


Remove the url of an HTML page shown in the panel header

NOTE : This change refers to Sitools2 - v2.4

When a static HTML file is embedded into a Sitools2 page, the URL of the file is shown to the public in the header of the panel:

In order to prevent this and/or to customize the text to display in the header, edit the title attribute of the method showDisplayableUrl(), defined in the file:

    showDisplayableUrl : function (value, isDisplayable, customConfig) {
        if (isDisplayable) {         
            if (customConfig) {
                var windowConfig = customConfig;
            else {
                var windowConfig = {
                    title : "Preview", //value,
                    id : value, 
                    iconCls : "version" 

In the above example, the title of the panel has been set to 'Preview'.