


Create a static HTML page for the Preview

NOTE : This change refers to Sitools2 - v2.4

With the SZ-DB Cluster Database release of March, 12th, 2015, it has been enabled the possibility to visualize the Planck y-map, the WISE image, the WISE density map and the ROSAT map for each cluster, by clicking on the Preview icon .

The link opens a static HTML page, specific for the cluster, containing the images and a small summary table:

The HTML code of the above page is provided as an example at:


To automatically generate the HTML pages for all the clusters of a dataset directly from the PostgreSQL database, use the python script:


1. Customize the part related to the PostgreSQL database1:

 dbname = "'<DB_NAME>'" 
 user = "'postgres'" 
 host = "'localhost'" 
 pwd = "''" 
 dataset = "'<DATASET_NAME>'" 

2. Put all the unpacked images (named as SZ_<index>_SZ*.png) in ./images/ folder.

3. Be sure the folder ./html/ exists.

4. Launch the script:

$ python 

1 By default, the script assumes the database is local. To read the data from a distant server, just change user and host.