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Marc Nicolas, 27/02/2014 12:33

Le dico pour le SIA Pointed Archive Image

En pieces jointes vous trouverez le dictionnaire pour les SIA Pointed et son template, à rajouter sur le serveur SiTools2.

  • Le dictionnaire est à rajouter dans le dossier : data/dictionaries -> avec comme nom : X representant le nombre de fichier - 1 présent dans ce répertoire.
  • Le template est à rajouter dans le dossier : data/dictionary_templates -> avec comme nom : X representant le nombre de fichier - 1 présent dans ce répertoire.

Les différentes colonnes du dico.

  • Title -> Short description of the image
  • RA -> ICRS right-ascension of the center of the image
  • DEC -> ICRS declination of the center of the image
  • NAXES -> Number of image axes
  • NAXIS -> Array value giving the length in pixels of each image axis
  • Scale -> Array value giving the scale in degrees per pixel of each image axis
  • Format -> MIME-type of the object associated with the image acref
  • AccessRef -> URL to be used to access or retrieve the image
  • InstID -> Instrument or instruments used to make the observation
  • JulianDate -> Mean modified Julian date of the observation
  • CoordRefFrame -> Coordinate system reference frame, selected from "ICRS", "FK5", "FK4", "ECL", "GAL", and "SGAL"
  • CoordEquinox -> Equinox (not required for ICRS) of the coordinate system used for the image world coordinate system (WCS)
  • Projection -> Array value being the three-character code ("TAN", "ARC", "SIN", and so forth) specifying the celestial projection, as for FITS WCS
  • Crpix -> Array value specifying the image pixel coordinates of the WCS reference pixel
  • Crval -> Array value specifying the world coordinates of the WCS reference pixel
  • CdMatrix -> Array (matrix) value specifying the WCS CD matrix
  • Filter_Name -> Bandpass by name (e.g., "V", "SDSS_U", "K","K-Band", etc.)
  • BandPassUnit -> Units used to represent spectral values, selected from "meters", "hertz", and "keV"
  • BandPassRef -> Characteristic (reference) frequency, wavelength, or energy for the bandpass model
  • BandPassUlimit -> Upper limit of the bandpass
  • BandPassLoLimit -> Lower limit of the bandpass
  • ImagePixFlag -> Type of processing done by the image service to produce an output image pixel
  • ImageAccessRefTTL -> Minimum time to live in seconds of the access reference
  • ImageFileSize -> Actual or estimated size of the encoded image in bytes (not pixels!)
  • ObservingProgramName -> Name of the Observing Program