


Dataset Explorer Ochart extjs3 » History » Version 5

Version 4 (Anonymous, 15/09/2015 14:59) → Version 5/6 (Anonymous, 17/09/2015 10:56)

h1. Dataset Explorer Ochart extjs3

This is a project module developped in extjs3 for showing the dataset hierarchically in tree mode.
This module works with the versions of sitools2 in extjs3.


How to:
* Get the code from here: source:git_sitools_idoc|solar/project_moduls_sitools2/Module_DatasetExplorerOchart_sitools2@master
* Put *all files* in _yourPathTo/workspace/client-user/js/modules/datasetExplorerOchart/_ _yourPathTo/workspace/client-user/js/modules/datasetExplorerOchart_
* Create a new project module with xtype "sitools.user.modules.dataSetExplorerDataviewOchart" and set Dependencies with all the *.js and *.css files downloaded
* This module *share* the data source with "Project graph" module, so to generate the source data, configure the "project graph" in administrator interface.

Here is the link to the code repository:
