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Marc Dexet, 28/07/2017 11:02

Project resources and representations


1. Resources List:

URL Verb Description Code Response Comments
/projects/{projectId} GET Retrieve all project's dataset 200 All project's dataSet as JSON
/projects/{projectId}/start PUT Activate the project {projectId} 200 All project's dataSet as JSON


2. Methods:
  • GET: Method to retrieve a single or all projects.
  • PUT: Method to modify the current status of a project. (activate or deactivate)
  • DELETE: Method to delete a single project by ID
  • POST

3. Examples:

curl -u $username:$userpwd -X GET http://$HOST_DOMAIN/sitools/projects/$project_id
curl -u $username:$userpwd -X GET http://$localhost/sitools/projects/$project_id/graph
curl -u $username:$userpwd -X PUT http://$HOST_DOMAIN/sitools/projects/$project_id/stop
curl -u $username:$userpwd -X PUT http://$HOST_DOMAIN/sitools/projects/$project_id/start

4. PUT and POST

  • POST: Used to modify and update a resource. It is idempotent(Do it as many times I want with the same result at last).
  • PUT: Used to create a resource, or overwrite it. While you specify the resources new URL. It is not idempotent.
  • POST can't be used for modifying the status of a project in Sitools.


  • JSON response output representation (application/json - )



Then all information about the project come, including all XML nodes infomation, name, description, datasets result block etc..