


Hide the top Toolbar in News column » History » Version 3

Anonymous, 26/05/2015 18:26

1 1 Anonymous
h1. Hide the top Toolbar in News column
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> *NOTE* : This change refers to Sitools2 - v2.4
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If only one flux of News is associated with a project, the top Toolbar in the News column might look useless (no different Feeds to select).
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To hide this component, it could be associated with a specific CSS class which just creates an empty, gray bar.
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The ExtJs file to edit is:
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<pre><code class="js">
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this.tbar = {
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    xtype : 'toolbar',
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    cls : 'services-toolbar-feeds',
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    defaults : {
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        scope : this,
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        cls : 'services-toolbar-btn'
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    items : [ this.cb, '-' , this.buttonDate]
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In this case, the toolbar has been associated with the new CSS class @services-toolbar-feeds@. This class should then be defined in:
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<pre><code class="css">
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.services-toolbar-feeds {
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        visibility: hidden;
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        border-bottom-color: #d0d0d0;
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        height: 21px !important;
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The @height: 21px@ has been imposed in order to make the toolbar as hight as the header bar of the project modules pages. 
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The Feed toolbar will look like:
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