


Hide the dataset name from all the panelswindows » History » Version 1

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Anonymous, 20/04/2015 17:30

Hide the dataset name from all the panelswindows

In order to hide the name of the dataset from the header of the various panels/windows, the windowConfig or the windowSettings variable should be edited.

  1. to hide the name from the 'Query Form' panel, edit the file: source:git_sitools_idoc|szcluster-db/workspace/client-user/js/modules/formsAsMenu/formsAsMenu.js@36171e6e#L273

    In this particular case, the panel will then look like:

  1. to hide the dataset name from the 'Display definitions' window, edit the file: source:git_sitools_idoc|szcluster-db/workspace/client-user/js/components/datasetServices/columnsDefinitionService.js@36171e6e#L44

    This is how the window will look like:

  1. to hide the dataset name from the 'Details' window, edit the file: source:git_sitools_idoc|szcluster-db/workspace/client-user/js/components/datasetServices/viewDataDetailsService.js@36171e6e#L69

    This is how the window will look like:

  1. to hide the dataset name from the 'Plot' panel, edit the file: source:git_sitools_idoc|szcluster-db/workspace/client-user/js/components/datasetServices/plotService.js@36171e6e#L85

    This is how the panel will look like: