


Solar » History » Version 21

Guanji Wang, 27/07/2017 15:00

1 2 Anonymous
h1. Solar 
2 1 Herve Ballans
3 5 Anonymous
h2. Project modules
4 1 Herve Ballans
5 2 Anonymous
> h3. Portal Solar Projects
6 2 Anonymous
> * [[Dataset Explorer Ochart extjs4]]
7 2 Anonymous
> * [[Dataset Explorer Sunburst D3+extjs4]]
8 4 Anonymous
> * [[Enhanced project graph editor for admin interface]]
9 2 Anonymous
10 2 Anonymous
> h3. PICARD
11 2 Anonymous
> * [[Dataset Explorer Ochart extjs3]]
12 2 Anonymous
> * [[Project Timeline extjs3]]
13 1 Herve Ballans
14 5 Anonymous
h2. Asynchronous Download for Public Users
15 5 Anonymous
> h3. A sitools2 extension plugin which provide to public users a asynchronous way to download data
16 5 Anonymous
> * [[Asynchronous Download for Public - Code JAVA]]
17 6 Anonymous
> * [[Asynchronous Download for Public - User Interface]]
18 7 Guanji Wang
19 18 Guanji Wang
h2. Enhancements & Developments for Query form && Module
20 18 Guanji Wang
> h3. 1. Filters
21 17 Guanji Wang
> * [[CADENCE]]
22 17 Guanji Wang
> * [[Wavemin and Wavemax]]
23 1 Herve Ballans
> * [[MultipleWaveGroupFilter]]
24 1 Herve Ballans
> * [[IASMultipleValueFilter]]
25 18 Guanji Wang
26 18 Guanji Wang
> h3. 2.  [[Module initiation with full size]]
27 18 Guanji Wang
28 17 Guanji Wang
29 16 Guanji Wang
30 16 Guanji Wang
> h3. Server service
31 16 Guanji Wang
> * [[Plugin for SDO - HMI and AIA ]]
32 16 Guanji Wang
> * [[Plugin for SOHO and its children nodes]]
33 16 Guanji Wang
> * [[Plugin for STEREO, TRACE, CORONAS and their children nodes]]
34 7 Guanji Wang
35 19 Guanji Wang
> h3. DataSetAdministration
36 19 Guanji Wang
> * [[Activer or Stop a dataset by script]]
37 19 Guanji Wang
> * [[Refresh and Update datasets information - without stopping the server service]]
38 19 Guanji Wang
39 12 Guanji Wang
h2. Remote deploy the project using izpack framework
40 12 Guanji Wang
> * [[Creation of installer]]
41 14 Guanji Wang
> * [[Deployment in server machine]]
42 12 Guanji Wang
43 20 Guanji Wang
h2. Prod server 
44 20 Guanji Wang
>*  [[Apache2 configuration]]
45 20 Guanji Wang
>*  [[Migration prod]]
46 9 Guanji Wang
47 21 Guanji Wang
h2. Web Service
48 21 Guanji Wang
49 21 Guanji Wang
h3. Rest resources
50 21 Guanji Wang
> * [[Definition of all resources' path]]
51 21 Guanji Wang
> * [[Project resources and representations]]
52 21 Guanji Wang
> * [[DataSet resources and representations]]
53 21 Guanji Wang
54 21 Guanji Wang
55 1 Herve Ballans
h2. Bugs history of sitools2 in 2016
56 13 Guanji Wang
> * [[DATE_BETWEEN component in Queryform]] 
57 11 Guanji Wang
58 15 Pablo Alingery
> * [[Dataset limits for DatasetLink]]