


Planck » History » Version 13

Version 12 (Anonymous, 27/05/2015 10:28) → Version 13/14 (Magali Mebsout, 27/02/2018 11:15)

h1. Planck

h2. [[Hide the 'Project description' button (alias 'Home') but maintaining the project description text in the welcome page]]

h2. [[Hide the top Toolbar in News column]]

h2. [[Change the date format in News column to DD/MM/YYYY]]

h2. [[Hide the dataset name from all the panels/windows]]

h2. [[Show the default values in 'NUMERIC_BETWEEN' query form component as textbox watermarks]]

h2. [[Create a 'Reset Form' button]]

h2. [[Remove the url of an HTML page shown in the panel header]]

h2. [[Create a Feed readable by any News aggregator (tested for Sitools2 v2.4)]]

h2. [[Create a static HTML page for the Preview]]

h2. [[Create a VALIDATED Feed]]

h2. [[Add the 'FITS export' module to a dataset]]

h2. [[CreateFits - old version]]

h2.[[Known Sitools2 Issues]]