


Update TEST server - production@idoc-medoc-test

A. Prepare the test-server branch in git:

1. In branch 'master', git add, commit and push all update to gitlab IAS.

2. Test pysitools and idoc-medoc-test to see:
  • If the project && datasets are well detected.
  • If the download function works.
  • If all tests pass and the result is Ok, then go to step 3.

3. Git checkout 'test-server' branch, git cherry-pick the commit ID which are used in test server.

4. In case if there are some conflicts or conflict headers added in XML files, for easier and cleaner update, we can delete the data folder in branch test-server, then ' git checkout master -data' to recover the proper data from 'master' branch.

5. Attention, in master branch, data source is sdo3 but not sdo, so we need execute my script - transfer_local_test.cmd (The link :

echo "This is a shell to replace the host name in datasets or preference or sdodownload form url etc.."  





echo "Change cgi sdo3 to sdo" 

find ./ -type f ! -name 'transfer_server_test.cmd' -exec sed -i -e "s|$sdo3_cgi|$sdo_cgi|g" {} \;
echo "Done modifier the path" 
echo "Stupid changes begin" 

find ./ -type f ! -name 'transfer_server_test.cmd' -exec sed -i -e "s|$sdoformlocal|$sdoformtest|g" {} \;
echo "Done modifier the sdo form host domain" 

find ./ -type f ! -name 'transfer_server_test.cmd' -exec sed -i -e "s|$sdo3datasource|$sdodatasource|g" {} \;
echo "Done modifier the sdo data source" 

find ./ -type f ! -name 'transfer_server_test.cmd' -exec sed -i -e "s|$sdo3metasource|$sdometasource|g" {} \;
echo "Done modifier meta data source" 

echo "Stupid change finish" 

6. Every time we restart sitools, the lastupdatedate element in all XML files will be updated, so don't forget to re-commit all the new changes.

B. In the test server:

1. Check if the sitools will be restarted automatically in case of the cut of electricity.

cat /etc/rc.local

2. Stop the sitools project and git fetch the source: git fetch {repository} {branch}.

3. Git pull: If there are conflicts in XML, try to commit the conflicts and if it works, go to step5, if it doesn't work, go to step 4.

4. Re-distribute sitools project by executing cmd in following production@idoc-medoc-test : /home/production/scripts/Dev_To_Test_git_clone.cmd.


NOW=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")


$SitoolsDirTest/workspace/fr.cnes.sitools.core/sitools stop
wait ${!}

#echo $SitoolsDirTest $SitoolsDirTest"_"$NOW
rm -Rf $SitoolsDirTest"_"$NOW
mv $SitoolsDirTest $SitoolsDirTest"_"$NOW
#mkdir /usr/local/Sitools2_solar

git clone -b test-server /usr/local/Sitools2_solar
#echo $USER@$HOSTNAME:$SitoolsDir/*

mkdir $SitoolsDirTest/data/resourses_logs_solar

$SitoolsDirTest/workspace/fr.cnes.sitools.core/sitools start

echo "Please erase old Sitools2_solar dir on disk " 
Dev_To_Test_git_clone.cmd (END)

5. Restart the sitools project.

6. Track the log, do simple test in idoc-medoc-test and have fun.


1. The commits in the test-server branch -

2. The whole project source code for test branch -