Dataset Explorer Ochart extjs3 » History » Version 2
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Anonymous, 15/09/2015 14:12
Dataset Explorer Ochart extjs3¶
This is a project module developped in extjs3 for showing the dataset hierarchically in a tree mode.
- Get the code from here: source:git_sitools_idoc|solar/project_moduls_sitools2/Module_DatasetExplorerOchart_sitools2@master
- Put all files in yourPathTo/workspace/client-user/js/modules/datasetExplorerOchart
- Create a new project module with xtype "sitools.user.modules.dataSetExplorerDataviewOchart" and set Dependencies with all the *.js and *.css files downloaded
- This module share the data source with "Project graph" module, so to generate the source data, configure the "project graph" in administrator interface.
Here is the link to the code repository: