', 0, 0, '2006-06-04 10:25:39', '2006-06-04 22:05:06', -64.308300000000003, 313.52699999999999, -44.986899999999999, 302.78300000000002, 351.80200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545880137, 0.298570036791803, 0.070063606328758105, -0.95181249424366698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1060901', 'HD3175', 8.5932899999999997, -63.061700000000002, '2006-06-05 00:44:58', 5896, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 13, 9.2799999999999994, 'B3V', 0.02, 21, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:31:08', '2006-08-30 16:02:09', 0, 0, '2006-06-05 00:44:58', '2006-06-05 03:24:39', -57.656500000000001, 326.85500000000002, -53.9574, 306.21699999999998, 355.327, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 570541428, 0.44794496567747499, 0.067691648234057294, -0.89149489537717597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5110101', 'AV16', 11.728999999999999, -73.142600000000002, '2006-06-05 04:44:14', 33693, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.19, 'B1LB', 0.22, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-17 02:52:04', '2006-12-14 02:06:09', 0, 0, '2006-06-05 04:44:14', '2006-06-05 19:35:33', -64.3566, 311.00200000000001, -43.981400000000001, 303.38900000000001, 354.05000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545505277, 0.28393571965875802, 0.058950152612456799, -0.95702945963477604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9051301', 'SBKGD', 354.928, -68.156400000000005, '2006-06-05 22:08:01', 17772, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-06-14 03:50:08', '2006-06-14 10:36:23', 0, 0, '2006-06-05 22:08:01', '2006-06-06 07:52:15', -56.984499999999997, 312.85899999999998, -47.5867, 312.71199999999999, 13.6607, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 743744056, 0.37061737350617802, -0.032894166895711299, -0.92820296069319796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0390501', 'SMC-WR9', 13.634, -72.743200000000002, '2006-06-06 09:41:23', 17246, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.23, 'WN3+', 0.17000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-17 04:56:54', '2006-12-14 03:18:35', 0, 0, '2006-06-06 09:41:23', '2006-06-06 20:34:38', -64.688400000000001, 312.40100000000001, -44.382800000000003, 302.61200000000002, 358.32499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'HERALD', 'y', 545520328, 0.28829556504477, 0.069927154364628194, -0.95498474346870199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9051302', 'SBKGD', 354.928, -68.156400000000005, '2006-06-06 23:05:23', 18314, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-06-14 03:50:15', '2006-06-14 10:36:25', 0, 0, '2006-06-06 23:05:23', '2006-06-07 08:42:52', -56.984499999999997, 312.85899999999998, -47.5867, 312.71199999999999, 14.573499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 743744056, 0.37061737350617802, -0.032894166895711299, -0.92820296069319796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1097301', 'JL_119', 345.65199999999999, -71.216700000000003, '2006-06-07 20:38:55', 5419, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.48, 'SDOB', 0.01, 28, 'PC', '2006-06-14 05:57:22', '2006-06-14 10:36:46', 0, 0, '2006-06-07 20:38:55', '2006-06-07 23:21:10', -56.811999999999998, 304.74200000000002, -43.3581, 314.61599999999999, 358.87, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 743198856, 0.31194640709218802, -0.079792516827705495, -0.94674315068057202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7011501', 'HD222259', 354.91399999999999, -69.195700000000002, '2006-06-08 01:40:46', 9763, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8, 'G6IV', 0, 44, 'PE', '2006-06-14 05:57:08', '2006-12-14 05:57:08', 0, 0, '2006-06-08 01:40:46', '2006-06-08 05:37:17', -57.686599999999999, 311.43900000000002, -46.633400000000002, 312.10399999999998, 345.61599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 743551462, 0.35377870053697202, -0.031486776778884298, -0.93479902328492404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0350101', 'E0102-CTR1', 16.0075, -72.032200000000003, '2006-06-08 09:32:13', 14067, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'SNR', 0, 75, 'EE', '2006-08-08 00:28:05', '2007-02-08 00:28:05', 0, 0, '2006-06-08 09:32:13', '2006-06-08 15:36:43', -65.036100000000005, 314.63400000000001, -45.062100000000001, 301.55900000000003, 342.86099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'TERRANCE', 'GAETZ', NULL, 546047569, 0.296521235614991, 0.085068103652652105, -0.95123003241608195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7012701', 'HIP107345', 326.125, -60.977499999999999, '2006-06-10 20:38:45', 9104, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 11.699999999999999, 'M1V', 0, 48, 'PE', '2006-06-15 05:33:41', '2006-12-15 05:33:41', 0, 0, '2006-06-10 20:38:45', '2006-06-11 02:24:25', -44.003900000000002, 304.05599999999998, -44, 332.34800000000001, 20.501000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 746207264, 0.40280101725957601, -0.270416008721034, -0.87442925541294403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9250101', 'VW-TUC', 5.0796299999999999, -73.868899999999996, '2006-06-11 16:12:40', 8835, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.4, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-06-15 05:43:36', '2006-12-15 05:43:36', 0, 0, '2006-06-11 16:12:40', '2006-06-11 22:05:18', -63.017299999999999, 307.58499999999998, -43.080300000000001, 305.88499999999999, 351.32799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', NULL, 545810775, 0.27674494906782798, 0.024599658811779099, -0.96062848695621605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0230201', 'HD198700', 313.70299999999997, -58.4542, '2006-06-12 06:37:00', 16828, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 3.6600000000000001, 'K1II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2006-06-19 19:18:23', '2006-12-19 19:18:23', 0, 0, '2006-06-12 06:37:00', '2006-06-12 14:19:42', -39.1569, 297.786, -38.8523, 338.15899999999999, 41.995800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', NULL, 751614825, 0.36147563973609698, -0.37822299967032202, -0.85222222712022899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1097302', 'JL_119', 345.65199999999999, -71.216700000000003, '2006-06-12 17:10:02', 3661, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.48, 'SDOB', 0.01, 28, 'PC', '2006-06-19 19:38:47', '2006-06-19 16:03:35', 0, 0, '2006-06-12 17:10:02', '2006-06-12 19:32:52', -56.811999999999998, 304.74200000000002, -43.3581, 314.61599999999999, 21.422999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 743198856, 0.31194640709218802, -0.079792516827705495, -0.94674315068057202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7011001', 'HD1466', 4.6088300000000002, -63.477499999999999, '2006-06-12 22:15:12', 6509, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.5, 'F8V', 0, 41, 'PE', '2006-06-15 05:33:34', '2006-12-15 05:33:34', 0, 0, '2006-06-12 22:15:12', '2006-06-13 00:52:58', -56.636400000000002, 324.03300000000002, -53.2547, 309.08300000000003, 0.38995400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 570578170, 0.445105304806243, 0.0358813637410502, -0.89475907113000197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0230202', 'HD198700', 313.70299999999997, -58.4542, '2006-06-13 07:33:14', 29224, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 3.6600000000000001, 'K1II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2006-06-19 19:28:13', '2006-12-19 19:28:13', 0, 0, '2006-06-13 07:33:14', '2006-06-14 00:07:20', -39.1569, 297.786, -38.8523, 338.15899999999999, 38.032499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS R.', 'AYRES', NULL, 751614825, 0.36147563973609698, -0.37822299967032202, -0.85222222712022899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7052902', 'SBKGD29', 323.95999999999998, -65, '2006-06-14 02:11:08', 26112, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-06-19 19:28:31', '2006-06-19 16:03:34', 0, 0, '2006-06-14 02:11:08', '2006-06-14 10:30:02', -47.105899999999998, 300.137, -41.339199999999998, 328.03100000000001, 18.218900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 745317594, 0.341731850530062, -0.248647416013176, -0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1095401', 'WD2000-561.1', 301.07499999999999, -56.046399999999998, '2006-06-15 09:23:56', 4891, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.050000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-08-30 13:23:15', '2006-08-30 16:02:26', 0, 0, '2006-06-15 09:23:56', '2006-06-15 12:04:34', -34.802900000000001, 290.55399999999997, -32.2498, 341.78500000000003, 44.983600000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 750649013, 0.288286185635104, -0.47836927221363401, -0.82949015339168497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9381501', 'WD2004-605-O', 302.27300000000002, -60.444699999999997, '2006-06-15 20:23:51', 18257, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2006-06-22 22:19:38', '2006-12-22 22:19:38', 0, 0, '2006-06-15 20:23:51', '2006-06-16 04:27:59', -39.212600000000002, 289.87200000000001, -32.8581, 336.56299999999999, 54.800800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 750102095, 0.263379934192014, -0.41706086094961797, -0.86988001961705796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7010901', 'HD186602', 297.27999999999997, -61.814999999999998, '2006-06-16 05:17:47', 56752, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 17, 7.2999999999999998, 'F8V', 0, 41, 'PE', '2006-06-22 21:58:41', '2006-12-22 21:58:41', 0, 0, '2006-06-16 05:17:47', '2006-06-17 05:41:14', -39.919400000000003, 286.39600000000002, -30.4376, 334.97699999999998, 66.254999999999995, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 749957347, 0.216482848348695, -0.41978730497370098, -0.88142713536273298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7010302', 'HD195772', 309.16000000000003, -63.121000000000002, '2006-06-17 23:18:53', 7061, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 6.4000000000000004, 'F2V', 0, 40, 'PE', '2006-06-22 21:17:43', '2006-12-22 21:17:43', 0, 0, '2006-06-17 23:18:53', '2006-06-18 01:34:02', -42.758800000000001, 292.88299999999998, -35.802700000000002, 332.916, 36.439799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 748516571, 0.285500723016677, -0.350557864426502, -0.89196329568300303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7011202', 'HD178085', 287.74099999999999, -60.272199999999998, '2006-06-18 02:59:32', 19308, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.3000000000000007, 'G0V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2006-06-22 22:09:10', '2006-12-22 22:09:10', 0, 0, '2006-06-18 02:59:32', '2006-06-18 11:31:10', -37.507199999999997, 280.98099999999999, -25.691299999999998, 336.18299999999999, 46.088900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 772103479, 0.151101943874108, -0.47229783802779501, -0.86839101489578796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0180101', 'HD203532', 323.47699999999998, -82.683099999999996, '2006-06-18 14:49:40', 11209, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 6.3600000000000003, 'B3IV', 0.33000000000000002, 21, 'PC', '2007-04-24 18:00:40', '2007-07-22 13:46:51', 0, 0, '2006-06-18 14:49:40', '2006-06-19 00:57:58', -61.625399999999999, 282.43700000000001, -31.7394, 309.46100000000001, 43.346699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'KNAUTH', NULL, 739005889, 0.102346518945552, -0.075796039124646705, -0.991856920383552); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1095301', 'JL_36', 300.46699999999998, -71.956800000000001, '2006-06-19 03:26:14', 33379, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 12.93, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2006-06-22 23:10:41', '2006-06-23 09:36:19', 0, 0, '2006-06-19 03:26:14', '2006-06-19 16:00:08', -50.011099999999999, 284.14499999999998, -31.127400000000002, 323.108, 73.136200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 747637827, 0.15704814479238299, -0.26696633199431902, -0.95082325265990897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0180102', 'HD203532', 323.47699999999998, -82.683099999999996, '2006-06-19 19:01:45', 9078, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 6.3600000000000003, 'B3IV', 0.33000000000000002, 21, 'PC', '2006-06-22 20:13:43', '2006-12-22 20:13:43', 0, 0, '2006-06-19 19:01:45', '2006-06-20 01:54:23', -61.625399999999999, 282.43700000000001, -31.7394, 309.46100000000001, 35.648099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'KNAUTH', NULL, 739005889, 0.102346518945552, -0.075796039124646705, -0.991856920383552); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1094601', 'JL-9', 287.08699999999999, -72.506799999999998, '2006-06-20 03:17:46', 4951, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.24, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-06-22 22:29:56', '2006-06-23 09:36:19', 0, 0, '2006-06-20 03:17:46', '2006-06-20 07:29:40', -49.530999999999999, 277.82100000000003, -27.039899999999999, 322.601, 94.1541, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 747018373, 0.088321158657205703, -0.28732436183858101, -0.95375263251406095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1095302', 'JL_36', 300.46699999999998, -71.956800000000001, '2006-06-20 09:06:38', 5058, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.93, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2006-08-30 12:46:09', '2006-08-30 16:02:26', 0, 0, '2006-06-20 09:06:38', '2006-06-20 13:30:03', -50.011099999999999, 284.14499999999998, -31.127400000000002, 323.108, 74.631600000000006, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 747637827, 0.15704814479238299, -0.26696633199431902, -0.95082325265990897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0180103', 'HD203532', 323.47699999999998, -82.683099999999996, '2006-06-20 16:34:48', 19470, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 6.3600000000000003, 'B3IV', 0.33000000000000002, 21, 'PC', '2006-06-22 21:06:53', '2006-12-22 21:06:53', 0, 0, '2006-06-20 16:34:48', '2006-06-21 06:16:28', -61.625399999999999, 282.43700000000001, -31.7394, 309.46100000000001, 51.589100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'KNAUTH', NULL, 739005889, 0.102346518945552, -0.075796039124646705, -0.991856920383552); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1095101', 'JL_25', 294.91300000000001, -76.021100000000004, '2006-06-21 08:27:47', 5276, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.279999999999999, 'SDOB', 0.050000000000000003, 16, 'PC', '2006-06-30 02:46:25', '2006-06-30 09:12:06', 0, 0, '2006-06-21 08:27:47', '2006-06-21 13:51:45', -53.432899999999997, 279.834, -29.1678, 318.63, 70.758099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 741141560, 0.101757040164561, -0.21908660025219601, -0.97038475171803995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1094002', 'ARPAV', 275.11599999999999, -66.078599999999994, '2006-06-22 08:09:08', 6564, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.5, 'M5M6', 0.10000000000000001, 57, 'PC', '2006-06-30 02:25:16', '2006-06-30 09:11:55', 0, 0, '2006-06-22 08:09:08', '2006-06-22 11:59:29', -42.6892, 272.81999999999999, -21.603899999999999, 328.53699999999998, 71.665599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 749368920, 0.036157911628602601, -0.40386767053531197, -0.91410257089838598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1094101', 'FAIRALL333', 279.98500000000001, -67.425600000000003, '2006-06-22 13:21:27', 8324, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.6, 'SEY', 0.080000000000000002, 84, 'PC', '2006-06-30 02:25:31', '2006-06-30 09:11:57', 0, 4419, '2006-06-22 13:21:27', '2006-06-22 17:16:43', -44.1706, 275.32499999999999, -23.822900000000001, 327.71199999999999, 80.865499999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 748932400, 0.066561571188785196, -0.37806818660418701, -0.92338182975338101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1093201', 'HEN3-1357', 259.08800000000002, -59.489899999999999, '2006-06-23 04:02:36', 16104, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 10.800000000000001, 'PN', 0.17999999999999999, 71, 'PC', '2006-06-29 22:21:58', '2006-06-30 09:11:51', 0, 0, '2006-06-23 04:02:36', '2006-06-23 14:44:21', -36.309600000000003, 263.14999999999998, -12.1639, 331.31200000000001, 112.10899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 688686080, -0.096106321081192103, -0.49851073852239602, -0.86153967907815698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1094003', 'ARPAV', 275.11599999999999, -66.078599999999994, '2006-06-23 16:04:40', 18490, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 10.5, 'M5M6', 0.10000000000000001, 57, 'PC', '2006-08-30 12:44:46', '2006-08-30 16:02:25', 0, 0, '2006-06-23 16:04:40', '2006-06-23 23:50:39', -42.6892, 272.81999999999999, -21.603899999999999, 328.53699999999998, 88.578500000000005, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 749368920, 0.036157911628602601, -0.40386767053531197, -0.91410257089838598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1094302', 'V347-PAV', 281.20100000000002, -74.309299999999993, '2006-06-24 00:35:26', 18694, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-06-30 02:46:09', '2006-06-30 09:12:04', 0, 0, '2006-06-24 00:35:26', '2006-06-24 08:45:25', -51.056199999999997, 274.79399999999998, -25.596, 320.37599999999998, 66.329899999999995, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 746795961, 0.052534180568902397, -0.26529269820725798, -0.96273565642385295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1093202', 'HEN3-1357', 259.08800000000002, -59.489899999999999, '2006-06-24 11:12:43', 2811, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.800000000000001, 'PN', 0.17999999999999999, 71, 'PC', '2006-06-29 22:22:03', '2006-06-30 09:11:53', 0, 0, '2006-06-24 11:12:43', '2006-06-24 12:13:18', -36.309600000000003, 263.14999999999998, -12.1639, 331.31200000000001, 114.041, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 688686080, -0.096106321081192103, -0.49851073852239602, -0.86153967907815698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031414', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2006-06-24 13:32:55', 3319, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-06-29 21:49:52', '2006-12-29 21:49:52', 0, 0, '2006-06-24 13:32:55', '2006-06-24 15:45:36', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 128.95599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1094102', 'FAIRALL333', 279.98500000000001, -67.425600000000003, '2006-06-24 23:49:25', 2040, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.6, 'SEY', 0.080000000000000002, 84, 'PC', '2006-06-30 02:25:35', '2006-06-30 09:12:02', 0, 4419, '2006-06-24 23:49:25', '2006-06-25 00:32:06', -44.1706, 275.32499999999999, -23.822900000000001, 327.71199999999999, 84.256799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 748932400, 0.066561571188785196, -0.37806818660418701, -0.92338182975338101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1092501', 'KX-TRA', 251.148, -62.620399999999997, '2006-06-25 05:52:55', 7924, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.1, 'OTR', 0.29999999999999999, 57, 'PE', '2006-06-29 22:21:51', '2006-06-30 09:11:49', 0, 0, '2006-06-25 05:52:55', '2006-06-25 11:28:04', -39.909999999999997, 258.82999999999998, -10.938599999999999, 326.416, 124.381, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 677309518, -0.148599773356209, -0.43521383278320203, -0.887979181688759); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031413', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2006-06-25 12:52:41', 5583, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 12, 11.699999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-06-29 21:39:33', '2006-12-29 21:39:33', 0, 0, '2006-06-25 12:52:41', '2006-06-25 17:44:25', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 130.33600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1092201', 'RT-NOR', 246.078, -59.344000000000001, '2006-06-26 00:01:15', 9901, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.5, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2006-06-29 22:21:48', '2006-06-30 09:11:48', 0, 0, '2006-06-26 00:01:15', '2006-06-26 03:23:44', -37.146799999999999, 254.96600000000001, -6.9231100000000003, 327.22500000000002, 118.251, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 678921500, -0.20675356231511, -0.46608269174627598, -0.86024408682917297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0520401', 'WD1634-573-OFF', 249.62899999999999, -57.486499999999999, '2006-06-26 05:12:31', 21515, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2006-06-29 21:39:14', '2006-12-29 21:39:14', 0, 0, '2006-06-26 05:12:31', '2006-06-26 17:47:26', -34.976799999999997, 256.80000000000001, -7.0284000000000004, 329.87, 123.26900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 690028398, -0.18710187359556699, -0.503882253331565, -0.84326482416529902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1094103', 'FAIRALL333', 279.98500000000001, -67.425600000000003, '2006-06-26 18:42:16', 6728, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.6, 'SEY', 0.080000000000000002, 84, 'PC', '2006-06-30 02:25:40', '2006-06-30 09:12:00', 0, 4419, '2006-06-26 18:42:16', '2006-06-26 21:18:35', -44.1706, 275.32499999999999, -23.822900000000001, 327.71199999999999, 86.686800000000005, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 748932400, 0.066561571188785196, -0.37806818660418701, -0.92338182975338101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1091801', 'HD138679', 234.167, -60.5503, '2006-06-26 23:46:30', 5998, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 20, 8.9100000000000001, 'B2II', 0.20999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-08-30 15:35:55', '2006-08-30 16:02:22', 0, 0, '2006-06-26 23:46:30', '2006-06-27 03:04:45', -39.819800000000001, 247.99100000000001, -3.9201899999999998, 321.91800000000001, 148.833, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 678428158, -0.287829497653247, -0.398601345278148, -0.870787659434337); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7053201', 'SBKGD32', 240, -70, '2006-06-27 04:12:13', 10083, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-06 20:30:54', '2006-07-06 16:02:12', 0, 0, '2006-06-27 04:12:13', '2006-06-27 09:36:04', -48.101399999999998, 255.16300000000001, -12.792999999999999, 317.83100000000002, 136.13999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 677478791, -0.17101007166283499, -0.29619813272602402, -0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3201001', 'HD139084', 234.74000000000001, -57.707700000000003, '2006-06-27 12:47:02', 26336, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 8.1400000000000006, 'K0V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2006-07-06 20:19:51', '2007-01-06 20:19:51', 0, 0, '2006-06-27 12:47:02', '2006-06-28 00:49:06', -37.017299999999999, 247.27799999999999, -1.80217, 323.83800000000002, 151.14099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 684822668, -0.30840946542311098, -0.43622774228133498, -0.84533363738914402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1091502', 'S-APS', 227.352, -72.0625, '2006-06-28 01:50:33', 6364, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.5999999999999996, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2006-07-06 20:30:58', '2006-07-06 16:02:12', 0, 0, '2006-06-28 01:50:33', '2006-06-28 04:04:08', -51.515500000000003, 250.41, -11.999599999999999, 313.20400000000001, 164.88200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 674673884, -0.20865368288515401, -0.22652799463068601, -0.95139303564145405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1091902', 'HD138403', 234.298, -71.914699999999996, '2006-06-28 06:50:16', 8266, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.470000000000001, 'CSPN', 0.050000000000000003, 70, 'PC', '2006-07-06 20:41:16', '2006-07-06 16:02:13', 0, 0, '2006-06-28 06:50:16', '2006-06-28 11:58:05', -50.5227, 253.44499999999999, -13.081300000000001, 315.11000000000001, 142.66999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 674610271, -0.18115898709763401, -0.25209083808881499, -0.95059540854426505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9251201', 'NSV-10934', 280.21899999999999, -83.719399999999993, '2006-06-28 14:08:26', 11956, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-07-06 20:19:59', '2007-01-06 20:19:59', 0, 0, '2006-06-28 14:08:26', '2006-06-28 21:39:52', -60.359699999999997, 272.24900000000002, -26.663900000000002, 309.95800000000003, 95.728200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', NULL, 738899449, 0.0194083764197325, -0.107662360555592, -0.99399805384333995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1026208', 'HD124314', 213.75700000000001, -61.706800000000001, '2006-06-29 13:08:29', 4206, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 8, 6.6399999999999997, 'O6VN', 0.53000000000000003, 12, 'PC', '2006-07-06 20:30:38', '2007-01-06 20:30:38', 0, 0, '2006-06-29 13:08:29', '2006-06-29 17:05:25', -44.676699999999997, 236.346, -0.424707, 312.66699999999997, 171.53100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', NULL, 681553623, -0.39407087546671898, -0.26337938621340801, -0.88053361322935397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1091904', 'HD138403', 234.298, -71.914699999999996, '2006-06-29 22:53:21', 10926, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.470000000000001, 'CSPN', 0.050000000000000003, 70, 'PC', '2006-07-06 21:02:14', '2006-07-07 08:49:51', 0, 0, '2006-06-29 22:53:21', '2006-06-30 02:13:16', -50.5227, 253.44499999999999, -13.081300000000001, 315.11000000000001, 128.41800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 674610271, -0.18115898709763401, -0.25209083808881499, -0.95059540854426505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7054701', 'SBKGD47', 214.42500000000001, -70, '2006-06-30 04:07:23', 10076, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-18 17:32:10', '2006-07-07 08:49:50', 0, 0, '2006-06-30 04:07:23', '2006-06-30 11:11:31', -51.742699999999999, 242.89500000000001, -8.3600999999999992, 310.233, 166.56299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 680603025, -0.28212109754529202, -0.19335321243866399, -0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1026209', 'HD124314', 213.75700000000001, -61.706800000000001, '2006-06-30 12:08:06', 3956, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.6399999999999997, 'O6VN', 0.53000000000000003, 12, 'PC', '2006-07-06 21:02:27', '2007-01-06 21:02:27', 0, 0, '2006-06-30 12:08:06', '2006-06-30 15:57:48', -44.676699999999997, 236.346, -0.424707, 312.66699999999997, 180.43100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', NULL, 681553623, -0.39407087546671898, -0.26337938621340801, -0.88053361322935397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7054702', 'SBKGD47', 214.42500000000001, -70, '2006-07-01 03:16:37', 46465, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-06 21:13:14', '2006-07-07 08:49:50', 0, 0, '2006-07-01 03:16:37', '2006-07-01 23:46:34', -51.742699999999999, 242.89500000000001, -8.3600999999999992, 310.233, 182.536, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 680603025, -0.28212109754529202, -0.19335321243866399, -0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1090701', 'NGC5315-STAR', 208.488, -66.513999999999996, '2006-07-02 00:49:40', 27844, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.5, 'PNCS', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-08-30 15:14:22', '2006-08-30 16:02:21', 0, 0, '2006-07-02 00:49:40', '2006-07-02 15:00:26', -49.983699999999999, 236.99299999999999, -4.3951200000000004, 309.11500000000001, 168.048, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 681158779, -0.35027038885865402, -0.19008632765702199, -0.91715747978560003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1090201', 'NGC5189-STAR', 203.387, -65.974100000000007, '2006-07-02 16:44:18', 26323, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 13.800000000000001, 'PNCS', 0, 16, 'PC', '2006-08-30 15:14:15', '2006-08-30 16:02:20', 0, 0, '2006-07-02 16:44:18', '2006-07-03 02:01:34', -50.6877, 233.85300000000001, -3.4520900000000001, 307.20699999999999, 181.68899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 682624859, -0.373700071439653, -0.16161380356712901, -0.91336150296723295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1085201', 'HD111641', 192.94800000000001, -66.856200000000001, '2006-07-03 15:04:02', 15409, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 32, 8.3900000000000006, 'B3V', 0.28999999999999998, 21, 'PC', '2006-07-13 00:57:07', '2006-07-13 09:52:41', 0, 0, '2006-07-03 15:04:02', '2006-07-03 23:47:04', -53.9604, 229.37899999999999, -3.9842499999999998, 302.96800000000002, 207.52000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 681982509, -0.38304665438511698, -0.088067193338600899, -0.919521304822151); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1085901', 'CPD-691743', 195.14099999999999, -70.209800000000001, '2006-07-04 06:15:12', 12111, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 9.3800000000000008, 'B0.5', 0.29999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2006-07-13 01:17:51', '2006-07-13 09:52:53', 0, -31, '2006-07-04 06:15:12', '2006-07-04 17:00:15', -55.905700000000003, 234.33600000000001, -7.3516300000000001, 303.71199999999999, 189.21000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 680401456, -0.32682361349897698, -0.088434723787478006, -0.94093869369268901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1084602', 'COALSACK-2', 190.13300000000001, -64.486099999999993, '2006-07-04 19:08:39', 26980, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 20, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2006-08-30 15:13:58', '2006-08-30 16:02:20', 0, 0, '2006-07-04 19:08:39', '2006-07-05 10:57:00', -52.926600000000001, 225.303, -1.6389800000000001, 301.75900000000001, 195.74000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 682325925, -0.42401153013874998, -0.075779944717438902, -0.90248081546812797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1082801', 'HD101298', 174.76400000000001, -63.429600000000001, '2006-07-05 13:32:01', 6366, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 8.0500000000000007, 'O6VF', 0.38, 12, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:53:25', '2006-08-30 16:02:17', 0, 1, '2006-07-05 13:32:01', '2006-07-05 16:42:57', -56.805700000000002, 215.55099999999999, -1.68598, 294.94400000000002, 224.965, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 620910005, -0.44543063611919498, 0.040819569962665399, -0.89438543766907996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1081001', 'HD97300', 167.458, -76.613299999999995, '2006-07-05 19:24:40', 10197, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9, 'B9VE', 0.38, 26, 'PC', '2006-07-13 00:35:27', '2006-07-13 09:52:21', 0, 0, '2006-07-05 19:24:40', '2006-07-06 04:24:11', -65.860200000000006, 236.45400000000001, -14.9193, 297.03399999999999, 215.22800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 605516153, -0.225997296361201, 0.050276229500894998, -0.97282964736103805); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9051801', 'SBKGD18A', 194.69900000000001, -70.057000000000002, '2006-07-06 09:27:46', 9295, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-13 00:25:08', '2006-07-13 09:52:02', 0, 0, '2006-07-06 09:27:46', '2006-07-06 13:44:41', -55.897399999999998, 233.95400000000001, -7.1939900000000003, 303.56599999999997, 171.22900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 680404895, -0.329922160310676, -0.086547303964779096, -0.94003241024571305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1080101', 'HD102567', 177, -62.206899999999997, '2006-07-06 15:17:47', 22053, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 8.9399999999999995, 'B1V', 0.28999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2006-07-12 23:42:39', '2007-01-12 23:42:39', 0, 0, '2006-07-06 15:17:47', '2006-07-06 22:18:13', -55.2196, 215.28399999999999, -0.24002399999999999, 295.613, 227.21600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 621055239, -0.46564108820574301, 0.024403215375801899, -0.88463713467946503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1083001', 'HD101413', 174.941, -63.477600000000002, '2006-07-07 01:34:10', 7653, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 8.3499999999999996, 'O8V', 0.35999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2006-08-30 15:03:55', '2006-08-30 16:02:18', 0, -21, '2006-07-07 01:34:10', '2006-07-07 05:38:32', -56.781500000000001, 215.714, -1.7102999999999999, 295.03300000000002, 235.06100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 620909898, -0.44480809563631202, 0.039377252092586502, -0.89475985050405304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0060102', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2006-07-07 08:55:50', 20533, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 5.5999999999999996, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2006-07-13 00:24:55', '2007-01-13 00:24:55', 0, 0, '2006-07-07 08:55:50', '2006-07-07 18:33:30', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 247.279, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE R.', 'GULL', NULL, 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1082701', 'HDE308813', 174.494, -63.316299999999998, '2006-07-07 20:29:50', 5655, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 13, 9.2799999999999994, 'O9.5', 0.34000000000000002, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-12 03:37:47', '2006-08-30 16:02:16', 0, -11, '2006-07-07 20:29:50', '2006-07-07 22:34:59', -56.815100000000001, 215.24799999999999, -1.61093, 294.79599999999999, 236.15100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 620910543, -0.44699291133006602, 0.043087765441095903, -0.89349917833759895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0060103', 'HD93308', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2006-07-08 09:49:40', 29833, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 5.5999999999999996, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2006-07-13 00:13:49', '2007-01-13 00:13:49', 0, 0, '2006-07-08 09:49:40', '2006-07-08 21:57:20', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 248.13499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE R.', 'GULL', NULL, 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1080501', 'HD96548', 166.572, -65.509699999999995, '2006-07-08 23:51:01', 7395, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 7.7000000000000002, 'WN8', 0.35999999999999999, 11, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:53:06', '2006-08-30 16:02:15', 0, 0, '2006-07-08 23:51:01', '2006-07-09 05:36:44', -60.836199999999998, 214.166, -4.8286699999999998, 292.31599999999997, 227.63399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 610021019, -0.40320672173253302, 0.096265642053149705, -0.91003146413176195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1320201', 'HD93308-SE', 161.267, -59.685600000000001, '2006-07-09 07:45:51', 29597, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 4.9500000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'PC', '2006-07-13 00:03:10', '2007-01-13 00:03:10', 0, 0, '2006-07-09 07:45:51', '2006-07-09 20:35:07', -58.927500000000002, 202.15799999999999, -0.62993500000000002, 287.60000000000002, 232.928, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE R.', 'GULL', NULL, 622863717, -0.478005990109307, 0.162103015159168, -0.86326872171759395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9051701', 'SBKGD17A', 150, -70, '2006-07-09 23:12:03', 11188, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-13 00:25:01', '2006-07-13 09:49:38', 0, 0, '2006-07-09 23:12:03', '2006-07-10 03:37:38', -68.462000000000003, 216.214, -11.850199999999999, 289.18200000000002, 234.84299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 610369927, -0.29619813272602402, 0.171010071662834, -0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9051601', 'SBKGD16A', 140, -70, '2006-07-10 21:34:23', 10467, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-18 17:21:04', '2006-07-18 16:03:18', 0, 0, '2006-07-10 21:34:23', '2006-07-11 02:28:54', -71.731899999999996, 213.297, -14.1639, 286.60199999999998, 244.80500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 607994274, -0.26200263022938503, 0.21984631039295399, -0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9051401', 'SBKGD14A', 120.482, -69.864699999999999, '2006-07-11 05:13:51', 9092, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-18 17:11:25', '2006-07-18 16:03:17', 0, 0, '2006-07-11 05:13:51', '2006-07-11 11:26:18', -78.353700000000003, 210.11600000000001, -19.5946, 282.553, 268.06599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 613565968, -0.17462090572619901, 0.29666055022589, -0.93888234471792797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9271502', 'HD86161', 148.72, -57.727200000000003, '2006-07-11 12:34:37', 28466, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 8.3000000000000007, 'WN8', 0, 11, 'PC', '2006-07-18 17:11:11', '2007-01-18 17:11:11', 0, 0, '2006-07-11 12:34:37', '2006-07-11 21:08:00', -62.377699999999997, 190.18299999999999, -2.5507200000000001, 281.08100000000002, 257.52300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 612271901, -0.45633596483146799, 0.27723848446691601, -0.84551541081864401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9051501', 'SBKGD15A', 135, -70, '2006-07-11 22:33:44', 12801, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-18 17:42:42', '2006-07-18 16:03:17', 0, 0, '2006-07-11 22:33:44', '2006-07-12 04:54:02', -73.405699999999996, 212.13300000000001, -15.4588, 285.447, 255.34299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 607973628, -0.241844762647975, 0.241844762647975, -0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0750102', 'HD74956', 131.17599999999999, -54.708799999999997, '2006-07-12 08:25:30', 4121, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 1.95, 'A1V', 0, 30, 'PC', '2007-04-19 20:21:14', '2007-04-13 22:10:57', 0, 0, '2006-07-12 08:25:30', '2006-07-12 10:50:01', -67.197800000000001, 168.94800000000001, -7.3708099999999996, 272.07999999999998, 270.279, 'F', 'F', 'K.-P. (PATRICIA', 'CHENG', 'y', 618985845, -0.38036403785955802, 0.43485373632830299, -0.81622633301339098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1072202', 'IRAS09149-62', 139.03899999999999, -62.3249, '2006-07-12 12:45:08', 40275, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.5, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:42:55', '2006-08-30 16:02:13', 0, 0, '2006-07-12 12:45:08', '2006-07-13 03:06:51', -69.007800000000003, 191.74600000000001, -9.1952200000000008, 280.61399999999998, 262.19299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 616859029, -0.350737643733807, 0.30447268462247501, -0.88559555644031995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1072501', 'NGC2867', 140.357, -58.313299999999998, '2006-07-13 06:06:40', 4412, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.600000000000001, '[WR]', 0.69999999999999996, 70, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:43:02', '2006-08-30 16:02:14', 0, 0, '2006-07-13 06:06:40', '2006-07-13 08:25:11', -66.067300000000003, 184.38399999999999, -5.9372699999999998, 278.16300000000001, 246.357, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 617053667, -0.40447928501207298, 0.33512599014342598, -0.85093306359931198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1072301', 'HD80404', 139.273, -59.275199999999998, '2006-07-13 15:22:47', 15643, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 2.2000000000000002, 'A8IB', 0, 33, 'PE', '2006-07-18 18:03:35', '2006-07-18 16:03:20', 0, 0, '2006-07-13 15:22:47', '2006-07-13 21:00:14', -67.116299999999995, 185.327, -7.0110099999999997, 278.46100000000001, 247.905, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 617036156, -0.38718519805104701, 0.333349382300204, -0.85963120681501803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0160108', 'X0535-668', 83.924199999999999, -66.8626, '2006-07-14 05:44:44', 3846, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 99, 'PC', '2007-04-24 16:48:12', '2007-07-18 02:51:09', 0, 0, '2006-07-14 05:44:44', '2006-07-14 09:26:13', -87.579899999999995, 350.04899999999998, -32.193899999999999, 276.88099999999997, 299.68299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', NULL, 542524992, 0.041590104266505397, 0.39073021680745201, -0.91956520209319703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0520101', 'WD0715-703-OFF', 108.846, -70.435599999999994, '2006-07-14 21:14:21', 16879, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-18 17:31:49', '2007-01-18 17:31:49', 0, 0, '2006-07-14 21:14:21', '2006-07-15 06:54:00', -82.126400000000004, 217.84800000000001, -23.488900000000001, 281.64100000000002, 267.29199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 613208174, -0.10817034873824199, 0.31691406919211901, -0.94226569947225602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0750103', 'HD74956', 131.17599999999999, -54.708799999999997, '2006-07-15 08:03:40', 8374, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 1.95, 'A1V', 0, 30, 'PC', '2006-07-18 17:21:11', '2007-01-18 17:21:11', 0, 0, '2006-07-15 08:03:40', '2006-07-15 12:50:27', -67.197800000000001, 168.94800000000001, -7.3708099999999996, 272.07999999999998, 262.05200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'K.-P. (PATRICIA', 'CHENG', NULL, 618985845, -0.38036403785955802, 0.43485373632830299, -0.81622633301339098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1071801', 'WD0830-535', 127.96599999999999, -53.674999999999997, '2006-07-15 14:41:21', 9025, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.460000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-07-18 17:42:59', '2006-07-18 16:03:19', 0, 0, '2006-07-15 14:41:21', '2006-07-15 17:32:10', -67.661199999999994, 163.49299999999999, -8.2609200000000005, 270.11200000000002, 269.858, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 619452501, -0.36441910845126801, 0.46700614561002701, -0.80566989105839704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055105', 'BKGD', 119.417, -64.817499999999995, '2006-07-15 18:28:51', 11606, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-18 17:31:54', '2006-07-18 16:03:16', 0, 0, '2006-07-15 18:28:51', '2006-07-15 23:07:17', -77.881399999999999, 185.44399999999999, -17.741700000000002, 277.57799999999997, 263.32299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 614187286, -0.20899095561554401, 0.37064201758314003, -0.90495705714293495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1071802', 'WD0830-535', 127.96599999999999, -53.674999999999997, '2006-07-16 12:17:58', 15574, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.460000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-07-18 17:53:17', '2006-07-18 16:03:19', 0, 0, '2006-07-16 12:17:58', '2006-07-16 17:20:01', -67.661199999999994, 163.49299999999999, -8.2609200000000005, 270.11200000000002, 275.67399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 619452501, -0.36441910845126801, 0.46700614561002701, -0.80566989105839704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113702', 'SK-67D161', 82.887100000000004, -67.679599999999994, '2006-07-16 19:53:24', 9932, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.529999999999999, 'WN4B', 0.070000000000000007, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-24 16:37:30', '2007-07-18 02:41:02', 0, 0, '2006-07-16 19:53:24', '2006-07-17 08:10:09', -87.018799999999999, 334.71699999999998, -32.497900000000001, 277.89600000000002, 295.32499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 542334795, 0.047026906179262203, 0.37686275611610698, -0.92507455545365602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5050702', 'HD71634-BKGD', 126.376, -58.133200000000002, '2006-07-17 10:05:21', 25362, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0.14999999999999999, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-21 21:24:14', '2006-07-24 09:05:36', 0, 0, '2006-07-17 10:05:21', '2006-07-17 19:53:59', -71.4923, 170.541, -11.5236, 273.32600000000002, 278.21899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 618718988, -0.31311528522361298, 0.42507190494762598, -0.849277748315315); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1071001', 'IRASL06229-6434', 95.787899999999993, -64.606700000000004, '2006-07-17 22:25:17', 10101, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2006-07-21 21:55:33', '2006-07-24 09:05:38', 0, 0.129, '2006-07-17 22:25:17', '2006-07-18 02:50:25', -86.9131, 143.42400000000001, -27.3169, 274.31400000000002, 297.31700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 637600762, -0.043245821460004302, 0.42664333641475199, -0.90338544510033902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113703', 'SK-67D161', 82.887100000000004, -67.679599999999994, '2006-07-18 04:34:10', 10909, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.529999999999999, 'WN4B', 0.070000000000000007, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-30 11:46:38', '2007-01-21 21:13:30', 0, 0, '2006-07-18 04:34:10', '2006-07-18 12:08:05', -87.018799999999999, 334.71699999999998, -32.497900000000001, 277.89600000000002, 294.178, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542334795, 0.047026906179262203, 0.37686275611610698, -0.92507455545365602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7056903', 'SBKGD69', 107.52500000000001, -60, '2006-07-18 12:53:36', 18730, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-21 21:44:59', '2006-07-24 09:05:37', 0, 0, '2006-07-18 12:53:36', '2006-07-18 19:09:19', -79.808000000000007, 148.30799999999999, -21.020199999999999, 270.666, 262.12799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 637892397, -0.150560954194532, 0.476792826154119, -0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0160107', 'X0535-668', 83.924199999999999, -66.8626, '2006-07-18 21:43:20', 5937, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 99, 'PC', '2006-07-21 21:24:07', '2007-01-21 21:24:07', 0, 0, '2006-07-18 21:43:20', '2006-07-19 00:19:50', -87.579899999999995, 350.04899999999998, -32.193899999999999, 276.88099999999997, 299.13499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', NULL, 542524992, 0.041590104266505397, 0.39073021680745201, -0.91956520209319703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1070402', 'J055225.0-640206', 88.107299999999995, -64.030900000000003, '2006-07-19 01:16:13', 24239, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-07-21 21:55:28', '2006-07-24 09:05:38', 0, 0.68000000000000005, '2006-07-19 01:16:13', '2006-07-19 11:30:49', -87.349900000000005, 71.772599999999997, -30.609100000000002, 273.46100000000001, 294.50200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 553723902, 0.0144624401694377, 0.43764746063516302, -0.89903033209338301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1071002', 'IRASL06229-6434', 95.787899999999993, -64.606700000000004, '2006-07-19 12:06:44', 16283, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0.050000000000000003, 85, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:42:48', '2006-08-30 16:02:13', 0, 0.129, '2006-07-19 12:06:44', '2006-07-19 18:24:50', -86.9131, 143.42400000000001, -27.3169, 274.31400000000002, 293.87700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 637600762, -0.043245821460004302, 0.42664333641475199, -0.90338544510033902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7056701', 'SBKGD67', 87.974999999999994, -60, '2006-07-19 21:20:26', 13803, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-21 21:34:32', '2006-07-24 09:05:37', 0, 0, '2006-07-19 21:20:26', '2006-07-20 06:39:11', -83.377499999999998, 81.187799999999996, -30.610499999999998, 268.77600000000001, 301.46800000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 554007347, 0.0176677799388106, 0.499687752053253, -0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9051901', 'SBKGD19A', 100.804, -58.878799999999998, '2006-07-20 11:15:17', 22472, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-27 19:12:01', '2006-07-27 16:02:27', 0, 0, '2006-07-20 11:15:17', '2006-07-20 20:24:35', -80.888300000000001, 127.721, -24.007100000000001, 268.50099999999998, 290.30900000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 638369814, -0.096883498644501201, 0.507688521608746, -0.85607590359565999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3201201', 'CD-57D1054', 75.196399999999997, -57.257100000000001, '2006-07-21 01:11:21', 7379, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.1, 'K7V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2006-07-27 18:50:19', '2007-01-27 18:50:19', 0, 0, '2006-07-21 01:11:21', '2006-07-21 05:53:34', -78.436899999999994, 46.414000000000001, -37.374000000000002, 265.86200000000002, 313.65600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 554605852, 0.138195866333475, 0.52291732295419802, -0.84110604318525395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113602', 'SK-70D97', 82.547300000000007, -70.861699999999999, '2006-07-21 08:55:46', 14686, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.33, 'O9II', 0.070000000000000007, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-30 11:26:25', '2007-01-27 18:50:13', 0, 0, '2006-07-21 08:55:46', '2006-07-21 13:56:34', -84.926400000000001, 298.74099999999999, -32.145200000000003, 281.64100000000002, 331.87599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541546288, 0.0425245930299714, 0.32507990615787002, -0.94472996861538505); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9140101', '30DOR-S-R136', 84.715400000000002, -69.099999999999994, '2006-07-21 15:22:45', 11918, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'OTR', 0.29999999999999999, 72, 'EE', '2006-07-27 19:01:10', '2007-01-27 19:01:10', 0, 0, '2006-07-21 15:22:45', '2006-07-21 20:20:11', -86.773399999999995, 305.71499999999997, -31.658100000000001, 279.464, 311.07799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', NULL, 542225964, 0.032856623015928399, 0.35522168076084298, -0.93420447432102904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3201202', 'CD-57D1054', 75.196399999999997, -57.257100000000001, '2006-07-22 00:15:40', 5522, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.1, 'K7V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2006-07-27 18:50:25', '2007-01-27 18:50:25', 0, 0, '2006-07-22 00:15:40', '2006-07-22 05:07:57', -78.436899999999994, 46.414000000000001, -37.374000000000002, 265.86200000000002, 307.06599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 554605852, 0.138195866333475, 0.52291732295419802, -0.84110604318525395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9140102', '30DOR-S-R136', 84.715400000000002, -69.099999999999994, '2006-07-22 08:21:10', 10671, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'OTR', 0.29999999999999999, 72, 'EE', '2006-07-27 19:01:16', '2007-01-27 19:01:16', 0, 0, '2006-07-22 08:21:10', '2006-07-22 11:45:04', -86.773399999999995, 305.71499999999997, -31.658100000000001, 279.464, 330.77600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'YOU-HUA', 'CHU', NULL, 542225964, 0.032856623015928399, 0.35522168076084298, -0.93420447432102904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7056702', 'SBKGD67', 87.974999999999994, -60, '2006-07-22 18:47:26', 7561, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-27 19:11:45', '2006-07-27 16:02:26', 0, 0, '2006-07-22 18:47:26', '2006-07-22 23:03:16', -83.377499999999998, 81.187799999999996, -30.610499999999998, 268.77600000000001, 304.25200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 554007347, 0.0176677799388106, 0.499687752053253, -0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3201203', 'CD-57D1054', 75.196399999999997, -57.257100000000001, '2006-07-23 00:39:25', 7226, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.1, 'K7V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2006-07-27 19:01:03', '2007-01-27 19:01:03', 0, 0, '2006-07-23 00:39:25', '2006-07-23 06:09:10', -78.436899999999994, 46.414000000000001, -37.374000000000002, 265.86200000000002, 315.60899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 554605852, 0.138195866333475, 0.52291732295419802, -0.84110604318525395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9270701', 'HV2543', 81.864199999999997, -67.198700000000002, '2006-07-23 15:59:59', 7333, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.92, 'O8+O', 0.12, 12, 'PC', '2006-07-27 18:39:25', '2007-01-27 18:39:25', 0, 0, '2006-07-23 15:59:59', '2006-07-23 18:50:05', -86.744699999999995, 344.97899999999998, -32.9512, 277.392, 310.483, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 542517610, 0.054844087886465297, 0.38363611274002901, -0.92185435890145995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1064401', 'VW-HYI', 62.297199999999997, -71.294700000000006, '2006-07-23 19:48:48', 4463, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-08-30 14:42:41', '2006-08-30 16:02:12', 0, 0, '2006-07-23 19:48:48', '2006-07-23 22:18:00', -79.102000000000004, 322.05200000000002, -38.133600000000001, 284.88999999999999, 329.49799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 541784481, 0.149089002968227, 0.28393898900457798, -0.94718061620632699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7056601', 'SBKGD66', 78.200000000000003, -60, '2006-07-24 00:49:57', 9279, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-07-27 19:22:37', '2006-07-27 16:02:26', 0, 0, '2006-07-24 00:49:57', '2006-07-24 05:23:29', -81.590699999999998, 45.640000000000001, -35.489600000000003, 269.00999999999999, 314.16199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 554290307, 0.10224802592089501, 0.489433694380842, -0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9270604', 'HV2241', 74.316000000000003, -66.565200000000004, '2006-07-24 06:43:26', 6900, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.5, 'O7II', 0.12, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-24 20:19:14', '2007-05-03 00:53:53', 0, 0, '2006-07-24 06:43:26', '2006-07-24 11:41:07', -83.778199999999998, 352.755, -35.979599999999998, 277.35599999999999, 317.97500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 542745657, 0.107512293832898, 0.38289758832786702, -0.91751323888404601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9270601', 'BREY26', 80.593800000000002, -71.599400000000003, '2006-07-24 13:47:23', 9662, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.699999999999999, 'WN6', 0, 11, 'PC', '2006-07-27 19:22:22', '2007-01-27 19:22:22', 0, 0, '2006-07-24 13:47:23', '2006-07-24 18:05:03', -83.959100000000007, 299.35399999999998, -32.623399999999997, 282.63900000000001, 312.97500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 541533675, 0.0515890042166035, 0.31141477520798, -0.94887270612348296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1063101', 'SKY-032010-622629', 50.040799999999997, -62.441400000000002, '2006-07-24 20:49:35', 10098, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'OTR', 0.070000000000000007, 64, 'EE', '2006-08-30 14:31:31', '2006-08-30 16:02:11', 0, 0, '2006-07-24 20:49:35', '2006-07-25 04:37:48', -72.639300000000006, 354.75400000000002, -47.079900000000002, 278.69200000000001, 354.66699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 549729417, 0.297136818021216, 0.35462641040529702, -0.88653810996441695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113102', 'SK-71D26', 80.791799999999995, -71.347399999999993, '2006-07-25 18:18:09', 1614, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.789999999999999, 'WC', 0.080000000000000002, 10, 'PC', '2007-05-30 11:16:08', '2007-01-27 19:12:06', 0, 0, '2006-07-25 18:18:09', '2006-07-25 20:47:32', -84.195400000000006, 300.40100000000001, -32.613700000000001, 282.33100000000002, 328.73500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541537463, 0.051179866751250899, 0.31570774670762197, -0.94747519223888899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1063701', '0334-6400', 53.642499999999998, -64.015600000000006, '2006-07-26 05:22:51', 7530, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.199999999999999, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2007-04-12 03:26:50', '2006-08-30 16:02:12', 0, 0, '2006-07-26 05:22:51', '2006-07-26 11:56:36', -74.815600000000003, 352.57499999999999, -44.840600000000002, 279.13, 337.327, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 544096937, 0.25973083781140499, 0.35283798989819598, -0.89891336889290196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9050402', 'SBKGD4A', 45.291899999999998, -69.7881, '2006-07-26 13:46:15', 11, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-08-08 00:06:37', '2006-08-08 08:55:53', 0, 0, '2006-07-26 13:46:15', '2006-07-26 13:46:34', -73.466800000000006, 328.661, -43.4268, 288.15199999999999, 10.7774, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 540866162, 0.24305273930370799, 0.24554196327132799, -0.93842128609160702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9052101', 'SBKGD21A', 43.538600000000002, -71.357699999999994, '2006-07-27 18:48:26', 6388, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-08-08 00:16:59', '2006-08-08 08:55:54', 0, 0, '2006-07-27 18:48:26', '2006-07-27 22:47:36', -73.123400000000004, 322.95800000000003, -42.588799999999999, 290.13499999999999, 3.0134300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 540837048, 0.23172410712969299, 0.220194852620755, -0.94753267228854499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0530201', 'LMCN70-POS2', 85.700000000000003, -67.849999999999994, '2006-07-28 00:24:51', 4934, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 76, 'EE', '2006-08-08 00:06:16', '2007-02-08 00:06:16', 0, 235, '2006-07-28 00:24:51', '2006-07-28 04:07:46', -87.894099999999995, 320.291, -31.421500000000002, 277.96300000000002, 335.392, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES', 'DANFORTH', NULL, 542415764, 0.028269429459234802, 0.37597137192369001, -0.92619996051169595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7011101', 'HD13246', 31.858899999999998, -59.679400000000001, '2006-07-28 05:32:20', 12777, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.5, 'F8V', 0, 41, 'PE', '2006-08-08 00:17:19', '2007-02-08 00:17:19', 0, 0, '2006-07-28 05:32:20', '2006-07-28 10:29:10', -63.893599999999999, 347.01299999999998, -54.928199999999997, 286.31299999999999, 17.353000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 548870828, 0.42878443725496301, 0.26646824822257398, -0.86321409804123195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0530202', 'LMCN70-POS2', 85.700000000000003, -67.849999999999994, '2006-07-29 00:39:05', 9837, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 76, 'EE', '2006-08-08 00:06:33', '2007-02-08 00:06:33', 0, 235, '2006-07-29 00:39:05', '2006-07-29 05:15:55', -87.894099999999995, 320.291, -31.421500000000002, 277.96300000000002, 336.31999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES', 'DANFORTH', NULL, 542415764, 0.028269429459234802, 0.37597137192369001, -0.92619996051169595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7011102', 'HD13246', 31.858899999999998, -59.679400000000001, '2006-07-29 07:22:34', 14575, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.5, 'F8V', 0, 41, 'PE', '2006-08-08 00:27:50', '2007-02-08 00:27:50', 0, 0, '2006-07-29 07:22:34', '2006-07-29 12:46:21', -63.893599999999999, 347.01299999999998, -54.928199999999997, 286.31299999999999, 18.3856, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 548870828, 0.42878443725496301, 0.26646824822257398, -0.86321409804123195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1061902', 'BL-HYI', 25.251000000000001, -67.891000000000005, '2006-07-30 06:20:08', 12272, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.300000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2007-01-25 01:07:38', '2007-01-25 10:19:56', 0, 0, '2006-07-30 06:20:08', '2006-07-30 10:47:29', -66.047600000000003, 326.98099999999999, -48.556899999999999, 295.92500000000001, 5.3612399999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 546875157, 0.34040679760244802, 0.16055353140412901, -0.92646952227243295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7050202', 'SBKGD2', 11.6015, -65.382499999999993, '2006-07-31 04:04:14', 39116, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-08-10 03:07:34', '2006-08-10 11:24:04', 0, 0, '2006-07-31 04:04:14', '2006-07-31 19:44:44', -60.159300000000002, 325.08999999999997, -51.737299999999998, 303.77999999999997, 30.161799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 548177085, 0.408048187168087, 0.083771396543848201, -0.90910892090548301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7050203', 'SBKGD2', 11.6015, -65.382499999999993, '2006-08-01 09:55:54', 14020, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-08-10 03:17:40', '2006-08-10 11:24:05', 0, 0, '2006-08-01 09:55:54', '2006-08-01 15:30:55', -60.159300000000002, 325.08999999999997, -51.737299999999998, 303.77999999999997, 22.535799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 548177085, 0.408048187168087, 0.083771396543848201, -0.90910892090548301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7011002', 'HD1466', 4.6088300000000002, -63.477499999999999, '2006-08-03 00:05:04', 34454, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 7.5, 'F8V', 0, 41, 'PE', '2006-08-09 23:16:31', '2007-02-09 23:16:31', 0, 0, '2006-08-03 00:05:04', '2006-08-03 14:00:48', -56.636400000000002, 324.03300000000002, -53.2547, 309.08300000000003, 29.9024, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 570578170, 0.445105304806243, 0.0358813637410502, -0.89475907113000197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5110801', 'AV334', 15.860300000000001, -72.950699999999998, '2006-08-03 16:49:13', 12991, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.779999999999999, 'O8.5', 0.14999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 03:23:10', '2007-02-09 22:54:50', 0, 0, '2006-08-03 16:49:13', '2006-08-04 00:34:58', -65.372100000000003, 312.59300000000002, -44.148699999999998, 301.70800000000003, 39.883000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545686104, 0.282032798685391, 0.0801279213544112, -0.95605283153448495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0760101', 'NGC330-B30', 14.039199999999999, -72.466399999999993, '2006-08-04 01:28:26', 12350, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.220000000000001, 'B3II', 0.14999999999999999, 24, 'PC', '2007-05-17 23:55:06', '2007-02-09 23:05:50', 0, 0, '2006-08-04 01:28:26', '2006-08-04 09:59:00', -64.679000000000002, 313.10700000000003, -44.6571, 302.43400000000003, 50.5381, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 545870707, 0.29226624504892801, 0.073082585344424605, -0.95354044367524105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7050101', 'SBKGD1', 359.87599999999998, -65.018000000000001, '2006-08-04 12:19:29', 8250, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-08-10 03:17:34', '2006-08-10 11:24:04', 0, 0, '2006-08-04 12:19:29', '2006-08-04 18:29:05', -56.230200000000004, 319.44499999999999, -51.222200000000001, 311.64800000000002, 37.791600000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 754996348, 0.422332526839508, -0.00091401697534472504, -0.90644051175260498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5110802', 'AV334', 15.860300000000001, -72.950699999999998, '2006-08-04 19:56:24', 12464, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.779999999999999, 'O8.5', 0.14999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 03:23:59', '2007-02-09 22:55:03', 0, 0, '2006-08-04 19:56:24', '2006-08-05 03:22:14', -65.372100000000003, 312.59300000000002, -44.148699999999998, 301.70800000000003, 33.125999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545686104, 0.282032798685391, 0.0801279213544112, -0.95605283153448495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1096801', 'IRAS22419-6049', 341.298, -60.565600000000003, '2006-08-05 19:08:16', 14944, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.4, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-08-30 13:33:18', '2006-08-30 16:02:28', 0, 0.113, '2006-08-05 19:08:16', '2006-08-06 02:39:19', -47.423200000000001, 313.471, -50.334899999999998, 326.69799999999998, 58.286099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 745887774, 0.46547895501752901, -0.15757404386191901, -0.87091891880748096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5110303', 'AV120', 13.0631, -72.154300000000006, '2006-08-06 04:26:57', 8781, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.56, 'O9V', 0.070000000000000007, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-17 03:03:11', '2007-02-09 22:44:11', 0, 0, '2006-08-06 04:26:57', '2006-08-06 07:14:03', -64.275199999999998, 313.45400000000001, -44.973599999999998, 302.84500000000003, 53.367199999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545880114, 0.29852412628587099, 0.069266101933076807, -0.95188526259641904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1096802', 'IRAS22419-6049', 341.298, -60.565600000000003, '2006-08-06 09:04:58', 16197, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.4, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-08-10 03:07:40', '2006-08-10 11:24:05', 0, 0.113, '2006-08-06 09:04:58', '2006-08-06 16:57:36', -47.423200000000001, 313.471, -50.334899999999998, 326.69799999999998, 59.040199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 745887774, 0.46547895501752901, -0.15757404386191901, -0.87091891880748096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1096501', 'JL87', 327.15699999999998, -76.345699999999994, '2006-08-07 15:19:23', 12027, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12, 'HE-S', 0.12, 28, 'PC', '2006-08-30 13:23:54', '2006-08-30 16:02:28', 0, 0, '2006-08-07 15:19:23', '2006-08-07 21:32:13', -57.206099999999999, 291.48000000000002, -36.144100000000002, 315.00999999999999, 105.65900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 739998829, 0.198330771954183, -0.12802622714227899, -0.97173771670125597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0180108', 'PKS0312-77', 47.980200000000004, -76.864099999999993, '2006-08-07 22:41:28', 11711, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-08-09 23:05:42', '2007-02-09 23:05:42', 0, 0.223, '2006-08-07 22:41:28', '2006-08-08 04:32:51', -73.869900000000001, 303.19999999999999, -37.552300000000002, 293.44099999999997, 359.267, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLAS', 'LEHNER', NULL, 540039744, 0.152125999969842, 0.16883566926879801, -0.97383376246448405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1097303', 'JL_119', 345.65199999999999, -71.216700000000003, '2006-08-08 06:20:40', 7902, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.48, 'SDOB', 0.01, 28, 'PC', '2006-08-10 03:17:18', '2006-08-10 11:24:06', 0, 0, '2006-08-08 06:20:40', '2006-08-08 10:11:46', -56.811999999999998, 304.74200000000002, -43.3581, 314.61599999999999, 60.700600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 743198856, 0.31194640709218802, -0.079792516827705495, -0.94674315068057202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1096701', 'WD2156-546', 329.08800000000002, -54.639699999999998, '2006-08-08 10:58:44', 15722, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.4, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-08-16 20:01:42', '2006-08-16 16:06:59', 0, 0, '2006-08-08 10:58:44', '2006-08-08 20:46:34', -39.048099999999998, 309.74200000000002, -48.054699999999997, 339.72800000000001, 67.912800000000004, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 752176291, 0.49651383623819401, -0.29729865592710802, -0.81552898146415798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0180109', 'PKS0312-77', 47.980200000000004, -76.864099999999993, '2006-08-08 21:53:45', 15373, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-08-16 19:09:34', '2007-02-16 19:09:34', 0, 0.223, '2006-08-08 21:53:45', '2006-08-09 05:27:28', -73.869900000000001, 303.19999999999999, -37.552300000000002, 293.44099999999997, 0.230103, 'F', 'F', 'NICOLAS', 'LEHNER', NULL, 540039744, 0.152125999969842, 0.16883566926879801, -0.97383376246448405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7010701', 'HD207575', 328.04000000000002, -62.052399999999999, '2006-08-09 07:24:36', 20908, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 7.2000000000000002, 'F6V', 0, 41, 'PE', '2006-08-16 20:01:26', '2007-02-16 20:01:26', 0, 0, '2006-08-09 07:24:36', '2006-08-09 21:47:48', -45.381700000000002, 304.48000000000002, -44.320399999999999, 330.43299999999999, 82.677300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 746098579, 0.39762278505800303, -0.24807647771331601, -0.88337657995221497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0010101', 'NGC7090-A', 324.10399999999998, -54.568100000000001, '2006-08-10 06:38:22', 21812, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 11.300000000000001, 'GAL', 0.089999999999999997, 80, 'EE', '2006-08-16 19:51:47', '2007-02-16 19:51:47', 0, 847, '2006-08-10 06:38:22', '2006-08-10 21:02:07', -37.760300000000001, 306.44400000000002, -45.372799999999998, 341.28699999999998, 86.093299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'Q. DANIEL', 'WANG', NULL, 752259359, 0.46963315122323701, -0.33990774153343301, -0.81480514880416199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0490109', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2006-08-10 22:05:56', 11025, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.31, 'WN6L', 0.070000000000000007, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-17 04:35:43', '2007-02-16 19:51:28', 0, 150, '2006-08-10 22:05:56', '2006-08-11 02:12:55', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 32.597099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GLORIA', 'KOENIGSBERGER', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9052301', 'SBKGD23A', 330, -70, '2006-08-11 05:58:55', 16570, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-08-16 20:34:08', '2006-08-16 16:06:58', 0, 0, '2006-08-11 05:58:55', '2006-08-11 13:56:57', -52.572699999999998, 299.16800000000001, -40.662999999999997, 320.79399999999998, 101.708, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 744587655, 0.29619813272602402, -0.17101007166283499, -0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7010601', 'HD195961', 309.39699999999999, -61.529899999999998, '2006-08-11 16:18:33', 11370, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 4.9000000000000004, 'F5V', 0, 41, 'PE', '2006-08-16 20:01:49', '2007-02-16 20:01:49', 0, 0, '2006-08-11 16:18:33', '2006-08-11 22:26:52', -41.299300000000002, 293.74900000000002, -36.1845, 334.82999999999998, 128.303, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 751351592, 0.30255679960557502, -0.36837799985916198, -0.87906599992958201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9310201', 'SNR0046.6-7308', 11.658300000000001, -73.140000000000001, '2006-08-12 00:23:54', 7989, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-08-16 20:01:53', '2007-02-16 20:01:53', 0, 0, '2006-08-12 00:23:54', '2006-08-12 03:08:35', -64.337100000000007, 310.98700000000002, -43.983499999999999, 303.41800000000001, 57.426299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 545854803, 0.28405077728675798, 0.058608521729401897, -0.95701629928830501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9310301', 'SNR0047.2-7308', 11.8208, -73.141400000000004, '2006-08-12 22:01:15', 10798, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2006-08-16 20:02:03', '2007-02-16 20:02:03', 0, 0, '2006-08-12 22:01:15', '2006-08-13 02:09:30', -64.380099999999999, 311.03199999999998, -43.983199999999997, 303.35199999999998, 38.203499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 545516174, 0.28386052344392199, 0.059409108065884397, -0.95702338587359403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9381601', 'WD2014-575-O', 304.72800000000001, -57.375599999999999, '2006-08-13 04:33:26', 17651, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2006-08-16 20:12:22', '2007-02-16 20:12:22', 0, 0, '2006-08-13 04:33:26', '2006-08-13 16:58:29', -36.617400000000004, 292.49799999999999, -34.246400000000001, 340.18200000000002, 102.35599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 753046903, 0.30713195895052697, -0.443092068328166, -0.84222287951342201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9310401', 'SNR0048.3-7319', 12.105399999999999, -73.321200000000005, '2006-08-13 20:07:05', 11908, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2007-04-24 18:11:35', '2007-07-22 23:11:31', 0, 0, '2006-08-13 20:07:05', '2006-08-14 01:38:58', -64.531599999999997, 310.738, -43.805100000000003, 303.233, 58.927300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 545514047, 0.28062407861862998, 0.060188253951486102, -0.95792875548535295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1095901', 'WD2014-575', 304.72800000000001, -57.358899999999998, '2006-08-14 03:52:40', 15373, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.609999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-08-30 13:23:45', '2006-08-30 16:02:27', 0, 0, '2006-08-14 03:52:40', '2006-08-14 14:01:03', -36.601399999999998, 292.50400000000002, -34.247100000000003, 340.202, 125.898, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 753057834, 0.30727179278344202, -0.44329380331680102, -0.84206570367197298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1095002', 'V345-PAV', 293.92899999999997, -59.139400000000002, '2006-08-16 05:31:34', 20655, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 13.4, 'CV', 0.050000000000000003, 63, 'PE', '2006-08-23 20:14:30', '2006-08-23 16:06:14', 0, 0, '2006-08-16 05:31:34', '2006-08-16 18:14:57', -36.947099999999999, 285.08999999999997, -28.6248, 337.928, 118.345, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 750477562, 0.208055151239908, -0.46886230213907898, -0.85841784445302705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9052201', 'SBKGD22A', 289, -63, '2006-08-16 20:38:11', 46740, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-08-23 20:55:31', '2006-08-23 16:06:13', 0, 0, '2006-08-16 20:38:11', '2006-08-17 18:29:23', -40.2956, 281.17399999999998, -26.711500000000001, 333.286, 157.60400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 749566459, 0.147804849141286, -0.42925645064935802, -0.89100652418836801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020402', 'HS0551+7241', 89.349800000000002, 72.697900000000004, '2006-08-18 04:09:34', 15812, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-08-30 13:45:11', '2006-08-30 16:02:04', 0, 0, '2006-08-18 04:09:34', '2006-08-18 16:43:37', 49.259099999999997, 89.703699999999998, 21.932300000000001, 141.09800000000001, 13.739599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 58029259, 0.0033749736393817202, 0.29739071766237002, 0.95474989950310696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020303', 'BY-CAM', 85.7042, 60.858600000000003, '2006-08-19 00:06:00', 26517, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.5, '', 0, 59, 'PE', '2006-08-30 13:44:50', '2006-08-30 16:01:56', 0, 0, '2006-08-19 00:06:00', '2006-08-19 15:57:57', 37.458399999999997, 87.366200000000006, 15.689500000000001, 151.83500000000001, 12.806699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 32967380, 0.036476540424131697, 0.485598540966308, 0.87342058540549605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0610903', '2MASSJ09435347+7831407', 145.97300000000001, 78.528000000000006, '2006-08-19 19:58:31', 2025, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 5, 11.5, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2006-08-23 20:03:50', '2007-02-23 20:03:50', 0, 0, '2006-08-19 19:58:31', '2006-08-19 21:47:13', 58.746499999999997, 108.524, 34.600200000000001, 133.09299999999999, 81.490099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 131795009, -0.16483404963603099, 0.11129502220976099, 0.980022017156714); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053802', 'NBKGD38', 85.762500000000003, 70, '2006-08-20 00:52:08', 33341, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-08-23 20:35:26', '2006-08-23 16:06:12', 0, 0, '2006-08-20 00:52:08', '2006-08-20 20:12:31', 46.591500000000003, 87.892399999999995, 19.8154, 143.267, 39.655299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 56562031, 0.025272183799094398, 0.34108517289166301, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050702', 'NBKGD7', 69.424999999999997, 65, '2006-08-20 22:52:58', 13494, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-08-23 20:25:15', '2006-08-23 16:06:12', 0, 0, '2006-08-20 22:52:58', '2006-08-21 03:56:17', 42.386899999999997, 78.399699999999996, 11.889099999999999, 144.059, 5.8724699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 56142294, 0.14852208045363199, 0.39566069652475599, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490607', 'RS-CEP', 76.513300000000001, 80.247900000000001, '2006-08-21 05:36:03', 9886, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10.32, 'A5VE', 0, 66, 'PC', '2006-08-23 20:14:37', '2007-02-23 20:14:37', 0, 0, '2006-08-21 05:36:03', '2006-08-21 12:39:12', 57.003300000000003, 85.840199999999996, 22.4878, 132.38900000000001, 0.0043030000000000004, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 64780151, 0.039504055201534299, 0.164714662380852, 0.98554985141259899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490608', 'RS-CEP', 76.513300000000001, 80.247900000000001, '2006-08-21 13:34:17', 10053, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.32, 'A5VE', 0, 66, 'PC', '2006-08-23 20:24:50', '2007-02-23 20:24:50', 0, 0, '2006-08-21 13:34:17', '2006-08-21 19:18:25', 57.003300000000003, 85.840199999999996, 22.4878, 132.38900000000001, 359.70600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 64780151, 0.039504055201534299, 0.164714662380852, 0.98554985141259899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6056501', 'NBKGD65', 68.424999999999997, 60, '2006-08-21 23:31:00', 13427, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-08-25 00:12:41', '2006-08-25 09:09:57', 0, 0, '2006-08-21 23:31:00', '2006-08-22 08:22:20', 37.561, 76.588700000000003, 8.2365300000000001, 147.559, 2.9851399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 54887948, 0.18385941306501599, 0.46496851100627001, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9270501', 'HD25638', 61.964100000000002, 62.330100000000002, '2006-08-23 03:05:49', 10371, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.9900000000000002, 'O9.5', 0.17000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2006-09-05 23:40:47', '2007-03-05 23:40:47', 0, 0, '2006-08-23 03:05:49', '2006-08-23 09:22:03', 40.504800000000003, 73.317800000000005, 7.65794, 143.67699999999999, 357.12900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 55445098, 0.218268588268754, 0.40988373693845598, 0.88563770559328203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490504', 'RX-CAS', 46.940600000000003, 67.577399999999997, '2006-08-23 16:57:14', 15392, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.5999999999999996, 'A-SH', 0, 66, 'PC', '2006-09-05 23:32:34', '2007-03-05 23:32:34', 0, 0, '2006-08-23 16:57:14', '2006-08-23 21:37:31', 47.498199999999997, 67.327200000000005, 8.0673899999999996, 135.40100000000001, 323.55200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 62932400, 0.26042713323257199, 0.27869407852447398, 0.92439565061269002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9150202', 'HD24480', 59.284500000000001, 61.108899999999998, '2006-08-24 06:32:55', 8541, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 5.0499999999999998, 'K3II', 0.17999999999999999, 39, 'PC', '2007-04-24 20:40:36', '2007-07-19 23:36:14', 0, 0, '2006-08-24 06:32:55', '2006-08-24 12:09:56', 39.6477, 71.306799999999996, 5.9021400000000002, 143.536, 338.84899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP D.', 'BENNETT', NULL, 55251885, 0.24677934340704399, 0.41536777398583602, 0.87553958677014698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9230101', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2006-08-24 14:39:51', 13815, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 25, 6.9199999999999999, 'B7V', 0.029999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2006-08-30 13:34:15', '2007-02-28 13:34:15', 0, 0, '2006-08-24 14:39:51', '2006-08-24 22:02:53', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 299.04700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1018402', 'WD0421+740', 66.891300000000001, 74.125299999999996, '2006-08-25 00:33:49', 6217, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.9, 'WDA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-08-30 13:34:56', '2006-08-30 16:01:53', 0, 0, '2006-08-25 00:33:49', '2006-08-25 04:22:31', 51.482100000000003, 80.073300000000003, 17.193899999999999, 136.333, 2.5851799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 58437472, 0.107355946964592, 0.25158663105818202, 0.96186218749056196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0820401', 'HD15629', 38.335799999999999, 61.521700000000003, '2006-08-26 23:56:19', 3139, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.4199999999999999, 'O5V(', 0.75, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-19 20:31:42', '2007-04-13 22:11:13', 0, 0, '2006-08-26 23:56:19', '2006-08-27 01:09:13', 43.536499999999997, 58.940300000000001, 1.01413, 134.77099999999999, 333.84699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', 'y', 54195414, 0.37401696182655197, 0.29576043988495598, 0.87899776704215404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9380201', 'WD0147+674-O', 27.788699999999999, 67.675299999999993, '2006-08-27 09:03:29', 23307, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2006-08-30 13:34:48', '2007-02-28 13:34:48', 0, 0, '2006-08-27 09:03:29', '2006-08-27 18:12:25', 51.102200000000003, 57.6449, 5.4597300000000004, 128.57499999999999, 323.53199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 60514820, 0.33604742076784599, 0.17709301479440501, 0.92504605026252995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1013104', 'HD12230', 31.280899999999999, 77.281499999999994, '2006-08-27 19:58:58', 23671, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 5.2800000000000002, 'F0V', 0, 40, 'PE', '2006-09-06 00:02:01', '2006-09-06 08:45:10', 0, 0, '2006-08-27 19:58:58', '2006-08-28 05:35:17', 58.156999999999996, 69.106499999999997, 15.004200000000001, 127.06399999999999, 326.529, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 65321883, 0.188156781995999, 0.114315223118828, 0.97546350785265301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1012303', 'EGB1', 16.8233, 73.562799999999996, '2006-08-28 12:10:30', 18245, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.550000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-09-06 00:01:45', '2006-09-06 08:45:10', 0, 0, '2006-08-28 12:10:30', '2006-08-28 18:34:07', 57.930700000000002, 59.326999999999998, 10.725899999999999, 124.074, 311.53300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 62323759, 0.270853906256876, 0.081895816557263107, 0.95913045864252); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0030307', 'SH2_174', 356.26100000000002, 80.9499, '2006-08-29 04:24:36', 17807, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.699999999999999, 'DAO', 0, 70, 'PC', '2006-09-05 23:51:39', '2007-03-05 23:51:39', 0, 0, '2006-08-29 04:24:36', '2006-08-29 16:43:35', 65.524600000000007, 67.736800000000002, 18.4298, 120.21899999999999, 292.346, 'F', 'F', 'CRISTINA', 'OLIVEIRA', NULL, 266159961, 0.156963234665004, -0.010257650079969099, 0.98755117516933599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1011502', 'BD+61D154', 10.8261, 61.911099999999998, '2006-08-30 14:00:30', 29678, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 10.25, 'B8E', 0.62, 26, 'PC', '2006-09-05 23:52:09', '2006-09-06 08:45:09', 0, 0, '2006-08-30 14:00:30', '2006-08-31 01:35:23', 50.736199999999997, 43.054099999999998, -0.94572900000000004, 121.976, 305.37099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 49781287, 0.46246085039205898, 0.088437475544169294, 0.88221809932353301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1011301', 'VX-CAS', 7.8778699999999997, 61.980800000000002, '2006-08-31 08:12:36', 40386, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 10.9, 'A0E', 0.20000000000000001, 34, 'PC', '2006-09-09 00:16:43', '2006-09-11 10:26:00', 0, 0, '2006-08-31 08:12:36', '2006-09-01 00:50:20', 51.658900000000003, 41.398899999999998, -0.80066999999999999, 120.595, 301.80599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 50095740, 0.46533397380326502, 0.064387242676284498, 0.88279022185625); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9211501', 'WD2319+691', 350.32499999999999, 69.438299999999998, '2006-09-01 17:30:09', 16603, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.609999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-09-09 00:05:52', '2007-03-09 00:05:52', 0, 0, '2006-09-01 17:30:09', '2006-09-02 00:05:16', 61.946800000000003, 42.592799999999997, 7.9448400000000001, 115.123, 282.23899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 257856862, 0.346220469696357, -0.059025079181365202, 0.93629451904348304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6059701', 'NBKGD97', 2.29454, 59.149799999999999, '2006-09-02 01:04:34', 4396, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-09-09 00:06:10', '2006-09-11 10:25:59', 0, 0, '2006-09-02 01:04:34', '2006-09-02 05:19:19', 51.2149, 35.116900000000001, -3.2780900000000002, 117.53, 295.11399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 49245822, 0.51238409891996095, 0.020530565066750401, 0.85851093823667701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0030205', 'HD209339', 330.16300000000001, 62.4878, '2006-09-03 05:55:01', 6533, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6.6900000000000004, 'B0IV', 0.37, 20, 'PC', '2006-09-08 23:45:28', '2007-03-08 23:45:28', 0, 0, '2006-09-03 05:55:01', '2006-09-03 11:27:40', 64.843199999999996, 19.504100000000001, 5.8694800000000003, 104.57899999999999, 259.98099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CRISTINA', 'OLIVEIRA', NULL, 256627075, 0.40070504768040699, -0.229829708199775, 0.88691249286062601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0030206', 'HD209339', 330.16300000000001, 62.4878, '2006-09-04 01:51:52', 6882, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6.6900000000000004, 'B0IV', 0.37, 20, 'PC', '2006-09-08 23:56:02', '2007-03-08 23:56:02', 0, 0, '2006-09-04 01:51:52', '2006-09-04 06:19:46', 64.843199999999996, 19.504100000000001, 5.8694800000000003, 104.57899999999999, 259.16199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'CRISTINA', 'OLIVEIRA', NULL, 256627075, 0.40070504768040699, -0.229829708199775, 0.88691249286062601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0650305', 'HD217312', 344.666, 63.077100000000002, '2006-09-04 14:18:46', 16857, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.4100000000000001, 'B0IV', 0.67000000000000004, 20, 'PC', '2006-09-09 00:37:28', '2007-03-09 00:37:28', 0, 0, '2006-09-04 14:18:46', '2006-09-04 20:07:43', 59.959499999999998, 29.2761, 2.9458600000000001, 110.56399999999999, 289.94099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'JENKINS', NULL, 256964261, 0.43667204404214799, -0.119738517917151, 0.89161662909518302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0370103', 'BD+61D2365', 343.57499999999999, 62.665300000000002, '2006-09-04 21:01:16', 8752, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.2400000000000002, 'B1V', 0.78000000000000003, 20, 'PC', '2006-09-08 23:35:13', '2007-03-08 23:35:13', 0, 0, '2006-09-04 21:01:16', '2006-09-05 01:17:40', 60.075299999999999, 28.004899999999999, 2.7868499999999998, 109.938, 272.51400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 256959454, 0.44044851138013702, -0.129839902339632, 0.88833929811950596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9271901', 'HD215835', 341.72500000000002, 58.084299999999999, '2006-09-05 11:43:57', 15254, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.6099999999999994, 'O5.5', 0.20000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2006-09-09 00:37:47', '2007-03-09 00:37:47', 0, 0, '2006-09-05 11:43:57', '2006-09-05 16:41:58', 57.642400000000002, 20.2852, -0.89901200000000003, 107.068, 269.87900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 233694045, 0.50200604945955296, -0.16577966346689499, 0.84882685483366704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9381801', 'WD2116+736-O', 319.22000000000003, 73.861699999999999, '2006-09-05 18:53:20', 15867, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-24 18:54:49', '2007-07-22 22:58:21', 0, 0, '2006-09-05 18:53:20', '2006-09-06 04:03:34', 72.466700000000003, 45.680700000000002, 16.938700000000001, 109.401, 247.27199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 264743567, 0.21047533509091301, -0.181549264182259, 0.96059356545484298); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0650306', 'HD217312', 344.666, 63.077100000000002, '2006-09-06 05:21:44', 4628, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.4100000000000001, 'B0IV', 0.67000000000000004, 20, 'PC', '2006-09-08 23:34:55', '2007-03-08 23:34:55', 0, 0, '2006-09-06 05:21:44', '2006-09-06 07:36:47', 59.959499999999998, 29.2761, 2.9458600000000001, 110.56399999999999, 288.40100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD', 'JENKINS', NULL, 256964261, 0.43667204404214799, -0.119738517917151, 0.89161662909518302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9271901', 'HD211564', 334.10000000000002, 55.626899999999999, '2006-09-07 08:57:39', 16905, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 11.6, 'WN4', 0, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-20 01:33:13', '2007-03-22 02:47:53', 0, 0, '2006-09-07 08:57:39', '2006-09-07 17:25:16', 58.799999999999997, 11.363, -0.88587199999999999, 102.232, 259.41699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 233541905, 0.50787193116180496, -0.246609359602111, 0.82537865570574098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1044302', 'HD208816', 329.16300000000001, 63.625599999999999, '2006-09-07 20:52:10', 5683, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 5.1799999999999997, 'M2IA', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2007-02-05 23:21:31', '2007-02-06 09:30:30', 0, 0, '2006-09-07 20:52:10', '2006-09-08 05:11:23', 65.861599999999996, 21.135200000000001, 7.0459300000000002, 104.92100000000001, 254.5, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 258038781, 0.38143301553259801, -0.22771369083382401, 0.89591033573039403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0180201', 'HD206267', 324.74000000000001, 57.488999999999997, '2006-09-08 07:35:41', 18017, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 5.6200000000000001, 'O6E', 0.54000000000000004, 14, 'PC', '2007-04-20 01:12:14', '2007-03-26 01:01:37', 0, 0, '2006-09-08 07:35:41', '2006-09-08 18:48:31', 63.781999999999996, 6.59999, 3.7381700000000002, 99.291899999999998, 272.45699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'KNAUTH', 'y', 253598782, 0.43885926424667998, -0.31026993004724701, 0.84328827615077195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0150401', 'HD198084', 311.33699999999999, 57.5794, '2006-09-09 00:50:36', 6894, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 4.5, 'F8IV', 0, 41, 'PE', '2007-04-20 00:31:14', '2007-03-22 02:47:27', 0, 0, '2006-09-09 00:50:36', '2006-09-09 05:19:47', 69.164100000000005, 354.58800000000002, 9.0559100000000008, 94.430199999999999, 241.66900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 254979660, 0.35410693809575899, -0.40254689810324401, 0.84413522093317594); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9321601', 'HD206165', 324.48000000000002, 62.081899999999997, '2006-09-09 16:58:39', 8846, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 4.6900000000000004, 'B2IB', 0.46999999999999997, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-20 01:54:09', '2007-03-22 02:57:39', 0, 0, '2006-09-09 16:58:39', '2006-09-09 22:54:47', 66.766999999999996, 14.9719, 7.2467899999999998, 102.273, 247.417, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', 'y', 257999075, 0.38108126277487803, -0.272023375586534, 0.88361776481486098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0150402', 'HD198084', 311.33699999999999, 57.5794, '2006-09-10 00:51:42', 15319, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 4.5, 'F8IV', 0, 41, 'PE', '2007-04-19 21:44:11', '2007-03-22 03:49:29', 0, 0, '2006-09-10 00:51:42', '2006-09-10 08:48:16', 69.164100000000005, 354.58800000000002, 9.0559100000000008, 94.430199999999999, 240.637, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 254979660, 0.35410693809575899, -0.40254689810324401, 0.84413522093317594); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0150201', 'HD198149', 311.322, 61.840499999999999, '2006-09-10 11:11:19', 4835, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 3.3999999999999999, 'K0IV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2007-04-19 21:43:52', '2007-03-22 03:39:27', 0, 0, '2006-09-10 11:11:19', '2006-09-10 13:28:49', 71.780799999999999, 4.6824899999999996, 11.644500000000001, 97.871200000000002, 233.25700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', 'y', 255545085, 0.31160917418995698, -0.35442272402456498, 0.88163725831866901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9370702', 'HD203338', 319.815, 58.6235, '2006-09-10 16:22:23', 5083, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 12, 5.6600000000000001, 'M1IB', 0.20000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-27 23:33:22', '2007-08-02 02:52:22', 0, 0, '2006-09-10 16:22:23', '2006-09-10 19:04:01', 66.484099999999998, 4.5102200000000003, 6.3566099999999999, 98.185100000000006, 241.071, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP D.', 'BENNETT', NULL, 255090784, 0.39776562764220302, -0.33595955505994402, 0.85376441881254905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1042902', 'HD203374A', 319.779, 61.858600000000003, '2006-09-10 21:31:32', 6882, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 13, 6.6900000000000004, 'B0IV', 0.59999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2007-02-05 23:33:50', '2007-02-06 09:30:29', 0, 0, '2006-09-10 21:31:32', '2006-09-11 00:15:02', 68.461299999999994, 11.203200000000001, 8.6228099999999994, 100.514, 241.45699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 255278951, 0.360132146785547, -0.30456158772476799, 0.88178629845002798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9381101', 'WD1845+683-O', 281.29000000000002, 68.393100000000004, '2006-09-11 01:49:09', 12087, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-20 01:54:15', '2007-03-22 02:58:11', 0, 0, '2006-09-11 01:49:09', '2006-09-11 07:30:59', 85.311800000000005, 28.114699999999999, 25.652999999999999, 98.832400000000007, 213.05099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 262999102, 0.072091501823288898, -0.36111071802366601, 0.92973214674619897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1042202', 'VWCEP', 309.33999999999997, 75.600399999999993, '2006-09-12 11:00:33', 9166, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.3799999999999999, '', 0, 47, 'PE', '2007-01-24 23:59:52', '2007-01-25 10:19:56', 0, 0, '2006-09-12 11:00:33', '2006-09-12 15:03:18', 74.8322, 52.950200000000002, 20.0579, 109.226, 231.19800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 265199413, 0.15764544559805699, -0.19233099133486001, 0.96858489728796604); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1042102', 'WD2025+554', 306.77300000000002, 55.568899999999999, '2006-09-13 00:23:49', 15385, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.640000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-09-26 00:40:10', '2006-09-26 09:02:43', 0, 0, '2006-09-13 00:23:49', '2006-09-13 07:54:39', 69.537300000000002, 345.51600000000002, 9.9107199999999995, 91.284899999999993, 240.71799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 254578741, 0.33848341311777902, -0.45290491649084402, 0.82480671412310902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1041102', 'HS1857+7127', 284.33499999999998, 71.521900000000002, '2006-09-13 10:54:37', 9146, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.5, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2006-09-22 03:08:04', '2006-09-22 08:59:35', 0, 0, '2006-09-13 10:54:37', '2006-09-13 14:09:29', 82.898099999999999, 50.601500000000001, 25.163900000000002, 102.443, 205.01499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 263438060, 0.078471995670253106, -0.30707405875166499, 0.94844486836995801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1041403', 'DELDRA', 288.13900000000001, 67.661500000000004, '2006-09-13 17:28:36', 9531, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 3.0819999999999999, 'G9II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2006-09-22 03:08:31', '2006-09-22 08:59:35', 0, 24.800000000000001, '2006-09-13 17:28:36', '2006-09-13 21:59:04', 82.886200000000002, 17.1631, 22.994199999999999, 98.657499999999999, 223.69300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 262536021, 0.118327085848367, -0.36118944072555698, 0.92495453329501098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3290701', 'HD188665', 298.32299999999998, 57.523499999999999, '2006-09-13 23:00:51', 815, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 2, 5.0999999999999996, 'B5V', 0.029999999999999999, 21, 'PC', '2007-04-19 21:32:43', '2007-04-13 22:11:02', 0, 0, '2006-09-13 23:00:51', '2006-09-13 23:23:25', 74.158100000000005, 338.93900000000002, 14.9076, 90.552700000000002, 241.25399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY', 'WELSH', 'y', 260200390, 0.25475315524378001, -0.472673297182094, 0.84361174957698803); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1041502', 'WD1917+599', 289.59899999999999, 59.999400000000001, '2006-09-14 01:23:01', 37099, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.800000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-09-22 03:29:21', '2006-09-22 08:59:36', 0, 0, '2006-09-14 01:23:01', '2006-09-14 16:02:43', 79.090599999999995, 332.399, 20.0395, 91.025700000000001, 233.661, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 260736544, 0.167720605898345, -0.47104019723240598, 0.86602016774919799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1037803', 'HS1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '2006-09-18 22:21:04', 15074, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.100000000000001, '', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2006-09-22 03:39:14', '2006-09-22 08:59:34', 0, 2.7200000000000002, '2006-09-18 22:21:04', '2006-09-19 06:41:06', 83.438599999999994, 194.179, 36.158799999999999, 94.401899999999998, 198.63, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8210303', 'HS1753+6911', 268.35199999999998, 69.182599999999994, '2006-09-19 07:48:05', 19318, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.199999999999999, 'SDO', 0.029999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2007-04-20 00:31:08', '2007-03-22 03:30:01', 0, 0, '2006-09-19 07:48:05', '2006-09-19 15:43:51', 87.305800000000005, 102.55500000000001, 30.360900000000001, 99.433800000000005, 199.74100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', 'y', 190662609, -0.0102207065962451, -0.35524384134505599, 0.93471779181905001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1037102', 'MRK885', 247.45099999999999, 67.378299999999996, '2006-09-19 18:07:11', 52470, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 15.4, 'SYFT', 0, 84, 'PC', '2006-09-26 00:30:07', '2006-09-26 09:02:42', 0, 0.025999999999999999, '2006-09-19 18:07:11', '2006-09-20 16:42:27', 81.189800000000005, 164.375, 38.261200000000002, 99.401300000000006, 189.94, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 191901331, -0.14750110793225801, -0.355239580459492, 0.92306460425786097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055702', 'BKGD', 71.445700000000002, -65.023799999999994, '2006-09-20 22:51:01', 25100, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-09-26 00:18:59', '2006-09-26 09:02:41', 0, 0, '2006-09-20 22:51:01', '2006-09-21 09:24:50', -82.268900000000002, 2.8465099999999999, -37.532200000000003, 275.90699999999998, 17.2242, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 542851003, 0.134358700252904, 0.400294691227152, -0.90648325954852005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113103', 'SK-71D26', 80.791799999999995, -71.347399999999993, '2006-09-21 11:58:38', 4517, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.789999999999999, 'WC', 0.080000000000000002, 10, 'PC', '2007-04-20 00:00:07', '2007-03-25 23:58:23', 0, 0, '2006-09-21 11:58:38', '2006-09-21 15:57:13', -84.195400000000006, 300.40100000000001, -32.613700000000001, 282.33100000000002, 9.5687300000000004, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 541537463, 0.051179866751250899, 0.31570774670762197, -0.94747519223888899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1063102', 'SKY-032010-622629', 50.040799999999997, -62.441400000000002, '2006-09-21 18:40:35', 7538, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'OTR', 0.070000000000000007, 64, 'EE', '2006-09-26 00:40:30', '2006-09-26 09:02:43', 0, 0, '2006-09-21 18:40:35', '2006-09-21 22:59:53', -72.639300000000006, 354.75400000000002, -47.079900000000002, 278.69200000000001, 36.901800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 549729417, 0.297136818021216, 0.35462641040529702, -0.88653810996441695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1063201', 'Q0321-6657', 50.558900000000001, -66.7851, '2006-09-22 06:16:29', 10116, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.800000000000001, 'QSO', 0, 85, 'PC', '2006-09-26 00:51:00', '2006-09-26 09:02:44', 0, 0.092999999999999999, '2006-09-22 06:16:29', '2006-09-22 09:41:06', -74.641199999999998, 340.99000000000001, -44.157899999999998, 283.30099999999999, 30.6708, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 543750610, 0.250417090524931, 0.30441727836314297, -0.91903286198427403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1063301', 'WD0320-539', 50.561599999999999, -53.7545, '2006-09-22 10:48:14', 5441, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.94, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-10-05 23:21:57', '2006-10-06 14:16:22', 0, 0, '2006-09-22 10:48:14', '2006-09-22 13:28:42', -67.157600000000002, 14.6435, -51.6355, 267.30200000000002, 35.243000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 551144879, 0.37558818968346303, 0.45662425375709398, -0.80649104313133901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3210301', 'J053441-693139', 83.6721, -69.527500000000003, '2006-09-22 19:45:08', 28313, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.699999999999999, 'O3IF', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-21 01:33:46', '2007-05-03 01:15:29', 0, 0, '2006-09-22 19:45:08', '2006-09-23 08:54:35', -86.209000000000003, 305.666, -31.970800000000001, 280.017, 32.0167, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 542179215, 0.038549708362374001, 0.34762683736057998, -0.93684016882916399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1062301', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2006-09-23 11:47:11', 944, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-02-05 23:32:07', '2007-02-06 09:30:40', 0, 0, '2006-09-23 11:47:11', '2006-09-23 16:12:07', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 59.8962, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0160102', 'X0535-668', 83.924199999999999, -66.8626, '2006-09-23 19:12:07', 3297, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 99, 'PC', '2007-04-24 16:37:44', '2007-07-18 02:41:10', 0, 0, '2006-09-23 19:12:07', '2006-09-23 21:28:40', -87.579899999999995, 350.04899999999998, -32.193899999999999, 276.88099999999997, 23.694400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', NULL, 542524992, 0.041590104266505397, 0.39073021680745201, -0.91956520209319703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0160106', 'X0535-668', 83.924199999999999, -66.8626, '2006-09-23 23:47:42', 3719, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 99, 'PC', '2007-04-19 20:31:46', '2007-04-05 23:00:09', 0, 0, '2006-09-23 23:47:42', '2006-09-24 01:03:37', -87.579899999999995, 350.04899999999998, -32.193899999999999, 276.88099999999997, 8.8386499999999995, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', 'y', 542524992, 0.041590104266505397, 0.39073021680745201, -0.91956520209319703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113302', 'SK-67D108', 81.611000000000004, -67.622299999999996, '2006-09-24 16:12:22', 3837, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.57, 'O4-5', 0.050000000000000003, 13, 'PC', '2007-04-20 00:10:13', '2007-04-05 22:17:12', 0, 0, '2006-09-24 16:12:22', '2006-09-24 18:56:24', -86.569400000000002, 338.15300000000002, -32.986400000000003, 277.90800000000002, 11.6882, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 542341327, 0.055543035682413401, 0.37663704128094799, -0.92469427938228099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0500102', 'DGIK975', 64.994299999999996, -73.873800000000003, '2006-09-24 21:20:15', 18160, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.050000000000001, 'B2V', 0.01, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-20 01:22:43', '2007-04-05 22:28:00', 0, 200, '2006-09-24 21:20:15', '2006-09-25 04:07:10', -78.964500000000001, 307.83300000000003, -36.140700000000002, 287.17899999999997, 52.170200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CHRIS', 'HOWK', 'y', 538924457, 0.117408940741941, 0.251718903042919, -0.96065224430317397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S9052401', 'SBKGD24A', 39.545999999999999, -57.5015, '2006-09-25 05:43:07', 22137, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-10-05 23:21:46', '2006-10-06 14:16:20', 0, 0, '2006-09-25 05:43:07', '2006-09-25 16:20:48', -65.489099999999993, 357.01100000000002, -54.273400000000002, 278.52499999999998, 80.276600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 551642277, 0.41430204038502799, 0.34208326715836501, -0.84340551199471103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0740103', 'N49-KNOT', 81.467500000000001, -66.088800000000006, '2006-09-25 19:30:13', 12787, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.070000000000000007, 75, 'EE', '2007-04-19 21:22:36', '2007-04-05 23:10:51', 0, 0, '2006-09-25 19:30:13', '2006-09-26 01:24:47', -86.544200000000004, 3.9170799999999999, -33.258800000000001, 276.10500000000002, 12.978999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 542557581, 0.060137529679528103, 0.40083415360282099, -0.91417474195558202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9330104', 'CPD-71D172', 43.377899999999997, -71.375500000000002, '2006-09-29 04:57:06', 7810, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 25, 12.050000000000001, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2007-04-28 00:47:05', '2007-08-02 23:00:34', 0, 0, '2006-09-29 04:57:06', '2006-09-29 09:27:59', -73.0745, 322.87599999999998, -42.606299999999997, 290.20400000000001, 53.505400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GUILLAUME', 'HEBRARD', NULL, 540836697, 0.23212681508105501, 0.21934187545272199, -0.94763193455751005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1061903', 'BL-HYI', 25.251000000000001, -67.891000000000005, '2006-09-30 03:32:39', 10385, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.300000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-10-05 23:21:52', '2006-10-06 14:16:22', 0, 0, '2006-09-30 03:32:39', '2006-09-30 06:59:33', -66.047600000000003, 326.98099999999999, -48.556899999999999, 295.92500000000001, 82.491799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 546875157, 0.34040679760244802, 0.16055353140412901, -0.92646952227243295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0490113', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2006-09-30 10:23:25', 3608, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.31, 'WN6L', 0.070000000000000007, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-19 21:22:29', '2007-04-05 23:10:46', 0, 150, '2006-09-30 10:23:25', '2006-09-30 12:38:35', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 83.838499999999996, 'F', 'F', 'GLORIA', 'KOENIGSBERGER', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0350301', 'E0102-CTR3', 16.008800000000001, -72.031599999999997, '2006-09-30 15:33:33', 10895, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0, 75, 'EE', '2007-04-28 00:04:52', '2007-08-02 23:02:53', 0, 0, '2006-09-30 15:33:33', '2006-09-30 20:50:56', -65.036100000000005, 314.63600000000002, -45.062800000000003, 301.55900000000003, 82.914500000000004, 'F', 'F', 'TERRANCE', 'GAETZ', NULL, 546047569, 0.29652888034191899, 0.085077578644859403, -0.95122680194320397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1062501', 'DI1388', 44.299799999999998, -72.881799999999998, '2006-10-01 02:33:44', 10800, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.390000000000001, 'B0V', 0.059999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2007-01-25 00:00:48', '2007-01-25 10:19:57', 0, 137, '2006-10-01 02:33:44', '2006-10-01 05:59:52', -73.457499999999996, 317.72000000000003, -41.245199999999997, 291.15100000000001, 54.599899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 540274164, 0.210660520890117, 0.20557355614192899, -0.95569956469251705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0360103', 'SMC-WR4', 12.6808, -73.451599999999999, '2006-10-01 09:13:08', 6165, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.35, 'WN6H', 0.070000000000000007, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-28 00:04:59', '2007-08-02 23:09:56', 0, 250, '2006-10-01 09:13:08', '2006-10-01 11:53:21', -64.735799999999998, 310.62299999999999, -43.676299999999998, 303.00400000000002, 87.033299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ANTHONY F.J.', 'MOFFAT', NULL, 545508119, 0.27787778552776299, 0.062524624026150499, -0.95857947385731901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0390301', 'SMC-WR2', 12.128399999999999, -73.262500000000003, '2006-10-01 13:05:49', 9842, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.23, 'WN5+', 0.14999999999999999, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-28 00:05:04', '2007-08-02 23:10:19', 0, 0, '2006-10-01 13:05:49', '2006-10-01 17:10:18', -64.512500000000003, 310.86700000000002, -43.863799999999998, 303.226, 87.7941, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'HERALD', NULL, 545514222, 0.28155924764770901, 0.060507063666979201, -0.95763421268794302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0390401', 'SMC-WR3', 12.497199999999999, -73.370400000000004, '2006-10-01 19:27:25', 13590, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.48, 'WN3+', 0.20000000000000001, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-19 21:53:40', '2007-04-05 23:10:57', 0, 0, '2006-10-01 19:27:25', '2006-10-01 23:50:05', -64.654200000000003, 310.74400000000003, -43.757199999999997, 303.077, 87.9191, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'HERALD', 'y', 545513743, 0.27940275248547602, 0.061927773831158599, -0.95817485498830401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9310501', 'SNR0049.2-7314', 12.262499999999999, -73.243799999999993, '2006-10-02 02:14:37', 11065, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2007-04-20 01:33:18', '2007-04-05 22:28:10', 0, 0, '2006-10-02 02:14:37', '2006-10-02 06:02:51', -64.539500000000004, 310.94499999999999, -43.883099999999999, 303.17200000000003, 88.139200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545514230, 0.28172226413391899, 0.0612322623382782, -0.95754016936115804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9310601', 'SNR0049-736', 12.777900000000001, -73.356899999999996, '2006-10-02 07:27:50', 8285, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2007-04-19 22:15:11', '2007-04-05 22:38:40', 0, 0, '2006-10-02 07:27:50', '2006-10-02 12:52:24', -64.721500000000006, 310.85199999999998, -43.771099999999997, 302.96600000000001, 87.525700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545508336, 0.27931617363083899, 0.063345789291737606, -0.95810739801299605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9310801', 'SNR0058-718', 15.0992, -71.558199999999999, '2006-10-02 15:12:02', 4245, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2007-04-19 22:25:55', '2007-04-05 22:49:23', 0, 0, '2006-10-02 15:12:02', '2006-10-02 16:24:42', -64.574200000000005, 315.34699999999998, -45.552199999999999, 301.92200000000003, 85.831800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 546057061, 0.30541992424692799, 0.082404045225731498, -0.94864547814419897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9310901', 'SNR0101-724', 15.8225, -72.161600000000007, '2006-10-02 20:24:04', 12934, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2007-04-19 22:36:22', '2007-04-05 22:49:29', 0, 0, '2006-10-02 20:24:04', '2006-10-03 00:21:11', -65.039199999999994, 314.29899999999998, -44.936900000000001, 301.65199999999999, 85.172899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 546047013, 0.29472669335534302, 0.083524268141507402, -0.951924299960481); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9311002', 'SNR0103-7202', 15.887499999999999, -72.037199999999999, '2006-10-03 01:09:11', 13046, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2007-04-19 22:36:28', '2007-04-05 22:49:35', 0, 0, '2006-10-03 01:09:11', '2006-10-03 05:05:21', -65.0047, 314.58600000000001, -45.059699999999999, 301.61200000000002, 85.300399999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 546047585, 0.296618910663838, 0.084424160517861696, -0.95125694896670898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9310701', 'SNR0056-725', 14.576700000000001, -72.289699999999996, '2006-10-03 06:16:28', 1279, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'SNR', 0.10000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2007-04-19 22:25:49', '2007-04-05 22:38:46', 0, 0, '2006-10-03 06:16:28', '2006-10-03 12:07:09', -64.749700000000004, 313.64400000000001, -44.828400000000002, 302.197, 86.540800000000004, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 545871794, 0.29441246397520598, 0.076560866495536006, -0.95260681016750104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1060101', 'EF-TUC', 0.47920800000000002, -67.128799999999998, '2006-10-03 13:37:28', 7063, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.300000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-02-05 23:21:01', '2007-02-06 09:30:36', 0, 0, '2006-10-03 13:37:28', '2006-10-03 17:25:36', -57.848300000000002, 316.91300000000001, -49.287500000000001, 310.27300000000002, 101.47199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 548023091, 0.38864726890469398, 0.0032506272688161901, -0.92138088421416797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1060401', 'HD2133', 6.1716699999999998, -74.2346, '2006-10-03 19:40:13', 10864, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.6, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-10-05 22:59:54', '2006-10-06 14:16:21', 0, 0, '2006-10-03 19:40:13', '2006-10-03 23:04:22', -63.455300000000001, 307.18900000000002, -42.764899999999997, 305.404, 96.125100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 545801563, 0.27012442729999298, 0.0292097709998781, -0.96238224373373904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0440501', 'HE2258-5524', 345.46699999999998, -55.1419, '2006-10-04 00:51:54', 15451, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.4, 'AGN', 0, 85, 'PC', '2007-04-28 00:15:04', '2007-08-02 22:08:00', 0, 0.14099999999999999, '2006-10-04 00:51:54', '2006-10-04 13:06:26', -44.0914, 320.38099999999997, -55.669400000000003, 330.726, 100.14100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MICHAEL', 'SHULL', NULL, 756016522, 0.55325834852907496, -0.14342235478729801, -0.82057006277961897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9070201', 'OGLE004336.91-732637.7', 10.9038, -73.443799999999996, '2006-10-04 19:27:11', 30582, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.18, 'B2V', 0.059999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-26 22:30:32', '2007-08-02 01:58:54', 0, 0, '2006-10-04 19:27:11', '2006-10-05 05:27:27', -64.274500000000003, 310.13799999999998, -43.672499999999999, 303.70400000000001, 91.400899999999993, 'F', 'F', 'MYRON', 'SMITH', NULL, 545503710, 0.27981114846791899, 0.053902380380901602, -0.95854069010258303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055902', 'BKGD', 338.87, -65.113799999999998, '2006-10-05 08:14:20', 12175, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-10-13 22:11:09', '2006-10-16 08:35:59', 0, 0, '2006-10-05 08:14:20', '2006-10-05 14:07:47', -50.5289, 308.13200000000001, -46.399799999999999, 322.88, 125.85899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 744160891, 0.39252364459174899, -0.15169844296937099, -0.90714539674579098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7011803', 'HD208233', 329.464, -68.213899999999995, '2006-10-05 15:13:49', 11208, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.9000000000000004, 'G8V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2007-04-19 21:53:56', '2007-04-13 22:11:05', 0, 0, '2006-10-05 15:13:49', '2006-10-05 19:29:32', -50.981499999999997, 300.51499999999999, -41.561799999999998, 322.858, 135.13399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 744706155, 0.31966884488639802, -0.18856998512085199, -0.92857589367833404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0490108', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2006-10-05 20:26:07', 7911, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.31, 'WN6L', 0.070000000000000007, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-19 21:11:49', '2007-04-13 22:10:53', 0, 150, '2006-10-05 20:26:07', '2006-10-05 22:59:03', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 89.002600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GLORIA', 'KOENIGSBERGER', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7011503', 'HD222259', 354.91399999999999, -69.195700000000002, '2006-10-06 00:53:36', 11693, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8, 'G6IV', 0, 44, 'PE', '2007-04-19 21:53:50', '2007-04-13 21:39:37', 0, 0, '2006-10-06 00:53:36', '2006-10-06 04:42:58', -57.686599999999999, 311.43900000000002, -46.633400000000002, 312.10399999999998, 108.819, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 743551462, 0.35377870053697202, -0.031486776778884298, -0.93479902328492404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055903', 'BKGD', 338.87, -65.113799999999998, '2006-10-06 05:52:16', 10825, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-10-13 22:11:31', '2006-10-16 08:36:00', 0, 0, '2006-10-06 05:52:16', '2006-10-06 11:35:45', -50.5289, 308.13200000000001, -46.399799999999999, 322.88, 126.634, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 744160891, 0.39252364459174899, -0.15169844296937099, -0.90714539674579098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9070302', 'OGLE005100.18-725303.9', 12.7507, -72.884399999999999, '2006-10-06 13:07:53', 26089, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.609999999999999, 'B2V', 0.059999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-19 21:43:45', '2007-04-13 22:11:18', 0, 0, '2006-10-06 13:07:53', '2006-10-06 23:53:24', -64.513400000000004, 311.84199999999998, -44.243499999999997, 302.97800000000001, 91.808499999999995, 'F', 'F', 'MYRON', 'SMITH', 'y', 545866783, 0.28704298722402399, 0.064954883273931396, -0.955712920611822); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7011804', 'HD208233', 329.464, -68.213899999999995, '2006-10-07 01:55:10', 19858, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 8.9000000000000004, 'G8V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2007-04-19 22:04:26', '2007-04-13 22:11:25', 0, 0, '2006-10-07 01:55:10', '2006-10-07 12:36:26', -50.981499999999997, 300.51499999999999, -41.561799999999998, 322.858, 136.26400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', 'y', 744706155, 0.31966884488639802, -0.18856998512085199, -0.92857589367833404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9070401', 'OGLE005745.25-723532.1', 14.438499999999999, -72.592200000000005, '2006-10-07 13:54:17', 1664, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.82, 'B2V', 0.059999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-25 19:35:41', '2007-07-13 02:55:24', 0, 0, '2006-10-07 13:54:17', '2006-10-07 14:23:10', -64.841099999999997, 312.95999999999998, -44.5276, 302.27100000000002, 91.053799999999995, 'F', 'F', 'MYRON', 'SMITH', NULL, 545521207, 0.28972163898792502, 0.074595422334088501, -0.954199609551874); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0200105', 'PG0838+770', 131.18899999999999, 76.886099999999999, '2006-10-12 11:53:34', 25700, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 16.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2007-04-26 23:44:00', '2007-08-02 02:09:15', 0, 0, '2006-10-12 11:53:34', '2006-10-13 02:51:59', 55.652999999999999, 105.35599999999999, 32.677500000000002, 136.65899999999999, 27.162700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', NULL, 131050552, -0.14941568548720499, 0.17074229281397499, 0.97392095283704405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1021501', 'VIIZW118', 106.80500000000001, 64.599699999999999, '2006-10-13 05:50:01', 5640, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2007-02-05 23:21:12', '2007-02-06 09:30:15', 0, 0.079659999999999995, '2006-10-13 05:50:01', '2006-10-13 09:49:16', 41.717100000000002, 99.563199999999995, 25.986799999999999, 151.36199999999999, 356.58999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 128054639, -0.124013093429301, 0.41062167373733699, 0.90333304695181105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020403', 'HS0551+7241', 89.349800000000002, 72.697900000000004, '2006-10-13 11:24:06', 8001, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-10-19 00:07:23', '2006-10-19 08:48:29', 0, 0, '2006-10-13 11:24:06', '2006-10-13 15:09:28', 49.259099999999997, 89.703699999999998, 21.932300000000001, 141.09800000000001, 338.54599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 58029259, 0.0033749736393817202, 0.29739071766237002, 0.95474989950310696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0200106', 'PG0838+770', 131.18899999999999, 76.886099999999999, '2006-10-13 16:12:07', 19235, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 16.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2007-04-26 23:54:39', '2007-08-02 01:07:18', 0, 0, '2006-10-13 16:12:07', '2006-10-13 23:15:29', 55.652999999999999, 105.35599999999999, 32.677500000000002, 136.65899999999999, 26.190300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', NULL, 131050552, -0.14941568548720499, 0.17074229281397499, 0.97392095283704405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1021402', 'MS07007+6338', 106.372, 63.559199999999997, '2006-10-14 03:19:16', 6700, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.5, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2007-02-05 21:47:36', '2007-02-05 17:01:23', 0, 0.153, '2006-10-14 03:19:16', '2006-10-14 09:03:33', 40.659999999999997, 99.523799999999994, 25.630299999999998, 152.46799999999999, 23.622699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 128031665, -0.12551023556447, 0.42721790010112898, 0.89539491097600798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053702', 'NBKGD37', 71.418700000000001, 70, '2006-10-14 11:39:08', 6956, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-10-28 04:09:30', '2006-10-30 09:26:17', 0, 0, '2006-10-14 11:39:08', '2006-10-14 14:20:13', 47.154699999999998, 80.777600000000007, 15.646599999999999, 140.57300000000001, 304.68099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 57872136, 0.10898470598608399, 0.32419147475163201, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0200107', 'PG0838+770', 131.18899999999999, 76.886099999999999, '2006-10-14 17:16:29', 17149, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 16.300000000000001, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2007-04-27 00:05:08', '2007-08-02 01:16:55', 0, 0, '2006-10-14 17:16:29', '2006-10-15 00:12:33', 55.652999999999999, 105.35599999999999, 32.677500000000002, 136.65899999999999, 41.327800000000003, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', NULL, 131050552, -0.14941568548720499, 0.17074229281397499, 0.97392095283704405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020404', 'HS0551+7241', 89.349800000000002, 72.697900000000004, '2006-10-15 01:56:21', 11547, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.699999999999999, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2007-02-05 21:45:00', '2007-02-05 17:01:22', 0, 0, '2006-10-15 01:56:21', '2006-10-15 08:17:51', 49.259099999999997, 89.703699999999998, 21.932300000000001, 141.09800000000001, 345.28100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 58029259, 0.0033749736393817202, 0.29739071766237002, 0.95474989950310696); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053703', 'NBKGD37', 71.418700000000001, 70, '2006-10-15 10:51:08', 12886, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-11-01 00:08:08', '2006-11-01 09:50:00', 0, 0, '2006-10-15 10:51:08', '2006-10-15 16:28:45', 47.154699999999998, 80.777600000000007, 15.646599999999999, 140.57300000000001, 303.88799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 57872136, 0.10898470598608399, 0.32419147475163201, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1018403', 'WD0421+740', 66.891300000000001, 74.125299999999996, '2006-10-15 17:47:07', 4926, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15.9, 'WDA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-02-05 21:44:10', '2007-02-05 17:01:20', 0, 0, '2006-10-15 17:47:07', '2006-10-15 20:11:08', 51.482100000000003, 80.073300000000003, 17.193899999999999, 136.333, 297.81200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 58437472, 0.107355946964592, 0.25158663105818202, 0.96186218749056196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020803', 'RXJ0625+7334', 96.317499999999995, 73.577699999999993, '2006-10-15 22:33:51', 7860, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2007-02-05 21:45:36', '2007-02-05 17:01:22', 0, 0, '2006-10-15 22:33:51', '2006-10-16 02:19:59', 50.199300000000001, 92.785700000000006, 24.123799999999999, 140.857, 351.11700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 129715004, -0.031109342151597798, 0.28099799250497498, 0.95920401220963902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5059402', 'BKGD', 42.909500000000001, 77.209199999999996, '2006-10-16 03:33:52', 10761, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-10-31 23:57:37', '2006-11-01 09:49:57', 0, 0, '2006-10-16 03:33:52', '2006-10-16 11:04:59', 56.590299999999999, 72.872900000000001, 15.9091, 129.553, 271.80200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 63944310, 0.162154084751542, 0.15073298482517999, 0.97518491584113498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1018404', 'WD0421+740', 66.891300000000001, 74.125299999999996, '2006-10-16 20:09:40', 14184, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.9, 'WDA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-02-05 22:18:23', '2007-02-06 09:30:10', 0, 0, '2006-10-16 20:09:40', '2006-10-17 05:02:19', 51.482100000000003, 80.073300000000003, 17.193899999999999, 136.333, 300.36500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 58437472, 0.107355946964592, 0.25158663105818202, 0.96186218749056196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020102', 'RS-CEP', 76.513300000000001, 80.247900000000001, '2006-10-17 06:27:03', 9811, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.32, 'A5VE', 0, 66, 'PC', '2006-10-19 00:07:15', '2006-10-19 08:48:29', 0, 0, '2006-10-17 06:27:03', '2006-10-17 12:06:21', 57.003300000000003, 85.840199999999996, 22.4878, 132.38900000000001, 328.75700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 64780151, 0.039504055201534299, 0.164714662380852, 0.98554985141259899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1018405', 'WD0421+740', 66.891300000000001, 74.125299999999996, '2006-10-17 23:43:28', 10458, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.9, 'WDA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-02-05 22:18:41', '2007-02-06 09:30:13', 0, 0, '2006-10-17 23:43:28', '2006-10-18 04:17:04', 51.482100000000003, 80.073300000000003, 17.193899999999999, 136.333, 299.38, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 58437472, 0.107355946964592, 0.25158663105818202, 0.96186218749056196); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9251402', 'AM-CAS', 36.597700000000003, 71.308700000000002, '2006-10-19 03:17:49', 12909, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-04-21 02:37:13', '2007-04-28 04:09:24', 0, 0, '2006-10-19 03:17:49', '2006-10-19 12:21:53', 52.4754, 65.0137, 9.8370800000000003, 130.45699999999999, 266.93000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', 'y', 63485708, 0.25728591103001502, 0.19106135630795701, 0.94725894987126902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9230104', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2006-10-19 13:19:44', 6181, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6.9199999999999999, 'B7V', 0.029999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2007-04-20 20:59:08', '2007-04-28 03:27:26', 0, 0, '2006-10-19 13:19:44', '2006-10-19 17:03:57', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 247.66499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9270503', 'HD25638', 61.964100000000002, 62.330100000000002, '2006-10-20 02:30:01', 11598, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 6.9900000000000002, 'O9.5', 0.17000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-21 01:54:38', '2007-04-28 02:55:12', 0, 0, '2006-10-20 02:30:01', '2006-10-20 11:36:29', 40.504800000000003, 73.317800000000005, 7.65794, 143.67699999999999, 296.88299999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 55445098, 0.218268588268754, 0.40988373693845598, 0.88563770559328203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1013105', 'HD12230', 31.280899999999999, 77.281499999999994, '2006-10-21 01:30:59', 2601, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 5.2800000000000002, 'F0V', 0, 40, 'PE', '2006-10-28 04:20:16', '2006-10-30 09:26:18', 0, 0, '2006-10-21 01:30:59', '2006-10-21 03:45:35', 58.156999999999996, 69.106499999999997, 15.004200000000001, 127.06399999999999, 270.67200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 65321883, 0.188156781995999, 0.114315223118828, 0.97546350785265301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9271401', 'HD19820', 48.522100000000002, 59.563499999999998, '2006-10-21 05:08:08', 5615, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.1500000000000004, 'O9IV', 0.20000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-24 16:48:20', '2007-07-19 23:35:23', 0, 0, '2006-10-21 05:08:08', '2006-10-21 11:51:32', 39.7971, 64.106300000000005, 1.53786, 140.11799999999999, 285.55399999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 53798959, 0.335525762945522, 0.37953777343709699, 0.86219112784477003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020104', 'RS-CEP', 76.513300000000001, 80.247900000000001, '2006-10-21 14:34:48', 12676, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.32, 'A5VE', 0, 66, 'PC', '2007-02-05 21:44:27', '2007-02-05 17:01:21', 0, 0, '2006-10-21 14:34:48', '2006-10-21 18:33:34', 57.003300000000003, 85.840199999999996, 22.4878, 132.38900000000001, 332.392, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 64780151, 0.039504055201534299, 0.164714662380852, 0.98554985141259899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490505', 'RX-CAS', 46.940600000000003, 67.577399999999997, '2006-10-21 19:57:35', 10927, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.5999999999999996, 'A-SH', 0, 66, 'PC', '2007-04-20 23:36:27', '2007-04-28 02:44:42', 0, 0, '2006-10-21 19:57:35', '2006-10-22 01:16:05', 47.498199999999997, 67.327200000000005, 8.0673899999999996, 135.40100000000001, 297.29700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 62932400, 0.26042713323257199, 0.27869407852447398, 0.92439565061269002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9270504', 'HD25638', 61.964100000000002, 62.330100000000002, '2006-10-22 02:34:58', 11218, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.9900000000000002, 'O9.5', 0.17000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-21 01:54:56', '2007-04-28 03:05:40', 0, 0, '2006-10-22 02:34:58', '2006-10-22 08:18:13', 40.504800000000003, 73.317800000000005, 7.65794, 143.67699999999999, 299.07799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 55445098, 0.218268588268754, 0.40988373693845598, 0.88563770559328203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9230105', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2006-10-22 09:35:38', 18812, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 36, 6.9199999999999999, 'B7V', 0.029999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2007-04-21 02:36:58', '2007-04-28 03:59:04', 0, 0, '2006-10-22 09:35:38', '2006-10-22 20:57:38', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 245.86500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1017605', 'RX-CAS', 46.940600000000003, 67.577399999999997, '2006-10-22 23:21:51', 9522, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.5999999999999996, 'A-SH', 0, 66, 'PC', '2006-10-28 04:20:23', '2006-10-30 09:26:18', 0, 0, '2006-10-22 23:21:51', '2006-10-23 03:59:27', 47.498199999999997, 67.327200000000005, 8.0673899999999996, 135.40100000000001, 296.32400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 62932400, 0.26042713323257199, 0.27869407852447398, 0.92439565061269002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9150101', 'HD18925', 46.199100000000001, 53.506399999999999, '2006-10-23 12:29:14', 582, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 16, 2.9500000000000002, 'G8II', 0.02, 39, 'PC', '2007-04-26 23:22:40', '2007-08-02 01:06:28', 0, 0, '2006-10-23 12:29:14', '2006-10-23 12:38:56', 34.530000000000001, 60.021500000000003, -4.3371300000000002, 142.06899999999999, 278.38600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP D.', 'BENNETT', NULL, 52045945, 0.41164712291556799, 0.42924815342211298, 0.80392329794517203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9271402', 'HD19820', 48.522100000000002, 59.563499999999998, '2006-10-23 16:03:56', 25473, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 7.1500000000000004, 'O9IV', 0.20000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-21 02:05:29', '2007-04-28 03:16:25', 0, 0, '2006-10-23 16:03:56', '2006-10-24 03:14:11', 39.7971, 64.106300000000005, 1.53786, 140.11799999999999, 278.95499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 53798959, 0.335525762945522, 0.37953777343709699, 0.86219112784477003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9240401', 'BD+56D484', 34.436100000000003, 56.899999999999999, '2006-10-24 04:37:40', 6633, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.6199999999999992, 'B1II', 0.80000000000000004, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-20 20:59:25', '2007-04-28 03:59:10', 0, 0, '2006-10-24 04:37:40', '2006-10-24 08:33:45', 40.222000000000001, 53.851500000000001, -4.0131800000000002, 134.548, 280.67500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 53358388, 0.45040161669975998, 0.30881343153763102, 0.83771871662043895); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9240501', 'BD+56D582', 35.594799999999999, 57.284700000000001, '2006-10-24 09:42:42', 24638, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 9.7200000000000006, 'B1II', 0.80000000000000004, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-20 21:10:08', '2007-04-28 04:09:07', 0, 0, '2006-10-24 09:42:42', '2006-10-24 19:36:52', 40.301200000000001, 54.8127, -3.4391500000000002, 135.012, 301.93200000000002, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 53371957, 0.43948106642850399, 0.31457721468516298, 0.84136648866697195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1012304', 'EGB1', 16.8233, 73.562799999999996, '2006-10-24 21:57:17', 9314, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.550000000000001, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-10-28 04:20:08', '2006-10-30 09:26:17', 0, 0, '2006-10-24 21:57:17', '2006-10-25 02:28:54', 57.930700000000002, 59.326999999999998, 10.725899999999999, 124.074, 266.22500000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 62323759, 0.270853906256876, 0.081895816557263107, 0.95913045864252); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0390101', 'WR2', 16.3459, 60.421900000000001, '2006-10-25 03:50:14', 9931, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.33, 'WN2', 0.35999999999999999, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-21 02:05:45', '2007-04-28 03:16:31', 0, 0, '2006-10-25 03:50:14', '2006-10-25 07:48:06', 47.958399999999997, 44.984299999999998, -2.4034599999999999, 124.655, 237.55500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'HERALD', 'y', 49636343, 0.47365785975631303, 0.13891924467198899, 0.869683663955368); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9320401', 'HD015642', 38.2348, 55.327500000000001, '2006-10-25 09:30:32', 5818, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 8.5099999999999998, 'O9.5', 0.37, 13, 'PC', '2007-04-24 18:22:13', '2007-07-22 22:06:16', 0, 0, '2006-10-25 09:30:32', '2006-10-25 12:52:52', 37.915900000000001, 55.4998, -4.72933, 137.09299999999999, 268.73000000000002, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', NULL, 53232394, 0.44684832759366999, 0.352074640838407, 0.82241718087917304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1014001', 'WD0214+568', 34.388100000000001, 57.113100000000003, '2006-10-25 15:28:49', 14152, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.68, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-11-01 00:18:39', '2006-11-01 09:50:02', 0, 0, '2006-10-25 15:28:49', '2006-10-25 20:32:31', 40.425600000000003, 53.940899999999999, -3.8204199999999999, 134.453, 270.75900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 53383267, 0.44808586664512101, 0.30667411887658402, 0.83974403297919398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1016001', 'HD14476', 35.570599999999999, 57.271900000000002, '2006-10-25 22:07:44', 9494, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.7699999999999996, 'B1.5', 0.57999999999999996, 23, 'PC', '2006-11-01 00:40:05', '2006-11-01 09:50:09', 0, 0, '2006-10-25 22:07:44', '2006-10-26 03:29:09', 40.295099999999998, 54.789999999999999, -3.4557099999999998, 135.00399999999999, 279.99599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 53371954, 0.43976677317585799, 0.31450089449572199, 0.84124572662919594); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1016201', 'HD14520', 35.6813, 57.086599999999997, '2006-10-26 04:08:06', 7169, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.2300000000000004, 'B1.5', 0.56999999999999995, 23, 'PC', '2006-11-01 00:40:10', '2006-11-01 09:50:11', 0, 0, '2006-10-26 04:08:06', '2006-10-26 07:02:29', 40.101799999999997, 54.758499999999998, -3.60893, 135.125, 279.82400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 53365570, 0.44136593977584598, 0.31693522049168599, 0.83949280712682195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1014401', 'HD14052', 34.6173, 57.208399999999997, '2006-10-26 10:04:40', 10160, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.3000000000000007, 'B1.5', 0.41999999999999998, 23, 'PC', '2006-11-01 00:29:35', '2006-11-01 09:50:07', 0, 0, '2006-10-26 10:04:40', '2006-10-26 13:37:33', 40.457999999999998, 54.142200000000003, -3.6895600000000002, 134.53899999999999, 278.149, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 53362340, 0.44570540801610897, 0.30767022936269101, 0.84064601303348996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1013501', 'HD13621', 33.6374, 55.317100000000003, '2006-10-26 15:24:37', 10417, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 20, 8.1300000000000008, 'B1V', 0.27000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2007-02-05 21:43:53', '2007-02-05 17:01:19', 0, 0, '2006-10-26 15:24:37', '2006-10-26 18:42:52', 38.9818, 52.450099999999999, -5.6550500000000001, 134.637, 260.54700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 53162353, 0.47375495994077499, 0.31520798990211302, 0.82231390662774495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1014201', 'BD+56D493', 34.5764, 56.8506, '2006-10-26 20:21:46', 5852, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.6999999999999993, 'B1VP', 0.44, 26, 'PC', '2006-11-01 00:19:14', '2006-11-01 09:50:05', 0, 0, '2006-10-26 20:21:46', '2006-10-26 23:14:08', 40.144500000000001, 53.914400000000001, -4.0345800000000001, 134.636, 277.47199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 53358020, 0.45023860906004198, 0.31032518078867299, 0.83724756021152802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0370602', 'HD218342', 346.53699999999998, 63.212800000000001, '2006-10-27 00:44:16', 584, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 7.46, 'B0IV', 0.71999999999999997, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-26 21:06:34', '2007-08-02 00:24:16', 0, 0, '2006-10-27 00:44:16', '2006-10-27 00:58:24', 59.401899999999998, 30.563400000000001, 2.7246800000000002, 111.393, 219.72399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 257003752, 0.43829370086345798, -0.104925702780469, 0.89268652318685704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1013001', 'HD012323', 30.625299999999999, 55.624000000000002, '2006-10-27 03:28:47', 6912, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 8.9000000000000004, 'ON9V', 0.28999999999999998, 12, 'PC', '2007-02-02 23:02:21', '2007-02-05 09:51:13', 0, 0, '2006-10-27 03:28:47', '2006-10-27 06:16:58', 40.003100000000003, 50.633200000000002, -5.8659499999999998, 132.90700000000001, 263.40600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 58738615, 0.48586634803969603, 0.28763021297682401, 0.82535007870931698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057702', 'HDE232522-BKGD', 26.509, 55.331800000000001, '2006-10-27 07:25:13', 32747, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'BKGD', 0.23000000000000001, 7, 'EE', '2006-10-31 23:36:29', '2006-11-01 09:49:49', 0, -33, '2006-10-27 07:25:13', '2006-10-27 19:03:07', 40.813499999999998, 47.735199999999999, -6.7146600000000003, 130.70099999999999, 255.36500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 47661753, 0.50901949377042899, 0.253887598049575, 0.82245987289248002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1016101', 'BD+56D578', 35.5732, 57.1235, '2006-10-27 21:24:36', 10688, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.25, 'B2II', 0.56000000000000005, 23, 'PC', '2007-02-05 21:25:26', '2007-02-05 17:01:20', 0, 0, '2006-10-27 21:24:36', '2006-10-28 01:57:42', 40.1601, 54.709299999999999, -3.59457, 135.05699999999999, 261.45699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 53365659, 0.44152326956291599, 0.31578734345079101, 0.83984257819591701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057703', 'HDE232522-BKGD', 26.509, 55.331800000000001, '2006-10-28 02:44:39', 27576, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0.23000000000000001, 7, 'EE', '2006-10-31 23:57:12', '2006-11-01 09:49:51', 0, -33, '2006-10-28 02:44:39', '2006-10-28 13:56:47', 40.813499999999998, 47.735199999999999, -6.7146600000000003, 130.70099999999999, 254.19499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 47661753, 0.50901949377042899, 0.253887598049575, 0.82245987289248002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4057704', 'HDE232522-BKGD', 26.509, 55.331800000000001, '2006-10-28 15:44:31', 10700, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0.23000000000000001, 7, 'EE', '2006-10-31 23:57:30', '2006-11-01 09:49:53', 0, -33, '2006-10-28 15:44:31', '2006-10-28 20:00:33', 40.813499999999998, 47.735199999999999, -6.7146600000000003, 130.70099999999999, 263.41399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 47661753, 0.50901949377042899, 0.253887598049575, 0.82245987289248002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0370603', 'HD218342', 346.53699999999998, 63.212800000000001, '2006-10-29 00:03:01', 6383, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.46, 'B0IV', 0.71999999999999997, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-26 21:17:10', '2007-08-02 00:34:19', 0, 0, '2006-10-29 00:03:01', '2006-10-29 02:59:03', 59.401899999999998, 30.563400000000001, 2.7246800000000002, 111.393, 217.471, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 257003752, 0.43829370086345798, -0.104925702780469, 0.89268652318685704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1011201', 'V709-CAS', 7.2036300000000004, 59.289400000000001, '2006-10-29 04:21:58', 27854, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-11-02 23:39:52', '2006-11-03 09:44:48', 0, 0, '2006-10-29 04:21:58', '2006-10-29 14:44:19', 49.759300000000003, 38.342100000000002, -3.4555799999999999, 120.04300000000001, 254.459, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 49837629, 0.50667089209006699, 0.064040031792134494, 0.85975780394057399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1011202', 'V709-CAS', 7.2036300000000004, 59.289400000000001, '2006-10-29 18:05:08', 12184, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-11-02 23:40:10', '2006-11-03 09:44:49', 0, 0, '2006-10-29 18:05:08', '2006-10-30 00:27:02', 49.759300000000003, 38.342100000000002, -3.4555799999999999, 120.04300000000001, 253.727, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 49837629, 0.50667089209006699, 0.064040031792134494, 0.85975780394057399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9090201', 'KPD0025+5402', 7.1212499999999999, 54.320999999999998, '2006-10-30 01:07:10', 16591, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.890000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-04-26 22:41:01', '2007-08-02 00:44:57', 0, 0, '2006-10-30 01:07:10', '2006-10-30 11:07:54', 45.766800000000003, 33.937800000000003, -8.4002800000000004, 119.554, 250.523, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 48846470, 0.57874440377454195, 0.072304412480902094, 0.81229735136552095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1011203', 'V709-CAS', 7.2036300000000004, 59.289400000000001, '2006-10-30 13:01:53', 23313, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.800000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-11-03 01:25:47', '2006-11-03 09:44:49', 0, 0, '2006-10-30 13:01:53', '2006-10-30 21:57:25', 49.759300000000003, 38.342100000000002, -3.4555799999999999, 120.04300000000001, 252.678, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 49837629, 0.50667089209006699, 0.064040031792134494, 0.85975780394057399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490106', 'HD232121', 2.6752899999999999, 54.891500000000001, '2006-10-31 00:18:00', 10220, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.6799999999999997, 'A6-S', 0, 66, 'PC', '2007-04-27 23:33:27', '2007-08-02 02:52:58', 0, 0, '2006-10-31 00:18:00', '2006-10-31 05:00:56', 47.721200000000003, 31.3537, -7.5141499999999999, 117.04600000000001, 244.21100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 48963807, 0.57449978884642905, 0.026844411295542499, 0.81806440467581998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9090202', 'KPD0025+5402', 7.1212499999999999, 54.320999999999998, '2006-10-31 05:37:18', 19921, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 13.890000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-04-26 23:01:46', '2007-08-02 00:55:31', 0, 0, '2006-10-31 05:37:18', '2006-10-31 16:10:09', 45.766800000000003, 33.937800000000003, -8.4002800000000004, 119.554, 248.86699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 48846470, 0.57874440377454195, 0.072304412480902094, 0.81229735136552095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1010401', 'HD432', 2.29454, 59.149799999999999, '2006-11-01 11:40:54', 11752, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 2.2999999999999998, 'F2II', 0, 40, 'PE', '2006-11-03 22:10:01', '2006-11-06 10:32:55', 0, 0, '2006-11-01 11:40:54', '2006-11-01 15:01:14', 51.2149, 35.116900000000001, -3.2780900000000002, 117.53, 228.18000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 49245822, 0.51238409891996095, 0.020530565066750401, 0.85851093823667701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1047001', 'HD224014', 358.596, 57.499400000000001, '2006-11-01 16:18:46', 22550, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 4.5999999999999996, 'F2IA', 0.11, 42, 'PE', '2006-11-10 00:48:39', '2006-11-10 12:59:35', 0, 0, '2006-11-01 16:18:46', '2006-11-02 03:29:46', 51.171599999999998, 31.051100000000002, -4.5247799999999998, 115.30200000000001, 232.86199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 232614975, 0.53714713044239404, -0.013165115512164399, 0.84338581917830102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1010101', 'HD224868', 0.34037499999999998, 60.839300000000001, '2006-11-02 05:46:10', 9995, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 20, 7.25, 'B0IB', 0.37, 23, 'PC', '2007-02-03 00:14:03', '2007-02-05 09:51:12', 0, -15, '2006-11-02 05:46:10', '2006-11-02 09:04:25', 53.134300000000003, 35.691699999999997, -1.4416599999999999, 116.86799999999999, 236.10599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 49985973, 0.487252196547098, 0.0028946358501463101, 0.87325650186146497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1046701', 'BD+60D2522', 350.185, 61.194600000000001, '2006-11-02 10:28:32', 16561, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.6999999999999993, 'O6.5', 0.71999999999999997, 15, 'PC', '2006-11-10 01:20:03', '2006-11-10 12:59:32', 0, -26, '2006-11-02 10:28:32', '2006-11-02 16:06:01', 56.785299999999999, 29.917300000000001, 0.22184000000000001, 112.229, 234.994, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 234477909, 0.47478377101977998, -0.082137409735550601, 0.87626127193786896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1045701', 'HD216014', 341.971, 65.062200000000004, '2006-11-02 18:40:40', 6537, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 6.8799999999999999, 'B0.5', 0.52000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2006-11-10 01:09:50', '2006-11-10 12:59:18', 0, 0, '2006-11-02 18:40:40', '2006-11-02 21:27:11', 62.110300000000002, 31.0063, 5.2465200000000003, 110.379, 228.23599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 257452909, 0.40093188859582302, -0.130495058114589, 0.90676604508255398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1043802', 'BD+65D1637', 325.709, 66.109700000000004, '2006-11-02 22:13:49', 11598, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.050000000000001, 'B2NN', 0.63, 26, 'PC', '2007-02-05 21:55:11', '2007-02-05 17:01:24', 0, 0, '2006-11-02 22:13:49', '2006-11-03 02:44:09', 68.377799999999993, 24.765599999999999, 9.8919999999999995, 105.392, 207.732, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 258210593, 0.334594749934641, -0.22816805639740501, 0.91432253136188602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1045901', 'IOTACEP', 342.42000000000002, 66.200400000000002, '2006-11-03 03:32:34', 11994, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 3.5099999999999998, 'K0II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2006-11-10 00:06:32', '2006-11-10 12:59:20', 0, -12.4, '2006-11-03 03:32:34', '2006-11-03 09:43:12', 62.615900000000003, 33.241, 6.17483, 111.06699999999999, 208.99700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 257489853, 0.38469209076973798, -0.12188374029944, 0.91496248510516898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1043702', 'HD206821', 325.33999999999997, 69.692800000000005, '2006-11-03 11:14:07', 16414, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 7.8799999999999999, 'A1V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2006-11-10 00:38:01', '2006-11-10 12:59:13', 0, 0, '2006-11-03 11:14:07', '2006-11-03 18:56:35', 69.878600000000006, 33.920200000000001, 12.653, 107.72499999999999, 192.43600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 258917457, 0.28546583370906098, -0.19737121068287999, 0.93784532998696801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1046601', 'UV-CAS', 345.56099999999998, 59.610199999999999, '2006-11-03 21:21:46', 14551, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.4, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2006-11-10 01:19:35', '2006-11-10 12:59:28', 0, 0, '2006-11-03 21:21:46', '2006-11-04 03:45:07', 57.3093, 24.899100000000001, -0.387098, 109.518, 227.77799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 234409903, 0.48990130352383399, -0.12614078636395601, 0.86260374148338304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1045501', 'NGC7354', 340.08300000000003, 61.285800000000002, '2006-11-04 04:23:33', 14960, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'PN', 1.2, 71, 'EE', '2006-11-10 00:48:46', '2006-11-10 12:59:16', 0, 0, '2006-11-04 04:23:33', '2006-11-04 10:25:17', 60.430700000000002, 23.744599999999998, 2.3152499999999998, 107.845, 222.77699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 256239524, 0.451704306558536, -0.163666278398238, 0.87702711973561098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1046201', 'HD216898', 343.92599999999999, 62.3063, '2006-11-04 11:47:49', 8410, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.0199999999999996, 'O8.5', 0.84999999999999998, 74, 'PC', '2006-11-10 01:09:56', '2006-11-10 12:59:24', 0, 0, '2006-11-04 11:47:49', '2006-11-04 14:47:03', 59.719000000000001, 27.669599999999999, 2.3930199999999999, 109.928, 226.852, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 256951865, 0.44657544715097403, -0.12867787599497299, 0.88544473245444799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1046101', 'HD216532', 343.12700000000001, 62.440600000000003, '2006-11-04 16:14:17', 8937, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.0099999999999998, 'O8V', 0.85999999999999999, 74, 'PC', '2007-02-05 23:31:54', '2007-02-06 09:30:34', 0, 0, '2006-11-04 16:14:17', '2006-11-04 21:39:55', 60.088299999999997, 27.3934, 2.6756899999999999, 109.65300000000001, 205.995, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 256948085, 0.442750312947498, -0.13428996222815601, 0.88653164998755296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1046301', 'HD217035AB', 344.12900000000002, 62.868699999999997, '2006-11-05 00:02:43', 11562, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.7400000000000002, 'B0V', 0.73999999999999999, 74, 'PC', '2006-11-10 00:27:23', '2006-11-10 12:59:22', 0, 0, '2006-11-05 00:02:43', '2006-11-05 06:39:38', 60.0124, 28.6431, 2.86084, 110.255, 229.81899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 256963209, 0.43864717574936402, -0.124711934759625, 0.88996381304838301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1046401', 'HD217086', 344.197, 62.7271, '2006-11-05 08:06:14', 13071, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.6500000000000004, 'O7VN', 0.94999999999999996, 12, 'PC', '2006-11-10 00:27:32', '2006-11-10 12:59:26', 0, 0, '2006-11-05 08:06:14', '2006-11-05 12:21:55', 59.897300000000001, 28.467099999999999, 2.7195499999999999, 110.22199999999999, 221.38900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 256962570, 0.44090984923784399, -0.12478984627750001, 0.88883406725389402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1044303', 'HD208816', 329.16300000000001, 63.625599999999999, '2006-11-05 14:35:29', 13747, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 5.1799999999999997, 'M2IA', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2007-02-05 23:10:36', '2007-02-06 09:30:32', 0, 0, '2006-11-05 14:35:29', '2006-11-05 20:54:39', 65.861599999999996, 21.135200000000001, 7.0459300000000002, 104.92100000000001, 207.15600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 258038781, 0.38143301553259801, -0.22771369083382401, 0.89591033573039403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1044001', 'HD207308', 326.42500000000001, 62.308300000000003, '2006-11-06 07:17:53', 10385, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.5, 'B0.5', 0.5, 20, 'PC', '2006-11-09 23:55:54', '2006-11-10 12:59:15', 0, 0, '2006-11-06 07:17:53', '2006-11-06 10:41:24', 66.152199999999993, 16.7362, 6.8179100000000004, 103.11, 173.36600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 258017952, 0.38718215292202302, -0.25699976342304598, 0.88546095456500296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1044101', 'HD207538', 326.916, 59.700299999999999, '2006-11-06 12:23:01', 5214, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.3099999999999996, 'B0V', 0.63, 20, 'PC', '2006-11-11 02:54:17', '2006-11-13 09:53:43', 1, 0, '2006-11-06 12:23:01', '2006-11-06 14:58:12', 64.3827, 12.118, 4.67258, 101.59999999999999, 187.56399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 256513439, 0.422725369930046, -0.27540301951602902, 0.86339819229539705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1042703', 'HD203280', 319.64499999999998, 62.585599999999999, '2006-11-06 17:24:31', 10033, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 2.4399999999999999, 'A7V', 0, 31, 'PE', '2006-11-09 23:55:48', '2006-11-10 12:59:11', 0, 0, '2006-11-06 17:24:31', '2006-11-06 21:54:55', 68.913700000000006, 12.778600000000001, 9.1717899999999997, 101, 197.208, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 255321157, 0.35086393989661002, -0.29813377016041298, 0.88769969627693701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1600201', 'NGC6826', 296.20100000000002, 50.525100000000002, '2006-11-06 23:12:27', 2546, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 13, 10, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-26 21:48:51', '2007-08-02 00:35:03', 0, 0, '2006-11-06 23:12:27', '2006-11-07 03:15:09', 69.245599999999996, 322.38200000000001, 12.792299999999999, 83.563299999999998, 160.29400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 248587725, 0.28069294298652703, -0.57041825165465398, 0.77190316098381795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1043601', 'HD239729', 324.86399999999998, 57.483699999999999, '2006-11-07 06:26:58', 17934, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 8.3499999999999996, 'B0V', 0.67000000000000004, 20, 'PC', '2007-02-05 21:53:58', '2007-02-05 17:01:24', 0, 0, '2006-11-07 06:26:58', '2006-11-07 12:37:16', 63.729500000000002, 6.6933299999999996, 3.6900400000000002, 99.338300000000004, 199.15799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 253597436, 0.43959351540909403, -0.309364314078589, 0.84323855603557396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1042903', 'HD203374A', 319.779, 61.858600000000003, '2006-11-07 13:33:39', 3836, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 6.6900000000000004, 'B0IV', 0.59999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2007-02-05 21:51:27', '2007-02-05 17:01:23', 0, 0, '2006-11-07 13:33:39', '2006-11-07 15:46:55', 68.461299999999994, 11.203200000000001, 8.6228099999999994, 100.514, 195.95099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 255278951, 0.360132146785547, -0.30456158772476799, 0.88178629845002798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1043002', 'HD204827', 322.24099999999999, 58.739800000000002, '2006-11-08 02:59:38', 9502, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8, 'B0V', 1.1100000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2006-11-11 02:45:07', '2006-11-13 09:53:42', 0, 0, '2006-11-08 02:59:38', '2006-11-08 06:20:17', 65.599500000000006, 6.7407199999999996, 5.5524100000000001, 99.168199999999999, 201.53100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 253726375, 0.41025902995344099, -0.31775957137753402, 0.85481950325178402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1043703', 'HD206821', 325.33999999999997, 69.692800000000005, '2006-11-08 08:16:04', 10486, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.8799999999999999, 'A1V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2006-11-11 02:54:11', '2006-11-13 09:53:43', 0, 0, '2006-11-08 08:16:04', '2006-11-08 11:38:24', 69.878600000000006, 33.920200000000001, 12.653, 107.72499999999999, 207.91499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 258917457, 0.28546583370906098, -0.19737121068287999, 0.93784532998696801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9321701', 'HD207198', 326.22199999999998, 62.460799999999999, '2006-11-08 12:33:27', 18660, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 5.9500000000000002, 'O9II', 0.59999999999999998, 13, 'PC', '2007-04-27 23:11:33', '2007-08-02 22:38:53', 1, 0, '2006-11-08 12:33:27', '2006-11-09 01:19:06', 66.316400000000002, 16.913799999999998, 6.9948699999999997, 103.13800000000001, 193.88399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', NULL, 257980286, 0.38430886395543101, -0.25705872035077398, 0.88669471148581303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1041404', 'DELDRA', 288.13900000000001, 67.661500000000004, '2006-11-09 04:09:18', 8980, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 3.0819999999999999, 'G9II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2006-11-11 02:44:30', '2006-11-13 09:53:42', 0, 24.800000000000001, '2006-11-09 04:09:18', '2006-11-09 07:22:35', 82.886200000000002, 17.1631, 22.994199999999999, 98.657499999999999, 176.80500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 262536021, 0.118327085848367, -0.36118944072555698, 0.92495453329501098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9211401', 'WD1918+725', 289.54199999999997, 72.6233, '2006-11-09 08:42:00', 16024, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.119999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-04-27 22:19:50', '2007-08-02 22:18:00', 0, 0, '2006-11-09 08:42:00', '2006-11-09 19:37:54', 80.954499999999996, 50.550400000000003, 23.843699999999998, 104.01000000000001, 154.386, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 263613926, 0.099898664563053005, -0.28144928622250098, 0.95436185805142204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9211402', 'WD1918+725', 289.54199999999997, 72.6233, '2006-11-10 07:55:37', 12134, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.119999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-04-25 20:38:44', '2007-07-22 22:53:25', 0, 0, '2006-11-10 07:55:37', '2006-11-10 18:52:37', 80.954499999999996, 50.550400000000003, 23.843699999999998, 104.01000000000001, 153.45500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 263613926, 0.099898664563053005, -0.28144928622250098, 0.95436185805142204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8530302', 'XIDRA', 268.38200000000001, 56.872599999999998, '2006-11-10 21:17:04', 7807, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 3.7410000000000001, 'K2II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2007-04-20 23:36:17', '2007-05-14 22:19:46', 0, -25.800000000000001, '2006-11-10 21:17:04', '2006-11-11 00:12:14', 80.282700000000006, 264.755, 30.229099999999999, 85.168300000000002, 157.41800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'YOUNG', 'y', 165495266, -0.015430866850885501, -0.54628461867698197, 0.83745746384229902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9381201', 'WD1917+599-O', 289.59899999999999, 60.016100000000002, '2006-11-11 02:25:21', 13980, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-21 02:46:55', '2007-05-14 22:20:02', 0, 0, '2006-11-11 02:25:21', '2006-11-11 09:08:25', 79.102400000000003, 332.46100000000001, 20.045200000000001, 91.042400000000001, 143.333, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 260736551, 0.16763592861416399, -0.47080238265722002, 0.86616586859674405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1041405', 'DELDRA', 288.13900000000001, 67.661500000000004, '2006-11-11 11:47:39', 20568, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 3.0819999999999999, 'G9II', 0, 45, 'PE', '2006-11-14 22:41:00', '2006-11-15 10:48:50', 0, 24.800000000000001, '2006-11-11 11:47:39', '2006-11-12 01:13:30', 82.886200000000002, 17.1631, 22.994199999999999, 98.657499999999999, 150.5, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 262536021, 0.118327085848367, -0.36118944072555698, 0.92495453329501098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9381202', 'WD1917+599-O', 289.59899999999999, 60.016100000000002, '2006-11-12 03:15:27', 18747, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-21 02:47:02', '2007-05-14 22:30:32', 0, 0, '2006-11-12 03:15:27', '2006-11-12 09:53:24', 79.102400000000003, 332.46100000000001, 20.045200000000001, 91.042400000000001, 142.30099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 260736551, 0.16763592861416399, -0.47080238265722002, 0.86616586859674405); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031016', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2006-11-12 16:39:19', 2629, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-21 02:57:40', '2007-05-14 22:40:41', 0, 0, '2006-11-12 16:39:19', '2006-11-12 20:07:29', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 145.547, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031017', 'K1-16', 275.46699999999998, 64.364900000000006, '2006-11-13 15:51:18', 3494, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.039999999999999, 'DOZ1', 0.02, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-21 02:57:46', '2007-05-17 22:29:36', 0, 0, '2006-11-13 15:51:18', '2006-11-13 20:00:44', 86.843699999999998, 318.47000000000003, 27.4284, 94.027100000000004, 152.398, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', 'y', 251522630, 0.041218486718998797, -0.43067017122507101, 0.901567656900781); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052905', 'RE_J1738+669', 264.50999999999999, 66.896600000000007, '2006-11-14 08:23:01', 5101, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.399999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-04-20 21:52:37', '2007-05-17 22:29:42', 0, 0, '2006-11-14 08:23:01', '2006-11-14 10:41:30', 87.805899999999994, 168.67599999999999, 31.961500000000001, 96.894099999999995, 134.208, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 190259276, -0.037540907143393698, -0.39059176374697302, 0.91979821394905903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8481202', '2MASXIJ1622346+735943', 248.14400000000001, 73.995099999999994, '2006-11-14 15:00:41', 973, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2007-04-20 23:26:49', '2007-05-22 14:28:38', 0, 0, '2006-11-14 15:00:41', '2006-11-14 15:51:32', 79.644000000000005, 124.81999999999999, 35.313899999999997, 106.80800000000001, 106.91, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', 'y', 192650209, -0.102643540452038, -0.25590150648951998, 0.96123811960401595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1040201', 'NGC6521', 268.952, 62.612200000000001, '2006-11-14 18:28:26', 33661, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.9, 'SEY', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2006-11-17 22:40:29', '2006-11-29 10:03:42', 0, 8233, '2006-11-14 18:28:26', '2006-11-15 11:38:52', 86.026300000000006, 263.024, 30.217099999999999, 91.819999999999993, 129.417, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 167237824, -0.0084136103868107607, -0.45993378264109203, 0.88791335542704597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9381001', 'WD1800+685-O', 270.04000000000002, 68.614999999999995, '2006-11-15 14:02:16', 2338, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-21 02:37:27', '2007-05-17 22:19:26', 0, 0, '2006-11-15 14:02:16', '2006-11-15 15:06:15', 87.945499999999996, 89.597399999999993, 29.774999999999999, 98.752499999999998, 124.554, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', 'y', 262913974, 0.00025456185113298299, -0.36463293313482198, 0.93115130847341898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1240201', 'SKY-163900-600000', 249.75, 60, '2006-11-15 16:29:20', 2983, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-20 23:05:08', '2007-05-17 22:19:15', 0, 0, '2006-11-15 16:29:20', '2006-11-16 03:44:27', 78.860200000000006, 206.398, 39.640300000000003, 89.986199999999997, 135.59100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN', 'SHELTON', 'y', 189084796, -0.17305852853874701, -0.46909566796124202, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1037804', 'HS1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '2006-11-16 11:48:25', 5517, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.100000000000001, '', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2006-11-28 21:36:39', '2006-11-29 10:03:41', 0, 2.7200000000000002, '2006-11-16 11:48:25', '2006-11-16 14:21:03', 83.438599999999994, 194.179, 36.158799999999999, 94.401899999999998, 115.014, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1240202', 'SKY-163900-600000', 249.75, 60, '2006-11-16 15:47:33', 6241, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-20 23:15:39', '2007-05-22 14:28:24', 0, 0, '2006-11-16 15:47:33', '2006-11-16 23:12:03', 78.860200000000006, 206.398, 39.640300000000003, 89.986199999999997, 134.59899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN', 'SHELTON', 'y', 189084796, -0.17305852853874701, -0.46909566796124202, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1240203', 'SKY-163900-600000', 249.75, 60, '2006-11-17 02:02:36', 12807, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-20 23:26:01', '2007-06-01 00:57:46', 0, 0, '2006-11-17 02:02:36', '2006-11-17 20:39:24', 78.860200000000006, 206.398, 39.640300000000003, 89.986199999999997, 94.181799999999996, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN', 'SHELTON', 'y', 189084796, -0.17305852853874701, -0.46909566796124202, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1038101', 'WD1725+586', 261.68099999999998, 58.624699999999997, '2006-11-17 21:42:43', 10420, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.449999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-12-01 01:40:14', '2006-12-01 09:50:47', 0, 0, '2006-11-17 21:42:43', '2006-11-18 01:35:16', 81.2059, 240.47999999999999, 33.828600000000002, 87.171999999999997, 119.76600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 167026763, -0.075328685243438706, -0.51516335905849997, 0.85377532329240902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1240204', 'SKY-163900-600000', 249.75, 60, '2006-11-18 02:23:08', 8576, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-20 23:26:08', '2007-06-01 00:57:52', 0, 0, '2006-11-18 02:23:08', '2006-11-18 07:48:19', 78.860200000000006, 206.398, 39.640300000000003, 89.986199999999997, 108.121, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN', 'SHELTON', 'y', 189084796, -0.17305852853874701, -0.46909566796124202, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1037805', 'HS1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '2006-11-18 10:07:09', 2297, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 16.100000000000001, '', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2006-12-01 01:30:13', '2006-12-01 09:50:46', 0, 2.7200000000000002, '2006-11-18 10:07:09', '2006-11-18 11:06:53', 83.438599999999994, 194.179, 36.158799999999999, 94.401899999999998, 113.05500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1240205', 'SKY-163900-600000', 249.75, 60, '2006-11-18 13:41:41', 14145, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-20 23:26:26', '2007-06-01 00:58:11', 0, 0, '2006-11-18 13:41:41', '2006-11-18 21:40:33', 78.860200000000006, 206.398, 39.640300000000003, 89.986199999999997, 83.6995, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN', 'SHELTON', 'y', 189084796, -0.17305852853874701, -0.46909566796124202, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1037806', 'HS1700+6416', 255.25200000000001, 64.202500000000001, '2006-11-18 23:38:04', 6790, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.100000000000001, '', 0.040000000000000001, 85, 'PC', '2006-12-01 01:30:22', '2006-12-01 09:50:46', 0, 2.7200000000000002, '2006-11-18 23:38:04', '2006-11-19 01:47:39', 83.438599999999994, 194.179, 36.158799999999999, 94.401899999999998, 112.471, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 189998761, -0.110785993457474, -0.42085434489763202, 0.90033776108437502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1240206', 'SKY-163900-600000', 249.75, 60, '2006-11-19 03:07:25', 17154, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-20 23:26:33', '2007-06-01 00:58:29', 0, 0, '2006-11-19 03:07:25', '2006-11-19 08:30:31', 78.860200000000006, 206.398, 39.640300000000003, 89.986199999999997, 115.06699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN', 'SHELTON', 'y', 189084796, -0.17305852853874701, -0.46909566796124202, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1036601', 'MRK876', 243.488, 65.719399999999993, '2006-11-19 11:16:38', 6674, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.23, 'SYFT', 0.050000000000000003, 84, 'PC', '2006-12-01 01:30:06', '2006-12-01 09:50:45', 0, 0.129, '2006-11-19 11:16:38', '2006-11-19 15:34:40', 79.324399999999997, 172.24600000000001, 40.375599999999999, 98.271100000000004, 92.8977, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 191178424, -0.18355617184742701, -0.367963710081953, 0.91154256062975103); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0200101', 'PG1520+525', 230.44499999999999, 52.368099999999998, '2006-11-19 18:10:26', 1510, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.600000000000001, 'DOZ1', 0, 17, 'PC', '2007-04-24 19:47:43', '2007-07-18 02:51:20', 0, 0, '2006-11-19 18:10:26', '2006-11-19 19:08:07', 66.044700000000006, 196.73400000000001, 52.348300000000002, 85.367500000000007, 112.137, 'F', 'F', 'KLAUS', 'WERNER', NULL, 185792015, -0.38883265967573599, -0.47077027465001697, 0.79194981613448201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9251601', 'ES-DRA', 231.38200000000001, 62.0167, '2006-11-19 23:08:35', 24554, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 16.300000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-04-27 22:40:37', '2007-08-02 23:42:41', 0, 0, '2006-11-19 23:08:35', '2006-11-20 14:48:55', 72.948700000000002, 177.084, 46.834600000000002, 97.644900000000007, 97.355000000000004, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', NULL, 188176883, -0.29284834761665102, -0.36660851260397198, 0.88308439222109503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0200102', 'PG1520+525', 230.44499999999999, 52.368099999999998, '2006-11-20 17:18:41', 2192, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.600000000000001, 'DOZ1', 0, 17, 'PC', '2007-04-24 19:58:11', '2007-07-18 02:51:27', 0, 0, '2006-11-20 17:18:41', '2006-11-20 18:22:29', 66.044700000000006, 196.73400000000001, 52.348300000000002, 85.367500000000007, 111.15000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'KLAUS', 'WERNER', NULL, 185792015, -0.38883265967573599, -0.47077027465001697, 0.79194981613448201); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1063103', 'SKY-032010-622629', 50.040799999999997, -62.441400000000002, '2006-11-22 01:19:38', 11567, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'OTR', 0.070000000000000007, 64, 'EE', '2006-12-01 01:50:15', '2006-12-01 09:50:48', 0, 0, '2006-11-22 01:19:38', '2006-11-22 09:49:49', -72.639300000000006, 354.75400000000002, -47.079900000000002, 278.69200000000001, 99.024100000000004, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 549729417, 0.297136818021216, 0.35462641040529702, -0.88653810996441695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9250201', 'AQ-MEN', 76.974599999999995, -79.856399999999994, '2006-11-22 16:16:28', 22661, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.1, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-04-21 02:37:06', '2007-06-01 01:29:48', 0, 0, '2006-11-22 16:16:28', '2006-11-23 01:50:00', -76.262299999999996, 279.62200000000001, -31.150099999999998, 292.26400000000001, 82.427899999999994, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', 'y', 538137683, 0.0396935149221141, 0.17158442873822499, -0.98436944725428399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1062502', 'DI1388', 44.299799999999998, -72.881799999999998, '2006-11-23 03:32:34', 19801, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.390000000000001, 'B0V', 0.059999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2006-12-01 01:40:35', '2006-12-01 09:50:47', 0, 137, '2006-11-23 03:32:34', '2006-11-23 12:32:55', -73.457499999999996, 317.72000000000003, -41.245199999999997, 291.15100000000001, 121.854, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 540274164, 0.210660520890117, 0.20557355614192899, -0.95569956469251705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113901', 'SK-67D205', 83.720500000000001, -67.272400000000005, '2006-11-23 14:01:21', 10286, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.720000000000001, 'O8V', 0.089999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-26 20:44:52', '2007-07-31 21:43:49', 0, 0, '2006-11-23 14:01:21', '2006-11-23 23:05:16', -87.438400000000001, 341, -32.229399999999998, 277.37200000000001, 77.397900000000007, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 542511988, 0.042258493157188298, 0.384032351274469, -0.922352087291337); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1062103', 'HD15638', 37.0792, -61.305399999999999, '2006-11-24 00:16:55', 13447, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.800000000000001, 'F3IV', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-02-05 23:31:32', '2007-02-06 09:30:38', 0, 0, '2006-11-24 00:16:55', '2006-11-24 08:19:42', -66.919899999999998, 347.72699999999998, -52.156599999999997, 284.20699999999999, 122.06100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 550119585, 0.38305772338425298, 0.289485739839768, -0.87719141980818205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0490111', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2006-11-24 09:47:38', 7989, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.31, 'WN6L', 0.070000000000000007, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-20 23:57:24', '2007-06-01 01:08:09', 0, 150, '2006-11-24 09:47:38', '2006-11-24 13:33:11', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 150.39699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GLORIA', 'KOENIGSBERGER', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5113902', 'SK-67D205', 83.720500000000001, -67.272400000000005, '2006-11-24 17:02:24', 6503, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.720000000000001, 'O8V', 0.089999999999999997, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-26 20:45:12', '2007-07-31 21:44:11', 0, 0, '2006-11-24 17:02:24', '2006-11-24 22:20:03', -87.438400000000001, 341, -32.229399999999998, 277.37200000000001, 70.452100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 542511988, 0.042258493157188298, 0.384032351274469, -0.922352087291337); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3230101', 'HD5303', 13.282400000000001, -74.651600000000002, '2006-11-25 02:05:05', 163, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.5999999999999996, 'G0V+', 0, 46, 'PE', '2007-04-21 01:33:57', '2007-06-01 01:18:58', 0, 0, '2006-11-25 02:05:05', '2006-11-25 03:21:59', -65.360299999999995, 308.16300000000001, -42.475900000000003, 302.78199999999998, 160.37700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK M.', 'WALTER', 'y', 545384677, 0.25760722370122502, 0.060812220163580399, -0.96433417038686498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1062104', 'HD15638', 37.0792, -61.305399999999999, '2006-11-25 07:16:42', 2847, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.800000000000001, 'F3IV', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-01-25 00:00:03', '2007-01-25 10:19:57', 0, 0, '2006-11-25 07:16:42', '2006-11-25 09:18:10', -66.919899999999998, 347.72699999999998, -52.156599999999997, 284.20699999999999, 115.22199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 550119585, 0.38305772338425298, 0.289485739839768, -0.87719141980818205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3230102', 'HD5303', 13.282400000000001, -74.651600000000002, '2006-11-25 10:29:42', 14181, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.5999999999999996, 'G0V+', 0, 46, 'PE', '2007-04-21 01:34:17', '2007-06-01 01:19:17', 0, 0, '2006-11-25 10:29:42', '2006-11-25 18:07:39', -65.360299999999995, 308.16300000000001, -42.475900000000003, 302.78199999999998, 160.81399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK M.', 'WALTER', 'y', 545384677, 0.25760722370122502, 0.060812220163580399, -0.96433417038686498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9270201', 'HD269006', 75.530799999999999, -71.3369, '2006-11-26 01:33:15', 3450, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.699999999999999, 'LBV', 0, 25, 'PC', '2007-04-24 18:00:44', '2007-07-22 22:54:32', 0, 0, '2006-11-26 01:33:15', '2006-11-26 02:38:24', -82.973600000000005, 310.815, -34.246400000000001, 282.81799999999998, 55.439799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 541869263, 0.0799557728087575, 0.30985307421716002, -0.94741656455475198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9270202', 'HD269006', 75.530799999999999, -71.3369, '2006-11-26 18:33:30', 14526, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.699999999999999, 'LBV', 0, 25, 'PC', '2007-04-23 20:00:10', '2007-06-05 21:23:21', 0, 0, '2006-11-26 18:33:30', '2006-11-27 00:13:31', -82.973600000000005, 310.815, -34.246400000000001, 282.81799999999998, 56.195700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 541869263, 0.0799557728087575, 0.30985307421716002, -0.94741656455475198); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3230105', 'HD5303', 13.282400000000001, -74.651600000000002, '2006-11-27 02:28:12', 23299, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 7.5999999999999996, 'G0V+', 0, 46, 'PE', '2007-04-21 01:44:17', '2007-06-05 21:02:57', 0, 0, '2006-11-27 02:28:12', '2006-11-27 14:49:39', -65.360299999999995, 308.16300000000001, -42.475900000000003, 302.78199999999998, 162.36500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK M.', 'WALTER', 'y', 545384677, 0.25760722370122502, 0.060812220163580399, -0.96433417038686498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3230106', 'HD5303', 13.282400000000001, -74.651600000000002, '2006-11-27 15:34:19', 16895, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.5999999999999996, 'G0V+', 0, 46, 'PE', '2007-04-23 21:03:37', '2007-06-05 21:13:03', 0, 0, '2006-11-27 15:34:19', '2006-11-27 21:40:36', -65.360299999999995, 308.16300000000001, -42.475900000000003, 302.78199999999998, 162.94200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK M.', 'WALTER', 'y', 545384677, 0.25760722370122502, 0.060812220163580399, -0.96433417038686498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1061904', 'BL-HYI', 25.251000000000001, -67.891000000000005, '2006-11-27 22:40:55', 7257, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.300000000000001, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2006-12-05 21:23:29', '2006-12-05 17:01:14', 0, 0, '2006-11-27 22:40:55', '2006-11-28 02:05:35', -66.047600000000003, 326.98099999999999, -48.556899999999999, 295.92500000000001, 127.97799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 546875157, 0.34040679760244802, 0.16055353140412901, -0.92646952227243295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3210102', 'H53-47', 15.842000000000001, -72.093999999999994, '2006-11-28 03:15:26', 32589, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 11, 13.6, 'O6V+', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-21 00:08:34', '2007-06-05 20:52:28', 0, 0, '2006-11-28 03:15:26', '2006-11-28 20:47:48', -65.016000000000005, 314.45100000000002, -45.003999999999998, 301.637, 136.965, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 546047158, 0.29577850694150698, 0.083931107791639301, -0.95156221235204597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3210103', 'H53-47', 15.842000000000001, -72.093999999999994, '2006-11-28 21:42:29', 21325, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13.6, 'O6V+', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-25 19:25:24', '2007-07-19 23:45:57', 0, 0, '2006-11-28 21:42:29', '2006-11-29 11:31:42', -65.016000000000005, 314.45100000000002, -45.003999999999998, 301.637, 137.703, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 546047158, 0.29577850694150698, 0.083931107791639301, -0.95156221235204597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3210104', 'H53-47', 15.842000000000001, -72.093999999999994, '2006-11-29 12:34:21', 25456, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 13.6, 'O6V+', 0, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-26 22:09:22', '2007-08-02 01:38:18', 0, 0, '2006-11-29 12:34:21', '2006-11-29 22:35:29', -65.016000000000005, 314.45100000000002, -45.003999999999998, 301.637, 138.27500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 546047158, 0.29577850694150698, 0.083931107791639301, -0.95156221235204597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9070101', 'OGLE004633.76-731204.3', 11.640700000000001, -73.2012, '2006-11-30 05:10:19', 30486, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14.06, 'B2V', 0.059999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-26 22:20:03', '2007-08-02 01:48:32', 0, 0, '2006-11-30 05:10:19', '2006-11-30 20:21:42', -64.359099999999998, 310.85500000000002, -43.922199999999997, 303.423, 118.926, 'F', 'F', 'MYRON', 'SMITH', NULL, 545505221, 0.28306740147457898, 0.058314972581996603, -0.957325550789903); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1096502', 'JL87', 327.15699999999998, -76.345699999999994, '2006-12-01 04:14:45', 4160, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12, 'HE-S', 0.12, 28, 'PC', '2007-01-25 00:10:31', '2007-01-25 10:19:58', 0, 0, '2006-12-01 04:14:45', '2006-12-01 06:30:57', -57.206099999999999, 291.48000000000002, -36.144100000000002, 315.00999999999999, 186.70099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 739998829, 0.198330771954183, -0.12802622714227899, -0.97173771670125597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0490106', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2006-12-01 07:38:44', 4450, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.31, 'WN6L', 0.070000000000000007, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-26 21:17:15', '2007-08-02 01:37:48', 0, 150, '2006-12-01 07:38:44', '2006-12-01 10:00:16', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 125.887, 'F', 'F', 'GLORIA', 'KOENIGSBERGER', NULL, 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1096601', 'HD205879', 327.661, -83.960999999999999, '2006-12-01 23:05:14', 3101, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 7.7000000000000002, 'B8V', 0.10000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2007-02-05 23:31:45', '2007-02-06 09:30:42', 0, 0, '2006-12-01 23:05:14', '2006-12-02 01:47:12', -62.873600000000003, 281.24200000000002, -31.293800000000001, 307.94499999999999, 190.29900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 738619057, 0.088887813493334897, -0.0562772636046781, -0.99445051471329804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055803', 'BKGD', 351.346, -64.824299999999994, '2006-12-02 04:00:06', 4945, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-12-19 03:01:10', '2006-12-19 09:48:10', 0, 0, '2006-12-02 04:00:06', '2006-12-02 07:29:57', -53.5974, 315.125, -49.896900000000002, 316.94799999999998, 181.285, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 743939363, 0.42055237823734098, -0.064008052221238607, -0.90500755047113302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0490107', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2006-12-02 08:39:27', 4626, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 11.31, 'WN6L', 0.070000000000000007, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-20 23:47:04', '2007-06-05 20:20:51', 0, 150, '2006-12-02 08:39:27', '2006-12-02 11:01:31', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 141.864, 'F', 'F', 'GLORIA', 'KOENIGSBERGER', 'y', 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9270101', 'AV73', 12.616300000000001, -73.5047, '2006-12-02 12:01:29', 17114, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.08, 'O8.5', 0.10000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-23 21:14:05', '2007-06-05 21:14:02', 0, 0, '2006-12-02 12:01:29', '2006-12-02 19:56:43', -64.741200000000006, 310.49200000000002, -43.623100000000001, 303.029, 121.274, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', 'y', 545507738, 0.27708094425938401, 0.062017699091220603, -0.95884302955580702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9330701', 'JL117', 343.65899999999999, -72.385900000000007, '2006-12-02 21:13:58', 16452, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.4, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2007-04-28 00:57:27', '2007-08-02 23:52:30', 0, 0, '2006-12-02 21:13:58', '2006-12-03 08:29:05', -57.203600000000002, 302.41800000000001, -42.043300000000002, 314.39999999999998, 163.75, 'F', 'F', 'GUILLAUME', 'HEBRARD', NULL, 743004588, 0.29038050627726097, -0.085138809821399306, -0.95311622829346299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0760201', 'NGC330-B12', 14.106199999999999, -72.452500000000001, '2006-12-03 09:46:40', 7278, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.380000000000001, 'B2II', 0.14999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-23 21:55:56', '2007-06-05 21:23:02', 0, 0, '2006-12-03 09:46:40', '2006-12-03 16:49:55', -64.691199999999995, 313.15699999999998, -44.670400000000001, 302.40499999999997, 120.235, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', 'y', 545871394, 0.292404930061612, 0.073480680342963303, -0.95346732848692795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1096503', 'JL87', 327.15699999999998, -76.345699999999994, '2006-12-03 18:41:23', 22848, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 12, 'HE-S', 0.12, 28, 'PC', '2007-01-25 00:53:06', '2007-01-25 10:19:58', 0, 0, '2006-12-03 18:41:23', '2006-12-04 07:33:36', -57.206099999999999, 291.48000000000002, -36.144100000000002, 315.00999999999999, 173.38499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 739998829, 0.198330771954183, -0.12802622714227899, -0.97173771670125597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9270202', 'HV1620', 13.661199999999999, -72.501199999999997, '2006-12-04 09:07:14', 9404, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.08, 'O9V+', 0.12, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-26 23:22:45', '2007-08-02 01:59:12', 0, 0, '2006-12-04 09:07:14', '2006-12-04 14:50:21', -64.591499999999996, 312.91899999999998, -44.624699999999997, 302.59500000000003, 124.941, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 545870583, 0.29217920669209202, 0.071016029421649696, -0.95372324850658996); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1096602', 'HD205879', 327.661, -83.960999999999999, '2006-12-04 16:15:54', 12520, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 34, 7.7000000000000002, 'B8V', 0.10000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2007-01-25 02:37:06', '2007-01-25 10:19:59', 0, 0, '2006-12-04 16:15:54', '2006-12-04 23:32:24', -62.873600000000003, 281.24200000000002, -31.293800000000001, 307.94499999999999, 177.226, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 738619057, 0.088887813493334897, -0.0562772636046781, -0.99445051471329804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1096504', 'JL87', 327.15699999999998, -76.345699999999994, '2006-12-05 01:29:16', 19444, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 12, 'HE-S', 0.12, 28, 'PC', '2007-01-25 01:03:27', '2007-01-25 10:19:59', 0, 0, '2006-12-05 01:29:16', '2006-12-06 00:27:31', -57.206099999999999, 291.48000000000002, -36.144100000000002, 315.00999999999999, 174.726, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 739998829, 0.198330771954183, -0.12802622714227899, -0.97173771670125597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1023902', 'IRAS08339+6517', 129.59700000000001, 65.121099999999998, '2006-12-06 18:43:07', 31089, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 14.199999999999999, 'GAL', 0.089999999999999997, 89, 'EC', '2007-02-05 23:10:54', '2007-02-06 09:30:17', 0, 5730, '2006-12-06 18:43:07', '2006-12-07 12:33:13', 44.6995, 112.163, 35.599400000000003, 150.45500000000001, 331.12799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 127189574, -0.26814841657532901, 0.32417031240755401, 0.90719900531346098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1021602', 'HR-CAM', 109.29000000000001, 74.011099999999999, '2006-12-07 19:47:57', 11761, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.970000000000001, 'DA+D', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-12-19 03:11:18', '2006-12-19 09:48:12', 0, 0, '2006-12-07 19:47:57', '2006-12-08 04:42:44', 51.129899999999999, 98.337400000000002, 27.761800000000001, 140.952, 298.26900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 129473750, -0.090995186056721605, 0.25998691849570998, 0.96131507755033596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8210202', 'PG1030+6632', 158.435, 66.270099999999999, '2006-12-08 06:12:39', 6649, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.5, 'SDO', 0.01, 16, 'PC', '2007-04-23 20:31:44', '2007-06-19 02:49:43', 0, 0, '2006-12-08 06:12:39', '2006-12-08 11:47:31', 51.358899999999998, 126.82299999999999, 45.4679, 141.86199999999999, 28.882200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', NULL, 123375276, -0.374256251767287, 0.14791413806020901, 0.91545271083492197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7130601', 'NGC2363-FUV1', 112.124, 69.1922, '2006-12-08 13:11:52', 15487, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 17, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 72, 'EC', '2007-04-28 00:15:48', '2007-08-02 23:23:07', 0, 70, '2006-12-08 13:11:52', '2006-12-08 19:22:33', 46.613700000000001, 101.23099999999999, 28.498699999999999, 146.446, 312.35899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 129077540, -0.13378558938950799, 0.329078666473129, 0.93477732500524902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020804', 'RXJ0625+7334', 96.317499999999995, 73.577699999999993, '2006-12-08 20:48:04', 7019, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PC', '2006-12-19 03:10:42', '2006-12-19 09:48:11', 0, 0, '2006-12-08 20:48:04', '2006-12-09 02:13:14', 50.199300000000001, 92.785700000000006, 24.123799999999999, 140.857, 272.13900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 129715004, -0.031109342151597798, 0.28099799250497498, 0.95920401220963902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020702', 'WD0615+655', 95.125399999999999, 65.572299999999998, '2006-12-11 22:57:22', 6103, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15.699999999999999, 'DA.5', 0, 37, 'PC', '2006-12-19 03:01:30', '2006-12-19 09:48:11', 0, 0, '2006-12-11 22:57:22', '2006-12-12 05:11:35', 42.183700000000002, 92.857799999999997, 21.446400000000001, 149.054, 294.065, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 128586226, -0.036944362097604197, 0.41189112348213602, 0.91048383648795495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1025301', 'WD0947+857', 149.477, 85.494900000000001, '2006-12-12 06:34:07', 6321, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.9, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2006-12-19 03:21:41', '2006-12-19 09:48:12', 0, 0, '2006-12-12 06:34:07', '2006-12-12 11:47:12', 63.997799999999998, 98.878600000000006, 30.3565, 126.518, 4.6881700000000004, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 133627704, -0.067663094536904, 0.039893203401591401, 0.996910345999102); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052109', 'AGK+81D266', 140.32900000000001, 81.724599999999995, '2006-12-12 13:05:10', 5739, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 11, 11.85, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2007-04-23 22:16:35', '2007-06-19 03:00:50', 0, 0, '2006-12-12 13:05:10', '2006-12-12 15:07:55', 60.619199999999999, 103.051, 31.948599999999999, 130.67099999999999, 356.76799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 133292579, -0.110787224375408, 0.0918826412983859, 0.98958767734002495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1021001', 'HS0624+6907', 97.510300000000001, 69.084400000000002, '2006-12-12 16:41:08', 19578, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.199999999999999, 'QSO', 0.12, 85, 'PC', '2006-12-19 03:32:16', '2006-12-19 09:48:11', 0, 0.37, '2006-12-12 16:41:08', '2006-12-12 23:12:57', 45.744900000000001, 93.833799999999997, 23.347899999999999, 145.71000000000001, 315.09500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 128775611, -0.046660477548707197, 0.353929841850459, 0.93410731015372905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053704', 'NBKGD37', 71.418700000000001, 70, '2006-12-13 00:38:43', 24170, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-12-19 03:31:46', '2006-12-19 09:48:10', 0, 0, '2006-12-13 00:38:43', '2006-12-13 12:33:26', 47.154699999999998, 80.777600000000007, 15.646599999999999, 140.57300000000001, 261.70699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 57872136, 0.10898470598608399, 0.32419147475163201, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053803', 'NBKGD38', 85.762500000000003, 70, '2006-12-13 13:16:19', 31914, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-12-20 22:44:57', '2006-12-21 09:15:12', 0, 0, '2006-12-13 13:16:19', '2006-12-14 00:05:09', 46.591500000000003, 87.892399999999995, 19.8154, 143.267, 278.98599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 56562031, 0.025272183799094398, 0.34108517289166301, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490506', 'RX-CAS', 46.940600000000003, 67.577399999999997, '2006-12-14 01:38:27', 6446, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 8.5999999999999996, 'A-SH', 0, 66, 'PC', '2007-04-23 19:38:48', '2007-06-20 22:34:33', 0, 0, '2006-12-14 01:38:27', '2006-12-14 10:43:18', 47.498199999999997, 67.327200000000005, 8.0673899999999996, 135.40100000000001, 229.80600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 62932400, 0.26042713323257199, 0.27869407852447398, 0.92439565061269002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053804', 'NBKGD38', 85.762500000000003, 70, '2006-12-14 12:27:12', 17654, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-11 05:58:44', '2007-01-11 13:36:00', 0, 0, '2006-12-14 12:27:12', '2006-12-14 17:40:36', 46.591500000000003, 87.892399999999995, 19.8154, 143.267, 277.70400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 56562031, 0.025272183799094398, 0.34108517289166301, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050802', 'NBKGD8', 80.989999999999995, 65, '2006-12-15 09:15:30', 44120, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-12-20 22:44:49', '2006-12-21 09:14:47', 0, 0, '2006-12-15 09:15:30', '2006-12-16 00:24:58', 41.719499999999996, 84.912899999999993, 15.851900000000001, 146.994, 270.238, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 55876314, 0.066184913367923703, 0.41740358455481802, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9271403', 'HD19820', 48.522100000000002, 59.563499999999998, '2006-12-16 01:52:52', 3047, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.1500000000000004, 'O9IV', 0.20000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-23 19:49:19', '2007-06-20 22:34:50', 0, 0, '2006-12-16 01:52:52', '2006-12-16 07:28:59', 39.7971, 64.106300000000005, 1.53786, 140.11799999999999, 223.072, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 53798959, 0.335525762945522, 0.37953777343709699, 0.86219112784477003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050803', 'NBKGD8', 80.989999999999995, 65, '2006-12-16 17:33:58', 18280, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-12-20 22:34:15', '2006-12-21 09:15:08', 0, 0, '2006-12-16 17:33:58', '2006-12-17 01:24:02', 41.719499999999996, 84.912899999999993, 15.851900000000001, 146.994, 268.27100000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 55876314, 0.066184913367923703, 0.41740358455481802, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9271404', 'HD19820', 48.522100000000002, 59.563499999999998, '2006-12-17 02:51:06', 6488, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 7.1500000000000004, 'O9IV', 0.20000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-23 20:00:01', '2007-06-20 22:34:07', 0, 0, '2006-12-17 02:51:06', '2006-12-17 10:31:00', 39.7971, 64.106300000000005, 1.53786, 140.11799999999999, 221.66300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 53798959, 0.335525762945522, 0.37953777343709699, 0.86219112784477003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6056602', 'NBKGD66', 78.200000000000003, 60, '2006-12-17 13:22:15', 29742, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2006-12-20 22:34:23', '2006-12-21 09:15:19', 0, 0, '2006-12-17 13:22:15', '2006-12-18 00:38:45', 36.860900000000001, 82.657799999999995, 12.077, 150.62299999999999, 262.13200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 33108924, 0.10224802592089501, 0.489433694380842, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1031305', 'G191-B2B', 76.377600000000001, 52.831200000000003, '2006-12-18 04:05:22', 1373, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 11.781000000000001, 'DA1', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-04-23 21:56:02', '2007-06-20 22:35:08', 0, 0, '2006-12-18 04:05:22', '2006-12-18 11:22:36', 29.837299999999999, 80.558599999999998, 7.0988300000000004, 155.95500000000001, 240.40299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 30975413, 0.142294267750051, 0.58716950511171995, 0.79685902996222302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6056502', 'NBKGD65', 68.424999999999997, 60, '2006-12-18 13:16:04', 10562, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-11 03:45:05', '2007-01-11 13:36:01', 0, 0, '2006-12-18 13:16:04', '2006-12-18 17:13:52', 37.561, 76.588700000000003, 8.2365300000000001, 147.559, 245.958, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 54887948, 0.18385941306501599, 0.46496851100627001, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490507', 'RX-CAS', 46.940600000000003, 67.577399999999997, '2006-12-18 20:00:18', 9702, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.5999999999999996, 'A-SH', 0, 66, 'PC', '2007-04-26 21:06:26', '2007-08-02 01:17:29', 0, 0, '2006-12-18 20:00:18', '2006-12-19 01:38:35', 47.498199999999997, 67.327200000000005, 8.0673899999999996, 135.40100000000001, 223.94399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 62932400, 0.26042713323257199, 0.27869407852447398, 0.92439565061269002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490301', 'HD9234', 23.0229, 54.018999999999998, '2006-12-19 06:22:26', 2099, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.9500000000000002, 'B8V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2007-04-23 20:42:14', '2007-06-20 22:33:59', 0, 0, '2006-12-19 06:22:26', '2006-12-19 06:58:47', 40.619700000000002, 44.572099999999999, -8.3775899999999996, 128.94800000000001, 169.11099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 47445485, 0.54072040026861801, 0.22977729058062499, 0.80921186685983104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6056503', 'NBKGD65', 68.424999999999997, 60, '2006-12-19 09:28:09', 45152, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-11 04:44:45', '2007-01-11 13:36:02', 0, 0, '2006-12-19 09:28:09', '2006-12-20 00:52:49', 37.561, 76.588700000000003, 8.2365300000000001, 147.559, 224.654, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 54887948, 0.18385941306501599, 0.46496851100627001, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9271401', 'HD16523', 40.2988, 56.730600000000003, '2006-12-20 03:12:15', 3033, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.5, 'WC5', 0, 10, 'PC', '2007-04-24 18:00:49', '2007-07-24 23:39:17', 0, 0, '2006-12-20 03:12:15', '2006-12-20 04:26:25', 38.753500000000003, 57.554099999999998, -2.9840900000000001, 137.596, 206.38800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 52947791, 0.418389246882441, 0.35480481993032098, 0.83610045918379705); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6056504', 'NBKGD65', 68.424999999999997, 60, '2006-12-20 07:44:48', 13973, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-11 04:16:28', '2007-01-11 13:36:02', 0, 0, '2006-12-20 07:44:48', '2006-12-20 11:58:07', 37.561, 76.588700000000003, 8.2365300000000001, 147.559, 243.18299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 54887948, 0.18385941306501599, 0.46496851100627001, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6056401', 'NBKGD64', 58.649999999999999, 60, '2006-12-20 13:25:59', 24049, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-17 00:53:31', '2007-01-17 13:39:41', 0, 0, '2006-12-20 13:25:59', '2006-12-20 22:22:56', 38.660800000000002, 70.540700000000001, 4.8530699999999998, 144.01400000000001, 237.72399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 55112830, 0.26013228498104701, 0.427002569442549, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9240201', 'BD+56D566', 35.470399999999998, 57.166400000000003, '2006-12-21 00:47:11', 12837, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 9.8599999999999994, 'B1IV', 0.80000000000000004, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-27 22:30:08', '2007-08-02 23:31:19', 0, 0, '2006-12-21 00:47:11', '2006-12-21 06:12:25', 40.2226, 54.667099999999998, -3.5733700000000002, 134.989, 216.86099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 53371173, 0.44157689187674598, 0.31462966863353498, 0.84024878469178599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050501', 'NBKGD5', 46.280000000000001, 65, '2006-12-21 07:37:23', 41975, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-11 04:14:18', '2007-01-11 13:35:59', 0, 0, '2006-12-21 07:37:23', '2006-12-21 21:37:41', 45.236800000000002, 65.493899999999996, 5.7001999999999997, 136.46199999999999, 217.71000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 54489129, 0.29208615911817898, 0.30543717980678098, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6056301', 'NBKGD63', 48.875, 60, '2006-12-22 07:11:36', 45532, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-17 00:53:03', '2007-01-17 13:39:40', 0, 0, '2006-12-22 07:11:36', '2006-12-22 22:36:45', 40.1464, 64.519199999999998, 2.0029699999999999, 140.042, 200.75700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 53800910, 0.32885199363206602, 0.37663824325765899, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9240202', 'BD+56D566', 35.470399999999998, 57.166400000000003, '2006-12-23 01:00:37', 8642, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.8599999999999994, 'B1IV', 0.80000000000000004, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-24 21:12:09', '2007-07-11 03:00:58', 0, 0, '2006-12-23 01:00:37', '2006-12-23 04:59:57', 40.2226, 54.667099999999998, -3.5733700000000002, 134.989, 214.66399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 53371173, 0.44157689187674598, 0.31462966863353498, 0.84024878469178599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050402', 'NBKGD4', 34.710000000000001, 65, '2006-12-23 06:13:27', 44823, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-11 03:52:38', '2007-01-11 13:35:52', 0, 0, '2006-12-23 06:13:27', '2006-12-23 21:51:28', 47.374400000000001, 59.135599999999997, 3.6782300000000001, 132.00200000000001, 188.173, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 59992869, 0.34741108971517898, 0.240648560975631, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070232', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2006-12-24 02:27:30', 2552, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2007-04-24 21:43:52', '2007-07-11 05:58:26', 0, 0, '2006-12-24 02:27:30', '2006-12-24 03:10:31', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 151.33199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050403', 'NBKGD4', 34.710000000000001, 65, '2006-12-24 05:30:24', 49787, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-11 03:53:10', '2007-01-11 13:35:53', 0, 0, '2006-12-24 05:30:24', '2006-12-24 22:51:20', 47.374400000000001, 59.135599999999997, 3.6782300000000001, 132.00200000000001, 187.13800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 59992869, 0.34741108971517898, 0.240648560975631, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050303', 'NBKGD3', 23.140000000000001, 65, '2006-12-25 05:51:11', 45977, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-11 03:32:26', '2007-01-11 13:35:51', 0, 0, '2006-12-25 05:51:11', '2006-12-25 22:05:34', 49.947600000000001, 52.848599999999998, 2.47424, 127.26300000000001, 173.83199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 59743257, 0.38861751118662502, 0.166080176890092, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1070234', 'WD0005+511', 2.0758299999999998, 51.388100000000001, '2006-12-26 01:07:03', 1836, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 13.32, 'DAO1', 0.10000000000000001, 17, 'PC', '2007-04-24 21:44:08', '2007-07-11 05:58:35', 0, 0, '2006-12-26 01:07:03', '2006-12-26 03:17:25', 45.065899999999999, 27.997800000000002, -10.911099999999999, 116.104, 150.74100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 46034044, 0.62363238103813501, 0.0226041347664689, 0.78139087940170304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6056102', 'NBKGD61', 29.324999999999999, 60, '2006-12-26 05:07:11', 20818, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-11 03:44:35', '2007-01-11 13:36:01', 0, 0, '2006-12-26 05:07:11', '2006-12-26 11:15:18', 44.198999999999998, 52.551099999999998, -1.82555, 131.08500000000001, 191.63, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 59128078, 0.43592782802347202, 0.24488145857687599, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053304', 'NBKGD33', 14.295, 70, '2006-12-26 12:24:57', 14428, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-11 04:14:30', '2007-01-11 13:36:00', 0, 0, '2006-12-26 12:24:57', '2006-12-26 17:51:28', 55.950800000000001, 53.705100000000002, 7.1335100000000002, 123.428, 170.76599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 62055032, 0.33143027023051103, 0.084449715307047105, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0180301', 'HD208440', 328.47199999999998, 62.600200000000001, '2006-12-26 20:34:29', 8053, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.9100000000000001, 'B1V', 0.5, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-24 20:51:22', '2007-07-11 04:55:47', 0, 0, '2006-12-26 20:34:29', '2006-12-27 00:45:54', 65.543800000000005, 18.646999999999998, 6.43858, 104.03100000000001, 164.11799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'KNAUTH', NULL, 256622078, 0.39226462383116401, -0.24064383316207, 0.88781699153128502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050304', 'NBKGD3', 23.140000000000001, 65, '2006-12-27 04:07:19', 28742, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-11 03:32:40', '2007-01-11 13:35:52', 0, 0, '2006-12-27 04:07:19', '2006-12-27 12:33:56', 49.947600000000001, 52.848599999999998, 2.47424, 127.26300000000001, 211.935, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 59743257, 0.38861751118662502, 0.166080176890092, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1011503', 'BD+61D154', 10.8261, 61.911099999999998, '2006-12-28 05:13:56', 19533, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.25, 'B8E', 0.62, 26, 'PC', '2007-01-11 04:44:56', '2007-01-11 13:36:03', 0, 0, '2006-12-28 05:13:56', '2006-12-28 10:49:37', 50.736199999999997, 43.054099999999998, -0.94572900000000004, 121.976, 174.43899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 49781287, 0.46246085039205898, 0.088437475544169294, 0.88221809932353301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0250101', 'HD214419', 339.22500000000002, 56.905799999999999, '2006-12-29 00:16:41', 6333, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.9000000000000004, 'WN6+', 0.5, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-27 23:54:23', '2007-08-03 00:14:22', 0, 0, '2006-12-29 00:16:41', '2006-12-29 02:55:47', 57.745100000000001, 16.946300000000001, -1.29409, 105.325, 170.66800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 233632586, 0.51051541168395698, -0.193671758014025, 0.83777399373632799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0150502', 'HD8538', 21.454999999999998, 60.235399999999998, '2006-12-29 07:22:52', 1878, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 2.7000000000000002, 'A5II', 0, 31, 'PE', '2007-04-25 19:46:17', '2007-07-11 04:35:43', 0, 0, '2006-12-29 07:22:52', '2006-12-29 08:39:48', 46.403100000000002, 47.930799999999998, -2.3520500000000002, 127.19199999999999, 205.91999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 59395660, 0.46203713320557799, 0.18158220641164699, 0.86807234137129896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9321302', 'HD1383', 4.5740400000000001, 61.727200000000003, '2006-12-29 10:23:21', 12913, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 7.6299999999999999, 'B1II', 0.5, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-24 21:22:38', '2007-07-11 05:37:11', 0, 0, '2006-12-29 10:23:21', '2006-12-29 17:08:37', 52.466900000000003, 39.192500000000003, -0.89267099999999999, 119.01900000000001, 183.96199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', NULL, 50024749, 0.47216158118749801, 0.037773911267973997, 0.88070231797017595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0180302', 'HD208440', 328.47199999999998, 62.600200000000001, '2006-12-29 18:35:04', 2165, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.9100000000000001, 'B1V', 0.5, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-24 20:51:30', '2007-07-11 05:05:32', 0, 0, '2006-12-29 18:35:04', '2006-12-29 20:14:15', 65.543800000000005, 18.646999999999998, 6.43858, 104.03100000000001, 161.33699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'KNAUTH', NULL, 256622078, 0.39226462383116401, -0.24064383316207, 0.88781699153128502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0250102', 'HD214419', 339.22500000000002, 56.905799999999999, '2006-12-29 21:32:44', 11028, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.9000000000000004, 'WN6+', 0.5, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-25 19:46:32', '2007-07-11 05:26:42', 0, 0, '2006-12-29 21:32:44', '2006-12-30 02:10:01', 57.745100000000001, 16.946300000000001, -1.29409, 105.325, 169.892, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 233632586, 0.51051541168395698, -0.193671758014025, 0.83777399373632799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1011504', 'BD+61D154', 10.8261, 61.911099999999998, '2006-12-30 03:51:23', 11189, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.25, 'B8E', 0.62, 26, 'PC', '2007-01-11 04:19:39', '2007-01-11 13:36:03', 0, 0, '2006-12-30 03:51:23', '2006-12-30 07:10:36', 50.736199999999997, 43.054099999999998, -0.94572900000000004, 121.976, 188.66200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 49781287, 0.46246085039205898, 0.088437475544169294, 0.88221809932353301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9321303', 'HD1383', 4.5740400000000001, 61.727200000000003, '2006-12-30 08:51:59', 4461, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.6299999999999999, 'B1II', 0.5, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-24 18:22:20', '2007-07-11 05:37:20', 0, 0, '2006-12-30 08:51:59', '2006-12-30 10:46:08', 52.466900000000003, 39.192500000000003, -0.89267099999999999, 119.01900000000001, 183.125, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', NULL, 50024749, 0.47216158118749801, 0.037773911267973997, 0.88070231797017595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9321304', 'HD1383', 4.5740400000000001, 61.727200000000003, '2006-12-30 20:56:08', 2712, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.6299999999999999, 'B1II', 0.5, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-24 18:12:41', '2007-07-11 05:48:01', 0, 0, '2006-12-30 20:56:08', '2006-12-30 23:27:34', 52.466900000000003, 39.192500000000003, -0.89267099999999999, 119.01900000000001, 182.69300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', NULL, 50024749, 0.47216158118749801, 0.037773911267973997, 0.88070231797017595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0180303', 'HD208440', 328.47199999999998, 62.600200000000001, '2006-12-31 02:09:05', 1769, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.9100000000000001, 'B1V', 0.5, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-24 21:01:47', '2007-07-11 04:38:25', 0, 0, '2006-12-31 02:09:05', '2006-12-31 02:44:39', 65.543800000000005, 18.646999999999998, 6.43858, 104.03100000000001, 160.113, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'KNAUTH', NULL, 256622078, 0.39226462383116401, -0.24064383316207, 0.88781699153128502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1043705', 'HD206821', 325.33999999999997, 69.692800000000005, '2006-12-31 05:06:22', 11010, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.8799999999999999, 'A1V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2007-01-11 05:58:56', '2007-01-11 13:36:03', 0, 0, '2006-12-31 05:06:22', '2006-12-31 08:22:47', 69.878600000000006, 33.920200000000001, 12.653, 107.72499999999999, 153.065, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 258917457, 0.28546583370906098, -0.19737121068287999, 0.93784532998696801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0180304', 'HD208440', 328.47199999999998, 62.600200000000001, '2006-12-31 15:11:12', 1399, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.9100000000000001, 'B1V', 0.5, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-26 23:33:30', '2007-08-02 02:41:59', 0, 0, '2006-12-31 15:11:12', '2006-12-31 20:12:31', 65.543800000000005, 18.646999999999998, 6.43858, 104.03100000000001, 159.65899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'KNAUTH', NULL, 256622078, 0.39226462383116401, -0.24064383316207, 0.88781699153128502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9271902', 'HD215835', 341.72500000000002, 58.084299999999999, '2006-12-31 23:38:27', 7739, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 8.6099999999999994, 'O5.5', 0.20000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-26 23:33:14', '2007-08-02 02:41:28', 0, 0, '2006-12-31 23:38:27', '2007-01-01 06:24:58', 57.642400000000002, 20.2852, -0.89901200000000003, 107.068, 131.25200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 233694045, 0.50200604945955296, -0.16577966346689499, 0.84882685483366704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1044304', 'HD208816', 329.16300000000001, 63.625599999999999, '2007-01-01 09:18:31', 17960, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 5.1799999999999997, 'M2IA', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2007-01-11 05:50:07', '2007-01-11 13:36:04', 0, 0, '2007-01-01 09:18:31', '2007-01-01 16:48:34', 65.861599999999996, 21.135200000000001, 7.0459300000000002, 104.92100000000001, 120.575, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 258038781, 0.38143301553259801, -0.22771369083382401, 0.89591033573039403); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9370801', 'HD205114', 322.86399999999998, 52.619900000000001, '2007-01-01 19:47:23', 7731, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.1799999999999997, 'G1I+', 0.10000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2007-04-24 19:47:38', '2007-07-18 03:12:13', 0, 0, '2007-01-01 19:47:23', '2007-01-02 01:03:15', 61.026400000000002, 357.613, 0.85904700000000001, 95.217699999999994, 145.91900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP D.', 'BENNETT', NULL, 252923564, 0.48398292221574502, -0.36651166871811802, 0.79462552670863096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9321306', 'HD1383', 4.5740400000000001, 61.727200000000003, '2007-01-02 03:30:53', 2464, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.6299999999999999, 'B1II', 0.5, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-24 21:33:08', '2007-07-11 05:48:09', 0, 0, '2007-01-02 03:30:53', '2007-01-02 07:24:16', 52.466900000000003, 39.192500000000003, -0.89267099999999999, 119.01900000000001, 149.667, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', NULL, 50024749, 0.47216158118749801, 0.037773911267973997, 0.88070231797017595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9321602', 'HD206165', 324.48000000000002, 62.081899999999997, '2007-01-02 10:19:24', 3904, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 4.6900000000000004, 'B2IB', 0.46999999999999997, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-24 18:23:04', '2007-07-11 05:58:18', 0, 0, '2007-01-02 10:19:24', '2007-01-02 19:05:53', 66.766999999999996, 14.9719, 7.2467899999999998, 102.273, 122.764, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', NULL, 257999075, 0.38108126277487803, -0.272023375586534, 0.88361776481486098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1045502', 'NGC7354', 340.08300000000003, 61.285800000000002, '2007-01-02 21:00:02', 27002, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'PN', 1.2, 71, 'EE', '2007-01-11 05:51:06', '2007-01-11 13:36:05', 0, 0, '2007-01-02 21:00:02', '2007-01-03 06:00:11', 60.430700000000002, 23.744599999999998, 2.3152499999999998, 107.845, 119.435, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 256239524, 0.451704306558536, -0.163666278398238, 0.87702711973561098); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0180305', 'HD208440', 328.47199999999998, 62.600200000000001, '2007-01-03 07:50:20', 6922, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7.9100000000000001, 'B1V', 0.5, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-24 21:01:51', '2007-07-11 04:45:19', 0, 0, '2007-01-03 07:50:20', '2007-01-03 10:10:18', 65.543800000000005, 18.646999999999998, 6.43858, 104.03100000000001, 109.117, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'KNAUTH', NULL, 256622078, 0.39226462383116401, -0.24064383316207, 0.88781699153128502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D1270502', 'NGC7023-01', 315.404, 68.173900000000003, '2007-01-03 11:39:00', 4393, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'REF', 0, 73, 'EE', '2007-04-24 16:05:57', '2007-07-11 04:24:31', 0, 0, '2007-01-03 11:39:00', '2007-01-03 15:18:05', 72.852199999999996, 26.1129, 14.1991, 104.072, 108.178, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', NULL, 264291353, 0.26474292274862798, -0.26103552899839799, 0.92831656101517501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6058802', 'NBKGD88', 292.5, 60, '2007-01-09 00:34:48', 32154, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-17 01:03:16', '2007-01-17 13:39:42', 0, 0, '2007-01-09 00:34:48', '2007-01-09 14:15:04', 78.045400000000001, 337.48000000000002, 18.685300000000002, 91.576700000000002, 94.871399999999994, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 260634850, 0.191341716182545, -0.46193976625564298, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1600209', 'NGC6826', 296.20100000000002, 50.525100000000002, '2007-01-09 17:33:48', 5818, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 15, 10, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-24 20:40:30', '2007-07-17 00:42:41', 0, 0, '2007-01-09 17:33:48', '2007-01-09 22:39:14', 69.245599999999996, 322.38200000000001, 12.792299999999999, 83.563299999999998, 122.34699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 248587725, 0.28069294298652703, -0.57041825165465398, 0.77190316098381795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6058803', 'NBKGD88', 292.5, 60, '2007-01-10 01:03:11', 27436, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-01-17 01:03:47', '2007-01-17 13:39:43', 0, 0, '2007-01-10 01:03:11', '2007-01-10 13:29:47', 78.045400000000001, 337.48000000000002, 18.685300000000002, 91.576700000000002, 93.993600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 260634850, 0.191341716182545, -0.46193976625564298, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S8050201', 'NBKGD02', 287.5, 60, '2007-01-10 15:01:04', 23700, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 0, '', 0, 0, '', '2007-01-17 01:13:48', '2007-01-17 13:39:43', 0, 0, '2007-01-10 15:01:04', '2007-01-11 00:50:28', 79.816500000000005, 328.25599999999997, 21.0321, 90.662000000000006, 113.66, 'F', 'F', '', '', NULL, 250954935, 0.150352899752137, -0.47685847537411302, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1040802', 'H1821+643', 275.48899999999998, 64.343400000000003, '2007-01-11 03:41:30', 29828, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 14.1, 'QSO', 0.080000000000000002, 85, 'PC', '2007-02-05 23:21:22', '2007-02-06 09:30:27', 0, 0.29999999999999999, '2007-01-11 03:41:30', '2007-01-11 19:49:43', 86.821600000000004, 318.327, 27.416699999999999, 94.004199999999997, 77.061700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 251522239, 0.041416207109663102, -0.43099104056312998, 0.90140524778978304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0340105', 'HD164963', 269.63900000000001, 66.633200000000002, '2007-01-13 03:01:24', 11798, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 26, 11.1, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-27 01:39:53', '2007-08-02 01:37:39', 0, 0, '2007-01-13 03:01:24', '2007-01-13 12:45:13', 89.839299999999994, 152.93899999999999, 29.9543, 96.469800000000006, 85.750900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 190144085, -0.00249891774485106, -0.39660815929008397, 0.91798459866962701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0340106', 'HD164963', 269.63900000000001, 66.633200000000002, '2007-01-14 03:06:37', 5966, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 18, 11.1, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-27 02:00:48', '2007-08-02 02:20:21', 0, 0, '2007-01-14 03:06:37', '2007-01-14 08:25:04', 89.839299999999994, 152.93899999999999, 29.9543, 96.469800000000006, 84.658699999999996, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 190144085, -0.00249891774485106, -0.39660815929008397, 0.91798459866962701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8210304', 'HS1753+6911', 268.35199999999998, 69.182599999999994, '2007-01-14 17:02:44', 20311, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.199999999999999, 'SDO', 0.029999999999999999, 16, 'PC', '2007-04-24 19:37:09', '2007-07-22 22:17:07', 0, 0, '2007-01-14 17:02:44', '2007-01-15 00:27:51', 87.305800000000005, 102.55500000000001, 30.360900000000001, 99.433800000000005, 66.847700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'THOMAS M.', 'BROWN', NULL, 190662609, -0.0102207065962451, -0.35524384134505599, 0.93471779181905001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0340107', 'HD164963', 269.63900000000001, 66.633200000000002, '2007-01-15 02:14:23', 7528, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 19, 11.1, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-27 02:11:52', '2007-08-02 02:31:12', 0, 0, '2007-01-15 02:14:23', '2007-01-15 09:24:48', 89.839299999999994, 152.93899999999999, 29.9543, 96.469800000000006, 83.674300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 190144085, -0.00249891774485106, -0.39660815929008397, 0.91798459866962701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5681203', 'WD1749+717', 267.267, 71.752799999999993, '2007-01-15 12:13:48', 6703, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.699999999999999, 'DAO.', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-04-24 16:37:36', '2007-07-19 23:35:57', 0, 0, '2007-01-15 12:13:48', '2007-01-15 15:00:36', 84.718699999999998, 99.335099999999997, 30.527899999999999, 102.438, 64.991399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JAY', 'HOLBERG', NULL, 190835548, -0.0149299891502868, -0.31276124841501102, 0.94971442913849402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0610203', '2MASSJ17045838+7304434', 256.24299999999999, 73.078699999999998, '2007-01-15 16:13:35', 5584, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 10, 11.199999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-04-27 20:02:29', '2007-08-03 00:24:02', 0, 0, '2007-01-15 16:13:35', '2007-01-15 22:40:05', 81.978099999999998, 119.733, 33.5244, 104.745, 34.314100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 192679896, -0.069214890318778199, -0.28270830354763898, 0.95670544791141199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0340108', 'HD164963', 269.63900000000001, 66.633200000000002, '2007-01-16 01:37:52', 3062, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 9, 11.1, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-27 02:22:42', '2007-08-02 02:32:04', 0, 0, '2007-01-16 01:37:52', '2007-01-16 02:59:39', 89.839299999999994, 152.93899999999999, 29.9543, 96.469800000000006, 82.703800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 190144085, -0.00249891774485106, -0.39660815929008397, 0.91798459866962701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9380802', 'WD1620+647-O', 245.09, 64.616100000000003, '2007-01-16 05:15:56', 3144, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-24 18:44:27', '2007-07-22 13:47:24', 0, 0, '2007-01-16 05:15:56', '2007-01-16 22:40:22', 79.596599999999995, 179.15600000000001, 40.2134, 96.590500000000006, 59.325600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 189760975, -0.18055803321840699, -0.38880128261805103, 0.90345578711681296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9031401', 'PG1609+631', 242.59700000000001, 63.014699999999998, '2007-01-16 23:43:59', 8517, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16.199999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-04-26 21:06:18', '2007-07-31 22:25:13', 0, 0, '2007-01-16 23:43:59', '2007-01-17 11:42:26', 77.913399999999996, 184.14400000000001, 41.861800000000002, 95.227699999999999, 41.810099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 189674619, -0.208842215128652, -0.40284584841238402, 0.89112297220813697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9211001', 'WD2136+828', 323.43299999999999, 83.058899999999994, '2007-01-17 17:41:56', 14142, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 13.02, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-04-25 20:17:52', '2007-07-22 22:45:16', 0, 0, '2007-01-17 17:41:56', '2007-01-18 00:53:44', 69.950299999999999, 73.553799999999995, 22.4999, 117.23099999999999, 97.788499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 267782569, 0.097061126683815696, -0.071997254565033697, 0.99267090872149899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0840102', 'MARKARIAN290', 233.96799999999999, 57.9026, '2007-01-18 03:47:04', 10901, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.210000000000001, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2007-04-24 16:16:37', '2007-07-31 21:33:34', 0, 0.029579999999999999, '2007-01-18 03:47:04', '2007-01-18 16:16:53', 71.471999999999994, 190.38300000000001, 47.953400000000002, 91.491, 53.7453, 'F', 'F', 'JOSEPH', 'COLLINS', NULL, 186585350, -0.31256569386848498, -0.42970487902367899, 0.84714603461254401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0611001', 'PG1511+624', 228.11000000000001, 62.167900000000003, '2007-01-18 17:07:06', 15922, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 14.5, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-04-25 20:07:14', '2007-07-22 22:34:59', 0, 0, '2007-01-18 17:07:06', '2007-01-19 02:39:23', 71.7316, 173.97800000000001, 47.950200000000002, 99.210599999999999, 27.3963, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 188198347, -0.31173844620838198, -0.347560192032009, 0.88431954296524296); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0611301', 'PG1524+611', 231.33799999999999, 60.916699999999999, '2007-01-19 04:36:56', 756, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.800000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-04-25 20:07:20', '2007-07-24 23:39:06', 0, 0, '2007-01-19 04:36:56', '2007-01-19 10:11:07', 72.322100000000006, 180.11500000000001, 47.489199999999997, 96.344300000000004, 37.696100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 188080231, -0.30366671373381898, -0.37955362703133899, 0.87391393808398399); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1111201', 'HD135363', 226.98400000000001, 76.200699999999998, '2007-01-19 11:30:29', 17478, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 9.1999999999999993, 'G5', 0, 44, 'PE', '2007-04-24 19:58:18', '2007-07-24 23:28:13', 0, 0, '2007-01-19 11:30:29', '2007-01-19 20:06:54', 73.816100000000006, 125.71899999999999, 38.210299999999997, 113.128, 7.1894799999999996, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 198121335, -0.162720042722546, -0.17439821668866401, 0.97113719407310695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9030702', 'RE1446+632', 221.50800000000001, 63.489699999999999, '2007-01-19 22:00:31', 10720, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-04-26 20:56:03', '2007-07-31 21:54:14', 0, 0, '2007-01-19 22:00:31', '2007-01-20 09:25:49', 69.831100000000006, 165.80500000000001, 49.170400000000001, 103.828, 12.4763, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 188652322, -0.33426159234685998, -0.29581288949078199, 0.89485413464589603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0610602', '2MASSJ14212788+7124214', 215.36600000000001, 71.405900000000003, '2007-01-20 10:54:16', 4055, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 15, 11.5, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-04-27 20:13:25', '2007-08-02 23:21:57', 0, 0, '2007-01-20 10:54:16', '2007-01-20 14:45:38', 70.562100000000001, 141.38399999999999, 43.975200000000001, 113.169, 4.4834300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 197791863, -0.26002260789897103, -0.184556318150359, 0.94780124963633605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9380703', 'WD1440+751-O', 220.023, 75.109399999999994, '2007-01-20 17:26:51', 11383, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-24 18:33:33', '2007-07-24 23:49:43', 0, 0, '2007-01-20 17:26:51', '2007-01-20 23:57:07', 72.252099999999999, 130.208, 40.101799999999997, 114.111, 359.09699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 198065103, -0.196787369192189, -0.165258869596069, 0.96641825176589402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1111202', 'HD135363', 226.98400000000001, 76.200699999999998, '2007-01-21 00:41:15', 5163, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.1999999999999993, 'G5', 0, 44, 'PE', '2007-04-24 20:08:36', '2007-07-24 23:28:24', 0, 0, '2007-01-21 00:41:15', '2007-01-21 05:12:19', 73.816100000000006, 125.71899999999999, 38.210299999999997, 113.128, 13.5383, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 198121335, -0.162720042722546, -0.17439821668866401, 0.97113719407310695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9380602', 'WD1335+700-O', 204.08000000000001, 69.844700000000003, '2007-01-21 06:35:49', 12626, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-24 21:33:24', '2007-07-24 23:49:32', 0, 0, '2007-01-21 06:35:49', '2007-01-21 15:46:46', 66.522999999999996, 142.15199999999999, 46.790500000000002, 117.31399999999999, 345.87200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 196179749, -0.31458063882875797, -0.140586958823716, 0.93876212571811202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9380704', 'WD1440+751-O', 220.023, 75.109399999999994, '2007-01-21 16:34:02', 11024, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-24 18:33:57', '2007-07-24 23:50:27', 0, 0, '2007-01-21 16:34:02', '2007-01-21 20:29:53', 72.252099999999999, 130.208, 40.101799999999997, 114.111, 358.065, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 198065103, -0.196787369192189, -0.165258869596069, 0.96641825176589402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0610603', '2MASSJ14212788+7124214', 215.36600000000001, 71.405900000000003, '2007-01-21 22:18:19', 3921, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 23, 11.5, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-04-27 20:44:46', '2007-08-03 00:35:55', 0, 0, '2007-01-21 22:18:19', '2007-01-22 02:27:05', 70.562100000000001, 141.38399999999999, 43.975200000000001, 113.169, 2.94659, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 197791863, -0.26002260789897103, -0.184556318150359, 0.94780124963633605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090201', 'HD106677', 183.923, 72.551199999999994, '2007-01-22 09:06:34', 15653, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.2999999999999998, 'K0II', 0, 66, 'PE', '2007-04-24 20:19:21', '2007-07-24 23:19:26', 0, 0, '2007-01-22 09:06:34', '2007-01-22 16:36:44', 62.058100000000003, 129.67400000000001, 44.316800000000001, 126.666, 315.30599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 196767368, -0.29915084194649599, -0.020514706686348499, 0.95398528320528897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9090902', 'PG1340+607', 205.5, 60.494999999999997, '2007-01-22 18:01:39', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.140000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-04-25 19:35:58', '2007-07-25 02:37:13', 0, 0, '2007-01-22 18:01:39', '2007-01-22 19:14:37', 61.9863, 161.161, 55.542000000000002, 111.953, 348.51900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 193554219, -0.44452281126037202, -0.2120265046974, 0.87031272056369402); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1111203', 'HD135363', 226.98400000000001, 76.200699999999998, '2007-01-23 02:39:32', 4816, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 9.1999999999999993, 'G5', 0, 44, 'PE', '2007-04-24 20:19:26', '2007-07-25 01:06:40', 0, 0, '2007-01-23 02:39:32', '2007-01-23 05:25:41', 73.816100000000006, 125.71899999999999, 38.210299999999997, 113.128, 11.3809, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 198121335, -0.162720042722546, -0.17439821668866401, 0.97113719407310695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9170102', 'NGC3516', 166.69800000000001, 72.568600000000004, '2007-01-23 06:38:51', 16847, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 12.5, 'AGN', 0, 84, 'PC', '2007-04-27 22:09:21', '2007-08-03 00:36:42', 0, 0, '2007-01-23 06:38:51', '2007-01-23 15:47:41', 57.987200000000001, 123.363, 42.402500000000003, 133.23699999999999, 296.029, 'F', 'F', 'D. MICHAEL', 'CRENSHAW', NULL, 125218132, -0.29152666094475899, 0.068924727360885493, 0.95407630088826101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1111001', 'HD112429', 193.869, 65.441299999999998, '2007-01-23 16:45:54', 27192, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 5.2400000000000002, 'F0', 0, 40, 'PE', '2007-04-26 21:38:10', '2007-07-31 22:45:59', 0, 0, '2007-01-23 16:45:54', '2007-01-24 11:42:55', 60.939799999999998, 146.17400000000001, 51.681399999999996, 122.25700000000001, 335.322, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 195263667, -0.40350827914417198, -0.099626544873782003, 0.90953593673841204); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090202', 'HD106677', 183.923, 72.551199999999994, '2007-01-24 12:36:59', 32484, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 6.2999999999999998, 'K0II', 0, 66, 'PE', '2007-04-27 01:07:54', '2007-07-31 22:04:44', 0, 0, '2007-01-24 12:36:59', '2007-01-25 03:55:13', 62.058100000000003, 129.67400000000001, 44.316800000000001, 126.666, 312.666, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 196767368, -0.29915084194649599, -0.020514706686348499, 0.95398528320528897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7131501', 'NGC4236-FUV2', 184.27699999999999, 69.395799999999994, '2007-01-25 17:20:55', 19026, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 17, 'GAL', 0.01, 72, 'EC', '2007-04-27 00:16:15', '2007-07-31 22:46:19', 0, 0, '2007-01-25 17:20:55', '2007-01-26 03:10:06', 60.369599999999998, 135.21899999999999, 47.4343, 127.386, 313.05799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 195978801, -0.35093024746024098, -0.0262449132556852, 0.93603374188417798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0050105', '3C263', 174.988, 65.7971, '2007-01-27 22:49:23', 21602, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2007-04-27 01:18:36', '2007-07-31 22:25:43', 0, 0.64600000000000002, '2007-01-27 22:49:23', '2007-01-28 10:26:53', 55.3444, 135.90700000000001, 49.743600000000001, 134.161, 302.56, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR D.', 'SAVAGE', NULL, 123022235, -0.40840165080946, 0.035816706344473197, 0.91209936693473304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0870202', 'RJ105837.5+562816', 164.65700000000001, 56.469799999999999, '2007-01-28 11:30:25', 5564, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.1, 'QSO', 0.01, 87, 'PC', '2007-04-27 01:08:03', '2007-07-31 22:14:40', 0, 0.14399999999999999, '2007-01-28 11:30:25', '2007-01-28 17:37:06', 44.964599999999997, 138.84, 54.424500000000002, 149.59399999999999, 296.24000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'JASON', 'TUMLINSON', NULL, 99749560, -0.532689254345033, 0.14615707614520901, 0.83359478609094995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7131303', 'NGC3359-FUV1', 161.65600000000001, 63.224600000000002, '2007-01-30 10:19:17', 1658, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 17, 'GAL', 0, 72, 'EC', '2007-04-28 00:26:16', '2007-08-02 02:42:23', 0, 1014, '2007-01-30 10:19:17', '2007-01-30 13:53:52', 49.703600000000002, 131.38800000000001, 48.592100000000002, 143.59700000000001, 317.88799999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 122851568, -0.42760198088477003, 0.14178021767038301, 0.89277932089669199); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7131102', 'IC2574-FUV1', 157.18199999999999, 68.475399999999993, '2007-01-30 23:54:08', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 17, 'GAL', 0.029999999999999999, 72, 'EC', '2007-04-28 00:16:04', '2007-08-03 00:36:15', 0, 57, '2007-01-30 23:54:08', '2007-01-31 00:49:54', 52.834699999999998, 124.042, 43.584899999999998, 140.11600000000001, 277.60599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 124916297, -0.33818752294385102, 0.14228597954151101, 0.93026012456248797); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0070101', 'BKGD.04.0', 143.53200000000001, 59.2806, '2007-02-01 08:35:12', 6305, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 22, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2007-04-27 23:43:11', '2007-08-05 23:32:27', 0, 0, '2007-02-01 08:35:12', '2007-02-01 15:42:17', 41.9101, 123.506, 43.495699999999999, 155.215, 285.19200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', NULL, 119523641, -0.41080708012737199, 0.30362633031729602, 0.859679355606074); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0070201', 'BKGD.04.1', 143.79599999999999, 59.472200000000001, '2007-02-01 17:06:14', 6782, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 22, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2007-04-27 23:54:10', '2007-08-05 23:32:51', 0, 0, '2007-02-01 17:06:14', '2007-02-01 21:54:37', 42.140799999999999, 123.557, 43.549500000000002, 154.90199999999999, 284.97199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', NULL, 119524742, -0.40987968337891401, 0.30003052497941901, 0.86138280063730999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0070102', 'BKGD.04.0', 143.53200000000001, 59.2806, '2007-02-02 16:44:06', 6548, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 22, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2007-04-27 23:43:27', '2007-08-13 17:21:00', 0, 0, '2007-02-02 16:44:06', '2007-02-02 21:09:33', 41.9101, 123.506, 43.495699999999999, 155.215, 275.47199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', NULL, 119523641, -0.41080708012737199, 0.30362633031729602, 0.859679355606074); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0070202', 'BKGD.04.1', 143.79599999999999, 59.472200000000001, '2007-02-02 21:53:21', 727, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 22, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2007-04-27 23:54:16', '2007-08-13 17:31:32', 0, 0, '2007-02-02 21:53:21', '2007-02-03 04:06:20', 42.140799999999999, 123.557, 43.549500000000002, 154.90199999999999, 275.18400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', NULL, 119524742, -0.40987968337891401, 0.30003052497941901, 0.86138280063730999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0670102', 'HO-IX-X1-TOTAL', 149.471, 69.064700000000002, '2007-02-03 15:38:30', 785, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 99, 'SNR', 0.040000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2007-04-27 21:59:01', '2007-08-13 17:52:57', 0, 0, '2007-02-03 15:38:30', '2007-02-03 16:44:56', 51.694200000000002, 119.771, 41.069699999999997, 141.934, 263.74900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'PARVIZ', 'GHAVAMIAN', NULL, 124618348, -0.30777989858826399, 0.18150611152242299, 0.93398451031321095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0070103', 'BKGD.04.0', 143.53200000000001, 59.2806, '2007-02-03 19:16:02', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 22, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2007-04-27 23:43:32', '2007-08-13 17:31:11', 0, 0, '2007-02-03 19:16:02', '2007-02-03 20:24:32', 41.9101, 123.506, 43.495699999999999, 155.215, 273.89299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', NULL, 119523641, -0.41080708012737199, 0.30362633031729602, 0.859679355606074); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0610904', '2MASSJ09435347+7831407', 145.97300000000001, 78.528000000000006, '2007-02-04 04:59:30', 4026, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 18, 11.5, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-04-27 21:15:53', '2007-08-13 17:52:35', 0, 0, '2007-02-04 04:59:30', '2007-02-04 12:22:53', 58.746499999999997, 108.524, 34.600200000000001, 133.09299999999999, 257.84699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 131795009, -0.16483404963603099, 0.11129502220976099, 0.980022017156714); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1021902', 'MRK7', 112.05, 72.574799999999996, '2007-02-04 13:51:45', 52265, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 13.9, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2007-02-13 18:03:18', '2007-02-13 17:02:02', 0, 0, '2007-02-04 13:51:45', '2007-02-05 11:32:46', 49.904299999999999, 100.053, 28.530200000000001, 142.596, 227.12700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 129434216, -0.11242211970115901, 0.27755690261002403, 0.95410871121451801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1022002', 'MRK71', 112.21599999999999, 69.208600000000004, '2007-02-05 12:42:41', 71673, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 11.6, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2007-02-13 18:24:36', '2007-02-13 17:02:03', 0, 0, '2007-02-05 12:42:41', '2007-02-06 14:52:13', 46.636899999999997, 101.27200000000001, 28.5318, 146.428, 241.20400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 129077570, -0.13421264760156401, 0.328615706589445, 0.93487896682217497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1021702', 'HS-CAM', 109.81, 65.962400000000002, '2007-02-06 15:32:58', 52288, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 17, 'CV', 0, 63, 'PE', '2007-02-16 03:08:06', '2007-02-16 10:10:14', 0, 0, '2007-02-06 15:32:58', '2007-02-07 12:12:34', 43.2729, 100.93000000000001, 27.4069, 150.02799999999999, 235.95699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 128268346, -0.13804705961430599, 0.38323058119193698, 0.91327834255014195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1021403', 'MS07007+6338', 106.372, 63.559199999999997, '2007-02-07 13:03:52', 23086, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.5, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2007-02-13 17:53:17', '2007-02-13 17:02:01', 0, 0.153, '2007-02-07 13:03:52', '2007-02-07 20:50:30', 40.659999999999997, 99.523799999999994, 25.630299999999998, 152.46799999999999, 230.11799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 128031665, -0.12551023556447, 0.42721790010112898, 0.89539491097600798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3290902', 'HD26670', 64.223299999999995, 61.850000000000001, '2007-02-07 23:41:02', 1633, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 4, 5.7000000000000002, 'B5V', 0.02, 21, 'PC', '2007-04-27 23:33:33', '2007-08-13 17:20:50', 0, 0, '2007-02-07 23:41:02', '2007-02-08 01:38:01', 39.789200000000001, 74.514399999999995, 8.0409400000000009, 144.78399999999999, 176.678, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY', 'WELSH', NULL, 55339107, 0.20516123401775699, 0.42483720921349599, 0.88171549477368305); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1021404', 'MS07007+6338', 106.372, 63.559199999999997, '2007-02-08 03:35:43', 54266, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 14.5, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2007-02-13 18:35:10', '2007-02-13 17:02:01', 0, 0.153, '2007-02-08 03:35:43', '2007-02-08 23:33:26', 40.659999999999997, 99.523799999999994, 25.630299999999998, 152.46799999999999, 229.52199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 128031665, -0.12551023556447, 0.42721790010112898, 0.89539491097600798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020703', 'WD0615+655', 95.125399999999999, 65.572299999999998, '2007-02-09 08:21:43', 40217, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 15.699999999999999, 'DA.5', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-02-16 03:06:54', '2007-02-16 10:10:12', 0, 0, '2007-02-09 08:21:43', '2007-02-09 22:48:10', 42.183700000000002, 92.857799999999997, 21.446400000000001, 149.054, 227.06, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 128586226, -0.036944362097604197, 0.41189112348213602, 0.91048383648795495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9370204', 'HD23089', 56.509700000000002, 63.345100000000002, '2007-02-09 23:59:45', 4941, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 9, 4.8200000000000003, 'G3II', 0.10000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2007-04-27 23:22:30', '2007-08-16 02:56:24', 0, 0, '2007-02-09 23:59:45', '2007-02-10 02:20:17', 42.155900000000003, 70.492900000000006, 6.8127399999999998, 141.10499999999999, 198.76900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP D.', 'BENNETT', NULL, 56727614, 0.24754423177437501, 0.374136142279619, 0.89372479005304495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1021502', 'VIIZW118', 106.80500000000001, 64.599699999999999, '2007-02-10 03:51:34', 31808, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.5, 'SYFT', 0.070000000000000007, 84, 'PC', '2007-02-16 03:07:19', '2007-02-16 10:10:13', 0, 0.079659999999999995, '2007-02-10 03:51:34', '2007-02-10 15:33:28', 41.717100000000002, 99.563199999999995, 25.986799999999999, 151.36199999999999, 248.387, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 128054639, -0.124013093429301, 0.41062167373733699, 0.90333304695181105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1021102', 'UGC3478', 98.195800000000006, 63.673299999999998, '2007-02-10 17:32:42', 11095, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.9, 'AGN', 0, 85, 'PC', '2007-02-16 03:07:04', '2007-02-16 10:10:13', 0, 0, '2007-02-10 17:32:42', '2007-02-10 22:02:54', 40.369199999999999, 94.760000000000005, 22.122800000000002, 151.43299999999999, 218.06999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 117273275, -0.063222172820450104, 0.43895941540273298, 0.89627986058660902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9251501', 'FO-PER', 62.146000000000001, 51.246699999999997, '2007-02-11 03:02:06', 2716, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 16.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-05-01 20:00:23', '2007-08-16 02:56:32', 0, 0, '2007-02-11 03:02:06', '2007-02-11 07:02:44', 29.692699999999999, 70.325800000000001, -0.44653999999999999, 151.25899999999999, 154.56800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', NULL, 29185421, 0.29246503283988501, 0.55344433227571799, 0.77984843119535097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020601', 'PUWE1', 94.892499999999998, 55.611699999999999, '2007-02-11 09:10:27', 17796, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.699999999999999, 'DAO', 0.01, 70, 'PC', '2007-02-16 02:56:52', '2007-02-16 10:10:12', 0, 0, '2007-02-11 09:10:27', '2007-02-11 14:16:47', 32.227600000000002, 93.264300000000006, 17.8553, 158.92400000000001, 189.733, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 116165558, -0.048169687946212, 0.562740639551222, 0.82522884932644303); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050804', 'NBKGD8', 80.989999999999995, 65, '2007-02-11 16:57:56', 17110, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-02-16 02:56:44', '2007-02-16 10:10:11', 0, 0, '2007-02-11 16:57:56', '2007-02-12 00:48:53', 41.719499999999996, 84.912899999999993, 15.851900000000001, 146.994, 185.614, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 55876314, 0.066184913367923703, 0.41740358455481802, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1020304', 'BY-CAM', 85.7042, 60.858600000000003, '2007-02-12 09:23:48', 13557, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.5, '', 0, 59, 'PE', '2007-02-16 02:47:11', '2007-02-16 10:10:11', 0, 0, '2007-02-12 09:23:48', '2007-02-12 13:21:00', 37.458399999999997, 87.366200000000006, 15.689500000000001, 151.83500000000001, 187.755, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 32967380, 0.036476540424131697, 0.485598540966308, 0.87342058540549605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053705', 'NBKGD37', 71.418700000000001, 70, '2007-02-12 16:12:22', 12011, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-02-21 23:17:23', '2007-02-22 10:18:51', 0, 0, '2007-02-12 16:12:22', '2007-02-12 22:16:43', 47.154699999999998, 80.777600000000007, 15.646599999999999, 140.57300000000001, 192.47900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 57872136, 0.10898470598608399, 0.32419147475163201, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6050703', 'NBKGD7', 69.424999999999997, 65, '2007-02-12 23:04:47', 72103, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-02-21 23:15:54', '2007-02-22 10:18:50', 0, 0, '2007-02-12 23:04:47', '2007-02-14 02:50:43', 42.386899999999997, 78.399699999999996, 11.889099999999999, 144.059, 188.798, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 56142294, 0.14852208045363199, 0.39566069652475599, 0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6053706', 'NBKGD37', 71.418700000000001, 70, '2007-02-14 04:28:30', 24771, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-02-21 23:22:27', '2007-02-22 10:18:51', 0, 0, '2007-02-14 04:28:30', '2007-02-14 11:59:36', 47.154699999999998, 80.777600000000007, 15.646599999999999, 140.57300000000001, 211.21600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 57872136, 0.10898470598608399, 0.32419147475163201, 0.93969262078590798); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1092603', 'ALPHA-TRA', 252.166, -69.027699999999996, '2007-02-16 08:31:09', 33735, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 1.9199999999999999, 'K3II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2007-02-21 23:42:51', '2007-02-22 10:18:54', 0, 0, '2007-02-16 08:31:09', '2007-02-17 02:20:27', -46.151200000000003, 260.89600000000002, -15.2585, 321.53699999999998, 14.423500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 676181792, -0.109615618059939, -0.34071789201929398, -0.93375357259571801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0790101', ':HD137509', 232.863, -71.062100000000001, '2007-02-17 06:11:20', 1988, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.8799999999999999, 'B8II', 0.070000000000000007, 22, 'PC', '2007-04-27 19:41:37', '2007-08-21 22:49:56', 0, 0, '2007-02-17 06:11:20', '2007-02-17 06:44:50', -49.898400000000002, 252.291, -12.125, 315.25400000000002, 33.623399999999997, 'F', 'F', 'MYRON', 'SMITH', NULL, 674718477, -0.195934146139462, -0.258723936724294, -0.945870887036113); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1091602', 'EK-TRA', 228.506, -65.091899999999995, '2007-02-17 08:52:16', 13815, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 17, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2007-02-21 23:25:45', '2007-02-22 10:18:52', 0, 0, '2007-02-17 08:52:16', '2007-02-17 12:47:41', -44.963500000000003, 246.774, -6.2558600000000002, 317.22899999999998, 18.415900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 678142426, -0.27903870253173901, -0.31546243935805102, -0.906984482691778); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0790102', ':HD137509', 232.863, -71.062100000000001, '2007-02-17 14:42:37', 1376, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.8799999999999999, 'B8II', 0.070000000000000007, 22, 'PC', '2007-04-27 19:51:57', '2007-08-21 22:50:29', 0, 0, '2007-02-17 14:42:37', '2007-02-17 16:00:04', -49.898400000000002, 252.291, -12.125, 315.25400000000002, 18.487300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'MYRON', 'SMITH', NULL, 674718477, -0.195934146139462, -0.258723936724294, -0.945870887036113); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1091603', 'EK-TRA', 228.506, -65.091899999999995, '2007-02-17 17:46:46', 8577, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 17, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2007-02-21 23:27:32', '2007-02-22 10:18:53', 0, 0, '2007-02-17 17:46:46', '2007-02-17 22:01:36', -44.963500000000003, 246.774, -6.2558600000000002, 317.22899999999998, 33.690100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 678142426, -0.27903870253173901, -0.31546243935805102, -0.906984482691778); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9250901', 'V433-ARA', 255.02500000000001, -57.8645, '2007-02-18 00:28:52', 7009, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 16.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-05-01 22:46:00', '2007-08-21 23:00:31', 0, 0, '2007-02-18 00:28:52', '2007-02-18 03:24:14', -34.925600000000003, 260.34899999999999, -9.5017399999999999, 331.41800000000001, 356.834, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', NULL, 688817076, -0.13744769284363401, -0.51385852059672099, -0.84679250855337096); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1091604', 'EK-TRA', 228.506, -65.091899999999995, '2007-02-18 05:18:16', 14136, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 17, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2007-02-21 23:32:25', '2007-02-22 10:18:53', 0, 0, '2007-02-18 05:18:16', '2007-02-18 09:18:21', -44.963500000000003, 246.774, -6.2558600000000002, 317.22899999999998, 27.034700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 678142426, -0.27903870253173901, -0.31546243935805102, -0.906984482691778); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7059602', 'SBKGD96', 212, -62, '2007-02-18 10:31:34', 10945, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-02-21 23:24:01', '2007-02-22 10:18:52', 0, 0, '2007-02-18 10:31:34', '2007-02-18 14:17:50', -45.326700000000002, 235.50800000000001, -0.45144899999999999, 311.78899999999999, 18.916499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', NULL, 682905556, -0.39813446502015698, -0.24878202512991199, -0.88294759285892699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0790103', ':HD137509', 232.863, -71.062100000000001, '2007-02-18 17:07:20', 870, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.8799999999999999, 'B8II', 0.070000000000000007, 22, 'PC', '2007-04-30 20:02:16', '2007-08-21 22:50:59', 0, 0, '2007-02-18 17:07:20', '2007-02-18 17:24:10', -49.898400000000002, 252.291, -12.125, 315.25400000000002, 9.3652300000000004, 'F', 'F', 'MYRON', 'SMITH', NULL, 674718477, -0.195934146139462, -0.258723936724294, -0.945870887036113); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1090702', 'NGC5315-STAR', 208.488, -66.513999999999996, '2007-02-19 04:45:48', 20772, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.5, 'PNCS', 0, 16, 'PC', '2007-02-23 22:19:38', '2007-02-26 10:20:06', 0, 0, '2007-02-19 04:45:48', '2007-02-19 10:40:12', -49.983699999999999, 236.99299999999999, -4.3951200000000004, 309.11500000000001, 22.790099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 681158779, -0.35027038885865402, -0.19008632765702199, -0.91715747978560003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0790104', ':HD137509', 232.863, -71.062100000000001, '2007-02-19 11:43:12', 996, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.8799999999999999, 'B8II', 0.070000000000000007, 22, 'PC', '2007-04-30 20:12:44', '2007-08-23 20:55:31', 0, 0, '2007-02-19 11:43:12', '2007-02-19 13:17:42', -49.898400000000002, 252.291, -12.125, 315.25400000000002, 4.9231600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'MYRON', 'SMITH', NULL, 674718477, -0.195934146139462, -0.258723936724294, -0.945870887036113); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1090703', 'NGC5315-STAR', 208.488, -66.513999999999996, '2007-02-19 16:13:13', 5638, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.5, 'PNCS', 0, 16, 'PC', '2007-02-23 22:19:49', '2007-02-26 10:20:07', 0, 0, '2007-02-19 16:13:13', '2007-02-19 18:44:09', -49.983699999999999, 236.99299999999999, -4.3951200000000004, 309.11500000000001, 43.169199999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 681158779, -0.35027038885865402, -0.19008632765702199, -0.91715747978560003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3293501', 'HD124367', 213.738, -57.086100000000002, '2007-02-19 19:59:14', 769, 'HIRS', 'HIST', 4, 5, 'B4V', 0.040000000000000001, 21, 'PC', '2007-04-30 21:16:19', '2007-08-23 21:05:32', 0, 0, '2007-02-19 19:59:14', '2007-02-19 21:53:02', -40.554299999999998, 233.50700000000001, 3.95987, 314.12599999999998, 33.087600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'BARRY', 'WELSH', NULL, 685947149, -0.45186561675710901, -0.301790080400623, -0.83948806529009301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1026210', 'HD124314', 213.75700000000001, -61.706800000000001, '2007-02-19 23:16:20', 6373, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 6.6399999999999997, 'O6VN', 0.53000000000000003, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-30 23:42:56', '2007-08-23 21:37:23', 0, 0, '2007-02-19 23:16:20', '2007-02-20 03:31:04', -44.676699999999997, 236.346, -0.424707, 312.66699999999997, 48.4069, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', NULL, 681553623, -0.39407087546671898, -0.26337938621340801, -0.88053361322935397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0790105', ':HD137509', 232.863, -71.062100000000001, '2007-02-20 05:30:15', 1667, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.8799999999999999, 'B8II', 0.070000000000000007, 22, 'PC', '2007-04-30 20:12:49', '2007-08-23 20:55:40', 0, 0, '2007-02-20 05:30:15', '2007-02-20 06:01:20', -49.898400000000002, 252.291, -12.125, 315.25400000000002, 15.434699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'MYRON', 'SMITH', NULL, 674718477, -0.195934146139462, -0.258723936724294, -0.945870887036113); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1026211', 'HD124314', 213.75700000000001, -61.706800000000001, '2007-02-20 07:39:11', 10460, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 27, 6.6399999999999997, 'O6VN', 0.53000000000000003, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-01 20:21:00', '2007-08-23 22:19:20', 0, 0, '2007-02-20 07:39:11', '2007-02-20 16:07:33', -44.676699999999997, 236.346, -0.424707, 312.66699999999997, 53.649500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ED', 'JENKINS', NULL, 681553623, -0.39407087546671898, -0.26337938621340801, -0.88053361322935397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1080103', 'HD102567', 177, -62.206899999999997, '2007-02-26 02:58:41', 5119, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.9399999999999995, 'B1V', 0.28999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-01 22:14:29', '2007-09-02 19:59:29', 0, 0, '2007-02-26 02:58:41', '2007-02-26 09:41:43', -55.2196, 215.28399999999999, -0.24002399999999999, 295.613, 73.648700000000005, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 621055239, -0.46564108820574301, 0.024403215375801899, -0.88463713467946503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491106', 'HD102552', 176.98699999999999, -60.565300000000001, '2007-02-26 10:46:10', 0, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 8.6600000000000001, 'B2V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2007-05-01 22:35:20', '2007-09-02 19:59:37', 0, 0, '2007-02-26 10:46:10', '2007-02-26 11:42:02', -54.029899999999998, 213.33000000000001, 1.35076, 295.20699999999999, 73.781000000000006, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 621120991, -0.49075195840227298, 0.025830875561480501, -0.87091634569117005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1083401', 'COALSACK-3', 178.321, -65.825000000000003, '2007-02-26 22:39:48', 12195, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 20, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2007-03-02 19:59:56', '2007-03-02 17:07:26', 0, 0, '2007-02-26 22:39:48', '2007-02-27 02:15:00', -57.329599999999999, 220.68299999999999, -3.62283, 297.02100000000002, 73.208500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 620765688, -0.40934918443582202, 0.011999035324151299, -0.91229889200470704); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1080105', 'HD102567', 177, -62.206899999999997, '2007-02-27 07:07:01', 4391, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.9399999999999995, 'B1V', 0.28999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-01 22:24:47', '2007-09-02 20:21:04', 0, 0, '2007-02-27 07:07:01', '2007-02-27 12:23:36', -55.2196, 215.28399999999999, -0.24002399999999999, 295.613, 94.695700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 621055239, -0.46564108820574301, 0.024403215375801899, -0.88463713467946503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0070212', 'HD93308-OFFSET-NE', 161.26499999999999, -59.6845, '2007-02-27 15:28:31', 8131, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 7, 6.2000000000000002, 'LBV', 0, 61, 'EC', '2007-04-30 20:01:51', '2007-09-02 20:10:23', 0, 0, '2007-02-27 15:28:31', '2007-02-28 01:05:57', -58.927399999999999, 202.155, -0.62937399999999999, 287.59800000000001, 75.382499999999993, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', NULL, 622863717, -0.47801602667396398, 0.16212502387778099, -0.86325903115777802); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0150201', 'TR16-65', 161.27199999999999, -59.682600000000001, '2007-02-28 13:03:20', 15350, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 8, 9.8800000000000008, 'B2V', 0.40000000000000002, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-01 23:28:04', '2007-09-02 20:32:26', 0, 0, '2007-02-28 13:03:20', '2007-02-28 23:52:39', -58.923499999999997, 202.15700000000001, -0.62598600000000004, 287.601, 76.235200000000006, 'F', 'F', 'THEODORE', 'GULL', NULL, 622863717, -0.47806294121850701, 0.16207581326318299, -0.863242292168652); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1074604', 'BPM-6502', 161.04499999999999, -69.305999999999997, '2007-03-02 08:06:02', 12758, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.09, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2007-04-20 02:15:37', '2007-03-20 08:19:22', 0, 0, '2007-03-02 08:06:02', '2007-03-02 13:54:49', -64.681600000000003, 218.59999999999999, -9.1668699999999994, 292.05599999999998, 118.264, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 609069947, -0.334214662099589, 0.114785803269517, -0.93548104149973499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0170101', 'JUPITER-NHFLYBY', 256.91500000000002, -22.174299999999999, '2007-03-02 16:50:27', 2189, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, -2.5, '', 0, 3, 'EE', '2007-05-01 23:28:08', '2007-09-19 22:43:05', 0, 0, '2007-03-02 16:50:27', '2007-03-02 17:27:56', 0.71709500000000004, 257.89699999999999, 10.863799999999999, 0.91835900000000004, 350.60399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', NULL, 479105646, -0.20965203568618501, -0.90199559515627203, -0.37742544992530902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0170201', 'JUPITER-NHFLYBY', 256.923, -22.174900000000001, '2007-03-02 18:30:01', 2579, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, -2.5, '', 0, 3, 'EE', '2007-05-01 23:28:13', '2007-09-19 22:43:12', 0, 0, '2007-03-02 18:30:01', '2007-03-02 19:14:31', 0.71714299999999997, 257.90499999999997, 10.8575, 0.92214799999999997, 350.60199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', NULL, 479105645, -0.209525197018674, -0.90202100936850005, -0.37743514737252398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z0170301', 'IOTORUS-NHFLYBY', 256.89699999999999, -22.18, '2007-03-02 20:09:50', 2883, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, -2.5, '', 0, 3, 'EE', '2007-05-01 23:28:18', '2007-09-19 22:43:18', 0, 0, '2007-03-02 20:09:50', '2007-03-02 20:58:08', 0.70993700000000004, 257.88099999999997, 10.874599999999999, 0.90347500000000003, 350.60199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PAUL D.', 'FELDMAN', NULL, 479105728, -0.20992688241889201, -0.90189311193570498, -0.37751757400260799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S6058804', 'NBKGD88', 292.5, 60, '2007-03-08 09:03:12', 6747, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-20 01:54:21', '2007-03-20 08:19:21', 0, 0, '2007-03-08 09:03:12', '2007-03-08 14:40:36', 78.045400000000001, 337.48000000000002, 18.685300000000002, 91.576700000000002, 45.144300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 260634850, 0.191341716182545, -0.46193976625564298, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9890402', 'AB-DRA', 297.27699999999999, 77.739699999999999, '2007-03-09 04:43:34', 1038, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-04-30 20:34:08', '2007-09-20 19:13:47', 0, 0, '2007-03-09 04:43:34', '2007-03-09 05:10:52', 76.3202, 65.700299999999999, 23.486000000000001, 109.97499999999999, 16.8218, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA S.', 'FRONING', NULL, 266743404, 0.097320009630657095, -0.18873992329697001, 0.97719294772288601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4056506', 'HD182308-BKGD', 289.94200000000001, 64.390799999999999, '2007-03-09 08:00:54', 5851, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-19 22:47:01', '2007-03-20 16:03:04', 0, 0, '2007-03-09 08:00:54', '2007-03-09 12:08:16', 81.483599999999996, 354.54399999999998, 21.331, 95.515500000000003, 27.458600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 262413673, 0.14742032323572701, -0.40631329942824201, 0.90176313464501801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9890403', 'AB-DRA', 297.27699999999999, 77.739699999999999, '2007-03-09 13:22:25', 12917, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-04-30 20:44:26', '2007-09-20 19:18:35', 0, 0, '2007-03-09 13:22:25', '2007-03-09 20:27:53', 76.3202, 65.700299999999999, 23.486000000000001, 109.97499999999999, 24.416699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA S.', 'FRONING', NULL, 266743404, 0.097320009630657095, -0.18873992329697001, 0.97719294772288601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1041103', 'HS1857+7127', 284.33499999999998, 71.521900000000002, '2007-03-09 21:29:35', 16966, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.5, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-04-20 02:05:18', '2007-03-20 16:03:05', 0, 0, '2007-03-09 21:29:35', '2007-03-10 06:09:00', 82.898099999999999, 50.601500000000001, 25.163900000000002, 102.443, 3.23367, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 263438060, 0.078471995670253106, -0.30707405875166499, 0.94844486836995801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9230106', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2007-03-10 17:10:56', 6752, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 19, 6.9199999999999999, 'B7V', 0.029999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2007-04-30 23:01:27', '2007-09-20 19:30:21', 0, 0, '2007-03-10 17:10:56', '2007-03-11 00:23:01', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 109.54900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9890404', 'AB-DRA', 297.27699999999999, 77.739699999999999, '2007-03-11 03:03:28', 819, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 14.5, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-04-30 20:44:30', '2007-09-20 19:19:43', 0, 0, '2007-03-11 03:03:28', '2007-03-11 03:40:46', 76.3202, 65.700299999999999, 23.486000000000001, 109.97499999999999, 38.936199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CYNTHIA S.', 'FRONING', NULL, 266743404, 0.097320009630657095, -0.18873992329697001, 0.97719294772288601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1038401', 'HD160538', 263.17200000000003, 74.227400000000003, '2007-03-11 08:04:23', 14123, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15, 'WD', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-04-19 23:18:17', '2007-03-20 16:03:04', 0, 0, '2007-03-11 08:04:23', '2007-03-11 15:56:58', 82.010499999999993, 103.44499999999999, 31.353300000000001, 105.494, 349.69400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 192742654, -0.032316472280384798, -0.26989218721317398, 0.96234809341560001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9381002', 'WD1800+685-O', 270.04000000000002, 68.614999999999995, '2007-03-11 17:09:50', 14833, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2007-05-01 22:56:40', '2007-09-21 22:07:56', 0, 0, '2007-03-11 17:09:50', '2007-03-12 04:38:49', 87.945499999999996, 89.597399999999993, 29.774999999999999, 98.752499999999998, 19.873899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 262913974, 0.00025456185113298299, -0.36463293313482198, 0.93115130847341898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8481203', '2MASXIJ1622346+735943', 248.14400000000001, 73.995099999999994, '2007-03-12 06:06:59', 14903, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2007-04-30 20:33:46', '2007-09-20 19:07:21', 0, 0, '2007-03-12 06:06:59', '2007-03-12 15:07:51', 79.644000000000005, 124.81999999999999, 35.313899999999997, 106.80800000000001, 326.14499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 192650209, -0.102643540452038, -0.25590150648951998, 0.96123811960401595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9210702', 'WD1713+695', 258.27499999999998, 69.523700000000005, '2007-03-12 16:04:57', 6735, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.27, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-05-01 22:45:45', '2007-09-21 21:56:44', 0, 0, '2007-03-12 16:04:57', '2007-03-12 19:02:57', 84.721699999999998, 140.59999999999999, 33.827599999999997, 100.41800000000001, 335.83300000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 190753878, -0.071088491656318406, -0.342520643404781, 0.93681696995496699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9381003', 'WD1800+685-O', 270.04000000000002, 68.614999999999995, '2007-03-12 20:09:27', 8045, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2007-05-01 22:56:46', '2007-09-21 22:08:21', 0, 0, '2007-03-12 20:09:27', '2007-03-12 23:29:10', 87.945499999999996, 89.597399999999993, 29.774999999999999, 98.752499999999998, 346.73500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 262913974, 0.00025456185113298299, -0.36463293313482198, 0.93115130847341898); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9210703', 'WD1713+695', 258.27499999999998, 69.523700000000005, '2007-03-13 04:41:10', 39435, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 13.27, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-05-01 19:59:22', '2007-09-21 22:07:27', 0, 0, '2007-03-13 04:41:10', '2007-03-14 01:27:13', 84.721699999999998, 140.59999999999999, 33.827599999999997, 100.41800000000001, 351.48200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 190753878, -0.071088491656318406, -0.342520643404781, 0.93681696995496699); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E8481204', '2MASXIJ1622346+735943', 248.14400000000001, 73.995099999999994, '2007-03-14 02:40:38', 14697, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.699999999999999, 'QSO', 0, 84, 'PC', '2007-04-30 20:34:03', '2007-09-20 19:12:50', 0, 0, '2007-03-14 02:40:38', '2007-03-14 11:53:21', 79.644000000000005, 124.81999999999999, 35.313899999999997, 106.80800000000001, 324.28500000000003, 'F', 'F', 'KENNETH', 'SEMBACH', NULL, 192650209, -0.102643540452038, -0.25590150648951998, 0.96123811960401595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1240208', 'SKY-163900-600000', 249.75, 60, '2007-03-14 19:44:35', 8678, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-05-01 22:35:05', '2007-09-21 21:47:50', 0, 0, '2007-03-14 19:44:35', '2007-03-15 02:23:35', 78.860200000000006, 206.398, 39.640300000000003, 89.986199999999997, 327.02600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN', 'SHELTON', NULL, 189084796, -0.17305852853874701, -0.46909566796124202, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1034902', 'Z-UMI', 225.506, 83.063500000000005, '2007-03-16 11:52:00', 21857, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 11, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2007-04-20 02:05:01', '2007-03-22 09:21:18', 0, 0, '2007-03-16 11:52:00', '2007-03-17 02:36:40', 70.9148, 105.002, 32.898000000000003, 118.483, 322.53300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 200525463, -0.084639262257743195, -0.086147582608344805, 0.99268060789722501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0600201', 'PG1618+563B', 244.86199999999999, 56.099899999999998, '2007-03-17 05:40:48', 5202, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.52, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-05-01 22:35:25', '2007-09-21 21:48:15', 0, 0, '2007-03-17 05:40:48', '2007-03-17 09:36:29', 74.231200000000001, 209.32400000000001, 43.161999999999999, 85.879900000000006, 328.12799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GILLES', 'FONTAINE', NULL, 166445435, -0.23693069605784201, -0.50492085301211298, 0.83001131164524899); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0840103', 'MARKARIAN290', 233.96799999999999, 57.9026, '2007-03-17 12:23:58', 8733, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.210000000000001, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2007-05-01 21:53:43', '2007-09-21 21:35:19', 0, 0.029579999999999999, '2007-03-17 12:23:58', '2007-03-17 21:52:34', 71.471999999999994, 190.38300000000001, 47.953400000000002, 91.491, 314.99099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOSEPH', 'COLLINS', NULL, 186585350, -0.31256569386848498, -0.42970487902367899, 0.84714603461254401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0840104', 'MARKARIAN290', 233.96799999999999, 57.9026, '2007-03-17 23:03:17', 4729, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 15.210000000000001, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2007-05-01 21:54:00', '2007-09-21 21:45:46', 0, 0.029579999999999999, '2007-03-17 23:03:17', '2007-03-18 11:44:25', 71.471999999999994, 190.38300000000001, 47.953400000000002, 91.491, 314.471, 'F', 'F', 'JOSEPH', 'COLLINS', NULL, 186585350, -0.31256569386848498, -0.42970487902367899, 0.84714603461254401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P1041203', 'WD0501+527', 76.377600000000001, 52.831699999999998, '2000-01-13 13:22:14', 11479, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 21, 11.779999999999999, 'WD-D', 0, 17, 'PC', '2007-04-13 22:11:02', '2007-10-13 22:11:02', 0, 64, '2000-01-13 13:22:14', '2000-01-13 18:26:02', 29.837700000000002, 80.558599999999998, 7.0990599999999997, 155.95400000000001, 209.94300000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WARREN', 'MOOS', NULL, 30975413, 0.142292629945974, 0.58716274680286695, 0.79686430226856697); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7130901', 'NGC2915-FUV1', 141.548, -76.626199999999997, '2006-03-15 21:19:52', 17687, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 17, 'GAL', 0.27000000000000002, 72, 'EC', '2007-04-27 00:15:55', '2007-10-27 00:15:55', 0, 468, '2006-03-15 21:19:52', '2006-03-16 02:41:09', -71.771299999999997, 234.614, -18.3569, 291.96800000000002, 142.946, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 605793644, -0.18114022002312699, 0.14383783416197199, -0.972881749316723); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0360101', 'SMC-WR4', 12.6808, -73.451599999999999, '2006-08-06 19:20:29', 12663, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.35, 'WN6H', 0.070000000000000007, 11, 'PC', '2007-04-13 20:08:39', '2007-10-13 20:08:39', 0, 250, '2006-08-06 19:20:29', '2006-08-07 00:09:50', -64.735799999999998, 310.62299999999999, -43.676299999999998, 303.00400000000002, 54.973300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ANTHONY F.J.', 'MOFFAT', NULL, 545508119, 0.27787778552776299, 0.062524624026150499, -0.95857947385731901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9270502', 'HD25638', 61.964100000000002, 62.330100000000002, '2006-08-23 10:36:47', 8721, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 6.9900000000000002, 'O9.5', 0.17000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-11 23:41:55', '2007-10-11 23:41:55', 0, 0, '2006-08-23 10:36:47', '2006-08-23 14:42:09', 40.504800000000003, 73.317800000000005, 7.65794, 143.67699999999999, 356.89499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 55445098, 0.218268588268754, 0.40988373693845598, 0.88563770559328203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0170101', 'HD237019', 43.3688, 60.459699999999998, '2006-08-25 07:12:27', 49748, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 18, 9.6999999999999993, 'O8V', 0.75, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-30 22:08:25', '2007-10-06 23:00:41', 0, 0, '2006-08-25 07:12:27', '2006-08-26 10:38:44', 41.570700000000002, 61.3752, 1.06931, 137.43100000000001, 324.42399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'EDWARD B.', 'JENKINS', NULL, 54093496, 0.35841160757677099, 0.338563495501357, 0.87000912585336598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0620101', 'WD0002+729', 1.2775000000000001, 73.218999999999994, '2006-08-29 18:46:40', 36287, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.33, 'DB', 0, 29, 'PC', '2007-04-30 22:29:18', '2007-10-06 22:21:10', 0, 0, '2006-08-29 18:46:40', '2006-08-30 12:38:42', 61.145699999999998, 53.264699999999998, 10.651899999999999, 119.55200000000001, 280.56900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', NULL, 62580579, 0.28864255950124201, 0.0064368089591578803, 0.95741529146708104); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0150403', 'HD198084', 311.33699999999999, 57.5794, '2006-09-11 08:50:20', 27054, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 4.5, 'F8IV', 0, 41, 'PE', '2007-04-30 21:27:10', '2007-10-06 22:11:34', 0, 0, '2006-09-11 08:50:20', '2006-09-11 21:45:12', 69.164100000000005, 354.58800000000002, 9.0559100000000008, 94.430199999999999, 231.28100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 254979660, 0.35410693809575899, -0.40254689810324401, 0.84413522093317594); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9381102', 'WD1845+683-O', 281.29000000000002, 68.393100000000004, '2006-09-12 00:13:00', 10657, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-11 23:53:12', '2007-10-11 23:53:12', 0, 0, '2006-09-12 00:13:00', '2006-09-12 06:37:47', 85.311800000000005, 28.114699999999999, 25.652999999999999, 98.832400000000007, 204.16499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 262999102, 0.072091501823288898, -0.36111071802366601, 0.92973214674619897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0150202', 'HD198149', 311.322, 61.840499999999999, '2006-09-12 07:53:58', 4651, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 3.3999999999999999, 'K0IV', 0, 46, 'PE', '2007-04-30 21:16:31', '2007-10-06 21:59:22', 0, 0, '2006-09-12 07:53:58', '2006-09-12 10:10:29', 71.780799999999999, 4.6824899999999996, 11.644500000000001, 97.871200000000002, 231.33699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 255545085, 0.31160917418995698, -0.35442272402456498, 0.88163725831866901); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1062302', 'CPD-56D464', 42.590400000000002, -56.214599999999997, '2006-09-24 11:06:48', 1417, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 12.01, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-04-19 23:29:01', '2007-04-09 08:43:14', 0, 0, '2006-09-24 11:06:48', '2006-09-24 11:50:01', -65.816699999999997, 2.0523099999999999, -53.972900000000003, 274.97199999999998, 50.863599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 551833621, 0.40939476104456801, 0.37633120408947801, -0.83112619646948005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5111302', 'AV491', 19.32, -73.167000000000002, '2006-09-28 14:47:38', 22774, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.720000000000001, 'O7.5', 0.20000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-04-11 23:41:47', '2007-10-11 23:41:47', 0, 0, '2006-09-28 14:47:38', '2006-09-29 02:49:22', -66.388099999999994, 313.02100000000002, -43.8309, 300.34500000000003, 98.057699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 545658142, 0.273275403107829, 0.095806787784908504, -0.95715286839176905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9191202', 'NGC3031', 148.88800000000001, 69.065299999999993, '2006-10-16 13:49:14', 7256, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.8899999999999997, 'GAL', 0.080000000000000002, 80, 'EC', '2007-04-30 21:16:25', '2007-10-06 21:47:28', 0, 0, '2006-10-16 13:49:14', '2006-10-16 17:17:06', 51.580100000000002, 119.48999999999999, 40.899799999999999, 142.09299999999999, 64.836200000000005, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 124619181, -0.30590875000255002, 0.18462335096841401, 0.93398825204017999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052108', 'AGK+81D266', 140.32900000000001, 81.724599999999995, '2006-10-20 13:25:49', 7487, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 14, 11.85, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2007-04-13 20:24:26', '2007-10-13 20:24:26', 0, 0, '2006-10-20 13:25:49', '2006-10-20 16:07:00', 60.619199999999999, 103.051, 31.948599999999999, 130.67099999999999, 28.939399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 133292579, -0.110787224375408, 0.0918826412983859, 0.98958767734002495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9370203', 'HD23089', 56.509700000000002, 63.345100000000002, '2006-10-20 23:18:58', 2245, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 21, 4.8200000000000003, 'G3II', 0.10000000000000001, 22, 'PC', '2007-05-01 19:38:39', '2007-10-06 21:46:53', 0, 0, '2006-10-20 23:18:58', '2006-10-21 00:06:10', 42.155900000000003, 70.492900000000006, 6.8127399999999998, 141.10499999999999, 309.82999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'PHILIP D.', 'BENNETT', NULL, 56727614, 0.24754423177437501, 0.374136142279619, 0.89372479005304495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1600202', 'NGC6826', 296.20100000000002, 50.525100000000002, '2006-11-09 22:15:00', 1509, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 10, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-13 20:06:09', '2007-10-13 20:06:09', 0, 0, '2006-11-09 22:15:00', '2006-11-10 01:46:14', 69.245599999999996, 322.38200000000001, 12.792299999999999, 83.563299999999998, 157.654, 'F', 'F', 'JEFFREY', 'KRUK', NULL, 248587725, 0.28069294298652703, -0.57041825165465398, 0.77190316098381795); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3230104', 'HD5303', 13.282400000000001, -74.651600000000002, '2006-11-26 04:41:58', 23816, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 7.5999999999999996, 'G0V+', 0, 46, 'PE', '2007-04-30 21:05:51', '2007-10-06 21:57:47', 0, 0, '2006-11-26 04:41:58', '2006-11-26 17:21:55', -65.360299999999995, 308.16300000000001, -42.475900000000003, 302.78199999999998, 153.48400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'FREDERICK M.', 'WALTER', NULL, 545384677, 0.25760722370122502, 0.060812220163580399, -0.96433417038686498); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0150501', 'HD8538', 21.454999999999998, 60.235399999999998, '2006-12-27 14:24:52', 11794, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 2.7000000000000002, 'A5II', 0, 31, 'PE', '2007-04-30 21:37:18', '2007-10-06 23:32:17', 0, 0, '2006-12-27 14:24:52', '2006-12-27 22:21:18', 46.403100000000002, 47.930799999999998, -2.3520500000000002, 127.19199999999999, 207.39400000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 59395660, 0.46203713320557799, 0.18158220641164699, 0.86807234137129896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9321301', 'HD1383', 4.5740400000000001, 61.727200000000003, '2006-12-28 13:42:22', 11959, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 7.6299999999999999, 'B1II', 0.5, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-30 23:21:27', '2007-10-06 23:21:24', 0, 0, '2006-12-28 13:42:22', '2006-12-28 22:36:15', 52.466900000000003, 39.192500000000003, -0.89267099999999999, 119.01900000000001, 184.773, 'F', 'F', 'SCOTT D.', 'FRIEDMAN', NULL, 50024749, 0.47216158118749801, 0.037773911267973997, 0.88070231797017595); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0050103', '3C263', 174.988, 65.7971, '2007-01-26 04:28:01', 16805, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2007-05-01 19:48:59', '2007-10-06 22:39:43', 0, 0.64600000000000002, '2007-01-26 04:28:01', '2007-01-26 18:35:09', 55.3444, 135.90700000000001, 49.743600000000001, 134.161, 304.75299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR D.', 'SAVAGE', NULL, 123022235, -0.40840165080946, 0.035816706344473197, 0.91209936693473304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0050104', '3C263', 174.988, 65.7971, '2007-01-26 23:44:11', 39638, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 14, 16.300000000000001, 'QSO', 0.01, 85, 'PC', '2007-04-30 21:05:34', '2007-10-06 22:49:57', 0, 0.64600000000000002, '2007-01-26 23:44:11', '2007-01-27 21:57:53', 55.3444, 135.90700000000001, 49.743600000000001, 134.161, 303.74700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BLAIR D.', 'SAVAGE', NULL, 123022235, -0.40840165080946, 0.035816706344473197, 0.91209936693473304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0870204', 'RJ105837.5+562816', 164.65700000000001, 56.469799999999999, '2007-01-29 23:14:58', 3284, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.1, 'QSO', 0.01, 87, 'PC', '2007-04-30 20:23:18', '2007-10-06 22:28:49', 0, 0.14399999999999999, '2007-01-29 23:14:58', '2007-01-30 08:55:37', 44.964599999999997, 138.84, 54.424500000000002, 149.59399999999999, 294.16000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JASON', 'TUMLINSON', NULL, 99749560, -0.532689254345033, 0.14615707614520901, 0.83359478609094995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0670101', 'HO-IX-X1-TOTAL', 149.471, 69.064700000000002, '2007-01-31 02:09:15', 5628, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 99, 'SNR', 0.040000000000000001, 75, 'EE', '2007-04-30 22:39:37', '2007-10-06 23:10:31', 0, 0, '2007-01-31 02:09:15', '2007-01-31 11:46:01', 51.694200000000002, 119.771, 41.069699999999997, 141.934, 284.13200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PARVIZ', 'GHAVAMIAN', NULL, 124618348, -0.30777989858826399, 0.18150611152242299, 0.93398451031321095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0090105', 'BD+67D922', 240.42099999999999, 66.802800000000005, '2007-03-15 03:50:43', 5726, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.8200000000000003, 'K4', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PE', '2007-04-13 19:03:01', '2007-10-13 19:03:01', 0, -148, '2007-03-15 03:50:43', '2007-03-15 11:07:42', 78.398799999999994, 165.21199999999999, 40.9711, 100.289, 320.92099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'YOUNG', NULL, 191265163, -0.19443667258588199, -0.34256272479587002, 0.91915458979116205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0090106', 'BD+67D922', 240.42099999999999, 66.802800000000005, '2007-03-15 23:04:14', 16483, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 7, 9.8200000000000003, 'K4', 0.050000000000000003, 57, 'PE', '2007-04-23 20:21:26', '2007-10-23 20:21:26', 0, -148, '2007-03-15 23:04:14', '2007-03-16 10:22:07', 78.398799999999994, 165.21199999999999, 40.9711, 100.289, 320.08699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'PETER', 'YOUNG', NULL, 191265163, -0.19443667258588199, -0.34256272479587002, 0.91915458979116205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1031404', 'HD109540', 188.279, 82.563900000000004, '2007-03-18 14:56:07', 13012, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.449999999999999, 'CSPN', 0, 70, 'PC', '2007-04-13 21:18:16', '2007-04-16 08:04:08', 0, -41, '2007-03-18 14:56:07', '2007-03-18 22:08:10', 66.516900000000007, 108.748, 34.538499999999999, 123.652, 278.13200000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 200250411, -0.12807164963984399, -0.018635695959961, 0.99158981610069796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1035001', 'WD1501+664', 225.53999999999999, 66.205200000000005, '2007-03-19 01:51:22', 5198, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 15.9, 'DOZ', 0, 17, 'PC', '2007-04-19 23:07:49', '2007-04-20 09:07:27', 0, 0, '2007-03-19 01:51:22', '2007-03-19 04:33:56', 72.561499999999995, 160.55500000000001, 46.009399999999999, 104.65300000000001, 322.70600000000002, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 191537677, -0.28258946273222602, -0.28796698983489399, 0.91499628869091099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090203', 'HD106677', 183.923, 72.551199999999994, '2007-03-19 06:03:15', 8324, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 6.2999999999999998, 'K0II', 0, 66, 'PE', '2007-04-12 23:50:55', '2007-10-12 23:50:55', 0, 0, '2007-03-19 06:03:15', '2007-03-19 11:34:29', 62.058100000000003, 129.67400000000001, 44.316800000000001, 126.666, 278.334, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 196767368, -0.29915084194649599, -0.020514706686348499, 0.95398528320528897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9030203', 'HS1650+7229', 252.31800000000001, 72.403199999999998, '2007-03-19 13:06:08', 14416, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 17.899999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-04-13 21:39:45', '2007-10-13 21:39:45', 0, 0, '2007-03-19 13:06:08', '2007-03-19 18:57:15', 81.541799999999995, 128.631, 34.8459, 104.43600000000001, 10.5731, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 192505522, -0.091823773596316605, -0.28803429297581601, 0.95320755382679101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4050302', 'NCVZ-BKGD', 204.71000000000001, 70.285399999999996, '2007-03-19 21:39:03', 11918, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-04-19 22:46:46', '2007-04-20 09:07:26', 0, 0, '2007-03-19 21:39:03', '2007-03-20 03:48:42', 66.896100000000004, 141.34800000000001, 46.309199999999997, 117.178, 275.745, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 196358661, -0.30644713637065202, -0.14101473977824, 0.94138461628364301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090204', 'HD106677', 183.923, 72.551199999999994, '2007-03-20 05:01:14', 12150, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 6.2999999999999998, 'K0II', 0, 66, 'PE', '2007-04-12 23:51:05', '2007-10-12 23:51:05', 0, 0, '2007-03-20 05:01:14', '2007-03-20 12:39:42', 62.058100000000003, 129.67400000000001, 44.316800000000001, 126.666, 257.41000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 196767368, -0.29915084194649599, -0.020514706686348499, 0.95398528320528897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052805', 'WD1631+781', 247.29499999999999, 78.077500000000001, '2007-03-20 16:57:21', 14496, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 13.1, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-04-13 20:57:25', '2007-10-13 20:57:25', 0, 0, '2007-03-20 16:57:21', '2007-03-20 21:11:47', 76.779399999999995, 110.40600000000001, 33.578699999999998, 111.297, 348.52999999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 198442371, -0.079740354487051898, -0.19057873672225201, 0.97842793346042101); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090205', 'HD106677', 183.923, 72.551199999999994, '2007-03-20 23:19:41', 14149, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 6.2999999999999998, 'K0II', 0, 66, 'PE', '2007-04-13 00:01:10', '2007-10-13 00:01:10', 0, 0, '2007-03-20 23:19:41', '2007-03-21 11:53:57', 62.058100000000003, 129.67400000000001, 44.316800000000001, 126.666, 256.678, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 196767368, -0.29915084194649599, -0.020514706686348499, 0.95398528320528897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1031102', 'MRK205', 185.434, 75.310599999999994, '2007-03-21 16:06:56', 16447, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 14.800000000000001, 'AGN', 0.040000000000000001, 84, 'PC', '2007-04-19 22:57:32', '2007-04-20 09:07:27', 0, 21239, '2007-03-21 16:06:56', '2007-03-22 02:07:53', 63.772199999999998, 124.834, 41.671999999999997, 125.44799999999999, 277.53699999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 197028145, -0.25243939286431, -0.0240136959036234, 0.96731468268570497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090405', 'HD153751', 251.49100000000001, 82.037199999999999, '2007-03-22 12:04:00', 6225, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 4.2199999999999998, 'A8V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2007-04-13 00:10:42', '2007-10-13 00:10:42', 0, 0, '2007-03-22 12:04:00', '2007-03-22 17:22:35', 73.922700000000006, 99.137299999999996, 31.048400000000001, 114.998, 342.05500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 199154848, -0.043976889821514202, -0.13136449086782001, 0.99035821988847295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7131601', 'NGC4236-FUV3', 184.285, 69.4041, '2007-03-22 23:41:53', 5544, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 17, 'GAL', 0.01, 72, 'EC', '2007-04-21 03:08:30', '2007-10-21 03:08:30', 0, 0, '2007-03-22 23:41:53', '2007-03-23 10:22:24', 60.376899999999999, 135.209, 47.426699999999997, 127.38, 274.73399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 195978805, -0.35079135887746399, -0.02628378041187, 0.93608471060271203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D9090406', 'HD153751', 251.49100000000001, 82.037199999999999, '2007-03-23 12:18:43', 14423, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 4.2199999999999998, 'A8V+', 0, 66, 'PE', '2007-04-13 00:21:59', '2007-10-13 00:21:59', 0, 0, '2007-03-23 12:18:43', '2007-03-23 18:16:36', 73.922700000000006, 99.137299999999996, 31.048400000000001, 114.998, 356.733, 'F', 'F', 'SETH', 'REDFIELD', NULL, 199154848, -0.043976889821514202, -0.13136449086782001, 0.99035821988847295); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1690101', 'LYC-1', 166.70599999999999, 57.685600000000001, '2007-03-24 05:37:34', 417, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 14.130000000000001, 'GAL', 0, 80, 'EC', '2007-04-13 00:32:32', '2007-10-13 00:32:32', 0, 0.032000000000000001, '2007-03-24 05:37:34', '2007-03-24 07:50:04', 46.593200000000003, 139.20699999999999, 54.332000000000001, 146.768, 238.77500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', NULL, 99776660, -0.52024001549088605, 0.12292200611111, 0.84512750913436896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1690102', 'LYC-1', 166.70599999999999, 57.685600000000001, '2007-03-25 01:41:49', 4409, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.130000000000001, 'GAL', 0, 80, 'EC', '2007-04-13 00:32:50', '2007-10-13 00:32:50', 0, 0.032000000000000001, '2007-03-25 01:41:49', '2007-03-25 07:04:24', 46.593200000000003, 139.20699999999999, 54.332000000000001, 146.768, 232.983, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', NULL, 99776660, -0.52024001549088605, 0.12292200611111, 0.84512750913436896); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1110701', 'HD104860', 181.14099999999999, 66.336500000000001, '2007-03-26 19:47:23', 9224, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 7.9000000000000004, 'F8', 0, 41, 'PE', '2007-04-12 00:28:59', '2007-10-12 00:28:59', 0, 0, '2007-03-26 19:47:23', '2007-03-27 02:00:22', 57.513300000000001, 138.34200000000001, 50.121299999999998, 130.238, 268.50700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 195732619, -0.40128479366066699, -0.0079923249010754593, 0.91591846641466501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1110702', 'HD104860', 181.14099999999999, 66.336500000000001, '2007-03-27 10:43:39', 14889, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 7.9000000000000004, 'F8', 0, 41, 'PE', '2007-04-23 20:53:00', '2007-10-23 20:53:00', 0, 0, '2007-03-27 10:43:39', '2007-03-28 01:15:03', 57.513300000000001, 138.34200000000001, 50.121299999999998, 130.238, 252.75299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 195732619, -0.40128479366066699, -0.0079923249010754593, 0.91591846641466501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3270302', 'NGC3631', 170.262, 53.169800000000002, '2007-03-28 04:23:56', 466, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 11.01, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2007-04-13 00:43:19', '2007-10-13 00:43:19', 0, 1156, '2007-03-28 04:23:56', '2007-03-28 06:34:02', 43.950200000000002, 145.148, 59.038699999999999, 149.53200000000001, 236.93700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES G.', 'HOOPES', NULL, 97761673, -0.59080846434926204, 0.10139207384782301, 0.80041552072289601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3270402', 'NGC3738', 173.953, 54.523899999999998, '2007-03-28 09:56:08', 4110, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.130000000000001, 'GAL', 0.01, 89, 'EC', '2007-04-12 00:39:37', '2007-10-12 00:39:37', 0, 229, '2007-03-28 09:56:08', '2007-03-28 11:58:06', 46.289400000000001, 146.636, 59.314500000000002, 144.55600000000001, 262.52300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'CHARLES G.', 'HOOPES', NULL, 97951376, -0.57713406169759496, 0.0611379312789566, 0.81435767828845695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1110703', 'HD104860', 181.14099999999999, 66.336500000000001, '2007-03-28 13:21:08', 3763, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 7.9000000000000004, 'F8', 0, 41, 'PE', '2007-04-13 00:22:15', '2007-10-13 00:22:15', 0, 0, '2007-03-28 13:21:08', '2007-03-28 19:18:45', 57.513300000000001, 138.34200000000001, 50.121299999999998, 130.238, 256.68099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 195732619, -0.40128479366066699, -0.0079923249010754593, 0.91591846641466501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9181404', 'M81-HK343', 148.91900000000001, 68.995800000000003, '2007-03-28 21:58:23', 5613, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 17, 'GAL', 0.080000000000000002, 72, 'EC', '2007-04-13 21:39:51', '2007-10-13 21:39:51', 0, 0, '2007-03-28 21:58:23', '2007-03-29 00:29:46', 51.528100000000002, 119.566, 40.948900000000002, 142.16, 233.06100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 124619042, -0.30697865651267398, 0.18504255060748101, 0.93355415424620702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1110704', 'HD104860', 181.14099999999999, 66.336500000000001, '2007-03-29 02:00:04', 2698, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 7.9000000000000004, 'F8', 0, 41, 'PE', '2007-04-23 21:03:28', '2007-10-23 21:03:28', 0, 0, '2007-03-29 02:00:04', '2007-03-29 04:01:51', 57.513300000000001, 138.34200000000001, 50.121299999999998, 130.238, 261.23500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 195732619, -0.40128479366066699, -0.0079923249010754593, 0.91591846641466501); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9181405', 'M81-HK343', 148.91900000000001, 68.995800000000003, '2007-03-29 07:19:12', 9681, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 17, 'GAL', 0.080000000000000002, 72, 'EC', '2007-04-24 20:51:16', '2007-10-24 20:51:16', 0, 0, '2007-03-29 07:19:12', '2007-03-29 14:27:07', 51.528100000000002, 119.566, 40.948900000000002, 142.16, 232.714, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 124619042, -0.30697865651267398, 0.18504255060748101, 0.93355415424620702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9181301', 'M81-HK453', 148.85599999999999, 69.137699999999995, '2007-03-29 16:08:54', 24291, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 17, 'GAL', 0.080000000000000002, 72, 'EC', '2007-04-13 01:04:21', '2007-10-13 01:04:21', 0, 0, '2007-03-29 16:08:54', '2007-03-30 06:49:26', 51.634300000000003, 119.411, 40.848700000000001, 142.024, 217.40899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 124619582, -0.30479524328348701, 0.18418363551518099, 0.934439001797427); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0210101', 'NGC3353', 161.34299999999999, 55.9604, '2007-03-30 08:25:25', 13014, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.199999999999999, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2007-04-23 21:34:48', '2007-10-23 21:34:48', 0, 944, '2007-03-30 08:25:25', '2007-03-31 02:30:31', 43.554299999999998, 137.03800000000001, 53.374000000000002, 152.30500000000001, 262.50099999999998, 'F', 'F', 'EVAN', 'SKILLMAN', NULL, 99067387, -0.53035042055201398, 0.17907020112392399, 0.82865088818497001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0210102', 'NGC3353', 161.34299999999999, 55.9604, '2007-03-31 03:13:10', 6055, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 13.199999999999999, 'GAL', 0, 89, 'EC', '2007-04-23 21:45:28', '2007-10-23 21:45:28', 0, 944, '2007-03-31 03:13:10', '2007-03-31 17:05:10', 43.554299999999998, 137.03800000000001, 53.374000000000002, 152.30500000000001, 249.80500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'EVAN', 'SKILLMAN', NULL, 99067387, -0.53035042055201398, 0.17907020112392399, 0.82865088818497001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9181102', 'M81-HK741', 148.679, 69.060699999999997, '2007-04-01 10:25:08', 18821, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 17, 'GAL', 0.080000000000000002, 72, 'EC', '2007-04-13 00:43:28', '2007-10-13 00:43:28', 0, 0, '2007-04-01 10:25:08', '2007-04-01 19:44:46', 51.535400000000003, 119.39400000000001, 40.841299999999997, 142.155, 215.97999999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 124619372, -0.30529731530626403, 0.185776974432104, 0.93395956284929205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1025501', 'MRK25', 150.96600000000001, 59.436399999999999, '2007-04-02 02:38:06', 901, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 14.42, 'SEY', 0.01, 84, 'PC', '2007-04-20 22:44:44', '2007-04-23 16:02:53', 0, 2602, '2007-04-02 02:38:06', '2007-04-02 06:19:19', 43.776299999999999, 128.006, 46.844900000000003, 152.69800000000001, 244.98599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 122229009, -0.444592928488099, 0.24678688777064101, 0.861065247215829); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9181103', 'M81-HK741', 148.679, 69.060699999999997, '2007-04-03 07:10:15', 14493, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 17, 'GAL', 0.080000000000000002, 72, 'EC', '2007-04-13 00:53:47', '2007-10-13 00:53:47', 0, 0, '2007-04-03 07:10:15', '2007-04-03 15:01:02', 51.535400000000003, 119.39400000000001, 40.841299999999997, 142.155, 244.48699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 124619372, -0.30529731530626403, 0.185776974432104, 0.93395956284929205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1095303', 'JL_36', 300.46699999999998, -71.956800000000001, '2007-04-05 13:41:30', 5424, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.93, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-04-12 03:47:55', '2007-04-12 08:56:29', 0, 0, '2007-04-05 13:41:30', '2007-04-05 16:44:22', -50.011099999999999, 284.14499999999998, -31.127400000000002, 323.108, 5.1641199999999996, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 747637827, 0.15704814479238299, -0.26696633199431902, -0.95082325265990897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0250101', 'NGC6752-B210', 287.95699999999999, -60.089599999999997, '2007-04-05 19:33:12', 12110, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 17.039999999999999, 'SDB', 0.040000000000000001, 28, 'PC', '2007-04-21 03:19:11', '2007-10-21 03:19:11', 0, -13, '2007-04-05 19:33:12', '2007-04-06 14:17:47', -37.343299999999999, 281.149, -25.764500000000002, 336.40300000000002, 20.076899999999998, 'F', 'F', 'W. VAN DYKE', 'DIXON', NULL, 772803139, 0.15373384939597801, -0.47435516755936802, -0.866806252030763); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F3200702', 'HD181327', 290.74599999999998, -54.5381, '2007-04-07 00:06:58', 61, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 7, 'F5V', 0, 41, 'PE', '2007-04-12 00:29:14', '2007-10-12 00:29:14', 0, 0, '2007-04-07 00:06:58', '2007-04-07 02:30:37', -32.105200000000004, 284.04000000000002, -26.246700000000001, 342.77999999999997, 329.85399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 773415593, 0.20550813130144099, -0.54254376134956706, -0.81450148863562799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H9010301', 'GALEX_J212408.2-625518', 321.03399999999999, -62.921900000000001, '2007-04-07 19:57:39', 1483, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 10.34, 'B9+W', 0.10000000000000001, 18, 'PC', '2007-04-12 01:34:12', '2007-10-12 01:34:12', 0, 0, '2007-04-07 19:57:39', '2007-04-07 20:24:26', -44.671900000000001, 299.84800000000001, -41.025300000000001, 331.25, 342.99400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', NULL, 745455176, 0.35393035684014401, -0.286259567399965, -0.89038686118955801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0200201', 'ESO185-G013', 296.25200000000001, -54.250799999999998, '2007-04-08 00:40:32', 2282, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 15, 'AGN', 0, 88, 'PC', '2007-04-12 01:00:49', '2007-10-12 01:00:49', 0, 0, '2007-04-08 00:40:32', '2007-04-08 01:44:56', -32.424199999999999, 287.827, -29.3734, 343.64100000000002, 6.4359700000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', NULL, 773259419, 0.25842029791766302, -0.52397841595559602, -0.81158213955015701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0200203', 'ESO185-G013', 296.25200000000001, -54.250799999999998, '2007-04-09 00:12:07', 2668, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 15, 'AGN', 0, 88, 'PC', '2007-04-13 21:39:55', '2007-10-13 21:39:55', 0, 0, '2007-04-09 00:12:07', '2007-04-09 00:59:17', -32.424199999999999, 287.827, -29.3734, 343.64100000000002, 350.93000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', NULL, 773259419, 0.25842029791766302, -0.52397841595559602, -0.81158213955015701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0740201', 'HD160635', 266.43299999999999, -64.723799999999997, '2007-04-09 07:29:04', 7123, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 3.6200000000000001, 'K2II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2007-04-12 21:25:33', '2007-10-12 21:25:33', 0, 0, '2007-04-09 07:29:04', '2007-04-09 20:40:13', -41.309399999999997, 267.97300000000001, -17.7499, 328.40300000000002, 26.319600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GRAEME', 'SMITH', NULL, 687906280, -0.0265649959659881, -0.42615510018411201, -0.90425999113993605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0200204', 'ESO185-G013', 296.25200000000001, -54.250799999999998, '2007-04-09 23:07:38', 1880, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 15, 'AGN', 0, 88, 'PC', '2007-04-21 02:58:01', '2007-10-21 02:58:01', 0, 0, '2007-04-09 23:07:38', '2007-04-10 00:13:37', -32.424199999999999, 287.827, -29.3734, 343.64100000000002, 351.44099999999997, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID V.', 'BOWEN', NULL, 773259419, 0.25842029791766302, -0.52397841595559602, -0.81158213955015701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1094006', 'ARPAV', 275.11599999999999, -66.078599999999994, '2007-04-10 06:50:50', 692, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 10.5, 'M5M6', 0.10000000000000001, 57, 'PC', '2007-04-20 22:55:27', '2007-04-23 16:02:55', 0, 0, '2007-04-10 06:50:50', '2007-04-10 07:39:56', -42.6892, 272.81999999999999, -21.603899999999999, 328.53699999999998, 27.511800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 749368920, 0.036157911628602601, -0.40386767053531197, -0.91410257089838598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0581902', 'ESO139-03', 263.07299999999998, -60.734699999999997, '2007-04-11 13:13:15', 16091, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 16, 15.4, 'GAL', 0, 82, 'EC', '2007-04-20 21:51:59', '2007-10-20 21:51:59', 0, 0.017000000000000001, '2007-04-11 13:13:15', '2007-04-12 13:11:59', -37.397500000000001, 265.74400000000003, -14.507199999999999, 331.30200000000002, 41.885199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', NULL, 688295997, -0.058958091725436201, -0.48528587801013601, -0.872365496809695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9250802', 'V663-ARA', 251.74000000000001, -55.6892, '2007-04-12 19:48:47', 4807, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 16.199999999999999, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-04-20 21:21:02', '2007-10-20 21:21:02', 0, 0, '2007-04-12 19:48:47', '2007-04-12 23:43:15', -33.017899999999997, 257.84100000000001, -6.7398499999999997, 332.00599999999997, 31.546700000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', NULL, 690265686, -0.17661815365894101, -0.53529725244586601, -0.82599205766279205); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9250701', 'IK-NOR', 246.37100000000001, -55.333599999999997, '2007-04-13 02:10:38', 7947, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 16.300000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-04-19 22:15:06', '2007-10-19 22:15:06', 0, 0, '2007-04-13 02:10:38', '2007-04-13 10:18:04', -33.183399999999999, 254.19300000000001, -4.24369, 330.22699999999998, 57.015000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', NULL, 690556233, -0.227981233142002, -0.52110931701052698, -0.82247774259239004); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1092702', 'CPD-741569', 252.709, -74.539000000000001, '2007-04-13 13:40:58', 571, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 4, 10.15, 'O9.5', 0.13, 12, 'PC', '2007-04-20 22:55:20', '2007-04-23 16:02:55', 0, -121, '2007-04-13 13:40:58', '2007-04-13 14:00:24', -51.538800000000002, 262.68099999999998, -18.681699999999999, 317.017, 58.215200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 675823675, -0.079234923920338401, -0.25453486683926502, -0.96381213335092197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9250601', 'HP-NOR', 245.20599999999999, -54.889699999999998, '2007-04-13 17:13:23', 3952, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 16.399999999999999, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-04-20 21:20:29', '2007-10-20 21:20:29', 0, 0, '2007-04-13 17:13:23', '2007-04-14 08:39:19', -32.877600000000001, 253.31, -3.4578899999999999, 330.07499999999999, 58.558100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', NULL, 690586635, -0.24119416202688401, -0.52213558405634597, -0.81804633613646105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1092202', 'RT-NOR', 246.078, -59.344000000000001, '2007-04-14 09:41:18', 11255, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 10.5, 'F', 0.10000000000000001, 52, 'PE', '2007-04-19 23:39:20', '2007-04-20 09:07:28', 0, 0, '2007-04-14 09:41:18', '2007-04-14 20:25:23', -37.146799999999999, 254.96600000000001, -6.9231100000000003, 327.22500000000002, 55.308199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 678921500, -0.20675356231511, -0.46608269174627598, -0.86024408682917297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0581903', 'ESO139-03', 263.07299999999998, -60.734699999999997, '2007-04-14 21:32:04', 12299, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 15.4, 'GAL', 0, 82, 'EC', '2007-04-20 21:52:11', '2007-10-20 21:52:11', 0, 0.017000000000000001, '2007-04-14 21:32:04', '2007-04-15 03:08:07', -37.397500000000001, 265.74400000000003, -14.507199999999999, 331.30200000000002, 44.169400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', NULL, 688295997, -0.058958091725436201, -0.48528587801013601, -0.872365496809695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1092502', 'KX-TRA', 251.148, -62.620399999999997, '2007-04-15 04:20:17', 9477, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.1, 'OTR', 0.29999999999999999, 57, 'PE', '2007-04-19 23:49:37', '2007-04-20 09:07:28', 0, 0, '2007-04-15 04:20:17', '2007-04-15 10:56:43', -39.909999999999997, 258.82999999999998, -10.938599999999999, 326.416, 57.119100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 677309518, -0.148599773356209, -0.43521383278320203, -0.887979181688759); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1091802', 'HD138679', 234.167, -60.5503, '2007-04-15 13:50:13', 3642, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 20, 8.9100000000000001, 'B2II', 0.20999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-20 22:55:13', '2007-04-23 16:02:54', 0, 0, '2007-04-15 13:50:13', '2007-04-15 19:03:45', -39.819800000000001, 247.99100000000001, -3.9201899999999998, 321.91800000000001, 64.772199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 678428158, -0.287829497653247, -0.398601345278148, -0.870787659434337); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1092604', 'ALPHA-TRA', 252.166, -69.027699999999996, '2007-04-15 22:00:04', 6251, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 1.9199999999999999, 'K3II', 0, 47, 'PE', '2007-04-27 00:36:49', '2007-04-27 12:56:34', 0, 0, '2007-04-15 22:00:04', '2007-04-16 03:07:22', -46.151200000000003, 260.89600000000002, -15.2585, 321.53699999999998, 24.398299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 676181792, -0.109615618059939, -0.34071789201929398, -0.93375357259571801); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1091605', 'EK-TRA', 228.506, -65.091899999999995, '2007-04-16 06:27:37', 432, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 17, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2007-04-27 00:26:31', '2007-04-27 12:56:34', 0, 0, '2007-04-16 06:27:37', '2007-04-16 07:31:09', -44.963500000000003, 246.774, -6.2558600000000002, 317.22899999999998, 63.569000000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 678142426, -0.27903870253173901, -0.31546243935805102, -0.906984482691778); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1093102', 'CPD-69D2698', 258.137, -70.085700000000003, '2007-04-18 00:15:34', 10566, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 25, 9.3000000000000007, 'B2P', 0.13, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-27 00:57:59', '2007-04-27 12:56:35', 0, 0, '2007-04-18 00:15:34', '2007-04-18 04:30:35', -46.888300000000001, 264.11900000000003, -17.573599999999999, 321.87099999999998, 35.017800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 675803282, -0.070020830945664594, -0.33333936041182599, -0.94020314508829095); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1091606', 'EK-TRA', 228.506, -65.091899999999995, '2007-04-18 07:40:14', 4471, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 17, 'CV', 0, 43, 'PC', '2007-04-23 20:21:09', '2007-04-23 16:02:53', 0, 0, '2007-04-18 07:40:14', '2007-04-18 12:07:50', -44.963500000000003, 246.774, -6.2558600000000002, 317.22899999999998, 65.477099999999993, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 678142426, -0.27903870253173901, -0.31546243935805102, -0.906984482691778); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1051212', 'WD1634-573', 249.62899999999999, -57.469799999999999, '2007-04-18 22:10:49', 1464, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 11.699999999999999, 'DO', 0, 17, 'PC', '2007-04-23 20:10:39', '2007-10-23 20:10:39', 0, 0, '2007-04-18 22:10:49', '2007-04-18 22:38:43', -34.9604, 256.79700000000003, -7.0173800000000002, 329.88299999999998, 15.196099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 690028496, -0.187187423298146, -0.50411264641143605, -0.84310812372261001); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H9070503', 'GJ560B', 220.61799999999999, -64.978700000000003, '2007-04-19 03:06:51', 12586, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 8.5, 'K5V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2007-04-24 19:05:41', '2007-10-24 19:05:41', 0, 0, '2007-04-19 03:06:51', '2007-04-19 14:50:58', -46.2072, 242.36000000000001, -4.5931600000000001, 314.33199999999999, 99.638000000000005, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 681010758, -0.32105122742155001, -0.27534918610395898, -0.90615061390643203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0390401', 'HD122879', 211.60499999999999, -59.715899999999998, '2007-04-19 17:42:27', 2550, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 7, 6.4299999999999997, 'B0IA', 0.35999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-04-27 00:26:19', '2007-10-27 00:26:19', 0, 0, '2007-04-19 17:42:27', '2007-04-19 21:45:24', -43.405200000000001, 233.75999999999999, 1.7907999999999999, 312.26400000000001, 86.672499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 683091331, -0.42949261617853202, -0.26427728888552798, -0.86353552748421203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H9070505', 'GJ560B', 220.61799999999999, -64.978700000000003, '2007-04-21 00:49:10', 12377, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 8.5, 'K5V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2007-04-24 19:16:10', '2007-10-24 19:16:10', 0, 0, '2007-04-21 00:49:10', '2007-04-21 09:52:35', -46.2072, 242.36000000000001, -4.5931600000000001, 314.33199999999999, 97.664299999999997, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 681010758, -0.32105122742155001, -0.27534918610395898, -0.90615061390643203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0360301', 'WD1708-871', 263.22699999999998, -87.167299999999997, '2007-04-21 22:24:24', 4057, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 14.380000000000001, 'DB', 0, 29, 'PC', '2007-04-24 18:55:08', '2007-10-24 18:55:08', 0, 0, '2007-04-21 22:24:24', '2007-04-22 00:11:02', -63.7455, 269.245, -26.145, 305.90600000000001, 61.444899999999997, 'F', 'F', 'FRANC COIS', 'WESEMAEL', NULL, 671176807, -0.0058283754417152497, -0.0490749119115143, -0.99877809500438497); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1090301', 'HD118571', 204.816, -60.983699999999999, '2007-04-22 08:38:01', 2735, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 7, 8.7599999999999998, 'B0.5', 0.26000000000000001, 20, 'PC', '2007-04-24 19:26:40', '2007-04-24 16:03:14', 0, -53, '2007-04-22 08:38:01', '2007-04-22 10:50:59', -46.165300000000002, 230.529, 1.3514999999999999, 308.702, 106.70699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 683220678, -0.44026827589344603, -0.20358171841772099, -0.87448174890497299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0830303', 'PDS66', 200.53100000000001, -69.636700000000005, '2007-04-23 06:24:32', 41521, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 10.32, 'K1V', 0.29999999999999999, 58, 'PE', '2007-04-25 20:59:39', '2007-10-25 20:59:39', 0, 0, '2007-04-23 06:24:32', '2007-04-24 00:43:29', -54.252299999999998, 236.09700000000001, -6.9246800000000004, 305.61599999999999, 104.068, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 680365641, -0.32586935117513099, -0.122038557535531, -0.93750507008727502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0830304', 'PDS66', 200.53100000000001, -69.636700000000005, '2007-04-24 06:54:52', 12121, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.32, 'K1V', 0.29999999999999999, 58, 'PE', '2007-04-27 00:26:25', '2007-10-27 00:26:25', 0, 0, '2007-04-24 06:54:52', '2007-04-24 12:48:55', -54.252299999999998, 236.09700000000001, -6.9246800000000004, 305.61599999999999, 105.15000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 680365641, -0.32586935117513099, -0.122038557535531, -0.93750507008727502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0580102', 'SYMUS', 173.042, -65.419700000000006, '2007-04-24 14:01:33', 5199, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.9, 'WD+M', 0, 57, 'PC', '2007-04-27 00:05:13', '2007-10-27 00:05:13', 0, 0, '2007-04-24 14:01:33', '2007-04-24 16:22:04', -58.691600000000001, 217.38399999999999, -3.8059099999999999, 294.80799999999999, 159.977, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', NULL, 609694873, -0.41290463119894599, 0.050391103387674302, -0.90937918506739301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0580103', 'SYMUS', 173.042, -65.419700000000006, '2007-04-25 12:51:35', 3389, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 10.9, 'WD+M', 0, 57, 'PC', '2007-04-28 00:15:09', '2007-10-28 00:15:09', 0, 0, '2007-04-25 12:51:35', '2007-04-25 13:49:45', -58.691600000000001, 217.38399999999999, -3.8059099999999999, 294.80799999999999, 161.01599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', NULL, 609694873, -0.41290463119894599, 0.050391103387674302, -0.90937918506739301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0830306', 'PDS66', 200.53100000000001, -69.636700000000005, '2007-04-25 20:05:04', 26574, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 10.32, 'K1V', 0.29999999999999999, 58, 'PE', '2007-04-27 23:22:12', '2007-10-27 23:22:12', 0, 0, '2007-04-25 20:05:04', '2007-04-26 04:15:11', -54.252299999999998, 236.09700000000001, -6.9246800000000004, 305.61599999999999, 106.98099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 680365641, -0.32586935117513099, -0.122038557535531, -0.93750507008727502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0980101', 'SYMUS', 173.042, -65.419700000000006, '2007-04-26 07:26:02', 11077, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.300000000000001, 'M5+W', 0, 57, 'PC', '2007-04-30 23:22:32', '2007-10-30 23:22:32', 0, 0, '2007-04-26 07:26:02', '2007-04-26 14:50:47', -58.691600000000001, 217.38399999999999, -3.8059099999999999, 294.80799999999999, 119.85899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'CIAN', 'CROWLEY', NULL, 609694873, -0.41290463119894599, 0.050391103387674302, -0.90937918506739301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490502', 'SK-68.75', 80.868799999999993, -68.206299999999999, '2000-10-10 00:51:32', 3637, 'MDRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.029999999999999, 'B0.5', 0.19, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:31:13', '2001-04-27 16:17:55', 3, 0, '2000-10-10 00:51:32', '2000-10-10 02:14:34', -86.126800000000003, 330.71899999999999, -33.169600000000003, 278.649, 22.992599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542347522, 0.058918288819260999, 0.366560889417686, -0.92852665529424905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S4051201', 'HD163892-BKGD', 269.86000000000001, -22.466899999999999, '2001-04-25 19:28:49', 11810, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'BKGD', 0.46999999999999997, 7, 'EE', '2007-05-26 02:08:50', '2007-05-29 08:31:46', 0, -9, '2001-04-25 19:28:49', '2001-04-26 02:17:11', 0.97253400000000001, 269.87, 0.61633899999999997, 7.15313, 356.86099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 473757717, -0.0022580011339708899, -0.92409769740304903, -0.38214963965083398); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0491303', 'SK-70.85', 79.274000000000001, -70.323099999999997, '2001-09-17 07:45:25', 7306, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.300000000000001, 'B0I', 0.14999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:51:31', '2002-03-28 14:22:06', 1, 0, '2001-09-17 07:45:25', '2001-09-17 10:26:08', -84.565100000000001, 311.42500000000001, -33.316200000000002, 281.262, 2.0871900000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 541577938, 0.062666990018556107, 0.33083271040581702, -0.94160637534351599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490601', 'SK-65.41', 79.7727, -65.667599999999993, '2001-09-17 11:05:07', 3842, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.82, 'B1I', 0.11, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:21:41', '2002-03-28 14:16:02', 0, 0, '2001-09-17 11:05:07', '2001-09-17 12:09:08', -85.768799999999999, 7.4578100000000003, -34.005299999999998, 275.726, 1.4296, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542567442, 0.073157379501723893, 0.40548298898957302, -0.91117042503832502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('A0490302', 'SK-65.01', 73.527600000000007, -65.589600000000004, '2001-11-17 12:34:21', 6226, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 12.5, 'B0-1', 0.14999999999999999, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-21 21:31:08', '2002-06-05 15:45:09', 0, 0, '2001-11-17 12:34:21', '2001-11-17 15:05:10', -83.269900000000007, 0.67603500000000005, -36.540900000000001, 276.29000000000002, 67.967500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'BART', 'WAKKER', 'y', 542851268, 0.117184051315098, 0.39630766303362402, -0.91060866146671804); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9040901', 'CD-61_1208', 88.033799999999999, -61.1205, '2002-11-05 14:05:40', 1765, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 6, 11.19, 'SDB', 0.02, 28, 'PC', '2007-05-10 00:35:29', '2007-05-10 08:52:57', 0, 0, '2002-11-05 14:05:40', '2002-11-05 14:35:23', -84.492000000000004, 80.058400000000006, -30.614699999999999, 270.07900000000001, 42.064100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', 'y', 553986550, 0.016570636012011499, 0.48268476531114102, -0.87563738577032302); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('D0320101', 'HD216956', 344.41300000000001, -29.622199999999999, '2004-11-19 19:49:18', 2340, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 21, 1.1599999999999999, 'A3V', 0.01, 30, 'PC', '2007-05-09 23:01:39', '2007-11-09 23:01:39', 0, 0, '2004-11-19 19:49:18', '2004-11-21 04:54:15', -21.1355, 333.86000000000001, -64.909300000000002, 20.4892, 150.80000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'AKI', 'ROBERGE', NULL, 769051106, 0.83733359096596505, -0.23358295695022999, -0.49427872669418998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7130101', 'NGC1566-FUV1', 64.9816, -54.930300000000003, '2006-05-27 12:54:17', 9240, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 17, 'GAL', 0, 72, 'EC', '2007-05-17 02:41:34', '2007-11-17 02:41:34', 0, 1504, '2006-05-27 12:54:17', '2006-05-27 15:43:38', -73.340299999999999, 32.049900000000001, -43.406300000000002, 264.30599999999998, 256.94400000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 556368467, 0.2429920516539, 0.52066152832516599, -0.81845368577282995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0730101', 'NGC104-BS', 5.9916700000000001, -72.0916, '2006-06-07 10:22:54', 14058, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 10.73, 'B8II', 0.040000000000000001, 18, 'PC', '2007-05-16 23:43:08', '2007-11-16 23:43:08', 0, -30, '2006-06-07 10:22:54', '2006-06-07 18:05:09', -62.349600000000002, 311.22199999999998, -44.877400000000002, 305.90800000000002, 346.11099999999999, 'F', 'F', 'W. VAN DYKE', 'DIXON', NULL, 545945866, 0.30581629934946902, 0.032097636414907101, -0.95154933281925702); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7010201', 'HD207964', 328.79700000000003, -61.886600000000001, '2006-06-09 01:06:36', 590, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 5.9800000000000004, 'F1II', 0, 40, 'PE', '2007-05-17 02:31:07', '2007-11-17 02:31:07', 0, 0, '2006-06-09 01:06:36', '2006-06-09 02:08:44', -45.408200000000001, 305.03699999999998, -44.711799999999997, 330.39400000000001, 21.9773, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 746100616, 0.40305040382170598, -0.24412484595176101, -0.88201668440465897); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7011802', 'HD208233', 329.464, -68.213899999999995, '2006-06-10 04:55:54', 4668, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.9000000000000004, 'G8V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2007-05-16 23:43:32', '2007-11-16 23:43:32', 0, 0, '2006-06-10 04:55:54', '2006-06-10 07:29:55', -50.981499999999997, 300.51499999999999, -41.561799999999998, 322.858, 20.8703, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 744706155, 0.31966884488639802, -0.18856998512085199, -0.92857589367833404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7012101', 'HD202746', 320.35199999999998, -66.915899999999993, '2006-06-10 09:39:41', 3638, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.9000000000000004, 'K2V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2007-05-17 02:31:17', '2007-11-17 02:31:17', 0, 0, '2006-06-10 09:39:41', '2006-06-10 12:25:38', -48.116500000000002, 296.88499999999999, -39.187399999999997, 326.59699999999998, 19.428000000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 745076886, 0.30189477279632898, -0.25017537601950501, -0.91993033833641602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9210801', 'WD2039-682', 311.089, -68.089200000000005, '2006-06-14 13:26:49', 41052, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 13.529999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-05-18 23:39:03', '2007-11-18 23:39:03', 0, 0, '2006-06-14 13:26:49', '2006-06-15 07:46:48', -47.674700000000001, 291.36099999999999, -35.459899999999998, 326.74000000000001, 33.871699999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 747918033, 0.24525390985366599, -0.28124881725687401, -0.92776593087540105); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7011201', 'HD178085', 287.74099999999999, -60.272199999999998, '2006-06-17 07:51:52', 6517, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.3000000000000007, 'G0V', 0, 44, 'PE', '2007-05-17 02:31:12', '2007-11-17 02:31:12', 0, 0, '2006-06-17 07:51:52', '2006-06-17 12:17:40', -37.507199999999997, 280.98099999999999, -25.691299999999998, 336.18299999999999, 59.966700000000003, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 772103479, 0.151101943874108, -0.47229783802779501, -0.86839101489578796); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0180104', 'HD203532', 323.47699999999998, -82.683099999999996, '2006-06-21 15:53:55', 15314, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 6.3600000000000003, 'B3IV', 0.33000000000000002, 21, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:35:37', '2007-11-14 21:35:37', 0, 0, '2006-06-21 15:53:55', '2006-06-22 05:55:29', -61.625399999999999, 282.43700000000001, -31.7394, 309.46100000000001, 42.701599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'KNAUTH', NULL, 739005889, 0.102346518945552, -0.075796039124646705, -0.991856920383552); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9251001', 'V499-ARA', 258.66399999999999, -58.897500000000001, '2006-06-22 19:38:41', 17988, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 16.100000000000001, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-05-21 20:18:45', '2007-11-21 20:18:45', 0, 0, '2006-06-22 19:38:41', '2006-06-23 02:47:16', -35.740499999999997, 262.81400000000002, -11.6541, 331.69099999999997, 112.89, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', NULL, 688691580, -0.101538293966416, -0.50649309245302099, -0.85624454576701703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9251202', 'NSV-10934', 280.21899999999999, -83.719399999999993, '2006-06-30 17:46:04', 14177, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 15, 'CV', 0, 54, 'PC', '2007-05-10 00:45:50', '2007-11-10 00:45:50', 0, 0, '2006-06-30 17:46:04', '2006-07-01 01:09:15', -60.359699999999997, 272.24900000000002, -26.663900000000002, 309.95800000000003, 90.072800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'PATRICK', 'GODON', NULL, 738899449, 0.0194083764197325, -0.107662360555592, -0.99399805384333995); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9271501', 'HD86161', 148.72, -57.727200000000003, '2006-07-10 05:18:34', 30665, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 8.3000000000000007, 'WN8', 0, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-21 20:39:37', '2007-11-21 20:39:37', 0, 0, '2006-07-10 05:18:34', '2006-07-10 19:53:06', -62.377699999999997, 190.18299999999999, -2.5507200000000001, 281.08100000000002, 252.43100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 612271901, -0.45633596483146799, 0.27723848446691601, -0.84551541081864401); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0740102', 'N49-KNOT', 81.467500000000001, -66.088800000000006, '2006-07-16 01:44:27', 6416, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 99, 'SNR', 0.070000000000000007, 75, 'EE', '2007-05-09 23:22:10', '2007-11-09 23:22:10', 0, 0, '2006-07-16 01:44:27', '2006-07-16 09:41:56', -86.544200000000004, 3.9170799999999999, -33.258800000000001, 276.10500000000002, 293.625, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 542557581, 0.060137529679528103, 0.40083415360282099, -0.91417474195558202); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0500101', 'DGIK975', 64.994299999999996, -73.873800000000003, '2006-07-25 06:52:10', 11601, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.050000000000001, 'B2V', 0.01, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-14 21:35:42', '2007-11-14 21:35:42', 0, 200, '2006-07-25 06:52:10', '2006-07-25 15:37:44', -78.964500000000001, 307.83300000000003, -36.140700000000002, 287.17899999999997, 338.976, 'F', 'F', 'CHRIS', 'HOWK', NULL, 538924457, 0.117408940741941, 0.251718903042919, -0.96065224430317397); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7130401', 'NGC1672-FUV1', 71.391000000000005, -59.245800000000003, '2006-07-26 00:52:08', 3135, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 17, 'GAL', 0.02, 72, 'EC', '2007-05-19 00:00:27', '2007-11-19 00:00:27', 0, 1331, '2006-07-26 00:52:08', '2006-07-26 03:52:11', -78.880600000000001, 32.207900000000002, -39.008299999999998, 268.78899999999999, 321.65300000000002, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID A.', 'THILKER', NULL, 555759089, 0.16317790905675, 0.484621515297045, -0.85936892945175902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9330101', 'CPD-71D172', 43.377899999999997, -71.375500000000002, '2006-07-28 12:28:12', 10829, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 25, 12.050000000000001, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2007-05-21 22:44:08', '2007-11-21 22:44:08', 0, 0, '2006-07-28 12:28:12', '2006-07-28 21:31:22', -73.0745, 322.87599999999998, -42.606299999999997, 290.20400000000001, 5.6567699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GUILLAUME', 'HEBRARD', NULL, 540836697, 0.23212681508105501, 0.21934187545272199, -0.94763193455751005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0890102', 'LH64-16', 82.195899999999995, -68.796599999999998, '2006-07-30 01:33:06', 4072, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 13.619999999999999, 'ON2I', 0.14999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-09 23:22:16', '2007-11-09 23:22:16', 0, 0, '2006-07-30 01:33:06', '2006-07-30 04:31:29', -86.291499999999999, 319.40199999999999, -32.595300000000002, 279.25, 336.36399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'NOLAN R.', 'WALBORN', NULL, 542319696, 0.0491112356280307, 0.35833006116095101, -0.93230234034001902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0890103', 'LH64-16', 82.195899999999995, -68.796599999999998, '2006-07-30 23:15:39', 5465, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 13.619999999999999, 'ON2I', 0.14999999999999999, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-09 23:22:21', '2007-11-09 23:22:21', 0, 0, '2006-07-30 23:15:39', '2006-07-31 01:50:42', -86.291499999999999, 319.40199999999999, -32.595300000000002, 279.25, 337.291, 'F', 'F', 'NOLAN R.', 'WALBORN', NULL, 542319696, 0.0491112356280307, 0.35833006116095101, -0.93230234034001902); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9330102', 'CPD-71D172', 43.377899999999997, -71.375500000000002, '2006-07-31 22:31:52', 6893, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 15, 12.050000000000001, 'SDO', 0, 16, 'PC', '2007-05-21 22:53:58', '2007-11-21 22:53:58', 0, 0, '2006-07-31 22:31:52', '2006-08-01 02:19:36', -73.0745, 322.87599999999998, -42.606299999999997, 290.20400000000001, 18.9941, 'F', 'F', 'GUILLAUME', 'HEBRARD', NULL, 540836697, 0.23212681508105501, 0.21934187545272199, -0.94763193455751005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0160101', 'X0535-668', 83.924199999999999, -66.8626, '2006-08-01 04:12:33', 8064, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 13.800000000000001, 'B2II', 0.050000000000000003, 99, 'PC', '2007-05-09 23:11:48', '2007-11-09 23:11:48', 0, 0, '2006-08-01 04:12:33', '2006-08-01 07:56:51', -87.579899999999995, 350.04899999999998, -32.193899999999999, 276.88099999999997, 335.81599999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JOHN B.', 'HUTCHINGS', NULL, 542524992, 0.041590104266505397, 0.39073021680745201, -0.91956520209319703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0490104', 'HD5980', 14.8607, -72.165000000000006, '2006-08-02 14:08:15', 7849, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 11.31, 'WN6L', 0.070000000000000007, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-09 23:21:51', '2007-11-09 23:21:51', 0, 150, '2006-08-02 14:08:15', '2006-08-02 21:30:28', -64.774100000000004, 313.99599999999998, -44.949599999999997, 302.06799999999998, 31.532299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GLORIA', 'KOENIGSBERGER', NULL, 546048038, 0.29603259018887601, 0.078550792704973393, -0.95194247647191599); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E5110302', 'AV120', 13.0631, -72.154300000000006, '2006-08-05 05:28:04', 12815, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 14.56, 'O9V', 0.070000000000000007, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-09 23:01:55', '2007-11-09 23:01:55', 0, 0, '2006-08-05 05:28:04', '2006-08-05 10:47:48', -64.275199999999998, 313.45400000000001, -44.973599999999998, 302.84500000000003, 44.378100000000003, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', NULL, 545880114, 0.29852412628587099, 0.069266101933076807, -0.95188526259641904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9500301', 'SMC3', 12.083500000000001, -73.531199999999998, '2006-08-07 05:02:17', 14678, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 15.5, 'M0+W', 0, 57, 'PC', '2007-05-09 23:11:32', '2007-11-09 23:11:32', 0, 0, '2006-08-07 05:02:17', '2006-08-07 12:32:09', -64.614900000000006, 310.28800000000001, -43.594999999999999, 303.23700000000002, 55.793599999999998, 'F', 'F', 'BRIAN', 'ESPEY', NULL, 545507972, 0.27721198515358803, 0.059345605028774, -0.95897425119289603); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G7010101', 'HD195627', 308.89600000000002, -60.582099999999997, '2006-08-12 05:09:18', 22379, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 4.7999999999999998, 'F1II', 0, 40, 'PE', '2007-05-17 02:20:18', '2007-11-17 02:20:18', 0, 0, '2006-08-12 05:09:18', '2006-08-12 19:30:44', -40.3247, 293.86200000000002, -36.090400000000002, 336.036, 89.706199999999995, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 751460838, 0.30841363851790399, -0.38227581815781803, -0.87106040343245905); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F9090603', 'LSI+63198', 52.273800000000001, 64.078400000000002, '2006-08-23 22:31:51', 11252, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 12.779999999999999, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-05-09 23:32:41', '2007-11-09 23:32:41', 0, 0, '2006-08-23 22:31:51', '2006-08-24 05:07:40', 43.4437, 68.382599999999996, 6.2883699999999996, 139.148, 348.267, 'F', 'F', 'PIERRE', 'CHAYER', NULL, 56812674, 0.26748160308959601, 0.34575387671070101, 0.89939304464073999); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9230102', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2006-08-26 13:14:14', 13088, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 25, 6.9199999999999999, 'B7V', 0.029999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2007-05-19 00:00:09', '2007-11-19 00:00:09', 0, 0, '2006-08-26 13:14:14', '2006-08-26 20:34:52', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 312.36399999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E0821502', 'HD18409', 45.123699999999999, 62.721899999999998, '2006-08-27 02:27:11', 4904, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.3599999999999994, 'O9.7', 0.71999999999999997, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-02 22:26:18', '2007-11-02 22:26:18', 0, 0, '2006-08-27 02:27:11', '2006-08-27 06:20:31', 43.334899999999998, 63.603000000000002, 3.4605000000000001, 137.12100000000001, 339.75299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 54319818, 0.323373593566392, 0.32477292611298803, 0.88879247603024003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9230103', 'HD5679', 15.5768, 81.875600000000006, '2006-08-28 20:12:27', 8309, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 25, 6.9199999999999999, 'B7V', 0.029999999999999999, 66, 'PC', '2007-05-09 23:54:39', '2007-11-09 23:54:39', 0, 0, '2006-08-28 20:12:27', '2006-08-29 03:05:53', 63.275199999999998, 72.379300000000001, 19.0122, 123.339, 325.34199999999998, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 66000066, 0.13613223810167599, 0.037949391288442699, 0.98996356369831395); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F0370102', 'BD+61D2365', 343.57499999999999, 62.665300000000002, '2006-09-01 03:53:50', 5570, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 9.2400000000000002, 'B1V', 0.78000000000000003, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-09 23:11:53', '2007-11-09 23:11:53', 0, 0, '2006-09-01 03:53:50', '2006-09-01 07:51:41', 60.075299999999999, 28.004899999999999, 2.7868499999999998, 109.938, 276.125, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 256959454, 0.44044851138013702, -0.129839902339632, 0.88833929811950596); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9490105', 'HD232121', 2.6752899999999999, 54.891500000000001, '2006-09-01 09:23:30', 8129, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 9.6799999999999997, 'A6-S', 0, 66, 'PC', '2007-05-09 23:02:02', '2007-11-09 23:02:02', 0, 0, '2006-09-01 09:23:30', '2006-09-01 15:06:50', 47.721200000000003, 31.3537, -7.5141499999999999, 117.04600000000001, 296.779, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 48963807, 0.57449978884642905, 0.026844411295542499, 0.81806440467581998); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9211502', 'WD2319+691', 350.32499999999999, 69.438299999999998, '2006-09-02 19:49:02', 17300, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 14.609999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-05-18 23:39:25', '2007-11-18 23:39:25', 0, 0, '2006-09-02 19:49:02', '2006-09-03 04:33:37', 61.946800000000003, 42.592799999999997, 7.9448400000000001, 115.123, 261.27499999999998, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 257856862, 0.346220469696357, -0.059025079181365202, 0.93629451904348304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9211503', 'WD2319+691', 350.32499999999999, 69.438299999999998, '2006-09-03 12:27:41', 31317, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 14.609999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-05-18 23:49:54', '2007-11-18 23:49:54', 0, 0, '2006-09-03 12:27:41', '2006-09-04 00:18:39', 61.946800000000003, 42.592799999999997, 7.9448400000000001, 115.123, 296.63, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 257856862, 0.346220469696357, -0.059025079181365202, 0.93629451904348304); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9210901', 'WD2126+734', 321.74000000000001, 73.645600000000002, '2006-09-04 08:29:31', 11693, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 12.779999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-05-18 23:39:19', '2007-11-18 23:39:19', 0, 0, '2006-09-04 08:29:31', '2006-09-04 13:20:18', 71.752899999999997, 45.079700000000003, 16.273800000000001, 109.73399999999999, 251.12899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 264737324, 0.221097446580342, -0.174361752066994, 0.95953837783164297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0180401', 'HD210839', 332.87700000000001, 59.414499999999997, '2006-09-05 03:53:16', 8143, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 19, 5.0899999999999999, 'O6IA', 0.56000000000000005, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-03 20:35:28', '2007-11-03 20:35:28', 0, 0, '2006-09-05 03:53:16', '2006-09-05 10:10:51', 61.897399999999998, 15.970800000000001, 2.6106500000000001, 103.82899999999999, 260.72399999999999, 'F', 'F', 'DAVID', 'KNAUTH', NULL, 256102578, 0.45286817274741498, -0.23197379720861999, 0.86087082394574799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0030207', 'HD209339', 330.16300000000001, 62.4878, '2006-09-06 09:05:41', 3403, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 6.6900000000000004, 'B0IV', 0.37, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-09 23:43:22', '2007-11-09 23:43:22', 0, 0, '2006-09-06 09:05:41', '2006-09-06 11:13:08', 64.843199999999996, 19.504100000000001, 5.8694800000000003, 104.57899999999999, 256.89999999999998, 'F', 'F', 'CRISTINA', 'OLIVEIRA', NULL, 256627075, 0.40070504768040699, -0.229829708199775, 0.88691249286062601); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0390601', 'SMC-WR10-POS2', 11.364599999999999, -73.080600000000004, '2006-12-01 10:56:18', 26515, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 15.76, 'WN3+', 0.22, 11, 'PC', '2007-05-10 00:35:40', '2007-11-10 00:35:40', 0, 0, '2006-12-01 10:56:18', '2006-12-01 20:48:37', -64.234300000000005, 311.024, -44.040399999999998, 303.53899999999999, 124.357, 'F', 'F', 'JAMES', 'HERALD', NULL, 545855259, 0.285320030304273, 0.057347181382600303, -0.95671509922998499); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0070301', 'BKGD.04.2', 143.24600000000001, 59.583100000000002, '2007-02-01 22:30:59', 11092, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 11, 22, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EC', '2007-05-03 20:13:52', '2007-11-03 20:13:52', 0, 0, '2007-02-01 22:30:59', '2007-02-02 15:39:40', 42.120699999999999, 123.154, 43.249600000000001, 154.90100000000001, 284.142, 'F', 'F', 'RICHARD CONN', 'HENRY', NULL, 119530339, -0.405644161141618, 0.30295297498091001, 0.86236437164456703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E9491107', 'HD102552', 176.98699999999999, -60.565300000000001, '2007-02-27 04:04:03', 4152, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.6600000000000001, 'B2V', 0, 66, 'PC', '2007-05-02 22:33:09', '2007-11-02 22:33:09', 0, 0, '2007-02-27 04:04:03', '2007-02-27 05:47:53', -54.029899999999998, 213.33000000000001, 1.35076, 295.20699999999999, 74.401200000000003, 'F', 'F', 'GERALDINE', 'PETERS', NULL, 621120991, -0.49075195840227298, 0.025830875561480501, -0.87091634569117005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1590201', 'HD93403', 161.434, -59.407800000000002, '2007-03-01 02:23:23', 3092, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 17, 7.2999999999999998, 'O5.5', 0.17000000000000001, 13, 'PC', '2007-05-03 19:42:01', '2007-11-03 19:42:01', 0, 0, '2007-03-01 02:23:23', '2007-03-01 05:08:18', -58.6753, 201.88, -0.34458899999999998, 287.54500000000002, 116.64100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 622867556, -0.48243855276835002, 0.16203986569505999, -0.86081131772782005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1590103', 'HD93205', 161.14099999999999, -59.737699999999997, '2007-03-01 05:48:39', 2918, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 12, 7.7999999999999998, 'O3.5', 0.10000000000000001, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-03 19:21:01', '2007-11-03 19:21:01', 0, 0, '2007-03-01 05:48:39', '2007-03-01 07:46:26', -59.009500000000003, 202.148, -0.70569599999999999, 287.56799999999998, 117.17100000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 622863576, -0.47690530990320501, 0.16290000633742399, -0.86372733737065099); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9360401', 'CAR-POS-D', 162.131, -59.569499999999998, '2007-03-01 11:54:02', 9330, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 99, 'OTR', 0.20000000000000001, 72, 'EE', '2007-05-21 22:54:29', '2007-11-21 22:54:29', 0, 0, '2007-03-01 11:54:02', '2007-03-01 19:43:01', -58.530099999999997, 202.57300000000001, -0.32571600000000001, 287.93400000000003, 117.218, 'F', 'F', 'ROBERT A.', 'GRUENDL', NULL, 622860153, -0.48205990011858701, 0.15541312653212899, -0.86224417237761997); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G0520102', 'WD0715-703-OFF', 108.846, -70.435599999999994, '2007-03-06 10:01:08', 13383, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 99, 'OTR', 0.01, 7, 'EE', '2007-05-10 00:36:12', '2007-11-10 00:36:12', 0, 0, '2007-03-06 10:01:08', '2007-03-06 16:11:54', -82.126400000000004, 217.84800000000001, -23.488900000000001, 281.64100000000002, 166.11500000000001, 'F', 'F', 'RAVI', 'SANKRIT', NULL, 613208174, -0.10817034873824199, 0.31691406919211901, -0.94226569947225602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7051402', 'SBKGD14', 150.06100000000001, -64.855699999999999, '2007-03-06 18:27:09', 12707, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-05-26 02:09:08', '2007-05-29 08:31:46', 0, 0, '2007-03-06 18:27:09', '2007-03-06 22:25:45', -66.190700000000007, 204.20699999999999, -7.7761300000000002, 285.99400000000003, 94.159000000000006, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 610770087, -0.36819970637291699, 0.21205784829889601, -0.90524054549149602); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('F1110903', 'RECX-1', 129.23400000000001, -78.945999999999998, '2007-03-06 23:45:29', 25105, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 10.5, 'K7', 0, 58, 'PE', '2007-05-03 19:52:50', '2007-11-03 19:52:50', 0, 0, '2007-03-06 23:45:29', '2007-03-07 11:52:46', -73.644599999999997, 244.49100000000001, -21.821400000000001, 292.26999999999998, 146.21199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 606416973, -0.12126970176675, 0.14851132590364399, -0.98144691426064701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('G9210902', 'WD2126+734', 321.74000000000001, 73.645600000000002, '2007-03-08 02:26:10', 3239, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.779999999999999, 'DA', 0, 37, 'PC', '2007-05-11 17:42:02', '2007-11-11 17:42:02', 0, 0, '2007-03-08 02:26:10', '2007-03-08 05:55:56', 71.752899999999997, 45.079700000000003, 16.273800000000001, 109.73399999999999, 65.849400000000003, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 264737324, 0.221097446580342, -0.174361752066994, 0.95953837783164297); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1240209', 'SKY-163900-600000', 249.75, 60, '2007-03-15 12:22:48', 10210, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'OTR', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-05-03 19:10:07', '2007-11-03 19:10:07', 0, 0, '2007-03-15 12:22:48', '2007-03-15 21:47:34', 78.860200000000006, 206.398, 39.640300000000003, 89.986199999999997, 326.31900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ROBIN', 'SHELTON', NULL, 189084796, -0.17305852853874701, -0.46909566796124202, 0.86602540378443904); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('M1052501', 'FEIGE_87', 205.06100000000001, 60.879899999999999, '2007-03-22 19:59:18', 1454, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 16, 11.710000000000001, 'SDB', 0, 28, 'PC', '2007-05-10 00:25:29', '2007-11-10 00:25:29', 0, 0, '2007-03-22 19:59:18', '2007-03-22 21:57:09', 62.068600000000004, 160.238, 55.252099999999999, 112.53700000000001, 298.76799999999997, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN', 'DUPUIS', NULL, 193581085, -0.44082811494109497, -0.206133189987763, 0.87360155738354195); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0760201', 'NGC6744', 287.44200000000001, -63.857500000000002, '2007-04-07 04:43:40', 10895, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 9, 10, 'GAL', 0.14000000000000001, 80, 'EC', '2007-05-10 01:06:30', '2007-11-10 01:06:30', 0, 814, '2007-04-07 04:43:40', '2007-04-07 16:57:23', -41.027200000000001, 280.08199999999999, -26.146100000000001, 332.226, 357.37299999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL N.', 'BREGMAN', NULL, 749548938, 0.13206708589751101, -0.42034652881983697, -0.89770099728788); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0760202', 'NGC6744', 287.44200000000001, -63.857500000000002, '2007-04-08 03:20:04', 10866, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 10, 'GAL', 0.14000000000000001, 80, 'EC', '2007-05-10 01:06:47', '2007-11-10 01:06:47', 0, 814, '2007-04-08 03:20:04', '2007-04-08 10:21:55', -41.027200000000001, 280.08199999999999, -26.146100000000001, 332.226, 18.539899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JOEL N.', 'BREGMAN', NULL, 749548938, 0.13206708589751101, -0.42034652881983697, -0.89770099728788); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('U1094004', 'ARPAV', 275.11599999999999, -66.078599999999994, '2007-04-08 11:39:24', 13085, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 6, 10.5, 'M5M6', 0.10000000000000001, 57, 'PC', '2007-05-10 01:38:56', '2007-05-10 08:52:59', 0, 0, '2007-04-08 11:39:24', '2007-04-08 21:25:58', -42.6892, 272.81999999999999, -21.603899999999999, 328.53699999999998, 34.330800000000004, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM', 'BLAIR', 'y', 749368920, 0.036157911628602601, -0.40386767053531197, -0.91410257089838598); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0581901', 'ESO139-03', 263.07299999999998, -60.734699999999997, '2007-04-10 08:52:40', 13933, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 19, 15.4, 'GAL', 0, 82, 'EC', '2007-05-10 00:04:56', '2007-11-10 00:04:56', 0, 0.017000000000000001, '2007-04-10 08:52:40', '2007-04-11 12:15:01', -37.397500000000001, 265.74400000000003, -14.507199999999999, 331.30200000000002, 45.056699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'STEPHAN R.', 'MCCANDLISS', NULL, 688295997, -0.058958091725436201, -0.48528587801013601, -0.872365496809695); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H9070502', 'GJ560B', 220.61799999999999, -64.978700000000003, '2007-04-18 15:08:55', 4789, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 8.5, 'K5V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2007-05-10 00:15:04', '2007-11-10 00:15:04', 0, 0, '2007-04-18 15:08:55', '2007-04-18 19:09:21', -46.2072, 242.36000000000001, -4.5931600000000001, 314.33199999999999, 99.054599999999994, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 681010758, -0.32105122742155001, -0.27534918610395898, -0.90615061390643203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0830302', 'PDS66', 200.53100000000001, -69.636700000000005, '2007-04-21 11:00:20', 2054, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.32, 'K1V', 0.29999999999999999, 58, 'PE', '2007-05-10 00:14:41', '2007-11-10 00:14:41', 0, 0, '2007-04-21 11:00:20', '2007-04-21 11:36:08', -54.252299999999998, 236.09700000000001, -6.9246800000000004, 305.61599999999999, 118.059, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 680365641, -0.32586935117513099, -0.122038557535531, -0.93750507008727502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H9070506', 'GJ560B', 220.61799999999999, -64.978700000000003, '2007-04-22 11:47:18', 13528, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 8.5, 'K5V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2007-05-10 00:15:15', '2007-11-10 00:15:15', 0, 0, '2007-04-22 11:47:18', '2007-04-22 19:39:58', -46.2072, 242.36000000000001, -4.5931600000000001, 314.33199999999999, 79.259900000000002, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 681010758, -0.32105122742155001, -0.27534918610395898, -0.90615061390643203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H9070507', 'GJ560B', 220.61799999999999, -64.978700000000003, '2007-04-24 18:00:39', 5698, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 8.5, 'K5V', 0, 46, 'PE', '2007-05-10 00:15:34', '2007-11-10 00:15:34', 0, 0, '2007-04-24 18:00:39', '2007-04-24 21:40:34', -46.2072, 242.36000000000001, -4.5931600000000001, 314.33199999999999, 81.727699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 681010758, -0.32105122742155001, -0.27534918610395898, -0.90615061390643203); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0830305', 'PDS66', 200.53100000000001, -69.636700000000005, '2007-04-24 22:27:48', 12536, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 10.32, 'K1V', 0.29999999999999999, 58, 'PE', '2007-05-10 00:14:57', '2007-11-10 00:14:57', 0, 0, '2007-04-24 22:27:48', '2007-04-25 02:24:54', -54.252299999999998, 236.09700000000001, -6.9246800000000004, 305.61599999999999, 105.93600000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 680365641, -0.32586935117513099, -0.122038557535531, -0.93750507008727502); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0830501', 'TCHA', 179.30600000000001, -79.358699999999999, '2007-04-25 03:31:11', 10293, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 5, 10, 'F5', 0.29999999999999999, 58, 'PE', '2007-05-10 00:46:09', '2007-11-10 00:46:09', 0, 0, '2007-04-25 03:31:11', '2007-04-25 10:19:17', -64.500900000000001, 244.601, -16.760400000000001, 300.34300000000002, 144.005, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 605357500, -0.18464627719398299, 0.0022366531134564499, -0.98280249780983597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0390301', 'HD111934', 193.40700000000001, -60.357100000000003, '2007-04-26 17:56:53', 756, 'MDRS', 'HIST', 4, 6.9100000000000001, 'B3IB', 0.32000000000000001, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-01 23:07:22', '2007-11-01 23:07:22', 0, 0, '2007-04-26 17:56:53', '2007-04-26 18:09:29', -48.7455, 223.14500000000001, 2.5137900000000002, 303.20400000000001, 103, 'F', 'F', 'B-G', 'ANDERSSON', NULL, 705058641, -0.48111389845459301, -0.114679615019517, -0.86912484869137097); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('E1080110', 'HD102567', 177, -62.206899999999997, '2007-04-26 20:39:40', 22207, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 10, 8.9399999999999995, 'B1V', 0.28999999999999998, 20, 'PC', '2007-05-01 21:32:23', '2007-11-01 21:32:23', 0, 0, '2007-04-26 20:39:40', '2007-04-27 10:33:03', -55.2196, 215.28399999999999, -0.24002399999999999, 295.613, 121.744, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 621055239, -0.46564108820574301, 0.024403215375801899, -0.88463713467946503); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0980102', 'SYMUS', 173.042, -65.419700000000006, '2007-04-27 11:24:56', 26609, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 8, 11.300000000000001, 'M5+W', 0, 57, 'PC', '2007-05-01 21:43:03', '2007-11-01 21:43:03', 0, 0, '2007-04-27 11:24:56', '2007-04-27 23:05:54', -58.691600000000001, 217.38399999999999, -3.8059099999999999, 294.80799999999999, 141.285, 'F', 'F', 'CIAN', 'CROWLEY', NULL, 609694873, -0.41290463119894599, 0.050391103387674302, -0.90937918506739301); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0230301', 'HD97253', 167.67500000000001, -60.384500000000003, '2007-04-28 10:45:13', 2734, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 5, 7.1200000000000001, 'O5.5', 0.41999999999999998, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-01 23:07:16', '2007-11-01 23:07:16', 0, 0, '2007-04-28 10:45:13', '2007-04-28 11:32:35', -57.095999999999997, 207.286, 0.091276800000000005, 290.79399999999998, 142.58699999999999, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', NULL, 621386476, -0.48278753803552898, 0.105485397846419, -0.86936127355592197); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0660201', 'EOCHA', 131.13300000000001, -78.775300000000001, '2007-04-28 12:50:14', 9593, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 3, 12.5, 'M0', 0, 58, 'PE', '2007-05-01 21:32:27', '2007-11-01 21:32:27', 0, 0, '2007-04-28 12:50:14', '2007-04-28 16:52:40', -73.385400000000004, 243.39599999999999, -21.419599999999999, 292.322, 171.744, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', NULL, 606423177, -0.128047301557948, 0.14661282889802801, -0.980871330484404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0830601', 'RXJ1111-7620', 167.94300000000001, -76.335800000000006, '2007-04-28 18:04:21', 10339, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 12.050000000000001, 'K1V', 0.29999999999999999, 58, 'PE', '2007-05-01 21:42:56', '2007-11-01 21:42:56', 0, 0, '2007-04-28 18:04:21', '2007-04-29 01:32:53', -65.663600000000002, 235.90299999999999, -14.6196, 297.02999999999997, 161.40899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 608313605, -0.23101985771932901, 0.049345048439582199, -0.97169691341170605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0830201', 'CVCHA', 168.11600000000001, -76.739599999999996, '2007-04-29 17:23:24', 11339, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 12, 10.98, 'G8V', 0.29999999999999999, 58, 'PE', '2007-05-03 20:45:21', '2007-11-03 20:45:21', 0, 0, '2007-04-29 17:23:24', '2007-04-30 03:08:30', -65.756500000000003, 236.863, -14.9765, 297.23000000000002, 134.53800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 605510477, -0.22446072281412199, 0.0472358323168914, -0.97333763929023698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0230201', 'HD93130', 161.001, -59.874400000000001, '2007-04-30 05:55:29', 3123, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.0600000000000005, 'O6II', 0.54000000000000004, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-02 22:53:05', '2007-11-02 22:53:05', 0, 0, '2007-04-30 05:55:29', '2007-04-30 08:17:12', -59.1539, 202.25, -0.85925499999999999, 287.56999999999999, 143.52199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', NULL, 622862758, -0.47455601571600198, 0.16339347576109101, -0.86492725707221396); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0230101', 'HD93632', 161.80199999999999, -60.097200000000001, '2007-04-30 09:23:48', 4976, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 2, 8.3399999999999999, 'O5II', 0.64000000000000001, 15, 'PC', '2007-05-02 22:38:23', '2007-11-02 22:38:23', 0, 0, '2007-04-30 09:23:48', '2007-04-30 11:48:06', -59.011400000000002, 203.09700000000001, -0.87049200000000004, 288.02800000000002, 142.827, 'F', 'F', 'LUCIANA', 'BIANCHI', NULL, 622855726, -0.47359510034165098, 0.155691827830271, -0.86687238719390003); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0870201', 'HD91452', 157.96100000000001, -63.9405, '2007-04-30 12:58:48', 2149, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 7.5, 'B0IA', 0, 23, 'PC', '2007-05-02 22:54:22', '2007-11-02 22:54:22', 0, 0, '2007-04-30 12:58:48', '2007-04-30 13:34:43', -62.845599999999997, 206.845, -5.1037600000000003, 288.31700000000001, 144.88, 'F', 'F', 'DERCK', 'MASSA', NULL, 611398496, -0.40720372618217199, 0.164843493396374, -0.89833832605997299); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0830502', 'TCHA', 179.30600000000001, -79.358699999999999, '2007-04-30 14:50:01', 26399, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 10, 'F5', 0.29999999999999999, 58, 'PE', '2007-05-03 20:56:16', '2007-11-03 20:56:16', 0, 0, '2007-04-30 14:50:01', '2007-05-01 01:44:43', -64.500900000000001, 244.601, -16.760400000000001, 300.34300000000002, 117.634, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 605357500, -0.18464627719398299, 0.0022366531134564499, -0.98280249780983597); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('P3031704', 'HD91572', 158.30099999999999, -58.170400000000001, '2007-05-01 05:38:15', 4082, 'LWRS', 'HIST', 10, 8.1999999999999993, 'O6.0', 0.37, 12, 'PC', '2007-05-03 21:17:08', '2007-11-03 21:17:08', 0, 0, '2007-05-01 05:38:15', '2007-05-01 10:48:11', -58.989699999999999, 197.983, -0.0491435, 285.52600000000001, 148.02799999999999, 'F', 'F', 'GERARD', 'WILLIGER', NULL, 622991786, -0.49002308504424202, 0.19499396260500501, -0.849620345019657); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0660202', 'EOCHA', 131.13300000000001, -78.775300000000001, '2007-05-01 14:05:10', 1821, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 1, 12.5, 'M0', 0, 58, 'PE', '2007-05-10 00:05:02', '2007-11-10 00:05:02', 0, 0, '2007-05-01 14:05:10', '2007-05-01 14:35:38', -73.385400000000004, 243.39599999999999, -21.419599999999999, 292.322, 190.739, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', NULL, 606423177, -0.128047301557948, 0.14661282889802801, -0.980871330484404); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0830202', 'CVCHA', 168.11600000000001, -76.739599999999996, '2007-05-01 20:28:53', 7307, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 4, 10.98, 'G8V', 0.29999999999999999, 58, 'PE', '2007-05-03 20:45:37', '2007-11-03 20:45:37', 0, 0, '2007-05-01 20:28:53', '2007-05-02 01:42:40', -65.756500000000003, 236.863, -14.9765, 297.23000000000002, 120.748, 'F', 'F', 'GREGORY', 'HERCZEG', NULL, 605510477, -0.22446072281412199, 0.0472358323168914, -0.97333763929023698); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0150201', 'HD75505', 130.43600000000001, -79.048100000000005, '2007-05-02 03:04:38', 8677, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 7, 7.4000000000000004, 'A1V', 0.40000000000000002, 30, 'PE', '2007-05-11 18:03:37', '2007-11-11 18:03:37', 0, 0, '2007-05-02 03:04:38', '2007-05-02 12:00:02', -73.393600000000006, 244.459, -21.678699999999999, 292.49299999999999, 175.15899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ALEXANDER', 'BROWN', NULL, 606409722, -0.12322384275562601, 0.14460334501886199, -0.98178702231486703); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0660101', 'EGCHA', 129.23400000000001, -78.945999999999998, '2007-05-02 13:27:16', 26640, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 15, 10.5, 'K6V', 0, 58, 'PE', '2007-05-11 18:14:29', '2007-11-11 18:14:29', 0, 0, '2007-05-02 13:27:16', '2007-05-03 14:51:02', -73.644599999999997, 244.49100000000001, -21.821400000000001, 292.26999999999998, 185.60599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ANDREA', 'DUPREE', NULL, 606416973, -0.12126970176675, 0.14851132590364399, -0.98144691426064701); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H9060301', 'HD76700B', 133.47900000000001, -66.800799999999995, '2007-05-03 16:34:03', 35790, 'LWRS', 'TTAG', 13, 8.1300000000000008, 'G6V', 0, 44, 'PC', '2007-05-10 01:17:29', '2007-11-10 01:17:29', 0, 0, '2007-05-03 16:34:03', '2007-05-04 12:18:37', -73.136300000000006, 200.87299999999999, -13.9185, 282.49200000000002, 193.98599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'JEAN-MICHEL', 'DESERT', NULL, 613763449, -0.27105813235432602, 0.28584542292037901, -0.91914083963234605); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S7051202', 'SBKGD12', 127.27, -65, '2007-05-04 19:16:49', 14278, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 7, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-05-11 18:24:58', '2007-05-11 16:00:24', 0, 0, '2007-05-04 19:16:49', '2007-05-05 04:30:50', -74.861999999999995, 191.47399999999999, -14.9406, 279.46100000000001, 193.124, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 613919255, -0.25592570497301498, 0.33631566822078901, -0.90630778703665005); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0700101', 'SN1987A', 83.867199999999997, -69.2697, '2007-05-05 07:20:31', 6276, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 3, 20, '99', 0.16, 56, 'PE', '2007-05-10 00:46:15', '2007-11-10 00:46:15', 0, 280, '2007-05-05 07:20:31', '2007-05-05 11:22:26', -86.445700000000002, 307.58800000000002, -31.936800000000002, 279.70499999999998, 232.56800000000001, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 542223928, 0.037815721791100897, 0.35194370400602998, -0.93525697024718002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055106', 'BKGD', 119.417, -64.817499999999995, '2007-05-05 12:56:00', 21857, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 11, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-05-10 01:28:19', '2007-05-10 08:52:58', 0, 0, '2007-05-05 12:56:00', '2007-05-06 03:45:44', -77.881399999999999, 185.44399999999999, -17.741700000000002, 277.57799999999997, 200.857, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 614187286, -0.20899095561554401, 0.37064201758314003, -0.90495705714293495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0700102', 'SN1987A', 83.867199999999997, -69.2697, '2007-05-06 06:37:36', 6931, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 3, 20, '99', 0.16, 56, 'PE', '2007-05-10 00:46:23', '2007-11-10 00:46:23', 0, 280, '2007-05-06 06:37:36', '2007-05-06 10:45:06', -86.445700000000002, 307.58800000000002, -31.936800000000002, 279.70499999999998, 233.51599999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 542223928, 0.037815721791100897, 0.35194370400602998, -0.93525697024718002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055107', 'BKGD', 119.417, -64.817499999999995, '2007-05-06 13:13:19', 19637, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 12, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-05-10 01:28:38', '2007-05-10 08:52:58', 0, 0, '2007-05-06 13:13:19', '2007-05-07 04:44:31', -77.881399999999999, 185.44399999999999, -17.741700000000002, 277.57799999999997, 186.80199999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 614187286, -0.20899095561554401, 0.37064201758314003, -0.90495705714293495); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0700103', 'SN1987A', 83.867199999999997, -69.2697, '2007-05-07 07:34:10', 12577, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 4, 20, '99', 0.16, 56, 'PE', '2007-05-10 00:55:50', '2007-11-10 00:55:50', 0, 280, '2007-05-07 07:34:10', '2007-05-07 13:35:09', -86.445700000000002, 307.58800000000002, -31.936800000000002, 279.70499999999998, 234.50899999999999, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 542223928, 0.037815721791100897, 0.35194370400602998, -0.93525697024718002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('S5055304', 'BKGD', 108.047, -65.254199999999997, '2007-05-07 15:12:51', 10788, 'RFPT', 'TTAG', 9, 99, 'BKGD', 0, 7, 'EE', '2007-05-11 18:03:28', '2007-05-11 16:00:23', 0, 0, '2007-05-07 15:12:51', '2007-05-08 03:59:16', -82.545599999999993, 178.27600000000001, -22.360199999999999, 276.13999999999999, 197.88499999999999, 'F', 'F', 'WILLIAM P.', 'BLAIR', 'y', 614939126, -0.129678926522555, 0.39799951591966398, -0.90817386074675799); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('H0700104', 'SN1987A', 83.867199999999997, -69.2697, '2007-05-08 06:54:04', 13495, 'HIRS', 'TTAG', 6, 20, '99', 0.16, 56, 'PE', '2007-05-11 17:42:39', '2007-11-11 17:42:39', 0, 280, '2007-05-08 06:54:04', '2007-05-08 15:02:06', -86.445700000000002, 307.58800000000002, -31.936800000000002, 279.70499999999998, 237.947, 'F', 'F', 'ROSINA', 'IPING', NULL, 542223928, 0.037815721791100897, 0.35194370400602998, -0.93525697024718002); INSERT INTO headers (dataset, targname, ra_targ, dec_targ, dateobs, exptime, aperture, mode, expos_nbr, vmag, sp_type, ebv, objclass, src_type, datearchiv, datepublic, ref, z, starttime, endtime, elat, elong, glat, glong, aper_pa, high_proper_motion, moving_target, pr_inv_l, pr_inv_f, loadedatiap, healpixid, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) VALUES ('Z9900TOT', NULL, 10, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'N', NULL, 0, 0, 0); -- -- TOC entry 1920 (class 0 OID 16644) -- Dependencies: 1589 -- Data for Name: iapdatasets; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools -- INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070213', 1033927, '09:22:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52570.400000000001, 52570.400000000001, 3208, 1919, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070212', 1261739, '08:27:34', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52569.400000000001, 52569.5, 2898, 3219, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070210', 2013296, '18:10:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52568.800000000003, 52568.900000000001, 3757, 1698, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070208', 2190507, '02:07:19', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52509.099999999999, 52509.300000000003, 2997, 2627, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070207', 1786751, '23:22:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52509, 52509.099999999999, 3212, 311, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051902', 3556281, '08:06:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52560.300000000003, 52560.400000000001, 4682, 3586, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051901', 3558201, '01:07:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52558, 52558.199999999997, 4654, 1276, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051501', 860989, '03:07:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52541.099999999999, 52541.199999999997, 5000, 3846, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031119', 6723634, '00:22:56', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52495, 52495.599999999999, 6700, 6742, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031118', 12069213, '14:23:46', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52494.599999999999, 52495, 5760, 5730, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031117', 17011521, '07:36:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52494.300000000003, 52494.5, 6741, 5288, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030315', 18553639, '17:20:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52542.699999999997, 52542.800000000003, 5720, 3946, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030205', 12228523, '20:53:33', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 52542.900000000001, 52543, 3999, 2878, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030105', 6334085, '01:46:08', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 52543.099999999999, 52543.199999999997, 3840, 2899, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1020403', 732943, '21:01:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52537.900000000001, 52538.099999999999, 13168, 4475, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1020402', 635152, '15:50:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52537.699999999997, 52537.900000000001, 12038, 5572, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190214', 4334756, '15:07:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52541.599999999999, 52541.800000000003, 4999, 2524, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190213', 2041158, '02:48:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52540.099999999999, 52540.199999999997, 3999, 1110, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190212', 2466257, '05:08:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52539.199999999997, 52539.300000000003, 4898, 1763, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190211', 4119682, '01:57:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52538.099999999999, 52538.199999999997, 4599, 2363, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1690123', 292676, '15:05:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52569.599999999999, 52569.800000000003, 7626, 4896, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1570101', 184027, '03:16:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52568.099999999999, 52568.300000000003, 6692, 2536, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1280104', 713478, '13:38:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52514.599999999999, 52515.400000000001, 33013, 14321, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0531601', 476251, '02:55:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52059.099999999999, 52061.5, 25546, 18548, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0531501', 103990, '09:44:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51794.400000000001, 51794.599999999999, 6497, 5718, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0531401', 84191, '05:31:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51731.199999999997, 51731.400000000001, 4190, 2984, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0531302', 90932, '07:10:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51597.300000000003, 51597.400000000001, 4067, 3018, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0531201', 95527, '01:40:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51976.099999999999, 51976.199999999997, 5271, 2822, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0531101', 85067, '13:02:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51735.5, 51735.599999999999, 4876, 3189, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0531002', 60835, '15:00:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52017.599999999999, 52017.699999999997, 4495, 4083, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0530801', 129272, '17:35:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51753.699999999997, 51753.800000000003, 6436, 2596, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0530701', 100312, '04:41:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51937.199999999997, 51937.400000000001, 5634, 4068, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0530602', 102413, '14:44:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52037.599999999999, 52037.800000000003, 6130, 5201, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0530501', 97351, '18:40:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51610.800000000003, 51611, 5120, 4571, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0530401', 127516, '01:43:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51745.099999999999, 51745.199999999997, 4313, 1168, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0530201', 164071, '05:23:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51757.199999999997, 51757.400000000001, 5091, 720, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0530101', 93034, '07:03:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51756.300000000003, 51756.5, 4750, 4753, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1010201', 4254361, '07:25:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52383.300000000003, 52383.400000000001, 4000, 533, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050301', 473267, '00:19:47', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52300, 52300.199999999997, 8987, 2563, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1010203', 1336268, '03:37:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52385.199999999997, 52385.199999999997, 4000, 1916, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9015401', 768048, '08:18:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52384.300000000003, 52384.400000000001, 467, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9015701', 846868, '01:08:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52382, 52382.099999999999, 1100, 607, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9017301', 199374, '22:02:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52381.900000000001, 52381.900000000001, 546, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9017901', 1780911, '03:06:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52377.099999999999, 52377.199999999997, 5479, 2283, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9018401', 18556594, '03:26:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52379.099999999999, 52379.199999999997, 4296, 393, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9041601', 1030681, '20:24:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52371.900000000001, 52372.400000000001, 20798, 6899, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3040101', 257343, '02:00:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52376.099999999999, 52376.199999999997, 8256, 3375, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2220602', 288145, '09:10:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52337.400000000001, 52337.5, 9391, 4654, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2170301', 389779, '16:00:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52348.699999999997, 52348.800000000003, 11778, 4903, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051701', 2113382, '12:13:23', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52344.5, 52344.800000000003, 9896, 7389, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2042203', 9565885, '04:40:06', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52375.199999999997, 52376, 34440, 14233, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2042101', 40682, '04:47:38', '1.8.7', 'MDRS', 52344.199999999997, 52344.400000000001, 6867, 856, 'y', 20162); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031113', 5071834, '11:29:59', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52381.5, 52381.699999999997, 5280, 2942, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1510110', 1405323, '01:25:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52357.099999999999, 52357.300000000003, 6512, 2752, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1030201', 164675, '23:12:15', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52353, 52353.199999999997, 14060, 815, 'y', 20162); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0760401', 1031895, '05:12:07', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52379.199999999997, 52379.699999999997, 36680, 14413, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0760301', 1075716, '13:29:47', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52378.599999999999, 52379.099999999999, 34854, 12721, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0480301', 2498784, '07:19:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52363.300000000003, 52364.599999999999, 90458, 26133, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0380401', 107347, '02:25:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52382.099999999999, 52382.300000000003, 6706, 5787, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0260101', 1499820, '17:00:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52366.699999999997, 52367.099999999999, 18275, 4480, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0020602', 170761, '02:23:39', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52352.099999999999, 52352.199999999997, 8303, 965, 'y', 20162); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1060101', 151077, '21:31:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52360.900000000001, 52361.099999999999, 4650, 555, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0620201', 684204, '01:56:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52362.099999999999, 52363.199999999997, 28640, 18208, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0220101', 202923, '05:03:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52371.199999999997, 52371.400000000001, 9587, 4853, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0180501', 446580, '08:42:34', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52361.400000000001, 52361.5, 9804, 4185, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010601', 276673, '09:10:47', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52353.400000000001, 52353.599999999999, 11322, 6075, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010505', 113895, '08:48:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52356.400000000001, 52356.5, 4532, 3847, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010504', 58631, '02:59:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52356.099999999999, 52356.199999999997, 1973, 597, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010503', 133578, '07:06:42', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52355.300000000003, 52355.300000000003, 4182, 1374, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010502', 259364, '22:24:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52354.900000000001, 52355.099999999999, 8829, 1021, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0341502', 797021, '12:21:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52370.5, 52370.599999999999, 6602, 4203, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9060901', 147192, '10:50:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52389.5, 52389.699999999997, 11181, 7394, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9060701', 298685, '17:26:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52394.699999999997, 52394.900000000001, 13762, 5787, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('z9043601', 74753, '21:10:32', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52403.900000000001, 52404.5, 22616, 2100, 'y', 20163); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6013401', 980149, '16:12:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52343.699999999997, 52344, 23895, 10394, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6013101', 1402389, '07:24:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52334.300000000003, 52335.199999999997, 57289, 26298, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6012901', 1165226, '22:08:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52330.900000000001, 52331.199999999997, 23898, 8080, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6011801', 636088, '13:28:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52316.599999999999, 52317.599999999999, 31105, 17288, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6011601', 654784, '05:42:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52316.199999999997, 52316.5, 23946, 5840, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6011501', 518076, '22:45:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52315.900000000001, 52316.199999999997, 16878, 1589, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6011401', 311825, '17:25:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52315.699999999997, 52315.900000000001, 13209, 4350, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6011301', 127552, '18:54:49', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52313.800000000003, 52314.5, 49896, 1310, 'y', 20164); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6011101', 221787, '11:43:30', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52311.5, 52312.400000000001, 63807, 1484, 'y', 20164); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6011002', 1104847, '21:44:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52314.900000000001, 52315.5, 36878, 6662, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6011001', 1927483, '13:26:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52310.599999999999, 52311.400000000001, 58502, 12066, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6010901', 33568, '16:24:46', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52309.699999999997, 52310.099999999999, 33615, 0, 'y', 20164); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6010801', 430262, '12:48:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52307.5, 52307.699999999997, 16803, 5635, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6010701', 1586872, '10:07:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52306.400000000001, 52307.199999999997, 50551, 14649, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6010103', 7710542, '07:33:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52365.300000000003, 52365.800000000003, 12000, 11647, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6010102', 7743028, '14:58:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52364.599999999999, 52365.199999999997, 12000, 7296, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055801', 291409, '11:48:27', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52390.5, 52390.699999999997, 15974, 7370, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055702', 163650, '01:31:47', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52388.099999999999, 52388.300000000003, 10958, 6250, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055701', 445273, '07:13:26', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52387.300000000003, 52388, 29610, 18272, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3010201', 21475, '19:33:47', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52398.800000000003, 52399, 7380, 710, 'y', 20164); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2310301', 1637845, '01:16:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52398.099999999999, 52398.300000000003, 5585, 4127, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1380101', 433390, '17:53:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52401.699999999997, 52401.800000000003, 3496, 2598, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1180601', 67108, '02:14:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52399.099999999999, 52399.300000000003, 2498, 1458, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0380801', 252541, '21:40:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52388.900000000001, 52389, 6557, 3452, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0360102', 3211006, '19:52:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52367.800000000003, 52368.199999999997, 20973, 3530, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0710302', 2375686, '09:35:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52398.400000000001, 52398.599999999999, 6183, 4717, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0561002', 516697, '11:25:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52367.5, 52367.800000000003, 25265, 9337, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010507', 243505, '08:07:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52357.300000000003, 52357.699999999997, 13847, 9775, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010506', 96202, '22:35:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52356.900000000001, 52357, 4175, 860, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1290102', 6678429, '21:56:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52397.900000000001, 52397.900000000001, 1239, 963, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1210409', 110589, '21:59:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52393.900000000001, 52394.099999999999, 7285, 5753, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1210408', 213694, '20:29:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52392.900000000001, 52393.199999999997, 12095, 10381, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0090101', 1154019, '16:03:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52518.699999999997, 52519.599999999999, 63873, 17359, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0270301', 135499, '22:36:27', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51534.900000000001, 51535.800000000003, 54277, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0211301', 1900484, '10:00:45', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51481.400000000001, 51482.099999999999, 26535, 6328, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0200201', 2397424, '06:14:28', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 51446.300000000003, 51446.599999999999, 10362, 8408, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0180103', 218141, '04:48:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51482.199999999997, 51482.5, 8150, 4396, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0170102', 994721, '04:53:53', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51488.199999999997, 51489.5, 32904, 26555, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0170101', 627069, '22:43:03', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51484.900000000001, 51485.699999999997, 16339, 15421, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0050201', 631059, '00:33:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51443, 51444.199999999997, 34653, 13443, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4058301', 274442, '00:42:38', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52716, 52716.400000000001, 11345, 3841, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3010101', 250729, '23:46:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52511, 52511.199999999997, 7170, 696, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2041104', 7304033, '05:22:29', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52533.199999999997, 52534.099999999999, 19688, 16877, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2041103', 7458728, '07:44:42', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52532.300000000003, 52533.199999999997, 19386, 15810, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2041102', 7199588, '10:07:23', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52531.400000000001, 52532.300000000003, 19664, 15144, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1930501', 1179280, '03:35:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52522.099999999999, 52522.400000000001, 10931, 2327, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053202', 3061512, '05:18:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52521.199999999997, 52521.400000000001, 7849, 4048, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053003', 1084193, '19:44:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52534.800000000003, 52535.099999999999, 12336, 7287, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053002', 424854, '23:58:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52520, 52520.199999999997, 12528, 1141, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053001', 2474116, '15:14:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52526.599999999999, 52526.900000000001, 16759, 7217, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052901', 977602, '16:51:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52519.699999999997, 52519.900000000001, 9634, 1502, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051701', 2862556, '08:46:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52540.400000000001, 52540.5, 8592, 6006, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0341101', 538799, '20:22:51', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51672.800000000003, 51673.099999999999, 9244, 6096, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0340701', 3412557, '12:19:05', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 51522.5, 51522.800000000003, 9678, 8149, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0340601', 341376, '17:34:25', '3.1.4', 'MDRS', 51560.699999999997, 51561, 10171, 1581, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0340501', 147591, '20:10:52', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51551.800000000003, 51551.900000000001, 4562, 543, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0340201', 662685, '00:47:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51808, 51808.400000000001, 24933, 3911, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9041901', 3123936, '03:27:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52367.099999999999, 52367.199999999997, 3116, 18, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9041501', 1328667, '00:39:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52371, 52371.199999999997, 4007, 938, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9041401', 1883958, '09:23:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52372.400000000001, 52372.599999999999, 18578, 8452, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9032001', 957367, '07:03:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52367.300000000003, 52367.5, 11072, 3412, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9031701', 1519720, '10:04:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52371.400000000001, 52371.800000000003, 22489, 11094, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9020101', 708058, '10:58:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52384.5, 52384.5, 3108, 1912, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9015001', 1384645, '22:10:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52385.900000000001, 52385.900000000001, 1365, 1236, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9014801', 410111, '23:50:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52386, 52386, 1000, 995, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9014701', 951201, '01:14:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52386.099999999999, 52386.199999999997, 5569, 3801, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9014501', 79857787, '06:15:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52386.300000000003, 52387.199999999997, 28875, 23368, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9014401', 3866020, '18:43:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52385.800000000003, 52385.900000000001, 2696, 2659, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9014301', 1152027, '03:24:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52391.099999999999, 52391.199999999997, 4304, 174, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9014201', 1286815, '05:36:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52392.199999999997, 52392.199999999997, 1174, 1158, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9014101', 2893146, '14:11:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52391.599999999999, 52391.699999999997, 8736, 3722, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9014001', 565126, '12:05:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52392.5, 52392.599999999999, 6934, 3751, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9013101', 474629, '07:48:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52391.300000000003, 52391.300000000003, 1844, 1545, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9012801', 2157237, '06:08:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52391.300000000003, 52391.300000000003, 1770, 1479, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9012301', 378785, '23:36:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52398, 52398, 1335, 1058, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6013601', 922091, '06:55:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52385.300000000003, 52385.400000000001, 7659, 3840, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6013501', 246016, '22:42:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52382.900000000001, 52383.099999999999, 7899, 2037, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6010104', 7441914, '23:12:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52366, 52366.5, 12000, 6842, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056101', 177974, '13:23:51', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52296.599999999999, 52296.599999999999, 4548, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055602', 907930, '00:01:51', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52374, 52374.5, 34383, 9125, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055502', 389182, '13:20:38', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52359.599999999999, 52359.800000000003, 14920, 6169, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1010204', 2057182, '04:45:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52383.199999999997, 52383.199999999997, 1500, 403, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1010202', 4800031, '05:00:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52384.199999999997, 52384.300000000003, 4000, 360, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051602', 4282892, '08:17:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52388.300000000003, 52388.800000000003, 11758, 9259, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031111', 21746512, '05:10:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52381.199999999997, 52381.300000000003, 9894, 2585, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1780301', 317437, '03:39:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52361.199999999997, 52361.199999999997, 4813, 1067, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1600901', 664643, '22:32:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52349.900000000001, 52350.099999999999, 10576, 2864, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1600701', 353106, '18:40:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52349.800000000003, 52349.900000000001, 12608, 4716, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550206', 1114658, '02:05:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52350.099999999999, 52350.099999999999, 4174, 820, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550201', 883142, '05:17:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52348.199999999997, 52348.300000000003, 4238, 1317, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1490301', 536584, '13:26:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52376.599999999999, 52377, 24724, 8754, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1400201', 17195, '14:35:43', '2.4.1', 'LWRS', 52350.599999999999, 52350.800000000003, 16897, 405, 'y', 50538); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1290101', 3334933, '18:31:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52359.800000000003, 52359.900000000001, 7188, 2683, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1181101', 5245167, '04:38:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52350.199999999997, 52350.300000000003, 5549, 2359, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1020501', 732472, '12:40:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52360.5, 52360.800000000003, 23475, 8176, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0760101', 1127856, '16:25:39', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52374.699999999997, 52375.199999999997, 30317, 8793, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9012701', 6882907, '11:06:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52391.5, 52391.5, 1908, 1490, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6013503', 349802, '12:38:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52384.5, 52384.900000000001, 20517, 9578, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6013502', 1041363, '08:57:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52383.400000000001, 52384.199999999997, 53892, 20898, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('z9032901', 263584, '20:40:32', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52402.900000000001, 52403.400000000001, 36710, 1724, 'y', 20165); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('z9032801', 174241, '01:25:38', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52405.099999999999, 52405.199999999997, 5619, 740.375, 'y', 20165); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('z9032701', 237803, '23:16:44', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52408, 52408.199999999997, 13097, 649, 'y', 20165); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9014901', 1152067, '11:56:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52385.5, 52385.599999999999, 5288, 3753, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('z0060101', 31273, '23:39:59', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52406, 52407.300000000003, 49325, 0, 'y', 20165); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6011202', 831038, '08:39:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52325.400000000001, 52326.199999999997, 40564, 18834, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6011201', 1167226, '17:40:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52312.699999999997, 52313.5, 43833, 9176, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('s4056001', 46178, '06:20:04', '1.8.7', 'RFPT', 52405.300000000003, 52405.599999999999, 11344, 2110, 'y', 20165); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('s4054903', 96390, '00:13:09', '1.8.7', 'RFPT', 52301, 52301.800000000003, 54142, 2040, 'y', 20165); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054801', 78011, '01:01:02', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52293, 52293.099999999999, 3905, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('p2470102', 27091, '13:47:48', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52416.599999999999, 52417.199999999997, 18036, 0, 'y', 20165); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('p2042502', 12612, '12:28:13', '1.8.7', 'MDRS', 52399.5, 52400.400000000001, 9912, 792, 'y', 20165); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('p1320301', 164636, '10:05:16', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52414.400000000001, 52414.699999999997, 11267, 2110, 'y', 20165); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('p1071002', 85565, '03:15:02', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 51549.099999999999, 51549.400000000001, 17761, 1648, 'y', 20165); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071001', 294010, '14:45:12', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51511.599999999999, 51511.900000000001, 12615, 6637, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1230102', 1076909, '00:13:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52410, 52410.800000000003, 53815, 16084, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1230101', 1178495, '05:18:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52409.199999999997, 52410, 54704, 18187, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0900201', 1127063, '18:13:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52412.800000000003, 52413.900000000001, 47417, 20975, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0570401', 121932, '10:09:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52421.400000000001, 52421.699999999997, 9781, 8456, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0570101', 101230, '07:47:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52422.300000000003, 52422.5, 7526, 6332, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0380301', 106233, '13:57:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52418.599999999999, 52418.699999999997, 6074, 4235, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0180601', 175287, '02:32:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52389.099999999999, 52389.300000000003, 10528, 7398, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('z9033101', 307854, '00:12:49', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52402, 52402.699999999997, 29655, 2090, 'y', 20165); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1061001', 262227, '16:59:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52421.699999999997, 52422.300000000003, 12642, 7790, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1060901', 144629, '14:09:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52420.599999999999, 52420.800000000003, 9302, 7022, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1060801', 223657, '21:18:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52420.900000000001, 52421.300000000003, 7973, 4166, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0710101', 12743151, '03:49:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52182.199999999997, 52182.599999999999, 22788, 14458, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0601102', 3342467, '00:56:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52202, 52202.300000000003, 4311, 509, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0600901', 6565150, '07:24:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52240.300000000003, 52240.300000000003, 2172, 2090, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0561201', 375281, '06:37:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52193.300000000003, 52193.800000000003, 17986, 11426, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0561001', 45200, '10:25:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52308.400000000001, 52308.5, 2183, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0550401', 106008, '05:18:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52192.199999999997, 52192.300000000003, 4254, 3486, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0541001', 3087354, '08:14:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52246.300000000003, 52246.599999999999, 8680, 7825, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0540401', 1542904, '19:42:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52193.800000000003, 52193.900000000001, 7218, 4211, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0530401', 716692, '18:33:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52217.800000000003, 52217.900000000001, 9716, 2883, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0510101', 1735028, '08:46:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52226.400000000001, 52226.699999999997, 17332, 10449, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0502401', 36004, '06:48:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52253.300000000003, 52253.300000000003, 1327, 1291, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0502301', 20320, '00:06:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52253, 52253, 577, 487, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0502201', 23192, '22:26:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52252.900000000001, 52252.900000000001, 417, 327, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0502101', 51705, '20:49:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52252.900000000001, 52252.900000000001, 1999, 1862, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0502001', 34305, '15:46:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52252.699999999997, 52252.699999999997, 2162, 1982, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0501901', 58249, '14:07:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52252.599999999999, 52252.599999999999, 2164, 1984, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0501801', 34884, '12:27:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52252.5, 52252.5, 2165, 1986, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0501701', 59192, '10:47:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52252.400000000001, 52252.5, 2166, 1987, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0501601', 52342, '09:10:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52252.400000000001, 52252.400000000001, 1944, 1873, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0501501', 22643, '23:07:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52252, 52252, 564, 474, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0501401', 36349, '21:27:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52251.900000000001, 52251.900000000001, 2175, 2005, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0501301', 39133, '19:49:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52251.800000000003, 52251.900000000001, 2115, 1994, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0501201', 25356, '01:29:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52251.099999999999, 52251.099999999999, 884, 794, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0501101', 21328, '23:49:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52251, 52251, 705, 614, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0501001', 36926, '22:09:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52250.900000000001, 52250.900000000001, 2186, 2030, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0500901', 40447, '20:29:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52250.900000000001, 52250.900000000001, 2188, 2033, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0500801', 37245, '18:49:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52250.800000000003, 52250.800000000003, 2187, 2034, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0500701', 36685, '17:09:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52250.699999999997, 52250.699999999997, 2188, 2035, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0500601', 35674, '15:30:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52250.599999999999, 52250.699999999997, 2134, 2035, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0500501', 60298, '12:09:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52250.5, 52250.5, 2191, 2040, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0500401', 61138, '10:29:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52250.400000000001, 52250.5, 2191, 2042, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0500301', 36018, '08:50:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52250.400000000001, 52250.400000000001, 1969, 1930, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0480201', 440346, '18:14:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52220.800000000003, 52221.099999999999, 18835, 3906, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0460301', 2862383, '04:48:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52455.199999999997, 52455.400000000001, 4917, 3232, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0460201', 1991992, '18:03:25', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52198.800000000003, 52198.800000000003, 3144, 1690, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0430103', 548705, '13:04:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52222.5, 52222.699999999997, 3224, 2677, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0430102', 371618, '13:46:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52221.599999999999, 52221.800000000003, 3434, 2928, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0390101', 382063, '02:50:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52196.099999999999, 52196.800000000003, 20660, 12786, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0380301', 1663988, '23:48:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52201, 52201.599999999999, 16878, 7423, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0380201', 224699, '13:45:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52197.599999999999, 52197.800000000003, 8850, 5063, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0320701', 1461172, '00:32:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52340, 52340.199999999997, 11898, 4112, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0300301', 718890, '12:26:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52111.5, 52111.900000000001, 23164, 9570, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0180301', 307375, '14:29:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52422.599999999999, 52422.900000000001, 11576, 6245, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0160201', 900812, '17:24:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52228.699999999997, 52229.199999999997, 24424, 11572, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0160106', 126271, '17:48:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52213.699999999997, 52213.800000000003, 4407, 2430, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0160105', 138584, '14:17:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52213.599999999999, 52213.699999999997, 6568, 3672, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0160104', 139005, '10:57:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52213.5, 52213.599999999999, 6611, 3670, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0160103', 192362, '07:37:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52213.300000000003, 52213.400000000001, 4921, 3099, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0160102', 142013, '02:37:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52213.099999999999, 52213.300000000003, 3980, 1396, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0160101', 132373, '22:07:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52212.900000000001, 52213.099999999999, 3780, 478, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0150201', 259716, '16:23:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52357.699999999997, 52358, 14246, 7337, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0130105', 387349, '03:33:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52343.099999999999, 52343.199999999997, 600, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0130103', 416988, '14:58:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52340.599999999999, 52340.599999999999, 600, 524, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0130102', 430446, '07:43:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52339.300000000003, 52339.300000000003, 600, 604, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0130101', 416745, '07:00:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52337.300000000003, 52337.300000000003, 600, 341, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0101001', 2328306, '05:54:14', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52230.199999999997, 52230.400000000001, 6009, 4162, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0100901', 251374, '20:14:45', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52229.800000000003, 52230.099999999999, 3824, 3679, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0100801', 216015, '15:01:34', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52229.599999999999, 52229.800000000003, 3999, 3730, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0100501', 350968, '20:35:12', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52226.900000000001, 52227.199999999997, 11926, 8268, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0100401', 338139, '06:17:06', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52227.300000000003, 52227.400000000001, 8702, 6304, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0100201', 306709, '09:12:23', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52230.400000000001, 52230.5, 6176, 4226, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0100101', 644027, '11:17:17', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52227.5, 52227.599999999999, 8705, 6308, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0040301', 412838, '00:49:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52247, 52247.599999999999, 16708, 12823, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0040101', 517432, '17:11:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52219.699999999997, 52220.099999999999, 19539, 5299, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010802', 187412, '03:47:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52209.199999999997, 52209.400000000001, 5901, 4045, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010701', 690111, '16:22:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52227.699999999997, 52228.699999999997, 38349, 27275, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010402', 443449, '21:22:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52213.900000000001, 52214.5, 16488, 6399, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010401', 421092, '04:57:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52212.199999999997, 52212.699999999997, 19282, 10594, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0460103', 1006769, '12:28:41', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51579.5, 51580, 12512, 12206, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0460102', 557082, '18:12:54', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51578.800000000003, 51579.099999999999, 8620, 7388, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0440102', 4562290, '06:09:41', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 51531.300000000003, 51532, 52862, 24549, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0340402', 623572, '23:01:52', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51555, 51555.199999999997, 9231, 727, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0340301', 1529832, '15:40:59', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51669.699999999997, 51669.800000000003, 6518, 3206, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0340202', 124729, '10:51:53', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51549.5, 51549.699999999997, 4072, 3653, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0340101', 713542, '13:27:24', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51551.599999999999, 51551.800000000003, 10534, 4884, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0030101', 878381, '06:54:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51530.300000000003, 51531.199999999997, 65325, 10007, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0460201', 1108873, '19:01:44', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51669.800000000003, 51670.5, 26542, 17245, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9120501', 150384, '22:09:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52555.900000000001, 52556, 2777, 659, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9120201', 508686, '20:13:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52567.800000000003, 52567.900000000001, 3270, 601, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9110701', 366291, '06:11:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52615.300000000003, 52615.5, 18761, 5557, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9110503', 261837, '01:50:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52629.099999999999, 52629.199999999997, 10969, 3217, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9110501', 412137, '14:20:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52620.599999999999, 52620.800000000003, 15233, 5069, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9090701', 339660, '01:26:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52623.099999999999, 52623.300000000003, 8511, 98, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9073202', 411381, '15:22:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52718.599999999999, 52719.400000000001, 18861, 10414, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9073101', 305090, '05:14:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52672.199999999997, 52672.599999999999, 17755, 5262, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9072901', 1778356, '00:24:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52610, 52611.099999999999, 75296, 19225, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9072801', 477161, '16:42:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52672.699999999997, 52673.099999999999, 23975, 6029, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9072602', 252285, '10:36:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52649.400000000001, 52649.800000000003, 17220, 10545, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9072601', 266813, '11:12:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52648.5, 52648.800000000003, 18428, 10564, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9071901', 320896, '10:13:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52595.400000000001, 52595.699999999997, 19921, 10485, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9071401', 410663, '10:46:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52651.400000000001, 52651.800000000003, 23921, 11050, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9070801', 435322, '01:11:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52547.099999999999, 52547.5, 20461, 12500, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9061201', 300479, '22:03:32', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52462.900000000001, 52463.199999999997, 10466, 1210, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9044601', 3036722, '09:11:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52632.400000000001, 52632.900000000001, 34751, 16014, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9040702', 507619, '15:47:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52682.699999999997, 52683, 8914, 8851, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9033901', 937156, '15:14:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52553.599999999999, 52554.199999999997, 14653, 10153, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9033802', 6050413, '01:26:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52575.099999999999, 52575.599999999999, 38898, 10576, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9033801', 1467554, '13:56:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52573.599999999999, 52573.800000000003, 17589, 7431, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9032201', 1564595, '08:40:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52654.400000000001, 52654.699999999997, 20484, 10071, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9031901', 573943, '14:39:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52719.599999999999, 52720.199999999997, 17573, 8648, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9031001', 704853, '18:45:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52671.800000000003, 52672.099999999999, 21005, 4525, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9030901', 498354, '19:26:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52639.800000000003, 52640.199999999997, 15233, 11017, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9030601', 419375, '16:47:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52619.699999999997, 52620.099999999999, 8325, 4799, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9030302', 1408024, '17:08:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52559.699999999997, 52560.199999999997, 13073, 8628, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9022507', 2286941, '19:10:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52683.800000000003, 52683.900000000001, 5143, 1473, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9022505', 1114433, '20:52:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52564.900000000001, 52564.900000000001, 3360, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9022503', 104909, '14:07:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52671.599999999999, 52671.599999999999, 548, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021304', 589299, '09:21:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52630.400000000001, 52630.800000000003, 30043, 13113, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9017601', 1079905, '08:49:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52633.400000000001, 52633.5, 3951, 2427, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9011901', 18125227, '19:29:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52705.800000000003, 52705.800000000003, 2845, 2079, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9011701', 7964376, '07:58:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52591.300000000003, 52591.400000000001, 2550, 1722, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9011501', 1375319, '23:37:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52618, 52618.199999999997, 4232, 876, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9011401', 2481313, '00:39:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52619, 52619.300000000003, 4344, 1268, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9011201', 6104944, '19:27:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52618.800000000003, 52619, 4329, 1408, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9011101', 470827, '14:49:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52617.599999999999, 52617.900000000001, 10339, 5912, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9011003', 150034, '19:35:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52684.800000000003, 52684.800000000003, 1281, 1216, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9011002', 573398, '13:24:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52683.599999999999, 52683.699999999997, 4760, 3725, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9011001', 386700, '21:32:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52679.900000000001, 52680, 2607, 1617, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9010901', 1374411, '01:28:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52561.099999999999, 52561.099999999999, 3661, 419, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9010801', 512716, '11:03:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52620.5, 52620.599999999999, 5383, 3373, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9010701', 349751, '18:23:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52567.800000000003, 52567.800000000003, 4201, 1225, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9010502', 2950299, '18:48:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52685.800000000003, 52685.900000000001, 5908, 4394, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9010501', 1054305, '18:35:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52681.800000000003, 52681.800000000003, 2640, 560, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9010403', 30878, '21:16:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52628.900000000001, 52628.900000000001, 540, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9010301', 2292170, '17:19:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52564.699999999997, 52564.699999999997, 960, 483, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9121301', 599064, '17:55:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52589.699999999997, 52589.900000000001, 12734, 5412, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9113401', 420159, '23:01:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52706, 52706.199999999997, 19334, 5094, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9112301', 656449, '13:14:45', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52631.599999999999, 52632.099999999999, 34579, 13951, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9111001', 128870, '20:58:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52689.900000000001, 52690.099999999999, 10162, 7388, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9110901', 312744, '12:07:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52692.5, 52692.800000000003, 15514, 8135, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9110601', 365769, '13:11:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52615.599999999999, 52615.800000000003, 15499, 5434, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9110101', 190295, '06:20:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52693.300000000003, 52693.400000000001, 11139, 6183, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9105001', 806685, '09:10:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52623.400000000001, 52623.699999999997, 25982, 8477, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9104701', 501317, '02:10:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52655.099999999999, 52655.300000000003, 12004, 3550, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9102001', 1202174, '14:53:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52669.599999999999, 52670.699999999997, 75369, 18739, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9100601', 338802, '05:38:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52561.199999999997, 52561.400000000001, 10281, 4532, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9091201', 456149, '16:26:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52662.699999999997, 52663.099999999999, 19098, 1991, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9090101', 329059, '17:54:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52673.699999999997, 52674.099999999999, 18696, 4921, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9060301', 244843, '06:54:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52640.300000000003, 52640.699999999997, 18433, 12632, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9060201', 245392, '21:44:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52620.900000000001, 52621, 5639, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9060101', 271977, '20:07:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52624.800000000003, 52625, 12399, 3296, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9044801', 927811, '06:27:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52548.300000000003, 52548.400000000001, 4106, 3638, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9044201', 216461, '02:47:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52549.099999999999, 52549.5, 8226, 7435, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9031401', 665462, '09:13:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52722.400000000001, 52722.800000000003, 12894, 9228, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9030301', 584355, '19:23:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52558.800000000003, 52558.900000000001, 4634, 3053, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9022103', 1460861, '04:25:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52630.199999999997, 52630.400000000001, 15900, 4791, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021703', 837637, '19:52:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52565.800000000003, 52565.900000000001, 6607, 1411, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9020501', 35682, '00:08:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52558, 52558, 966, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0100103', 331570, '11:14:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52660.5, 52660.699999999997, 12189, 7335, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0100102', 491554, '08:44:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52659.400000000001, 52659.900000000001, 24169, 14586, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0100101', 559169, '09:23:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52658.400000000001, 52659, 26792, 15566, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056304', 596063, '12:25:42', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52732.5, 52733.099999999999, 31328, 10587, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055703', 110179, '20:33:59', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52737.900000000001, 52738, 6178, 3666, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q2010301', 1289011, '14:46:16', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52558.599999999999, 52558.599999999999, 1920, 919, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2500101', 412907, '08:22:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52550.300000000003, 52550.800000000003, 21845, 14527, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2230106', 2173455, '00:01:27', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52548, 52548, 3832, 1443, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2190702', 409085, '17:08:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52552.699999999997, 52553.199999999997, 12550, 10183, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1930503', 551328, '07:27:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52518.300000000003, 52518.400000000001, 4965, 1539, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1930502', 896408, '18:36:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52510.800000000003, 52510.900000000001, 7994, 2257, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070215', 552592, '14:26:09', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52570.599999999999, 52570.699999999997, 2880, 2584, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070214', 1614012, '11:06:41', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52570.5, 52570.5, 2880, 2636, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0460505', 1190277, '10:29:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51731.400000000001, 51732.699999999997, 26528, 17651, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9120701', 3496943, '10:57:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52582.5, 52582.5, 1704, 1526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9111101', 291957, '15:13:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52690.599999999999, 52691.099999999999, 20492, 13424, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9102101', 152644, '08:46:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52718.400000000001, 52718.599999999999, 9941, 7591, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9100401', 253924, '22:06:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52572.900000000001, 52573.099999999999, 10928, 1267, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9091401', 188666, '13:53:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52497.599999999999, 52497.800000000003, 13503, 7916, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9060501', 246868, '09:02:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52394.400000000001, 52394.5, 10663, 5746, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1050303', 385146, '21:53:36', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52545.900000000001, 52546.599999999999, 27950, 20903, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1050302', 720549, '12:36:35', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52544.5, 52545.800000000003, 53688, 38003, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1050301', 572288, '08:18:59', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52543.300000000003, 52544.400000000001, 43556, 31933, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0580101', 157504, '15:25:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52507.599999999999, 52507.800000000003, 9601, 4888, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0381101', 976750, '07:23:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52499.300000000003, 52499.400000000001, 3997, 3241, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0630902', 10595036, '20:10:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52004.800000000003, 52005, 4086, 580, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0630705', 4350184, '10:46:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52155.400000000001, 52155.599999999999, 4963, 4129, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0630503', 515567, '16:07:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52237.699999999997, 52237.699999999997, 3170, 2110, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0630302', 427866, '17:49:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52237.699999999997, 52238.199999999997, 22129, 14163, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0630201', 410027, '05:28:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52238.199999999997, 52238.5, 8941, 8333, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0531602', 733277, '13:12:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52061.599999999999, 52064.400000000001, 46253, 34211, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0491002', 333473, '08:47:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51815.400000000001, 51815.400000000001, 3504, 2091, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0491001', 348959, '10:25:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51815.400000000001, 51815.5, 3580, 2091, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490902', 652766, '07:04:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51585.300000000003, 51585.5, 6617, 6983, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490801', 304262, '13:43:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51585.599999999999, 51585.699999999997, 4166, 4576, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490601', 109946, '11:05:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52169.5, 52169.5, 3808, 2100, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490402', 428647, '09:41:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51821.400000000001, 51821.5, 4138, 2113, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490401', 545957, '16:35:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51822.699999999997, 51822.800000000003, 5154, 2047, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490302', 610664, '12:33:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52230.5, 52230.599999999999, 6253, 4226, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490202', 947978, '18:49:05', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 51532.800000000003, 51532.900000000001, 5500, 3621, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4058901', 426314, '14:02:09', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52782.599999999999, 52783.099999999999, 18957, 9886, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056901', 372854, '13:15:35', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52498.599999999999, 52498.900000000001, 28623, 1774, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055705', 270866, '08:22:10', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52862.300000000003, 52862.699999999997, 15683, 9228, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055704', 380438, '01:29:58', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52860.099999999999, 52860.599999999999, 26554, 10555, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054901', 348227, '00:12:22', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52299, 52300, 9505, 328, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053004', 712098, '17:55:07', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52582.699999999997, 52583.099999999999, 21358, 7024, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051902', 486011, '14:40:33', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52686.599999999999, 52687.099999999999, 15877, 8252, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051804', 266657, '02:23:40', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52818.099999999999, 52818.599999999999, 14680, 6057, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3190201', 144939, '14:49:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52714.599999999999, 52715.199999999997, 7186, 4445, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2230103', 3264591, '00:51:12', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52485, 52485.099999999999, 7900, 2696, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2110103', 283438, '06:17:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52667.300000000003, 52667.5, 18921, 5427, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052903', 1496981, '08:24:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52709.400000000001, 52709.400000000001, 6207, 3641, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052803', 1884061, '10:07:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52697.400000000001, 52697.5, 5139, 4189, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052105', 14923775, '03:00:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52686.099999999999, 52686.300000000003, 9873, 5360, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051903', 1655767, '17:30:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52678.699999999997, 52678.800000000003, 2262, 1637, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050602', 3294102, '03:33:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52704.099999999999, 52704.199999999997, 5646, 2263, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030517', 4152832, '21:07:29', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52675.900000000001, 52676, 1920, 1067, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9051301', 346305, '03:08:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52707.099999999999, 52707.699999999997, 18929, 15130, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8081202', 77657, '22:18:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52681.900000000001, 52682.099999999999, 4590, 1607, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8080401', 129336, '06:33:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52681.300000000003, 52681.599999999999, 9117, 7735, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1270402', 110123, '12:47:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52710.5, 52710.800000000003, 5828, 4597, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1270401', 122098, '15:08:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52709.599999999999, 52709.900000000001, 6627, 4871, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1270301', 232404, '05:16:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52711.199999999997, 52711.699999999997, 12663, 9186, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1270101', 64154, '19:20:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52710.800000000003, 52710.800000000003, 1368, 1227, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0890101', 80234, '13:53:09', '2.4.1', 'LWRS', 52687.599999999999, 52688, 25638, 1680, 'y', 39380); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1690126', 167496, '12:10:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52661.5, 52661.800000000003, 6145, 4167, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1690122', 210361, '13:06:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52567.5, 52567.699999999997, 9002, 5676, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1690121', 937037, '15:31:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52509.599999999999, 52509.800000000003, 11163, 6051, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1680401', 1715372, '06:40:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52664.300000000003, 52664.400000000001, 5524, 4223, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1680101', 3499088, '05:27:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52447.199999999997, 52447.5, 10173, 7879, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1640403', 678620, '11:35:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52688.5, 52689.800000000003, 53234, 37681, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9101701', 822910, '15:52:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52786.699999999997, 52787.199999999997, 33937, 11266, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4058701', 144296, '14:01:57', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52779.599999999999, 52779.900000000001, 10856, 8100, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4058501', 211996, '23:36:59', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52775, 52775.199999999997, 8031, 405, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070319', 550483, '05:04:05', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52581.199999999997, 52581.400000000001, 2260, 3081, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070313', 2523697, '05:30:42', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52578.199999999997, 52579.400000000001, 7440, 8341, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053302', 1677645, '14:43:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52572.599999999999, 52572.800000000003, 13046, 5565, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053201', 2208775, '16:44:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52574.699999999997, 52574.900000000001, 4568, 4403, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053101', 1744589, '06:54:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52576.300000000003, 52576.599999999999, 6572, 5363, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053005', 1753228, '16:40:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52577.699999999997, 52578, 16970, 3750, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052902', 1672378, '17:29:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52576.699999999997, 52577, 11356, 724, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050303', 8470344, '10:51:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52594.5, 52594.699999999997, 11515, 8067, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050302', 4235000, '02:15:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52592.099999999999, 52592.199999999997, 5650, 4146, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031004', 1211853, '03:01:33', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52582.099999999999, 52582.300000000003, 12157, 4370, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031003', 1686263, '20:18:49', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52581.800000000003, 52582.099999999999, 9182, 3707, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031002', 1843868, '14:54:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52581.599999999999, 52581.800000000003, 12600, 6169, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1770401', 6839290, '14:17:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52549.599999999999, 52549.900000000001, 9395, 6693, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1570202', 432131, '09:34:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52565.400000000001, 52565.5, 6345, 3757, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1570201', 218732, '20:25:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52562.900000000001, 52562.900000000001, 3556, 419, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1320102', 361157, '09:46:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52591.400000000001, 52591.900000000001, 24390, 12903, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1320101', 411327, '14:32:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52584.599999999999, 52585.099999999999, 23647, 11074, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1030301', 119311, '05:30:36', '2.4.1', 'LWRS', 52590.199999999997, 52590.5, 16678, 2110, 'y', 50538); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0880102', 149045, '04:12:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52594.199999999997, 52594.400000000001, 9096, 7990, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0880101', 323704, '00:33:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52593, 52593.599999999999, 23809, 16703, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0550203', 58719, '09:49:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52586.400000000001, 52586.400000000001, 3046, 2114, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0550101', 447687, '15:17:50', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52583.599999999999, 52584, 21201, 9412, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0530202', 476490, '22:43:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52573.900000000001, 52574.400000000001, 10445, 7280, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0430102', 11938, '18:32:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52517.800000000003, 52517.800000000003, 60, 59, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0230203', 627029, '07:16:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52592.300000000003, 52592.900000000001, 38100, 18981, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0070101', 1368362, '14:22:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52571.599999999999, 52572.599999999999, 68831, 17596, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0720401', 1133079, '13:32:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52515.599999999999, 52516.400000000001, 44972, 12723, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0690401', 82759, '15:01:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52500.599999999999, 52500.699999999997, 3299, 2516, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0630102', 1729285, '02:33:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52557.099999999999, 52557.300000000003, 5382, 2125, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0541201', 230827, '08:02:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52541.300000000003, 52541.400000000001, 2609, 2020, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9113302', 193678, '09:51:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52829.400000000001, 52829.699999999997, 12437, 7337, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9111401', 313973, '05:55:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52798.199999999997, 52798.599999999999, 20699, 9571, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9090901', 321497, '19:45:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52797.800000000003, 52798.199999999997, 18835, 9616, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9043802', 2444257, '10:19:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52791.400000000001, 52791.800000000003, 25550, 10146, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9033702', 983562, '23:42:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52791, 52791.400000000001, 27536, 5770, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9032401', 848586, '11:51:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52822.5, 52822.699999999997, 13101, 8212, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9022504', 623415, '11:06:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52682.5, 52682.5, 2068, 968, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9020108', 2432333, '07:55:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52734.300000000003, 52734.400000000001, 4544, 641, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4059701', 370407, '23:08:54', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52868, 52868.5, 23634, 6340, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4059602', 264195, '00:33:12', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52855, 52855.5, 17367, 10555, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4058801', 581669, '12:23:08', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52780.5, 52781.199999999997, 24964, 12275, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1071703', 227760, '23:23:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54282, 54282.199999999997, 12169, 1334, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1640401', 89379, '16:53:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52451.699999999997, 52451.800000000003, 4381, 548, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1540102', 1472076, '02:19:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52688.099999999999, 52688.400000000001, 23730, 8375, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1540101', 2719864, '16:38:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52450.699999999997, 52451, 20841, 10022, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1230104', 3370094, '04:03:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52701.199999999997, 52703.099999999999, 130591, 51599, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1230103', 2902630, '15:16:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52697.599999999999, 52700.900000000001, 156935, 93599, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1180101', 1400806, '03:51:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52685.199999999997, 52685.5, 14337, 8760, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1020601', 725407, '19:26:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52670.800000000003, 52671.5, 43895, 8690, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9122401', 1180860, '17:01:56', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52903.699999999997, 52904, 15911, 5497, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4059902', 608125, '00:51:04', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52875, 52875.5, 18206, 5495, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057101', 167708, '06:31:29', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52536.300000000003, 52536.300000000003, 4383, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056603', 217149, '00:18:33', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52874, 52874.400000000001, 10078, 3531, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2190701', 514657, '22:10:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52497.900000000001, 52498.400000000001, 15277, 12257, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1190202', 356641, '22:54:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52497, 52497.5, 15163, 12535, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052402', 2037473, '20:29:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52716.900000000001, 52717.300000000003, 12654, 3317, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052201', 19944633, '09:42:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52719.400000000001, 52719.5, 5690, 4001, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8081502', 217105, '02:42:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52683.099999999999, 52683.400000000001, 14514, 7489, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8081501', 291714, '05:06:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52679.199999999997, 52679.599999999999, 19589, 8733, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8081102', 100300, '22:56:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52681, 52681.099999999999, 3897, 1367, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8061601', 998755, '21:16:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52711.900000000001, 52712.599999999999, 48762, 12958, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1780402', 504109, '16:48:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52524.699999999997, 52525, 15478, 5267, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1690124', 532512, '19:43:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52570.800000000003, 52571.199999999997, 9134, 3074, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1290401', 2116007, '07:16:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52435.300000000003, 52435.5, 12880, 4759, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1290201', 5034480, '12:11:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52642.5, 52642.599999999999, 5575, 4165, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1290102', 3738723, '11:40:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52469.5, 52469.699999999997, 8794, 7949, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1280303', 333933, '23:25:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52566, 52566.5, 13165, 7460, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1180301', 4151401, '12:03:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52488.5, 52488.599999999999, 4384, 1968, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1110401', 1304930, '21:30:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52651.900000000001, 52652.599999999999, 47257, 17515, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1110302', 548969, '10:27:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52466.400000000001, 52467.400000000001, 28112, 16552, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1110301', 202926, '06:51:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52464.300000000003, 52464.699999999997, 16474, 13249, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0030101', 1322233, '07:21:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52720.300000000003, 52721.5, 40586, 20224, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1620201', 307601, '00:48:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52739, 52739.599999999999, 25235, 15265, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0880201', 256349, '17:33:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52741.699999999997, 52742.099999999999, 16425, 8839, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0390101', 1090756, '16:26:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52724.699999999997, 52726.099999999999, 60622, 25428, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0080201', 285058, '23:07:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52723, 52723.199999999997, 16837, 1899, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0080101', 1045601, '15:27:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52730.599999999999, 52731, 19191, 8138, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0790301', 6237836, '05:27:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52742.199999999997, 52742.300000000003, 5470, 2977, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0470202', 1279173, '11:39:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52756.5, 52757.400000000001, 66275, 22204, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0470201', 242255, '01:45:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52755.099999999999, 52755.199999999997, 8640, 1838, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0600703', 241372, '19:02:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52654.800000000003, 52655, 10600, 3844, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4058202', 438865, '02:50:09', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52936.099999999999, 52936.400000000001, 20878, 6295, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056002', 688081, '14:09:00', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52760.599999999999, 52760.900000000001, 29795, 10409, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051805', 226636, '23:16:08', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52925, 52925.300000000003, 11520, 1882, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2110104', 295026, '05:44:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52727.199999999997, 52727.5, 17775, 7656, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051801', 4870382, '08:16:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52736.300000000003, 52736.5, 9898, 3088, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050703', 6706914, '12:26:02', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52723.5, 52724.400000000001, 15208, 8948, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031122', 6115403, '15:47:57', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52733.699999999997, 52733.900000000001, 5233, 2637, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031121', 12213144, '12:02:40', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52733.5, 52733.599999999999, 5500, 3329, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031120', 13261692, '09:49:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52733.400000000001, 52733.5, 5498, 2675, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I7070103', 1100345, '19:38:12', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52751.800000000003, 52751.800000000003, 1000, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I7070102', 2833606, '17:18:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52751.699999999997, 52751.800000000003, 2400, 1722, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9131501', 121117, '01:44:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52731.099999999999, 52731.199999999997, 5519, 3182, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9100201', 1339259, '18:32:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52728.800000000003, 52729.699999999997, 66925, 21925, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9050801', 259922, '20:02:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52726.800000000003, 52727.099999999999, 6504, 3935, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9010901', 284471, '22:04:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52735.900000000001, 52736.099999999999, 15858, 5180, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9010401', 195947, '12:34:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52737.5, 52737.800000000003, 10966, 7521, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8081301', 92631, '06:14:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52731.300000000003, 52731.400000000001, 5911, 4225, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1570301', 867109, '12:12:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52740.5, 52740.699999999997, 7963, 3037, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1560102', 2760134, '23:23:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52753, 52753.099999999999, 10999, 3070, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1220101', 759291, '11:23:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52734.5, 52735.699999999997, 46025, 30312, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1520103', 559594, '22:11:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52569.900000000001, 52570.300000000003, 7073, 2290, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9120301', 247002, '08:08:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52808.300000000003, 52808.5, 7176, 3430, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9111901', 139623, '09:29:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52849.400000000001, 52849.599999999999, 9279, 4933, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9111801', 149108, '04:06:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52849.199999999997, 52849.400000000001, 11143, 4074, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9111301', 339204, '12:35:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52807.5, 52807.800000000003, 20310, 8865, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9043001', 1304330, '08:28:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52822.400000000001, 52822.5, 7738, 4228, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021608', 51616, '11:40:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52820.5, 52820.5, 3729, 1953, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5210701', 574920, '18:36:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52624.800000000003, 52624.800000000003, 3167, 665, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5210601', 170869, '16:38:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52624.699999999997, 52624.699999999997, 4063, 1747, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5210501', 57646, '15:14:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52624.599999999999, 52624.699999999997, 2828, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4059601', 239928, '13:02:19', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52854.5, 52854.900000000001, 19939, 11959, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4059401', 275741, '18:26:56', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52844.800000000003, 52845.099999999999, 19639, 9563, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4059301', 595283, '19:39:52', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52822.800000000003, 52823.400000000001, 32068, 5107, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057801', 365965, '14:19:54', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52635.599999999999, 52636, 17894, 9586, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057103', 943712, '10:39:29', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52838.400000000001, 52838.900000000001, 25362, 10832, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056602', 319976, '19:31:57', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52809.800000000003, 52810.5, 19106, 11147, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3011101', 12380, '21:21:48', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52641.900000000001, 52641.900000000001, 595, 520, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3011001', 13758, '14:59:40', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52641.599999999999, 52641.599999999999, 562, 557, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3010201', 9840365, '11:32:46', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52636.5, 52636.599999999999, 3640, 2344, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1160901', 783589, '13:24:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52664.599999999999, 52664.699999999997, 7113, 5293, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071603', 1082820, '23:12:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52604, 52606.400000000001, 81504, 57093, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1022302', 3314980, '06:06:15', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52639.300000000003, 52639.300000000003, 401, 404, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070418', 2087742, '06:02:32', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52677.300000000003, 52677.599999999999, 5760, 5796, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070417', 3799844, '15:05:59', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 52676.599999999999, 52677, 5812, 5094, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070416', 5615414, '09:59:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52676.400000000001, 52676.599999999999, 7575, 5979, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070217', 1231845, '09:16:44', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52625.400000000001, 52625.5, 2880, 3160, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070216', 1637484, '04:11:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52625.199999999997, 52625.300000000003, 3042, 2037, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053006', 886987, '14:56:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52634.599999999999, 52634.800000000003, 8398, 3472, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052802', 2700845, '04:09:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52651.199999999997, 52651.300000000003, 5330, 4657, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052601', 1374306, '16:43:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52652.699999999997, 52652.900000000001, 13899, 5819, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052401', 984575, '02:44:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52659.099999999999, 52659.300000000003, 6408, 1276, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052303', 1551345, '11:25:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52662.5, 52662.5, 2500, 1827, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052301', 131422, '18:21:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52655.800000000003, 52655.800000000003, 4450, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052103', 8968123, '03:04:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52662.099999999999, 52662.400000000001, 5126, 3499, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052101', 11286574, '10:25:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52617.400000000001, 52617.5, 6370, 255, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052001', 19319714, '21:46:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52615.900000000001, 52616.199999999997, 7151, 235, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051801', 2359141, '13:29:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52633.599999999999, 52633.699999999997, 5392, 4203, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052104', 10958476, '22:49:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52678.900000000001, 52679.099999999999, 6269, 1272, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031006', 1373646, '23:59:16', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52634, 52634.199999999997, 7898, 1651, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031005', 1351022, '19:05:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52633.800000000003, 52634, 8978, 1528, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030616', 5368957, '19:14:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52675.800000000003, 52675.800000000003, 2000, 1395, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030516', 5111800, '00:29:55', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52617, 52617.099999999999, 1920, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030413', 2293285, '00:36:19', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52676, 52676.300000000003, 1920, 558, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030412', 2493422, '03:53:23', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52617.199999999997, 52617.300000000003, 1890, 484, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1770301', 3583693, '15:53:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52341.699999999997, 52341.800000000003, 7995, 5324, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1770101', 6460155, '20:27:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52640.900000000001, 52641.099999999999, 7991, 7128, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1760302', 295460, '11:37:56', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52441.5, 52441.800000000003, 12472, 6081, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1760301', 307801, '12:19:59', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52440.5, 52440.800000000003, 12948, 5730, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1760202', 146756, '13:23:19', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52439.599999999999, 52439.800000000003, 8480, 3799, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1760201', 123141, '13:56:18', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52438.599999999999, 52438.699999999997, 6998, 2423, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1710401', 235587, '22:41:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52464.900000000001, 52465.099999999999, 3660, 415, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1710201', 353624, '21:31:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52463.900000000001, 52464.099999999999, 4442, 737, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1640402', 511097, '06:55:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52452.300000000003, 52453, 28902, 6833, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1630101', 623871, '18:28:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52614.800000000003, 52615.099999999999, 22861, 2877, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1570102', 94685, '08:52:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52616.400000000001, 52616.5, 5631, 4405, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1520106', 7424, '23:44:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52568, 52568, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1490501', 2973037, '04:21:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52608.199999999997, 52609.900000000001, 122375, 39482, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1280304', 132867, '14:32:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52565.599999999999, 52565.800000000003, 8620, 5729, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1280302', 251231, '13:47:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52566.599999999999, 52566.900000000001, 12931, 7643, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1280301', 327938, '22:39:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52566.900000000001, 52567.5, 15119, 7629, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1160202', 6116875, '20:09:52', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52500.800000000003, 52501.300000000003, 6526, 5970, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1160201', 364023, '19:10:32', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52499.800000000003, 52500, 1440, 1449, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057904', 242226, '13:03:34', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52955.5, 52955.900000000001, 14093, 8859, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1630202', 155043, '12:53:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52506.5, 52506.800000000003, 10874, 7288, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1630201', 149017, '12:39:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52504.5, 52504.800000000003, 10503, 7186, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1490601', 872457, '02:08:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52585.099999999999, 52585.900000000001, 48474, 24673, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1490302', 223878, '14:35:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52429.599999999999, 52429.900000000001, 13196, 6511, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1090301', 179374, '15:56:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52540.699999999997, 52540.800000000003, 7500, 1674, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1090201', 107387, '17:27:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52252.699999999997, 52252.800000000003, 6835, 3956, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1090105', 389559, '09:50:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52647.400000000001, 52647.800000000003, 21974, 10571, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1090104', 330535, '11:00:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52646.5, 52646.800000000003, 20496, 10575, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1090103', 223133, '00:49:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52252, 52252.300000000003, 7986, 5379, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1090101', 141785, '01:47:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52253.099999999999, 52253.199999999997, 4342, 2729, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0900102', 79169, '06:25:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52622.300000000003, 52622.5, 3350, 2749, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0900101', 100854, '07:07:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52621.300000000003, 52621.5, 3592, 2953, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0510201', 318675, '16:42:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52638.699999999997, 52639.199999999997, 22704, 12586, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0510101', 283048, '03:21:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52638.099999999999, 52638.599999999999, 22182, 14811, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0260201', 1290123, '10:12:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52619.400000000001, 52619.599999999999, 5339, 4616, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0850301', 4216265, '21:47:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51700.900000000001, 51701.699999999997, 26804, 13757, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0850201', 1007927, '05:38:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51758.199999999997, 51758.5, 6532, 5272, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0850102', 1371778, '08:31:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51894.400000000001, 51895.300000000003, 25582, 20204, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0850101', 639788, '12:05:10', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51801.5, 51802, 19821, 2655, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q2250101', 28931, '05:56:23', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52451.199999999997, 52451.300000000003, 1491, 1105, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1180701', 1793495, '16:42:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52419.699999999997, 52420.099999999999, 9909, 5939, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1110201', 312506, '02:37:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52607.099999999999, 52607.5, 10513, 1364, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1010302', 351409, '21:56:00', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52634.900000000001, 52635.300000000003, 19919, 4229, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0720205', 110311, '01:33:11', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52646.099999999999, 52646.099999999999, 3934, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0720204', 441508, '03:51:41', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52645.199999999997, 52645.599999999999, 27943, 12875, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0720203', 435912, '04:33:37', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52644.199999999997, 52644.599999999999, 27128, 12880, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0720202', 47370, '14:34:57', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52643.599999999999, 52643.699999999997, 4194, 2115, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0560402', 425785, '15:04:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52491.599999999999, 52492.199999999997, 26926, 6919, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0560401', 608215, '14:47:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52489.599999999999, 52490.300000000003, 35827, 8262, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0490103', 133727, '23:01:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52649, 52649.300000000003, 9630, 8273, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0490102', 201692, '22:03:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52647.900000000001, 52648.300000000003, 12531, 10830, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0490101', 166441, '22:45:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52646.900000000001, 52647.199999999997, 10857, 9367, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0380901', 380662, '02:37:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52556.099999999999, 52556.300000000003, 4642, 2502, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0010101', 1253721, '19:42:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52712.800000000003, 52714.599999999999, 27448, 19379, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1060701', 410690, '00:36:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52654, 52654.199999999997, 13742, 3515, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0470102', 325944, '19:42:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52660.800000000003, 52661.099999999999, 11900, 2490, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0860101', 450440, '14:59:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52695.599999999999, 52696.599999999999, 37213, 26879, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0700101', 1005389, '23:04:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52656, 52656.5, 36017, 12000, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0670102', 208931, '05:11:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52691.199999999997, 52691.599999999999, 15007, 10427, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0670101', 192396, '05:09:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52690.199999999997, 52690.5, 14892, 10448, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0570301', 257354, '10:43:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52694.400000000001, 52695, 23067, 15856, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0570201', 185511, '01:41:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52695.099999999999, 52695.5, 16498, 13631, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0380101', 43102, '09:42:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52584.400000000001, 52584.400000000001, 2736, 1755, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0230501', 345674, '16:24:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52691.699999999997, 52692.400000000001, 27233, 20895, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0230303', 139334, '09:16:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52618.400000000001, 52618.699999999997, 9695, 7532, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0230202', 95965, '16:29:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52539.699999999997, 52539.800000000003, 5280, 1743, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0230101', 369337, '15:33:08', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52428.599999999999, 52429, 21433, 5677, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0020102', 414906, '18:37:35', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52493.800000000003, 52494, 10433, 3055, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0010202', 3553742, '08:41:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52557.400000000001, 52557.900000000001, 20393, 9647, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0010201', 1677567, '07:42:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52556.300000000003, 52556.800000000003, 19239, 9646, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1061101', 324854, '01:33:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52684.099999999999, 52684.5, 19278, 10495, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1050103', 378482, '23:33:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52705, 52705.699999999997, 22642, 17278, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1050102', 434147, '08:34:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52704.400000000001, 52704.900000000001, 24260, 18642, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0600501', 3179368, '08:04:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52674.300000000003, 52674.400000000001, 3804, 3006, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0410301', 243427, '11:56:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52462.5, 52462.699999999997, 11209, 7323, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0410201', 1787375, '21:29:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52304.900000000001, 52305.699999999997, 53887, 15126, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0370101', 2704903, '18:38:48', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52414.800000000003, 52416.599999999999, 91219, 29847, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0340101', 1137278, '02:20:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52304.099999999999, 52304.599999999999, 30685, 10561, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0020401', 621314, '19:24:39', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52478.800000000003, 52478.900000000001, 5044, 321, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0020301', 456751, '09:14:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52478.400000000001, 52478.699999999997, 21644, 8478, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0020101', 576474, '23:05:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52428, 52428.099999999999, 8664, 1220, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1340202', 425417, '03:40:59', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 52429.199999999997, 52429.300000000003, 14337, 3706, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1280601', 561095, '21:36:43', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52482.900000000001, 52483, 5704, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1280101', 280098, '00:45:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52207, 52207.199999999997, 3843, 848, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1270102', 3155523, '16:35:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52096.699999999997, 52097, 23777, 4649, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1260104', 634412, '21:21:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52205.900000000001, 52206.300000000003, 6452, 3377, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1190101', 1367148, '19:45:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52198.800000000003, 52198.900000000001, 6640, 3075, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120312', 141500, '14:42:31', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52162.599999999999, 52162.599999999999, 3258, 648, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120304', 106777, '22:28:09', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52161.900000000001, 52162, 1896, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120204', 102286, '13:37:45', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52161.599999999999, 52161.599999999999, 3824, 979, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1090101', 360276, '07:19:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52194.300000000003, 52194.699999999997, 16616, 12213, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1060501', 202727, '04:10:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52420.199999999997, 52420.599999999999, 14979, 10002, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1060301', 167997, '09:54:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52419.400000000001, 52419.699999999997, 11230, 8469, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1060201', 263690, '21:01:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52418.900000000001, 52419.400000000001, 10925, 6203, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1050101', 415502, '05:38:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52229.199999999997, 52229.599999999999, 20341, 10555, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0910401', 333669, '22:32:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52389.900000000001, 52390.199999999997, 12633, 9027, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0870101', 1184174, '20:36:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52187.900000000001, 52189.599999999999, 71115, 42696, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0861001', 306504, '02:39:52', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52230.099999999999, 52230.199999999997, 3840, 3404, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0780101', 560614, '23:41:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52218, 52218.400000000001, 16098, 1909, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0770201', 668772, '10:44:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52475.400000000001, 52475.800000000003, 23491, 10205, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0770101', 384711, '22:43:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52478.900000000001, 52479.099999999999, 10317, 169, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0750203', 200719, '19:14:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52444.800000000003, 52445.199999999997, 15772, 11191, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0750102', 361192, '18:06:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52331.800000000003, 52332.099999999999, 17824, 6664, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0740101', 914658, '00:42:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52219, 52219.699999999997, 29132, 5823, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0710501', 4661814, '07:01:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52336.300000000003, 52336.300000000003, 1548, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0710201', 5894878, '18:42:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52197.800000000003, 52197.800000000003, 3336, 1817, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0680102', 457663, '15:04:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52335.599999999999, 52336, 21777, 10099, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0680101', 762830, '09:31:14', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52336.400000000001, 52336.800000000003, 23652, 12003, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0630101', 2690064, '20:19:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52197.800000000003, 52198, 6918, 4075, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9111701', 635229, '07:50:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52797.300000000003, 52797.800000000003, 25875, 11845, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9111601', 379120, '22:27:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52796.900000000001, 52797.300000000003, 26245, 8718, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9110401', 862731, '14:49:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52802.599999999999, 52802.800000000003, 13897, 5184, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9073702', 800678, '21:08:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52791.900000000001, 52792.300000000003, 34843, 9680, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4059101', 1169318, '13:39:58', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52799.599999999999, 52799.900000000001, 21402, 7001, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4059001', 654144, '17:52:00', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52795.699999999997, 52796.199999999997, 33639, 10816, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4058401', 278409, '05:12:57', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52769.199999999997, 52769.400000000001, 11687, 3833, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3060101', 295736, '08:16:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52612.300000000003, 52613, 17509, 3549, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q2010202', 30171, '13:08:15', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52198.5, 52198.599999999999, 960, 955, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1019104', 313009, '20:49:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52595.900000000001, 52596.400000000001, 18156, 13370, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052302', 3069839, '10:44:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52606.400000000001, 52606.599999999999, 4932, 1841, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050304', 7398757, '12:47:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52596.5, 52596.699999999997, 10116, 6244, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030615', 5199429, '22:36:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52616.900000000001, 52617, 1912, 89, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030613', 6422165, '21:00:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52611.900000000001, 52612, 2384, 645, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030515', 5102953, '05:16:06', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52614.199999999997, 52614.400000000001, 1999, 2002, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030404', 3197468, '11:18:43', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51932.5, 51932.599999999999, 2400, 1853, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1530103', 1248164, '18:31:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52588.800000000003, 52589.599999999999, 61877, 26239, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1530102', 1886409, '13:39:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52586.599999999999, 52588.699999999997, 106617, 60718, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1530101', 1404605, '10:30:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52481.400000000001, 52482.5, 54304, 6177, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1400306', 34845, '08:30:58', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52586.400000000001, 52586.400000000001, 1504, 964, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1400305', 35181, '06:51:12', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52586.300000000003, 52586.300000000003, 1500, 960, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1400304', 65178, '05:11:21', '2.4.1', 'MDRS', 52586.199999999997, 52586.199999999997, 3000, 960, 'y', 50538); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1400303', 64024, '03:32:59', '2.4.1', 'MDRS', 52586.099999999999, 52586.199999999997, 3000, 880, 'y', 50538); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1400302', 80768, '02:03:51', '2.4.1', 'MDRS', 52586.099999999999, 52586.099999999999, 3000, 229, 'y', 50538); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1400301', 90835, '00:34:43', '2.4.1', 'MDRS', 52586, 52586.099999999999, 3000, 0, 'y', 50538); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1060101', 444379, '17:38:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52601.699999999997, 52602.900000000001, 30925, 28381, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1010201', 765843, '09:59:31', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52600.400000000001, 52601.599999999999, 14181, 13506, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0770302', 1425249, '23:55:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52584, 52584.300000000003, 24896, 8449, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0330701', 158744, '20:53:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52165.900000000001, 52166, 7640, 2126, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0341503', 653674, '01:15:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52603.099999999999, 52603.099999999999, 4355, 1987, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2170101', 591566, '08:29:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52354.400000000001, 52354.5, 10883, 5871, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173302', 332966, '01:00:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52349, 52349.099999999999, 4555, 753, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1780201', 259646, '22:12:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52337.900000000001, 52338.199999999997, 13962, 7739, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1780101', 302031, '20:05:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52348.800000000003, 52348.900000000001, 6428, 2112, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1601001', 380465, '10:18:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52349.400000000001, 52349.599999999999, 11371, 6334, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1600801', 672101, '12:49:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52355.5, 52355.699999999997, 11898, 5192, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550216', 719649, '23:04:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52354, 52354, 4459, 635, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550215', 1193577, '14:10:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52353.599999999999, 52353.699999999997, 7899, 4208, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550214', 842070, '05:51:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52353.199999999997, 52353.300000000003, 5503, 2469, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550213', 1202074, '20:42:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52352.900000000001, 52353, 7900, 2095, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550212', 1038158, '09:53:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52352.400000000001, 52352.5, 6774, 4163, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550211', 683594, '00:35:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52352, 52352.099999999999, 4283, 540, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550210', 1158053, '13:54:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52351.599999999999, 52351.699999999997, 7899, 4226, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550209', 860426, '05:35:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52351.199999999997, 52351.300000000003, 5559, 2551, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550208', 2819235, '19:59:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52350.800000000003, 52351, 10899, 3252, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550207', 1406644, '11:17:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52350.5, 52350.599999999999, 7178, 4139, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550205', 1479235, '15:18:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52349.599999999999, 52349.800000000003, 9898, 4214, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550204', 1185920, '06:58:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52349.300000000003, 52349.400000000001, 5842, 3141, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550203', 1045166, '22:39:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52348.900000000001, 52349, 6906, 2763, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1550202', 1115324, '12:40:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52348.5, 52348.599999999999, 7568, 4222, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1510109', 1561570, '18:45:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52356.800000000003, 52356.900000000001, 7533, 4159, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1510108', 1325660, '12:06:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52356.5, 52356.599999999999, 6711, 4165, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1510107', 1141218, '05:26:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52356.199999999997, 52356.300000000003, 5361, 2112, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1510106', 1837199, '23:24:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52356, 52356.099999999999, 8537, 789, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1510105', 1987149, '16:51:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52355.699999999997, 52355.800000000003, 9900, 2403, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1510104', 1325327, '09:28:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52355.400000000001, 52355.5, 6746, 4038, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1510103', 1787519, '01:56:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52355.099999999999, 52355.199999999997, 8155, 1378, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1510102', 1311612, '20:10:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52354.800000000003, 52354.900000000001, 6238, 2096, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1510101', 1980936, '13:29:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52354.599999999999, 52354.699999999997, 9898, 4182, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1400601', 231445, '07:40:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52348.300000000003, 52348.400000000001, 5984, 3436, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1100201', 269299, '06:59:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52318.300000000003, 52318.699999999997, 14511, 10557, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1070101', 355043, '11:12:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52309.5, 52309.699999999997, 15776, 3483, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1030101', 138266, '15:26:05', '2.4.1', 'LWRS', 52356.599999999999, 52356.800000000003, 8252, 2080, 'y', 50538); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0680101', 1393579, '13:19:54', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52314.599999999999, 52314.900000000001, 24759, 7553, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0110101', 2183296, '06:42:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52335.300000000003, 52335.5, 16232, 8264, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('c0020701', 791062, '17:16:45', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52351.699999999997, 52351.800000000003, 7900, 1756, 'y', 20161); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('c0020601', 172970, '16:32:43', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52352.699999999997, 52352.900000000001, 13899, 1649, 'y', 20161); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('b1281001', 232662, '19:46:27', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52351.800000000003, 52351.900000000001, 7900, 1320, 'y', 20161); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('b1280901', 262531, '22:14:22', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52351.900000000001, 52352, 6618, 355, 'y', 20161); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('b1280401', 247673, '06:33:05', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52352.300000000003, 52352.400000000001, 5664, 1496, 'y', 20161); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('b1280301', 261697, '13:15:25', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52352.599999999999, 52352.699999999997, 7899, 2110, 'y', 20161); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1060601', 583858, '00:03:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52360, 52360.199999999997, 12093, 827, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1060401', 104634, '20:46:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52361.900000000001, 52362, 3820, 811, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0750202', 370959, '02:21:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52332.099999999999, 52332.5, 20362, 7156, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0130104', 398032, '00:52:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52342, 52342, 600, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0040102', 513121, '17:01:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52318.699999999997, 52319, 19856, 6540, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010501', 81315, '17:01:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52354.699999999997, 52354.800000000003, 3450, 1687, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9050601', 652070, '07:22:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52358.300000000003, 52358.599999999999, 9727, 7313, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9050401', 338941, '00:45:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52358, 52358.300000000003, 4460, 2088, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9012901', 833176, '05:37:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52339.199999999997, 52339.199999999997, 500, 241, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9012001', 898483, '08:37:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52342.400000000001, 52342.400000000001, 600, 603, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9100201', 266711, '13:16:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52998.599999999999, 52998.800000000003, 13429, 6175, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1720302', 566818, '04:23:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52806.199999999997, 52806.900000000001, 31966, 9805, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1720301', 758165, '14:47:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52804.599999999999, 52805.699999999997, 48747, 12128, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1710101', 1550762, '11:58:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52521.5, 52522, 14315, 10461, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1340101', 896391, '01:32:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52833.099999999999, 52833.300000000003, 18647, 4685, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1600601', 309346, '21:22:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52480.900000000001, 52481.099999999999, 8802, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1600401', 834773, '07:29:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52483.300000000003, 52483.699999999997, 24725, 9546, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1600201', 220164, '01:05:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52435, 52435.199999999997, 9199, 107, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1580201', 797218, '07:27:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52487.300000000003, 52487.699999999997, 19874, 6253, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1520107', 352156, '13:58:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52855.599999999999, 52855.900000000001, 14897, 9004, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1520101', 188044, '02:07:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52460.099999999999, 52460.199999999997, 3764, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1400101', 158200, '02:34:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52483.099999999999, 52483.199999999997, 7985, 668, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1280103', 803698, '15:58:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52513.699999999997, 52514.5, 32677, 14852, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1280102', 819560, '18:18:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52512.800000000003, 52513.599999999999, 34682, 15249, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1280101', 838370, '21:04:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52511.900000000001, 52512.699999999997, 35192, 14533, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1260101', 183538, '04:32:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52800.199999999997, 52800.5, 12099, 3784, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1180901', 3677841, '04:04:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52848.199999999997, 52848.400000000001, 5986, 3968, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1160301', 1383451, '14:20:51', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52727.599999999999, 52728.699999999997, 22469, 16294, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1160203', 3629211, '23:10:00', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52852, 52852.900000000001, 6912, 4349, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1140201', 707902, '07:31:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52456.300000000003, 52457.400000000001, 39128, 20365, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1130301', 300057, '13:04:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52508.5, 52508.900000000001, 15451, 8304, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1100101', 66445, '17:10:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52459.699999999997, 52459.800000000003, 3095, 1720, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1060401', 489730, '21:35:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52506.900000000001, 52507.5, 19747, 9993, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1020301', 459104, '03:06:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52847.099999999999, 52847.900000000001, 24738, 14077, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1020101', 878050, '09:26:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52465.400000000001, 52466.300000000003, 40985, 17314, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9051101', 668861, '14:47:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52629.599999999999, 52630.199999999997, 34587, 8070, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9011301', 491176, '18:06:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52679.800000000003, 52679.800000000003, 1380, 1319, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055706', 116479, '20:06:14', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53036.800000000003, 53037.300000000003, 24528, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050202', 397441, '18:26:03', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53026.800000000003, 53027.300000000003, 12830, 5003, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3021201', 5415812, '04:30:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52787.199999999997, 52787.400000000001, 4161, 5622, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9121001', 572028, '05:27:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52850.199999999997, 52850.5, 12564, 6400, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9120201', 1387871, '19:01:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52735.800000000003, 52735.800000000003, 1912, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9111202', 196616, '18:29:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52790.800000000003, 52790.900000000001, 8634, 226, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9050901', 1129246, '20:07:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52765.800000000003, 52766.5, 17382, 1542, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9040901', 205054, '06:21:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52834.300000000003, 52834.5, 13146, 2670, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8061301', 530494, '12:47:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52775.5, 52775.900000000001, 25127, 8876, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1720101', 475356, '16:03:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52743.699999999997, 52744.5, 37157, 22817, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1580102', 1199454, '02:43:55', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52786.099999999999, 52786.5, 15613, 6984, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1570302', 586911, '11:33:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52741.5, 52741.699999999997, 8332, 3909, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1460301', 453551, '23:30:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52734, 52734.199999999997, 19899, 4836, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1450201', 369827, '22:00:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52731.900000000001, 52732.300000000003, 17306, 7836, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1360201', 500980, '23:08:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52813, 52813.699999999997, 27908, 14564, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1230203', 339782, '22:18:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52820.900000000001, 52821.099999999999, 3200, 580, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1230202', 10059, '22:10:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52810.900000000001, 52810.900000000001, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0981601', 173950, '07:58:32', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52827.300000000003, 52827.400000000001, 4514, 2109, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0790401', 696574, '18:40:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52788.800000000003, 52788.900000000001, 3925, 749, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0340302', 426074, '03:18:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52759.099999999999, 52759.400000000001, 17636, 6075, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0340301', 443153, '01:39:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52758.099999999999, 52758.5, 24398, 7642, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0340201', 609183, '20:19:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52826.800000000003, 52827.300000000003, 27023, 5430, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0330101', 1244565, '11:59:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52789.5, 52790.5, 57319, 24124, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0240102', 665737, '13:00:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52830.5, 52831.199999999997, 38815, 2007, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0240101', 770767, '21:02:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52829.900000000001, 52830.5, 44830, 9711, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0090103', 57743, '12:07:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53364.5, 53364.5, 1613, 856, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0860501', 271038, '10:10:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52174.400000000001, 52174.5, 6708, 2104, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0130207', 2251666, '10:18:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52502.400000000001, 52502.5, 2284, 1998, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0650104', 103014, '18:31:00', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52645.800000000003, 52645.900000000001, 7490, 5988, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0601313', 108740, '12:04:45', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51674.5, 51674.599999999999, 6209, 3703, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0600303', 171019, '12:45:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51673.5, 51673.800000000003, 9549, 7495, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4058203', 440034, '07:15:53', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52997.300000000003, 52997.800000000003, 28439, 13836, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057905', 240332, '10:17:52', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53011.400000000001, 53011.699999999997, 12982, 5954, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057901', 274888, '03:34:32', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52650.099999999999, 52650.699999999997, 18357, 13565, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057604', 293419, '05:21:02', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52964.199999999997, 52964.699999999997, 18226, 10839, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057603', 298807, '16:51:46', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52674.699999999997, 52675.300000000003, 13927, 7523, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3060103', 2025221, '18:03:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52769.800000000003, 52771.5, 91573, 24764, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9043201', 3347785, '09:33:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52887.400000000001, 52887.800000000003, 34037, 3866, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9043101', 436039, '09:45:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52888.400000000001, 52888.699999999997, 14457, 2863, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9042101', 216964, '23:33:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52834, 52834.199999999997, 13145, 1443, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9041801', 228265, '12:54:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52834.5, 52834.900000000001, 7632, 526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8061101', 399168, '13:18:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52721.599999999999, 52722.300000000003, 21090, 10213, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1800201', 5205411, '13:50:31', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52811.599999999999, 52811.800000000003, 6449, 2923, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1520101', 4236085, '22:03:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52850.900000000001, 52851, 4494, 1882, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880101', 239342, '15:01:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52861.599999999999, 52861.699999999997, 2812, 949, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0470401', 624273, '16:48:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52853.699999999997, 52854.300000000003, 27016, 11352, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0280201', 254351, '22:48:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52775.900000000001, 52776.400000000001, 12089, 1, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0050101', 334909, '14:32:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52880.599999999999, 52880.699999999997, 4111, 2114, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1400501', 454756, '21:44:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52477.900000000001, 52478.199999999997, 18879, 1411, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1060402', 440493, '22:22:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52507.900000000001, 52508.099999999999, 8760, 919, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0630202', 555609, '21:32:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52563.900000000001, 52564.599999999999, 25137, 10157, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0630201', 145029, '04:23:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52563.199999999997, 52563.300000000003, 4813, 3047, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0560101', 236107, '23:45:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52437, 52437.199999999997, 14895, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0550302', 283521, '20:01:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52355.800000000003, 52356, 9406, 1698, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0550301', 409339, '23:20:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52351, 52351.199999999997, 14362, 3245, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0550202', 225723, '07:57:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52350.300000000003, 52350.400000000001, 6003, 3401, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0550201', 276298, '08:54:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52351.400000000001, 52351.5, 10937, 5996, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0530505', 165034, '14:12:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52525.599999999999, 52525.800000000003, 7295, 5661, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0530504', 210036, '09:12:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52525.400000000001, 52525.599999999999, 8536, 6347, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0530401', 421284, '19:16:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52483.800000000003, 52484.199999999997, 18584, 428, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0530301', 4916827, '05:42:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52511.199999999997, 52511.599999999999, 16760, 10327, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0480101', 593365, '18:53:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52846.800000000003, 52847.099999999999, 15162, 4834, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0380402', 122715, '17:55:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52492.699999999997, 52492.800000000003, 4814, 20, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9131701', 104026, '03:34:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52821.099999999999, 52821.300000000003, 4117, 1533, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9131101', 638357, '13:50:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52785.599999999999, 52786, 27600, 8604, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9131001', 93408, '09:17:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52802.400000000001, 52802.5, 6643, 3655, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9130701', 194280, '02:31:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52812.099999999999, 52812.400000000001, 8744, 4806, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9130501', 113552, '13:20:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52820.599999999999, 52820.699999999997, 7749, 4235, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9130101', 214680, '13:06:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52790.5, 52790.699999999997, 11278, 5018, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9120901', 332882, '11:55:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52853.5, 52853.599999999999, 4400, 2301, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9120401', 1227359, '22:25:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52852.900000000001, 52853.300000000003, 14783, 6466, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9110201', 374994, '14:27:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52833.599999999999, 52833.900000000001, 19961, 7857, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9110101', 571612, '15:17:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52849.599999999999, 52849.800000000003, 6824, 2000, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9100101', 540814, '23:38:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52768, 52768.5, 33903, 6683, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090602', 134376, '20:10:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52811.800000000003, 52812, 7262, 2336, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090601', 222427, '00:05:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52814, 52814.300000000003, 8934, 1974, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9051201', 459228, '00:27:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52889, 52889.400000000001, 21837, 902, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9051001', 773208, '11:32:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52759.5, 52760.199999999997, 35176, 12311, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9042201', 219494, '13:59:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52877.599999999999, 52877.699999999997, 9140, 34, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9041901', 540987, '02:47:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52877.099999999999, 52877.400000000001, 17467, 226, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9041001', 622715, '20:55:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52886.900000000001, 52887.199999999997, 23895, 6128, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9040601', 473398, '09:39:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52890.400000000001, 52890.900000000001, 19294, 2302, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9030501', 1385494, '10:42:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52787.400000000001, 52788.699999999997, 63906, 21204, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9011001', 242178, '19:34:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52736.800000000003, 52737, 11793, 3677, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9010801', 582656, '10:34:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52796.400000000001, 52796.800000000003, 18115, 8282, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9010601', 290522, '11:18:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52738.5, 52739, 20644, 11876, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9010501', 163323, '05:11:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52743.199999999997, 52743.400000000001, 10279, 3824, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8081201', 57171, '11:55:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52678.5, 52678.5, 3677, 2069, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8081101', 62412, '19:30:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52677.800000000003, 52677.800000000003, 3056, 1412, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8081001', 210206, '08:43:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52886.400000000001, 52886.599999999999, 11719, 3369, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8080101', 180998, '16:20:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52859.699999999997, 52859.900000000001, 12355, 6430, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8061702', 721555, '17:16:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52773.699999999997, 52774.300000000003, 33318, 6445, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8061701', 572932, '11:59:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52771.5, 52771.900000000001, 29313, 9102, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8061302', 613005, '15:29:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52776.599999999999, 52777.099999999999, 26987, 7399, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055503', 369244, '05:12:07', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53061.199999999997, 53061.599999999999, 17745, 9096, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9050601', 575307, '00:29:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52895, 52895.099999999999, 7163, 3924, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0730101', 1198271, '17:26:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52907.699999999997, 52907.800000000003, 2622, 1700, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0700103', 2082217, '01:25:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51956.099999999999, 51956.400000000001, 6034, 2779, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0700101', 2233643, '07:56:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51566.300000000003, 51566.5, 7112, 6177, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0491401', 377116, '14:53:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51533.599999999999, 51533.699999999997, 6984, 4222, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490701', 766382, '04:59:04', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 51528.199999999997, 51528.300000000003, 6216, 3767, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490501', 255309, '13:49:25', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51820.599999999999, 51820.599999999999, 2622, 1563, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5250103', 664198, '02:29:59', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52900.099999999999, 52900.099999999999, 480, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230401', 170154, '23:33:42', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52901, 52901, 1400, 542, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230301', 228836, '18:45:41', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52900.800000000003, 52900.800000000003, 1400, 844, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230202', 431663, '13:35:15', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52900.599999999999, 52900.699999999997, 7874, 4277, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230101', 225541, '11:56:01', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52900.5, 52900.5, 1400, 461, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3040102', 683838, '22:12:47', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52441.900000000001, 52442.099999999999, 15940, 4269, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3030101', 644969, '18:55:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52058.800000000003, 52059, 9078, 2924, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3010401', 160552, '15:08:55', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52436.599999999999, 52436.800000000003, 8080, 2121, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q2240101', 544747, '18:21:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51922.800000000003, 51923.199999999997, 19343, 7429, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q2190101', 299945, '17:36:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52028.699999999997, 52029.099999999999, 16194, 6946, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q2060101', 431071, '16:14:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52106.699999999997, 52107.300000000003, 20967, 5304, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1010303', 883834, '14:02:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52395.599999999999, 52396.199999999997, 47781, 15905, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1010101', 3251687, '01:51:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51692.099999999999, 51692.300000000003, 6611, 1816, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3020802', 8123397, '00:29:30', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52893, 52893.400000000001, 17900, 8067, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3010101', 308950, '18:11:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52636.800000000003, 52637.199999999997, 21057, 12493, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221701', 3315355, '08:04:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51690.300000000003, 51690.400000000001, 5976, 3224, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221601', 4087741, '08:45:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51689.400000000001, 51689.5, 6082, 3502, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030208', 17390762, '07:44:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52899.300000000003, 52899.5, 5760, 3790, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030108', 5501663, '04:19:42', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52900.199999999997, 52900.300000000003, 3330, 2205, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9131801', 244873, '15:32:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52898.599999999999, 52898.699999999997, 5992, 2843, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9111301', 255444, '10:13:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52903.400000000001, 52903.699999999997, 10584, 7238, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9051501', 4270716, '04:43:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52903.199999999997, 52903.400000000001, 8798, 4759, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8080501', 250795, '18:06:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52892.800000000003, 52892.900000000001, 7228, 2133, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8060301', 141858, '09:07:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52893.400000000001, 52893.5, 6768, 4357, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8060101', 251299, '09:04:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52895.400000000001, 52895.699999999997, 15162, 9693, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0890201', 215342, '21:27:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52901.900000000001, 52902, 4552, 1480, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0230201', 912540, '08:50:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52891.400000000001, 52891.699999999997, 12008, 4535, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0860301', 285244, '21:35:36', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52539.900000000001, 52540, 3999, 680, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0720101', 733182, '23:54:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52101, 52101.900000000001, 37219, 18438, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0690403', 268559, '13:41:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52502.599999999999, 52502.900000000001, 9765, 8227, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0690402', 381225, '09:20:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52501.400000000001, 52501.900000000001, 14526, 11616, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0541301', 622355, '03:28:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52526.099999999999, 52526.400000000001, 6177, 4655, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0541101', 1168166, '10:08:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52526.400000000001, 52526.5, 4517, 3898, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0470201', 364292, '00:28:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52004, 52004.699999999997, 18627, 13831, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0470101', 323133, '00:13:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52660, 52660.300000000003, 10836, 4320, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0180101', 195654, '11:35:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52510.5, 52510.699999999997, 8405, 4824, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0100701', 480221, '20:47:28', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52540.900000000001, 52541, 7090, 1460, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0700102', 2658928, '13:48:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51847.599999999999, 51847.699999999997, 6582, 4011, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0680505', 130801, '07:52:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51898.300000000003, 51898.5, 4016, 2554, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0680404', 96136, '15:46:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51945.699999999997, 51945.800000000003, 6530, 3684, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0680301', 131755, '07:11:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51522.300000000003, 51522.5, 7749, 6345, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0680202', 95988, '12:26:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51945.5, 51945.599999999999, 5380, 3716, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0680101', 104066, '20:04:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51687.800000000003, 51688, 6455, 5157, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0580101', 448733, '09:12:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51552.400000000001, 51553, 29704, 8272, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0491501', 289388, '22:18:57', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51813.900000000001, 51814.099999999999, 3472, 767, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0491402', 167682, '12:45:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52169.5, 52169.599999999999, 3513, 2100, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0491303', 328306, '07:45:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52169.300000000003, 52169.400000000001, 7273, 4198, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0491301', 433154, '09:52:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51533.400000000001, 51533.599999999999, 7920, 6335, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0491201', 242471, '10:45:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51730.400000000001, 51730.699999999997, 5725, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0460707', 585262, '01:19:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52425.099999999999, 52425.5, 14142, 9507, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0460606', 378490, '17:35:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52425.699999999997, 52426.099999999999, 8482, 5218, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0460404', 679476, '18:08:52', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51732.800000000003, 51734.099999999999, 27371, 18253, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5250101', 89566, '13:28:45', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52899.599999999999, 52899.599999999999, 480, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056305', 603719, '18:38:43', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53088.800000000003, 53089.300000000003, 33798, 11524, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3030102', 1984092, '12:25:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52204.5, 52204.699999999997, 5702, 4629, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3010501', 147157, '12:57:08', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52458.5, 52458.599999999999, 5835, 3196, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q2230101', 276557, '06:21:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51906.300000000003, 51906.5, 8018, 2449, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q2100101', 128018, '16:29:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52093.699999999997, 52093.800000000003, 5670, 3889, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q2010101', 353776, '17:32:53', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52891.699999999997, 52891.699999999997, 960, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1190301', 131745, '02:55:22', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 51621.099999999999, 51621.5, 5817, 5797, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1190204', 1361794, '01:37:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51791.099999999999, 51791.400000000001, 9465, 6982, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1190203', 1327858, '10:42:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51785.400000000001, 51785.800000000003, 9906, 7546, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1190103', 198651, '07:59:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51971.300000000003, 51971.800000000003, 11426, 9780, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1190102', 288795, '12:43:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51969.5, 51970.5, 17363, 14709, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1140201', 3344741, '13:52:47', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51567.599999999999, 51567.800000000003, 11067, 8216, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1140101', 6708335, '21:20:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51725.900000000001, 51726.199999999997, 4649, 3989, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1130101', 217792, '16:27:19', '2.4.1', 'LWRS', 52432.699999999997, 52433.099999999999, 17313, 1810, 'y', 51457); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1120101', 5133179, '15:34:47', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51649.599999999999, 51649.800000000003, 7300, 6086, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1110101', 27807, '01:42:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52100.099999999999, 52100.099999999999, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1100201', 263281, '22:40:21', '3.1.7', 'MDRS', 51676.900000000001, 51677.199999999997, 13603, 8203, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1100101', 5664881, '14:24:41', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51738.599999999999, 51738.900000000001, 4800, 4830, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1090202', 1256302, '16:27:34', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51593.699999999997, 51593.800000000003, 10965, 4078, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1090101', 2076553, '20:00:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52039.800000000003, 52040, 5998, 5290, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1080303', 86777, '22:34:59', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52143.900000000001, 52144.099999999999, 4677, 3989, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1080202', 5340258, '21:52:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52183.900000000001, 52184.099999999999, 3772, 3313, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1070106', 88332, '09:41:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51826.400000000001, 51826.5, 5641, 4176, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1070104', 78705, '08:22:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51823.300000000003, 51823.400000000001, 4905, 4211, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1070103', 116856, '01:17:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51829.099999999999, 51829.099999999999, 4349, 1201, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1070102', 51077, '05:41:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51827.199999999997, 51827.300000000003, 2758, 2083, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1070101', 90371, '19:59:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51821.800000000003, 51822, 3693, 3437, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1060203', 1107825, '00:02:28', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51541, 51541.599999999999, 38768, 12132, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1060102', 528858, '16:55:16', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51603.699999999997, 51604.099999999999, 17255, 3188, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1060101', 959266, '10:00:22', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51468.400000000001, 51469, 38052, 16921, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1050102', 81518, '00:26:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51684, 51684.099999999999, 4483, 3541, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1050101', 367365, '06:06:47', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51683.300000000003, 51683.800000000003, 19589, 15775, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1030101', 109275, '02:08:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51736.099999999999, 51736.199999999997, 3238, 2320, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1010404', 1466871, '22:31:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51691.900000000001, 51692.099999999999, 6419, 2168, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1010202', 2984287, '22:50:06', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51644.900000000001, 51645.300000000003, 8606, 3727, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9051502', 3752572, '02:28:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52904.099999999999, 52904.300000000003, 7852, 3952, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9011101', 108367, '06:50:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52902.300000000003, 52902.400000000001, 6007, 1770, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0830101', 962439, '10:56:38', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52901.5, 52901.800000000003, 14793, 7568, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0390201', 6028, '01:27:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52005.099999999999, 52005.099999999999, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0491101', 125183, '15:34:22', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51532.599999999999, 51532.699999999997, 5457, 4227, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490502', 356350, '00:51:32', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51827, 51827.099999999999, 3395, 1175, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490201', 533270, '14:59:08', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 51528.599999999999, 51528.699999999997, 6794, 2115, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490102', 360447, '07:49:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51814.300000000003, 51814.400000000001, 3194, 2082, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0460303', 676216, '04:16:36', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51676.199999999997, 51676.900000000001, 21992, 16747, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0260601', 1790333, '19:05:23', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52796.800000000003, 52796.900000000001, 4897, 2349, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0260501', 11372060, '19:53:30', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52803.800000000003, 52803.900000000001, 4220, 1343, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0260402', 14115559, '17:35:30', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52865.699999999997, 52865.900000000001, 13608, 3405, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0260401', 6479619, '05:05:49', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52801.199999999997, 52801.400000000001, 5412, 2958, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0260302', 6993292, '16:55:37', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52864.699999999997, 52864.800000000003, 7800, 2098, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0260301', 3608024, '23:13:03', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52802, 52802, 2780, 1592, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0260201', 5408545, '12:43:00', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52802.5, 52802.599999999999, 2799, 1347, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0260101', 14680603, '00:24:18', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52801, 52801.099999999999, 5748, 2474, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0250101', 2196078, '13:26:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52880.599999999999, 52880.599999999999, 800, 122, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0240103', 612909, '04:42:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52831.199999999997, 52831.699999999997, 39068, 13825, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0070103', 1947112, '03:33:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52807.099999999999, 52854.5, 19773, 5599, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0070102', 6866367, '12:40:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52800.5, 52801, 17692, 3501, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0060102', 732040, '16:48:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52825.699999999997, 52826.300000000003, 33806, 7377, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0060101', 620910, '07:27:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52825.300000000003, 52825.699999999997, 30654, 10543, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0050110', 620795, '22:09:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52889.900000000001, 52890, 7542, 302, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0050109', 355770, '14:15:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52886.599999999999, 52886.699999999997, 6088, 2036, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0050105', 1021267, '20:23:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52884.900000000001, 52885, 8277, 2164, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0050104', 554549, '16:20:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52883.699999999997, 52883.800000000003, 6721, 2087, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0050103', 441061, '15:15:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52882.599999999999, 52882.699999999997, 7001, 2648, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0050102', 790490, '22:53:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52882, 52882.099999999999, 7695, 857, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1710301', 1259597, '14:56:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52781.599999999999, 52782.099999999999, 22313, 6819, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0920102', 14201262, '07:05:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52774.300000000003, 52774.900000000001, 48045, 16501, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0920101', 5622964, '07:40:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52773.300000000003, 52773.699999999997, 30905, 10306, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880116', 212354, '21:31:18', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52890.900000000001, 52891, 5464, 149, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880115', 287680, '17:49:35', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52888.699999999997, 52888.900000000001, 5302, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0760101', 173224, '22:57:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52819, 52819.699999999997, 9396, 3951, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1010101', 879649, '09:01:28', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52599.400000000001, 52600.300000000003, 16017, 13593, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0970101', 6440068, '07:43:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52520.300000000003, 52521.099999999999, 22751, 16467, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0960101', 247555, '16:58:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52457.699999999997, 52457.900000000001, 9370, 5689, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0600101', 822504, '15:37:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52739.699999999997, 52740.400000000001, 27131, 17667, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0580201', 253610, '16:50:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52505.699999999997, 52505.900000000001, 9553, 5029, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0560301', 516193, '08:59:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52480.400000000001, 52480.800000000003, 26890, 11965, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0530503', 182904, '05:51:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52525.199999999997, 52525.300000000003, 5723, 3963, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0530201', 8080568, '10:05:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52457.400000000001, 52457.599999999999, 8513, 6159, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0500201', 6222211, '14:00:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52468.599999999999, 52469.400000000001, 19844, 13150, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0480501', 871794, '15:13:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52607.599999999999, 52608.099999999999, 33389, 9421, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0430103', 1059957, '22:58:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52811, 52811.400000000001, 8769, 3967, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0230204', 407448, '12:44:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52817.5, 52818, 24479, 5047, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0220102', 404191, '23:48:33', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52506, 52506.400000000001, 14763, 6027, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0220101', 419822, '23:51:24', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52505, 52505.599999999999, 19973, 11524, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0190102', 591526, '07:47:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52717.300000000003, 52718.300000000003, 30176, 15908, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0170202', 304311, '13:10:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52560.599999999999, 52560.900000000001, 19115, 8848, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0170201', 144132, '06:20:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52558.300000000003, 52558.599999999999, 9497, 7601, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0100101', 147755, '11:34:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52522.5, 52522.699999999997, 8911, 7560, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1520102', 3821639, '18:19:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52851.800000000003, 52851.800000000003, 4496, 2284, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1450401', 502487, '05:30:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52846.199999999997, 52846.699999999997, 16286, 10078, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1450301', 477804, '20:26:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52742.900000000001, 52743.199999999997, 28837, 9867, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1450101', 277369, '17:36:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52836.699999999997, 52837.199999999997, 19292, 9843, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1380401', 571431, '21:35:21', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52880.900000000001, 52881.099999999999, 12860, 2506, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1380301', 555356, '18:50:25', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52879.800000000003, 52880, 12169, 3701, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1270201', 98093, '22:41:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52710.900000000001, 52711.199999999997, 1907, 1298, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1230204', 462358, '05:49:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52838.199999999997, 52838.300000000003, 3973, 2099, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1230201', 330020, '05:36:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52782.199999999997, 52782.199999999997, 60, 45, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1200801', 57033, '15:31:32', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52857.599999999999, 52857.699999999997, 3668, 2088, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1200601', 320283, '19:56:26', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52813.800000000003, 52813.900000000001, 5850, 2342, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1200401', 205912, '21:00:49', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52806.900000000001, 52807.099999999999, 10458, 1481, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1140101', 903417, '21:22:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52856.900000000001, 52857.599999999999, 26301, 13867, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1030201', 746432, '03:44:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52844.199999999997, 52844.699999999997, 18371, 4531, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1010102', 280426, '01:56:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52710.099999999999, 52710.300000000003, 16008, 3776, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1010101', 352966, '00:40:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52709, 52709.199999999997, 12919, 2162, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0981501', 620405, '13:41:20', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52826.599999999999, 52826.800000000003, 15822, 6947, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0981401', 695981, '00:39:43', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52825, 52825.300000000003, 16522, 2101, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0981201', 501729, '11:39:43', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52883.5, 52883.699999999997, 6178, 583, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0981101', 1831566, '00:10:23', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52880, 52880.300000000003, 9262, 2577, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0981001', 309105, '15:36:09', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52828.599999999999, 52828.800000000003, 9758, 4454, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0980801', 973237, '09:43:55', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52827.400000000001, 52827.5, 7900, 2303, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0980601', 123333, '03:12:47', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52829.099999999999, 52829.199999999997, 6500, 1245, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0980501', 251630, '20:36:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52828.900000000001, 52829.099999999999, 10342, 1810, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0980201', 218235, '02:18:53', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52828.099999999999, 52828.199999999997, 6497, 757, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0980101', 87148, '00:25:12', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52828, 52828.099999999999, 2707, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880114', 1193946, '17:16:21', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52886.699999999997, 52886.900000000001, 3840, 3019, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880113', 1281201, '16:57:43', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52884.699999999997, 52884.800000000003, 3509, 2476, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880112', 659184, '18:24:35', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52882.800000000003, 52882.900000000001, 5929, 1884, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880111', 880190, '18:09:30', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52880.800000000003, 52880.900000000001, 5785, 2053, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880110', 252691, '15:28:30', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52879.599999999999, 52879.800000000003, 6259, 1799, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880107', 1350572, '03:31:26', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52873.099999999999, 52873.400000000001, 3322, 1407, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880103', 790508, '12:06:06', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52865.5, 52865.599999999999, 3158, 1327, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880102', 160246, '13:38:26', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52863.599999999999, 52863.599999999999, 1584, 516, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090501', 281309, '20:00:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52802.800000000003, 52803, 14898, 4498, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1800202', 8748480, '11:09:45', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52812.5, 52812.900000000001, 10807, 6745, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051903', 739982, '01:35:15', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53041.099999999999, 53041.400000000001, 28867, 9786, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3030801', 2407684, '12:29:22', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52850.5, 52850.800000000003, 6333, 5662, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3030401', 27406446, '21:06:22', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52807.900000000001, 52808.300000000003, 14061, 3569, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3020201', 14194957, '07:55:28', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52833.300000000003, 52833.599999999999, 11520, 5049, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051606', 4668431, '17:44:19', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52863.699999999997, 52864.300000000003, 8630, 2901, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051605', 8075069, '17:09:09', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52862.699999999997, 52863.400000000001, 9744, 3666, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051604', 433851, '20:44:29', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52861.900000000001, 52862.300000000003, 7150, 1634, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051603', 3365386, '23:05:45', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52861, 52861.199999999997, 7652, 1348, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1640103', 6685194, '07:11:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52782.300000000003, 52782.5, 8786, 2956, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1161501', 1286788, '13:28:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52872.599999999999, 52872.599999999999, 2284, 1536, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1081003', 538598, '19:34:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52793.800000000003, 52794.400000000001, 23837, 6769, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1081002', 613794, '01:16:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52793.099999999999, 52793.800000000003, 26551, 8547, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1081001', 360559, '15:42:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52792.699999999997, 52793, 16424, 3815, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1019103', 306013, '19:16:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52594.800000000003, 52595.300000000003, 18972, 14666, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1019102', 295992, '16:34:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52593.699999999997, 52594.099999999999, 14494, 11022, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1013601', 7485563, '13:34:59', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51638.599999999999, 51638.599999999999, 2960, 2041, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1012604', 31297417, '07:10:34', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52779.300000000003, 52779.5, 7628, 5431, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1012603', 13136, '16:50:02', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52603.699999999997, 52603.699999999997, 480, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070220', 1070672, '15:10:34', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52858.599999999999, 52858.699999999997, 2999, 2384, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070219', 1519046, '22:23:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52857.900000000001, 52858, 3554, 2091, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052602', 560039, '16:44:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52765.699999999997, 52765.800000000003, 9266, 3293, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052307', 4719462, '10:56:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52781.5, 52781.599999999999, 7962, 4083, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031010', 456215, '08:24:02', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52869.400000000001, 52869.599999999999, 11798, 4169, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031009', 171161, '01:44:41', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52869.099999999999, 52869.300000000003, 8197, 655, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030316', 22797612, '23:28:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52784, 52784.099999999999, 7005, 541, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030206', 10692806, '02:53:17', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52784.099999999999, 52784.199999999997, 3360, 238, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030107', 6059135, '22:37:23', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52843.900000000001, 52844.099999999999, 3840, 1934, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030106', 5347242, '05:59:39', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52784.199999999997, 52784.400000000001, 3840, 966, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1570303', 1013375, '11:53:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52742.5, 52742.699999999997, 12244, 7530, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0660401', 5208073, '07:39:59', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52789.300000000003, 52789.5, 3999, 2608, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0601111', 247892, '18:54:57', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51674.800000000003, 51675.099999999999, 11856, 7516, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053803', 230840, '02:21:53', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52975.099999999999, 52975.300000000003, 11262, 1693, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3031101', 304229, '22:04:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52858.900000000001, 52858.900000000001, 60, 58, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3031601', 11370894, '05:41:42', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52809.199999999997, 52809.699999999997, 13251, 4932, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3021101', 8662524, '02:53:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52789.099999999999, 52789.199999999997, 10710, 3376, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3020801', 1984356, '18:29:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52835.800000000003, 52835.900000000001, 6524, 1082, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1600501', 880546, '00:27:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52488, 52488.099999999999, 9669, 1533, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1600301', 536101, '12:44:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52477.5, 52477.800000000003, 16853, 8005, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1600101', 236794, '19:23:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52435.800000000003, 52436, 8420, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1580101', 552640, '20:25:32', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 52476.900000000001, 52477.199999999997, 22078, 4492, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0560201', 328771, '14:37:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52437.599999999999, 52437.900000000001, 11486, 10, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0750201', 567906, '15:10:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52085.599999999999, 52086.900000000001, 42355, 29838, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0750101', 481489, '01:30:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52083.099999999999, 52084.099999999999, 35619, 25623, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0720301', 224357, '13:00:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52091.5, 52091.800000000003, 11416, 7195, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0650103', 110552, '19:15:37', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52644.800000000003, 52645, 10020, 7863, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0650102', 136170, '20:00:19', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52643.800000000003, 52644.099999999999, 9838, 7699, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0650101', 155644, '17:49:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52642.699999999997, 52643, 10146, 7991, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0600606', 555914, '03:43:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51900.199999999997, 51900.699999999997, 16560, 3466, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0600404', 232427, '04:25:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51673.199999999997, 51673.5, 13985, 9493, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0600202', 241355, '09:36:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51893.400000000001, 51893.800000000003, 17394, 9505, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0600101', 231965, '16:25:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51915.699999999997, 51915.900000000001, 10902, 4981, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0510404', 1143454, '23:32:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51770, 51770.199999999997, 9896, 4054, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0510303', 901514, '18:32:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51759.800000000003, 51760.300000000003, 19056, 4422, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0510202', 1708101, '12:28:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51758.5, 51758.900000000001, 22492, 8917, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0510102', 954500, '11:59:59', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52455.5, 52456.199999999997, 34889, 14904, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0510101', 824865, '17:24:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52199.699999999997, 52200.400000000001, 17962, 14486, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0341501', 429161, '01:09:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52216, 52216.099999999999, 5144, 118, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9120801', 6609405, '03:15:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53158.099999999999, 53158.300000000003, 4970, 3172, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9051001', 354573, '21:01:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53003.900000000001, 53004.099999999999, 14489, 6209, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0120104', 194001, '00:06:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52769, 52769.199999999997, 9914, 301, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0120103', 362713, '23:36:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52765, 52765.300000000003, 21062, 3123, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0120102', 761003, '18:24:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52763.800000000003, 52764.5, 43515, 10062, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0120101', 981214, '23:18:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52763, 52763.800000000003, 53889, 15612, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054603', 387632, '06:01:44', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53024.199999999997, 53024.599999999999, 12792, 6576, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3060201', 157239, '08:16:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52799.300000000003, 52799.5, 8936, 5068, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3060102', 1154862, '06:18:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52845.300000000003, 52846.199999999997, 33173, 11202, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q1110103', 919184, '14:49:48', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52795.599999999999, 52795.599999999999, 1923, 809, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3031901', 6604572, '04:50:50', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52802.199999999997, 52802.300000000003, 4075, 1127, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3031801', 16629439, '01:35:11', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52851.099999999999, 52851.699999999997, 12864, 6468, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050701', 460447, '01:49:13', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52984.099999999999, 52984.5, 22383, 10290, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050601', 209221, '04:37:57', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52967.199999999997, 52967.599999999999, 12542, 5695, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050403', 310821, '15:01:08', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52981.599999999999, 52982.099999999999, 13272, 9478, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050402', 309183, '18:30:48', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52919.800000000003, 52920.400000000001, 17913, 4301, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050201', 238434, '09:47:38', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52904.400000000001, 52904.800000000003, 15744, 10239, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050101', 192640, '01:34:42', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52898.099999999999, 52898.199999999997, 10682, 5685, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3050101', 369839, '18:20:09', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52467.800000000003, 52468.5, 18678, 12363, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9010201', 204421, '04:57:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52909.199999999997, 52909.599999999999, 12714, 8963, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8082401', 85608, '05:34:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52895.199999999997, 52895.300000000003, 6150, 3912, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8080301', 98448, '21:37:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52892.900000000001, 52893, 5784, 1767, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8060401', 392996, '14:10:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52893.599999999999, 52893.900000000001, 12138, 1248, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1650202', 236710, '04:34:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52908.199999999997, 52908.400000000001, 11746, 6060, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1650201', 831710, '07:39:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52906.300000000003, 52907.199999999997, 42855, 24606, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1650102', 195413, '21:56:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52907.900000000001, 52908.099999999999, 9235, 4853, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1650101', 819501, '05:12:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52905.199999999997, 52906.300000000003, 46187, 27343, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1230205', 3684550, '17:27:57', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52874.699999999997, 52874.900000000001, 1440, 1361, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1140103', 662229, '03:29:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52859.099999999999, 52859.599999999999, 16163, 9884, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1070101', 652264, '23:54:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52871, 52871.699999999997, 26460, 8925, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0270102', 962904, '01:34:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52885.099999999999, 52886, 42896, 19098, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0270101', 529066, '19:28:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52883.800000000003, 52884.599999999999, 26592, 12510, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0050106', 492379, '00:40:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52886, 52886.099999999999, 4759, 942, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1050304', 175516, '16:59:23', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52894.699999999997, 52895, 11667, 5498, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0830301', 152409, '07:54:23', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52880.300000000003, 52880.5, 9268, 6342, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0630301', 260896, '11:37:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52908.5, 52908.900000000001, 21418, 14115, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0520101', 129939, '13:48:49', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52459.599999999999, 52459.599999999999, 1920, 1455, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0541202', 191134, '04:16:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52895.199999999997, 52895.199999999997, 3423, 1133, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0460501', 940834, '11:22:49', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52125.5, 52125.699999999997, 7285, 3971, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0460401', 358561, '05:46:11', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52111.199999999997, 52111.5, 13973, 6101, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0460101', 715232, '11:13:39', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 51915.5, 51915.599999999999, 3840, 3058, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0750204', 230837, '10:05:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51813.400000000001, 51813.5, 5804, 4145, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0750201', 174516, '02:21:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51813.099999999999, 51813.199999999997, 3344, 1371, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0750101', 339333, '18:12:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51528.800000000003, 51529, 16688, 7480, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0541111', 1307297, '22:59:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51689, 51689.099999999999, 5916, 2583, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0541010', 370616, '11:05:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51723.5, 51723.599999999999, 5045, 2346, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0540909', 616316, '22:23:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52102.900000000001, 52103.099999999999, 4207, 1392, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0540809', 2724771, '16:21:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52052.699999999997, 52052.800000000003, 6761, 2968, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0540707', 2037644, '04:08:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51604.199999999997, 51604.5, 4567, 4265, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0540501', 280621, '11:18:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51638.5, 51638.599999999999, 4772, 2713, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0540404', 799474, '06:38:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52241.300000000003, 52241.400000000001, 4660, 4084, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0540201', 688870, '20:39:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51729.900000000001, 51730, 6234, 428, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0540101', 1859466, '16:00:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51693.699999999997, 51693.800000000003, 6396, 3105, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0520202', 465125, '05:39:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51891.199999999997, 51892, 34731, 24234, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0520101', 527820, '23:46:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51594, 51594.800000000003, 27643, 15827, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0260203', 466832, '23:41:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52098, 52098.199999999997, 6210, 2765, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0260201', 219064, '13:57:23', '2.4.2', 'LWRS', 51637.599999999999, 51637.800000000003, 10262, 1400, 'y', 52282); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0260101', 2038092, '16:29:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51735.699999999997, 51735.800000000003, 4015, 4228, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0230606', 198813, '03:18:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51685.099999999999, 51685.300000000003, 5018, 2905, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0230505', 89815, '03:19:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52241.099999999999, 52241.199999999997, 4032, 3383, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0230404', 162030, '23:54:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51720, 51720.199999999997, 8806, 1413, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0230301', 198065, '14:27:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51745.599999999999, 51745.800000000003, 10513, 6308, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0230201', 151137, '13:00:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51954.5, 51954.599999999999, 6871, 3617, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0230101', 349843, '14:45:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51905.599999999999, 51905.900000000001, 13559, 4130, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0040606', 68564, '12:15:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52238.5, 52238.599999999999, 5237, 3475, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0040505', 161231, '06:46:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52066.300000000003, 52066.5, 8664, 3368, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0040404', 71597, '16:19:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51789.699999999997, 51789.800000000003, 3211, 2444, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0040304', 188642, '01:01:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52097, 52097.199999999997, 8993, 1463, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0040202', 129001, '13:25:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51739.599999999999, 51739.699999999997, 4955, 3984, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0040101', 189687, '21:39:03', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51633.900000000001, 51634, 6404, 2584, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0010202', 360920, '21:04:25', '3.0.8', 'LWRS', 51859.900000000001, 51860.099999999999, 9488, 1504, 'y', 68071); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0010201', 146804, '19:58:21', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51618.800000000003, 51619.099999999999, 4644, 4979, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0010101', 333610, '01:37:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52246.099999999999, 52246.300000000003, 6240, 5590, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5051901', 5432763, '11:48:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53085.5, 53085.599999999999, 6292, 2128, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5051801', 311386, '06:39:17', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53075.300000000003, 53075.699999999997, 16348, 10371, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5051701', 288810, '07:01:21', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53065.300000000003, 53065.699999999997, 18391, 10044, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5051601', 231666, '12:38:34', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53057.5, 53058, 20387, 13659, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5051501', 157688, '03:23:58', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53055.099999999999, 53055.400000000001, 8238, 5937, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5051401', 315638, '12:56:24', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53043.5, 53044, 19108, 8820, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5051302', 71181, '10:51:44', '2.4.1', 'RFPT', 53032.5, 53032.800000000003, 22539, 746, 'y', 52284); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5051301', 75747, '05:24:03', '2.4.1', 'RFPT', 53031.199999999997, 53031.400000000001, 10362, 1208, 'y', 52284); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5051201', 260585, '02:26:26', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53020.099999999999, 53020.599999999999, 14948, 8211, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5051101', 358644, '19:14:14', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53010.800000000003, 53011.400000000001, 21502, 11481, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5051001', 560064, '15:35:18', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53008.599999999999, 53009.599999999999, 39718, 23351, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050902', 139918, '10:59:41', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52992.5, 52992.699999999997, 8242, 6575, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050901', 224961, '19:39:40', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52991.800000000003, 52992.199999999997, 13861, 10110, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050801', 353675, '15:28:05', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52988.599999999999, 52989.099999999999, 21742, 11403, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050501', 245391, '05:47:14', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52953.199999999997, 52953.599999999999, 19073, 11176, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1181301', 400230, '03:40:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51746.199999999997, 51746.400000000001, 5742, 4292, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1181201', 434992, '11:46:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51791.5, 51791.699999999997, 5075, 5417, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1181112', 370441, '18:43:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51556.800000000003, 51557.099999999999, 13221, 564, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1181001', 242242, '15:19:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51746.599999999999, 51746.800000000003, 8966, 6333, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1180902', 19254722, '07:00:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51580.300000000003, 51580.400000000001, 4489, 3825, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1180802', 15883338, '03:38:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51580.199999999997, 51580.199999999997, 4631, 2495, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1180701', 232579, '14:38:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51747.599999999999, 51747.800000000003, 9654, 6344, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1180601', 349628, '01:36:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51802.099999999999, 51802.199999999997, 8143, 946, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1180501', 1715171, '08:40:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51632.400000000001, 51632.5, 4781, 3549, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1180404', 2978617, '23:48:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51628, 51628.099999999999, 4176, 2194, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1180301', 247478, '13:01:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51728.5, 51728.699999999997, 5378, 335, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1180203', 406686, '15:47:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51822.699999999997, 51822.699999999997, 1945, 1972, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1180202', 630749, '02:37:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51820.099999999999, 51820.199999999997, 2890, 2449, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1180101', 190046, '20:28:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51693.900000000001, 51694.099999999999, 9324, 2018, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1170404', 163388, '08:24:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51712.400000000001, 51712.800000000003, 8684, 8690, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1170303', 46247, '16:02:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51708.699999999997, 51708.800000000003, 2283, 2285, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1170202', 72982, '11:08:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51708.5, 51708.599999999999, 3610, 3610, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1170101', 515837, '10:49:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51713.400000000001, 51714.699999999997, 28599, 23611, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1110201', 2156847, '23:12:53', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51584, 51584.099999999999, 10792, 4226, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1110101', 4002203, '19:52:44', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 51583.800000000003, 51584, 10862, 4226, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1080303', 337104, '04:35:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51740.199999999997, 51740.400000000001, 4068, 3734, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1080201', 258577, '05:43:58', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51679.199999999997, 51679.400000000001, 5343, 3876, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1080101', 151828, '03:48:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51684.199999999997, 51684.400000000001, 7395, 5963, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0990101', 905704, '20:50:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51664.900000000001, 51667.099999999999, 59340, 45167, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0940102', 719557, '11:03:39', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52235.5, 52236.400000000001, 40672, 20589, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0940101', 1359658, '13:16:00', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51670.599999999999, 51672.699999999997, 66433, 47143, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0930204', 446460, '06:06:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51720.300000000003, 51720.800000000003, 10511, 8439, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0930203', 494394, '03:26:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51719.099999999999, 51719.800000000003, 14065, 10751, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0930202', 318078, '23:08:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51647, 51647.5, 11784, 7461, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0930201', 1012569, '20:16:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51580.800000000003, 51581, 10687, 6059, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0860606', 114405, '20:35:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51719.900000000001, 51720, 6023, 1648, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0860505', 121411, '03:54:54', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51674.199999999997, 51674.300000000003, 5042, 3421, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0860404', 152284, '21:42:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51757.900000000001, 51758, 5220, 1237, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0860303', 170623, '17:25:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52155.699999999997, 52155.800000000003, 7122, 4165, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0860202', 132126, '01:13:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51758.099999999999, 51758.099999999999, 3964, 95, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0860101', 572810, '14:05:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52155.599999999999, 52155.699999999997, 6922, 4187, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054703', 195791, '09:16:30', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53102.400000000001, 53102.699999999997, 8513, 3661, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2180603', 380130, '16:23:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52897.699999999997, 52898, 12248, 2761, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2180602', 399246, '02:51:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52897.099999999999, 52897.599999999999, 15192, 6820, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9131301', 83547, '09:38:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52932.400000000001, 52932.5, 6135, 3966, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9070101', 1330360, '13:44:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52927.599999999999, 52927.800000000003, 13090, 2769, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9021401', 1554858, '18:32:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52916.800000000003, 52917.199999999997, 30899, 5044, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8080801', 206222, '02:35:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52886.099999999999, 52886.199999999997, 9798, 247, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1270601', 475434, '20:00:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52925.800000000003, 52926.099999999999, 16406, 529, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1270501', 186675, '16:43:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52925.699999999997, 52925.800000000003, 7264, 1879, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1201601', 1785998, '11:01:28', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52928.5, 52928.599999999999, 9377, 2819, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1140102', 1089457, '00:03:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52858, 52858.599999999999, 20986, 11610, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1130101', 2707914, '22:22:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52855.900000000001, 52856.800000000003, 38328, 20595, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880106', 1089082, '18:06:21', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52871.800000000003, 52871.900000000001, 3325, 948, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880104', 392318, '06:13:09', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52867.300000000003, 52867.5, 3233, 715, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0710401', 276951, '13:29:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52926.599999999999, 52926.699999999997, 6656, 3984, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0640602', 365171, '17:18:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52926.699999999997, 52926.900000000001, 12913, 4250, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0470501', 701945, '22:52:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52927, 52927.5, 27551, 1386, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1290901', 9526256, '17:20:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51644.699999999997, 51644.800000000003, 4470, 4121, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1290801', 3423263, '07:20:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51644.300000000003, 51644.300000000003, 1410, 1309, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1290701', 4485565, '14:00:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51644.599999999999, 51644.599999999999, 2265, 2065, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1290601', 3152483, '21:46:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51568.900000000001, 51569.099999999999, 5644, 5578, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1290501', 6118315, '15:40:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51644.699999999997, 51644.699999999997, 2175, 2066, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1290401', 1923140, '23:30:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51644, 51644.199999999997, 3950, 3134, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1290305', 1446495, '19:55:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52044.800000000003, 52044.800000000003, 800, 540, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1202001', 4102751, '00:25:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51679, 51679.199999999997, 7324, 5174, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1201920', 5729349, '08:45:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51642.400000000001, 51642.5, 3490, 3496, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1201801', 10219330, '08:31:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51640.400000000001, 51640.5, 4423, 4450, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1201602', 2719307, '13:24:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52129.599999999999, 52129.900000000001, 6875, 6250, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1201601', 459305, '17:54:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51624.699999999997, 51625, 3600, 1151, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1201501', 13518066, '01:59:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51625.099999999999, 51625.400000000001, 7643, 5520, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1201415', 34193408, '12:05:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51689.5, 51689.599999999999, 7995, 3952, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1201301', 6471528, '08:08:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51623.300000000003, 51623.400000000001, 4956, 3949, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1201213', 11962812, '07:49:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51735.300000000003, 51735.5, 5680, 4554, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1201101', 4733910, '12:57:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51624.5, 51624.699999999997, 4500, 4207, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1200909', 1361773, '21:08:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51735.900000000001, 51736, 7114, 5540, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1200808', 1071554, '17:04:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51642.699999999997, 51642.699999999997, 3108, 2000, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1200701', 1785860, '12:50:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51678.5, 51678.599999999999, 5570, 3460, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1200606', 5834886, '18:02:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51643.800000000003, 51643.800000000003, 3252, 2078, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1200501', 1838829, '06:20:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51638.300000000003, 51638.400000000001, 6639, 4962, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1200404', 16899802, '23:30:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51800, 51800.099999999999, 3976, 142, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1200303', 4691069, '05:26:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51798.199999999997, 51798.400000000001, 4505, 2460, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1200202', 2373113, '05:31:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51911.199999999997, 51911.300000000003, 1862, 1237, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1200101', 10164285, '00:58:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51798, 51798.199999999997, 4750, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0660404', 403430, '14:05:59', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51711.599999999999, 51712, 17854, 7860, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3030101', 1652862, '07:06:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52928.300000000003, 52928.400000000001, 4989, 2686, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2180601', 262531, '14:07:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52896.599999999999, 52896.900000000001, 13859, 2130, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070421', 3835131, '20:51:36', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52909.900000000001, 52910.300000000003, 5867, 4054, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070420', 4280083, '15:55:04', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52909.699999999997, 52909.800000000003, 4848, 2872, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070419', 2576261, '00:48:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52909, 52909.099999999999, 3997, 1506, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1490303', 554851, '13:00:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51628.5, 51628.900000000001, 25970, 11982, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1490202', 813270, '06:06:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51767.300000000003, 51767.400000000001, 9284, 6280, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1490101', 526487, '18:44:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51627.800000000003, 51628, 13812, 5958, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1340302', 417895, '06:48:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51766.300000000003, 51766.5, 13154, 8409, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1340301', 7979, '20:04:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51744.800000000003, 51744.800000000003, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1340201', 195100, '07:30:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51765.300000000003, 51765.400000000001, 5826, 4218, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1340104', 584140, '04:53:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51548.199999999997, 51548.699999999997, 8264, 7648, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1340103', 763359, '18:10:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51762.800000000003, 51762.900000000001, 8814, 3566, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1340102', 311381, '10:09:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51872.400000000001, 51872.5, 5498, 4197, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1290201', 5165918, '19:42:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51643.800000000003, 51643.900000000001, 4779, 4136, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1201011', 4600514, '06:43:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51692.300000000003, 51692.300000000003, 696, 361, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0660303', 451384, '02:52:27', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51711.099999999999, 51711.599999999999, 18658, 6836, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0660202', 388235, '16:26:44', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51710.699999999997, 51711.099999999999, 16141, 6012, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0660101', 226502, '08:07:14', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51710.300000000003, 51710.699999999997, 16434, 7978, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057303', 647741, '01:06:37', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53118, 53118.599999999999, 34310, 9949, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053005', 163884, '13:13:03', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53114.599999999999, 53114.699999999997, 9605, 2990, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3030601', 1277121, '11:45:46', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52931.5, 52931.699999999997, 3453, 2706, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3030301', 11875363, '00:32:45', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52930, 52930.400000000001, 9268, 2957, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021002', 9993542, '05:46:00', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52907.199999999997, 52907.599999999999, 6844, 3854, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9131601', 1928215, '13:35:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52941.599999999999, 52941.800000000003, 15413, 7021, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9111001', 155474, '04:32:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52949.199999999997, 52949.199999999997, 4179, 1002, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9110301', 589440, '06:07:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52946.300000000003, 52946.5, 16813, 8393, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090401', 162713, '20:33:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52929.900000000001, 52930, 6932, 434, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9050701', 562415, '07:33:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52949.300000000003, 52949.699999999997, 24605, 12624, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9044901', 487267, '16:16:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52937.699999999997, 52938, 21679, 8189, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9044801', 878986, '00:50:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52938, 52938.300000000003, 23900, 7440, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9044701', 951629, '07:45:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52938.300000000003, 52938.599999999999, 21743, 8457, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9044501', 756123, '09:03:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52947.400000000001, 52947.599999999999, 13198, 7256, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9043001', 2643660, '20:32:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52941.900000000001, 52942, 13433, 3692, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9042901', 579341, '01:10:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52942.099999999999, 52942.199999999997, 13880, 4307, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9042801', 470815, '15:30:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52938.599999999999, 52938.800000000003, 12201, 5653, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9042602', 186553, '20:28:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52938.900000000001, 52939, 9155, 3202, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9042501', 629849, '00:04:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52939, 52939.199999999997, 13899, 4167, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9042301', 559964, '04:21:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52939.199999999997, 52939.300000000003, 13899, 4972, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9042202', 224848, '08:29:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52939.400000000001, 52939.5, 12125, 4287, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9042002', 2015758, '12:56:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52939.5, 52939.699999999997, 12086, 6316, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9041902', 577540, '11:00:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52940.5, 52940.599999999999, 10381, 4786, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9041702', 253936, '15:37:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52940.699999999997, 52940.800000000003, 12669, 6139, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9041601', 211824, '20:47:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52940.900000000001, 52941, 9153, 3040, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9041502', 293253, '00:19:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52941, 52941.199999999997, 13826, 4741, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9041202', 545136, '04:32:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52941.199999999997, 52941.400000000001, 13844, 4887, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9041101', 428362, '08:41:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52941.400000000001, 52941.5, 10687, 4556, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9040501', 455923, '01:28:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52947.099999999999, 52947.300000000003, 19026, 8081, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9011201', 183718, '04:26:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52932.199999999997, 52932.400000000001, 11142, 5596, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9010701', 445612, '13:57:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52929.599999999999, 52929.800000000003, 11026, 1315, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8080901', 528151, '05:51:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52942.199999999997, 52942.5, 15118, 7940, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8060801', 279729, '07:36:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52937.300000000003, 52937.5, 15892, 6218, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8060702', 358442, '11:47:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52943.5, 52943.800000000003, 19279, 9345, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1270701', 571690, '02:52:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52926.099999999999, 52926.400000000001, 19988, 2920, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1070102', 798527, '20:35:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52936.900000000001, 52937.300000000003, 33692, 9603, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0611010', 147606, '12:52:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51755.5, 51755.599999999999, 6949, 2877, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0610909', 182416, '06:46:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51755.300000000003, 51755.5, 9303, 3238, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0610808', 109946, '20:11:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52166.800000000003, 52166.900000000001, 4521, 1862, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0610707', 134272, '16:43:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52166.699999999997, 52166.800000000003, 5682, 3005, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0610505', 157191, '09:54:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51757.400000000001, 51757.5, 6589, 2577, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0610404', 159376, '03:29:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51877.099999999999, 51877.400000000001, 9993, 8467, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0610303', 224310, '17:36:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51876.699999999997, 51877.099999999999, 10822, 9504, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0410708', 566863, '20:46:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51768.900000000001, 51769.400000000001, 25164, 12600, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0410606', 220839, '21:53:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52127.900000000001, 52128.199999999997, 13284, 3005, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0410505', 397647, '03:28:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51734.099999999999, 51734.900000000001, 13815, 8652, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0410303', 233031, '02:44:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51899.099999999999, 51899.5, 7939, 1843, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0410202', 188886, '01:13:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52016.099999999999, 52016.300000000003, 7452, 3971, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0410101', 250511, '21:07:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52155.900000000001, 52156.300000000003, 9818, 2784, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0100101', 2457297, '19:52:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51804.800000000003, 51805.5, 18846, 7774, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5052101', 153344, '20:16:15', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53127.800000000003, 53128.300000000003, 5365, 1713, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5052001', 585031, '17:13:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53108.699999999997, 53108.699999999997, 3200, 789, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055504', 302141, '06:35:25', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53120.300000000003, 53120.599999999999, 16560, 8973, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050904', 264746, '03:22:27', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53122.099999999999, 53122.400000000001, 11435, 5872, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9131401', 2164177, '02:26:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52946.099999999999, 52946.199999999997, 11898, 4193, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9110801', 354314, '20:28:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52945.900000000001, 52946.099999999999, 18790, 7933, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9110701', 416942, '13:42:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52945.599999999999, 52945.800000000003, 17320, 7594, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9110401', 295695, '13:04:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52946.5, 52946.800000000003, 16824, 8164, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9070301', 637119, '19:46:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52946.800000000003, 52947, 17633, 6211, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9044601', 828146, '20:57:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52947.900000000001, 52948.099999999999, 13401, 3576, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9040301', 743491, '15:43:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52947.699999999997, 52947.800000000003, 11747, 5423, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9040101', 506410, '02:04:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52948.099999999999, 52948.5, 23180, 9521, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1080101', 1730062, '08:08:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52910.300000000003, 52912.5, 100395, 48324, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0611212', 320039, '21:22:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51755.900000000001, 51756.199999999997, 11435, 1525, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0610606', 146169, '10:09:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51877.400000000001, 51877.599999999999, 7428, 6350, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0610202', 133640, '12:30:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51876.5, 51876.699999999997, 7382, 6349, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0610101', 98360, '09:15:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51876.400000000001, 51876.5, 4642, 4149, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0410707', 525154, '07:11:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51768.300000000003, 51768.800000000003, 27444, 15028, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0410405', 115566, '15:16:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52217.599999999999, 52217.699999999997, 6172, 1702, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0100201', 54135, '12:08:57', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51805.5, 51805.5, 3359, 2030, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050901', 8939484, '00:18:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52809, 52809.099999999999, 4895, 380, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8082901', 790878, '21:47:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52788.900000000001, 52789, 6074, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0790101', 29002448, '01:15:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52759.099999999999, 52759.099999999999, 3899, 480, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0420201', 137384, '11:36:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52726.5, 52726.699999999997, 8462, 7576, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0150301', 175533, '12:40:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52786.5, 52786.599999999999, 6878, 3239, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3031201', 170771, '20:26:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52850.900000000001, 52850.900000000001, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9111201', 513017, '12:42:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52783.5, 52783.900000000001, 26048, 10480, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9042701', 335587, '01:33:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52890.099999999999, 52890.400000000001, 19185, 297, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9030101', 790042, '22:29:18', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52777.900000000001, 52779.099999999999, 46892, 20220, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1740104', 282607, '06:30:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52837.300000000003, 52837.599999999999, 15996, 9468, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1740103', 845426, '10:37:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52794.400000000001, 52795.599999999999, 44446, 25896, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1740102', 189103, '09:15:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52765.400000000001, 52765.599999999999, 7480, 2878, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1740101', 94094, '00:46:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52780, 52780.099999999999, 3122, 80, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1720103', 109705, '14:15:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52803.599999999999, 52803.699999999997, 7622, 4784, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1720102', 491787, '12:03:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52744.5, 52745.300000000003, 37862, 21979, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1620701', 717535, '06:43:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52839.300000000003, 52839.699999999997, 24898, 10712, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1620601', 653374, '22:56:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52839, 52839.199999999997, 23897, 6447, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1620501', 394680, '15:04:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52832.599999999999, 52832.800000000003, 11890, 5377, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1620401', 371583, '17:50:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52831.699999999997, 52831.900000000001, 10840, 3082, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1620201', 334182, '20:23:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52832.900000000001, 52833, 11786, 1609, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1620101', 439586, '22:53:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52832, 52832.099999999999, 8091, 977, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1610101', 563901, '14:50:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52837.599999999999, 52838.099999999999, 19724, 11284, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1580101', 713193, '06:41:26', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52785.300000000003, 52785.5, 9691, 4654, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1560101', 7315550, '23:53:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52752, 52752.400000000001, 28996, 10084, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1540101', 3081538, '21:54:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52771.900000000001, 52773.300000000003, 93261, 22437, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1530106', 500446, '15:09:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52884.599999999999, 52884.699999999997, 3928, 1819, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1530105', 600043, '16:19:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52880.699999999997, 52880.699999999997, 3984, 1823, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1530104', 419381, '09:09:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52883.400000000001, 52883.5, 7581, 3707, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1530103', 1147444, '05:57:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52886.199999999997, 52886.300000000003, 7566, 2071, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1530102', 141965, '22:50:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52888.900000000001, 52889, 3611, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1530101', 718831, '23:51:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52885, 52885, 4129, 454, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1520104', 5245514, '08:27:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52853.400000000001, 52853.5, 6120, 3499, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1380201', 783125, '12:12:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52827.5, 52828, 29767, 10426, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1380101', 1106132, '02:20:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52832.099999999999, 52832.599999999999, 39877, 11936, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0880105', 971139, '18:42:59', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52870.800000000003, 52870.900000000001, 3177, 781, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0640601', 139477, '03:55:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52816.199999999997, 52816.300000000003, 6568, 1573, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0640301', 2377858, '00:36:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52803, 52803.300000000003, 15683, 3376, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0640101', 1125928, '19:45:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52856.800000000003, 52856.900000000001, 3120, 2042, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0340501', 572031, '05:26:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52828.199999999997, 52828.599999999999, 31297, 12478, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0340401', 641161, '18:19:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52823.800000000003, 52824.300000000003, 34015, 6534, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0340101', 463701, '13:45:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52824.599999999999, 52825, 26809, 6325, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0260702', 3173929, '19:40:56', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52864.800000000003, 52864.900000000001, 4004, 407, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0260701', 831020, '00:31:28', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52802, 52802, 960, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0100101', 311227, '23:35:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52804, 52804.400000000001, 18252, 8269, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0080301', 1013636, '19:42:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52729.800000000003, 52730.5, 38590, 15482, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0070104', 497768, '00:21:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52817, 52817.199999999997, 4592, 593, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0050107', 249806, '16:37:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52823.699999999997, 52823.699999999997, 3891, 1437, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0560901', 116530, '18:34:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52805.800000000003, 52805.800000000003, 3470, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0560201', 488037, '03:47:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52882.199999999997, 52882.599999999999, 21550, 9092, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0530101', 779948, '09:55:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52655.400000000001, 52655.699999999997, 7893, 5068, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0100601', 237107, '17:26:36', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52829.699999999997, 52829.800000000003, 4946, 2217, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0100301', 245818, '06:39:40', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52829.300000000003, 52829.400000000001, 7992, 3316, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0630901', 8925675, '05:36:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51567.199999999997, 51567.300000000003, 4332, 4123, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0630806', 8164339, '07:19:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52673.300000000003, 52673.5, 4374, 3713, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0630604', 1526293, '09:27:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52237.400000000001, 52237.599999999999, 11996, 7664, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0601515', 159576, '07:07:10', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51674.300000000003, 51674.5, 8837, 5574, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0601414', 111339, '08:16:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51702.300000000003, 51702.5, 6785, 5574, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0601212', 240185, '18:09:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51705.800000000003, 51706.5, 14849, 11942, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0601010', 153263, '03:14:36', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51675.099999999999, 51675.300000000003, 7358, 5090, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0600909', 238797, '05:20:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51936.199999999997, 51936.699999999997, 13654, 10137, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0600808', 114085, '16:54:56', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51672.699999999997, 51672.800000000003, 5406, 3400, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0600505', 213055, '06:56:38', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51677.300000000003, 51677.699999999997, 10640, 9547, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7050402', 138249, '20:55:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53595.900000000001, 53596.199999999997, 12390, 1177, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1610201', 452859, '04:53:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52431.199999999997, 52431.599999999999, 22339, 11552, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0780101', 408796, '09:04:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52240.400000000001, 52241.099999999999, 29387, 23240, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0760201', 999397, '23:19:57', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52430, 52430.800000000003, 38269, 20243, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010302', 181655, '05:09:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52207.199999999997, 52207.400000000001, 6708, 5581, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1390205', 294893, '11:52:20', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52244.5, 52245, 19673, 14907, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1390204', 331622, '20:53:34', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52243.900000000001, 52244.400000000001, 18837, 15197, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1390203', 285658, '08:38:00', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52243.400000000001, 52243.800000000003, 18654, 14725, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1390202', 563833, '16:34:46', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52242.699999999997, 52243.199999999997, 20624, 16010, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1390201', 335796, '01:23:46', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52242.099999999999, 52242.599999999999, 20001, 16375, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1300110', 95921, '18:24:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52022.800000000003, 52022.800000000003, 1932, 1567, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1300109', 151720, '08:10:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52022.300000000003, 52022.400000000001, 2818, 2086, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1300108', 208244, '19:08:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52021.800000000003, 52021.900000000001, 3484, 2577, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1300107', 156245, '08:51:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52021.400000000001, 52021.400000000001, 2821, 2098, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1300106', 179816, '19:52:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52020.800000000003, 52020.900000000001, 3207, 2295, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1300105', 135502, '07:54:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52020.300000000003, 52020.400000000001, 2891, 2107, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1300104', 162428, '17:04:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52019.699999999997, 52019.699999999997, 2219, 1788, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1300103', 578889, '05:13:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52019.199999999997, 52019.300000000003, 2447, 1435, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1300102', 105705, '16:02:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52018.699999999997, 52018.699999999997, 2426, 1984, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1300101', 197804, '04:14:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52018.199999999997, 52018.300000000003, 4438, 2699, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1210407', 346390, '17:18:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52340.699999999997, 52341.099999999999, 21741, 12313, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1210406', 142165, '03:09:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52333.099999999999, 52333.300000000003, 8983, 5731, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1061314', 116993, '14:40:45', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52198.599999999999, 52198.699999999997, 6071, 3787, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0020303', 354641, '18:17:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52222.800000000003, 52223.699999999997, 16616, 12661, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0020203', 378475, '18:55:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52202.800000000003, 52203.300000000003, 17062, 2468, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2190201', 203742, '12:11:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52190.5, 52190.800000000003, 11644, 4782, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2180401', 436578, '08:40:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52192.400000000001, 52193.199999999997, 25538, 22167, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2130401', 1119567, '16:49:45', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52171.699999999997, 52172.400000000001, 44892, 12472, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2130301', 1525880, '19:19:49', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52170.800000000003, 52171.699999999997, 60891, 18057, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2130101', 1934717, '09:30:57', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52172.400000000001, 52173.5, 81408, 27929, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2041002', 2200979, '04:55:36', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52183.199999999997, 52183.699999999997, 12999, 12631, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1980202', 1285288, '23:15:24', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52194, 52194.199999999997, 3680, 4735, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1180202', 237296, '00:02:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52190, 52190.400000000001, 15336, 13502, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1150808', 8212917, '17:17:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52187.699999999997, 52187.800000000003, 6468, 3388, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1310405', 1015446, '15:31:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52182.599999999999, 52182.900000000001, 10581, 7744, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1190201', 2497299, '21:31:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52181.900000000001, 52182, 6437, 2348, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1070106', 551526, '08:33:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51975.400000000001, 51976, 25304, 18402, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1070105', 572468, '05:25:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52087.199999999997, 52088.5, 27481, 10089, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0561101', 326962, '22:59:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52187, 52187.300000000003, 16591, 10038, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0550101', 559027, '18:15:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52183.800000000003, 52183.900000000001, 4965, 3795, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0520901', 763754, '09:02:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52187.400000000001, 52187.699999999997, 11184, 7294, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010801', 221496, '03:56:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52177.199999999997, 52177.300000000003, 10298, 4179, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1210101', 152742, '19:42:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52157.800000000003, 52158, 6830, 1845, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0880304', 222953, '06:59:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52185.300000000003, 52185.599999999999, 11823, 8581, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330121', 1855490, '16:10:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51819.699999999997, 51819.699999999997, 3965, 1970, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330120', 2534705, '07:43:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51819.300000000003, 51819.400000000001, 5386, 2104, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330119', 1606593, '23:52:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51819, 51819, 3373, 685, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330118', 1918442, '15:08:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51818.599999999999, 51818.699999999997, 4097, 2111, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330117', 2403470, '08:23:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51818.400000000001, 51818.400000000001, 5066, 2110, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330116', 1750369, '00:35:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51818, 51818.099999999999, 3675, 541, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330115', 2614037, '10:45:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51817.400000000001, 51817.5, 5508, 2106, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330114', 1328305, '04:44:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51817.199999999997, 51817.199999999997, 2751, 63, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330113', 1869519, '20:04:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51816.800000000003, 51816.900000000001, 3877, 1253, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330112', 978998, '13:04:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51816.5, 51816.599999999999, 3807, 2100, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330111', 1718652, '06:24:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51816.300000000003, 51816.300000000003, 3708, 2099, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330110', 1025333, '22:31:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51815.900000000001, 51816, 2135, 855, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330109', 1694975, '13:45:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51815.599999999999, 51815.599999999999, 3587, 2093, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330108', 977160, '03:45:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51815.199999999997, 51815.199999999997, 1984, 513, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330107', 985128, '21:30:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51814.900000000001, 51814.900000000001, 2071, 982, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330106', 1637441, '12:45:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51814.5, 51814.599999999999, 3520, 2084, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330105', 873868, '02:46:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51814.099999999999, 51814.199999999997, 1799, 375, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330104', 1017917, '20:28:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51813.900000000001, 51813.900000000001, 2167, 1104, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330103', 1616420, '13:27:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51813.599999999999, 51813.599999999999, 3427, 2073, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330102', 1692318, '05:54:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51813.199999999997, 51813.300000000003, 4255, 2070, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330101', 705083, '00:40:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51813, 51813, 1463, 391, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1090202', 444680, '01:34:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52149.099999999999, 52150.5, 24507, 24465, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1090101', 632106, '09:15:40', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51800.400000000001, 51801, 25826, 10192, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1062323', 85923, '20:09:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51845.800000000003, 51845.900000000001, 6676, 4155, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1062222', 120980, '10:33:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51798.400000000001, 51798.599999999999, 6607, 3969, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1062121', 108724, '01:49:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51845.099999999999, 51845.199999999997, 4393, 3111, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1062020', 56851, '22:33:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51844.900000000001, 51845, 3042, 1938, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1061919', 95102, '19:08:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51844.800000000003, 51844.900000000001, 6551, 4183, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1061818', 126600, '03:49:45', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51847.199999999997, 51847.400000000001, 5761, 5529, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1061717', 92534, '13:58:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51799.599999999999, 51799.699999999997, 6554, 1367, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1061616', 77559, '14:09:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51844.599999999999, 51844.699999999997, 6513, 4189, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1061515', 80728, '17:34:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51908.699999999997, 51908.900000000001, 4220, 3497, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1061414', 89637, '06:49:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51845.300000000003, 51845.400000000001, 5995, 5381, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1061313', 19763, '02:09:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51847.099999999999, 51847.099999999999, 726, 743, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1061212', 66629, '10:29:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51847.400000000001, 51847.5, 4938, 4083, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1061111', 132003, '00:03:47', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51846, 51846.199999999997, 4788, 2364, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1061010', 99990, '02:29:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51844.099999999999, 51844.300000000003, 4571, 3532, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1060909', 132836, '19:50:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51799.800000000003, 51799.900000000001, 6039, 2133, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1060808', 86296, '06:08:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51846.300000000003, 51846.400000000001, 5236, 5040, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1060707', 91669, '14:32:47', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51846.599999999999, 51846.699999999997, 6126, 3813, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1060606', 72215, '11:08:45', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51846.5, 51846.599999999999, 5368, 4133, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1060505', 142354, '16:30:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51799.699999999997, 51799.800000000003, 6717, 2788, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1060404', 123447, '21:09:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51797.900000000001, 51798, 5407, 1933, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1060303', 75139, '11:48:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51845.5, 51845.599999999999, 5945, 4165, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1060202', 73906, '22:56:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51909, 51909.300000000003, 2925, 1637, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1060101', 137363, '15:28:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51798.599999999999, 51798.800000000003, 6651, 3074, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1000102', 569273, '00:56:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51738, 51738.300000000003, 18782, 3591, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1000101', 650128, '14:57:18', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51737.599999999999, 51738, 25516, 9409, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0880303', 370738, '19:34:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51890.800000000003, 51891.199999999997, 16518, 10946, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0880202', 326086, '19:07:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51945.800000000003, 51946.199999999997, 15762, 7167, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0880101', 1369483, '21:03:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51753.900000000001, 51755.199999999997, 52245, 13225, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1550202', 190170, '13:02:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51976.5, 51976.800000000003, 9665, 7349, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1550101', 369964, '05:37:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51790.199999999997, 51790.599999999999, 12583, 9981, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330180', 837375, '16:05:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51790.699999999997, 51790.699999999997, 2028, 841, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330162', 475581, '21:39:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51831.900000000001, 51831.900000000001, 1900, 951, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330161', 505631, '19:59:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51831.800000000003, 51831.900000000001, 2000, 956, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330160', 932119, '18:19:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51831.800000000003, 51831.800000000003, 2000, 953, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330159', 1255976, '16:39:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51831.699999999997, 51831.699999999997, 2714, 959, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330158', 1040208, '14:59:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51831.599999999999, 51831.699999999997, 2245, 952, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330157', 1699953, '11:39:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51831.5, 51831.599999999999, 3626, 1990, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330156', 934072, '09:59:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51831.400000000001, 51831.5, 1971, 957, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330155', 992475, '08:20:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51831.300000000003, 51831.400000000001, 2119, 954, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330154', 1114555, '06:40:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51831.300000000003, 51831.300000000003, 2384, 955, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330153', 1828526, '05:00:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51831.199999999997, 51831.300000000003, 3950, 956, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330152', 877681, '03:20:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51831.099999999999, 51831.199999999997, 1900, 961, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330151', 1400106, '19:00:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51830.800000000003, 51830.800000000003, 3000, 967, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330150', 2861595, '10:42:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51830.400000000001, 51830.599999999999, 6070, 2932, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330149', 877388, '00:40:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51830, 51830.099999999999, 1900, 989, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330148', 1386809, '19:41:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51829.800000000003, 51829.900000000001, 3000, 929, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330147', 1421053, '13:00:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51829.5, 51829.599999999999, 2999, 2070, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330146', 3045970, '06:17:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51829.300000000003, 51829.400000000001, 6538, 2263, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330145', 622981, '23:41:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51829, 51829, 4745, 969, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330144', 1890064, '16:56:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51828.699999999997, 51828.800000000003, 3999, 2264, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330143', 1878418, '09:59:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51828.400000000001, 51828.5, 3992, 1836, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330142', 1777882, '03:19:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51828.099999999999, 51828.199999999997, 3900, 2079, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330141', 4018483, '19:09:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51827.800000000003, 51827.900000000001, 8812, 3486, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330140', 3363568, '10:40:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51827.400000000001, 51827.599999999999, 7481, 4163, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330139', 2302741, '04:00:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51827.199999999997, 51827.199999999997, 5007, 2083, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330138', 1967599, '19:51:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51826.800000000003, 51826.900000000001, 4232, 1602, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330137', 1670210, '07:59:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51826.300000000003, 51826.400000000001, 3625, 2088, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330136', 1873029, '18:51:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51825.800000000003, 51825.800000000003, 4086, 1663, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330135', 1667768, '08:40:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51825.400000000001, 51825.400000000001, 3560, 2089, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330134', 1988847, '21:18:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51824.900000000001, 51824.900000000001, 4273, 1281, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330133', 927428, '12:40:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51824.5, 51824.599999999999, 3662, 2099, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330132', 880436, '04:21:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51824.199999999997, 51824.199999999997, 1900, 1660, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330131', 1920773, '20:17:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51823.800000000003, 51823.900000000001, 4141, 1393, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330130', 1701532, '11:40:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51823.5, 51823.5, 3596, 2105, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330129', 2556207, '05:00:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51823.199999999997, 51823.300000000003, 5368, 2106, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330128', 1868030, '19:15:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51822.800000000003, 51822.800000000003, 3959, 1525, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330127', 1521981, '12:20:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51822.5, 51822.599999999999, 3747, 2109, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330126', 1920586, '02:43:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51822.099999999999, 51822.199999999997, 4107, 1085, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330125', 1796019, '13:02:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51821.5, 51821.599999999999, 3880, 2112, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330124', 2419383, '04:41:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51821.199999999997, 51821.300000000003, 5070, 2113, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330123', 1855175, '15:27:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51820.599999999999, 51820.699999999997, 3991, 2111, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1330122', 2547164, '07:03:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51820.300000000003, 51820.400000000001, 5428, 2114, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1490101', 1404885, '09:56:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52957.400000000001, 52957.699999999997, 11878, 4788, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1460501', 287834, '13:15:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52932.599999999999, 52932.800000000003, 10986, 6520, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1230207', 1830002, '02:00:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52964.099999999999, 52964.199999999997, 1085, 679, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1200101', 501354, '18:01:58', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52977.800000000003, 52978.099999999999, 21601, 5384, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1170101', 559439, '00:04:48', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52961, 52961.5, 25512, 9144, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0800101', 578593, '02:06:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52913.099999999999, 52913.599999999999, 23829, 5315, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0780401', 1014646, '00:12:06', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52986, 52986.800000000003, 41136, 21058, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0710301', 112514, '10:13:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52926.400000000001, 52926.5, 6721, 3935, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0710101', 577938, '06:46:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52916.300000000003, 52916.699999999997, 22571, 1524, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0580101', 8327569, '12:22:16', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52933.5, 52935.5, 38432, 30134, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0540103', 524757, '14:16:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52960.599999999999, 52961, 23459, 6363, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0540102', 2759104, '18:18:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52957.800000000003, 52960, 128591, 54881, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0540101', 626073, '21:56:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52956.900000000001, 52957.300000000003, 25600, 8979, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8060201', 1143180, '20:38:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52949.900000000001, 52951.099999999999, 62199, 35011, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1750102', 1286795, '18:20:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52939.800000000003, 52940.400000000001, 26434, 14111, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1750101', 8710887, '16:44:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52839.699999999997, 52843.099999999999, 166712, 18647, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1740105', 288853, '13:15:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52912.599999999999, 52913, 17489, 9420, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1680201', 1486624, '21:32:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52914.900000000001, 52915.900000000001, 37213, 11308, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3020601', 21122130, '22:59:30', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52968, 52968.400000000001, 3279, 1094, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3020101', 24388845, '10:17:23', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52978.400000000001, 52978.699999999997, 7200, 4033, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050704', 10755971, '06:05:24', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52956.300000000003, 52956.800000000003, 14274, 6907, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2042503', 11172636, '17:53:02', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52989.699999999997, 52990.099999999999, 7523, 3695, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1040501', 2395145, '01:11:15', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52980.099999999999, 52980.300000000003, 2713, 607, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070224', 781465, '09:58:09', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52976.400000000001, 52976.599999999999, 2811, 897, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070223', 1622723, '04:58:14', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52976.199999999997, 52976.400000000001, 2773, 399, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070222', 1815774, '01:38:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52976.099999999999, 52976.099999999999, 2887, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050603', 3833087, '07:08:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52987.300000000003, 52987.400000000001, 7230, 4130, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030617', 10957428, '20:16:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52966.800000000003, 52966.900000000001, 4248, 1788, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9130801', 272107, '07:18:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52982.300000000003, 52982.699999999997, 18978, 12049, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9110901', 262845, '00:15:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52953, 52953.199999999997, 13800, 4059, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9030401', 1053116, '09:11:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52784.400000000001, 52785.099999999999, 43719, 11623, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9030201', 909700, '15:13:58', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52944.599999999999, 52945.300000000003, 51004, 9631, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9021301', 416814, '16:33:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52975.699999999997, 52975.900000000001, 15828, 4230, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9021201', 1465388, '17:14:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52978.699999999997, 52979.099999999999, 21914, 6503, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9021102', 1258068, '05:14:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52924.199999999997, 52924.900000000001, 36208, 14756, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9021101', 750234, '06:10:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52917.300000000003, 52917.5, 19897, 7098, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9020901', 501635, '09:10:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52980.400000000001, 52980.800000000003, 23960, 11041, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9020701', 868458, '11:52:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52979.5, 52979.900000000001, 25845, 9694, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9020601', 623571, '03:05:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52978.099999999999, 52978.400000000001, 18882, 3396, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9020401', 699722, '16:03:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52914.699999999997, 52914.800000000003, 12222, 4424, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8082101', 174094, '10:31:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52929.400000000001, 52929.5, 6462, 303, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8080701', 176080, '13:11:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52942.599999999999, 52942.800000000003, 11385, 5125, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8061201', 201822, '16:38:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52963.699999999997, 52963.699999999997, 4253, 412, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8060601', 358820, '03:38:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52943.199999999997, 52943.5, 13774, 7984, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8060501', 941162, '19:45:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52942.800000000003, 52943.099999999999, 11825, 2682, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5250203', 494356, '23:24:10', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52966, 52966, 192, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5250202', 362482, '16:06:02', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52965.699999999997, 52965.699999999997, 312, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5250201', 161231, '01:08:10', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52965, 52965.099999999999, 192, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5250102', 162536, '21:18:47', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52899.900000000001, 52899.900000000001, 479, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230601', 488538, '15:25:19', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52966.599999999999, 52966.800000000003, 9900, 5465, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230509', 1598367, '09:51:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52955.400000000001, 52955.400000000001, 2957, 1462, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230508', 140463, '08:06:39', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52955.300000000003, 52955.400000000001, 2659, 281, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230507', 237073, '23:52:18', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52955, 52955.300000000003, 9409, 6682, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230505', 381687, '15:40:44', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52954.699999999997, 52954.900000000001, 9373, 8221, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230503', 801232, '05:40:49', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52954.199999999997, 52954.5, 9000, 6654, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230502', 123751, '03:50:15', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52954.199999999997, 52954.199999999997, 2107, 306, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230501', 137059, '02:12:09', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52954.099999999999, 52954.099999999999, 2820, 1545, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230402', 224629, '00:16:04', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52901, 52901.199999999997, 4686, 2058, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230302', 145748, '20:40:28', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52900.900000000001, 52901, 4532, 2861, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230102', 19620, '04:54:19', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52901.199999999997, 52901.199999999997, 1400, 222, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5220101', 1706388, '03:28:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52643.099999999999, 52643.5, 15582, 9670, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5210301', 52315, '14:57:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52562.599999999999, 52562.699999999997, 2770, 1968, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5210201', 70885, '16:39:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52562.699999999997, 52562.699999999997, 2644, 1966, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5210101', 124590, '21:11:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52561.900000000001, 52562.099999999999, 3499, 938, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5200101', 1217461, '18:43:13', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52204.800000000003, 52204.900000000001, 1898, 2300, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5140203', 12495, '09:15:23', '2.4.1', 'HIRS', 51681.400000000001, 51682, 13920, 0, 'y', 56296); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5140202', 172315, '00:28:17', '2.4.1', 'HIRS', 51648, 51648.800000000003, 11240, 0, 'y', 56296); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5130201', 12749, '03:37:03', '2.2.2', 'MDRS', 51620.199999999997, 51620.5, 8841, 0, 'y', 56296); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5052201', 430545, '09:11:20', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53145.400000000001, 53146, 15508, 6213, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050102', 499626, '22:35:29', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53131.900000000001, 53132.400000000001, 27738, 6359, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056306', 143818, '23:16:48', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53143, 53143.099999999999, 8962, 3182, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3070101', 639709, '19:08:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52970.800000000003, 52971.900000000001, 23648, 8524, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3032001', 366772, '04:56:07', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52929.199999999997, 52929.300000000003, 960, 110, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3031001', 250732, '16:30:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52977.699999999997, 52977.699999999997, 60, 56, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230506', 174348, '22:12:05', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52954.900000000001, 52955, 2990, 504, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230504', 123018, '13:52:28', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52954.599999999999, 52954.599999999999, 2871, 487, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230201', 192255, '12:43:20', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52900.5, 52900.5, 1339, 48, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190205', 406191, '14:33:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52211.599999999999, 52212.099999999999, 13219, 5440, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190204', 11892045, '15:14:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52210.599999999999, 52211.099999999999, 11879, 4892, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190203', 6433752, '14:15:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52209.599999999999, 52209.699999999997, 6322, 3704, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190202', 7987937, '14:57:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52208.599999999999, 52209.099999999999, 11992, 5300, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1780401', 193871, '14:22:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52329.599999999999, 52329.800000000003, 10824, 4916, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1410102', 25419, '04:26:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52439.199999999997, 52439.199999999997, 120, 128, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1380202', 419087, '13:03:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52403.5, 52403.699999999997, 7900, 4296, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1380201', 504458, '15:08:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52400.599999999999, 52400.800000000003, 7129, 4233, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1380105', 2010770, '06:35:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52412.300000000003, 52412.5, 7667, 6116, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1380104', 212340, '09:32:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52408.400000000001, 52408.800000000003, 15912, 10358, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1380103', 230931, '10:07:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52407.400000000001, 52407.699999999997, 13572, 9277, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1380102', 194944, '14:06:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52404.599999999999, 52404.800000000003, 10884, 6163, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1310401', 287615, '05:25:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52308.199999999997, 52308.400000000001, 10009, 3637, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1310301', 548402, '17:52:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52307.699999999997, 52307.900000000001, 11526, 3723, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1310201', 265484, '21:34:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52307.900000000001, 52308, 8766, 700, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1310101', 490623, '01:09:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52308, 52308.199999999997, 8054, 653, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1160104', 13957783, '15:43:28', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52238.699999999997, 52238.800000000003, 2000, 775, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1160103', 289797, '16:04:48', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52230.699999999997, 52230.699999999997, 1200, 1072, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1160102', 3466772, '19:02:53', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52238.800000000003, 52238.900000000001, 1604, 808, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1160101', 150881, '22:22:41', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 52238.900000000001, 52239, 960, 483, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1070201', 440064, '15:20:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52338.599999999999, 52339.099999999999, 24857, 14170, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1070102', 646362, '12:51:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52319.5, 52319.900000000001, 24182, 10270, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1010301', 501958, '20:08:49', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52410.800000000003, 52411.199999999997, 20685, 2022, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0920101', 1840887, '23:17:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52423, 52425, 54343, 41156, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0830401', 425191, '02:29:37', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52428.099999999999, 52428.300000000003, 16630, 4734, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0830201', 353173, '23:51:41', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52432, 52432.199999999997, 16208, 1566, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0460201', 571418, '14:12:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52377.599999999999, 52377.900000000001, 20880, 9107, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0370205', 144462, '02:11:58', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52250.099999999999, 52250.300000000003, 6129, 4882, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0370204', 379418, '03:04:35', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52251.099999999999, 52251.800000000003, 18841, 15065, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0370203', 35899, '13:45:36', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52250.599999999999, 52250.599999999999, 1839, 1663, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0370202', 192757, '14:26:22', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52249.599999999999, 52249.900000000001, 10114, 8345, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0370201', 1077145, '15:48:34', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52247.699999999997, 52249.599999999999, 52086, 41833, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071801', 46502, '02:44:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51693.099999999999, 51693.199999999997, 2100, 1429, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1019101', 1169902, '15:10:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52185.599999999999, 52186.900000000001, 64268, 37897, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1016405', 1216831, '14:12:19', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51464.599999999999, 51465.099999999999, 30227, 6101, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1012102', 6831657, '20:40:13', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51555.900000000001, 51556, 4641, 999, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070205', 1051976, '11:17:34', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52181.5, 52181.599999999999, 2880, 2690, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1040201', 19782932, '08:31:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52445.400000000001, 52447.599999999999, 24500, 15900, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031116', 5381624, '14:42:55', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52443.599999999999, 52443.800000000003, 5280, 2693, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031115', 11067584, '10:02:33', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52443.400000000001, 52443.599999999999, 5518, 3026, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031114', 18983255, '14:12:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52444.599999999999, 52444.699999999997, 7568, 3469, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030612', 19914831, '02:17:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52330.099999999999, 52330.199999999997, 7066, 5040, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030611', 10544464, '02:05:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52328.099999999999, 52328.199999999997, 3670, 2290, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030610', 24898322, '07:27:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52322.300000000003, 52322.5, 8720, 6080, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030609', 8184684, '09:54:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52234.400000000001, 52234.400000000001, 2730, 2071, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030514', 3413194, '06:59:58', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 52330.300000000003, 52330.300000000003, 1832, 1196, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030513', 4448587, '06:43:35', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 52328.300000000003, 52328.300000000003, 1804, 1413, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030512', 10402762, '12:34:36', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 52322.5, 52322.699999999997, 4782, 3805, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030511', 5261435, '11:39:12', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52234.5, 52234.5, 1920, 1319, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030409', 2027324, '08:23:27', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 52328.400000000001, 52328.400000000001, 1905, 1452, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030408', 1743973, '17:43:44', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 52322.699999999997, 52322.800000000003, 1920, 1399, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030407', 3221656, '13:19:03', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52234.599999999999, 52234.599999999999, 1920, 1449, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030314', 10497257, '14:23:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52435.599999999999, 52435.699999999997, 3808, 804, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030313', 13012994, '04:07:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52487.199999999997, 52487.199999999997, 3836, 1770, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030104', 2874697, '19:54:52', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52434.800000000003, 52434.900000000001, 3360, 605, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190210', 115137, '13:59:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52211.599999999999, 52211.599999999999, 1260, 1081, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190209', 169127, '14:40:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52210.599999999999, 52210.599999999999, 1260, 1080, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190208', 43258, '13:40:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52209.599999999999, 52209.599999999999, 1260, 1063, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190207', 223820, '14:23:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52208.599999999999, 52208.599999999999, 1260, 1189, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190206', 419527, '15:05:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52207.599999999999, 52207.599999999999, 1260, 1271, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190201', 7923212, '15:39:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52207.699999999997, 52208.099999999999, 11981, 5325, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2040601', 2957598, '20:26:36', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52190.900000000001, 52191.800000000003, 15802, 18938, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2040301', 563753, '03:30:57', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52433.099999999999, 52433.300000000003, 9645, 1840, 'y', 23293); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1870202', 330707, '04:08:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52199.199999999997, 52199.699999999997, 14940, 8437, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1840201', 157926, '22:12:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52156.900000000001, 52157.099999999999, 5125, 553, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1640102', 4996565, '04:29:20', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52465.199999999997, 52465.300000000003, 4071, 1425, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1640101', 8947711, '13:50:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52126.599999999999, 52126.699999999997, 6228, 3935, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1510302', 2924152, '03:01:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52199.099999999999, 52199.099999999999, 868, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1510203', 6571570, '23:38:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52196, 52196.099999999999, 4947, 1332, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1330201', 543389, '20:46:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52221.900000000001, 52222.5, 9341, 6445, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221003', 227700, '21:17:31', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51638.900000000001, 51638.900000000001, 1534, 1437, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1201213', 393254, '14:47:57', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52203.599999999999, 52203.900000000001, 16428, 4700, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1201112', 348202, '16:08:43', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52201.699999999997, 52202, 15929, 4731, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174901', 659011, '17:07:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52226.699999999997, 52226.800000000003, 4379, 3693, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173301', 284587, '10:25:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52209.400000000001, 52209.5, 5460, 3751, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1161301', 1598267, '20:48:57', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51567.900000000001, 51568.199999999997, 10509, 8993, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1161201', 190552, '06:31:41', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51568.300000000003, 51568.5, 9431, 8442, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1161101', 2586836, '09:52:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52239.400000000001, 52239.699999999997, 10263, 6991, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1161001', 1743933, '23:08:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52199, 52199.099999999999, 4779, 1419, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1160801', 472139, '23:23:33', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52204, 52204.5, 12361, 3574, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1160701', 1451411, '16:51:25', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52200.699999999997, 52200.800000000003, 3840, 2041, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1160601', 2412509, '20:11:50', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52200.800000000003, 52200.900000000001, 3840, 2041, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1151111', 4710985, '02:23:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52245.099999999999, 52245.300000000003, 4469, 3944, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1151010', 3520847, '17:06:28', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 52484.699999999997, 52484.699999999997, 920, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1141202', 203898, '13:38:15', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51568.599999999999, 51568.900000000001, 9802, 8845, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1111010', 1004507, '12:16:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52080.5, 52081.800000000003, 54105, 17578, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1110202', 781197, '09:57:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52241.400000000001, 52241.900000000001, 22578, 16905, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100401', 1507211, '03:47:02', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51465.199999999997, 51466, 57074, 23082, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1044203', 10652110, '04:01:03', '3.1.7', 'MDRS', 52485.199999999997, 52486.300000000003, 34353, 14155, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1044003', 11919, '14:57:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52093.599999999999, 52093.599999999999, 60, 59, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1042105', 12172860, '14:33:51', '3.1.4', 'MDRS', 51541.599999999999, 51541.800000000003, 19520, 7929, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041801', 156146, '08:09:27', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52203.300000000003, 52203.599999999999, 5311, 3339, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2230104', 4112999, '07:08:27', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52488.300000000003, 52488.5, 7829, 1884, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2230102', 4793735, '06:43:35', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52484.300000000003, 52484.400000000001, 6864, 2051, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2190301', 338393, '23:38:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52198, 52198.5, 15669, 12203, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2190202', 236103, '00:48:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52226, 52226.300000000003, 13168, 7819, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2160702', 1077234, '11:58:15', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52436.5, 52436.5, 1248, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2160401', 222388, '05:26:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52197.199999999997, 52197.5, 7974, 6854, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2160301', 1123496, '02:07:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52197.099999999999, 52197.199999999997, 2958, 1101, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2160101', 2590313, '21:03:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52196.900000000001, 52197, 7574, 4435, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2150202', 519435, '04:43:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52210.199999999997, 52210.599999999999, 14040, 8835, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2150201', 434845, '03:59:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52211.199999999997, 52211.599999999999, 13879, 7976, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2110202', 38229, '16:49:19', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52426.699999999997, 52426.900000000001, 6484, 930, 'y', 23295); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2110102', 685373, '01:46:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52319.099999999999, 52319.5, 22036, 5909, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2100501', 215030, '15:14:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52127.599999999999, 52127.900000000001, 12259, 4147, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2100401', 194547, '03:41:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52071.199999999997, 52071.400000000001, 11484, 7784, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2072901', 137871, '21:43:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52215.900000000001, 52216, 6405, 859, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051703', 18794, '07:55:04', '1.8.7', 'MDRS', 52396.300000000003, 52397.5, 49856, 139, 'y', 23295); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051702', 2377601, '06:00:48', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52341.199999999997, 52341.5, 7444, 4502, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050902', 3901892, '18:53:12', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52459.800000000003, 52459.900000000001, 4723, 2566, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050901', 6313995, '17:49:36', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52458.699999999997, 52458.900000000001, 7292, 4271, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050701', 7605997, '16:43:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52215.699999999997, 52215.900000000001, 9618, 1598, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050602', 45841511, '12:19:07', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52214.5, 52214.900000000001, 9822, 4014, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2042501', 607081, '08:23:23', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52345.400000000001, 52347.199999999997, 4356, 4285, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055603', 54395, '11:01:22', '1.8.7', 'RFPT', 52427.5, 52427.599999999999, 7563, 2050, 'y', 23296); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055501', 727727, '21:11:28', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52358.900000000001, 52359.400000000001, 27251, 7484, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055401', 615544, '13:23:44', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52347.599999999999, 52347.900000000001, 28968, 12632, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053001', 393360, '17:46:40', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52167.699999999997, 52168.199999999997, 17244, 6364, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052405', 411320, '00:43:15', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 52454, 52454.699999999997, 20623, 13224, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050103', 147257, '15:52:46', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52320.699999999997, 52320.800000000003, 7311, 2874, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S2020201', 57973, '01:58:59', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51468.099999999999, 51468.099999999999, 2000, 753, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1010206', 11776960, '02:16:27', '3.1.7', 'MDRS', 52443.099999999999, 52443.400000000001, 11510, 2553, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1010101', 674708, '09:06:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51738.400000000001, 51738.5, 5075, 1077, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021606', 0, '10:38:25', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 0, 0, 0, 0, 'n', 23299); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021605', 57973, '08:58:39', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52418.400000000001, 52418.400000000001, 3812, 2110, 'y', 23298); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021604', 69445, '18:11:55', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52417.800000000003, 52417.800000000003, 3109, 1440, 'y', 23298); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021603', 202740, '16:18:23', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52417.699999999997, 52417.699999999997, 3300, 2110, 'y', 23298); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021602', 68200, '14:38:17', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52417.599999999999, 52417.699999999997, 3939, 2120, 'y', 23298); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021601', 95744, '12:58:12', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52417.5, 52417.599999999999, 3952, 2120, 'y', 23298); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9020105', 2385967, '07:44:16', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52439.300000000003, 52439.400000000001, 6596, 3159, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9017201', 15017795, '17:59:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52379.800000000003, 52379.800000000003, 3731, 1471, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9016901', 3304282, '00:38:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52378, 52378.099999999999, 2630, 558, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9016801', 4944787, '03:46:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52378.199999999997, 52378.199999999997, 4232, 1219, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9016701', 617335, '18:40:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52381.800000000003, 52381.800000000003, 2013, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9016601', 3982668, '05:49:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52377.199999999997, 52377.300000000003, 3668, 2067, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9016301', 1186711, '17:25:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52382.699999999997, 52382.800000000003, 7224, 3522, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9015601', 2898770, '09:18:33', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52451.400000000001, 52451.400000000001, 1740, 1520, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9015501', 624405, '12:39:56', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52451.5, 52451.5, 401, 255, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9015301', 3719813, '14:03:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52394.599999999999, 52394.599999999999, 3114, 1891, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9015201', 1742111, '00:36:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52385, 52385, 1590, 985, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9013201', 1551983, '07:06:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52392.300000000003, 52392.300000000003, 2064, 1765, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9013001', 9693137, '16:15:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52398.699999999997, 52398.699999999997, 3598, 1994, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9012601', 3082806, '08:45:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52392.400000000001, 52392.5, 4282, 3610, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9012401', 11691764, '15:50:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52370.699999999997, 52370.699999999997, 4151, 1890, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0080103', 165598, '05:01:32', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52476.199999999997, 52476.400000000001, 5673, 4456, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0080102', 934371, '00:00:09', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52475, 52475.400000000001, 26315, 6837, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0080101', 947836, '11:48:13', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52474.5, 52475, 27699, 11638, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0050101', 522115, '00:56:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52354, 52354.300000000003, 16754, 3503, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0040101', 2705917, '12:42:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52368.5, 52370.400000000001, 60276, 33357, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0030107', 113704, '08:46:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52221.400000000001, 52221.5, 3892, 2515, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0030106', 189864, '07:47:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52220.300000000003, 52220.599999999999, 6441, 4170, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0030105', 92794, '14:10:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52218.599999999999, 52218.699999999997, 2874, 2182, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0030104', 87717, '05:38:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52216.199999999997, 52216.400000000001, 3424, 2429, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056701', 879490, '17:22:55', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 52473.699999999997, 52474.199999999997, 29996, 7173, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056601', 176944, '07:31:02', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 52463.300000000003, 52463.5, 8683, 5188, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056502', 155520, '07:36:21', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 52462.300000000003, 52462.400000000001, 6767, 1521, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056501', 252575, '04:45:34', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 52461.199999999997, 52461.300000000003, 8898, 2109, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056401', 375087, '02:48:43', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 52459.099999999999, 52459.5, 11881, 5005, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056303', 314095, '19:52:30', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 52443.800000000003, 52444, 12000, 3411, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056302', 359157, '22:36:35', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 52442.900000000001, 52443.099999999999, 12000, 2704, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056301', 940328, '03:55:47', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 52442.199999999997, 52442.800000000003, 42298, 15608, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056201', 39059, '05:01:28', '1.8.7', 'RFPT', 52426.199999999997, 52426.699999999997, 22631, 2010, 'y', 23298); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055609', 80708, '21:12:18', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 52439.900000000001, 52439.900000000001, 4009, 1113, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055608', 492439, '20:51:13', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 52438.900000000001, 52439.199999999997, 21014, 6026, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055607', 630394, '00:46:04', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 52438, 52438.400000000001, 28261, 9721, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054902', 67865, '23:22:48', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52300, 52300, 3283, 2025, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9070301', 368168, '09:50:32', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52486.400000000001, 52486.800000000003, 20801, 10756, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9043503', 1665079, '06:58:12', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52440.300000000003, 52440.400000000001, 6512, 3133, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9043502', 7042725, '22:48:04', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52440.900000000001, 52441.300000000003, 26883, 6055, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9043501', 2254912, '03:03:41', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52436.099999999999, 52436.199999999997, 9000, 3355, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9043401', 1029444, '11:53:38', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52471.5, 52471.599999999999, 6684, 4114, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9043301', 1530207, '06:56:30', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52471.300000000003, 52471.5, 9717, 5275, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9043201', 145935, '22:43:48', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52411.900000000001, 52412.099999999999, 7415, 0, 'y', 23299); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9043101', 3074697, '14:37:45', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52472.599999999999, 52473.300000000003, 18100, 11245, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9042901', 1566026, '10:56:45', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52470.5, 52470.800000000003, 12329, 9881, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9042801', 1866832, '08:49:40', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52473.400000000001, 52473.5, 6569, 4194, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9042701', 1703305, '18:58:41', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52471.800000000003, 52472.199999999997, 8113, 4159, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9042601', 89654, '21:48:17', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52417.900000000001, 52418.300000000003, 12654, 0, 'y', 23299); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9042501', 1866996, '07:55:19', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52472.300000000003, 52472.400000000001, 4715, 4200, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9042401', 169515, '04:36:14', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52417.199999999997, 52417.400000000001, 8997, 1089, 'y', 23299); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9042101', 2388211, '07:43:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52360.300000000003, 52360.5, 10997, 5290, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9042001', 1863496, '23:01:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52414, 52414.400000000001, 7098, 4319, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9041801', 448743, '12:22:44', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52425.5, 52425.699999999997, 8641, 1840, 'y', 23299); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9041201', 955244, '17:34:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52370.699999999997, 52370.900000000001, 12474, 4383, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9040101', 2878237, '14:06:05', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52476.599999999999, 52476.699999999997, 8194, 3684, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9034201', 1512809, '05:10:45', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52477.199999999997, 52477.5, 15229, 7892, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9033701', 287361, '09:10:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52377.400000000001, 52377.5, 9596, 4195, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9033501', 567678, '09:16:57', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 52432.400000000001, 52432.599999999999, 9313, 5267, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9033401', 2680537, '15:55:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52380.699999999997, 52381.099999999999, 19188, 2791, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9033301', 1190632, '21:30:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52379.900000000001, 52380.099999999999, 12663, 1998, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9033001', 191525, '01:36:00', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52401.099999999999, 52401.599999999999, 16260, 2080, 'y', 23299); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9032601', 602212, '11:22:54', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52467.5, 52467.699999999997, 10676, 8459, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9032501', 123064, '04:45:13', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52411.199999999997, 52411.800000000003, 43769, 1010, 'y', 23299); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9031801', 3103804, '16:12:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52372.699999999997, 52373.300000000003, 34930, 9800, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9031301', 197006, '13:37:47', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52397.599999999999, 52397.900000000001, 15318, 1079, 'y', 23299); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9031201', 878906, '05:00:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52395.199999999997, 52395.599999999999, 9845, 2713, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021607', 129523, '05:05:29', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52470.199999999997, 52470.300000000003, 4168, 2326, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9020103', 1592028, '21:11:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52384.900000000001, 52384.900000000001, 4232, 1312, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9020102', 2311739, '03:39:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52381.199999999997, 52381.199999999997, 4544, 592, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9018001', 5235467, '05:09:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52378.199999999997, 52378.300000000003, 4480, 2057, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9017701', 2237288, '01:29:08', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52455.099999999999, 52455.099999999999, 2274, 332, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9073701', 417945, '17:10:34', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52488.699999999997, 52489.5, 28050, 19476, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9061001', 30678, '01:20:09', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52460.099999999999, 52460.099999999999, 280, 138, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9060801', 186593, '10:15:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52393.400000000001, 52393.699999999997, 11390, 7939, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9060401', 747286, '19:27:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52391.800000000003, 52392.099999999999, 7837, 5502, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9044701', 1389177, '00:48:21', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52440, 52440.099999999999, 7062, 437, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9044001', 45165, '11:23:29', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 52429.5, 52429.5, 3196, 1610, 'y', 23301); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9043801', 997867, '08:29:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52378.400000000001, 52378.5, 9346, 4169, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9102401', 399423, '20:23:29', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52469.900000000001, 52470.099999999999, 14955, 2499, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9101501', 475624, '09:43:37', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52448.400000000001, 52449.199999999997, 28155, 20495, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9100301', 505467, '13:45:29', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52447.599999999999, 52448.300000000003, 27850, 17387, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9091001', 367121, '19:56:09', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52486.800000000003, 52487.099999999999, 17940, 7771, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9090201', 689032, '10:26:34', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52490.400000000001, 52491.5, 31885, 26081, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9122101', 370454, '03:52:22', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52488.199999999997, 52488.300000000003, 9594, 1297, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9104501', 3512021, '19:16:27', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52451.800000000003, 52452.199999999997, 32052, 8883, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9104302', 801780, '20:39:39', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52449.900000000001, 52450.599999999999, 33486, 16465, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9104301', 794885, '07:22:05', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52449.300000000003, 52449.800000000003, 33897, 14792, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9103601', 36837, '01:13:46', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52453.099999999999, 52453.199999999997, 9405, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9900201', 344377, '07:10:10', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52453.300000000003, 52453.5, 12913, 5101, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9900101', 837167, '14:31:54', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52453.599999999999, 52453.699999999997, 3999, 2070, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9010101', 1779708, '13:08:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52517.5, 52517.599999999999, 4905, 1689, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0250203', 1605018, '07:49:42', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51526.300000000003, 51526.699999999997, 23908, 12659, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0250201', 352211, '01:37:16', '2.2.2', 'LWRS', 51471.099999999999, 51471.300000000003, 21960, 7169, 'y', 26351); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0240202', 2232527, '21:29:49', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 51471.900000000001, 51472, 3172, 2354, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0240102', 303157, '11:21:10', '2.2.2', 'LWRS', 51623.5, 51624.199999999997, 21687, 2030, 'y', 26351); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0240101', 99741, '11:53:29', '2.2.2', 'LWRS', 51575.5, 51575.599999999999, 3775, 803, 'y', 26351); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0210201', 46062, '15:11:10', '2.2.2', 'LWRS', 51495.599999999999, 51496.800000000003, 33478, 1859, 'y', 26351); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0200101', 2890641, '05:38:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51447.199999999997, 51447.699999999997, 13436, 10845, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0150102', 5311955, '08:01:26', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 51471.300000000003, 51471.800000000003, 18054, 15878, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0140201', 3200427, '07:36:07', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51484.300000000003, 51484.699999999997, 5792, 5720, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0065501', 17190, '13:18:10', '2.2.2', 'LWRS', 51563.599999999999, 51563.599999999999, 676, 664, 'y', 26351); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0065401', 16841, '11:38:39', '2.2.2', 'LWRS', 51563.5, 51563.5, 673, 665, 'y', 26351); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0065301', 16721, '09:58:39', '2.2.2', 'LWRS', 51563.400000000001, 51563.400000000001, 672, 665, 'y', 26351); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0065201', 16820, '08:18:35', '2.2.2', 'LWRS', 51563.300000000003, 51563.400000000001, 669, 659, 'y', 26351); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0065101', 18031, '06:38:46', '2.2.2', 'LWRS', 51563.300000000003, 51563.300000000003, 594, 636, 'y', 26351); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4058201', 615592, '06:10:46', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52703.300000000003, 52703.800000000003, 35120, 14794, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4058102', 106390, '04:01:16', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52694.199999999997, 52694.300000000003, 7312, 5777, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4058101', 159027, '14:58:28', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52693.599999999999, 52693.900000000001, 14158, 8283, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4058001', 835942, '14:50:37', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52667.599999999999, 52668.400000000001, 50711, 10438, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057903', 78518, '04:01:13', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52708.199999999997, 52708.300000000003, 4699, 3343, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057902', 237072, '16:38:06', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52696.699999999997, 52697, 14260, 8228, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057701', 1009595, '19:06:41', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52623.800000000003, 52624.199999999997, 25939, 5291, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057602', 145595, '09:14:42', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52613.400000000001, 52613.599999999999, 10684, 6913, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057601', 81653, '05:51:01', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52611.199999999997, 52611.5, 4196, 3748, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057401', 241342, '13:12:48', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52598.599999999999, 52598.800000000003, 13849, 7500, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057302', 358280, '23:37:56', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52591, 52591.300000000003, 22258, 10545, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057301', 245727, '11:59:36', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52590.5, 52590.800000000003, 19409, 10535, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057201', 395527, '20:46:20', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52554.900000000001, 52555.5, 20968, 9425, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057102', 309488, '14:56:10', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52548.599999999999, 52548.800000000003, 10463, 5207, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056802', 87443, '01:14:08', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52496.099999999999, 52496.199999999997, 6041, 4288, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056801', 125074, '16:58:34', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52495.699999999997, 52495.900000000001, 11170, 7626, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054005', 302914, '04:04:14', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52663.199999999997, 52663.599999999999, 16278, 7835, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9030201', 1277849, '15:44:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52547.699999999997, 52547.900000000001, 14972, 7559, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9022502', 1256552, '01:42:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52527.099999999999, 52527.099999999999, 2480, 299, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9020502', 28040, '01:41:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52563.099999999999, 52563.099999999999, 1192, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9020402', 38157, '00:09:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52563, 52563, 1190, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9020401', 35634, '23:03:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52557, 52557, 1064, 106, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9020106', 2665507, '10:03:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52500.400000000001, 52500.5, 6472, 3911, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9017801', 535327, '20:11:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52516.800000000003, 52516.800000000003, 512, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9017501', 3187400, '00:17:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52552, 52552, 1036, 808, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9017401', 7381594, '23:42:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52525, 52525.099999999999, 6208, 947, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9017102', 2341303, '21:13:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52525.900000000001, 52525.900000000001, 3864, 962, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011901', 1776820, '00:07:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51456, 51457.199999999997, 57519, 7853, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011801', 3865889, '01:44:02', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51640.099999999999, 51640.300000000003, 4185, 3950, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011703', 106413, '02:43:35', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51596.099999999999, 51596.599999999999, 9979, 1239, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011702', 261999, '15:39:56', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51557.699999999997, 51557.900000000001, 10676, 6209, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011701', 64007, '10:45:33', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51512.400000000001, 51512.5, 1053, 1735, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011606', 191825, '07:29:45', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51544.300000000003, 51544.599999999999, 8633, 7149, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011605', 643048, '00:06:11', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51511, 51511.599999999999, 23376, 9749, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011504', 1194992, '18:58:08', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51522.800000000003, 51523.699999999997, 42278, 28492, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011301', 20154480, '12:31:29', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51604.5, 51604.699999999997, 4158, 3901, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011202', 397213, '05:16:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51851.199999999997, 51851.800000000003, 20978, 13559, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011101', 21929808, '05:37:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51789.199999999997, 51789.400000000001, 4415, 2707, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1010903', 1186555, '01:11:11', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51536.099999999999, 51538.099999999999, 51924, 39838, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1010701', 2240730, '12:04:08', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51510.5, 51510.599999999999, 2800, 2812, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1010601', 656331, '21:18:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51728.900000000001, 51729.800000000003, 34887, 4518, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1010502', 446562, '05:50:32', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51524.199999999997, 51524.800000000003, 14141, 12538, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1010401', 3173755, '17:56:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51728.699999999997, 51728.900000000001, 5400, 859, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1010302', 24678227, '11:00:21', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51807.5, 51807.5, 2870, 1717, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1010203', 872097, '03:18:05', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51516.099999999999, 51517.900000000001, 26923, 28023, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1010102', 13752758, '12:37:53', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51807.5, 51807.599999999999, 2920, 1853, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1010101', 334489, '16:29:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51757.699999999997, 51757.699999999997, 60, 59, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1260210', 739195, '12:13:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51862.5, 51862.900000000001, 11591, 4365, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1260208', 12505108, '17:56:35', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51855.699999999997, 51856, 7597, 880, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1260207', 29286187, '23:01:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51851, 51851.099999999999, 5570, 954, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1260206', 3789217, '14:12:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51858.599999999999, 51858.800000000003, 7533, 2526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1260112', 8281168, '16:36:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51608.699999999997, 51608.800000000003, 2868, 2883, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1260105', 822494, '11:43:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51620.5, 51620.900000000001, 13046, 11749, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1260103', 14027850, '13:50:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51612.599999999999, 51612.900000000001, 7820, 7677, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1260102', 13888145, '10:11:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51610.400000000001, 51610.599999999999, 6221, 6011, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1201701', 2710861, '01:26:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51639.099999999999, 51639.199999999997, 3782, 842, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011601', 6325493, '02:14:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51453.099999999999, 51453.699999999997, 2808, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5057502', 532053, '02:30:20', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53545.099999999999, 53545.5, 34996, 6001, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0180102', 158748, '14:16:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53354.599999999999, 53354.800000000003, 8321, 5617, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0300202', 330527, '09:48:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53309.400000000001, 53310, 21895, 16002, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0381001', 12403073, '10:04:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53092.400000000001, 53093, 15379, 5177, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1720201', 635841, '23:18:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53175, 53175.800000000003, 23780, 12236, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0230101', 2701335, '06:29:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53330.300000000003, 53332.400000000001, 41818, 23269, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031402', 3743072, '14:39:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51529.599999999999, 51529.800000000003, 9388, 6895, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031302', 3526611, '07:38:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51529.300000000003, 51529.400000000001, 4800, 3927, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031201', 3804626, '22:13:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51525.900000000001, 51526.300000000003, 24755, 9484, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031103', 4761380, '00:38:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51527, 51527.400000000001, 25284, 10373, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031002', 6737018, '22:10:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51532.900000000001, 51533.400000000001, 25510, 13224, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030904', 860811, '14:01:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51822.599999999999, 51822.599999999999, 3954, 2108, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030903', 1054490, '21:00:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51822.900000000001, 51822.900000000001, 4165, 1250, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030902', 929304, '22:44:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51822.900000000001, 51823, 4307, 984, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030901', 1424693, '07:21:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51822.300000000003, 51822.400000000001, 5683, 1900, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030704', 1219689, '16:28:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51821.699999999997, 51821.699999999997, 3918, 2011, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030703', 1029757, '11:00:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51824.5, 51824.5, 3443, 2100, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030604', 1513650, '02:28:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51827.099999999999, 51827.199999999997, 4474, 1761, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030603', 1701298, '05:08:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51828.199999999997, 51828.300000000003, 4824, 1760, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030602', 1100906, '13:29:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51823.599999999999, 51823.699999999997, 6090, 5729, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030601', 2481317, '07:28:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51827.300000000003, 51827.400000000001, 7436, 3882, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030501', 1391850, '00:08:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51828, 51828.099999999999, 6900, 3031, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030401', 5867606, '01:26:05', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51728.099999999999, 51728.5, 12341, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030301', 1415827, '03:43:51', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 51727.199999999997, 51727.5, 17638, 100, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030201', 1117578, '18:40:18', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 51727.800000000003, 51728, 11582, 622, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028902', 25266483, '03:51:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51800.199999999997, 51800.300000000003, 4004, 2722, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028901', 366075, '13:11:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51715.599999999999, 51715.599999999999, 60, 59, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028801', 24899192, '14:44:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51715.599999999999, 51715.699999999997, 6416, 3106, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028603', 1186083, '15:40:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51716.699999999997, 51716.800000000003, 6475, 3427, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028602', 1107669, '17:06:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51714.699999999997, 51714.800000000003, 6038, 2841, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028601', 925335, '05:34:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51712.199999999997, 51712.300000000003, 4960, 1649, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028501', 7986644, '20:42:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51743.900000000001, 51744, 5480, 3920, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028401', 5935744, '17:24:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51743.699999999997, 51743.800000000003, 5360, 3926, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028202', 7042406, '11:08:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51767.5, 51767.599999999999, 6024, 4084, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1016001', 37064240, '03:40:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51788.199999999997, 51788.300000000003, 5010, 3793, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1015901', 7670531, '19:40:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51772.800000000003, 51773.099999999999, 5350, 4986, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1015801', 2937040, '11:03:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51772.5, 51772.800000000003, 9583, 8442, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1015701', 2680969, '01:06:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51634, 51634.099999999999, 4903, 804, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1015601', 2060727, '20:42:30', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51637.900000000001, 51638, 5860, 2075, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1015502', 5627947, '06:53:09', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51646.300000000003, 51646.5, 4300, 3528, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1015402', 2104097, '10:33:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51795.400000000001, 51795.699999999997, 9180, 7543, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1015301', 7652392, '02:19:51', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51630.099999999999, 51630.199999999997, 6460, 552, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1015201', 1671747, '03:11:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51759.099999999999, 51759.699999999997, 15194, 11998, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1015003', 466268, '17:44:05', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51646.699999999997, 51646.800000000003, 2874, 1945, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1015002', 437706, '20:49:51', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51644.900000000001, 51644.900000000001, 2652, 1647, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1015001', 454761, '18:49:44', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51642.800000000003, 51642.800000000003, 2807, 1708, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1014901', 22873860, '14:15:48', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51592.599999999999, 51592.699999999997, 4649, 2007, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1014801', 927929, '19:13:58', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51592.800000000003, 51593.699999999997, 21366, 10529, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1014401', 5945483, '00:32:21', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51620, 51620.099999999999, 3969, 1240, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1014201', 5543498, '19:44:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51730.800000000003, 51731.099999999999, 3836, 3860, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1014001', 20235368, '21:49:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51734.900000000001, 51735, 2323, 1579, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1013801', 31513135, '19:26:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51691.800000000003, 51691.900000000001, 7176, 2689, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1013701', 1494259, '16:42:33', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51640.699999999997, 51640.900000000001, 4840, 4725, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1013501', 1728804, '18:51:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51657.800000000003, 51659.5, 44023, 29214, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1013101', 249949, '11:58:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51662.5, 51662.900000000001, 11046, 11047, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1013001', 482059, '06:11:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51693.300000000003, 51693.300000000003, 60, 59, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1012301', 6479835, '02:11:12', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51638.099999999999, 51638.199999999997, 4488, 2000, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1012202', 1186229, '20:31:49', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51542.900000000001, 51543.800000000003, 34803, 19561, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1012201', 668774, '09:25:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51668.400000000001, 51669.599999999999, 36579, 26609, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1012002', 724441, '19:36:34', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51594.800000000003, 51595.900000000001, 26739, 22568, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011903', 850287, '19:31:15', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51547.800000000003, 51548.099999999999, 20821, 1475, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011603', 2974711, '21:59:30', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51453.900000000001, 51454.099999999999, 3479, 1228, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055401', 493653, '01:35:19', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53466.099999999999, 53466.400000000001, 18980, 3824, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5057501', 395323, '12:53:51', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53544.5, 53544.900000000001, 26393, 2314, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055303', 453186, '19:42:56', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53464.800000000003, 53465, 19240, 6637, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055302', 214610, '11:13:40', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 53464.5, 53464.800000000003, 24073, 4364, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055301', 277046, '02:16:02', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 53464.099999999999, 53464.400000000001, 21653, 5858, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9041101', 493175, '16:18:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53083.699999999997, 53083.800000000003, 6972, 4292, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9041001', 451371, '21:38:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53083.900000000001, 53084.199999999997, 9699, 3392, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9040501', 2488180, '16:16:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52892.699999999997, 52892.699999999997, 3612, 1437, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9031202', 1968846, '12:51:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52866.5, 52867.099999999999, 28643, 9660, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9031101', 837861, '09:37:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53078.400000000001, 53078.599999999999, 10592, 6170, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9030801', 613873, '13:39:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52917.599999999999, 52918.199999999997, 20484, 5532, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5052701', 243423, '19:54:50', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53194.800000000003, 53195.199999999997, 16231, 4454, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5052601', 268606, '06:57:22', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53181.300000000003, 53181.5, 7041, 4386, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5052501', 363430, '04:08:36', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53180.199999999997, 53180.5, 23856, 7595, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5052301', 280182, '01:36:34', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53174.099999999999, 53174.5, 11684, 5057, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050103', 379963, '16:31:56', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53191.699999999997, 53191.900000000001, 14480, 5249, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4059801', 767653, '21:54:31', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53166.900000000001, 53167.5, 24348, 4719, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057104', 2289899, '08:37:05', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53186.400000000001, 53187.300000000003, 62810, 20183, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056604', 281680, '08:09:09', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53158.300000000003, 53158.800000000003, 19188, 13024, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053302', 378060, '02:20:50', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53179.099999999999, 53179.400000000001, 9728, 2360, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052802', 231448, '11:33:42', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53170.5, 53170.800000000003, 13971, 6987, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041402', 3046991, '17:31:13', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51507.699999999997, 51508.199999999997, 14348, 5107, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041202', 742159, '08:49:35', '2.4.4', 'MDRS', 51556.400000000001, 51556.599999999999, 15456, 649, 'y', 57250); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041002', 10655720, '07:13:44', '3.1.4', 'MDRS', 51565.300000000003, 51565.699999999997, 15072, 11314, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1042101', 10028450, '12:00:38', '3.1.7', 'MDRS', 51600.5, 51600.800000000003, 12809, 5479, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054301', 276360, '02:25:28', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52299.099999999999, 52299.199999999997, 4560, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057002', 525282, '15:34:15', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52976.599999999999, 52977.400000000001, 25668, 9821, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5052401', 814309, '03:35:32', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53177.099999999999, 53177.5, 29718, 5302, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9073301', 392188, '05:54:27', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 53084.199999999997, 53084.599999999999, 17327, 6954, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041401', 3864727, '03:09:44', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51514.099999999999, 51514.599999999999, 19873, 12678, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1040201', 1930038, '14:54:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51752.599999999999, 51752.900000000001, 13021, 5693, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028201', 5262022, '16:59:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51766.699999999997, 51766.800000000003, 4480, 3242, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028101', 8662412, '16:00:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51787.699999999997, 51787.800000000003, 3812, 3006, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1027901', 5110108, '05:25:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51773.199999999997, 51773.300000000003, 4116, 3366, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1027801', 25881642, '01:01:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51787, 51787.199999999997, 4845, 3668, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1027701', 11837976, '22:40:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51787.900000000001, 51788.099999999999, 5223, 4030, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1027501', 2823217, '11:38:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51789.5, 51789.599999999999, 3998, 3183, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1027202', 6272598, '16:46:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51739.699999999997, 51739.800000000003, 5376, 3880, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1027102', 8505298, '01:33:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51796.099999999999, 51796.300000000003, 4989, 3284, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1027001', 18152938, '07:09:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51736.300000000003, 51736.5, 6020, 4885, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1026901', 973137, '08:07:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51737.300000000003, 51737.400000000001, 4016, 3240, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1026801', 10012718, '03:07:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51737.099999999999, 51737.300000000003, 4414, 3247, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1026702', 7251996, '20:33:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51795.900000000001, 51796, 4084, 2801, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1026501', 8727817, '02:59:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51735.099999999999, 51735.300000000003, 3917, 3146, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1026301', 1280086, '03:47:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51726.199999999997, 51726.300000000003, 4902, 3766, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1022501', 4192921, '10:54:25', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51569.5, 51569.5, 4660, 4036, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1020702', 2161220, '05:50:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51802.199999999997, 51802.300000000003, 5068, 2456, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1020102', 4227541, '06:01:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51770.199999999997, 51770.400000000001, 6336, 3060, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018801', 13424301, '00:39:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51748, 51748.099999999999, 5330, 610, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018703', 885134, '03:12:12', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51518.099999999999, 51519.800000000003, 29872, 29651, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1017801', 8400697, '14:47:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51794.599999999999, 51794.699999999997, 4160, 3489, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1017703', 487078, '10:49:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51765.400000000001, 51765.599999999999, 6194, 4216, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1017702', 256959, '08:10:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51764.300000000003, 51764.400000000001, 6198, 4228, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1017701', 354457, '14:31:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51762.599999999999, 51762.699999999997, 5642, 4152, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1017601', 2295305, '10:25:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51783.400000000001, 51783.5, 4372, 3140, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1017301', 1592864, '11:22:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51784.5, 51784.800000000003, 13288, 10931, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1017201', 1715459, '20:26:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51783.900000000001, 51784.099999999999, 8474, 7148, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1017101', 7387230, '03:04:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51784.099999999999, 51784.400000000001, 10228, 8321, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1017003', 23766284, '13:52:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51805.599999999999, 51805.800000000003, 7722, 6791, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1016701', 4048976, '09:39:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51678.400000000001, 51678.5, 4240, 2775, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1016502', 2111287, '20:18:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51788.800000000003, 51788.900000000001, 3807, 3019, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1016501', 2188144, '16:40:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51786.699999999997, 51786.800000000003, 3942, 3144, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1016201', 2410608, '19:21:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51787.800000000003, 51787.900000000001, 3884, 3118, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1016101', 246960, '20:40:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51785.900000000001, 51786.199999999997, 9420, 7414, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1017001', 8233547, '01:02:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51785, 51785.099999999999, 3370, 2386, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055203', 415489, '20:18:47', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53463.800000000003, 53464.099999999999, 19348, 6400, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018201', 6247522, '02:00:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51794.099999999999, 51794.400000000001, 3979, 3528, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055202', 344822, '11:59:57', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53463.5, 53463.800000000003, 23995, 8234, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041403', 2886626, '22:47:38', '3.1.4', 'MDRS', 51557.900000000001, 51558.5, 14944, 7964, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1040101', 4296890, '18:10:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51757.800000000003, 51757.900000000001, 6648, 2669, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031706', 2508805, '09:03:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51817.400000000001, 51817.400000000001, 5483, 2106, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031705', 1713307, '17:11:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51820.699999999997, 51820.800000000003, 3917, 1859, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031704', 905158, '11:21:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51821.5, 51821.5, 3700, 2113, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031703', 1774671, '14:42:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51821.599999999999, 51821.699999999997, 4049, 2111, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031603', 3276178, '15:40:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51527.699999999997, 51528.199999999997, 40426, 16684, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031503', 1774841, '05:40:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51822.199999999997, 51822.300000000003, 5389, 2110, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031502', 920813, '06:40:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51823.300000000003, 51823.300000000003, 5158, 2106, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031501', 1380452, '14:23:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51819.599999999999, 51819.599999999999, 4151, 2113, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031802', 4574864, '23:51:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51529, 51529.300000000003, 22179, 7832, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031504', 1369991, '18:30:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51823.800000000003, 51823.800000000003, 3990, 1801, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1026602', 734166, '20:06:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51739.800000000003, 51739.900000000001, 2933, 1999, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0150501', 552530, '09:31:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52972.400000000001, 52972.599999999999, 7645, 2943, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0150401', 238614, '01:05:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52972, 52972.300000000003, 10555, 2403, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1690190', 583149, '01:20:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52974.099999999999, 52974.400000000001, 10532, 2748, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0370206', 341999, '14:27:05', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52972.599999999999, 52973.199999999997, 12347, 5126, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0300201', 267469, '05:21:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52973.199999999997, 52973.599999999999, 11960, 5930, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0180201', 515800, '02:49:30', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52979.099999999999, 52979.400000000001, 13924, 5968, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0140101', 162691, '18:53:41', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53275.800000000003, 53275.900000000001, 2880, 1205, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1042801', 4750043, '22:25:04', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51632.900000000001, 51633.599999999999, 17354, 10159, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1042301', 14338795, '21:19:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51656.900000000001, 51657.5, 14386, 8071, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1042201', 2143381, '00:49:26', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51605, 51605.5, 18300, 953, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011604', 7759484, '06:18:07', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51457.300000000003, 51459.599999999999, 82034, 15025, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5053901', 175202, '17:08:43', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53327.699999999997, 53328.300000000003, 6307, 2486, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5057402', 363650, '02:13:13', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53544.099999999999, 53544.5, 35000, 3069, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055105', 157409, '18:28:51', '3.1.8', 'RFPT', 53931.800000000003, 53932, 11927, 2319, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055201', 399017, '03:00:44', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53463.099999999999, 53463.5, 21633, 6530, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1190507', 1579628, '11:44:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53297.5, 53297.699999999997, 5879, 2489, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1050501', 11797643, '20:01:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51786.800000000003, 51787, 5820, 4657, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1050401', 4895341, '15:20:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51788.599999999999, 51788.800000000003, 5752, 4567, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1050301', 23795386, '08:40:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51788.400000000001, 51788.599999999999, 7736, 6114, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1050201', 3941008, '20:17:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51650.800000000003, 51651.400000000001, 7094, 5197, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1050102', 484267, '16:45:56', '2.4.4', 'LWRS', 51508.699999999997, 51508.800000000003, 4704, 0, 'y', 58464); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1044202', 11826, '14:16:59', '2.4.4', 'LWRS', 51489.599999999999, 51490.099999999999, 20360, 577, 'y', 58464); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1044201', 13303739, '14:16:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51718.599999999999, 51718.900000000001, 19296, 7708, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1044101', 13748604, '10:12:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51744.400000000001, 51744.800000000003, 14744, 10884, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1043801', 57416804, '13:02:10', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51698.5, 51699.5, 16800, 7169, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1043601', 14005314, '18:04:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51715.800000000003, 51716.400000000001, 27955, 9979, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1043301', 3811725, '08:05:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51700.300000000003, 51700.699999999997, 16322, 11129, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1043201', 526573, '21:14:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51794.900000000001, 51794.900000000001, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1042901', 11011820, '00:06:21', '3.1.4', 'MDRS', 51561, 51561.599999999999, 18937, 6735, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055102', 241792, '03:44:37', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53462.199999999997, 53462.5, 21619, 6702, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6050301', 249447, '06:33:58', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53741.300000000003, 53741.5, 20885, 3436, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055103', 36383, '19:00:32', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53462.800000000003, 53462.800000000003, 3922, 2040, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5052801', 230116, '11:35:59', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53207.5, 53207.699999999997, 9553, 1041, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056307', 568327, '15:54:08', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53201.699999999997, 53202.099999999999, 32247, 11982, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055707', 50948, '05:54:24', '2.4.4', 'RFPT', 53215.199999999997, 53215.599999999999, 16822, 2061, 'y', 58465); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053804', 38571, '05:27:29', '2.4.4', 'RFPT', 53209.199999999997, 53209.400000000001, 5611, 1474, 'y', 58465); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2042505', 17693922, '08:01:09', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52991.300000000003, 52991.699999999997, 11639, 6492, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2042504', 17640567, '08:41:53', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52990.400000000001, 52990.699999999997, 11601, 7118, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1161702', 7875393, '16:10:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52128.699999999997, 52129.5, 18001, 15046, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080101', 1526242, '01:25:20', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51599.099999999999, 51599.800000000003, 52520, 14297, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1073301', 338482, '20:37:56', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51600.900000000001, 51601.099999999999, 10505, 908, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1073201', 266858, '16:03:43', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51592.699999999997, 51592.800000000003, 9430, 2144, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1073101', 2003517, '06:22:56', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51467.300000000003, 51468.099999999999, 52634, 20843, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1073001', 391752, '15:48:56', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51602.699999999997, 51602.900000000001, 13000, 3842, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1072901', 293553, '17:33:34', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51619.699999999997, 51620, 11297, 6221, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1072201', 118205, '23:06:51', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51674, 51674.099999999999, 6040, 4030, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071502', 282476, '00:04:41', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51556, 51556.300000000003, 6846, 551, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071201', 326084, '00:56:34', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51612, 51612.5, 14390, 11006, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071103', 130162, '14:25:04', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51596.599999999999, 51597.199999999997, 9819, 1509, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071102', 275022, '08:46:46', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51551.400000000001, 51551.5, 9794, 3230, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071101', 327595, '21:35:58', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51511.900000000001, 51512.199999999997, 10233, 3156, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1070901', 55319, '04:08:47', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51472.199999999997, 51472.199999999997, 3233, 1347, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1070801', 87830, '18:52:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51798.800000000003, 51798.900000000001, 6605, 2655, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1070701', 104334, '05:34:46', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51472.199999999997, 51472.300000000003, 5692, 4081, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1070301', 297539, '08:57:24', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51472.400000000001, 51472.699999999997, 13930, 10412, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1070201', 336719, '13:54:14', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51462.599999999999, 51463, 16444, 10480, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1070101', 441520, '14:11:10', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51454.599999999999, 51455.199999999997, 20148, 9565, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1050601', 14164873, '13:12:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51757.599999999999, 51757.699999999997, 6996, 2746, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055001', 443073, '22:29:00', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53460.900000000001, 53461.199999999997, 19672, 7300, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055002', 413392, '04:57:39', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53461.199999999997, 53461.5, 19703, 8176, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055003', 353722, '13:16:40', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53461.599999999999, 53461.900000000001, 23997, 5113, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055101', 239025, '21:02:51', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53461.900000000001, 53462.099999999999, 13002, 3725, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1110505', 732817, '21:50:04', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51608.900000000001, 51609.5, 18919, 9070, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1110404', 343070, '10:58:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51651.5, 51652.400000000001, 16335, 12063, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1110303', 452296, '10:05:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51667.400000000001, 51668.400000000001, 25967, 22342, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1110101', 229264, '10:16:16', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51515.400000000001, 51515.900000000001, 12336, 12540, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100509', 1251323, '00:16:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51835, 51837.300000000003, 85961, 65215, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100508', 791423, '06:37:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51833.300000000003, 51834.800000000003, 62018, 47167, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100507', 428088, '08:57:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51832.400000000001, 51833.099999999999, 30550, 22451, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100506', 840358, '05:09:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51781.199999999997, 51782.800000000003, 68787, 43211, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100505', 1039497, '09:47:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51779.400000000001, 51781.099999999999, 84728, 46295, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100503', 900407, '07:26:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51775.300000000003, 51776.900000000001, 76210, 37167, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100501', 664230, '01:58:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51722.099999999999, 51723.199999999997, 51225, 12353, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100302', 1263891, '20:37:19', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51563.900000000001, 51565.199999999997, 51339, 23496, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100301', 1388773, '10:02:06', '3.1.4', 'MDRS', 51559.400000000001, 51560.699999999997, 50780, 19688, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100101', 1475707, '21:17:11', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51541.900000000001, 51542.699999999997, 55168, 17709, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080705', 1325908, '06:54:37', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51475.300000000003, 51476.800000000003, 24510, 34924, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3030901', 106516, '22:43:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53154.900000000001, 53154.900000000001, 60, 58, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057702', 923455, '07:25:13', '3.1.8', 'RFPT', 54035.300000000003, 54035.800000000003, 39828, 11019, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057703', 839148, '02:44:39', '3.1.8', 'RFPT', 54036.099999999999, 54036.599999999999, 33994, 7352, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057704', 331488, '15:44:31', '3.1.8', 'RFPT', 54036.699999999997, 54036.800000000003, 12521, 2675, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5057401', 139591, '12:49:30', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53543.5, 53544, 27662, 1683, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080701', 653708, '04:16:16', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51474.199999999997, 51474.900000000001, 19040, 17660, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080501', 269757, '22:36:47', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51602.900000000001, 51603.099999999999, 7567, 643, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080402', 369143, '06:24:35', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51592.300000000003, 51592.5, 12967, 5233, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080401', 266507, '11:07:46', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51591.5, 51591.599999999999, 12124, 6221, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080304', 1261669, '01:28:19', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51554.099999999999, 51554.699999999997, 27751, 3117, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080303', 2937638, '00:37:05', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51540, 51541, 64881, 18552, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080202', 615088, '17:45:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51686.699999999997, 51687.800000000003, 32642, 25824, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080201', 533987, '13:07:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51685.5, 51686.5, 32187, 25210, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1040504', 14813624, '01:00:00', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53010, 53010.800000000003, 13293, 6655, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1040503', 19868146, '22:09:51', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53006.900000000001, 53008, 17934, 8496, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021201', 2295733, '00:23:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51853, 51853, 1422, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070424', 2836127, '13:33:56', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53030.599999999999, 53030.800000000003, 5430, 5268, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070423', 3889680, '06:49:22', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53030.300000000003, 53030.5, 5584, 2464, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070422', 2716976, '17:40:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53027.699999999997, 53027.900000000001, 5293, 3118, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050403', 778566, '03:23:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53004.099999999999, 53004.199999999997, 5972, 3073, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030519', 4799123, '21:31:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53029.900000000001, 53030, 1920, 1185, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030415', 2315886, '00:51:07', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53030, 53030.199999999997, 1920, 740, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090503', 959117, '16:56:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53038.699999999997, 53039.099999999999, 28881, 9378, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090402', 292054, '19:59:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53045.800000000003, 53046.199999999997, 20512, 11195, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9070201', 1142723, '12:22:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53033.5, 53033.699999999997, 11576, 4126, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9051101', 631717, '05:49:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52923.199999999997, 52923.800000000003, 29839, 13701, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9043301', 593865, '10:31:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52889.400000000001, 52889.900000000001, 16949, 1288, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6050101', 100841, '13:45:17', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53746.599999999999, 53746.800000000003, 11786, 2390, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050702', 586794, '10:05:21', '3.1.8', 'RFPT', 53933.400000000001, 53933.800000000003, 33059, 8786, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041203', 49471958, '13:22:14', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 51556.599999999999, 51556.800000000003, 15022, 5518, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070425', 3928616, '18:14:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53325.800000000003, 53325.900000000001, 5999, 2155, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051212', 2689527, '22:10:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54208.900000000001, 54208.900000000001, 1680, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031302', 13856309, '05:13:18', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53313.199999999997, 53313.599999999999, 5875, 5164, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090505', 305991, '15:41:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53220.699999999997, 53221.199999999997, 17346, 8623, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090405', 273804, '12:04:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54181.5, 54181.699999999997, 13718, 2679, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090203', 158889, '06:03:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54178.300000000003, 54178.5, 8498, 6278, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090404', 178673, '17:12:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53828.699999999997, 53828.800000000003, 8428, 504, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9042401', 508997, '03:00:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52879.099999999999, 52879.400000000001, 17381, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9041401', 85499, '23:28:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52876, 52876, 2544, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9041301', 504642, '20:59:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52876.900000000001, 52877.099999999999, 12665, 1539, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9040801', 388669, '22:44:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52877.900000000001, 52878.099999999999, 10163, 47, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9040701', 602627, '03:43:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52878.199999999997, 52878.400000000001, 15621, 12, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9040401', 498159, '21:04:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53002.900000000001, 53003.199999999997, 23885, 8433, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9040201', 453335, '04:23:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53003.199999999997, 53003.5, 20562, 9359, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9020801', 694013, '21:53:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53033.900000000001, 53034, 8677, 2317, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9020501', 1035325, '01:16:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53034.099999999999, 53034.199999999997, 9384, 1685, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9020301', 392717, '04:40:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53034.199999999997, 53034.300000000003, 13383, 4656, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9020201', 566286, '08:37:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53034.400000000001, 53034.5, 9884, 3462, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9020101', 996505, '11:31:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53034.5, 53034.599999999999, 7456, 2084, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9010302', 378354, '19:22:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53041.800000000003, 53042.099999999999, 22531, 7949, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8061501', 186097, '17:43:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53013.699999999997, 53013.900000000001, 7701, 787, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1360101', 214373, '09:07:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52914.400000000001, 52914.599999999999, 10262, 6248, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1260101', 1812607, '08:51:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52999.400000000001, 53000.900000000001, 108874, 47567, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1230206', 1444112, '21:03:27', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 52963.900000000001, 52963.900000000001, 1500, 648, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0660201', 6911219, '20:29:09', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52986.900000000001, 52986.900000000001, 2880, 678, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0660101', 5968313, '03:03:31', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52991.099999999999, 52991.300000000003, 5760, 3577, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0550101', 385774, '00:45:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53008, 53008.599999999999, 20511, 13577, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0410101', 194200, '17:53:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53005.699999999997, 53006, 12635, 9074, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0300101', 433915, '00:36:02', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52987, 52987.300000000003, 9501, 6215, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0070106', 4008099, '04:14:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53042.199999999997, 53042.400000000001, 18316, 6325, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1650107', 118194, '02:09:56', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53006.099999999999, 53006.300000000003, 5555, 3947, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1650106', 221717, '22:01:31', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53004.900000000001, 53005.199999999997, 12639, 9006, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1650105', 269792, '20:12:47', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52995.800000000003, 52996.300000000003, 19446, 15663, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1650104', 121877, '20:59:33', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52994.900000000001, 52995.099999999999, 8758, 7517, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1650103', 198170, '03:56:05', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52994.199999999997, 52994.400000000001, 12821, 8349, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1650102', 154888, '11:44:00', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52993.5, 52993.699999999997, 8818, 7485, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1650101', 152200, '17:15:05', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52992.699999999997, 52993, 10525, 5867, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9044401', 223298, '11:29:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53194.5, 53194.699999999997, 9124, 421, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9044301', 842482, '03:32:45', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53658.099999999999, 53658.800000000003, 39244, 16492, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4059201', 288323, '08:24:26', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52816.400000000001, 52816.699999999997, 17647, 8051, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9051002', 440062, '12:31:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53270.5, 53271, 20792, 6646, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8081701', 69011, '00:47:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53127, 53127.099999999999, 3681, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1310104', 759633, '17:47:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52982.699999999997, 52984, 40716, 26267, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0590501', 65601, '00:36:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53355, 53355.099999999999, 5441, 2469, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0440101', 8121262, '02:11:21', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53287.099999999999, 53288.300000000003, 22150, 18790, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0300302', 1525824, '05:52:45', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53228.199999999997, 53228.5, 15785, 6944, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0070212', 1033979, '15:28:31', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54158.599999999999, 54159, 24185, 4817, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1720303', 315739, '10:08:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53042.400000000001, 53042.800000000003, 19362, 12114, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3030501', 21063306, '22:01:20', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53042.900000000001, 53043.400000000001, 15653, 8458, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3020701', 11747983, '21:30:43', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52984.900000000001, 52985.900000000001, 29833, 14165, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051609', 2534724, '03:35:16', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53040.099999999999, 53040.400000000001, 7912, 2962, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051608', 4512863, '04:19:27', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53039.199999999997, 53039.5, 11601, 3553, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051607', 3195658, '01:54:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53038.099999999999, 53038.599999999999, 18440, 7111, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2040803', 395817, '10:05:22', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53012.400000000001, 53013.099999999999, 8011, 568, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1840501', 3281349, '13:07:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53021.5, 53021.699999999997, 7935, 3052, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1140501', 209742, '17:07:34', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51709.699999999997, 51709.900000000001, 8615, 3967, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1140401', 271337, '05:59:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51709.199999999997, 51709.5, 9901, 3852, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1140201', 692294, '15:04:55', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51610.599999999999, 51610.699999999997, 4858, 4082, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1140102', 446853, '11:11:55', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51626.5, 51626.900000000001, 20941, 12709, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1140101', 375870, '11:48:51', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51625.5, 51625.900000000001, 18641, 11394, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1130301', 716305, '00:28:46', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51826, 51826.300000000003, 26327, 8331, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1130104', 384331, '02:49:25', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51825.099999999999, 51825.300000000003, 14242, 4177, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1130102', 352275, '15:10:40', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51824.599999999999, 51824.900000000001, 13704, 6044, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1130101', 348170, '06:49:39', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51824.300000000003, 51824.400000000001, 12687, 4188, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1120201', 865770, '10:37:00', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51597.400000000001, 51598.5, 32019, 16998, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1120101', 685229, '02:32:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51721.099999999999, 51722, 43025, 14648, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1110707', 180980, '09:38:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51705.400000000001, 51705.699999999997, 11162, 9328, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3020901', 1289785, '13:52:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53204.599999999999, 53204.699999999997, 6434, 3121, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051901', 834069, '13:57:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53155.599999999999, 53155.800000000003, 7999, 2769, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050203', 6102973, '15:29:13', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53353.599999999999, 53354.400000000001, 11992, 5288, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3031702', 9531751, '14:48:20', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 53809.599999999999, 53809.800000000003, 9493, 4469, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3031703', 8014543, '11:09:55', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 53810.5, 53810.699999999997, 5927, 4576, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9022509', 764072, '17:10:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53045.699999999997, 53045.800000000003, 3743, 2065, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9022508', 3558726, '00:26:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53044, 53044.199999999997, 6984, 4931, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9022506', 2169008, '15:33:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52973.599999999999, 52973.699999999997, 5674, 179, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021305', 119537, '23:15:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52859, 52859.099999999999, 4204, 1138, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230704', 763231, '03:51:51', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53033.199999999997, 53033.5, 16973, 5612, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230703', 556528, '20:59:08', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53032.900000000001, 53033.099999999999, 12536, 2336, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230702', 157245, '02:53:36', '2.4.1', 'HIRS', 53032.099999999999, 53032.400000000001, 16979, 1647, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230701', 68658, '18:29:57', '2.4.1', 'HIRS', 53031.800000000003, 53032.099999999999, 17275, 410, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0240201', 208842, '07:09:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51852.300000000003, 51852.599999999999, 11724, 8541, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490101', 562863, '05:35:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51820.199999999997, 51820.300000000003, 4623, 1641, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0341601', 257823, '18:37:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51771.800000000003, 51771.900000000001, 5872, 3122, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0350101', 2248661, '08:17:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51895.300000000003, 51898.300000000003, 85134, 33435, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0360101', 529283, '19:59:15', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51599.800000000003, 51600.099999999999, 15508, 1490, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1270802', 124768, '02:57:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53017.099999999999, 53017.300000000003, 4048, 2566, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1270701', 124952, '11:02:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53017.5, 53017.599999999999, 8107, 5210, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1270601', 106497, '16:31:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53017.699999999997, 53017.800000000003, 5297, 3175, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1270501', 264340, '21:29:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53017.900000000001, 53018.199999999997, 4531, 1111, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1270401', 310939, '05:25:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53018.199999999997, 53018.400000000001, 6357, 3495, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1270301', 231448, '17:22:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53018.699999999997, 53018.900000000001, 5737, 2959, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1270201', 177608, '10:32:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53018.400000000001, 53018.699999999997, 8837, 5715, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1270101', 253365, '21:59:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53018.900000000001, 53019.300000000003, 5693, 1147, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1110202', 71241, '02:19:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52960.099999999999, 52960.199999999997, 4253, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0790102', 300111, '03:22:29', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 52995.099999999999, 52995.400000000001, 5760, 4392, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0790101', 108661, '18:18:28', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52993.800000000003, 52994.099999999999, 1440, 1449, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0720206', 669929, '05:00:29', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53002.199999999997, 53002.900000000001, 43572, 20330, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0480202', 184976, '12:03:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53025.5, 53025.699999999997, 8177, 5098, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0480201', 422431, '17:42:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52996.699999999997, 52997.199999999997, 22563, 16165, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0260301', 670066, '07:19:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53006.300000000003, 53006.900000000001, 24712, 13699, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0230301', 274551, '06:32:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53005.300000000003, 53005.699999999997, 16796, 9548, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1220105', 1953027, '09:42:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52996.400000000001, 52996.699999999997, 10673, 6332, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1220104', 1713379, '10:25:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52995.400000000001, 52995.800000000003, 12172, 8052, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1220103', 3123993, '10:57:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52994.5, 52994.800000000003, 15647, 11693, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1220102', 2045022, '04:43:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52993.199999999997, 52993.400000000001, 12713, 8455, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0601401', 4000048, '17:20:47', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53025.699999999997, 53025.699999999997, 1590, 1305, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0601301', 6759983, '21:31:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53024.900000000001, 53025.5, 15714, 6425, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0601001', 3015404, '19:14:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53025.800000000003, 53025.900000000001, 3511, 2286, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0600401', 6805106, '01:15:46', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53026.099999999999, 53026.199999999997, 4059, 843, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0390305', 239682, '21:40:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52927.900000000001, 52928.199999999997, 9279, 3070, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0540303', 1492004, '01:23:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52993.099999999999, 52993.199999999997, 6188, 4227, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1760101', 315674, '00:04:05', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53266, 53266.300000000003, 6260, 3509, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1310501', 179837, '15:36:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53200.599999999999, 53201, 7833, 79, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1380301', 649148, '02:47:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53183.099999999999, 53183.400000000001, 9350, 3412, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1380302', 267986, '11:49:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53165.5, 53165.800000000003, 12178, 7267, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1180801', 2098736, '05:39:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53155.199999999997, 53155.5, 7359, 3417, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0940101', 255678, '17:57:54', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53356.800000000003, 53357.199999999997, 18079, 11111, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0570202', 521372, '10:12:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53087.400000000001, 53088.300000000003, 31685, 16346, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0290101', 102099, '01:00:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53152, 53152.099999999999, 6314, 2579, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0230401', 369179, '12:37:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53211.5, 53212, 19690, 9719, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1300201', 295556, '15:37:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53308.699999999997, 53309.199999999997, 20644, 6375, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1310101', 945868, '20:05:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52920.800000000003, 52922.199999999997, 42645, 19535, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0611111', 237741, '16:12:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51755.699999999997, 51755.900000000001, 10297, 4126, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0970101', 1319521, '10:32:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52163.400000000001, 52163.5, 3602, 1232, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0950101', 144932, '18:02:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52098.800000000003, 52098.900000000001, 7932, 6231, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0940101', 316305, '07:14:34', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52177.300000000003, 52177.400000000001, 9480, 4198, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0900701', 144330, '14:17:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52075.599999999999, 52075.699999999997, 6290, 2167, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0900601', 757999, '17:35:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52075.699999999997, 52075.800000000003, 6026, 1304, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0900201', 651698, '22:26:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52173.900000000001, 52174, 4899, 987, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0860801', 180461, '01:28:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52174.099999999999, 52174.099999999999, 5999, 1360, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0860701', 304066, '07:48:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52174.300000000003, 52174.400000000001, 8000, 4070, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0810201', 135245, '12:03:58', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52114.5, 52114.699999999997, 10253, 6331, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0540101', 2963468, '19:55:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53187.800000000003, 53188.5, 48882, 13908, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0300101', 113318, '08:24:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53266.400000000001, 53266.599999999999, 7787, 6687, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1040101', 9005774, '14:48:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52042.599999999999, 52044.300000000003, 22662, 25629, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1010101', 800232, '02:59:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52115.099999999999, 52116.400000000001, 34108, 24028, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0970501', 1329447, '19:33:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52162.800000000003, 52163.099999999999, 15619, 2696, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0970401', 3249135, '12:10:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52163.5, 52163.800000000003, 14780, 5322, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0970301', 858838, '04:19:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52163.199999999997, 52163.400000000001, 8905, 1164, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0970201', 2221355, '18:49:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52163.800000000003, 52163.900000000001, 6964, 2286, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0950201', 257605, '02:06:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52131.099999999999, 52131.5, 13239, 11026, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0910301', 1988201, '08:09:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52015.300000000003, 52015.699999999997, 17610, 10517, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0910201', 2062089, '19:38:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52142.800000000003, 52143.400000000001, 18776, 14266, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0910101', 5539463, '20:18:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52105.800000000003, 52106.599999999999, 12016, 9774, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0900501', 891579, '04:24:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52170.199999999997, 52170.300000000003, 7862, 3262, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0900301', 1258166, '16:58:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52144.699999999997, 52145.199999999997, 20440, 5390, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0900101', 541626, '18:55:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52173.800000000003, 52173.900000000001, 7898, 2906, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0890201', 1524244, '16:20:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52072.699999999997, 52072.900000000001, 14898, 4612, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0890101', 910585, '22:03:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52073.900000000001, 52074.5, 45242, 13123, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0861101', 132047, '04:25:54', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52174.199999999997, 52174.199999999997, 4125, 1699, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0860901', 1515531, '06:10:40', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52174.300000000003, 52174.300000000003, 3740, 1402, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0860601', 293846, '14:25:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52169.599999999999, 52169.800000000003, 10552, 5839, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0860401', 451524, '05:47:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52175.199999999997, 52175.400000000001, 9400, 2816, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0860201', 318963, '19:43:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52169.800000000003, 52170.199999999997, 11387, 4373, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0860101', 251935, '23:14:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52136, 52136.099999999999, 6802, 690, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0850101', 505143, '19:47:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52093.800000000003, 52094.300000000003, 21283, 11687, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0840101', 337675, '16:21:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52054.699999999997, 52055.300000000003, 16585, 10536, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0820102', 739725, '15:20:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51992.599999999999, 51993.099999999999, 21178, 14460, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0820101', 838709, '22:42:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51991.900000000001, 51992.599999999999, 22959, 17369, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0810601', 352302, '17:56:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52113.699999999997, 52114.199999999997, 12260, 5201, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0810501', 233423, '11:04:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52113.5, 52113.699999999997, 13870, 8460, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0810401', 483707, '22:16:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52112.900000000001, 52113.400000000001, 15238, 6179, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0810301', 248308, '17:12:14', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52114.699999999997, 52115, 10866, 5420, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0810101', 236479, '05:24:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52114.199999999997, 52114.5, 10706, 6238, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0790101', 1815888, '17:33:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52045.699999999997, 52049.599999999999, 86276, 64449, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0010102', 2592328, '22:32:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53299.900000000001, 53300.400000000001, 17491, 9698, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0010103', 1965312, '11:09:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53300.5, 53300.800000000003, 12711, 6836, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1240201', 922459, '16:29:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54054.699999999997, 54055.199999999997, 28708, 472, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5054401', 403099, '20:35:18', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53360.900000000001, 53361.599999999999, 27833, 17640, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0290102', 293085, '18:04:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53152.800000000003, 53153.199999999997, 20804, 6788, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0290103', 342451, '17:21:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53153.699999999997, 53154.099999999999, 18219, 7276, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0710901', 7958062, '17:13:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52109.699999999997, 52109.800000000003, 4448, 2054, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0710601', 742362, '06:22:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52098.300000000003, 52098.300000000003, 1401, 1093, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0700101', 3328660, '19:42:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52154.800000000003, 52155, 7998, 3286, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0561701', 203481, '04:07:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52067.199999999997, 52067.5, 11008, 8652, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0561601', 287080, '06:53:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52019.300000000003, 52019.699999999997, 18611, 12670, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0550301', 81940, '09:25:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52128.400000000001, 52128.5, 4675, 2543, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0430202', 128718, '23:05:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53355, 53355, 898, 164, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0300102', 97718, '15:23:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53266.599999999999, 53266.900000000001, 7572, 4858, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0710801', 1938696, '13:30:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52144.599999999999, 52144.699999999997, 4796, 2893, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0710701', 4163923, '13:02:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52037.5, 52037.599999999999, 500, 213, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0710602', 1485592, '07:23:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52133.300000000003, 52133.400000000001, 2796, 1971, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0700201', 518644, '10:29:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52139.400000000001, 52140, 18000, 5198, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0690301', 1596841, '20:08:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52110.800000000003, 52111.099999999999, 10007, 2248, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0690201', 1760783, '13:35:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52068.599999999999, 52069.300000000003, 27522, 12432, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0690102', 990723, '10:34:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52143.400000000001, 52143.900000000001, 16095, 12810, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0690101', 1618876, '01:17:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52142.099999999999, 52142.800000000003, 22762, 18598, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0670101', 975702, '01:01:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52158, 52159.099999999999, 39038, 8332, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0620101', 1151261, '07:37:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52089.300000000003, 52090.900000000001, 63249, 38823, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0700301', 709342, '00:01:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53182, 53183.099999999999, 36622, 15091, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090206', 433941, '22:06:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54182.900000000001, 54183.199999999997, 14908, 766, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0750102', 227277, '08:25:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53928.400000000001, 53928.400000000001, 5267, 3303, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0540601', 11852751, '06:07:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52128.300000000003, 52128.400000000001, 6588, 2237, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0540501', 7300250, '16:05:45', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52030.699999999997, 52030.800000000003, 3996, 3311, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0540201', 169772, '08:49:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52107.400000000001, 52107.400000000001, 60, 59, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0530801', 2169197, '20:33:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51921.900000000001, 51922, 6074, 2901, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0530601', 853237, '00:05:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51922, 51922.099999999999, 4789, 1387, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0530301', 1416281, '08:50:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51911.400000000001, 51911.5, 7045, 5192, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0530201', 1067449, '20:07:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51961.800000000003, 51962.300000000003, 8832, 5097, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0521001', 767109, '08:30:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52024.400000000001, 52024.599999999999, 8098, 6613, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0520401', 449563, '17:14:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52160.699999999997, 52160.800000000003, 5292, 2058, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0520301', 305474, '10:40:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52116.400000000001, 52116.599999999999, 6606, 5876, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0520201', 423327, '20:41:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52119.900000000001, 52120.400000000001, 12144, 8267, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0480101', 566764, '03:21:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52100.099999999999, 52100.599999999999, 12782, 10131, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0430101', 1045272, '23:07:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52102, 52102.5, 14523, 9526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0340101', 826952, '10:47:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52077.400000000001, 52078.400000000001, 43761, 21069, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0330901', 267089, '09:13:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52068.400000000001, 52068.5, 7482, 3621, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0330801', 846929, '22:46:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52070.900000000001, 52071, 3983, 560, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0330601', 1596972, '14:59:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52117.599999999999, 52117.800000000003, 4331, 4424, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0330501', 2061056, '16:07:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51925.699999999997, 51925.800000000003, 6271, 3483, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0330401', 1197481, '16:18:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51954.699999999997, 51954.800000000003, 6382, 3665, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0320801', 1337235, '01:49:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52139.099999999999, 52139.400000000001, 9391, 7546, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0320301', 509184, '02:26:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52167.099999999999, 52167.400000000001, 7190, 5268, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0320201', 269962, '10:48:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52167.400000000001, 52167.699999999997, 6586, 5533, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0300103', 178031, '21:40:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53266.900000000001, 53267.300000000003, 6509, 4918, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0520101', 241065, '21:00:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53269.900000000001, 53270.199999999997, 7696, 790, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0430104', 273231, '00:23:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53155, 53155.199999999997, 8264, 4165, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0040201', 540214, '19:11:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51906.800000000003, 51907.099999999999, 16127, 1594, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0030301', 594589, '04:44:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52032.199999999997, 52033.099999999999, 34159, 24879, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0030201', 665266, '04:02:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52033.199999999997, 52034.199999999997, 38546, 28618, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0030101', 1314411, '04:40:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51993.199999999997, 51993.400000000001, 7128, 6148, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0010201', 266283, '08:03:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52141.300000000003, 52141.699999999997, 9283, 4173, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1510101', 802152, '11:13:12', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52025.5, 52026.400000000001, 43406, 24140, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1310102', 629111, '04:56:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52922.199999999997, 52923.199999999997, 34362, 16765, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0240108', 894076, '01:26:28', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51559.099999999999, 51559.400000000001, 22202, 3157, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0240107', 258283, '05:37:42', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51553.199999999997, 51553.400000000001, 8714, 1345, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0130202', 494300, '21:09:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51871.900000000001, 51872.099999999999, 4236, 4355, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0030206', 990901, '21:46:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51752.900000000001, 51753.699999999997, 28054, 10098, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0030102', 501067, '08:07:14', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51583.300000000003, 51583.699999999997, 20771, 10837, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0020503', 305058, '15:06:24', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51580.599999999999, 51580.800000000003, 12812, 6324, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0020401', 194314, '06:01:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51745.199999999997, 51745.599999999999, 10914, 8299, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0020101', 312110, '16:40:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51513.699999999997, 51514.099999999999, 15029, 7989, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100504', 1295549, '01:07:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51777, 51779.199999999997, 112249, 58427, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080901', 1343909, '21:59:52', '3.0.7', 'LWRS', 51951.900000000001, 51954.300000000003, 60594, 38192, 'y', 64266); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080801', 1627855, '16:43:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52034.699999999997, 52036.699999999997, 87666, 53071, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080203', 1317314, '06:56:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51929.300000000003, 51931.400000000001, 83263, 40051, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080109', 859667, '20:57:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51996.900000000001, 51997.900000000001, 34172, 25320, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080108', 587034, '13:21:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51990.599999999999, 51991.400000000001, 33688, 24220, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080107', 1466133, '23:44:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51988, 51990.5, 96784, 70338, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080106', 1329002, '11:46:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51985.5, 51987.900000000001, 100489, 45660, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080105', 1958750, '22:18:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51982.900000000001, 51985.300000000003, 105034, 69839, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080104', 2016560, '10:12:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51980.400000000001, 51982.800000000003, 106421, 69617, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080103', 1366347, '22:07:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51938.900000000001, 51940.900000000001, 82199, 56616, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1072701', 169677, '17:18:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51938.699999999997, 51938.900000000001, 10087, 4582, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1072101', 230055, '06:45:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51946.300000000003, 51946.699999999997, 12503, 9790, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1070902', 131535, '22:59:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51886, 51886.099999999999, 6292, 4232, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1030101', 2148403, '13:43:00', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 51727.599999999999, 51727.699999999997, 5779, 274, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1027403', 474101, '12:33:32', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 51639.5, 51639.5, 2864, 2, 'n', 60802); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1025701', 13603625, '01:45:45', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51579.099999999999, 51579.199999999997, 4464, 1154, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1025601', 16580147, '09:42:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51643.400000000001, 51643.5, 4310, 3978, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1025501', 1657439, '15:26:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51622.599999999999, 51622.699999999997, 4616, 3809, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1025401', 4357016, '07:44:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51579.300000000003, 51579.5, 4183, 3259, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1025301', 1938581, '08:52:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51627.400000000001, 51627.400000000001, 4143, 2772, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1024901', 13330298, '03:09:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51626.099999999999, 51626.199999999997, 4281, 2300, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1024601', 7944311, '03:24:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51628.099999999999, 51628.199999999997, 4563, 2583, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1024301', 1389640, '18:38:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51575.800000000003, 51575.900000000001, 4580, 3452, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1024101', 10153449, '01:06:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51629, 51629.099999999999, 4428, 2447, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1024001', 29470963, '03:16:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51578.099999999999, 51578.199999999997, 4128, 1975, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023701', 6954419, '23:58:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51578, 51578, 3908, 1825, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023401', 22396969, '03:39:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51575.199999999997, 51575.199999999997, 4128, 1822, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023301', 8568440, '02:16:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51575.099999999999, 51575.099999999999, 4128, 816, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023004', 1735906, '07:16:46', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51582.300000000003, 51582.5, 5177, 5619, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1022601', 12376040, '04:15:39', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51569.199999999997, 51569.300000000003, 4648, 4084, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021403', 6093274, '00:40:41', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53060, 53060.400000000001, 6059, 2246, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021402', 10943600, '03:03:16', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53059.099999999999, 53059.599999999999, 11152, 5169, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021001', 423775, '10:37:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51960.400000000001, 51960.400000000001, 60, 58, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1020202', 634305, '16:42:22', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 51507.699999999997, 51507.699999999997, 1440, 0, 'n', 60802); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1080501', 14010418, '05:00:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51875.199999999997, 51875.300000000003, 6828, 3687, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070409', 2654591, '04:13:10', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51935.199999999997, 51935.5, 5760, 5805, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010601', 1418615, '04:50:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51860.199999999997, 51860.199999999997, 1557, 528, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010403', 3380887, '21:05:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51947.900000000001, 51948.099999999999, 7899, 2015, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0590301', 108354, '08:54:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53058.400000000001, 53058.5, 7508, 5781, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0550501', 1949851, '22:45:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53027.900000000001, 53029.599999999999, 92312, 29501, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0210101', 480901, '05:11:59', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53023.199999999997, 53023.599999999999, 2457, 1423, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0230302', 282784, '18:13:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53021.800000000003, 53022.300000000003, 8861, 3993, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0190101', 845824, '11:44:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52657.5, 52658.300000000003, 35209, 4966, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1340401', 292585, '08:42:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52073.400000000001, 52073.5, 8568, 3128, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1310406', 711632, '05:56:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52112.199999999997, 52112.5, 12729, 4421, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1310404', 972084, '15:02:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52110.599999999999, 52110.800000000003, 10735, 4465, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1310403', 758336, '21:14:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51893.900000000001, 51894.300000000003, 9991, 7706, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1310402', 2581446, '08:10:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51875.300000000003, 51875.599999999999, 10578, 8457, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1310401', 1134462, '13:58:41', '3.0.7', 'LWRS', 51864.599999999999, 51864.800000000003, 8027, 5683, 'y', 60800); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1290101', 982029, '12:27:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52134.5, 52135.900000000001, 52427, 9889, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1280701', 299474, '13:20:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52173.599999999999, 52173.599999999999, 4899, 2494, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1280501', 248037, '15:20:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52173.599999999999, 52173.699999999997, 3899, 2003, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1280201', 252554, '17:08:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52173.699999999997, 52173.800000000003, 3899, 1791, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1270103', 3600892, '13:38:57', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51970.599999999999, 51971.300000000003, 20803, 17073, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1260103', 524242, '08:34:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52180.400000000001, 52180.5, 9476, 6244, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1260102', 397325, '02:07:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52166.099999999999, 52166.300000000003, 7184, 2039, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1260101', 340247, '00:39:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52155, 52155.400000000001, 10714, 5360, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1220201', 2154270, '13:42:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52107.599999999999, 52108.800000000003, 28508, 21941, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1200201', 2507837, '19:39:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52052.800000000003, 52053, 8388, 2646, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1190501', 736151, '02:54:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52103.099999999999, 52103.400000000001, 5751, 3526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1190301', 703239, '06:43:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52034.300000000003, 52034.5, 10746, 7146, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1140301', 236189, '21:24:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51927.900000000001, 51928.5, 18523, 15713, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1140201', 408883, '20:24:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51926.900000000001, 51927.800000000003, 31501, 27279, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1140101', 415801, '19:27:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51925.800000000003, 51926.800000000003, 31594, 27183, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120311', 129470, '13:02:21', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52162.5, 52162.599999999999, 3286, 662, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120310', 130827, '11:22:03', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52162.5, 52162.5, 3315, 684, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120309', 50172, '09:57:06', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52162.400000000001, 52162.400000000001, 1291, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120308', 100782, '08:26:59', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52162.400000000001, 52162.400000000001, 1814, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120307', 104979, '06:46:14', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52162.300000000003, 52162.300000000003, 1809, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120306', 109353, '04:59:34', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52162.199999999997, 52162.199999999997, 2146, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120305', 164344, '01:30:48', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52162.099999999999, 52162.099999999999, 2858, 171, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120303', 122219, '20:41:49', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52161.900000000001, 52161.900000000001, 2287, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120302', 134572, '18:53:39', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52161.800000000003, 52161.800000000003, 2804, 28, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120301', 148712, '16:57:30', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52161.699999999997, 52161.800000000003, 3691, 1001, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120205', 161761, '15:16:31', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52161.599999999999, 52161.699999999997, 3807, 1064, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120203', 159853, '11:57:43', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52161.5, 52161.5, 3842, 985, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120202', 167866, '10:17:52', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52161.400000000001, 52161.5, 3861, 995, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120201', 111576, '09:10:15', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52161.400000000001, 52161.400000000001, 1810, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120106', 128439, '07:26:53', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52161.300000000003, 52161.300000000003, 2139, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120105', 134738, '05:46:05', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52161.199999999997, 52161.300000000003, 2155, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120104', 148304, '03:58:52', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52161.199999999997, 52161.199999999997, 2631, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120103', 192718, '00:33:56', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52161, 52161.099999999999, 3049, 55, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120102', 149257, '21:24:45', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52160.900000000001, 52160.900000000001, 2438, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1120101', 155576, '19:37:36', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52160.800000000003, 52160.900000000001, 2802, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1100102', 2766307, '22:09:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52092.900000000001, 52093.099999999999, 10066, 5526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1100101', 3000422, '03:56:14', '3.0.7', 'LWRS', 51861.199999999997, 51861.300000000003, 8128, 1862, 'y', 60799); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1080401', 349698, '22:19:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52002.900000000001, 52003.599999999999, 17901, 12848, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1080301', 295301, '10:09:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52002.400000000001, 52002.900000000001, 18526, 14625, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1080201', 366702, '19:09:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52001.800000000003, 52002.400000000001, 13442, 8892, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1080101', 378888, '23:11:25', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52001, 52001.599999999999, 14532, 10569, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1070104', 1464718, '22:54:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51999, 51999.800000000003, 28957, 18022, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1070103', 417055, '00:54:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51979, 51979.599999999999, 26446, 18553, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1070102', 537532, '16:47:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51968.699999999997, 51969.5, 27840, 17861, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9900301', 454971, '10:39:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52530.400000000001, 52530.599999999999, 11741, 6310, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9122301', 480069, '22:52:54', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52493, 52493.099999999999, 10557, 1941, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9122001', 145096, '23:35:26', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52494, 52494.099999999999, 7396, 2098, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9120101', 737963, '14:48:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52517.599999999999, 52517.699999999997, 4905, 1690, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9104601', 1085989, '06:12:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52496.300000000003, 52496.300000000003, 1728, 1453, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9101603', 113871, '12:26:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52499.5, 52499.599999999999, 6640, 4066, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9101602', 341850, '06:38:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52493.300000000003, 52493.699999999997, 23445, 10865, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9101601', 335155, '05:56:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52492.199999999997, 52492.599999999999, 22614, 9982, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9100801', 165768, '18:13:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52546.800000000003, 52546.900000000001, 10762, 3933, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9080501', 184121, '04:41:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52641.199999999997, 52641.5, 13728, 10248, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9080401', 253151, '08:11:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52639.300000000003, 52639.699999999997, 18043, 10848, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9080201', 249134, '17:23:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52637.699999999997, 52638, 17120, 8854, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9080101', 202200, '07:24:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52637.300000000003, 52637.599999999999, 14808, 10561, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9073601', 1727434, '10:29:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52528.400000000001, 52529.5, 75975, 27706, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9071101', 1258650, '13:01:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52529.5, 52530.400000000001, 58985, 21716, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9070201', 280053, '01:57:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52552.099999999999, 52552.699999999997, 20566, 14487, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9050701', 371247, '11:00:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52348.5, 52348.5, 2461, 2110, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9050201', 1754984, '02:50:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52349.099999999999, 52349.199999999997, 8491, 2238, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9044301', 209108, '07:58:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52553.300000000003, 52553.599999999999, 8728, 7439, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9044101', 546684, '00:03:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52550, 52550.199999999997, 7428, 5825, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9043901', 760996, '09:30:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52496.400000000001, 52496.900000000001, 21550, 13530, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9043701', 419122, '21:43:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52550.900000000001, 52551.300000000003, 12607, 10817, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9033602', 1033827, '21:42:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52522.900000000001, 52523.300000000003, 19494, 4493, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9033201', 1730819, '09:18:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52551.400000000001, 52551.800000000003, 15361, 12575, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9030102', 1990446, '11:34:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52328.5, 52329.099999999999, 32372, 15568, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9030101', 1854123, '07:59:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52326.300000000003, 52326.699999999997, 28954, 12653, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9022501', 4037163, '12:52:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52518.5, 52518.599999999999, 3962, 701, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9022102', 994820, '08:09:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52517.300000000003, 52517.400000000001, 6698, 3462, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6013201', 789285, '18:30:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52342.800000000003, 52342.900000000001, 9056, 4148, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9022101', 1892864, '07:45:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52508.300000000003, 52508.400000000001, 3990, 3345, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021702', 1301172, '22:35:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52509.900000000001, 52510.099999999999, 9481, 857, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021701', 901663, '00:41:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52504, 52504.400000000001, 11360, 5876, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021303', 176110, '22:44:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52516.900000000001, 52517, 5230, 425, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021302', 383537, '04:49:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52510.199999999997, 52510.400000000001, 9218, 3110, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9021301', 53719, '22:09:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52504.900000000001, 52505, 3175, 2112, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9015101', 1363972, '11:45:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52340.5, 52340.5, 2276, 1733, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9013901', 3304687, '06:36:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52340.300000000003, 52340.400000000001, 6559, 3993, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9013801', 2362842, '15:20:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52337.599999999999, 52337.699999999997, 1900, 1617, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9013701', 770405, '06:12:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52342.300000000003, 52342.300000000003, 546, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9013601', 4608053, '10:37:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52339.400000000001, 52339.5, 2680, 2029, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9013501', 1088177, '11:10:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52343.5, 52343.5, 2640, 2047, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9013401', 1216276, '12:50:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52343.5, 52343.599999999999, 2997, 2079, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9013301', 1327400, '09:28:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52343.400000000001, 52343.400000000001, 2510, 2046, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9012501', 8649895, '17:51:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52337.699999999997, 52337.800000000003, 3897, 2030, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9012201', 759258, '22:33:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52341.900000000001, 52341.900000000001, 500, 242, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9012002', 3313175, '23:38:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52343, 52343, 2308, 1708, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9011601', 566895, '21:11:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52329.900000000001, 52330, 4606, 2527, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0020601', 141136, '07:08:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51874.300000000003, 51874.5, 8251, 6333, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0020501', 160845, '23:10:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51874, 51874.300000000003, 10052, 8118, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0020401', 152567, '16:13:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51873.699999999997, 51873.900000000001, 8559, 7411, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0020301', 137534, '11:09:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51873.5, 51873.599999999999, 8538, 6319, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0020201', 172047, '22:10:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51872.900000000001, 51873.199999999997, 9887, 7522, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0020101', 121991, '05:10:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51872.199999999997, 51872.400000000001, 8518, 6291, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0010101', 887278, '09:02:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51881.400000000001, 51882.099999999999, 43787, 21073, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6013001', 1972293, '09:47:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52333.400000000001, 52334.199999999997, 53895, 23887, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6012201', 425314, '22:34:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52320.900000000001, 52321.099999999999, 8167, 1690, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6011901', 235118, '14:14:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52317.599999999999, 52317.800000000003, 9465, 7065, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6010601', 1564640, '15:31:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52303.599999999999, 52303.699999999997, 7900, 3573, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6010401', 1380062, '20:12:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52301.800000000003, 52302.099999999999, 17410, 5199, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6010202', 3004736, '02:02:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52302.099999999999, 52302.699999999997, 38896, 13681, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5130301', 147616, '13:53:37', '1.8.7', 'MDRS', 51627.599999999999, 51627.699999999997, 4500, 250, 'y', 60811); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055301', 1257220, '21:11:52', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52336.900000000001, 52337.199999999997, 30462, 11858, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055001', 384584, '12:21:09', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52313.5, 52313.699999999997, 17021, 4542, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054702', 179739, '20:48:51', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52245.900000000001, 52246, 10251, 4267, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054601', 641045, '16:25:02', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52239.699999999997, 52240, 16727, 10560, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054502', 178938, '02:47:15', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52237.099999999999, 52237.400000000001, 11546, 8428, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054501', 445970, '10:18:06', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52236.400000000001, 52237, 28021, 18061, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054403', 112041, '22:44:38', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52630.900000000001, 52631.199999999997, 5775, 3225, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054101', 185553, '19:38:41', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52218.800000000003, 52219, 9156, 2283, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054004', 192687, '10:18:38', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52217.400000000001, 52217.599999999999, 10053, 2222, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054003', 404140, '19:22:23', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52216.800000000003, 52217.300000000003, 20451, 2361, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054002', 187696, '11:42:49', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52215.5, 52215.699999999997, 9957, 1802, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054001', 414797, '22:27:43', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52214.900000000001, 52215.400000000001, 18216, 499, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053903', 124538, '18:31:49', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52212.800000000003, 52212.900000000001, 4528, 2204, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053902', 160960, '19:08:31', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52206.800000000003, 52207, 7444, 2673, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053901', 298153, '07:39:12', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52206.300000000003, 52206.699999999997, 15421, 10132, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053801', 460016, '01:23:56', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52205.099999999999, 52205.599999999999, 14691, 11039, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053702', 142016, '02:06:13', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52185.099999999999, 52185.300000000003, 10328, 3972, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053701', 632586, '02:54:46', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52184.099999999999, 52185, 36533, 16953, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053601', 194045, '22:28:03', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52182.900000000001, 52183.199999999997, 10219, 7121, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053501', 109054, '00:44:22', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52182, 52182.099999999999, 6040, 3684, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053401', 119643, '18:14:11', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52181.800000000003, 52181.900000000001, 6402, 2204, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052902', 337961, '12:26:49', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52160.5, 52160.699999999997, 12523, 5093, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052901', 1008963, '18:07:00', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52159.800000000003, 52160.400000000001, 27341, 6710, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052801', 129431, '02:41:41', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52157.099999999999, 52157.400000000001, 7171, 5110, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052702', 153422, '19:08:05', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52148.800000000003, 52149, 9230, 3872, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052701', 379305, '04:45:17', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52148.199999999997, 52148.699999999997, 14955, 6639, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052501', 58163, '18:44:40', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52124.800000000003, 52124.900000000001, 3377, 2824, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052406', 350521, '17:43:52', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52523.699999999997, 52524.300000000003, 22331, 6059, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052404', 228321, '13:14:10', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52195.599999999999, 52195.900000000001, 14158, 11480, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052403', 158879, '03:14:55', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52195.099999999999, 52195.400000000001, 8052, 6113, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052301', 297295, '20:24:11', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52117.900000000001, 52118.300000000003, 12309, 4782, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052201', 441475, '19:51:34', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52108.800000000003, 52109.300000000003, 19338, 3946, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052101', 435768, '01:20:00', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52099.099999999999, 52099.699999999997, 21994, 13282, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052001', 189018, '05:24:36', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52097.199999999997, 52097.599999999999, 13370, 9589, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051803', 182700, '07:05:03', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52202.300000000003, 52202.599999999999, 8969, 7107, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051802', 152703, '23:44:46', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52154, 52154.400000000001, 9393, 6406, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051801', 410608, '13:21:09', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52088.599999999999, 52088.900000000001, 18677, 10116, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051701', 32407, '06:16:52', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52076.300000000003, 52076.300000000003, 1786, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051501', 240428, '07:03:24', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52053.300000000003, 52053.699999999997, 14818, 11376, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051401', 309692, '07:40:18', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52038.300000000003, 52038.800000000003, 16472, 10993, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050801', 292640, '19:33:17', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52006.800000000003, 52007.400000000001, 13408, 8140, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050701', 711627, '20:33:14', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 51999.900000000001, 52000.599999999999, 24097, 14101, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050601', 213359, '12:38:48', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 51974.5, 51975, 16124, 12962, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050503', 712827, '18:54:06', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52303.800000000003, 52304.099999999999, 21667, 5585, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050502', 245012, '16:00:28', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 51979.699999999997, 51980.099999999999, 20680, 13132, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050501', 247924, '19:59:52', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 51971.800000000003, 51972.099999999999, 11717, 5089, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S3040203', 2359092, '08:16:42', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51760.300000000003, 51760.400000000001, 2847, 860, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S3040201', 6153746, '12:58:16', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51521.5, 51521.699999999997, 7056, 6151, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3060102', 1027676, '03:35:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52762.099999999999, 52762.900000000001, 57946, 18720, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3060101', 1157485, '06:27:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52761.300000000003, 52762.099999999999, 61319, 13128, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3032301', 1923014, '23:06:14', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53060, 53060, 479, 347, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3032101', 1470144, '22:14:05', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53058.900000000001, 53059.099999999999, 2457, 1650, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3031401', 8058353, '19:13:52', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53051.800000000003, 53052.599999999999, 37244, 18314, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3021001', 1093852, '04:23:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52736.199999999997, 52736.300000000003, 11898, 4078, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2670101', 1009593, '03:22:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51978.099999999999, 51979, 38974, 22213, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2630101', 517507, '00:19:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52054, 52054.699999999997, 19975, 12457, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2510101', 2283547, '19:04:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52109.800000000003, 52110.300000000003, 19861, 3528, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2490101', 416438, '19:51:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52081.800000000003, 52082.300000000003, 22331, 7858, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2480102', 108009, '06:57:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52024.300000000003, 52024.300000000003, 2000, 1858, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2480101', 219268, '05:28:06', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52024.199999999997, 52024.300000000003, 1769, 901, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2430101', 2418281, '04:12:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52144.199999999997, 52144.5, 9244, 5550, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2420101', 1142529, '08:22:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52156.300000000003, 52156.900000000001, 18859, 15234, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2330101', 548699, '16:03:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52162.699999999997, 52162.800000000003, 7141, 3554, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2310201', 967906, '04:05:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52111.199999999997, 52111.199999999997, 848, 481, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2310101', 1984411, '01:01:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52140, 52140.199999999997, 4053, 3273, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2240101', 4387366, '06:35:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51973.300000000003, 51973.400000000001, 4024, 3285, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2220501', 419965, '11:38:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52056.5, 52056.699999999997, 10851, 8462, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2220201', 902395, '01:46:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52096.099999999999, 52096.599999999999, 18069, 4336, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2220101', 118246, '05:07:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52095.199999999997, 52095.199999999997, 585, 203, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2210301', 277592, '12:39:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52074.5, 52074.599999999999, 8464, 3979, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2210101', 240883, '21:17:46', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52074.900000000001, 52074.900000000001, 4458, 1232, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2190601', 383382, '17:17:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52026.699999999997, 52027, 15919, 7076, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2041901', 5350715, '12:40:19', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52150.5, 52152.300000000003, 14122, 13908, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2041601', 7494477, '22:41:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51883.900000000001, 51884.199999999997, 13591, 8462, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1790402', 81620, '06:19:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51873.300000000003, 51873.400000000001, 5253, 5520, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1790401', 77856, '16:00:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51871.699999999997, 51871.800000000003, 5083, 5338, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1790304', 137660, '22:28:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51874.900000000001, 51875.199999999997, 5354, 5301, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1640202', 160122, '15:26:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52109.599999999999, 52109.699999999997, 5592, 2114, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1630101', 312968, '11:48:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51924.5, 51925.400000000001, 21321, 21321, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1540203', 392958, '17:35:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51962.699999999997, 51963.400000000001, 12995, 9499, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1020801', 17133235, '19:46:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51910.800000000003, 51911.199999999997, 4148, 1894, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0760102', 1473095, '21:51:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53062.900000000001, 53063.699999999997, 53879, 15564, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0601501', 8097224, '16:44:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51912.699999999997, 51912.900000000001, 4620, 2860, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0600801', 12357545, '15:05:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51914.599999999999, 51914.699999999997, 4544, 3704, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0600701', 8389786, '02:19:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51914.099999999999, 51914.400000000001, 6034, 3787, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0600301', 3900736, '23:34:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51913, 51913.300000000003, 5865, 3506, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0600101', 5025159, '21:49:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51912.900000000001, 51912.900000000001, 966, 838, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0190101', 572727, '04:54:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53066.199999999997, 53067.5, 35025, 21452, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5053101', 86852, '10:07:15', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53264.400000000001, 53264.599999999999, 5217, 3328, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051402', 368481, '03:20:45', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53261.099999999999, 53261.599999999999, 19420, 11043, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q2220101', 319983, '05:57:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53053.199999999997, 53053.800000000003, 15901, 10230, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2072401', 207673, '23:33:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51901, 51901.300000000003, 10740, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2072301', 350085, '07:05:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51905.300000000003, 51905.599999999999, 11864, 2496, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051301', 2916954, '02:44:41', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53076.099999999999, 53076.300000000003, 2000, 1191, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2040901', 3150996, '21:41:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51905.900000000001, 51906.199999999997, 12546, 84, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1200607', 187148, '13:19:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51909.599999999999, 51909.699999999997, 5745, 3296, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1200506', 201460, '08:20:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51909.300000000003, 51909.5, 8001, 4468, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1190810', 1530240, '13:59:00', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51911.599999999999, 51911.900000000001, 4320, 4230, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080403', 1667450, '16:13:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51901.699999999997, 51903.400000000001, 76283, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080102', 1841510, '11:25:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51903.5, 51904.800000000003, 58196, 10, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173202', 830989, '06:41:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51882.300000000003, 51882.400000000001, 7102, 4230, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172101', 707435, '04:01:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51882.199999999997, 51882.199999999997, 6080, 2234, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172001', 803720, '01:41:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51882.099999999999, 51882.199999999997, 7839, 3594, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1150707', 1831890, '20:54:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51696.900000000001, 51697.300000000003, 14249, 2736, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1150606', 1670538, '12:35:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51696.5, 51696.800000000003, 16548, 7835, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1150505', 851210, '23:36:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51696, 51696.5, 13741, 4188, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1150404', 1561457, '16:36:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51695.699999999997, 51695.900000000001, 14086, 5923, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1150303', 1158098, '02:06:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51695.099999999999, 51695.699999999997, 17143, 6956, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1150202', 2766328, '17:18:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51694.699999999997, 51695, 15907, 5413, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1141301', 184197, '05:18:57', '3.0.7', 'LWRS', 51495.199999999997, 51495.599999999999, 10734, 9708, 'y', 60805); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1141201', 86389, '06:43:11', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51538.300000000003, 51538.800000000003, 16330, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1140901', 217019, '15:09:40', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51803.599999999999, 51804.300000000003, 11092, 8997, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1140801', 208265, '23:03:56', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51803, 51803.5, 11524, 8453, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1140601', 294464, '22:21:55', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51709.900000000001, 51710.199999999997, 9264, 1303, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1140402', 74298, '12:10:32', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51709.5, 51709.5, 2888, 1417, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1110909', 406376, '04:04:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51938.199999999997, 51938.699999999997, 14193, 9469, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1110808', 156391, '04:41:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52037.199999999997, 52037.5, 11360, 8631, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1110102', 431545, '16:19:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51868.699999999997, 51869.599999999999, 25584, 22091, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100510', 1739672, '10:34:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51837.400000000001, 51840.5, 115218, 85682, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1210301', 382572, '15:53:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53034.699999999997, 53035.400000000001, 24817, 19059, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1170102', 921144, '23:40:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53064, 53065.199999999997, 51839, 22973, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1150101', 1516709, '14:40:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53014.599999999999, 53017, 74822, 42571, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0750101', 199510, '23:36:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53048, 53048.300000000003, 13377, 7388, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0710201', 808578, '15:54:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53046.699999999997, 53047.400000000001, 28037, 16349, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0660301', 387406, '10:43:37', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53040.400000000001, 53040.599999999999, 2280, 483, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0650101', 361438, '19:22:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53069.800000000003, 53070.599999999999, 14502, 6321, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0580201', 1074023, '22:38:44', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53061.900000000001, 53062.900000000001, 32585, 12151, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0420202', 308027, '14:44:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53080.599999999999, 53081, 12153, 8963, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0280203', 1678773, '07:08:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53049.300000000003, 53051.199999999997, 84519, 52057, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0150201', 140806, '21:53:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53047.900000000001, 53047.900000000001, 3016, 660, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1680302', 1365826, '17:10:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53058.699999999997, 53058.900000000001, 7391, 5689, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1680201', 4117339, '12:10:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53060.5, 53060.699999999997, 4336, 933, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0730102', 2799719, '18:27:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53063.800000000003, 53063.900000000001, 6652, 4129, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070405', 6866444, '16:15:49', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 51932.699999999997, 51933.099999999999, 9120, 9115, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070404', 5398312, '15:29:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51919.599999999999, 51919.800000000003, 6204, 4399, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070403', 2321090, '22:51:07', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51919, 51919.300000000003, 4800, 3063, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030605', 1566921, '13:20:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51919.599999999999, 51919.599999999999, 500, 151, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030604', 1566001, '09:02:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51918.400000000001, 51918.400000000001, 500, 145, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030507', 1389528, '13:45:24', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51919.599999999999, 51919.599999999999, 500, 503, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030506', 1335198, '09:26:40', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51918.400000000001, 51918.400000000001, 500, 503, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030403', 788062, '15:08:06', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51919.599999999999, 51919.599999999999, 480, 483, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8050502', 664822, '15:26:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53089.599999999999, 53090, 23477, 8429, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8050501', 575204, '07:28:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53089.300000000003, 53089.599999999999, 17636, 7754, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9130401', 281178, '20:43:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53030.900000000001, 53031.099999999999, 9299, 3810, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9111102', 123355, '13:00:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52937.5, 52937.599999999999, 6769, 3129, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9110501', 294084, '08:06:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52945.300000000003, 52945.5, 13595, 6307, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090502', 450378, '07:16:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52864.300000000003, 52864.599999999999, 17897, 7330, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090302', 222297, '17:51:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53081.699999999997, 53081.900000000001, 12541, 3640, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090301', 520758, '13:02:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53081.5, 53081.699999999997, 13554, 4812, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9050502', 417947, '16:20:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53052.699999999997, 53053, 23531, 9559, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9050501', 663323, '05:28:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53051.199999999997, 53051.800000000003, 34062, 15512, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9050401', 1293488, '21:24:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53013.900000000001, 53014.5, 41121, 9613, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9050301', 543671, '17:37:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52928.699999999997, 52929, 16973, 4811, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9050201', 288358, '07:00:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53004.300000000003, 53004.800000000003, 12557, 3510, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9050101', 351884, '17:39:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52974.699999999997, 52975, 14641, 2051, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9030304', 395473, '19:06:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52990.800000000003, 52991.099999999999, 14489, 5543, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9030303', 180169, '02:38:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52990.099999999999, 52990.300000000003, 11121, 6285, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9030302', 270331, '05:48:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52989.199999999997, 52989.699999999997, 23358, 14746, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9030301', 728939, '10:53:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52987.5, 52988.599999999999, 51093, 32002, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9030202', 544719, '20:15:57', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52998.800000000003, 52999.300000000003, 31125, 14662, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9010502', 298423, '06:28:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52861.300000000003, 52861.5, 13979, 6040, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1720201', 632649, '12:38:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53039.5, 53040, 22412, 9611, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1720104', 1127679, '12:19:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53035.5, 53036.800000000003, 63331, 29746, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1710101', 264640, '10:17:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53047.400000000001, 53047.699999999997, 7919, 4467, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1550102', 333745, '07:41:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53046.300000000003, 53046.599999999999, 9693, 6485, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1550101', 489110, '00:06:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53045, 53045.599999999999, 24481, 12559, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1175101', 451372, '11:17:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51586.5, 51586.599999999999, 6645, 3934, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1175001', 1079199, '01:13:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51586.099999999999, 51586.199999999997, 8156, 2329, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174701', 675589, '23:15:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51585, 51585, 4183, 1167, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174601', 3032486, '16:55:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51583.699999999997, 51583.800000000003, 6798, 2883, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174402', 782120, '21:14:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51829.900000000001, 51830, 7899, 2658, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174401', 869101, '16:01:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51829.699999999997, 51829.800000000003, 8869, 4701, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173901', 355568, '07:55:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51586.300000000003, 51586.5, 6795, 3607, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173801', 1889499, '18:44:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51585.800000000003, 51585.900000000001, 4776, 5176, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173001', 2308903, '00:46:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51585, 51585.099999999999, 7586, 1177, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172801', 1351540, '04:21:31', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51585.199999999997, 51585.199999999997, 4469, 1394, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172601', 926144, '04:33:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51586.199999999997, 51586.300000000003, 4789, 2384, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172501', 1499222, '04:02:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51822.199999999997, 51822.199999999997, 5532, 2111, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172201', 577432, '15:07:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51813.599999999999, 51813.699999999997, 3501, 2074, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171901', 2719326, '09:24:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51814.400000000001, 51814.5, 7199, 4165, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171501', 442464, '04:58:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51708.199999999997, 51708.300000000003, 4321, 1450, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171401', 757345, '06:42:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51744.300000000003, 51744.300000000003, 1488, 1106, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171301', 1575130, '00:02:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51744, 51744.199999999997, 4450, 2261, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171201', 920551, '01:38:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51767.099999999999, 51767.199999999997, 5261, 2549, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171101', 10830025, '15:01:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51786.599999999999, 51786.599999999999, 1740, 1349, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171001', 389784, '23:38:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51789, 51789.099999999999, 4781, 3559, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1170901', 5873497, '13:07:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51737.5, 51737.599999999999, 2725, 1865, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1170801', 773854, '11:27:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51737.5, 51737.5, 2300, 1874, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1170701', 99629, '13:32:33', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51622.599999999999, 51622.599999999999, 4207, 2059, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1170601', 2614335, '03:36:26', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51642.099999999999, 51642.300000000003, 3918, 3268, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1170501', 2516856, '03:45:28', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51627.199999999997, 51627.199999999997, 4600, 2518, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1170401', 916041, '10:40:18', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51580.400000000001, 51580.599999999999, 5143, 4476, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1170301', 98554, '18:49:51', '3.0.7', 'MDRS', 51510.800000000003, 51510.800000000003, 3000, 1461, 'y', 62387); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1170202', 4931594, '13:29:15', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51570.599999999999, 51570.699999999997, 7635, 1902, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1170101', 93228, '15:23:34', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51510.599999999999, 51510.699999999997, 2460, 1806, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041303', 1720087, '06:11:51', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51920.300000000003, 51920.900000000001, 20183, 14617, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1040901', 208553, '13:59:39', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51923.599999999999, 51924.099999999999, 12315, 11883, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070407', 6141034, '14:46:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51934.599999999999, 51934.800000000003, 6905, 5919, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5053201', 194347, '22:26:31', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53274.900000000001, 53275.300000000003, 10325, 1095, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5053102', 351042, '23:01:56', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53265, 53265.5, 13952, 6867, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5053001', 176566, '21:41:59', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53268.900000000001, 53269.300000000003, 9620, 133, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3020401', 7257075, '03:31:42', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53087.099999999999, 53087.400000000001, 5987, 2559, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3020301', 24204042, '07:51:18', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53088.300000000003, 53088.699999999997, 6267, 2075, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2072701', 170974, '20:16:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51919.800000000003, 51920, 7442, 3835, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2072101', 232838, '10:00:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51912.400000000001, 51912.699999999997, 12980, 6737, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2070801', 148183, '14:06:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51921.599999999999, 51921.800000000003, 11281, 4400, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050702', 11958617, '16:09:02', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52606.699999999997, 52607.099999999999, 15519, 4845, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1630201', 172676, '15:20:37', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51632.599999999999, 51632.900000000001, 8017, 7983, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1350101', 866345, '13:46:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51916.599999999999, 51918, 47704, 29953, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1201011', 146470, '03:20:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51924.099999999999, 51924.400000000001, 10246, 9170, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1200910', 183806, '05:56:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51923.199999999997, 51923.5, 9736, 9055, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1200708', 251859, '04:40:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51922.199999999997, 51922.400000000001, 6633, 5907, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1177001', 498147, '00:28:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51823, 51823.199999999997, 4416, 3887, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1176901', 707323, '06:22:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51821.300000000003, 51821.400000000001, 4930, 4226, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1176803', 639385, '10:19:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51825.400000000001, 51825.5, 5656, 4187, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1176802', 647015, '13:37:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51825.599999999999, 51825.699999999997, 5690, 4185, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1176801', 414230, '13:58:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51827.599999999999, 51827.599999999999, 3637, 2081, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1176701', 381777, '17:25:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51827.699999999997, 51827.800000000003, 4005, 1965, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1176601', 1133561, '02:37:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51829.099999999999, 51829.199999999997, 11092, 4150, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1176501', 599834, '20:09:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51828.800000000003, 51828.900000000001, 4298, 1666, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1176301', 1134899, '06:37:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51828.300000000003, 51828.400000000001, 8177, 4155, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1176201', 480693, '02:00:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51727.099999999999, 51727.099999999999, 4007, 142, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1176001', 356804, '00:21:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51727, 51727.099999999999, 4007, 70, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1175301', 553371, '21:00:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51726.900000000001, 51727, 6622, 286, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0880203', 133877, '19:48:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53053.800000000003, 53054, 8565, 4284, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2041201', 2250710, '07:45:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51888.300000000003, 51888.599999999999, 8814, 8019, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2041101', 2413503, '13:30:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51872.599999999999, 51872.900000000001, 10264, 9593, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2041001', 1734955, '08:14:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51901.300000000003, 51901.699999999997, 12808, 1523, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2040802', 1692000, '23:57:10', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51947, 51947.800000000003, 16775, 9936, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2040201', 1399493, '14:22:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51996.599999999999, 51996.800000000003, 13784, 8348, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2040101', 3750683, '23:14:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51996, 51996.599999999999, 19683, 12828, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2030502', 401825, '10:42:35', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52177.400000000001, 52177.800000000003, 10990, 9611, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1980102', 42682, '05:54:04', '1.7.7', 'LWRS', 51510.199999999997, 0, 1825, 0, 'n', 60807); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1930201', 6213611, '01:58:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51799.099999999999, 51799.400000000001, 9181, 2016, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1910101', 419963, '13:59:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51756.599999999999, 51757.199999999997, 24670, 7117, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1860601', 147847, '12:10:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51874.5, 51874.699999999997, 10680, 6334, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1860501', 188170, '22:53:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51908, 51908.300000000003, 6919, 1102, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1840401', 159460, '23:13:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51815, 51815.099999999999, 4952, 1724, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1790403', 96215, '17:20:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51874.699999999997, 51874.900000000001, 4635, 4884, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2110201', 330288, '16:45:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52007.699999999997, 52008.300000000003, 15285, 8777, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2100601', 163671, '12:15:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52016.5, 52016.800000000003, 11582, 9552, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2100201', 271374, '19:18:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52116.800000000003, 52117.599999999999, 15407, 12074, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2100101', 230160, '18:41:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52036.800000000003, 52037, 13099, 7183, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2073101', 225111, '10:23:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52031.400000000001, 52031.699999999997, 11359, 9143, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2073001', 97865, '13:22:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52034.599999999999, 52034.699999999997, 6499, 3526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2072801', 93743, '01:22:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52037.099999999999, 52037.199999999997, 5657, 3599, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2072601', 99344, '10:17:53', '3.0.7', 'LWRS', 51956.400000000001, 51956.5, 4972, 1514, 'y', 64267); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2072501', 289297, '01:36:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51995.099999999999, 51995.400000000001, 11351, 7920, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2072402', 178293, '23:37:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51937, 51937.199999999997, 9467, 5146, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2072302', 185399, '06:33:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51951.300000000003, 51951.599999999999, 12159, 8633, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2072201', 243938, '05:07:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51880.199999999997, 51880.5, 9992, 5689, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2072001', 288642, '06:20:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51857.300000000003, 51857.599999999999, 11037, 2585, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2071901', 182808, '19:48:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51976.800000000003, 51977.099999999999, 13124, 7075, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2071801', 210817, '09:59:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52039.400000000001, 52039.800000000003, 11733, 9475, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2071701', 129594, '07:56:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51976.300000000003, 51976.5, 8565, 6287, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2071601', 205923, '08:14:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52044.300000000003, 52044.800000000003, 12147, 9632, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2071501', 208241, '14:22:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51883.599999999999, 51883.900000000001, 15993, 10544, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2071401', 159251, '07:42:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51883.300000000003, 51883.599999999999, 10644, 8462, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2071301', 212518, '13:00:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51890.5, 51890.800000000003, 11047, 8413, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2071101', 234238, '07:29:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52082.300000000003, 52082.599999999999, 11335, 6128, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2071001', 201733, '18:04:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51878.800000000003, 51879.199999999997, 12228, 10408, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2070501', 138340, '10:45:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51879.400000000001, 51879.699999999997, 10412, 6205, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2070401', 205320, '04:44:17', '3.0.7', 'LWRS', 51862.199999999997, 51862.5, 12232, 1329, 'y', 60808); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2070301', 336386, '18:53:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51858.800000000003, 51859, 12905, 1696, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2070101', 248846, '17:02:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51867.699999999997, 51868.300000000003, 12589, 11137, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051101', 114014486, '12:54:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52120.5, 52121.300000000003, 28312, 16030, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2042202', 2052703, '07:53:17', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52152.300000000003, 52153.900000000001, 35246, 28159, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2042001', 3196561, '07:00:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51889.300000000003, 51889.5, 8544, 7644, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1520204', 4864729, '06:48:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51887.300000000003, 51887.400000000001, 6072, 5819, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1520203', 3737560, '02:28:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51886.099999999999, 51886.199999999997, 4730, 3573, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1510401', 16151248, '15:28:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51960.599999999999, 51960.800000000003, 4612, 4260, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1510301', 201136, '20:50:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51960.900000000001, 51960.900000000001, 60, 58, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1510102', 1683438, '20:53:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51972.900000000001, 51972.900000000001, 1726, 1737, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1330601', 1078063, '17:01:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51889.699999999997, 51889.800000000003, 5872, 4217, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1320201', 966649, '00:59:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52040, 52040.300000000003, 6484, 5460, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1320101', 818754, '12:05:13', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51592.5, 51592.599999999999, 4167, 2542, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1310402', 12273950, '13:56:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51972.599999999999, 51972.599999999999, 1400, 1054, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1310401', 498555, '22:35:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51960.900000000001, 51960.900000000001, 60, 58, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1310301', 1580472, '13:48:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51960.599999999999, 51960.599999999999, 1560, 1187, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1310202', 12430961, '12:17:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51972.5, 51972.5, 1400, 1117, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1310201', 499214, '21:01:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51960.900000000001, 51960.900000000001, 60, 58, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1310101', 7300749, '12:10:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51960.5, 51960.5, 1400, 1180, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223303', 428534, '16:38:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51764.699999999997, 51764.800000000003, 6366, 3521, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223103', 6807852, '11:40:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51764.5, 51764.699999999997, 10044, 5639, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221602', 5220217, '01:44:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51691.099999999999, 51691.199999999997, 7674, 1538, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1190709', 827272, '00:21:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52502, 52502.300000000003, 6032, 4533, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1190608', 5318536, '08:03:36', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51868.300000000003, 51868.599999999999, 4800, 4830, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1190506', 1666819, '20:42:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53060.900000000001, 53061.099999999999, 7642, 1739, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2190501', 1190412, '07:42:54', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52028.300000000003, 52028.699999999997, 9120, 5796, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2180301', 252381, '23:31:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52091, 52091.5, 15740, 12217, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2180201', 488328, '13:15:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52076.599999999999, 52077.300000000003, 33138, 12127, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2170801', 806292, '23:04:18', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52075, 52075.099999999999, 9135, 1590, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2170701', 786769, '22:50:45', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52073, 52073.099999999999, 9780, 1838, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2170601', 720520, '06:39:24', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52073.300000000003, 52073.400000000001, 6780, 2428, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2170501', 702794, '03:20:54', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52073.099999999999, 52073.199999999997, 7779, 2906, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2170401', 586876, '06:58:05', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52075.300000000003, 52075.400000000001, 11779, 3512, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2160901', 3726829, '20:10:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52066.800000000003, 52067, 8233, 2532, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2160802', 3226037, '12:57:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52159.5, 52159.5, 401, 121, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2160801', 454986, '03:51:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52092.199999999997, 52092.199999999997, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2160701', 91759, '14:06:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52026.599999999999, 52026.599999999999, 60, 59, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2160601', 626864, '15:54:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52026.699999999997, 52026.699999999997, 2316, 673, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2160501', 609963, '01:48:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52027.099999999999, 52027.800000000003, 32811, 15691, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2160203', 30749, '12:14:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53067.5, 53067.5, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2150101', 622958, '16:56:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52168.699999999997, 52169.300000000003, 19816, 8447, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2140401', 776638, '16:22:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52176.699999999997, 52177.199999999997, 29965, 10262, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2140301', 1082645, '06:15:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52176.300000000003, 52176.699999999997, 29323, 12645, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2140201', 823151, '18:51:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52175.800000000003, 52176.199999999997, 29894, 9677, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2140101', 838734, '08:36:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52175.400000000001, 52175.800000000003, 27504, 12679, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1190404', 6018060, '04:23:34', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51974.199999999997, 51974.5, 4800, 4832, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1180501', 276733, '14:31:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51888.599999999999, 51889.199999999997, 13068, 12592, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1180101', 94650, '13:52:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51889.599999999999, 51889.699999999997, 5637, 3249, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1176401', 926070, '01:34:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51819.099999999999, 51819.199999999997, 4464, 3305, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1175802', 275346, '10:59:03', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52075.5, 52075.5, 5108, 1341, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1175701', 3646938, '05:45:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51817.199999999997, 51817.300000000003, 5246, 4211, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1175601', 1799114, '03:24:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51818.099999999999, 51818.300000000003, 6424, 4870, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1175501', 5527623, '13:39:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51828.599999999999, 51828.699999999997, 6385, 3152, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1175401', 269316, '08:04:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51816.300000000003, 51816.400000000001, 5425, 4198, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173602', 602529, '10:03:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51882.400000000001, 51882.5, 7237, 4230, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1043701', 5915176, '08:53:28', '3.0.7', 'LWRS', 51861.400000000001, 51862.199999999997, 22355, 6172, 'y', 60803); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1042701', 404130, '21:12:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51991.900000000001, 51991.900000000001, 2192, 1254, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1042601', 345411, '02:03:25', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52085.099999999999, 52085.599999999999, 14652, 10182, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1042501', 372657, '04:26:35', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52084.199999999997, 52085, 21594, 16470, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1042302', 34412861, '04:35:44', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51948.199999999997, 51950.800000000003, 39840, 19605, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041501', 20841029, '05:28:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51884.199999999997, 51884.5, 8314, 7733, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1040701', 602990, '05:46:17', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51886.199999999997, 51887.199999999997, 38369, 27800, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1040401', 4754432, '20:21:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51889.800000000003, 51890.5, 19854, 17621, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018602', 9309227, '07:13:07', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51879.300000000003, 51879.400000000001, 1920, 1932, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018301', 515670, '23:20:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51863, 51863.900000000001, 22714, 8475, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1016402', 1206813, '13:17:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51749.599999999999, 51752.400000000001, 62646, 47353, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1014701', 29001770, '20:51:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51977.900000000001, 51978.099999999999, 10915, 5186, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1014103', 1486881, '00:22:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51717, 51717.5, 15607, 11636, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1013201', 5153049, '16:49:51', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51900.699999999997, 51900.900000000001, 5247, 801, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1012901', 808379, '17:28:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51879.699999999997, 51880.199999999997, 21827, 8117, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1012801', 3729574, '09:45:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51878.400000000001, 51878.699999999997, 12052, 6698, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1012701', 9500503, '02:09:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51689.099999999999, 51689.300000000003, 5282, 4065, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011203', 480834, '16:50:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51909.699999999997, 51910.800000000003, 26784, 16873, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1010204', 1458131, '15:35:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51869.599999999999, 51871.599999999999, 53409, 46136, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070408', 4924384, '19:58:46', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51934.800000000003, 51935.099999999999, 6240, 6285, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070406', 4221765, '03:54:56', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51933.199999999997, 51933.800000000003, 9120, 9191, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070311', 1364296, '13:17:22', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52122.599999999999, 52122.699999999997, 5557, 4233, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070310', 2490213, '06:38:12', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52122.300000000003, 52122.5, 6212, 5515, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070309', 2986683, '00:24:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52122, 52122.199999999997, 7438, 3720, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070209', 888420, '08:46:02', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52509.400000000001, 52509.5, 2880, 3962, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070203', 5113107, '03:56:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51893.199999999997, 51893.300000000003, 8265, 4251, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070202', 2919353, '00:36:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51893, 51893.099999999999, 4610, 1956, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053301', 2852949, '21:56:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52517.900000000001, 52518.099999999999, 12292, 1413, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053102', 2400611, '12:19:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52935.5, 52936, 14816, 11054, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052804', 6406164, '20:02:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53048.800000000003, 53049.199999999997, 18243, 12137, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051301', 6731664, '03:02:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52903.099999999999, 52903.199999999997, 2795, 1355, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051001', 3153973, '14:10:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52864.599999999999, 52864.699999999997, 5310, 3625, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050701', 1163642, '00:08:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52866, 52866.5, 14639, 4675, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050601', 2969068, '17:18:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52538.699999999997, 52538.800000000003, 5065, 816, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050401', 890587, '11:51:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52538.5, 52538.599999999999, 6200, 3920, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050301', 7020045, '06:45:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52538.300000000003, 52538.5, 9190, 5979, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050101', 2131186, '11:07:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52539.5, 52539.599999999999, 6331, 4036, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030608', 8413119, '13:50:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52180.599999999999, 52180.599999999999, 2755, 1362, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030607', 6103573, '04:46:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51934.199999999997, 51934.199999999997, 1912, 1569, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030606', 6797929, '06:08:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51932.300000000003, 51932.300000000003, 2176, 1832, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030510', 5170186, '15:35:37', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52180.599999999999, 52180.699999999997, 1920, 955, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030509', 6524417, '06:33:58', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51934.300000000003, 51934.400000000001, 2400, 2417, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030508', 6881296, '07:55:36', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51932.300000000003, 51932.400000000001, 2400, 2418, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030504', 3800470, '10:03:48', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 51503.400000000001, 51503.5, 3200, 1552, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030406', 3542258, '17:15:30', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52180.699999999997, 52180.800000000003, 1920, 1048, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030405', 4088891, '09:53:50', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51934.400000000001, 51934.599999999999, 2400, 2419, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010604', 3231968, '00:50:35', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51522, 51522.199999999997, 3350, 3179, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010603', 153255, '23:15:19', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 51522, 51522, 397, 399, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7050401', 369129, '07:27:03', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53593.300000000003, 53594, 18530, 1047, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0320102', 1314370, '15:28:55', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52124.599999999999, 52124.699999999997, 1920, 1933, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0300102', 5511672, '22:58:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52124, 52124.199999999997, 8588, 2621, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0300101', 6489383, '12:40:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52123.5, 52123.699999999997, 10250, 5748, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0290601', 1593562, '14:04:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52165.599999999999, 52165.800000000003, 14158, 6026, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0290501', 562410, '07:25:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52165.300000000003, 52165.599999999999, 13105, 5316, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0290401', 941541, '23:22:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52165, 52165.300000000003, 10496, 1102, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0290301', 892727, '14:45:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52164.599999999999, 52164.900000000001, 17195, 6651, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0290201', 560894, '06:26:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52164.300000000003, 52164.599999999999, 16012, 5901, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0290101', 739290, '22:20:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52163.900000000001, 52164.199999999997, 11429, 1175, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0270101', 635087, '08:44:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52170.400000000001, 52170.800000000003, 24307, 12398, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0250601', 1461794, '04:24:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52130.199999999997, 52130.5, 9313, 7323, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0220201', 483282, '07:40:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52040.300000000003, 52041.099999999999, 25470, 21031, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0150101', 1096208, '12:37:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52174.5, 52175.199999999997, 45816, 16564, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0130205', 656736, '02:01:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52146.099999999999, 52146.099999999999, 571, 574, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0130204', 970464, '03:15:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52144.099999999999, 52144.099999999999, 800, 506, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0130203', 934100, '23:37:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52142, 52142, 800, 441, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0130202', 794134, '23:33:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52140, 52140, 724, 727, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0130201', 74154, '23:00:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52099, 52099, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0080101', 1602446, '07:47:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52069.300000000003, 52070.900000000001, 59194, 34590, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0060101', 1045263, '05:59:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52140.199999999997, 52141.199999999997, 20882, 17010, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230264', 629429, '05:06:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51814.199999999997, 51814.300000000003, 2270, 1325, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1210303', 94901, '07:30:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52077.300000000003, 52077.400000000001, 5972, 2972, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0830401', 495268, '14:28:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51935.599999999999, 51936.199999999997, 25251, 12902, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0530902', 35497, '08:57:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52016.400000000001, 52016.400000000001, 2481, 2112, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0530301', 166390, '23:27:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51552, 51552.199999999997, 7751, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0480102', 160937, '16:29:22', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51885.699999999997, 51885.900000000001, 8489, 5791, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0480101', 131895, '09:49:05', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51885.400000000001, 51885.599999999999, 7419, 5839, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0360404', 359959, '10:06:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52178.400000000001, 52178.900000000001, 24481, 13149, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0360303', 470213, '08:14:45', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51675.300000000003, 51676.099999999999, 28307, 18579, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0360202', 529626, '17:54:54', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51554.699999999997, 51554.900000000001, 8785, 2785, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0490301', 116289, '17:13:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52968.699999999997, 52968.900000000001, 5938, 1225, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0490201', 137836, '10:25:34', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52968.400000000001, 52968.699999999997, 9608, 3397, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0490101', 1562924, '05:16:56', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52969.199999999997, 52970.699999999997, 18588, 5846, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0470301', 456033, '12:21:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52930.5, 52931.400000000001, 26740, 15687, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0470101', 702513, '14:53:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52913.599999999999, 52914.300000000003, 34470, 13959, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0400101', 1389796, '02:39:58', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52951.099999999999, 52952.699999999997, 66172, 44446, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0320201', 575925, '17:15:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52952.699999999997, 52953, 22589, 6646, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0300201', 1261629, '13:36:07', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52948.599999999999, 52949.199999999997, 28773, 6417, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0270103', 340326, '21:55:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52943.900000000001, 52944.300000000003, 17966, 11997, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0050108', 141127, '05:07:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52876.199999999997, 52876.199999999997, 3921, 16, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1380205', 97268, '00:36:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52916, 52916.199999999997, 4407, 1206, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0630302', 113510, '19:18:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52980.800000000003, 52981.099999999999, 6794, 2096, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1550204', 101886, '01:57:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52053.099999999999, 52053.199999999997, 4572, 1707, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1550203', 177208, '03:30:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52039.099999999999, 52039.400000000001, 6450, 5398, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0710402', 2204350, '18:19:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52056.800000000003, 52056.900000000001, 4336, 3590, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2041801', 3188520, '11:19:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51937.5, 51937.699999999997, 9890, 6294, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8050503', 506231, '14:43:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53090.599999999999, 53091.099999999999, 15421, 9033, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0810101', 989692, '14:00:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53067.599999999999, 53069.699999999997, 47644, 17818, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0730102', 69655333, '19:06:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53105.800000000003, 53106.400000000001, 23563, 13733, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0260102', 7365217, '02:48:28', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53094.099999999999, 53094.400000000001, 5140, 1225, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1010208', 6749993, '01:35:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53090.099999999999, 53090.599999999999, 12040, 3114, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q3190101', 150443, '09:10:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53098.400000000001, 53098.599999999999, 8423, 4558, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5112401', 1669593, '04:39:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53117.199999999997, 53117.599999999999, 30282, 10339, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1390301', 666311, '11:50:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53119.5, 53119.699999999997, 18500, 5729, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0630101', 1783779, '03:43:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53115.199999999997, 53116.599999999999, 99509, 30714, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090403', 123660, '09:16:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53109.400000000001, 53109.599999999999, 10264, 6139, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9051401', 629582, '08:56:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53019.400000000001, 53020, 33187, 11765, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8061001', 264308, '02:03:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53085.099999999999, 53085.400000000001, 17450, 8832, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8060901', 151884, '02:22:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53075.099999999999, 53075.199999999997, 4624, 746, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1180101', 3574517, '17:30:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53070.699999999997, 53075, 169516, 33912, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0780301', 320990, '11:30:30', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53106.5, 53106.900000000001, 21049, 12353, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0280304', 373394, '21:01:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53079.900000000001, 53080.400000000001, 16227, 8295, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0280303', 259743, '12:06:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53079.5, 53079.800000000003, 12710, 9443, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0280302', 271130, '03:50:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53079.199999999997, 53079.5, 12768, 7558, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0280301', 236606, '14:28:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53078.599999999999, 53079.099999999999, 13911, 7497, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1570301', 1666189, '23:35:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53100, 53100, 2945, 650, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0950201', 2629635, '21:48:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53055.900000000001, 53057.400000000001, 110272, 40311, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0180502', 230282, '20:00:31', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53125.800000000003, 53126.099999999999, 11107, 2145, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230802', 7463531, '12:30:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53133.5, 53134.099999999999, 30367, 1773, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050101', 1653544, '04:40:59', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 51944.199999999997, 51945.199999999997, 33444, 21427, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1010207', 8321999, '03:27:12', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53091.099999999999, 53091.5, 11612, 3824, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1162002', 842381, '04:31:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53103.199999999997, 53103.699999999997, 13567, 5898, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1710102', 517343, '03:06:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53086.099999999999, 53086.699999999997, 23552, 11215, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1200301', 2576080, '13:25:30', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53111.599999999999, 53111.800000000003, 9759, 5297, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0730101', 41893905, '18:14:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53104.800000000003, 53105.199999999997, 23179, 12517, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0590201', 127538, '02:10:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53058.099999999999, 53058.300000000003, 7172, 4758, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0070210', 1035556, '03:23:44', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 53104.099999999999, 53104.699999999997, 38302, 15462, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0070108', 3992839, '09:42:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53094.400000000001, 53095.5, 40135, 23752, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0200106', 1270544, '06:01:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53114.199999999997, 53114.5, 6740, 5063, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2040801', 2196831, '16:57:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51936.699999999997, 51936.900000000001, 12436, 7212, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071302', 162257, '14:54:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51951.599999999999, 51951.900000000001, 11542, 7797, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1390401', 272401, '17:26:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53119.699999999997, 53119.900000000001, 16135, 4389, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090504', 525960, '15:48:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53040.699999999997, 53041, 24171, 9884, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1640301', 751806, '18:55:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53098.800000000003, 53099.900000000001, 46729, 30420, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0820101', 62883756, '17:21:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53103.699999999997, 53104, 9500, 2768, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0320601', 5013122, '16:27:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51961.699999999997, 51961.800000000003, 3788, 3533, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5053701', 777478, '05:51:14', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53303.199999999997, 53304.099999999999, 28075, 11339, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1042902', 14199183, '22:28:47', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51940.900000000001, 51942.199999999997, 28622, 26172, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021504', 1351992, '15:38:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51972.699999999997, 51972.800000000003, 4827, 4746, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0070107', 1096506, '14:36:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53093.599999999999, 53094, 10751, 8896, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5250303', 28288, '07:37:18', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53093.300000000003, 53093.300000000003, 480, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1900101', 407207, '10:59:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51925.5, 51925.599999999999, 9647, 6333, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080404', 2547553, '09:23:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51958.400000000001, 51960.400000000001, 88645, 16376, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1072301', 112959, '05:48:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51945.199999999997, 51945.5, 6313, 6050, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1042003', 5399728, '01:08:08', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53123, 53123.599999999999, 6508, 3367, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8050601', 116227, '04:38:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53093.199999999997, 53093.300000000003, 6633, 1066, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8081401', 231769, '17:26:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53082.699999999997, 53083.099999999999, 11291, 6574, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0070311', 728481, '07:18:51', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 53105.300000000003, 53105.800000000003, 30757, 13553, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0200104', 705352, '12:02:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53113.5, 53113.599999999999, 4554, 1821, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0200102', 715921, '09:58:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53111.400000000001, 53111.5, 4169, 2746, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0560301', 143492, '01:55:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53054.099999999999, 53054.400000000001, 6405, 3338, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5053301', 190269, '18:19:38', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53297.800000000003, 53298.099999999999, 15410, 7510, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050401', 75627, '00:20:38', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 51961, 51961.300000000003, 3110, 1639, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1044301', 39771438, '05:17:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51725.199999999997, 51725.800000000003, 21637, 8271, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021401', 6342091, '00:22:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51973, 51973.199999999997, 4866, 4084, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1390101', 271245, '00:40:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53119, 53119.199999999997, 13393, 1712, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9130201', 248498, '02:31:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53081.099999999999, 53081.400000000001, 10557, 5147, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090303', 184745, '16:17:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53084.699999999997, 53085, 11299, 6212, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1740106', 290832, '14:54:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53109.599999999999, 53109.800000000003, 9155, 2449, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1160402', 2220265, '08:40:06', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53077.400000000001, 53078.400000000001, 25273, 13145, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1190401', 1342047, '11:53:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53097.5, 53097.800000000003, 12675, 3713, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0530501', 959810, '19:49:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51954.800000000003, 51955.099999999999, 8863, 1711, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0500104', 88825, '22:28:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51943.900000000001, 51944, 3203, 613, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0390304', 4733, '11:41:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52811.5, 52811.5, 60, 58, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5250301', 73508, '00:55:42', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53093, 53093, 480, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050201', 133429, '03:55:46', '3.0.7', 'RFPT', 51955.199999999997, 51955.5, 7619, 5634, 'n', 64268); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2070601', 246579, '16:45:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51946.699999999997, 51946.900000000001, 13149, 7087, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2040701', 26732300, '22:43:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51950.900000000001, 51951.199999999997, 6324, 2351, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1790202', 108042, '08:58:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51972.400000000001, 51972.5, 5008, 4235, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1790201', 133856, '07:52:47', '3.0.7', 'LWRS', 51954.300000000003, 51954.5, 6051, 5095, 'y', 64266); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491001', 988203, '03:14:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53127.099999999999, 53127.099999999999, 1016, 440, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8050504', 1143702, '12:42:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53091.5, 53092, 28007, 9201, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5112601', 1787600, '21:03:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53116.900000000001, 53117.199999999997, 19996, 3873, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1390501', 225916, '23:10:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53120, 53120.099999999999, 12505, 498, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1390201', 384674, '06:45:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53119.300000000003, 53119.5, 13675, 4196, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9021001', 431187, '16:36:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53033.699999999997, 53033.900000000001, 12766, 5704, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8081601', 138468, '09:24:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53081.400000000001, 53081.5, 6645, 2758, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0981701', 468810, '22:51:11', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53118, 53118, 3564, 58, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0070109', 602630, '21:16:55', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 53106.900000000001, 53107.099999999999, 18242, 7276, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0810101', 395672, '13:00:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53121.5, 53122, 20136, 7748, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0200105', 1033097, '00:35:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53110, 53110.199999999997, 5660, 2497, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0200103', 645668, '11:09:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53112.5, 53112.5, 4069, 2046, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0200101', 783247, '03:00:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53109.099999999999, 53109.300000000003, 3744, 1680, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0561401', 98517, '15:17:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53054.599999999999, 53054.800000000003, 6912, 3397, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0560401', 103550, '10:13:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53054.400000000001, 53054.599999999999, 5823, 4249, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0500105', 61069, '00:08:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51944, 51944, 3204, 604, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0500103', 89582, '20:48:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51943.900000000001, 51943.900000000001, 3204, 604, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0500102', 88717, '19:08:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51943.800000000003, 51943.800000000003, 3202, 594, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0500101', 85126, '17:40:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51943.699999999997, 51943.800000000003, 2695, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0380101', 796552, '11:52:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52342.5, 52342.599999999999, 5760, 4083, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041502', 21847974, '03:45:54', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51943.199999999997, 51943.699999999997, 10080, 8912, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070402', 2533074, '17:36:48', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51918.699999999997, 51918.900000000001, 3360, 2822, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3031701', 24610642, '12:55:32', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53095.5, 53096.699999999997, 20230, 13036, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3031501', 18079067, '17:27:22', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53096.699999999997, 53097.400000000001, 13119, 6520, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050603', 54383242, '14:22:45', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53107.599999999999, 53108.199999999997, 12315, 5283, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5250304', 23643, '11:18:20', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53093.5, 53093.5, 480, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5250302', 87655, '02:37:52', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53093.099999999999, 53093.099999999999, 480, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1860602', 226810, '11:34:51', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51513.5, 51513.699999999997, 11031, 6111, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1860401', 288297, '19:29:09', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51604.800000000003, 51605, 9338, 2460, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1520409', 10216543, '12:15:33', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51649.5, 51649.599999999999, 4263, 3607, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1520408', 11276418, '19:38:55', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51648.800000000003, 51649.199999999997, 4795, 3546, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1510101', 3714465, '09:47:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51618.400000000001, 51618.599999999999, 4609, 4438, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1330401', 441535, '00:13:35', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51643, 51643.400000000001, 6158, 5061, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1330301', 773457, '05:04:45', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51600.199999999997, 51600.400000000001, 3901, 3392, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221903', 3491777, '05:12:29', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51630.199999999997, 51630.300000000003, 5640, 2912, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221103', 1403393, '14:04:00', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51639.599999999999, 51639.699999999997, 4432, 4571, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1190101', 313706, '12:45:04', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51601.5, 51602.5, 10746, 9724, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174102', 1359385, '03:39:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51530.199999999997, 51530.199999999997, 7245, 3670, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173403', 1572899, '12:12:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51532.5, 51532.599999999999, 5681, 4228, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173102', 891995, '23:05:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51530, 51530, 6199, 2457, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172303', 1402086, '01:25:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51532.099999999999, 51532.199999999997, 6618, 2115, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171902', 1105657, '21:02:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51529.900000000001, 51529.900000000001, 2500, 1734, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171703', 1325044, '03:48:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51532.199999999997, 51532.300000000003, 7120, 3282, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171603', 2464151, '07:12:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51532.300000000003, 51532.5, 7727, 6186, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171601', 450679, '18:07:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51526.800000000003, 51526.900000000001, 6799, 3559, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1072501', 1811161, '14:52:09', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51561.599999999999, 51563.099999999999, 62367, 24857, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041102', 4088624, '05:07:49', '3.1.5', 'MDRS', 51578.199999999997, 51578.599999999999, 7095, 9781, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041101', 6831980, '02:14:28', '3.1.5', 'MDRS', 51577.099999999999, 51577.900000000001, 12893, 17141, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1025001', 6497765, '04:11:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51582.199999999997, 51582.300000000003, 3375, 1216, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1024801', 8954848, '05:15:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51575.199999999997, 51575.300000000003, 4112, 2024, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1022801', 12012250, '14:16:14', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51569.599999999999, 51569.699999999997, 4604, 3761, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1022404', 1975353, '01:33:44', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51539.099999999999, 51539.199999999997, 3376, 526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021801', 8884131, '01:05:08', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51567, 51567.199999999997, 3035, 2764, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1013301', 937409, '02:57:52', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51576.099999999999, 51576.900000000001, 31475, 23325, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1121302', 2798410, '17:44:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51656.699999999997, 51656.800000000003, 3511, 2950, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1080701', 8945892, '14:30:54', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51663.599999999999, 51663.699999999997, 5116, 3969, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1080302', 7958430, '03:26:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51667.099999999999, 51667.199999999997, 1854, 963, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1080201', 1040832, '15:26:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51674.599999999999, 51674.699999999997, 4878, 3692, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010706', 2869601, '11:00:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51464.5, 51464.599999999999, 4664, 3704, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010704', 3341251, '10:33:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51462.400000000001, 51462.5, 5628, 4116, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010703', 2037968, '04:29:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51462.199999999997, 51462.300000000003, 3627, 2244, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010501', 6192840, '20:03:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51593.800000000003, 51593.900000000001, 6068, 2968, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010401', 2981182, '12:33:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51609.5, 51609.599999999999, 5683, 3997, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010301', 818632, '13:26:51', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 51558.599999999999, 51558.900000000001, 11845, 7528, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010202', 11318531, '06:10:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51591.300000000003, 51591.400000000001, 3429, 3221, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I9040501', 9155298, '07:12:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51491.300000000003, 51491.599999999999, 17567, 7702, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1201010', 136656, '04:03:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51634.199999999997, 51634.199999999997, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('X0200102', 2601981, '20:46:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51472.900000000001, 51473.5, 17898, 13535, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1980304', 1198041, '16:54:58', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51645.699999999997, 51645.800000000003, 4839, 2988, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1222001', 6320154, '01:51:13', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51628.099999999999, 51628.099999999999, 4416, 555, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221902', 2638414, '23:06:15', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51629, 51629, 4322, 2286, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221901', 2586492, '22:59:02', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51627, 51627, 4239, 2257, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221801', 5337246, '05:49:00', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51627.199999999997, 51627.400000000001, 4602, 2656, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221201', 845845, '08:51:59', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51567.400000000001, 51567.5, 7453, 6315, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221102', 3384055, '01:58:13', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51637.099999999999, 51637.300000000003, 5313, 4839, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221004', 1133235, '20:06:41', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51645.800000000003, 51646.199999999997, 3424, 3290, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1220901', 1631125, '14:54:41', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51650.599999999999, 51650.800000000003, 5635, 4578, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1220801', 727145, '05:43:38', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51634.199999999997, 51634.400000000001, 3317, 2654, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1220501', 3747919, '04:48:44', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51603.199999999997, 51603.599999999999, 7708, 7241, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174002', 108453, '11:20:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51529.5, 51529.599999999999, 5078, 2202, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173402', 330026, '13:39:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51527.599999999999, 51527.599999999999, 4139, 294, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172902', 1221023, '01:10:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51530.099999999999, 51530.099999999999, 6196, 2115, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171701', 266511, '21:35:15', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51526.900000000001, 51526.900000000001, 4406, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041103', 7029794, '09:36:51', '3.1.7', 'MDRS', 51581.400000000001, 51582.099999999999, 14078, 17317, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1027402', 251516, '09:01:14', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 51637.400000000001, 51637.5, 3139, 1490, 'y', 66626); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1026201', 6009247, '22:00:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51625.900000000001, 51626, 4368, 3101, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1026101', 6475700, '13:29:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51640.599999999999, 51640.599999999999, 2946, 2843, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1025801', 4671480, '01:05:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51626, 51626.099999999999, 4364, 2309, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1025201', 3880525, '05:05:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51626.199999999997, 51626.300000000003, 4545, 1975, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1024501', 4172090, '04:26:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51579.199999999997, 51579.300000000003, 4325, 2118, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1024201', 1237304, '15:12:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51575.599999999999, 51575.699999999997, 4000, 4102, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023901', 976283, '01:31:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51576.099999999999, 51576.099999999999, 3893, 1082, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023601', 15617711, '08:50:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51575.400000000001, 51575.400000000001, 4678, 2615, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023501', 20559401, '06:53:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51575.300000000003, 51575.400000000001, 4640, 2217, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023003', 1768886, '01:01:51', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51580, 51580.099999999999, 5445, 2106, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023002', 1122729, '15:42:24', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51578.699999999997, 51578.699999999997, 3990, 2028, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1022901', 9969600, '23:46:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51638, 51638.099999999999, 3919, 2407, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1022701', 7721429, '07:35:27', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51569.300000000003, 51569.400000000001, 4660, 4075, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1022201', 27033080, '05:10:07', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51610.199999999997, 51610.400000000001, 4386, 4150, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1022002', 684801, '08:16:52', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51650.300000000003, 51650.599999999999, 7014, 5746, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021602', 460271, '14:47:04', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 51618.599999999999, 51618.800000000003, 4052, 498, 'y', 66623); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021601', 3776844, '14:47:04', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51618.599999999999, 51618.800000000003, 5058, 4025, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021301', 9984808, '02:43:28', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51619.099999999999, 51619.300000000003, 5494, 5237, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1020602', 3409577, '02:49:41', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 51507.099999999999, 51507.199999999997, 2269, 0, 'y', 66626); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1020504', 97410, '18:08:09', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 51506.800000000003, 51506.800000000003, 4000, 995, 'y', 66626); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1020404', 191368, '23:23:50', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 51507, 51507.099999999999, 4000, 450, 'y', 66626); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1020304', 253239, '20:15:50', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 51506.800000000003, 51506.900000000001, 4000, 1000, 'y', 66626); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1120601', 1809834, '02:03:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51570.099999999999, 51570.5, 8948, 3338, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010302', 6341718, '12:51:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51566.5, 51567, 12469, 12788, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I9040504', 2004470, '08:40:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51550.400000000001, 51550.699999999997, 9449, 9409, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1920202', 202288, '13:41:59', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51682.599999999999, 51682.900000000001, 15337, 8410, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1630202', 294695, '21:02:11', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51649.900000000001, 51650.300000000003, 10549, 3990, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221702', 5527983, '08:41:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51691.400000000001, 51691.5, 9952, 3961, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1190303', 497021, '03:04:19', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51629.099999999999, 51629.199999999997, 10000, 2573, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023202', 2682496, '16:38:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51691.699999999997, 51691.800000000003, 6000, 2056, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023201', 3862009, '03:54:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51690.199999999997, 51690.300000000003, 8682, 2258, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023102', 11745846, '05:00:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51691.199999999997, 51691.300000000003, 8106, 2420, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023101', 14233087, '20:47:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51689.900000000001, 51690, 9950, 3004, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1022101', 4053471, '19:03:01', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51639.800000000003, 51640, 5275, 4966, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1022001', 637057, '05:34:15', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51649.199999999997, 51649.5, 6539, 5110, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5140101', 666697, '20:09:19', '1.6.9', 'LWRS', 51630.800000000003, 51631.199999999997, 21100, 0, 'y', 66594); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1860101', 69256, '01:02:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51698, 51698.199999999997, 2064, 1143, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1340201', 263950, '10:36:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51664.400000000001, 51664.800000000003, 16218, 11528, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1340101', 316891, '00:00:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51663, 51663.599999999999, 21564, 12735, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1330501', 409073, '00:02:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51685, 51685.099999999999, 6070, 3115, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1330101', 869256, '20:27:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51684.900000000001, 51684.900000000001, 4368, 3608, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1222802', 628376, '00:35:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51707, 51707.199999999997, 4064, 31, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1222801', 680215, '04:44:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51705.199999999997, 51705.400000000001, 4605, 2649, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1222101', 2875639, '08:00:55', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51628.300000000003, 51628.5, 10923, 5992, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221403', 3186329, '05:24:10', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51628.199999999997, 51628.300000000003, 5000, 1528, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221401', 5149548, '09:18:30', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51624.400000000001, 51624.5, 4799, 4501, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221104', 2092492, '08:17:13', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51645.300000000003, 51645.400000000001, 3427, 3400, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1162201', 258035, '19:53:28', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51680.800000000003, 51680.900000000001, 6481, 3463, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1162101', 178647, '14:58:50', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51680.599999999999, 51680.800000000003, 9213, 4911, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1161401', 13615686, '23:11:00', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51639, 51639, 3616, 2134, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1024701', 4540517, '00:56:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51627, 51627.099999999999, 4540, 2229, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1017901', 1662972, '00:50:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51709, 51709.099999999999, 3792, 280, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1016603', 3929980, '14:23:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51686.599999999999, 51686.699999999997, 5220, 3074, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1016602', 4489508, '10:41:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51684.400000000001, 51684.599999999999, 5948, 4736, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1016601', 5044922, '21:57:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51682.900000000001, 51683, 6580, 3225, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9990102', 12500, '17:00:05', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51704.699999999997, 51704.699999999997, 150, 37, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9990101', 13050, '11:55:05', '3.1.8', 'RFPT', 51704.5, 51704.5, 150, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1080901', 19442717, '23:07:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51709, 51709, 2180, 404, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031104', 18214106, '02:35:22', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51681.099999999999, 51681.300000000003, 6720, 4080, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031103', 24568566, '23:11:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51681, 51681.099999999999, 8526, 3417, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030305', 20301594, '06:55:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51698.300000000003, 51698.5, 5191, 3597, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030201', 15214088, '18:43:05', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51697.800000000003, 51697.900000000001, 4800, 2069, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030101', 6825775, '13:43:19', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51697.599999999999, 51697.699999999997, 4320, 1692, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5160101', 7035267, '18:08:36', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51690.800000000003, 51691, 15952, 6006, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5140102', 314812, '07:38:49', '1.6.9', 'MDRS', 51631.300000000003, 51632.099999999999, 10247, 0, 'y', 66595); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S3120101', 10664, '14:21:02', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51602.599999999999, 51602.599999999999, 185, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S3040501', 12904860, '11:33:08', '3.1.5', 'LWRS', 51573.5, 51574.599999999999, 39000, 17469, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1930301', 2893695, '21:06:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51723.900000000001, 51724.199999999997, 5708, 5126, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1860701', 140654, '11:28:31', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51680.5, 51680.599999999999, 6879, 3455, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1840601', 418027, '23:49:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51708, 51708.199999999997, 5641, 509, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1320401', 671456, '17:17:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51701.699999999997, 51702.300000000003, 14573, 7745, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221002', 531948, '21:12:05', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51636.900000000001, 51637, 3842, 4014, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1180301', 132479, '19:40:19', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51673.800000000003, 51673.900000000001, 5047, 2749, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1180201', 54030, '15:19:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51724.599999999999, 51724.699999999997, 3185, 1460, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1163001', 236042, '07:02:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51724.300000000003, 51724.599999999999, 13780, 6979, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1162401', 887789, '20:23:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51707.900000000001, 51707.900000000001, 4707, 1402, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028701', 25760690, '18:08:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51700.800000000003, 51700.900000000001, 6108, 3100, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028001', 3706818, '00:18:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51682, 51682.099999999999, 5792, 3247, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1027201', 0, '22:42:16', '1.8.7', 'LWRS', 51634.900000000001, 51635, 1482, 340, 'y', 66623); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1026001', 14592765, '19:29:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51688.800000000003, 51688.900000000001, 5844, 3917, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1025101', 269293, '01:26:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51691.099999999999, 51691.099999999999, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1023801', 4242340, '01:37:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51578.099999999999, 51578.099999999999, 4128, 1926, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1019001', 97500, '07:59:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51715.300000000003, 51715.5, 4029, 4032, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018001', 14532464, '20:20:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51712.800000000003, 51712.900000000001, 4896, 1483, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1017902', 2326973, '00:25:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51712, 51712.199999999997, 5452, 596, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1014601', 424516, '13:16:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51702.599999999999, 51703.699999999997, 25996, 21501, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1014101', 712049, '01:24:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51713.099999999999, 51713.400000000001, 9170, 6653, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1080801', 11397918, '18:32:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51717.800000000003, 51717.900000000001, 6204, 2092, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030306', 16582346, '05:15:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51724.199999999997, 51724.300000000003, 4172, 1663, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010101', 3894240, '23:52:06', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51730, 51730.400000000001, 16010, 4614, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I9040901', 12098, '19:32:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51599.800000000003, 51599.800000000003, 120, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1210404', 33069, '08:24:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51692.400000000001, 51692.400000000001, 1709, 1490, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1320501', 8938046, '03:44:57', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51741.199999999997, 51741.5, 8179, 6308, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1040101', 147911311, '18:45:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51741.800000000003, 51742.300000000003, 16577, 9910, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S3040202', 7083396, '11:38:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51769.5, 51769.699999999997, 13072, 7079, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1840701', 469174, '21:32:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51767.900000000001, 51768.199999999997, 4786, 3216, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1640201', 5277, '21:49:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51769.900000000001, 51769.900000000001, 60, 59, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1320601', 179365, '00:21:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51746, 51746.099999999999, 3903, 760, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1224101', 4720047, '18:03:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51767.800000000003, 51767.900000000001, 5988, 2780, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223901', 1931632, '21:44:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51747.900000000001, 51748, 5398, 1422, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223801', 1958733, '16:29:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51748.699999999997, 51748.800000000003, 5551, 2104, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223701', 1258119, '04:00:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51748.199999999997, 51748.300000000003, 5437, 2724, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223602', 707154, '15:20:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51761.599999999999, 51761.800000000003, 7032, 3807, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223601', 492453, '22:44:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51758.900000000001, 51759, 4548, 974, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223503', 774563, '23:40:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51765, 51765.099999999999, 3947, 1008, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223502', 1245026, '15:40:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51763.699999999997, 51763.800000000003, 6679, 3628, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223401', 28468805, '08:59:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51748.400000000001, 51748.5, 4520, 3778, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223301', 521749, '22:18:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51761.900000000001, 51762, 4526, 1375, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223203', 363108, '20:11:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51764.800000000003, 51764.900000000001, 5025, 2137, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223202', 806709, '12:19:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51763.5, 51763.599999999999, 6959, 3974, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223201', 731258, '01:49:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51762.099999999999, 51762.199999999997, 5621, 698, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223102', 8265389, '04:30:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51763.199999999997, 51763.300000000003, 7116, 2526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223101', 6599094, '18:50:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51761.800000000003, 51761.900000000001, 5485, 2340, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223001', 40719710, '19:41:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51708.800000000003, 51708.900000000001, 5080, 1526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1222902', 4327982, '14:28:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51767.599999999999, 51767.699999999997, 5769, 4146, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1222901', 3264918, '13:26:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51766.599999999999, 51766.699999999997, 6166, 4201, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1220201', 1607284, '20:39:19', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51510.900000000001, 51510.900000000001, 5085, 2025, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1220101', 691008, '17:10:46', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51510.699999999997, 51510.699999999997, 2088, 1379, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1163101', 9127050, '19:39:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51747.800000000003, 51747.900000000001, 6020, 2063, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1162903', 577315, '23:38:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51747, 51747.400000000001, 10739, 6267, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1162902', 516862, '20:26:45', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51520.900000000001, 51521.099999999999, 6519, 6224, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1162801', 1541891, '12:18:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51748.5, 51748.699999999997, 13130, 6151, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1162701', 2204743, '20:19:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51746.800000000003, 51746.900000000001, 4801, 2956, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1162601', 308280, '19:21:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51745.800000000003, 51746, 7533, 4875, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1162501', 12707564, '21:42:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51744.900000000001, 51745, 4293, 2596, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1162301', 3025694, '20:28:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51766.900000000001, 51767, 4311, 2983, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018403', 1621679, '03:05:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51765.099999999999, 51765.300000000003, 7091, 3032, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018402', 387112, '19:07:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51763.800000000003, 51763.900000000001, 5031, 2512, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1141201', 772535, '09:57:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51749.400000000001, 51749.5, 4381, 3470, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1141101', 1386915, '11:36:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51752.5, 51752.599999999999, 6499, 2762, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1141001', 876745, '11:20:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51747.5, 51747.599999999999, 5712, 3958, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5170102', 184924, '15:27:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51808.599999999999, 51808.800000000003, 9146, 3845, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5170101', 118009, '10:32:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51808.400000000001, 51808.599999999999, 8846, 3525, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S3040206', 2410513, '05:18:38', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51771.199999999997, 51771.699999999997, 21023, 10543, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1930401', 7238975, '22:48:04', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51763.900000000001, 51764.300000000003, 5760, 2178, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1224103', 4389221, '09:18:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51770.400000000001, 51770.5, 6108, 3387, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1224102', 4237958, '18:19:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51769.800000000003, 51769.900000000001, 5970, 2930, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1222701', 5487940, '06:01:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51787.199999999997, 51787.400000000001, 5632, 4447, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1222601', 11819133, '11:01:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51787.5, 51787.599999999999, 5752, 4544, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1222501', 20851734, '00:48:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51790, 51790.199999999997, 3424, 2603, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1222401', 8717904, '05:02:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51786.199999999997, 51786.400000000001, 5348, 4170, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1222302', 14407897, '00:34:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51795, 51795.099999999999, 1894, 1050, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1222301', 431156, '03:44:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51773.199999999997, 51773.199999999997, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1180801', 285428, '19:35:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51782.800000000003, 51783.400000000001, 17226, 15420, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1162001', 760179, '10:00:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51786.400000000001, 51786.599999999999, 5627, 4397, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1073801', 364363, '13:43:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51783.599999999999, 51783.800000000003, 12345, 7734, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142001', 548789, '16:58:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51813.699999999997, 51813.800000000003, 5733, 2764, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1141901', 562418, '17:13:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51795.699999999997, 51795.800000000003, 4648, 1502, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1141301', 236867, '06:19:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51762.300000000003, 51762.300000000003, 2475, 873, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1140402', 728663, '17:30:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51802.699999999997, 51802.800000000003, 3239, 2878, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1122301', 883333, '10:57:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51801.5, 51801.5, 3250, 827, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1122201', 988452, '19:51:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51796.800000000003, 51796.900000000001, 4481, 3101, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1122001', 720382, '07:43:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51772.300000000003, 51772.400000000001, 3259, 2207, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1121901', 769744, '14:08:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51765.599999999999, 51765.599999999999, 3374, 1804, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1121702', 710527, '01:40:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51792.099999999999, 51792.199999999997, 3397, 1549, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1120802', 706694, '17:56:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51804.699999999997, 51804.800000000003, 3250, 1995, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1040105', 69818494, '20:20:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51806.800000000003, 51807.400000000001, 7817, 5450, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030307', 19979324, '20:43:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51773.900000000001, 51774, 5227, 3302, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030202', 16855587, '01:49:20', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51774.099999999999, 51774.199999999997, 4800, 3674, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030102', 12400296, '06:33:25', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51774.300000000003, 51774.400000000001, 5760, 4136, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230263', 729755, '08:36:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51813.400000000001, 51813.400000000001, 2220, 1857, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0830301', 209300, '14:32:34', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51797.599999999999, 51797.800000000003, 12770, 6416, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S3040204', 3493879, '04:20:48', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51761.199999999997, 51761.400000000001, 5013, 1045, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1920101', 255045, '15:42:33', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51679.699999999997, 51680.400000000001, 14135, 14968, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1870101', 12914725, '01:51:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51688.099999999999, 51688.599999999999, 12149, 8259, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230279', 2911578, '07:05:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51830.300000000003, 51830.400000000001, 8530, 4209, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230278', 2037645, '20:25:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51830.900000000001, 51830.900000000001, 5899, 3247, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230277', 2231602, '09:26:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51829.400000000001, 51829.5, 6727, 3921, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230275', 709083, '22:36:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51827.900000000001, 51828, 2000, 1303, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230274', 694328, '21:34:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51826.900000000001, 51827, 3485, 2717, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230273', 1184600, '20:35:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51825.900000000001, 51825.900000000001, 3574, 2782, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230271', 419360, '23:44:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51824, 51824.099999999999, 2206, 1891, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230270', 1288998, '09:11:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51822.400000000001, 51822.5, 3874, 3556, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230269', 978761, '00:07:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51821, 51821.199999999997, 2959, 2675, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230268', 662104, '06:11:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51819.300000000003, 51819.300000000003, 2019, 1917, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230267', 1197658, '17:36:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51817.699999999997, 51817.800000000003, 3591, 3164, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230265', 1177423, '05:35:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51815.199999999997, 51815.300000000003, 3482, 2807, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5140201', 603819, '12:20:28', '1.6.9', 'MDRS', 51647.5, 51648, 11396, 0, 'y', 66601); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S3120102', 373348, '15:57:00', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51619.699999999997, 51619.699999999997, 2000, 1534, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S3070101', 49629925, '09:40:58', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 51557.400000000001, 51557.599999999999, 15360, 4036, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S3040502', 25263081, '21:36:59', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 51640.900000000001, 51642.099999999999, 28935, 19312, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031102', 16016460, '19:25:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51646.800000000003, 51646.900000000001, 5424, 2536, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031101', 15913095, '16:44:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51633.699999999997, 51633.800000000003, 5372, 1922, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010602', 1082308, '18:14:09', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 51521.800000000003, 51521.800000000003, 1230, 1236, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010402', 4644286, '21:32:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51663.900000000001, 51664.300000000003, 12160, 7156, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I9040503', 497494, '18:06:54', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51549.800000000003, 51550.300000000003, 34422, 3896, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190105', 7115428, '08:29:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51590.400000000001, 51590.599999999999, 7710, 7288, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190103', 7219417, '07:30:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51589.300000000003, 51589.599999999999, 7887, 7468, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190102', 5616787, '19:50:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51588.800000000003, 51589.300000000003, 7833, 7237, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S3040207', 1654427, '12:42:19', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51849.5, 51849.800000000003, 7510, 5312, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2030104', 1265712, '01:40:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51831.099999999999, 51831.099999999999, 2400, 941, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2030103', 1277636, '00:02:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51831, 51831, 2400, 831, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2030102', 1283261, '05:42:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51830.199999999997, 51830.300000000003, 2399, 853, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2030101', 1248186, '02:21:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51830.099999999999, 51830.099999999999, 2400, 925, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1790302', 91688, '17:39:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51807.699999999997, 51808, 3962, 4193, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1790301', 115814, '09:21:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51802.400000000001, 51802.599999999999, 6849, 7152, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223501', 1309409, '08:01:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51762.300000000003, 51762.400000000001, 6994, 3814, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1200304', 511196, '15:10:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51845.599999999999, 51845.800000000003, 9472, 6240, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1180901', 310021, '19:37:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51851.800000000003, 51852.199999999997, 10361, 2146, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1175901', 237294, '18:57:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51820.800000000003, 51820.900000000001, 4137, 3799, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1175201', 3141604, '10:05:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51818.400000000001, 51818.5, 5143, 4222, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174801', 694385, '11:03:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51819.5, 51819.5, 3776, 2113, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174203', 600659, '22:07:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51818.900000000001, 51819, 4143, 1015, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174202', 507048, '12:43:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51819.5, 51819.599999999999, 3978, 2113, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174201', 802758, '14:26:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51814.599999999999, 51814.699999999997, 6406, 4040, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174101', 855452, '00:53:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51820, 51820.099999999999, 4369, 586, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172705', 436886, '16:52:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51818.699999999997, 51818.800000000003, 3998, 1865, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172704', 433966, '12:24:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51817.5, 51817.599999999999, 4062, 2106, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172703', 387559, '02:14:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51818.099999999999, 51818.099999999999, 3321, 619, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172702', 447155, '13:22:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51818.599999999999, 51818.599999999999, 4118, 2111, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171804', 2480065, '19:00:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51815.800000000003, 51815.900000000001, 5037, 2729, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171803', 1717042, '15:28:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51815.599999999999, 51815.800000000003, 6368, 3951, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1171802', 2298957, '12:03:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51815.5, 51815.5, 3592, 2092, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1160301', 4051233, '07:28:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51844.300000000003, 51844.599999999999, 9424, 7806, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1160201', 575681, '06:25:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51843.300000000003, 51844, 34704, 22650, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1141402', 77101, '06:51:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51850.300000000003, 51850.400000000001, 3152, 2834, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1073401', 184071, '17:36:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51703.699999999997, 51704.099999999999, 10470, 4874, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1072601', 153741, '13:53:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51706.599999999999, 51706.900000000001, 8156, 7415, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1072401', 216678, '06:42:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51707.300000000003, 51707.800000000003, 10547, 10494, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041302', 893022, '02:23:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51855.099999999999, 51855.400000000001, 12407, 5462, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041301', 1038910, '21:56:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51853.900000000001, 51854.300000000003, 14255, 3252, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030312', 5697554, '10:28:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51842.400000000001, 51842.5, 5460, 4126, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030311', 22825461, '05:28:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51842.199999999997, 51842.400000000001, 6058, 4977, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030310', 20568809, '12:49:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51841.5, 51841.599999999999, 5772, 4156, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030309', 19487585, '09:29:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51841.400000000001, 51841.5, 5055, 4104, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030308', 15441942, '06:09:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51841.300000000003, 51841.400000000001, 4041, 3334, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030203', 17431421, '16:17:02', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51841.699999999997, 51841.800000000003, 4800, 3873, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230276', 1524954, '21:52:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51828.900000000001, 51829, 4552, 1464, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230266', 821945, '16:35:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51816.699999999997, 51816.800000000003, 3951, 3429, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0840105', 179309, '08:18:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51685.300000000003, 51685.5, 5972, 4936, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0840104', 320002, '15:38:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51684.699999999997, 51684.800000000003, 6334, 5222, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0840103', 160462, '21:06:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51683.900000000001, 51684, 4572, 3587, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0840102', 251880, '01:19:36', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51683.099999999999, 51683.199999999997, 5518, 4593, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0840101', 288344, '08:41:55', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51682.400000000001, 51682.5, 5744, 4803, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2070201', 302385, '01:17:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51859.099999999999, 51859.400000000001, 10995, 27, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2041701', 5581595, '15:32:22', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51852.599999999999, 51852.800000000003, 10137, 4992, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2040401', 3589802, '02:27:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51858.099999999999, 51858.300000000003, 11188, 1711, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1180601', 306539, '09:22:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51859.400000000001, 51859.800000000003, 21783, 7241, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1141101', 217635, '10:32:29', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51856.400000000001, 51856.599999999999, 8925, 2733, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1141001', 223842, '03:52:52', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51856.199999999997, 51856.300000000003, 8344, 2211, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1074201', 190160, '19:55:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51720.800000000003, 51721.099999999999, 12466, 3178, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1074101', 228915, '14:25:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51723.599999999999, 51723.900000000001, 13303, 4751, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1074001', 159450, '04:25:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51723.199999999997, 51723.400000000001, 12355, 4648, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1073901', 204208, '12:06:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51741.5, 51741.800000000003, 12386, 8183, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1073701', 317657, '18:53:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51704.800000000003, 51705.199999999997, 11319, 3419, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1073501', 172800, '03:36:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51704.099999999999, 51704.5, 9588, 6152, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1072001', 1232126, '12:20:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51659.5, 51662.400000000001, 52258, 52274, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071901', 168860, '07:51:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51693.300000000003, 51693.599999999999, 7284, 7243, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041201', 18668560, '09:18:39', '3.1.7', 'HIRS', 51854.400000000001, 51855.099999999999, 12000, 4672, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028802', 60262188, '17:10:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51856.699999999997, 51857.199999999997, 15932, 1519, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021101', 6074510, '02:08:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51853.099999999999, 51853.300000000003, 4207, 804, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030103', 8761702, '21:16:52', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51841.900000000001, 51842.199999999997, 4320, 3436, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1223302', 745160, '08:58:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51763.400000000001, 51763.5, 6996, 4000, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174501', 1149448, '01:18:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51817.099999999999, 51817.199999999997, 4469, 1259, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174301', 329255, '09:23:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51819.400000000001, 51819.5, 5469, 2113, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1174001', 960177, '18:39:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51818.800000000003, 51818.900000000001, 8095, 3010, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173701', 662571, '14:04:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51817.599999999999, 51817.599999999999, 4256, 2107, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173601', 838189, '08:43:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51820.400000000001, 51820.400000000001, 5559, 2114, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173401', 1121562, '00:14:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51816, 51816.099999999999, 4256, 1396, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173201', 492738, '10:21:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51820.400000000001, 51820.5, 4168, 2103, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1173101', 690135, '21:49:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51816.900000000001, 51817, 8468, 1920, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172401', 1174739, '22:51:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51818, 51818, 4130, 795, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1141401', 178816, '04:15:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51849.199999999997, 51849.5, 8173, 6657, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070302', 3305003, '04:42:55', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51811.199999999997, 51812.199999999997, 14222, 10572, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070301', 5645453, '03:44:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51810.199999999997, 51811.099999999999, 14183, 9882, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070201', 4904166, '14:09:41', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51807.599999999999, 51807.699999999997, 7884, 3978, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0601101', 3557624, '10:06:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51914.400000000001, 51914.5, 4856, 3686, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0600601', 753239, '09:05:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51913.400000000001, 51914, 20524, 15045, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0551001', 421887, '22:31:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51911.900000000001, 51912.400000000001, 5299, 3736, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0520701', 353309, '01:27:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51920.099999999999, 51920.199999999997, 6410, 3279, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0520601', 382684, '01:10:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51918.099999999999, 51918.300000000003, 11916, 5924, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230281', 959872, '19:40:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51819.800000000003, 51819.900000000001, 2858, 2571, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0830101', 382950, '08:50:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51726.400000000001, 51726.800000000003, 17496, 1101, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1172901', 470876, '14:46:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51816.599999999999, 51816.699999999997, 4358, 2101, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1014102', 524714, '20:35:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51714.900000000001, 51715.300000000003, 8245, 6233, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0601201', 7213305, '13:26:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51914.599999999999, 51914.599999999999, 2320, 1845, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0600201', 3259079, '18:35:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51914.800000000003, 51915.400000000001, 14434, 10697, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0550901', 543731, '21:53:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51973.900000000001, 51974.099999999999, 4290, 3873, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0520801', 526123, '16:43:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51973.699999999997, 51973.900000000001, 4470, 4695, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1230272', 1027012, '23:01:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51825, 51825, 2882, 2101, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1210202', 114038, '13:18:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51973.599999999999, 51973.699999999997, 6297, 4230, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S3040208', 3987052, '12:01:47', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 51850.5, 51850.900000000001, 9485, 6986, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1161901', 274373, '01:45:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51739.099999999999, 51739.5, 12599, 9170, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071602', 161987, '08:58:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51858.400000000001, 51858.5, 9503, 482, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1028803', 53087864, '14:48:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51857.599999999999, 51858.099999999999, 13963, 1431, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1022301', 445562, '16:08:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52003.699999999997, 52003.699999999997, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021901', 7402361, '11:28:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52005.5, 52005.599999999999, 5721, 4685, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1020901', 10460230, '09:55:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51973.400000000001, 51973.5, 3840, 3125, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1014501', 14598998, '04:02:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51977.199999999997, 51977.300000000003, 9240, 5391, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011201', 225606, '21:12:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51849.900000000001, 51850.300000000003, 8481, 2046, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031106', 16987554, '20:18:23', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52005.800000000003, 52006.5, 6720, 3033, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031105', 17190983, '16:41:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52005.699999999997, 52005.800000000003, 6060, 3474, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1020201', 224730, '22:03:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51997.900000000001, 51998, 4626, 2201, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0580101', 1149516, '18:31:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52004.800000000003, 52004.800000000003, 2716, 1400, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0560701', 221175, '08:53:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51977.400000000001, 51977.699999999997, 15678, 10423, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0550501', 134402, '19:46:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52008.800000000003, 52008.900000000001, 5313, 1729, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0520501', 1324414, '14:23:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51991.599999999999, 51991.800000000003, 10272, 8360, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0330301', 1059026, '18:57:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51994.800000000003, 51994.900000000001, 5006, 4223, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0330201', 1503426, '11:01:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51991.5, 51991.599999999999, 5349, 4176, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0320401', 1686944, '22:20:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51994.900000000001, 51995, 4351, 2743, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0320101', 40605, '18:03:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52008.800000000003, 52008.800000000003, 60, 59, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0230101', 365738, '00:12:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52009, 52009.199999999997, 4239, 368, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0040202', 893469, '11:19:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51993.5, 51994.800000000003, 43568, 34896, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A1210405', 93324, '17:17:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51977.699999999997, 51977.800000000003, 5145, 3924, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0480202', 139396, '14:09:45', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52001.599999999999, 52001.800000000003, 8672, 6297, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2470101', 402567, '11:36:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51995.5, 51995.900000000001, 22339, 14805, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031107', 8410458, '12:42:24', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52006.5, 52006.800000000003, 5760, 3865, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5054001', 681279, '18:20:42', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53337.800000000003, 53338.300000000003, 38898, 10901, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053802', 652173, '15:03:04', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53332.599999999999, 53333.300000000003, 24204, 10513, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050903', 160379, '17:55:17', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52013.699999999997, 52014.199999999997, 7080, 5725, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1180401', 292612, '18:49:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52019.800000000003, 52020.300000000003, 12236, 7265, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071702', 114192, '18:18:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52015.800000000003, 52016, 4858, 3885, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1013104', 263125, '10:00:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52022.400000000001, 52022.699999999997, 11243, 9465, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1013103', 231756, '22:37:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52021.900000000001, 52022.300000000003, 8454, 6284, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1013102', 261203, '10:41:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52021.400000000001, 52021.699999999997, 11137, 9338, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1020202', 947324, '15:34:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52014.599999999999, 52015.300000000003, 21053, 9068, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0220104', 1232821, '03:01:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52010.099999999999, 52012.800000000003, 76527, 47012, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0560802', 205298, '23:20:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52021, 52021.300000000003, 10144, 7029, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0560801', 233206, '09:32:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52020.400000000001, 52020.800000000003, 15321, 12020, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0220401', 346109, '21:02:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52016.900000000001, 52017.199999999997, 11016, 3371, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0220303', 261765, '17:48:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52018.699999999997, 52019.199999999997, 10669, 6066, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0220302', 422336, '07:34:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52018.300000000003, 52018.599999999999, 15966, 10570, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0220301', 226887, '18:33:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52017.800000000003, 52018.099999999999, 8712, 4769, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050601', 42317646, '03:08:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52005.099999999999, 52005.400000000001, 7135, 5340, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2040501', 2984993, '20:01:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52027.800000000003, 52028.099999999999, 12775, 4683, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1016902', 19734221, '10:31:07', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52029.400000000001, 52029.5, 1920, 1411, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050201', 6560764, '02:04:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52031.099999999999, 52031.400000000001, 9994, 8004, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071402', 156043, '18:50:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52031.800000000003, 52032.199999999997, 11186, 10084, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1027602', 8654998, '04:18:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52028.199999999997, 52028.300000000003, 6546, 3085, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1027601', 7124954, '10:39:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52026.400000000001, 52026.5, 5405, 3234, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1016802', 16465706, '02:51:25', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52028.099999999999, 52028.099999999999, 1920, 749, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1013105', 901462, '20:09:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52022.800000000003, 52024.199999999997, 35093, 27662, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0551201', 241983, '09:22:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52030.400000000001, 52030.599999999999, 10009, 7479, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0550801', 759547, '19:34:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52030.800000000003, 52031, 5945, 6000, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5054201', 169292, '15:20:38', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53351.599999999999, 53351.900000000001, 12778, 5307, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5054101', 348101, '00:08:51', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53348, 53348.300000000003, 23650, 8011, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2210201', 153563, '16:06:12', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52074.699999999997, 52074.800000000003, 8277, 3738, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0560601', 201305, '04:45:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52042.199999999997, 52042.599999999999, 11821, 9355, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0560501', 212523, '16:27:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52049.699999999997, 52050.300000000003, 11701, 8053, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0560101', 240942, '03:40:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52041.199999999997, 52041.699999999997, 15536, 13123, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0900101', 355078, '17:15:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52041.699999999997, 52042.099999999999, 18340, 10279, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5053801', 480931, '22:14:31', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53306.900000000001, 53307.599999999999, 17372, 5140, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5053601', 457970, '15:24:03', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53304.599999999999, 53305.599999999999, 31185, 17959, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5050202', 223636, '03:09:42', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53312.099999999999, 53312.599999999999, 16464, 12436, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054201', 124087, '07:11:18', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53319.300000000003, 53319.5, 8679, 5510, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050204', 522634, '00:37:49', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53325, 53325.5, 16202, 4547, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1190405', 7331748, '05:19:37', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53306.199999999997, 53306.599999999999, 5627, 4996, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018302', 452824, '04:25:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53152.199999999997, 53152.699999999997, 13751, 6762, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5052901', 255865, '01:29:56', '3.0.7', 'RFPT', 53241.099999999999, 53241.300000000003, 10839, 3586, 'y', 66621); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3030201', 5584002, '19:30:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53147.800000000003, 53147.900000000001, 5170, 1902, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1460102', 1031239, '06:07:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53170.300000000003, 53170.400000000001, 7886, 3777, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1200301', 67435, '08:14:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53151.300000000003, 53151.400000000001, 3391, 2845, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1120101', 855617, '05:38:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53110.199999999997, 53111.400000000001, 30050, 16441, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0750201', 497303, '16:48:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53126.699999999997, 53127, 19551, 5304, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0200801', 629247, '04:13:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53107.199999999997, 53107.5, 11899, 7900, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0200601', 1806087, '22:36:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53164.900000000001, 53165, 2228, 741, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0200502', 1242194, '16:00:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53129.699999999997, 53129.800000000003, 8136, 2331, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0200501', 656561, '20:00:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53128.800000000003, 53128.900000000001, 4120, 588, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0890401', 846669, '07:45:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53140.300000000003, 53140.900000000001, 28378, 11684, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0660601', 3257946, '03:19:59', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53154.099999999999, 53154.300000000003, 2832, 1537, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5230901', 1012405, '01:28:21', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53142.099999999999, 53142.400000000001, 13508, 2627, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Q2210101', 320047, '06:20:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53026.300000000003, 53026.699999999997, 18896, 11208, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3031402', 259886, '23:55:50', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53053, 53053.099999999999, 7619, 3498, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051303', 3678862, '04:34:21', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53130.199999999997, 53130.400000000001, 2961, 1741, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051302', 4753765, '05:19:27', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53129.199999999997, 53129.5, 3172, 2679, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050903', 38854422, '18:11:14', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53135.800000000003, 53138, 48517, 13860, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051202', 13665009, '07:18:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53144.300000000003, 53144.400000000001, 5750, 1779, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0610301', 28002904, '22:56:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53141, 53141.5, 21484, 7372, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9011102', 189538, '20:13:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53144.800000000003, 53145, 9529, 2406, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1090102', 343754, '09:43:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53142.400000000001, 53142.699999999997, 12213, 4292, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1090101', 404659, '23:33:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53140, 53140.300000000003, 14120, 4270, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0990101', 875556, '01:09:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53138, 53138.800000000003, 32436, 9805, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0660101', 231928, '20:14:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53054.800000000003, 53055.099999999999, 10910, 5503, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9020104', 737917, '05:54:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52494.199999999997, 52494.300000000003, 1620, 1228, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9016001', 1185892, '06:43:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52500.300000000003, 52500.300000000003, 1632, 1358, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9010201', 1775419, '02:05:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52517.099999999999, 52517.199999999997, 6128, 1002, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6010101', 4007635, '18:04:59', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52302.800000000003, 52302.900000000001, 10500, 4998, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054701', 222619, '07:32:38', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52245.300000000003, 52245.800000000003, 15058, 9375, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4054602', 288379, '02:23:20', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52240.099999999999, 52240.300000000003, 7364, 5756, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053003', 400927, '06:41:44', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52224.300000000003, 52224.5, 11953, 8276, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053002', 322825, '17:38:56', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52223.699999999997, 52224.199999999997, 11305, 7630, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2520101', 1934590, '19:19:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52305.800000000003, 52306.400000000001, 36927, 8167, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2410201', 1204762, '05:08:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52145.199999999997, 52145.900000000001, 23512, 9606, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2320201', 519806, '13:21:23', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52224.599999999999, 52225.199999999997, 21294, 15068, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2320101', 900721, '06:00:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52225.199999999997, 52225.699999999997, 20051, 14584, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2230108', 5462924, '05:07:23', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52481.199999999997, 52481.300000000003, 8000, 3519, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2230107', 1614096, '07:51:45', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52478.300000000003, 52478.400000000001, 3900, 746, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2230105', 1040103, '18:54:28', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52431.800000000003, 52431.900000000001, 4238, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2230101', 3740509, '16:14:04', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52482.699999999997, 52482.800000000003, 6923, 2886, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2220102', 1416400, '09:38:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52338.400000000001, 52338.599999999999, 7139, 3647, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2190401', 451311, '01:13:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52336.099999999999, 52336.199999999997, 11898, 4117, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2180102', 296899, '05:12:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52208.199999999997, 52208.599999999999, 10724, 6542, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2170201', 781984, '17:51:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52225.699999999997, 52226, 7333, 5563, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1520103', 6230470, '14:34:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52736.599999999999, 52736.699999999997, 6594, 3075, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0030103', 535546, '02:50:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52181.099999999999, 52181.400000000001, 9319, 7727, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0030102', 96030, '04:42:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52159.199999999997, 52159.199999999997, 593, 596, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053301', 109426, '20:31:29', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52180.900000000001, 52181.099999999999, 5821, 5364, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053202', 164437, '03:31:31', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52180.099999999999, 52180.300000000003, 9592, 6236, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053201', 265204, '12:50:46', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52179.5, 52180, 17571, 12017, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4053101', 247105, '19:13:10', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52177.800000000003, 52178.099999999999, 13810, 5882, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2410101', 1228740, '09:10:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52136.400000000001, 52136.900000000001, 17453, 4309, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2180202', 158465, '16:05:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52189.699999999997, 52190, 10104, 9301, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2180101', 185570, '11:55:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52207.5, 52207.599999999999, 5892, 2965, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050101', 10433636, '02:29:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52136.099999999999, 52136.300000000003, 10234, 2569, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2030501', 126683, '06:31:47', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52147.300000000003, 52147.300000000003, 1011, 348, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2030401', 2386957, '20:32:34', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52146.900000000001, 52147.199999999997, 11368, 3512, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2030301', 1476154, '15:32:55', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52146.599999999999, 52146.800000000003, 8065, 3540, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2030201', 1092198, '10:32:08', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52146.400000000001, 52146.599999999999, 4136, 3442, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1860201', 85773, '17:11:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52141.699999999997, 52141.900000000001, 4298, 3638, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1530206', 209230, '23:38:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52179, 52179.199999999997, 7787, 3574, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1180701', 131577, '13:10:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52166.599999999999, 52166.599999999999, 4272, 3705, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1161802', 286284, '22:03:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52129.900000000001, 52130.099999999999, 4445, 4109, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1070302', 870735, '19:07:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52131.800000000003, 52132.699999999997, 41015, 17570, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1011002', 20463431, '04:41:25', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52128.199999999997, 52128.199999999997, 1920, 271, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070206', 722478, '14:36:06', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52181.599999999999, 52181.699999999997, 2880, 2480, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070204', 1714711, '09:33:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52181.400000000001, 52181.400000000001, 3033, 2072, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1290102', 1081835, '06:48:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52137.300000000003, 52138.900000000001, 55070, 16063, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1280801', 1839107, '22:54:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52146, 52146.099999999999, 6250, 1689, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0900401', 902005, '02:43:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52146.099999999999, 52146.400000000001, 7265, 1467, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0561901', 351171, '04:23:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52179.199999999997, 52179.5, 16569, 9753, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0551101', 227915, '11:18:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52133.5, 52133.800000000003, 12432, 2872, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0550601', 295495, '15:02:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52159.599999999999, 52159.699999999997, 6378, 1924, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0250501', 1299497, '12:44:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52130.5, 52130.699999999997, 5294, 4260, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0250401', 6712802, '02:23:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52133.099999999999, 52133.300000000003, 4999, 3737, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0250301', 8208679, '18:20:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52132.800000000003, 52133, 5145, 4720, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0250201', 3476586, '13:45:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52131.599999999999, 52131.699999999997, 4956, 4003, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0250101', 2009531, '17:51:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52130.699999999997, 52131, 5008, 5339, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0130303', 409998, '12:43:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52128.5, 52128.599999999999, 5494, 2606, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052601', 153495, '17:24:54', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52126.699999999997, 52127.199999999997, 7388, 7063, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052402', 114332, '04:18:50', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52123.199999999997, 52123.300000000003, 8214, 4775, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052302', 115393, '09:17:59', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52118.400000000001, 52118.5, 7990, 5019, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1530105', 114298, '17:43:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52123.699999999997, 52123.900000000001, 8155, 4249, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1530104', 114171, '07:59:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52125.300000000003, 52125.400000000001, 6089, 3773, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1530103', 173327, '08:59:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52126.400000000001, 52126.5, 9273, 5695, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1530102', 158586, '08:12:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52123.300000000003, 52123.5, 7825, 3929, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1530101', 121244, '05:18:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52124.199999999997, 52124.400000000001, 9713, 5880, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1015102', 11972767, '15:53:10', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52116.699999999997, 52116.699999999997, 1920, 1932, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070308', 1536657, '04:21:59', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52119.199999999997, 52119.400000000001, 6133, 4762, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070307', 2495729, '17:57:03', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52118.699999999997, 52119.099999999999, 6379, 2669, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070306', 2406009, '13:09:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52118.5, 52118.699999999997, 7232, 4702, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031206', 13987839, '19:19:05', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52121.800000000003, 52122, 2400, 1312, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031204', 21968806, '14:02:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52121.599999999999, 52121.599999999999, 2955, 1897, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031203', 13750552, '17:15:40', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52119.699999999997, 52119.800000000003, 2400, 1274, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031201', 26409978, '12:05:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52119.5, 52119.5, 2980, 1883, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0561501', 195071, '18:05:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52125.800000000003, 52126.300000000003, 9628, 7742, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0540701', 323350, '13:34:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52112.599999999999, 52112.900000000001, 7555, 7667, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0520202', 329409, '22:18:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52124.900000000001, 52125.300000000003, 9712, 7173, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0300401', 8343612, '10:20:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52124.400000000001, 52124.599999999999, 9865, 5512, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0030101', 3034324, '09:36:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52120.400000000001, 52120.5, 2400, 2146, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4040101', 11740, '20:16:53', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 51655.800000000003, 51655.900000000001, 1633, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2330301', 276911, '06:37:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52110.300000000003, 52110.400000000001, 3998, 1937, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2042401', 19535679, '01:26:55', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52104.099999999999, 52105.800000000003, 24480, 13015, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1800501', 86630, '20:23:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52102.900000000001, 52102.900000000001, 3348, 1970, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1800401', 46451, '18:43:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52102.800000000003, 52102.800000000003, 3348, 1975, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1800301', 71272, '17:03:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52102.699999999997, 52102.800000000003, 3347, 1987, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1800201', 88382, '15:26:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52102.599999999999, 52102.699999999997, 3093, 1853, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1800101', 106464, '13:48:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52102.599999999999, 52102.599999999999, 2933, 1727, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221501', 2367372, '05:39:59', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51624.199999999997, 51624.400000000001, 5050, 4384, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1221402', 2945668, '07:51:17', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 51626.300000000003, 51626.400000000001, 4426, 3766, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018902', 12705414, '13:16:03', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52103.599999999999, 52103.599999999999, 1674, 1170, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1300101', 291329, '15:11:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52100.599999999999, 52100.900000000001, 17691, 8788, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0550701', 515982, '10:29:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52107.400000000001, 52107.5, 5005, 2420, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0540801', 2115346, '14:48:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52103.599999999999, 52103.699999999997, 5052, 3237, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0320501', 306054, '10:01:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52110.400000000001, 52110.599999999999, 10271, 4567, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0300501', 8644394, '03:07:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52111.099999999999, 52111.199999999997, 2068, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0300201', 2398285, '21:11:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52111.900000000001, 52112.199999999997, 14677, 2125, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051602', 390431, '09:00:16', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52072.400000000001, 52072.599999999999, 16837, 7446, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051601', 1192711, '20:21:19', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52071.800000000003, 52072.300000000003, 29843, 6369, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2350101', 1319814, '05:28:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52092.199999999997, 52092.900000000001, 24978, 17255, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2340201', 269813, '04:47:24', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52093.199999999997, 52093.599999999999, 12439, 9344, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2220301', 573840, '19:02:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52095.800000000003, 52096, 17778, 2058, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2070701', 198761, '02:23:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52080.099999999999, 52080.300000000003, 11536, 2148, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1150101', 2606929, '02:51:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51694.099999999999, 51694.699999999997, 16696, 6549, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080703', 1621299, '10:13:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52078.400000000001, 52079.900000000001, 65380, 25376, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1071601', 264563, '15:06:22', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51563.599999999999, 51563.800000000003, 10027, 5822, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1041003', 11743200, '17:02:53', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 51565.699999999997, 51566.300000000003, 13656, 10224, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1025901', 1382959, '16:06:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51678.699999999997, 51678.800000000003, 5796, 3457, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1024401', 3051507, '11:24:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51690.5, 51690.599999999999, 7977, 3987, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018502', 16106275, '09:05:47', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52080.400000000001, 52080.5, 1920, 779, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B1340301', 1827080, '15:04:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52073.599999999999, 52073.900000000001, 16831, 6973, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0561801', 185827, '21:18:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52079.900000000001, 52080.099999999999, 10551, 2540, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0550201', 729124, '02:30:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52075.099999999999, 52075.199999999997, 12524, 4367, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0270201', 812008, '14:37:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52072.599999999999, 52072.699999999997, 3779, 1747, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2350201', 4240271, '11:46:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52066.5, 52066.599999999999, 6463, 2787, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2220401', 909406, '15:05:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52066.599999999999, 52066.699999999997, 3078, 1447, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1790303', 20418, '03:11:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51848.099999999999, 51848.099999999999, 615, 685, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1222201', 1744847, '03:54:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51795.199999999997, 51795.400000000001, 6352, 4615, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018401', 874487, '11:15:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51762.5, 51762.599999999999, 7085, 4236, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0540901', 12452023, '14:17:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52050.599999999999, 52050.800000000003, 8380, 7502, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051502', 80205, '18:42:57', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52053.800000000003, 52053.900000000001, 4797, 3503, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051301', 235034, '13:51:04', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52029.599999999999, 52030.099999999999, 16216, 12236, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2340101', 395926, '19:08:40', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52065.800000000003, 52066.199999999997, 16396, 3597, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2330201', 591666, '16:48:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52066.699999999997, 52066.800000000003, 6418, 2620, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050801', 6115886, '14:05:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52067.599999999999, 52068.300000000003, 11403, 9907, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2042301', 1759097, '13:52:07', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52051.599999999999, 52052.300000000003, 15468, 4403, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2042201', 4804859, '21:09:25', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52050.900000000001, 52051.5, 8902, 4568, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2041501', 2012315, '21:35:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52044.900000000001, 52045.699999999997, 17737, 14581, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1161302', 1728844, '18:52:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51622.800000000003, 51623.300000000003, 10707, 11737, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1100502', 269266, '13:08:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51774.5, 51775, 21843, 9192, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1080601', 1283218, '06:01:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51792.199999999997, 51794, 62363, 45062, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070305', 1645350, '12:17:05', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52058.5, 52058.699999999997, 6572, 3681, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070304', 2720376, '01:04:35', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52058, 52058.5, 6527, 2506, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070303', 2525824, '19:38:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52057.800000000003, 52058, 7339, 2494, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I9040505', 247880, '00:12:57', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51551, 51551.300000000003, 16685, 1184, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8010720', 831231, '07:39:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51464.300000000003, 51464.400000000001, 4924, 2328, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('B0230201', 712927, '09:00:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52055.400000000001, 52056.400000000001, 26153, 19909, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3020501', 35780661, '19:06:24', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53146.800000000003, 53147.099999999999, 5955, 2507, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0940201', 242825, '15:28:38', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53357.599999999999, 53358.300000000003, 18592, 11593, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1310103', 231302, '21:25:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52923.900000000001, 52924.199999999997, 7267, 1198, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055104', 510358, '20:16:45', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53462.800000000003, 53463.099999999999, 21755, 7088, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1031403', 1281213, '12:02:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51820.5, 51820.5, 3851, 2114, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0080101', 672368, '17:11:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53365.699999999997, 53366.5, 17153, 103, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1130101', 2204056, '04:09:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53568.199999999997, 53568.400000000001, 11618, 4232, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5111802', 1275231, '06:54:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53470.300000000003, 53470.5, 15996, 4849, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5111901', 1740828, '11:07:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53469.5, 53469.900000000001, 31883, 8834, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5112301', 238128, '06:28:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53471.300000000003, 53471.400000000001, 5342, 1220, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5112701', 758212, '21:06:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53469.900000000001, 53470.199999999997, 24569, 2495, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113401', 408487, '17:23:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53468.699999999997, 53468.800000000003, 9554, 822, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113501', 427812, '20:16:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53468.800000000003, 53469, 11709, 1018, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5114102', 212744, '10:10:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53468.400000000001, 53468.5, 2711, 1085, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030302', 8638724, '17:18:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51472.699999999997, 51472.800000000003, 2708, 2720, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030303', 15602670, '19:43:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51476.800000000003, 51477, 4136, 4160, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030304', 12431390, '21:45:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51483.900000000001, 51484, 2958, 2976, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030401', 99290, '09:02:58', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 51502.400000000001, 51502.400000000001, 1295, 1298, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030502', 641475, '07:22:54', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 51502.300000000003, 51502.300000000003, 897, 900, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030503', 2128815, '06:43:43', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 51503.300000000003, 51503.400000000001, 1700, 1625, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030602', 7113184, '11:39:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51503.5, 51503.5, 2800, 1693, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030603', 7392902, '10:43:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51502.400000000001, 51502.5, 3652, 1559, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051402', 159861, '11:40:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53550.5, 53550.5, 4336, 328, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6051501', 152973, '10:27:11', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53717.400000000001, 53717.699999999997, 13732, 2932, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6051502', 177843, '17:43:34', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53717.699999999997, 53718.199999999997, 35580, 2184, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6052901', 365970, '07:45:29', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53749.300000000003, 53749.800000000003, 24691, 8613, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6053301', 241512, '13:12:32', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53740.599999999999, 53740.800000000003, 16345, 1525, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6053302', 194252, '01:24:59', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53742.099999999999, 53742.400000000001, 23880, 1212, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6053303', 420541, '10:03:06', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53743.400000000001, 53743.699999999997, 20719, 7216, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6054501', 330228, '01:44:06', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53715.099999999999, 53715.5, 18466, 4919, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6057801', 104755, '03:16:44', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53714.099999999999, 53714.199999999997, 4042, 1386, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7052701', 446919, '21:45:26', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53610.900000000001, 53611.5, 27069, 8016, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7052702', 33525, '02:04:32', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53612.099999999999, 53612.099999999999, 2039, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7052801', 1467021, '21:14:45', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53608.900000000001, 53610, 54542, 15213, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7053401', 19902, '20:02:11', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53591.800000000003, 53591.800000000003, 649, 522, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7055302', 81382, '16:55:27', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53612.699999999997, 53612.699999999997, 1916, 289, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7058501', 659658, '14:25:35', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53615.599999999999, 53616.099999999999, 32922, 3314, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7058801', 602784, '02:43:39', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53610.099999999999, 53610.800000000003, 19976, 9521, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1011602', 218547, '14:16:44', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53744.599999999999, 53744.900000000001, 18880, 6127, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1011901', 234740, '09:28:02', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53744.400000000001, 53744.5, 9712, 2729, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1011902', 229011, '08:47:07', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53745.400000000001, 53745.5, 9884, 2404, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1012802', 27996, '05:04:57', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53684.199999999997, 53684.199999999997, 1338, 76, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1013201', 281146, '03:15:43', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53683.099999999999, 53683.300000000003, 8401, 1184, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1017601', 112012, '20:36:19', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53677.900000000001, 53677.900000000001, 4132, 586, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1017602', 260128, '10:14:14', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53679.400000000001, 53679.599999999999, 10908, 3506, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1020101', 224143, '21:24:59', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53726.900000000001, 53727, 5175, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1031201', 168164, '17:27:55', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53715.699999999997, 53715.900000000001, 11883, 3871, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1042701', 600580, '17:35:02', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53693.699999999997, 53694, 14911, 3361, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1062502', 283239, '03:32:34', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 54062.099999999999, 54062.5, 21717, 11954, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050502', 5447169, '04:22:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53656.199999999997, 53656.199999999997, 5400, 2049, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5057601', 105164, '12:47:04', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53545.5, 53545.699999999997, 14565, 805, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5057602', 657581, '02:24:36', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53546.099999999999, 53546.5, 34996, 7029, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5057701', 615084, '13:35:30', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53546.599999999999, 53547.099999999999, 34995, 5703, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5057801', 275228, '14:29:25', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53547.599999999999, 53548, 24996, 2856, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5057802', 357814, '00:17:22', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53548, 53548.400000000001, 34844, 2682, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5058001', 364607, '00:12:29', '3.1.4', 'RFPT', 53554, 53554.400000000001, 18791, 3507, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5058201', 536941, '03:41:45', '3.1.4', 'RFPT', 53556.199999999997, 53557, 38996, 4225, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5058701', 164732, '13:00:05', '3.1.4', 'RFPT', 53565.5, 53565.800000000003, 10175, 1560, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5058901', 807003, '19:34:36', '3.1.4', 'RFPT', 53565.800000000003, 53566.5, 34719, 9210, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5058902', 428984, '14:02:05', '3.1.4', 'RFPT', 53566.599999999999, 53567.099999999999, 27504, 4045, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5059001', 425655, '04:56:19', '3.1.4', 'RFPT', 53567.199999999997, 53567.5, 13417, 4595, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5059101', 663853, '13:58:20', '3.1.4', 'RFPT', 53567.599999999999, 53568.099999999999, 26000, 3703, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5059102', 199219, '06:52:39', '3.1.4', 'RFPT', 53569.300000000003, 53569.5, 9680, 1468, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5059201', 967859, '11:26:03', '3.1.4', 'RFPT', 53568.5, 53569.199999999997, 34034, 4393, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5059302', 217503, '20:24:51', '3.1.4', 'RFPT', 53570.900000000001, 53571.099999999999, 10333, 299, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5059401', 152826, '00:06:07', '3.1.4', 'RFPT', 53676, 53676, 3863, 109, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7050301', 473871, '21:09:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53594.900000000001, 53595.699999999997, 29706, 11919, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9032902', 573657, '01:09:15', '3.1.7', 'LWRS', 52458, 52458.400000000001, 7245, 5199, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1063103', 205312, '01:19:38', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 54061.099999999999, 54061.400000000001, 23054, 7686, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9073001', 325921, '06:11:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53082.300000000003, 53082.699999999997, 20938, 12363, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1096502', 423756, '04:14:45', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 54070.199999999997, 54070.300000000003, 3943, 2945, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1096503', 2238169, '18:41:23', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 54072.800000000003, 54073.300000000003, 27722, 6520, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1096504', 1962001, '01:29:16', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 54074.099999999999, 54075, 20415, 4954, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1096601', 161165, '23:05:14', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 54071, 54071.099999999999, 3803, 1146, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1096602', 757890, '16:15:54', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 54073.699999999997, 54074, 13963, 2698, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0070101', 1905614, '20:08:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52932.800000000003, 52933.400000000001, 31446, 6174, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9113101', 684396, '21:52:52', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52882.900000000001, 52883.400000000001, 33653, 8610, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9120401', 79396, '17:06:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52931.699999999997, 52931.800000000003, 4018, 2721, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0820401', 310316, '23:56:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53974, 53974, 4159, 297, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1031404', 1132112, '14:56:07', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54177.599999999999, 54177.900000000001, 11869, 8391, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1092603', 990019, '08:31:09', '3.1.8', 'LWRS', 54147.400000000001, 54148.099999999999, 36496, 7492, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1095303', 414423, '13:41:30', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54195.599999999999, 54195.699999999997, 8000, 2694, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0490702', 1725158, '22:37:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51585.900000000001, 51586, 8162, 2114, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('A0540606', 123294, '00:13:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51799, 51799, 1929, 11, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0140103', 6531703, '19:39:40', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53747.800000000003, 53748, 5494, 1511, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0780101', 189797, '22:23:37', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53348.900000000001, 53349.199999999997, 13255, 1772, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1800102', 43320298, '12:34:40', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53256.5, 53257.199999999997, 9563, 1820, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8061502', 572118, '23:52:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53365, 53365.699999999997, 23172, 995, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9130301', 149341, '06:44:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53349.300000000003, 53349.400000000001, 7619, 3914, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0450101', 29777000, '16:55:07', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53276.699999999997, 53278, 28947, 13406, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0820101', 136734, '00:36:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53682, 53682.300000000003, 16106, 1732, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0820601', 934009, '18:51:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53682.800000000003, 53683, 14489, 1228, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0880301', 10842192, '08:54:45', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53204.400000000001, 53204.400000000001, 1200, 447, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0910201', 337436, '00:54:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53260, 53260.599999999999, 20316, 12265, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0950101', 646728, '10:11:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53363.400000000001, 53364.400000000001, 27026, 969, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1130102', 990246, '03:46:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53571.199999999997, 53571.300000000003, 7578, 1907, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1130103', 1533466, '14:28:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53803.599999999999, 53803.900000000001, 12002, 3461, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1130104', 8129034, '02:46:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53804.099999999999, 53804.800000000003, 39589, 15804, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1130105', 2612568, '03:44:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53805.199999999997, 53805.699999999997, 34250, 14803, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1190101', 1164802, '11:21:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53349.5, 53350.599999999999, 54455, 29099, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1590102', 5129373, '12:45:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53864.5, 53864.599999999999, 1824, 1162, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1590106', 6326506, '13:41:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53811.599999999999, 53811.599999999999, 2272, 1332, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1590205', 1276610, '14:40:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53864.599999999999, 53864.699999999997, 3664, 2022, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1610401', 299043, '18:05:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53161.800000000003, 53162, 14031, 5617, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5110301', 776726, '21:33:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53598.900000000001, 53599.400000000001, 23577, 4997, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5110601', 413097, '21:00:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53657.900000000001, 53658.099999999999, 19500, 5813, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5111301', 23816, '19:02:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53599.800000000003, 53599.800000000003, 1009, 368, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5112902', 1402005, '11:18:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53758.5, 53758.800000000003, 16049, 6048, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113301', 11933, '00:18:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53469, 53469.099999999999, 3774, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113701', 782411, '21:56:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53586.900000000001, 53588, 33868, 3347, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5260401', 197432, '10:03:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53196.400000000001, 53196.599999999999, 5341, 974, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5260402', 482109, '23:01:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53359, 53360.199999999997, 31543, 21902, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5420102', 818112, '10:56:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53340.5, 53342.199999999997, 50822, 40618, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5420103', 746341, '06:00:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53342.199999999997, 53343.900000000001, 54487, 40073, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5420105', 595220, '12:26:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53345.5, 53347.099999999999, 46513, 33033, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5681801', 403776, '05:13:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53360.199999999997, 53360.400000000001, 8636, 5200, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9030201', 986930, '03:09:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53347.099999999999, 53347.900000000001, 42735, 18742, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9030202', 1092933, '16:15:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53819.699999999997, 53820.5, 49648, 16569, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9030701', 13686, '10:26:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53710.400000000001, 53710.5, 1020, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9370901', 202671, '15:57:00', '3.1.4', 'LWRS', 53274.699999999997, 53274.900000000001, 11062, 3358, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490605', 260128, '14:14:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53675.599999999999, 53675.699999999997, 12853, 3805, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490606', 32986, '13:35:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53726.599999999999, 53726.599999999999, 1953, 1340, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491103', 321801, '04:20:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53864.199999999997, 53864.300000000003, 4879, 1921, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9500401', 363300, '14:07:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53604.599999999999, 53604.900000000001, 14900, 4197, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9500501', 662240, '21:44:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53601.900000000001, 53602.5, 35126, 15217, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9500601', 824751, '18:19:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53603.800000000003, 53604.5, 33638, 6440, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9501101', 520584, '02:49:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53469.099999999999, 53469.400000000001, 18622, 5215, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0050101', 2397529, '19:54:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53833.800000000003, 53835.699999999997, 126874, 18188, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0050102', 169198, '17:47:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53836.699999999997, 53836.900000000001, 7242, 1440, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0160103', 316572, '21:29:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53762.900000000001, 53763, 11763, 4157, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0260302', 483310, '04:39:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53724.199999999997, 53724.699999999997, 26848, 11264, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0270102', 622654, '02:24:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53722.099999999999, 53722.800000000003, 37858, 14683, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0270103', 417003, '09:40:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53723.400000000001, 53723.800000000003, 25606, 7772, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0270104', 50083, '20:50:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53724.900000000001, 53724.900000000001, 3787, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0280201', 806537, '04:02:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53759.199999999997, 53760.300000000003, 64513, 23634, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0340103', 768233, '19:27:30', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53817.800000000003, 53818.099999999999, 6567, 1956, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0370101', 122075, '17:00:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53748.699999999997, 53748.900000000001, 12282, 1230, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0370301', 1311253, '19:47:22', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53688.800000000003, 53689.199999999997, 24164, 2592, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0370401', 11511, '01:23:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53686.099999999999, 53686.099999999999, 3825, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0370501', 354258, '21:07:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53749.900000000001, 53750.300000000003, 34897, 5349, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0740201', 1028683, '02:30:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53763.099999999999, 53764.099999999999, 60328, 25827, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1110502', 291846, '11:36:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53757.5, 53757.800000000003, 19659, 10353, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1320101', 705335, '10:30:40', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53571.400000000001, 53571.800000000003, 15197, 2388, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1320402', 1048471, '18:08:05', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 53807.800000000003, 53808.300000000003, 37390, 9963, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1320403', 885842, '09:06:12', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53808.400000000001, 53809, 32592, 13242, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1730201', 274673, '13:05:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53755.5, 53755.900000000001, 18546, 9369, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3200201', 451575, '14:27:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53611.599999999999, 53612, 19833, 4701, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3200203', 309008, '07:37:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53845.300000000003, 53845.599999999999, 21260, 7708, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3200701', 110947, '06:23:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53612.300000000003, 53612.599999999999, 5370, 4164, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3200901', 369282, '10:11:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53614.400000000001, 53614.800000000003, 19152, 8163, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3201401', 49669, '19:43:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53845.800000000003, 53845.900000000001, 3168, 160, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3201402', 702835, '04:06:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53846.199999999997, 53846.800000000003, 42460, 8481, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3210101', 2587103, '22:05:37', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53658.900000000001, 53659.599999999999, 32414, 13470, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3230103', 690408, '06:44:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53656.300000000003, 53657.099999999999, 49682, 17949, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3250103', 48287, '11:01:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53711.5, 53711.5, 3319, 1947, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3250104', 51746, '18:42:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53712.800000000003, 53712.800000000003, 4175, 2108, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3250106', 95498, '02:19:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53769.099999999999, 53769.099999999999, 4013, 916, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3270401', 90053, '08:10:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53776.300000000003, 53776.400000000001, 4723, 2987, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3270601', 60228, '08:51:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53775.400000000001, 53775.400000000001, 2535, 1830, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3270602', 322717, '00:18:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53833, 53833.300000000003, 17757, 979, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3270801', 48928, '16:56:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53706.699999999997, 53706.800000000003, 6404, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3270804', 165814, '15:12:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53708.599999999999, 53708.800000000003, 11763, 3892, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9120903', 154288, '05:04:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53769.199999999997, 53769.5, 4788, 2083, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9120904', 170641, '07:20:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53770.300000000003, 53770.599999999999, 11906, 5151, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9120905', 910676, '03:29:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53771.099999999999, 53771.900000000001, 32628, 9423, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9120906', 108013, '03:35:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53772.099999999999, 53772.300000000003, 5939, 892, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9120907', 295304, '17:46:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53772.699999999997, 53772.900000000001, 13884, 3433, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9140401', 264003, '04:47:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53762.199999999997, 53762.5, 14727, 9140, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9140501', 370126, '13:26:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53762.599999999999, 53762.900000000001, 19859, 9360, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9140601', 319394, '16:49:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53764.699999999997, 53764.900000000001, 14028, 2532, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9180202', 594314, '02:08:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53727.099999999999, 53727.599999999999, 25956, 7406, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9180302', 680387, '21:02:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53783.900000000001, 53784.300000000003, 24863, 1306, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9180402', 620020, '13:51:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53785.599999999999, 53786.099999999999, 29417, 5868, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9180501', 1007495, '16:52:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53725.699999999997, 53726.5, 45661, 8247, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9180601', 245452, '00:45:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53783, 53793.900000000001, 3748, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9180602', 1306137, '03:30:22', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53786.099999999999, 53786.699999999997, 40905, 4298, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9180702', 217908, '05:33:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53782.199999999997, 53782.300000000003, 6016, 1781, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9180802', 413953, '17:12:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53780.699999999997, 53781.099999999999, 27330, 3660, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9180902', 407700, '21:59:42', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53781.900000000001, 53782.199999999997, 15615, 625, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9181001', 202015, '13:54:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53781.599999999999, 53781.800000000003, 20224, 2514, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9181201', 25470, '06:38:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53783.300000000003, 53783.300000000003, 1789, 941, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9190901', 149215, '11:27:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53725.5, 53725.599999999999, 10380, 3984, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9191101', 304314, '01:23:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53814.099999999999, 53814.199999999997, 9937, 3704, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9191601', 106188, '00:04:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53826, 53826.099999999999, 3821, 216, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9270401', 25480, '00:59:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53740, 53740.099999999999, 4181, 725, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9270402', 70674, '06:26:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53740.300000000003, 53740.400000000001, 14710, 2205, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9270601', 602387, '04:22:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53764.199999999997, 53764.400000000001, 12170, 6898, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9270602', 1111990, '07:43:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53765.300000000003, 53765.800000000003, 28457, 14611, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0030203', 3680863, '22:51:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53744, 53744, 2248, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0070401', 181202, '00:07:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53840, 53840.199999999997, 12046, 919, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0070402', 217568, '21:39:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53840.900000000001, 53841.099999999999, 12090, 1099, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0070501', 486330, '20:12:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53842.800000000003, 53843.300000000003, 27605, 4545, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0070601', 324435, '19:29:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53841.800000000003, 53842.099999999999, 17449, 1717, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0200101', 38816, '14:51:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53776.599999999999, 53776.599999999999, 2497, 1782, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0200104', 1048086, '21:49:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53779.900000000001, 53780.599999999999, 43552, 8711, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0440201', 776625, '01:49:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53831.099999999999, 53831.5, 27121, 7291, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0440202', 771497, '05:01:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53832.199999999997, 53832.5, 22733, 7576, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0440203', 918401, '09:37:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53833.400000000001, 53833.699999999997, 28221, 5768, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0440401', 1386512, '22:01:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53828.900000000001, 53829.900000000001, 60716, 11928, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0480101', 325949, '18:03:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53810.800000000003, 53811, 19927, 5701, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0480102', 304509, '00:10:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53813, 53813.199999999997, 18055, 6197, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0480103', 546509, '14:34:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53815.599999999999, 53816.099999999999, 29359, 10832, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0480301', 9901227, '12:44:35', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53812.5, 53812.599999999999, 7423, 4130, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0580101', 575438, '12:38:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53806.5, 53807.099999999999, 35665, 15682, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0600101', 679835, '01:15:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53836.099999999999, 53836.599999999999, 42444, 7673, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0610501', 1216801, '06:52:07', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53830.300000000003, 53830.5, 5430, 4663, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0610801', 2793841, '13:56:06', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53774.599999999999, 53774.699999999997, 4676, 1448, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0610901', 869977, '18:09:49', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53774.800000000003, 53774.800000000003, 1111, 1107, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0611101', 5450167, '16:03:50', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53770.699999999997, 53770.900000000001, 5269, 3771, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0611102', 4784916, '07:57:55', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53772.300000000003, 53772.5, 3832, 2835, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0630201', 489066, '07:23:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53806.300000000003, 53806.5, 6034, 4580, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0670201', 955149, '23:07:43', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53839, 53839.400000000001, 31148, 2262, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0810102', 227904, '17:05:19', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53860.699999999997, 53860.800000000003, 7696, 3161, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0810202', 170942, '15:09:39', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53861.599999999999, 53861.800000000003, 9808, 4220, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0810401', 235809, '17:45:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53859.699999999997, 53859.900000000001, 8622, 1665, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7010301', 327356, '00:47:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53845, 53845.199999999997, 14327, 1877, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7010501', 44732, '03:04:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53815.099999999999, 53815.199999999997, 2100, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7130902', 688631, '15:47:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53811.699999999997, 53812, 24470, 8153, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7130903', 423567, '16:23:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53814.699999999997, 53815, 24097, 9683, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7131401', 601737, '23:01:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53830, 53830.199999999997, 15272, 750, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9170101', 758152, '17:12:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53775.699999999997, 53776.199999999997, 35020, 7163, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9210301', 795023, '01:47:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53811.099999999999, 53811.400000000001, 8953, 5170, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9211301', 310259, '07:25:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53813.300000000003, 53813.699999999997, 17882, 9490, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9211302', 351067, '17:53:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53813.699999999997, 53814, 19469, 6195, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9240601', 493128, '19:32:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53864.800000000003, 53864.900000000001, 7884, 1889, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9240801', 5405320, '10:56:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53862.5, 53862.599999999999, 8121, 4081, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9251102', 155841, '00:23:57', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53858, 53858.099999999999, 9599, 1830, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9271701', 819515, '18:24:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53800.800000000003, 53801.400000000001, 47761, 15463, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9271702', 596048, '10:19:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53801.400000000001, 53802, 30579, 10107, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9271801', 2683934, '04:25:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53803.199999999997, 53803.300000000003, 7884, 2457, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9320301', 1899687, '03:55:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53806.199999999997, 53806.199999999997, 5998, 1673, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9320501', 3308774, '08:00:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53863.300000000003, 53863.5, 6026, 3530, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9321002', 1261775, '07:38:22', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53803.300000000003, 53803.5, 5997, 3589, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9321101', 2530088, '16:33:54', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53857.699999999997, 53857.900000000001, 10996, 4027, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9321401', 1969763, '00:22:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53809, 53809.199999999997, 11950, 3823, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9321501', 6616361, '01:54:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53802.099999999999, 53802.300000000003, 21994, 5365, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9380901', 275980, '16:53:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53818.699999999997, 53819.099999999999, 18438, 9432, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010705', 655956, '04:24:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51464.199999999997, 51464.300000000003, 2195, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030501', 1020367, '07:35:32', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 51494.300000000003, 51494.599999999999, 450, 266, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031001', 1895029, '18:59:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51748.800000000003, 51749.400000000001, 9588, 6959, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031610', 194270, '08:20:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53818.300000000003, 53818.400000000001, 2483, 1596, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031611', 499251, '10:18:22', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53818.400000000001, 53818.699999999997, 7318, 6047, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1040104', 65145945, '07:41:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51797.300000000003, 51797.5, 7227, 6240, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050702', 2228293, '05:53:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53815.199999999997, 53815.5, 11590, 7550, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055402', 189955, '09:52:22', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53466.400000000001, 53466.699999999997, 23996, 3210, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055403', 663960, '18:16:06', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53466.800000000003, 53467, 24000, 6297, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055501', 253388, '01:40:01', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53467.099999999999, 53467.199999999997, 8260, 1419, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055502', 110307, '10:57:49', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53467.5, 53467.599999999999, 13997, 2426, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055601', 405275, '00:47:00', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53468, 53468.400000000001, 22403, 4478, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055701', 410073, '00:16:45', '3.1.7', 'RFPT', 53471, 53471.199999999997, 14820, 1239, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113103', 450121, '11:58:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53999.5, 53999.699999999997, 5868, 2021, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113302', 699599, '16:12:22', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54002.699999999997, 54002.800000000003, 4645, 52, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8210303', 952468, '07:48:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53997.300000000003, 53997.699999999997, 23619, 9142, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490505', 356686, '19:57:35', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54029.800000000003, 54030.099999999999, 14774, 451, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0160106', 193655, '23:47:42', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54002, 54002, 4415, 787, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0260102', 502914, '04:33:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53881.199999999997, 53881.5, 18120, 3813, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0490108', 3088949, '20:26:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54013.900000000001, 54014, 7853, 2344, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0490113', 1388246, '10:23:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54008.400000000001, 54008.5, 5280, 2979, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0740103', 322000, '19:30:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54003.800000000003, 54004.099999999999, 14099, 2253, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3210203', 2491443, '06:09:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53875.300000000003, 53875.699999999997, 23882, 11192, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3210204', 2278994, '05:46:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53876.199999999997, 53876.599999999999, 18882, 8558, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3210205', 3073242, '01:29:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53877.099999999999, 53877.599999999999, 26516, 9657, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3210206', 1410028, '23:03:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53878, 53878.300000000003, 12165, 2899, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3210301', 1181477, '19:45:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54000.800000000003, 54001.400000000001, 36727, 6127, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3290701', 1809657, '23:00:51', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 53992, 53992, 801, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9070302', 980067, '13:07:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54014.5, 54015, 25679, 12577, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9270503', 1731377, '02:30:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54028.099999999999, 54028.5, 15179, 6814, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9270504', 360379, '02:34:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54030.099999999999, 54030.300000000003, 11297, 3836, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9270603', 597709, '14:43:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53881.599999999999, 53881.800000000003, 19143, 4205, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9270604', 330590, '06:43:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53940.300000000003, 53940.5, 16141, 3934, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9271402', 894834, '16:03:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54031.699999999997, 54032.099999999999, 30626, 3549, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0150201', 117466, '11:11:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53988.5, 53988.599999999999, 7884, 3161, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0150401', 199409, '00:50:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53987, 53987.099999999999, 7055, 390, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0150402', 465174, '00:51:42', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53988, 53988.400000000001, 21054, 1934, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0180201', 3516094, '07:35:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53986.300000000003, 53986.800000000003, 29338, 8885, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0390101', 330063, '03:50:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54033.199999999997, 54033.300000000003, 9456, 2904, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0390401', 405986, '19:27:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54009.800000000003, 54010, 13684, 6028, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0500102', 518439, '21:20:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54002.900000000001, 54003.199999999997, 20479, 5633, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7011503', 309797, '00:53:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54014, 54014.199999999997, 14091, 5649, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7011803', 187015, '15:13:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54013.599999999999, 54013.800000000003, 11101, 4800, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7011804', 399680, '01:55:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54015.099999999999, 54015.5, 22783, 12137, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9230104', 709473, '13:19:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54027.599999999999, 54027.699999999997, 6204, 4638, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9230105', 1922029, '09:35:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54030.400000000001, 54030.900000000001, 18928, 4428, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9240401', 253078, '04:37:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54032.199999999997, 54032.400000000001, 7491, 3566, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9240501', 707726, '09:42:42', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54032.400000000001, 54032.800000000003, 32714, 10050, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9251402', 594438, '03:17:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54027.099999999999, 54027.5, 15919, 8247, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9271901', 621054, '08:57:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53985.400000000001, 53985.699999999997, 22259, 6240, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9310501', 204738, '02:14:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54010.099999999999, 54010.300000000003, 13664, 5078, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9310601', 247035, '07:27:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54010.300000000003, 54010.5, 11756, 5818, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9310701', 290731, '06:16:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54011.300000000003, 54011.5, 11313, 1041, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9310801', 64243, '15:12:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54010.599999999999, 54010.699999999997, 3971, 2050, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9310901', 306080, '20:24:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54010.900000000001, 54011, 13884, 5937, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9311002', 376020, '01:09:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54011, 54011.199999999997, 14140, 5013, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9321601', 1282648, '16:58:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53987.699999999997, 53988, 11672, 4650, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9381101', 331662, '01:49:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53989.099999999999, 53989.300000000003, 15003, 2232, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050302', 309010, '21:39:03', '3.2.0', 'RFPT', 54178.900000000001, 54179.199999999997, 12686, 1014, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4056506', 129131, '08:00:54', '3.2.0', 'RFPT', 54168.300000000003, 54168.5, 7224, 4700, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6058804', 180135, '09:03:12', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54167.400000000001, 54167.599999999999, 9815, 4783, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1025501', 237571, '02:38:06', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54192.099999999999, 54192.300000000003, 9824, 351, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1031102', 599051, '16:06:56', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54180.699999999997, 54181.099999999999, 26129, 5783, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1034902', 335389, '11:52:00', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54175.5, 54176.099999999999, 23836, 13024, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1035001', 500409, '01:51:22', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54178.099999999999, 54178.199999999997, 7602, 1071, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1038401', 908095, '08:04:23', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54170.300000000003, 54170.699999999997, 13355, 9595, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1041103', 712671, '21:29:35', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54168.900000000001, 54169.300000000003, 24899, 7471, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1062302', 1170062, '11:06:48', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54002.5, 54002.5, 2595, 1269, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1074604', 931663, '08:06:02', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54161.300000000003, 54161.599999999999, 13538, 8221, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1090301', 2555770, '08:38:01', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54212.400000000001, 54212.5, 3952, 2575, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1091605', 84168, '06:27:37', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54206.300000000003, 54206.300000000003, 4386, 432, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1091606', 110205, '07:40:14', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54208.300000000003, 54208.5, 8155, 3887, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1091802', 3568701, '13:50:13', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54205.599999999999, 54205.800000000003, 4847, 1970, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1092202', 442759, '09:41:18', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54204.400000000001, 54204.900000000001, 22378, 4218, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1092502', 407015, '04:20:17', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54205.199999999997, 54205.5, 22124, 2532, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1092604', 307008, '22:00:04', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54205.900000000001, 54206.099999999999, 16019, 2913, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1092702', 539303, '13:40:58', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54203.599999999999, 54203.599999999999, 1174, 84, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1093102', 6370562, '00:15:34', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54208, 54208.199999999997, 11760, 2600, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1094006', 44809, '06:50:50', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54200.300000000003, 54200.300000000003, 3500, 384, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('', 1966332, '13:27:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 0, 0, 3427, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1240202', 457747, '15:47:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54055.699999999997, 54056, 16035, 1721, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5110101', 960747, '04:44:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53891.199999999997, 53891.800000000003, 43049, 11700, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5110201', 1271817, '11:37:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53188.5, 53188.699999999997, 13980, 5977, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5110303', 844863, '04:26:57', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53953.199999999997, 53953.300000000003, 10000, 2810, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5110401', 1571660, '10:25:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53890.400000000001, 53890.900000000001, 30058, 9663, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5110501', 2567165, '17:03:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53188.699999999997, 53188.800000000003, 7962, 2956, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5110701', 1720591, '20:33:15', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53188.900000000001, 53189.5, 37780, 10477, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5110801', 311249, '16:49:13', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53950.699999999997, 53951, 14674, 618, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5110802', 455540, '19:56:24', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53951.800000000003, 53952.099999999999, 18690, 379, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5110901', 1993386, '11:23:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53189.5, 53190.099999999999, 40312, 14182, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5111001', 1446306, '03:02:57', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53190.099999999999, 53190.5, 28884, 9519, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5111201', 872476, '09:46:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53889.400000000001, 53889.900000000001, 32667, 10827, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8481202', 72718, '15:00:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54053.599999999999, 54053.699999999997, 2848, 973, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8530302', 201925, '21:17:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54049.900000000001, 54050, 8063, 2295, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0490109', 4448644, '22:05:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53957.900000000001, 53958.099999999999, 10693, 1699, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0390501', 686927, '09:41:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53892.400000000001, 53892.900000000001, 24623, 4878, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0760101', 891899, '01:28:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53951.099999999999, 53951.400000000001, 30556, 1739, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9381001', 77011, '14:02:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54054.599999999999, 54054.599999999999, 3537, 2043, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9381201', 422416, '02:25:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54050.099999999999, 54050.400000000001, 24128, 5840, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9381202', 277880, '03:15:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54051.099999999999, 54051.400000000001, 23821, 7425, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031016', 236479, '16:39:19', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54051.699999999997, 54051.800000000003, 3931, 1464, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031017', 221594, '15:51:18', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 54052.699999999997, 54052.800000000003, 4977, 1758, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052905', 733346, '08:23:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54053.300000000003, 54053.400000000001, 8406, 1994, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1060101', 518030, '08:32:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51630.400000000001, 51630.699999999997, 18210, 9519, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055106', 644138, '12:56:00', '3.2.0', 'RFPT', 54225.5, 54226.199999999997, 45907, 6933, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055107', 940100, '13:13:19', '3.2.0', 'RFPT', 54226.599999999999, 54227.199999999997, 46521, 5106, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055304', 825835, '15:12:51', '3.2.0', 'RFPT', 54227.599999999999, 54228.199999999997, 40183, 2047, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7051202', 389788, '19:16:49', '3.2.0', 'RFPT', 54224.800000000003, 54225.199999999997, 29336, 4032, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1094004', 511846, '11:39:24', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54198.5, 54198.900000000001, 23902, 6792, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9040901', 1054971, '14:05:40', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52583.599999999999, 52583.599999999999, 1791, 455, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5111401', 1125045, '06:10:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53134.300000000003, 53134.5, 16954, 6080, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5111501', 1951407, '11:47:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53190.5, 53191.099999999999, 33541, 7794, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5111601', 1654135, '04:09:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53191.199999999997, 53191.699999999997, 37449, 13230, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5111701', 1069659, '12:48:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53134.5, 53135, 23377, 8320, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0300402', 1201398, '16:10:45', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53229.699999999997, 53229.900000000001, 12070, 4285, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1240203', 847947, '02:02:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54056.099999999999, 54056.900000000001, 40016, 7054, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1240204', 257252, '02:23:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54057.099999999999, 54057.300000000003, 19466, 3765, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1240205', 290165, '13:41:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54057.599999999999, 54057.900000000001, 17611, 6328, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1240206', 333470, '03:07:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54058.099999999999, 54058.400000000001, 19344, 7266, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5112001', 748809, '21:12:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53169.900000000001, 53170.099999999999, 11068, 17, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5112101', 369725, '14:53:55', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53236.599999999999, 53236.800000000003, 11495, 4895, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5112201', 718200, '18:03:16', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53227.800000000003, 53228.199999999997, 8887, 1095, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5112501', 1559609, '15:39:17', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53169.699999999997, 53169.900000000001, 9513, 4659, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113001', 1078317, '13:17:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53226.599999999999, 53227.099999999999, 22125, 8784, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113102', 309905, '18:18:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53941.800000000003, 53941.900000000001, 4669, 126, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113602', 942711, '08:55:46', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53937.400000000001, 53937.599999999999, 17784, 5609, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113703', 733210, '04:34:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53934.199999999997, 53934.5, 19085, 2103, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113801', 1487092, '05:28:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53169.199999999997, 53169.599999999999, 25144, 9325, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5114001', 1352116, '15:47:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53225.699999999997, 53226.5, 37571, 13226, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9570101', 493081, '06:25:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53230.300000000003, 53230.400000000001, 13655, 2275, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9570301', 1197562, '04:30:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53230.199999999997, 53230.199999999997, 4059, 762, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9570401', 570122, '22:04:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53233.900000000001, 53234.599999999999, 31085, 7030, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9570501', 334894, '23:49:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53230, 53230.199999999997, 7347, 175, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0490107', 1395982, '08:39:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54071.400000000001, 54071.5, 4094, 3986, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0490111', 5181102, '09:47:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54063.400000000001, 54063.599999999999, 7915, 4893, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3210102', 2543096, '03:15:26', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54067.099999999999, 54067.900000000001, 33879, 21307, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3230101', 211048, '02:05:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54064.099999999999, 54064.199999999997, 9256, 207, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3230102', 308414, '10:29:42', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54064.400000000001, 54064.800000000003, 17771, 7874, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3230105', 460061, '02:28:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54066.099999999999, 54066.599999999999, 24917, 13812, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3230106', 340523, '15:34:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54066.599999999999, 54066.900000000001, 18883, 7189, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9270101', 504565, '12:01:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54071.5, 54071.800000000003, 18881, 9545, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9270701', 776818, '15:59:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53939.699999999997, 53939.800000000003, 7589, 3162, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0760201', 266514, '09:46:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54072.400000000001, 54072.699999999997, 12195, 4735, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9250201', 334528, '16:16:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54061.699999999997, 54062.099999999999, 24407, 6167, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9270202', 332823, '18:33:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54065.800000000003, 54066, 13705, 5256, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9270501', 3976373, '20:37:35', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53878.900000000001, 53879.5, 31927, 5120, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9270601', 487500, '13:47:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53940.599999999999, 53940.800000000003, 11795, 2439, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051201', 162342, '19:28:49', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52024.800000000003, 52025.099999999999, 11809, 4255, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7051402', 290979, '18:27:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54165.800000000003, 54165.900000000001, 14286, 6083, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5114201', 980994, '18:17:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53224.800000000003, 53225.599999999999, 37253, 12971, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8210202', 146682, '06:12:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54077.300000000003, 54077.5, 8139, 5046, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052109', 5714756, '13:05:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54081.5, 54081.599999999999, 5780, 1248, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4057001', 394066, '04:42:22', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52503.199999999997, 52503.699999999997, 21271, 13688, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5058002', 97466, '18:38:35', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54259.800000000003, 54259.900000000001, 5439, 2362, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9040201', 244918, '12:17:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52516.5, 52516.599999999999, 8280, 3931, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9073801', 1649356, '04:32:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52527.199999999997, 52528.400000000001, 75992, 27248, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490301', 416795, '06:22:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54088.300000000003, 54088.300000000003, 1787, 768, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490506', 250299, '01:38:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54083.099999999999, 54083.400000000001, 12637, 2009, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9271403', 208908, '01:52:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54085.099999999999, 54085.300000000003, 7501, 458, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9271404', 461499, '02:51:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54086.099999999999, 54086.400000000001, 6300, 2702, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1020401', 530541, '08:12:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52537.300000000003, 52537.599999999999, 14496, 8127, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031305', 53674, '04:05:22', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54087.199999999997, 54087.5, 1809, 1121, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053004', 1595186, '10:29:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52535.400000000001, 52535.900000000001, 17461, 11020, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4059002', 134796, '04:16:07', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54266.199999999997, 54266.400000000001, 10518, 4379, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7052002', 93850, '01:23:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54269.099999999999, 54269.099999999999, 7140, 2022, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7052202', 830365, '05:06:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54265.199999999997, 54266, 46888, 18308, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7054902', 112799, '00:53:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54267, 54267.099999999999, 9125, 2931, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1091503', 151553, '05:33:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54268.199999999997, 54268.5, 9269, 5521, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1091906', 1717915, '00:22:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54266, 54266.099999999999, 9000, 2750, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1092001', 178023, '18:58:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54266.800000000003, 54267, 10961, 1727, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1092704', 4165629, '10:07:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54266.400000000001, 54266.699999999997, 8423, 3481, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9030401', 1289426, '01:12:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52565.099999999999, 52565.300000000003, 13131, 1920, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9031501', 349160, '12:39:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52563.5, 52563.699999999997, 12633, 1544, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9072701', 439189, '12:17:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52561.5, 52561.800000000003, 19691, 2988, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9073901', 78722, '09:40:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52541.400000000001, 52541.5, 5803, 4012, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9073902', 473791, '22:56:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52542, 52542.699999999997, 32543, 22188, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9100701', 339973, '05:56:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52562.199999999997, 52562.400000000001, 7933, 2965, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030614', 1927188, '02:30:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52614.099999999999, 52614.099999999999, 709, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070211', 798317, '23:01:35', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52569, 52569.300000000003, 2996, 1356, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070314', 673188, '05:47:56', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52580.199999999997, 52580.599999999999, 4639, 3794, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5057202', 1014945, '13:54:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54277.599999999999, 54278.400000000001, 56946, 12021, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5057302', 201701, '11:36:16', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54278.5, 54278.699999999997, 13062, 1965, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1080502', 2458111, '03:05:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54277.099999999999, 54277.5, 5467, 410, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1083402', 457615, '19:08:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54274.800000000003, 54275.300000000003, 33939, 6778, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1085703', 436704, '14:17:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54272.599999999999, 54273, 29551, 5573, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1090503', 1158842, '06:19:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54271.300000000003, 54272.599999999999, 75282, 24411, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1091907', 1794464, '04:14:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54267.199999999997, 54268.099999999999, 15443, 3277, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9034001', 299350, '05:42:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52554.199999999997, 52554.5, 8294, 4691, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9070601', 298032, '16:19:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52653.699999999997, 52653.900000000001, 18089, 5744, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9070901', 547074, '15:38:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52656.699999999997, 52656.900000000001, 23824, 8016, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9071201', 403278, '00:41:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52657, 52657.400000000001, 21078, 5507, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9071301', 883890, '19:10:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52668.800000000003, 52669.5, 48893, 9189, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9071501', 247178, '23:26:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52653, 52653.599999999999, 18120, 14611, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1072103', 1696502, '00:10:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54281, 54281.300000000003, 18959, 3387, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9040701', 1170868, '03:49:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52680.199999999997, 52680.800000000003, 21495, 19071, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1270502', 149552, '11:39:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54103.5, 54103.599999999999, 7548, 3277, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113702', 837955, '19:53:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53932.800000000003, 53933.300000000003, 18284, 1011, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5681203', 301173, '12:13:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54115.5, 54115.599999999999, 6717, 4233, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8210304', 897222, '17:02:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54114.699999999997, 54115, 23883, 8503, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9370801', 449852, '19:47:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54101.800000000003, 54102, 7894, 4001, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0160102', 180525, '19:12:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54001.800000000003, 54001.900000000001, 3561, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0160108', 334157, '05:44:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53930.199999999997, 53930.400000000001, 5233, 837, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0200101', 231537, '18:10:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54058.800000000003, 54058.800000000003, 4062, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0200102', 253643, '17:18:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54059.699999999997, 54059.800000000003, 3842, 970, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1600209', 3981319, '17:33:48', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54109.699999999997, 54109.900000000001, 6511, 1910, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3210103', 964458, '21:42:29', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54067.900000000001, 54068.5, 30196, 10985, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9070401', 58088, '13:54:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54015.599999999999, 54015.599999999999, 1425, 699, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9150202', 481447, '06:32:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53971.300000000003, 53971.5, 9159, 6534, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9271401', 266172, '05:08:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54029.199999999997, 54029.5, 7585, 4108, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0150502', 65498, '07:22:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54098.300000000003, 54098.400000000001, 4628, 1499, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0180101', 10529224, '14:49:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53904.599999999999, 53905, 12994, 544, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0180301', 221242, '20:34:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54095.900000000001, 54096, 8806, 616, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0180302', 83743, '18:35:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54098.800000000003, 54098.800000000003, 2297, 647, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0180303', 884045, '02:09:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54100.099999999999, 54100.099999999999, 2500, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0180305', 1428278, '07:50:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54103.300000000003, 54103.400000000001, 7911, 3494, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0250102', 304672, '21:32:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54098.900000000001, 54099.099999999999, 12194, 3256, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0611001', 1272242, '17:07:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54118.699999999997, 54119.099999999999, 34254, 6288, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9211001', 290075, '17:41:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54117.699999999997, 54118, 14235, 10340, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9211402', 812109, '07:55:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54049.300000000003, 54049.800000000003, 27994, 7269, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9240202', 245889, '01:00:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54092, 54092.199999999997, 10698, 526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9270201', 75166, '01:33:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54065.099999999999, 54065.099999999999, 3582, 1248, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9310401', 295629, '20:07:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53960.800000000003, 53961.099999999999, 13228, 2660, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9320401', 1095278, '09:30:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54033.400000000001, 54033.5, 7881, 2749, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9321302', 1023329, '10:23:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54098.400000000001, 54098.699999999997, 14961, 7128, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9321303', 316828, '08:51:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54099.400000000001, 54099.400000000001, 5211, 2244, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9321304', 377066, '20:56:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54099.900000000001, 54100, 4997, 285, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9321306', 292077, '03:30:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54102.099999999999, 54102.300000000003, 5468, 2391, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9321602', 624255, '10:19:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54102.400000000001, 54102.800000000003, 6445, 3231, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9380802', 727001, '05:15:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54116.199999999997, 54116.900000000001, 35647, 1789, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9381801', 598808, '18:53:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53983.800000000003, 53984.199999999997, 18651, 454, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070232', 631676, '02:27:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54093.099999999999, 54093.099999999999, 2710, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070234', 127010, '01:07:03', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 54095, 54095.099999999999, 2866, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055204', 325112, '12:59:46', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54284.5, 54284.800000000003, 22650, 2408, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7051203', 473461, '15:37:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54282.699999999997, 54283.099999999999, 30510, 2908, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7051204', 531264, '12:07:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54283.5, 54284, 35758, 4464, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S9051002', 652318, '06:33:12', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54285.300000000003, 54285.900000000001, 42254, 6032, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1071003', 166908, '13:13:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54286.599999999999, 54286.699999999997, 11369, 1288, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1071501', 116933, '08:57:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54286.400000000001, 54286.5, 6884, 74, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9091101', 279995, '07:09:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52706.300000000003, 52706.800000000003, 20638, 13704, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090201', 332328, '09:06:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54122.400000000001, 54122.699999999997, 16327, 10015, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1111201', 495373, '11:30:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54119.5, 54119.800000000003, 21881, 9923, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1111202', 248260, '00:41:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54121, 54121.199999999997, 9884, 1854, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0611301', 189735, '04:36:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54119.199999999997, 54119.400000000001, 9172, 567, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9271401', 111350, '03:12:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54089.099999999999, 54089.199999999997, 4156, 160, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9380602', 210442, '06:35:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54121.300000000003, 54121.699999999997, 14425, 8544, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9380703', 479908, '17:26:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54120.699999999997, 54121, 23357, 6109, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9380704', 286015, '16:34:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54121.699999999997, 54121.900000000001, 14123, 5913, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1111203', 136166, '02:39:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54123.099999999999, 54123.199999999997, 5587, 1776, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9090902', 97598, '18:01:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54122.800000000003, 54122.800000000003, 4729, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090202', 1008203, '12:36:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54124.5, 54125.199999999997, 43819, 13801, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0840102', 338283, '03:47:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54118.199999999997, 54118.699999999997, 21275, 5947, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0870202', 398240, '11:30:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54128.5, 54128.699999999997, 18945, 2630, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113901', 447839, '14:01:21', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54062.599999999999, 54063, 10523, 1746, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5113902', 287396, '17:02:24', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54063.699999999997, 54063.900000000001, 6704, 1132, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9030702', 585479, '22:00:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54119.900000000001, 54120.400000000001, 26618, 6859, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9031401', 488661, '23:43:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54117, 54117.5, 27614, 4635, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0050105', 620215, '22:49:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54127.900000000001, 54128.400000000001, 24807, 6633, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1111001', 679538, '16:45:54', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54123.699999999997, 54124.5, 46606, 15869, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7131501', 575648, '17:20:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54125.699999999997, 54126.099999999999, 31067, 6389, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9370702', 815035, '16:22:23', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53988.699999999997, 53988.800000000003, 6484, 1398, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490106', 254736, '00:18:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54039, 54039.199999999997, 13060, 1167, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490507', 410854, '20:00:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54087.800000000003, 54088.099999999999, 13000, 613, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0340105', 3723199, '03:01:24', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54113.099999999999, 54113.5, 13023, 6552, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0340106', 369788, '02:38:02', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54114.099999999999, 54114.400000000001, 9248, 3644, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0340107', 1899692, '02:14:23', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54115.099999999999, 54115.400000000001, 10304, 4415, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0340108', 116709, '01:37:52', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54116.099999999999, 54116.099999999999, 4352, 1239, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0370602', 75625, '00:44:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54035, 54035, 499, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0370603', 286607, '00:03:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54037, 54037.099999999999, 8384, 394, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0490106', 1308968, '07:38:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54070.300000000003, 54070.400000000001, 4806, 3847, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1600201', 1492487, '23:12:27', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54046, 54046.099999999999, 2836, 185, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3210104', 1921027, '12:34:21', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54068.5, 54068.900000000001, 28879, 12109, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9070101', 725527, '05:10:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54069.199999999997, 54069.800000000003, 33949, 18175, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9070201', 760278, '19:27:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54012.800000000003, 54013.199999999997, 34320, 11802, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9090201', 733945, '01:07:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54038, 54038.5, 28702, 4226, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9090202', 1039298, '05:37:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54039.199999999997, 54039.699999999997, 35890, 7033, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9150101', 154085, '09:03:21', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54031.400000000001, 54031.599999999999, 6354, 2122, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9270202', 208575, '09:07:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54073.400000000001, 54073.599999999999, 10813, 6342, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9271902', 637686, '23:38:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54101, 54101.300000000003, 22206, 2103, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0180304', 128444, '15:11:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54100.599999999999, 54100.800000000003, 3993, 837, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0200105', 506436, '11:53:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54020.5, 54021.099999999999, 33906, 16177, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0200106', 497457, '16:12:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54021.699999999997, 54022, 22900, 9413, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0200107', 431861, '17:16:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54022.699999999997, 54023, 22825, 8942, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0350301', 282372, '15:33:33', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54008.599999999999, 54008.900000000001, 12265, 5277, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0360103', 403431, '09:13:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54009.400000000001, 54009.5, 6591, 4088, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0390301', 372769, '13:05:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54009.5, 54009.699999999997, 9562, 4858, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0440501', 409141, '00:51:54', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54012, 54012.5, 26234, 8485, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0610602', 3280753, '10:54:16', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54120.5, 54120.599999999999, 4712, 3037, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7130601', 487286, '13:11:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54077.599999999999, 54077.800000000003, 22182, 5911, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7131303', 229316, '10:19:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54130.400000000001, 54130.599999999999, 9135, 1175, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9211401', 663151, '08:42:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54048.400000000001, 54048.800000000003, 28434, 8950, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9240201', 334500, '00:47:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54090, 54090.300000000003, 14090, 753, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9251601', 649615, '23:08:35', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54059, 54059.599999999999, 43946, 11399, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9321701', 1475402, '12:33:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54047.5, 54048.099999999999, 21320, 9929, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9330104', 4338867, '04:57:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54007.199999999997, 54007.400000000001, 9634, 3723, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9330701', 2292203, '21:13:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54071.900000000001, 54072.400000000001, 25784, 7207, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0381201', 229587, '04:44:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53259.199999999997, 53259.400000000001, 9943, 5578, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0640101', 382459, '10:24:21', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53101.400000000001, 53102.300000000003, 25556, 13391, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0640201', 322258, '17:51:57', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53100.699999999997, 53101.400000000001, 20461, 11740, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0640301', 342923, '01:07:27', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53100, 53100.699999999997, 21782, 14085, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0950202', 2462850, '21:58:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53281.900000000001, 53283.599999999999, 101611, 17861, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C0960102', 251493, '16:32:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53154.699999999997, 53154.800000000003, 9430, 2098, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1020201', 120847, '15:43:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53306.699999999997, 53306.900000000001, 11121, 3875, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1070301', 80774, '09:21:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53267.400000000001, 53267.599999999999, 8112, 5015, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1070302', 143253, '14:17:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53267.599999999999, 53267.800000000003, 11168, 8273, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1070303', 46497, '21:03:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53267.900000000001, 53268, 3082, 1806, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1070304', 106016, '06:55:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53268.300000000003, 53268.5, 9546, 5867, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1070305', 118452, '13:44:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53268.599999999999, 53268.800000000003, 11144, 4586, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1100301', 550549, '13:48:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53141.599999999999, 53142, 18613, 4678, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('C1380303', 636128, '06:10:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53304.300000000003, 53304.5, 9603, 5780, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0040101', 260287, '13:24:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53144.599999999999, 53144.800000000003, 11884, 4792, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0090101', 243448, '00:50:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53181, 53181.099999999999, 4108, 40, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0090102', 296409, '19:46:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53180.800000000003, 53181, 11862, 1912, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0090104', 293124, '18:12:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53364.800000000003, 53364.900000000001, 10081, 1847, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0090105', 151944, '03:50:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54174.199999999997, 54174.5, 10898, 4903, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0090106', 719188, '23:04:14', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 54175, 54175.400000000001, 22798, 7086, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0140202', 45727367, '17:32:31', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53280.699999999997, 53281, 7680, 2085, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0140302', 2846712, '01:27:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53212.099999999999, 53212.099999999999, 1659, 586, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0250102', 3883265, '22:51:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53179, 53179, 1600, 26, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0280101', 361019, '11:18:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53199.5, 53200.5, 16020, 588, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0320101', 283710, '19:49:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53328.800000000003, 53330.199999999997, 22814, 1486, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0370101', 18759653, '20:31:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53148.900000000001, 53149, 6675, 2487, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0370102', 13265804, '09:43:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53149.400000000001, 53149.599999999999, 5729, 4247, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0370103', 19944079, '02:24:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53150.099999999999, 53150.199999999997, 7350, 3037, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0640501', 206537, '17:18:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53139.699999999997, 53139.900000000001, 8882, 3193, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0640801', 7935685, '11:38:54', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53278.5, 53278.599999999999, 7550, 2950, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0650102', 254947, '21:09:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53300.900000000001, 53301.300000000003, 18659, 10866, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0650201', 282340, '20:13:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53097.800000000003, 53098.300000000003, 19770, 9398, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0660501', 450711, '10:58:19', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53274.5, 53274.5, 1427, 835, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0790302', 6147809, '20:11:31', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53216.800000000003, 53217.300000000003, 7695, 1338, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0790303', 6919472, '03:02:13', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53219.099999999999, 53219.400000000001, 6592, 2421, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D0810102', 518084, '08:44:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53301.400000000001, 53302.400000000001, 40573, 24529, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1010201', 316921, '16:58:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53149.699999999997, 53150.099999999999, 13992, 5893, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1010202', 249838, '01:27:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53149.099999999999, 53149.400000000001, 12319, 6772, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1030203', 102916, '16:24:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53251.699999999997, 53251.900000000001, 7647, 2275, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1030204', 339377, '11:56:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53252.5, 53253.099999999999, 19013, 8129, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1030205', 379271, '12:53:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53253.5, 53254.099999999999, 21962, 5188, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1030206', 863934, '12:11:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53254.5, 53256.400000000001, 54040, 21971, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1200501', 99771, '18:23:08', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53142.800000000003, 53142.900000000001, 4264, 1089, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1201701', 103737, '09:43:37', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53144.400000000001, 53144.5, 5842, 3539, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1310105', 418905, '18:48:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53334.800000000003, 53335.599999999999, 25445, 13936, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1310106', 424731, '14:30:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53335.599999999999, 53336.5, 27480, 18133, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1310107', 495757, '11:58:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53336.5, 53337.300000000003, 25052, 15310, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1360301', 324814, '12:12:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53263.5, 53263.900000000001, 17303, 12414, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1370101', 1417969, '02:21:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53308.099999999999, 53308.599999999999, 11418, 4643, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1440101', 447176, '19:50:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53138.800000000003, 53139.199999999997, 14696, 3551, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1460201', 247339, '17:41:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53143.699999999997, 53144, 9830, 3231, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1570101', 859047, '20:29:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53310.900000000001, 53312.099999999999, 33678, 24293, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1570201', 555853, '21:48:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53263.900000000001, 53264.400000000001, 15104, 6671, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1610102', 339455, '08:43:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53148.400000000001, 53148.599999999999, 10134, 5023, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1610103', 182415, '15:27:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53148.599999999999, 53148.800000000003, 5586, 2006, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1640101', 2489680, '22:41:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53167.900000000001, 53169.199999999997, 70055, 19366, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1680101', 575533, '02:39:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53147.099999999999, 53147.699999999997, 20664, 13077, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1680102', 222158, '22:45:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53147.900000000001, 53148.199999999997, 9116, 5475, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1680301', 1473428, '05:25:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53156.199999999997, 53157.699999999997, 39921, 18195, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D8082001', 121237, '05:45:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53126.199999999997, 53126.300000000003, 4270, 1965, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9010101', 193627, '04:21:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53327.199999999997, 53327.400000000001, 13828, 2946, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090204', 224112, '05:01:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54179.199999999997, 54179.5, 12387, 7715, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090205', 507096, '23:19:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54180, 54180.5, 14584, 7939, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D9090406', 325601, '12:18:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54182.5, 54182.800000000003, 16108, 1735, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0100101', 1209877, '01:24:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53172.099999999999, 53173.599999999999, 55444, 27638, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0200101', 906553, '06:54:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53322.300000000003, 53322.300000000003, 1674, 1052, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0200301', 2985980, '07:28:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53251.300000000003, 53251.300000000003, 529, 532, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0200701', 801088, '10:21:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53212.400000000001, 53212.5, 3968, 2603, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0250101', 976979, '10:17:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53205.400000000001, 53206.699999999997, 54105, 24675, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0290101', 163903, '14:11:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53221.599999999999, 53221.800000000003, 7476, 5019, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0290201', 386289, '19:54:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53221.800000000003, 53222.199999999997, 12551, 3646, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0290301', 488012, '02:14:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53208.099999999999, 53208.699999999997, 21406, 723, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0290401', 217409, '02:21:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53205.099999999999, 53205.400000000001, 14254, 2061, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0300301', 647460, '18:39:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53204.800000000003, 53205.099999999999, 21371, 4428, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0310101', 675729, '11:06:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53130.5, 53131.800000000003, 36810, 22576, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0450201', 16990786, '02:52:39', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53262.099999999999, 53263.400000000001, 23741, 13025, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0650301', 3451934, '02:07:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53211.099999999999, 53211.5, 15316, 7324, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0650303', 3916461, '20:35:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53278.900000000001, 53279.099999999999, 15540, 2066, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0650304', 1072588, '11:37:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53280.5, 53280.699999999997, 17284, 5646, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0680101', 668356, '12:34:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53213.5, 53214.099999999999, 31384, 13207, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0760101', 8262118, '19:23:23', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53298.800000000003, 53299.900000000001, 22632, 13499, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0820201', 274236, '02:14:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53278.099999999999, 53278.300000000003, 5514, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0820301', 217834, '00:23:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53165, 53165.199999999997, 5816, 1265, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0820501', 745368, '05:29:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53148.199999999997, 53148.300000000003, 4070, 2302, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0820701', 339023, '18:59:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53164.800000000003, 53164.900000000001, 7179, 3862, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0820801', 138033, '22:53:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53211, 53211, 6033, 3328, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0820901', 359209, '14:41:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53154.599999999999, 53154.599999999999, 60, 58, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0821301', 556848, '06:32:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53165.300000000003, 53165.400000000001, 5967, 3973, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0821502', 480053, '02:27:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53974.099999999999, 53974.300000000003, 6522, 1941, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0840101', 293890, '05:33:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53171.199999999997, 53171.5, 11927, 7854, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0840103', 724131, '12:23:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54176.5, 54176.900000000001, 30796, 2221, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0840104', 327938, '23:03:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54177, 54177.5, 15791, 2815, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0870204', 342458, '23:14:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54130, 54130.400000000001, 12195, 2638, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0880401', 26071947, '01:35:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53204.099999999999, 53204.099999999999, 5085, 1796, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0880501', 12153160, '06:57:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53204.300000000003, 53204.300000000003, 2855, 1463, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0880601', 23988190, '23:57:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53204, 53204.099999999999, 4797, 1794, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0880701', 4325285, '03:36:13', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53204.099999999999, 53204.199999999997, 1600, 327, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0910102', 4371237, '22:44:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53250.900000000001, 53251.300000000003, 14679, 7553, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0910103', 6468818, '23:40:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53252, 53252.400000000001, 17925, 11367, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0910104', 3647942, '04:40:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53253.199999999997, 53253.400000000001, 9523, 6039, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0910105', 3224674, '03:57:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53254.199999999997, 53254.400000000001, 9436, 5824, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0910301', 8307267, '15:57:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53260.699999999997, 53261.099999999999, 16497, 12806, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0960101', 349406, '05:08:31', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53127.199999999997, 53127.699999999997, 22982, 13160, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0960301', 1285062, '00:56:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53362, 53363.400000000001, 51734, 6332, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0960401', 691543, '18:59:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53124.800000000003, 53125.800000000003, 37306, 18852, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1080103', 2149032, '02:58:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54157.099999999999, 54157.400000000001, 8740, 870, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1080104', 4549626, '14:55:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54157.599999999999, 54157.800000000003, 3220, 3011, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1080105', 850866, '07:07:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54158.300000000003, 54158.5, 6466, 4120, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1080106', 1400604, '13:00:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54274.5, 54274.800000000003, 13883, 4398, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1080110', 8406051, '20:39:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54216.900000000001, 54217.400000000001, 37805, 11676, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1090101', 1898391, '03:56:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53279.199999999997, 53280.5, 90938, 25142, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1140101', 1977949, '14:52:02', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53216.599999999999, 53216.800000000003, 6329, 2119, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1140102', 431641, '12:22:42', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53217.5, 53217.699999999997, 6392, 1981, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1140103', 180123, '19:51:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53218.800000000003, 53219, 3871, 841, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1140104', 295682, '10:28:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53219.400000000001, 53219.599999999999, 6456, 2611, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1140105', 253544, '09:26:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53220.400000000001, 53220.5, 5028, 3312, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1140106', 436205, '06:16:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53221.300000000003, 53221.5, 8881, 4314, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1140107', 930529, '07:11:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53222.300000000003, 53223, 27509, 13032, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1140108', 1039198, '00:40:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53224, 53224.699999999997, 24340, 10746, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1140109', 852440, '03:19:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53227.099999999999, 53227.699999999997, 26105, 12870, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1140110', 716569, '10:40:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53230.400000000001, 53231, 26998, 12384, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1140111', 6631663, '06:28:24', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53233.300000000003, 53233.599999999999, 20852, 7855, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1140112', 850220, '05:41:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53236.199999999997, 53236.599999999999, 29713, 10492, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1140113', 748506, '01:08:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53247, 53247.599999999999, 25852, 812, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1180101', 12585851, '22:09:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53319.900000000001, 53322.199999999997, 63398, 27545, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1180201', 21487564, '17:01:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53198.699999999997, 53199.300000000003, 7518, 1150, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1200101', 146598, '01:37:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53151.099999999999, 53151.199999999997, 6209, 1663, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1200201', 96780, '05:05:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53151.199999999997, 53151.300000000003, 4150, 2273, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1200401', 83037, '11:40:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53151.5, 53151.599999999999, 4397, 2639, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1210101', 231659, '19:43:38', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53293.800000000003, 53294.599999999999, 24500, 10157, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1210201', 255146, '15:19:13', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53294.599999999999, 53295.599999999999, 17965, 11098, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1220101', 894730, '04:32:39', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53356.199999999997, 53356.199999999997, 1948, 1485, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1220501', 718370, '12:57:20', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53360.5, 53360.800000000003, 15885, 4375, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1220901', 511757, '21:35:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53109.900000000001, 53110, 6004, 898, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1221201', 2461633, '02:57:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53201.099999999999, 53201.599999999999, 15151, 6699, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1240208', 469413, '19:44:35', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54173.800000000003, 54174.099999999999, 22217, 1551, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1240209', 380823, '12:22:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54174.5, 54174.900000000001, 27353, 3691, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1300101', 1114842, '01:07:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53176, 53177, 31911, 6436, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1450101', 639602, '15:05:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53151.599999999999, 53151.800000000003, 9366, 2763, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1450102', 787258, '20:53:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53155.900000000001, 53156.099999999999, 13140, 6057, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1450103', 1104213, '17:49:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53157.699999999997, 53158, 14647, 6954, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1450104', 249676, '19:43:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53159.800000000003, 53160, 10028, 4809, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1450105', 267008, '14:22:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53171.599999999999, 53172, 16908, 5893, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1450106', 295453, '14:49:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53173.599999999999, 53173.900000000001, 13497, 4031, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1450107', 708911, '18:57:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53179.800000000003, 53180.099999999999, 7488, 931, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1450108', 1515112, '16:52:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53184.699999999997, 53184.900000000001, 9921, 2953, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1460103', 71710, '19:08:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53208.800000000003, 53208.900000000001, 3828, 1837, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1520301', 2910348, '11:55:18', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53332.5, 53332.599999999999, 1826, 1249, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1520401', 2142135, '06:02:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53356.300000000003, 53356.400000000001, 6291, 3532, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1520601', 445570, '18:06:19', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53241.800000000003, 53241.900000000001, 8092, 1792, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1521701', 1060788, '18:55:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53195.800000000003, 53195.900000000001, 6203, 1543, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1530201', 3852384, '10:12:00', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53257.400000000001, 53257.5, 976, 464, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1590103', 4430057, '05:48:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54160.199999999997, 54160.300000000003, 4165, 1965, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1590201', 823693, '02:23:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54160.099999999999, 54160.199999999997, 4067, 1870, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1610201', 412436, '09:29:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53246.400000000001, 53247, 21809, 9257, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1630101', 666917, '05:22:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53281.199999999997, 53281.699999999997, 36067, 9956, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1690101', 148909, '15:35:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53272.599999999999, 53273.099999999999, 7103, 919, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1690102', 196835, '03:18:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53273.099999999999, 53273.400000000001, 9459, 3656, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1690103', 127701, '11:43:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53273.5, 53273.699999999997, 6996, 1927, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1690104', 173445, '18:09:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53273.800000000003, 53274.199999999997, 7946, 642, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1690105', 35801, '08:59:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53272.400000000001, 53272.400000000001, 2455, 1602, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5100101', 420870, '11:22:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53302.5, 53303.199999999997, 29809, 16917, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5100301', 794005, '01:45:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53218.099999999999, 53218.800000000003, 30903, 12611, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5100401', 382968, '01:14:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53216.099999999999, 53216.5, 19905, 7915, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5100402', 286304, '16:37:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53217.699999999997, 53218, 19140, 8159, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5100501', 611122, '03:02:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53203.099999999999, 53204, 31992, 18387, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5100701', 386639, '03:37:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53223.199999999997, 53223.800000000003, 23368, 13931, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5100801', 87165, '07:33:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53270.300000000003, 53270.5, 4215, 791, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5110302', 1059172, '05:28:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53952.199999999997, 53952.400000000001, 18804, 4668, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5111302', 1034109, '14:47:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54006.599999999999, 54007.099999999999, 32980, 7314, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5260501', 296423, '20:05:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53111.800000000003, 53112.400000000001, 14124, 8385, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5260502', 434033, '14:37:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53112.599999999999, 53113.400000000001, 22488, 13646, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5260503', 289657, '15:24:42', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53113.599999999999, 53114.099999999999, 15871, 8053, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5420101', 713741, '22:46:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53338.900000000001, 53340.400000000001, 44899, 30492, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5420104', 714071, '22:27:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53343.900000000001, 53345.5, 54034, 37900, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5680401', 398718, '11:39:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53193.5, 53193.800000000003, 9036, 8105, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5680402', 584300, '09:58:07', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53271.400000000001, 53272, 25233, 4323, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5680601', 961009, '23:58:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53121, 53121.5, 22545, 2972, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5680901', 626558, '17:27:03', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53247.699999999997, 53247.900000000001, 9818, 2857, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5681101', 258152, '09:17:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53314.400000000001, 53314.599999999999, 9835, 6212, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5681301', 268095, '16:35:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53281.699999999997, 53281.900000000001, 8562, 381, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5681601', 376529, '14:22:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53244.599999999999, 53244.699999999997, 4258, 1203, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5681701', 1381176, '14:09:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53164.599999999999, 53164.800000000003, 10980, 5094, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E5682201', 166266, '21:39:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53151.900000000001, 53152, 6408, 2256, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8050101', 399950, '09:56:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53327.400000000001, 53327.599999999999, 12999, 3069, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8050401', 1755333, '09:38:39', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54276.400000000001, 54276.699999999997, 6878, 4221, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8210101', 1891259, '14:21:53', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53314.599999999999, 53315.199999999997, 49836, 15984, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8480201', 156892, '21:10:23', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53239.900000000001, 53240, 8372, 1441, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8480701', 169712, '14:14:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53126.599999999999, 53126.699999999997, 7688, 3693, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8480801', 165813, '11:42:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53126.5, 53126.599999999999, 7549, 1872, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8480901', 198803, '09:02:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53126.400000000001, 53126.5, 7583, 3432, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8481001', 88602, '03:27:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53126.099999999999, 53126.199999999997, 3254, 517, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8481203', 288073, '06:06:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54171.300000000003, 54171.599999999999, 16984, 10180, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8481204', 318998, '02:40:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54173.099999999999, 54173.5, 17182, 8473, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8481401', 93101, '21:59:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53193.900000000001, 53194, 3954, 680, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8481501', 167887, '06:08:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53194.300000000003, 53194.400000000001, 12515, 4813, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8481601', 194306, '23:46:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53194, 53194.099999999999, 7999, 1742, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8481701', 159599, '03:07:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53194.099999999999, 53194.199999999997, 6031, 969, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8530101', 390020, '01:53:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53289.099999999999, 53289.400000000001, 27881, 9386, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8530201', 1081227, '22:02:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53212.900000000001, 53213.5, 20126, 9309, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8970201', 269435, '09:21:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53239.400000000001, 53239.699999999997, 17831, 10413, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E8970301', 1385427, '01:24:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53237.099999999999, 53237.5, 33397, 10308, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9000101', 425606, '00:47:10', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53235, 53235.300000000003, 19244, 3789, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9000201', 416415, '22:45:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53235.900000000001, 53236.199999999997, 18871, 3367, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9000301', 226704, '18:35:15', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53234.800000000003, 53235, 14476, 3989, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9000401', 240548, '16:50:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53231.699999999997, 53232, 16237, 5144, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9000501', 307160, '23:55:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53232, 53232.199999999997, 17401, 2454, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9030203', 468303, '13:06:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54178.5, 54178.800000000003, 18996, 6188, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9030401', 903570, '21:30:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53165.900000000001, 53166.800000000003, 36859, 20631, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9030501', 880015, '19:34:17', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53333.800000000003, 53334.699999999997, 29238, 18952, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9031101', 850696, '23:39:22', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53326, 53326.5, 17329, 6213, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9031301', 1589284, '05:03:28', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53292.199999999997, 53293.400000000001, 62958, 29281, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9031501', 1579077, '14:18:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53235.599999999999, 53235.900000000001, 18975, 7335, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9031601', 858131, '21:27:35', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53291.900000000001, 53292.199999999997, 16747, 3717, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9370101', 1378408, '18:27:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53283.800000000003, 53283.900000000001, 5537, 779, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9370203', 139938, '23:18:58', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54029, 54029, 2260, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9370204', 283002, '23:59:45', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54141, 54141.099999999999, 5011, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9370601', 4094566, '04:10:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53160.199999999997, 53160.300000000003, 3917, 2412, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490101', 348824, '03:10:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53212.099999999999, 53212.400000000001, 7905, 3757, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490102', 588315, '13:27:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53214.599999999999, 53214.900000000001, 24779, 12029, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490103', 351951, '07:26:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53278.300000000003, 53278.5, 9125, 3425, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490105', 296271, '09:23:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53979.400000000001, 53979.599999999999, 14187, 4626, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490201', 81537, '19:46:38', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53212.800000000003, 53212.900000000001, 4596, 2088, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490202', 420143, '10:08:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53214.400000000001, 53214.5, 7085, 4021, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490501', 208529, '13:24:48', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53315.599999999999, 53315.900000000001, 16342, 10218, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490502', 224013, '08:14:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53337.300000000003, 53337.699999999997, 13762, 4895, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490601', 159281, '02:24:12', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53314.099999999999, 53314.300000000003, 9070, 5237, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490602', 422738, '20:22:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53317.800000000003, 53318.199999999997, 12187, 5792, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491106', 96134, '10:46:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54157.400000000001, 54157.5, 3404, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491107', 1102881, '04:04:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54158.199999999997, 54158.199999999997, 5884, 1369, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491201', 396256, '02:45:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53161.099999999999, 53161.699999999997, 20498, 13719, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491202', 473211, '22:54:01', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53164, 53164.5, 19133, 11526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491203', 303038, '09:31:43', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53288.400000000001, 53289, 21036, 13924, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491204', 306256, '01:08:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53290, 53290.400000000001, 16902, 9418, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491205', 428829, '21:38:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53290.900000000001, 53291.800000000003, 30505, 22953, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491301', 199632, '13:36:36', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53212.599999999999, 53212.800000000003, 12360, 7204, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491302', 182048, '03:18:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53214.099999999999, 53214.400000000001, 7429, 3140, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491303', 298888, '15:49:55', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53278.699999999997, 53278.800000000003, 11901, 3618, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491304', 237730, '00:00:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53281, 53281.199999999997, 13107, 928, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9491305', 251013, '23:15:45', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53284, 53284.099999999999, 9240, 1449, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9500101', 296812, '13:47:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53237.599999999999, 53238.099999999999, 18812, 11129, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9500201', 208147, '04:32:06', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53238.199999999997, 53238.5, 19003, 10418, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9500301', 610548, '05:02:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53954.199999999997, 53954.5, 21016, 6417, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9500701', 326235, '07:22:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53235.300000000003, 53235.599999999999, 23165, 7435, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9500901', 323372, '14:02:51', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53233.599999999999, 53233.900000000001, 19895, 7239, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9501002', 369143, '15:21:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54291.599999999999, 54292, 20046, 1955, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9501201', 346027, '09:32:34', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53231.400000000001, 53231.699999999997, 23177, 8457, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9501401', 569144, '01:11:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53231.099999999999, 53231.400000000001, 23338, 4971, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9890401', 95761, '17:02:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54167.699999999997, 54167.800000000003, 6378, 4201, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9890402', 29521, '04:43:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54168.199999999997, 54168.199999999997, 1569, 813, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9890403', 193289, '13:22:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54168.599999999999, 54168.900000000001, 13603, 9402, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9890404', 54022, '03:03:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54170.099999999999, 54170.199999999997, 1583, 412, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9890701', 273206, '01:05:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53239, 53239.300000000003, 14719, 8169, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9890801', 178772, '06:47:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53315.300000000003, 53315.5, 14477, 7586, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9891301', 177650, '10:22:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53289.400000000001, 53289.5, 9688, 4229, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0050103', 518053, '04:28:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54126.199999999997, 54126.800000000003, 31198, 9915, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0050104', 934508, '23:44:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54127, 54127.900000000001, 54714, 16759, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0160101', 202029, '04:12:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53948.199999999997, 53948.300000000003, 9699, 802, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0370102', 195955, '03:53:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53979.199999999997, 53979.300000000003, 5191, 2940, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0490104', 1257328, '14:08:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53949.599999999999, 53949.900000000001, 9788, 4328, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0600201', 782026, '05:40:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54176.199999999997, 54176.400000000001, 5716, 4300, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0740102', 251984, '01:44:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53932.099999999999, 53932.400000000001, 9031, 1350, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0890102', 254029, '01:33:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53946.099999999999, 53946.199999999997, 7815, 4, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0890103', 248211, '23:15:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53947, 53947.099999999999, 6448, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1110701', 458992, '19:47:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54185.800000000003, 54186.099999999999, 14916, 307, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1110702', 1002831, '10:43:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54186.400000000001, 54187.099999999999, 42062, 4084, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1110703', 354403, '13:21:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54187.599999999999, 54187.800000000003, 15207, 2079, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1110704', 135806, '02:00:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54188.099999999999, 54188.199999999997, 4362, 407, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1110903', 405067, '23:45:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54166, 54166.5, 29321, 13585, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1111301', 330592, '13:19:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54288.599999999999, 54288.800000000003, 21190, 4583, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1600202', 3067914, '22:15:00', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54048.900000000001, 54049.099999999999, 2664, 237, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1690101', 86086, '05:37:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54183.199999999997, 54183.300000000003, 3854, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1690102', 186799, '01:41:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54184.099999999999, 54184.300000000003, 5503, 1969, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3200702', 148907, '00:06:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54197, 54197.099999999999, 5792, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3230104', 339127, '04:41:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54065.199999999997, 54065.699999999997, 26207, 14729, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3270302', 61015, '04:23:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54187.199999999997, 54187.300000000003, 2969, 4, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3270402', 124088, '09:56:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54187.400000000001, 54187.5, 7303, 2473, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3292901', 1824519, '08:05:35', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 54283.300000000003, 54283.300000000003, 320, 330, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9090603', 689016, '22:31:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53970.900000000001, 53971.199999999997, 19090, 3865, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9181102', 392203, '10:25:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54191.400000000001, 54191.800000000003, 28109, 7037, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9181103', 447896, '07:10:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54193.300000000003, 54193.599999999999, 28178, 5215, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9181301', 616691, '16:08:54', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54188.699999999997, 54189.300000000003, 36151, 3299, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9181404', 235001, '21:58:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54187.900000000001, 54188, 6515, 41, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9181405', 507831, '07:19:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54188.300000000003, 54188.599999999999, 23127, 5181, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9191202', 226761, '13:49:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54024.599999999999, 54024.699999999997, 9303, 1981, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9270502', 659422, '10:36:47', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53970.400000000001, 53970.599999999999, 8736, 6027, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0030207', 11860063, '09:05:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53984.400000000001, 53984.5, 4042, 1447, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0070301', 1027778, '22:30:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54132.900000000001, 54133.699999999997, 36685, 6242, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0150202', 146624, '07:53:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53990.300000000003, 53990.400000000001, 7884, 1874, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0150403', 666786, '08:50:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53989.400000000001, 53989.900000000001, 40047, 12795, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0150501', 460432, '14:24:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54096.599999999999, 54096.900000000001, 17917, 4925, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0170101', 1260638, '07:12:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53972.300000000003, 53973.400000000001, 63996, 24267, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0180104', 418113, '15:53:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53907.699999999997, 53908.199999999997, 18671, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0180401', 4990720, '03:53:16', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53983.199999999997, 53983.400000000001, 8448, 2960, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0200201', 68172, '00:40:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54198, 54198.099999999999, 3470, 51, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0200203', 50683, '00:12:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54199, 54199, 3701, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0200204', 89925, '23:07:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54200, 54200, 3371, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0200302', 368295, '14:12:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54113.599999999999, 54114.099999999999, 28028, 9839, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0210101', 987963, '08:25:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54189.400000000001, 54190.099999999999, 50035, 7729, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0210102', 658684, '03:13:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54190.099999999999, 54190.699999999997, 43678, 4904, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0360101', 825948, '19:20:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53953.800000000003, 53954, 13140, 3963, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0390601', 579635, '10:56:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54070.5, 54070.900000000001, 28271, 12155, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0500101', 548035, '06:52:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53941.300000000003, 53941.699999999997, 31443, 6614, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0520102', 240053, '10:01:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54165.400000000001, 54165.699999999997, 14696, 8344, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0520301', 249136, '07:14:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54282.300000000003, 54282.599999999999, 15128, 3497, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0580102', 109646, '14:01:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54214.599999999999, 54214.699999999997, 5244, 2643, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0580103', 87385, '12:51:35', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54215.5, 54215.599999999999, 3622, 1917, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0580104', 255374, '19:24:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54275.800000000003, 54276.400000000001, 34879, 2486, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0580105', 455508, '18:07:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54276.800000000003, 54277, 24160, 4566, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0610401', 1971245, '19:23:11', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54289.800000000003, 54290, 3084, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0620101', 1054833, '18:46:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53976.800000000003, 53977.5, 44076, 12018, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0630301', 2727179, '20:44:57', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53863.900000000001, 53863.900000000001, 3210, 765, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0670101', 534375, '02:09:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54131.099999999999, 54131.5, 18785, 1918, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0730101', 533031, '10:22:54', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53893.400000000001, 53893.800000000003, 20854, 4702, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7010101', 410569, '05:09:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53959.199999999997, 53959.800000000003, 27448, 12841, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7010201', 67012, '01:06:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53895, 53895.099999999999, 4019, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7011201', 138584, '07:51:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53903.300000000003, 53903.5, 7880, 3297, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7011802', 117109, '04:55:54', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53896.199999999997, 53896.300000000003, 9256, 810, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7012101', 140028, '09:39:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53896.400000000001, 53896.5, 9734, 1227, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7012201', 229759, '12:36:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54289.5, 54289.699999999997, 13998, 2152, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7130101', 178829, '12:54:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53882.5, 53882.699999999997, 10132, 4145, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7130401', 602257, '00:52:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53942, 53942.199999999997, 9040, 773, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7130901', 312780, '21:19:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53809.900000000001, 53810.099999999999, 19232, 6013, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7131601', 545120, '23:41:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54182, 54182.400000000001, 18022, 2555, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9210702', 336185, '16:04:57', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54171.699999999997, 54171.800000000003, 10650, 3616, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9210703', 1275575, '04:41:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54172.199999999997, 54173.099999999999, 53824, 21604, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9210801', 1769818, '13:26:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53900.599999999999, 53901.300000000003, 48898, 11934, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9210901', 469922, '08:29:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53982.400000000001, 53982.599999999999, 13882, 5713, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9210902', 99256, '02:26:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54167.099999999999, 54167.199999999997, 5380, 2108, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9211502', 745229, '19:49:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53980.800000000003, 53981.199999999997, 21428, 1620, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9211503', 1341675, '12:27:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53981.5, 53982, 38850, 11017, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9230102', 2264110, '13:14:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53973.599999999999, 53973.900000000001, 13185, 9698, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9230103', 1602904, '20:12:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53975.800000000003, 53976.099999999999, 10521, 3709, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9230106', 2067502, '17:10:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54169.699999999997, 54170, 7904, 5941, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9250601', 782960, '17:13:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54203.699999999997, 54204.400000000001, 28238, 1476, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9250701', 413921, '02:10:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54203.099999999999, 54203.400000000001, 29130, 1987, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9250802', 175428, '19:48:47', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54202.800000000003, 54203, 8378, 721, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9251001', 680233, '19:38:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53908.800000000003, 53909.099999999999, 24302, 7919, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9251202', 400433, '17:46:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53916.699999999997, 53917, 18070, 5497, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9251501', 136271, '03:02:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54142.099999999999, 54142.300000000003, 5009, 505, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9271501', 1494453, '05:18:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53926.199999999997, 53926.800000000003, 33881, 13124, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9321301', 1116455, '13:42:22', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54097.599999999999, 54097.900000000001, 17345, 6794, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9321305', 269956, '09:59:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54100.400000000001, 54100.5, 4997, 2199, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9330101', 11638976, '12:28:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53944.5, 53944.900000000001, 11874, 2404, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9330102', 7621190, '22:31:52', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 53947.900000000001, 53948.099999999999, 7231, 203, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9360401', 333656, '11:54:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54160.5, 54160.800000000003, 16493, 4374, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9381002', 621646, '17:09:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54170.699999999997, 54171.199999999997, 39413, 5404, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9381003', 225332, '20:09:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54171.800000000003, 54172, 11953, 4216, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9381102', 303126, '00:13:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53990, 53990.300000000003, 17516, 1514, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9381802', 924950, '12:22:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53984.5, 53985, 32585, 7844, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0150201', 223036, '03:04:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54222.099999999999, 54222.5, 11771, 8556, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0170101', 196071, '17:05:46', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54292.699999999997, 54292.900000000001, 8802, 637, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0230101', 3161837, '09:23:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54220.400000000001, 54220.5, 5571, 3794, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0230201', 2674173, '05:55:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54220.199999999997, 54220.300000000003, 4066, 2576, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0230301', 1360489, '10:45:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54218.400000000001, 54218.5, 2830, 1903, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0250101', 821305, '19:33:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54195.800000000003, 54196.599999999999, 51012, 2829, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0360301', 88583, '22:24:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54211.900000000001, 54212, 4188, 120, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0390301', 29073, '17:56:53', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54216.699999999997, 54216.800000000003, 1383, 639, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0390401', 633455, '16:24:08', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54209.699999999997, 54209.900000000001, 3284, 1341, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0450201', 233847, '08:17:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54293.300000000003, 54293.5, 14948, 1239, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0450301', 803484, '23:03:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54286, 54286.300000000003, 15135, 1561, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0581901', 1115270, '08:52:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54200.400000000001, 54201.5, 70439, 3817, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0581902', 936881, '13:13:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54201.599999999999, 54202.599999999999, 59574, 3631, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0581903', 320103, '21:32:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54204.900000000001, 54205.099999999999, 16042, 1618, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0660101', 576389, '13:27:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54222.599999999999, 54223.599999999999, 31947, 18506, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0660201', 170724, '12:50:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54218.5, 54218.699999999997, 10513, 5053, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0660202', 41772, '14:05:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54221.599999999999, 54221.599999999999, 2689, 914, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0700101', 181279, '07:20:31', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 54225.300000000003, 54225.5, 8046, 4485, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0700102', 142894, '06:37:36', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 54226.300000000003, 54226.400000000001, 8075, 4751, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0700103', 214503, '07:34:10', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 54227.300000000003, 54227.599999999999, 12877, 7586, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0700104', 285496, '06:54:04', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 54228.300000000003, 54228.599999999999, 16577, 7039, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0740101', 220050, '01:22:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54284.099999999999, 54284.300000000003, 11262, 163, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0740102', 279807, '22:49:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54284.900000000001, 54285.199999999997, 14538, 882, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0740201', 477534, '07:29:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54199.300000000003, 54199.900000000001, 35126, 3139, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0760201', 559068, '04:43:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54197.199999999997, 54197.699999999997, 40184, 5192, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0760202', 344264, '03:20:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54198.099999999999, 54198.400000000001, 23893, 3531, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0790101', 338608, '01:36:42', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54287.099999999999, 54287.400000000001, 17938, 1639, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0790102', 651278, '21:38:42', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54288.900000000001, 54289.5, 35331, 2008, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0790201', 453408, '03:11:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54293.099999999999, 54293.300000000003, 8467, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0830201', 537613, '17:23:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54219.699999999997, 54220.099999999999, 26660, 5141, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0830202', 298480, '20:28:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54221.900000000001, 54222.099999999999, 14607, 4751, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0830302', 33826, '11:00:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54211.5, 54211.5, 2374, 1424, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0830303', 654845, '06:24:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54213.300000000003, 54214, 47042, 20125, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0830304', 197314, '06:54:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54214.300000000003, 54214.5, 11989, 7349, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0830305', 318235, '22:27:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54214.900000000001, 54215.099999999999, 13884, 4284, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0830306', 548718, '20:05:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54215.800000000003, 54216.199999999997, 28998, 9078, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0830501', 236976, '03:31:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54215.099999999999, 54215.400000000001, 13949, 5415, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0830502', 457039, '14:50:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54220.599999999999, 54221.099999999999, 26826, 12083, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0830601', 461102, '18:04:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54218.800000000003, 54219.099999999999, 26831, 5174, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0850101', 341129, '01:08:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54273, 54273.400000000001, 18823, 6261, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0850102', 884533, '15:00:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54273.599999999999, 54274.5, 54753, 13941, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0870201', 111591, '12:58:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54220.5, 54220.599999999999, 2098, 1459, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0870301', 203047, '18:08:25', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 54278.800000000003, 54278.800000000003, 820, 291, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0880201', 330522, '09:29:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54290.400000000001, 54290.699999999997, 23935, 338, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0880202', 241704, '18:24:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54290.800000000003, 54291, 12410, 190, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0960101', 264866, '06:26:48', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54269.300000000003, 54269.599999999999, 15940, 9539, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0960201', 124334, '08:45:05', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54270.400000000001, 54270.599999999999, 8083, 3052, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0980101', 309702, '07:26:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54216.300000000003, 54216.599999999999, 13143, 7527, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H0980102', 830536, '11:24:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54217.5, 54218, 34489, 11791, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H9010301', 35171, '19:57:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54197.800000000003, 54197.900000000001, 1300, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H9030201', 106289, '23:56:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54293, 54293, 2766, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H9030301', 203117, '02:51:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54290.099999999999, 54290.300000000003, 10027, 18, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H9050201', 946766, '09:46:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54281.400000000001, 54281.400000000001, 401, 163, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H9060301', 895958, '16:34:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54223.699999999997, 54224.5, 52523, 14058, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H9070502', 110365, '15:08:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54208.599999999999, 54208.800000000003, 4952, 319, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H9070503', 451424, '03:06:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54209.099999999999, 54209.599999999999, 29275, 4906, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H9070505', 410397, '00:49:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54211, 54211.400000000001, 27226, 5756, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H9070506', 213927, '11:47:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54212.5, 54212.800000000003, 14690, 5630, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H9070507', 176869, '18:00:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54214.800000000003, 54214.900000000001, 9385, 1265, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('H9070901', 533106, '14:57:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54287.599999999999, 54288.099999999999, 30579, 4033, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010201', 10839815, '01:25:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51464.099999999999, 51464.199999999997, 4180, 809, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031303', 8566276, '15:11:20', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53313.599999999999, 53313.900000000001, 5760, 3840, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031403', 7000586, '05:45:30', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53092.199999999997, 53092.400000000001, 5760, 1932, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031405', 11408755, '20:30:53', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53202.900000000001, 53202.900000000001, 5634, 2068, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031406', 5472087, '23:12:11', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53203, 53203.099999999999, 5748, 1767, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031407', 9305480, '23:29:41', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53207, 53207.099999999999, 4011, 678, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031408', 11793883, '01:49:22', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53207.099999999999, 53207.199999999997, 5634, 1941, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031409', 5668965, '05:07:00', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53207.199999999997, 53207.400000000001, 5748, 1767, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031502', 15516337, '20:19:20', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53132.800000000003, 53133.099999999999, 5074, 933, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031503', 7232031, '03:18:46', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53133.099999999999, 53133.400000000001, 5214, 1449, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031504', 12775072, '17:27:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53192.699999999997, 53192.800000000003, 4032, 1557, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031505', 15399646, '21:04:17', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53192.900000000001, 53193.099999999999, 5803, 1679, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031506', 6734662, '03:49:55', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53193.199999999997, 53193.400000000001, 5712, 2615, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031601', 273186, '03:56:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53159.199999999997, 53159.199999999997, 1920, 893, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031603', 208595, '12:36:11', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53159.5, 53159.699999999997, 1920, 1932, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031604', 352890, '13:59:30', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53289.599999999999, 53289.599999999999, 2763, 1148, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031605', 462852, '15:37:14', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53289.699999999997, 53289.800000000003, 5861, 2963, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031606', 372161, '19:33:00', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53289.800000000003, 53290, 5465, 1234, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052108', 11884573, '13:25:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54028.599999999999, 54028.699999999997, 7546, 1432, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052501', 2056331, '19:50:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54181.800000000003, 54181.900000000001, 5480, 605, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052805', 5683481, '16:57:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54179.699999999997, 54179.900000000001, 15000, 6082, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070225', 1544009, '01:24:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53210.099999999999, 53210.099999999999, 3040, 1571, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070226', 1136672, '04:53:41', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53210.199999999997, 53210.400000000001, 2997, 2851, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070227', 678995, '11:32:45', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53210.5, 53210.599999999999, 3285, 2861, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070315', 1577045, '07:17:25', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53150.300000000003, 53150.5, 6048, 4262, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070317', 1280186, '19:17:45', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53150.800000000003, 53151, 4800, 2504, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070412', 594040, '16:57:18', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 52323.699999999997, 52324.300000000003, 3352, 3291, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070413', 2896461, '02:52:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52327.099999999999, 52327.300000000003, 5722, 4516, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070414', 3791905, '07:21:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52327.300000000003, 52327.5, 5020, 5361, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070415', 2682325, '14:00:16', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52327.599999999999, 52327.900000000001, 4457, 6539, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070427', 2551817, '17:41:06', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 53326.699999999997, 53327.099999999999, 5587, 1021, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9000101', 633233, '12:03:33', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54313.5, 54314, 34742, 9845, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9000201', 432362, '00:10:34', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54314, 54314.5, 36289, 12386, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9000301', 523038, '12:10:27', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54314.5, 54315, 38930, 14332, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9000401', 326094, '01:05:05', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54315, 54315.5, 34800, 12326, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9000501', 374924, '13:08:57', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54315.5, 54316.099999999999, 38929, 13768, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9000601', 345401, '01:35:33', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54316.099999999999, 54316.599999999999, 35028, 12147, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9000701', 377332, '14:07:20', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54316.599999999999, 54317.099999999999, 38919, 13032, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9000801', 358572, '02:07:38', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54317.099999999999, 54317.599999999999, 35582, 13264, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9000901', 512575, '15:05:38', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54317.599999999999, 54318.099999999999, 38907, 13307, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001001', 428106, '02:41:50', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54318.099999999999, 54318.599999999999, 31377, 11467, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001101', 412908, '14:20:28', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54318.599999999999, 54319.099999999999, 38917, 13571, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001201', 366064, '01:58:23', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54319.099999999999, 54319.599999999999, 36053, 13040, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001401', 839535, '01:01:21', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54349, 54349.5, 40463, 10970, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001402', 353023, '12:50:17', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54349.5, 54350.099999999999, 35053, 12026, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001501', 1796277, '02:02:15', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54350.099999999999, 54350.5, 38534, 11498, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001502', 332939, '13:22:50', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54350.599999999999, 54351.099999999999, 32070, 12261, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001601', 2099880, '01:16:34', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54351.099999999999, 54351.5, 38655, 11312, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001602', 467817, '12:23:14', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54351.5, 54352, 32893, 12815, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001701', 2415481, '00:30:53', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54352, 54352.5, 39040, 11305, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001702', 448974, '11:44:42', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54352.5, 54353, 32452, 13360, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001801', 2821984, '23:45:12', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54353, 54353.5, 40614, 11251, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001802', 369841, '11:27:07', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54353.5, 54354, 35755, 14141, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001901', 1367410, '00:46:12', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54354, 54354.5, 39295, 11979, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9001902', 457178, '12:06:46', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54354.5, 54355, 32083, 13340, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002001', 1567550, '00:00:29', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54355, 54355.5, 38890, 11995, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002002', 455750, '11:21:04', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54355.5, 54356, 32065, 13765, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002101', 595150, '23:14:47', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54356, 54356.5, 43271, 14077, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002102', 360673, '12:21:59', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54356.5, 54357, 32375, 13371, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002201', 810980, '00:16:01', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54357, 54357.5, 42579, 14497, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002202', 315932, '13:22:51', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54357.599999999999, 54358, 27717, 11656, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002301', 990067, '23:30:14', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54358, 54358.5, 43240, 14670, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002302', 589453, '12:37:10', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54358.5, 54359.099999999999, 38941, 15362, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002401', 410013, '02:13:06', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54359.099999999999, 54359.5, 35830, 12366, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002402', 428044, '13:37:42', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54359.599999999999, 54360.099999999999, 33957, 13622, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002501', 308429, '01:21:25', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54360.099999999999, 54360.5, 36302, 12889, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002502', 447425, '12:52:25', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54360.5, 54361.099999999999, 38941, 15869, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002601', 302359, '02:09:57', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54361.099999999999, 54361.599999999999, 35159, 13430, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002602', 364368, '13:51:09', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54361.599999999999, 54362.099999999999, 33942, 14004, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002701', 415100, '01:22:42', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54362.099999999999, 54362.5, 35410, 13750, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002702', 413752, '13:05:55', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54362.5, 54363.099999999999, 38885, 16018, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002801', 343260, '02:03:57', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54363.099999999999, 54363.599999999999, 34877, 14023, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002802', 549297, '14:04:45', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54363.599999999999, 54364.099999999999, 38918, 15744, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002901', 356238, '02:34:26', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54364.099999999999, 54364.599999999999, 35366, 14056, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9002902', 408183, '15:03:09', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54364.599999999999, 54365.099999999999, 38921, 14231, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003001', 360047, '03:05:51', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54365.099999999999, 54365.599999999999, 35961, 14005, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003002', 557346, '16:01:29', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54365.699999999997, 54366.099999999999, 38918, 14176, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003101', 363375, '03:39:30', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54366.199999999997, 54366.699999999997, 36025, 15326, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003102', 527232, '16:59:45', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54366.699999999997, 54367.199999999997, 38908, 14241, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003201', 365807, '04:22:25', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54367.199999999997, 54367.699999999997, 35709, 15698, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003202', 473202, '17:58:02', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54367.800000000003, 54368.199999999997, 37444, 13847, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003301', 342964, '04:42:42', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54368.199999999997, 54368.699999999997, 33123, 13765, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003302', 363660, '17:12:52', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54368.699999999997, 54369.199999999997, 37523, 13817, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003401', 397416, '04:00:46', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54369.199999999997, 54369.699999999997, 37914, 15387, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003402', 408963, '17:55:34', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54369.699999999997, 54370.099999999999, 33679, 11932, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003501', 394622, '03:22:11', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54370.099999999999, 54370.699999999997, 37448, 14955, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003502', 510088, '17:09:48', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54370.699999999997, 54371.199999999997, 39217, 13469, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003601', 387318, '04:08:52', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54371.199999999997, 54371.699999999997, 33428, 13168, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003602', 423782, '16:40:38', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54371.699999999997, 54372.099999999999, 38295, 13664, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003701', 362320, '03:24:21', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54372.099999999999, 54372.599999999999, 33296, 12569, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004001', 394789, '01:13:20', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54375.099999999999, 54375.599999999999, 37934, 12878, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004002', 934864, '15:08:08', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54375.599999999999, 54376, 33678, 11461, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004101', 550389, '00:34:42', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54376, 54376.599999999999, 37471, 12154, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004102', 1207352, '14:22:22', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54376.599999999999, 54377.099999999999, 39206, 12912, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004201', 372996, '01:21:22', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54377.099999999999, 54377.599999999999, 33447, 10627, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004202', 527319, '13:53:02', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54377.599999999999, 54378, 38293, 13031, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004301', 353205, '00:36:51', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54378, 54378.5, 33310, 9856, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004302', 506283, '13:08:10', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54378.5, 54379, 37862, 12921, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004401', 407996, '23:52:20', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54379, 54379.599999999999, 38339, 11082, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004402', 315679, '13:52:21', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54379.599999999999, 54380, 33011, 10652, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004501', 399454, '23:07:49', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54380, 54380.5, 38213, 10084, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004502', 352207, '13:06:23', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54380.5, 54380.900000000001, 33247, 10450, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004601', 391997, '22:25:46', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54380.900000000001, 54381.5, 37948, 9168, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004602', 393395, '12:20:37', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54381.5, 54381.900000000001, 33646, 10411, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004701', 386841, '21:47:05', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54381.900000000001, 54382.5, 37485, 8195, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004702', 1131683, '11:34:52', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54382.5, 54382.900000000001, 39209, 11808, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004801', 797528, '22:33:56', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54382.900000000001, 54383.400000000001, 33450, 6776, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004802', 405014, '11:05:35', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54383.5, 54383.800000000003, 28929, 10007, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004803', 173815, '19:12:45', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54383.800000000003, 54384, 13828, 2603, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004901', 575345, '23:31:29', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54384, 54384.5, 34217, 7532, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9004902', 563938, '11:53:34', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54384.5, 54385, 41974, 11118, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9005001', 3015619, '00:29:34', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54385, 54385.5, 29621, 6400, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9005002', 73619, '11:04:53', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54385.5, 54385.5, 4594, 1965, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9005101', 11023, '23:44:27', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54386, 54386.099999999999, 4237, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9005102', 11022, '10:18:57', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54386.400000000001, 54386.5, 4628, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9005201', 663096, '22:59:20', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54387, 54387.5, 40664, 8240, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9005202', 387529, '13:00:47', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54387.5, 54388.099999999999, 39522, 9052, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9005301', 4363556, '01:42:05', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54388.099999999999, 54388.599999999999, 35602, 7442, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9005302', 350431, '13:19:05', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54388.599999999999, 54389, 36377, 8887, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9005401', 406340, '01:24:32', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54389.099999999999, 54389.5, 33944, 6448, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9005402', 317268, '12:36:23', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54389.5, 54390, 36319, 5749, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9005501', 15307, '00:39:21', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54390, 54390.099999999999, 4363, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9005502', 227683, '12:01:25', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54390.5, 54390.800000000003, 26973, 4335, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018303', 312937, '05:25:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53153.199999999997, 53153.699999999997, 9549, 5385, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1018304', 452973, '02:01:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53310.099999999999, 53310.800000000003, 23545, 16810, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1021404', 7759424, '03:34:23', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53297.099999999999, 53297.400000000001, 7409, 2197, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2050205', 6400009, '21:12:35', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53352.900000000001, 53353.599999999999, 12107, 6746, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P2051501', 3314799, '07:57:58', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53154.300000000003, 53154.599999999999, 3766, 3503, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3031704', 5723367, '05:38:15', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54221.199999999997, 54221.400000000001, 4846, 3748, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P3032601', 118245, '03:08:32', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53259.099999999999, 53259.099999999999, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1000601', 776397, '02:34:20', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54322.099999999999, 54322.699999999997, 36379, 12666, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1000701', 607044, '16:28:59', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54322.699999999997, 54323.099999999999, 32830, 11227, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1000801', 687734, '01:41:33', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54323.099999999999, 54323.599999999999, 35844, 12085, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1000901', 712484, '15:44:28', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54323.699999999997, 54324.099999999999, 38376, 12724, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1001001', 699362, '02:49:42', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54324.099999999999, 54324.599999999999, 31762, 10736, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1001101', 765060, '14:59:58', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54324.599999999999, 54325.099999999999, 38392, 13024, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1001201', 714103, '02:04:00', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54325.099999999999, 54325.599999999999, 31580, 10046, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1001301', 748919, '14:15:04', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54325.599999999999, 54326, 37944, 13060, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1001401', 798468, '01:18:18', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54326.099999999999, 54326.599999999999, 34026, 10013, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1001501', 609543, '15:10:37', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54326.599999999999, 54327, 32165, 10884, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1001601', 814282, '00:32:36', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54327, 54327.599999999999, 33899, 9187, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1001701', 625687, '14:26:06', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54327.599999999999, 54328, 32403, 10814, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1001801', 815210, '23:46:52', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54328, 54328.5, 33621, 8403, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1001901', 640985, '13:41:35', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54328.599999999999, 54329, 32830, 10932, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1002001', 823948, '22:54:09', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54329, 54329.5, 33157, 7297, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1002101', 746669, '12:57:04', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54329.5, 54330, 38376, 12076, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1002201', 753156, '00:02:13', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54330, 54330.5, 31622, 8045, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1002301', 787184, '12:12:33', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54330.5, 54331, 38392, 12559, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1002401', 829329, '23:16:31', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54331, 54331.5, 34146, 7561, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1002501', 621735, '13:04:28', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54331.5, 54331.900000000001, 31913, 10516, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1002601', 836586, '22:30:49', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54331.900000000001, 54332.5, 33960, 6703, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1002701', 618062, '12:23:12', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54332.5, 54332.900000000001, 32158, 10496, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1002801', 842375, '21:45:07', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54332.900000000001, 54333.400000000001, 33876, 6123, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1002901', 731708, '11:38:40', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54333.5, 54333.900000000001, 37188, 11590, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1003001', 974675, '22:46:03', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54333.900000000001, 54334.599999999999, 41550, 8801, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1003101', 1053984, '21:22:56', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54334.900000000001, 54335.599999999999, 48891, 8511, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1003201', 1182577, '20:15:52', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54335.800000000003, 54336.599999999999, 50280, 9857, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1003301', 985442, '19:34:10', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54336.800000000003, 54337.5, 47678, 7847, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1003701', 875350, '13:38:15', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54339.599999999999, 54340, 32629, 8968, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1003801', 1192257, '01:14:21', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54340.099999999999, 54340.5, 33992, 6858, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1003901', 798613, '14:36:52', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54340.599999999999, 54341.099999999999, 36067, 7877, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1004001', 4445483, '03:33:36', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54341.099999999999, 54341.5, 23996, 5383, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1004101', 708130, '13:41:58', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54341.599999999999, 54342, 32629, 8041, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1004201', 857813, '01:27:34', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54342.099999999999, 54342.599999999999, 38993, 9828, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1004301', 718568, '15:48:12', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54342.699999999997, 54343.199999999997, 31681, 6949, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1004401', 4063083, '03:48:47', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54343.199999999997, 54343.599999999999, 38993, 10362, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1004501', 838308, '17:42:28', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54343.699999999997, 54344.300000000003, 32847, 7408, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1004601', 506408, '06:36:47', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54344.300000000003, 54344.5, 15000, 3858, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1004701', 1191670, '14:44:33', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54344.599999999999, 54345.400000000001, 51993, 13927, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1004801', 473656, '11:51:16', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54345.5, 54345.800000000003, 24657, 10081, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1004901', 5818536, '23:45:04', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54346, 54346.5, 38992, 9957, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1005001', 703176, '14:27:12', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54346.599999999999, 54347.099999999999, 31918, 8595, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1005101', 693217, '02:52:10', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54347.099999999999, 54347.5, 33996, 8898, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1005201', 714674, '15:40:27', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54347.699999999997, 54348.099999999999, 32177, 10156, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S1005301', 498400, '03:50:12', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54348.199999999997, 54348.400000000001, 24000, 7451, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4050504', 387917, '17:51:48', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53123.699999999997, 53124.300000000003, 26760, 7836, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051001', 1682667, '05:13:44', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52300.199999999997, 52301, 55330, 21403, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4051002', 1838758, '00:13:09', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52301, 52301.800000000003, 54135, 19137, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4052401', 264988, '18:28:36', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52122.800000000003, 52123.099999999999, 11404, 4994, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055201', 158636, '16:20:49', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52299.699999999997, 52299.699999999997, 4186, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5052402', 611569, '13:33:12', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53228.599999999999, 53229.199999999997, 37815, 9833, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5054301', 95136, '07:21:11', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 53355.300000000003, 53355.699999999997, 4915, 4095, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7010201', 452795, '01:11:09', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53785.099999999999, 53785.5, 21781, 655, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7011102', 1527669, '15:50:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53459.699999999997, 53459.900000000001, 20798, 5954, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7011202', 162454, '10:47:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53465.400000000001, 53465.5, 7688, 1750, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7011203', 397225, '21:33:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53465.900000000001, 53466, 9660, 1376, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7011301', 11176, '11:24:53', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53471.5, 53471.5, 959, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7012003', 280670, '21:04:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53475.900000000001, 53476, 8323, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7012101', 13404, '11:07:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53476.5, 53476.5, 4721, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7012103', 293754, '01:15:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53477.099999999999, 53477.300000000003, 13428, 555, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7013303', 11006, '19:18:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53614.800000000003, 53614.800000000003, 845, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7013503', 2675432, '00:06:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53556, 53556.099999999999, 4064, 1123, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S8050301', 114341, '16:51:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54130.699999999997, 54130.900000000001, 2103, 563, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1040803', 772691, '04:33:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54112.199999999997, 54113, 46459, 18909, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1094005', 52031, '05:45:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54199.199999999997, 54199.300000000003, 3500, 965, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1095304', 178883, '18:48:37', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54196.800000000003, 54196.900000000001, 5723, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0150103', 372738, '03:48:53', '3.2.0', 'MDRS', 54159.199999999997, 54159.400000000001, 16868, 1909, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0150201', 813068, '13:03:20', '3.2.0', 'MDRS', 54159.5, 54160, 25568, 7565, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0170101', 52949, '16:50:27', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54161.699999999997, 54161.699999999997, 1913, 540, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0170201', 60688, '18:30:01', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54161.800000000003, 54161.800000000003, 2321, 556, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0170301', 42138, '20:09:50', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54161.800000000003, 54161.900000000001, 2552, 556, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0180101', 276192, '11:43:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54292.5, 54292.699999999997, 16192, 2319, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z0180102', 253116, '13:55:56', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54293.599999999999, 54293.800000000003, 12466, 1107, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1042302', 1256405, '16:41:21', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53990.699999999997, 53990.900000000001, 13888, 4244, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9090401', 387923, '11:14:29', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52731.5, 52731.800000000003, 18747, 9781, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9091102', 572902, '01:08:26', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52754, 52754.400000000001, 24760, 7784, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9091501', 341157, '19:00:38', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52895.800000000003, 52896.199999999997, 19571, 11807, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9110201', 181148, '03:16:11', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52753.099999999999, 52753.300000000003, 8962, 2382, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9110301', 277042, '07:06:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52753.300000000003, 52753.5, 9999, 4123, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9112101', 192951, '05:31:27', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52737.199999999997, 52737.400000000001, 13808, 5562, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9113301', 46686, '03:57:47', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52760.199999999997, 52760.199999999997, 1488, 709, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('D1750201', 2962990, '00:32:46', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53240, 53241, 68907, 22702, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0790101', 719458, '06:11:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54148.300000000003, 54148.300000000003, 2000, 330, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0790102', 536160, '14:42:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54148.599999999999, 54148.699999999997, 1999, 335, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0790103', 339958, '17:07:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54149.699999999997, 54149.699999999997, 1000, 320, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0790104', 372194, '11:33:57', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54150.5, 54150.599999999999, 1998, 479, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0790105', 455787, '05:30:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54151.199999999997, 54151.199999999997, 2000, 889, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3293501', 1406994, '19:59:14', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 54150.800000000003, 54150.900000000001, 740, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9250901', 146606, '00:28:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54149, 54149.099999999999, 8590, 611, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1026210', 5262524, '23:16:20', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54151, 54151.099999999999, 7422, 783, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1026211', 8749962, '07:39:11', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 54151.300000000003, 54151.699999999997, 13736, 3206, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S4055901', 230003, '22:04:30', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 52835.900000000001, 52836.300000000003, 16819, 8248, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3290902', 883331, '23:41:02', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 54139, 54139.099999999999, 1602, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0070101', 461752, '08:35:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54132.400000000001, 54132.699999999997, 17697, 4196, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0070102', 211357, '16:44:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54133.699999999997, 54133.900000000001, 14254, 1515, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0070103', 91767, '19:16:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54134.800000000003, 54134.900000000001, 3746, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0070201', 257104, '17:06:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54132.699999999997, 54132.900000000001, 15710, 2606, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0070202', 673804, '21:53:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54133.900000000001, 54134.199999999997, 15579, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0180102', 2050654, '19:01:45', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53905.800000000003, 53906.099999999999, 10495, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0250101', 200281, '00:16:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54098, 54098.099999999999, 7332, 968, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0610203', 364748, '16:13:35', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54115.699999999997, 54115.900000000001, 6334, 2618, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0610603', 1272659, '22:18:19', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54121.900000000001, 54122.099999999999, 4790, 510, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0610904', 2871276, '04:59:30', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54135.199999999997, 54135.5, 4311, 503, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0670102', 45882, '15:38:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54134.699999999997, 54134.699999999997, 4000, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7012701', 212821, '20:38:45', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53896.900000000001, 53897.099999999999, 10336, 849, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7131102', 80684, '23:54:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54131, 54131, 3684, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9170102', 346873, '06:38:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54123.300000000003, 54123.699999999997, 17976, 11273, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7050702', 522308, '02:04:52', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54291.099999999999, 54291.599999999999, 30637, 2516, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S7050703', 411162, '02:14:10', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54292.099999999999, 54292.400000000001, 24256, 1563, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S9051003', 269426, '18:03:14', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54286.800000000003, 54287, 13933, 177, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S9051004', 126055, '10:56:48', '3.2.1', 'RFPT', 54287.5, 54287.599999999999, 8814, 6, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1060701', 408504, '23:56:30', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 53890, 53890.400000000001, 23712, 843, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1072203', 620431, '07:01:52', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 54280.300000000003, 54280.900000000001, 40712, 8388, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1095301', 2416425, '03:26:14', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53905.099999999999, 53905.699999999997, 34998, 12647, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1096802', 333324, '09:04:58', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53953.400000000001, 53953.699999999997, 18240, 7944, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9090601', 268725, '04:58:27', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 52896.199999999997, 52896.5, 14483, 9809, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('Z9090703', 437200, '23:06:49', '3.2.0', 'LWRS', 53082, 53082.199999999997, 18585, 1802, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0200201', 15006907, '14:31:35', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53868.599999999999, 53868.599999999999, 3731, 1227, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0650305', 3528914, '14:18:46', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53982.599999999999, 53982.800000000003, 20660, 4833, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0650306', 1061660, '05:21:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53984.199999999997, 53984.300000000003, 5795, 2185, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0750103', 785155, '08:03:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53931.300000000003, 53931.5, 10664, 3963, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E0820602', 1311901, '18:10:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53683.800000000003, 53684.199999999997, 23341, 2060, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1080101', 2744184, '15:17:47', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53922.599999999999, 53922.900000000001, 25000, 6886, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1240101', 219972, '02:24:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53704.099999999999, 53704.400000000001, 23425, 2311, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1590101', 11871615, '09:49:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53866.400000000001, 53866.5, 3595, 2542, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E1590203', 1800363, '13:03:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53866.5, 53866.599999999999, 5022, 3004, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9371101', 623699, '02:06:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53690.099999999999, 53690.400000000001, 27510, 3659, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490504', 59051, '16:57:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53970.699999999997, 53970.800000000003, 4096, 2100, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490607', 225296, '05:36:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53968.199999999997, 53968.5, 11576, 7055, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('E9490608', 198966, '13:34:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53968.599999999999, 53968.800000000003, 12946, 8291, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0160107', 207408, '21:43:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53934.900000000001, 53935, 6047, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0180108', 298844, '22:41:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53954.900000000001, 53955.199999999997, 14242, 97, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0180109', 249197, '21:53:45', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53955.900000000001, 53956.199999999997, 17240, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0260101', 471110, '05:20:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53880.199999999997, 53880.599999999999, 19823, 2955, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F0370103', 632099, '21:01:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53982.900000000001, 53983.099999999999, 10153, 664, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1320201', 1563701, '07:45:51', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53925.300000000003, 53925.900000000001, 32997, 11611, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F1320301', 1207224, '17:32:07', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53866.699999999997, 53867.099999999999, 31633, 7254, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3201001', 590120, '12:47:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53913.5, 53914, 29559, 9347, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3201201', 197703, '01:11:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53937.099999999999, 53937.199999999997, 11954, 135, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3201202', 175378, '00:15:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53938, 53938.199999999997, 13562, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3201203', 232088, '00:39:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53939, 53939.300000000003, 12776, 189, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3250102', 41481, '04:20:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53710.199999999997, 53710.199999999997, 4770, 1208, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3270803', 203063, '04:50:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53708.199999999997, 53708.599999999999, 15529, 6655, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F3270805', 64402, '17:24:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53709.699999999997, 53709.800000000003, 4407, 2115, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9130301', 1126470, '11:00:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53839.5, 53839.800000000003, 20669, 4937, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9130302', 951879, '06:47:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53840.300000000003, 53840.699999999997, 32024, 9601, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9140101', 521078, '15:22:45', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53937.599999999999, 53937.800000000003, 13342, 4826, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9140102', 396305, '08:21:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53938.300000000003, 53938.5, 11883, 4231, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9270501', 990303, '03:05:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53970.099999999999, 53970.400000000001, 12374, 4540, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('F9271901', 722786, '11:43:57', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53983.5, 53983.699999999997, 17564, 4690, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0010101', 492325, '06:38:22', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53957.300000000003, 53957.900000000001, 24597, 11919, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0030205', 11133400, '05:55:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53981.199999999997, 53981.5, 6711, 5662, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0030206', 22346671, '01:51:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53982.099999999999, 53982.300000000003, 6881, 1157, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0030307', 1764310, '04:24:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53976.199999999997, 53976.699999999997, 15652, 10531, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0060101', 635695, '06:20:42', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53868.300000000003, 53868.5, 7536, 5945, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0060102', 1063532, '08:55:50', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53923.400000000001, 53923.800000000003, 23880, 9331, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0060103', 1675830, '09:49:40', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53924.400000000001, 53924.900000000001, 33876, 13706, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0150301', 129996, '04:12:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53886.199999999997, 53886.199999999997, 4108, 573, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0150302', 617897, '10:14:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53888.400000000001, 53889.099999999999, 39589, 8957, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0180103', 3983783, '16:34:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53906.699999999997, 53907.300000000003, 20850, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0230201', 327509, '06:37:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53898.300000000003, 53898.599999999999, 22001, 1909, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0230202', 546360, '08:33:45', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53899.400000000001, 53900, 30280, 5315, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0350101', 322776, '09:32:13', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53894.400000000001, 53894.699999999997, 17906, 4543, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0440301', 410685, '14:34:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53883.599999999999, 53884, 26376, 5488, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0440302', 214121, '23:51:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53885, 53885.199999999997, 10974, 627, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0480201', 331176, '04:33:24', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53867.199999999997, 53867.5, 12475, 7633, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0480202', 609160, '20:41:01', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53869.900000000001, 53870.400000000001, 25296, 12183, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0520101', 372998, '21:14:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53930.900000000001, 53931.300000000003, 19952, 1164, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0520201', 359723, '02:20:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53871.099999999999, 53871.599999999999, 19872, 9160, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0520401', 492615, '05:12:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53912.199999999997, 53912.699999999997, 24359, 11828, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0530201', 195693, '00:24:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53944, 53944.199999999997, 8936, 129, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0530202', 228826, '00:39:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53945, 53945.199999999997, 12153, 85, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G0610903', 3294385, '19:58:31', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53966.800000000003, 53966.900000000001, 2056, 1483, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7010701', 535082, '07:24:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53956.300000000003, 53956.900000000001, 24510, 10332, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7010901', 1725886, '05:17:47', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53902.199999999997, 53903.199999999997, 63879, 18912, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7011001', 109557, '22:15:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53898.900000000001, 53899, 6435, 139, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7011002', 740073, '00:05:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53950, 53950.599999999999, 43222, 11217, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7011101', 851019, '05:32:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53944.199999999997, 53944.400000000001, 17884, 4605, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7011102', 669560, '07:22:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53945.300000000003, 53945.5, 19385, 952, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7011202', 746490, '02:59:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53904.099999999999, 53904.5, 26885, 6104, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9250101', 203490, '16:12:40', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53897.699999999997, 53897.900000000001, 11083, 659, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9981201', 14923, '17:27:56', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52305.699999999997, 52305.800000000003, 5000, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1026208', 4259234, '13:08:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53915.5, 53915.699999999997, 4200, 2582, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('P1026209', 3546857, '12:08:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53916.5, 53916.699999999997, 3945, 2591, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055702', 678656, '22:51:01', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 53999, 53999.400000000001, 34839, 6786, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S5055803', 108223, '04:00:06', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54071.199999999997, 54071.300000000003, 5451, 2883, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6010501', 673267, '23:26:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52303, 52303.199999999997, 17540, 3337, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('S6010502', 627085, '07:10:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52303.300000000003, 52303.599999999999, 20000, 9283, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1018402', 484639, '00:33:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53972, 53972.199999999997, 6866, 1876, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1080501', 2171044, '23:51:01', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53925, 53925.199999999997, 7636, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('U1095101', 822727, '08:27:47', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53907.400000000001, 53907.599999999999, 6000, 2345, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7010302', 187178, '23:18:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53904, 53904.099999999999, 7884, 2634, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7010601', 316730, '16:18:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53958.699999999997, 53958.900000000001, 13738, 3437, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7011501', 239192, '01:40:46', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53894.099999999999, 53894.199999999997, 11884, 1458, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G7131301', 257112, '13:28:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53837.599999999999, 53837.699999999997, 14221, 3025, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9211501', 904836, '17:30:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53979.699999999997, 53980, 18910, 3514, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9230101', 10996301, '14:39:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53971.599999999999, 53971.900000000001, 13910, 10393, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9240701', 2531654, '08:13:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53865.300000000003, 53865.5, 8552, 5228, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9240901', 286695, '16:23:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53862.699999999997, 53862.800000000003, 4863, 1227, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9250801', 249051, '17:07:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53849.699999999997, 53850, 11430, 1370, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9251101', 1982115, '10:47:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53853.400000000001, 53854.599999999999, 74485, 27982, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9251201', 360229, '14:08:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53914.599999999999, 53914.900000000001, 14423, 3042, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9271502', 1283848, '12:34:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53927.5, 53927.900000000001, 30730, 9572, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9310201', 152461, '00:23:54', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53959, 53959.099999999999, 8049, 1487, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9310301', 217390, '22:01:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53959.900000000001, 53960.099999999999, 11008, 2416, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9380201', 440306, '09:03:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53974.400000000001, 53974.800000000003, 25163, 12316, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9381501', 817776, '20:23:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53901.900000000001, 53902.199999999997, 23119, 4328, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('G9381601', 426461, '04:33:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53960.199999999997, 53960.699999999997, 21110, 11611, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2050301', 736874, '04:53:48', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51404.199999999997, 51405, 57640, 17979, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2050302', 822465, '02:25:04', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51405.099999999999, 51406, 58080, 17047, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2050303', 445270, '00:00:06', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51406, 51406.5, 34608, 7943, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2050501', 10904398, '03:58:38', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51411.199999999997, 51413, 126460, 24286, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2050510', 3171562, '19:17:32', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51414.800000000003, 51415.099999999999, 20646, 4428, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2050601', 405599, '02:28:46', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51417.099999999999, 51417.5, 31492, 11119, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2050701', 1113574, '20:39:32', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51417.900000000001, 51419, 71346, 26450, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2050801', 3276184, '17:07:09', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51422.699999999997, 51423, 19695, 7699, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2050802', 4912729, '16:24:41', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51423.699999999997, 51424, 18473, 6442, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2050901', 18882612, '17:26:41', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51424.699999999997, 51429, 245920, 91415, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2051001', 425575, '03:39:05', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51431.199999999997, 51431.599999999999, 25946, 10716, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2051301', 418853, '06:46:06', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51444.300000000003, 51444.599999999999, 25615, 9316, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2051401', 1777765, '17:40:00', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51445.699999999997, 51446.199999999997, 17211, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2051501', 190591, '19:57:13', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51446.800000000003, 51447.199999999997, 6103, 1632, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2051601', 469829, '04:37:42', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51501.199999999997, 51501.699999999997, 30235, 3468, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2051702', 938378, '12:24:52', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51502.5, 51503.199999999997, 44680, 5578, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I2051801', 913823, '12:18:42', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51512.5, 51513.5, 65197, 22902, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I7010101', 32639, '09:02:38', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52708.400000000001, 52708.400000000001, 2108, 1677, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I7010102', 1401771, '10:49:04', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 52708.400000000001, 52708.5, 2509, 1700, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I7010103', 1287348, '14:06:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52708.599999999999, 52708.599999999999, 3247, 1596, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I7070201', 25724, '20:35:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52751.900000000001, 52751.900000000001, 1919, 304, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8010105', 3771417, '05:01:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51413.199999999997, 51413.400000000001, 692, 7754, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8010106', 194152, '11:16:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51413.5, 51413.5, 1440, 418, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8010215', 392551, '16:17:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51446.699999999997, 51446.800000000003, 7472, 2610, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8010512', 1614185, '17:10:47', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51437.699999999997, 51439.199999999997, 53424, 24773, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8010513', 217548, '19:46:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51441.800000000003, 51441.800000000003, 1440, 1358, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8010615', 11635, '06:38:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51454.300000000003, 51454.300000000003, 4787, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8010719', 689317, '07:09:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51462.300000000003, 51462.300000000003, 3074, 2100, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8010801', 2119427, '13:37:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51473.599999999999, 51474.099999999999, 29760, 13900, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8010901', 700858, '12:29:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51482.5, 51482.800000000003, 10122, 5338, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8011001', 1095550, '01:02:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51484, 51484.300000000003, 5730, 2486, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8011002', 662051, '17:26:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51484.699999999997, 51484.900000000001, 4800, 2520, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8020201', 863033, '15:26:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51444.599999999999, 51444.800000000003, 8490, 3310, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8020202', 1152377, '18:17:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51444.800000000003, 51444.900000000001, 9000, 2477, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8020203', 2618136, '21:40:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51444.900000000001, 51445.099999999999, 9000, 352, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110105', 375368, '18:24:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51459.800000000003, 51459.800000000003, 2415, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110106', 312212, '06:22:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51460.300000000003, 51460.300000000003, 2415, 309, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110107', 894204, '07:03:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51460.300000000003, 51460.300000000003, 2415, 1719, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110108', 257431, '07:44:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51460.300000000003, 51460.300000000003, 2415, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110109', 400133, '08:49:57', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51460.400000000001, 51460.400000000001, 2415, 907, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110110', 65876, '09:06:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51460.400000000001, 51460.400000000001, 4275, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110111', 1087370, '10:32:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51460.400000000001, 51460.5, 2415, 1153, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110112', 577451, '11:13:46', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51460.5, 51460.5, 2415, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110113', 5139439, '11:54:47', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51460.5, 51460.5, 2415, 2083, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110116', 294162, '12:35:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51460.5, 51460.599999999999, 2359, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110117', 936574, '13:33:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51460.599999999999, 51460.599999999999, 2415, 2084, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110217', 432929, '16:38:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51463.699999999997, 51463.699999999997, 2415, 1984, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110218', 223591, '17:19:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51463.699999999997, 51463.800000000003, 2384, 782, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110219', 433903, '18:34:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51463.800000000003, 51463.800000000003, 2415, 1075, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110220', 217301, '19:15:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51463.800000000003, 51463.900000000001, 2363, 1440, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110221', 198435, '20:30:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51463.900000000001, 51463.900000000001, 2415, 109, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110222', 388339, '21:49:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51463.900000000001, 51464, 4035, 1306, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110301', 513126, '00:08:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466, 51466, 2475, 2, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110302', 488153, '00:50:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466, 51466.099999999999, 2435, 873, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110303', 485488, '01:57:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.099999999999, 51466.099999999999, 2475, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110304', 247357, '02:39:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.099999999999, 51466.099999999999, 2464, 1409, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110305', 469180, '03:32:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.099999999999, 51466.199999999997, 2475, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110306', 470302, '04:14:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.199999999997, 51466.199999999997, 2475, 1174, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110307', 483457, '04:56:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.199999999997, 51466.199999999997, 2475, 310, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110308', 244532, '05:38:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.199999999997, 51466.300000000003, 2475, 201, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110309', 458775, '06:20:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.300000000003, 51466.300000000003, 2475, 1290, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110310', 419233, '07:01:57', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.300000000003, 51466.300000000003, 4335, 1088, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110311', 411825, '08:30:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.400000000001, 51466.400000000001, 2475, 2, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110312', 459970, '09:12:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.400000000001, 51466.400000000001, 2475, 1054, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110313', 432471, '09:54:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.400000000001, 51466.400000000001, 2108, 783, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110314', 447266, '10:56:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.5, 51466.5, 2475, 1276, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110315', 399019, '11:37:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.5, 51466.5, 2420, 619, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110316', 335763, '12:47:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.5, 51466.599999999999, 4101, 2116, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110317', 910054, '15:14:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.599999999999, 51466.699999999997, 2495, 749, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110318', 453799, '16:29:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.699999999997, 51466.699999999997, 2475, 710, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110319', 296759, '17:57:46', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.699999999997, 51466.800000000003, 1755, 1741, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110320', 115844, '18:27:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.800000000003, 51466.800000000003, 2408, 2, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110321', 454952, '19:42:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.800000000003, 51466.900000000001, 2475, 1124, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110322', 298346, '20:24:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51466.900000000001, 51466.900000000001, 4362, 1484, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110401', 790585, '00:34:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470, 51470.099999999999, 2535, 411, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110402', 255035, '01:20:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.099999999999, 51470.099999999999, 2535, 430, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110403', 236013, '02:03:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.099999999999, 51470.099999999999, 2535, 1045, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110404', 254744, '02:46:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.099999999999, 51470.099999999999, 2535, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110405', 232642, '03:29:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.099999999999, 51470.199999999997, 2535, 1881, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110406', 245006, '04:12:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.199999999997, 51470.199999999997, 2535, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110407', 476500, '04:55:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.199999999997, 51470.199999999997, 2535, 1296, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110408', 697868, '05:38:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.199999999997, 51470.300000000003, 2535, 172, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110409', 495208, '06:20:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.300000000003, 51470.300000000003, 2535, 442, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110410', 493396, '07:03:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.300000000003, 51470.300000000003, 4395, 1648, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110411', 233467, '08:33:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.400000000001, 51470.400000000001, 2535, 1650, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110412', 511235, '09:16:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.400000000001, 51470.400000000001, 2513, 171, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110413', 242451, '10:24:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.400000000001, 51470.5, 2519, 1005, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110414', 465885, '11:36:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.5, 51470.5, 2535, 1324, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110415', 278153, '12:18:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.5, 51470.599999999999, 2527, 717, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110416', 1407994, '13:33:51', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.599999999999, 51470.599999999999, 4320, 2329, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110417', 259644, '15:55:35', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.699999999997, 51470.699999999997, 2495, 978, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110418', 732135, '17:12:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.699999999997, 51470.699999999997, 2535, 482, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110419', 493940, '17:55:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.699999999997, 51470.800000000003, 2526, 1827, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110420', 239180, '19:12:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.800000000003, 51470.800000000003, 2277, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8110421', 469839, '20:25:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51470.900000000001, 51470.900000000001, 4292, 1540, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8120101', 1622557, '14:54:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51491.599999999999, 51491.900000000001, 12959, 4085, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8120201', 943514, '21:17:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51491.900000000001, 51492.400000000001, 10208, 7375, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8120301', 6095858, '22:42:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51492.900000000001, 51493.199999999997, 3676, 2118, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8120501', 650212, '10:38:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51497.400000000001, 51497.5, 4414, 2452, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8120601', 865436, '19:09:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51497.800000000003, 51498.199999999997, 5870, 2363, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8120701', 605741, '06:35:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51498.300000000003, 51498.699999999997, 13592, 9309, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8120801', 1564500, '16:51:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51498.699999999997, 51498.900000000001, 10222, 2841, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8120901', 482963, '01:31:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51499.099999999999, 51499.5, 9582, 4970, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8130101', 26069696, '17:46:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51485.699999999997, 51488.199999999997, 77997, 45616, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8140101', 8416965, '03:56:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51477.199999999997, 51480.099999999999, 62301, 48152, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8140103', 3199800, '06:56:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51480.300000000003, 51481.400000000001, 18365, 13770, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8140104', 3371346, '23:56:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51483, 51483.900000000001, 18146, 11208, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8150101', 1174894, '13:18:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51503.599999999999, 51503.599999999999, 6420, 1998, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8150102', 3445942, '18:33:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51503.800000000003, 51504.400000000001, 5072, 2708, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8150103', 39717, '13:56:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51504.599999999999, 51504.699999999997, 600, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8150109', 1004554, '17:03:49', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 51505.699999999997, 51505.800000000003, 4038, 279, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8150110', 1031373, '18:49:41', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 51505.800000000003, 51506.400000000001, 5423, 3091, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8150111', 856373, '12:24:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51506.5, 51506.599999999999, 3360, 1673, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8150112', 7820, '14:56:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51506.599999999999, 51506.599999999999, 600, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8160101', 1441746, '19:11:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51508.800000000003, 51509.199999999997, 19313, 2139, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8170103', 842241, '02:57:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51521.099999999999, 51521.099999999999, 1200, 1019, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8170104', 768109, '04:36:05', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51521.199999999997, 51521.199999999997, 1200, 1019, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8170105', 770124, '06:16:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51521.300000000003, 51521.300000000003, 1200, 1019, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8170106', 499051, '07:56:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51521.300000000003, 51521.400000000001, 1600, 1424, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8170107', 178187, '09:36:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51521.400000000001, 51521.400000000001, 1600, 1423, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8170108', 124843, '11:47:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51521.5, 51521.5, 400, 335, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8180101', 286434, '02:54:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51546.099999999999, 51546.699999999997, 2162, 1889, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8180102', 7657272, '03:54:46', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51547.199999999997, 51547.800000000003, 9192, 8226, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8180201', 12150845, '04:37:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51571.199999999997, 51571.300000000003, 8500, 3526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8180202', 149865, '08:23:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51571.400000000001, 51571.400000000001, 1260, 423, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8180203', 1791715, '11:13:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51571.5, 51571.5, 2940, 1994, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8180204', 1384749, '04:04:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51572.199999999997, 51572.199999999997, 3360, 1269, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8180205', 3777723, '05:48:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51572.199999999997, 51572.300000000003, 3360, 1269, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8180206', 1368941, '08:53:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51572.400000000001, 51572.400000000001, 3360, 1690, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8180207', 3167295, '12:13:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51572.5, 51572.599999999999, 3780, 1993, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190101', 7460855, '04:50:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51588.199999999997, 51588.599999999999, 8152, 7651, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190104', 7469156, '19:19:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51589.800000000003, 51590.300000000003, 8118, 7516, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I8190106', 2383800, '18:28:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51590.800000000003, 51590.900000000001, 2945, 2882, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I9040104', 800514, '05:17:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51440.199999999997, 51441.800000000003, 41105, 33537, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I9040302', 501625, '14:45:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51446.599999999999, 51446.599999999999, 1912, 1407, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I9040401', 727475, '21:15:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51442.900000000001, 51443, 8642, 817, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I9040502', 340089, '00:22:36', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51491, 51491.099999999999, 1786, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('I9040601', 72430, '03:35:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51501.099999999999, 51501.199999999997, 2291, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1010303', 7595279, '02:31:44', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51957.099999999999, 51958.300000000003, 23905, 14698, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1020101', 182749, '08:14:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53358.300000000003, 53358.599999999999, 6648, 4250, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1020301', 404218, '22:36:49', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53195.900000000001, 53196.300000000003, 12544, 388, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1020302', 196439, '16:32:13', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53358.699999999997, 53358.900000000001, 6484, 4944, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030204', 4788075, '15:13:28', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52434.599999999999, 52434.800000000003, 3197, 393, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030207', 4875246, '20:52:44', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52843.900000000001, 52843.900000000001, 1545, 954, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030318', 19526715, '04:14:39', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52899.199999999997, 52899.300000000003, 6306, 3767, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030410', 981500, '08:39:51', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 52330.400000000001, 52330.400000000001, 1920, 1560, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030411', 2444420, '10:17:41', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52614.400000000001, 52614.5, 1920, 1935, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030414', 1944390, '00:36:31', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52967, 52967.099999999999, 1920, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030518', 3176882, '22:43:07', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52966.900000000001, 52967, 1594, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1030618', 4632592, '18:23:04', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53029.800000000003, 53029.800000000003, 1996, 1162, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031007', 931773, '06:37:43', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52634.300000000003, 52634.599999999999, 8304, 3035, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031008', 234521, '18:20:08', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52868.800000000003, 52869, 6470, 1130, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031012', 317931, '20:22:19', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54046.800000000003, 54046.900000000001, 2739, 30, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031013', 226704, '22:07:10', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54046.900000000001, 54047, 3599, 84, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031014', 269677, '03:13:54', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 54052.099999999999, 54052.5, 9349, 5609, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031112', 4800713, '08:16:25', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52381.300000000003, 52381.400000000001, 5660, 2158, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031202', 25218665, '13:51:17', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52119.599999999999, 52119.699999999997, 2880, 2019, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031205', 25059586, '15:48:19', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 52121.699999999997, 52121.699999999997, 2880, 2035, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031301', 3322833, '03:20:18', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53313.099999999999, 53313.199999999997, 1275, 1123, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031304', 3373887, '10:57:46', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54085.5, 54085.599999999999, 3732, 996, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031401', 12024431, '01:35:00', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53092.099999999999, 53092.099999999999, 5373, 1755, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031402', 10813316, '03:22:36', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53092.099999999999, 53092.199999999997, 5284, 2298, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031404', 6475328, '18:56:33', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53202.800000000003, 53202.800000000003, 2690, 1037, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031410', 7441685, '00:26:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53851, 53851.099999999999, 5880, 1841, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031411', 8586160, '12:13:39', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53851.5, 53851.800000000003, 6099, 573, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031412', 1618565, '17:10:25', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 53910.699999999997, 53910.900000000001, 5748, 2447, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031413', 5381565, '12:52:41', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53911.5, 53911.699999999997, 5674, 3144, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031414', 4672387, '13:32:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53910.599999999999, 53910.699999999997, 3324, 911, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031501', 12192848, '18:26:46', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53132.800000000003, 53132.800000000003, 3997, 1071, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031602', 908595, '05:43:12', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53159.199999999997, 53159.5, 5868, 3465, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031608', 98541, '22:39:20', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53703.900000000001, 53704, 3293, 1205, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031609', 11088, '13:13:17', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53704.599999999999, 53704.599999999999, 479, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1031612', 40553, '14:22:55', '3.2.2', 'HIRS', 53819.599999999999, 53819.599999999999, 479, 233, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1040102', 212570988, '09:51:32', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 51742.400000000001, 51743.699999999997, 24960, 20749, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050501', 6019742, '04:10:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53474.199999999997, 53474.300000000003, 4542, 1616, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1050902', 5556932, '14:24:54', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53570.599999999999, 53570.800000000003, 8488, 1252, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051201', 10597732, '03:08:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52850.099999999999, 52850.199999999997, 4384, 1080, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051211', 4671906, '13:36:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54264.599999999999, 54264.699999999997, 6161, 2868, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051401', 455448, '18:24:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53548.800000000003, 53548.800000000003, 4544, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1051802', 2524315, '22:41:40', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53214.900000000001, 53215.099999999999, 6806, 1621, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052106', 7415570, '07:25:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54026.300000000003, 54026.5, 4828, 3004, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052107', 6555174, '12:21:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54026.5, 54026.599999999999, 3953, 973, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052801', 3112595, '14:39:50', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52575.599999999999, 52575.900000000001, 11723, 2160, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1052904', 517898, '17:30:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53996.699999999997, 53996.800000000003, 7417, 1675, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053007', 1718151, '17:26:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53992.699999999997, 53993.099999999999, 20665, 3378, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1053303', 3850306, '00:39:16', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52633, 52633.300000000003, 18897, 4306, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070221', 852215, '18:32:05', '3.2.1', 'HIRS', 52858.800000000003, 52858.900000000001, 2519, 2242, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070229', 78348, '14:05:53', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 53980.599999999999, 53980.699999999997, 2428, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070312', 1734140, '04:36:05', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 52577.199999999997, 52577.5, 5007, 4160, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070316', 1131684, '12:27:54', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53150.5, 53150.699999999997, 5999, 2444, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070411', 34543, '11:50:41', '3.2.2', 'MDRS', 52323.5, 52323.5, 1430, 1428, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1070426', 3694456, '12:55:01', '3.2.1', 'MDRS', 53326.5, 53326.699999999997, 5998, 2007, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1080401', 6484622, '18:10:54', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 53086.800000000003, 53086.900000000001, 5558, 2100, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1120101', 776961, '00:34:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51520, 51520.5, 8665, 5059, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1120301', 2565297, '10:21:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51539.400000000001, 51540, 9900, 4064, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1120302', 681955, '04:02:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51972.199999999997, 51972.199999999997, 3441, 1823, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1120401', 2157141, '15:07:49', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51545.599999999999, 51545.800000000003, 3563, 3230, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1120402', 921190, '00:41:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51849, 51849.099999999999, 4840, 1089, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1120501', 2953876, '08:34:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51555.400000000001, 51555.800000000003, 8405, 2848, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1120701', 1361141, '07:07:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51573.300000000003, 51573.400000000001, 4000, 364, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1120801', 5047862, '22:38:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51582.900000000001, 51583.099999999999, 10000, 2862, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1120901', 2236437, '17:04:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51587.699999999997, 51587.800000000003, 3526, 3249, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1121101', 849038, '02:44:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51607.099999999999, 51607.199999999997, 3885, 2, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1121201', 497648, '23:02:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51622, 51622.099999999999, 3992, 4184, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1121301', 515923, '07:30:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51656.300000000003, 51656.400000000001, 3473, 2518, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1121401', 875362, '01:16:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51678.099999999999, 51678.099999999999, 3240, 1503, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1121501', 1969895, '18:43:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51689.800000000003, 51689.900000000001, 6692, 1080, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1121601', 807945, '20:40:42', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51699.900000000001, 51699.900000000001, 3301, 1662, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1121603', 95755, '10:26:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52216.400000000001, 52216.5, 3233, 409, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1121701', 1859756, '04:13:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51718.199999999997, 51718.199999999997, 4663, 1982, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1121801', 1100942, '17:43:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51740.699999999997, 51740.800000000003, 6053, 4024, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1121802', 522326, '16:12:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51855.699999999997, 51855.699999999997, 2460, 376, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1122101', 949584, '12:03:55', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51773.5, 51773.5, 3240, 1918, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1122501', 875873, '05:57:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51809.199999999997, 51809.300000000003, 3400, 1430, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1122601', 513537, '15:50:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51812.699999999997, 51812.699999999997, 3240, 2026, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1122602', 569727, '00:33:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51881, 51881.099999999999, 2460, 1421, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1122701', 627011, '05:35:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51832.199999999997, 51832.300000000003, 3303, 2325, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1123401', 538954, '07:19:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51864.300000000003, 51864.300000000003, 2965, 1865, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1123601', 656843, '23:21:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51883, 51883, 2460, 2059, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1124002', 1124542, '05:27:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51921.199999999997, 51921.5, 8960, 6955, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1124201', 653755, '19:16:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51942.800000000003, 51942.800000000003, 2590, 1026, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1125801', 194249, '05:23:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52127.199999999997, 52127.300000000003, 2160, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1127003', 251486, '13:16:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 52433.599999999999, 52433.699999999997, 10291, 906, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1140201', 553599, '19:20:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51693.800000000003, 51693.800000000003, 3132, 1475, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1140401', 860107, '09:28:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51708.400000000001, 51708.400000000001, 3359, 1561, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1140501', 1056712, '14:03:44', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51716.599999999999, 51716.599999999999, 3330, 1481, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1140601', 714967, '02:58:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51731.099999999999, 51731.199999999997, 3500, 98, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1140701', 1425851, '01:27:58', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51735.099999999999, 51735.099999999999, 3063, 1058, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1140801', 535545, '12:07:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51736.5, 51736.5, 2660, 1872, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1140901', 426243, '23:06:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51738, 51738, 3240, 1908, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1141401', 1627172, '05:31:02', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51768.199999999997, 51768.300000000003, 3429, 837, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1141501', 1196203, '11:24:26', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51774.5, 51774.5, 3485, 1642, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1141502', 1219075, '01:02:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51775, 51775.099999999999, 2638, 983, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1141503', 2203562, '21:59:29', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51776.900000000001, 51777, 5960, 2614, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1141504', 1985899, '06:23:09', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51779.300000000003, 51779.400000000001, 5178, 2893, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1141505', 1931713, '03:23:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51781.099999999999, 51781.199999999997, 4067, 1631, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1141601', 958384, '07:21:04', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51785.300000000003, 51785.400000000001, 4021, 1411, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142101', 1023968, '17:58:31', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51814.800000000003, 51814.900000000001, 5306, 2688, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142201', 675436, '03:44:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51816.199999999997, 51816.199999999997, 3792, 881, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142202', 350500, '11:23:53', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51816.5, 51816.5, 3652, 2064, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142203', 751557, '15:50:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51817.699999999997, 51817.699999999997, 4110, 2052, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142204', 747434, '21:04:45', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51817.900000000001, 51817.900000000001, 3974, 1193, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142301', 1233380, '17:56:21', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51819.699999999997, 51819.800000000003, 3861, 1594, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142302', 807718, '23:08:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51820, 51820, 4245, 872, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142303', 1237035, '18:14:22', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51821.800000000003, 51821.800000000003, 3861, 1585, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142304', 1256960, '01:10:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51822.099999999999, 51822.099999999999, 3833, 693, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142305', 1402416, '22:01:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51823.900000000001, 51824, 4287, 1115, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142306', 932983, '02:39:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51824.099999999999, 51824.099999999999, 3240, 2055, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142307', 2050095, '07:00:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51825.300000000003, 51825.400000000001, 5563, 1996, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142308', 1212909, '17:05:33', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51825.699999999997, 51825.800000000003, 3907, 1952, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142309', 941389, '15:40:43', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51827.699999999997, 51827.699999999997, 3240, 2052, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142310', 937086, '11:56:34', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51828.5, 51828.599999999999, 3239, 1295, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142311', 835562, '15:40:14', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51830.699999999997, 51830.699999999997, 3329, 1903, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142401', 899034, '03:45:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51830.199999999997, 51830.199999999997, 3240, 1601, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142501', 588706, '03:15:30', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51833.099999999999, 51833.199999999997, 3005, 2051, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142502', 1005420, '20:52:46', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51834.900000000001, 51834.900000000001, 3347, 1350, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142503', 784462, '07:11:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51837.300000000003, 51837.400000000001, 3349, 2582, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142701', 524783, '03:31:22', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51872.099999999999, 51872.199999999997, 2475, 2023, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1142801', 174732, '02:01:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 51938.099999999999, 51938.099999999999, 2460, 1044, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M1150101', 31290, '09:27:27', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51809.400000000001, 51809.400000000001, 2053, 1627, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M2123901', 692878, '02:02:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53795.099999999999, 53795.300000000003, 4200, 109, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M2990101', 6527, '21:26:57', '3.2.1', 'LWRS', 51850.900000000001, 51850.900000000001, 60, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170101', 303896, '09:05:23', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53817.400000000001, 53817.599999999999, 8254, 3128, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170103', 94799, '03:29:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54049.099999999999, 54049.199999999997, 2300, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170201', 323721, '15:13:48', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53858.599999999999, 53858.699999999997, 4600, 1639, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170301', 496346, '00:46:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53846, 53846.099999999999, 4200, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170302', 908039, '22:35:45', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53846.900000000001, 53847.099999999999, 8400, 442, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170401', 156463, '05:51:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53897.199999999997, 53897.300000000003, 2300, 704, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170402', 220060, '15:11:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53952.599999999999, 53952.699999999997, 4598, 1518, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170403', 301535, '02:27:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53954.099999999999, 53954.199999999997, 4600, 1139, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170501', 141671, '16:23:42', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53901.699999999997, 53901.800000000003, 4600, 1313, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170502', 283574, '14:55:12', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53903.599999999999, 53903.900000000001, 9200, 2795, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170601', 894785, '04:06:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53924.199999999997, 53924.300000000003, 4600, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170701', 60290, '12:13:20', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53929.5, 53929.5, 2300, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170702', 252972, '03:51:11', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54283.199999999997, 54283.300000000003, 4595, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7170901', 655420, '00:10:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53957, 53957.099999999999, 4600, 546, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171001', 458666, '14:22:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53969.599999999999, 53969.800000000003, 9178, 3093, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171002', 184810, '05:24:07', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54084.199999999997, 54084.300000000003, 4600, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171003', 466509, '03:48:39', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54140.199999999997, 54140.300000000003, 4600, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171101', 569753, '18:53:10', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53965.800000000003, 53965.800000000003, 2300, 754, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171102', 1004203, '13:34:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54076.599999999999, 54076.800000000003, 4598, 940, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171201', 335385, '08:26:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53975.400000000001, 53975.400000000001, 4600, 1873, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171301', 324751, '04:04:41', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53978.199999999997, 53978.300000000003, 4600, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171401', 439437, '03:56:25', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53985.199999999997, 53985.199999999997, 2300, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171501', 982270, '01:16:36', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54000.099999999999, 54000.199999999997, 9156, 941, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171602', 111941, '20:31:50', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54064.900000000001, 54064.900000000001, 2300, 931, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171701', 442989, '15:46:06', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54012.699999999997, 54012.800000000003, 4600, 1842, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171702', 525676, '00:00:47', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54069, 54069.099999999999, 9039, 787, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171801', 219441, '08:06:16', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54020.300000000003, 54020.400000000001, 4595, 1081, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7171901', 144413, '03:11:46', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54045.099999999999, 54045.199999999997, 4600, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7172101', 286379, '06:15:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54055.300000000003, 54055.400000000001, 4596, 773, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7172201', 20023, '12:42:03', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54061.5, 54061.5, 2300, 87, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7172301', 219679, '02:14:52', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54091.099999999999, 54091.199999999997, 4600, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7270401', 571083, '22:14:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54191.900000000001, 54192, 4600, 218, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7272101', 436706, '13:03:59', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54180.5, 54180.599999999999, 4600, 833, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7272301', 265649, '23:24:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54112, 54112.199999999997, 4479, 388, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7273601', 190788, '02:54:17', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54097.099999999999, 54097.099999999999, 2300, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7273701', 397604, '09:08:28', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54169.400000000001, 54169.599999999999, 2758, 1396, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7273702', 867419, '12:53:24', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54173.5, 54173.800000000003, 9200, 3526, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7273703', 778464, '14:35:13', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54179.599999999999, 54179.699999999997, 4600, 0, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7274101', 109903, '01:15:37', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54168.099999999999, 54168.099999999999, 2300, 659, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7274301', 1044427, '14:12:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54117.599999999999, 54117.699999999997, 200, 1813, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7275601', 63905, '12:35:08', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54195.5, 54195.599999999999, 2300, 271, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7276001', 194291, '00:30:46', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54209, 54209.099999999999, 4600, 1207, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7276401', 167605, '05:05:15', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54147.199999999997, 54147.300000000003, 4600, 1323, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7276402', 310148, '03:05:27', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54148.099999999999, 54148.199999999997, 4600, 555, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7276403', 244054, '23:37:42', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54150, 54150.099999999999, 4600, 748, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7276501', 139669, '08:39:18', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54288.400000000001, 54288.400000000001, 4594, 497, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7276601', 159604, '15:17:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54224.599999999999, 54224.699999999997, 2300, 195, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7277201', 1473052, '16:12:00', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54215.699999999997, 54215.800000000003, 4600, 1953, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7278401', 405242, '13:44:56', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54268.599999999999, 54268.699999999997, 4600, 1471, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M7278402', 324972, '11:43:32', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 54273.5, 54273.599999999999, 4600, 1198, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003702', 509954, '15:55:43', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54372.699999999997, 54373.099999999999, 37858, 13663, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003801', 347165, '02:39:50', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54373.099999999999, 54373.599999999999, 33212, 12040, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003802', 474873, '15:10:34', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54373.599999999999, 54374.099999999999, 37439, 13568, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003901', 338211, '01:55:19', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54374.099999999999, 54374.599999999999, 33137, 11466, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9003902', 487049, '14:25:25', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 54374.599999999999, 54375, 37518, 13461, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9960201', 170025, '08:52:16', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52121.400000000001, 52121.5, 10062, 6273, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9980101', 1868819, '21:45:47', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51791.900000000001, 51792.099999999999, 4568, 4015, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9980201', 7363835, '18:27:17', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51846.800000000003, 51846.900000000001, 9362, 3607, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9980301', 4241910, '16:32:30', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51892.699999999997, 51892.900000000001, 10000, 6733, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9980302', 10243955, '10:23:38', '3.2.2', 'LWRS', 53209.400000000001, 53209.599999999999, 5969, 5809, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9980501', 5234416, '04:39:23', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 51976.199999999997, 51976.300000000003, 4999, 3708, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9980601', 1725640, '06:25:04', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52017.300000000003, 52017.599999999999, 5000, 3019, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9980701', 8312329, '19:40:00', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52037.800000000003, 52038.300000000003, 5000, 1793, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9980801', 110990, '11:21:16', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52071.5, 52071.599999999999, 8409, 6191, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9980901', 3536615, '23:00:04', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52087, 52087.199999999997, 7516, 620, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9981001', 4950124, '22:44:06', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52138.900000000001, 52139, 5000, 1728, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9981101', 2424996, '22:14:21', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52194.900000000001, 52195.099999999999, 5000, 3897, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9981301', 7193159, '11:35:04', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52315.5, 52315.699999999997, 7500, 712, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9981501', 2221041, '04:39:15', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52338.199999999997, 52338.400000000001, 4900, 4077, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9981601', 2239673, '10:23:38', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52380.400000000001, 52380.5, 5000, 4095, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9981701', 7407601, '22:30:04', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52394.900000000001, 52395.099999999999, 7500, 4805, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9981801', 4352108, '13:48:49', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52428.599999999999, 52428.599999999999, 2500, 1454, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9981901', 7166658, '14:10:58', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52463.599999999999, 52463.800000000003, 7500, 6321, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9982001', 7174382, '15:44:58', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52511.699999999997, 52511.800000000003, 7500, 6173, 'y', 0); INSERT INTO iapdatasets (dataset, nevents, timeobs, cf_vers, slit, obsstart, obsend, plantime, expnight, presence_all, dvd_id) VALUES ('M9982101', 17434669, '03:49:53', '3.2.2', 'RFPT', 52535.199999999997, 52535.400000000001, 7500, 5059, 'y', 0); -- -- TOC entry 1921 (class 0 OID 16657) -- Dependencies: 1590 -- Data for Name: object_class; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools -- INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (0, '0 SUN'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (1, '1 EARTH'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (2, '2 MOON'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (3, '3 PLANET'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (4, '4 PLANETARY SATELLITE'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (5, '5 MINOR PLANET'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (6, '6 COMET'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (7, '7 INTERPLANETARY MEDIUM'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (8, '8 GIANT RED SPOT'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (9, '9'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (10, '10 W C'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (11, '11 WN'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (12, '12 MAIN SEQUENCE O'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (13, '13 SUPERGIANT O'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (14, '14 OE'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (15, '15 OF'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (16, '16 SD O'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (17, '17 WD O'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (18, '18'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (19, '19 OTHER STRONG SOURCES'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (20, '20 B0-B2 V-IV'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (21, '21 B3-B5 V-IV'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (22, '22 B6-B9.5 V-IV'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (23, '23 B0-B2 III-I'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (24, '24 B3-B5 III-I'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (25, '25 B6-B9.5 III-I'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (26, '26 BE'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (27, '27 BP'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (28, '28 SDB'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (29, '29 WDB'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (30, '30 A0-A3 V-IV'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (31, '31 A4-A9 V-IV'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (32, '32 A0-A3 III-I'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (33, '33 A4-A9 III-I'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (34, '34 AE'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (35, '35 AM'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (36, '36 AP'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (37, '37 WDA'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (38, '38 HORIZONTAL BRANCH STARS'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (39, '39 COMPOSITE SPECTRAL TYPE'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (40, '40 F0-F2'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (41, '41 F3-F9'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (42, '42 FP'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (43, '43 LATE-TYPE DEGENERATES'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (44, '44 G V-IV'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (45, '45 G III-I'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (46, '46 K V-IV'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (47, '47 K III-I'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (48, '48 M V-IV'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (49, '49 M III-I'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (50, '50 R, N, OR S TYPES'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (51, '51 LONG PERIOD VARIABLE STARS'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (52, '52 IRREGULAR VARIABLES'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (53, '53 REGULAR VARIABLES'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (54, '54 DWARF NOVAE'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (55, '55 CLASSICAL NOVAE'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (56, '56 SUPERNOVAE'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (57, '57 SYMBIOTIC STARS'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (58, '58 T TAURI'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (59, '59 X-RAY'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (60, '60 SHELL STAR'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (61, '61 ETA CARINAE'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (62, '62 PULSAR'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (63, '63 NOVA-LIKE'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (64, '64 OTHER'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (65, '65 MISIDENTIFIED TARGETS'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (66, '66 INTERACTING BINARIES'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (67, '67'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (68, '68'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (69, '69 HERBIG-HARO OBJECTS'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (70, '70 PLANETARY NEBULA + CENTRAL STAR'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (71, '71 PLANETARY NEBULA - CENTRAL STAR'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (72, '72 H II REGION'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (73, '73 REFLECTION NEBULA'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (74, '74 DARK CLOUD (ABSORPTION SPECTRUM)'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (75, '75 SUPERNOVA REMNANT'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (76, '76 RING NEBULA (SHOCK IONIZED)'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (77, '77'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (78, '78'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (79, '79'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (80, '80 SPIRAL GALAXY'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (81, '81 ELLIPTICAL GALAXY'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (82, '82 IRREGULAR GALAXY'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (83, '83 GLOBULAR CLUSTER'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (84, '84 SEYFERT GALAXY'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (85, '85 QUASAR'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (86, '86 RADIO GALAXY'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (87, '87 BL LACERTAE OBJECT'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (88, '88 EMISSION LINE GALAXY (NON-SEYFERT)'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (89, '89'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (90, '90 INTERGALACTIC MEDIUM'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (91, '91'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (92, '92'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (93, '93'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (94, '94'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (95, '95'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (96, '96'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (97, '97'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (98, '98 WAVELENGTH CALIBRATION LAMP'); INSERT INTO object_class (obj_nbr, object_name) VALUES (99, '99 NULLS AND FLAT FIELDS'); -- -- TOC entry 1936 (class 2606 OID 18403) -- Dependencies: 1601 1601 -- Name: fuse_prg_id_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY fuse_prg_id ADD CONSTRAINT fuse_prg_id_pkey PRIMARY KEY (prop_id); -- -- TOC entry 1938 (class 2606 OID 16710) -- Dependencies: 1602 1602 -- Name: headers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY headers ADD CONSTRAINT headers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (dataset); -- -- TOC entry 1940 (class 2606 OID 16712) -- Dependencies: 1603 1603 -- Name: iapdatasets_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY iapdatasets ADD CONSTRAINT iapdatasets_pkey PRIMARY KEY (dataset); -- -- TOC entry 1942 (class 2606 OID 18401) -- Dependencies: 1604 1604 -- Name: object_class_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY object_class ADD CONSTRAINT object_class_pkey PRIMARY KEY (obj_nbr); -- -- TOC entry 1945 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 6 -- Name: fuse; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: sitools -- REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA fuse FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA fuse FROM sitools; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA fuse TO sitools; -- -- TOC entry 1946 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1601 -- Name: fuse_prg_id; Type: ACL; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE fuse_prg_id FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON TABLE fuse_prg_id FROM sitools; GRANT ALL ON TABLE fuse_prg_id TO sitools; -- -- TOC entry 1947 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1602 -- Name: headers; Type: ACL; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE headers FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON TABLE headers FROM sitools; GRANT ALL ON TABLE headers TO sitools; -- -- TOC entry 1948 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1603 -- Name: iapdatasets; Type: ACL; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE iapdatasets FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON TABLE iapdatasets FROM sitools; GRANT ALL ON TABLE iapdatasets TO sitools; -- -- TOC entry 1949 (class 0 OID 0) -- Dependencies: 1604 -- Name: object_class; Type: ACL; Schema: fuse; Owner: sitools -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE object_class FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON TABLE object_class FROM sitools; GRANT ALL ON TABLE object_class TO sitools; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fuse.view_headers_bis AS SELECT headers.dataset, headers.targname, headers.ra_targ, headers.dec_targ, headers.dateobs, headers.exptime, headers.aperture, headers.mode, headers.expos_nbr, headers.vmag, headers.sp_type, headers.ebv, headers.objclass, headers.src_type, headers.datearchiv, headers.datepublic, headers.ref, headers.z, headers.starttime, headers.endtime, headers.elat, headers.elong, headers.glat, headers.glong, headers.aper_pa, headers.high_proper_motion, headers.moving_target, headers.pr_inv_l, headers.pr_inv_f, headers.loadedatiap, headers.healpixid, headers.x_pos, headers.y_pos, headers.z_pos FROM fuse.headers WHERE headers.dataset::text ~~ 'A%'::text; ALTER TABLE fuse.view_headers_bis OWNER TO @db_user_pgsql@;; REVOKE ALL ON TABLE fuse.view_headers_bis FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON TABLE fuse.view_headers_bis TO @db_user_pgsql@; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fuse.view_headers AS SELECT headers.dataset, headers.targname, headers.ra_targ, headers.dec_targ, headers.dateobs, headers.exptime, headers.aperture, headers.mode, headers.expos_nbr, headers.vmag, headers.sp_type, headers.ebv, headers.objclass, headers.src_type, headers.datearchiv, headers.datepublic, headers.ref, headers.z, headers.starttime, headers.endtime, headers.elat, headers.elong, headers.glat, headers.glong, headers.aper_pa, headers.high_proper_motion, headers.moving_target, headers.pr_inv_l, headers.pr_inv_f, headers.loadedatiap, headers.healpixid, headers.x_pos, headers.y_pos, headers.z_pos FROM fuse.headers WHERE headers.dataset::text ~~ 'A%'::text; ALTER TABLE fuse.view_headers_bis OWNER TO @db_user_pgsql@;; REVOKE ALL ON TABLE fuse.view_headers_bis FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON TABLE fuse.view_headers_bis TO @db_user_pgsql@; -- Completed on 2011-08-19 14:20:35 -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete --