



L'IAS est noeud officiel des cartes HiPS du CDS (HiPS node)
Voir :

Notre copie locale est accessible sur

How to create a HiPS mirror node (in 10 steps):

1 - You must have a http server with enough disk space (around 3TB);
2 - Determine which HiPS you want to mirror and from which site (take care of the copyright, the nature of the HiPS (colored, cubes, ...), the size and the authorization provided by the remote site).
=> or browse the HiPS top 10 list below
3 - Download the lastest version of Hipsgen.jar (Aladin code in fact)
4 - Move into the target directory (example: cd /var/www/hips)
5 - And do the copy: for each HiPS you want to mirror launch this command:
java -Xmx2g -jar Hipsgen.jar in="http://baseUrlOfTheHips" MIRROR
6 - When the copy is finished, check your new mirror HiPS by loading in a browser the index.html file available in each HiPS target directory
7 - Generate and publish your HiPS list:
You can generate manually this list if you just distribute a few HiPS (here an example =>
You may use time to time this magic 20 line perl script. This script takes in input the list of your HiPS paths, and extracts from each properties file the 4 elements required for each HiPS in the hipslist;
Better, you can plug this perl script as a CGI behind your http server in order to generate on the fly your hipslist. This last method ensure that the hipslist is always up-to-date. But required that your web site administrator allows that.
8 - Declare you new HiPS mirror node in order to be seen by all HiPS aware clients:
Easiest, at CDS: Authority name + url of your HiPS list
But better, by an "official" VO registry declaration (see an example of VO registry record that you will have to provide at the end of the HiPS standard document)
9 - Synchronize regularly your HiPS mirror node (1x per week for instance) by redoing the step 5 and 6 (only the updated HiPS will be upgraded)
10 - Obviously, you are free to add your own HiPS (not only mirror HiPS) on your HiPS node (see this document)

Génération de la liste des HEALPix IDOC

Sur inf-ext, dans /www/iasext/projets/hips/



Configuration du miroir HiPS (voir section privée)

Mise à jour des entêtes HiPS (septembre 2019)

Mail de Pierre Fernique :

Dear HiPS contributors and providers,

As we announced a few weeks ago, according to the IVOA discussion at Victoria Interop, CDS has upgraded all his HiPS for generating their low orders [0 to 2] to allow the usage of simplified HiPS client display algorithms. It is done and operational since a few weeks on the CDS servers.

If you have mirrored some of these HiPS, it is now time to update your copies. The simplest method is to use Hipsgen tool (lastest version here) with "MIRROR" action. Notice that only additional tiles and the properties file will be copied (should take a few minutes per HiPS)
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in=" out=targetDir MIRROR

Warning:  if you do not synchronize your HiPS mirrors, they will be ignored by HiPS clients which will be assuming that your copies are obsolete (notably Aladin Desktop).

Parallelly, if you have produced your own HiPS, it is also recommended to upgrade them for generating their low order tiles. Again, use Hipsgen tool (lastest version) with the "UPDATE" action
java -jar Hipsgen.jar out=TargtDir UPDATE
When it will be done, your own mirror sites will have to MIRROR  your HiPS (notably CDS)

Do not hesitate to contact us in case of doubts or problems.
Best regards
Pierre Fernique

Liste des HiPS à mettre à jour :

A virer (obsolètes):


A mettre à jour (pas de changement de taille significatif) :

java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar -check in="" MIRROR

A remplacer  DECaLS/DR3 (cf section supprimé) par DECaLS/DR5  (+400Go)

java -jar Hipsgen.jar in="" MIRROR

Et deux nouveaux HiPS si vous le souhaitez/pouvez (respectivement  274Go et 5.5To):

java -jar Hipsgen.jar in="" MIRROR
java -jar Hipsgen.jar in="" MIRROR

Configuration du client MIZAR pou utiliser notre miroir