


Project resources and representations » History » Version 7

Guanji Wang, 28/07/2017 17:16

1 1 Guanji Wang
h1. Project resources and representations
2 1 Guanji Wang
3 1 Guanji Wang
4 1 Guanji Wang
h2. Resources
5 1 Guanji Wang
6 1 Guanji Wang
h3. 1. Resources List:
7 1 Guanji Wang
8 6 Guanji Wang
|_. URL                           |_.Verb|_.Description                                              |_. Code|_. Response         |_. Comments                   |
9 6 Guanji Wang
| /projects/{projectId}           | GET  |  Retrieve all information of the project and its datasets | 200   | All project's nodes and dataSets as JSON|          |
10 6 Guanji Wang
| /projects/{projectId}/start     | PUT  |  Activate the project {projectId}                         | 200   | All project's node and dataSets as JSON|           |
11 6 Guanji Wang
| /projects/{projectId}/stop      | PUT  |  deactivate the project {projectId}                       | 200   | All project's node and dataSets as JSON|           |
12 6 Guanji Wang
| /projects/{projectId}/startmaintenance| PUT  |  Activate the project maintenance {projectId}       | 200   | All project's node and dataSets as JSON|           |
13 6 Guanji Wang
| /projects/{projectId}/stopmaintenance| PUT  |  deactivate the project maintenance{projectId}       | 200   | All project's node and dataSets as JSON|           |
14 6 Guanji Wang
| /projects/{projectId}/graph| GET  |  Retrieve the information of the project graph {projectId}     | 200   | The project graph ID and nodelist asJSON |        |
15 6 Guanji Wang
| /projects/{projectId}/notify| PUT  |Manage notification of project resources updating| 200   | OK|Response sent to indicate that handling occured |
16 7 Guanji Wang
| /projects/{projectId}/notify| PUT  |Manage notification of project resources updating| 403   | Sitools2 error page - The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it|Request not authorized due to roles and methods access security configuration for this user.|
17 6 Guanji Wang
| /projects/{projectId}/graph/notify| PUT  |Manage notifications of graph resources updates| 200| OK|Response sent to indicate that handling occured|
18 7 Guanji Wang
| /projects/{projectId}/graph/notify| PUT  |Manage notifications of graph resources updates| 403| Sitools2 error page - The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it|Request not authorized due to roles and methods access security configuration for this user.|
19 6 Guanji Wang
| /projects| GET |Method to the list of all projects available in Sitools.| 200   | All projects' information as JSON|           |
20 7 Guanji Wang
| /projects| GET |Method to the list of all projects available in Sitools.| 403   |Sitools2 error page - The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it|Request not authorized due to roles and methods access security configuration for this user.|
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h3. 2. Methods:
25 1 Guanji Wang
* GET: Method to retrieve a single or all projects.
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* PUT: Method to modify the current status of a project. (activate or deactivate)
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* DELETE: Method to delete a single project by ID
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30 1 Guanji Wang
31 1 Guanji Wang
h3. 3. Examples:
32 1 Guanji Wang
33 1 Guanji Wang
<pre><code class="python">
34 1 Guanji Wang
curl -u $username:$userpwd -X GET http://$HOST_DOMAIN/sitools/projects/$project_id
35 1 Guanji Wang
curl -u $username:$userpwd -X GET http://$localhost/sitools/projects/$project_id/graph
36 1 Guanji Wang
curl -u $username:$userpwd -X PUT http://$HOST_DOMAIN/sitools/projects/$project_id/stop
37 1 Guanji Wang
curl -u $username:$userpwd -X PUT http://$HOST_DOMAIN/sitools/projects/$project_id/start
38 1 Guanji Wang
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h3. 4. Response 
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h4. Headers
44 6 Guanji Wang
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46 6 Guanji Wang
<pre><code class="javascript">
47 6 Guanji Wang
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
48 6 Guanji Wang
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2017 13:02:25 GMT
49 6 Guanji Wang
Accept-Ranges: bytes
50 6 Guanji Wang
Server: Restlet-Framework/2.0.5
51 6 Guanji Wang
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
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h4. Body:
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<pre><code class="json">
61 6 Guanji Wang
62 6 Guanji Wang
  "success": true,
63 6 Guanji Wang
  "message": "project.stop.success",
64 6 Guanji Wang
  "project": {
65 6 Guanji Wang
    "id": "a8b7d16d-838e-432c-b712-f5702c1b2a39",
66 6 Guanji Wang
    "name": "Medoc-Solar-Portal",
67 6 Guanji Wang
    "description": "Solar datasets",
68 6 Guanji Wang
    "image": {
69 6 Guanji Wang
      "type": "Image",
70 6 Guanji Wang
      "url": "/sitools/upload/soho_logo.gif",
71 6 Guanji Wang
      "mediaType": "Image"
72 6 Guanji Wang
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77 1 Guanji Wang
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h3. 4. PUT and POST
79 1 Guanji Wang
80 1 Guanji Wang
* POST: Used to modify and update a resource. It is idempotent(Do it as many times I want with the same result at last).
81 1 Guanji Wang
* PUT: Used to create a resource, or overwrite it. While you specify the resources new URL. It is not idempotent.
82 1 Guanji Wang
* POST can't be used for modifying the status of a project in Sitools.
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h2. Representations
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87 1 Guanji Wang
* JSON response output representation (application/json - )
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90 1 Guanji Wang
91 1 Guanji Wang
<pre><code class="html">
92 1 Guanji Wang
93 1 Guanji Wang
94 1 Guanji Wang
Then all information about the project come, including all XML nodes infomation, name, description, datasets result block etc..