


LDAP Authentication » History » Version 1

Herve Ballans, 18/03/2016 11:35

1 1 Herve Ballans
h1. LDAP Authentication
2 1 Herve Ballans
3 1 Herve Ballans
! Has to be validated !
4 1 Herve Ballans
5 1 Herve Ballans
Add jar file ** to the class path of SITools. Either adding it on the directory _workspace/fr.cnes.sitools.core/ext_  or adding it in the eclipse classpath.
6 1 Herve Ballans
7 1 Herve Ballans
Then, add the following items on the file :
8 1 Herve Ballans
9 1 Herve Ballans
10 1 Herve Ballans
11 1 Herve Ballans
Starter.LDAP.ldapURL=<url ldap>
12 1 Herve Ballans
Starter.LDAP.userSearchBase=OU=FR, O=AKKA
13 1 Herve Ballans
Starter.LDAP.managerDN=CN=user_application, OU=Intra, O=AKKA
14 1 Herve Ballans
Starter.LDAP.managerPassword=<password ldap>
15 1 Herve Ballans
16 1 Herve Ballans
Starter.LDAP.userDN=CN={0}, OU=FR, O=AKKA
17 1 Herve Ballans
18 1 Herve Ballans
19 1 Herve Ballans
20 1 Herve Ballans
21 1 Herve Ballans
Items between <> have to be replaced. The others have to be adjusted regarding to the LDAP configuration.
22 1 Herve Ballans
23 1 Herve Ballans
Jar file !!
24 1 Herve Ballans
Documentation !CONTRIB-Securité.doc!