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Guanji Wang, 05/02/2016 09:59

Eclipse configuration

Sitools v3 Extra INFO

Eclipse Configuration
  • Target platform
  • add eclipse/plugin
  • add sitools/cots/restlet-2.0.5-patched
    Attention: 1. eclipse/plugin: Select only osgi jar
    2. sitools/cots/restlet-2.0.5-patched : Select all jars except lucene jar, org.restlet.ext.wadl and solr jar;

  • Close project sitools-tests-testing
  • Run configuration : 1. '' added to add to VM arguements
    2. Load the core starter and core in main
    3. Add dependency of extension project in classpath
  • if error for the project 'org.restlet.ext.solr', add JARS solr-core-4.5.0.jar

  • Ant refresh-preoperties
  • Ant refresh-userlibraries
  • Run the application

Errors js
  • Add semicomma when necessary